Some aspects of managing social and labor relations at the enterprise level. HR service

  • Scientific foundations of the public administration system
    • Concept and subject of public administration system
      • Subject of public administration system
    • Government system and forms government structure
      • Forms of state and political structure
      • Forms of state-territorial structure
      • Forms of interaction between the state and civil society
      • Form of government in Russia
    • Functions of the state and public administration
    • Types and methods of public administration
    • Public administration abroad
    • Public administration in Russia
  • Government departments
    • The president Russian Federation. Bodies supporting presidential power
    • Legislative authorities ( Federal Assembly)
    • Executive agencies
    • Judicial authorities
    • Distinction of subjects of jurisdiction and powers between federal authorities and authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation
    • State authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation
    • Formation and implementation of public policy
    • Factors and directions of public policy
    • Adoption of normative legal acts
    • Planning as an instrument of public policy
    • Development of policy solutions
    • Implementation of public policy
    • Civil service
    • State control
  • State regulation of the economy
    • Principles and objects of state regulation
    • Methods of state regulation of the economy
      • Administrative methods
      • Economic methods
    • Regulation of material production
      • State regulation of natural monopolies
      • Antimonopoly policy
      • Financial recovery of enterprises
    • Stock market regulation
    • Regulation of money circulation
      • Structure of the monetary system
      • Regulation of the money supply
      • Lending for socio-economic development
    • Currency regulation
    • Management of main economic complexes
    • State scientific and industrial policy
      • State industrial policy
    • Management of the fuel and energy complex
      • Electricity management
      • Gas industry management
      • Oil industry management
      • Coal mining management
    • Agro-industrial complex management
    • Management of the military-industrial complex
    • Transport complex management
    • State property management
      • State Enterprise Management
      • Management of government shares
      • Privatization and nationalization of state property
  • Regional management
    • State regional policy
      • Alignment of economic and social development regions
      • Federal programs
      • Involving subjects of the Russian Federation in the management of federal property
      • Consolidation of subjects of the Russian Federation
      • North as an object of management
    • Organizational forms of regional government
    • Local government
    • Interbudgetary relations
  • Power and business
    • Power and business
    • Fundamentals of interaction between government and business
    • The influence of government on business
    • The influence of business on government
    • Interaction between government and business structures
    • Lobbying
    • Partnership between government and business
  • Social sector management
    • Social sector management
    • Social politics states
    • Regulation of personal income
    • State employment policy
    • Industry management social sphere
    • Social protection of the population
  • Housing and communal complex management
    • The concept of transformations in the housing and communal services complex
    • Housing and communal construction
    • Housing and communal services
    • Tariff regulation
    • Subsidizing housing and utility bills
    • Organizational structures for managing the housing and communal services complex
  • Conflict and emergency management
    • Conflict management
      • Managing conflicting labor relations
      • Corporate conflict management
    • Community Emergency Management
    • Management in natural and man-made emergency situations
    • Emergency prevention and response system

Managing conflicting labor relations

One of the main sources of conflict is labor and corporate relations. The participants in labor relations are employees and employers. The market is expected to play the main role in labor relations work force.

The state participates in coordinating the interests of the parties to labor relations, forming a civilized labor market, achieving social partnership, and in cases of its violation, in protecting society from the negative consequences of the conflict.

Collective labor dispute(conflict) are unresolved disagreements between employees and employers on issues of price and conditions of employment, employment, social guarantees, implementation of collective agreements and agreements. The Constitution of the Russian Federation provides the right to individual and collective labor disputes using the methods established by law for their resolution, including a strike.

The procedure for resolving collective labor disputes is regulated by Federal Law No. 175 of November 23, 1995. It provides for the right to put forward demands by employees, their consideration, the use of conciliation procedures, the participation of mediators, the use of labor arbitration, and the execution of an agreement based on the results of resolving a collective labor dispute. Non-judicial procedure for consideration of claims is mandatory labor collective or trade union rejected by management.

It is expected that a government agency will participate in resolving a collective labor dispute. The body operates in accordance with the Regulations on the Service for Resolving Collective Labor Disputes, provides methodological assistance to the parties at all stages of resolving a labor dispute, trains mediators and labor arbitrators, and finances conciliation procedures.

If necessary, the deadlines provided for conciliation procedures may be extended by agreement of the parties.

A strike as a method of resolving a collective labor dispute is used if conciliation procedures have not led to its resolution or the employer evades conciliation procedures or does not comply with the agreement reached. An approximate order of strikes is given in the table.

During the strike, the employer, executive authorities, local self-government and the body leading the strike are obliged to take measures within their control to ensure public order, safety of property, as well as the operation of machines, the stop of which poses a threat to the life and health of people.

In accordance with Federal Law No. 142 of November 6, 2001, federal executive authorities establish for their industries a list of minimum works (services) that enterprises are required to perform during strikes.

A court may declare a strike illegal if it is declared without taking into account the deadlines, procedures and requirements provided for by law. A strike is also illegal if it poses a threat to the foundations of the constitutional order and the health of other persons, the defense of the country and the security of the state. In this case, the decision on a collective labor dispute is made by the President of the Russian Federation within 10 days. In cases of particular importance for ensuring the vital interests of the country or individual territories, the President and the Government of the Russian Federation have the right to suspend the strike until the issue is resolved by the relevant court, but for no more than 10 calendar days.

The most significant conflict is a strike at the plant of Ford Motor Company CJSC (a Russian subsidiary of Ford) in Vsevolozhsk (Leningrad Region), which employs about 1,800 workers. In 2005, the plant assembled about 40 thousand cars.

The strikers put forward the following demands:

  • increase wages by 30%;
  • equalize wages for workers of different qualifications when performing the same work;
  • allow the trade union to distribute funds from the social insurance fund.

The administration quickly satisfied the second and third demands, but the struggle for higher wages continued for a long time, with the strike being stopped and resumed. Ultimately, the conflict was resolved: wages increased by 14.5%, which was fixed in the collective agreement for a period of 3 years.

Among automobile factories, the payment at the Vsevolozhsk plant is the highest - 15 thousand rubles. per month (AvtoVAZ - 13 thousand rubles, GAZ - 10.0, Severstal-Avto - 8.0 thousand rubles). The basis for the demand for a wage increase was a significant increase in labor productivity at the plant. Satisfying this requirement will cost the administration 4 million rubles. monthly.

In Russia there has been a clear tendency for strike activity to fade. In 2005, protests were recorded at enterprises with a total workforce of about 84 thousand people. (2600 strikes), this is a small amount compared to other countries. In 2006, the strike movement subsided, social tension and protest moods decreased. The reason for this turn was, in particular, the streamlining of relationships between employees and employers within the framework of social partnership. Thus, the number of signed collective agreements increased from 162.7 thousand in 2000 to 207.0 thousand in 2005. However, social conflicts take place in other forms: picketing of government institutions, blocking of highways, hunger strikes.

Bodies regulating social and labor relations

Russian tripartite commission for regulation of social and labor relations. The Regulations on the Commission are approved by the President of the Russian Federation. It consists of representatives of three parties: federal government bodies, all-Russian trade union associations, all-Russian associations of employers, i.e. it is formed on the basis of the principles of parity and equality of the parties, the authority of representatives. This is a permanent body of the social partnership system. Each side is allocated 30 seats. To form a representative office, the trade union association reports data on its strength and, accordingly, receives a certain number of seats from the trade union side. The government side is formed from representatives of federal government bodies (the Government of the Russian Federation, the State Duma, the Federation Council).

The President of the Russian Federation approves the coordinator of the Commission, who is not its member and does not interfere in the operational activities of the parties and does not participate in voting; he organizes the work of the Commission, presides over meetings, and signs its decisions. Each party elects a party coordinator and his deputy for operational interaction with other parties. Coordinators of the parties and their deputies are members of the commission.

The main objectives of the Commission are to develop general principles coordinated implementation of socio-economic policy, strengthening social partnership, promoting the resolution of collective labor disputes (conflicts). The commission is called upon to conduct collective negotiations, prepare a general agreement for conclusion, monitor its implementation, regulate disagreements when concluding and implementing sectoral (tariff) agreements, and prevent agreements from violating social guarantees established by law.

The Commission may involve employers, managers and specialists of federal executive authorities, trade union associations, and independent experts in the work on resolving collective labor disputes. It has the right to make proposals to bring to justice persons who did not ensure the implementation of measures to implement the general agreement.

Service for Settlement of Collective Labor Disputes. The Service system includes the Department for Settlement of Collective Labor Disputes of Rostrud, territorial bodies of the same purpose. The system of the Service, in agreement with the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, may also include the corresponding divisions of these bodies, which are entrusted with the functions of resolving collective labor disputes.

The Service is a government body that facilitates the resolution of collective labor disputes by organizing conciliation procedures and participating in them. Service employees enjoy the right to freely visit organizations in order to resolve collective labor disputes, identify and eliminate the causes that give rise to them.

Government Commission for the Prevention of Critical Situations in the Labor Market in Certain Regions. Logistical support for the commission is provided by the employment service. There is also an operational Commission of the Government of the Russian Federation for the consideration of social conflict situations.

The responsibility of both the employer and employees for violation of the legislation on collective labor disputes has been established.

Trade unions protect the collective rights and interests of workers, regardless of their membership in trade unions, if they are vested with powers of representation. For these purposes, they seek to expand production, develop small businesses, predict the situation on the labor market, and resolve disputes together with authorities and employers. Trade unions and their bodies protect the individual rights of trade union members related to labor relations. It is especially important to protect workers in small enterprises where there are no trade union organizations. Here, external control over compliance with labor laws should play a primary role.

Control social and labor relations

The most important element of social control. sphere, covering the solution of social and economic. and spiritual and moral problems of productive employment and protection from unemployment, fair wages and income generation for those who work, improving forms of social services. partnership, humanization of labor, professional training and advanced training, stimulation labor activity directly in organizations, fostering a respectful attitude towards work and colleagues working together. Subjects of U. social-t. O. along with government bodies. authorities and local governments are associations of entrepreneurs and other associations of employers, trade unions and other associations of hired workers, public organizations and movements.

Social development of the organization involves improving the material, social, spiritual and moral conditions in which the production of material goods occurs, objective connections between individuals are formed and moral and ethical values ​​are formed.

Social development should, first of all, focus on:

    Improvement social structure personnel and regulation of its number taking into account the cultural and educational level.

    Improving economic, ergonomic and sanitary-hygienic working conditions and ensuring safety.

    Stimulation through material rewards and moral encouragement of effective work, individual and group responsibility for the results of joint activities.

    Creating and maintaining a healthy socio-psychological environment in the team.

    Ensuring social insurance of workers and compliance with their social guarantees and civil rights, including human rights.

    Increasing the living standards of workers and members of their families, including meeting the needs for housing, household amenities, food, and industrial goods.

24. Social environment - main factors.

Main factors of the organization's social environment- the potential of the organization, its social infrastructure; working conditions and labor protection; social protection of workers; socio-psychological climate of the team; material remuneration for labor and family budgets; non-working time and use of leisure time.

Social infrastructure includes:- housing stock and public utilities, including all supply networks (sewage, water, gas, electricity). - Medical and treatment institutions - Educational and cultural facilities - Trade and catering facilities - public services and recreation centers - Collective dacha and garden partnerships, etc.

Working conditions and labor protection(including factors related to the content of joint work, the technical level of production and the quality of the workforce, as well as factors affecting the psychophysiological well-being of workers, the dynamics of injuries and occupational diseases)

Social protection of the employee(providing a minimum wage, normal working hours, compensation for harm to health, contributions to pensions and other contributions). Vacation of at least 24 working days.

Social and psychological climate of the team is the result of the cumulative influence on personnel, work motivation, employee communication culture, interpersonal and intergroup connections. The latter is influenced by the psychological compatibility of workers, their optimism in life and moral education. The presence of these indications contributes to the formation of effective work teams.

Material rewards and family budgets.

Material reward– the main form of development of the organization’s personnel, promoting the comprehensive development of the employee, providing compensation for labor costs, the formation of social status and family budgets.

Salary should be based on the social minimum, which is different for each category of workers.

After hours and use of leisure

Organizational structure Personnel management systems are a set of interrelated units of this system and officials.

Divisions perform various functions, their totality constitutes personnel management service(HR service). The role and place of the personnel management service in the structure of the entire organization is determined by the role and place of each specialized unit of this service, as well as the organizational status of its immediate manager.

The level of authority of the personnel management service depends not only on its managerial powers, but also on the level of special knowledge of employees, the usefulness of the service in terms of its positive impact on. Therefore, in world practice, the following pattern is observed: personnel management services begin their activities as headquarters units with exclusively accounting functions, and then, as its personnel potential develops and its more obvious positive influence the production process, the personnel service is vested with managerial powers and begins to directly participate in the management of the organization.

In modern personnel management practice there is several options for the role and location of the HR service in the management structure of the organization, which depend on the degree of development and characteristics of the organization. Let's consider these options.

First option of structural position personnel service is that the personnel management service is subordinate to the head of administration. The main idea of ​​this option is to concentrate all central coordinating services in one functional subsystem. This option is schematically presented in Figure 3.

Rice. 3. Location of the PM service in the organizational structure: subordination to the head of administration

The second option for the structural position of the personnel service is that the personnel management service is directly subordinate to the head of the organization (Fig. 4). The advantage of this position of the personnel service is that this option eliminates the plurality of subordination of the personnel service, as well as the fact that all areas of personnel policy are controlled by the head of the organization. This structure is used by small organizations at the beginning of their development, when the status of the personnel service is not clearly defined.

Rice. 4. Location of the PM service in the organizational structure: subordination to the head of the organization at the third level of management

The third option for the structural position of the personnel management service is also associated with its direct subordination to the head of the organization, but at the second level of management (Fig. 5). This option is most acceptable at that stage of the organization’s development when the manager is trying to raise the status of the service in this way, although the hierarchical level of deputies is not yet ready to perceive it as a division of the second level of management.

Rice. 5. Location of the PM service in the organizational structure: subordination to the head of the organization at the second level of management

The fourth option for the structural position of the PM service is that the PM service is organizationally included in the management of the organization (Fig. 6). This option is typical for developed companies and is the most common in modern practice. With this option, the personnel management subsystem acquires an equivalent status relative to other organizational management subsystems.

Rice. 6. Location of the PM service in the organizational structure: inclusion in the management of the organization

The organizational structure presented in Figures 3 - 6 is called functional and is built on the principle of division of responsibilities between functional units responsible for one of the areas of activity (finance, equipment, production, sales, personnel, etc.). Using the example of a functional organizational structure, one can most clearly trace the development of functions and powers, as well as the increasing importance of the PM service in accordance with the development of the organization itself. These functions and powers are also characteristic of the PM services of organizations with a divisional organizational structure, while the area of ​​responsibility of the PM service is determined by the specifics of the organizational structure, and the functions by the level of development of the organization. Let's look at two varieties divisional structure— product and geographical.

With a product type of organizational structure, when the division of labor is based on the products produced or services provided, and production individual species goods (services) are separated from each other; each area of ​​production has its own personnel service. The organization of the PM service for this type of organization is presented in Figure 7.

Rice. 7. Organizational structure of the personnel management system with a product structure of organization management

For multinational corporations, the most common type of organizational structure is the geographic (or regional) type, which is based on the geographical principle of dividing the production of goods or services in different states or in different geographical territories.

Another common form of organizational structure is the matrix structure. With this structure, the project structure is superimposed on the permanent functional structure of the organization's management. In this case, a project structure means a temporary structure created for the purpose of implementing a specific project, for which personnel are united into project groups. In a matrix organization, members project team report to the project manager and heads of functional departments where they work permanently. Project managers establish the content and order of work, and department heads are responsible for their implementation. The structure of the personnel management system for a matrix organization is presented in Fig. 8.

Rice. 8. PM service in an organization with a matrix management structure

So, the organizational structure of the personnel management system varies depending on the specifics of its activities. In addition, the structure of the PM service depends on the size of the organization, as well as on the level of personnel and methodological potential in the field of personnel management, which determines the degree of involvement of third-party consulting services.

If personnel composition The organization is small, then some tasks in the field of personnel management can be carried out by one specialist, and not by a department within the PM service. Also, a number of functions of the personnel management system can be transferred to other divisions of the organization (for example, the information and technical support HR systems may be transferred to the Director of Information Technology).

Human resources management services today are functional and are not directly involved in managing the main activities of the organization’s employees, but help managers at all levels resolve issues related to hiring, relocation, dismissal, training, social security of personnel and a number of other issues. Therefore, the optimal combination of powers of the organization’s line managers and HR specialists is based on their joint responsibility.

When building an organizational structure, the following principles must be observed:

  • Flexibility. Characterizes the ability to quickly adjust in accordance with changes occurring in personnel and production.
  • Centralization. It consists in the reasonable centralization of the functions of employees in departments and services of the enterprise with the transfer of operational management functions to the lower level.
  • Specialization. It is ensured that certain management functions are assigned to each division.
  • Standard control. This is compliance rational number each manager has subordinates: top level - 4-8 people, middle level (functional managers) - 8-10 people, lower level (foremen, teams) - 20-40 people.
  • Unity of rights and responsibilities. It means that the rights and responsibilities of departments and employees must be in dialectical unity.
  • Separation of powers. Line management ensures decision-making on product release, and functional management ensures the preparation and implementation of decisions.
  • Economical. Characterizes the achievement minimally necessary costs on the construction and maintenance of the organizational management structure.

Factors in designing organizational structures

In the most general form, four groups of factors can be distinguished that must be taken into account when creating a draft organizational structure:

  1. 1) the external environment and infrastructure in which the organization operates;
  2. 2) technology of work and type of joint activity;
  3. 3) characteristics of personnel and corporate culture;
  4. 4) prototypes and already existing and proven effective organizational structures of similar organizations.

When creating an organizational structure, it should be taken into account that, depending on the nature of environmental factors, an organization can exist in four fundamentally different situations.

The initial data for constructing an organizational management structure are:

  • calculation of the number of management levels;
  • calculation of the number of personnel;
  • typical management structures.

The organizational structure of management consists of two independent management bodies that perform certain functions. The top is the central apparatus of enterprise management, and the base is the apparatus of management of structural divisions (productions, workshops, etc.). Each organ, in turn, consists of two separate levels of linear and functional management. The organizational structure is built according to levels (stages) of management.

Functional structure of the personnel management system

The functional structure reflects the division of management functions between management and individual departments.

Management function is a special type of management activity, a product of the process of division and specialization of labor in the field of management, which is part of the management process, identified according to a certain characteristic. Typically, there are from 10 to 25 company management functions. A set of tasks is a part of the management function, distinguished on the basis of the main management functions (standardization, planning, accounting, analysis, etc.).

A set of tasks combines a set of tasks related to a specific function and, as a rule, is implemented by a small functional unit. For example, as in Fig. 8.

Rice. 8. A set of tasks for the “personnel management” function

When constructing a functional structure, as a rule, the matrix method of distributing management functions is used (Table 5). The rows of the table are specific management functions, and the columns are the structural divisions of the management apparatus. At the intersection of columns and rows, the main control operations for a specific function are noted, for the implementation of which he is responsible structural subdivision. The distribution matrix of management functions makes it possible to clearly distribute them between the organization’s management and divisions of the management apparatus, and to determine the technological sequence of operations for specific managers or employees.

The role of the organization's HR service

Personnel management as a theoretical and applied branch of management science and practice began to take shape in turn of the 19th century and XX centuries. Special units dealing with personnel-related issues began to emerge in the 20-30s of the last century. Since then, the functions of these services have undergone intensive development from auxiliary technical work to resolving almost all key issues related to the organization's personnel management.

Currently, personnel management services perform a number of functions that previously belonged to economic, production, technical and other departments. This concentration of functions in one structural unit makes it possible to implement effective tool arias of human resource management of an organization. Today, the attention of personnel management services is mainly paid to improving labor relations, selecting candidates for vacant positions, developing and implementing training programs and social development programs, as well as motivating and stimulating work activity. Decision-making on the listed issues is carried out not only by the head of the personnel service, but also by other line managers of the organization.

Thus, today the work of personnel management services is increasingly dominated not by accounting, but by analytical and organizational aspects of activity. At the same time, a sharp increase in the professional level of personnel service workers was noted. Today they include specialists in the field of psychology and sociology, labor relations, specialists in the development and organization of educational programs, as well as managers.

Recently, a number of new professions and specialties have appeared in internal organizational management, such as specialists in the selection and hiring of personnel (recruiters), specialists interviewing applicants for vacant positions (interviewers), specialists in curriculum development, trainers (teachers) , consultants on career development, career guidance and organizational planning.

It should be noted that currently many Western organizations in the field of solving personnel issues use the services of outsourcing companies, which are recruiting agencies, training centers, consulting firms, etc. Outsourcing companies in the personnel sector include, for example, developers of automated management systems for management services, organizations specializing in building a system of payments and compensations (benefits). Also, at the moment, there is a specialization of recruiting companies and the isolation of the function of selecting management personnel, as well as high-class specialists. The most significant in terms of the scale of personnel services is the sphere vocational training and advanced training, it accounts for 20 to 40% of organizational costs.

Functions of the personnel management service

IN modern conditions most priority areas The work of personnel management services is to solve the following problems:

  • ensuring skill level meets requirements modern economy, where basic skills and knowledge require continuous updating;
  • controlling rising labor costs;
  • determining the policy of multinational corporations in the field of combining the hiring of cheap labor from foreign countries and the population of their own countries;
  • expansion of norms governing labor and organizational relations, from compliance with labor laws to moral and ethical standards (for example, in the field of discrimination, healthy image life, etc.);
  • development of methods to support employees working virtually using telecommunications at home and not visiting the office.

In modern organizations, the functions of the PM service can be divided into two types:

  • labor relations management;
  • documentation of labor relations.

Labor Relations Management includes the following features:

  • personnel planning;
  • providing the organization with personnel;
  • personel assessment;
  • professional training and staff development;
  • organization of a reward system and social development;
  • coordination of work to manage the quality of working conditions and compliance with safety regulations.

In total, these functions correspond to the functions of the personnel management system described above.

Registration of labor relations includes the following features:

  • preparation of personnel orders;
  • maintaining forms of mandatory primary accounting documentation for recording labor and its payment;
  • registration and accounting work records;
  • management of personal affairs;
  • employee consulting;
  • drawing up and adjusting vacation schedules;
  • registration of documents related to various payments, benefits and benefits;
  • and some other functions.

It should be noted that the structure of the personnel service in a particular organization should be determined by its functions and tasks, and not vice versa. Quantitative composition of the PM service

As can be seen from the lists above, these services perform a wide range of functions associated with significant labor costs. When calculating quantitative and qualitative indicators of the composition of the personnel management service, the following factors must be taken into account:

  • the total number of employees of the organization;
  • the specifics of the organization’s activities, as well as production scale;
  • social characteristics of the organization, structural composition and qualifications of personnel (the presence of various categories of personnel - workers, specialists with secondary or higher education);
  • level of complexity and complexity of tasks solved by the personnel management service.

Personnel calculation different departments of the organization, including personnel management services, can be performed using different methods.

Economic and mathematical methods involve the development of mathematical models for real organizational processes and allow one to identify optimal indicators for the processes under consideration.

Comparison method(analogies) allows you to draw up requirements for the personnel management service based on an analysis of the composition of the personnel services of other organizations.

Expert method allows you to determine the need for HR specialists based on the opinions of experts in the field of HR management.

Direct calculation method allows you to determine the number of employees in the personnel management service through a coefficient such as the labor intensity rate. Labor intensity, as a rule, is determined by the following methods: empirical, calculation and analytical, method of analogies, expert method. Having established the labor intensity norm, you can calculate the number of units for a certain period of time (for example, 1 year) using the following formula:

H = T * K/F p, (6)

  • H is the number of units;
  • T is the total labor intensity of all work performed in the department per year (in man-hours);
  • K is a coefficient that takes into account the time spent on performing work not provided for in the technical specifications (K ~ 1.15);
  • F is the useful working time of one employee per year (in hours).

Modern experience of foreign countries has shown the effectiveness of the method of determining the number of employees of personnel management services on the basis of service standards, which characterize the number of employees of the organization who can be served by one employee of the department. IN various countries The following average service standards have developed: in the USA, for every 100 employees working in an organization, there is 1 HR employee; in France for 130 employees - 1 employee; in Japan there are 2-3 employees per 100 employees.

The indicated ratios are averages and may vary significantly by industry and sector of the economy. In the most large companies In the USA, the number of such services reaches 150 people. Russian HR departments generally stay near the lower end of this indicator - 100 employees per HR specialist.

It should be noted that when planning the number of personnel management departments, several of the listed methods can be used at once. So, for example, the method expert assessment used as part of other methods.

On at this stage There is a trend of not an absolute, but a relative increase in the number of personnel management departments, which is associated, first of all, with the automation of jobs for personnel management specialists and, secondly, with the involvement of the services of external companies in the field of resolving personnel issues.

High-quality composition of the personnel management service

The calculation of the quantitative need for specialists in personnel management services is carried out in parallel with the determination quality needs, that is, the need for workers for certain areas of activity with the required qualifications.

The main regulatory document intended to justify the rational division and organization of labor, the correct selection, placement and use of personnel is the Qualification Directory of Positions of Managers, Specialists and Other Employees. The directory provides a list and description of positions, including those for the personnel management system. In accordance with the reference book (1998, as amended in 2001), the following types of positions are provided for the personnel management system:

  • managerial positions (deputy director for personnel management; personnel manager; head of the laboratory (bureau) for labor organization; head (bureau) of the laboratory (bureau) for the sociology of labor; head of the normative research laboratory for labor; head of the personnel department; head of the organization and remuneration; head of the labor protection department; head of the personnel training department);
  • specialist positions (labor standards engineer; occupational safety engineer; personnel training engineer; personnel inspector; career consultant; psychologist; sociologist; personnel specialist; labor technician; labor economist);
  • positions of technical performers (timekeeper, accountant, timekeeper, etc.).

For each of the specified positions in Qualification directory is given qualification characteristics. The qualification characteristics have the following three sections:

  • in the “Job Responsibilities” section, the main job functions are established that can be entrusted in whole or in part to an employee occupying this position taking into account technological homogeneity and interconnectedness of work, allowing for optimal specialization of employees;
  • The “Must Know” section contains the basic requirements for the employee in relation to special knowledge, as well as knowledge of legislative and regulatory acts, regulations, instructions and other guidance materials, methods and means that the employee must use when performing job responsibilities.
  • in the section “Qualification Requirements” the level is determined vocational training employee necessary to perform the prescribed job duties, and requirements for length of service. The levels of required professional training are given in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”.

As already noted, the composition of personnel management services is determined by the level of complexity and complexity of the tasks being solved. For example, the number of employees to organize personnel training is determined by whether the organization conducts training independently or with the assistance of external training companies and educational institutions, as well as the number of training programs implemented simultaneously and the duration of training.

Based on an analysis of the experience of foreign organizations, as well as the experience of some Russian organizations, we can say that today in personnel services (departments, offices, etc.) there are the following positions occupied by specialists in the field of human resource management.

Head (HR) of HR service, who is responsible for solving all personnel issues of the organization. Currently, the head of the HR service (HR director) is one of the key figures in the company’s top management and, along with other managers, makes decisions in its field. strategic development, as well as ongoing work.

HR Manager (HR Manager): solves all personnel management issues from personnel records management to social benefits. However, in practice, the following specializations of HR managers are distinguished:

Compensation Manager. The responsibilities of this specialist include calculating wage rates depending on the labor contribution for each employee, as well as analyzing wage levels for the industry as a whole and participating in the financial planning of the organization.

Social Benefits Manager. An effective tool such as a package of social benefits ( social package). Considering the variety of benefits that can be included in the social package ( different kinds insurance, including medical and life insurance for employees and members of their families, payment for meals during the working day, transportation costs, payment for employee leisure, etc.), the costs for it can significantly exceed the financial capabilities of the organization. It is the responsibility of the benefits manager to develop the optimal package according to the needs and capabilities of the organization, as well as its employees, and manage it effectively.

Recruiter (hiring specialist). One of the key functions HR management is the selection of suitable specialists for vacant positions. Recruiters are responsible for ensuring that candidates are attracted to vacant positions and selecting the most suitable candidate. Recruiters must know the company for which they work well and must be able to explain to applicants for a position the company's policies, the working conditions of the position, and also be able to answer questions from applicants regarding the requirements of the vacant position. In addition, recruiters must be proficient in a wide range of methods for attracting and evaluating candidates for a vacant position.

Training Specialist. His responsibilities include: adaptation of new employees to the workplace (familiarization with the organization and directly with the work), as well as the development and conduct of training events for employee training. The purpose of such activities may be: acquiring new skills necessary for work (for example, with new equipment, software); preparation of personnel occupying lower positions for work in management positions; development of interpersonal communication skills among middle and senior managers.

Employment specialist for laid-off personnel. Such specialists work with those employees who are dismissed from the organization. In foreign practice, companies often care about the employment of their former employees. An employment specialist helps determine the direction of searches new job, find a vacancy and prepare a resume.

HR Specialist. The responsibilities of such employees fully include the function of registering labor relations (maintaining employee work books, preparing personnel orders, maintaining primary reporting documentation, sick leave etc.) Due to regular changes in the modern Russian legislative framework, a specialist in the field of personnel records management must periodically improve his skills in this area.

It is worth noting that some of the HR specialists listed above can work in an organization as full-time employees, as well as as freelancers. This depends on the frequency and regularity of certain personnel events (for example, recruiting campaigns, training events, layoffs, etc.)

In addition to the professional knowledge listed above in various areas of personnel management, as well as in the field of labor legislation, HR managers of various specializations are also subject to a number of requirements for the qualities that they must possess in modern conditions. These include:

  • knowledge of the scope of activity and specifics of the organization— HR specialists must have a clear understanding of the needs of the organization’s clients, the driving forces of growth, understand the specifics of production and see strategic development prospects. This helps ensure the effectiveness of personnel activities.
  • leadership and ability to manage change- HR plays a key role in management modern organization Therefore, its employees must have skills critical to this process, such as planning, analysis, decision-making, effective communication, creating work groups, motivating and resolving conflicts. All this is necessary for successfully managing the changes that organizations undergo in an unstable external environment.
  • ability to learn and develop- ability to constant updating professional knowledge and skills allows you to manage the process of updating the knowledge and skills of employees throughout the organization.
  • financial planning skills— HR management activities are costly and require strict financial planning. In practice, the HR budget is the most discussed at the level of the head of the organization, because the return on these expenses is not always as obvious as, for example, investments in obviously profitable activities, such as investments in construction and investment portfolios, etc. In addition, the presence today of a huge range of proven effective methods personnel management (often expensive and affordable for large organizations), forces the head of the personnel department to make a choice in favor of those. which are most adequate to the set goals and available financial capabilities.
  • effective cooperation with other departments— the ability of HR employees to carry out horizontal interactions in order to solve current work problems, as well as receive feedback on HR activities. For example, such interactions are necessary with the financial and legal services of the organization, with the department information technologies, as well as with production departments.

It should be noted that there cannot be an ideal point of view on the role of an HR manager - each organization is unique in its own way and what place an HR manager will take in it will depend on the specifics of its activities, as well as on his personality.

Once again, it is worth emphasizing that the structure and composition of personnel management services are determined by the specifics of the organization’s activities and the range of personnel issues resolved in this organization.

Contractual basis of labor relations. Employment contract. The order of acceptance to work. Part-time work. Job description. Social partnership. Principles of social partnership. Social partnership bodies. Ensuring interaction between administration and trade unions.

Seminar lesson. Labor Relations Management

Independent work. Study: ensuring interaction between administration and trade unions.

main ;

additional .

Currently in Russia, conflict situations very often arise in organizations between employees and employers related to labor relations, incorrect calculation of wages, non-payment of compensation for layoffs prescribed in accordance with current labor legislation, and a number of other similar situations. There are a number of ways to resolve labor disputes, including contacting the Federal Labor Inspectorate or court. And as a rule, the truth triumphs, and workers defend their rights. But all this is only possible if labor Relations were formalized with the conclusion of an employment agreement (contract) with the payment of official wages, with the corresponding accrual of taxes due. In this case, government agencies will always be on the employee’s side and he will be able to protect his rights. If an employee works in a non-governmental organization without appropriate formalization of relations, but simply by agreement, then in the event of conflict situation or reduction, he finds himself without the opportunity to protect his rights.

Therefore, proper registration of labor relations in accordance with the requirements of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is very important.

Under an employment agreement (contract) in accordance with Art. 56 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation should be understood as an agreement between an employee and an employer, according to which the employee undertakes to perform work in a certain specialty, qualification or position in compliance with the rules internal regulations, and the employer - to pay wages and ensure working conditions provided for by labor legislation.

In accordance with the employment contract, the employee undertakes to perform work on time and with good quality, and the employer undertakes to pay wages in full.

The employment contract is concluded in writing, drawn up in two copies, each of which is signed by the parties. One copy of the employment contract is given to the employee, the other is kept by the employer.

One of the most important documents developed in an organization is the job description.

A job description is a legal act issued to regulate the organizational and legal status of an employee, his duties, rights and responsibilities and providing conditions for his effective work.

Social partnership plays an important role in personnel management and creating effective motivation.

Article 23 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states: “Social partnership is a system of relationships between employees (representatives of employees), employers (representatives of employers), state authorities, local governments, aimed at ensuring coordination of the interests of employees and employers on issues of regulating labor relations and others, relations directly related to them."

The basic principles of social partnership (Article 24 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) are: equality of the parties, respect and consideration of the interests of the parties, interest of the parties in contractual relations, freedom of choice in matters related to the sphere of labor, mandatory implementation of collective agreements, agreements, control over their implementation, liability of the parties for failure to comply with collective agreements, agreements and others through their fault.

Social partnership is carried out in the following forms:

Collective negotiations for the preparation of draft collective agreements and their conclusion;

Mutual consultations on issues of regulating labor relations and other relations directly related to them, ensuring guarantees of labor rights;

Participation of employees and their representatives in the management of the organization.

The social partnership bodies (Article 35 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) are commissions for regulating social and labor relations.

Interaction between the management of the organization, on the one hand, and the representative of the interests of employees (trade unions), on the other hand, ensuring partnerships between them are considered as the basis for achieving a higher level of labor relations. Interaction between specified parties is developed during collective negotiations and the conclusion of collective agreements.

Social partnership relations do not always contribute to increasing labor productivity, because Harmony between social objectives and changes for the better in some economic indicators is difficult to achieve. But from a social point of view and increasing the motivational effect of employees, the development of social partnership relations is very promising.

In modern Russian conditions, trade union organizations do not exist at all enterprises, but only in organizations belonging to the public sector of the economy and large non-state enterprises (open joint-stock companies).

Currently, there are often two types of trade unions at enterprises: the official one, interacting with the administration in accordance with the rights and responsibilities granted to it by current legislation, in particular the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, and the alternative one, which is in direct opposition to the administration and fights for the rights of workers by organizing strikes , pickets and other acts of protest.

The main role of trade unions is the social protection of workers. Basically, trade union organizations in today's economic reality are called upon to smooth out the dissatisfaction caused by employees with working conditions and wages and thereby contribute to a more effective motivational policy pursued by managers and personnel services of enterprises and organizations.

Chapter 3. Labor Relations Management

Contractual basis of labor relations

Currently in Russian organizations Conflict situations very often arise between employees and employers related to labor relations, incorrect calculation of wages, non-payment when compensation is reduced in accordance with the current labor legislation, etc. To resolve labor disputes, citizens turn to the Federal Labor Inspectorate or to court. The truth, as a rule, triumphs, and workers manage to defend their rights. But this is only possible if the employment relationship is formalized with the conclusion of an employment agreement (contract), with the payment of official wages, and with the calculation of appropriate taxes. In this case, government agencies will be on the employee’s side. If an employee works in a non-governmental organization without appropriate formalization of relations, but simply by agreement, then in the event of a conflict situation or layoff, he is deprived of the opportunity to protect his rights.

Therefore, it is very important to correctly formalize labor relations in accordance with the requirements of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Under employment agreement (contract) in accordance with Article 56 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, one should understand the agreement between the employer and the employee, in accordance with which the employer undertakes to provide the employee with work according to the specified labor function, to provide working conditions provided for Labor Code Russian Federation, laws and other regulatory legal acts, collective agreement, agreements, local regulations, containing norms labor law, timely and in full size pay the employee wages, and the employee undertakes to personally perform the labor function determined by this agreement and comply with the internal labor regulations in force in the organization.

The employment contract is concluded in writing, drawn up in two copies, each of which is signed by the parties. One copy of the employment contract is given to the employee, the other is kept by the employer.

A typical employment contract concluded with employees of one of the non-state Moscow enterprises is given below.

Employment contract

Moscow "__" ______2006

LLC "Firm", hereinafter referred to as "Employer", represented by general director acting on the basis of the Charter, on the one hand, and a citizen of Russian Federation __________________,

hereinafter referred to as the “Employee”, on the other hand, hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Parties”, have entered into this employment agreement as follows:

Subject of the Agreement

1.1. This Agreement governs the labor relations between the Employee and the Employer, based on an agreement on the personal performance by the Employee for payment of a labor function (work in a certain specialty, qualification or position) in accordance with clause 1.2. present Employment contract.

1.2.The Employer hires an Employee for a position

To a structural unit

WITH probationary period ______month(s). The employee is hired at his main place of work.

1.3. The internal labor regulations are approved by the Employer and brought to the attention of the Employee against signature at the time the Employee signs this Employment Agreement. The fact that the Employee has become familiar with and agrees to the provisions of the Internal Labor Regulations is confirmed by the Employee signing this Employment Agreement.

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