But I love myself even in this state. Nelly Ermolaeva: “After childbirth, the body becomes flabby - it’s true

Nelly Ermolaeva became the heroine of the new season of the reality show “Pregnant”. In an interview with the website, the TV presenter spoke about the difficulties and joys of those nine months, about her birth and desire to lose weight.

Exactly a year ago, in an interview with Nelly Ermolaeva, we discussed a lot different topics, including motherhood. The TV presenter did not hide that she dreams of giving birth to a child to her wife Kirill Andreev and does not see any obstacles to this. Just a couple of months later it became known that Nellie was pregnant.

As soon as Ermolaeva confirmed this fact, immediately began sharing details of her interesting situation on Instagram. And then she became the heroine of the popular reality show “Pregnant” on the Domashny TV channel. The season with her participation starts on April 16.

In a conversation with the site, our heroine, in her usual manner, honestly told what difficulties she faced during pregnancy and after it, how she maintains her husband’s interest in herself and whether she has time to look after her appearance.

website: Nelly, congratulations on the birth of your son! For many women in this situation, their mood and taste habits change dramatically. Has something similar happened to you?
Thanks for the compliments! My hormonal levels, of course, were jumping: sometimes I wanted to watch a movie about Hachiko and cry, sometimes, on the contrary, I was having fun and couldn’t stop laughing. But the main thing is that your mood swings do not affect your loved ones. They already don’t know what to expect from you when you have seven Fridays a week.

website: Pregnant girls often have an increased appetite. Have you struggled with the urge to constantly chew something?

N.E.: I saved myself from this kind of psychological stress, so I didn’t limit myself in anything. I knew that by typing overweight during pregnancy, in any case I will lose weight after giving birth.

“I wasn’t worried about the increasing number on the scale, I had good mood, which was passed on to the child.”

Thus, my pregnancy was easy, relaxed and fun.

website: So you were sure that you could return to your former form?

N.E.: Initially there was no fear at all. For one simple reason: I had little idea how pregnancy, childbirth, and the period after the birth of the baby would go. I thought that I would give birth and quickly lose everything I needed in a month. But it was not there!

“When you breastfeed, the weight will stay the same and even gain a little because your body stores fat for the two of you. Everything is individual, of course. This is how I have it.”

The weight is coming off, just very slowly. Of course, as a woman, I always want to look beautiful and desirable. But it’s much more important for me now with breast milk giving your baby immunity and good health than having sparkling six-pack abs a month after giving birth.

N.E.: No, I haven’t and, frankly, I don’t understand pregnant girls who lift dumbbells. You can swim, walk a lot, do yoga, but do not resort to serious sports. I practiced yoga at home on my own, then took a few individual lessons on the ocean shore. This really helped me relax. But I'm against it gym during pregnancy.

website: Besides the extra pounds, has pregnancy had any other effect on your body?

N.E.: After childbirth, the body becomes flabby. This is the truth of life. But the main thing is not to let yourself go, eat right and, over time, start getting in shape through sports and cosmetology.

website: Looking in the mirror, have you stopped loving yourself and your body?

N.E.: After giving birth to a child, you remain bloated and flabby, just without a big belly. However, you need to love yourself in any condition. If you radiate confidence, sexuality, and sincerely consider yourself to be such, then those around you will believe it, because they will feel your energy.

Woman in interesting position glows. It seems to me that girls who take care of themselves in ordinary life, and will remain the same during pregnancy. The main thing is to continue to be interested in something, to find something to do, and not just lie on the couch all day. Pregnancy is not a disease. You need to enjoy life and charge everyone with your energy.

“During pregnancy, I gained 17 kilograms - this is a lot. A large amount of water was retained in my body, my legs were swollen, my stomach was huge!”

But I didn’t worry about it, I loved myself and even took part in photo shoots. There were no barriers: I tried to dress up, went to beauty salons and felt the most beautiful.

Kirill also showed himself with the best side. I know: my son and I follow him like stone wall, and I am not afraid of tomorrow, because it surrounds us with triple care.

website: How have pregnancy and motherhood affected your relationship with your spouse?

N.E.: Especially not. Kirill and I dreamed of having a son, and our dream came true. Now we are enjoying each other's company. The three of us are together, and this is unearthly happiness.

“My husband and I try to support each other and help in everything. We share all the worries about Miroshka between us.”

I know that for many couples, having a child is a test of their strength. In my opinion, you shouldn’t worry about your baby every second and forget about everything around you. Try to take things more simply: don’t sort things out out of nowhere, don’t shout, and especially don’t consider which of you spent more time caring for the child. This is a step into the abyss. We need to do everything together, help out, help, and don’t forget to devote time to each other.

Our relationship with Kirill strengthened due to the fact that we felt the complexity of the situation. We flew to another country, alone, without the help of our mothers. It is very difficult, but we passed this test and managed everything.

website: How do you manage to keep the fire in your relationship while constantly caring for your son?

N.E.: You just need to remember that in addition to new role Moms, you are still a wife. It is important to spend time with your spouse and show that he is no less important to you than before. Kirill and I have already accustomed Miron to such a regime so that he sleeps soundly at night, and we have time for the two of us. A child is not a hindrance to a relationship.

website: Once in an interview with our portal you said that any girl should look as beautiful at home as she does in public. Today, do you have time to take care of yourself, given how much attention your baby requires?

N.E.: I’m lucky with my husband: I can leave my son with him for a while. This way I have time for myself.

“I don’t neglect the procedures that I did before: I visit beauty salons, take care of my skin and hair, and go to the dentist for examinations.”

However, if earlier this was something ordinary for me, today it is a real coming out (smiles - website note). I like that I can be alone at least a little, reboot, do something to feel beautiful and happy. This is also important for the child, because the mother’s condition is passed on to him.

website: How else has your life changed since the birth of your child?

N.E.: I am a very freedom-loving, passionate and spontaneous person, so to speak. Previously, my husband and I could break away in the middle of the night and fly to another city. Now there is no such spontaneity. But we will still try to accustom Miroshka to our way of life. He has already made his first two trips - to the Bahamas and to Moscow. We flew on the plane with the doctor's permission, and the baby felt fine. He's clearly comfortable.

“In general, everything has changed: my thoughts, plans, goals, views. When I was pregnant, I couldn’t even imagine what awaited me.”

website: What emotions did you experience when you first held your baby in your arms?

N.E.: I cried with happiness! I couldn't believe that this little bundle was mine! There was a trembling all over my body and it seemed that my heart was about to jump out. I felt the happiest. My birth was easy, Kirill was next to me, and together we experienced the amazing emotions of the birth of a new life. Of course, it's hard to understand this until you become a mother. strong feeling. I am grateful to God that I learned life from a completely different side.

Nelly Ermolaeva has been happily married to Kirill Andreev for several years. Fans consider them perfect couple and constantly wish young people speedy addition in the family. True, in Lately Nellie was already suspected of being pregnant, but until yesterday it was only speculation.

And yesterday, Nellie finally decided to put an end to these speculations by publishing a touching video on her page and accompanying it with such heartfelt words that, according to the girl’s fans, tears welled up in their eyes.

In just a few hours, Nellie received more than 3 thousand congratulations from fans on such a happy event. one gets the impression that some of the girl’s fans are no less happy than she is - they simply adore her and are incredibly happy for their idol. Now they are all looking forward to the birth of the baby. Apparently, the wait isn't too long. And fans hope that since Nellie has revealed her secret, she will soon share the details with them.

Nelly Ermolaeva and her husband Kirill Andreev constantly confess their love to each other, noting that they remain best friends. Fans started talking about Nelly's pregnancy quite recently, noting that she began to choose looser clothes than usual.

Nelly Ermolaeva and Kirill Andreev // Photo: Instagram

“Soon there will be three of us. Our fruit of love and happiness. All this time I wanted to be in my shell and not tell anyone. But our miracle can no longer be hidden. God gave us an untold miracle. There are two hearts living inside me. This is the Feeling of the whole world, the universe inside. This is space, girls. The best thing I've managed to do in this life is start a family. Strong and loving,” - the TV presenter said.

Fans immediately began to congratulate their favorite on such a significant event. In her video, Nellie also talked about her ideal union, noting that she was lucky to meet her soulmate, with whom she can enjoy communication from morning to evening.

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