New questions for the game: what where when. Random package

On September 4, 1975, the legendary TV game “What? Where? When?". Over the years of its existence, the rules, names of sectors, and the teams themselves have changed. But invariably every year, fans of this program send tricky questions to compete with experts. Today we present to you the five most interesting questions from the program “What? Where? When?".

The absurd disappearance of a painting

One day, Edvard Munch's painting "The Scream" was stolen from the Oslo National Gallery. The criminals climbed through the window, removed the picture and, despite the alarm going off, were able to escape unhindered. In the explanation of the reasons for this incident, another city is mentioned. Which?

Answer: Lillehammer.

Explanation: The security was so captivated by the television broadcast of the opening of the winter Olympic Games from the Norwegian town of Lillehammer, which simply ignored the alarm.

Siberian conversation

The great Russian traveler Nikolai Mikhailovich Przhevalsky said that Siberians like long hair winter evenings gather around the table and conduct, as they say, a “Siberian conversation.” The black box contains an indispensable attribute of the “Siberian conversation”. Attention, question: What's in the black box?

Answer: An indispensable attribute of the “Siberian conversation” were pine nuts. The Siberians sat at the table, gnawed nuts and were mostly silent.


What unites the great discoveries of Mendel and Mendeleev?

Answer: Mendel's doctrine of heredity and periodic law Mendeleev's chemical elements are united by the fact that both of these discoveries were made in a dream.

Privileges of old age

An ancient Chinese book says: “A 50-year-old person can only walk using a stick in his own home. A 60-year-old is only in his own city. The 70-year-old is wherever he wants. An 80-year-old can even come to the emperor’s palace with a wand.” What does the ancient Chinese book say about a 90-year-old man?

Answer: The emperor himself must come to the 90-year-old man.

In this article I will talk about general principles games “What? Where? When?" and I’ll show you how to take questions, even if you don’t really understand the topic. While preparing the material, I relied on my personal experience And " Toolkit for those who want to train in a sports ChGK.” You will find more in it interesting examples and theoretical foundations.


In 10th grade, when I just started playing ChGK, I didn’t like it at all. Our team couldn't answer a single question, and we all felt like complete idiots, so we left the tournament upset. For the next 6 months I didn’t remember about ChGK.

Something went wrong? The fact is that we did not understand the technology of the game itself, we did not know that most of the questions could be answered without reading fiction or huge reference books. We fell into a stupor every time we realized that none of us had read or watched any movie, book or knew the story. However, the answer is almost always contained in the question itself, you just have to be careful. Now I think that knowing the theory of ChGK and having a little experience, we would have been able to answer a lot more questions; the tournament was simple. School.

Where to begin?

You won't be able to do it without any preparation. Sports ChGK has existed for more than 20 years, so questions on some topics have become standard and even typical. The database of such questions is secretly called “Bingo ChGK”. You can find a complete database on the Internet, just google “CHGK wiki”. Studying it will not take much time, but you will become familiar with basic topics and questions, and also acquire the necessary background to get started. Pay attention to the “first questions” section. The most popular tasks for the first position in the tour are presented there. In the ChGK, the question can often be tied to its number.


6th Russian ChGK Championship. Saransk. 1st round 02/25/2006. Question 1:

The website of the Gorky Film Studio says that Kostroma merchant Mikhail Trofimov founded the Rus film studio, which was later renamed the Gorky Film Studio. Thus, Trofimov gave the film studio THIS. Call THIS in three words.

Solution: It was at this film studio that the film “A Start to Life” was shot.

Answer: “A start to life”

In this article, we will look at the main mistakes when working in a team and ways to unwind issues.


One of the required skills team game- keep the question form. The form of the question is the part of the question that addresses what you are specifically being asked about. In other words, this is how you should write the answer on the form. The form sets the direction for reflection and helps to cut out from the entire set of options those that obviously do not fit it.

If you don’t keep the form and don’t specifically concentrate on remembering it, then you can lose it in the jungle of different versions and emotional discussions. Or you may even come up with the correct answer, but when it comes time to write the answer on the form, difficulties begin. Often, when the captain asks the team what he needs to enter, he hears several versions at once from different team members; this creates confusion and panic, because if you don’t have time to write an answer, the swallows may simply pass by and not take it. Then all your efforts will be in vain. Swallows are people who collect answer sheets.

The multitude of uniform options puts the captain in an awkward choice situation, placing additional responsibility on him, because if he chooses irregular shape and the question will not count, he may feel guilty. Such situations should be avoided, so it is important to assign one person to write the question form. He will remember it, relieving responsibilities from other team members. During the reasoning, he will also constantly remind the captain so that he can choose the right tactics, and the team in general does not stray away from the desired answer.

For example, you are asked “Name the artist, the most famous picture which was inspired by such and such events.” The team can discuss for a long time, trying to guess what picture they are talking about. Having found the correct answer, everyone can happily forget about the form and write the name of the picture on the answer form. This is a very common mistake among teams that do not follow the form rule.

Working with a Question

Simplifying the issue

Method 1. The essence of this technique is to split big question into small meaningful parts that are easier to solve.


Question (Stone Flower Festival - 2007):

In Robert Browning's poem, a lame, crippled boy complains of loneliness and lack of friends. He also talks about a wonderful country that he heard about and which he was never destined to visit. What city did this boy live in?

Solution: You should break this question into several parts and think about their solution. After this the question becomes very simple. So, we have a wonderful country that everyone is talking about. Moreover, everyone goes to this wonderful country, but the boy cannot get there. Why? The boy is crippled - lame. What do we get in the end? All the children heard something and went somewhere, but one couldn’t. It is easy to guess that everything happened in Gammeln.

A comment: It's about about the Pied Piper of Hamelin - a character from a medieval German legend.

Method 2. If you feel that the question is very complex, not because of a large number of semantic blocks, but because of a lot of third-party information, then the first method will not help. We should try to shorten the question by eliminating from it everything that, apparently, does not directly help answer it. That is, at the end you should only have the quintessence of the question: the question form + the facts of the question (restrictions). General rule– the more words there are in the question, the more likely it is that the thrown out word will not be critical. Don't forget that you can always accidentally throw out a keyword.


Question (II Olympic Cup LUK, Kharkov, 2004):

A lot is known about the characters of the Japanese cartoon Sailor Moon. There are dossiers on them on the website The dossier contains name, age, birthday, zodiac sign, height and several other characteristics. One of these characteristics of the character Ami Mitsuno is represented by the letter "A". Where was this characteristic located in the hero of the famous song?

Solution: There is a lot of precise information in this question that is distracting. Does it make sense? Let's try to remove it. What will happen: What characteristic of a person can be designated by the letter “A”? And where can it be placed? Yeah!

Answer: On the sleeve. (The letter “A” can indicate blood type)

Search for strange words

The point is that you are looking for some word or part of the question that seems unnatural, deliberately emphasized, even superfluous. Often these types of words are key. After finding similar parts of the question, you can often hear exclamations from teammates - “That's strange, because **** has nothing to do with the topic at all. Why did they put it here?”


Question (10th Israeli Championship, 2005):

The character of the story “Expedition to the Underworld,” the space pirate Two-Headed Yul, had deep scars on his body, as if from fox bites. In fact, it was SHE who bit the old pirate. Another character in the story, a doctor, said that such wounds are one of the few that he cannot and does not want to treat. We have IT, so we don't ask you to name the doctor. Call HER.

Solution: IN this issue the sentence “We have IT, so we don’t ask you to name the doctor” clearly stands out. Why aren't we asked to name the doctor? Most likely, we simply cannot know the name of the doctor, so if they asked us to name him, they simply would not have ... a conscience.

Answer: Conscience.


To answer some questions you need to add up keywords or only from the first letters something meaningful (or not entirely meaningful).


Question (Ukrainian Championship among students. Kharkov, 2005):

The editors of one of the Tambov newspapers write about their publication this way: “The newspaper of the region’s universities, perky, businesslike.” Name what they think is intended “to soften the hearts of the readers.”

Solution:It is enough to take the abbreviation and get the name of the newspaper “GVOZD”. But something is missing, isn't it?

Answer: Soft sign.

Complete overkill.

Sometimes you are asked to name something very specific and well-known, then you can try to simply go through all the options. This method is situational: it should be used only if the question form requires an answer from a limited set: the names of months, famous Russian poets of the 18th century, any global and large-scale events. Do not forget that there is a great danger of getting bogged down and not finding an answer. Besides, the author could have something completely different in mind.


Question (Championship of the “Children of Kolomna” club at ChGK, St. Petersburg, 2003): Quote: “And insert set stones into it in four rows. Nearby: ruby, topaz, emerald - this is one row. Second row: carbuncle, sapphire and diamond. Third row: yakhont, agate and amethyst. Fourth row: peridot, onyx and jasper. They must be inserted into golden sockets.” What should be carved on these stones?

Solution: Just such a case. It’s unlikely that the long list of stones tells us anything, but there is the number twelve. You can stop there and ask yourself, what could be twelve?

Answer: Names of the tribes of Israel.

Out of plane

Here it is appropriate to quote Yuri Vashkulat: “In these questions, as a rule, the author tried to arrange the information in such a way that the emerging associative connection or logical series would lead away from a rather banal answer. For example, I achieved that literary hero was mistaken for a person, the person for an inanimate object, successfully used homophony, synonymy, and suggested the incorrect connection of words in a sentence. Accordingly, abandoning the obvious conclusion and adopting a different starting point, one often sees that it is required to answer who was killed in a duel by Dantes.” How do you understand that you are faced with a question of this type? Most likely it will contain: a monotonous list of similar objects; a very short question with little information; strange use of proper names; using synonyms instead of keywords, which may also have a different meaning.


Question (Championship of the “Children of Kolomna” club at ChGK, St. Petersburg, 2003):

The heroine of the writer Sergei Bolmat was going to do THIS using the letter “L”. American actress Peg Entwistle did THIS in 1932 using the letter "H". Name the city in which she did THIS.

Solution: The way out of the plane will be that you need to not get hung up on the many options for using an abstract letter. What if this letter is quite specific? Then where or what can the letter “H” be located in?

Answer: Los Angeles (She committed suicide by throwing off the “HOLLYWOOD” sign).


Now you have a better understanding of how PGC questions are constructed and taken. However, this is only a small part of the whole theory and I wrote only about what was useful to me. Of course, you can read everything (it definitely won’t be superfluous), but the answer to the question is always creativity rather than hacking with a set of master key methods. My team, even with knowledge of them, often takes barely more than half, because the main component successful game is experience, and we still have very little of it. The more you play, the better you get. The main thing is that the game process brings you pleasure.

If you want to find yourself a team or start gaining experience and regularly participate in games, then bookmark the ChGK page on LiveJournal. It is constantly updated, and you can always find the information you need about future tournaments. By the way, we also hold ChGK tournaments and always welcome new people.

Feel like a connoisseur of the TV show What? Where? When? Try to answer tricky questions, but do not overuse the answers written below! Many answers can be arrived at through thought and logic.

1. According to the rules of international air transportation, which two passengers are not allowed to be in the same row of seats in the aircraft cabin?

2. Why in Iran the conductor does not walk around the bus, but stands exactly in the middle?

3. In 1445, the bells in Moscow rang on their own and the residents decided that the end of the world had come. However, this “end” was experienced by the people of Kiev in 1091, by the people of Vladimir in 1230, by the people of Solovki in 1626, and again by the Muscovites in 1802. What was it really?

4. The indigenous people of Burma raise pigs, sell them to the Chinese, and then buy pork from them. Why do they need such unfavorable manipulations?

5. In Sweden, dog owners prefer short, close-to-the-ground breeds, while in neighboring Norway, on the contrary, they love dogs that are awkwardly tall, like a double-decker bus. What explains such a difference in tastes among neighboring countries? related peoples?

6. Every day the Earth gains 400 tons of weight. Due to what?

7. What unique geographical feature do Russia, Türkiye and Egypt have?

8. In the Muzo region of Colombia, not a single chicken can be killed and gutted without the presence of a government official. What is the reason for this strange law?

9. After the legendary Pele published his book “I am Pele”, he received a gold medal from the Ministry of Education. For what?

10. Going on the road at night, some residents tropical Africa They tie bags filled with insects to their feet. For what?

11. The authorities of the Mexican state of Tabasco, while developing a law against alcoholism, met decisive resistance. As a result, they managed to impose a ban on the sale of only one type of beer. The owners of beer bars went on strike over this ban. What kind of beer were they forbidden to sell?

12. In Swaziland it is considered indecent to disturb parliamentarians when they are conferring with their ancestors. How do they do this?

13. When in the wild African tribe someone becomes seriously ill, the sorcerer can remove the disease in such a way that it can be picked up and then sold to naive white tourists. How?

14. In the Strait of Gibraltar there is an island that in ancient times could not be passed by when crossing. Its residents cleverly took advantage of this, charging everyone established fee. What is the name of this island?

15. The shortest river in the world is located in the USA and has a length of 134 m and an unusual short name, starting with the letter "D". Please provide this title.

16. Astronauts say that from a height, river beds look like blood arteries of a living organism. This figurative comparison is not far from the truth. It is no coincidence that during the Great Patriotic War Odessa surgeons used water as a blood substitute. Which one?

17. Before World War II, colorblind pilots were not accepted into service in the US Air Force, but in 1941 the situation changed radically - they began to be given preference. Why?

18. At the bottom of some northern seas, at a relatively shallow depth, you can find plowed furrows, the length of which reaches hundreds and the depth of several meters. Name the “plowman” who created them.

19. What was hung from the ceiling on New Year’s Day in Germany until the 1930s?

20. Iceland specializes in setting New Year's world records. In what very dangerous area does she succeed?

1. Cat and dog.
2. It separates the male and female halves.
3. Earthquake
4. Buddhism forbids them to kill.
5. In Sweden, the tax for dog owners is based on the height of the dogs, and in Norway - based on their length.
6. Due to cosmic dust.
7. Located in two parts of the world.
8. There may be emeralds in their stomachs, which chickens peck to improve their digestion.
9. Many learned to read and write specifically in order to read this book.
10. To illuminate the road (fireflies are collected in bags).
11. Cold!
12. In a dream (some of our parliamentarians do the same thing at meetings, but no one understands them).
13. The sorcerer removes the disease with the help of a mask, which is then sold in the markets.
14. Tariff.
15. D (you can’t think of a shorter one).
16. Marine (it contains concentrated so-called nutrients, the chemical and energetic properties of which are close to the composition of human blood).
17. Because they see camouflaged objects better.
18. Icebergs that ran aground
19. Christmas tree.
20. Iceland leads in the number of fireworks launched.

The point of the game is that a team of experts answers questions sent by a team of TV viewers.

Basic Rules

Description of the gameplay

IN television version game, a team of experts, consisting of six people, answers questions sent by viewers. The question is selected by a top, which in turn is launched by the manager.

Experts are given one minute to discuss the question, after which the team captain chooses an expert who will answer the question. There are also cases when a team gives an answer ahead of schedule: an expert who knows the answer usually puts his fist on the table with his fist bent upward. thumb. If the answer is correct, then experts earn an extra minute of discussion, which they can use on any subsequent question in this game. The number of additional minutes depends on the team's early responses. Recently, experts can take a “minute credit” on a given question, but on the condition that they answer one of the following questions without a minute of discussion.

There is a hint in the game "club help". If experts do not know the answer to a question, then they can ask for help from those who are now in the room. Those present are given 20 seconds to express their versions. Since 2007, “club help” can only be taken in cases where the score is not in favor of the experts. Since 2010, it also cannot be taken in “blitz”, “super blitz” and the decisive round.

Due to the very large number of people in the room, there are cases of unauthorized tips. The manager who notices this violation of the rules of the game raises a red card. There are operators in the hall who can record the clue on video cameras. The offender is removed from the hall until the end of the game.
On April 10, 2016, a yellow card was introduced. It is shown by the stewards of the hall to the presenter at the moment when the captain of the playing team asks for the club’s help, and only if during the discussion they notice suspicions in the hint. The team loses the club's help in this round, but, unlike a red card, can provide an answer. The offender will suffer a more serious punishment and, at the end of the round, will be required to leave the hall before the end of the game. The club's help does not expire and the team can use it in the next rounds if the score is not in favor of the experts. The card has been discontinued since 2018.

When a team of experts gives the wrong answer, viewers whose questions the experts got wrong receive cash prizes: the viewer who scored the first point for their team receives 50,000 rubles, second point - 60 000 , third - 70 000 , fourth - 80 000 , fifth - 90 000 and the sixth point - 100,000 rubles(until 2012 the amounts were from 10 000 before 60,000 rubles). If the team of experts wins, the unplayed money goes into prize fund final of the year, i.e. If the experts win with a score of 6:4, 190,000 rubles are added to the fund for the missing 5th and 6th viewer points.

Squat games

In some cases, 2 or more teams of experts can play during one game. This type of game is called squat games. Its essence is that after each incorrect answer, teams are replaced: the teams change places. The team starting the game is determined by lot. If the experts win, the team that brought the decisive point last wins.

Description of the location and filming process

A place for gaming connoisseurs

Filming of the game takes place in Moscow, in the Hunting Lodge of Neskuchny Garden. It is equipped with a special room with a table, which is divided into 6 sectors in a large radius (for each member of the team of experts) and into 13 sectors in a small radius - for questions. The questions themselves lie in envelopes, which in turn lie on 12 sectors, signed with the names of the cities of the participants who sent the question (among these 12 questions there are “blitz” and “super blitz” questions). On the thirteenth sector there is a plastic plate on which the number 13 is printed in red (from 2001 to 2011 the number font is Pragmatica, since 2011 the number font is Arial, since 2013 the number font has become a little bold). In the center of the table there is a top with an arrow. The spinning top is spun by the manager, and the question on which the arrow stops is chosen for the game. The envelope containing the question is placed in a special clothespin located on one of the monitors above the experts themselves. The monitors usually show a photograph or video of the author of the question filmed specifically for the question, a video filmed by correspondents for the question, or drawings or paintings that help experts answer.


Every game in the club there are defenders of the interests of experts, television viewers, as well as the Keeper of Traditions. Their opinion is taken into account when resolving controversial situations.

  • Defender of the interests of experts. Appeared in 2002. The Connoisseur Advocate selects the best connoisseur of the game and awards him the Crystal Atom prize. IN this moment The defender of the interests of experts is the director of the communications department of the Rosatom State Corporation Andrey Cheremisinov, in some games he can be replaced CEO Corporation Alexey Likhachev. Previously, the defenders were lawyer Mikhail Barshchevsky, lawyer of the Moscow Bar Association Natalia Barshchevskaya, representatives of the general sponsor - the MTS company: Mikhail Susov (2003-2004), Igor Stolyarov (2005), Grzegorz Ash (2006), Mikhail Shamolin (2006), Sergey Beshev ( 2007-2008), Alexander Popovsky (2009-2012), Director of the Rosatom Communications Department Sergey Novikov (2013-2016).
  • Defender of the interests of television viewers. Appeared in 1991. The viewer advocate selects the best question in the game and determines the value of the viewer's winnings. Since the fall of 2018, the position has been held by VTB Bank Senior Vice President Dmitry Breitenbicher. From 2002 to 2009, the defender of the interests of the team of TV viewers was the vice-president of Binbank Grigory Guselnikov, in 2010 - Dmitry Akulinin, from 2011 to 2012 - vice-president of the Bank of Moscow Irina Nikitenko, from 2013 to 2018 - vice-president of the bank VTB (formerly Bank of Moscow) Vladimir Verkhoshinsky, in some games they were replaced by the President of the Bank of Moscow Mikhail Kuzovlev.
  • Keeper of traditions. A position that existed from 2001 to 2016. As the name suggests, he enforces the rules and “traditions” of the club. From May 19, 2001 to December 26, 2009, the “Keeper of Traditions” was Mikhail Barshchevsky, from March 27, 2010 to June 19, 2016 - Grigory Guselnikov.

Hall managers

There are two stewards in the hall to ensure that there are no clues. Also, one of the stewards rotates the top, and the other takes out objects, black boxes and hits the gong. Currently, the stewards are Alexander Bakalov (since 2013) and Polina Lysenko (since 2017), previously the stewards were Nikolai Lgovsky (1984-2001), Andrey Lgovsky (early 1990s), Andrey Lysenko (1993-2013), Alexey Vetyugov ( late 1990s), Boris Fuks (2001-2016), Evgeny Galkin (2011, in the Kazakh version of games) and others.

    Mikhail and Olga Barshchevsky

    Alexey Likhachev

    Andrey Cheremisinov

    Sergey Novikov

    Grigory Guselnikov

    Vladimir Verkhoshinsky

    Dmitry Breytenbicher

    Nikolay Lgovsky

    Boris Fuks

    Evgeniy Galkin

    Alexander Bakalov

    Polina Lysenko


General information

The game requires great education and a broad outlook in the field modern science, the ability to think quickly, originally and unconventionally, observation and attentiveness.

The questions relate to different areas of knowledge and have different styles, so the best players will be the most erudite and well-read. A strong team should have harmonious cooperation between people with different ways of thinking, and, if possible, specialists in different fields. Much depends on training and the ability to understand each other within the team.

Types of questions

Sample questions

  • Here is an ancient Egyptian manuscript; it says about a certain slave: “He hears perfectly with both ears, is honest and obedient.” This text is considered to be one of the early copies of... what? (Answer: advertising)
  • The board of McDonald's believes that rumors that meat dishes McDonald's chains are prepared from earthworms, which is easy to refute by comparing them to meat. Question: by what criterion? (Answer: in terms of price, worms are much more expensive)
  • According to the humorous calendar of Belyaev and Stalber, “If this statement were true, This It wouldn’t taste as good.” Guess what statement is being talked about and name it This. (Answer: wine).
  • Once, Mark Twain's friend, Harry Dumain, borrowed $500, promising to return it in a month - of course, if he was still alive. Question: What did Mark Twain do when he didn’t receive what he was promised after a month? (Answer: Dumain's obituary was published)
  • In Ambrose Bierce's fable, a deputy promises his constituents not to steal after receiving office. When it was revealed that he was stealing huge sums, voters demanded answers. The deputy replied that, yes, he promised not to steal, but he did not make another promise. Which one? (Answer: promises not to lie)
  • Jerome K. Jerome compared This with the government, since both are valued only as long as they are good. Name it. (Answer: weather)
  • Russian humorist Mikhail Zadornov said that he was not angry with the communists, since they never deceived him. But why, according to him, did they not deceive him? (Answer: because he never believed them anyway)

Game history by year

Vladimir Voroshilov

Boris Kryuk

1975. September 4 - On this day, one game took place according to different rules - two families played against each other (as in popular game"Lucky case"). The game consisted of two rounds, filmed at the home of each family. They came together for the sake of photography for the family archive.

1976. A top appears, but in early games it was not the question that was chosen, but the player who answered. Already this year the game “What? Where? When?" has already changed a lot and received the name “television youth club”. Since Vladimir Voroshilov was banned from appearing on screen at that time, the first full-fledged episode of the TV game was hosted by Alexander Maslyakov, who in the future will revive the KVN project. The first players were MSU students who talked loudly and smoked while discussing the issue. There was no one-minute discussion time limit; each person played for himself and not as a team.

1977. The game finally took its final form: a spinning top showing a question and a one-minute time limit for discussing the question. Its first symbol appeared in the game - Fomka the eagle owl. The first questions were invented by Vladimir Voroshilov himself, and later, when the game became popular, they began to accept questions from viewers. It is known that bags of letters arrived every day, each of which had to be answered, chosen best questions, check the accuracy of the presented facts, edit, prepare, if necessary, the necessary items. Of course, one person cannot do such work, and Voroshilov was helped by his wife Natalya Stetsenko, who headed the department of correspondence with viewers for many years.

1979. Games began to be held regularly. The term “connoisseur” appeared; now this word has become familiar to describe the participants in the game; the club is now usually called the “club of connoisseurs.” Until this point, there was no special name for the players. The details of the game rules changed frequently, but the main prize was always books (which were hung on the Christmas tree during the final game) and a crystal owl.

1982. A six-point game rule has been introduced

1983. Instead of the Ostankino TV Center, games begin to be held in a mansion on Herzen Street

1984. A new prize has been introduced - the Crystal Owl. The winner is the best player at the end of the year.

1987. Holding the International Games in Bulgaria

1988-1989 International Games at Sovintsentr. Several teams participate in the game simultaneously.

1990. The program begins to leave the Hunting Lodge in Neskuchny Garden

1991. The game has become more commercialized, that is, it has turned from “ intellectual club" to the "smart casino". Experts start playing for money

1992. Starting this year, two series are held per year - summer and winter. A zero sector appeared, called the “zero sector”. It appeared instead of the sector with the highest amount, which was awarded for the correct answer. Each question now has a certain “value”, which can be increased by placing the money you win on a certain playing field. Sponsors and lawyers appeared (Mikhail Barshchevsky).

1995. In honor of the 20th anniversary of the game, the Immortal Games are held. The title of Club Master was introduced. Alexander Druz became the first master

1999. The game is temporarily airing on the NTV channel. Christmas series is underway

2000. In the fall, an experimental series of games takes place, in which, in addition to experts and television viewers, the Internet team also participates. Using the website, registered Internet users give their versions of the answer during a minute of discussion. The most popular version becomes the final answer from the Internet team, and the Internet user who sends the correct version faster than others receives the amount at stake. The score is listed in the order of “TV viewers:connoisseurs:Internet”.

In December, the Anniversary Games are held, in which the existence of the game is at stake. Maxim Potashev is awarded the title of Master. On December 30, Vladimir Voroshilov played his last game

2001. This year the host of the game, Vladimir Voroshilov, dies. After this, his adopted son, Boris Kryuk, began to play the game. At first he distorted his voice, but soon he revealed himself and began to play the game with his own voice. In the summer, a series is held to decide whether the game will exist without Voroshilov. In winter, the gaming table was updated, and games for money were stopped. From that moment on, the value of questions was determined using telephone voting by viewers (the difference between the number of “like” and “dislike” votes multiplied by 10 rubles; negative amounts were equal to zero). At the same time, the thirteenth sector was introduced (in 2000, this sector was called the “Internet sector”).

2002. The game began to be held annually in four series: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. After all the games, the final game of the year is held, in which the best team of experts of the season takes part. A total of 17 games are played per year. The Crystal Owl is now awarded 3 times a year. A new prize has been introduced - the Diamond Owl, which is awarded to the best player of the winning team in the Final of the year.

2005. Celebrating the game's 30th anniversary. Viktor Sidnev becomes the third master. From now on, at the final of the anniversary year, the winning team is awarded a Crystal Nest - 6 crystal owls.

2008. From this year, cash prizes for TV viewers have changed. For the first point for his team, the viewer receives 10,000 rubles, for each subsequent point 10 thousand more. Thus, for the sixth point the viewer receives 60,000 rubles. At the Final of the year, Andrei Kozlov was recognized as the fourth master, and his team was awarded a crystal nest, since the 33rd year was recognized as an anniversary year.

2013. TV viewers' winnings have increased. Depending on the point won, the viewer receives from 50 to 100 thousand rubles. The game is starting to be released in HD quality.

2015. Starting this year, the number of broadcasts per year has increased from 17 to 20. Now the spring, summer and autumn series consist of 5 games. The Academy of TV Viewers appears.

2018. For the first time, a series of games “Children of the 21st Century” was held, in which teams of schoolchildren took part. The fifth Academician (Radik Khabibullin) and the fifth Master (Elizaveta Ovdeenko) appear in the Club.


One of the main features of the game is that it takes place live. During the live broadcast, viewers could give answers using MTS phones. However, the cost of a message has increased from 5-6 cents (according to the tariff plan) to 10 rubles. In addition, the first experts were given a good telephone.

Prizes and titles


  • Crystal Owl- the prize was introduced in 1984. Awarded to the best player from the team of experts and the best player from the team of TV viewers based on the results of a series of games. The first owner of the Crystal Owl was Nurali Latypov. In the Anniversary seasons there is a special prize - Crystal Nest, representing six small owls on a crystal tray. Awarded best team anniversary year; thus, each team member becomes the owner of a Crystal Owl. The prize was awarded twice - in 2008 to the team of Andrei Kozlov and in 2010 to the team of Balash Kasumov.

Experts-prize winners ( italics owls obtained as part of the Crystal Nest are highlighted):

  1. Alexander Druz - 1990, 1992 (winter), 1995 (winter), 2000 (autumn), 2006 (summer), 2012 (spring);
  2. Fedor Dvinyatin - 1991 (summer), 1994 (summer), 2000 (winter), 2002 (spring);
  3. Maxim Potashev - 1997 (winter), 2000 (winter), 2000 (winter), 2016 (autumn);
  4. Andrey Kozlov - 1992 (summer), 1994 (winter), 2008 (winter);
  5. Boris Burda - 1998 (winter), 2000 (winter), 2008 (winter);
  6. Dmitry Avdeenko - 2009 (winter), 2010 (winter), 2018 (summer);
  7. Yulia Lazareva - 2010 (winter), 2015 (autumn), 2017 (spring);
  8. Alexey Blinov - 1992 (summer), 1993 (winter);
  9. Alexander Rubin - 1995 (summer), 1996 (summer);
  10. Valentina Golubeva - 2003 (summer), 2003 (autumn);
  11. Ilya Novikov - 2004 (autumn), 2014 (summer);
  12. Ales Mukhin - 2004 (spring), 2019 (summer);
  13. Vladimir Molchanov - 1991 (winter), 2008 (winter);
  14. Nikolay Silantyev - 2008 (winter), 2008 (winter);
  15. Elizaveta Ovdeenko - 2010 (winter), 2011 (spring);
  16. Mikhail Skipsky - 2010 (winter), 2016 (spring);
  17. Nurali Latypov - 1984;
  18. Marina Govorushkina - 1985;
  19. Leonid Vladimirsky - 1986;
  20. Oleg Dolgov - 1987;
  21. Neiko Neikov - 1987;
  22. Nikita Shangin - 1988;
  23. Vladislav Petrushko - 1989;
  24. Lyudmila Gerasimova - 1993 (summer);
  25. Georgy Zharkov - 1998 (summer);
  26. Alexander Byalko - 2000 (winter);
  27. Alla Damsker - 2000 (winter);
  28. Marina Druz - 2000 (winter);
  29. Dmitry Eremin - 2000 (winter);
  30. Sergey Tsarkov - 2000 (winter);
  31. Victor Sidnev - 2001 (summer);
  32. Rovshan Asgarov - 2001 (winter);
  33. Dmitry Konovalenko - 2002 (summer);
  34. Mikhail Moon - 2002 (autumn);
  35. Inna Druz - 2003 (winter);
  36. Asya Shavinskaya - 2004 (summer);
  37. Andrey Bychutkin - 2006 (autumn);
  38. Grigory Alkhazov - 2011 (summer);
  39. Vladimir Stepanov - 2012 (autumn);
  40. Gunel Babayeva - 2013 (summer);
  41. Boris Levin - 2014 (autumn);
  42. Boris Belozerov - 2017 (autumn);
  43. Elman Talibov - 2019 (spring);
  44. Alexey Kapustin - 2008 (winter);
  45. Igor Kondratyuk - 2008 (winter);
  46. Vladimir Antokhin - 2010 (winter);
  47. Balash Kasumov - 2010 (winter);
  48. Roman Alloyarov - Small Crystal Owl, 1997 (winter).
  • Diamond Owl- it is awarded to the best player based on the results of the year. The prize was founded in 2002.
Experts who own the Diamond Owl:
  1. Asya Shavinskaya (2004);
  2. Boris Burda (2007);
  3. Andrey Kozlov (2008);
  4. Balash Kasumov (2010);
  5. Alexander Druz (2011);
  6. Boris Levin (2012);
  7. Ilya Novikov (2014).
TV viewers who own the Diamond Owl:
  1. Vladimir Lebedev from Pinsk, Belarus (2002);
  2. Maria Melnikova from Moscow (2003);
  3. Zhanna Polyanskaya from Syktyvkar, Komi Republic (2005);
  4. Natalya Khametshina from Astrakhan (2006);
  5. Tatyana Medvedeva from Saratov (2009);
  6. Pavel Boytsov from St. Petersburg (2013);
  7. Vladimir Korvyakov from Lytkarino, Moscow region. (2015);
  8. Nikolay Azaryev from the village. Sukhoi Donetsk, Voronezh region. (2016);
  9. Tatyana Frolova from Moscow (2017);
  10. Konstantin Bogatski from Kempten, Germany (2018).
  • Owl sign- was the predecessor of the Crystal Owl, awarded several times in the early 1980s.

Experts-prize winners

  1. Alexander Byalko;
  2. Sergey Ilyin;
  3. Lyudmila Gerasimova.


Red jacket was a sign "immortal member of the club"- a person who could remain in the club even if his team lost. It was introduced in the winter series of 1991. Jackets were received by all owners of the “Crystal Owl”, including experts who received “owls” before the introduction of the title of “immortal”. In the winter series of 1994 and in the spring series of 1995, jackets were awarded to all players of the teams of Mikhail Smirnov and Alexey Blinov. After the conclusion of the 1995 Immortal Games, the jackets were retired.

Shoulder strap of the best captain

This shoulder strap is awarded to the best captain once every five years. Introduced in 2000 by Vladimir Voroshilov. In the final game of 2000, he decided to present the club's best captain's shoulder strap to the most outstanding captains in the history of the game. He didn’t have enough time on the air in 2000, and Boris Kryuk handed over his shoulder straps in the summer of 2001, after Voroshilov’s death. Prize winners:

  1. Andrey Kamorin (2001);
  2. Boris Eremin (2001);
  3. Vladimir Lutovinov (2001);
  4. Victor Sidnev (2001);
  5. Andrey Kozlov (2001);
  6. Alexey Blinov (2001);
  7. Ales Mukhin (2005);
  8. Balash Kasumov (2010).

Cadet shoulder strap

Presented by an expert who has the shoulder strap of the best captain at the end of each episode of “Children of the 21st Century” to the best captain of this series. Shoulders of the shoulder strap:

  1. Kirill Emelin (2018);
  2. Artyom Savochkin (2019).

Club Master title

Since 1995, in each anniversary season of the game, one of the experts is awarded the title of Master. Currently this title is held by:

  1. Alexander Druz (since 1995);
  2. Maxim Potashev (since 2000);
  3. Victor Sidnev (since 2005);
  4. Andrey Kozlov (since 2008);
  5. Elizaveta Ovdeenko (since 2018).

Club Academician title

Similarly with the masters of the club, at the 2015 finals the title of academician was introduced. It is assigned to active television viewers who:

  • have either a Crystal or Diamond Owl and have achieved six victories against Experts;
  • twice awarded either the Crystal or Diamond Owl, regardless of the number of victories over experts.

Academics are always invited to the club for the series finale and the year finale, regardless of whether their questions are played at the table or not. In the event of a victory among television viewers, academicians, like masters, take a collective part in choosing the winner of the final prize. Currently this title is held by:

  1. Sergey Chevdar from Chernomorsk, Ukraine (winner of the “Crystal Owl”);
  2. Svetlana Sumachakova from Gorno-Altaisk, Altai Republic (two-time winner of the “Crystal Owl”);
  3. Tatyana Medvedeva from Saratov (winner of the “Diamond Owl”);
  4. Zhanna Polyanskaya from Syktyvkar, Komi Republic (winner of the “Diamond Owl”);
  5. Radik Khabibullin from the village of Popovka, Perm region(holder of the “Crystal Owl”), from October 28, 2018.

Prize for the brightest answer

In the final game of 2015, for the first time, a special prize was awarded for the most brilliant answer of the year. It is a gold-colored cufflink with an image of an owl. The prize is awarded annually to an expert who, thanks to insight and innovative thinking, was able to give a brilliant answer at a crucial moment. Prize winners:

  1. Alena Povysheva (2015, question about the shape of the squash in the third game of the Winter Series)
  2. Boris Belozerov (2016, super blitz question about Ilya Oblomov in the third game of the Summer Series)
  3. Elizaveta Ovdeenko (2017, blitz question about Ramon Gomez de la Serna’s gregerias in the second game of the Winter Series)
  4. Elizaveta Ovdeenko (2018, question about the parent of the rhyme in the fourth game of the Winter series)

Other prizes and awards

  • Insignia “For services to the game “What?” Where? When?” - presented on May 14, 2005 to “the best expert of all times and peoples” Alexander Druz on the occasion of his 50th anniversary, which fell on May 10. In the same game, he was given a Scottish Fold kitten.
  • “For the will to win” (“Diamond Snake”) - awarded on December 24, 2005 to Andrei Kozlov, who, after losing on November 19, 2005, during the next game proved the correctness of his wrong answer - he stuffed the snake with rice according to his recipe.
  • Medal for 50 games - awarded on April 15, 2018 to Viktor Sidnev for his 50th participation in the game show. On the same day, Andrey Kozlov, Alexey Kapustin and Maxim Potashev received the same medals for participating in more than 50 games. This medal could also have been received by club old-timer Alexander Druz, who had played 91 games at that time, but he was offered a new medal when he sat down as a player for the 100th time. On June 30, 2019, the medal was awarded to Ales Mukhin.


For breaks in the game, various pauses are used to lift the spirits of the team of experts:

  • Musical break - the presenter takes this break after the third round and later, except for those moments when the score is 3:0 in favor of the experts.
  • Coffee break - held from March 4, 2018, connoisseurs are served Ambassador brand coffee.
  • Previously, there was a Tea Break in the game, which was usually held when the time was 23:00-0:00 (earlier in winter). They served tea from the brand Ahmad, a sponsor of the game show.

Music in the game

Here is a list of all the musical themes that were used in the gameplay previously and now:

  • On December 30, 2000, as part of the “Last Tour” season, a game took place that decided the fate of the club. If the experts had lost, it was unlikely that we would see the game again. ORT General Director Konstantin Ernst was even present in the hall.
  • After the death of Vladimir Voroshilov, the fate of the game was under big question: who would lead the game? The program returned to the air “as scheduled” - the Summer series of 2001 was held under the question “To be or not to be a game without Voroshilov?” The Club will continue to exist if the experts win the final game, and also if the audience votes by a majority for the continuation of the Club. The connoisseurs won with a score of 6:4, and 91% of the audience voted for the “Be” option. The series of games was entirely dedicated to the creator of the game, Vladimir Voroshilov.
  • Since 2001, the game has been hosted by Boris Kryuk, but he spent the Summer Series of the same year with a processed, lowered voice. No one knew who was running the game; initially it was thought that the host was Hook's cousin. Due to such uncertainty, the presenter was addressed as “Mr. Presenter.” This tradition has continued to this day.
  • The 2001 Winter Series introduced the game in a completely new way. The studio has been redesigned in a more modern way, and the pundits no longer play for money. From now on, only the best experts and spectators will receive cash prizes along with the Owls.
  • Since the 2002 season, four episodes have been aired: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. Previously, only the Summer and Winter series were played.
  • In the second game of the 2002 summer series, someone's cell phone rang in the hall.
  • According to the host of the game, Boris Kryuk, if a team of experts wins in the final of the year, it is almost always with a score of 6:5, and if it loses, then most often with a score of 6:3.
  • The shortest game (41 minutes) was on April 10, 2010 - then the host did not take a musical break.
  • On April 17, 2010, one of the players from Andrei Kozlov’s team, Igor Kondratyuk, played for the first time on Skype, due to the inability to fly to Moscow due to the ash cloud from the volcanic eruption. The team won this game. This is the first time that a club expert participated in the discussion in absentia.
  • On May 28, 1994, Alexei Vavilov’s team, with a score of 0:5 in favor of TV viewers, took 6 questions in a row and won with a score of 6:5. The situation was practically repeated in Alexey Blinov’s team on April 12, 2008, with the exception of the initial score of 1:5.
  • In the final game of 2008, Game Host Boris Kryuk entered the hall for the first time to meet the experts.
  • In the 2008 final, the player who had to answer the questions of the super blitz was chosen as a top.
  • In the final game of 2010, in the thirteenth sector, a question was asked not from the Internet, but invented by the presenter himself. The question sounded like this: “We try the nut on the tooth - it doesn’t budge. We are looking for a heavier object nearby, but we do not find such an object. We turn the nut over, hold it up to the light until we find a small crack in the shell, and, placing the shell so that the crack is at the top, we hit it with force and either crack it, or make sure that the crack turns out to be false. “Who and what are we talking about?” said all this? It was correctly answered by Dmitry Avdeenko, and the correct answer was “This is a very beautiful metaphor for what is happening here and now. The nut in this case is a question, and we are trying to find in it weakness, open it to find the correct answer. And, most likely, such a metaphor was proposed by Vladimir Yakovlevich Voroshilov.”
  • In 2008, at the finals of the year, the 33rd game was recognized by the masters as an anniversary game, but with one caveat, “if the 66th year of the game is recognized as an anniversary.”
  • In 2011, the first game in the game's fall series featured the 13th sector, but it had to be canceled due to technical problems. For the first time in the history of the game, such an incident occurred in the final game of the 2007 summer series. The following incident occurred in the first game of the spring 2014 series - again due to technical problems, possibly related to updating the screen design.
  • In the 2013 Final, before the start of the game, the team of Ales Mukhin and personally Ilya Novikov, who had previously lost a super blitz in the Decisive round, tried to appeal the fatal question. After lengthy discussions and arguments (about 15 minutes), Mikhail Barshchevsky advised to immediately replay the question. The presenter supported the idea and asked the audience in the hall whether to replay the question or not, and the decision would be made if at least 7 votes were collected. As a result, 9 spectators voted “for”, two “against”, one spectator had to abstain due to the fact that she had not seen the previous game. Only after the voting, the Presenter clarified that if Mukhin’s team plays, then those who voted “for” decided to vote for the question without a possible win. The question from the 13th sector was chosen as a question for replay. It contained a question not from the Internet, but from the Presenter himself. Unlike the 2010 Final, Boris Kryuk, like the Zero sector, went to Ilya Novikov, and the role of “minutes for reflection” was played by hourglass. The question was lost, and Konstantin Ruder's team entered the final game.
  • In the final game of 2013, a question came from Pavel Boytsov, who came to Moscow with his family; his son was in the hall with him. During the announcement of the correct answer, the youngest representative of the family began to open the black box too early, which was followed by a rather violent reaction from the Presenter. The incident became a meme and gained great popularity outside the audience of “What? Where? When?".
  • On April 12, 2014, according to the results of the final game of the Spring Series, Svetlana Sumachakova from Gorno-Altaisk became the first TV viewer in the history of “What? Where? When?" - two-time winner of the Crystal Owl.
  • On September 7, 2014, in the first game of the Autumn Series, Irina Nizamova became the first female expert in the history of “What? Where? When?”, who won the super blitz. The peculiarity of the fact is that Irina was a reserve player of the Rosatom team, and this game was Irina’s debut.
  • On September 13, 2014, in the second game of the Autumn Series, the team of Balash Kasumov felt the effect of the “butterfly wing”. In the 13th sector, due to the limited number of lines shown on the screen, the question was not shown in full. Even so, there was a correct version at the table, but the experts gave the wrong answer. After some time, it was decided to remove the question of the 13th sector, and the sector itself to be removed from the table, although it was possible to choose another question from the Internet. Then a number of other circumstances followed: when replaying the round, the top was hit, which could decide the fate of the game; on the chosen question the team did not take an extra minute and lost a point, after which there was such a situation on the table that with a probability of 12/13 the next question would be a super blitz; on the third question of the super blitz, Elizaveta Ovdeenko makes a very offensive mistake, although she was well versed in the area of ​​knowledge of the question. As a result, the negligence of the technical editors led to defeat and the team's exit from the season.
  • On April 30, 2017, singer Philip Kirkorov received a “Diamond Owl” on the occasion of his anniversary, as well as for “a whole cascade of bright musical pauses.”
  • On July 2, 2017, Rovshan Askerov’s team lost with a score of 0:6. This is the first recorded case where a team finishes a game with such a score without a decisive round, that is, without answering 6 questions correctly in a row.
  • In the final game of 2018, the Diamond Owl was awarded to Konstantin Bogatsky from the German city of Kempten. Konstantin was unable to come to the game, but immediately after the award ceremony they contacted him and were able to personally congratulate him live.


  • In one of the episodes of the TV show “Jolly Guys,” a parody of “What? Where? When?". The host Vladimir Voroshilov was parodied by Leonid Sergeev, and the role of the expert was played by Nurali Latypov, who later became one of the club participants and the first owner of the crystal owl.
  • Numerous parodies of “What? Where? When?" were shown in KVN. In one of the parodies, Rovshan Askerov was a guest participant. And in 2018, the KVN Star Team took part in the game itself.
  • A parody of the program was contained in one of the episodes of the television program “Dolls” (1997).
  • Several parodies were also made by participants in the OSP-Studio program. In addition to parodies of the game itself (connoisseurs Boris Burda, Alexander Byalko and Alexander Druz were parodied), a parody of the program “Without a Tie” with the participation of connoisseurs was also shown.
  • On the stage, the game was parodied by Vladimir Vinokur (in the program “Is there an extra ticket”) and Maxim Galkin. According to Galkin, the program was hosted by Vladimir Putin, who read letters from George Bush, Boris Berezovsky and Gerhard Schroeder, and the experts were Boris Yeltsin, Viktor Chernomyrdin, Grigory Yavlinsky and Valeria Novodvorskaya.
  • Three parodies of the game show “What? Where? When" were on the TV show "Big Difference".
  • A parody of the game consisted of an entire episode of the TV show “Cartoon Personality” (May 8, 2012), where the experts were Dmitry Dibrov, Anastasia Volochkova, Gennady Onishchenko, Tina Kandelaki and Dmitry Guberniev, the team captain was Alexander Lukashenko, and the presenter was Vladimir Zhirinovsky.
  • Parodied several times by the program “ Comedy Club", and on New Year's Eve 2010, some experts (including Alexander Druz) were depicted as 3D dolls in the SpotlightParisHilton program. The hosts of the programs themselves, whose broadcast often occurred right before “What? Where? When,” parodied Boris Hook’s introduction several times at the end of their program, and once the viewers actually believed what was happening.


  • TEFI-1997 in the “Entertainment Program” category
  • TEFI-2001 in the category " TV game»
  • TEFI-2011 in the category “Television game. Intellectual competition"
  • TEFI-2014 in the “TV Game” category
  • TEFI-2016 in the “TV Game” category
  • TEFI-2018 in the “TV Game” category

Gallery of program logos



  • Catalog of links to regional intellectual games clubs
  • A database of questions asked in sports tournaments on “What? Where? When?”, “Brain-ring” and “Own game”

What? Where? When?

Russian TV games


“$1,000,000 for the New Year” | "L-Club" | “Hello, TV! » | "Insanely beautiful" | "Big Little Star" | «

Questions “What? Where? When?" first began to be asked back in 1975, but in fact few people know or remember that the game actually had a different appearance and completely different people played it. That is why it is worth highlighting a few of the most interesting facts about this program, and also talk about which questions are the most interesting among many others.

History and interesting facts

Basically, the questions “What? Where? When?”, like the show itself, remain virtually unchanged throughout the existence of this program, but in fact, in the first episode, the experts were completely absent. Initially took part in the program simple families, and at the same time they answered not in architectural mansions, but in standard apartments that belonged to them. Each family answered 11 questions, after which it was decided to combine both filmed stories in one program. The show's current format only began in 1977, but it remains that way to this day.

For a long time, the audience had absolutely no idea who was hosting. this program, as a result of which for several years Vladimir Voroshilov was called by the nickname “Incognito from Ostankino.” Only in 1980 was the identity of the program’s presenter publicly announced, and this was done by inserting a phrase after the end of the broadcast: “The program was hosted by Vladimir Voroshilov.”

Questions “What? Where? When?" are asked by experts in the Hunting Lodge, located in Neskuchny Garden, and it is worth noting that this building is an architectural monument built back in the 18th century. All games of this club have been held here since 1990.

An eagle owl named Fomka was chosen as a symbol, and in 1977 it was shown on one of the broadcasts. The so-called “Crystal Owl” was awarded only after 1984, and in 2002 it was decided to also add a diamond one, giving it to the best player based on the results of the previous year. The Diamond Owl is handcrafted from crystal and silver by professional jewelers, and it is worth noting that this prize is decorated with more than 70 rubies. The owl's weight is more than 8 kg.

Among other things, it is worth noting the fact that initially the base of questions “What? Where? When?" was compiled directly by Vladimir Voroshilov himself, as well as by a team of professional editors. Over time, it was decided that it would be possible to use letters from television viewers coming to the editor, because the answers to questions sometimes turned out to be the most unexpected.

Probably every person who has at least once watched the questions “What? Where? When?”, knows what a top is inside a spinning circle. This top is launched before each round and is a dream - a slightly improved children's toy produced by the Krasny Proletary plant in Moscow. Vladimir Voroshilov himself said that one day he was going to buy a gift for a three-year-old child at the Toy House and noticed this top. But later he couldn’t resist, so he decided to buy two toys at once, one of which he kept for himself and then played with it for ten days.

People's actions

One day, a Shah in Persia wanted to know what determines a person’s behavior and guides his actions in this life. Initially, the Shah's assistants compiled a sufficient big volume, but then they were able to cut it down to one page. In the end, they only managed to find one single word.

Accordingly, connoisseurs of “What? Where? When?" questions were asked about this word. Experts decided that this was love, but in fact the correct answer was that a person’s actions and behavior are guided by the desire to survive.

Bestseller Outlook

A group of sociologists from America determined an equation, using which they were able to calculate the rate of increase in the number of purchased copies of various bestsellers. In other words, if the number of books purchased during the first week was known, then in this case it will be possible to then understand how many of them, for example, will be bought during the month. However, as it turned out, such an equation has been used for a long time, but in a different sphere of human activity.

Base of questions “What? Where? When?" includes this question: what exactly was calculated by the exact same equation as the distribution of best-selling books?

Experts said that the growth of epidemics is determined in accordance with this equation, and they were right - this is indeed so.


Under the name "Weekly World News" conducted a survey in the five most major cities of their country in order to determine who would agree to go to work naked for $1 million. Among men, 84% of the total number of people surveyed agreed, while among women surveyed, only 20% agreed, which made them appear more shy. It is likely that the explanation lies in the response of one of the survey participants, who would agree to expose herself if she was warned several weeks in advance.

In what? Where? When?" send the following question: why did the woman need these few weeks? The answer is quite simple: in order to lose excess weight.


Almost everyone in the world knows what the Mexican resort of Acapulco is. The popularity of this resort is primarily due to the local climate, which is ideal for relaxation. If you can guess what the word “Acapulco” means in the Aztec language, can you name the famous traveler who also visited the city with the same name?

Despite the fact that the questions for the game “What? Where? When?" quite tricky ones were sent, experts were able to answer that this traveler was Dunno.

Tech growth

The device appeared in the USA in the 20th century in the 20s, and for the first time it was produced by a company that had previously been exclusively engaged in manufacturing. This device quickly became widespread among a large number of the population, and already in the 30s and 40s it began to become popular devices in which it was possible to adjust the speed and degree of heating. Why did the demand for such equipment grow so much in the 60s?

Very often this question is included in collections of tasks “What? Where? When?". The questions and answers for students are especially interesting as such problems are often found in similar games held between institutions. The answer is that in the 60s of the last century, men began to wear long hair, as a result of which hair dryers have also become quite widespread among them.


An English scientist and part-time psychologist named David Lewis said that it is safe only for women, while in men it can cause quite serious illnesses. In the course of the research, it was determined that only a quarter of all women had some kind of non-serious abnormalities, such as increased heartbeat, while men reacted extremely negatively to this: their pulse increased greatly, arrhythmia appeared, and their blood pressure also increased significantly. pressure. The answer is English word, which relatively recently became widespread in the Russian language.

Many people look into all sorts of collections of problems “What? Where? When?" questions and answers, although in fact the answer is extremely simple - shopping.


It's quite strange, but these two have a lot in common. Both have Italian roots, and even their middle names would be the same if they had any at all. At the same time, their relations with Russia developed differently, since the first visit to this country suffered a lot of troubles, although at first he conducted his business quite successfully, while the second not only became incredibly popular, but, in principle, it was here that he appeared to the light. Who is this?

Quite often you can find in collections such questions as “What? Where? When?" for schoolchildren, since the answer is quite interesting - it’s Pinocchio and Napoleon.

Similarity #2

Each of them has superhuman abilities, while the first is quite friendly towards everyone around him, although one woman was seriously injured by him. At the same time, the second one is very unfriendly, but a certain woman ultimately escaped the threat from him, while both made exactly the same promises. Who is this?

Again, very, very interest Ask to the younger generation provided us with the game “What? Where? When?". Questions and answers of this type require special attention. The correct answer is “Terminator and Carlson,” and they made one promise - to return.

Dangerous substance

This substance is the main component of acid rain. If it is in gaseous form, there is a risk of severe burns, and if the substance enters the stomach, it may cause excessive sweating, as well as vomiting if a large dose is taken. If a person accidentally inhales the substance, then in this case there is a risk of death. What is this substance?

In what? Where? When?" The question about this substance is one of the most interesting, since this tricky problem has a very interesting answer - water.


A famous chess player said that if these two ever crossed paths, the game would simply end in a draw. Who was he talking about?

Those people who know the biography of Bobby Fischer and roughly understand his behavior will most likely guess this answer, because he was talking about a situation when he would get around to meeting God himself at the chessboard. Many people look for the answer in the collections of problems “What? Where? When?" questions and correct answers.


To date, only 7% of total cars sold in America in 2010 are equipped with this device, and the press often claims that it is an extremely effective anti-theft device that was originally developed for completely different purposes. What it is? Answer: manual transmission.

Strange dog

Once in the practice of the famous English veterinarian Gillian Maxwell, he happened to encounter a situation when a Labrador brought to him behaved very depressed and practically lost his appetite. However, after testing, it was found that the dog was completely healthy, and with each subsequent visit the tests were getting better and better. After a conversation with the owners, it turned out that all family members, shortly before the dog’s illness, made a joint decision and adhere to it to this day. What did they decide?

This question can be added to the most appropriate questions on “What? Where? When?" with answers for students. The answer is quite interesting - all family members decided to quit smoking, as a result of which the dog experienced withdrawal symptoms.


After seizing a certain embassy in London, as a result of lengthy negotiations, the terrorists decided to release two hostages, while the prisoners themselves chose who they wanted to release. Initially, they chose a pregnant woman, after which the hostages who had lived together for several days decided to also release the man. Experts needed to determine why this man was released with her.

The decision is quite interesting and memorable, because they decided to let this man go because he snored too much.


One episode of The Simpsons shows Bart near Chinese spies wondering if he might have betrayed his own country because he swore allegiance to the flag of the United States every day. In response, an objection was received that it was pronounced not to the country, but to the flag, but to the flag... The experts had to complete the spies’ thought with just three words.

The question, again, is quite interesting for children, but at the same time not so easy for adults. Again, an interesting answer was received: the oath is not pronounced to the country, but to the flag, and the flag is made in China.

Peter I

What, according to one joke, did Peter I order to do when he and his army got lost in the swamps? He did not want to show that they were lost in such an area, so he gave the order in order to be able to hide such a shameful fact.

Finally, a fairly simple and interesting question, the answer to which is the founding of St. Petersburg. Most likely it's enough simple task for people living in a given city or well knowledgeable about history of your country.

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