Natalya Bardo is pregnant. Marius Weisberg

They have only recently been together, but there are already quite a lot of rumors surrounding their relationship. They are successful people - each in his own business. Film director Marius Weisberg makes high-profile box office films (“Love in big city", "8 new dates"), and Natalya Bardo is a successful film actress. Since their love story is just beginning, our conversation turned out more like a prelude to something important and very serious

Photo: Vladimir Vasilchikov

MAryus, Natasha, I unexpectedly discovered that both of you are hiding under pseudonyms. What or who are you running from?

Marius: I’ll correct you a little, Vadim. I don't have a pseudonym. Weisberg is my father's surname. For a long time I lived with my mother's last name - Balciunas. I decided to change it after my father died. He is very a famous person in the cinematic environment: worked with Andrei Konchalovsky, Gaidai, Bondarchuk Sr., was the director of several films by Andrei Tarkovsky. Andrey often visited our house when I was a child. I watched all his films, and “Mirror” and “Andrei Rublev,” on which my father worked with Andrei, I simply knew by heart as a child... I lived in America for a long time. And when I started making films in Russia, I wanted to take my father’s last name - I’m very proud of him.

Natalya: On the contrary, I took my mother’s last name - Bardo. It seems to me that for acting profession it is more sonorous and melodic than Krivozub.

M.: There is nothing wrong with the surname Krivozub. An absolutely normal surname. Resonant, memorable.

N.: Too memorable. ( Smiling.)

Besides the addiction to changing your last name, in what other ways are you similar?

N.: We have a lot in common. Even our zodiac sign is both Aries.

M.: Of course, I don’t really listen to horoscopes, but, to be honest, I myself am surprised at how similar we are in temperament and in our views on certain things. For the first time, an Aries woman is next to me. Sometimes I even have the feeling that I live with a copy of myself.

You probably met on a professional basis.

N.: We met at one social event. Marius asks: “Actress?” I say yes". And that's it, we parted ways. After some time, we met again, completely by chance, and at that time he was just getting ready to shoot the movie “8 New Dates”, auditions were going on. Marius invited me to play one of minor roles, on this basis we got into a conversation, chatted for two or three hours, it seems, about everything in the world. Marius, with such burning eyes, gesturing, told me how he would shoot, how the scenes should turn out. I listen to him and understand: how great Weisberg is, a wonderful director. ( Smiles.) And then... we sit, look at each other, and I understand: something here is no longer about cinema. I like him, and I feel that he likes me too... But then there was a rather difficult period in my life. On a personal level?

N.: Yes, my relationship just ended. And Marius says to me: “What are you talking about! When you arrive in Kyiv, there will be filming, you’ll get distracted...”

M.: The role was actually quite small, but characteristic. I offered her to play a pretty nurse who misdiagnosed the main character. She was eventually played by Nino Cantaria.

And what happened? Natasha wasn't satisfied with the scope of the role?

N.: I was a little embarrassed that the role was very small. I then jokingly told him: “You will have big role for me, then I’ll agree...” But to be sincere, I, as a woman, was very scared then. I became afraid that something serious might happen between us.

Why be afraid? Especially if at that time you were free from any obligations?

N.: Morally, I was not ready for a new relationship. So Marius flew off to make his movie, and I stayed in Moscow. He later told me that he was worried because he had one foot there and the other here, with me. By the way, he started courting me while he was still filming in Kyiv. He sent letters, flowers, called persistently, we talked on the phone almost everything free time.

M.: Once I specially flew to Moscow for one day.

N.: Even for half a day. We had such a great time! I then believed that this was my man.

Natasha, didn’t it bother you that Marius has a reputation for being flighty? The press wrote a lot about his novels, including his recent relationship with actress Katya Shpitsa.

N.: I know too much about him, so I’m convinced that Marius is different. Not everything that is said about a person is true. We are all in search of a soul mate, we often get burned, but we continue to believe, search, choose and try. That's life. I have a good intuition, I feel: whatever it is, I know for sure that this is not a passing stage for us. I don't know how else to say this. But what matters is how we feel. Marius, what do you say?

M.: Yes, they saw it next to me bright women, but this is not a reason to hang any labels on me. By and large, I am not a womanizer at all. I lived in Los Angeles for eight years in a civil marriage. I returned back as a bachelor, existed in this mode, but I never had any harem. Well, then I met Natasha, who suits me perfectly both in temperament and spiritual qualities. On the one hand, she is lively and obstinate, on the other hand, she is gentle, flexible, and caring. On the one hand, sedate, reasonable, on the other - emotional, uncontrolled. This is the first time I have met a woman who has a combination of all these traits. Next to Natasha I am in a state of imbalance, and I like it. I'm interested in her, she is both a loved one and a friend for me.

Aren’t you afraid that such a multifaceted girl might be taken away from under your nose?

M.: I’m not used to living in fear, so I don’t think about it at all. When everything is good, it is impossible to simply take a person away.

Natasha, you already have experience family life. Your first husband was twenty years older than you. How long did you live together?

N.: Four and a half years.

Now that you are building a new relationship...

N.: No, I don’t think about previous relationships and don’t compare or analyze anything. Over time, many things change in life, a person becomes wiser and more diplomatic. True, I never learned to cook. ( Smiling.)

Marius, as a creative person, I think, this does not bother him much.

M.: It doesn’t bother me at all. I just believe that she will learn and cook at least occasionally. And I also want Natasha to learn English perfectly. It is very important for me.


M.: Firstly, I hope to spend a lot of time in Los Angeles, I have a house there. In addition, I plan to shoot films there in the future. I would like to share all my interests with my loved one. I want Natasha to be able to watch movies in the original language and to be able to act in my English-language movies. I want her to read William Faulkner in the original - it has very rich, rich, figurative language. I wish she could share with me everything that makes me delighted. As for Faulkner, that's great. And you, Marius, asked Natasha a question, why did she go to the Dom-2 project at one time?

M.: To be honest, I didn’t know about it.

I hope you didn't learn this from me? This is not a terrible secret.

M.: No, no. Someone sent me this information, and at first I even thought it was some kind of mistake. I asked Natasha, she told me everything.

N.: Come on, Vadim, I’ll tell you now to close this topic. There are a lot of unpleasant moments associated with this story. I was eighteen years old. My dad, a European champion in athletics, had a stroke. He fainted and broke his neck. We practically lost him. A lot of money was needed to purchase a device with which dad could be cured. There was no money, my mother worked five jobs, but these funds were not enough, and I was studying. I went to Dom-2 after they told me that they were paying me a salary. At that time, I was already starring in TV series, and I gradually got roles. But there weren’t many offers, and the question of income stability was a pressing issue in our family at that time. By the way, then in “House-2” there were no frivolities that appeared later. They signed a contract with me for a certain period and gave me money. This saved my father. But frankly speaking, people, unfortunately, do not care about motivation; many only give them a reason to discuss and condemn. Yes, it happened in my life, but it’s all in the past. And I don't want to be associated with it anymore.

I cannot yet perceive Marius as a director. I respect what he does, I'm proud of him, but I don't think of him as a director. For me he is simply the most a real man

The main thing is that all this does not cause a negative reaction from Marius.

M.: For me, this is an ordinary reality show, I lived for nineteen years in America, where this genre appeared quite a long time ago. Therefore, I don’t see anything wrong with this. What worries me much more is that Natasha gets nervous when this topic comes up again and again.

Well, Natasha is probably seasoned, she was seriously involved in sports.

N.: There were attempts, because dad is an athlete. I was studying rhythmic gymnastics V sports school Olympic reserve. Sports toughened me up, yes. I set such standards for myself that I can pole vault very high, figuratively speaking. If I set a goal, then by hook or by crook I will achieve it.

Now you have your own director, which is very convenient for realizing your acting ambitions.

N.: Of course! I just dreamed of starring in a comedy ( addresses Marius). Kidding. By the way, I cannot yet perceive Marius as a director. I respect what he does, I'm proud of him, but I don't think of him as a director. For me, he is simply a real man, very punctual and responsible. Although there is a stereotype that a director is necessarily an uncollected person, the wind is in his head, you can’t cook porridge with him... This is the first time I’ve heard of such a stereotype. Well, now I will know. But you, Natasha, still don’t cook director Weisberg’s porridge - regardless of whether he is responsible or irresponsible.

N.: I cooked buckwheat once. And when he was sick, I even cooked rice, but it was a little unsuccessful. ( Friendly laughter.)

M.: Yes, she managed to cook it incorrectly. I simply adore her. ( Laughter.)

Natasha, as I understand it, you always wanted to be an actress. Why didn’t you immediately follow this path, but first studied at a mathematics school?

N.: Because my mother dreamed that I would do something serious. To work from nine to six and get paid on time. When I entered the theater school, my mother and I agreed: “If filming doesn’t work out for me, I’ll become an economist. But please give me the opportunity to try to do what is truly dear to me!” At first I went to the Shchukin Institute as a free listener and subsequently spent twenty-four hours a day there.

Tell me, did your parents strictly control you, or did you grow up as a free bird?

N.: My parents separated when I was little. Mom worked a lot, but despite the workload, she surrounded me with crazy love and care that only she can share with me. I'm proud of it, I have a special connection with her. Mom is my friend.

Marius, how did you grow up? Cinematic family, bohemian world...

M.: I wanted to follow in my father’s footsteps and study cinema, but my parents enrolled me in the Institute of Foreign Languages, considering this a guarantor of some stability and reliability. I've always had the ability to foreign languages. I entered Foreign Languages ​​and studied well there, but secretly from my parents, I applied to the directing department of VGIK to Vladimir Naumov. I was seventeen years old then. Naumov then said: “Why didn’t you say that you are Weisberg’s son?” But I wanted to test myself, I wanted everything to be fair. But I also didn’t study at VGIK, although Naumov treated me warmly. It so happened that I was invited to Hollywood. And I said to Vladimir Naumovich: “Can I take an academic leave? I'm back and forth." He says: “You will not return anywhere. Although I will wait for you." It was '91. “Invited to Hollywood” sounds beautiful and intriguing. What was it?

M.: I was invited to work as an assistant to director Ron Shelton on the film “White Men Can’t Jump.” This is a comedy, exactly the genre in which I really like to work.

Is there such an acute shortage of assistants in America that they turned to you, a Muscovite?

M.: No, it just all coincided. While studying at VGIK, I did an internship in the summer on the set of Andrei Konchalovsky’s film, which my father produced. The film was called "The Inner Circle." I already knew English well then, and the actress who played main character, Lolita Davidovich, asked me to be assigned to her as an assistant translator. We became very good friends, and during filming her friend came to visit her. future groom, famous director Ron Shelton. I showed him several of my VGIK works, he liked them, and he advised me to go to Los Angeles to study. And this is exactly what I dreamed about. As a result, Ron called me and invited me to fly out and work on his new project as a personal assistant. It was a tremendous experience for me. I ended up going to film school at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, one of the best in the world.

Have you achieved any success in America?

N.: He worked with Angelina Jolie.

M.: This is how the story turned out. I studied with her brother James Haven. We were required to involve each other in student work. For some reason he fell in love with me as an actor and always filmed me. And then one night James called me and said: “Can you help me out? I had a shoot at eight in the morning, and the actor “flew.” Come..." And I didn’t sleep at all: student life, we buzzed all night. I finally arrive at Jon Voight’s office, the lights are already being installed there. And James says to me: “You play a psychiatrist. You sit on this sofa, you say whatever you want, it doesn’t matter. This is a silent scene. There will be no sound. A patient comes to you, you communicate with her, and you fall in love with each other. It must end with a kiss." I answer: “Okay, no problem. But can I sleep now while you turn on the light?” I wake up and Angelina Jolie is sitting next to me... Of course, she wasn’t such a star then.

You see, he returned to Russia and filmed the film “Love in the City” with Sharon Stone. It's a good company!

M.: By the way, in America I made a film with Christina Ricci, it’s called “No Places”, the film received awards at many international festivals, including Moscow. In fact, in America I was doing quite well: I wrote fairly successful scripts, produced, and directed several films. I adapted and made new acquaintances. But then a difficult period arose, primarily psychologically. I've had this idea for a long time big project, wrote the script, it was accepted, the picture was launched. I flew to San Francisco, chose locations and objects for filming. Main role Kevin Costner was supposed to play, and I worked with him for six months and rehearsed. But the financiers were unable to reach an agreement with Costner on the fee. Negotiations took a long time, and as a result the project was closed. This was a terrible blow for me, I was depressed for a month. At the same time it happened family tragedy- Father died suddenly. And I left for Russia. Did you expect to return to America or did you fundamentally want a change of scenery and stay here for a long time?

M.: I came to my father’s funeral. It so happened that people from my childhood came there, filmmakers - my father’s comrades. One of them, Sergei Livnev, invited me to stay in Russia. He had seen my films, knew what I was doing in Los Angeles. Sergei told me: “Make the movie you want to make. I will give you complete freedom, I will give you as much money as you need.” And I decided that this was a good chance. In addition, it was necessary to support my mother, who was left alone... And so everything started to spin.

It started spinning big. You make films non-stop, they all have resonance, but in your personal life everything “came up” until you met Natasha. Tell me, would you like to settle down, have a family, children? You are forty-four years old.

M.: I only got the impulse to start a family a couple of years ago. In this sense, I am a person of late maturation. Before that, I was completely immersed in work, engaged in self-realization.

So the meeting with Natasha took place on fertile ground.

M.: Of course! Despite the fact that our relationship began not so long ago, Natasha has already become a dear person to me, with whom I have many things connected in my life. I believe her, I love her very much, and I am sure that no matter what happens next, this is a hundred percent important story for me. This has happened to me: you meet a person, but you only see each other once or twice a week. And then we immediately moved in together and started living together. That is, my relationship with Natasha is developing differently than it was before.

Marius, how many years older are you than Natasha?

M.: Almost sixteen years.

“I didn’t know” - is that what you want to say?

N.: I just didn’t count.

Should I rush to run to the registry office?

N.: No, please. There is no point in this yet.

What exactly needs to happen for you to propose to a girl?

M.: I just have to feel that she wants it. As soon as I understand that Natasha wants to marry me, I will immediately propose to her.

N.: For now we are at that stage of the relationship when we just feel good together.

Style: Alisa Donnikova.

Makeup and hairstyles: Alexey Gorbatyuk/ URBANDECAR, KÉRASTASE

“I thought: soon I won’t be able to walk, I won’t act in films... I thought that I had to break up with Marius. It's a pity for the man! He wanted to have a beautiful healthy woman next to him, but he got a disabled person” On the balcony of the Baltschug Kempinski Moscow Hotel Photo: Philip Goncharov

Then there were three more meetings - also for work. During this time my personal life changed, I broke up with my boyfriend, and Marius began to devote more time to me so that I would not be sad. He invited me to friends’ birthdays, to a party, to karaoke... Well, as often happens, he helped and helped, and in the end we fell in love with each other. And four months later I realized that I was pregnant. In May 2016, our son Eric was born. The main goal my life was to build a real one strong family. And I succeeded. And recently the family passed a serious test of strength...

- What's happened?

This started a few years ago. My knee started to hurt. And then the agent calls and says: “The Teacher will have a project about Matilda Kshesinskaya. You need to audition." Then I found out that Todorovsky was arranging auditions for the Bolshoi. I auditioned for these two projects, they were launched around the same time. I hired a choreographer from Bolshoi Theater, he came to see me every day, we did stretching, I tried to remember all these steps that I did as a child. And again she stood on pointe shoes. But the pain in my knee was getting worse. I had already begun to limp noticeably. There was no question of acting as a ballerina. I went to the doctor, they injected me with something, it became easier, I actively starred in projects.

And after giving birth, the nightmare began: the pain returned with renewed vigor. They gave me the contact information of the doctor who treats our Olympic team. There is nothing cooler than him in our country. He sent me for an MRI, for x-rays. And so I come to him with all the research, and the doctor, so drooping, sits and is silent. I ask: “What’s wrong with my leg?” And I hear: “Thank God it’s not cancer, but it’s bone necrosis.” Necrosis means death. A little better, it turns out. The doctor said that he saw no point in the operation, because it would not help. The only thing that can support me is not to stand on my leg for three months, to lie down or sit, and to take medicine. And so I come home, Marius asks me: “So?” - and I start to cry. Life was falling apart! I thought: soon I won’t be able to walk, I won’t act in films anymore... Moreover, I thought that I had to break up with Marius. It's a pity for the man! He wanted to have a beautiful, healthy woman next to him, but he got a disabled person. Mom said: “Move to me out of town, I’ll take you for a ride here.” wheelchair" But instead, Marius took me to Vietnam to travel in this very chair. We had been planning for a long time, we had bought tickets, we were traveling in a huge group: Natasha - Glyuk’oZa, Derevianko, Revva... Everyone looked after me. And Marius bought me canes - very stylish: white, red, in cornflowers... He also got me some very good vitamins with calcium. He brought breakfast in bed...

Marius Weisberg is a Russian film director, producer and screenwriter. Viewers are familiar with Weisberg as the director of a number of parody comedies. Among such films are the films “Kaput!”, “Love in the City” and the sequels of this film, “Rzhevsky against”, “8 First Dates” and sequels, “Granny of Easy Virtue”.

Often Marius Weisberg in own paintings plays simultaneously the roles of director, screenwriter, and producer. The main roles in Weisberg's comedies go to already popular comedians, members of the cast and residents of " Comedy Club».

At the same time, Weisberg's paintings regularly receive conflicting reviews.

Marius Weisberg became famous as a comedy director, but Russian film critics have no high opinion about his films. Journalists call the director's films vulgar; they claim that Marius perceives cinema as a business and makes comedies with spontaneous scripts and obscene jokes.

However, Marius never denied that he does not make films for highly intelligent viewers. The director also admits that his films are difficult to watch in intellectual circles, but at the same time notes that the press unfairly calls the director’s creations low-quality. According to Weisberg, he considers it his right to independently define the boundaries of taste and vulgarity of his own films.

At the same time, comedies regularly find their audience. Weisberg's films pay for themselves at the box office and receive sequels, more than once. Therefore, the director does not pay attention to harsh criticism addressed to him.

Marius Weisberg was born on April 1, 1971, in Moscow. Real name The director was Balciunas, and the director took the pseudonym when he was working on the film “Hitler Kaput!” Unusual surname explained by Marius’s nationality - the director has Lithuanian roots.

Since childhood, he was fond of cinema, loved to watch comedies and dramas, and reflect on the plot. Even as a child, Marius realized that he wanted to be a director. After school, the young man entered the faculty of directing at VGIK. He was lucky to study with the famous director who shot Tehran-43.

A year after VGIK, in 1996, Marius continued his studies at a television school in America. This is probably why the influence of the Russian and Hollywood cinematic schools is felt in his films.


The director's creative biography began in the USA. Marius Weisberg shot his first film “No Places” in 1999 in America. In total, his directorial list includes more than a dozen films.

In 2008, Marius directed the comedy “Hitler Kaput!” Already in next year viewers saw the first part of the comedy “Love in the City”, romantic film starring, and in 2010 the film “Love in the City 2” was released.

Another one famous work director - “Rzhevsky against Napoleon”. This film was shot in 3D. Marius Weisberg says that filming was a great experience for him. The project turned out to be commercially successful, and this was with a small budget for the 3D format - only 10 million dollars.

In 2015, the premiere screening of the film “Eight” took place best dates", in which Weisberg was both director and creative producer. This is one of the few paintings by Weisberg where events develop as usual, without magic or the intervention of the Universe.

Marius says that he tries to make serious comedies. Many of the scripts that are offered to him do not appeal to him. He is thinking about making a thriller that has never been made before. The director sees it as a film-play, in which almost all the action takes place in the elevator.

Personal life

Marius Weisberg is not officially married. His ex-wife is American Michelle Wilson. They had known each other for a long time; they got married almost 20 years ago, while the director lived in the USA. Weisberg admitted that they had a romantic relationship, but it was light and cheerful; no one intended to live together until death. Michelle proposed to him. They gathered friends, went to Las Vegas and got married there. After the wedding, life hardly changed. Michelle studied in Alaska, Marius - in Southern California. They saw each other rarely and soon broke up.

The director had many affairs, but he never married again. For six years he lived in Los Angeles with the woman he loved in a civil marriage, dreaming of children. Unfortunately, it didn’t work out - they broke up.

Marius Weisberg's next love was an actress. They met at the premiere of the film “Eight New Dates.” For some time, Spitz and Weisberg hid the affair because Katerina was married and had a growing son. But soon it became known about her divorce. True, the relationship with Marius lasted less than a year. Katerina Shpitsa officially confirmed to reporters that she was no longer dating the director, they remained friends. It was rumored that Weisberg was interested in another actress.

He was credited with an affair with Vera Brezhneva, but in Lately the director increasingly appears at social events with, a participant in “House-2”, and subsequently an aspiring actress. Natalya is 17 years younger than Marius. The director does not hide the fact that he is in love. Marius says that everything is exclusive and serious with them.

In the spring of 2016, rumors appeared that Weisberg proposed to Natalia Bardo. More accurate information the wedding never appeared, but the lovers began to live as real husband and wife, contrary to the opinions of skeptics who did not believe in the sincerity of the relationship between the director and actress. Later there were rumors that Natalya was pregnant.

In July 2016, it became known that Natalya gave the director a son. The child was born back in May, but the press learned about the addition to the Weisberg family only two months later, because Natalya and Marius spent all this time in America, where the birth took place. As far as journalists know, the film director has no other children, which means that Natalya’s son became Weisberg’s first-born.

Today Weisberg continues to work on new projects, and Natalya sits with the baby in maternity leave, in Hollywood. At the same time, Bardot does not deny herself luxury, which can be seen from the photographs of the actress in “ Instagram" Weisberg's chosen one rides in limousines, relaxes on the beach and meets with friends in expensive coffee shops.

Marius Weisberg now

In 2017, Marius Weisberg presented New film, not related to the director’s already promoted comedy franchises. New comedy was called “Granny of Easy Virtue” and was released on August 17, 2017. Weisberg's "Granny" became the only Russian film, which paid off in the 2017 summer rental season.

He played the main role in the comedy. His hero, the swindler Sanya Rubenstein, who was nicknamed the Transformer for his talent for transformation, is forced to hide from his pursuers after yet another case. Sanya hides in a nursing home, where she pretends to be a grandmother.

Today the director is working on a new comedy “Night Shift”. The film's premiere is scheduled for 2018. In this film, as in the previous one, Marius Weisberg acted simultaneously as a director, as a screenwriter, and as a producer. According to the plot of the picture, main character Maxim () loses his job at a factory and, in order to feed his family, agrees to a sudden offer from a former classmate to work as a stripper. Now the newbie stripper is forced to hide his job from friends and family and face funny situations in this new business.


  • 1999 – “No Places”
  • 2002 – “May”
  • 2006 – “Eldest Son”
  • 2008 – “Hitler is kaput!”
  • 2009 – “Love in the City”
  • 2010 – “Love in the Big City - 2”
  • 2012 – “8 First Dates”
  • 2012 – “Rzhevsky against Napoleon”
  • 2014 – “Love in the Big City - 3”
  • 2015 – “8 new dates”
  • 2016 – “8 Best Dates”
  • 2017 – “Granny of easy virtue”

Marius Weisberg decided to legalize relations with ex-participant of “Dom-2” Natalya Krivozub. The girl changed her last name to a more sonorous one - Bardot, discovered her acting talent and agreed to a marriage proposal from a famous director.


A photo of the engagement ring appeared on Bardot's Instagram. Weisberg's intention accompanied by a bouquet of flowers and a note: “For my beautiful bride.”"To be happy is to be loved... And happiness is to love! Women, appreciate those who love us and make us happy! HAPPY SPRING🌺❤ be happy! Dear thank you for the fact that every day I wake up and fall asleep with a smile!(hereinafter, the authors’ spelling and punctuation have been preserved. – Ed.),” wrote Natalya.

As reported Days.Ru, popular director Marius Weisberg officially announced a new romantic relationship, coming out with former member TV project "Dom-2" by Natalya Krivozub. They arrived together at the “Person of the Year” ceremony according to GQ magazine in September 2015. The 44-year-old producer and the 27-year-old TV star did not leave each other all evening.

Journalists immediately took advantage of the opportunity and contacted the director directly. "Everything is serious and exclusive with us. We are dating!" - he said. Let us recall that at the end of last summer it became known about the separation of Marius Weisberg and the star of the series “Young Guard” Katerina Shpitsa - their romance did not last even a year.

The star of the TV series “Crew Crew” spoke about the first vacation in her life, which she recently took, about the family budget and about the important secret that she used when choosing a nanny for her child.

The long-awaited premiere of the second season of the series about pilots is on the STS channel. The first season was directed by the famous director Marius Weisberg. The main role, pilot Polina Ovechkina, is played in the film by Natalia Bardo, who is also Marius’s wife. We talked with Natalya about what it was like to work with her husband on the same site, and about the family life of two creative people.

— In the second season there will be more romance, more relationships, many scenes outside the plane. We left the cabin at real life, descended from heaven to earth,” says the actress. - There will be a lot of jealousy. As a result, Polina finds herself between choices. Either she forgives Kulagin because she still loves him. Or you need to consider someone else. Most importantly, in the second season, my Polina changed internally. She realized: a career is important, but it is not the most important thing in life. I realized that I wanted to love. She became more feminine, she began to think about family and children. She began to want it.

—Have you also experienced something similar in life? For some time we lived only by work and career, but in the end we decided to become a mother. Or was it all more harmonious for you?

Natasha was born in Moscow. As a child, she practiced basketball, ballet and rhythmic gymnastics.

- No, I have never been harmonious. I have always been a careerist, I always thought only about work. I do not hide the fact that Marius and the child came into my life very suddenly, unexpectedly. It seemed to me at that time that it was not even at the right time. I was cast in several leading roles when I found out I was pregnant. I even had severe depression about this. It was quite difficult for me to understand that family is important, that a child is wonderful.

Understanding came only with time. Already when the child began to grow up. I only recently thought about the fact that it is impossible to be busy with work 24 hours a day. And for the first time in my life I took a month-long vacation.

- And what are you doing?

“I just fly where I want, do what I want.” Or I don’t do anything at all and don’t feel remorse because of it. I've never been able to relax. I didn’t know what it was like to sit and not think about work. I didn’t understand how it was at all.

Natalya regularly writes about her love for director Marius Weisberg on social networks.

— Is your son Eric spending this month with you?

- No, Erica is at home. He has his own schedule there. My trips are still somehow connected with work. Thanks to social networks, I am invited to vacation by barter. And they can’t always offer family vacations, because it’s difficult and expensive. Moreover, for a two-year-old child, numerous flights can be tiring. That's why he's in Moscow, at home, with my mother and nanny.

— How does Marius let you go on such long trips?

— Absolutely normal, because we work a lot together. And everyone needs to rest. Now he is editing a film, so he cannot leave. Of course, he would be there if he could. He himself understands: why should I sit in Moscow, where snow has already fallen, if I can be at sea? At home, of course, it’s wonderful, but why not go if there is such an offer?

But the actress is still hiding the face of their son Eric.

“My husband and I have a separate budget”

— You play a female pilot. Have you ever flown on an airplane with a woman at the controls?

- Yes. A couple of times. This was just after filming the second season. After “Flying Crew,” I began to pay attention to who was the pilot and who was the flight attendant, and began to delve into this life. I recently had a trip to France, and I saw a female pilot with the same ponytail as mine, also blonde. It's like my heroine. It was very symbolic!

— A woman pilot is still a rarity. They have to win their place at the helm.

- Yes exactly. Constantly prove that a woman can also be strong, capable of making serious decisions, and bear responsibility. Right now I’m thinking a lot about the topic of whether a woman should be so strong? About feminism and so on... Are those women happy who fight for independence, shoulder everything on themselves, and are on the endless run, like cornered horses? I have been so tired over the past 12 years that I seriously thought about it.

In the new season of the series "Flight Crew" viewers will find a classic love triangle(pictured with Alexey Chadov).

- And what did you come to in your thoughts?

“I haven’t come to anything yet.” Just thinking about it. Although I myself live according to the principle of self-sufficiency, I achieve everything myself. Both my husband and I have a separate budget. I always believed that I had to do everything myself. But now, in recent months, I’m thinking about the topic: am I truly happy?

And maybe for women like me, men stop doing certain things? They think: “Why do it? She’s all on her own, she likes independence.” And thus it turns out that the man has nothing to do! It's a double-edged sword. It’s not clear: is it men who relaxed and women who became independent? Or have women become independent and thus relaxed men?

— You have a classic movie situation in your family: the wife is an actress, the husband is a director. Does it still help in work and in relationships? Or does it interfere?

“At home we talk absolutely calmly about cinema and work, and support each other. Many people at first said: “Oh, great. Her husband is a director, he will direct her in all his films.” But in fact, I was faced with the fact that in some sense this interferes.

“A director husband is not always the key to success for an actress. Sometimes it even gets in the way,” Natalya is convinced...

- Why?

- Firstly, we cook in the same pot, and we know everything about each other. We don't have enough new topics. There is nothing left to discuss at home in the evening. All the conversations are about the same thing, you get a little tired of it. Secondly, other directors, for example, do not film me because I am Marius’s wife. And we, they say, will discover new faces... One bird told me on its tail that I was no longer perceived separately from Marius and his projects. So a husband who is a director is not always the key to success. Of course, I would like to participate in other projects. And I think that Marius would also like to shoot new, different actresses.

- And what will you do about it?

— I recently talked with Marius about the fact that we need to slightly change the concept of working relationships and still try to work separately. Together, of course, it’s great. But I would like to have some other topics for conversation at home.

— Did he support this idea?

- Well, it seemed strange to him, although he tried to treat it with understanding. At the same time, he continues to send me some scripts (laughs).

...although he does not refuse to work with Marius. Very soon, for example, Weisberg’s film “Granny of Easy Virtue-2” will be released, where Natalya is starring with Alexander Revva.

“I managed people at the bank”

— You said that you were not quite ready for Marius, then Eric, to appear in your life. Do you feel like you have changed now?

- Yes, the child gives me a lot of energy. And there is no longer this point in my head, like many women have: I’m 30, I don’t have children, I need to hurry. This point is now closed for me. Of course, I adore my son. For me he is the most best child, the most talented and beautiful. Everything is like any mother (laughs). But, of course, there was more trouble. We need to monitor the nannies, the upbringing, and the training. I have never in my life thought so much about everyday life as I began to think after the birth of my child. And I had to show my organizational skills.

— Have you already had any unpleasant situations with staff?

— I have no problem with this, because there is a huge and very important secret in personnel selection. You need to take a piece of paper and write down what kind of person you are looking for and what you want from him. Then, when you hire a nanny, you need her to read and sign this piece of paper. It is important that the person understands what your expectations are for him. And so that you understand exactly who you are looking for. You just need to be able to clearly set the task - and then there will be no problems.

— Did someone advise you to do this or did you come to this point through experience?

- No, I myself, intuitively. I have a love for organizing things. And some managerial skills. And by the way, I am fighting in my family to ensure that agreements are strictly implemented. For example, my mother may ask the nanny to clean the extra room or wash the dishes. I swear and say that a person should not do this. That's not why he was hired. He is taking care of the child. What do many people do? They hire a nanny and try to pin everything on her. It is not right. If you want to hang it, pay extra. Everything needs to be discussed in advance; no innovations should be introduced unexpectedly.

Recently, the actress took a month off and traveled around the world to her heart's content.

— You also have a banking education. Is it somehow useful to you in life?

- I always thought no. But recently I came across the fact that yes, it helps. When serious acting contracts began to appear, when you have to cooperate a lot with banks, count some percentages, that knowledge is immediately remembered. Plus, of course, they developed us quite well intellectually there. And this even helped me get into a theater university. We were accustomed to work, it was very difficult to study. That's why all this probably helped. Well, again, communication with the staff. I had an internship where I managed people at a bank.

— Do you have any plans to give Eric a brother or sister?

- No no. For now I think I will have a lot of work to do.

— You were very worried that you would fall out of the picture because of pregnancy. And this is a fairly common story among career girls. If you now had to support a friend in the same situation, what would you tell her?

- It all really depends on the woman. There are those who are afraid of falling out of the cage, then they fall out of it and are happy at the same time! They began to sleep normally at night, to be glad that they had a child and a beloved husband nearby. They began to relax together. That is, someone gets only pleasure from this. If you don’t want to fall out of the clip, then you don’t have to be afraid of it. You just need to give birth to the baby, organize everything and get back to business. Now I don't see a problem here. If you don’t want to fall out, this won’t happen to you. There are nurseries, kindergartens, nannies. Everything can be resolved.

Another question is that when I was thinking about having a child, I decided for myself that I would become a mother quite late. And she planned to raise the child herself, without nannies. It seemed to me that a nanny is bad, that in this case a child grows up without parents. Now I'm faced with the fact that we have a nanny. And all my fears are just fears. Eric knows that I am his mother. He loves me. And it’s complete nonsense that children begin to love nannies more than their parents. I know many people are afraid of this and talk about it. This is all untrue. I consciously decided that my child would have a nanny. And in the end, I don’t see anything wrong with this. Here you have to choose. If you want to be on track after childbirth, you definitely need some help - your parents or someone else.

— Now you have “Flying Crew” coming out. What can viewers expect next?

— In January there will be “Granny of Easy Virtue-2,” where I took part. There is another project that is still kept secret. And perhaps there will be a third season of Flight Crew if viewers like the second.

“It’s crazy that children start to love nannies more than their parents.”

— By the way, what can viewers expect in the second season?

— In the first season, my heroine fought for her place at the helm. She said: “I’m not a flight attendant, I’m a pilot.” Polina Ovechkina is a very purposeful girl, a careerist who always wants to be the first and the best, she is a truly talented pilot. Apparently genes play a role; her dad is a famous pilot. In the first season, Polina fought for her career. Although there were also personal events - she fell in love for the first time in her life, became attached to a man, Lesha Kulagin, played by Alexey Chadov. True, their feelings were based not on romance, but on the love of airplanes. In the cabin they constantly argued, quarreled, and sorted things out for various reasons. And at the same time they got to know each other so well that they realized that they couldn’t live without each other.

In the second season, a third character appears - Lesha's brother, played by Makar Zaporozhsky. Polina will reach the rank of first pilot, and a partner is being selected for her. And she is already used to flying with Kulagin, she cannot let anyone near her. Just imagine: being in a confined space for hours with some stranger- it's hard! On the one hand, she is very offended - after all, Kulagin betrayed her, on the other hand, she does not want to see anyone else around.

In the end, Polina finds herself in the same cockpit with Kulagin's brother, he becomes her co-pilot. Family ties are not immediately clear. And the most interesting thing is that in the end, of course, the guy falls in love with her. It turns out to be a classic love triangle. And I’m sure it will be very interesting to watch its outcome!

Private bussiness

Natalya Bardo was born on April 5, 1988 in Moscow. Graduated in 2012 Theatre Institute named after Boris Shchukin, majoring in acting. At the age of 14, Natalya first visited film set and fell in love with this process. At the age of 18, she first starred in Natalia Bondarchuk’s film “Pushkin. The last duel." She played in the TV series “Barvikha-2”, “Veronica. Lost Happiness”, in the films “Granny of Easy Virtue”, “Night Shift”, “To Russia for Love”. Natalya is in a relationship with director Marius Weisberg. Has a son, Eric.

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