About notes from General Serov's suitcase. Secret diaries of the first KGB chairman: “Stalin was dissatisfied - And how do you like his book, found in the wall of the garage

Serov Ivan Alexandrovich


Secret diaries of the first KGB chairman, found 25 years after his death

Edited, with comments and notes by Alexander Khinshtein

Slavic cabinet of General Serov

A security officer always remains a security officer; As we know, there are no exes. Well, and even more so the former KGB chairmen...

This is not just the memoirs of one of the leaders of the Soviet special services, Ivan Serov. This is the visible result of the last operational combination of the old general, which ended after his death.

Serov calculated and planned everything correctly; old, still Stalin-Beria school. What you are holding in your hands now is the result of this combination, which went exactly according to his scenario. The former subordinates lost this game outright to their chairman.

And you and I, without a doubt, won, because never before have the evidence of “special services marshals” become public, and they simply did not exist in nature.

Ivan Serov kept diaries from the moment he arrived at the Lubyanka in 1939. Most important events and he wrote down his impressions all his life: both during the war and after, and even becoming the chairman of the KGB (1954–1958), and then the head of the GRU - until his dismissal in 1963.

Of course, no one should have known about these diaries. The very fact of reflecting certain aspects of the service, meetings and conversations with the highest authorities, including Stalin, could already be equated to the disclosure of state secrets, and this is at best. (During the war, officers were subject to a tribunal and a penal battalion for keeping diaries.)

Serov made all the notes only when he was alone. He kept notebooks and notebooks covered in round ink handwriting in secret places, not showing them to anyone. I do not rule out that for a long time he hid them even from his wife.

After retiring, Serov did not forget about the contents of the caches. Around 1964, he began working on memoirs, supplementing and sometimes rewriting old diaries.

It is unlikely that he was motivated by vanity. Rather, Serov wanted - albeit in absentia - to defend his good name by telling the truth about himself and his persecutors, at least as he saw it.

Serov considered himself unfairly and cruelly offended. In 1963, as a result of a spy scandal with GRU Colonel Oleg Penkovsky, he was disgracedly removed from his post, deprived of the Hero of the Union Star and three general stars on his shoulder straps (from army general, demoted to major general), and expelled from Moscow. “For loss of vigilance” he will be expelled from the party. (The real reasons for this disgrace will be discussed a little later.)

His memoirs were supposed to be a response to Khrushchev, Brezhnev, Shelepin and other celestials whom Serov considered to be responsible for his troubles. Their quintessence can be expressed, albeit ineptly, but sincerely in his quatrains (oddly enough, the stern NKVD-KGB-GRU general began to dabble in poetry in his old age).

And again I gained courage
And I didn’t hang my head,
After all, the homeland will restore the whole truth
And will give you well-deserved peace.

However, you shouldn’t explain everything just by banal settling of scores. Being a witness and participant of many historical events, Serov considered it important to talk about at least some of them.

“I believe that it would be unreasonable to take with me many facts known to me, especially since now “memoirists” are distorting them arbitrarily,” he writes in one of the versions of the preface to his notes. “Unfortunately, a number of my workmates, who were aware of the events described below, have already finished their earthly affairs without writing anything.”

In fact, none of the security leaders of that era left behind memoirs. In this sense, Serov's notes are a completely unique document, which has no analogues in modern history.

Despite his resignation, Serov did not lose his former skills. He continued to work on his memoirs in secret, not trusting anyone. (The only thing my wife helped was to type up the manuscripts. Already before his death, at the height of perestroika, the secret was also entrusted to his son-in-law, famous writer and film playwright Eduard Khrupky, a classic of the Soviet detective story.)

This conspiracy was by no means senile paranoia. Former subordinates really did not let Serov out of their sight.

His granddaughter Vera recalls how, after the death of her grandfather, while dismantling the office at the dacha, they discovered grooves in the parquet for wiretapping wires. Then, having suddenly arrived in Arkhangelskoye, the relatives found a strange situation there. young man with a suitcase, which instantly retreated, saying: “I’m not a thief.” And it’s true: nothing was missing from the house.

The publishing house "Prosveshchenie" published the book "Notes from a Suitcase", which is based on the diaries of one of the leaders of the NKVD-MVD of the USSR in 1941-1953, the first chairman of the KGB of the USSR in 1954-1958, the head of the GRU General Staff in 1958-1963 gg. Ivan Serov.

He kept diaries from the moment he arrived at the Lubyanka in 1939, recording the most important events throughout his life: both during the war and after, and even becoming the head of the KGB and GRU - until his dismissal in 1963.

Of course, no one should have known about these diaries. The very fact of reflecting certain aspects of the service, meetings and conversations with top brass, including Stalin, could already be equated to the disclosure of state secrets. (During the war, officers were punished for keeping diaries by a tribunal and a penal battalion.) And it is no coincidence that none of the leaders of the security agencies of that era left behind memoirs. In this sense, Serov's notes are a unique document.

The general died in 1990, a couple of months before his 85th birthday. And in 2012, his dacha on Rublevka was inherited by Serov’s granddaughter Vera. Soon she started renovations, and when they broke down the wall of the garage, they discovered a cache with two antediluvian suitcases inside. And in them are stacks of notepads, notebooks, sheets printed on a typewriter, copies of documents. After a long process of processing the archive, systematizing and scanning its materials with the participation of journalist Alexander Khinshtein, this book was born, an excerpt from which we offer you.

Dinner with Stalin

Time flies inexorably. Summer has passed. I was already on vacation in Sochi. It seems like I had a good rest for the first time in 9 years.

Was in Sochi interesting point. One evening, a car approached the house where my wife and I were relaxing - a Packard with a crane. Members of the Politburo of the Central Committee drove such "Packards". The officer came out, asked me and told Comrade’s request. Stalin came to his dacha, but I didn’t have a military suit, I had to wear civilian clothes.

When we climbed the mountain where dacha No. 1 is located, Poskrebyshev came out to meet me and led me to the veranda where comrade were. Stalin, Malenkov, Molotov, Beria, Mikoyan, Bulganin.

Say hello, comrade. Stalin, turning to me, said: “We have disturbed you on this issue.” Comrade Sokolovsky from Germany reported that the aviation professor Tank from the Western Zone had approached him with an offer of his services in the development of the aviation and jet industry in the USSR. He can Work with us for 2-3 years under a contract. What is your opinion?”

I understood from the faces of those present that they had already discussed this issue and had their own opinion. Here you can try and guess.

Well, I immediately think that you won’t guess, so it’s better to say your opinion directly, as I think. And I said that it’s hardly worth agreeing with this. I think Comrade Khrunichev will manage without him, since we also took out more specialists in jet technology, Professor Baade, etc. And besides, I don’t rule out that his American masters themselves are sending him. Comrade interrupted me. Stalin turned to those present and said: “What did I tell you?” Everyone is silent. "Serov speaks correctly."

Rulers of Germany. Chief G.K. Zhukov, political adviser A.Ya. Vyshinsky, deputy Chief I.A. Serov. Summer 1945. Photo:

I was pleased that opinions converged; the members of the Politburo looked at me with restraint. Then Comrade Stalin in the next room ordered Berlin via HF and called Comrade. Sokolovsky, to whom he said that “we consulted with Serov, we don’t need Professor Tank.” Then Comrade also called. Khrunichev and said: “We consulted with Serov and decided not to take the Tank.”

After this, Comrade Stalin asked what I was doing here, besides resting. I said that I was in the city department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other organizations subordinate to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. A.I. After this, Mikoyan began to express to Comrade. Stalin gave his thoughts on organizing farms in the Crimea and the Caucasus for growing vegetables and fruits, while he made proposals to use them as work force German and Italian prisoners of war.

Stalin, apparently, knew that I was in charge of the Main Directorate of Prisoner of War Camps (in) the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, and immediately asked my opinion on this issue.

I thought and said that it was hardly advisable to let the Germans into the depths of our country, especially into the Caucasus, since in a year or two they would still have to be sent home, and some of them would end up in the zones of the Americans and the British. Comrade Stalin, addressing A.I. Mikoyan, said: “Perhaps Comrade Serov is reasoning correctly.” Anastas Ivanovich agreed.

Then they finished discussing other issues and began to rise. As I was leaving, I grabbed my hat and wanted to say goodbye, since it was already 10 p.m. Comrade Stalin says to me: “Don’t you want to have lunch with us?” I thanked him, but I thought, what kind of dinner is it at 10 pm? Poskrebyshev took my hat from me and said: “Wash your hands.”

When, having washed our hands, we came to the dining room, the table was set with snacks, and on the side there was another table, on which soup soups with the first one were laid. There were no attendants.

We sat down at the table, and Comrade. Stalin asks: “Well, what are we going to drink? There’s young Madjari wine, let’s have it.” Well, everyone agreed. And he poured it himself, and in large glasses. He himself made toasts, called his associates by their nicknames: “chief grain grower” (Malenkov), “prosecutor” (Beria), “diplomat” (Molotov), ​​“commander-in-chief” (Poskrebyshev), etc. "Poskrebyshev in civil war commanded a battalion, he himself is a Mordvin.) Well, for me it’s just “For comrade Serov.”

As someone who has no experience with drinking, I got drunk after the first glass and let’s dilute the Borjomi, and then there were toasts one after another.

The heat in the room, and apparently also the new wine, made my stomach swell, but I held on bravely.

At the end of lunch I made a stupid mistake, Comrade. Stalin took a bottle of vodka infused with fresh raspberries and began pouring it out to everyone, saying that the vodka would calm down Majari and his head would be fresh. When he handed me the bottle, I thanked Comrade. Stalin and refused, covering his glass with his hand.

He looked at me angrily and said: “Are you afraid that we will poison you?” Only then did I realize that I had done something stupid, and Bulganin, who was sitting next to me, pushed me in the side, after which I myself handed over the glass with an apology.

In general, we left the table at 4 o’clock in the morning, and even then Comrade. Stalin says: “Well, let’s go to the veranda and eat fruit and drink wine there.”

My eyes widened. I think, where should I drink and eat next? But then Malenkov approached him with a summary of grain procurements, and behind him Molotov and others began to talk to Comrade. Stalin to distract him from continuing to drink wine, and after 10 minutes they said goodbye and left.

Remembering this, I liked the simplicity and ease of the atmosphere, the absence of strangers and the management of all the guests. Comrade After the appetizers, Stalin was the first to come up to the table with a plate and say: “Well, whoever wants some stew, pour it!” He poured himself a glass and we followed his example.

After the first one, he pressed a button on the wall, a girl came in, and simply asked her what we had for the second one. She, without embarrassment, called the trout fried and boiled. Beria said that boiled tastes better, then Comrade. Stalin replied: “You bring it to everyone fried, but don’t give Beria any.” At the end, the same girl brought boiled trout.

With G.K. Zhukov I.A. Serov had a long-term friendship. Moscow, 1955. Photo: From personal archive Ivan Serov

On the way back we got into the same car with V.M. When they drove off, Vyacheslav Mikhailovich suggested that Molotov go out and take a walk. A.I. and I Mikoyan went together, and Vyacheslav Mikhailovich went with Bulganin.

I heard a conversation between Vyacheslav Mikhailovich and Bulganin, where they said that Malenkov and Beria act together and support each other, and Anastas neither this nor that, as it benefits him. Mikoyan didn’t hear this because he fell behind. Then Vyacheslav Mikhailovich felt that it was inconvenient to talk about this topic in my presence, and shouted to Mikoyan to catch up with us.

Having observed it more than once, I became convinced that among the members of the Politburo there was some kind of jealousy towards Stalin. And moreover, each of them strives to curry favor so that Stalin will approve his proposal.

I really didn't like this. Or those examples that I cited above, when everyone nodded their heads in agreement to any remark or statement of Stalin, although this was to the detriment of the cause or state interests.

So it turns out that when the issue was resolved by nodding and assenting and turned out to be unsuccessful, they began to look for the culprit from among their Politburo members.

This, apparently, explains why (that) when Stalin goes on vacation, everyone tries to adjust their vacation to this month or ask Stalin to go on vacation with him, since he supposedly has business in the Caucasus or Crimea, which need to be resolved. Sasha Ignatashvili once told me that the owner, angry with Voroshilov (who, by the way, often expresses his opinion out loud or objects), said: “When I die, you will all fight.” Apparently, Stalin knew everyone, so he came to this conclusion.

To avoid accusations of looting, the Serov family kept receipts for purchases in Germany all their lives. Invoice for the purchase of furniture. 1946 Photo: From the personal archive of Ivan Serov

I also want to express my opinion about Beria. This is a smart man endowed with oriental cunning, an arrogant mocker, he is as afraid of Stalin as everyone else, but he knew how to hold on and did not immediately show his mood. But when I returned from Stalin to the People's Commissariat, things began to happen that everyone was afraid to catch (his) eye.

Ustinov D.F., Yakovlev N.D. during the war they obeyed Beria and visited him almost every day, so I think they will agree with my assessment of Beria. He was a member of the State Defense Committee and headed the Defense People's Commissariat of Arms and Ammunition, as well as the main artillery department of the People's Commissariat of Defense.

On the hunt with N.S. Khrushchev. Second half of the 1950s. Photo: From the personal archive of Ivan Serov

Beria knew how to squeeze out from other people's commissariats what was needed to carry out the armament plans. Well, before the GKO, Beria was the People's Commissar of Internal Affairs, and therefore (everyone) was afraid of him. Therefore, other supplying People's Commissariats fulfilled his demands and requests.

Arriving home in the morning, I found V(era) I(vanovna) awake. He asked: “Why aren’t you sleeping?” It turns out that she was worried all night, because she didn’t know why they called and how the call would end. Well, when I saw it, I was happy.

Vladimir Medinsky, Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Russian Military Historical Society:

General Ivan Serov was involved in many key episodes in the history of the twentieth century. This man from Lubyanka had access to the top officials of the state and was privy to the secrets of their most important decisions. The geography of his secret operations includes a vast space - from the North Caucasus to Berlin. Someone may have doubts: could a person in power write the truth, because memoirs and diaries are “slippery” things; sometimes they become a means of settling scores and self-rehabilitation. But it's up to you, dear readers, to decide. And Serov’s book captivates from the very beginning. We are following in the footsteps of a unique intelligence officer, and much of what is secret for us becomes clear.

With writer S.V. Mikhalkov on vacation. 1955 Photo: From the personal archive of Ivan Serov

in 1939-1940 security officers participated in the annexation of Western Ukraine and then Bessarabia to the USSR;

in August 1941, Soviet planes flew to bomb Berlin;

in October 1941 they began to prepare Moscow for surrender and how the panic was suppressed;

in August 1942, the commander of the North Caucasus Front, Budyonny, retreating from Novorossiysk, where hundreds of thousands of Soviet soldiers died, ran to Sukhumi with his retinue and stables, and the chairman of the presidium of the Abkhaz Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic gave him a magnificent reception;

in August 1942, the commander of the Transcaucasian Front, General Tyulenev, kissed Beria’s hand because he did not mention him as the culprit of the defeat at Novorossiysk;

in 1941-1944 the deportation of Volga Germans, Chechens, Karachais and other peoples accused of collaborating with the Nazis was carried out;

in May 1945, Serov and NKVD soldiers found the corpses of Hitler and Eva Braun;

in 1952, Stalin proposed draining the Caspian Sea to make it easier to extract oil;

in 1954, General Telegin, rehabilitated after his arrest, demanded the return of 12 accordions seized from him, hundreds of meters of fabric and another gigantic list of things that he brought from Germany;

in 1954, some generals flew from their chairs and others had their caps blown off when they came to watch the explosion of the first Soviet atomic bomb;

in 1954, first deputy. Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR Bulganin and Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers Mikoyan, who accompanied Khrushchev during his visit to China, grabbed each other in the toilet after the banquet;

in 1956, USSR Foreign Minister Shepilov offered the Japanese the Kuril Islands in exchange for the withdrawal of American bases from Japan;

in 1957 Khrushchev mocked the chairman of the presidium Supreme Council Voroshilov, ordering instead of pepper to pour him water with pepper;

Brezhnev pretended to be sick when in 1957 the “anti-party group” of Molotov - Malenkov - Kaganovich and Shepilov, who joined them, tried to remove Khrushchev, and much more.

Other excerpts from the book "Notes from a Suitcase"

Serov Ivan Alexandrovich


Secret diaries of the first KGB chairman, found 25 years after his death

Edited, with comments and notes by Alexander Khinshtein

Slavic cabinet of General Serov

A security officer always remains a security officer; As we know, there are no exes. Well, and even more so the former KGB chairmen...

This is not just the memoirs of one of the leaders of the Soviet special services, Ivan Serov. This is the visible result of the last operational combination of the old general, which ended after his death.

Serov calculated and planned everything correctly; old, still Stalin-Beria school. What you are holding in your hands now is the result of this combination, which went exactly according to his scenario. The former subordinates lost this game outright to their chairman.

And you and I, without a doubt, won, because never before have the evidence of “special services marshals” become public, and they simply did not exist in nature.

Ivan Serov kept diaries from the moment he arrived at the Lubyanka in 1939. He recorded the most important events and impressions all his life: both during the war and after, and even becoming the chairman of the KGB (1954–1958), and then the head of the GRU - until his dismissal in 1963.

Of course, no one should have known about these diaries. The very fact of reflecting certain aspects of the service, meetings and conversations with the highest authorities, including Stalin, could already be equated to the disclosure of state secrets, and this is at best. (During the war, officers were subject to a tribunal and a penal battalion for keeping diaries.)

Serov made all the notes only when he was alone. He kept notebooks and notebooks covered in round ink handwriting in secret places, not showing them to anyone. It is possible that for a long time he hid them even from his wife.

After retiring, Serov did not forget about the contents of the caches. Around 1964, he began working on memoirs, supplementing and sometimes rewriting old diaries.

It is unlikely that he was motivated by vanity. Rather, Serov wanted - albeit in absentia - to defend his good name by telling the truth about himself and his persecutors, at least as he saw it.

Serov considered himself unfairly and cruelly offended. In 1963, as a result of a spy scandal with GRU Colonel Oleg Penkovsky, he was disgracedly removed from his post, deprived of the Hero of the Union Star and three general stars on his shoulder straps (from army general, demoted to major general), and expelled from Moscow. “For loss of vigilance” he will be expelled from the party. (The real reasons for this disgrace will be discussed a little later.)

His memoirs were supposed to be a response to Khrushchev, Brezhnev, Shelepin and other celestials whom Serov considered to be responsible for his troubles. Their quintessence can be expressed, albeit ineptly, but sincerely in his quatrains (oddly enough, the stern NKVD-KGB-GRU general began to dabble in poetry in his old age).

And again I gained courage
And I didn’t hang my head,
After all, the homeland will restore the whole truth
And will give you well-deserved peace.

However, you shouldn’t explain everything just by banal settling of scores. Being a witness and participant in many historical events, Serov considered it important to talk about at least some of them.

“I believe that it would be unreasonable to take with me many facts known to me, especially since now “memoirists” are distorting them arbitrarily,” he writes in one of the versions of the preface to his notes. “Unfortunately, a number of my workmates, who were aware of the events described below, have already finished their earthly affairs without writing anything.”

In fact, none of the security leaders of that era left behind memoirs. In this sense, Serov's notes are a completely unique document, which has no analogues in modern history.

Despite his resignation, Serov did not lose his former skills. He continued to work on his memoirs in secret, not trusting anyone. (The only thing my wife helped was by typing the manuscripts on a typewriter. Already before her death, at the height of perestroika, the secret was also entrusted to her son-in-law, the famous writer and film playwright Eduard Khrupkoy, a classic of the Soviet detective story.)

This conspiracy was by no means senile paranoia. Former subordinates really did not let Serov out of their sight.

His granddaughter Vera recalls how, after the death of her grandfather, while dismantling the office at the dacha, they discovered grooves in the parquet for wiretapping wires. Then, having suddenly arrived in Arkhangelskoye, the relatives caught a strange young man there with a suitcase, who instantly retreated, saying: “I’m not a thief.” And it’s true: nothing was missing from the house.

The KGB was hunting precisely for Serov’s diaries: the Kremlin and Lubyanka were by no means interested in the appearance of such a sensational book in the West. One of those whom they tried to introduce to Serov was even the famous Yulian Semenov, a writer and journalist close to the KGB. On February 12, 1971, after the visit of “Papa Stirlitz” to Serov for an interview (he, of course, was brought to his father-in-law by his friend and colleague Eduard Khrutsky), Yuri Andropov reported to the CPSU Central Committee:

“The State Security Committee has received information that former chairman The KGB under the Council of Ministers of the USSR Serov I.A. has been busy writing memoirs about his political and government activities... When working on memories, I. A. Serov uses his notebooks... Serov I.A. has not shown his memories to anyone yet, although his close circle knows about their existence...”

It’s hard to believe, but the KGB was never able to obtain the required documents. Serov hid his archives and manuscripts professionally. Probably, if they really wanted to, they would have found it: they would have turned the whole house over, broken into the floors, ceilings, and walls. But Andropov did not want to resort to emergency and “sharp” measures: perhaps also because in 1956 they were together in rebellious Budapest under bullets.

It is unlikely that Serov hoped to see his memoirs during his lifetime. And on his name, and on most of the personalities and events he describes in Soviet time there was a severe taboo.

What was the calculation then? Why, in his old age, did Serov start such a thing? dangerous game with the KGB?

This will become clear only now...

Ivan Aleksandrovich Serov died in the hot summer of 1990, a couple of months before his 85th birthday. If this had happened at least a couple of years earlier, the KGB would have definitely put an end to their protracted fight and confiscated the memoirs. But in 1990 there was no time for old archives.

My older friend Eduard Khrutsky, however, told me that after the death of his father-in-law, the dacha in Arkhangelskoye was subjected to a secret search, but the security officers (who else?) acted so clumsily that they did not even open the lining of the walls...

It’s hard to believe, but the KGB was never able to obtain the required documents. Serov hid his archives and manuscripts professionally. Probably, if they really wanted to, they would have found it: they would have turned the whole house over, broken into the floors, ceilings, and walls. But Andropov did not want to resort to emergency and “sharp” measures: perhaps also because in 1956 they were together in rebellious Budapest under bullets.

It is unlikely that Serov hoped to see his memoirs during his lifetime. There was a severe taboo on both his name and most of the personalities and events he described in Soviet times.

What was the calculation then? Why did Serov, in his old age, start such a dangerous game with the KGB?

This will become clear only now...

Ivan Aleksandrovich Serov died in the hot summer of 1990, a couple of months before his 85th birthday. If this had happened at least a couple of years earlier, the KGB would have definitely put an end to their protracted fight and confiscated the memoirs. But in 1990 there was no time for old archives.

My older friend Eduard Khrutsky, however, told me that after the death of his father-in-law, the dacha in Arkhangelskoye was subjected to a secret search, but the security officers (who else?) acted so clumsily that they did not even open the lining of the walls...

Almost a quarter of a century will pass since the death of Ivan Serov. All these years, historians and specialists with light hand his son-in-law was periodically reminded of his memoirs, but no one had ever seen them. Relatives also did not know the location of the archive. The family mainly preserved only official papers: service records, order books, complaints to the Central Committee and the CCP, and literally a few pages with draft notes of memoirs.

It seemed that the former chairman had taken this secret with him to the grave forever, when suddenly...

Honestly, if I were to film our story, I would start exactly from this moment. Well, something like this:

General's dacha near Moscow. Attached garage. Migrant workers use sledgehammers to break the inner wall. Unexpectedly, an opening opens under the blows. This is a hiding place. Camera zoom in, close-up. Behind the wall, strewn with gray construction dust, are hidden 2 antediluvian suitcases.

They are taken out. Squatting, the workers pick the locks with trembling hands. A glimmer of mystery flickers on their dark faces. But instead of gold and piastres, their disappointed gaze sees stacks of notebooks, notebooks and sheets printed on a typewriter.

Notes of Ivan Serov.

In February 1971, Yuri Andropov sent a top-secret note to the CPSU Central Committee, in which he said that his predecessor, former KGB chairman General Ivan Serov, “has been busy writing memoirs about his political and government activities for the last 2 years.” Serov’s unique archive was found only recently - in a home cache. Our columnist, State Duma deputy Alexander Khinshtein thoroughly studied these documents. And he prepared the book “Notes from a Suitcase” for publication.

Neither the Kremlin, nor especially the Lubyanka, were at all interested in the appearance of Serov’s memoirs: his dislike with the leaders of that time was mutual. In 1963, as a result of a well-planned provocation, Serov was removed from his post as head of the GRU, deprived of the Hero of the Union star received for the capture of Berlin, demoted by 3 ranks, and expelled from the party. The notes were supposed to be a kind of response to his persecutors. In addition, being a key figure in the Soviet intelligence services of the 1930s–1960s, a witness and participant in many historical events, the general wanted to talk about at least some of them.

It’s hard to believe, but former subordinates were never able to obtain drafts of Serov’s memoirs. The old security officer worked on them in secrecy, for a long time not even trusting his wife. He hid the papers so professionally that even after his death in 1990, their whereabouts remained a secret.

This secret was revealed only now, in best traditions spy genre. Several years ago, while renovating a garage at Serov’s old dacha in Arkhangelskoye, his granddaughter unexpectedly came across a hiding place in the wall. It contained two old suitcases filled with manuscripts and various documents. This was it famous archive Serova.

Nothing like this in national history there wasn't before. The notes and memoirs of Ivan Serov cover the entire period of his service in the security and military intelligence agencies. With unprecedented frankness and diary scrupulosity, he describes much of what he witnessed and participated in.

Arriving at the NKVD in 1939 through army recruitment, Serov made a dizzying career. By the beginning of the war, he was deputy people's commissar of state security, then deputy people's commissar (minister) of internal affairs. During the war years, he carried out the most important tasks of Stalin and Beria, organized sabotage detachments, fought gangs in the Caucasus and the Baltic states, and personally arrested the top of the anti-Soviet Polish government in exile.

It was Serov who led the deportation of peoples declared enemy by Stalin. But he entered Berlin with the first units, personally discovered the corpses of Hitler and Goebbels, and then took part in the signing ceremony of surrender. Serov is the only one of all the leaders of the NKVD who not only regularly visited the front line, but also personally raised soldiers to attack. He was always sent to where it was more difficult.

Until 1947, Serov remained authorized by the NKVD-MVD in Berlin, where, among other things, he was involved in restoring the production of strategic missiles and searching for German secret scientists.

In 1953, he was one of the few deputies of Beria who was involved by Khrushchev in the operation to arrest his minister - this was due to a long-standing acquaintance dating back to Ukraine. It was Serov, under the patronage of Khrushchev, who would become the first chairman of the KGB in history, and then head military intelligence - the GRU.

It is difficult to even imagine the number of secrets and mysteries to which Serov was admitted. Suffice it to say that the general even sets out the circumstances of his own resignation completely differently from the generally accepted canonical version. According to Serov, a CIA and MI6 agent inside military intelligence, Colonel Penkovsky, with whom the head of the GRU was caught being close, was in fact a KGB agent set up for Western intelligence services for the purpose of disinformation.

This and many other historical sensations are contained in Serov’s archive. For almost two years, Alexander Khinshtein was engaged in analyzing and studying the general’s archive. The result of his work was a book of memoirs by Ivan Serov, prepared for publication, which he provided with notes and explanations restoring the outline and logic of events. The book “Notes from a Suitcase” will be published soon.

Bulldogs under the carpet(1947–1948)

In the winter of 1947, Stalin decides to return Serov to his homeland: he is promoted to First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs.

This was one of the most difficult stages in Serov’s life. In Moscow, he immediately finds himself in the epicenter of Lubyanka-Kremlin conspiracies and intrigues.

By that time, his sworn enemy Viktor Abakumov had already replaced the long-term People's Commissar-Minister, a loyal Beria member, Vsevolod Merkulov. In May 1946, he headed the USSR MGB. (The day before, in March, an administrative reform took place, transforming the People's Commissariats into ministries.)

Serov has been feeling Abakumov’s hot breath behind his back for a long time. A year ago, Zhukov’s generals arrested by the MGB were already extracted from testifying against Serov. Only Stalin's intervention saved him from reprisals. Stalin returns Serov to Moscow, although he understands that Abakumov will not leave him behind.

Soon Abakumov resorted to the same tactics: fabricating incriminating evidence against Serov. At the end of 1947, arrests of his former subordinates began: generals Bezhanov, Klepov, Sidnev. They are required to testify against the 1st Deputy Minister. All of them, after intensive interrogations (Abakumov talks with them personally), accuse Serov of looting, embezzling money and valuables.

This fits perfectly with the outline of previous accusations against Marshal Zhukov and his generals: they are also charged with wagons with looted trophies from Germany.

Abakumov regularly sends all protocols with testimony against Serov to Stalin personally. With the written consent of the leader, arrests of Serov’s people also occur.

The ring of danger is shrinking ever tighter. In February 1948, his former adjutants Tuzhlov and Khrenkov were arrested: this was a direct challenge. They are also forced to testify against Serov; in fact, interrogation reports are written for one, main reader.

And then Serov is again forced to resort to the “last reserve of Headquarters”: as in 1946, he turns to Stalin personally for protection. On January 31 and February 8, one after another, he sends alarming letters to the Kremlin.

The appeals had an effect. Serov reproduces in detail Stalin's call that followed shortly after. Apparently, the leader decided to maintain a balance of interests between his “bulldogs.” And Serov’s letters seemed to convince him that Abakumov was settling personal scores here, and the Generalissimo really didn’t like it when his own wool was confused with the state’s.

Let’s not forget the fact of Serov’s personal merits, who repeatedly carried out Stalin’s direct orders.

Among these “instructions” was the arrest in June 1947 of the deputy chief of security at Stalin’s Near Dacha, Lieutenant Colonel Fedoseev, suspected of espionage.

The Fedoseev case is one of key stages in the battle between the MGB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which Serov also recalls in great detail. He presents this historical thriller in a completely new interpretation for us.

Return to Moscow

“At the end of March 1947, I was urgently summoned to Moscow. He arrived, went to Kruglov, and sat there looking boring. I ask: “What’s the matter?” He said the following: yesterday they called him to the Central Committee and wanted to relieve him of his post as People's Commissar.

Here is how it was. To Comrade Stalin wrote a letter to a Moscow factory worker saying that there was no way to survive from thieves, and gave the example that he bought ½ kg of meat and put it between the windows so that it would not spoil. The thieves broke the glass and took the meat.

T. Stalin was angry that such cases were taking place in Moscow, they called Kruglov to the Politburo and said that we would remove him from his post.

Beria took him under protection, then Comrade. Stalin asks: “Where is Serov?” He was told that he was in Germany. To this he said: “We need to recall him, he worked, things got better. Appoint him 1st Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR, and let him restore order properly in Moscow and the periphery.”

At the end, Kruglov says: “Sit down, a decision will come today, that’s all.” I say that we need to fly to Germany to hand over our cases.

Indeed, Poskrebyshev called in the afternoon and asked to come in. I was in the Kremlin, went to get a permanent pass for 1947, Poskrebyshev met me there and handed me the decision of the Politburo on my appointment as 1st Deputy of the NKVD. For 6 years he was deputy of the NKVD. Now 1st deputy.

The escape of Gregory Tokati

Less than 10 days have passed since I was called late in the evening to the Kremlin, I am sitting in the reception room of Comrade. Stalin, sitting with me are the People's Commissar of the Aviation Industry of the USSR M.V. Khrunichev, the Air Force Commander Zhigarev and some lieutenant colonel. (According to the visitor log, Serov was in Stalin’s office on 04/17/1947 from 22.10 to 22.35 together with G.A. Tokayev (recorded as an employee of the military air department of the SVAG. - OH.)

About 5 minutes later Malenkov came out, and a couple of minutes later Comrade. Stalin, who saw me and said, handing me a piece of paper: “Have you read this letter?” I answer: “No.” - “Read.” And went.

I read a note from Lieutenant Colonel SVA (Soviet Military Administration. - OH.) in Germany Tokayev that not all specialists were taken out of Germany, that he is familiar with a group of German scientists who worked on jet aircraft, while naming professors Zenger, Tank and other names.

The note was written to Comrade. Malenkova. Another note from Malenkov to comrade. Stalin, where it is said that he called the military air force, that all this deserves great attention, etc.

This note gave me an unpleasant feeling. It turns out that I did not identify all the specialists and export them to the USSR, and I was not able to export such a large one as Zenger.

After 5 minutes we were called into Stalin’s office, comrade. Stalin, addressing everyone, says that Comrade. Tokayev wrote a letter that there are major scientists in the GDR who were not exported to the USSR, and he is in contact with them. Then, turning to me, he says: “Do you know such persons?”

I say: “I heard that there are such professors in the West, and if we had them during that period when we took out the Germans, then, of course, they would have been taken out. I know that Professor Zenger worked in Vienna (Austria).”

Then Comrade Stalin says: “Let’s send a commission headed by Serov to the place, which will check everything and report on its proposals as to which of them should be taken to the USSR.” Everyone agreed. I asked to speak and said that General V. Stalin should be included in the commission. Comrade Stalin thought and said: “We agree.” Members of the Politburo agreed.

I asked for this, because if this Tokayev lied in the note, he would not start slandering later. Then I would have a living witness in Berlin, V. Stalin, who could tell my father everything. In appearance, Tokayev resembles a Jew. Turned out to be Ossetian.

Then Stalin took me aside and quietly said: “You alone fly to Vienna and find out everything about Zenger, he studied there, wrote scientific works. Instructions will be given to the USSR High Commissioner for Austria, General Kurasov.” I said, "It will be done." (...)

We flew back to Berlin. I distributed responsibilities among the members of the commission. Tokayev, V. Stalin, and I went to the area where this group of “scientists” worked.

Even before this, Tokaev told me that Professor Zenger does not live in the GDR, but his “friend” lives in Berlin and works for SVAG. Already retreat. I told Tokayev why he didn’t write this in the note? He avoided answering.

We arrived in a group of “scientists”. I asked Tokayev to show his friend Zenger. He pointed me to a skinny German. When, in the presence of Tokayev and V. Stalin, I asked whether he knew Professor Zenger, I answered: “I personally have not seen him, but I have read his works on aerodynamics.” The profession of this German is an engineer in the Westinghouse system (i.e., brakes for railway cars). Wow aviator!

They started asking other engineers, the picture was even worse. They had not even read the works of Professor Zenger and had not heard anything about him. The “engineers” themselves are not even certified, i.e. did not fully graduate from college and did not receive diplomas. I had a fight and left. They were silent the whole way.

Arriving at SVAG, I immediately turned to Tokayev and said: “Well, what are we going to do next? Where are the scientists that the Central Committee wrote about, where is Zenger’s friend, where is Tank?”

Tokayev, seeing that he had been exposed, also tried to refer to some group located in the Potsdam area. I then said: “Let General Stalin, Tokayev and Academician Shishikin from the People’s Commissariat of the Aviation Industry go there.”

The next day, when the entire commission met, V. Stalin reported that the second group, which Tokayev referred to, was the same bluff as the first.

Then I tell the members of the commission that I have received information that a friend of Zenger actually lives in the Weimar (Thuringia) area, and so I want to go there. The entire commission has nothing to do, so I will provide everyone with a car, and within 2 days you can get acquainted with Germany, but now let’s write a preliminary note to Comrade. Stalin about the results of our check, and we will sign and send it after my return.

And so they did. The encryption was prepared, read out, everyone, including Tokayev, said: correct. The note reported in a calm tone that there were no scientists, that Zenger had never been in the Soviet zone, that this group was developing issues of railway transport, and Professor Tank was in the American zone and taken to the USA in 1945. (...)

Having arrived in Berlin, the whole team gathered, once again read the report about Tokayev’s lies, added where Zenger was, and signed it. Tokayev, embarrassed, said that everything was written correctly. The attitude of the commission members was clearly contemptuous towards him.

Before flying to Moscow, I met with V.D. Sokolovsky and told him everything about Tokayev. He was indignant that such rubbish from the Air Force was sent to SVAG for work.

At the end of the conversation, I warned Vasily Danilovich to instruct the special officers to monitor Tokayev, lest he flee to the West, cowardly that he had lied to the Central Committee. Vasily Danilovich promised to provide all this.

But, unfortunately, life turned out differently. When we flew away, Tokayev took his family and moved by metro to the English zone of Berlin, where he appeared to the British, i.e. became a traitor. Then I read in TASS reports that he spoke on the radio in London, called himself a Doctor of Science and boasted that he was Stalin’s assistant in aviation, etc.

What a scoundrel! I am surprised at the British, who conduct reconnaissance very cleverly and could not recognize this adventurer.

Fedoseev case

The other day, on Sunday evening, at about 9 o’clock, Mikoyan called and said: “Can you come to the Near Dacha?” I said: “I can,” and quickly called the driver Fomichev.

I arrived there, and there were Comrades Stalin, Molotov, Voroshilov, Mikoyan sitting on the covered veranda. They were having dinner.

They sat me down at the table. They began to treat us to partridge and hazel grouse. I thanked him, said that I had already had dinner, but I thought to myself: “They didn’t invite me to dinner.”

T. Stalin drank to my health. I’m all strict, I don’t know why they called me. Then Stalin closed the door and said: “We have the following question for you. Now, if a person lives with me and eavesdrops and spies all the time, leaves the door unlocked, reads telegrams from front commanders on my desk during the war, puts on slippers in the evening so as not to be heard walking, what kind of person is this?”

I answer: “Of course, we need to deal with him. Find out all this." T. Stalin says: “This is why we invited you, to instruct you to figure it out.” I asked, “Where and who is this man?” T. Stalin says: “This is the head of the economic department, Fedoseev.”

I immediately thought: he is an MGB officer, why am I being entrusted with this? Then Comrade Stalin says: “He needs to be interrogated, and also the women who work here, Frosya (the owner), they have seen all this behavior of Fedoseev and will tell you.”

Well, I see that I have nothing else to do, I asked: “Is he here now?” T. Stalin says: “Yes.” Then I say that now I’ll take him and take him to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

T. Stalin pressed one of two buttons. A man in a civilian suit entered. T. Stalin says: “Here he is.” I walked up, felt him to see if there was a weapon, took him by the hand and said “goodbye” to those present, and said to Fedoseev: “Come with me.” In the car, I put him between the driver Fomichev and me, and we drove off.

In my office, I searched him again, said that we would talk tomorrow, handed him over to the warden, and went home. V. [era] I. [vanovna], naturally, waited, worried. In general, I bring her more excitement in her life than joy. But what can you do, it’s not my fault. This is how the service developed.

The next day I began to interrogate Fedoseev. He confirmed. "For what?" - “Out of curiosity, when I removed them from the table.” - “Where did you put it away?” - “He took them away and put them in Comrade Stalin’s folder, which he always took with him when he went to the Kremlin.” - “Why did you spy and eavesdrop?”

He answers quite sensibly that we all, i.e. The security staff tried to watch the owner so as not to disturb him, if he was sleeping, not to make noise, so not I alone, but Kuzmichev (general) and others looked in to find out if he was sleeping, then not to make noise.

Why did you wear slippers? All for the same purpose. In a word, I interrogated him for about 5 hours, and I said everything quite clearly.

His circle of acquaintances is limited. I checked, it's true. In general, quite limited person, although he is a lieutenant colonel, and the fact that he read telegrams is subject to criminal liability for abuse of official position, no more.

In the afternoon Comrade Stalin called and asked to come and report. I went to the Kremlin and reported to him everything that I could find out in advance, and also reported that I was now thinking of calling his wife in order to double-check all this. I will also find out all his acquaintances with whom he communicated, and, perhaps, call his brother, who works in Kyiv in a special department of the MGB. T. Stalin agreed. Then he told me: “Now Abakumov called and said that MGB officer Fedoseev was arrested, and the investigation is being conducted by Serov, not the MGB. Besides, I don’t know why he was arrested. I answered him that you are the Minister of the Ministry of State Security and you should report to me why Fedoseev was arrested, and I will not report to you. And the investigation is being conducted by Serov, because the Central Committee trusts him, not you.”

All these days he is busy only with Fedoseev. I told Kruglov - he waves his hands: “Don’t tell me that.”

I interrogated my wife. Dumb country woman. She worked for Comrade Stalin for 12 years, knows all the gossip. Who lives with whom, starting from employees, including Fedoseev’s, and ending with the big, biggest bosses, i.e. Stalin with Frosya. In general, they spun such dirt that I felt unpleasant.

She said that sometimes in their circle they talked about the improper behavior of some bosses. Sometimes Fedoseev’s brother, who came from Kyiv, was present. The interrogated brother, an employee of the Kyiv Military District, confirmed this. Moreover, the brother turned out to be a dirty man, although he was an MGB officer.

He said that among the repatriates he interrogated a beautiful artist who was mixed up with the Germans, was in Berlin, etc. So he became entangled with this arrested artist, he fussed with her in the office, and then he freed her for a gold watch. In general, a dirty guy. I had to be arrested.

In total, I've been dealing with these people for about two months now. It seems like he spent everything.

I phoned Comrade Stalin, came to the Kremlin and reported to him that it was possible to finish the case and bring Fedoseev to criminal responsibility, try him in a military tribunal for abuse of official position.

It seemed to me that he was dissatisfied with my conclusion and said: “I think he is an Anglo-American spy. He could have been recruited by the British when we were at the Potsdam Conference in 1945. That's where he was recruited. Therefore, he spied and eavesdropped, and then here he transmitted this data to the Americans. After all, he admitted that he had read the telegrams. This means that the Americans and the British knew our secrets. You interrogate him again and beat him, he’s a coward and he’ll confess.”

At the end of these instructions, I asked if I could bring in one reliable employee for interrogation. T. Stalin agreed. I left. When I arrived at my place, I immediately wrote down these instructions.

1. No one instructed him to re-read the papers; he did this without permission. His job is to pick up torn pieces of paper and burn them. Check the testimony of [Poskrebyshev] A.N. didn't order.

2. In general, he is a scoundrel. I'm pretty sure he's an agent sent by someone to poison us. He poisoned Zhdanov and me last year. We suffered from terrible diarrhea. And this year 12 security officers were sick.

3. He needs to be questioned hard, he is a coward, and he must be beaten thoroughly.

4. It is necessary to organize intra-chamber work.

5. Warn, let him confess, then [nrzb.]. Let him say who sent him. The Americans failed, so he decided. He lies and deceives. I passed on information to someone.

6. Kuzmichev overslept. He is already lazy, he doesn’t check himself, he trusted [Fedoseev], and this is a cunning figure and fooled him. Check all these facts.

On the way, I had a terrible feeling that Fedoseev was a spy; this in no way fit with his way of life. He didn't go anywhere. Employees live around it and former employees MGB. If a stranger had visited him, it would also have been known.

Arriving at my place, I sat down and began to think. All this seemed rather strange to me. I already regretted that I was entrusted with this matter. I’m not used to it and I can’t do it against my will and my prevailing opinion. It doesn't work out well.

All the days, checking Fedoseev’s connections, he interrogated his wife again. I instructed the investigator whom I hired in the Fedoseev case to familiarize myself with the case and interrogate him.

He came back from the interrogation and added that he stood his ground and asked to see me. I did not receive any new data, although I organized all the necessary “letters”. The brother turned out to be such a talkative piece of trash that it was simply terrifying. In the cell he told everything about himself and his brother, but nothing spy-like.

He summoned Fedoseev for questioning and began hour after hour to clarify where he was in Potsdam. Then I remembered everything and told everything in quite detail. Moreover, I was there near them too, and on a number of occasions he reminded me: “You remember, Comrade General, that you were there.” And indeed it was so. At the end of the interrogation, I brought him up to the question of whether he had been recruited.

It was unpleasant for me to ask about this, because... I was sure that no one recruited him. Fedoseev began to cry and said: “Would I really do such a disgusting thing, being in such a place, provided with everything, what else did I need?” He argues all this correctly.

At the end, I sternly said: “Think again and tell the investigator honestly.” When he was taken away, I, after consulting with the investigator, told him that Comrade Stalin had expressed suspicions of espionage. At the same time, he said that “he needs to be beaten, he’s a coward and he’ll admit it.”

The investigator says: “Let's scare him a little. I told him: “Go to the cell, interrogate, shake him by the collar, but not too much, and come to me.”

After 15 minutes, a smiling investigator appears and declares: “Fedoseev is asking to see you.” I called him. He tells me: “Please call me to the owner, I’ll tell you everything.” I was stunned. Was I wrong? Is it really a spy? I answered him that “I will report your request to Comrade Stalin.”

When I called Comrade Stalin and said that he wanted to tell you something sensible, he replied: “We will call you.” I felt Comrade Stalin’s coolness towards me after he reported that apart from the abuse of his official position, I found no other fault with Fedoseev.

In the evening Beria called and said: “I’ll drive up to the entrance in half an hour by car, you and Fedoseev will go with me to the Kremlin.”

I took the investigator, Fedoseev, and went out to the entrance. Beria drove up, sat down and silently drove to the Kremlin and went to Beria’s office. Comrade Stalin was already sitting there. When Fedoseev entered, Comrade Stalin asked what he wanted to say?

Fedoseev began to stutter and said: “I am guilty, Comrade Stalin, before you, for reading the telegrams, and I am ready to bear responsibility, but I am not guilty of anything else. Now they are interrogating me if I am an American spy. T. Stalin, I served you honestly for 15 years, have mercy on me, I’m not guilty.”

T. Stalin angrily said: “Will you admit who you were recruited by?” Fedoseev: “Honestly, I was not recruited by anyone.” “Well, then get out of here,” Stalin said angrily.

I approached him to take him away. Fedoseev began to cry and said: “T. Stalin, they beat me." T. Stalin: “Admit it, then they won’t beat you.” Fedoseev: “I’m not guilty of anything.”

T. Stalin stood up and turned his back. I brought Fedoseev out. I had a heavy feeling. At the same time, I was pleased that Fedoseev himself said about his innocence, as if confirming my opinion about him. I was not called into the office again, I asked if it was possible to go, through the secretary, and left.

Later Comrade Stalin called me, and once Beria called me and said: “Well, what’s new?” I said that I had checked every step of Fedoseev and his wife since 1945, and there was nothing suspicious about espionage. Therefore, I am drawing up an indictment to bring to justice for abuse of official position and a note to the Central Committee to Comrade Stalin about this.

Beria frowned, but said nothing. I left. Three days later I did everything and sent it to the Central Committee. The note indicated that under Art. The Criminal Code requires people to be held accountable for this. This seemed to me a harsh measure, although fair.

Two days later Abakumov calls: “Hello!” I answered him coldly. “The owner ordered that Fedoseev’s case be transferred to the MGB. I will now send a special investigator important matters" I replied: “Send it.” (07/11/1948 Serov reported to Stalin in writing that the Fedoseev case was completed. He proposed to sentence him to 20 years in the camps, but Stalin ordered otherwise. The investigation into the Fedoseev case was transferred from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the MGB and continued until 1950, when he was convicted of espionage and executed. OH.)

Then I called Poskrebyshev, double-checked whether Comrade Stalin had given such an instruction, he muttered something. Then I say: “Maybe I should ask him myself, because... I don’t rely on Abakumov.” Poskrebyshev replied: “No need.”

Everything became clear to me. Stalin is dissatisfied with my “softness” and the fact that I did not listen to him and did not finish the case under the “espionage” article.

Well, how could I do this! This is going against your conscience, against your convictions for the sake of a false opinion. I can not. At the same time, I felt that a thunderstorm was approaching above me. The matter has fallen into the hands of my enemy, and he will try to do everything to discredit me. The mood is eerie.

MGB attack

After the work, I got into trouble, or rather, a provocation from that scoundrel Abakumov. Apparently, he set out to drive me away from the world. But I won’t give in with my bare hands. In order to compromise me in some way, there he arrested Major General Bezhanov, who was the head of the Thuringian task force in Germany. I spoke about him earlier when he detained the director of the locomotive plant.

The reasons for the arrest are unknown to me, but it seemed to me that he was a smart Armenian and during checks by his group they always found order everywhere.

After his arrest, apparently having beaten him thoroughly, he testified against me that when I came to Thuringia (and I was there in his task force only a few times), I took away a whole car of toys. (...)

Apparently, Bezhanov’s testimony was read by Comrade. Stalin ordered the interrogation report to be sent to me. I told Kruglov. He, as usual, was more embarrassed than me, since he was afraid of Abakumov. I told him that I would write to the Central Committee about everything. He began to deny it, saying that it was your business, and I left.

In the heat of the moment, I wrote a rather harsh letter to Comrade. And then, when I read it, I had to correct it, and then sent it.

In the letter he recalled that I wrote in a note to the Central Committee in connection with his appointment as Minister of State Security that he would direct and use the State Security organs against me. And now specific example this.

Regarding the “toys taken away in a car,” I wrote how it happened and said that “this little thing may not have deserved attention, but I decided to tell you about it, since you, Comrade. Stalin, father, you have children, and you will understand why I bought them. Abakumov will not understand this, since he has no children, which means he has no paternal feelings.”

Overall, I think the letter was convincing. I showed it to Kruglov, but he read it and didn’t even say anything. Then he said: “You’re in vain getting involved with him, you see, he’s in favor. Beria is afraid of him.” I told him that when I am right, I will fight until last straw blood.

Three days later we were sitting at Kruglov’s, the bell rang. Kruglov picked up the phone and immediately went blurry (face) and handed the phone to me. It turns out that Poskrebyshev is calling and looking for me.

They said hello and said: “Call the owner 21-24.” I hung up, Kruglov asked anxiously: “What?” I say: “Now I’ll call comrade. Stalin." He waved his hands and said: “Go to your place.”

I went to my room, dialed the phone, it was busy. The second and third time too. Finally he answers: “Yes.” I reported that “Serov is reporting.”

He was delighted and said: “I read your letter. Are you worried or something? I answer: “Why not worry, comrade. Stalin, if Abakumov walks around me with an ax.” Comrade Stalin: “Don’t worry, the Central Committee will not offend you, you have services to the Motherland and to the party. Clear? Don't worry and work."

I began to thank them for their attention and managed to say that my life belonged to the party and the Motherland. Comrade Stalin calmly said: “Don’t pay attention to all this. Best wishes".

I was left with my thoughts in the office. About two minutes later Kruglov came in: “Well?” I answer him: “Everything is fine.” - “Well, come in.” Actually, I didn't want to go to this coward.

When I told him, he waved his hands, laughed, jumped up and down and began asking again: “That’s what he said: “The Central Committee will not allow offense”? He also said, “Don’t worry”? It’s great that you’re not afraid of Abakumov.” Well, such support means a lot to me too.”

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