Nuances of part-time work. External part-time work or how to work in two places at once

In recent years, we have increasingly come across concepts such as combination and part-time work. The difference between these terms is invisible to most workers. In reality, the concepts differ greatly from each other in terms of design and wages. Those who are planning to increase their income should know the difference between part-time and part-time jobs.

Definition of concepts

The concept of “combined work” refers to those cases when an employee of a particular organization is involved in performing the duties of several positions during the working day. At the same time, he also manages to work in his main position.

What is the difference between a combination and a part-time job? Part-time work involves regularly performing work duties in a non-main position in your free time. Part-time work can be internal or external. The concepts of external and internal combination do not exist.

Internal and external part-time work

With internal part-time work, an employee performs duties in other positions at the same enterprise. This increases working time. The search for such vacancies may take an indefinite period of time.

With external part-time work, the employee can get a job at another company. He can work only in his free time from his main job. The names of additional professions, as a rule, are very different from the main ones.

Features of performing part-time job duties

A part-time worker is required to fully perform both primary and additional work. There may be two or more jobs. The work schedule of a part-time worker has its own characteristics. Working time is taken into account in the timesheet. If the job involves internal part-time work, an employee of the organization may be assigned an additional personnel number. Payment for labor is made according to the contract.

The working time of a part-time worker should not exceed 50% of the normal working time. That is, if a 40-hour workload per week is provided for core employees, then for part-time workers this figure will be no more than 20.

Employees of enterprises performing part-time work may be sent on business trips. With internal part-time work, there are no problems with organizing working hours. But with an external one, an employee can be sent on a business trip only when he is free from performing his main job duties. If it is not possible to reschedule a business trip, employers enter into an agreement on the procedure for performing work by the employee.

The legislative framework

The main document that regulates the performance of additional work is the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Issues related to part-time work are contained in 60 (1), as well as 282-288 articles. Articles 60 (2), 151 regulate combinations. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation, both in case of combination and part-time work, requires written consent of management and employees. This rule applies to internal combinations and part-time jobs of any type. Hiring procedures must be prescribed in the internal documents of the organization.

Registration process

Enrollment into the organization's staff occurs by order. The order is signed by the director and agreed with the human resources department and the immediate supervisor of the new employee.

How are combination and part-time jobs fundamentally different in the registration process? The difference is that when working part-time, a separate employment contract is concluded with the newly hired employee. It indicates the salary, working hours, as well as the fact of part-time work. At the request of the new employee, you can make a part-time job, which is located in the HR department at the main place of work.

If it is necessary to conclude a part-time employment contract, then this is not necessary when combining. You only need to provide the HR department with the employee’s consent to perform additional work in writing. It is drawn up and filed with the main employment contract. No notes are made in the work book.


The additional payment for part-time work is regulated by an additional labor agreement. This information is also contained in the combination order. In this case, an additional payment for combining an additional position is added to the employee’s basic salary without all bonuses and allowances. Often the payment is calculated as a percentage of the basic salary. If wages are piecework, then the amount of payments is calculated depending on the volume of production. A part-time employee may be paid a bonus for an additional position.

Part-time job assumes that the new employee is no different from others. Salary is calculated based on hours actually worked. The payment procedure is similar to that applicable to main employees. Bonuses and allowances may be awarded. However, such an employee's salary is usually less because he works less. But if the payment is based on the work done, then it may be more than for main employees.

Part-time workers may be involved in the work. Labor legislation mentions the norm for overtime work: no more than 4 hours over a two-day period. During the year, this time cannot exceed 120 hours. Remuneration is carried out on the basis of Article 152 of the Labor Code.


What is the difference between a combination and a part-time job in the question Combination assumes that the employee performs additional job duties without interrupting his main activity. Therefore, the amount of vacation pay is calculated based on the main and additional earnings. Leave for both the main and additional positions must be the same.

If we talk about part-time work, the employee has equal rights with the main employees. The part-time contract involves the calculation of vacation contributions on an equal basis with all employees. For example, the main employee is entitled to 28 days of annual leave. A part-time worker also has the right to 28 calendar days. This rule applies to both maternity and educational leave. Part-time leave must be granted to the employee, even if his schedule is arranged to the detriment of additional work. For example, if an employee goes on legal leave at his main place of work, but is not yet entitled to an additional one, the employer releases the part-time worker in advance. Often the number of vacation days at the main place of work is greater than at the additional place of work. Then, at the additional place of work, additional leave is issued for the difference of these days without saving wages.


When combining or part-time work, income tax is paid in the general manner, both from the main and additional wages. However, the amount of the tax deduction may be reduced if the employee has dependent minor children. You can take advantage of this benefit either at your main or additional place of work. Taxes levied on wages are transferred to:

  • To the pension fund;
  • To the social insurance fund;
  • To the health insurance fund.

Termination of employment relationship

A part-time employment contract can be terminated both on a general basis and upon expiration of its validity period, if we are talking about a fixed-term agreement. By decision of the manager, the contract can be terminated unilaterally. This can happen if a new employee is hired who will perform the duties of a part-time employee as their main ones. However, the part-time worker must be notified of this decision in writing 14 calendar days before the expected date of termination of the employment agreement.

If the work is performed under a combination contract, termination occurs on a general basis and, as a rule, after the expiration of its validity period. These jobs are temporary. An employee of an organization has the right to refuse to perform additional work duties even before the expiration of the agreement. The employer himself can exempt an employee from additional work. In this case, the employee must be notified in writing of the termination of additional duties 3 calendar days before termination of the agreement.

Part-time work and combination of professions

External part-time workers have the right to work in at least two completely different professions. Also, part-time and combination of positions can be in the same or similar professions in terms of job responsibilities. These issues are not clearly spelled out in labor legislation, since part-time workers perform duties in agreement with management. The part-time worker is obliged to fully perform both the main and additional work. It is important to note that usually combinations within the same organization can be in the same job categories. In some cases, managers allow combinations of different positions and professions.

Combination and part-time work of teaching staff and enterprise managers

Russian labor legislation does not mention the imposition of clear restrictions on part-time and part-time work for managers of enterprises and organizations.

For example, if the organization is small, the CEO may also perform the work of an accountant or other in-house specialist. In this case, part-time work is formalized according to general rules. Payroll for performing duties for an additional position will be calculated on the basis of work performed. The amount of time is not taken into account since job duties are performed as part of a normal working day. It is necessary to provide the bank with sample signatures of both the head of the enterprise and the accountant. If these positions are shared by one person, then only one sample is required.

Teachers at educational institutions at various levels also have the right to combine positions. Combination and part-time teaching staff can be registered in one or several organizations at the same time. Work can only be performed if the requirements established by labor legislation are taken into account. According to the Labor Code, a teacher can work at least 16 hours a week. If the combination occurs during the holiday period, the work is paid according to the usual scheme.

Who cannot work part-time

Not all categories of part-time workers can perform work in additional positions. According to Russian labor legislation, the following cannot be hired for part-time or combined work:

  • minors;
  • police and prosecutors;
  • employees of municipal, state and government organizations;
  • employees of the intelligence service, FSO, federal field communications;
  • managers without the consent of the owner of the enterprise;
  • judges;
  • lawyers;
  • persons included in the Board of Directors of the Central Bank;
  • persons performing heavy work;
  • persons working under hazardous working conditions;
  • persons involved in work related to driving vehicles.

By agreement with management, employees can be internal part-time workers, but only in the same category or industry of the organization. It is also important to take into account the fact that employees must have the necessary level of qualifications and skills.

What is beneficial for the employee?

So, we looked at what combination and part-time work are. The difference between these concepts is significant. But which type of work is more beneficial for an employee?

The process of registering a combination is simpler and faster than a part-time job and does not require collecting the main list of documents and certificates. There is no probationary period, since the employer already knows how the employee performs his duties. Additional and main work is performed within one working day.

For part-time jobs, a number of restrictions have been established related to positions held and working conditions. A probationary period may also be established. Part-time work can only be done in free time.

Based on the above, we can conclude that combination is more profitable. But it may seem so only at first glance. When combined, the employee almost fully performs other work. In other words, he works for two. In this case, the amount of additional payment, as a rule, does not exceed 50% of the official salary. In fact, the employee receives no more than half of the money that he is actually entitled to. The main advantage of part-time work is that the employee receives no more than 50% of the salary, but with all bonuses and allowances. However, his work is not so intense. When working part-time, social guarantees are also provided. Another advantage is paid sick leave. In case of part-time work, the employee receives payment for both places of work.

What are the benefits for employers?

Obviously, for employers themselves it is more profitable to register a part-time job. The salary of one employee will be less than for two employees. The combination is also beneficial, since the employer is already familiar with the employee and has an established opinion about him and his work qualities and professional skills. The manager will probably entrust the part-time worker with work that he can fully handle.

Part-time work is also beneficial, especially for those enterprises that are on the verge of bankruptcy. It is more profitable to employ part-time employees than to pay the main employees salaries during periods when there is no work at all. It is difficult to transfer key employees to a short-time work schedule. At the same time, the employer pays much less taxes for part-time workers, which means his additional costs are reduced.

Nowadays, we increasingly hear such concepts as combination and part-time work. The difference between them is quite big, but there are also similarities. Combination and part-time work are ways to earn extra money. Part-time or part-time work should in no case be performed to the detriment of the employee’s health or his main position.

Part-time work is additional work (regularly paid) under an employment contract. It is carried out in free time, without causing damage to the main one. Russian legislation allows for part-time work, but certain conditions must be met.

Working conditions for part-time work are stipulated in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (in Chapter 44). You can combine several positions with one employer or work for different organizations. The contract states that the work is part-time. You cannot work part-time if:
  • the employee's age is under 18 years;
  • the work is considered hard;
  • working conditions are dangerous (harmful), and the main work is also related to these conditions.
Part-time work is permitted for a maximum of half-time. The length of the working week (according to legislation) is 40 hours. In additional work, a person can work a maximum of 20 hours weekly. Working time is distributed arbitrarily: you can, for example, work on weekdays at your main place, and on weekends - 10 hours at an additional place; or 12 hours daily along with part-time work. Here you can download:

The workload of the main job, in principle, may not be 40 hours, but, for example, 30 or 20, but this does not affect the length of the working week of additional work - it cannot exceed 20 hours. If you work both jobs part-time, you can apply to re-register your main job as an additional one (part-time). And then make the part-time job your main place of work (then you can work 40 hours a week). Payment for part-time work can be made based on the results of production or in proportion to the time that was actually worked (according to the employment contract). If there are bonuses or salary coefficients, they are also taken into account in the calculation. Annual leave (paid) is granted simultaneously at the additional, main job. But if at a job where an employee is registered as a part-time employee, he has not yet worked for six months, leave is given in advance. And if the part-time leave is less than at the main job, the employee has the right to take leave without pay. An employer may terminate an employment contract with a part-time worker if a candidate is hired for whom the work will become the main one. The employee is notified in writing of the termination of the contract two weeks in advance.

Thus, the law allows working in several positions (jobs), but establishes a number of rules that each employee must strictly follow.

The volume of work in a certain position does not always require the involvement of a full-time employee. The solution in this case may be to hire a part-time worker or assign an employee to combine positions. Despite sounding similar, there is a significant difference between part-time and combination.

Part-time job- this is the performance by an employee of a labor function in his free time from his main job. Part-time work is formalized with a separate employment contract, in which it is indicated that the work is not the main one. Part-time work can be internal, when part-time work and the main work are performed by one employer, and external - if work is carried out by different employers.

Combination- this is the performance by an employee of additional work in another position without interruption from his main job. Combining positions cannot be external, because additional work must be performed while the employee is at his main job.

In this article we will take a closer look at part-time and combination jobs and compare their features in the table.

Who is allowed to work together?

Part-time work is associated with an increased burden on the employee. Although additional working time is already limited by Article 284 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (no more than four hours a day), the legislation also establishes a number of prohibitions and restrictions on part-time work. These restrictions are caused not only by protecting the employee from overload, but also by a possible decrease in the quality of work during part-time work, as well as by respecting the interests of employers.

  1. Article 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes a ban on part-time work for workers under eighteen years of age and for work with harmful or dangerous working conditions, if the main work is performed under the same conditions.
  2. Employees whose job function is related to driving vehicles cannot work part-time if they have the same responsibilities at their main job (Article 329 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
  3. It is prohibited for state and municipal employees to hold a second job (Article 17 of Law No. 79-FZ dated July 27, 2004).
  4. Part-time work for heads of organizations can only be permitted with the consent of the owner of the organization or the authorized body of the legal entity (Article 276 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
  5. For cultural workers and teaching, medical, and pharmaceutical workers, part-time work is permitted only if their main job has a reduced working time (Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated June 30, 2003 No. 41).
  6. Athletes and coaches have the right to work part-time for another employer in the same capacity only with the permission of the employer at the main place of work (Article 348.7 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
  7. Special regulations establish restrictions on part-time work for judges, prosecutors, lawyers, military personnel, deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation and members of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Violation of the law when hiring part-time employees for whom prohibitions or restrictions on such work have been established may lead to penalties for the employer (from 1 to 5 thousand rubles for officials and individual entrepreneurs and from 30 to 50 thousand rubles for organizations) .

In general, an employer cannot prohibit an employee from working part-time. There is also no limit to the number of other employers with whom an employee can enter into such employment contracts, provided, of course, that the condition limiting additional working hours is met.

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Part-time employment contract

When applying for part-time work, a separate agreement must be concluded. The work function in an additional job may be the same as in the main job or different from it.

An employment contract for a part-time worker must include the usual contractual terms and must contain a clause that the work is performed part-time. The contract can be concluded for a certain period or indefinitely.

When concluding an employment contract with a part-time worker, this is not completed, but this can be done at the request of the employee. To do this, you must submit a document confirming additional work to the place of your main job (where the work book is kept). Such a document may be a certificate of employment, a certified copy of an order or an employment contract. In case of internal part-time work, the employee’s personal file (if it is maintained) will contain documents related to both jobs.

A part-time employment contract is terminated on the same grounds as in the general case, but an additional reason for terminating the contract will be the hiring of an employee for whom this work will become the main one.

If a part-time worker quits his main job, then at the workplace where he worked part-time, he can be hired full-time. To do this, it is necessary to draw up a corresponding additional agreement to the employment contract with him, and make an entry in the work book stating that the work from such and such a date is the main one for the employee.

Features of part-time work

A part-time worker must manage to fulfill his duties at two or even several jobs, so his work schedule will have some features. Working hours are recorded in a time sheet, and an employee with an internal part-time job can be assigned two personnel numbers. The salary of a part-time worker is calculated according to the terms of the employment contract. Payment can be hourly, piecework or on any other terms.

When recording the working time of a part-time worker, you must pay attention to ensuring that the additional working time does not exceed half of the standard working time for the accounting period. For example, if in October 2015 the standard working time with a 40-hour weekly workload is 176 hours, then part-time working hours cannot be more than half of this standard, i.e. 88 hours per month.

A part-time worker can also be involved in overtime work, in excess of these norms, but must comply with the norm of overtime hours (no more than four hours for two days in a row and no more than 120 hours in the general accounting for the year). Payment for overtime hours is carried out as usual, according to the norms of Article 152 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (no less than one and a half times the amount for the first two hours, and no less than double the amount for all subsequent hours).

A part-time worker is provided with annual paid leave during the same period as at the main job. To confirm the date of leave, the employee must present a certificate or a copy of the leave order from his main job. The total duration of vacation during part-time work does not increase, but vacation pay is calculated taking into account the earnings received.

If an employee at a part-time job has not yet worked the required six months, then he must be given leave in advance. Depending on the position and category of the employee, the duration of vacations at the main job and part-time job may vary. In this case, to combine vacation periods, the employee may be given several days without pay.

A part-time employee may be sent on a business trip. When the part-time job is internal, the employer takes into account only his own interests, and problems with choosing the timing of the business trip do not arise. If the places of work are different, you can send a part-time worker on a business trip only for the time when he is free from his main job.

In the event that the time of a business trip for a part-time job cannot be rescheduled, employers must enter into an agreement among themselves on the order in which the employee will perform his job duties for this period (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 13, 2008 No. 749). Of course, in practice such agreements are of little use, because a business trip is rarely so short that the employee has time to return to his main place of work the next day. But it is possible to agree that the employee will take several days without pay at his main job. Travel expenses are, of course, borne by the employer who sent the employee.

During the illness of an internal part-time worker, he is paid one temporary disability benefit based on one sheet, but taking into account the average earnings at all jobs. If the employers are different, then several certificates of incapacity for work are issued to be provided for each place of work.


The Labor Code does not establish prohibitions or restrictions on combinations (as opposed to part-time work), but the written consent of the employee is required to be assigned additional work.

When combined, the employee may be assigned some new job function (in this case we are talking about combining positions), the service area is expanded, or the volume of work in the same position is increased. It is important that when combining positions, additional work must be performed during the same working hours as the main one, so here it is necessary to take into account the specifics of labor functions. Thus, the positions of accountant and cashier are often combined; lawyer and personnel officer; manager and commercial director; leader and driver.

For performing additional work as part of a combination, the employee receives a remuneration, the amount of which is determined only by agreement of the parties. The law does not establish a minimum or maximum amount for this additional payment. For comparison, with a part-time job, the employee must receive the appropriate part of the official salary, for example, half-time or a quarter of the salary.

When registering a combination, the additional agreement to the employment contract must indicate:

  • name of the combined position or profession;
  • volume and content of additional work;
  • the period for which the combination is established;
  • amount of additional remuneration.

The employee and employer have the right to refuse to perform additional work ahead of schedule, for which they must notify the other party in writing no later than three days in advance.

Part-time job


An employment contract when registering for part-time work is concluded (Articles 60.1 and 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)

A separate employment contract is not concluded, but an additional agreement is drawn up to it (Article 151 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)

An entry in the work book is made at the request of the employee (Article 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)

No entry is made into the work book

Termination of part-time work is formalized by termination of the employment contract

Termination of combining positions or performing an additional amount of work occurs when the employee refuses to perform it ahead of time or when the employer’s order to perform this work is canceled (Article 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)

Part-time work is performed in free time from the main job and should take no more than 4 hours a day (Article 60.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)

Additional time is not allocated to perform part-time work; the additional work function must be performed without interruption from the main job during the working day

Remuneration is made in proportion to the time worked or according to the volume of work completed (Article 285 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)

For combining positions, an additional payment is made, the amount of which is determined by agreement of the parties (Article 151 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)

Currently, given the low level of salaries, many are trying to get additional income by working part-time or combining several types of income. In this article we will try to figure out how a combination differs from a part-time job, what are the benefits of each type and what are the disadvantages. Every citizen should be savvy in such issues, and our article will help with this.

So, let's look at the main points of the topic: “Combination and part-time work: the difference.” The table below will clearly and in detail demonstrate the main differences between these types of additional employment.

Part-time job

Every country has a Labor Code that regulates the relationship between an employee and the head of an enterprise or institution, and also describes in detail the rights of both parties. Chapter 44 of the Labor Code of our country contains detailed information about the rights and responsibilities of employees who decide to work part-time.

Already here you can notice that there is a difference between combination and part-time work.

It must be taken into account that educational workers are subject not only to Articles 282 and 60.1 of the Labor Code, but also to the following acts:

  • Law on Education.
  • Federal laws relating to this industry.

It is there that it is stipulated that a teacher can work part-time not only in his own educational institution, but also in another, and also try his hand at another specialty, if there is confirmation of his skills in this area.

Part-time work for healthcare workers

We looked at what internal part-time work and combination work are, what the difference is - we sorted it out, and now we’ll find out what standards exist for medical workers.

The Labor Code contains Article 350, which states that, by decision of the government of the Russian Federation, the working hours of part-time medical workers who operate in rural areas may be increased. This is because these areas tend to have severe shortages of medical personnel. In this case, both part-time and part-time jobs are possible (what the difference is is not so important, since these types of employment are found quite often in the village).


If we consider teaching, medical staff and cultural workers, then for these categories of citizens the following work will not be considered part-time work:

  1. Carrying out various examinations with a one-time payment.
  2. If the teacher conducts additional lessons on an hourly basis, but not more than 300 hours per year.
  3. Conducting consultations in their organizations in an amount of no more than 300 hours per year.
  4. Pedagogical activity in the same educational institution, if there is additional payment for it.

A specialist can perform all these types of activities during his main working hours, but there are exceptions:

  • scientific and creative activities, if there is no such staffing position;
  • organizing and conducting excursions without appointment to such a position.

But it must be clarified that performing any other work, if you are not currently engaged in your main activity, is permitted and does not require consent from the employer.

Termination of an employment contract

So, in the previous paragraphs the following issues were discussed in detail: combination and part-time work, the difference (table), wages for these types of activities. Now let’s figure out under what conditions a contract with a part-time partner can be terminated.

If the employment contract is drawn up correctly, then it states for how long the applicant will be hired. If such a situation arises, then the person working part-time must be notified in writing two weeks in advance of the termination of the contract or agreement with him.

But there is Article 288 in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which specifies additional grounds for termination of an employment contract. This basis is the hiring of a specialist who will consider this work as his main one.

The Labor Code also contains instructions on categories of persons who cannot be dismissed at the request of the employer:

  • if the employee is on legal leave or sick leave;
  • Women who are in an interesting position or who have children under three years old cannot be fired.
  • a single mother who is raising a child under 14 years of age or a disabled child;
  • guardians who raise children in the absence of their mother.

If an employee performs a certain amount of part-time work, then it is also possible to release him from this ahead of schedule. This usually happens when the specialist he replaced is ready to go to work and fully perform his duties. Typically, the employer must provide several days' notice.

The employee himself has the right to refuse to perform part-time duties, but he must notify management about this at least three days in advance so that a replacement can be found.

The article discusses a topic that is relevant today: “Part-time work and combination.” We have explained in detail what the difference between them is. Now only the employee himself can choose which type of activity is suitable for him to improve his material well-being. Knowing all the nuances will insure the employee against unexpected and unpleasant surprises. Currently, every person should be legally savvy; this will definitely come in handy in life.

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