New Year's competitions for corporate parties. What will Santa Claus give? Fun and funny games for Santa Claus and Snow Maiden with children at home, ideas with descriptions

One of the most fun and long-awaited events for a preschool child can be called children's games with Santa Claus. Your child will be able to meet a fairy-tale character just like during a matinee in kindergarten or entertainment center, and at home with their parents. It's no secret that a fairytale grandfather comes with a big bag of gifts, but in order to receive a long-awaited surprise, you need to sing a song, recite a poem, and the most fun thing will be to participate in, which today we will tell you in more detail.

Games with Santa Claus in kindergarten

A good mood and a sea of ​​positive emotions - this is what makes them different. Let's quickly find out what you can play during the matinee in kindergarten!

Christmas tree beauty

None of the children, or adults either, can imagine celebrating the New Year without a richly decorated Christmas tree. Of course, children should definitely help Grandfather Frost and his granddaughter Snegurochka in decorating the Christmas tree. For a fun game, you need to put a couple of artificial Christmas trees in the hall, and place toys a few steps away from them (they must certainly be unbreakable!). Well, now it’s the Snow Maiden’s turn to tell the children that the chimes are about to strike, the New Year is coming, and the Christmas trees are still not decorated. It would seem that the task is quite simple - you just need to hang the balls on the branches, but it can be complicated by turning off the light for a while, or you can simply blindfold the participants. The winner will be the team with the most decorated Christmas tree.

Everyone should sing the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” together; when the leader claps, they should stop singing out loud, but at the same time continue to say the words to themselves. When the next clap sounds, you need to sing out loud again. Those who sing out of tune with the others are eliminated from the game.

Santa Claus tells preschoolers that in the forest you can find a variety of Christmas trees - small and large, short and tall. Children should raise their hands up when they hear “high” and “big”, but if they hear “low” and “small”, then their hands should be lowered down. The presenter says these words in turn, but may accompany them with incorrect gestures, which is why children need to be very careful and not get confused.

And here's another one interesting option: Father Frost and the Snow Maiden will ask the children to carry out various commands, but they should only be carried out when the magic word is said - “please”. For example, “please clap your hands,” “hands up, please.” The competition should be carried out at a fairly fast pace; if someone performs an action that is not accompanied by a magic word, then he must be eliminated.

Fun drawing

It's no secret that preschool children are very talented, which is why the next task will test the artist's talent. Participants are blindfolded and their task is to draw on large sheet whatman paper portrait of Grandfather Frost, while the whole team should participate in creating the drawing, but in turns. So it turns out that every child does not know what his comrades drew and it is quite possible that in the drawing the New Year’s hero will acquire an extra pair nose and a dozen thick beards. If there are a lot of children in the room, then you can divide them into two teams, and then compare who got the funniest portrait.

Prizes on strings

First you need to stretch the rope, and then hang a wide variety of prizes from it on strings. These can be lollipops, toys, etc. Each participant is blindfolded, and scissors are placed in their hands (naturally, to avoid injury, the tool must have rounded blades). Well, now the child must go to the rope with prizes and cut off his own reward. Then the scissors should be passed on to the next preschooler, because everyone wants to quickly acquire something interesting or tasty.

Children's games with Santa Claus in the garden

Collect all the snowballs!

A cheerful and active version will surely appeal to everyone present. The task is quite simple - each player receives a basket, under the tree the presenters scatter crumpled newspapers or balls of cotton wool, playing the role of snowballs. Players need to collect as many snowballs as possible, and to make the task more difficult, they should be blindfolded.

Catch the snowballs!

This children's game with Santa Claus for kids the props are similar to the previous one. Each child is given a small bucket, and Santa Claus holds a large bag full of cotton balls. At a signal, the presenter scatters snowballs, and the children need to try to catch cotton balls with their buckets.

Collect a snowflake

You should make paper snowflakes in advance, and then cut them into pieces. The first child to fold a snowflake will be the winner.

Floating snowflakes

Each child needs to be given a ball of cotton wool (this will be a snowflake), let them all be loosened and, at the leader’s signal, thrown into the air. The task is to keep the snowflakes in the air for as long as possible, using your hands and a stream of air to blow on them. The winner will receive the honorary title of the most dexterous, but, of course, honorary prizes should be awarded to all participants.

flying ball

Grandfather Frost throws up a big beautiful balloon. Children can move while the ball is flying, but when it falls to the floor, they must freeze without moving, they cannot even smile.

Children's games with Santa Claus for little ones


This entertainment is known to everyone and will certainly cause a storm of delight among kids. Grandfather Frost takes out of the bag a flower with many petals (there should be petals according to the number of children gathered), on the back of which are written fun forfeits. Let each child tear off the petal they like and do funny tasks. So, you can jump on one leg, crow (this will be especially important during the New Year 2017 - the Year of the Rooster), repeat an intricate tongue twister, sing a funny song, etc. And, of course, every completed task should be rewarded with a gift from a big bag.

Guessing game

This option is ideal for kids, because they need to guess their gift. Many objects must be placed in a large bag, and the child must feel by touch to determine what it is that he pulled out. If the kid guesses everything correctly, he can take the gift.

Children's games with Santa Claus in 1st grade

New schoolchildren still want to believe in miracles and New Year's tale, that’s why the school should definitely organize a holiday involving all the New Year’s heroes. Of course, it is necessary to organize.


Schoolchildren will simply be delighted with a few rounds of snowball; by the way, adults can have fun with them. You should first make quite a lot of “snowballs” - to make them, use old newspapers and masking tape, you will also need props such as a plastic bucket or a large basket into which the participants will try to throw the “snowballs”. Note that the older the participants, the farther the basket should be located from them.

Football with tangerines

Students must first be divided into two teams. As football field you can use the surface of the table, the ball will be a tangerine, and the footballers’ feet will be two children’s fingers. Of course, the task will be to score a goal against the enemy (we recommend playing with a goalkeeper - it will be much more interesting this way). also in gym will be very relevant children's games with Santa Claus throwing a ball.

Of course, you can entertain schoolchildren with a very fun game of questions and answers. The questions that New Year's heroes will ask may be different, but first-graders should always answer with the same phrase “this is me, this is me, these are all my friends.” Well, the phrases of the presenters can be quite tricky: “Who comes straight to class an hour late?”, “Who walks along the cobblestone street upside down?” Surely, after such questions, both the participants, the audience, and the presenters will laugh wildly.

If there's a lot of snow outside, why not play outside?

Snow Shooter

Of course, all boys, and girls too, want to be known as sharp shooters. It is necessary to identify some kind of target - it could be a branch or tree trunk, a wall, a large box, etc. Of course, the winner will be the student who hits the target with snowballs the most times.

Who has more?

In this game, teams must consist of two people; within a certain time after the leader’s signal, each pair must roll the largest snowball.

Snow Castle

Schoolchildren are divided into two teams, together they build a snow fortification, and then the task of the first team is to hold the fortification, and the task of the second is to besiege it.

The best snowman

This competition is quite simple and straightforward - each team should build a snowman, however, such fun can be diversified. For example, each team must add some unusually original detail or thing to the snowman.

Of course, these are not all the games with which you can make an unforgettable matinee in kindergarten or school. To create a holiday, you can use our options, or you can show your imagination and come up with something of your own. Be sure to give your children a New Year's fairy tale and a fun time!

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With the onset of winter, active preparations for the New Year begin in all homes, schools and kindergartens. Parents prepare the holiday menu in advance, and their children rehearse concert numbers- Well, how else can a child please his loved ones? Grandfather Frost and his granddaughter are invited to many houses: this is how the fun becomes truly New Year's. Sometimes mom and dad themselves dress up as these characters and arrange short funny games for Santa Claus on the street or at home, actively taking part in them. Many adults celebrate the upcoming holiday at work: they hold cool competitions for Santa Claus at corporate parties, rejoice and have fun like teenagers. How can you play while celebrating the New Year's celebration?

Fun games for Santa Claus and Snow Maiden with children at home

First, you need to think through everything New Year's program from A to Z". Prepare unusual dishes for the holiday table, choose a host, and decide what you will give to your household. Secondly, be patient - to comply with the first mandatory point, you will have to go shopping. Well, finally, come up with funny Games for Father Frost and Snow Maiden with children at home. What can you play with the guys? We'll tell you.

New Year's game "Draw Santa Claus better"

Among all the fun games with Santa Claus and Snow Maiden played with children at home, this is the simplest and most common. Its participants (children and adults) must hold a felt-tip pen between their teeth and, without using their hands, draw Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden to boot.

Cool game "I'll collect more"

For this game you need to prepare a lot of snowflakes cut out of paper. Father Frost or Snow Maiden scatters “snow” around the room, and the children (each in their own bag or sack) collect them. The winning child who collected large quantity snowflakes, a prize awaits - a chocolate bar or a toy.

Short New Year's games with children, Father Frost and Snow Maiden at home

New Year's Eve with your family should not turn into a series of toasts and solemn eating of all the prepared dishes. In between conversations at the table, arrange short New Year's games with children, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden at home. In these fairy tale characters Parents or holiday party guests can dress up.

Game of wits with Santa Claus

When coming up with New Year's games with children, conducted by Father Frost and Snow Maiden at home, organize a competition for the children's wits. Here, Santa Claus tells children and adults charades and riddles with a trick. The first one to name the correct answer receives a prize from a magic bag.

New Year's auction

This game can be played by the Snow Maiden. An auction “lot” is selected (chocolate, car, doll, etc.), and the questions begin. For example, all participants in the game are asked to name the largest number of nouns or adjectives related to the New Year. The winner is the participant who says the last word. He receives the prize he has won.

New Year's game "Star with a surprise"

To play this game, you first need to draw stars with numbers on pieces of paper and hang them on a string stretched across the room. Each number corresponds to a prize hidden in Santa Claus's bag (the prizes are also numbered). The music turns on and everyone starts dancing. At some point, the Snow Maiden stops the dance and announces “Find your star number...(the number is called).” The one who finds such a star takes a gift with the corresponding number.

Interesting games for children with Santa Claus in kindergarten

No one New Year's party The kindergarten cannot do without a variety of competitions, entertainment and New Year's fun. Sometimes it can be difficult to come up with them yourself - among the variety of games, choosing a few is always difficult. We decided to make the task easier for adults - we published here a description of interesting games for children offered by Santa Claus in kindergarten.

New Year's game "Melted Snowman"

To carry it out, drawings of the Snowman are prepared on a large sheet of whatman paper (in several copies). After this, the snow man is cut into pieces. Parts of the “melted Snowman” are scattered on the floor and several children are asked to help the poor fellow - to collect his three snowballs, a bucket hat, a carrot nose and a broom. The first one to complete the drawing wins and receives great gift, children who are slightly behind the leader are also not left without consolation prizes.

"New Year's Sniper" - a game of accuracy

The most Interesting games for children with Santa Claus in kindergarten - these are competitions where all children take part. For example, in the game “New Year's Sniper” the children will have to hit a “snowball” of crumpled paper into a basket or bucket the first time. And here the most accurate person cannot do without prizes.

Funny short games for Santa Claus for New Year 2018

Outdoor games during breaks between changing dishes New Year's Eve or festive evening - The best way take a break from being absorbed delicious salads and French fries. Arrange funny short games for Santa Claus for the New Year 2018 - move along with everyone: this way you will develop a prize and stretch your muscles tired from inactivity.

Funny game for the New Year 2018 “Give me the bag”

This game will amuse both adults and children. During the holiday, one of the children slowly steals a bag from Grandfather Frost and begins to run away with it. Other children help the “thief” by throwing the selected New Year's package to each other. So funny short game for Santa Claus on New Year 2018 will make the fairy-tale grandfather run - he will still have to return his !

New Year's game with prizes

To play this game, you need to hang small souvenirs and prizes with inscriptions on the Christmas tree.

  • "To the highest";
  • “To someone who has two or more cats (dogs)”;
  • “The most fun”;
  • “To the one who jumps higher than others”;
  • “The most talkative”, etc.

The “highlight” of this game is the debate between the participants to determine “the very best.” Yes, here the winners are chosen by the entertainment participants themselves.

Cool competitions for Santa Claus and Snow Maiden for corporate events

Adults are often even more reckless than their children. Participating after work in cool competitions for Father Frost and his “granddaughter” Snegurochka, they are having a blast at a fun corporate party. Such parties, as a rule, are organized in advance - a host is selected, small souvenirs are purchased for prizes for the winners, and a holiday scenario is thought out.

New Year competition “Praise the Snow Maiden”

When coming up with cool competitions for Father Frost and the Snow Maiden for a corporate party for the New Year, try choosing the game “Praise the Snow Maiden” for the holiday. Before starting it, many toothpicks (the same number) are stuck into two apples. Two people take part in the competition. They take turns giving Santa Claus's granddaughter compliments, removing one toothpick after each praise. The winner is the one whose apple is the first to free itself from the “thorns”.

Tongue twister competition about the New Year

The task of the participants in this New Year competition is to pronounce winter tongue twisters correctly and quickly. The one who pronounces the largest number of phrases without hesitation wins and receives as a gift something necessary for his work - a notebook, folder, stapler, paper, set of pens, etc.

Little Sanya's sleigh moves on its own.

Little Sanya drives the sleigh on its own.

Sanya took his sleigh up the hill,

Sanya was driving down the hill, and Sanya was riding a sleigh.

They gave Valenka small felt boots.

Senya is carrying Sanya and Sonya on a sled.

Sanki hop! Senyu - off your feet,

Sanya - in the side, Sonya - in the forehead.

Everything is in a snowdrift - bang!

White snow. White chalk. White sugar is also white.

But the squirrel is not white. It wasn't even white.

Sparrows are waiting at the feeder for food.

Markushka brings them cloudberries in her pocket.

We bought Valerika and Varenka

Mittens and felt boots.

In the winter cold everyone is young.

Everyone is young in the winter cold.

We sat in seven sleighs ourselves.

Sushi Sasha's fur coat, Flank's fur coat, not ours.

Unusual competitions at school for Father Frost and Snow Maiden

Teachers who have been teaching their subjects for many years know better than others the unusual school competitions for Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. They can invite children to play together or take part in one-on-one competitions.

Competition “Let Nesmeyana Smile”

This unusual competition, held at school by Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, invites the children to make Princess Nesmeyana at least smile. Schoolchildren, approaching the most serious girl from the class, chosen in advance, tell her New Year-themed jokes and perform funny songs, read funny poems - in a word, they do everything possible to make the gloomy “princess” laugh. In addition to Nesmeyana's favor, the lucky contestant receives a prize.

We carry interest and love for the holiday called New Year throughout our lives; from it we expect gifts, miracles and special fun. And what fun would it be without New Year's games, competitions, fairy tales with dressing up and fun entertainment!? Moreover, everyone wants to move around a little and have some fun after the traditionally generous New Year's table with all sorts of goodies and drinks!

On holiday entertainment program it is recommended to include various comic fortune telling and predictions, but, most importantly, do not forget to choose games and competitions that are suitable for the gathered company; this will largely depend on festive mood all guests.

Offered here New Year's games and competitions for a wide variety of tastes: creative, funny, active and moderately spicy . These are fun games for cheerful people, some of them will come in handy at corporate parties, others are more suitable for home parties and a close group of friends. Think about which ones you need, and play New Year's Eve with fun and pleasure!

1. New Year's game "Santa Claus is coming.."

This entertainment can be carried out immediately before the appearance of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden and involve all the guests in it, for example, during a dance break. The host invites the guests to stand so as not to disturb each other and call Santa Claus in an unusual way: not by shouting, but by an unusual New Year’s dance. The point of the game is as follows: you need to replace the words of the New Year's poem with sign language.

Santa Claus is coming, coming to us,

Santa Claus is coming to us!

And we know that Santa Claus

He brings us gifts! Hooray!

All words are replaced with gestures: “coming” - walking in place, “Santa Claus” - placing a hand with outstretched fingers to the chin (representing a beard), the combination “to us” - with a gesture pointing to oneself. To show the word “we know” we put a finger to the forehead, the word “we” is a gesture pointing to all the guests, the word “carries” is like a bag over the shoulders, and with the word “gifts” - everyone depicts what they dream of. "Hooray!" - everyone is stomping and clapping

For greater interest, it is better to change words to gestures gradually: first one word, then two, until it disappears the last word, and all that remains are gestures accompanied by cheerful musical accompaniment.

And when they start clapping (meaning “hurray”), Father Frost and the Snow Maiden appear, handing out gifts to the “artists” (if any are provided) or starting their program.

2. New Year's competition "Race for Fortune"

The role of “luck” in this competition will be played by durable, unbreakable Christmas tree decorations, for example, large and colorful balls. Another piece of equipment you will need is children's plastic mini hockey sticks (or Chinese back scratchers), one for each player (3-4 people are enough).

At the start, participants have children’s clubs (or back scratchers) tied to their belts, and the finish line is marked with chairs for each. The chairs will also serve as gates into which players must drive their “ball of luck.” This can only be done with the help of clubs, and in no case should you help with your hands.

Naturally, the one who scores a goal faster wins - he will “drive luck” into his own goal. He is given a good luck talisman (a Christmas tree decoration), he is declared “lucky of the year” - everyone else, including those sitting in the hall, is invited to urgently touch the one who just caught luck, so that they too will be lucky.

3. "Be my Christmas tree!"

First, participants in this competition cut out a Christmas tree toy from colored cardboard. Then, using the resulting clothespin or paperclip, they must hang the “created miracle” on the Christmas tree, but... blindfolded. The most insidious thing about the rules of this game is that the participants, having been “deprived” of their sight, are spun around their axis and then asked to walk to the Christmas tree. In this case, the Christmas tree for everyone will be the first thing they bump into - that’s where they should hang their toy.

Usually, rarely does anyone get to a real Christmas tree, so Grand Prize They are given to the one who stumbles upon the very one and can even hang his work on it.

4. Competition for New Year's holiday"The most resourceful Snow Maiden."

To participate in this competitive game, we form five pairs (boy-girl). The girls are blindfolded, and about ten men are hidden in their clothes. Christmas decorations. Jewelry can be hidden in pockets, socks, in a bosom, hung on a tie, attached to a lapel, and so on. The main thing is to try not to use anything breakable, piercing or cutting in this game.

The task of the “Snow Maiden” girls is to discover everything hidden on their partner’s body. Naturally, the girl who discovers larger number toys for the allotted period of time.

5. New Year's greetings for the boss.

This is a party competition. The presenter will need to call five to seven people, preferably both men and women. The presenter asks such an innocent question: which animal, bird or flower (if the boss is a lady) does each of you associate your boss with?

Then everyone comes out, names their association and depicts it, on the command freeze - it becomes a sculpture, the next one comes out - everything is repeated - a whole picture is obtained. Depending on the content of this picture, the toastmaster announces that the employees have decided not to waste time on trifles and give the boss an instant painting by Repin “We Didn’t Expect” or a painting unknown author"The morning after the corporate party."

Perhaps it will be more fun if we limit the associations only to the animal world and then imagine it as a painting by an unknown author, “Animals at a Banquet.”

Everyone gets a chance to join the art and have fun, and the “native” authorities will melt from the attention shown to him personally.

6. “Naughty” signs.

At the beginning of the rally, six players are shown six signs on which green herringbone, a bottle of champagne, a roll of toilet paper, a chair, a package of New Year's napkins and a beautiful box with a bow - a gift. Then the players sit with their backs to the hall, and it is announced to them that one of the shown signs is attached to their chairs in random order, they make a guess at random which one and, in accordance with their guess, answer the questions:

  • What do you think happens to you when you are first brought into a home?
  • What do you think guests do when they pick you up?
  • How often does the owner use you?
  • Where do you go after use?
  • What can replace you if you really need it?
  • What material do you think they are made of?

There are no losers or winners in this prank game, but everyone deserves applause.

7. Game moment "Road to the New Year"

(Thanks to the author - Adekova T.I.)

The text is read by the Presenter. The guests line up and step at the appropriate moment.

Leading. The road to the New Year awaits you,
And he will walk along it all year,
Whoever takes what they need.
We're heading out in droves for the New Year...
Did you take everything with you on the journey?
Since health has been taken,
Take a wider step forward!
Are we in the mood?
Let's take a step together!
We take on problems... Well, alas...
You must not step forward!
And who decided to take it anyway?
You'll have to return it back!
We'll grab the money, because they
We must influence our lives.
And how many pockets can you count?
You will walk so many steps!
Who's behind? Friends will help you
Have...another pocket.

Those who lag behind are pinned an additional pocket.

You also need to take hope,

It's somehow more fun to walk with her!
Do we take love? By itself!
We cannot live without her with you.
How many grandchildren do you, children, have?
According to their number, you take steps faster.
Who will take friendship with them on the journey?
He boldly takes a whole step forward.
And who decided to take the blues?
I ask you to step back!
And happiness won't hurt us.
Let it accompany everyone,
And it will enter every home...
Let's take it one step further!
Now turn to each other
And hug tight!
Let's celebrate the New Year together
And walk along his path
Forward! Against adversity!
Happy New Year to everyone!

The leader hands the first person in the line a bottle of champagne.

Feel free to take a bottle of champagne,
Treat each other to champagne now.
May your path be easy!
And again I wish you all a Happy New Year!

8. “Live” chairs.

In this game, Santa Claus himself “drives”. He recruits participants, there must be at least ten of them, and seats them on chairs. The chairs are arranged in a checkerboard pattern with the seats facing each other. First, they place the number of chairs corresponding to the number of participants involved in the game. The players sit down, and Santa Claus begins to walk around to the New Year's song, and the one next to whom he hits the floor with his staff gets up from his place and begins to follow Frost, as if tied.

Thus, Santa Claus lifts all participants in the process from their chairs and begins to write out various pretzels around the hall. Everyone who follows on his heels must clearly follow all his “zigzags.” From the outside it turns out to be quite an interesting sight, because this whole procession, following Grandfather, either crouches, then waves its arms and performs other actions.

However, you need to immediately warn the players that when Santa Claus hits the floor with his staff twice, they need to run headlong to the chairs and take their place. In fact, while this whole “caterpillar”, led by Grandfather, is “walking,” one chair is removed, so that upon return one of the players will not find a place for himself.

After this trick, the game is repeated again, only for the second time two chairs disappear - then the game is on until the last “survivor” (he gets a prize).

9. New Year's "Crocodile"

Even such a well-known game as “Crocodile” can be presented in a new way at the New Year’s holiday. For example, the theme of guessing pantomimes is to make comic scenes from life and “everyday work”... Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.

To do this, the presenter prepares in advance a lot of paper cards with approximately the following content about Santa Claus: “Santa Claus fell asleep after a children’s party in a bag of gifts,” “Santa Claus grabbed a surplus and woke up in bed with the Snow Woman,” “Santa Claus’s children were stolen.” beard”, “Father Frost received a telegram asking the Moscow Zoo to give him a deer”, “Father Frost ate too much ice cream”, “Father Frost gave the Snow Maiden underwear”.

About the Snow Maiden something like this: “The Snow Maiden will cheat on Father Frost with the Snowman”, “The Snow Maiden worked at a matinee in a sex shop”, “The Snow Maiden gave birth to twins to Father Frost”, “The Snow Maiden found Father Frost in bed with Snow Queen"," "The Snow Maiden was paid $1,000 for a striptease," "After the holidays, the Snow Maiden gained 6 kg," etc.

Select tasks for a specific company; of course, they should be different for adult party and for a family holiday.

The rules can be changed a little, for example, divide the participants into two teams, each one draws a card for themselves. Then, one by one, using only facial expressions and gestures, they depict what is written in pantomime style, and the opposing team guesses. You can limit the time, and at the end of the game you can count which team guessed more, or you can not do this at all, because the main thing is general fun.

10. "Who is this?"

When a company celebrates a holiday, subordinates inevitably have to contact their superiors. To prevent such a pastime from becoming boring and obsequious, you need to look for additional solutions. They can be great help in this regard. funny competitions for a New Year's corporate party with jokes that will allow the entire vacationing public to relax and have a wonderful evening.

  • Movable
  • Musical and dance
  • Alcoholic
  • Table


The road to the festive table

It is best to set aside time for this competition for adults at the beginning of the New Year's corporate party. It is necessary to divide everyone into two teams, to which the leader will ask comic (to put it mildly) riddles. Each correct answer is accompanied by a step in the direction of the table, each incorrect answer is accompanied by a step in reverse side. Here are some questions you might have:

  • A hairy head fits neatly behind the cheek - what is it? (Toothbrush).
  • What can you see in the woman who raised her leg? There are 5 letters in the word - the first “p”, the last “a”? (Heel).
  • He takes from one place and gives to others - what is it? (ATM).
  • Why do goats have sad eyes? (Because my husband is an asshole).
  • Where your hair doesn't get wet even in heavy rain? (On a bald head).
  • Is it possible to kill a mother-in-law with cotton wool? (Yes, if you wrap the iron in it).
  • What is Adam's front and Eve's back? (The letter a").
  • Small, wrinkled, every woman has it - what is it? (Highlight).
  • Why do women scratch their eyes in the morning? (Because they don't have eggs).
  • What is on a woman's body, on a Jew's mind, is used in hockey and on the chessboard? (Combination).
  • What should you do if you get into the car and your feet can’t reach the pedals? (Move to the driver's seat).
  • How do day and night end? (Soft sign).
  • The more there are, the less weight. What is this? (Holes).
  • Which wheel does not spin when making a right turn? (Spare).
  • What is it: 15 cm long, 7 cm wide and very popular with women? (100$ note).

Riddle for the boss

To carry out this cool competition For a New Year's corporate party, it is better to choose a time when your bosses will come to the party. When the chief appears, all the staff stands in a row with their backs to him, each with a Santa Claus hat on his head. The boss must recognize each employee from behind, without seeing his face. If he recognizes every single one, then the group will sing something for him, and if he confuses or forgets someone, he will have to fulfill that person’s wishes.

New Year's couples

When New Year's company Having already warmed up and relaxed enough at the festive table, you can organize a competition to identify New Year's couples. Everyone is divided into pairs (not necessarily by gender), they come up with funny names for them, for example, an Estonian policeman and a drunken Santa Claus, and a funny scene corresponding to these characters. When all the couples have presented their miniatures, the audience chooses the most artistic one, who is awarded a prize.

New Year's police patrol

To make the New Year's competitions exciting and interesting for everyone, during the New Year's games you can choose a "police patrol" from among the participants until the end of the party, whose task will be to ensure that everyone smiles, no one is sad, does not shy away from participating in competitions and had fun. For despondency and sadness, there is a strict punishment - to fulfill the team's forfeits, otherwise you will not see bonuses in the new year.


The presenter prepares tokens with the names of fairy-tale characters in advance and distributes them to the competition participants. They must use pantomime to make it clear to the public who they are portraying. The task can be simplified somewhat by narrowing the type of characters to New Year's ones or, for example, taking only animals. The audience will determine the most artistic mime of the work collective.

Draw a New Year's boss

For this fun you need to prepare a sheet of Whatman paper and a marker. Participants in the competition take turns drawing out their forfeits, which indicate the part of the boss’s image that they will have to draw. Then, also one by one and blindfolded, the participants approach the “canvas” and draw their detail of the boss. Since he must be New Year’s, his clothes must resemble those of Father Frost, and his face must have a thick beard. Everyone will have to show intuition so that their part of the body ends up in the right place, but you also need to place a sleigh, reindeer, and a bag of gifts there.

In general, Picasso would be jealous of the result, and the boss would probably like it too.

Sleight of hand

To run this competition for 4 participants, you will need a stool, 4 eye scarves and 4 tablespoons. The stool is placed upside down, the participants are placed near its legs with their backs to the stool and blindfolded. Agree, the most fun competitions for a New Year's corporate party are those where participants need to do something with eyes closed. So, the presenter gives them the command to take three full steps forward, after which each person is given a spoon and tasked with placing the spoon on “their” leg of the stool. The audience can give hints, guiding the “blind,” but behind the general hubbub they can make out little. The spectacle turns out to be hilarious.

Round dance

Guests of the holiday silently dance around the Christmas tree. The presenter explains the rules - he will ask the question “Do we all have...?” ending with a body part. Having heard such a question, the round dance participants must take each other by the corresponding part of the body. It all starts with innocent hands, but then the presenter moves on to ears, noses, and then even to breasts and “fifths” (if the composition of the company allows).

Siamese twins

The competition must involve randomly selected pairs that are paired back to back. Then you can playfully mock them - let them quickly make a circle around the tree or dance a waltz, or even better - a sailor's apple. Oh, and such a “Siamese twin” will make everyone laugh!

Passionate encounter

This competition is intended for real - married couples. The spouses are placed at some distance from each other, and between them is an open bottle of alcoholic drink. The husband is blindfolded, given a good spin, after which he is asked to approach his wife and hug her passionately. He carefully tries to move towards her, because he is afraid of knocking over the bottle, but he has no idea that it had already been removed by this time.

Enjoy the gift

After presenting the gifts, you can hold a competition like this. The Snow Maiden chooses how the guests should carry their gifts: placing them on their heads, holding them between their legs, on their shoulders, etc. It is important here that the gifts are not breakable or too heavy.

Santa Claus bag

All participants in the feast line up in a row, with Santa Claus at one end and his bag of gifts at the opposite end. When the music starts, the last participant picks up the bag, spins it around himself and passes it into the hands of the next one in the row. At some point the music stops, then the participant who was holding the bag at that moment must perform some number at the request of Santa Claus. And only when the bag makes it all the way to its owner will he begin distributing gifts.


Everyone loves it at corporate events funny competitions with unchildish overtones. So if you are confident in the adequacy and good sense of humor of everyone present, include this fun in your list.

Volunteers are called to participate in this competition - 5 females and 6 males. Women stand in a circle facing each other, legs spread wide, which form a kind of mink. The men walk around outside the circle with music playing. When the music stops, each of them must immediately stick his head into the free “hole”. They need to hurry, because one will not get the mink. The unwary player drops out of the game, giving way to a new one.

Do you want to add other “adult” competitions to your collection? You will find them in another article on our website.

New Year's cricket for men

We need four brave souls, to whom the host gives each a woman's stocking containing a potato. They fasten the end of the stocking to the belt so that the potato dangles between the legs. Using this device, each participant must move a personal cube from one point to another. Whoever completes the task faster is the winner. Potatoes can be replaced with a banana or any other heavy object.


Two or more people can take part in the competition more couples players. Each couple is given a roll of toilet paper. The task is for one of the pair to wrap it around the other, turning him into a semblance of Egyptian mummy. The task is timed, but the quality of the work is also assessed.


They compete in the competition in pairs, each participant is given a snowflake (a piece of cotton wool) and a spoon. They must, without dropping the snowflake, carry it in a spoon from start to finish faster than their competitor. The competition can be turned into a relay race between two teams.

All participants in this fun and cool competition for a New Year's corporate party form a circle, holding hands. There should be no sharp, breakable or other dangerous objects nearby. The host tells each player in his ear the names of two animals. And he loudly explains to everyone that when he pronounces the name of an animal, the person to whom it was whispered must quickly sit down, and his closest neighbors on both sides, sensing his intention, must prevent him, supporting him by the arms. This must be done at a fairly fast pace, without breaks.

The thing is that the host calls all the players a whale as the second animal. At first, he shouts out the name of one or another animal with understandable consequences. But at some point he says “Whale!” - and everyone falls to the floor together, because there is no one to hold them!


The presenter is looking for three participants, who is given 3 balloons, a felt-tip pen and tape. They must make a snowman from this material. The winner is the one who manages it the fastest and does not lose a single ball.

Almost like Russian roulette

The presenter calls 6 daredevils and presents them with 6 chicken eggs, explaining that one of them is raw, and the rest are boiled. Next, participants must take turns taking the first egg they come across and hitting themselves on the forehead with it. Everyone is anticipating that someone will be unlucky enough to get a raw egg. Special sympathy will be given to the last player, who simply must come across the ill-fated raw egg. What a relief the daredevil will be when it also turns out to be boiled. He deserves to receive a prize for courage if he was not afraid to break this egg.

Several guys can compete and are asked to choose a pretty lady from those present. Then the presenter asks the men what part of the body they were attracted to specific women. They name them, for which they are given the task of writing an advertisement for these body parts. The most successful advertising option is rewarded with a prize.

In order

The presenter blindfolds all participants in this competition and whispers in their ears their place in the queue. Then a signal sounds, according to which everyone must line up in accordance with their numbers, without uttering a sound.

Hit the target

It is famous and very fun competition, which is more suitable for the stronger sex. For it you will need empty bottles, and for each participant pencils and pieces of rope about a meter long. The pencil is tied to one end of the rope, and the other is tucked into the belt. An empty bottle is placed on the floor in front of each participant, into which he must put his pencil without hands.

Baba Yaga

This competition can be designed as a relay race between several teams. Participants in the game must race in a mortar (bucket) with a broom (mop) forward to the line and back to their team, passing the baton and props to the next player. Since the “mortar” is small, only one leg fits into it, so you need to hold the bucket with your hand, and the other will hold a mop. The racing is a lot of fun!


To conduct this competition you need to write on scraps of paper various tasks, roll them up and put them in air balloons, which are then inflated. The presenter gives the players balloons, and they must pop them without their hands and take out the task that they have to complete. You need to come up with fun tasks, for example:

  • climb onto a chair;
  • crow and announce that Santa Claus is approaching;
  • depict chimes striking;
  • sing a New Year's song;
  • eat a slice of lemon without sugar with a smile on your face, etc.

Musical and dance

Best Dance Group

Best funny New Year's competitions are often associated with music. Those wishing to take part in this competition should be divided into 2-3 teams and each should be given their own song. In a short time, the team must come up with an original motif based on it. New Year's dance, where bows and support must be present. The group whose dance the public likes the most should receive some kind of prize.

Guess the melody

If there are good musicians at the festival, then you can organize the next competition with them. The orchestra plays the melody of a New Year's-themed song, and listeners must remember the words from it. The participant who picks up the most songs will win. Here it is advisable to use not only the most boring hits, but also rarely playing songs so that people would have to rack their brains.

Everybody dance

In that dance competition Anyone can participate in the New Year's corporate party. You need to ask to start either a fast and moving melody, or, conversely, a slow melody. Participants in the competition will need to dance only with a certain part of the body in accordance with the card drawn out by each, on which the active part of the body will be indicated, for example, head, fingers, legs, stomach, “fifth point”, etc. The one whose dance is the most expressive will win. will receive a prize.

Follow the link and you will find even more New Year's competitions for your corporate party on our website.

Dancing on an ice floe

When the first dance break begins during a break in the feast, not all guests take advantage of it. The presenter can easily take note of such “lazy people” and mentally “sentence” them to participate in the next competition. A sheet of newspaper is placed on the floor for each participant in the competition, who, on command, begins to dance on it. Then the music is turned off and the newspaper is folded in half. And again dancing, but in a smaller area. And so on several times until the newspaper turns into a piece of paper. The audience rewards the best dancer with applause, and then everyone moves on to real dancing.

Let's sing, friends!

Particularly popular music competitions for a corporate party on New Year's Day. In the competition described, all guests must be divided into two choirs. First, one choir asks a question by singing a line from a song, for example, “What should I give you, my dear man?” The rival team must give a worthy answer: “Million, million, million Red roses..." The competition continues until one of the teams has an answer.


Figure it out for three

Cool New Year's competitions for corporate parties are never complete without alcohol, and so that the team not only drinks, but also has fun, you can turn drinking into a game. For example, in this competition you will not need to jump, run or squat, but only drink.

Teams of 3 people must participate, each of which is given a bottle of champagne. The presenter gives the go-ahead, upbeat music is turned on, and the teams open the bottles and try to drink them as quickly as possible. For three it's not that difficult. The team that is the first to raise the empty bottle up is declared the winner.

New Year's cocktail

Several people participate in the competition, a blindfolded presenter and a “bartender”. The latter must prepare each volunteer a personal cocktail from any of those present at festive table drinks. The bartender picks up bottle after bottle and asks the “host”: “This one?” When he answers in the affirmative, the bartender pours the ingredient into the glass, and so on until each participant’s glass contains 3 different ingredients. After this, all that remains is to make a toast and drink a cocktail.

Champagne in a glass, tangerine in your mouth

Participants are divided into teams of 3 people, each given a closed bottle of champagne, an unpeeled tangerine and glasses. At the go-ahead from the leader, the teams must open their bottles, pour out the drink and drink it, then peel the tangerine, divide it into slices and eat it. The team that finishes everything first will be the winner.


Get rid of your significant other

Competitions and entertainment for the New Year can lead to anything, so it wouldn’t hurt to come up with explanations for different situations for your other half in advance. Participants take out forfeits, which describe a specific situation for which they have to come up with witty excuses. Situations may be like this:

  • there are traces of lipstick on the collar of the shirt;
  • a napkin with the number of some Tamara was found in his trouser pocket;
  • the wife came home wearing men's shoes;
  • what is a man's tie doing in your purse?;
  • the husband is wearing his underpants inside out;
  • I receive an SMS on my phone saying “thank you for the hot evening”, etc.

Treasure for the boss

This competition will show how well the boss knows his team. The host receives one personal item from all participants in the feast and puts them in a box or bag. Naturally, the boss should not see this. Then the presenter invites the boss to take one thing out of the bag and guess the name of its owner.


Between active fun and games, you shouldn’t forget about table competitions at the New Year’s corporate party, because they help restore a little strength, but at the same time do not let the team at the table get bored.

The presenter prepares several simple phrases, for example, “The storm covers the sky with darkness.” The participants in the game must take turns pronouncing it, but in their own way, giving different intonations: interrogative, exclamatory, sarcastic, sad, angry, etc. The player whose imagination in choosing intonation has dried up is eliminated from the game. The winner is the one who came up with the last pronunciation option.

You can change this competition at the table a little: the presenter himself tells each participant the intonation with which he should say the phrase. The one who was the most convincing wins.

Which competition did you like the most? Do you know others interesting competitions For New Year's corporate events? Share your opinion and experience in the comments - our readers will find it useful!

This competition is good to hold at the beginning of the holiday. The team is divided into two teams. The presenter makes interesting and funny riddles. One correct answer - one step to the table. The distance for placing teams is selected depending on the number of participants. Example riddles for the competition could be:
- what can be seen when a woman raises her leg, this word is made up of 5 letters, starts with “p” and ends with “a” (heel);
- the hairy head fits deftly into the cheek (toothbrush);
- who doesn’t get their hair wet in the rain? (bald);
- Why does the goat have sad eyes? (because the husband is an asshole);
- takes it to one place, and gives it to another (ATM) and so on.

New Year's greetings from the President

Each of the guests for a minute becomes the president of the country and each forfeit gets his own 5 words, which he must organically insert into his New Year's greetings. The words must be unusual to make the congratulations funny, for example, crane, duck, Chinese, bananas, worm; airship, Turks, mole, broth, radish; cinquefoil goose, glass, peas, Kirkorov, teeth and so on. The president will receive a prize for the most cheerful and harmonious congratulation.

Everybody dance

Everyone is welcome to participate. The presenter plays a cheerful and lively song, or vice versa - a slow and smooth one. Participants will need to dance, but not just dance, but only with a certain part of the body. To do this, everyone chooses a card on which a specific part of the body will be written. For example, fingers, head, legs, butt, stomach and so on. As soon as the music starts playing in the hall, the participants join the dance with their specified part of the body. The most eccentric and artistic person is awarded a prize.

Get away from your significant other

Friends, anything can happen at a corporate party and therefore it is better to think through various excuses for your significant other in advance. Each of the participants takes out their own forfeit, which indicates a specific situation for which the participant must come up with the funniest excuse. For example, you have three lipstick marks on your shirt; you came home wearing men's shoes; you have a napkin in your pocket with Natalie’s phone number and name; you have a man's tie in your purse and so on. There is a prize for the most fun and interesting excuse.

To a meeting on skis

The game can be played both for teams and for individual participants. Guests are late for an important meeting, but the roads, as luck would have it, are covered with snow. Therefore, you need to get there on skis. Each participant receives two album sheets and two sticks. At the “start” command, the participants get on their skis (on two landscape sheets: one foot on one sheet, and the other on the other) and begin to move towards the goal in such a way that the sheets do not disappear from under their feet. The participant who arrives at the meeting the fastest will win.


Each of the participants is invited to pull out one card, on which the name of one of the horoscope signs will be written, i.e. Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces. Everyone’s task will be to show, with the help of gestures and facial expressions, what kind of sign they came across; the rest will guess.

Bucket of snow

Guests are divided into teams with the same number of people. There is a bucket (basket) located at the same distance from each company and each team has a whole stack of plain white paper sheets. At the command “start”, the members of each team cooperate, crumple up a sheet of paper, turning it into a “snowball” and throw it into their bucket (without stepping over the line). The team that fills its bucket with snow faster than others from a specified distance will be the winner.


The guests are divided into equal teams, each team receives a bunch of old and unnecessary documents and papers. At the command “start”, team members must crumple up each leaf and make the best handsome snowman. For the nose, eyes and bucket, you need to be creative and take something from the table (any product) to complement the image with creativity. The team that makes the most beautiful paper snowman the fastest will win.

Movie, movie, movie

Guests are divided into teams with the same number of people and in 5 minutes of preparation each team must show their miniature from Soviet film about the New Year, for example, “The Irony of Fate”, “Sorcerers”, “Gentlemen of Fortune”, “ Carnival Night" and so on. For the best performance, the team will receive a bottle of champagne or a kilo of tangerine.

On the way to Santa Claus

Two teams with the same number of people. Each team will need a pair of skis. At the command “start”, the first participants put on skis and move to the tree, hug it and back to the team, passing the baton to the second participants. The team that skis the fastest will win.

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