Nastya Chernobrovina personal life. Anastasia Chernobrovina - biography, information, personal life

For many Russians, every working morning begins with the TV show “Morning of Russia”, which is broadcast on the “Russia 1” channel. One of the hosts of this program for twelve years is Anastasia Chernobrovina, who attracts viewers with her friendliness, sincerity and unique smile. This fragile woman, despite her imaginary refinement, traveled all over the country, collecting materials about interesting and unusual places Russia, without being afraid to climb into the most abandoned and wild corners.

The childhood years of Anastasia Chernobrovina

On April 10, 1977, near the city of Izhevsk (or rather in the city of Glazov, located two hundred kilometers from it), a girl was born into the Chernobrovin family, who was named Nastya. Mom, Natalya Gennadievna, was a very young girl; at the time of the birth of her child, she was barely 17 years old. Nastenka was not a planned child, but her grandmother (on the maternal side), having learned about her daughter’s pregnancy, insisted that her granddaughter be born.

Natalya Gennadievna broke up with the girl’s father, about whom practically nothing is known, soon after giving birth, since the young people could not find common language, and the age was such that everyone wanted to pull the blanket over themselves, and the soul demanded freedom. An interesting fact is that Anastasia practically does not maintain a relationship with her father. She found him on her own when she was 14 years old, but the connection was lost. They met for the second time when the girl was already 33 years old.

After this, Nastya’s mother was married three more times, and from her second marriage she had another daughter, Olga. Anastasia remembers with a smile that she was a “mother” for her sister, since she replaced both parents for her. Mom had no time to take care of the girls, because she was always missing at work, so the older sister had to look after the younger one.

It was under Nastya’s careful supervision that Olenka took her first steps. But the famous journalist does not reproach her mother for placing such a heavy burden on her children’s shoulders - raising a child. “I don’t blame my mother at all, and I’m very grateful to her for doing everything for us, working hard on several jobs,” says Anastasia in one of her interviews.

Until the end of school future star lived with her grandmother, who taught her everything. It was with her that the girl began to spend a lot of time reading books and magazines, and became very patient (her grandmother took her with her to the forest to pick berries, and the painstaking, many-hour monotonous task taught Nastya not to rush anywhere and to perform assigned tasks perfectly).

The girl’s desire for publicity did not awaken immediately. While studying at school, Anastasia really did not like to be photographed and would even run away from class if she found out that a photographer was coming. But the makings of a TV presenter awoke in her childhood. So, she recalls that she liked to record her voice, with which she diligently pronounced monologues, on a tape recorder, and then listen to the recordings. Nastya, thanks to her grandmother’s upbringing, had good speech, and her erudition allowed her to correctly use her rich vocabulary.

The beginning of the creative path of Anastasia Chernobrovina

After graduating from school, Anastasia entered Izhevsk College at the Faculty of Psychology. For several years she had dreamed of becoming a psychologist to help people cope with stressful situations and understand the depths of human consciousness.

But six months after starting her studies, she accidentally ended up on local television, where she worked for three years as a TV show host. There Nastya realized that psychology was not her calling after all, and decided to devote all her strength to her favorite television.

After three years of working in the news studio on the Izhevsk channel, the girl set off to conquer the capital. In 1996 she entered the Moscow State University culture and arts. After that, she began working in the information and entertainment program “Vesti at 11” on the Rossiya channel, and also prepared interesting reports for the program “Vesti PRO”.

Anastasia Chernobrovina “My Planet”: Japan

The journalist immediately attracted the attention of management with her desire to do her job as best as possible; she did not hesitate to make suggestions regarding the stories being filmed.

Professional career of Anastasia Chernobrovina

For three years (from 1998 to 2001) Anastasia worked in the “Day by Day” program on TV-6. She was also the host of the national competition “Girl 2000”, and later became the creator of the author’s program “Working Noon”, dedicated to ordinary workers of a huge country.

Since 2002, Anastasia Chernobrovina has been one of the leading famous program“Morning of Russia” on the channel “Russia 1”.

In 2009, Nastya fulfilled a long-time dream and became the author and host of the My Planet TV channel program.

Anastasia Chernobrovina today

Behind documentary“Tiksi - the territory of permafrost” in 2010, Anastasia was awarded an honorary diploma presented to her by Vladimir Putin. In 2011, she received the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, second degree. In February 2012, the journalist was appointed to the position of assistant to the President of the Russian Geographical Society for media projects.

Anastasia Chernobrovina - Hitchhiker's Guide to Crimea

Currently, Anastasia Chernobrovina has made all her professional dreams come true. She hosts interesting TV shows, travels a lot, and is invited as a presenter to various shows, concerts and festivals.

Personal life of Anastasia Chernobrovina

Anastasia is not married and has no children. She prefers to remain silent about her relationships. It is only known that her lover works as an interior designer. The young people have been together for more than 10 years, but they see each other very rarely.

Her chosen one is constantly traveling between France and Russia, and the girl has a very busy schedule. Maybe the secret of a successful relationship is hidden in rare meetings between lovers?

Height, weight, age. How old is Anastasia Chernobrovina

Answering questions about height, weight, age. How old is Anastasia Chernobrovina? It seems that before us is a fragile, young girl who still has her whole life ahead of her. It’s hard to imagine that this amazing presenter is already forty years old. However, this is not surprising, because with a height of 169 centimeters, her weight is 50 kilograms, so she looks stunningly slim and petite. In addition, he constantly takes care of himself, visits beauty salons and spas, but at the same time notices that he does this without fanaticism. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a presenter or not, but you have to look good, that’s what Anastasia thinks. But where did her creative journey begin? Let's tell you here.

Biography of Anastasia Chernobrovina

The biography of Anastasia Chernobrovina begins in the city of Izhevsk. It should be noted that her mother gave birth to her at a very at a young age, because she was only seventeen years old. The pregnancy was not planned, but the grandmother of the future presenter insisted that the child be born. Nothing is known about the TV presenter’s father; she maintains almost no relationship with him, although at one time she found him on her own. Nastya’s mother later married three more times, but to no avail.

Anastasia later had a sister, Olya, whom Chernobrovina raised herself, because her mother could disappear for days at work. But Nastya repeatedly repeated in interviews that she does not blame her mother for anything, because she did everything so that the children had at least the most necessary things. Until she graduated from school, the girl lived with her grandmother, who taught her everything. Her grandmother taught her patience, instilled in her a love of reading, and made her do any task in an excellent way. This greatly influenced her desire to be the best in everything she took on.

The girl’s desire for publicity was not immediately apparent. It even happened that when she learned that there would be a photographer at school, she could run away from class. But still, the makings of a TV presenter awoke in her early childhood. She loved to make notes on a dictaphone and then listen to her voice. Her grandmother’s upbringing allowed her to develop a good speech apparatus, and her erudition broadened her horizons. After the girl graduated from school, she decided to go to the Faculty of Psychology.

The main goal at that moment she began to understand various human problems, help people solve them. But after six months of study, she accidentally ended up on local television, where she ended up working for three whole years, trying her hand as a presenter. Then, over the course of three years, the career of a TV presenter took off. She worked in the “Day by Day” program, and also independently created the “Working Afternoon” program.

This program was dedicated ordinary people that work in the vast expanses of Russia. She began hosting the “Morning of Russia” program in 2002, thanks to interesting information, natural charm could maintain excellent ratings. Seven years later, her long-time dream came true; she began hosting the “My Planet” program, and is also the author of this project. Currently, the woman continues to improve and develop. She leads various programs, travels and reads a lot. Although, at one time she realized for herself that psychology is not a profession to which she wants to devote her life, but this does not mean that she is not interested in this science. Nastya is reading psychological books, tries to look at life with optimism, does not refuse to help her friends and relatives when they turn to her. Talented woman has proven that she can be talented in many areas of life.

Personal life of Anastasia Chernobrovina

The personal life of Anastasia Chernobrovina is shrouded in secrecy. News repeatedly appeared on the Internet: Anastasia Chernobrovina got married, photos, but, as you know, this is all speculation. Today, Anastasia is not married and has no children. She prefers to remain silent about the relationships she currently has. Journalists only managed to find out that her lover is an interior designer. They have been together for more than ten years, but they see each other extremely rarely because they are both busy. Although, it is quite possible that their secret lies precisely in rare meetings good relations. Maybe they will still decide to tie their lives officially or have already tied it up. Again, information appeared on the Internet that they did this, but there is still no exact evidence.

Family of Anastasia Chernobrovina

Anastasia Chernobrovina’s family today is herself and her work. And this is not an exaggeration, because the woman has a very busy schedule, which, in principle, she does not want to revise. But this does not mean that she does not have a relationship, because it is known in the press that Nastya has been with her for more than ten years, has a lover, about whom she does not want to talk much, even hides her name young man. No one knows whether she is going to start a family with this man, but in any case, they are in no hurry, if only because they see each other extremely rarely.

Maybe that’s why they are happy that for them every meeting is a holiday. But then information began to appear that the woman had gotten married. One can only guess why, working on television, Anastasia so jealously guards her personal life. Maybe because she has something to hide, or maybe she thinks it’s really no one’s business.

Children of Anastasia Chernobrovina

Children of Anastasia Chernobrovina for the TV presenter closed topic. If only because she doesn’t have one. In general, Anastasia is extremely reluctant to talk about her personal life and does not want to dwell on this topic. As far as we know, she has always been responsible and careful about her personal life, so she has no illegitimate children that she could have given birth to by accident. Nastya is a responsible woman, so she believes that if you decide to have a child, then this should be done consciously and purposefully. Maybe the TV presenter wants children, but is not doing anything for it yet. Everything is possible in the future, so fans can only wait.

Although, as the facts given below show, Anastasia already has a child, this is so vague and incomprehensible that it is difficult to draw any conclusions on this matter. Therefore, any fan of the TV presenter can decide for himself whether he wants to see Chernobrovina as a mother and wife, or let her remain a free woman. One thing remains certain: Nastya is very jealous of not interfering in her personal life, and she remains truly private and hidden from prying attention.

Husband of Anastasia Chernobrovina

Anastasia Chernobrovina’s husband is still unknown because she is hiding him. You could often find a request on the Internet for Anastasia Chernobrovina husband or Anastasia Chernobrovina and Andrei Petrov husband and wife. All these rumors appear on the basis of what is already very for a long time Chernobrovina broadcasts in company with Andrei Petrov, who also jokingly says that he is “married” to Nastya.

But as far as we know, they are connected only business relationship, no more. They work well together and are comfortable with each other, but it never leads to a romantic relationship. But this doesn’t stop fans, so they continue to come up with different romantic stories about this wonderful couple.

Anastasia Chernobrovina is pregnant photo 2016-2017

Anastasia Chernobrovina is pregnant photo 2016-2017 - this sounded like a bolt from the blue, because before that, it was believed that a woman had no family and was not going to have children. But the man she had been dating for more than ten years was still able to conquer her and rumors began to circulate that in 2014, she finally got married.

But again, there is no clear evidence because the ceremony was performed in secret, so it is difficult to say how true all this is. However, if the couple already has a child, then this will become known, at least a little. It must be said that Anastasia was always jealous of her personal life and carefully hid it, therefore, nothing can ever be said with certainty about her. She's really good at hiding like a true journalist.

Where did Anastasia Chernobrovina disappear from the air of “Good Morning”

At one time, viewers sounded a real alarm on the topic: where did Anastasia Chernobrovina disappear from the air? Good morning».

Questions immediately began to arise: “where did Anastasia Chernobrovina go, where did she disappear,” and also “where is Anastasia Chernobrovina now, why isn’t she hosting “Morning of Russia”? There are no reliable answers to these questions; the press cannot find information that is unanimous in its opinion. There are no particularly accurate sources on the Internet either.

Some claim that the star TV presenter was offered a better position and that she is now working on other programs. Others say that it was pregnancy that prevented Anastasia from continuing to work on her usual projects. But soon she will return and everything will fall into place. One way or another, Chernobrovina was and remains the favorite TV presenter of thousands of Russians.

Instagram and Wikipedia Anastasia Chernobrovina

About Anastasia Chernobrovina you can find a sufficient amount of information about her career, creative path, childhood years. That is, everything that is usually written about public people who constantly flash on screens. One of these sources is the Wikipedia page (,_Anastasia_Andreevna), where general facts about the TV presenter, how she achieved success in her field, when it happened and under what circumstances.

But Anastasia Chernobrovina does not have an Instagram page. And this is not surprising, it would be strange if this charming, mysterious woman had it, considering that the TV presenter does not want to tell anyone about her personal life. But Instagram exists precisely for those who want to share different events, even sometimes the most intimate. But this is not about Chernobrovina. So, fans will have to be content only with independent resources, reading what is freely available. The Wikipedia page is always at the service of those who want to know something about Anastasia Chernobrovina.

Probably, Anastasia Chernobrovina today is one of the most discussed people on television, since there are no-nos around her name, and some rumors or gossip appear, which then cause a storm of discussions, comments and even disputes among regular users of Internet resources. She herself is no longer surprised or even annoyed by such a stir around her (although she could, because some statements addressed to her are very far from tactful). Apparently, over the years of working on television, I’ve already gotten used to it. But, nevertheless, not wanting to once again become an object of gossip, my personal life Anastasia Chernobrovina carefully hides from prying eyes (which incurs further big wave guesses and conjectures).

The biography of Anastasia Chernobrovina is already 38 years old this year. The future TV star, whose parents, unfortunately, divorced when she was little, spent her childhood with her grandmother. It was there that she laid down the first principles for her body healthy eating, since the grandmother did not have time to prepare delicacies, and they ate the most ordinary and simple products. Anastasia Chernobrovina’s mother worked in Izhevsk as deputy director of a restaurant. Also in the leading family, consisting mainly of women only, there is younger sister Olga, who, both in habits and in character, is the complete opposite of her famous sister. Co school years Anastasia Chernobrovina realized that she dreams of being somehow different from those around her. This was associated with the first experiments with clothes and makeup, which sometimes shocked teachers and others.

Following her dream, after school she chose the psychology department of a local college. During the same period, the biography of Anastasia Chernobrovina was closely intertwined with television, although so far only local. Realizing that now television would become her main profession, the girl abandoned college and went to study in Yekaterinburg, however, she did not stay there for long, changing the university to a more prestigious capital one - the University of Culture and Art. Television career also developed gradually. During her biography, Anastasia Chernobrovina managed to be both a reporter and a news presenter, but she was most remembered and loved by viewers on the program “Good Morning, Russia!”

The greatest number of rumors, of course, is caused by personal life TV presenter. The star laughingly denies all the romances, marriages and pregnancies attributed to her. Although she has repeatedly emphasized that she has had a soulmate in her life for a very long time (more than 11 years). Since he does not want to become a public person, the presenter never mentioned his name in her interviews. The chosen one of the television star works and mostly lives in France, where he studies landscape design. With Anastasia Chernobrovina, they are united by a common love of travel, so they certainly plan their vacations so that they can be just the two of them on the next exciting journey. By the way, the TV presenter also boasted about such an unfeminine hobby as fishing. There were rumors in the press that Anastasia Chernobrovina finally officially married her lover in the middle of summer last year, but the presenter herself never confirmed them. The couple, despite their long relationship, also does not have children yet.

A common thing for almost every Russian is to turn on the TV in the morning before work or study and watch the latest news with a cup of coffee or tea. Every morning on the channel “Russia 1” the information show “Morning of Russia” begins, one of the presenters is Anastasia Chernobrovina. She is not only a charming woman and a competent announcer: the works of a talented journalist have received high awards from the government and prestigious competitions. Hundreds of millions of people all over the world await the appearance of Anastasia Chernobrovina every morning. to the globe. How did this young woman achieve such popularity, what is known about her personal life?

Brief official data

  • Full name – Chernobrovina, Anastasia Andreevna;
  • Born: Udmurt Autonomous Region, USSR, Izhevsk;
  • Date of birth: April 10, 1977;
  • Height and weight – 179 cm, 50 kg;
  • Education – higher: graduated from Moscow State University of Culture and Arts, specialty “film and television manager”;
  • Awards - medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree (2011), TEFI award (2015);
  • Professional activity – TV presenter, journalist;
  • Marital status, children - married, has a son, Artemy.

About childhood, school and student years

The girl Nastya, a future TV celebrity, was born in Izhevsk, a city in Udmurtia, and until she was seven years old she grew up in Glazov ( small town 200 km from Izhevsk). Natalya Gennadievna, Nastya’s mother, was only seventeen when she found out that she was expecting a child. If it weren’t for my grandmother on my mother’s side, we wouldn’t know TV presenter Chernobrovina now - she insisted that her daughter not have an abortion; motherhood was not in the young mother’s plans.

Almost nothing is known about Nastya’s dad: Chernobrovina’s mother and father broke up almost immediately after Natalya Gennadievna gave birth to a daughter, both were not eager to save the family. Anastasia, when she was 14 years old, insisted on meeting her father, then they did not communicate at all for a long time. The second meeting took place when Anastasia was already a famous journalist and TV presenter, and she was thirty-three years old.


The girl was raised by her grandmother: her mother had to go to work. Then the girl’s mother remarried and gave birth to another daughter, Olya. Anastasia recalled that Olya called her “Map” in childhood: her mother worked all the time, her older sister helped her grandmother raise her youngest granddaughter.

“I practically taught her to walk and talk. No, I don’t blame my mother for leaving Olya’s upbringing on my grandmother and me. She disappeared at work to provide us with a comfortable life,” Anastasia said about that period.

Until the girl graduated high school, he and his sister lived with their grandmother. They say that she was a very modest and quiet child - no hint of leadership or a “television” future. To say more, she did not like being photographed or speaking in public so much that she would run away from school if she found out that a photographer was coming. But at home she read a lot (her grandmother persistently taught her to read), she loved to record her voice on a tape recorder and then listen. She practiced tongue twisters, memorized them complex texts: this already formed a clear diction.

Despite her extraordinary modesty, the girl studied with excellent marks. Having finished her homework, she, along with her grandmother and sister, went to the forest, where they picked mushrooms and berries - Anastasia has been madly in love with nature since childhood. The girl decided to devote herself to psychology after school, and upon receiving a certificate she entered the psychology department at one of the colleges in Izhevsk.

She would have made an excellent psychologist, but a competent, erudite girl with excellent diction was noticed and invited as a presenter on a regional channel. Beautiful, always neatly and stylishly dressed, with a wonderful voice, the audience immediately liked her. Nastya worked on local TV for three years, she was trusted with “top” programs with the participation of stars coming to Izhevsk.

She realized that psychology was not her calling, but television! In 1996, Anastasia goes to Moscow and easily enters the State University of Culture and Arts. She already had experience working on television, she studied well, and she was immediately accepted into the “Vesti at 11” program on the Russian channel.

Further career growth and journalistic activity

Simultaneously with her work on the RTR channel at Vesti s 11, Anastasia makes exclusive reports for Vesti PRO. To collect topical material, she had to travel all over Russia. In 2001, she was invited to another channel, and now she is already hosting the entertainment and information block “Big Swimming” on TVC. But the management of the Rossiya channel did not accept the fact that such a bright and talented presenter did not work for them! A year later, she returns - she is invited to host “Good morning, Russia!”

It was no coincidence that Anastasia Chernobrovina was lured (there is no other way to say it) into this program. The project first aired in 1998 and was very popular at first. But other channels also competed for the attention of viewers, specifically NTV and ORT were literally “stepping on the heels” of “Russia”. The result is that the popularity of the Good Morning Russia program gradually fell. In 2002, the program was divided into blocks and a team of young announcers was recruited, among whom was Anastasia. They ensured that the rating of “Morning of Russia” (new name) soared to unprecedented heights.

Simultaneously with her work at Morning of Russia, Anastasia Chernobrovina created her own original program in 2010. She named it after her once favorite radio show, “Working Afternoon.” She dedicated all her reports to ordinary workers of the country: she talked about workers at bread factories, about miners, and dedicated one program entirely to Metrostroy.

Anastasia on TV was called a “perpetual motion machine” because she constantly had little success - she always wanted to create something else, new and interesting! In 2009 (while still working at Morning of Russia), she created and hosted the My Planet program.

Nastya Chernobrovina made a documentary film “Tiksi - the territory of permafrost.” As part of the “My Planet” program, she, together with film crew goes to the Ust-Lena Nature Reserve, showing viewers the nature of a little-studied region. The film was such a success that it received a high award - a diploma from the President of Russia. But this was not her first experience in documentary filmmaking: three years earlier, her film “Phenomenal Twins, or How Our People Conquered Eurovision” brought its creator Grand Prize at the European TV competition.

For her particularly valuable contribution to the development of Russian television broadcasting, in 2011 Anastasia Chernobrovina received the medal of the Order “For Services to the Fatherland - not many scientists, writers, or military personnel are awarded this state award, but she deserved it! And in 2015, she and Vladislav Zavyalov became TEFI laureates in the “Best Morning Program Presenters” category.

In the photo, Anastasia Chernobrovina and her colleague Vladislav Zavyalov

People like Nastya Chernobrovina are called “media personalities.” They don't participate in scandalous shows, but always welcome guests on positive programs. She was invited to the ninth season of Dancing with the Stars, and twice attended the Ford Bayard game. People love Nastya for her literacy, clarity and spontaneity at the same time when she hosts programs or appears as a guest on projects. Anastasia Chernobrovina at a fairly young age (only 40 years old) achieved unprecedented heights in career growth, what about her personal life? Is there room for love and family happiness in her unusually busy schedule?

Personal life, how she lives now, latest news

Open and friendly, she carefully hides the details of “affairs of the heart” from her fellow journalists. Nothing scandalous about her has ever appeared on TV or in the press. youthful hobbies, about school or university gentlemen. What to hide if you can’t find anything “fried”? Without wasting anything stupid, Anastasia moved forward towards her goal - to become a television star, recognizable anywhere in the world.

Surely they bombarded her with letters of admiration, confessed their love, asked her to marry her, and profitably! But no one could boast for a long time that the charming and stylish Anastasia gave preference to a specific man. Having become famous, she answered questions about personal matters:

“I really want to be loved! But if I can’t fully date someone because of my busy schedule, why start?”

This was before 2008, and suddenly information began to leak into the media: Nastya Chernobrovina had a beloved man! She categorically refused to mention his name and only mentioned his profession – landscape designer. Anastasia said that they see each other infrequently (the chosen one often has to travel to France), but “when we are together, we charge each other to the maximum.”

Interest in Anastasia’s personal life gradually faded away, only a glimpse of information slipped through that the brilliant TV presenter and “landscape designer” had become husband and wife. She still, like a partisan, “held the line” and did not give out details: we see each other rarely as before, but we are happy and love each other.

At the beginning of 2017, viewers of the program “Morning of Russia” were stunned by the message: Nastya Chernobrovina was going on a long-term vacation.

“Chernobrovina married an oligarch and left for England.” “Chernobrovina is in Siberia, lives in a hut and fishes on the banks of the Yenisei.” What assumptions were made!

She appeared on TV on August 25, 2017, as if she had not disappeared for six months: just as beautiful, slender, tastefully dressed, and, as always, a charming smile and calm, clear speech. She herself told where she had been absent for so long: in July she gave birth to a boy, Artemy, and the family finally became truly complete. And still – zero information about my husband. Anastasia firmly said that her husband is not a public person and does not want to gain dubious popularity at the expense of his wife.

Interesting facts about Anastasia Chernobrovina

  1. Colleagues gave Anastasia the nickname “B&W” for her love for the combination of black and white flowers in clothes. She most often gives preference to toiletry items without large patterns: “Single-colored things suit me and straight lines“- her words about her own style.
  2. She loves hats very much and always brings several from every trip abroad. She loves to wear hats in combination with “masculine” details, for example, with suspenders.
  3. To this day she grieves over the loss of two dozen hats: when moving to new apartment I took out the boxes with them by mistake, I thought they were garbage. “On the other hand,” she says, “all my hats still didn’t fit in the wardrobe!”
  4. The desire to stay slim forced Nastasya to stick to strict diet. She admitted that for several years she ate only nuts and juice (sometimes replacing the juice with water). As a result, she became ill after filming the program “Give Yourself Life”; after an examination, she was diagnosed with physical exhaustion and suspicion of anorexia. Chernobrovina revised her diet and began to eat fruits, vegetables, and meat.
  5. Anastasia has a very extensive “arsenal” of clothes - dresses and suits do not fit into four closets! But she doesn’t like “targeted” shopping, and she buys all things by chance if she went into a store and liked something.
  6. In any interview, if Chernobrovina is asked about her husband, she persistently calls him “beloved,” never by name. According to her description, he is very modest, but knows how to influence her and persuade her to do something, even if she does not agree for a long time. For example, Nastya said, he convinced her to reconsider her relationship with her parents: in fact, he forced her to see her father and get closer to her mother again.

Anastasia Chernobrovina appeared on the air of the Morning of Russia program, where colleagues reported that the presenter became the mother of a son named Artem.

Famous TV presenter Anastasia Chernobrovina gave birth to her first child at the age of 40. This happy event happened a month ago, in July 2017.

And only a month later, having already gone on air, Anastasia Chernobrovina confirmed that she had a son.

The TV presenter did not go on maternity leave and is already working again.

There is generally little information about Chernobrovina’s personal life, since she carefully hides it. According to some reports, Anastasia Chernobrovina got married in the summer of 2014.

This ceremony took place secretly, and only relatives and close people of the family were present.

Before her marriage, Chernobrovina allegedly lived with her chosen one for several years. He is reported to be a designer by profession. Anastasia's husband was often on the road, and he spent most of his time in France. Whether this is true or not is unknown.

Who Anastasia Chernobrovina’s husband remains a mystery; perhaps he is a very high-level person.

Anastasia Chernobrovina was born on April 10, 1977 in Izhevsk. After graduating from school, I entered Izhevsk College at the Faculty of Psychology. Six months later, she came to regional television, where she worked as a news service journalist for three years. At the same time, she hosted her own program with the participation of stars Russian show business and cinema, which came to Izhevsk on tour.

In 1996 she entered the Moscow State University of Culture and Arts (specialty - Film and TV Management).

Then she worked in the information and entertainment program “News at 11” on the Rossiya TV channel, preparing special reports from Russian cities for the Vesti PRO program.

From 1998 to 2001 she worked in the information and entertainment program “Day by Day” (TV-6). For a year she was the host of the national competition “Girl 2000” - together with the country she was looking for the most interesting, beautiful, smart girl of the century.

From 2001 to 2002, together with Anatoly Kuzichev, she hosted the information and entertainment program “Big Swimming” on Channel Three (TRVK Moskovia), which occupied part of the airtime in Moscow on the TVC channel.

Since 2002, she has been one of the presenters of the Morning of Russia program on the Russia-1 TV channel.

Since February 2012 - Assistant to the President of the Russian Geographical Society for media projects.

On June 25, 2015, she became a laureate of the TEFI-2015 award (together with Vladislav Zavyalov) in the “Morning program host” category in the “Daytime broadcast” category.

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