GCD for drawing in the senior group “Colored pages. Marshak's colorful book

The literary hour “Marshak’s Multi-Colored Pages”, timed to coincide with Children’s and Youth Book Week, was held in the library-branch N 38 of the Central Library for Adults (Village of Verkhnesadovoe) for members of the Family Reading Club. Fifteen hundred children’s books written by Samuil Marshak various genres- fairy tales and stories in verse, plays and riddles, counting rhymes and songs, funny alphabet books and poems about people different professions, about distant countries, about animals, about nature - have become favorite reading for several generations of our readers.

At the event in the library, the children selflessly read poetry, and the adults listened to them with pleasure. Then everyone guessed riddles and lines from poetry together, listened with attention to the story about the life of this amazing children's writer.

S.Ya. worked for almost six decades. Marshak in literature, devoting all his strength to creating smart, kind, brave books that will always be useful to children and adults, young and old, will be able to console, cheer, make kinder, braver, smarter. The words of Samuil Yakovlevich, published back in 1962, turned out to be prophetic:

My reader is a special kind:

He can walk under the table.

But I'm glad to know that I know you

With the reader of the year two thousand.

And you should have seen sparkling eyes young readers when they listened to a recording of Marshak’s voice and repeated his poems after him!

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This page Green colour,

This means it is permanent summer.

If I could fit here,

I would lie down on this page.

Golden insects are wandering in the grass.

All blue, like turquoise,

She sat down, swaying, on the corolla of a chamomile,

Like a colored airplane, a dragonfly.

There's a dark red ladybug,

Dividing your back in half,

Deftly raised her transparent wings

And she flew according to God's business.

Here in identical dresses, like sisters,

The butterflies sat down in the grass to rest.

Then they close it with a motley book,

Then, opening up, they rush again...


And this page is maritime,

You won't see any land on it.

Cutting through a steep wave,

Ships pass through it.

Dolphins flash like shadows

The starfish wanders

And leaves of underwater plants

The water sways like the wind.

At the bottom of this blue page

It's dark like the depths of the seas.

Here the fish can glow

In the darkness, where there are no lanterns...


Do you guys love

Pour in sand.

You have a shovel in your hands,

Bucket and scoop.

Like a golden thread

From your fist

A thick stream runs

Cool sand.

garden road

Covered with sand.

But it's bad if there's a lot

There is sand all around.

Here's the yellow page

Desert countries?

The sand is swirling around it,

Rushing like a wave.

I don't know where from

Nobody knows where

Camels wander along it

Steppe trains.

They are going to the nomad camp

To the music of calls.

lying trees

Growing among the sands.

Leafless branches

Bent it to the dry ground

Tenacious and prickly

Saxaul bush.

And the wind carries the clouds

Hot sand.

Flying sand is coming

To attack like troops.


This is a snow page.

A fox walked along it,

Covering the trail with your tail.

Jumping across the page here

Birds were walking on a clear day,

Leaving a trail with a cross.

The runners passed here

And sparkles in the cold

Silvery smooth trail.

There in the morning powder

The galoshes were imprinted,

This is a grandson and grandfather wandering around.

Chain of footprints on the snow surface

Remains like a string

In a clean, brand new notebook

The first student.


This page

Of red color.

Red sun.

Red Summer.

Red Square

The flags are rinsed.

What on earth

Better and more beautiful?

Unless children

Our cheerful ones!


Before you is a night page.

The capital is shrouded in darkness.

Trams go on vacation

Trolleybuses rush home.

Pedestrians hurry to spend the night.

You won't see the guys anywhere.

And only train stations, factories,

Clocks and machines do not sleep.

Lights glide along the alley,

Descending from the Moscow hills,

And dimmer every minute

Countless house windows.

Meeting at all crossroads,

Lanterns are running across the bridge.

And the sky over the city is in sparkles

Distant, barely visible stars.

Over the old battlement,

Over the entire Soviet country

Burn like the lights of a ship

Rubies on the Kremlin towers.

Target: expanding children's knowledge about the work of the poet and writer S.Ya. Marshak.

Equipment: A large model of the book (the cover on which is written “S.Ya. Marshak Multi-colored book”, pages with drawings), plates with numbers and letters, an exhibition of books.

Music. Children holding the cover and pages of a book in their hands dance a dance during which they stack the pages to form a book.

Librarian: Hello guys! Today we will read an extraordinary book. It's called "The Colorful Book". It was written by the famous writer and poet Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak. Why “multi-colored”? I think we can answer this question at the end of our meeting. But first, let's find out: where was he born, who are his parents, how was his childhood?

Samuil Marshak was born in the city of Voronezh. The poet's father, a talented self-taught inventor, worked as a foreman at various factories, so the family often moved from place to place. He began studying at school in the city of Ostrogozhsk, and when he was 13 years old, his family moved to St. Petersburg, and he began attending classes at the gymnasium.

As a child, little Marshak read a lot. This is how he tells about himself: “I fell in love with poetry very early. The first children's book that came into my hands was “Stepka the Disheveled.” I loved the bold and perky lines. When in the first grade of the gymnasium we were assigned a poem by Tyutchev, I was captivated by the poems, and I began to pay attention to the author’s signature under the poems. But the strongest impression, one that remained for the rest of my life, was made on me by Pushkin’s fairy tales.”

When did he start writing poetry? What do you guys think? He began writing poetry before he learned to write. He was then only four years old. At the age of five he read his poems on children's party, and from the age of twelve he wrote entire poems. And at the age of twenty, his first poems were published in various magazines.

Let's all read Marshak's “The Book of Many Colors” together. The first page is green.

Reader 1. (Holds page 1.)

This is a green page
This means it is permanent summer.
If I could fit here,
I would lie down on this page.
Golden insects are wandering in the grass.
All blue, like turquoise.
She sat down, swaying, on the corolla of a chamomile,
Like a colored airplane, a dragonfly.

Librarian. Marshak’s first books for children were “The House That Jack Built,” “The Tale of the Stupid Mouse,” “Mail,” and “Children in a Cage.” Then he created new children's books. These are books - pictures that you can not only read, but also look at the drawings for these poems. Here is one such book, “Children in a Cage.”

Reader 2 and Reader 3 read the poems “Elephant” and “Giraffe”.

Librarian. These are the cute animals that live on the green page. Now let's look at the next page, it's blue.

Reader 1.(Holds page 2.)

And this is a sea page,
You won't see any land on it.
Cutting through a steep wave,
Ships pass through it.
Dolphins flash like shadows
The starfish wanders
And leaves of underwater plants
The water sways like the wind.

Librarian. Marshak was able to write so beautifully about the sea thanks to the fact that in his youth he met famous writer Maxim Gorky, who invited him to stay with him in Yalta, where the sea is very beautiful.

Samuil Yakovlevich not only wrote poetry himself, but also enjoyed reading the poetry of other poets. As you already know, he read a lot as a child, and maybe that’s why he decided to help young children learn to read, and composed “The Fun ABC.” He came up with a little rhyme about each letter of the alphabet, let's hear about some of the letters.

Reader 2 and Reader 3 (holding letters in their hands) recite poems about the letters of the alphabet.

Librarian. But you not only need to be able to read, you also need to be able to count and know numbers. And for this case, Marshak has a “Fun Score”.

Reader 2 and Reader 3 (holding numbers in their hands) tell poems about numbers.

Librarian. Marshak brought every letter in the alphabet, every number to life, and made him the hero of his funny and so smart poems. Writer Valentin Berestov recalls: “Once I watched amateur filming. Marshak is waiting for someone on the bench. A few more frames, and two guys are already sitting next to him, another frame - there are five of them, and then they no longer fit on the bench, almost hanging on the poet’s shoulders.” The children really loved communicating with Samuil Yakovlevich. Who knows, maybe he was sitting on a bench like that and asking his riddles to the children. Let's try to solve these riddles.

Reader 2 and Reader 3 make Marshak's riddles.

Librarian. Guys, did you like the riddles? But we will continue to leaf through the “Colorful Book”. We have a yellow page in front of us.

Reader 1. (Holds page 3.)

Do you guys love
Pour in sand.
You have a shovel in your hands,
Bucket and scoop.
Here is the yellow page -
Desert country.
The sand is swirling around it,
Rushing like a wave.
I don't know where from
Nobody knows where
Camels wander along it -
Steppe trains.

Librarian. Marshak wrote poems for children and about children. The poem “A Book About Books” is about Grishka Skvortsov, from whom books ran away. The poem “Where is Petya, where is Seryozha” is about twin brothers who find themselves in funny situations. About lazy boys and talking cat, the poet told in the poem “The Cat and the Quirks.”

Music. Dramatization of the poem “The Cat and the Quirks.”

Librarian. These are the children who live on this page. And we continue reading and open another page - white.

Reader 1.(Holds page 4.)

This is a snow page.
A fox walked along it,
Covering the trail with your tail.
Jumping across the page here
Birds were walking on a clear day,
Leaving a trail with a cross.
The runners passed here -
And sparkles in the cold
Silvery smooth trail.

Librarian. The white page resembles ground covered with snow and on it are traces of people, animals, and some objects. Probably, you can learn a lot of interesting things from these traces if you look at them carefully and study them. So Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak studied the world around him, met other people, other countries.

While still a young man, he went to study in England. He studied English deeply and seriously, and in order to hear folk speech He made a long journey through English villages and lived for some time in a forest school. While in England, he learned and fell in love with English poetry and began translating poems by English poets, folk songs into Russian. Let's listen to the poem in English, and a guest who arrived from England with her translator will help us with this.

The “English woman” and the “translator” enter.

"Englishwoman". Good morning!

Translator. Hello.


Little girl, little girl,
Where have you been?
I've been to see grandmother
Over the green.
What did she give you?
Milk in a can.
What did you say for it?
Thank you, Grandam.


Little girl,
Tell me where have you been?
- I visited my old grandmother
At the other end of the village.
– What did you drink at grandma’s?
- I drank tea with jam.
- What did you tell grandma?
- “Thank you” and “goodbye.”

The “English woman” and the “translator” leave.

Librarian. Marshak also translated Czech folk songs. Listen to them, but in Russian.

Reader 2 and Reader 3 recite the poem “Clumsy Bough” and “Haymaking”.

Librarian. The next page is red.

Reader 1. (Holds page 5.)

This is the page
Of red color.
Red sun.
Red Summer.
Red Square
The flags are rinsed.
What on earth
Better and more beautiful?
Unless children
Our merry ones

Librarian. Marshak wrote not only funny poems, but also serious ones. Some of you are already familiar with the poem “The Tale of an Unknown Hero.”

Reader 2 tells an excerpt from the poem “The Story of an Unknown Hero.”


Who's knocking on my door
With a thick shoulder bag,
With the number 5 on a copper plaque,
In a blue uniform cap?
It is he,
It is he,
Leningrad postman.

Which poem by Marshak are these lines from? Poem “Mail”. And to whom did Marshak dedicated it? Writer Boris Zhitkov.

Reader 3 tells an excerpt from the poem “Mail”

Marshak dedicated the poem “Ice Island” to a doctor - captain of the medical service. He wrote about an event that actually happened in the north, among the Arctic ice. A doctor, risking his life, saves a person.

Reader 2 tells an excerpt from the poem “Ice Island”.

And the very last page of the “Colorful Book” is night.

Reader 1. (Holds page 6.)

Before you is a night page.
The capital is shrouded in darkness.
Trams go on vacation
Trolleybuses rush home.
Lights glide along the alley,
Descending from the Moscow hills,
And dimmer every minute
Countless house windows.

Librarian. Marshak was one of the organizers of the first children's theater, which later turned into the “Children's Town”, where there was a kindergarten, a school, a library, various clubs and workshops. Plays (stories, fairy tales based on which performances and performances are prepared) were written by Marshak himself. This is how “Teremok”, “Cat’s House”, “Twelve Months” appeared. The fairy tale “The Twelve Months” is based on the Slovak folk tale with the same name.

Dramatization of an excerpt from the fairy tale “The Twelve Months.”

Librarian. You and I have turned the last page of Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak’s “Multi-Colored Book” and now we will try to answer “Why was this book called “multi-colored?” Because the poet Marshak was a very talented person and wrote about many things that surround us in this world. You listened to his poems and probably noticed that he wrote about animals, and about children, about people who live and work next to us, wrote serious and funny poems, fairy tales, plays, translated from in English into Russian.

He wanted children to grow up to be smart, honest, kind, brave and enlightened people. Marshak once explained to the kids that he would like to give them a doll that would speak the words that a person needs most at that moment. For example: “Don't be sad. There will be a holiday on your street too.” Or: “Don't be afraid! There are worse things.” Or: “Don't be offended! Be smarter than your offender.” But since such dolls do not exist, Marshak advised the children to tell themselves words that could console them, calm them down, cheer them up, make them kinder, braver, smarter and more patient. Marshak wrote “And good books can help those who do not come to mind with the right words at the right moment...” And Samuel Marshak wrote such books all his life. He wished all the children: “May your mind be kind and your heart be smart.”

“Colorful pages of Marshak’s work” There are also many different writers in the world who write smart, funny, educational, kind, mischievous books. And every writer has his own anniversary. 2017 marks the 130th anniversary of the birth of the wonderful children's writer Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak. His poems and fairy tales bring joy to everyone. Not only children, but also their parents and grandparents cannot imagine their childhood without funny, fairy-tale heroes from the works of Marshak. Why do we love his poems and fairy tales? Because they are kind, funny, interesting and instructive. In the Sagai library, for fans of the work of their favorite writer, a trip was organized through the colorful pages of Marshak’s work in order to once again remember and read poems familiar from childhood, laugh at funny fairy tales, and get to know the biography of the hero of the day. The journey took place according to the route sheet, which indicated the destinations: “Riddles”, “Where the objects come from”, “ Musical pause”, “Solve the crossword puzzle”, “Say a word”, “Guess the work”, “Extra animal”, “Correct mistakes”, “Remember the fairy tale”, “Farewell”. All the guys happily answered questions, interrupting each other, guessed riddles, and watched the cartoon “The Lady Checked in Luggage.” The journey ended with the words of M. Gorky “Love Marshak, learn from him!”


Direct educational activities on artistic and aesthetic development

On the topic of: "Color Pages"

for children of the middle group.

Prepared by the teacher:

Cherevashenko Evgenia Vasilievna

with the position held



Target : expanding children's knowledge about the work of the poet and writer S. Ya. Marshak.

Tasks. Teach children to think about the content of their drawing in a certain color scale and maintain this condition until the end. Achieve a imaginative solution to the intended topic. Reinforce techniqueswatercolor painting, gouache, learn to dilute paints with water, add white to depict shades colors . Strengthen children's knowledge aboutcolors and shades. Develop imagination and creativity. To cultivate a sense of beauty, to see the beauty of the created image.

Material and equipment. Paintingscolor pages of book C. J. Marshak " Colorful book» , geometric figures for Game"Guess the Animal", sheets of white A4 paper, watercolors, gouache, brushes, oilcloths, sippy cups, palettes.

Methodical techniques: game situation, conversation, physical education session"The Tale of Paints"(E. Ruzhentsev, productive activities of children.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Hello, guys! Today we will introduce you to an extraordinary book. It is called "Multi-colored book”. It was written by the famous writer and poet Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak.(Book demonstration) .

Samuil Marshak was born in the city of Voronezh. As a child, he loved to read a lot. And he began composing poetry before he learned to write. He was then only four years old. At the age of five he read his poems at a children's matinee, and from the age of twelve he wrote entire poems. And at the age of twenty, his first poems were published in various magazines.

Now, I will read to you “Multi-colored book” by Marshak, and listen carefully.

First page – green. (Show illustration).

This green page,

This means it is permanent summer.

If I could fit here,

I would lie down on this page.

Golden insects are wandering in the grass.

All blue, like turquoise.

She sat down, swaying, on the corolla of a chamomile,

Like a colored airplane, a dragonfly.

Educator. These are the beautiful animals that live on the green page . Now let's look at the next one page, it is blue. (Show illustration).

And this page – sea,

You won't see any land on it.

Cutting through a steep wave,

Ships pass through it.

Dolphins flash like shadows

The starfish wanders

And leaves of underwater plants

The water sways like the wind.

Educator. Marshak was able to write so beautifully about the sea due to the fact that in his youth he met the famous writer Maxim Gorky, who invited him to live with him in Yalta, where the sea is very beautiful. But we’ll keep scrolling.”Multi-colored book". Before us is yellow page . (Show illustration).

Do you guys love

Pour in sand.

You have a shovel in your hands,

Bucket and scoop.

Here is a golden thread,

From your fist

A thick stream runs

Cool sand.

garden road

Covered with sand.

But it's bad if there's a lot

Sand lies all around

Here is the yellow page -

Desert country.

The sand is swirling around it,

Rushing like a wave.

I don't know where from

Nobody knows where

Camels wander along it -

Steppe trains.

The Ionians are going to the nomad camp

To the music of calls.

lying trees

Growing among the sands.

Leafless branches

Bent down to the dry ground

Tenacious and prickly

Saxaul bush.

And the wind carries the clouds

Hot sand.

Flying sand is coming

Attack like troops...

But people will stop


They're cooking poop

For the blue waters of the river.

To sepia wheat

Grew tall

So that the yellow page

Green ball.

Physical education: "The Tale of Paints"

If everything in the world were

Same color (Rotational movements of the head.)

It would make you angry

Or did it make you happy?(Tilts the head back and forth.)

People are used to seeing the world

White, yellow, blue, red.(Hands on the belt, body tilts left and right)

Let everything around us be

Amazing and different!(Jumping in place on the left, right, two legs.)

(E. Ruzhentsev)

Educator. These are the miracles that live on this page . And we continue reading and open anotherpage - white. (Show illustration).

This is a snow page.

A fox walked along it,

Covering the trail with your tail.

Here we skip page

Birds were walking on a clear day,

Leaving a trail with a cross.

The runners passed here -

And sparkles in the cold

Silvery smooth trail.

There in the morning powder

The galoshes were imprinted, -

This is a stray grandson and grandfather.

Chain of traces

On the snow surface

Remains like a string

In a clean, brand new notebook

The first student.

Educator. White page reminiscent of a snow-white winter. And look in the snow, you can see footprints. Probably, you can learn a lot of interesting things from these traces if you look at them carefully and study them. Nextpage - red. (Show illustration).

This is the page

Of red color .

Red sun.

Red Summer.

Red Square

The flags are rinsed.

What on earth

Better and more beautiful?

Unless children

Our cheerful ones!

Educator. And the very last onepage of the “Colorful Book” – night. (Show illustration).

Before you is a night page.

The capital is shrouded in darkness.

Trams go on vacation

Trolleybuses rush home.

Lights glide along the alley,

Descending from the Moscow hills,

And dimmer every minute

Countless house windows.

Educator. We have considered everything pages . Who guessed why S. Marshak called his work that way?

Children's answers.

Educator. That's right, because the poet Marshak was a very talented person and wrote about many things that surround us in this world. You listened to his poems and probably noticed that he wrote about animals, and about children, about people who live and work next to us. He wanted children to grow up to be smart, honest, kind, brave and enlightened people.

Game exercise" Colors "

Children, they lie in front of you colorful geometric shapes that correspond to one or anotherMarshak's page. Identify and tell what shape corresponds to:

Green page? (Children's answers).

Blue page? (Children's answers).

Yellow Page? (Children's answers).

White page? (Children's answers).

Red page? (Children's answers).

Night page? (Children's answers).

Di "Guess the Animal"

Look at the geometric shapes and guess which animal is hiding. Build it from these figures.

Educator. Well done, you were able to cope with all the tasks. Now it's time for us to get started own works. But first, look again atMarshak color pages and think, which page you would like to draw yourself.

Music from the song plays" Colourful dreams " . Children draw in groupscolor pages.

Eye exercise:

Fly, fly petal across the west(look left) to the east (look to the right,

Through the north (look up, through the south (look down,

Come back after making a circle(circular eye movements).

Educator. So beautifulyou got the pages. Please tell us who drew what on your sheet.

Children's stories.

Children's suggestions.

Educator. Guys, what work did we meet today? Who is its author? Which pages did you like the most? Why did he call the book soya« Colored pages» ? What game did we play? What did you like and remember about the lesson? Would you like to get acquainted with the works of S. Ya. Marshak?

Children's answers.

Lesson summary: Stages classes and their sequence, in my opinion, was observed, which ensured integrity classes . Volume educational material optimal.

I tried to create a favorable emotional atmosphere and conditions for children to be active.

Everything that was planned was realized.

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