Nozdryov description of the hero. "Dead Souls" image by Nozdryov

Nozdryov is presented in the poem as a young landowner, a reckless talker, a gambling and dishonest person. He lives one day at a time, absolutely not caring about anything except his desires. After the death of his wife, Nozdryov had children, but he did not raise them.

Gogol masterfully creates a picture of the home life of each landowner. The estate and its entire furnishings testify as clearly as possible to the character and habits of the owner. So it is with Nozdrev. The house of this landowner is in a confused state, like the very essence of Nozdryov. This character is presented in the poem as a rather handsome, young, well-built man of short stature, with black sideburns. His face was open and inviting.

Nozdrev's acquaintance with Chichikov is also unusual. Having intercepted Pavel Ivanovich on the way to Sobakevich, Nozdryov tries to “cheat” him out of habit, persuading him to play either cards for “dead” souls or checkers. During Chichikov's stay in Nozdryov's house, they manage to quarrel and fight.

Nozdryov plays the role of Chichikov's whistleblower. It is this landowner who publicly declares that Pavel Ivanovich is selling “dead” souls.” Then, when meeting with the landowners, Nozdryov gets confused and agrees with all the rumors at once. This once again confirms the inconsistency and thoughtlessness of this hero’s actions. He alternately plays the role of either an enemy or an assistant to Chichikov.

Nozdryov comes from a privileged class, accustomed to life on a grand scale, to a frivolous pastime. His boasting and throwing money around speaks of a simple desire to appear more significant than he really is, otherwise why would he buy dogs and horses at exorbitantly high prices. He constantly lies and does not even remember that he lied. In this way, Nozdryov is also trying to exalt his persona in the eyes of others. It costs Nozdrev nothing to offend someone else, just like quickly changing your mind. This landowner’s favorite word is “fetyuk,” which he uses to call his son-in-law. Society treated Nozdryov either with condescension or with indifference. He was kicked out of receptions when he spread himself beyond what was permitted, but they turned to him when necessary.

But Nozdryov in the poem is not the most notorious scoundrel. On the contrary, according to the writer, there are small beginnings of goodness in this character. All is not lost for him, and under special circumstances he may turn out to be a worthwhile person.

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Landowner Nozdryov from the story by N.V. Gogol - another one characteristic type landowners of that time. He is collectively, which exposes the characteristic shortcomings and behavioral characteristics of several people united by similar personality and character traits.

Nozdryov family

Nozdryov is one of the landowners of the city of N. At the time of the story, he is 35 years old. He once was married man, but his married life did not last long. Soon his wife died, Nozdryov did not remarry, quite likely because he was not predisposed to family life. In marriage with his wife, they had two children, but their fate and upbringing are not of interest to Nozdryov - he is more interested in the personality of his children’s nanny, who had a pretty appearance, than in the children themselves.

Dear readers! We invite you to familiarize yourself with what is described in the poem by N.V. Gogol “ Dead Souls”.

One gets the impression that Nozdryov is interested in everything, except for his children, he even treats his dogs much better than he treats them.

Nozdryov was not there only child in the family - he also has a sister. It is known that she married woman. Her husband is a certain Mr. Mizhuev. He is not only a relative of Nozdryov, but also best friend. In his company, Nozdryov often appears at fairs, and together they are engaged in carousing. According to Nozdrev's son-in-law, his wife is not at all similar in character to her brother - she is sweet and good woman.

Mizhuev often denounces Nozdryov’s lies, but still does not leave the category of friends - their common passion for drinking and carousing makes them related and does not allow them to quarrel.


The landowner Nozdryov stood out favorably in appearance in comparison with all the other landowners of district N - he was prominent and attractive man. Nozdryov had a round rosy face, his cheeks were childishly full. When Nozdryov burst into laughter, his cheeks trembled funny. He had teeth as white as snow and dark hair. Nozdryov's face was favorably framed by pitch-black sideburns. From time to time, his sideburns suffered severely in desperate fights with card “friends,” but after the brawl they grew back just as thick.

The landowner's body was also covered with hair - on his chest it was as thick as on his head and more like a beard.

Nozdryov's height was average, and his body could not be called athletic, but it was not flabby either.

Despite his unbalanced life schedule, Nozdryov seemed the embodiment of health - and was a man of “blood and milk”: “health seemed to be dripping from his face.”

Gogol doesn’t talk much about the peculiarities of Nozdryov’s wardrobe. It is known that the landowner preferred a caftan of Caucasian cut, which was the national clothing of the mountain peoples - arkhaluk. In addition, he wears a robe at home. He usually wore a robe over his naked body. He was dressed casually, so one could see his thickly haired chest without effort.

Peasants and the village of Nozdreva

Nikolai Vasilyevich says little about the living conditions of the peasants and the state of the village. Based on Nozdrev’s own lifestyle, it can be assumed that he has a good income from his estate - so good that he can afford to live in grand style and not have to do business. Nozdryov has a clerk - it is he who deals with all the affairs of the landowner.

Since Nozdryov was very fond of boasting about everything he could, the fact that he did not do the same in relation to his village or peasants suggests that not everything was so good on his estate, but the fact that There are many “dead souls” in him once again confirms this idea.

On our website we invite you to find out about N.V. Gogol’s work “Dead Souls”, follow his character and description of his appearance.

When Chichikov comes to Nozdryov, he shows him his farm: first the landowner shows his horses. There wasn’t much to boast about here - Nozdryov lost some horses at cards, so part of the cost was empty. Among the horses, Chichikov was shown two mares and a nondescript-looking stallion, but, according to the owner, very expensive. The next curiosity on Nozdryov’s estate was a wolf, which the owner kept on a leash and fed raw meat.

The wolf was followed by a pond with incredibly sized fish. Chichikov, however, was not able to look at this extraordinary fish, but Nozdryov assured that it was not sometimes that two people were needed to pull the fish out of the pond - it was so big.

Nozdryov’s greatest pride and weakness were dogs - of different breeds and colors. Nozdryov had a huge number of them, the landowner loved and cherished them to such an extent that they could be equated to full-fledged relatives: “Nozdryov was among them just like a father among the family; all of them, immediately throwing their tails up, which is called by the rules of dogs, flew straight towards the guests and began to greet them.”

On his estate there is a water mill and a forge. It is likely that Nozdryov’s peasants are skilled workers and craftsmen, since the landowner boasts that he always manages to sell his goods at the fair for the best price possible. high price.

This was not the end of Nozdryov’s household, but the reasons for boasting ended - the roads on his estate were terribly neglected, the fields were so low that water “champed” from the ground:

“In many places their feet squeezed out the water under them, the place was so low. At first they were careful and stepped carefully, but then, seeing that it was of no use, they walked straight on, not distinguishing where there was more and where there was less dirt.”

Of all his serfs, the reader can get acquainted with only some representatives. Most of the attention in the story is paid to the cook, who, apparently, was not distinguished by culinary skills - he mixed completely incompatible ingredients, it seemed that whatever came to hand first ended up in his dishes.

In the story you can see a meager description of the servant Porfiry, who wears an arkhaluk to match his master, however, his caftan is in a deplorable state and is already quite worn out.

In the dining room one could see his two serfs - they were busy whitewashing the room, but Gogol does not provide a detailed description of their appearance and the particular condition of the costume. It is known that they carried out their work while singing some monotonous and seemingly endless song. It can be assumed that Nozdryov was not authoritarian towards his serfs - his house was not clean, and in the dining room, in addition to general desolation, one could see leftover food and crumbs.

Nozdryov Estate

Nikolai Vasilyevich does not provide an external description of Nozdryov’s estate. The internal state is also not exposed to detailed images.

In general, Nozdryov was not good owner, he disdainfully treated his estate and farm, he liked to enjoy the fruits, but did not strive to ensure his future and the future of his children. There was a feeling of absence in his house female hand– the tasteless decoration of the house was complemented by general disorder and garbage.

For Nozdryov, this state of affairs did not present any inconvenience - for him it was a common thing.

Nozdryov's office was little like classic workrooms - there were no papers or books. And for the landowner this was unnecessary - the manager of his estate was in charge of the affairs of his estate, and Nozdryov was accustomed to spending his leisure time in other activities, for example, playing cards. Nozdryov's office was full of a variety of weapons: two guns, sabers, daggers.

In addition to weapons, in the office one could also see a collection of smoking pipes - different shapes and material, they finally turned the landowner’s office into a mini-museum.

Also in the office there was a mahogany organ, which Nozdryov began to demonstrate - however, the organ was not in perfect condition - from time to time it malfunctioned, its playing was more like a medley - the songs did not change one into another sequentially, after the end of the composition, but played fragmentarily in pieces mixed together. The organ-organ played on its own for some time after Nozdryov left it alone: ​​“Nozdryov had long ago stopped turning it, but there was one very lively pipe in the organ-organ, which did not want to calm down.”

Nozdryov’s dining room, at the time of Chichikov’s visit, was undergoing renovation work - two peasants were whitewashing it, standing on trestles: “In the middle of the dining room there were wooden trestles, and two men, standing on them, whitewashed the walls, singing some kind of endless song.”

Despite renovation work, negligence in cleaning could be noticed with the naked eye - in the dining room one could notice crumbs and remnants of yesterday's food: “There were traces of yesterday's lunch and dinner in the room; it seems that the floor brush was not touched at all. There were bread crumbs on the floor, and tobacco ash was even visible on the tablecloth.”

Judging by the way Nozdryov himself reacted to this state of affairs, it can be assumed that neither the crumbs, nor the food, nor the general garbage in his house bothered him, or rather, he did not notice them at all. He was extremely unpretentious in matters of home improvement.

Personality characteristics

First of all, what is striking in the image of Nozdryov is his desire to become “one of us” for a person. He quickly switches to “you” when communicating with a person, which especially unpleasantly impressed Chichikov, since, according to Pavel Ivanovich, such a transition was undeserved and went beyond the bounds of etiquette, but this does not bother Nozdryov. He often deviates from the norms of etiquette, and it is likely that he has never heard of some features and rules and does not even suspect that he is violating these rules, but also that such rules and norms exist at all. For example, his habits include talking and laughing very loudly. When Chichikov makes a deal with Nozdryov, he is surprised to discover how he loudly discusses the nuances of buying and selling, as if it were the most ordinary thing.

Perhaps such a cheeky tone is to some extent connected with his cheerful character and addiction to drinking. Nozdryov does not miss the opportunity to boast about what unusual wine he tried, and the champagne that is usually served in the governor’s house is just kvass in comparison.

Nozdryov loves revelry and all kinds of entertainment (in his understanding, one is inseparable from the first); he cannot imagine how one can live, depriving oneself of such good things and pleasant pastime. Nozdryov does not understand how some landowners can sit at home all the time - he cannot stay on his estate for more than one day - he is bored and does not know what to do with himself.

Nozdryov does not value his money. He despises misers who do not dare to spend an extra penny. It is likely that his attitude towards money was formed because Nozdryov himself works very little - only in cases where the business cannot advance without his intervention. He does not know the price that he has to pay for this or that entertainment - money comes to him easily and goes away just as easily.

Nozdryov's special passion was cards - he is a regular at the card table. However, playing honestly is not in the landowner’s rules - during the game he constantly cheats and deceives. Those around him have long known this attitude towards him. card game, so always be careful when playing with him.

From time to time, Nozdryov was seen in machinations at the card table and was immediately subject to criticism and even beatings with hair being torn out, in particular his thick sideburns. This state of affairs does not bother Nozdryov - his sideburns grow quickly, and grievances are forgotten before the fight ends. A day later, Nozdryov is ready to sit down at the table to play cards along with the recent debaters, as if nothing had happened.

In general, Nozdryov is a bad and dishonest person. He often becomes the cause of troubles and problems in the lives of other people - Nozdryov can easily upset a wedding and cause the deal to be cancelled. The landowner never sees anything bad or bad in his actions. The reason for this is his addiction to fiction and gossip. Nozdryov often lies, even for the most innocuous reasons. “Nozdryov is a rubbish man, Nozdryov can lie, add more, spread God knows what, some other gossip will come out.”

Nozdryov has an explosive and unrestrained character - it costs him nothing to be rude to anyone or become a participant in a fight.

Thus, Nozdryov in Gogol’s story is shown as an ill-mannered person who does not know how to appreciate what he has. He is a bad owner, a bad father and a bad friend. Nozdryov gives preference not to his children, but to the dogs that he cares for and cherishes. Nozdryov is a constant participant in revelry, gossip and quarrels.

Characteristics of Nozdryov in the poem “Dead Souls”: description of appearance and character in quotes

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The most bright character In the gallery of landowners with whom Chichikov meets, Nozdryov can be considered.

The image and characterization of Nozdryov in the poem “Dead Souls” make it possible to imagine those landowners who led a riotous lifestyle.

Hero's appearance

Nozdryov is a fresh young man, 35 years old. The author describes his appearance as if he were admiring the landowner. But it turns out later that only appearance will remain positive in the character of the poem. Everything else is far from ideal. What traits attract a landowner:

  • dark-haired;
  • Thick hair;
  • not bad build;
  • full cheeks with blush;
  • teeth white as snow;
  • jet-black mustache-sideburns.
The author writes that the lush sideburns grew quickly, after another fight and pulling the landowner by the hair, in the morning they bloomed with their density and seemed better than before.

Nozdryov was given a bright epithet - blood with milk. Health “sprinkled from his face.” The face is bold, open and direct. He is careless in dress and behavior, but attractive and noticeable in any society.

The landowner's face immediately becomes familiar. It seems that I have met him before, seen him somewhere.

Character character

The hero of the poem immediately gets along with the person on a first-name basis. He does not accept ranks or ranks. For him, the policeman and the prosecutor are equally equal. No one gives a reason for this level of communication, but I don’t want to challenge it either, realizing that it can cause anger and controversy. It’s easier for anyone to give in than to start arguing. The author gives these negative characteristics character:
  • Rubbish;
  • Gossip;
  • Liar;
  • Talker;
  • Kutila;
  • Reckless.
Nozdryov does not understand the value of friendship. He quickly gets back together, gets punched, forgets and again communicates like with his best friend. The fellow has the gift of “smelling” an upcoming event several hundred miles away. He appears where he is not expected. Causes confusion. Determination of character had a peculiarity. The landowner never doubted his actions. He couldn't be timid and unsure. He lied without thinking. The lies knew no bounds: the horses had blue or pink fur, the purchase of land from neighboring estates.

Nozdryov's personality

Nobody speaks flatteringly about the landowner. More often you can hear only negative characteristics:

“...I wanted to sell my own father...”;
“ own father lose at cards...”;
“...What a nasty master!”

The landowner does not think about how to spend the day, what to do. He does things spontaneously; in one second he can decide to go to an unknown place.

Nozdryov had a strange passion for spoiling his neighbor. Moreover, the closer he began to communicate with the person, the worse he tried to do to him. He made up lies, interfered with trade deals, and upset weddings. The landowner could not save his family. His uncontrollable character led to his wife quickly dying; it is unknown how his children live. There is only information about the nanny to whom Nozdryov brings gifts from fairs.

“Nozdryov will not leave the world for a long time. He is everywhere between us...”

The classic sees them under different clothes, in any society.

Interests of the landowner

Nozdryov does not change his interests. What he was interested in at the age of 17-18, the same preferences remained at 35. He loves to party, take a walk and frolic.

What hobbies does the Landowner have:

Card game. Nozdryov does not adhere to the rules. For him, the main thing in the game is to deceive and win in any way, often dishonestly. He knows a lot of dirty ways to play. The completion of Nozdryov’s deceptive actions were: “beating him with boots,” tugging at his thick sideburns.

Drinking parties. Nozdryov drinks a lot, he can do it without a snack. When drunk, the landowner is ridiculous and dangerous: he laughs for no reason, lies in the most cruel way, and gets into fights. The landowner, often being drunk, “... spoke semi-soberly...”. He even added alcohol to ordinary drinks (tea).

Laying out cards. Nozdryov could stay in the apartment for two weeks without going outside. He received lunch through the window, turned green and thin. What was his occupation? He picked cards from the same waist, with a mark that could help him in the game.

Exchange. The landowner is ready to exchange everything: a gun, a dog, a horse. There was no point in the exchange. Having won at the fair, Nozdryov quickly buys all sorts of nonsense thoughtlessly, takes everything in order to later exchange it for even greater absurdity. Even a cart “with a stroller and coachman” can lose. He gets home with some acquaintance or friend.

Communication with Chichikov

Pavel Ivanovich was surprised at dinner with the rowdy owner. The landowner had no use for food, so everything was burnt and undercooked. It was difficult to understand how the dish was prepared. It seemed as if the cook was putting everything he had at hand into the pan. The main requirement for lunch is to be hot. Nozdryov drinks wine. They were all different, they just appeared on the table and poured into glasses: port, gau-Sauternes, Madeira. But it seemed to Chichikov that the bottles were the same, only the names were different. The taste of the drinks did not match.

The servants did not pay attention to the table decoration, dishes and cleanliness. Everything was in no particular order, just like the owner himself.

Nozdryov's image poem Dead souls


1. Introduction

2. General characteristics

3. Nozdryov and Chichikov


Of all the landowners presented in the poem “Dead Souls,” Nozdryov stands out sharply. Chichikov not only failed to make a deal with him, but also was in serious danger of being beaten.

Nozdryov is a man aged thirty-five. His whole appearance breathes health and strength. Nozdryov is good-looking and understands this perfectly. home distinguishing feature The character of this landowner is a tireless thirst for activity. But this frantic energy is directed in a completely useless direction. Nozdrev left two children from his deceased wife, in whom he is absolutely not interested. He cannot sit quietly at home. Nozdryov is constantly drawn to adventure.

He has a special passion for playing cards and betting on money. The most interesting thing is that Nozdryov is not interested in money itself either. He is attracted by the element of excitement and risk. He often loses himself to smithereens, but gets inexplicable pleasure from it. Due to bad luck or simple inability to play cards, Nozdryov often resorts to unclean games. For this he invariably ends up beaten. However, Nozdryov’s spirited character is such that after some time he again communicates in friendly manner with those who punished him for deception.

Nozdryov constantly lies to everyone he meets. His lies are selfless. He comes up with all sorts of tall tales (“a horse... of blue or pink wool”), obeying some kind of perverted inspiration. Perhaps, having uttered another stupid thing, Nozdryov himself begins to sincerely believe in it. At least he is willing to bet that he is right. This landowner cannot live without getting involved in some kind of story. If to a normal person after this he will be ashamed, and he will try to hide his participation, then Nozdryov begins to tell everyone about the story, repeatedly embellishing the story with fiction.

Nozdryov almost immediately switches to a personal level in his conversation with Chichikov, which unpleasantly surprises him. Having met him in a tavern, he almost by force drags Chichikov to visit him. Complete chaos reigns in Nozdryov's house. There is no shortage of drinks. Chichikov notices one important detail: Nozdryov tries to get his guests drunk, but he himself remains sober. The broken fellow turns out to be not such a simpleton. All of Chichikov's attempts to conclude a deal fail. Nozdryov is not interested in this. He is ready to play cards, checkers for dead souls, or make some meaningless exchange. The quarrel that flared up almost ends in tears for Chichikov. He leaves Nozdryov's house with great relief.

Nozdryov is a frivolous playmaker. The money does not stay in his hands, the economy gradually slips through his fingers. The bubbling energy still supports Nozdryov, but someday he will still end up in a debtor's prison.

Represents in " Dead souls» Nozdrev. As much as Manilov is a self-absorbed nature, living in his own world, Nozdryov is a social nature, a person who has no own world. This is a social parasite that cannot exist without people. He is a good-for-nothing owner, and neither is he a family man. Nozdryov is a gambler-sharp, a horse dealer, a drinking companion, in a word, he lives only in “society” - than more people, the better he feels, the more openly he reveals himself. This is a liar and a braggart by profession, the extreme degree of Khlestakov, who lies only when his fantasy plays out. In contrast, Nozdryov always lies, both drunk and sober, when he needs it and when he doesn’t need it, he lies without discerning whether they believe him or not. This is a man who has “lied.” (See the text of the description of Nozdryov in “Dead Souls”, description of his estate and the interior of the house.)

Nozdryov’s ease of thought is extraordinary, the same as Khlestakov’s, which is why his thoughts jump inconsistently, one phrase is often not logically connected with another (cf. his story about fairground entertainment). Cheerful, fussy, he is always happy with life. Nozdryov has no pride, he is not afraid of insults, and therefore, eccentric and perky, he easily insults others, without understanding people, without thinking about the future. Nozdryov does not take people into account at all, does not adjust to anyone and sees only himself in everyone - that is, a reckless reveler, a good-natured, carefree rogue, for whom vanity and trickery are not a means to satisfy self-interest, but simply an opportunity to fill his life with something. hectic life, is a means to occupy the idle forces of one’s vulgar but strong nature with something. The thirst for life, activity, unreasonably directed, creates from this hero of “Dead Souls” a restless person, a “hysterical person”, a brawler who is ready to “foul” everyone, not out of malice, but due to “restless briskness and liveliness of character.”

The hero of “Dead Souls” Nozdryov. Artist M. Dalkevich

Nozdryov is a spontaneous nature - he is not free in his actions, in his words. His moral lack of will is surprisingly combined with his availability of energy (he can lock himself in a house for a week to pick up cards), with determination and perseverance. In the person of Nozdev, Gogol brought out in “Dead Souls” a strong but vulgar man, in whose life there is no purpose or meaning: he is enterprising, like Chichikov, but his enterprise is aimless, meaningless, and therefore his entire existence is hopeless stupidity. Gogol would not have chosen Nozdryov as a hero of the revival.

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