New burial in the cemetery. The owner of the graveyard

Launch date 2015

Budget 2.8 million rubles

Team of 6 people


How the project was launched

The history of began in 2007, when Mikhail Sverdlov, a student from Nizhny Novgorod, his grandmother came and said that she could not find her aunt’s grave. Mikhail tried to find the burial place himself, but he was unsuccessful. He turned to the cemetery staff for help, but it turned out that the records they kept were difficult to correlate with the actual layout of the area. Then Mikhail had the idea to create a catalog of burials and give users free access to it.

Together with a group of like-minded people, he walked around the Jewish cemeteries of Nizhny Novgorod, and a year later the database included 7.5 thousand burials. Mikhail launched a website with which one could find out for free where a particular person was buried. The project was called “Le Dor Va Dor,” which translates from Hebrew as “from generation to generation.”

To develop the service, funds were required, but Mikhail did not want to attract sponsors, so he began offering grave care services to site users. It turned out that it worked: the visitor found the desired burial for free, and then for money he could order cleaning, painting of the fence or repair of the monument. Just two months later, the project, in which 20 thousand rubles were invested, reached self-sufficiency and covered all start-up costs.

By 2014, the Le Dor Va Dor database contained hundreds of thousands of records of Jewish burials in 44 cemeteries in the CIS, and Mikhail received several hundred orders every month. The founder of the service decided that it was time to cover all cemeteries without religious affiliation. It was then that he met Alexei Volodeev, who at that time was hatching the idea of ​​the Rip 24 website, an aggregator of reviews about ritual goods and services. Two entrepreneurs teamed up and in 2015 launched the service - the “Uber” for cemeteries, as they call it.

© Roman Savenko

How does it work

The basis of the project is the burial database, which is open to all visitors to the site. During the winter of 2015/2016, Mikhail’s team cataloged three large metropolitan cemeteries: Vostryakovskoye, Kuzminskoye and Lyublinskoye. (Another 10 Moscow cemeteries will be available on the website until the end of 2016.) The database partially includes graves in Russian cities with a population of over a million, as well as cemeteries in Belarus and Ukraine. In addition, the project is now starting to work in Hungary and Latvia.

The founders of claim that they publish information on the site legally, since the inscriptions on grave monuments are publicly available information. As for the ethical side of the issue, Mikhail is sure: his site only helps people better know their roots.

Having found the desired grave in the database, the user can order care for it. However, if the burial is not listed in the catalogue, but you still know where your relative is buried, the service staff will be able to find the grave. According to Mikhail, they work throughout Russia, where there is access to the Internet.

The service offers several service packages. A one-time cleaning in Moscow costs 2,900 rubles: for this money, workers will water the flowers, wash the fence, clear the area of ​​debris and leaves and give you recommendations for further care. The most expensive set (9,900 rubles) adds to all this planting flowers and painting or polishing the fence.
In addition, some services can be ordered separately. As practice shows, the greatest demand is for a subscription for several cleanings, restoring the letters on the monument, painting the fence, ordering a memorial prayer and laying flowers. If the client is not interested in caring for the grave, but in installing a monument or fence, employees turn to service partners for help.

The company promises that the order will be completed in 14 days, although the work usually takes less than a week. So that the client can control the process, he receives a letter with photographs and a report with comments and tips for further care.

Now the creators of the project receive several hundred orders a month. They are often approached by those who live in other cities or countries and cannot come to care for graves. About 30% of users are people who do not have enough time to monitor the burials of relatives. In addition, the company receives orders from elderly clients who find it difficult to come to the cemetery.

The team hires performers on a piecework basis. As a rule, students, pensioners and freelancers do the cleaning. The project has already formed a core of workers in cities, where there is always a large flow of orders. In other parts of Russia, graves are cared for by partner services or people found through message boards, YouDo and advertisements on social networks.

The founders of the service position it as a project that primarily helps preserve the memory of loved ones. In addition, part of the profits is spent on caring for abandoned graves and socially significant initiatives. This year, launched a campaign to clean up the graves of veterans and home front workers. On the website you could select a grave that required care and then publish a report. Mikhail hopes that in this way the project volunteers will be able to save abandoned burial grounds from destruction.
As for the b2b sector, the team has developed a system “ Open Cemetery", which allows funeral organizations to automate their business processes. In addition, the service team is engaged in inventorying cemeteries for municipalities.

© Roman Savenko

Income and expenses

2 million rubles of own funds and 800 thousand received from the Internet Initiatives Development Fund were invested in the project. Now Mikhail and his partner are finalizing a deal to attract investments, but they have not yet disclosed the details.

Typically, the company receives about 70% of the profit from the check amount. The remaining 30% goes to attracting a client, paying for the office and directly paying for cleaning. If the client contacts not for the first time, then the profit is 85–90% of the check amount. The service has not yet reached self-sufficiency: according to the project founder, this should happen early next year.


The creators of the service hope that by 2018 the database will be replenished with data on all cemeteries within the Moscow Ring Road, and by 2020 the project will cover the entire Moscow region. As for the provision of grave care services, the company plans to receive 3,000 orders per month by the end of the year.
In addition, the team is going to open offices in Ukraine, Moldova, Kazakhstan and Belarus and expand through franchising.

Business rules of Mikhail Sverdlov

Money spoils

“In order to test an idea, make a minimal product that can be sold, and set up channels, you don’t need money. You don’t need to hire a crowd of developers, sales staff, or pay yourself hundreds of thousands in salaries. All you have to do is go outside and talk to someone you consider your client. If you sell the idea, understand who your buyer is, then the product will sell when you make it.”

At the start, do not do development yourself

“It’s possible to develop a product at the very beginning if you yourself are well versed in it and know how to manage not only the development team, but also the business result. If not, write the terms of reference and order development. Believe me, you will save hundreds of thousands of rubles and months of your life.”

There will be no dependence on the authorities. Any person who becomes an entrepreneur is responsible to himself. You just have to think about what is the best thing to do.

Private cemeteries in world practice

On the one hand, the idea of ​​creating a business to provide a final refuge is very logical. However, world practice shows that the solution to this issue is ambiguous.

Even in the New World and Europe a hundred years ago, the existence of private cemeteries was common.

At present, such an idea is clearly not welcomed by the authorities. Why is this happening? The fact is that many years of experience in running such a business have shown that privatization inevitably entails many problems associated with landscaping, as well as the right of ownership of graves located on a given territory.

Private cemeteries in Russia

Currently, the places where the final resting places are located are under the authority of the municipality. How to open a private cemetery? Today in Russia such business is contrary to current legislation. However, the Antimonopoly Federal Service has already made a proposal to change regulations.

There is a possibility that a number of legislative acts will still be amended, and private graveyards will appear on the territory of the Russian Federation. They assume that they will be allocated land, leased for forty-nine years. According to experts, this will reduce the cost of funeral procedures. Once the lease expires, the cemetery will not be demolished. The authorities will conclude a new agreement on the use of the land plot for another forty-nine years.

Burial of pets

How to open a private cemetery until amendments to existing ones have been adopted legislative acts? Currently, a business idea for burying pets is being implemented in Russia. This problem is relevant not only for city residents. It also worries the population of rural areas.

That's all today large quantity people keep animals in city apartments. Pets often become practically members of the family. However, their life expectancy is much shorter than that of humans. The death of an animal turns out to be a tragic event for the owner. In addition, the burial of the animal becomes a big problem. It is impossible to do this within the city limits, and hardly anyone would dare to throw a dead pet into the trash.

Business idea

Currently, private cemeteries for pets exist near the capital. However, in the regions there are still many empty niches for such activities. Using this idea will not be difficult. In this case, you can receive good dividends.

First steps

In order to organize your own business for burying pets, you will need to draw up a business plan for the cemetery. This document should develop basic provisions regarding the provision of such services. First of all, a cemetery business plan is a document in which it is necessary to reflect the criteria for choosing a land plot.

This should be an area located either within the city or on its outskirts, but away from residential buildings. This stage the most difficult one, because it is necessary to select a site that is not of particular value to the city authorities. After this, you will need to sign a lease agreement.


The business plan for the cemetery should include putting the leased plot in order. Landscaping will consist of marking the area for buildings. For advertising purposes, you will need to arrange four to five graves.
The cemetery where pets will be buried must have the following:

A wall for cremated pets, which will be a brick structure divided into square meters;
- “Walk of Fame” for especially distinguished animals, who during their lifetime were rescuers, circus performers, etc.;
- economy and VIP class areas for clients with different financial capabilities;
- a service center for those owners who want to order a coffin, photo medallion, cemetery monuments and other ritual accessories for their deceased pets.

Initial Investment

How to open a cemetery? You will need a certain amount of initial capital. Cash investments are needed to pay for the rented land plot. The amount of this amount directly depends on the region in which the private cemetery is located. There will also be costs associated with landscaping the area. Their size can range from one hundred fifty to three hundred thousand rubles. To promote your business you will need advertising (prepare about ten thousand rubles).

What documents will be needed?

A pet cemetery business plan should include all the preparatory paperwork. A license to conduct this activity is not required. However, before starting work, it is necessary to conclude a number of agreements with environmental services, with sanitary and epidemiological supervision, as well as with the animal disease control station.

Dead a pet subject to mandatory examination by a veterinarian. In addition, all services must be provided in compliance with existing anti-epizootic measures. Even transportation carried out in special vehicles requires special certificate number three.

A prerequisite for this business is the daily disinfection of vehicles providing zoo-ritual services. Once a month a specialist from the veterinary station should be invited. He will carry out a complete disinfection of vehicles.

List of services provided

Foreign experience shows that you can earn a good income by opening a pet ritual business. A pet sematary should make a good profit. Its specific dimensions will depend on the list of services provided. The main income of such cemeteries is generated from the amounts paid for rented cemetery space. A significant portion will be payment for the funeral services provided.

Cemetery prices in Moscow for one grave start from five thousand rubles per year. Owners whose pet's ashes are placed in the wall contribute a little less. The annual fee for a place is three thousand rubles. A grave located on the Walk of Fame is much more expensive. Here you will need to pay fifteen thousand rubles a year for one place.

If your company delivers animal corpses to a cemetery, you will need special transport equipped with a refrigeration chamber. The transportation fee will vary depending on the mileage.

You can build a building on the territory of the cemetery, equipping it with a cremation oven. If there is no financial opportunity, this can be done by a veterinary clinic, with which an appropriate agreement must be concluded. The cost of services provided by the crematorium will be about eight thousand rubles. This rate is set for individual burning of ashes.

The profitability of your business will also depend on the range of services of the service center, which can produce monuments and portraits of their beloved pets upon the owners’ orders.

It would be advisable to open an animal shelter not far from the cemetery. In it, the owners will be able to find a new friend. A veterinary hospital could also be built at the cemetery, which would provide services for euthanizing old and sick animals.

Now you can calculate the profitability of the pet ritual business. By renting burial sites, an amount from three hundred to five hundred thousand rubles per year will be received from every hundred clients. Providing funeral services will bring income from 0.5 to 1.5 million rubles. The services of the service center will allow you to charge clients from two hundred to seven hundred and fifty thousand rubles. Thus, the annual income will be from 1 to 2.75 million rubles.

Despite the increase in cremations, casket burials remain prevalent in total volume burials. Regardless of the type of burial, its registration involves obtaining certain documents. First of all, the relatives of the deceased receive a medical death certificate, which is issued at the morgue where the body of the deceased was received. Then you should contact the registry office or MFC at the place of registration of the deceased or at the place of his death, to issue a stamp death certificate, as well as to obtain a death certificate drawn up in form No. 33 - this certificate gives the relatives of the deceased the right to receive a cash benefit for funeral .

Burial methods

Burial of a body can be carried out in the following ways:

1. Cremation in a crematorium. After cremation, the urn with ashes is placed in the wall of a columbarium (open or closed), sarcophagus, or the urn is buried in the ground.

2. Burial of the coffin with the body of the deceased in the ground:

  • in family graves in cemeteries closed and open for new burials;
  • in graves located in newly designated areas of cemeteries that are open to new burials;
  • in graves located in service areas of cemeteries, open or closed for burials.

In accordance with current sanitary standards, repeated burials of coffins in related areas are permitted after at least 15 years have passed since the last burial (sanitary period). Currently, in all cemeteries, burials are carried out only in related graves (subject to the expiration of the required sanitary period). An exception to this rule is the Perepechinskoe cemetery, where there are free plots for burials. Burial of urns with ashes (into the wall of the columbarium or into the ground at a related site) is carried out without restrictions.

Design of a burial plot

The purchase and registration of a new burial plot in Moscow is carried out with the help of funeral services, or by independently contacting the deceased’s relatives to the cemetery administration. To register a plot, it is necessary to provide the stamp of death certificate and the applicant’s passport. If the burial is formalized in a family plot (where relatives of the deceased were previously buried), then it is also necessary to provide a passport for the grave and documents confirming that the deceased has family ties with those previously buried on the plot. Such documents can be presented as a marriage certificate or birth certificate. On the day of the funeral, the following package of documents should be provided to the cemetery administration:

  • death certificate;
  • passport of the funeral customer,
  • invoice order for the provision of funeral services;
  • burial payment receipt;
  • certificate for the grave.

Certificate for the grave

A grave certificate (burial passport) is a document issued when ordering a plot in a cemetery. It confirms the consent of the cemetery administration to provide a burial plot, as well as the rights of the person responsible for the burial to indefinitely rent the plot, to carry out other burials on this plot, and to install gravestone structures (fences, monuments, plinths). The grave certificate contains the following information:

  • Full name of the person responsible for the burial - the person to whom the certificate is issued;
  • Full name of the deceased (dates of birth and death, as well as date of burial);
  • cemetery address, plot and grave number, plot size;
  • date of issue of the grave certificate.

Burial traditions

The burial of the body of the deceased can be carried out in accordance with ritual traditions - Christian or Muslim rites, etc. Thus, according to Christian rites, the coffin with the body of the deceased is located horizontally in the grave, while the head of the deceased should be turned to the west, and the legs to the east. A cross is placed over the grave, which Orthodox tradition should be located above the feet of the deceased, and according to Catholic and Protestant traditions - above his head. According to Muslim rites, the deceased is buried without a coffin, wrapped in a shroud. In this case, the face of the deceased should be turned towards Mecca - the main Islamic sanctuary.

Funeral meal

A memorial meal (wake) can be organized upon prior request from the relatives of the deceased. Funeral establishments are involved in organizing and conducting funerals in stationary halls.

Family burials

To create family (tribal) burials in Moscow, land plots on the territory of public cemeteries are offered to everyone on a paid basis. Such plots have an area sufficient for several burials, and are also sold through open electronic auction(bargaining). The organizer of the auction is the Moscow City Department for Competition Policy. Starting price of a plot of 3.6 square meters. meters varies from 226,000 rubles to 3.8 million rubles. The price is determined taking into account the price approved by the Moscow government base rate fees for 1 sq. meter of land at the burial sites, as well as the area of ​​the site, its location relative to the cemetery entrance, funeral infrastructure, and asphalt roads. A plot purchased at auction is prohibited from being resold, and it is also prohibited to bury people who are not relatives of the owner of the plot. The rules for participating in the auction can be found on the official website of the State Budgetary Institution “Ritual”.

We will help you select sites for new burials in Moscow and the Moscow region based on the convenience of location and cost of space in the cemetery.

If you are studying on your own organizing a funeral or cremation (without resorting to the services agent funeral service, then you need to know that it is imperative to check that all certificates are filled out correctly (the presence of all signatures and seals) in order to avoid a useless waste of time and, as a rule, leading to the disruption of the funeral.

1. Perepechenskoe cemetery

The Perepechinskoe cemetery is one of the largest cemeteries located in the Moscow region. It is located in the Solnechnogorsk district near the village of Perepechino, 32 kilometers along the Leningradskoe highway. Its area is 106 hectares.

The cemetery, founded on 06/01/1999, was created to relieve the congestion of Moscow cemeteries, which already have the status of closed ones, and since then has served, in most cases, to give land to the deceased residents of Moscow, even despite the fact that it is located at a decent distance from Moscow. As of today, the cemetery territory includes more than 70 plots. Plans are being developed to expand the cemetery area for burials by 25 hectares.

Address of the Perepechino cemetery: index 142771, Perepechino village, Leningradskoe highway near Sheremetyevo airport. You can get there by public transport from the Planernaya metro station, by bus or minibus No. 905

+7 495 6425396

2. Bogorodskoye Cemetery

The cemetery was founded in 1750. It received its name from the nearby former village of Bogorodskoye.

At the moment, new burials are allowed on the territory of the Novo-Bogorodskoye (Bogorodskoye) cemetery.

Cemetery address: M.O, Noginsk district, Timokhovo village. You can get to the Novo-Bogorodskoye cemetery from the Novogireevo metro station by bus or minibus No. 387.

To arrange a new burial, call:
+7 495 6425396

3. Domodedovo cemetery

The Domodedovo cemetery is located in the south of the Moscow region, not reaching the Domodedovo airport, with a total area of ​​127 hectares.

The Domodedovo cemetery is now closed for new burials; the purchase of a place in the cemetery is carried out on a commercial basis.

The Domodedovo cemetery is open to visitors every day from May to September from 9.00 to 19.00, and from October to April from 9.00 to 17.00.

Address: index 142070. M.O., Domodedovo district, Istomikha village. You can get to the cemetery by public transport from the Domodedovskaya metro station by bus No. 510 or by car.

The Domodedovo cemetery is open to the public daily from May to September from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. and from October to April from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Burials at the Domodedovo cemetery take place daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

To purchase a cemetery plot, call:
+7 495 6425396

4. Rakitki Cemetery

The cemetery, founded in 1985, was named after its location, about 10 kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road along the Kaluga Highway.

The Rakitki cemetery is now closed for new burials; the purchase of a place in the cemetery is carried out on a commercial basis.

Address: M.O. Leninsky district, Kaluzhskoe highway, 10 km from the Moscow Ring Road, Rakitki village.

Only related burials are possible in the cemetery.

6. Bulatnikovskoe cemetery

Bulatnikovskoe cemetery is located in close proximity to the Moscow Ring Road (1-3 km)

The cemetery has an area for Muslim burials

You can get to the cemetery by minibus or bus No. 37 from the Krasnogvardeyskaya metro station to stop 5 microdistrict "Zagorie" (then on foot).

To arrange a new burial, call:
+7 495 6425396

7. Mamonovskoe cemetery

The cemetery provides space for new and related burials.

The Mamonovskoye cemetery is located in close proximity to the Moscow Ring Road, geographically closer to the Domodedovo cemetery.

You can get to the Mamonovsky cemetery by public transport from the Domodedovskaya metro station by bus or marshruk No. 355 and then on foot.
Address: M.O., Leninsky district, Mamonovo village.

To arrange a new burial, call:
+7 495 6425396

8. Mikhneevskoe Cemetery

The Mikhnevskoye cemetery is located in the Lyuberetsky M.O. area.

At the Mikhnevsky cemetery there are areas for new and related burials.

You can get to the cemetery by public transport by minibus or bus No. 525 from the Kuzminki metro station to the GLZ stop; it will take 20-30 minutes, taking into account traffic jams.

To arrange a new burial, call:
+7 495 6425396

9. Gorkinskoe cemetery

The “Gorkinskoye” cemetery is located not far from the Moscow Ring Road (6 km) along Kashirskoye Highway and is considered one of the newest located near Moscow.

The opening of the cemetery took place in mid-November 2010 and its area is 6 hectares.

There are also burial plots for Muslims on the territory.

Address: M.O., Gorki village.
You can get to the Gorkinsky cemetery by public transport by bus or minibus No. 505 from the Domodedovskaya metro station, to the Podsobnoe Khozyaystvo stop, then on foot.

To arrange a new burial, call:
+7 495 6425396

10. Penyaginskoe cemetery

At this cemetery, as well as at Mitinsky, the burials of the liquidators of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident took place at one time.

Address: M.O., Krasnogorsk district, Krasnogorsk city, on Penyaginskoe highway, building 1

How to get there: you can get to the cemetery from the Tushinskaya metro station, by any bus or minibus from the direction of Krasnogorsk, going along the Penyaginsky highway before reaching Krasnogorsk.

To arrange a new burial, call:
+7 495 6425396

11. Tokarevskoe cemetery

The territory of the Tokarevsky cemetery is located 6 km from the Moscow Ring Road towards the region along the Novoryazanskoe highway.

There are areas for new burials, 2 x 2 meters, for two graves, and larger in size.
There are also areas for family burials from 2 x 2.5 meters.
It is also possible to bury an urn with ashes in the ground after cremation of the body of the deceased.

You can get to the cemetery by public transport in 10-15 minutes by bus or minibus No. 348 from the Kuzminki metro station or by bus No. 393 from the Vykhino metro station, by minibus No. 561 Zhulebino-Tokarevo.”

To arrange a new burial, call:
+7 495 6425396

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