Natalya Bardo interview. Natalya Bardo: “I’d rather buy a new book than shoes

Charming Natalia Bardo familiar to viewers from the TV series “Veronica. Lost Happiness", "Immersion", "Second Chance" and "Angelique". Natalya spoke in an interview with OK! about how she, the daughter of a European champion in athletics, became an actress and not an athlete.

Photo: Press service of Natalia Bardo

We have long wanted to do an interview with the young actress Natalia Bardo, and finally a wonderful opportunity presented itself: Natasha and her loved one were vacationing on the island of Bali and shared her photographs with us. The actress fell in love with the city of Ubud, located in the center of the island, and explored its busy streets far and wide. “Of course, it’s not always possible to just pick up and leave for a month,” says Natalya. - Mostly this can be done either on holidays or in between projects. This time we were able to take a break from work for a whole month. The modern rhythm of life forces us to work for wear, and in the end this affects both our health and our personal life, but I’m still a woman. At some point, I realized that I can’t spend my time only on work. Yes, this is what allows me to realize myself, become full-fledged, self-sufficient, but still I need to think about my personal life.”

Does your loved one also like to travel?

Yes, that’s why everything works out absolutely harmoniously with him. Even the places we want to visit are the same. Before the New Year there was a lot of things to do, work, and bustle. On December 29, we suddenly realized that we urgently needed to decide where to go, otherwise we would have to meet New Year and subsequent holidays in Moscow. And I really wanted adventure! ( Smiling.) At first the choice fell on Thailand, but we had already been there, but not in Bali. In addition, it seemed to us that Indonesia is a great place to relax and get pleasant emotions. Although, to be honest, I imagined this country completely differently. Now she is on my list of favorites. True, I discovered my Bali: for me it is not a favorite place for surfers and not a paradise for fans beach holiday. Oddly enough, my attention was drawn to the center of the island - the city of Ubud. It is lively and noisy there: mopeds, taxis, stalls with food and souvenirs. If you walk along the main street for a long time, you can simply go crazy! ( Smiling.) But this is where there is some special energy.

Have you tried riding a moped yourself?

We had the idea of ​​renting a moped, but as we drove from Jimbaran Bay to Ubud, it became clear that with such dangerous traffic on the roads, it would be better to do without a moped. And although I am by nature a big extreme person, this time I decided not to take risks. ( Laughs.) By the way, Ubud very much reminded me of Sri Lanka, where Veronica was filmed. Around there too wild nature with the jungle and a lot of living creatures. And such a reserved world is incredibly close to me. These places bring back special memories, because it was at the project that I met my great love. And it was then that our passion for travel arose.

I can imagine what a pleasure it is to film in the jungle!

Yes. ( Smiles.) We lived there for three whole months! It wasn’t even a hotel, but some kind of low building among strange plants, in which rats were running, spiders were crawling, and geckos were falling from the ceiling. One day, while filming, I was bitten by some unknown insect. It was very hot in the jungle, we spent fifteen hours a day on film set in tight saris, and eventually the bite became inflamed. I endured it for two days, and then we went to filming in a Sri Lankan prison - according to the plot, they had to push me and beat me with sticks. Someone from the crowd touched my back. I immediately felt bad, and right from the set I was taken to the hospital, straight to the operating table. But the next day, with the help of painkillers, I went to work. ( Smiling.) What happened during the filming: I dived into lakes with scuba gear, ran through forests, rolled in the mud, and climbed mountains in the cold wearing only tights... In this sense, the series “Angelika” on STS, where we We parade in high heels in beautiful scenery, rather an exception to the rule in my filmography. Just like the negative character Ulyana, whom I play in this series.

I think you are desperate!

Yes, I love such experiments and extreme sports. And even while shooting in Ubud, the photographer told me: “Please, just don’t go near the cliff.” But I definitely need to break the ban, go to the very edge! These are the “notes” I live on.

Would you call the role in “Veronica” your first truly serious work?

First the main role I took place in the series “Golden. Barvikha 2". I had just entered the Shchukin Theater School, and my acting work at that time left much to be desired. This was my first experience, and I was not ready for it. I won’t lie, now I’m even ashamed of some scenes. “Veronica” is another matter.

Were you ready for this role yet?

Of course, at that time I had just finished my second year. theater institute. I was already firmly on my feet and my wonderful teachers inspired me with their example and somehow in a special way instilled confidence. And the fact that filming took place in Krakow, and in Israel, and in Thailand, and in Sri Lanka was endlessly pleasing.

Natasha, no one in your family has anything to do with acting profession. Why did you decide to become an actress?

At the age of fourteen I went on the set for the first time. By serendipity, my mother’s friend was working as an acting assistant at the time and took me with her to the shooting. I spent the whole day there and simply fell in love with this profession. I couldn’t take my eyes off what was happening around me, everything seemed like magic. I even liked the way the film staff moved the pieces of equipment, carried the cameras, changed lenses... Overnight, my mother’s friend grew to the skies in my eyes. I thought she had the coolest job in the world. ( Laughs.) I was sure that people associated with cinema - not only actors, but also directors, cameramen, lighting designers - were special. Naturally, I asked to go to the set again and again. Then she showed me to director Natalya Bondarchuk, who was then filming “Pushkin. The Last Duel,” and asked to sit me somewhere in the crowd. They not only put me in the frame, but also gave me a line. How happy I was! Naturally, after that I couldn’t think about anything other than theater.

Why did you initially go to study as an economist?

When I told my mother that I wanted to go to theater school, she opposed it. We had no money, we lived quite modestly at that time, so my mother wanted a better future for me. I had to agree and go to study at the Moscow Banking Institute, so my first education was in economics. The only thing I asked my mother was to allow me to go to castings and film on weekends. Mom said: “In your free time from studying, you can do whatever you want!” True, I appeared at lectures very rarely.

And how long did you last in economics?

With grief in half - almost three years. Then I transferred to correspondence courses and stopped really studying at all, but somehow I still graduated from the institute.

Was your mother not against this attitude to the matter?

She was just tired of fighting me, fighting my dream. ( Smiling.) My horoscope is Aries and I always get my way. And by that time I had already started studying in Shchuk, went there as a free student, and studied with teachers. She was very well prepared, and it is not surprising that she entered the theater school the first time.

It’s a pity that with your persistence you didn’t end up in sports, because your dad, Sergei Krivozub, is a European champion in athletics.

That's what dad says. ( Laughs.) Even when I was little, my dad always said that I had all the makings to become a good athlete. I played basketball, went to gymnastics and ballet. I remember how it hurt me while stretching, I cried, but now I love ballet madly - I have a barre at home, and several times a week I study with a choreographer.

You once said that you would love to try yourself in the theater, but you don’t have enough time. Nothing changed?

I still want to go to the theater, but I still don’t quite understand in what way and under what conditions. I read a lot, love classical plays, and I would like the performance with my participation to attract the audience not just with a funny story, but also with meaning and deep characters. I dream of getting into Sovremennik - I really love Galina Volchek for her charisma, extraordinary gift and ability to find actors with special energy, for the fact that she gives everyone a chance. I don’t know, maybe someday my dream will come true, at least until all my plans come true.

Natalia Bardo (27) amazingly beautiful young actress! I want to look at her without stopping. And it seems that this is quite enough: the form is so good that the content is not important. However, when you hear her voice with a slight hoarseness, follow her eyes, follow the train of her thoughts, you understand that she fascinates not with her appearance, but with some kind of magical inner charm that does not let you go for a second. I was lucky to spend with Natasha one of the Friday evenings and find out in which projects we will soon see her, what she is proud of in her career, what she dreams of and why she has no complexes.

ABOUT WORK Before New Year I don't have any filming planned. And to be honest, I'm already going crazy. I want to run to the site as soon as possible! In the near future, projects with my participation will be released, such as the series "Lost" on the channel STS, movie "Scenario" on Channel One, "The Last Frontier" for the channel Russia and full-length films "Friday" And "Love with Limits". "Friday"- a film with a megastar cast and a very sophisticated plot. I can guarantee that this is a real feeling of the holiday and that very Friday that is usually meant. And my role there, although simple, is bright. I am some kind of fairy that the hero dreamed of. As the producers say: “You are the personification of this film.”. Asos jumpsuit, Philipp Plein fur coat, Jimmy Choo sandals

But Zhenya Shelyakin (39), the director of the film, believes that my heroine is perfect girl in the minds of all men

So alluring, with sparkling eyes, a smile and constantly disappearing. This is a very important film for me. The very feeling that the picture will appear on big screen, – very exciting. I want to be at the premiere to feel how people react, to get in the mood, to find out their opinion.

ABOUT THE CINEMA For me, the career of an actress has always been attractive precisely because of the film set. I went there for the first time at the age of 14 and, of course, immediately fell in love with this dizzying atmosphere. Not in the movies extra people, this is such a huge hive, which is very interesting to be inside. The team is very important to me. The energy that arises in me when I am at the epicenter of a common cause cannot be compared with anything. And if among other professions there are people who do not like their work, then in cinema there are no such people. I can't imagine my life without this.

ABOUT POPULARITY I do get recognized a lot. After the project "Mr. and Mrs. Media" Men began to recognize me because I was such a daring beauty with red lips. If you are without makeup, wearing a hat and a down jacket, then women will recognize you because they watched the series "Veronica" on the channel Russia. But if I’m wearing a miniskirt, they’ll recognize me from the series "Angelica".

Skirt and top, all - H&M, Asos boots, clutch, Magia di Gamma necklace

ABOUT PROFESSIONALISM A professional in an acting career is a loose concept. Everyone can say that this person is a professional because he is talented, another because he knows the technique well, a third just looks good on camera. And I'm a professional because I know what I need to do. I know what I need to understand in order to do well. I am at ease, and this is important.

ABOUT STAR ILLNESS It happens that an artist comes to some event, fans come up to him and ask: “Can I take a photo with you?” The artist either does not react or answers: "Please, not now". And they immediately put a label on him, saying he’s sick! But no one thinks that at this moment the artist, for example, gets a call from his mother to say that she has a fever and that the director is waiting outside the door because he needs to go to rehearsal. Yes, the arrow on the tights has simply moved, but we have to go on stage in five minutes! This is not taken into account. Yes, it’s probably wrong when people come up to you in a calm atmosphere, and you send everyone away.
But we are not robots.

Monki top, By Malene Birger skirt, Pinko jacket, Furla backpack, Baldinini boots, Calzedonia socks

What if you just leave the house in felt boots and without makeup to buy cucumbers or milk, and you want to abstract yourself from everyone, hide, because today is clearly not your day? And people think: “Well, that’s it, star!” There are artists who believe that they have no right to leave the house without dressing up. But, as a rule, these are those who do not have such a busy schedule. There are no actors who always look good

. And a person cannot be the same for everyone: for fans, friends, loved ones, parents.

Vogue Eyewear glasses "Veronica" ABOUT THE SERIES “VERONICA” Oddly enough, I’m proud of the series . This project took two years of my life, where I met my first director-teacher Miroslav Malich

(32), which gave me a lot. I was offended, cried, he scolded me, but I received a baggage of knowledge that accompanies me both in cinema and in life. This series very correctly presented me with exactly the audience that I wanted to reach. And I value it very much. During filming, I graduated from drama school, made friends, and entered this world as if it were my home. I never had this feeling before. There were main roles, good episodes, but I didn’t live for it. Today's projects are a great experience, but I don't live it the way I lived Veronica. ABOUT COMPLEXES Mom and Dad constantly ask me: “Do you have any complexes at all?” I understand that it is bad when they are not there. But I grow them in myself. (Laughs.) I used to have an excellent student complex; I wanted to please everyone. Then it suddenly went away. I consider myself happy man : I like the way I look, I like my surroundings. I don't know how to get there. It’s inside – you just have to be able to believe.

On the eve of Victory Day, the Russia 1 TV channel will premiere the military drama “The Last Frontier,” in which the fragile-looking 28-year-old Natalya Bardo played the brave nurse Katya. In life, the actress exudes sophistication, grace and style, which she demonstrates at social events. IN exclusive interview the site found out what sacrifices Natalya is not ready to make for the sake of her career, why she refuses sex scenes and what boundaries she wants to erase.

28-year-old actress Natalia Bardo has played a lot interesting roles, But last job especially proud. In the new series “The Last Frontier,” which will premiere on May 8 on the Russia 1 channel, the actress became a military nurse Katya.

The drama tells the story of a company of recruits whose commander was given the task of stopping the Germans at any cost. The action takes place in a difficult time - the winter of 1941. Natalya's heroine comes face to face with all the hardships of wartime. We started our conversation with a question about the painting.

website: Natalya, you starred in the series “The Last Frontier”, the heroes of which have a strong spirit and the will to win. Do you have these qualities?

Without false modesty, I can say that there is. If I didn’t have these qualities, I wouldn’t have what I have in my life now. I think, strong spirit given to us in order to achieve our goals without compromising our principles. I don’t like to make sacrifices, but for the sake of loved ones I’m ready to do a lot.

“By my zodiac sign I am Aries, and much of what is written in horoscopes is about me. I am purposeful, I don’t like losing at all, and if this happens, I tell myself: “Everything is for the better.”

I am sure that if you prevailed or were lucky in some way, it means you deserved it, did something good in the past. I am grateful to my parents for their upbringing, they passed on to me best qualities. It’s difficult to be alone in this life, and it’s good when there are people nearby who wish us well.

N.B.: Now success for me is a picture that will be recognized by viewers and critics. If I star in a film, it is important for me that it be appreciated. This is why I overcome my own fears. I had to jump from enormous heights, film with poisonous cobras, spend ten hours in icy water... At the same time, I really love action scenes and often perform stunts myself.

The sacrifices must be justified, so I will never betray myself. If my inner voice is against something, I will listen to it. So, once I had to abandon a project with blatant sex scenes, and now I’m glad about it. I know for sure that I would be ashamed now. Perhaps, because of such a mistake, I would not have been able to fulfill my dream of acting in a war film. “The Last Frontier” for me is one of the most reverent and significant works.

“In our profession, excessive media exposure does not always play into our hands. “Special” popularity can be harmful. Therefore, in such matters, I rely on the opinion of professionals - recognized directors, actors, and I prefer to refuse filming for men's magazines. Everything has its time".

website: Can you call yourself a brave person?

N.B.: I'm more of a brave adventurer (laughs). It seems to me that this happens because I am afraid of boredom and... laziness! I am closer to unpredictability, risk, and this is also inherent in courage. I also have other weapons, but I’ll tell you about that another time. (smiles).

website: What do you think a modern woman should be like?

N.B.: In my opinion, she should be wise. With this quality, a woman can achieve anything, and any man will want to protect her. You don't have to be a fighter if you have a loved one nearby. When girls say that they can cope without the help of men, they turn into unhappy and lonely. And I only call for wisdom. Wait, let your loved one express himself and his capabilities, because this is a small contribution to your happy future.

N.B.: You need to put happiness as a priority, and for me this means both the opportunity to act in films and the desire to start a family. There must be balance in everything.

“I can’t choose just one thing, so I’m ready to explain to a man as much as I want how important work is to me. I am for a harmonious existence and I am sure that it is possible to build at the same time successful career and spend time with family and friends.”

website: Which heroine would you like to transform into?

N.B.: There is no specific image. I played positive heroines, girls with difficult fates, bitches, and even princesses. Now I want something spicy, negative. I think such a role is not far off.

I'm happy with how mine is developing now actor career, and I’m glad that I have the opportunity to do what I love. Every day I study and work on myself. I’m just at the beginning of my journey, many accomplishments await me ahead, and this only fuels my interest and inspires me.

website: Do you make plans or prefer the natural course of events?

N.B.: Oh... I just belong to that category of people who make long-term plans. I like to control everything even in cases when I have no control over the situation (laughs). But I notice positive changes - over the years I become more trusting. And I’m even starting to get a taste for it and enjoy it. And when I notice that the result exceeds all my expectations, I rejoice in euphoria. Moments like these bring joy when you realize that you have someone to rely on.

N.B.:"Yes I can. There is only one goal - not to destroy what has been built. I treat what I have as my empire: I am the queen of my domain, I have a king, and everything is subject to a clearly structured system. This world of mine was built long and hard.”

My family gives me the strength to move on; I try to protect myself from ill-wishers and gossip. Today my house is in order, which allows me to freely think about the future, search, develop, love. Everything in life should be like in a tidy closet - in its place.

website: It seems to us that one of yours strengths- the ability to look great at social events. Do you turn to professionals for help or come up with images yourself?

N.B.: Thank you for the compliment. A woman should be able to present herself. Of course, I turn to stylists, because, in my opinion, public people should pay Special attention to his appearance.

“A properly chosen image is big job, art. Therefore, I prefer to do my own thing - acting, and trust the rest to professionals.”

website: Do you prioritize comfort or beauty?

N.B.: Above all for me is beauty, especially if we're talking about about a social event, red carpet or filming process.

IN Everyday life I allow myself to relax and choose comfort. If I'm uncomfortable in something, I won't wear it, and this thing will hang on the hanger or, at best, will be given as a gift to someone.

Natalia Bardo

Natalya, your heroine in “The Cool Crew” is a brave girl and capable of certain actions. What would you never dare to do that pilot Polina is ready for?

Probably, unlike Polina Ovechkina, I would never sit at the controls of an airplane. This is a responsibility that is not transferred to anyone in the cockpit of the airliner, despite the fact that there are two pilots. I probably would never have been able to withstand such a working rhythm, although artists also have hard work - we work long hours on shift. Well, these overloads are, of course, especially difficult. Also, unlike Polina Ovechkina, I would not have the patience to rehabilitate a person like a hero. However... I also have strong patience.

- That is, the fragile blonde Natalia Bardo has character: you can even hit her with your fist?

I look very fragile, but I think that now you need to be able to defend your point of view.

-Can you even argue with the director on set?

Such situations have happened. The director may ask you to do something, but you feel that this is some kind of untruth towards you. But more often we just come to an agreement.

- It’s probably good when your husband is also the director of the project in which you play?

If a person is a professional, he works great. I’ve been in cinema for ten years, Marius for thirty. We understand everything, so there are no conflicts. He simply says: “You need to do it like this.” I answer: “Okay, I’ll try. If it goes well, then we’ll do it.” I try, but it doesn't work. I come up and say: “Let’s find a compromise, it seems to me that in this situation the heroine reacts differently. It’s uncomfortable and inorganic for me.” And he agrees. It turns out that this is actually better. We feel each other, we are very similar, which is probably why it’s easy for us to work together. Although Marius is more demanding of me, this has its own charm. I am a perfectionist and without a director who is demanding of me on set, I feel uncomfortable.

- They say that during the filming of the series, even an ambulance came to your set...

Yes, it turned out that I was seriously poisoned, but I had to continue filming. An ambulance arrived and they gave me an injection. And after that I had to work for two more days under injections. I felt really bad, but the scenes turned out great in the end. It’s also funny that the plane in the frame looks very realistic, but in fact it’s a model. In general, Lesha and I practically did not leave the cabin five days a week. It wasn't easy. They delivered some food to us there, crackers, vegetables, something else.

- Well, you and Alexey have known each other for quite a long time and have already worked together...

We worked, and I can say that Alexey is a true professional and gentleman. Nowadays there is such a tendency among men: not to open the door, not to give a girl a hand... But Lesha is always gallant, always attentive. It’s easy to say these words about him because they suit him. Unlike many others, he is a real man.

- By the way, have you ever dreamed of becoming a flight attendant?

No, I didn’t dream of it. About ten years ago I had terrible aviation phobia, and it took me a long time to get rid of it by talking with professionals, with people who said that if the cabin is noisy, crackling, whistling and creaking, it’s not necessarily bad. Now I'm relaxing on board. Glasses, earplugs, sports suit. I love it when I'm comfortable.

- When you don’t have to fly somewhere or go to filming, what do you prefer to do?

I play sports, meet with friends. I like to read, watch movies, go to the theater - there are many things I can do. IN Lately I literally force myself to lie on the couch. I tell myself: “Lie down, it’s not a shame!” (Smiles.)

- You can get better from lying on the couch too much. But this, apparently, does not threaten you...

The fact is that I myself am very active. Everything is important to me. And, probably, this fire that is inside me burns all the calories. But I don't go on any diets. Everything is simple for me: a lot of work, healthy diet, sport for fun.

- Do you prepare this healthy food for yourself?

I don't know how to cook, this is my pain. But I clean well, I like to do laundry, and I wash the floors with pleasure. It relaxes me. But you have to order food.

As an actress, you probably have to devote a lot of time to your appearance: going to beauty salons, to a cosmetologist. Your hair alone is worth it!..

Looking good is a lot of work. If you don't apply a mask every day, your hair, especially on blondes, will fall off. You also need to learn how to do makeup and dress well, because you don’t always have a stylist nearby. This is all a certain job that I, as an actress, definitely have to do.

A subtle aroma of perfume, light makeup, impeccable Parisian chic - this is how we imagine French women. And actress Natalia Bardot French surname you have to conform!

Oatmeal for breakfast

– Natalya, how long does it take you to prepare for going out?

– I already start preparing in three days, and if the outfit is made to order, then in a week or a week and a half.

– Who works on your image?

– I have a stylist – Alesya Matyashchuk. We have been friends for a long time, she knows my character well, so she always fits the character exactly. And what I like most is that Alesya works in different styles. Today I am the friend of the great Gatsby, tomorrow I am a princess, and in a week I am a rocker.

– When can you see the real Bardo?

– At seven in the morning, when I go to filming. But I'm unlikely to be in beautiful dress and in heels. My wardrobe always includes comfortable jeans, T-shirts, leather jackets, sneakers and wide-heeled shoes.

– How does your day begin?

– I really love measured breakfasts, long conversations over a cup of coffee, which smoothly turn into lunch. But unfortunately, this is rarely possible. Usually I immediately turn on the phone, and there are already a lot of letters and calls that need to be answered. Then I run errands, and so on until the evening.

– Is that why you’re so skinny?

– But I think that because of the internal fire ( laughs). I am very active, responsible, I work without sparing myself. They always tell me: you've lost so much weight! And for me, I’ve always been like this. I don't have a scale at home, and to be honest, I don't care how much I weigh.

– It’s good to say that when you have model parameters...

- If you are thin, you have long legs and small breasts, then immediately a model? The models are also different. For example, the highest paid model in the world, Gisele Bundchen, has a chest circumference of 91 centimeters, hips of 89 centimeters, and she weighs 58 kilograms.

– Do you play sports?

– No, but I’ve been doing ballet since childhood. I have a barre at home, and a choreographer comes to see me periodically. In my opinion, ballet is the most beautiful art form. This includes plasticity, posture, and graceful movements. Many girls who go to the gym to use exercise equipment look fit and sculpted, but lose their feminine softness in their movements.

– Natalya, have you always been happy with your appearance?

- Of course not. As a child I was ugly duckling, the boys did not pay attention to me, which, however, did not affect my self-esteem.

Mrs Media

– Natalya, what projects are you currently involved in?

- First of all, I’m filming diploma work VGIK students. I was captivated by these guys - they treat their profession with such dedication! Secondly, she voiced two pictures - “ The Last Frontier" And " Waifs", the new TV season will feature the premiere of Andrei Selivanov's series " A year in Tuscany" ("Russia 1").

– How do you feel about big competition?

– My role will not leave me anywhere. Although I know that for many colleagues this is a sore subject. I reason like this: everything in life depends on me, and if a competitor appears who does something better than me, this is a reason not to give up, but to improve.

– What is criticism for you?

– I try to listen to any comments from professionals. When did the series come out? Angelica", in which I have a negative role, I listened to a lot of criticism from the audience. And that’s good, it means it was a success. But I don’t want to get stuck in any one image, I need to try something new, develop, move forward.

– On the set, if something doesn’t suit you, do you show your dissatisfaction?

– Only if it concerns my role. Most often, problems arise with costume designers. You come to the shoot after fitting, and they offer you to wear a completely different suit. Often these proceedings end with a trip home to get your things.

– Natalya, tell me how you got to Channel One?

– I auditioned for the program “Mr. and Mrs. Media” on a general basis, and then I found out that my co-host would be Marat Basharov. It is a great responsibility to work with such a professional! This is a completely new experience for me, and the news is hot, so we have practically no rehearsals, but Marat helps me a lot.

– Didn’t you change your attitude towards him because of the story of beating your wife?

“He treats his profession with great trepidation, is extremely collected and masterfully copes with his role. And for me this is the most important thing.

– How do you react to the attention of male colleagues?

– When you have a fiancé, you don’t pay attention to the compliments of other men. Unless I smile back or joke. The indifference of any man will only encourage him.

Stylist for the shopaholic

– And when your fiancé takes you to a restaurant, what do you usually order there?

– Not fatty, not fried and not spicy. Most often - steamed fish and salad. I love salads! For soups, I prefer chicken noodle soup and cream of porcini mushroom soup.

-Can you cook something yourself?

– I’m still new to this business. But pancakes, omelettes and buckwheat porridge turn out great for me.

- Only? Your man will remain hungry!

– If you wish, you can find a recipe for any dish on the Internet. I recently baked salmon in honey mustard sauce. To prepare a tasty and original dish, you need to spend at least two hours, and I rarely have that much free time. By the way, my weakness is food markets. Especially in summer, during the season of berries, fruits and vegetables.

– Do you have a large dressing room?

Private room I don’t have any for clothes, although I have accumulated a lot of them. I used to be a real shopaholic. I bought some shoes and only then realized that I couldn’t walk in them. In general, I kept a lot of outfits with labels. Until I met Alesya: she taught me how to mix and match different styles. I recently returned from Hong Kong with a whole suitcase of clothes. All sizes there are designed for petite local girls, so every item fit me perfectly.

– Do you usually choose fashionable and expensive things?

- Not necessary. The concept of fashion is generally relative; rather, I focus on my own taste and style. And in general, I began to be more rational in choosing outfits. Sometimes I think: I’d rather buy good book than new shoes, or I’ll save money and then plant a couple of trees at the dacha. I don’t buy expensive things, but I prefer bags and shoes from well-known brands. Louis Vuitton and Chanel have amazingly comfortable shoes even on high heels.

– What is your favorite thing in your wardrobe?

- Sweaters. I’m a terrible freezer, so even when it’s not so cold outside, I prefer to wear a long sweater, like a dress, and complement it with sneakers. And in general, I try to dress not only beautifully, but also comfortably. I remember with horror the fashion for low-waisted jeans. Years later, I understand that walking around in winter with a bare stomach is not only unwise, but also ugly.

– For some reason it seemed to me that you would choose dresses...

– Naturally, I won’t go to the red carpet in jeans or a sweater. One of my favorites is the Dior evening dress I wore on the red carpet at the Cannes Film Festival. I also discovered Russian designers; my wardrobe now includes stunning dresses from ROSARIO, Igor Chapurin, and A LA RUSSE.

– What relaxes you after hard work?

- Peace and quiet. I come home, make tea and relax. I love meeting with friends, but I can’t stand big, noisy companies. And when I want to be alone, I go to my mother’s Vacation home. Recently I began to think about moving completely out of town, to be closer to her and nature. Mom is mine best friend, only person who knows everything about me. I share with her both my successes and troubles. She may scold you for working a lot and not resting, or, conversely, for relaxing for a week. And I really like this control: I feel her love and care.

Interviewed by Margarita Gorlina

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