Natalya Poklonskaya. Natalia Poklonskaya: it's time to make your personal life public

As for who is behind Poklonskaya, #projectNyasha, we have already spoken more than once, but our audience is terribly small and we cannot reach the broad masses who good people, the new nobles, lead directly into the beautiful monarchical fairy tale of class society.

Meanwhile, IT’S TIME TO RING ALL THE BELLS, COMRADES - in the State Duma of the Russian Federation there is a faction of monarchists that is now actively preparing in Russia the restoration of the monarchy and the installation of a certain king on the throne, with all that it entails, class society, restitution and other Old Testament attributes and obscurantism.

All this obscenity is called beautifully, as is usual with the Goebbelsites - “defense of Christian values”; the lie must be grandiose in order for it to be believed? So - we call the trampling of values ​​their protection, satanic Christian ones - and the trick is in the bag.

Natalya Poklonskaya: Our Holy Sovereign is the honor, dignity and pride of Russia!

You probably didn’t even know about this, but the news has been around for almost six months, but the group of bakers in the Duma is already 5 years old (!) - “The inter-factional deputy group of the State Duma for the protection of Christian values ​​unites parliamentarians, solves problems for the benefit of Russia”

On May 17, 2017, an extended meeting of the Inter-factional Deputy Group of the State Duma for the Protection of Christian Values ​​was held in the State Duma. The group was created with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus' in the State Duma of the 6th convocation in 2012, and its activities were highly appreciated by the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church.

But in 2014, the Inter-Factional Deputy Group for the Protection of Christian Values ​​was actively working in the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the sixth convocation. The group includes more than 30 deputies of the State Duma.

30 State Duma deputies are ACTIVELY WORKING, Karl!

Read the information at the link, you will be curious, there are clearly visible connections with YUVU, that is, with the first white-monarchist Malofeevsky Strelkov project, within the framework of which a group of conspirators was preparing to transfer the Ukrainian Maidan to Russia under the slogan “PutinSlilDonbass.”

Plan A failed, now plan B is being implemented, with the face of the campaign agent Poklonskaya, first pulled out by Belaventsev and Aksenov from Kyiv to the Crimea and seated in the prosecutor’s chair, then sent to Moscow, to the State Duma.

Impressed? Yes, I did, although I seemed to be looking into the issue, but I somehow lost sight of this piquant detail; monarchist conspirators have been sitting in our Duma since 2012 and a member of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation is in charge (hands)...

Read, read carefully, think and tell everyone you can reach -

Royal hype: who is putting a new anointed one on our necks?

No one noticed how the “nobility” reappeared in Russia.

“Reborn” - the monarchists beat themselves in the chest, but the shameful ulcer of 100 years ago was cured by the Great October Revolution , and this chancre is fresh. And the disease is progressing: in our country, out of nowhere, as many as 15 thousand “nobles” have appeared.

Do you know for sure that we ended tsarism 100 years ago? Convinced? And it feels like everyone is hot Russian news, not related to gubernatorial resignations, are marked with a “royal trace.” Monarchist Natalya Poklonskaya denounces the monarchical “Christian State”, and its leaders are being prosecuted for radicalism. She refuses the proposal of the Monarchist Party to run for president of Russia (sic!).

Meanwhile in the State Duma An inter-factional parliamentary association with a crown bias is being formed. And who knows if it will soon become the new party in power?

Who benefits from all this whirlwind and who pays for it?

The other day an “inter-factional deputy group for the protection of Christian values” was formed in the State Duma, which fellow legislators have already nicknamed “mourners for the Emperor.”

Believe it or not, they are headed by communist Sergei Gavrilov, who does not seem to feel any ideological dissonance in this regard.

There are also Social Revolutionaries and Liberal Democrats, and the activities of this motley company are coordinated by Dmitry Sablin from United Russia.

But of course the brightest figure there is Natalya Poklonskaya.

They all sang out of intense dislike for historical drama Alexey Uchitel "Matilda". And at the very first meeting, the group declared the inadmissibility of spending taxpayers’ money on dubious cultural projects, such as the film Uchitel about the last Russian monarch and his ballerina mistress. Now think about it. Neither concern for voters, nor foreign policy threats, nor even concern for preserving the unity of the country could unite these people's representatives. But they - even the communist-Leninists, which is especially wonderful - were united by the dubious figure of the autocrat Nicholas the Bloody.

Nyash-myash, the throne is ours

The newly-minted parliamentary group has an equally remarkable “political department” - an expert council.

It includes the first deputy chairman of the synodal department for relations between the church and society and the media of the Russian Orthodox Church (MP) Alexander Shchipkov, head of the department for work with public organizations of the same structure, Archpriest Dmitry Roshchin, head of the office of the self-proclaimed “house of Romanov”, or rather the Mukhrani-Hohenzollern Alexander Zakatov, and hieromonk Nikon (Belavenets), confessor of this very “house”.

The last two characters are the permanent retinue of “Tsarevich Gosha”, George Hohenzollern and his mother Maria Romanova, born in the morganatic marriage of the Grand Duke, SS Obergruppenführer Vladimir Kirillovich Romanov and Leonida Bagration-Mukhranskaya. In general, you can see for yourself who Poklonskaya and her comrades are in charge of for ideology.

Well, who ordered and paid for this entire banquet? Let's figure it out and remember.

How did Poklonskaya’s crusade against the Teacher and his “Matilda” begin? From the statement of a certain “Orthodox social movement” “Royal Cross”.

In one state register legal entities There is no such organization listed.

It was created a year ago, shortly before Poklonskaya filed the notorious collective complaint about insulting high feelings.

And the “Royal Cross” is associated with the Russian “Orthodox businessman” Konstantin Malofeev, whose personal fortune is several hundred million dollars.

The activities of the “Royal Cross” are coordinated by a certain Alexander Porozhnyakov, whose social network profile lists the monarchical organization “Double-Headed Eagle” as his place of work.

One of the founders of this little-known structure is former boss Information and Analytical Directorate of the Foreign Intelligence Service, Lieutenant General Leonid Reshetnikov.

And he is already known to many - until the new year he headed Russian Institute Strategic Research, analytical center under the Russian Presidential Administration.

And then the general was politely “asked” from there - perhaps because of the too obvious connection with Malofeev (now Reshetnikov heads the supervisory board of the Tsargrad TV channel founded by the millionaire).

This is, in fact, who is behind the scandalous story with “Matilda”, Poklonskaya and her motley crowd in the Duma.

Who wants to become a serf of the Naryshkins?

Just think, no one noticed how the “nobility” reappeared in Russia. "Reborn!" - the monarchists beat themselves in the chest, but we know that the shameful ulcer of 100 years ago was cured by the Great October Revolution, and this chancre is fresh.

And the disease is progressing - now in our country, out of nowhere, as many as 15 thousand “nobles” have appeared.

At the dawn of the 2000s, the self-proclaimed “Russian imperial house“The Mukhrani-Hohenzollerns began to distribute titles to the vain Jourdains from the New Russian nobility.

At first, military men who were greedy for shiny things were turned into thoroughbred gentlemen.

The impostors “graciously bestowed” the self-made “Orders of St. Anne” on generals Valery Manilov, Anatoly Kvashnin, Yuri Baluevsky, Gennady Troshev and Boris Gromov.

And, just so you know, the conferment of such an “order” implies automatic promotion to the nobility.

People all around were wincing with disgust - mummers!

Is it possible to take this farce seriously?

But the “distribution of elephants” continued, the turn came to the officials, and it ended with the then head of the presidential administration “nobleman” Sergei Naryshkin rewarding (not just anywhere, but in the Kremlin) oligarch Vladimir Potanin with a sword - “a symbol of the title of nobility and service to the Fatherland "

Together with the owner of Norilsk Nickel, the company’s president and first deputy general director were promoted to “nobility” for the company.

Here you have a “booth”, here you have “mummers”.

And soon almost the entire “elite” became “nobles” in Russia, from the late Patriarch Alexy II to the odious TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak. So we may not have a monarch yet, but the ruling class, it seems, has already appeared.

And all that’s left to do is to formalize, as appropriate, the rest of the Russian people into estates. Some as merchants, some as artisans, and some as serfs.

Having seen how quickly the commoners around the government, through the efforts of the “imperial house” of the Mukhrani-Hohenzollerns, acquired titles of nobility, representatives of the ancient Russian noble families– Trubetskoys, Sheremetevs, Kapnists – wrote a petition to the President of Russia. Like, who is she, this Maria Romanova, to enroll thousands of philistines into the nobility?! But the fact of the matter is that Romanova does not have a full-fledged imperial house and all her distribution noble titles, thus, is a frivolous gimmick. This is where the catch lies. You can pretend as much as you like that adults are playing a harmless game, but volence-nolens in Russia already has a nobility. Not one and a half million hereditary and another half a million “personal”, as under Nicholas II, but only some 15 thousand, but the trouble has begun. The groundwork is done.

Our monarchists are fine without a tsar

In November, Russian monarchists intend to unite into a single political structure.

With an eye to presidential elections 2018.

Of course, no one seriously expects to win; the task is different.

Take advantage of the “Matilda” scandal and the “hype” associated with the film (this newfangled word is translated from English as “obsessive advertising, deliberate hype and unhealthy excitement”) to cut off political dividends. If the respectable public will support the monarchist candidate with at least 10% of the votes, and maybe all 15, it will be possible to continue to “inflate” the “inter-factional deputy group” with an eye to the 2021 Duma elections.

And even without any sight.

Clause 8 of Article 7 Part 1 of the federal law on the status of a State Duma deputy states: deputies have the right to form associations that are not factions, which is what Poklonskaya’s group demonstrated the other day.

And you have an ideological department separate from your parliamentary parties and factions? Why then do you need a meaningless factional “sign” if you are already a force?!

And even with a clear, and not inflated, ideology, which three out of four Duma parties cannot boast of! “Orthodoxy, autocracy, nationality” - does that sound bad?

What is noteworthy: in order to feel confident in the political field, Russian monarchists, it seems, do not necessarily need to acquire a monarch.

What a hassle it is to hold a Zemstvo Council, organize a casting of suitable applicants, agree on a viable candidate for sovereign, and then convince the people that they only need one or another Caesar - from those selected ahead of time.

And so – beauty. He declared himself a monarchist, walked up and down the street with banners and royal portrait– and don’t fool yourself.

Moreover, sociologists, using the example of the British Empire, have long concluded that people treat the monarchy much better than they treat monarchs personally.

In the 70s, only a lazy subject did not kick Elizabeth II (what did the Sex Pistols, popular at that time, sing? - God save the Queen, she ain’t no human being. - “God save the Queen, she is not a human being”).

But as soon as the conversation turned to the prospect of eliminating the monarchy as an institution, the British turned on the back: they say, the queen costs us a lot, but in general we are happy with everything.

“The Church has now become so strong, has gained so much energy, has taken such roots in politics that it has decided to come out openly with a monarchical message,” - says writer Alexander Prokhanov.

The restoration of the monarchy will require the fulfillment of complex dynastic conditions; it is important that both the Rurikovichs and the Romanovs be present in the next dynasty.

But there is no such person in Russia now, and the process will be long. However, my monarchist friends resort to the biblical formula “choose a king from among your people.”

That is, election from among the people is possible, but this will also require certain conditions and time. But at first it would be possible to limit ourselves to small things - for example, a monarchist party. As for the public acceptance of the idea of ​​​​restoring the monarchy, Russian society is not ready for anything - neither for socialism, nor for the monarchy, nor for the second coming.

Our society is jelly. But it’s bad for society to be a jelly, so it’s time to get stronger – at least to the point of monarchy.”

If you blaspheme, we will impale you

So, it's a small matter. Behind the announced association of supporters of autocracy. And with this, alas and ah, you may not burn out. They are too different, our home-grown monarchists. Let’s say, “Christian State – Holy Rus'” (CH) “inter-factionalists” Natalia Poklonskaya will obviously not invite to their coalition. Although this structure spits on “Matilda” and its creator no less densely and diligently than Nyasha’s fighters.

At the same time, there is much more hype from HG - according to their leader Alexander Kalinin, countless evacuations of public places in many Russian cities, caused by telephone calls warning of allegedly impending terrorist attacks, is nothing more than “part of the public campaign against the film “Matilda.” And we thought it was the Islamic State banned in Russia or the Ukrainian Maidan activists frolicking like that. Wow – “part of the campaign.”

Totally agree last week 14 metropolitan district administrations and several schools were evacuated, dozens shopping centers, cinemas and other entertainment venues in Novosibirsk, Omsk, Perm, Chelyabinsk, Vladivostok, Ufa, Yekaterinburg and Stavropol.

If this is truly the work of HG, then you will agree that the structure really does have a certain potential.

Back in February, Poklonskaya demanded that HG be checked for extremism, and today Kalinin, they say, was “closed,” but we know that the nice ones scold - they’re just for fun. And the serious ones political associations There must definitely be troublemakers on hand for street and other public actions, even Ukrainian Maidan activists will confirm this to you, or even historians who have studied the experience of the Third Reich and, in particular, the rise and fall of Rem’s stormtroopers.

“It might even get worse,” Kalinin warns, as if in secret. – We have examples of great saints who were impaled for blasphemy and sacrilege. A person who sees how inflexible the Teacher is can impale him. He will go to prison for the Teacher, but will be happy that he saved Russia from blasphemy.”

Wow perspective. Are they serious?

Yes, much more serious...

Once again about the “benefits of autocracy”

What's in the bottom line?

The accession of the monarchist faction in the Duma, albeit in the form of an “inter-factional association”, and the monarchists in Russian politics would play into the hands of many.

1. To the Orthodox clergy, dreaming of worldly power, for nothing, Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, right hand Patriarch Kirill, just now discussed the restoration of autocracy?

2. The Russian post-perestroika elite, rightly afraid of a kick in the ass, was it for nothing that the amusing “imperial house” hung it with shiny tchotchkes and endowed it with inflated titles?

3. The “Imperial House” of the Mukhrani-Hohenzollerns also benefits - although they cannot install their “successor of the dynasty” at the head of the country, they have a chance to raise the issue of the return of part of the family property.

4. Second-tier Duma politicians like Gavrilov and Sablin will have a chance to make themselves known without waiting for the recognized faction leaders to be carried forward feet first - in fact, why are they worse than Poklonskaya?

5. Well, some part of Russian citizens, painfully nostalgic for the “crunch of French bread” (“Balls, beauties, lackeys, cadets – how delightful evenings are in Russia!”), will have their own favorites in politics.

Not so long ago, Vladimir Zhirinovsky proposed returning “God Save the Tsar!” as an anthem. - as I had a presentiment...

How do you like the prospects, fellow citizens? Would you like to welcome us to the good old, time-tested monarchy with the Tsar-Emperor?

Natalya Poklonskaya - lawyer, state counselor of justice 3rd class (corresponds to military rank Major General). Since May 2, 2014, she held the position of Prosecutor of the Republic of Crimea. In September 2016, she was elected to the State Duma of the 7th convocation, and therefore left the peninsula, starting public service in the capital of Russia.

Having received a deputy mandate, Poklonskaya was appointed chairman of the Duma committee responsible for verifying the accuracy of information about the income and real estate of deputies. She also joined the commission on anti-corruption (deputy chairman) and analysis of budget expenditures for the defense and law enforcement sectors.

Childhood and family of Natalia Poklonskaya

Natalia Poklonskaya ( maiden name Dubrovskaya) was born on March 18, 1980 in the village of Mikhailovka, Voroshilovgrad (Lugansk) region in an ordinary family. Both her grandfathers died on the Great Patriotic War, one of the grandmothers survived the Nazi occupation, and the parents, who honored the memory of their heroic ancestors, raised their daughter in the spirit of patriotism.

In 1990, the family moved to Crimea, settling in the village of Uyutnoye, Saki district. Here Natalya graduated from high school. as well as children's music school in piano class.

After school, Natalya decided that she wanted to serve in law enforcement and entered the Evpatoria branch of the Kharkov University of Internal Affairs, which she successfully graduated in 2002.

The beginning of the career of Natalia Poklonskaya

Natalia Poklonskaya's career began as an assistant prosecutor in Krasnogvardeisky district Crimea (until 2006), then was promoted to assistant prosecutor of Yevpatoria (until 2010). For the next year and a half, Natalya replaced the head of the department for monitoring compliance with laws by institutions fighting organized crime groups in the Crimean prosecutor's office.

The first high-profile case of Natalia Poklonskaya is connected with the organized gang “Bashmaki”, which was involved in racketeering. In 2011, Poklonskaya acted as a state prosecutor in the trial against ex-deputy of the Crimean Rada Reuben Aronov, one of the leaders of this organized crime group. In December of the same year, the prosecutor was attacked and severely beaten, injuring his face. There is an opinion that her manner of speaking “through her teeth” is the consequences of a beating. Despite the pressure on the prosecutor, the case was brought to an end.

It was this case that helped me become a prosecutor and gain experience. Imagine - 20 people, all seasoned criminals. There must be willpower to resist such opponents.

In 2011, Natalya was appointed prosecutor of Simferopol for environmental issues. In 2012, she moved to the Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine, becoming a senior prosecutor in the pre-trial investigation department in the Main Directorate for Supervision of Compliance with Laws in Criminal Proceedings.

Natalya Poklonskaya – Prosecutor of Crimea

Revolution and Civil War in Ukraine, the resignation of Viktor Yanukovych and the coming to power of Petro Poroshenko did not leave Natalia Poklonskaya indifferent. In February 2014, she wrote a letter of resignation. She stated as a reason that she did not want to serve a country ruled by “nationalist bandits.” The manager did not sign Poklonskaya’s application, offering her paid leave.

Natalya went to visit her parents in Crimea, where during this period preparations were underway for a referendum on the status of the peninsula. At the end of February, armed special forces, acting on the orders of Vladimir Putin, occupied the authorities of Crimea, after which the parliament was dissolved, and the head of the party was recognized as the leader of the new government. Russian unity» Sergei Aksenov, who immediately declared non-recognition of the new government in Ukraine. On March 4, Crimean prosecutor Vyacheslav Pavlov submitted his resignation for at will. The next four candidates for this position refused the offer, and on March 11, Natalya Poklonskaya was elected prosecutor of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.

On the day of her appointment, Natalya Poklonskaya gave a press conference, where she expressed her position and spoke harshly about the new Ukrainian government. This recording was later published on the Internet and made the prosecutor popular.

Press conference of Natalia Poklonskaya

Natalya Poklonskaya achieved world fame in 5 minutes 43 seconds - that’s how long this press conference lasted. Crimean journalists posted a video on YouTube, where a Japanese citizen accidentally saw it. He immediately noticed Poklonskaya’s “rich anime potential” and wrote on Twitter: “New prosecutor of Crimea! Oh, oh, oh!” Within a few hours, this post was read by tens of thousands of users, and the number of views of Natalia Poklonskaya’s press conference went off scale. Japanese anime fans have drawn hundreds of pictures featuring the “sexy prosecutor.”

The story continued. In one of Natalya’s first interviews in the status of the prosecutor of Crimea, the correspondent asked if she knew about such an increased interest in her personality on the Internet, to which Natalya replied: “Here I am the prosecutor, and no nyash, blah, and the like... I won’t allow " The phrase went to the people. Russian Internet users began calling the prosecutor "Nyasha", "Nyasha-Natasha" and "Prosecutor-chan".

No nyash-myash

Odessa musician Slava Blagov wrote the song “Oh, what a Nyasha, prosecutor Natasha,” and blogger Enjoykin made a mix “Nyash Myash.”

Slava Blagov - Prosecutor Natasha (Oh, what a cutie)

The case against Poklonskaya

Formally, Natalya Poklonskaya was not fired from the Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine, although she made her position very clear to the former leadership. After Poklonskaya was appointed head of the Crimean prosecutor's office in Ukraine, a criminal case was opened against her, accusing her of facilitating the illegal seizure of power. The prosecutor herself called the events on Maidan an “anti-constitutional seizure of power,” and the new president and his associates “devils from the ashes.”

After the referendum on the status of Crimea (March 16, 2014) and the inclusion of the prosecutor's office of Crimea and Simferopol in Russian system Ukrainian law enforcement agencies put Natalya Poklonskaya on the wanted list for actions leading to a violent change of power.

After she assumed the post of Chief Prosecutor of Crimea, members of the people’s militia prevented another assassination attempt: a bag with a homemade bomb with a damage radius of 350 meters was discovered under the windows of Poklonskaya’s office. In the spring of 2016, by decree of Petro Poroshenko, she was included in the sanctions list for her involvement in the sentencing of Savchenko and Sentsov.

In the summer of the same year, investigator of the Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine Andrey Atamanchuk reported that the pre-trial investigation, in which Poklonskaya was charged under four articles (violent overthrow of the constitutional order, unconstitutional change of the borders of Ukraine, high treason, participation in a criminal organization) was almost completed.

Natalia Poklonskaya in the State Duma

In the elections to the State Duma of the 7th convocation on September 18, 2016, Natalya Poklonskaya received a deputy mandate, and therefore left her prosecutorial position. The woman headed the committee to control the income of State Duma deputies. After her appointment, Poklonskaya moved to Moscow.

Personal life of Natalia Poklonskaya

Little is known about the personal life of Natalia Poklonskaya. She is divorced and was allegedly married to the vice-mayor of Mariupol Vladimir Stepanovich Klimenko, with whom she gave birth to a daughter, Anastasia. The girl bears her mother's last name.

In his free time from work, the prosecutor finds a place for creativity. Natalya enjoys drawing and playing the piano, and loves sports. In November 2014, Poklonskaya took part in the Prosecutor's Sports Competition in Sochi and was able to fulfill the GTO standard.

Poklonskaya and Nicholas II

The prosecutor is interested in history and sympathizes with Nicholas II - his portrait hangs in her office. In 2015, she made a sensational statement that the abdication of Nicholas II was deprived of legal force. Alas, the opinion is increasingly heard that Natalya’s sympathy for the last Russian emperor goes beyond the scope of adequate behavior.

In 2015, she ordered for the Livadia Palace Museum (former residence Russian emperors) a series of portraits of Nikolai Alexandrovich and his family.

For the annual promotion " Immortal Regiment", which is held every May 9 as a tribute to the memory of soldiers who died during the Second World War, Poklonskaya brought an icon of Nicholas II instead of a portrait of a relative. The prosecutor’s action was ridiculed online: “My grandfather fought, but Poklonskaya has a tsar!”

In March 2017, Poklonskaya reported on her Twitter that the bust of Nicholas II, installed in Simferopol next to the prosecutor’s office building, had become myrrh-streamed. Journalists immediately came to the site and quickly found out that the miracle had not happened - the monument turned out to be completely dry.

Poklonskaya is often accused of the fact that her views largely coincide with the views of members of the sect of Tsarebozhniks. According to their beliefs, the death of Nicholas II became a sacred symbol of atonement for the sin of infidelity of the Russian people, requiring universal repentance. If the official position of the Russian Orthodox Church does not deny that Nicholas, who was canonized after his death, was not a righteous man, then Poklonskaya and her like-minded people are offended by any mention of the royal sins, including the deprivation of virginity before marriage - this is what Poklonskaya’s much-unloved film “Matilda” is about. .

Fight with Matilda

The film directed by Alexei Uchitel “Matilda” came under Poklonskaya’s sights in October 2016. Historical film dedicated to the romance of Nicholas II and the ballerina Mariinsky Theater Matilda Kshesinskaya, which took place even before the wedding of the Tsarevich with Princess Alexandra Feodorovna, acted on a woman with monarchical views like a red rag on a bull.

First, the deputy sent a request to the Prosecutor General’s Office demanding that the “Matilda” trailer be checked for distortion historical events for the purpose of “anti-Russian and anti-religious provocation.” The prosecutor's office, as expected, did not find any violations in the film, after which Natalya Poklonskaya filed a second application. This time, it was addressed not only to the Prosecutor General’s Office, but also to the Ministry of Culture, and not only the trailer, but also the script and sources of financing were subject to verification. At the same time, the deputy stated that the Teacher intended to mock the passion-bearing king and his family. The Teacher's answer was not long in coming. He himself turned to the Prosecutor General’s Office with a request to protect him from Poklonskaya’s “fabrications”, which were whipping up hysteria around his new film.

Without waiting for action from the authorities, Poklonskaya ordered an examination of “Matilda” at her own expense. The expert opinion she cited said that the filmmakers were deliberately “making a fool out of the emperor.” The examination found the film to be offensive to the feelings of believers, and Matilda was compared to a rat.

Protruding crooked teeth, an elongated face shape that makes her look like a mouse or a rat, an awkward figure...

The performer of the role of the emperor, the German Lars Eidinger, also got it. He was accused of not looking like Nicholas II, as well as of starring in a “pornographic anti-Christian film in a vulgar pornographic role” (referring to Peter Greenouy’s erotic biopic “Goltzius and the Pelican Company”).

However, the Ministry of Culture stated that they would not take Poklonskaya’s examination into account, citing the fact that official verification I didn’t find anything in the film that would offend the feelings of believers, and the film itself has not yet been released. The teacher invited Poklonskaya to closed Show“Matilda”, to which the deputy refused.

I haven’t watched it, but I don’t need to watch it, I won’t watch it

Poklonskaya continued her campaign against Matilda, covering the situation on social networks.

In the summer of 2017, the publication Znak published material stating that on the party sidelines Poklonskaya was asked to moderate her ardor in the fight against Matilda. Coincidentally, after publication, the author of the article, Ekaterina Vinokurova, began receiving threats.

On September 4, 2017, a UAZ deliberately drove into the largest cinema in Yekaterinburg, “Cosmos”. After ramming the doors, the driver got out of the car and threw two Molotov cocktails into the car. The car caught fire and a fire started in the building. Fortunately, no one was hurt. During interrogation, the driver, 39-year-old Denis Murashov, admitted that his action was a kind of protest against the premiere of “Matilda.”

UAZ entered the Yekaterinburg cinema complex

The mayor of Yekaterinburg, Evgeny Roizman, regarded the incident as a terrorist attack. The politician wrote the following on his Twitter:

It seems that the arson of the KKT Cosmos in Ekb is still because of Matilda. We got the hang of it. A flame ignited. I consider it a terrorist attack. Hello Poklonskaya.

Poklonskaya got into a spat with Roizman, saying that it was unacceptable for a leader of his level to “send greetings on social networks.” The deputy accused him of deliberately provoking Orthodox people.

After these events, Alexei Uchitel accused Poklonskaya of supporting terrorist organizations operating under the guise of religion.

Natalia Poklonskaya now

IN Lately Natalya Poklonskaya openly goes into confrontation with United Russia. For example, she defiantly did not stand up before the delegation of US senators and was the only United Russia member to vote against raising the retirement age during the first reading of the relevant bill.

Who is Natalia Poklonskaya and where did she come from? The world-famous “nyasha” relatively recently held the minor position of assistant prosecutor of the city of Evpatoria, and suddenly suddenly became the general of justice of Crimea, and in 2016 - a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. How did a girl who graduated from a provincial branch of a Ukrainian university manage to become one of the top officials of the state?

The policy of the United Russia party, on whose list Poklonskaya entered the State Duma, is largely based on PR. Despite the fact that Natalya Poklonskaya previously held leadership positions in Crimea, everyone understands that she became widely known not so much because of her own professional skills, but because of her pretty appearance.

Poklonskaya was first noticed in Japan - her large blue eyes and face shape are very similar to anime characters. Therefore, drawings and videos with Natalya Vladimirovna quickly spread across the Internet.

Naturally, United Russia did not waste such a chance to promote itself, and almost immediately pushed Poklonskaya into the Duma. Poklonskaya’s position in the Duma is not small - she is the chairman of the commission to investigate the reliability of information about the property and income of deputies. However, Poklonskaya in her new position did not react in any way to the opposition’s investigations regarding Medvedev’s dacha, Peskov’s 38 million ruble watch, the super-rich cellist Roldugin, who is Putin’s friend, and other blatant facts.

But she began to actively fight for morality and Orthodoxy in Russian society, announced the myrrh-streaming of a bronze bust of Nicholas II in Crimea, and stirred up a big scandal due to the screening of Alexei Uchitel’s film “Matilda”, in relation to which she submitted a request to the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation. Poklonskaya also promised inspections to Alexei Navalny’s Anti-Corruption Foundation, which was investigating the theft of officials of the party in power.

Orthodox Poklonskaya was married, then lived in a civil marriage with another man. She is raising her daughter, born in 2005, in the spirit of high morality and pure patriotism.

Who is Poklonskaya? She is the brightest representative of the United Russia party, which has been organizing political shows. Natalya plays her role superbly – the audience will face many scandals against the backdrop of Orthodoxy, the Ukrainian conflict, attacks from the State Department, and so on. So, as a character, Poklonskaya is, of course, undoubtedly more pleasant than Milonov or Kobzon.

Natalya Vladimirovna Poklonskaya— Russian statesman, State Duma deputy Federal Assembly Russian Federation of the VII convocation, Chairman of the State Duma Commission for monitoring the reliability of information on income, property and property-related obligations presented by State Duma deputies, Prosecutor of the Republic of Crimea (May 2, 1914 - October 6, 2016). State Counselor of Justice 3rd class (2015). Natalya Poklonskaya has also been Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Security and Anti-Corruption since October 5, 2016.

Childhood and education of Natalia Poklonskaya

Natalya Poklonskaya was born on March 18, 1980 in the village of Mikhailovka, Voroshilovgrad (Lugansk) region. In 1990, Natalya and her parents moved to Crimea. The family lived in the village of Uyutnoye, Saki district. High school The future prosecutor of Crimea graduated from her place of residence. In addition, Natalya Poklonskaya studied at the local music school, and graduated from it in piano class.

Natalia Poklonskaya in childhood

The parents raised the girl in a patriotic spirit. Natalya Poklonskaya was always proud of her grandfathers who died during the Great Patriotic War. Poklonskaya's grandmother survived German occupation. Natalia Poklonskaya's parents are Crimean pensioners.

Natalia Poklonskaya at school

Natalya Vladimirovna decided that she would become a lawyer and entered the branch of the Kharkov University of Internal Affairs, located in Yevpatoria, from which she graduated in 2002. It started in Crimea work history Natalia Poklonskaya in law enforcement agencies.

Career of Natalia Poklonskaya

In 2002, Natalya Poklonskaya began working in the Simferopol environmental prosecutor's office. In the case of the Bashmaki gang, Poklonskaya acted as a state prosecutor. The criminal group was headed by a former deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Crimea. Natalya was under pressure from all sides, but she still managed to complete the job. The news reported that as a result of the investigation into the “Bashmakov” case, Natalya Poklonskaya survived the attack; Poklonskaya’s biography on Wikipedia says that after the beating in the entrance of her house, the prosecutor was left with part of her face paralyzed.

In 2011, Poklonskaya was appointed environmental prosecutor of Simferopol, and already in 2012 Natalya Vladimirovna began working in General Prosecutor's Office Ukraine. After the coup and change of power in Ukraine, Natalya Vladimirovna Poklonskaya submitted her resignation on February 25, 2014. Then Poklonskaya went to visit her parents in Crimea. There, Natalya Poklonskaya offered her assistance to the government of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea - she wanted to make every effort to prevent a repetition of the Kyiv events.

Natalya Poklonskaya’s first case as a prosecutor was an investigation into the infliction of grievous bodily harm on employees of the Crimean special police unit “Berkut”.

March 25, 2014 in connection with the formation of the prosecutor's offices of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol in the system of the prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation by order of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Yuri Chaika Poklonskaya was appointed acting prosecutor of the Republic of Crimea. And already on April 4 of the same year, with the consent of... O. Prosecutor of the Crimea Poklonskaya, employees of the Federal Security Service of Russia for the Republic of Crimea carried out an operation to detain the assistant prosecutor of Yalta Evgeniy Pomelov. An employee of the Yalta prosecutor's office was detained while receiving a bribe from a city resident in the amount of 7.5 thousand hryvnia.

On April 11, 2014, Yuri Chaika personally presented Natalya Vladimirovna with a certificate as an employee of the prosecutor’s office Russian Federation. On May 2, 2014, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree appointing Natalya Poklonskaya as prosecutor of the Republic of Crimea.

On May 4, 2014, the prosecutor of the Republic of Crimea, Natalya Poklonskaya, issued a warning to the head of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people Refat Chubarov on the inadmissibility of extremist activity.

Prosecutor of the Republic of Crimea Natalya Poklonskaya during a visit to the Livadia Palace, Russia, Yalta, October 22, 2014 (Photo: Ruslan Shamukov/TASS)

The case against Poklonskaya in Ukraine

After Natalya Poklonskaya was appointed to the Crimean prosecutor's office, she was fired from previous work and opened a criminal case. After the referendum, Ukrainian law enforcement agencies put Natalia Poklonskaya on the wanted list for actions leading to a violent change of power. Poklonskaya is charged under four articles: “Violent overthrow of the constitutional order”, “Changing the territorial structure and borders of Ukraine contrary to the order established by the Constitution of Ukraine”, “High treason” and “Participation in a criminal organization”. In the summer of 2017, the news reported that an investigator from the Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine Andrey Atamanchuk promised to soon bring to court a case in which former Crimean prosecutor Natalya Poklonskaya is a suspect.

In response to these threats from the “democratic” rulers of Ukraine, Natalya Poklonskaya stated: “They no longer know what to say and how else to show their protest, which is senseless, completely unfounded, unreasoned, legally illiterate. In this way they show their stupidity. This is their problem, they don’t recognize it, let them continue to worry, and we will continue to work to defend our homeland,” Poklonskaya said on air on one of the Crimean TV channels.

Crimean Prosecutor Natalya Poklonskaya (Photo: Alexander Ryumin/TASS)

Regarding the fact that she could be deprived of the post of chairman of the commission, Natalya Poklonskaya explained that this issue is being decided at a plenary meeting of the State Duma, by general voting, but no one has yet told her that such an issue is on the agenda, but only hinted that it would be good “ restrain your ardor."

Natalya Poklonskaya responded to criticism from party colleagues Oksana Pushkina and Irina Rodnina, who did not like her position on pension reform.

“Let everyone do their own thing, in accordance with their upbringing, personal qualities and conscience. Don’t waste your precious time anymore, giving me assessments and advice, don’t think for me and don’t attribute to me something that is not there. Trying to shame is not your element,” the news quoted Natalya Poklonskaya as saying.

Poklonskaya noted that her activities have already earned the death sentence of the Right Sector *, and in Kyiv she faces life imprisonment.

“Probably, intimate conversations on TV and ice dancing do not lead to such consequences,” Poklonskaya said.

Personal life of Natalia Poklonskaya, views and popularity

In 2017, quite surprising news appeared that Natalya Poklonskaya was not married. As it turned out, Poklonskaya for a long time misled the public by saying that she had a husband. According to her, she had to introduce herself as married so as not to attract undue attention from fans.

“Therefore, in order not to traumatize people and immediately completely kill all desire, I said that I was married, I have a wonderful family. Maybe I wasn’t quite right then,” she repented.

Earlier, Poklonskaya earned 2.6 million rubles in a year, but forgot to include her husband in the declaration. Now it became clear why this happened. According to unofficial data, Poklonskaya’s husband was the deputy mayor of Mariupol Vladimir Klimenko.

In August 2018, changes occurred in Poklonskaya’s personal life. The news reported about the wedding of Natalia Poklonskaya.

Poklonskaya married the head of the office of the Commissioner for Human Rights, Ivan Solovyov, as the media learned. This happened on August 11-12 and, according to the source, the wedding was very modest.

The ceremony was attended by Poklonskaya’s colleagues from the lower house of parliament and from security forces.

Poklonskaya herself neither confirmed nor denied the news about the changes in her personal life.

“I’m not ready to comment yet personal life", - she said.

Poklonskaya’s new husband, Ivan Solovyov, is 47 years old. Until 2011, he was a senior investigator for special important matters Investigative unit of the State Investigative Directorate of the Federal Tax Service.

Deputy Natalia Poklonskaya has a daughter. Poklonskaya raises her in the spirit of respect for the memory of those who died in the Great Patriotic War, including two grandfathers who died in this war. In 2015, on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Victory, the prosecutor of Crimea, dressed in a wartime tunic, read an excerpt from Robert Rozhdestvensky’s poem “Requiem.” In 2016, Natalya Poklonskaya, on the occasion of the anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, starred in the video for the song “From the Heroes of Bygone Times” from the film “Officers.” It took about two months to rehearse and shoot the video.

Natalya Poklonskaya with her daughter Anastasia in a frame from the music video for the song “From the Heroes of Bygone Times” from the film “Officers”, 2016 (Photo: Press service of the Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Crimea/TASS)

Natalia Poklonskaya in October 2014 donated more than 80 photos from the Livadia Palace family archive Emperor Nicholas II, which she received from the priest of the Holy Dormition Cave Monastery in Crimea. And in May 2015, Poklonskaya took part in the opening of a bust of the emperor in the Livadia Palace. Deputy Poklonskaya is interested in history and sympathizes with Nicholas II - his portrait hung in her office back in the Simferopol prosecutor's office. In 2015, Natalya Vladimirovna made a sensational statement that the abdication of Nicholas II was deprived of legal force.

On May 9, 2016, Natalya Poklonskaya went to the “Immortal Regiment” rally with an icon of Nicholas II, explaining that she was fulfilling a veteran’s request to her earlier.

Prosecutor of Crimea Natalya Poklonskaya (center in the foreground) at the “Immortal Regiment” memorial event on Victory Day, Russia, Simferopol, May 9, 2016 (Photo: Alexey Konovalov/TASS)

In the fall of 2016, Natalya Poklonskaya said that in the chapel in honor of the holy royal passion-bearers of Emperor Nicholas II and his family, erected near the walls of the Crimean prosecutor's office in Simferopol, the first miracle occurred, “during the reading of the akathist, droplets of myrrh appeared on the icon of Emperor Nicholas II, which helped in healing - miraculously the child’s temperature dropped, and after a debilitating illness, recovery began.” The news with this statement by Poklonskaya caused considerable public outcry.

Natalya Poklonskaya gained great popularity in many countries, especially in Japan (a video from a press conference with Poklonskaya’s participation received more than two million views on Youtube, her photos were published in news all over the world). Former Prime Minister Japan, the head of the Japan-Russia Friendship Society, Yukio Hatoyama, said that he is a big fan of her beauty. Amateur drawings of Natalia Poklonskaya in the “moe” style (a certain type of cuteness, like how heroines are drawn in Japanese anime and manga) and a cartoon was shot in anime style.

Photo: Russian Archives/Global Look Press

Although the peak of the Crimean beauty’s popularity occurred in the spring of 2014, her photos continue to arouse the interest of the Internet audience.

They write songs about Poklonskaya and release them computer games. Odessa musician Slava Blagov dedicated the song “Oh, what a sweetheart, prosecutor Natasha!” to her, which received more than 100 thousand views on YouTube in a day.

Official account Natalia Poklonskaya on Facebook:

“The current Kyiv government is unable to understand anything. Apparently this function is closed to them. They understand only what certain puppeteers tell them. But it doesn’t take much intelligence to understand obvious things. Crimea is Russia, it has always been so, is and will be.

The problem in Kyiv is their leaders, but this power is not for life, elections are coming soon. I wish the Ukrainian people that the country prospers and that they come to power in Ukraine worthy people. The main thing is that they are found there and given the opportunity to come, so that they are not accidentally, or perhaps not accidentally, arrested or killed.

Is it possible?

“We see that murders are happening.” famous people, politicians. Some sacred victims are chosen, like on the Maidan. So first they took down the poet, and then bang - they killed their own people, and they said that they were enemies. Yes, it was not the enemies who killed, it was the same radical colleagues who killed, who stood naked with drums in twenty-degree frost! I know this for sure, because I worked at the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine at that time.

Sacred sacrifices were needed to organize a coup. Create a picture. Completed script.

Do you mean "heavenly hundred"?

- Yes, “heavenly hundred”.

— That is, until 2019, when there will be presidential elections in Ukraine, current government Do you need to rethink your position on Crimea?

- Well, why? The question of re-election of the president can be raised ahead of schedule.

— You have already said that while working at the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine, you came across high-profile criminal cases against current leading politicians. Can you give examples of such cases?

— I directly had criminal proceedings against Klitschko, then a deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, who was suspected of committing premeditated murder Nechepurenko Andrey. The victim worked in a large recreation and sports complex in the Pereyaslav-Khmelnytsky district of the Kyiv region, which belonged to Klitschko.

There was initially a cover-up of the crime: the forensic medical examination was falsified, the cause of death was not established due to multiple injuries to the buried corpse, clothing and material evidence were destroyed. We came there with a search. We examined the cottages that belonged to the Klitschko brothers.

I was a senior procedural manager for criminal proceedings. We exhumed the body and ordered a new forensic examination. It was actually ready, but a coup d'état took place. Before returning to Crimea, I handed over all the materials and material evidence seized as part of the investigation. I think that now this criminal proceeding is lost somewhere, forgotten. But the time will come when it is restored.

It's about about the current mayor of Kyiv Vitali Klitschko?

- Yes, that’s it. I remember how during the interrogations I was given small gloves with Klitschko’s signature. I lost them somewhere. We need to look in the garage, they're probably lying around there.

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