The name of one of the types of literature. Dramatic genres of literature

Genera and genres

Epic - (from Greek epos - word, narration, story) - one of the three main types of literature, in contrast to the lyricism of drama, highlighting objective image of reality, the author's description of events unfolding in space and time, a narration about various life phenomena, people, their destinies, characters, actions, etc. A special role in works of epic genres is played by the bearer of the narrative (author-narrator or storyteller), reporting on events, their development, characters, their lives, while separating himself from the depicted. Depending on the time span of events, major genres of epic are distinguished - epic, novel, epic poem, or epic poem; medium - a story and small - a story, short story, essay. TO epic kind Also include some genres of oral folk art: fairy tale, epic, fable.

Novel - ( from French roman - originally: a work written in one of the Romance (i.e. modern, living) languages, as opposed to written in Latin) - the genre of epic: a large epic work in which the life of people in a certain period of time or during an entire human life is comprehensively depicted. Characteristic properties of the novel: multi-linear plot, covering the fate of a number of characters; the presence of a system of equivalent characters; coverage of a wide range of life phenomena, formulation of socially significant problems; significant duration of action.

A short story is a small epic genre: a short prose work, which, as a rule, depicts one or more events in the hero’s life. The circle of characters in the story is limited, the action described is short in time. Sometimes a work of this genre may have a narrator. The masters of storytelling were A.P. Chekhov, V.V. Nabokov, A.P. Platonov, K.G. Paustovsky, O.P. Kazakov, V.M. Shukshin.

A story is a middle (between short story and novel) epic genre, which presents a number of episodes from the life of the hero (heroes). In terms of volume, the story is larger than a story and depicts reality more broadly, depicting a chain of episodes that make up a certain period in the life of the main character; it has more events and characters, however, unlike a novel, as a rule, there is one storyline.

Epic is the largest genre form of epic. The epic is characterized by:

1. Wide coverage of the phenomena of reality, depiction of the life of the people at a historically significant, turning point

2. Global problems of universal significance are raised

3. National content

4. Multiple storylines

5. Very often - relying on history and folklore

Journey - literary genre, which is based on a description of the hero’s wanderings. This can be information about the countries and peoples the traveler has seen in the form of travel diaries, notes, essays, and so on.

Epistolary genre is a genre of literary work characterized by the form of personal letters.

Confession is a literary genre that can be epic or lyrical. One of the seven Christian sacraments, which also include baptism, communion, confirmation, marriage, etc. Confession required complete sincerity from a person, the desire to get rid of sins, and repentance. Having penetrated into the artist. In literature, confession acquired a didactic connotation, becoming a kind of act of public repentance (for example, in J. J. Rousseau, N. V. Gogol, L. N. Tolstoy). But at the same time, confession was also a means of moral self-affirmation of the individual. As a genre of lyric poetry, poetry was developed by the romantics. Confession is akin to a diary, but unlike it, it is not attached to the k.-l. place and time.

Lyrics - one of the three main types of literature, highlighting the subjective image of reality: individual states, thoughts, feelings, impressions of the author, caused by certain circumstances, impressions. In the lyrics, life is reflected in the experiences of the poet (or lyrical hero): it is not narrated, but an image-experience is created. The most important property lyricism is the ability to convey the individual (feeling, state) as universal. Characteristic features of the lyrics: poetic form, rhythm, lack of plot, small size.

Elegy - lyric genre: a poem of meditative content (from the Latin meditatio - in-depth reflection) or emotional content, conveying deeply personal, intimate experiences of a person, as a rule, imbued with moods of sadness and light sadness. Most often written in the first person. The most common themes of elegy are contemplation of nature, accompanied by philosophical thoughts, love, usually unrequited, life and death, etc. This genre, which arose in the ancient era, enjoyed the greatest popularity in the poetry of sentimentalism and romanticism, the elegies of V.A. Zhukovsky, K.N. Batyushkova, A.A. Pushkina, E.A. Baratynsky, N.M. Yazykova.

Message is a poetic genre: a poetic letter, a work written in the form of an appeal to someone and containing appeals, requests, wishes, etc. (“To Chaadaev”, “Message to the Censor” by A.S. Pushkin; “Message to the Proletarian Poets” "V.V. Mayakovsky). There are lyrical, friendly, satirical, journalistic, etc.

Eat lyric-epic genres at the intersection of lyric and epic. From the lyrics they have a subjective beginning, a clearly expressed author’s emotion, from the epic they have a plot, a narration of events. Lyric-epic genres gravitate toward poetic form. The larger lyric epic genre is the poem, the smaller one is the ballad.

Poem - lyric-epic genre: a large or medium-sized poetic work (a poetic story, a novel in verse), the main features of which are the presence of a plot (as in an epic) and an image of a lyrical hero (as in lyric poetry)

Ballad is a genre of lyric-epic poetry: a narrative song or poem of a relatively small volume, with a dynamic development of the plot, the basis of which is an extraordinary incident. Often in a ballad there is an element of the mysterious, fantastic, inexplicable, unspoken, even tragically insoluble. By origin, ballads are associated with legends, folk legends, combine the features of a story and a song. Ballads are one of the main genres in the poetry of sentimentalism and romanticism. For example: ballads by V.A. Zhukovsky, M.Yu. Lermontov.

Drama - one of the three main types of literature, reflecting life in actions taking place in the present. These are works intended to be staged. The dramatic genre includes tragedies, comedies, dramas proper, melodramas and vaudeville.

Tragedy - ( from Greek tragodia - goat song< греч. tragos - козел и ode - песнь ) is one of the main genres of drama: a play that depicts extremely acute, often insoluble contradictions in life. The plot of the tragedy is based on the irreconcilable conflict of the Hero, strong personality, with supra-personal forces (fate, state, elements, etc.) or with oneself. In this struggle, the hero, as a rule, dies, but wins a moral victory. The purpose of the tragedy is to cause shock in the viewer by what they see, which, in turn, gives rise to sorrow and compassion in their hearts: this state of mind leads to catharsis - cleansing through shock.

Comedy - ( from Greek from komos - cheerful crowd, procession at Dionysian festivals and odie - song) is one of the leading genres of drama: a work based on ridicule of social and human imperfection.

Drama is (in the narrow sense) one of the leading genres of drama; literary work, written in the form of a dialogue between the characters. Intended for performance on stage. Focused on spectacular expressiveness. The relationships between people and the conflicts that arise between them are revealed through the actions of the heroes and are embodied in a monologue-dialogue form. Unlike tragedy, drama does not end in catharsis.

Video tutorial 2: Literary genera and genres

Lecture: Literary genera. Genres of literature

Literary genera

Epic- a story about past events. Large epic works contain descriptions, reasoning, lyrical digressions, dialogues. An epic involves the participation of a large number of characters, many events not limited by time or space. In works of an epic nature, a significant role is assigned to the storyteller or narrator, who does not interfere with the course of events and evaluates what is happening detachedly and objectively (novels by I. Goncharov, stories by A. Chekhov). Often the narrator tells a story he heard from the narrator.

Lyrics unites a lot of poetic genres: sonnet, elegy, song, romance. A lyrical work is easy to distinguish from the other two main types of literature - epic and drama - by the lack of eventfulness and the presence of an image of a person’s inner world, a description of the changes in his moods and impressions. In lyrics, a description of nature, an event or an object is presented from the perspective of personal experience.

Between these main types of literature there is an intermediate one, lyric-epic genre. Lyric-epic combines epic narrative and lyrical emotionality into one whole (A. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin”).

Drama- the main literary genre, which exists in two forms - a type of stage action and a literary genre. In a dramatic work there is no detailed narrative description; the text consists entirely of dialogues, remarks, and monologues of the characters. In order for a stage action to have signs of drama, a conflict is necessary (the main and only one, or several conflict situations). Some playwrights masterfully know how to show internal action, when the characters are just thinking and worrying, thereby “moving” the plot towards the denouement.

So, let’s remember what the difference is between the main literary genres:

    Epic - an event is told

    Lyrics - the event is experienced

    Drama - an event is depicted

Genres of literature

Novel– belongs to the epic genre of literature, is distinguished by a significant time period for the development of the plot, and is filled with many characters. Some novels trace the fate of several generations of one family (“family sagas”). In a novel, as a rule, several plot lines develop simultaneously, complex and deep life processes are shown. A work written in the genre of a novel is full of conflicts (internal, external); events do not always maintain a chronological sequence.


Structural varieties

novel in verse
epistolary, etc.
adventure, etc.

Novel - epic describes wide strata folk life at the climactic moments, at the turning point of historical eras. Other features of an epic are similar to the features of a novel as an epic work. The genre includes “Quiet Don” by M. Sholokhov, “War and Peace” by L. Tolstoy.

Tale– a prose work of medium volume ( less romance in terms of the amount of text and the number of characters, but more of a story).

Compositional features: the story is characterized by a chronicle development of events; the author does not pose large-scale historical tasks to the reader. Compared to the novel, the story is a more “chamber” literary genre, where the main action is focused on the character and fate of the main character.

Story is a work of short prose form. Characteristic features:

    short duration of events,

    a small number of characters (there may be only one or two characters),

    one problem,

    one event.

Feature article- a literary prose work of small form, a type of story. The essay touches on mostly essential social problems. The plot is based on facts, documents, and observations of the author.

Parable– small prose story instructive in nature, the content is conveyed using allegories, in an allegorical manner. The parable is very close to a fable, but unlike it, it does not end the story with a ready-made moral, but invites the reader to think for himself and draw a conclusion.


Poem– voluminous poetic plot work. The poem combines the features of lyricism and epic: on the one hand, it is a detailed, voluminous content, on the other, the hero’s inner world is revealed in all details, his experiences and movements of the soul are carefully examined by the author.

Ballad. Works written in the ballad genre are not so common in modern literature, like poetry or songs, however, in earlier times, ballad creativity was very widespread and popular. In ancient times (presumably in the Middle Ages), a ballad was folklore work ritual nature, combining song and dance. A ballad is easily recognized by its narrative plot, its subordination to a strict rhythm, and repetitions (refrains) of individual words or entire lines. The ballad was especially loved in the era of romanticism: the thematic diversity of the genre allowed romantic poets to create fantastic, fairy-tale, historical, and humorous works. Quite often, plots from translated literature were taken as a basis. The ballad experienced its rebirth at the beginning of the 20th century; the genre developed during the years of the development of the ideas of revolutionary romance.

Lyric poem. The most beloved representative of the poetic genre by readers and listeners is the lyric poem. Small in volume, often written in the first person, the poem conveys the feelings, moods, experiences of the lyrical hero, or directly the author of the poem.

Song. Short-form poetic works containing stanzas (verse) and refrain (chorus). As a literary genre, song is in the culture of every nation; these are the oldest examples of amateur oral creativity - folk songs. Songs are composed in the most various genres: there are historical, heroic, folk, humorous, etc. A song may have an official author - a professional poet, or a song may have a collective author ( folk art), songs are composed by amateur professionals (the so-called “author’s”, amateur song).

Elegy. You can guess what an elegy is by translating the meaning of the word from Greek - “lamentable song.” Indeed, elegies always bear the imprint of a sad mood, sadness, sometimes even grief. Some philosophical experiences of the lyrical hero are turned into elegiac form. Elegiac verse was very popular among romantic and sentimentalist poets.

Message. A letter in verse addressed to a specific person or group of people received the name “message” in poetry. The content of such a work could be friendly, lyrical, mocking, etc.

Epigram. This small poem could be quite capacious in content: often just a few lines contained a capacious, devastating description of a person or several persons. Two circumstances gave recognition to the epigram: wit and extreme brevity. A. Pushkin, P. Vyazemsky, I. Dmitriev, N. Nekrasov, F. Tyutchev were famous for their magnificent, sometimes unpleasant epigrams. In modern poetry outstanding masters A. Ivanov, L. Filatov, V. Gaft are considered “striking lines”.

Oh yeah was composed in honor of an event or a specific person. Poetic work small form was filled with solemn content, distinguished by stilted presentation (“high calm”) and pomposity. If the Ode was dedicated to a reigning person, the small form could be significantly “enlarged” so that the poet could note in verse all the excellent qualities of the addressee.

Sonnet– a poem of 14 lines (4+4+3+3), has certain rules of construction:

Three-liner. Denouement

Three-liner. A denouement is planned

Quatrain. Development of the exhibition

Quatrain. Exposition

The final line of the denouement expresses the essence of the poem.

Comedy, tragedy, drama

It's very difficult to define funny. What exactly causes laughter? Why is it funny?

Comedy(Greek “cheerful song”) from its inception to the present day has been the most beloved type of stage work and literary creativity. In works of comedy content, authors depict human types and various life situations in a comic manifestation: ugliness is presented as beauty, stupidity is presented as a manifestation of a brilliant mind, etc.

There are several types of comedies:

    “High” (“Woe from Wit”) – serious life situation presented against the background of the actions of comic characters.

    Satirical (“The Inspector General”) – exposes characters and actions in a funny, absurd light.

    Lyrical (“ The Cherry Orchard") - there is no division of heroes into “good” and “bad”, there is no action, there is no visible conflict. Important acquire sounds, details, symbolism.

Tragedy- a special dramatic genre: the work does not and cannot have a happy ending. The plot of the tragic work lies in the irreconcilable clash of the hero with society, with Fate, with the outside world. The outcome of a tragedy is always sad - in the finale the hero always dies. Were especially tragic ancient greek tragedies created according to strictly prescribed rules. Later (in the 18th century), tragedy began to gradually lose its genre rigor, moving closer to drama. New genres are being formed - heroic historical, tragic drama. IN late XIX V. the unification of tragedy and comedy took place, new genre - tragicomedy.

Drama differs as a genre of literature and as a type of stage performance.

To understand the features of drama, you can compare the features character traits tragedy and dramatic work.

One of the founders of Russian literary criticism was V.G. Belinsky. And although serious steps were taken in developing the concept back in antiquity literary kind(Aristotle), it was Belinsky who owned the scientifically based theory of three literary families, which you can get acquainted with in detail by reading Belinsky’s article “The Division of Poetry into Genus and Species.”

There are three types fiction: epic(from Greek Epos, narrative), lyrical(it was called a lyre musical instrument, accompanied by chanting poems) and dramatic(from Greek Drama, action).

When presenting this or that subject to the reader (meaning the subject of conversation), the author chooses different approaches to it:

First approach: in detail tell about the object, about the events associated with it, about the circumstances of the existence of this object, etc.; in this case, the author’s position will be more or less detached, the author will act as a kind of chronicler, narrator, or choose one of the characters as the narrator; the main thing in such a work will be the story, the narration about the subject, the leading type of speech will be precisely narration; this kind of literature is called epic;

The second approach: you can tell not so much about the events, but about the impressed, which they produced on the author, about those feelings which they called; image inner world, experiences, impressions and will relate to the lyrical genre of literature; exactly experience becomes the main event of the lyrics;

Third approach: you can portray item in action, show him on stage; introduce to the reader and viewer of it surrounded by other phenomena; this kind of literature is dramatic; In a drama, the author's voice will be heard least often - in stage directions, that is, the author's explanations of the actions and remarks of the characters.

Look at the table and try to remember its contents:

Types of fiction

(Greek - narrative)

story about events, the fate of the heroes, their actions and adventures, a depiction of the external side of what is happening (even feelings are shown from their external manifestation). The author can directly express his attitude to what is happening.

(Greek - action)

image events and relationships between characters on the stage(a special way of writing text). The direct expression of the author's point of view in the text is contained in the stage directions.

(from the name of the musical instrument)

experience events; depiction of feelings, inner world, emotional state; the feeling becomes the main event.

Each type of literature in turn includes a number of genres.

GENRE is a historically established group of works united by common features of content and form. Such groups include novels, stories, poems, elegies, short stories, feuilletons, comedies, etc. In literary criticism the concept is often introduced literary type, this is a broader concept than genre. In this case, the novel will be considered a type of fiction, and genres will be various types of novels, for example, adventure, detective, psychological, parable novel, dystopian novel, etc.

Examples of genus-species relationships in the literature:

  • Genus: dramatic; view: comedy; genre: sitcom.
  • Genus: epic; view: story; genre: fantastic story etc.

Genres being categories historical, appear, develop and eventually “leave” from the “active stock” of artists depending on historical era: ancient lyricists did not know the sonnet; in our time, an archaic genre has become one that was born in ancient times and popular in XVII-XVIII centuries Oh yeah; romanticism XIX centuries brought to life detective literature etc.

Consider the following table, which presents the types and genres related to the various types of word art:

Genera, types and genres of artistic literature

People's Author's Folk Author's Folk Author's
Poem (epic):

Fairy tale
Minor genres:

nursery rhymes...
Minor genres:
Lit. fairy tale...
A game
Folk drama
Nativity scene

Song Oh yeah

Modern literary criticism also highlights fourth, a related genre of literature that combines the features of the epic and lyrical genres: lyric-epic, which refers to poem. And indeed, by telling the reader a story, the poem manifests itself as an epic; Revealing to the reader the depth of feelings, the inner world of the person telling this story, the poem manifests itself as lyricism.

In the table you came across the expression “small genres”. Epic and lyrical works are divided into large and small genres in to a greater extent by volume. Large ones include an epic, novel, poem, and small ones include a story, short story, fable, song, sonnet, etc.

Read V. Belinsky’s statement about the genre of the story:

If a story, according to Belinsky, is “a leaf from the book of life,” then, using his metaphor, one can figuratively define a novel from a genre point of view as “a chapter from the book of life,” and a story as “a line from the book of life.”

Minor epic genres to which the story relates is "intense" in terms of content prose: the writer, due to the small volume, does not have the opportunity to “spread his thoughts along the tree”, get carried away detailed descriptions, enumerations, reproduce a large number of events in detail, but the reader often needs to tell a lot.

The story is characterized by the following features:

  • small volume;
  • The plot is most often based on one event, the rest are only plotted by the author;
  • a small number of characters: usually one or two central characters;
  • the author is interested in a specific topic;
  • one main issue is being resolved, the remaining issues are “derived” from the main one.

STORY is a small prose work with one or two main characters, dedicated to depicting a single event. Somewhat more voluminous story, but the difference between a story and a story is not always possible to catch: some people call A. Chekhov’s work “Duel” a short story, and some - a big story. The following is important: as the critic E. Anichkov wrote at the beginning of the twentieth century, " it is the person’s personality that is at the center of the stories, not a whole group of people."

The rise of Russian short prose starts in the 20s years XIX century, which gave excellent examples of short epic prose, including the undisputed masterpieces of Pushkin (“Belkin’s Tales”, “ Queen of Spades") and Gogol ("Evenings on a farm near Dikanka", St. Petersburg stories), romantic short stories by A. Pogorelsky, A. Bestuzhev-Marlinsky, V. Odoevsky and others. In the second half of the 19th century, short epic works by F. Dostoevsky were created ("Dream funny man", "Notes from the Underground"), N. Leskova ("Lefty", "Stupid Artist", "Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk District"), I. Turgenev ("Hamlet of Shchigrovsky District", "Steppe King Lear", "Ghosts", "Notes of a Hunter"), L. Tolstoy (" Prisoner of the Caucasus", "Hadji Murat", "Cossacks", Sevastopol stories), A. Chekhov as the greatest master short story, works by V. Garshin, D. Grigorovich, G. Uspensky and many others.

The twentieth century also did not remain in debt - and stories by I. Bunin, A. Kuprin, M. Zoshchenko, Teffi, A. Averchenko, M. Bulgakov appear... Even such recognized lyricists as A. Blok, N. Gumilyov, M. Tsvetaeva “they stooped to despicable prose,” in the words of Pushkin. It can be argued that at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries the small epic genre took over leading position in Russian literature.

And for this reason alone, one should not think that the story raises some minor problems and touches on shallow topics. Form story concise, and the plot is sometimes uncomplicated and concerns, at first glance, simple, as L. Tolstoy said, “natural” relationships: the complex chain of events in the story simply has nowhere to unfold. But this is precisely the task of the writer, to enclose a serious and often inexhaustible subject of conversation in a small space of text.

If the plot of the miniature I. Bunin "Muravsky Way", consisting of only 64 words, captures only a few moments of the conversation between the traveler and the coachman in the middle of the endless steppe, then the plot of the story A. Chekhov "Ionych" enough for a whole novel: artistic time The story spans almost a decade and a half. But it doesn’t matter to the author what happened to the hero at each stage of this time: it is enough for him to “snatch” several “links”-episodes from the hero’s life chain, similar friends on a friend like drops of water, and the whole life of Doctor Startsev becomes extremely clear to both the author and the reader. “As you live one day of your life, you will live your whole life,” Chekhov seems to be saying. At the same time, the writer, reproducing the situation in the house of the most “cultured” family in the provincial town of S., can focus all his attention on the knocking of knives from the kitchen and the smell fried onions (artistic details!), but to talk about several years of a person’s life as if they never happened at all, or as if it was a “passing”, uninteresting time: “Four years have passed”, “Several more years have passed”, as if it is not worth wasting time and paper for the image of such a trifle...

Image Everyday life a person devoid of external storms and shocks, but in a routine that forces a person to forever wait for happiness that never comes, became the cross-cutting theme of A. Chekhov’s stories, which determined the further development of Russian short prose.

Historical upheavals, of course, dictate other themes and subjects to the artist. M. Sholokhov in a loop Don stories speaks of terrible and wonderful human destinies in times of revolutionary upheaval. But the point here is not so much in the revolution itself, but in the eternal problem of man’s struggle with himself, in the eternal tragedy of the collapse of the old familiar world, which humanity has experienced many times. And therefore Sholokhov turns to plots that have long been rooted in world literature, depicting private human life as if in the context of the world legendary history. Yes, in the story "Mole" Sholokhov uses a plot as ancient as the world about a duel between father and son, not recognized by each other, which we encounter in Russian epics, in the epics of ancient Persia and medieval Germany... But if the ancient epic explains the tragedy of a father who killed his son in battle by the laws of fate , not subject to man’s control, then Sholokhov talks about the problem of a man’s choice of his life path, the choice that determines everything further events and in the end makes one a beast in human form, and the other an equal to the greatest heroes of the past.

When studying topic 5, you should read those works of fiction that can be considered within the framework of this topic, namely:
  • A. Pushkin. The stories "Dubrovsky", "Blizzard"
  • N. Gogol. The stories "The Night Before Christmas", "Taras Bulba", "The Overcoat", "Nevsky Prospekt".
  • I.S. Turgenev. Tale " Noble Nest"; "Notes of a Hunter" (2-3 stories of your choice); story "Asya"
  • N.S. Leskov. Stories "Lefty", "Stupid Artist"
  • L.N. Tolstoy. Stories "After the Ball", "The Death of Ivan Ilyich"
  • M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. Fairy tales " The wise minnow", "Bogatyr", "Bear in the Voivodeship"
  • A.P. Chekhov. Stories “Jumping”, “Ionych”, “Gooseberry”, “About Love”, “Lady with a Dog”, “Ward Number Six”, “In the Ravine”; other stories of your choice
  • I.A.Bunin. Stories and stories "Mr. from San Francisco", "Sukhodol", " Easy breathing", "Antonov apples", "Dark alleys"A.I. Kuprin. The story "Olesya", the story "Garnet Bracelet"
  • M. Gorky. Stories “Old Woman Izergil”, “Makar Chudra”, “Chelkash”; collection "Untimely Thoughts"
  • A.N. Tolstoy. The story "Viper"
  • M. Sholokhov. Stories "Mole", "Alien Blood", "The Fate of Man";
  • M. Zoshchenko. Stories "Aristocrat", "Monkey Language", "Love" and others of your choice
  • A.I. Solzhenitsyn. The story "Matrenin's yard"
  • V. Shukshin. Stories “I Believe!”, “Boots”, “Space” nervous system and a lot of fat", "Pardon me, madam!", "Stalled"

Before completing task 6, refer to the dictionary and establish exact value concept with which you have to work.

Recommended literature for work 4:
  • Grechnev V.Ya. Russian story of the end XIX - early XX century. - L., 1979.
  • Zhuk A.A. Russian prose second half of the 19th century century. - M.: Education, 1981.
  • Literary encyclopedic dictionary. - M., 1987.
  • Literary studies: Reference materials. - M., 1988.
  • Russian story of the 19th century: History and problems of the genre. - L., 1973.

DRAMA is one of the four types of literature. In the narrow sense of the word - a genre of work depicting a conflict between characters, in a broad sense - all works without author's speech. Types (genres) dramatic works: tragedy, drama, comedy, vaudeville.

LYRICS is one of the four types of literature that reflects life through a person’s personal experiences, feelings and thoughts. Types of lyrics: song, elegy, ode, thought, epistle, madrigal, stanzas, eclogue, epigram, epitaph.

EPOS is one of the four types of literature, reflecting life through a story about a person and the events that happen to him. The main types (genres) of epic literature: epic, novel, story, short story, short story, artistic essay.

Types of literature- these are large associations of verbal and artistic works according to the type of relationship of the speaker (the “speaker”) to the artistic whole. There are three types: drama, epic, lyrics. All types of literature, and there are three of them - epic, lyricism and drama - have much in common. First of all, they have a common subject of depiction - a person. Literature - all its genera - differs from other genera and types of art in that it has a single means of depiction - the word. The mutual proximity of all three types of literature lies in the fact that each of them as if it penetrates into another. Drama has a number of features of epic and lyricism, lyric poetry often has a number of features of drama, and epic also has a number of features of drama and lyricism. Epic is an ancient Greek word. It means "song". The epic dates back to ancient times, when there was no written language and when historical narratives about the past, most often associated with military exploits, were preserved in the memory of the people in myths and recalled in songs. Epic songs antiquities, however, also know love, work and even sports themes. The subject of the depiction of the epic is one or another period of social development, rich in significant events. As in all other cases - in art in general and in literature in particular - time is not depicted abstractly, but through heroes, through humans.

So, the epic embodies the image of the era in its heroes. Let us recall the most famous epic works of our time. For example, Sholokhov's "Quiet Don". The term "lyrics" also comes from ancient Greek word, from the name string instrument"lyre". Lyrics, unlike epics, create primarily an image of a person’s internal state, depicting an experience, usually momentary, that a person experiences at the moment. Let us recall the poem by M. Yu. Lermontov “I go out alone on the road.” It depicts a certain state of mind that we recognize because each of us has probably experienced a similar philosophical mood. Drama has much in common with both epic and lyric poetry. Drama, like epic, depicts a person in a particular era, creates an image of time. But at the same time, drama has significant differences from epic and its own specific features. Firstly, the drama is, in principle, devoid of the narrator’s speech, author’s characteristics, author’s comments, and author’s portraits. This rule has known exceptions. For example, in modern dramaturgy Increasingly, a person from the author appears - the presenter, who takes upon himself the author's commentary on events, characterization of the characters, where the presenter determines the compositional structure.

Ticket 3

B. Action is the main expressive means of theater and performing arts. Action elements.

Action is a psycho-physical act aimed at achieving a goal in the fight against the proposed circumstances. The difference between stage action and action in life: - time is dynamic, - action can move both in time and in space, - stage action is an impulse of feelings. The purpose of action on stage.

1. Make changes to the environment.

2. Change your inner world.

A physical action is an action that aims to make one or another change in the material environment surrounding a person, in one or another object. Psychological action is an action that is aimed at the human psyche by influencing feelings, consciousness and will. It can be directed both at a partner and at oneself. There is a facial action - this is a glance, a hand movement, aimed at the psyche. A verbal action - according to the principle, I cannot remain silent. Stage attention - focusing on an object. He can be educated. There is voluntary on stage, involuntary in life. Receiving information - I evaluate - I make a decision - adaptation - we begin to act. Our attention is subject to rotation and imagination. There is external to an external object, and internal to oneself. Objects of attention: partner, viewer, myself. Circles of attention: small - on yourself, medium - on your partner, scenery and stage area, and large - auditorium and backstage. Action-conflict in its development. Unity of action. Action is the main expressive means of entertainment art. The stage action is embodied in the actor. The source of our actions are the circumstances in which we find ourselves. In poetic material, all action must be conditional, no everyday decisions! Clear mise-en-scène. Conventional method of organizing action -- Concentration of thoughts, feelings, moods - Conciseness and laconicism of the plot and presentation of thoughts. In the compositional effect, the inversion technique is effective, when the outcome of the situation in the final changes by 180 degrees.

The characters' personalities should be sharpened. Both external and internal Both in the plastic and in the speech version of the characters we go for exaggeration.

The tempo of the action should be rapid. The rhythm should be tense.

The most expressive are the sharp contrasts in the development of the action, the contrasts in the emotional state of the actors. Masqueness, gracefulness.

Action elements.

Function of the senses

Memory for sensation

Creating imaginative visions

Activity of the imagination

Logic and sequence of thoughts and feelings

Physical and verbal interaction with an object.

Literature refers to works of human thought that are enshrined in the written word and have social significance. Any literary work, depending on HOW the writer depicts reality in it, is classified as one of three literary families: epic, lyric or drama.

Epic (from the Greek “narration”) is a generalized name for works that depict events external to the author.

Lyrics (from the Greek “performed to the lyre”) - a generalized name for works - usually poetic, in which there is no plot, but reflects the thoughts, feelings, and experiences of the author (lyrical hero).

Drama (from Greek “action”) - a generalized name for works in which life is shown through conflicts and clashes of heroes. Dramatic works are intended not so much for reading as for dramatization. In drama it is not important external action, and the experience conflict situation. In drama, epic (narration) and lyrics are fused together.

Within each type of literature there are genres- historically established types of works, characterized by certain structural and content features (see table of genres).

epic Oh yeah tragedy
novel elegy comedy
story hymn drama
story sonnet tragicomedy
fairy tale message vaudeville
fable epigram melodrama

Tragedy (from Greek “goat song”) – dramatic work with an insurmountable conflict, where an intense struggle is depicted strong characters and passions, ending with the death of the hero.

Comedy (from Greek “funny song”) is a dramatic work with a cheerful, funny plot, usually ridiculing social or everyday vices.

Drama is a literary work in the form of a dialogue with a serious plot, depicting an individual in his dramatic relationship with society.

Vaudeville - a light comedy with singing couplets and dancing.

Farce – a theatrical play of a light, playful nature with external comic effects, designed for coarse taste.

Oh yeah (from Greek “song”) - a choral, solemn song, a work glorifying, praising some significant event or heroic personality.

Hymn (from Greek “praise”) is a solemn song based on programmatic verses. Initially, hymns were dedicated to the gods. Currently, the anthem is one of national symbols states.

Epigram (from Greek “inscription”) is a short satirical poem of a mocking nature that arose in the 3rd century BC. e.

Elegy - a genre of lyrics dedicated to sad thoughts or a lyric poem imbued with sadness. Belinsky called elegy “a song of sad content.” The word "elegy" is translated as "reed flute" or "plaintive song." Elegy arose in Ancient Greece in the 7th century BC e.

Message – a poetic letter, an appeal to a specific person, a request, a wish.

Sonnet (from Provence “song”) is a poem of 14 lines, which has a certain rhyme system and strict stylistic laws. The sonnet originated in Italy in the 13th century (the creator was the poet Jacopo da Lentini), in England it appeared in the first half of the 16th century (G. Sarri), and in Russia in the 18th century. The main types of sonnet are Italian (of 2 quatrains and 2 tercets) and English (of 3 quatrains and a final couplet).

Poem (from the Greek “I do, I create”) is a lyric-epic genre, a large poetic work with a narrative or lyrical plot, usually on a historical or legendary theme.

Ballad - lyric-epic genre, plot song with dramatic content.

Epic – large piece of art narrating significant historical events. In ancient times - a narrative poem of heroic content. In the literature of the 19th and 20th centuries, the genre of the epic novel appeared - this is a work in which the formation of the characters of the main characters occurs during their participation in historical events.

Novel - a large narrative work of art with a complex plot, in the center of which is the fate of the individual.

Tale - a work of fiction that occupies a middle position between a novel and a short story in terms of volume and complexity of the plot. In ancient times, any narrative work was called a story.

Story - a work of art of small size, based on an episode, an incident from the life of the hero.

Fairy tale - a work about fictional events and characters, usually involving magical, fantastic forces.

Fable is a narrative work in poetic form, small in size, of a moralizing or satirical nature.

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