Heirs of glorious traditions. Heirs of glorious traditions Shelukhin Andrey Olegovich biography

Est***@y*****.ru 12/18/2010

I approve, no one respected will take part in such a booth

I can't agree with you. I watched several stories from such programs, most - real psychics, they just have weak abilities. But I see the benefit of such programs in the fact that they make people think about the fact that the subtle world exists, God exists, and therefore maybe the soul also exists, or maybe it has its own needs, which means they need to be satisfied? After all, the majority in our country are non-believers, they live at the level of supporting their livelihoods, they do nasty things to their neighbors casually, not because they necessarily want revenge, but it’s just accepted, they don’t know how to react differently to a stimulus, they have a vague idea of ​​love, and spiritual their problems accumulate, leading them to early death, the state of the planet is deteriorating, only a few are engaged in creativity, and 2012 is approaching, and there will still be some cataclysms, not as gloomy as skeptics and alarmists predict, but there will be some. How to protect yourself to the common man. I see only one path - spiritual. How can one stand on it without religion and faith in God? How to cleanse your soul of negativity. emotions? I don’t insist that this is the only way. If you know another one, I’m ready to discuss. :-))

And in this moment I don’t see any other way to help as much as possible more people think about their soul, except through magic. After all, they don’t believe the Orthodox Church, especially the rest because of the large number of scammers, but the presence of deceivers does not mean that there is no God and there is no soul, and there is no need to pay attention to it! But the majority do not know how to separate the wheat from the chaff, they do not want to think with their own heads, but here specific examples, living people, God willing, something will change in this area. :-)))

Natalia, there may be some truth in your words, but... here is an example from my personal practice. At the beginning of the summer, a former client brought her friend to me, whom she literally pulled out of the loop... So, after watching enough of these programs, she went to one of the finalists of this program... She had problems... her husband was sick, they extracted 300 thousand from her , she got into debt, took out a loan... as a result, from the “code manipulations” of this psychic - her husband died because there was nowhere to get money for treatment,... she lost her job, they kicked her out of the apartment, her child got sick too... in general, the list can go on for a long time... Not a single psychic helped anyone, only people lost money... Now the word witch is synonymous with the word swindler, thanks to these “psychics” Look, they all work in the same magic salon! I haven’t seen a single person with psychic abilities in 2 seasons! I didn’t look anymore..And you encourage this?

Of course, I helped the woman as much as possible... Firstly, I had to work as a psychologist, first of all, I won’t return her husband, I’m not Grabovoi, but she found a good job, met a man,... solves problems quietly. Of course, problems don’t just happen out of nowhere... this is a sign from Above that a mistake has been made somewhere, something is wrong. But here, I’m talking about something completely different...how is it even possible to treat a person like this, in the place of this psychic? It would be good! But here, on the contrary, if the man had seen a doctor on time and this money had been spent on treatment, he would have lived! No shame, no conscience!..

Well, that’s how it is in many areas, unfortunately! Old women are being robbed of their last money for unnecessary supplements and honey. procedures, fin. pyramids and banks burst. In America, my aunt took out a loan for 400,000 because... the scammers promised that she would win 1000,000,000 in the lottery, she just had to pay for the postal order. :-0000)))) And she believed!!! So why do many people have this? different countries the tongue turns, unfortunately. They don’t know the laws, because they will pay for everything! And you know better what the hell is protecting them.

Therefore, God gave us brains and intuition so that we could use it for our good, and not blindly believe in everyone, because the world is still far from perfect and there will always be those who want to use us. It is clear that in stressful situation it’s difficult to think with your head, and your intuition completely turns off and you want someone to appear good uncle who will take responsibility for our lives. And the uncle only appears angry and only wants to take money and property, but he doesn’t need us. So when I need to make a decision difficult situation, I pray, calm down, and then either I go where my feet take me, when it’s completely unclear and there’s no time, or the right decision comes to mind. Therefore, I advise everyone to go first of all to God, He has peace and security, and His Angels give correct advice. He certainly loves us unconditionally, doesn’t demand anything and is not a scammer. :-)))

But Grabovoi did not revive anyone, he gave people a toy turtle and said that he had instilled in it the soul of their dead child and now he would always be with them. (Forgive me, Lord, what a horror, terrible blasphemy in my opinion!!!) I heard this from eyewitnesses in a TV program a long time ago. This is where conscience didn’t even come close.

I think, Natalya, you are thinking correctly! No witch will solve a person's problems. There is only one mediator between man and God - Jesus Christ, the son of God. Only by asking the Creator for wisdom can all problems be solved. And if a person turns to representatives of evil spirits, the Creator will not help you. It’s not for nothing that the Bible says that turning to fortune tellers for help is a sin! And any witch is interested in the problems of the one who turns to her (a constant source of income). Similarly, the police are interested in crime in order to fight it, doctors are interested in the sick in order to treat them... True, there are always exceptions to the rules.

Mrs. Arigofaer, you consider yourself a “not a simple” person, but you reason... Maybe your client is karmically tied to this psychic, maybe in past life your ward “dumped” her in the same way, and now she’s paying back her debts. For every scammer there is a client who subconsciously wants to be deceived, to untie a karmic knot. Judging by the fact that this woman wants to get a solution to her problems for money from psychics, sorcerers, etc., and payment in money is the easiest way - she does not she looked for a source of strength within herself, did not change herself - therefore she will work out her karma in full and create a new one. The more help she receives from external sources (sorcerers, psychics), the more dependent she becomes on them, and this is the worst of the evils that a person can inflict on himself - to be dependent on a sorcerer, who in return takes away his energy and money, until the sources of both will not dry up. To be a puppet in the hands of others is not worthy of a person; he should strive for freedom.

You justify these scammers, there are already thousands of them, and the deceived ones are legion!! And if we, witches, sorcerers, magicians, exist, that’s what the Supreme Ones want. This is what we are born for.. Magic is a Sacrament, and it cannot be a property ordinary people, we perform our function and therefore it is unrealistic, unnecessary, and impossible to explain in one comment.. And what can you know about Karma, about the Laws of Existence, how it really is. Religion is for the masses to keep in obedience... Judging by the comment, you don’t know any of this... don’t look for the truth in books... it’s not there! I, Mrs. Photinia (apparently, the name is Saint), was born a witch, I live according to the laws and rules of Magic and have devoted myself entirely to this... and I don’t count. For myself, in my less than 40 years, I have almost never lived and never robbed people, I live in an ordinary apartment, and I don’t have money in banks... So, no one should pay scammers and swindlers... there will be retribution, and not far away. Passes Time of Troubles scammers. And Magic was born along with humanity and we were, are and will always be...

Let us not justify fraudsters. We simply accept the world as it is. Fraudsters appeared long before we were born and will be around long after we die. It’s strange to deny the obvious! You yourself know that they will pay for everything, the time will come. You just need to think with your own head, ask God for instructions on the true path and live according to your conscience. You and I cannot change them, although you, of course, can intervene if you want, it will be your choice.

And I’ll say about karma: a person works off his karma, incl. and helping others. Helping is not prohibited, but there are situations when help is late or does not come at all. Well what can I say? All the will of God! But it also happens differently. A man got into an accident in small town, his head is in pieces, but for some reason he is breathing. And here an American neurosurgeon was passing through the city (in a small town in central Russia))), who assembled his head piece by piece. The man is healthy and cheerful. Or a plane crashes, a military man says: “Lord, save me, if I survive, I will become a priest.” Of the entire plane, he was the only one who survived. Became a priest. Therefore, our task is to ensure that help comes to us on time, and even better, that we dangerous situations you walked around long before they appeared at the level of signs (baby, you’re going the wrong way!), but they always happen. And in order to catch such signs, you need a pure soul and constant contact with the Divine plans. And everything will be great!

We can't change the whole world, but we can protect ourselves and our loved ones. We can change the world around us. God help us in this difficult matter! :-)))

I generally do not acknowledge debts from a past life. When a person suffers and suffers without knowing why, it is unfair! How will he learn his lessons? No way! Just step on the same rake from life to life? The law of cause and effect is valid only during one life. And while we live, we remember that we will reap what we sow! And magic - in the broad sense of the word - yes, our whole life is permeated with it. Only some people use it more, some less, some consciously, some not. And in all religions, especially in Christianity, EVERYTHING is built on magic. Rituals, ceremonies, prayers, initiations, secret knowledge, elixirs, philosopher's stones, censer, myrrh...what? is not it so?

It is absolutely true that Christianity, as a new religion, did not need witches and sorcerers from old religions at all, therefore in Christianity magic and sorcery are from the evil one. And it’s impossible to control witches and sorcerers, because they have power... that’s why they burned, destroyed... But how can you destroy what was created by the Creator!..

For Arigofaer. I believe that the church tried to monopolize the right to magic in order to stop the evil that black magicians were doing. Therefore, she banned everyone except her own, i.e. those who received blessings for exorcism, predictions, healing, etc. And also so that magic does not control a person’s life, but only periodically corrects it. So that a person does not check his every step with a pendulum or fortune telling on cards, but resorts to such help only in difficult moments of his life. :-))

Dear Natalya, MAGIC WAS NEVER DIVIDED INTO BLACK AND WHITE. This division is conditional. White magic, when you work from dawn to dusk, on solar (Divine) energy, and Black - from dusk to dawn, on lunar energy (Darkness or Devilish). And the Moon only reflects the Sunlight!!!. And Christianity has never had and does not have its own magicians... the essence of religion is that only the Lord can perform miracles. This is where the White magicians came from now. The magician works with otherworldly light - Through the Looking Glass, right? Means, white magician, when at the end he adds In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, the conspiracy comes through the looking glass exactly the OPPOSITE! Well, who are the conspiracies directed to? Guess for yourself... In any case, from the point of view of Christianity, any sorcery is from Satan! White and Black magic are the same eggs, only in profile! Don’t lie to yourself, but understand better..

You see, Arigofaer, I dealt with these issues several years ago. And I understood the effect of energy and the structure of the world only after reading Papus about the theory of magic. The energy is one, egregors add something of their own, but do not create from scratch. Here I am talking only about the results of the work. A black magician is one who does evil. Also, the same results can be achieved by different forces and by different methods. For example, predictions. Shamans, church prophets, witches, both evil and good receive the right information in difficult moments. They work with different forces, but there can be one result if the goal is the same.

Of course the church says they don't have magic, but look at their deeds. I once saw an Easter service on TV. There, the circling of the priest with the censer was very reminiscent of a shamanic dance. And in their monasteries there live monks-foretellers, healers, and all the famous healers and holy fools did this. How do they do all this? Some pious old women are engaged in rolling out eggs and pouring them onto wax. Why do both evil and good witches buy candles in church and do both evil and good? Does this mean their energy can be used this way and that? I read that healers (Filipino healers who perform operations without a knife) read the Bible before starting work. Why not Hare Krishna? After all, the area is traditional for Buddhism. Mediums received information about the beginning of the First World War through spirits, Jung (not a witcher) through visions. I know many such examples.

Regarding the terms. There is complete confusion here. Who calls it what? Many things are called by different names. Therefore, it is difficult to argue here. You don’t accept, for example, the division of magic, but I do: white does good, black does evil, and there is also green (uses herbs).

And I would like to clarify my position: I am not a witch in your understanding of the meaning of this word. 13 years ago I took up esotericism to improve the state of my soul. Over the years there have been many changes and improvements. To better understand the world, its structure and laws, I had to sift through years of literature and get a lot of different information on different sections esoterics: spirituality, faith in God, magic, bioenergy. And now I have a fairly complete picture of the world in my head, i.e. when I see an event, I understand why it happened and how to fix it, and when I intervene, everything works out. Therefore, I think that my picture is correct. I live very comfortably with her. :-))) Magic is not the goal of my life, the goal is to live happily (and happiness is impossible with bad state of mind and failure to fulfill the desires of the soul) in society happy people that's why I'm commenting different topics in order to inculcate his worldview. :-))

In order to learn the structure of the world, it is absolutely not enough to “shove through” a ton of literature about esotericism. You will not find the truth in publicly available literature. Magic is a Sacrament, Mystery is the basic law of magic and no one has canceled it. In literature - superficial knowledge, general. Papus has a theory (it’s stupid to think that having read his works, you have completely mastered the knowledge of esotericism), Blavatsky has her own vision, understanding of the world, Jung has his own, etc. And how to check that Blavatsky’s philosophy and her work " Secret Doctrine"or rather the vision of the world by Daniil Andreev in “The Rose of the World” for example? Everyone has their own philosophy... their own understanding of the world. And for their part, everyone is right. In witchcraft there is one main law: Man is the universe, since he is individual, unique, he perceives the world only with his own eyes, he feels as soon as he feels, man for himself is the navel of the Earth and the center of the universe, and everyone has his own point of view and perception and his own philosophy. Generally accepted philosophies are not 100% true. More recently, according to. earthly concepts, the earth was flat and stood on three pillars. And this was the only correct worldview and philosophy.

And do you think that in 13 years you have figured this out? Judging by the comment - not really... a real sorcerer, a magician - he is neither evil nor good, he is generally devoid of emotions when he enters the circle. And a real magician knows that Good and Evil do not exist, these are two sides of the same coin, depending on which side you look at.. There is Power - destructive, there is Power - creative. This is how it was created by the Creator. Our world is the balance of these two forces. This is the law of the material world... Not a single damage, not a single curse will land undeservedly, will not be missed by the Guardian Angel, will not be missed from Above. Sometimes damage for a person is the only right decision, so that he turns away from the path that leads him to death.. Do you think the current church is a spiritual stronghold? No matter how it is! This is a huge business. And it’s no wonder that magic is no longer considered a sin, just White. I’ve already seen advertisements of priests, with crosses in their hands, offering... love spells. Laughter, and that's all! And you, Natalya, if you have come to your own comfortable vision of the world, that’s wonderful... but your philosophy is not the most correct... Of course, after reading my comment, you might think that I am Evil. Of course not. If we are to divide witches into evil and good, I am rather kind, one might say... I don’t cause damage, I remove them... although I can punish them, and it’s not too bad. I mainly deal with well-being, personal problems, health, but not healing. Mainly on Earthly energies, on the energies of the Elements, I don’t divide magic into black, white, green and grey-brown-raspberry... And then, in your 13 years in esotericism, you will never be able to resist me and remove my work... rather, you’ll pay with your health ..Oh, sorry. I don't think you were offended. We're having a discussion, aren't we?

I have not been offended by anyone for many years, and this is one of my main achievements in working on a spiritual level. I also overcame depression, melancholy and despondency, a program of self-destruction, a HUGE feeling of guilt with or without reason, self-criticism, constantly scrolling through different situations in my head and looking for my mistakes and reasons for other people to be offended by me. And how would I cope without faith in God and the just order of the world? How would I manage without knowledge of the secret laws that really govern our lives? Where would I get the energy for life and all my affairs, but now I have enough for everything. Those. all my esoknowledge is aimed at knowing how to live happily, without violating the Universal laws, in harmony with yourself and the Universe, how to maintain a feeling of joy and happiness in yourself for as long as possible, how to live your whole life without major misfortunes, how to avoid disasters how to walk down another street when in another place major accident, for example, and anyone can get hurt? How can you answer all these questions without knowledge of esotericism? I turned to studying the theory of magic after several attacks on me by witches. I learned how to do the reverse. I learned well. Sometimes I like to do some rituals to suit my mood. This is where my magic skills end. That's why I never intended to confront you. I’m only arguing with you theoretically, have you seen me in your part of the astral plane? :-)) But I know for sure that if I need major protection from you or anyone else, they will help me, and they will select a witch of adequate strength, or they will take me in the other direction, and you will hit another person. They know better. :-)))

I repeat, my goal is to know and practically apply that part of the structure of the world on which our earthly happiness depends. Literature on the theory of magic helped me because... there is very little information on this topic. I could have continued studying, but I ran out of books. Behind recent years 5 nothing new comes across. All I read was a rewrite of the top ten famous authors or just bullshit. :-)))

Of course, I agree with you that there are many philosophical theories, but which of them help people live happily? Apart from the books of Lazarev and others like him, I don’t know, but I studied the history of philosophy at university. And mine helps me! And it can help anyone who wants to live in love, joy, creativity and goodness. I understand your perception of good and evil, but I myself adhere to the principle: do good, because there is always someone who will do evil, i.e. all criminals will be punished without me. Remember in the Bible: “Jesus must be betrayed, but woe to him who betrays him!” Those. if you want to take on such responsibility as punishing the guilty, and you are sure that you are right and will not be punished, this is your choice. But I don’t want to take on such responsibility. I leave it to the Universe. :-)) But I separate evil as an attack and as self-defense. When I do the return, it turns out quite tough, but here I don’t feel guilty, because... God allows you to defend yourself, the main thing is that everything is adequate. :-))

By the way, I live the same way, in principle, I by and large never get offended either, I can really flare up, but it’s rare and short-lived, I don’t get depressed, I don’t have melancholy and despondency, I don’t know whether this work is spiritual or not, but this is how my grandfather taught me from childhood, this is who I am... there are always mistakes in life, you know, only the Lord God is perfect, but this is not a reason for self-flagellation... I believe that all esotericists know how to control their emotions... this goes without saying ..As for the “returns”, I will never offend a person undeservedly and therefore in those rare cases when I have to attack, the Universe gives way.. Everything is correct, no one will offend you undeservedly.. not a single witch.. Should I punish the guilty or help ..I was born for this, the Universe has no hands..this is my responsibility, and I have been given such powers in the form of Knowledge, innate abilities and my Oath given to the Universe. That’s why I am skeptical and negative about “magicians” with knowledge from books, because people suffer from this and magic has turned into a show and a “scam”.. Magic is not a means of making money.. but the whole world, to whom you need to give all of yourself.. This is by no means about you.. and I can’t judge, I don’t know you. I mean...am I not right?

Everyone is born in different starting conditions. You had from birth what I had to earn for several years. It was hard, but this part of the path has already been passed. :-))

I am categorically against devoting myself to one thing. The fact is that happiness and the ways to achieve it are the guiding star, the general line, the cornerstone of my worldview. And happiness is when everything is super in the family, work, soul. God gave everyone a talent. For some it is immediately pronounced, for others it needs to spend a lot of time searching and developing. The singer has a wonderful voice. He must develop it, improve it, take care of it, give it to people, but also receive money for it, and he also wants to have a family. And he has the right to do so! It’s the same with other talents, incl. magical. We were all born here in physical body, which means our first duty to the planet is to continue the race. Another responsibility is to radiate the energy of happiness and joy, and this is only possible if there are goals and the process of their implementation is underway in the main areas: soul, family, work. If some area is failing, this will in any case affect your state of mind, because... all this knowledge is recorded in our subconscious, i.e. the soul knows how to live correctly, that you cannot step on the throat of your desires, you cannot sacrifice yourself, otherwise you will end up with Kant: a kind of stern, but correct guy, from whom neither himself nor others are happy, but he helped and ordered others. Those who have sacrificed something themselves begin to demand sacrifices from others, because for them this is the norm, then all desires are hidden in the subconscious, because they are not fulfilled anyway, and the path to creativity is closed, because creativity is an expression of the riches of one’s soul earthly methods, creating something new. Therefore, examples such as Kant do not encourage people, for example, to help, because it simply says: unhappy.

I respect any person’s choice (within the framework of the criminal code))), it’s just better when it’s conscious, i.e. the person understands why he needs this. And the self-destruction program is activated in the soul of almost everyone who suppresses their desires, and manifests itself in illnesses, misfortunes and troubles.

You have the right to any choice, but remember: most village witches had a large family, a husband, many children and helped people. I know the rule of refusing sex, well, apparently that’s why most witches are portrayed as old women, i.e. they began to cast spells when they had sex. desires faded away. Healers begin to treat people only after 70 years. But in any case, the choice is yours. :-)))

I understand you. Let's start with the fact that I always said that you have to be born a witch, a magician. And you will never “get” what I have since birth, not in 13 years, not in 25, not even a little bit. Books, pulp literature - for general development, for the masses. It's your choice. I don't have one. This is what I was born for, this is my path...and I don’t sacrifice myself, where did you get the idea...I happy man, I live in harmony with myself, with nature, with others. But unlike you, magic is my world, my worldview, my lifestyle and I am part of it.. No man will suit me, I need the best, I need one worthy of me.. otherwise he quickly “burns out” and cannot stand it. By the way, I’ve been married 5 times, and every time it’s the “best”. Why did you get the idea that I gave up sex, I’m just not even interested in writing about it... if you want, believe me, I don’t have any rivals, unless it’s the same, like me myself... but this is a very rare occurrence, in my entire life I have only met a couple of women. And about old women, you are wrong, even during the Inquisition, beautiful women were always classified as witches... Look at our Murka... and you think that we have problems with this? And magical work is not a sacrifice, but an obligation to fulfill one’s destiny and an oath given once. If you undertake to help a person, then you go at night and to the cemetery, and to crossroads... and keep a fast (has nothing to do with religion) and transfer it to yourself... in general, you live in a magical rhythm, even the lifestyle is different, I have almost my entire adult life I didn’t live like everyone else, the night was like a day for others, but I didn’t come to work, take the money, do the ritual from the books and go home happy. I completely agree with you that all work should be paid. I don’t work for a kilo of buckwheat, my work is well paid, but I have never set money as a goal, I take from the Universe exactly as much as I need and I have never understood those for whom money is the goal of life. Judging by your comment, you are one of the latter book "magini" sitting in magical centers and magic for you is only a means for earning money and prosperity. Sorry if I was wrong... But your prosperity is for the time being, you have to pay for everything in life, sometimes the result is disastrous... all your life you don’t “fly on the wings of joy”, the Universe does not tolerate strangers whom it did not choose. A chance is given, it has been given to you... will you be able to stay at this level - the question is! I will only be glad if I didn’t quite understand you and I’m wrong, I apologize in advance...

When I wrote that I had reached your level, I meant only my mental state, not my esoteric abilities. After all, they are all different! I have a witch friend who sees if a person is about to die, and another senses pregnant women who will not have a child (there will be an abortion or miscarriage). I don’t know how to do anything like that and I have no idea how one can learn this, and why?

And the rest of my post is essentially a response to your last phrase of the previous post, whether a person should devote himself entirely to his work, so I answered in great detail no and why. It’s just that when I hear such phrases, the face of a fanatic immediately appears in front of me, who himself lives like this, sacrificing other aspects of his life to his cause, and then begins to demand sacrifices from others, because he is envious that others have a lot of things, and he only has work. And since the goal of my work is to open people’s eyes to happiness and its role in our lives, I wrote it in such detail. And where in my post did you see magic? I spoke only about my state of mind and worldview.

I am surprised at you, you have repeatedly accused me of working in a magic salon, despite the fact that I have already written that I do not work as a magician, witch, etc. Where are your sources for checking information with all your cool abilities, as you describe them here? For example, I believe you. Why? Because I'm an idiot who believes every word printed? I just feel people, strength, truth, lies, emotions. I turn on my brains, they automatically detect inconsistencies in posts between different information. How do you distinguish truth from lies?

About magic. I know different witches and I know that they work differently, their magical abilities are different, they take power different ways, for me the main thing here is the result. Therefore, I do not see the subject of dispute here at all. You do it this way, the other does it differently. You do not pay attention to some factors, for another this is an essential condition. And I respect specialists in any field if they achieve real results and do good. :-)))

I misunderstood you, in general, in fact, I treat people like you with respect, if a person is inquisitive and does not want to just go with the flow, but tries to understand the essence of things himself and tries to build his life and the lives of his loved ones in love and respect - this is wonderful... and good luck to you. I have a very disrespectful attitude towards people who deceive gullible people, when a person entrusts his trouble and hopes to get help, but he is simply robbed. After all, people go to a witch in most cases when there is no other way out. Especially after one case, when a friend of mine had a relative die from damage. She turned to many places where she was deceived out of all her money, and when I could have saved her, she simply did not believe me, without even talking to me, and yet she was left with two orphans. Just let's leave out the word "karma" for now. And to view you, sitting like this at the computer, I haven’t reached that level yet... although it’s possible, it’s too energy-consuming and why is it needed... I’ve just started studying virtual space... it’s actually interesting. I had a case that really surprised and amazed me. In 2003, when I connected to the Internet, I completely accidentally came across a disabled girl sitting in a chair... so she described to me what I was wearing, what color I was wearing, what I looked like, what was in the room, what kind of bedspread, told me my name and who I am... What a shock! What a level! Unfortunately, the girl died, and we communicated with her until her death, she categorically refused help, then we met with her in the subtle world. This level can be achieved through training... you have to leave reality completely. But I don’t really want to go there yet real world a lot of interesting and beloved things... Of course, witches are different, just like doctors, like people... everyone has their own strong point, everyone has their own preferences... I don’t argue about this and, just like you, I respect people who achieve real results in the chosen business..

Yes, I'm interested the world, especially secret laws. I want to manage my life myself and consciously God's help. I want to live happily and not break laws, even by accident. But I can’t lie, otherwise the feeling of guilt will go through the roof again. I defeated him only through good faith and sincerity. But nothing can be defeated once and for all. With every wrong action we make, everything can come back. This is also a question of karma: which actions have enough energy, and which ones it is better to stay away from. :-)))

Why do you need my blanket? What will this knowledge give you? I actually meant the general energy level, direction towards good or evil, sincerity. Of course, this is my method, but you should have your own, simply because everyone should. How else to communicate with people. Well, for example, a client comes to you and says that she has been damaged, and you look and see the return. Somehow you see it?

It’s the same here as with God: believe it or not, he still exists! And also the Universal laws that secretly govern our lives. How else can you explain, for example, why misfortunes befall a person from his youth, because there is such a law: people do to you only what you have already done to other people. And he hasn’t had time to do anything yet. We don’t remember past lives, but the conclusions we made then exist in our consciousness and in our worldview, fears, and character traits. And if they are not correct, then we will go through the same situations again until we draw the right conclusions and learn to accept right decisions dictated by love and forgiveness.

And if you really want to, the necessary spiritual level has been achieved, then you can find out specific facts from your past life. There are methods, if there is a desire. But all the information is already in the mind. You just need to be able to analyze it, and not throw away the facts, your thoughts and feelings. :-)))

Sometimes it just becomes funny to me... Everything is now being pushed around the newfangled word “karma”, which has nothing to do with Christianity at all, it’s from a completely different religion - Buddhism! And misfortunes befall a person from his youth, in most cases due to wrong decisions, wrong attitude to life, choice of road, laziness and stupidity, in most cases! And from parents, of course, from upbringing... Naturally, there is karmic wealth from past lives, how could it be without this, it manifests itself from childhood, in slow-wittedness, lack of talents or inability to reveal them, lack of interest even in school subjects. As a child, everything was interesting to me, literature, chemistry, drawing, even mathematics and physics, it doesn’t matter that I never figured it out, but I tried... And the most important thing is that a person blames someone for problems - that, and not yourself. A person who, from childhood, understands that the problem arose because of himself, looks for a mistake, corrects it... and believe me, achieves everything in life... So blaming everything on “karma”, God, is the lot of weak, stupid people... And spirituality is not blind, flattering worship of the Lord, in the hope of getting an extra bowl of soup... but respect and love for him. A person who respects and loves God will never commit vile acts, and even more so, using “White Magic” in the name of God, will not deceive people... What a sin!.. I mean the scammers who, surrounding themselves with icons, sit and collect money...

There are many explanations as to why misfortunes befall a person from his youth. For example, the law you cited can be supplemented - not only what they “did” with other people, but also how they THOUGHT in relation to other people, because thought is the most powerful force, again shaping the subconscious. And if a person constantly thinks about some kind of misfortune or insult, or injustice - then the world gives him what he thinks so diligently about :) Or here is another explanation of the above-mentioned sorcerer (not by night this name will be mentioned :) Andrei Shelukhin - it’s just that the Guardian Angel of such a person is weak (

But, I must say, Natalya, I respect your deep conviction of the usefulness of faith in karmic laws. This apparently helps you live morally and protect and instruct other people... Well, everyone will be rewarded according to their faith. And if it’s convenient for you to carry all the sins of your family, all your relatives, on yourself in this life - please! no one is stopping you.

Of course, karma is not the only reason for such events, but the fact of the matter is that it is too. Otherwise, many life events and fears cannot be explained. For example, I saw my past lives. Do you think I made this up? So if I were composing, I would have come up with a more beautiful idea, and I wouldn’t have spilled so much dirt. And there the beginning is always very romantic, and then with a dirty bucket on the head BOOM!! And ancestral karma! The daughter repeats the fate of the mother, and the mother repeats the fate of the grandmother somewhere even in small things. Is this some kind of coincidence? I don’t like this word at all, because... In this case, we cannot change anything, but we would really like to. :-)) And for thoughts and words the punishment is much less than for actions and is more like a click on the nose than misfortune.

And the fact that Christianity does not recognize karma does not bother me. At the beginning of my journey, following Lazarev, I took knowledge from different sources. The main thing for me here is whether this knowledge correctly reflects the picture of the world or not, whether it corresponds to reality or not, and who said what is secondary.

I actually didn’t want to offend the magician Ared, I can’t judge him, since I don’t know him, I haven’t seen the Ukrainian “Battle of Psychics”. In general, I expressed my opinion about the show “Battle of Psychics” because I know this “cuisine”. Of course, at 19 years old, it’s interesting, filming, television, fame... At 19 years old, I probably wouldn’t have refused either, if I think about it... but such shows have a negative impact in the future. 8 years ago I was filmed in documentary film, and that flow of clients is simply impossible to “serve” honestly. After all, each person with his own problem is purely individual, each has his own “skeleton” in the closet, work with each - one might say creative process, each has its own approach, its own influence.., who doesn’t need it at all, you work as a psychologist.. And demonstrating the Power in front of everyone is fraught with its loss, as well as forced deception, when there are many clients, and you are under contract...

A little over a month ago, military personnel of the 201st Gatchina Order of Zhukov, a twice Red Banner Russian military base in Tajikistan, solemnly celebrated the 70th anniversary of their illustrious formation. He had a difficult fate - to fight through the flames of the Great Patriotic War, honorably fulfill my international duty in Afghanistan, save thousands of civilian lives during the years of interethnic conflict in Tajikistan. And today, the personnel of the military base, solving the tasks set within the framework of the Treaty on Collective Security of the CIS countries, continues to be the guarantor of peace and stability, strengthening security in the main strategic direction of the Central Asian region outside the territory of the Russian Federation. The acting commander of the 201st military base (commander Colonel Sergei Ryumshin was in next vacation), chief of staff of the formation, Lieutenant Colonel Andrei Shelukhin.

- Andrey Olegovich, at the 201st Russian military base in Tajikistan it is true that rich story, which can be
right to be proud. Another reason for pride appeared in October 2012, when Russian President Vladimir Putin, during his visit to Dushanbe, visited the location of the base and attached the third award of the Motherland, the Order of Zhukov, to its Battle Banner. This high appreciation of the work of the military personnel of the formation is worth a lot. What tasks are the base’s personnel solving today, and what makes it unique compared to other formations of the Russian Armed Forces?

- It’s no secret that service here has its own specifics, since units of the military base are stationed outside Russian Federation. This circumstance imposes a special responsibility on each military personnel. It is no coincidence that the president of the country, congratulating us on state award, emphasized that we are in a republic with which Russia has special fraternal, strategic relations and which is an outpost of the entire Commonwealth of Independent States in the complex and responsible Afghan sector. And we have, by and large, one task - to increase the level of our combat readiness in order to ensure the protection of Russia’s interests and, together with local armed forces, the security of Tajikistan. The connection has all the necessary forces and means for this. All ongoing combat training activities, military service, various joint exercises, etc. are aimed at solving this problem. Of course, the military personnel of the base also reacted positively to the success of the negotiations between our President - Supreme Commander-in-Chief and the head of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon on extending the base’s tenure until 2042, which will allow us to carry out a comprehensive re-equipment and re-equipment of the base with new technical models and continue to systematically engage in combat training.
- Your formation has always been considered one of the most combat-ready in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. It is pleasant to note that the current generation of Gatchina warriors strives to be worthy of the glorious traditions of their predecessors. This was probably especially evident last summer during the joint anti-terrorism exercise of the armed forces of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, China and Tajikistan - members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) "Peace Mission - 2012", in which the command and control bodies and troops of these states and where did the personnel of the 201st Russian military base demonstrate excellent combat training?
- Yes, that teaching became an important step in further development anti-terrorism cooperation between our countries, and we were able to verify in practice the high capabilities of their armed forces.
The main goal The exercise, the active phase of which took place at the Chorukh-Dairon training ground in the Sughd region of the Republic of Tajikistan, was to develop unified methods for resolving the crisis by conducting a joint military anti-terrorist operation in mountainous areas. In order to increase the effectiveness of combat training, the situation in the training area was made as complicated as possible. Nevertheless, the exercise participants successfully completed the assigned tasks, showing high coherence, skill and training.
I am glad that our military personnel passed that difficult test with honor, as evidenced by the high assessment given by the commander of the troops of the Central Military District, the Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, and representatives of the command of other countries participating in the exercise. At that time, everyone was greatly impressed by the unprecedented more than 300-kilometer march of our units on military equipment to the site of the exercise. But along the way, two passes were overcome - Anzob and Shakhristan, almost three and a half kilometers high, and not a single piece of equipment was lost due to breakdowns! Our training partners were very surprised by the fact that Russian conscripts confidently cope with such high loads and are so proficient in using standard equipment.
- In order to meet the highest standards of military skill in practice, you need to know and be able to do a lot. Tell me, how do you manage to achieve high results in training subordinates year after year, given that the organization of combat training in Tajikistan has many difficulties and features compared to other formations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation?
- We should probably start with the fact that we have created a very good educational and material base. The military base units are located in three military camps, equipped with everything necessary to organize training for personnel. In addition, the base has three training grounds - Lyaur, Momirak, Sambuli, where combat training is carried out regularly and with great intensity. And the Lyaur training ground is even considered one of the best in the Russian Armed Forces. The underground cable infrastructure on it, which makes it possible to lift and frontally move various targets at all three directrixes and numerous shooting ranges, operates flawlessly. In addition, here you can, for example, perform fire training exercises both on the plain and at the mountain shooting range.
Of course, our combat training has its own specifics. Therefore, when selecting candidates for service at the largest land military base outside of Russia, preference is given to volunteers. Their moral, business and psychological qualities, medical indicators are taken into account, including the ability to tolerate increased physical exercise in high altitude and hot climates. In general, it must be said that operating in mountainous conditions is very difficult - an ordinary unit will not be able to solve the tasks assigned here. A soldier must be prepared both morally and physically, because not everyone can withstand even the same sudden changes in temperature (for example, +30 degrees during the day, and down to –15 at night). To one degree or another, many units are acquiring the basics of operations in the mountains, but, of course, this work is most purposefully carried out in the motorized rifle battalion (mountain) under the command of Major E. Kovylin. There, the training program for personnel includes mountain training, the initial elements of mountaineering for practicing the skills of overcoming some mountain ranges as part of units, providing assistance and, of course, conducting combat operations in the mountains.
Despite the difficulties associated with natural and climatic conditions, the military personnel of the base acquire enough high level knowledge and skills. So the control check based on the results of the winter training period showed that many military teams have achieved success in mastering the combat training program. Among the most distinguished, I would note the reconnaissance battalion of Major R. Gafarov, the motorized rifle battalion (mountain) of Major E. Kovylin, and the rifle company of snipers of Senior Lieutenant S. Zalogin.
- Not long ago, at the 201st military base, the planned replacement of personnel being transferred to the reserve was completed. The soldiers and sergeants who left for Russia were replaced by military personnel trained in the training centers of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation as mechanics-drivers, gunners-operators, grenade launchers, reconnaissance officers, snipers and others, who still have a lot to learn. What will be addressed in this regard? Special attention V summer period training, taking into account the ever-increasing requirements for the quality of combat training?
- Indeed, the requirements for combat training of military personnel are becoming increasingly higher. It is no coincidence that the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, General of the Army S. Shoigu, taking into account the results of sudden inspections of the combat readiness of troops, gave instructions to make adjustments to combat training plans for the summer training period. The same was discussed in Chebarkul at an off-site meeting of the military council Ground Forces. If we talk about our combat training program, then at its core I see tactical training, which includes all other training subjects - fire training, driving, and engineering training... Tactics connects everything. Therefore, during the summer training period we will focus on practicing joint actions of units in various types battle. But, of course, let’s not forget about such a labor-intensive process as crew training, single fire training, physical training, and other subjects, because the training program is a complex of events. You can, for example, run fast and shoot accurately, but if you don’t know how to carry out the same engineering training activities and dig in the mountains, then this cancels out all the other advantages. If we are talking about driving equipment, then about driving in relation to mountainous terrain, using mountain ranges. Our training program is aimed at ensuring that a soldier is able to control his own piece of equipment (tank, infantry fighting vehicle, armored personnel carrier, self-propelled artillery unit) and carry out combat missions on it not on man-made obstacles, but on natural obstacles.
Of course, the level of training of specialists coming to us from training centers, sometimes, to put it mildly, leaves much to be desired and experienced lesson leaders have to teach them to an acceptable level. We are trying to speed up this process through competitions for the best machine gunner, grenade launcher, driver, gunner-operator, and specialists in other military professions. The main thing here is to interest a person, to awaken in him an incentive to improve. Among your peers, there is always a desire to stand out, to prove that you are better. And the winners, as usual, are encouraged. If this is a conscripted soldier, then he is awarded a certificate and sent to his parents thank you letter. If the soldier is a contractor, then he becomes a candidate for a higher position. In a word, such competition brings noticeable benefits.
- In means mass media There has already been information about the comprehensive re-equipment and re-equipment of the base with new technical models planned by 2015. More specifically, what are we talking about?
- It is assumed that all automobile and motorized rifle equipment, with the exception of tanks, will be almost completely replaced, and the base will receive Tiger armored cars, Tor anti-aircraft systems, Lynx armored vehicles and other wheeled vehicles. Initially, more than 200 trucks and wheeled vehicles based on KamAZ and Ural vehicles will be supplied. Of course, we all expect that our formation, located in a region with an increased likelihood of hostilities, will be sent the best equipment designed to successfully complete the assigned tasks.
- Practice shows that issues of organizing combat training are always easier to resolve when the personnel are provided with everything necessary, their life and leisure are skillfully organized...
- The 201st military base in Tajikistan was the first among Russian units to switch to new uniforms created specifically for military personnel serving in regions with a hot climate. IN new form It is much easier to withstand high temperatures in Central Asia, since clothing and shoes have increased wear resistance, improved thermoregulation and good ventilation.
We have no problems with living conditions either. Personnel live in modern capital barracks, officers live in residential buildings. It’s also a sin to complain about the quality of food. And if we talk about leisure, then here we don’t feel remote. So, for example, six months ago an academic song and dance ensemble came to us Russian Army named after A.V. Alexandrov, who toured all the military camps of the base with concerts. And just recently, on the 70th anniversary of the formation, the song and dance ensemble of the Central Military District visited us. In general, there is never a dull moment.
Taking this opportunity, I would like to express confidence that the servicemen of the 201st Russian military base will continue to steadfastly and courageously fulfill their military duty and confidently solve all the tasks assigned to us.

Search by " Andrey Shelukhin". Results: Andrey - 6963, Shelukhin - 12.

results from 1 to 10 from 10 .

Searching results:

1. Top-154 (Finance-2004) Former students of the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys Alexey Kuzmichev, Mikhail Fridman and German Khan organized the first companies Alfa-eco and Alfa-photo, in addition to them leading positions in the future holding Alfa- group" was occupied by Mikhail Bezelyansky, Oleg Kiselev and Andrey Shelukhin. 2. Top-720 (“Finance”). ... years 3.2 110 295 1966 Andrey Shelukhin, as well as Mikhail Bezelyansky (No. 310), former top manager of Alfa Group. Founder and co-owner of the Mosmart and Hypercenter companies 3.2 110 296 2. Top-720 (“Finance”). BESKHMELNITSKY 1967 CEO and co-owner of Unimilk, the second largest producer of dairy products in Russia 3.2 110 297 2. Top-720 (“Finance”). BLOH 1964 Ex-president of Sibneft, also headed the Planet food holding, owned by Roman Abramovich and his partners. Together with Andrey ...
Date: 02/13/2006 3. "Alfa-Renova": Collective portrait of lobbyists. Andrey Shelukhin At the origins of "Alpha" stood also
, former financial director of Alfa-Eco. Andrey Date: 03/14/2002 4. 404 richest people in Russia. Andrey Shelukhin... 0.30 8.8 Major shareholder of the Rosevrogroup holding 1966 107
Korkunov 0.30 8.8 Having sold the chocolate factory, he went into banking business 1962 108 Nikolay Maksimov 0.30 8.8 Founder of Maxi-Group, which is now controlled by NLMK 1957 109 Pavel Maslovsky 0.30 8.8 Shareholder of Peter Hambro Mining and Aricom 1956 110 Kirill Minovalov 0.30 8.8 President and owner of Avangard Bank 1971 111 Sergei Tsikalyuk 0.30 8.8 Owner of the Military Insurance Company 1959 112 Andrey Shelukhin 0.30 8.8 Mikhail's partner...
Date: 02/16/2009 5. 500 richest people in Russia. ... 0.58 14.2 Considered the main owner of the Togliattiazot corporation 1937 164 143 Mikhail Bezelyansky 0.57 14 Co-owner of the Mosmart retail chain and the developer Hypercenter 1964 165 –30 Igor Potapenko 0.57 14 The largest shareholder of the group “ Take a walk" 1966 166 139 0.57 14 Partner of Mikhail Bezelyansky (No. 164) 1966 167 –22 Boris Zingarevich 0.56 13.7 Member of the board of directors and co-owner of the Ilim group 1959 168 –26 Zakhar Smushkin 0.56 13.7 Chairman of the board of directors of the Ilim group » 1962 169 –36 ... Andrey Shelukhin Date: 02/18/2008 6. Top-500 (“Finance”, 2007). ... board of directors and co-owner of the RBC company Information Systems
" 4.8 180 304 Eduard Taran 1967 President of the RATM group, which controls the companies Iskitimcement and the Ekran Plant 4.8 180 305 Andrey Shelukhin 1966 Entrepreneur Hypercenter 100 2.8 197 Oleg Klyuka 1962 Entrepreneur 100 2.8 198 Fedor Klyuka 1942 Entrepreneur 100 2.8 199 Andrey Andreev 1956 Entrepreneur 100 2.8 200 Sergey Kukura 1953 First Vice-President of Lukoil 100 2.8 201 Oleg Savchenko 1966 State Duma Deputy EPK 100 2.8 ...
Date: 02/07/2005 8. Hacked correspondence Life News - 2. Documents approving the alienation of shares were signed (except for Bagdasarov and Tarasov) by Gabrelyanov’s son Aram - Ashot Gabrelyanov and the financial director of the structures of Aram Gabrelyanova - Andrey Mushkin.
And here is another interesting letter in which Aram Gabrelyanov discusses the hacking of Yulia Navalnaya’s mailbox with the general director of the MIT company Alexander Shelukhin(who also served as a voluntary advisor to Deputy Mayor Alexander...
Date: 07/12/2016 9. Sobyanin wound up. Shelukhin MIT General Director Alexander
RBC did not respond to a request. Andrey At the end of May the deputy Lugovoy asked the Prosecutor General's Office to check the activities of Yandex: he demanded that the search engine be equated with the media. If it aggregates news and analytics from leading Russian and foreign media
, then you must follow the rules that... Shelukhin).
Date: 10/23/2014 10. Battle of Samotlor. Andrey Among the founders were ZAO Raznotransservice and LLC Alfa-Eco (controlled by the Gibraltar company Crown Trade and Finance Ltd. with founders Bezelyansky, Kuzmichev, Fridman, Khan,
... Moscow, 3rd Golutvinsky lane, 10, building 6 Management: Ogirenko A.G. Registration date: 03.23.94 Phone: 238-74-18 Reg. number: 478273 Installed: General Director of JSC "NAFTAM": Ogirenko
Grigorievich, born December 7, 1959, native of Moscow... Date: 07/02/2000