Nikolay Baskov, biography, news, photos. Life of a Basque opera singer or not

Basque: a talent with a unique voice

Nikolai was born into a military family on October 15, 1976. He will turn 41 in the fall of 2017. What has a genius succeeded in at the age of 40?

We must give the singer his due: he worked hard to gain recognition. He has studied at the Academy named after him. Gnessins, postgraduate studies at the Moscow Conservatory, private lessons with the best teachers. The talent was also noted in the West. Montserrat Caballe herself took Basque under her wing, and at the age of 22 he brilliantly performed such a difficult role in the production of “Cleopatra” that he received a standing ovation from Roman critics and the discerning public.

Today opera and stage seem close to Nikolai. He is a showman, TV presenter, film actor, professor of the vocal department, teacher. He voices children's films, performs complex parts and popular songs.

Personal life

The tenor, who devoted himself to serving people, had not yet found family happiness, although he was married. At the age of 20, he tied the knot of Hymen with 19-year-old Svetlana Shpigel. The couple's wedding took place on January 27, 2001, but already in mid-2008 the union of the “natural blonde” and the brunette Spiegel broke up.

It took Basque a long time to recover from the blow. Then, in 2009, he became fascinated by a new relationship with Miss Universe 2002, Oksana Fedorova. However, the announced engagement in early 2011 did not lead to a wedding. The couple lost interest in each other, and in the same 2011, the “golden voice of Russia” was consoled in the arms of Anastasia Volochkova. The tenor and ballerina were frank with the public, shared candid photos, and appeared together everywhere. But this connection also ended painlessly for everyone in 2013.

Since 2014, Nikolai Baskov has been dating Sofia Kalcheva, who once took the pseudonym Sofia Bogdan. According to some sources, the tenor’s beloved is 28 years old, other versions say that she is 34.


The singer, married to Svetlana Shpigel, found the happiness of becoming a father and almost immediately lost it. The couple had a son on April 4, 2006; at a family council they decided to give him the name Bronislav Shpigel-Baskov. After the divorce, Svetlana wanted her son to bear her last name and did not allow Nikolai to meet with him. At the age of 10, the boy calls Svetlana’s second husband, with whom she has also already separated, dad.

The tenor himself believes that “time will put everything in its place,” but for now he is content with the fact that his son does not need anything. By the way, the singer’s current lover Sofia has a 10-year-old son, Bogdan. Perhaps Nikolai Baskov could become his adoptive father if the couple’s relationship develops into family ties.

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Everyone knows that the Golden Voice of Russia is Nikolai Baskov. With his songs and beautiful strong voice, he is able to delight and conquer the hearts of listeners. Few singers have such a number of fans. Admirers of Baskov’s talent call their idol the “Singing Angel”, this is worth a lot.

This talented person was born in the Moscow region in 1976 on October 15. For what he was able to achieve in life, he is largely grateful to his relatives and friends, his family. Nature generously rewarded Baskov, but he had to be able to take advantage of the gift and conquer the peak musical Olympus, which Nikolai successfully did.

Kolya was born and raised in a military family. The father of the future star moved to the GDR on duty with his family. The boy was only 2 years old at that time. The family lived in Dresden. My father, having graduated from the Institute of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, rose from detachment commander to deputy commander-in-chief of the division.

Kolya’s mother is a mathematics teacher by profession and Ukrainian by nationality. Being a creative person, she was a television announcer in Germany for a long time. She dreamed of her son becoming a singer, and from the age of five she began to educate him in music, as it turned out - not in vain!

Among Baskov's ancestors there were unique talented people. For example, my great-grandfather could play any instrument without having any musical education. When Nikolai's grandparents died, a large inheritance was left. The tenor’s parents decided to invest all this money in their son’s education. Also, money was needed to promote career ladder. The inheritance came in handy, and besides, such sacrifices were not in vain.


It’s interesting that Nikolai failed miserably at his first public debut. True, this unfortunate misunderstanding happened when the boy was in second grade. All he had to do was read a poem at the New Year's party. As a result, the little artist became so excited that he burst into tears and ran backstage.

Time passed, Nikolai grew up and overcame his stage fright. In seventh grade, the teenager began taking acting classes. He already understood then that he could not live without music; the choice of his future profession had already been made.

Rapid climb to the musical Olympus

Start musical career was slow, so when Nikolai won competitions several times in a row, even the music teachers were surprised, not expecting such a rapid leap forward from their student. The year two thousand “gave” the singer his debut filming in videos, which significantly adds to the artist’s popularity.

After the release of the video for the song “In Memory of Caruso,” Baskov’s singing fame became cramped within the framework academic halls. He began to conquer the stage, he had countless fans who eagerly awaited each new hit performed by the famous tenor.

This talented person It seems that he can do everything: opera singing, chamber singing, pop songs, voice acting for cartoons, musicals, television projects of various types, including comedies. For his creative work, Nikolai received many awards and prizes. He was able to graduate from graduate school with a gold medal. There was an opportunity to shine on the stage Bolshoi Theater, but Baskov wanted more variety. The world of television and the stage beckoned the singer irresistibly. He could not devote his life only to the classics.

Montserrat Caballe

Considering the biography of Baskov, it is impossible not to remember that the tenor was appreciated by the great Montserrat Caballe. This famous opera singer helped Nikolai in many ways. He had the honor of performing with the orchestra, receiving invaluable advice from Montserrat on changing his vocal profile.

The opera diva singled out Nikolai from the huge number of opera performers. He was lucky enough to perform in a duet with Caballe; they toured with opera compositions in many countries. Journalists closely studied every step of the singer. It was an undoubted success. Few of them opera singers could easily perform both classics and pop songs. Therefore, it is not surprising that in 2009 Basque was awarded the title of People's Artist of Russia.

Conquest of television

The pinnacle of musical Olympus and worldwide fame as a singer were not enough for Nikolay. In the 2000s, the golden voice of Russia began working on television. My first experience in this industry was working as the host of the “House 1” program. After that, Basque was the host of “Saturday Night”, “Home Video of Stars”, etc.

Having tried his hand at voicing cartoons, the singer also achieved success. Ken from Toy Story speaks in his voice. In “Real Squirrel” you can also hear the voice of a tenor. If we sum up all of Baskov’s work on television, the result will be 14 projects. Just look at the roles in those who had big success musicals: " The Snow Queen", "Cinderella", "Little Red Riding Hood", etc. These musical films contributed to the huge list of the singer's achievements.

Unsuccessful marriage

Naturally, such a celebrity as Nikolai Baskov has a lot of fans. A handsome man with a beautiful voice conquered the hearts of women, but one day he himself was conquered by a girl named Svetlana Shpigel. Fans were shocked by the news that their idol got married in the winter of 2001. Then the singer was only 20 years old, and his young wife was 19. Sveta was the daughter of a producer who was promoting Nikolai.

Being too young, the husband and wife did not think about the birth of heirs. Only 5 years after the wedding, Svetlana gave her famous husband a son. They named the baby Bronislav. The grandfather rejoiced no less than the father at the birth of his grandson. Boris Shpigel wished that the newborn boy would have double surname– Spiegel-Basque. No one thought that a year later Basque would leave his wife’s house and move to a rented apartment. He was given only personal belongings with him, and his son was also deprived of his father’s surname. According to the documents, the boy is referred to as Bronislav Shpigel. The initiator of the divorce was Sveta; she did not accept the fact that her famous husband spends most of his time on tours. In 2008, the couple officially divorced.

Favorite women of Baskov

Nikolai returned to normal life after scandalous divorce thanks to Oksana Fedorova. The couple looked great together. Things broke out between the young people love story, which almost ended in a wedding. Some time after Baskov’s marriage proposal, relations between the lovers calmed down. In the end, the couple broke up before reaching the altar, while remaining friends.

After Fedorova, the famous Anastasia Volochkova appeared in the singer’s life. The couple appeared together everywhere, flaunting both their feelings and very candid photos. But this romance did not last long; the couple broke up as easily as they got together.

The novel with Sofia Kalcheva cannot be compared with the previous ones. The singer lost his head in love with the singer. Sofia reciprocated. The beauty has a son, Bogdan, and carefully hides her real age. Let's hope that this time Baskov will experience real family happiness.

Nikolai Baskov is a famous Russian singer and TV presenter. He is rightfully considered a “natural blond” and a “golden voice” national stage. Has many titles and awards.

Childhood and youth

The future celebrity was born in Balashikha, near Moscow, on October 15, 1976. When he was already two years old, his father received a diploma from the Military Academy, and the whole family was forced to move to the German town of Dresden for five years. Nikolai Baskov’s mother worked as an announcer on local TV.

WITH early years Nikolai Baskov’s singing talent was visible. At the age of five he sang in a beautiful soprano. Therefore, the parents knew what it would be like future profession. It is possible that Creative skills“natural blonde” was passed down from my great-grandfather on my mother’s side.

Nikolai Baskov went to first grade in Germany. Two years later, my father was transferred to serve in Novosibirsk. There the boy studied from 3rd to 7th grade. Few people know, but Nikolai Baskov was fond of sports as a teenager. In particular, he was interested in swimming. The future artist even had a youth apparatus.

Nikolai Baskov went to 8th grade in Moscow. Creative disciplines were studied in depth there. For three years, the artist was in a small group. Together the group toured Europe and the USA.

At the age of 12, Baskov had the opportunity to appear on the stage of the Paris National Opera. In The Magic Flute he performed the most difficult role of the third boy. Despite significant successes, at home the Basque felt like an ordinary child. He helped his mother clean the apartment, do the laundry, and set the table.

The family's income was average. In this regard, Basque tried to help his parents. However, the illegal activities did not end well. To free his son, the father had to give his last money.

After their death, the artist’s grandparents left their grandson a large inheritance. The parents decided to sell their dacha, apartment and car so that they would have money to pay for the education of their only child. In 1993, Nikolai Baskov became a student at GITIS. Then his vocal studies began at a serious level. At the end of the very first year, the “natural blond” had to suspend his studies.

Already in next year Baskov began to study at the faculty opera singing in the capital's Gnesinka. Diploma of completion educational institution he received in 2001.

Career start

At the age of 18, Baskov became a soloist in the choir of the Komi Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic; in 1998, he was accepted into the service of the Novosibirsk Opera and Ballet Theater. In 1999, the artist was invited to work at the Bolshoi Theater.

The year 2000 was marked by the release of Baskov's video for musical composition entitled "In Memory of Caruso". This recording was often broadcast on the prestigious radio station Europe Plus. The then popular composer Alexander Morozov began promoting Baskov on the stage.

Conquest of the domestic stage

In 2000, the public saw Baskov’s first album, “In Memory of Caruso.” A year later, the singer recorded two more records. Popular young singer made the song "Hurdy Organ".

In 2005, a duet composition was released with Ukrainian singer called "Let Me Go". During this time period, Basque toured a lot. He was often invited to the USA and Israel. In the spring of 2009, the “natural blond” of the domestic stage announced his package in the Russian Federation. It ended with solo performances in Moscow.

In 2011, fans heard his next collection, “Romantic Journey,” and five years later, the album “Game” was released. The second album was shown in a huge show. In the same year, Baskov got his own production center.

Television and cinema

Work in this area began with fabulous musicals shown on TV during New Year's holidays. Several times he played cameos in the comedy sitcoms “My Fair Nanny” and “Voronin”.

In addition, Baskov had the opportunity to play in a film about a zombie invasion. The artist showed his creative abilities in the film “Reverse Turn,” where he played the role of a successful performer named Nikolai.

Nikolai Baskov managed to prove himself as a presenter. In particular, I had the opportunity to host not just events, but also work on Russian channels. He became the first person invited to the scandalous project “Dom-1”. The artist worked on the site for three months. In 2005, Baskov was invited to host a TV program of the new format “Saturday Evening”. He also worked on the STS TV channel.

Personal life

Basque learned what carnal love really was at the age of 15. Then, opposite the legendary Intourist, he sold perfume. The young man's first love happened a little later. His girlfriend was the future theater and film actress Natalya Gromushkina.

While studying at Gnesinka, Baskov courted Maria Maksakova. He was an entrance into her house and was introduced to her influential parents.

Nikolai Baskov got married for the first time in the winter of 2001. His chosen one was the daughter of mentor Boris Shpigel. Even then they were saying in show business that in this marriage there was only calculation. After five years of life, Svetlana Shpigel gave her husband a son, who was named unusual name Bronislav.

Despite the idyll, the star couple broke up in 2008. This year, Basque stopped communicating with his father-in-law and part-time producer. The divorce was very difficult for the artist. For the sake of creativity, he had to abandon his own son. By the way, the boy bears his mother’s surname.

In 2009, Baskov began to be noticed in the company of model Oksana Fedorova.

Two years later, the artist built a relationship with the outrageous dancer Anastasia Volochkova. The couple periodically shocked with news about the wedding and their intimate photos. The next chosen one of the “natural blonde” was his colleague Sophie Kalcheva, but he broke up with her in 2017.

In July 2017, Baskov publicly proposed to Victoria Lopyreva. The wedding of domestic celebrities was supposed to take place in the fall of the same year in Chechnya, but later the event was postponed for several months. However, in 2018 the wedding with the model also did not take place. Later, information appeared that there was no point in waiting for the wedding. Due to their busy work schedule, the couple rarely saw each other. Both partners decided to postpone marriage.

The famous tenor of Russia Nikolai Baskov is a real nugget, a talent that even gives goosebumps. To achieve fame and reap today's benefits, Nikolai Baskov had to go through a lot, do everything on his own. The singer is not just another daddy's sponsored son, but a man who managed to achieve everything on his own, thanks to his phenomenal voice and hard work.

There are many intriguing events in the life of Nikolai Baskov, no less colorful and personal life singer If you want to know more, read on.

A celebrity is always visible, which means that any flaw or slightest change is immediately brought up for public discussion. Since Nikolai Baskov is slightly overweight, fans constantly monitor his height, weight, and age. It’s hard to guess how old Nikolai Baskov is, because he keeps losing weight and then gaining weight again.

The singer’s height is 168 cm, weight – 80 kg. On this moment he is 41 years old. In addition to the creativity of fans, they are interested in the personality of the singer, who really is Nikolai Baskov? Photos from his youth and now prove that he is not such a “natural blond” as is sung in one of his songs. IN early years Nikolai Baskov was dark-haired.

Biography of Nikolai Baskov

The biography of Nikolai Baskov is very rich and interesting. Let's start with the fact that the singer is a native of the Moscow region. Father - Viktor Vladimirovich Baskov, military man, mother - Elena Nikolaevna Baskova, mathematics teacher. Nikolai Baskov is the only child in the family. Due to his father’s regular and long business trips, the Baskov family changed their place of residence many times.

At the age of two, Nikolai Baskov moved with his parents to the GDR. There he goes to school for the first time and even finishes two classes. Next - moving to my homeland, only to Novosibirsk, and not to Moscow.

Nikolai Baskov became interested in singing at the age of 5; it was during this period that the boy’s unusual and strong voice was noticed. While the family lives in Novosibirsk, Nikolai Baskov simultaneously studies at a music school, which he graduates with a gold medal.

Not many people know, but in his youth Nikolai Baskov even paid attention to sports and quite seriously. Then his hobby was speed swimming, in which the singer has a second rank.

Starting from the 8th grade, Nikolai Baskov studied at a Moscow school, where he studied music and choreography in depth.

At the age of 12, Nikolai Baskov had already visited many countries, thanks to his participation in the troupe of the Children's Musical Theater.

But the stage is a stage, and at home Kolya was an ordinary boy, an assistant.

Despite the work of both parents, there was little money for living. Because of this, Nikolai worked as best he could (selling perfumes on the street, speculation).

Baskov’s father rose to the rank of captain, and to receive the rank of general, he would have had to move again, but everything turned out differently. At this moment, the Baskov family receives a decent inheritance in the form of property from deceased grandmother. Nikolai had just graduated from school, and his parents decided that the proceeds from the sale of the inheritance would be spent on a good education son.

In 1993, Nikolai Baskov successfully passed exams at GITIS as a musical theater actor. But he was not destined to graduate from college. An unfortunate incident occurred due to a disagreement between the singer and one of the GITIS teachers.

But, a year later, Nikolai Baskov becomes a student at the Gnessin School. In 2001, he finally received the long-awaited musical education, which immediately opened several doors to the future.

However, Nikolai Baskov began working in the choir at the age of 18. Thanks to an internship at the Bolshoi Theater, the singer reaps the first results of his work and gains popularity.

In parallel with the opera, the singer, together with his producer Alexander Morozov, goes to big stage, performing pop hits. The operatic voice in modern compositions is the singer’s calling card, distinguishing him from other Russian pop singers.

In 2000, in St. Petersburg, Nikolai Baskov sang a duet with the legendary opera singer Monserat Caballe. This was a real event for Nikolai Baskov, which greatly impressed and inspired him.

The beginning of the 21st century brought success to Nikolai Baskov, he became in demand and popular. Over time, the singer also began to collaborate with foreign theaters and perform concerts in the States and many European cities.

Unfortunately, Nikolai Baskov did not manage to combine opera and stage for a long time; as soon as he achieved great success as a pop performer, his career in opera immediately began to collapse. Then, the singer managed to find a middle ground, paying attention to both musical directions.

Still, Nikolai Baskov’s fame and main income comes from his work in the field of pop culture. Most famous compositions Nikolai Baskov's "Hurdy Organ", "Let Me Go", "You're Far Away" are considered. The latter were recorded together with Ukrainian singer Taisiya Povaliy and became hits on the Russian and Ukrainian stage.

Today Nikolai Baskov has many awards, bonuses and other achievements, which he is certainly proud of.

Personal life of Nikolai Baskov

No less vibrant is the personal life of Nikolai Baskov. While still young and less popular, the singer falls in love with actress Natalya Gormushkina.

At the Gnessin School, Basque became interested in Maria Maksakova. In 2001 he met true love and tied the knot with Svetlana Shpigel. Having been married to a woman for 7 years, Nikolai and Maria divorce. The couple has a son together, but the famous and influential father of his ex-wife will force the singer to abandon his son without the right to visit. In return, Baskov will get his name and his career will not suffer. This became a real tragedy for Nikolai Baskov, because he sincerely fell in love with his son Bronislav.

In 2009, the public started talking about the singer’s romance with Miss Universe Oksana Fedorova. Many gossiped that this was not a relationship, but a PR stunt.

In 2011, the press reported news of the romance between Nikolai Baskov and Anastasia Volochkova. This time there was a relationship, as evidenced by numerous photos couples on holiday, including romantic in nature. The singer himself claimed that he was fascinated by Nastya, but the two artists failed to get along, but he wishes her sincere happiness.

Afterwards, Nikolai Baskov had a three-year relationship with model Sofia Kalcheva, but in 2017 the couple broke up.

However, the singer did not grieve for long; by the end of 2017, he officially announced his engagement to model from Rostov Victoria Lopyreva. The celebration took place in Chechen Republic, in the presence of head Ramzan Kadyrov. Although everyone was slightly dumbfounded by Nikolai Baskov’s choice, they were looking forward to the wedding. But more than half a year has passed, and the celebration has not taken place. The couple announced the postponement of the wedding date, but have not yet set a new one.

Family of Nikolai Baskov

Nikolai Baskov’s family is his parents, who gave their son everything he needed, including a good education and support. Later, the singer got married, and then became a father, thus creating his own family. Unfortunately, the marriage broke up, and son Bronislav now bears his mother’s surname. For Nikol Baskov, this topic is very painful, and therefore he never gives comments on topics related to his unsuccessful marriage and his son, whom he cannot see.

Judging by Nikolai Baskov’s several attempts to get married, he is serious, which means he will soon become a family man again.

Children of Nikolai Baskov

If you are wondering, are there any children of Nikolai Baskov? Yes, there is a son from his first marriage. As it turned out, the man loves children, and, of course, loves his son, whom he cannot see. On rare photos, where Basque is with his son, which can be found on the Internet, he looks very happy. Many condemn the singer for failing to defend his right as a father, being afraid of his influential father-in-law. But Nikolai Baskov was afraid of losing his career, his bread, his life. Then he had to retreat.

Nikolai Baskov hopes that when Bronislav grows up and reaches his 18th birthday, he himself will want to communicate with his father, and no one has the right to stop him from doing this.

Son of Nikolai Baskov - Bronislav Shpigel

The only son of Nikolai Baskov is Bronislav Shpigel. It so happened that the divorce process dragged on and became a heavy burden for the singer. It was even harder because his ex-wife left for Israel and took her son Nikol Baskov with her. Later, it turned out that Bronislav now wears maiden name to his mother (and before that he wore a double one).

It's no secret that the famous opera and pop singer of Russia yearns for his blood. Bronislav called his stepfather, a businessman from Ukraine, whom Svetlana Shpigel married for the second time, dad.

Ex-Wife of Nikolai Baskov - Svetlana Shpigel

The ex-wife of Nikolai Baskov, Svetlana Shpigel, has already been divorced twice. The woman is the daughter of a famous politician Boris Shpigel. The girl succeeded in business by opening her own PR agency. IN family life with Nikolai Baskov, she often missed her husband, who disappeared for months on tour. The family broke up, leaving a big wound in the singer’s heart, because he was deprived of the opportunity to communicate with his own son.

Svetlana Shpigel was married to a Ukrainian politician, who, during the military conflict in Ukraine, decided to divorce his wife and never returned from Russia, despite the fact that they were growing up joint daughter. After this, Svetlana Shpigel lived in Israel for some time, but recently returned to Russia.

Instagram and Wikipedia Nikolai Baskov

Every day Nikolai Baskov’s Instagram and Wikipedia are gaining more and more popularity. Today, the singer’s account on the social network Instagram has over a million subscribers. Nikolay Baskov often updates photos on Instagram, mostly these are photos from the stage, from behind the scenes, and a lot of them too joint photos together with Victoria Lopyreva. Fans also noticed how, next to his beloved, the singer tightened up and lost weight. Well, the man is trying to keep himself in shape next to such a charming and young woman.

Information about the singer is also on the Wikipedia website, mostly of a general nature. But it is Wikipedia that provides an overview of all the works of Nikolai Baskov, as well as his numerous hits and most famous works.

Honored Artist of Russia, People's Artist of Ukraine.

Born on October 15, 1976 in Moscow. Father - Viktor Vladimirovich Baskov, colonel of the Armed Forces, went from platoon commander to deputy division commander, and graduated from the Military Academy of the General Staff at the age of 38. Mother - Elena Nikolaevna Baskova, a mathematics teacher by training. His wife, Svetlana Borisovna Shpigel, graduated from Moscow State University with a law degree. Son - Bronislav (born 2006).

On his mother’s side, Nikolai’s roots come from Ukraine - his grandmother is from the Poltava region. His grandfather, Nikolai Eremenko, graduated from the Military-Political Academy named after V.I. Lenin, went through the entire war, had the rank of colonel. His numerous orders and medals are carefully kept in the Baskov family. It is also known that Nikolai’s great-grandfather was a natural, he played the instrument amazingly. different instruments without having any special musical education.

Like all military families, the Baskovs often moved from place to place. When Nikolai was 2 years old, Viktor Vladimirovich, having graduated from the Military Academy named after M.V. Frunze, took his family to Germany, where he served for 5 years. There the Baskovs changed their place of residence three times - Dresden, Könixbrück, Halle.

Nikolai entered 1st grade in Germany, then moved with his family to the city of Kyzyl (Republic of Tyva), and then to Novosibirsk, where he studied from 5th to 8th grade. Subsequently, he studied for some time in Balashikha, and graduated from secondary school in Moscow. Frequent changes of environment did Baskov good - at school he had to gain authority more than once, and in the team he always strived to become a leader.

Ever since childhood, when little Kolya confidently and expressively read poetry in the circle of relatives and guests, many thought that he would become an actor. His mother studied music with him, hoping that over time her son would become a famous pianist. But quite unexpectedly, at the age of 5, Baskov discovered a high, ringing voice - a coloratura soprano. Elena Nikolaevna gave her son all her love and devoted a lot of time - she saw in Kolya all her unrealized dreams and purposefully prepared him for an artistic career: she taught him to walk beautifully, maintain his posture, smile, did everything to instill in him the desire to achieve something in life. Nikolai's training included swimming, in which he received the 2nd youth category. His mother supported Kolya in all situations, taught him to be strong and firmly believe in his talent. And the results were not long in coming - already at the age of 12 N. Baskov made his debut in “The Magic Flute” Mozart .

Musical education Nikolai started back in Kyzyl, and later continued his studies at the music school at the Novosibirsk Conservatory, where there was an interesting and unusual system - each student studied not only with a teacher, but also with a specially assigned graduate student - in fact, the load was doubled. His stay in Novosibirsk played a serious role in the artist’s life, leaving the warmest memories of this city. It is no coincidence that it was on the stage of Novosibirsk opera house At the age of 21, Nikolai Baskov made his debut as Lensky in the opera P.I. Tchaikovsky"Eugene Onegin".

After graduation music school Nikolai got into the Musical Theater young actor(Fedorov Children's Musical Theatre). He went on tour with him to the USA, Israel, Switzerland, and France. Then, under the influence of operas Giuseppe Verdi His musical tastes changed towards the classics - and Basque decided to become a singer.

At that time, my father was offered a good position, new opportunities opened up for him, but for this he had to leave Moscow. In order to continue his son’s education, the father refused tempting offer, and the Basques remained in the capital.

After studying for a year at GITIS, Nikolai entered Russian Academy in music named after the Gnessins, which he graduated with honors in 2001, and continued his education in graduate school at the Moscow Conservatory. Back in 1992, Baskov began taking vocal lessons - his teacher was the Honored Artist of Russia Liliana Sergeevna Shekhova, who was an example for the singer among professionals. Nikolai remembered her words spoken when he entered the Academy of Music: “Wait, Kolya, time will pass, and they will listen to you and cry!” All these years, Nikolai tried not to miss a single lesson - and this only happened if he went on tour. For 7 years, Basque worked hard on himself - every morning he sang at the piano, then went to a vocal lesson, listened to Pavarotti's recordings in the evening and fell asleep with the player on. For L.S. Shekhova Nikolai Baskov was not just a talented student, he was a part of life, because she put her whole soul into him.

Over time, Nikolai received his first well-deserved successes; he became a repeated winner of Russian and international competitions young performers. At the age of 21, Basque received a national Russian prize“Ovation” in the category “Golden Voice of Russia”, in 1997 he became a laureate of the All-Russian competition “Romansiada” (in December 2002 he again took part in this competition, but as a member of the jury), and a year later - the Spanish competition “ Gand Vose" (2nd prize, 1998).

When Nikolai turned 22 years old, all opera world already knew about the phenomenal tenor from Russia, whose power of talent was compared to Pavarotti and Caruso. The Western press admired in a powerful voice Russian singer, which expresses a whole range of feelings characteristic of the Russian soul - passion, purity, thirst for life and the desire to love. Nikolai Baskov was offered to stay in America and study at the Metropolitan Opera School, but Nikolai did not want to leave Russia - it was here that he dreamed of achieving success and recognition.

According to many professionals from the world of opera, Nikolai Baskov is a real talent who is born once every 100 years. Since 1998, he sang at the Bolshoi Theater as a guest singer, and after graduating from the Gnessin Academy he became a soloist. Now he has 3 opera roles to his credit - Lensky in “Eugene Onegin” by P.I. Tchaikovsky, Mozart (“Mozart and Salieri”) and Tsar Ishmael in G. Verdi’s opera “Nabucco”.

Svetlana Mikhailovna Godlina recalled: “I’ve been living in Moscow for the second year, and before that I worked on the stage of the Novosibirsk Opera and Ballet Theater for 40 years. I have heard many performers of Lensky's part. And then in October 1998, I suddenly saw a young man on stage, where a stage rehearsal of “Eugene Onegin” was going on to introduce the visiting singer to the mise-en-scène. I was amazed and delighted to see a real Pushkin image alive - a young, handsome, touching singer of extraordinary beauty and charm stood and sang, like a vision of a miracle.” At the age of 21, Nikolai Baskov became the youngest performer of the role of Lensky in the world. In the theatrical environment, a trend began to emerge that had not been observed for decades: fans of the talent of the young Baskov began to come to the opera more than once - and only for the second act of Eugene Onegin, where he is a soloist.

In November 2001, Nikolai Baskov made his debut on the stage of the famous Mariinsky Theater, performing the part of Lensky in the play “Eugene Onegin” as part of the Bolshoi Theater exchange tour in St. Petersburg. Performing on this famous stage is a great honor and a huge responsibility, but the singer’s worries were in vain - the St. Petersburg audience was delighted.

Currently, Basque is a student of the world famous opera prima Montserrat Caballe. Their acquaintance and first joint concert took place at the Ice Palace of St. Petersburg in September 2000. “Two voices - one heart” - that was the name of their second joint performance March 7, 2001, and in October of the same year they performed on the stage of the State Kremlin Palace. And on October 6, 2002, at the State Kremlin Palace, Nikolai Baskov and Montserrat Caballe presented a joint concert program"We are together again". “Nikolai is the most talented and most efficient of my students,” the famous singer admitted to the Russian public. – He constantly raises the bar for himself. I specifically give him parts to make it more difficult to perform, but he, as a rule, refuses them in favor of even more difficult ones.”

In July 2004, Nikolai Baskov took part in the European music festival in Reims. The classical concert, held in one of the most beautiful cathedrals in France, was attended by Montserrat Caballe, her daughter Montserrat Marty and all the winners of the Grand Prix of the Montserrat Caballe Competition, which has been held annually in Andorra for 7 years. Nikolai Baskov performed Lensky's aria and "Federico's Lament", which were very warmly received by the audience.

About international recognition of talent Russian artist Another fact testifies. The European Selection Committee of the 2nd Euro-Mediterranean Opera Festival, after a long search for a tenor to participate in festival program made an unprecedented decision - to approve Nikolai Baskov for the role in the most difficult opera to perform “Cleopatra” Jules Massenet. On July 13, 2002, this performance with great success took place in the suburbs of Rome on the ruins of the villa of Emperor Hadrian. Nikolai’s performance was accompanied by thunderous applause and shouts of “Bravo!”; he had to give an encore several times - the Russian tenor captivated the discerning Italian audience. Critics described his voice as clear and confident, and Spanish newspapers wrote: “...The part of Spakos fell to the lot of the Russian tenor Nikolai Baskov, who invariably demonstrated noteworthy consistency in the upper register, as well as great performing skill bordering on exciting authenticity... ."

On October 13 and 16, 2004, J. Massenet’s opera “Cleopatra” was presented in concert at the Liceu Theater (Barcelona, ​​Spain). The production featured 9 artists, including Montserrat Caballe (Cleopatra), Montserrat Marty (Octavia), Carlos Alvarez (Mark Antony). The opera was a huge success. At the end of the performance, the artists took turns taking bows, and the debutant, Russian tenor Nikolai Baskov (Spakos), was applauded by the Spanish audience on a par with world opera stars.

Nikolai Baskov is endowed with the most valuable qualities - a rich inner world, a beautiful voice, mysterious beauty - everything that is called harmony! Baskov's voice is large, very flighty, with a silvery tint on the top notes; it has everything that is inherent in correct sound engineering. Many colleagues consider Baskov a phenomenon - the famous tenor Jose Carreras also invited him to his master class. He said: "I started with classical music, and I end with pop. You can start with pop and end with classics. It won't hurt you."

The idea of ​​combining classical and variety numbers was born under the influence of Western sources. Thanks to teachers who believed in Nikolai and developed his natural talent, his star shone on the modern musical horizon in all its splendor. Efforts general producer Boris Shpigel helped the artist gain fame and popularity and made his work accessible to the masses.

The singer is confident in his abilities and hopes that fate will continue to be favorable to him. He is hardworking, not capricious, and believes that if he works hard and hard, higher powers will send him luck. And although Nikolai Baskov’s work causes a lot of controversy among the public and critics, he, like any real talent, is independent by nature, follows his own path in art, for which he is undoubtedly worthy of respect. Like all pioneers, it is difficult for him - after all, he is creating a new genre - a synthesis of classics and pop. Often his opponents are those who are accustomed to stereotypes, but the artist steadfastly overcomes all the obstacles that arise along the way. Nikolai Baskov loves his viewers very much and tries to win each of them in his own way.

The artist celebrated his 25th birthday on stage. His concerts entitled “I’m 25” are major project, new stage in the works of Nikolai Baskov. He always wanted to perform songs from the best modern Russian composers, those who can write truly beautifully. And indeed, the songwriters became Igor Krutoy, Igor Nikolaev, Igor Sarukhanov, Dmitry Malikov, Vladimir Matetsky. The song “Bright Feelings” became Baskov’s debut as a composer and was immediately remembered by listeners for its melody and temperament.

For seven days in the Rossiya concert hall, Nikolai Baskov performed his anniversary program, each song of which he suffered through and went through his very heart. In total, 6 solo concerts and 1 benefit performance took place, where the artist was congratulated and sang with him by the most bright stars domestic stage. The audience was presented with original, innovative solutions, a unique synthesis of classics and pop - for example, “Aria of the Indian Guest” from the opera “Sadko” with luxurious scenery in the Indian style and modern dances belly. This program, in addition to singing and music, was also a grandiose show, reminiscent of Broadway, with huge walking dolls and charming stuffed animals. For his anniversary, the singer released a disc of the same name.

About a year later, Nikolai Baskov was invited to main role in the puppet opera by Boris Sinkin based on the work of A.S. Pushkin"Count Nulin". This is a modern, first and so far only opera in Russia staged in puppetry, which at the same time became Nikolai’s first opera project recorded on disc. Count Nulin's doll is made as a caricature of Baskov himself, although this similarity can be called very conditional. The doll's face conveys a whole range of emotions at once - it is both sad and cheerful, in love and suffering. “Count Nulin” was Nikolai Baskov’s gift to St. Petersburg for its 300th anniversary. During the holiday, the opera, created with originality and talent, with great humor, was staged in the open area of ​​Malaya Sadovaya Street. And Count Nulin became another Pushkin image, embodied by Nikolai Baskov.

IN New Year's Eve 2003 appeared on television screens fabulous premiere- television film-musical “Cinderella”, in which Nikolai Baskov played the prince - a dreamer and romantic, a lonely young man who was not understood by his father. pure soul, in love with the stars and dreaming of becoming... a writer. Touching and a little funny, sincere and dazzlingly handsome, Basque practically played himself. The role of the prince was Nikolai's first work on television in a completely new genre for him.

In April 2003 in cultural life country happened an important event– the first one opened in Samara opera festival"Samara Spring" artistic director which became Nikolai Baskov. Here he performed for the first time not only as a singer, but also as an organizer. This festival was dedicated to tenors and sopranos, the best Moscow soloists took part in it - Larisa Rudakova, Maria Gavrilova, Vladimir Redkin, Andrey Dunaev, as well as Samara opera artists. Russian and Italian operas were performed, and in the final gala concert Nikolai Baskov sang the role of Lensky, as well as several arias and duets.

In the summer of the same year, the artist once again surprised the audience. In July, TNT launched the “Home” project, a reality show where 12 married couples They began to build a huge house near Moscow. The presenter of this TV game became... Nikolai Baskov. And he showed himself to be a professional presenter - an intelligent, subtle psychologist, sensitive and tactful, honest and humane, fair and principled. With his spontaneity, charm and enchanting singing, he brought warmth and joy to the “House”.

After this, there was another unexpected turn in the artist’s fate - straight from “Home” he went to big politics. He was included in the list of candidates for State Duma deputies. " Concert activities will not suffer from this,” Nikolai assured his fans then. But still, to the great joy of his admirers, he did not go into politics, giving preference to the main thing - music.

October 21, 2003 at Great hall The Moscow Conservatory hosted the first classical solo concert Nikolai Baskov, which was accompanied by the State Academic Chamber Orchestra of Russia under the direction of Konstantin Orbelyan and the Chamber Choir of the Moscow State Institute of Music named after A. Schnittke “Spiritual Revival” under the direction of Lev Kontorovich. The artist completed his graduate studies, and this performance was also a final exam, which Nikolai passed with honor. The concert consisted of two parts - in the first, arias and duets from operas were performed Donizetti and Verdi, and in the second - Russian and Italian songs. The commission sat in the hall, and the professors applauded their graduate student. The efforts of the artist and his teachers led to great progress in the performer’s vocal skills, which, of course, did not go unnoticed by critics, who noted that the quality of the singer’s vocals had changed noticeably, his singing style had become much more professional, his voice sounded more courageous and noble.

Nikolai Baskov presented another gift to his fans in March 2004 on the stage of the State Kremlin Palace. Each number was individual, bright and interesting. Nikolai performed songs by Russian and foreign composers. The singer’s collaboration with M. Tobak, D. Sisoko, G. Vernik, O. Tolstoy turned out to be very successful. “Adios”, “L amore le stelle”, “Better forget” - these songs from Nikolai Baskov’s new album have become hits from the moment they were released. The singer pleased the audience not only with his increased vocal skill, but also with a wide range of emotions and feelings, which replaced the enthusiastic youthful romanticism. The decoration of the holiday were duets with Lyudmila Gurchenko, Jasmine, Katya Lel , Laima Vaikule , Larisa Dolina and, of course, Larisa Rudakova, with whom he performed “The Phantom of the Opera”, “Con te partiro”, “Barcelona”. New to his solo program was Nikolai’s performance with the boys’ choir.

The close creative collaboration between Nikolai Baskov and People's Artist of Ukraine Taisiya Povaliy turned out to be successful: the jointly recorded duets firmly occupied the top lines of the charts. In May 2004, in Kyiv, the singer presented the program “Nikolai Baskov and his Ukrainian friends" On the stage concert hall“Ukraine” featured duets with the brightest pop and opera stars. Nikolay became the first Russian singer to present such a show on Ukrainian soil. He also came up with the idea for the “Trio of Slavic Tenors” project, which is currently in the process of development: in one grand show connect three tenors representing Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.

Nikolai Baskov is periodically invited to take part in prestigious song competitions already as a jury member. In December 2002, he was a member of the Romansiada jury. In July 2004, he was entrusted with a responsible and honorable mission - to become a member of the jury from Russia at the International Arts Festival "Slavic Bazaar" in Vitebsk (Belarus). In Vitebsk, Nikolai Baskov was awarded an honorary diploma by the Union State Committee for his contribution to culture and strengthening friendship between the Slavic states.

A month later, Nikolai represented his country on the jury of the most popular competition in Asia - the International music festival"Voice of Asia". On August 30, 2004, Nikolai Baskov’s solo charity concert took place in Bishkek on the central Ala-Too square, timed to celebrate the 13th anniversary of the republic’s independence and attracting over 15 thousand spectators. President of Kyrgyzstan Askar Akaev signed a decree awarding Honored Artist of Russia Nikolai Baskov with a certificate of honor for his services in developing cooperation between Kyrgyzstan and Russia in the field of culture and art. This certificate of honor was presented to Nikolai Baskov by the Prime Minister of the Kyrgyz Republic N. Tanaev on August 30 in the Great Hall of the Government House.

On September 3, 2004, Nikolay Baskov signed two contracts with the Nizhny Novgorod State academic theater Opera and Ballet named after A.S. Pushkin: as an artist involved in performances in the 2004/2005 season, and as a producer of the project “Nikolai Baskov Presents...”.

Participation in the XVIII All-Russian Pushkin Festival “Boldinskaya Autumn”, held from November 18 to 27 at the Nizhny Novgorod Opera and Ballet Theater named after Pushkin, became Nikolai Baskov’s debut on the Nizhny Novgorod stage, where he acted as both a soloist and producer. As part of the festival, a solo concert “Nikolai Baskov presents...” took place, in which took part People's Artist Russia Maria Gavrilova and Honored Artist of Russia Larisa Rudakova. In the opera “Eugene Onegin” Nikolai performed the role of Lensky. As part of the final gala concert, Nikolai Baskov presented a program with the participation of a ballet star Anastasia Volochkova. All three events with the participation of Nikolai Baskov were charitable - all proceeds were transferred to the theater fund.

On November 30, 2004, Nikolai Baskov’s first performance took place in Astrakhan. In Astrakhan State musical theater in the opera “Eugene Onegin” Nikolai performed the part of Lensky, the part of Onegin was performed by the Bolshoi Theater soloist, Honored Artist of Russia Pavel Chernykh. The performance took place as part of the VIII International Festival vocal art named after Valeria Barsova and Maria Maksakova. Nikolai Baskov's participation was charitable.

In just 4 years, Nikolai Baskov recorded 7 CDs: “Dedication” (2000), “Encore Dedication” (2000), Masterpieces of the Outgoing Century (2001), “I’m 25” (2001), “Count Nulin”, “ Never Say Goodbye" (2004), "Let Me Go" (2004). At the turn of the millennium, in record time, he soared to the top of the charts, sang the most beautiful parts on the stage of the country's first theater, and won enormous popularity and the love of millions of listeners. The rhythm of his life resembles a fast-paced kaleidoscope - a busy touring schedule, rehearsals, filming in the most rated programs, rotations on the best television channels, the undying close interest of the press, enchanting success with the public, standing ovations earned at the most famous opera and stage venues, a huge number of fans and a sea of ​​flowers... Nikolai Baskov remains a man madly in love with music, to the devoted service of which his life is dedicated.

Nikolai Baskov is an Honored Artist of Russia. On October 28, 2004, President of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma awarded him the honorary title people's artist Ukraine for its significant contribution to the development of cultural relations between Ukraine and Russia and high performing skills. He is the youngest recipient of the medal “For Peacekeeping and Charitable Activities.” He was also awarded by the Russian Peace Foundation for the record number of charity concerts that the singer gave in hospitals, military units and orphanages. Before N. Baskov, this award was awarded to V. Spivakov, Yu. Bashmet, M. Rostropovich, M. Caballe. “Of all my awards, this one is especially dear,” says Nikolai. – I promise that I will perform with charity concerts just as often."

IN free time Nikolay is studying foreign languages– Italian and English, listens to a lot of music and learns opera parts. Like every person, he has a dream - to sing Radames in Aida and the part of Othello.

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