Unusual houses in different countries. The most original houses in the world

A person’s genius can be expressed in the most unusual manifestation, for example, architecture. On our planet there is ample evidence of the wild imagination of architects who surprise thousands of people with their appearance. We present to you 10 of the most unusual houses: what if something comes to your liking, and a new brilliant architect wakes up among us.

1. Dancing House, Czech Republic

This building, one of the most elegant in the ten most unusual houses in the world, was built in 1996 by architects V. Milunich and F. Gary in the so-called deconstructivist style. The structure consists of two houses, where one seems to reach out to the other, thereby representing a metaphor dancing couple. Nowadays there is a restaurant and offices of international companies here.

2. Stone house in Fafe, Portugal

A truly mythical look from one of the most unusual private houses in the world. Situated in the north of Portugal in the Fafe mountains, it was built among three huge boulders. The architect of this strange building is V. Rodriguez, who built it in 1974. He was impressed by the funny cartoon “The Flintstones” about a family who lived in a similar dwelling in the Stone Age. There is no electricity, but there is a fireplace carved into a boulder, as well as a carved stone staircase.

3. Upside Down House in Szymbark, Poland

Among the most original houses in the world, one cannot fail to mention the Upside Down House, which is located near the Polish city of Gdansk. It was created according to the plans of the architect D. Czapiewski, thus conveying the advent of the era of communism, which turned people's lives upside down.

4. Gingerbread houses in Barcelona, ​​Spain

The so-called Gingerbread Houses in Barcelona exude a special cosiness. They are part of the city founded by the famous architect A. Gaudí. As if straight from the pages of a fairy tale, Gingerbread houses are considered a symbol of Barcelona.

5. Shell House on Isla Mujeres, Mexico

Among the most amazing houses in the world, the shell house, built according to the design of an adherent of surrealism, Octavio Ocampo, stands out. In fact, this building is a hotel on the Mexican island of Mujeres in the Caribbean. Despite its unusual appearance, the structure was erected from ordinary materials - concrete and a huge number of shells. By the way, it has no corners at all. Marine theme is also observed in interior decoration shell houses.

6. Humpbacked (or crooked) house in Sopot, Poland

In the Polish town of Sopot you can see one of the most unusual interesting houses - the so-called Humpbacked House. You won’t find right angles or straight lines in it, which is so akin to nature, which was the design idea of ​​the Polish architect Jacek Karnowski. Now there is a shopping center and cafe here.

7. Teapot House in Texas, USA

Not far from the Texas town of Galveston, back in 1950, an unusual building in the shape of a teapot arose. No one lives there, but, according to local residents, a young man visits here periodically.

8. Cube houses in Rotterdam, Holland

The unique residential bridge complex was created in 1984 by architect Piet Blom. In its upper part there are 38 cubes, representing residential apartments. At the concrete base there is an entrance and a staircase to a wooden cube divided into three levels: kitchen, bedroom and garden room.

9. Earthen house in Wales, UK

Among the amazing houses in the world we can also include the realization of Simon Dale’s childhood dream - a home fairy tale hero Tolkien's books - the hobbit. The round-shaped structure was built at the base of a hill from natural materials– wood, soil and stone, turf. It is noteworthy that it took 3 thousand pounds sterling to build the house.

10. Boot House in Mpumalanga, South Africa

The unusual shoe house is the creation of artist Ron Van Zyl, who built it for his wife back in 1990. Now the building is considered part of a complex that includes a museum of the owner’s wooden crafts, a hotel, and a restaurant.

Hello, our dear readers. IN modern cities sometimes there are so many identical houses - entire blocks. And this view is not at all pleasing. But suddenly among this grayness flash the most unusual houses peace. Made of wood, brick, stone, one-story or multi-story, round, square, and such original shapes that you are amazed.

Crooked house in Poland

The house was built according to the fairy tales of Jan Marcin. That's really true fairy house. It seems that now the mouth-entrance will open and say something unusual. And all around it is boiling day and night fast paced life. There is a shopping center inside the building on the ground floor. Can you imagine how briskly trade is going on there if many tourists, after taking selfies, go inside to buy souvenirs. Popular radio stations broadcast on the second floor constant broadcasts.

Palace of Ferdinand Cheval in France

Surprisingly, this unusually beautiful structure was brought to life by an ordinary postman without an architectural or construction education. The house is built of stones, cement and wire. And in such a mixture of styles, every tourist from the East and West will find a piece of their culture. Ferdinand loved his creation so much that he expressed a desire to bury himself in it.

But he was refused (strange, because this is his house) and then quickly built a crypt next to his palace and in the same style. There the famous postman of France calmed down.

Portuguese stone house

This is really a solid, huge stone lying on the mountain. A creation of nature into which an ordinary person seemed to breathe life. The house was built between two boulders. It has two floors, absolutely suitable for living, but no one has lived here for a long time, because the huge influx of tourists simply does not allow one to rest peacefully in this secluded place.

"Planet" for a sheikh in the UAE

An interesting and unusual house was built for Sheikh Hamad. Round shape and colored like Earth. Initially, the house was built for convenience when traveling through the desert of the state - it has 4 floors, several bathrooms and bedrooms. And the structure has wheels. Imagine, a lonely 12-meter globe rolling through a huge desert! Not by itself, of course, attached to a tractor. But the sight is unusual.

House of Nikolai Sutyagin in Russia

This wooden 13-storey house was built in Arkhangelsk from boards and timber without nails at all, as they were built distant ancestors Slavs From the top floor you could see the White Sea. But, unfortunately, the owner never completed the house. It turns out that private multi-storey residential buildings should not exceed nine floors.

And on the instructions of the authorities, the top was demolished, but the house still remained unfinished. It's a pity! But apparently the building was not destined to “live” even like this, because in 2012 the house completely burned down.

"Flying Saucer" in Moscow

Another of the construction masterpieces built in Russia is the Moscow registry office, which looks like an alien plate. As they say: “Marriages are made in heaven,” so in this registry office lovers are registered “under the clouds.” The wedding palace has two halls: one on the ground, at the foot of the bridge, and the other suspended at a height of 100 meters. The upper hall can accommodate about 600 guests. So you can sign on a grand scale and “in heaven.”

Ball-shaped house

LifeGlobe has repeatedly published articles about the most unusual houses, but the world does not stand still, new, even more original projects are constantly being created, old ones are being updated, and even more amazing buildings are being discovered. I bring to your attention a generalized selection that includes the most unusual houses in the world, including some projects about which articles have already been published. The list will be divided into several parts - a lot of interesting things await you inside.

Crooked house in Poland

Inspired by paintings Dahlberg and Jan Marcin Schanzer, Crooked House (or Crooked House on Polish language) is a unique building with cartoonish architecture. With over 21,000 square meters area, it is part shopping center called Rezydent. This very unconventional design was developed by Szotinscy & Zaleski, attracting numerous curious visitors every year since opening in 2004.

Nautilus House in Mexico City

Nautilus - House for a family with two children, representing a very original way to escape noise big city. The owners of the unusual house wanted to live closer to nature, so they left city life and moved to this colorful residence with a strong water theme. The building was designed by Javier Senosian, who is known for his passion for organic architecture.

Unusual house Habitat 67

While some consider Habitat 67 one of the 10 ugliest buildings in the world, others admire its unusualness, calling the house an architectural masterpiece. Habitat 67 is a recognizable landmark in Montreal, a model community in a prestigious neighborhood. Architect Moshe Safdie created the project for his master's thesis, and has his own penthouse in the complex.

National Library in Minsk

A modern symbol of culture and knowledge, the National Library of Minsk stands out for its unusual architectural element in the shape of a rhombicuboctahedron (this is the real name of the shape). This extraordinary building is 72 meters high with 22 floors and can accommodate up to 2,000 reading enthusiasts. The library even has its own conference room and an observation deck with a cafe on top. While many consider it one of the most beautiful libraries in the world, others call the building ugly and awkward. Where is the truth in this question? Only time will tell...

Cube house in Rotterdam

The Cube House in Rotterdam was built in the 1970s according to a very original concept by architect Piet Blom. He wanted to create an urban forest where each building would be represented by a stylized tree. One of the owners decided to open an “exhibition cube” - a fully furnished apartment open to visitors. Thanks to this solution, anyone can come in and see how everything works inside.

Air Force Academy Chapel

Just north of Colorado Springs lies an unusual chapel unlike any other you have ever seen. It was built in 1962 on the grounds of the US Air Force Academy according to a bold and controversial design at the time by Walter Netsch of the architectural firm SOM. The 17-spired chapel is an award-winning building and a National Historic Landmark.

Upside down house in Poland

It seems as if strong hurricane turned this unusual house upside down. The house was built by Polish businessman Daniel Capiewski, whose goal was to ridicule communist times with his design. And although this building is on the list of unusual ones, the house in Szymbark is not unique - there are many similar structures in the world.

Atomium in Brussels

This 102-meter-tall structure was originally installed for the Brussels World Expo 1958. The Atomium was designed by architects Andre and Jean Polak along with engineer Andre Waterkein. While its shape will mean little to the uninitiated, any chemist will immediately recognize the structure of an elementary particle, magnified 165 billion times. 12 stainless steel spheres housed various exhibition halls, to which escalators and an elevator lead. Main sphere is an observation deck and offers amazing views of the city. At night, the Atomium sparkles with 2,970 bright lanterns.

Project Eden

If you're traveling to Cornwall, be sure to visit The Eden Project. Here, under large domes, there is a wonderful collection of plants from around the world, plus two artificial biomes dedicated to Mediterranean and tropical environments. This complex is truly amazing and unusual. The two large domes look like giant soap bubbles, made of carbon cages placed in steel structures.

National Theater in Pekin

The Beijing National Theater is an amazing building! Often called the Giant Egg, the building is essentially a completely different shape. It is an elliptical dome surrounded by an artificial lake. The lake, like a mirror, reflects the building, creating the illusion of an egg shape. The structure is made of titanium and covered with glass. The theater has an area of ​​more than 60,000 square meters and can seat 5,452 people.

Experience Music Project in Seattle

EMP is a huge non-profit music museum in Seattle. Founded by Paul Allen, co-founder of Microsoft, it is dedicated to modern pop culture. The unusual-looking museum has held numerous exhibitions since its opening in 2000. Many experts, however, believe that it is one of the ugliest buildings in the world.

Rotating Tower in Dubai

When completed, this 80-story building will be one of the most unusual skyscrapers in the world. 90 percent of its structure will be built not on the construction site, but in adjacent factories, and transported to the construction site. But obviously this is not the most unusual thing in project. As its name suggests, this 400-meter skyscraper will be quite dynamic. Each of its floors will be able to rotate independently at speeds of up to 7 meters per minute. This will result in an ever-changing shape that mesmerizes passersby. Once completed, it will be one of the most expensive construction projects in Dubai and the world, along with the Dubailand Park currently under construction.

Unusual House-Miracle

Probably the most unusual thing about this upside-down house is the palm trees around it, which are also upside down. The slogan of the House of Wonderworks is “Let your imagination run wild.” The building is entertainment center, hosting interactive science exhibits and even magic shows.

Forest Spiral in Darmstadt

There are many amazing facts about this structure! First of all, the Forest Spiral is very original in architectural terms. Secondly, the building is harmless to environment, as it is the first structure in the country to be made from recycled concrete. Its name speaks for itself - it is a winding spiral with a green roof (in literally this word). The house's courtyard flows seamlessly into the living roof with trees and seating areas. The house was designed by Friedensreich Hundertwasser, a famous Austrian architect and artist.

The continuation of the selection awaits you in the article about the most original houses in the world, which contains no less interesting architectural projects.

We are all accustomed to feeling comfortable and protected at home. It’s hard to say that, being in the rooms presented in this article, you can think that you are completely safe. And in general, I wonder how these architectural “creatures” have not collapsed yet? Their creators are clearly talented people!

If you like to tickle your nerves, then go to any of the buildings in our selection today - thrill you are guaranteed!

1. Holman House, Australia

Its creator was clearly inspired by the works of Pablo Picasso. Block Jaggers swimming above the sea.

2. Meteora Monasteries, Greece

In Greek, "meteora" means "suspended in the air." It is impossible to think of another name for this breathtaking monastic dwelling!

The monastery was founded in the 11th century and was built on top of a sandstone tower without roads, amenities or any technology. By the way, they still live there to this day.

3. The HemLoft, Canada

Looking almost like a dew drop, this secret hideout is perched (somewhat illegally) on a steep slope in a high stand of hemlocks in Whistler.

4. Castellfollit de la Roca, Catalonia

The building is located on a narrow basalt rock between the Fluvià and Toronell rivers. The emergence of the village is dated closer to the Middle Ages. Approximately 1,000 residents still live there, occupying an area of ​​less than a square kilometer.

5. Cliff House, Calpe, Spain

The residence project belongs to the architect Fran Silvestre. This private lodge overlooks the Mediterranean Sea. It was built in a year using reinforced concrete slabs.

6. The Hanging Houses, Spain

Cuenca's Hanging Houses (Casas Colgadas) were built on a cliff overlooking the Huécar River over 500 years ago.

As you can see, standing on the railings of some of these wooden balconies, you can literally feel like you're in the air.

7. Sky High Treehouse, France

The structure is delicately balanced on a forty-meter pine tree. Your heart will race as you climb up the stairs, but the scenery of nearby Lake Geneva is worth the thrill.

8. River House, Serbia

This small house on a rocky island in the middle of the Drina River was built by a group of boys in 1968 as their club.

The structure is currently owned and used by the Bajina Basta Kayak Club.

9. Fallingwater, Pennsylvania

10. Stahl House, Hollywood Hills

In 1959, Buck Stahl bought a property on a mountain overlooking Los Angeles for less than $14,000. He built his home out of glass so he could look out over the panoramic views of the city below.

It took a while to find a smart enough architect. As a result, the house created by Pierre Koenig became a real miracle of design!

11. Villa Amanzi, Phuket, Thailand

This impressive house is located in a narrow gorge overlooking the azure sea. There in open pavilion, you can get an amazing massage.

12. Monte Rosa Hut, Swiss Alps, Switzerland

This building, which looks like a ship, was designed specifically for climbers going to the top of the glacier.

Resembling a shimmering ice crystal, the hut produces 90% of its energy needs through photovoltaic solar panels and solar thermal systems.

13. Socotra Island, Indian Ocean

This place resembles another planet. The city is simply dizzying because it is built on top of a coastal cliff.

It seems that the houses are part of the rock, and are compressed so that there is no road between them.

14. Takasugi-an Teahouse, Japan

There is nothing fictitious here. This is a modern design by the architect Terunobu Fujimori.

This structure was erected on the tops of two chestnut trees carved from a nearby mountain. It is called "Takasugi", which means "tea house built too high". Perfection!

15. Fallen Star, San Diego

Yes, you are not mistaken, it really hangs from the side of the University in San Diego. This is a technical sculpture built as an addition to the Stuart Collection school.

Fallen Star is fully furnished.

16. Upside Down House, Poland

If the hanging building isn't enough for you, there's another one that's completely upside down. The hut was built by Polish businessman Daniel Czapiewski in the village of Szymbark. It is intended to show the communist era and the chaotic structure of the world.

17. Mirrorcube, Sweden

Honestly, you wouldn't even be able to tell this cube apart from the surrounding foliage.

It can only be reached by a 12-meter bridge. Those brave souls who travel to the Mirrorcube are rewarded with a double bed, bath and rooftop terrace.

18. “Just Enough Room” Island, Canada

It is located in an archipelago of islands on the border with the United States. Now you understand why it is called “enough space”.

19. Xuankong Temple, China

Presumably, one person built this temple one and a half thousand years ago. It still hangs above the river bed at an altitude of about 90 meters.

20. Balancing Barn, Suffolk

This is very smart English development created using optical illusion.

21. UFO, Sweden

This fantasy hanging in the trees comes from the same group of minds that created the Mirrorcube. Visitors must be prepared to enter unknown worlds... at least in their dreams!

22. HP Tree House, Australia

This magnificent structure rises above the forest with a galvanized steel frame.

23. Nut House, Dusseldorf

This nut-shaped house is supported by stilts. It is used as a playroom for the owner's three children and an occasional guest room.

Architecture is always high art, however, we have long forgotten about this, since most of the buildings on our planet are very similar to each other. The dull boxes of residential buildings have not been pleasing to the eye for a long time, but there are craftsmen who create unique houses. Those projects that have come to life become famous throughout the world, and hundreds of thousands of tourists rush to remote corners of our planet to see modern buildings surprising with their appearance.

Today we will look at the most unusual houses in the world, which often become business cards cities.

Kubuswoning in the Netherlands

Thus, the symbol of Rotterdam is the amazing cube houses installed at an angle of 45 degrees. Original looking, they are built into hexagonal bases and raised above the ground. It is curious that the idea of ​​​​creating an avant-garde structure belonged to the administration, which planned to build living quarters over the bridge.

Local architect Blom, who received the order in the 80s of the last century, combined them into an air village and turned them at an angle. He gave free rein to his imagination, creating a unique “city within a city”, which became well known for its unique design. The creative architect brought to life the idea that megacities should have cozy villages - quiet oases for residents, where they have their own courtyard, playground and shops.

Avant-garde architectural complex

The cube house, made of cement and wood, stands on a high support and is angled so that three of its sides face the sky and the other three face the ground. The roofs of 38 buildings were painted gray and snow-white, so that the buildings from a distance resembled mountain peaks. From a bird's eye view, this design looks like a huge children's puzzle.

Inside the avant-garde houses there are the same unique apartments in the form of which is about 100 meters 2, however, the entire space cannot be used for housing due to the angle between the floor and the walls. The Cube House in Rotterdam is a very popular place among tourists. For a fee, you can see what is inside it and appreciate the weirdness of life in such a strange complex.

A house where it is difficult to spend a lot of time

When it comes to the most unusual houses, it is impossible not to mention the so-called “reversal” buildings, the fashion for which came from the USA. These are mainly exciting attractions created to attract tourists. To be in such a strange room and do interesting photos you can do it for a few hundred rubles. However, avid travelers have already seen different countries an unusual house looking into the sky, which architects erected as a symbol of our world going crazy.

In Poland, businessman Czapewski 10 years ago ordered a project for such a “shifter” with a roof lying on the ground, which became a real attraction for tourists. In small Szymbark, located near Gdansk, there is an upside-down house, in which it is difficult to spend much time, because your head begins to spin, and your brain does not accept the new reality. It is for this reason that it was built not in a few weeks, but over three months.

Visitors enter wooden house, turned 180 degrees, through a small attic window, and then, carefully maneuvering among the chandeliers, they go for a walk through the rooms. By the way, there is a legend that the customer of the project wanted to use the inverted house as his own home, and now the local landmark attracts foreign guests from all over the world who want to walk on the ceiling without hindrance.

Fairytale house in Sopot

It is in Poland that the famous building is located, recognized as the best. In 2004, a popular “crooked” house appeared in Sopot, which became part of a shopping center. The original building was designed based on illustrations from fairy tales and surrealist paintings.

It seems that the “crooked” house in Poland melted in the sun and lost its former shape. And some tourists at first sincerely believe in optical illusion and a special mirror that reflects the original masterpiece of architecture. However, this structure, built to attract tourists to the city, actually does not have any right angle. The architects brought to life the most original ideas, thanks to which the delightful house gained worldwide fame.

Most photographed building

Windows and doors of a building built from the most different materials, curve bizarrely, and the roof, made of shiny plates, looks like the back of a magic dragon. The multi-colored glass entrances, which are illuminated at night with colorful lights, also cause delight. Without exaggeration, we can say that this is the most photographed building in Poland.

Visitors to the shopping center will see a wall with writing on the ground floor, which is an analogue of the star-studded avenue in Hollywood, where media personalities express their admiration.

Eco-style house

When architects design the most unusual houses, differing from others in their original forms, they often care only about profit, since such buildings immediately become objects of close attention of tourists. However, there are also masters who think not about commerce, but about harmony with nature. was a supporter of the ecological style, and all his masterpieces fit perfectly into the natural landscape. He said that living in identical buildings is very harmful for the mental and physical health person.

Waldspirale snail complex

Thus, in Darmstadt, Germany, there is a stunning residential complex consisting of 12 floors. The huge building, made in the shape of a horseshoe, is designed for 105 apartments, and each of them has its own characteristics. Now this house, with trees growing on the roof and a small pond with fish in the yard, allows you to feel the beauty of unity with nature in the very center of a noisy city.

The "Forest Spiral" in Darmstadt is a snail-shaped structure with no straight lines or sharp corners. The building has thousands of windows of unique shapes and sizes, and each is decorated with a miniature crown, so that people feel like real kings of their living space. The architect’s refusal to use traditional forms also affected the interior, and here no one will find right angles between the wall and the floor, and all the lines are rounded.

Nautilus in Naucalpan de Juarez

The building, which appeared in Mexico, also lacks the usual geometry of modern buildings. Resembling a giant snail shell, the Nautilus House, where the furniture grows straight out of the walls, is often compared to the masterpieces created by the great Gaudi. A very bright and colorful building with colored stained glass windows appeared 11 years ago, and during this time it received recognition from foreign guests rushing to enjoy the amazing spectacle.

They mistake the bizarre masterpiece of architecture for a futuristic monument or an unusual attraction, although in fact it is a residential building where a Mexican family lives. The couple, who dreamed of merging with nature, ordered a project for a unique structure and took care not only of the aesthetic appearance, but also about safety. Today designers refer to unique monuments This unusual house is based on the so-called bioorganic architecture. A miracle of architectural thought, fully adapted to life, wonderfully fits into the surrounding landscape.

Safety and beauty

Thanks to the frame made of reinforced wire, the streamlined building will withstand even in the event of a strong earthquake. And the material from which the clam shell is constructed is a type of fire-resistant ceramic that can withstand adverse weather conditions.

The sun's rays, illuminating the facade decorated with mosaics, penetrate into the room, on the walls of which multi-colored reflections sparkle. And upon entering the house, visitors will see not an ordinary floor, but a grass carpet along which winding paths lead to the owners’ rooms. Numerous green spaces are an organic component of the interior. The rounded windows give the impression that this is a real shell lying on the ocean floor. It seems that this is some other dimension, genuine magic, immersing residents and guests into another reality. The bedrooms and kitchen are located at the rear of the structure, away from the prying eyes of visitors.

It is impossible to describe all the famous masterpieces of architectural mastery. As long as a person lives, the most unusual houses will appear that inspire, surprise and evoke a sense of pride. I am glad that many unpredictable designs are used for their intended purpose.

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