There is nothing more courageous than victory over yourself. Essay on the topic: Victory and defeat

Each of us has wondered more than once what is the difference between victory and defeat? The answer is simple: winning makes you feel stronger, more confident in your intentions and goals. When we win, we feel satisfied: what we strived for finally gives results, which means that the desire is not in vain. But defeat is the opposite: it makes us feel insecure; after numerous losses and miscalculations, we are afraid of another failure. But, on the other hand, they provide invaluable experience and provide an understanding of where the cause of defeat lies. Therefore, after countless failures, seemingly hopeless losers become winners. This means that these extremes are interdependent: without defeats it is impossible to learn to win. Is it so?

For let's take an example the work of F. M. Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment”, where the author raises the main issues that have puzzled people for more than a hundred years. The main character of the work, Rodion Raskolnikov, kills an old money-lender, wanting to use her money for the benefit of all the poor. The killer wants to decide for himself who he is: “a trembling creature” or “one who has the right.” The hero wanted to keep his crime a secret, but in the end he told Sonya Marmeladova, and later the investigator, about it. While in hard labor, Rodion admitted his guilt and repented. He realized that by killing the old woman, he had become a “trembling creature” and an outcast from society. And when he went through this defeat, he realized all the mistakes in better side. And we can consider this to be his personal victory.

Also, as an example, we can cite Turgenev’s work “Fathers and Sons”. The hero of this work, Evgeny Bazarov, believed only in science. In many disputes, he defeated his opponents with the power of his mind or the energy of his protest, and in many cases he turned out to be the winner, helping people get rid of the disease. With the same zeal, he fought against love for a woman - a feeling that he considered unacceptable. When he met Anna Sergeevna and fell in love with her, he became bitter against himself so as not to lose. However, after some time, he suffered a fiasco and confessed his feelings. Having reviewed your life principles, he became a better person and began to look at the world differently. And this is also his personal victory, albeit belated.

Thus, I come to the conclusion that a real (and not accidental) victory is impossible without defeats preceding it. Only after going through defeat and examining your mistakes can you learn to go all the way towards your intended goal and gain the upper hand. The main thing is not to despair and understand the reasons for failures, and then use this knowledge in life.

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Most teachers and non-teachers suggest that one of the main novels in the topic “Victory and Defeat” in the final essay should be “Crime and Punishment” by F.M. Dostoevsky. And this is a very worthy choice. First, Crime and Punishment is truly brilliant novel brilliant writer. Secondly, Fyodor Mikhailovich will soon have an anniversary, several new works based on the novel will probably be published, and you will be able to read them. Yes and generally read good novel(albeit complex, albeit boring) is very useful for later life. By the way, if you are too lazy to read Crime and Punishment, you can watch the movie. In the USSR they knew how to film classics close to the text. I'm talking about the 1969 Kulidzhan film, although there is also a 2007 series. you can strain yourself, look at both versions and highlight how they are similar and different.

For the final essay, it is very important to present the correct theses and arguments. First, let's remember. what is it, because I, for example, will no longer be able to accurately formulate
Thesis- briefly formulated main ideas in one sentence.
Argument(argument) - a logical premise used separately or in conjunction with others to prove the truth of a certain statement - a thesis.

The thesis of an essay about Raskolnikov’s victory and defeat can be his theory. Student Raskolnikov believed that people are divided into two categories: “Inferior people” and “Proper people.” Actually, people can do whatever they want to lower people, because the life of a lower person has no value. And, of course, Rodion Romanych would like to see himself as a person from the category of People. To prove his importance to himself, he kills the old woman. Moreover, initially Raskolnikov acts quite rationally: one way of carrying an ax evokes admiration. However, the crime does not go smoothly for Raskolnikov: he did not get much money, and did not spend it the way he wanted. Moreover, our hero begins to think about the meaning of murder. This means doubting your superhumanity.

In general, the thesis that Raskolnikov is a person “having the right” is not supported by any arguments. Therefore, Raskolnikov himself is defeated and admits to the crime he committed.
A digression for clarity: The theory of the superman was developed by Nietzsche,
and later after Dostoevsky debunked this same theory in
Crime and punishment. How it happens with these philosophers. And yes,
Dostoevsky is quite a philosopher, just a genius at that

And here - attention - we can already talk about the victory of Rodion Raskolnikov. Victory over yourself. Victory over stereotypes. Victory and defeat in Crime and Punishment are close and flow into one another.

Here, in the topic of Victory and Defeat, one can recall the Orthodox conviction of our Fyodor Mikhailovich and give the thesis that with the help of Christian humility the main victory occurs in our lives - over ourselves. It is worth remembering here the sacrament of repentance, to which Raskolnikov’s confession of a crime is close.

These are just a few of the theses and arguments for an essay on the topic of Victory and Defeat. You can still think and come up with a hundred things. Good luck, my young friends!

When we hear the words “victory” and “defeat”, images of military action or sports competitions. But these concepts themselves, of course, are much broader and accompany us every day. Victory or defeat always involves confrontation with someone or something. Our life, whether we like it or not, is a struggle with circumstances, problems, competitors. And the more serious the opponent, the more significant and important the victory over him is for us. To win a grueling struggle against a powerful enemy means to become better, stronger. But if the enemy is obviously weaker, can such a victory be called real?

It seems to me that victory over the weak is still a defeat. Moreover, if a person enters into confrontation with someone who cannot fight back, he shows his moral weakness. Many Russian writers shared the same opinion. Thus, in A.S. Pushkin’s novel “Dubrovsky” we see the landowner Troekurov, who, out of a sense of resentment, deprived his longtime friend Andrei Gavrilovich of his estate. The imperious tyrant Kirila Petrovich, using his influence and wealth, ruined the Dubrovsky family. As a result, Andrei Gavrilovich, struck by such betrayal, goes crazy and soon dies, and his son Vladimir becomes noble robber. Can Troekurov, who took advantage of his opponent’s weakness, be called a real winner? Of course not. The true moral victory in the novel is won by the younger Dubrovsky, who gave up revenge, falling in love with Masha, the daughter of his enemy.

Prepared material

What is victory? What is defeat? Why do we sometimes suffer defeats or, conversely, win victories? Victory is success, achieving a set goal, overcoming oneself and hostile circumstances. Every day we face all kinds of problems, obstacles and thorns. People are hindered by laziness, fear, and lack of self-confidence. That is why on the way to the goal it is important to show willpower and fortitude.

Let's turn to the novel, where main character I lost the battle with myself, with my laziness. He grew up in an environment where everything went as usual, smoothly, calmly, measuredly. Ilyusha was always surrounded by care and attention, and that is why he lacked independence in the future. Oblomov's favorite pastime was lying on the sofa. Days, months, years passed... But all “good things” come to an end, right? Ilya Ilyich was faced with problems that, if desired, probably could have been solved, but he did not change himself and did not do anything to correct the disastrous state of affairs. They say that love changes people, and this is what happened with Oblomov: he made an attempt to overcome himself. Thanks to his love for Olga, he: got up from the couch, started reading, and walking. However, he soon abandoned this idea, justifying himself by saying that he would not be able to give his beloved what she really deserved. Having found an excuse, the hero returns to his home sofa and his usual way of life. But his closest friend Stolz was able to achieve his goal, because his upbringing was harsh and, as life showed, correct. Stolz overcame his fear of the big city and homesickness to succeed in big city and find your calling. He achieved career success and won Olga's favor.

In the story of M.A. Sholokhov “The Fate of Man” there is a truly great story. On his way, he survived a lot of cruel blows of fate. During the civil war, he lost his family and was left completely alone. Having pulled himself together, Sokolov passed the time of suffering: he received an education, then got a job, and after some time he got married. Friendly family, three children, this seemed to be happiness... Everything collapsed in one moment. The war began, the hero was taken to the front. Captivity, hunger, exhausting work, death of comrades. At such moments, only the thought of family, of home can warm the soul; only they can give hope for a bright future. A shell fell into the house where his wife and his two daughters were, and on Victory Day Sokolov learned of the death of his son. It is difficult to imagine how a person feels in such seconds. Where does he get his strength from? Despite everything, he continued to live, adopted a boy as lonely as himself. I think that anyone else would have broken already, but not

Military life in the forties of the last century changed the fate of many people. Some of them were never able to wait for their relatives and friends from the front; some did not despair and found people to replace them; and some continued to live on. How important it is to preserve a human face after all the difficult trials and become not a human killer, but a human savior! This was the main character of Sholokhov’s story “The Fate of a Man,” Andrei Sokolov.

Before the start of the war, Sokolov was a good person. He worked hard, was an exemplary family man, and if he drank and began to scold his wife Irinka, he immediately apologized. But it didn't last long family idyll. With the onset of the war, he was sent to the front as a military driver. He was wounded and captured, but in all situations he remained resistant to any tests. The German enemies, pouring him glasses of vodka, ordered him to drink for their victory. But Solokov refused: “I’ll drink to my death and deliverance from torment,” he said, and, barely able to stand, he drank without eating. The Germans, amazed by the Russian man’s character, began to respect him and released him.

Having walked halfway across the country, Sokolov was lucky enough to return to his native Voronezh, but instead of a house and a wife and children, he saw only a crater. Soon another grief befell him: after a short correspondence with his surviving son, he suddenly learns that Anatoly was killed. Everything is gone: no home, no relatives, there is only Victory. How to continue to live...?

Sokolov finds the strength to live on. He does not console himself with the thought that someday there will be a woman who can replace the deceased Irinka; he does not want to return to his homeland. There was nothing left in his heart but emptiness. However, the thirst for hatred is not kindled in him, he does not want to take revenge for all his life’s misfortunes, and even thoughts of suicide do not visit his bright head. He just continues to live. And, as it soon turns out, he can live not only for himself.

Sokolov goes to Russian city Uryupinsk, where it meets the meaning of its later life. A boy with eyes as bright as the sky could suddenly replace all his relatives. Vanyushka was an orphan and wandered the streets in search of another watermelon rind so as not to die of hunger. This boy, unaware of the real grief that befell Andrei Sokolov, recognizes his father in him, as soon as Sokolov said: “Vanyushka, do you know who I am?... I am your father.” And so two big, pure, loving and devoted hearts found each other.

Andrey Sokolov is a true example of a person with unbending willpower. He bravely held out both in war and in peacetime, did not lose his human face and opened his heart to the little man who needed it so much.

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