Setting up advertising in Odnoklassniki help. How to advertise in Odnoklassniki on your page? Key points when working with advertising in Odnoklassniki groups

Social networks today play an important role in the socio-political life of society. Leading world politicians and celebrities communicate directly with people who are far from the international arena, and businessmen increase profits significantly by distributing advertising on the Internet. The World Wide Web makes it possible to earn money remotely, and useful tools for webmasters allow you to almost completely automate the work process.

History of the creation of a social network

One of the most popular Russian social networks is Odnoklassniki. The site was created in March 2006. The social network was developed by Albert Mikhailovich Popkov, who lives in London and works in the field of communications, and the owner of the site is Mail.RuGroup. The direct author of Odnoklassniki, by the way, participated in several European projects to create social networks.

Features of the social network, audience

Odnoklassniki is one of the top five most popular Russian web resources. Within a year after the start of the project, the social network doubled the number of registered users. But in 2008, it became impossible to join the number of users for free, so the growth rate of the popularity of the social network decreased significantly. In 2010 it was again possible to register for free.

The Odnoklassniki audience includes 51 million users from all regions of the Russian Federation and CIS countries. About 64% of people use the resource’s functionality monthly via mobile version.

Average age of a social network user is much higher than on other sites. The main returning audience is people from 18 to 54 years old. The site has a widely represented segment of solvent potential clients, which has a positive effect on business on Odnoklassniki.

The only inconvenience in using the network is the blocking of links leading to other sites. To solve the problem, you need to contact technical support.

The functionality of Odnoklassniki determines and positive features. So, a big plus for those who are wondering how to advertise on Odnoklassniki is that the user who put “Class” not only “likes”, but also reposts the post or photo.

Free advertising campaign in Odnoklassniki

Numerous solvent audience and user activity, various ways publication of advertisements and several types of promotion could not remain without the attention of advertisers. So the information on how to advertise on Odnoklassniki is very relevant. But, like any other online business, using a social network has its own characteristics.

  • your social network profile should be filled with interesting content;
  • you need to welcome and encourage users, put “Class” to share information with your friends;
  • You can motivate people with gifts and discounts for subscriptions or other actions, competitions;
  • There is no need to discount simply visiting other people’s pages; the user will become interested in the new guest and go to the advertising profile;
  • active participation in comments will allow the brand to appear in the news more often, which will attract the attention of users.

But successful promotion without investment takes time.

Targeted advertising on social networks

Targeted advertising is unobtrusive, but at the same time it is aimed at a specific target audience. The ad is located on the screen under the photo or active keys, does not interfere with web surfing and does not irritate the user. The customer independently configures the audience parameters - place of residence, age, gender, so the advertisement is seen only by those people who will be interested in the advertisement. In addition, the seller can specify the time and days of advertising on the social network.

How to create targeted advertising in Odnoklassniki? You can submit an ad through the Target website - official platform placement of advertising on sites. First (for unregistered users) you need to create a request with general data about the advertising company. After confirming the application, the webmaster will need to select keywords, upload high-quality product photos and select audience parameters (age, gender, region).

Advertising banners in Odnoklassniki

Banners are presented in the form of a large picture or video to attract the attention of buyers. Such an advertisement can be seen not only by users who are registered directly in Odnoklassniki, but also by visitors to Vkontakte and other sites.

Contextual advertising on a social network

When creating contextual advertising, as in the case of targeted advertising, you can set the “your users” parameter, i.e. determine the target audience. An advertising campaign is paid based on the number of ad views, so it is important to indicate the exact parameters of the target audience. If the filter is configured incorrectly, advertising will be shown to users who are not interested in this offer, so you should not expect an increase in profits. The contextual advertising block is located in the right corner of the page.

How to advertise on the Odnoklassniki website correctly if contextual ads are considered? Contextual advertising, like other types of promotion (except, perhaps, for placing paid posts in other people's groups and ads in your own community) is configured through the Target website on

Advertising in other people's groups

On the social network, it is also possible to place paid advertising in “promoted” groups where there are already a large number of active subscribers. You need to create an interesting post so that when viewing the news feed, the user wants to put “Class” and with this action attracts the attention of friends.

I hesitated for a very long time to write this article. Advertising in Odnoklassniki. Does anyone else use this social network?

I was sure that everyone had long since switched to VKontakte and Instagram. And the entire business audience has been on Facebook for a long time.

The same case

Enough for a long time By order of the Administration, we carried out a project in the field of promoting and creating a positive image of the “Central Market” of our city.

The same large and urban market that exists in every city. Sometimes he is not very handsome and well-groomed, but with great history, where they sell meat, milk, vegetables and other products.

Getting it in order, especially in terms of marketing and advertising, required a lot of effort.

Even with a marketing team, they lacked marketing strategy and understanding of the actions that need to be taken next.

That is why they used our service.

For quite a long time we were engaged in internal work (brand book, navigation, price tags, form, hotline), but over time they also moved on to conquering the Internet space, in particular social networks.

Since this is not our first day in Internet marketing, we laughed and bet on 50-100 subscribers in a group on Odnoklassniki.

Imagine our surprise when we saw that our subscribers were much cheaper and at the same time they were much more active than in other social networks. networks.

The finale was when we not only collected subscribers on Odnoklassniki at a price 2-3 times lower than on VKontakte, but also saw that the group began to grow on its own due to the increased activity of subscribers in it.

Most likely we were just lucky, you say. But I think everything is completely wrong.

Back to 2006

To be honest, Albert Popkov never hid that he borrowed the idea from similar foreign sites such as MySpace and others.

I just did everything to make it convenient for the Russian mentality. It seems to me that this approach should remind you of the similarity of VKontakte to Facebook. But that’s just me, by the way.

On this moment Odnoklassniki, or as they are now called, belongs to Mail.Ru Group (the owner is billionaire Alisher Usmanov, the same one who is fighting on the Internet with Alexei Navalny).

If you didn’t know, Mail.Ru Group also belongs to VKontakte. And I am very surprised that with all the success of VKontakte, Odnoklassniki in 2017 is only the 5th most popular site in Russia.

At one time in the article (it is below) I found detailed statistics that show the difference between these two social networks. But let's return to Odnoklassniki. Or rather, to advertising in Odnoklassniki.

Promotion in Odnoklassniki. Is it worth taking on this business at all? Of course it's worth it.

Let me sum it up. The site is the fifth most visited site in Russia. 40-50 million users visit it every day.

Now attention! A classic “classmate” is a woman 35-45 years old. There is also a fairly large crowd of middle-aged and elderly people.

Odnoklassniki audience

Well, in order to completely finish you off and convince you to promote your business in Odnoklassniki, I will show everyone’s favorite statistics on the occupation of users of this social network. I'm sure she will pleasantly surprise you.

Occupation of Odnoklassniki users

Forward to advertising

There is a rather wise saying: “You are afraid of what you do not know.” It fits perfectly with advertising on Odnoklassniki.

Therefore, in my article I will tell you in some detail how you can promote your business on this site with all the nuances, for example, an advertising cost calculator.

  1. Free;
  2. Paid standard;
  3. Paid media/targeted.

The differences are small and most often they are more noticeable in free customer acquisition.


Free advertising

So that you don’t get too happy, I’ll say right away, free advertising implies those same boring additions to friends from bots and fakes, and then inviting real people to commercial groups. And here's how it's done:

  1. You give back to a fake page on Odnoklassniki (or buy it for 20 rubles on special sites).

    Register a group. Naturally fill it with pictures, detailed information and all kinds of contacts;

  2. You start adding friends to people who you think are your ideal customers.

    At the same time, you invite them to join your group. You can do this manually, or you can use special programs, for example, OdFriendsAdder or Odnoklassniki Inviter.

You won’t believe it, but this is the whole way to promote your group in Odnoklassniki for free.

And if you still want your own community, then you can consider purchasing a group with existing members.

The prices will simply surprise you, as they start from 15 kopecks (!) per group member. There is only one problem, people are not waiting for you and you will need to work with involvement. But this is a last resort. It's better not to do that.

Paid standard advertising

Why standard? Because now I mean buying advertising posts in other people’s groups, where your target audience is already sitting. You can do this:

  1. On one's own. You yourself find the groups in which your potential clients sit and directly negotiate with community administrators about posting, date and price;
  2. Through the advertising exchange. You go to the site and select a community and time for advertising. After the post is approved, money is reserved from your account and will be debited after posting.

Personally, I choose an advertising exchange. Here you can see the statistics of each group and evaluate the effectiveness of the post, and the exchange also insures you against unscrupulous administrators who may forget about posting or stupidly cheat you out of money.

It costs a little more (15-20%) than regular accommodation, but there are many more advantages.

Odnoklassniki has several exchanges, but 2 are the most normal. Official advertising in OK is and unofficial, but well known to all Internet marketers,

To make it clear to you how this all happens and what actions you need to perform, here is a training video from the official exchange.

After watching this video, you will know how to advertise in classmates and how to place an advertisement in the group you like yourself.

Paid media/targeted

With paid advertising everything is much more interesting. Odnoklassniki was so concerned that people rarely buy advertising from them that they prepared special instructions explaining how and what can be advertised on their site for money.

Problems and solutions


Everyone knows about banner placement. You can place them on any other website or on the Ok social network site. It looks like this:


It is not difficult to do this, but it is not a fact that it is reasonable. Now you will see everything for yourself.

Banners come in 2 sizes: 240x400 (large) and 90x75 (small) pixels.

A big plus of Odnoklassniki is that you can calculate the cost of placing such advertising yourself:

  1. Go to a special calculator –;
  2. Set the settings you need (platform, format and posting period) and target audience criteria;
  3. Click “Calculate”;
  4. Be shocked by the “Impressions” numbers;
  5. Multiply “Impressions” by the cost posted here –

As I said, the cost is simply prohibitive, especially if you take into account visitors of modern sites suffering from “banner blindness”. And don’t forget that the minimum budget for an advertising campaign is 20,000 rubles.

Promo posts

Website promotion
Advertising post

In addition to text and graphic image, You can use video promotional posts.

With such videos you can attract people both to your group and to your website. Naturally, there are time limits for the video. Yes, you don’t need a long video, since within the framework of this task there should be a short one.


Which, on the one hand, is less effective, but on the other hand, less expensive.

In this case, you do not need to develop your own large and complex video material; you need to either shoot a small video with an appeal or even make an image.

It all depends on the format of use. You can read more about what pre-roll is in the article.

In order to obtain information, in the “footer” of the site, find the “Advertising” submenu. There you will see the price list for services, and you will also be able to create and configure your advertising campaign if you decide to place targeted advertising. This is done through the service [email protected], the ad can be shown simultaneously on projects, which you can refuse if you wish. You can also get directly to the service for submitting advertising using the link located under the advertising block.

Banner advertising on the Odnoklassniki website

  • The banner on the site is located in the upper right corner and has dimensions of 200x300 mm, which allows you to place a large picture in addition to the text. This banner catches the eye immediately upon entering the site and can grab the attention of the largest number of people, so this is the best place.
  • Banners change when the page is refreshed. It is possible to select a target audience based on certain criteria, but you will have to pay a premium for this. The cost is determined for 1000 impressions and varies in the amount of 50-70 rubles excluding VAT, depending on the region of display and the pages on which the banner will be present. There are two placement options: on all pages or only on message and discussion pages. There are also seasonal markup coefficients. For example, advertising in January will be cheaper than in December.

Alas, such advertising is unlikely to be affordable for entrepreneurs with small business or those who plan on social networks without having a serious budget, since the minimum order volume is 100 thousand impressions per day. That is, for advertising for a month you will need to pay from 150 thousand rubles without VAT.

Targeted advertising on the social network Odnoklassniki

Before you start setting up your advertising campaign, make sure that you have sufficient funds because there is a minimum order here too - the daily budget must be at least 500 rubles. There are two payment options: per impressions and per clicks. Theoretically, the cost per click can be less than 10 rubles, but in practice, for such a price you most likely will not receive a single click, since the number of impressions will tend to zero. The minimum cost per click that makes sense is 15-20 rubles.

Many people criticize the Odnoklassniki network for what they consider to be excessively expensive advertising, while others argue that it is ineffective. Whether it makes sense to order advertising on this site depends on your goals, budget and what you are advertising; the topic in this case is very important. There is an opinion that women's products are successfully advertised on Odnoklassniki, but advertising transport services or IT projects is unprofitable.

The second most visited social network in Russia is Odnoklassniki. Many trading platforms do not take this network into account, considering it the main audience of housewives and elderly people. We hasten to assure you that this is not so: the bulk of the audience consists of men and women aged 25-35 years.

Promoting a product on Odnoklassniki is not only possible, but also necessary. There are both free and paid methods for this. The most effective way There will be a launch of a targeted campaign aimed at a specific group of users. You can promote a separate site, group or publication using this method.


A commercial campaign on this network has good results, despite the popular opinion of many experts. This web resource ranks 5th in terms of traffic in the Russian Federation. In numbers, this can be expressed as 40-50 million visitors per day. The audience of the social network is quite diverse: men and women aged 25-35 years, then mainly only women 35-45 years old and pensioners of both sexes. If your target audience matches such data, then these advantages allow you to confidently take on the presentation of your product or services.

You can finally be convinced of the feasibility of promotion by looking at the report on the occupation of visitors to this site:

Another positive factor is almost equal popularity in all regions of Russia.

Types of advertising in Odnoklassniki

Let's take a closer look at each of the types, what they are, why they are good and what their disadvantages are.

  • free;
  • paid in groups (through administrators or special exchanges);
  • paid targeted advertising.

It makes no difference where you attract visitors: to a website, to a group, inform about a promotion, etc. The differences are only in the methods. Let's go through each of the three types.


A method that allows you to promote a product or site for free, but has already lost its effectiveness and popularity. It involves adding yourself as a friend for the purpose of inviting you to a specific group. For such purposes, specialized programs can be used that put the process in automatic mode.

Paid in groups

This method involves purchasing publications in groups. Its effectiveness is quite high, users will be truly interested in your publications, and you can make money by selling goods. If they join the group, they will be real visitors who make a lot of reposts, like and add comments.

Paid tergeting

This type offers a wide selection of formats, with a precise selection of the audience to whom they will be shown. She's like contextual advertising on information resources, where the selection is in accordance with the topic, only here you select the users themselves. You target the age of clients, their hobbies, education, employment, Family status, income and much more. We will describe all these settings below, and now we will look at the formats themselves in more detail.


They are located in the right column on the site and look like this:

There are two acceptable sizes: 240x400 and 90x75. The negative aspects include their fairly long use and high cost of display. One of the advantages is the ability to independently calculate the cost. To make the calculation, perform the following steps:

The cost is very decent, considering the age of this format and the emergence of the concept of “banner blindness”.

Promo posts

Advertisements that are published in groups, but placed on special places without being tied to a specific community. Classmates will promote the post in 4 ways:


It is a video that is shown to the user before the main video starts. It is important that the user does not get tired of such inserts, otherwise no one will watch them. Constantly changing materials will help maintain interest at least a little. The efficiency is low, but the price of this method is not too high.


Creating a brand, a memorable name. This is done through games, competitions and surveys. It can be described in these words: expensive, beautiful, memorable. This type of PR is suitable for very large companies who can spend more than one million rubles.

Advertising on Odnoklassniki: how to place it

We have looked at the main types of advertising, now it’s our turn to talk about its placement. Let's consider methods for all three types, Special attention Let’s focus on targeting, since it is of the greatest interest and raises many questions.

Free advertising placement

You can try to get subscribers without investing using the following instructions:

  • Register a dummy page
  • Open a group, fill it with content
  • Add the target audience as friends, then invite them to the group

There is nothing more to add, this is the whole essence of the method. It is similar to mass following on Twitter or Instagram. For greater impact, you can give a gift along with an invitation to friends. Try to get as many likes as possible, as they not only like the post, but also publish it in the feed.

It is worth noting that free promotion is not 100% free; you won’t be able to do a huge amount of work yourself. You will need to purchase a page, special programs, pay for likes, etc. In any case, there are costs, but the effectiveness remains in question, along with the risk of getting banned.

Advertising in groups

You can promote pages or products in communities in two ways:

  • Directly. Find suitable groups and contact leaders to inquire about publication and costs.
  • Through the exchange. Register on the service, select a group and placement time. After moderating a post, money is reserved in the account, and after publication in the group, it goes to the account of the community administrators.

The Odnoklassniki advertising exchange protects you from dishonest administrators who can take money and not post. You can also see group statistics here, which allows you to see the effect of the publication. There are many exchanges that work with classmates, but the optimal ones are the official one - and the unofficial one -

Placement of targeted advertising

You can set up and launch this type of promotion on the MyTarget platform.

Register using OK or another social network. Go to Personal Area Directly from classmates there are several ways.

  • First: on the left side of the page, find a commercial ad and click the “Create an ad” link.
  • Second: at the very bottom of the page there is an “Advertising” link.

Before creating a campaign, make sure that your ad will not contradict the rules of the system:

  • It is prohibited to use obscene, rude expressions, slang;
  • the picture may contain text, but the size is no more than 50% of the entire area;
  • There can only be one exclamation mark in the ad text.

If you are not sure whether you comply with the rules or have questions, please contact support. The guys work quickly and are always happy to help.

Having understood the rules, we begin to create a campaign. Click the “Create campaign” button and independently select what we want to promote: website, group, game, store, etc.

We chose a website as an example. We enter its address, after which you need to decide on the format: teaser, banner, mobile, multi-format.

Having chosen the format, we are taken to the ad creation page. Enter an interesting title, body text, put a link to the page, and upload an image.

Next comes the most important thing, what makes this method attractive - the choice of the target audience. To properly configure your settings, you need to understand your customers well. Correct parameters will help bring a ready buyer to the site and save significant money.

Let's take a closer look at each parameter:

  • First of all, we choose the gender of the client. It's doubtful that men will want to click on a sale ad. women's handbags. If a product is suitable for men and women, it is better to create several ads, with different headings and appeals.
  • Age. You can show ads to everyone, or only to users in a certain range.
  • Age limit. If the link is intended for adults, do not skip this option.
  • Birthdays. You can start running ads a month before a person's birthday and end 2 weeks after. The size of the audience is significantly reduced when choosing this option, but you can reach birthday people by offering appropriate promotions.
  • Audience. Suitable for advanced users. Configures the parameter in accordance with human behavior on the site.
  • Interests. We choose people according to their hobbies.
  • TV viewers. The setting greatly reduces coverage and often does not require switching on.
  • Education. Choice of people with higher education and without it.
  • Busy. We select working and non-working citizens. You can conduct an experiment by selecting one of the parameters one by one, then leave the one that is more effective.
  • Family status. We choose those who are married or single.
  • Income. A useful parameter that allows you to select users based on their earnings. Particularly useful when working with premium products.
  • Geography. We configure for which cities the ad will be displayed. If this is not an online store, and it is located in a certain city, then you should set this setting.
  • Local advertising. Limits the display of ads to people who visit the city area - sometimes or often.
  • Show time. We set the time frame for the display.
  • This concludes the selection of parameters. All that remains is to set the click price and campaign budget (total and daily).

How much does advertising cost on Odnoklassniki?

The cost depends on many factors and promotion methods. The shareware still receives costs in the form of paying for likes, purchasing programs, etc. Advertising in communities costs more. The cost of one publication in a group with about 1 million participants can be 10,000 rubles or more. It all depends on the popularity of the community and the position of the administrators.

Targeted advertising starts with a minimum budget of 100 rubles per day. At the same time, the recommended cost per click is 30 rubles. Again, it all depends on your goals and capabilities. Promoting a small store with a narrow target audience will cost much less than advertising campaigns for a hardware store. On the positive side This method is flexible and can be adjusted to suit any budget. Right choice parameters will significantly reduce costs and attract a large number of ready buyers.


Advertising in Odnoklassniki undoubtedly deserves attention. Social network is developing, its audience has gradually changed to younger people with broad interests. Correctly defining your audience will allow you to get maximum results. The absence of fierce competition provides financial benefits and fresh visitors who are not tormented by an abundance of advertising. Test various options placement and soon you will be able to achieve the desired results.

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