Our daily life and not. Everyday life: a brief history of the concept

How do you start your day? Maybe from a run in the morning? Or maybe with coffee? What then? Job? Or, if you are a student, then college, or institute, university? There are many questions that you should not just have, but develop them. Decorate like a sentence with adjectives like Christmas tree toys. I present you with a brush, and you choose the watercolor yourself.

When to start? When to get together and... and color your morning, your day, your evening? By any means. Which one will you like?


What kind of music do you listen to? What genre do you like? Or even tempo? Would you like to learn not only to listen, but also to create creativity? Try yourself. You have to try, you have to try. Take a look on the Internet. How to make music? Inspiration, broad outlook. Here's what will help you. Guitar, piano, these are the instruments that I can play. I play, I come alive due to this. The heart drowns in harmony. Anyone who hasn't tried it won't understand. If you don’t have internet or it’s bad, then what should you do? Many people who face this problem always come out of this situation. Music can be found everywhere. Just listen to her. Someone will say that I am writing empty words. And these people simply don’t believe, there is no faith, and because of this the music will not find you, and you will not find it. Music changes over time. New genres confuse people's minds. But of course, it depends on what genres. And I do not deny the opinions of others. I just presented my point of view. Don't forget the sensations you experience. Buy a tool. Learn with the help of books, video lessons on the Internet. Make your life more diverse. And just imagine. You wake up and do all your morning activities as usual: breakfast, exercise, or something else. Afterwards, before you go where you need to hurry, you sit down with your guitar and play your favorite music, which comforts you and envelops you in a blanket of calm and mood for the whole day.


Ever read a book? Or is your mind already drowned in virtual world? I used to start reading a book, but after reading only half of it, I started doing other things, and then I forgot about that book, a book that I had not read enough. Soon I started reading a book with a smaller length. And I read to the end. And I concluded that the book is interesting not only in volume, but also in content. Soon I found a larger book called “The Man Who Laughs” (Victor Hugo). Very interesting book, just with a slightly boring start. IN free time I'm reading it. Remember! A book doesn't tell you your future, it only shows you your present. inner world. It helps you understand yourself!


Who would like to know how long he will live? Most responded that they did not want to know. Well, the rest admitted that they didn’t mind. Let's say you found out. Would you like to change this? Probably everyone wanted to live longer. What do you need to do to do this? We need to change. Moreover, in better side. Don't sit in social network all your day, all your school and even your whole weekend, but get off your butts and run. Run until your lungs let you know they are tired. You can extend your life and, even more so, diversify it with someone you should meet. It will be yours new friend- SPORTS. If you are lonely, then sport will dispel your loneliness. If you are offended by someone or angry, then sport will relieve stress, just like a friend. Will always help. And again the example with the morning. When you wake up, you feel sleepy and like a lemon. Go take a shower. Although it helps to cheer up, it is not a shower that helps warm up and stretch your bones, but a run in the morning. Just imagine, you are running through the city. The city is sleeping. Silence. The breeze as you run caresses your sleepy face. The wind makes my eyes water. The sun rises with you. Music accompanies your pace, your heartbeat, your breathing.

The body says THANK YOU.

These three ways have helped make my everyday and same life simply lighter, simply brighter and simply better.

In a word " everyday life“denote taken-for-granted reality, factuality, the world of everyday life, where people are born and die, rejoice and suffer.

Everyday life must also be seen as an activity regulated by norms and institutions.

The most important feature of everyday life is repeatability. Everyday life becomes what is repeated every day - inevitable, obligatory, habitual, if it is assessed as routine, trivial. In this capacity everyday life is opposed to holidays and weekends, as well as the rituals associated with the most important points In human life. Therefore, not all events that happen every day are part of everyday life. Such are, for example, sleep (dreams), prayer, leisure.

The level of everyday life in a person's life

Basic unit of time of everyday life are day, which can be characterized on the basis of both a time scale - the temporal dimension of everyday life, and an event series - the daily routine, the timing of certain events at a certain time of day. Usually the day is divided into four parts:

  • time of day to satisfy bodily needs (sleep, nutrition, sex, hygiene and cosmetic procedures) and spiritual ( , obtaining information, psychological support);
  • time for conducting;
  • time for livelihood work or study;
  • free time for friendly communication, amateur activities and just doing nothing.

Also distinguished spatial dimension of everyday life— the places where everyday life takes place are a system of spaces, including the spaces of the human body, his home and settlement.

IN body space They distinguish the bodily upper part - the head and arms, and the bodily lower part, with which physiology is associated (discharge, sex). Traditionally high cultural value attached to the top, and low value to the bottom, which was considered “unclean.” Only at the end of the 20th century. the rehabilitation of man’s physicality and his lower body began.

IN home space There are a number of functional zones - a food zone (hearth, stove, kitchen, pantries, cellars, table), a sleeping zone (bed, bedroom), a body care zone (bathroom, toilet, washbasin). IN traditional cultures zones of the sacred, sacred (“red corner”) and profane (stove) have also always been distinguished. In the 20th century There is a tendency to desacralize the space of the home and at the same time there is an increasing differentiation of its internal space - new zones of personal space appear.

IN settlement space(cities) places are allocated for (markets, shops), public catering (cafes, bars, eateries), transport arteries (rivers, streets, roads), work areas, places of receipt drinking water(rivers, reservoirs, wells, water supply). In the city, zones of power, recreation and sacred zones are opposed to the space of everyday life, although geographically they can intersect and coexist.

The space of everyday life is filled with numerous things - separate, autonomous parts of culture. Each zone has its own and is evaluated primarily according to its utilitarian purpose. But any household item multifunctional. It can perform memorial, sacred, prestigious, aesthetic, and social status functions. The actualization of these functions is determined by both the specific historical and the current situation.

Noun, number of synonyms: 4 everyday affairs (3) everyday worries (3) everyday life (7) ... Synonym dictionary

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- “The life of wonderful people. Small Series" is a series of biographical books published by the publishing house "Young Guard". Contents 1 List of books in the series 1.1 1989 1.2 1990 ... Wikipedia

life- And; and. see also vital 1) a) A special form of existence of matter that arises at a certain stage of its development, the main difference of which from inanimate nature is metabolism. The emergence of life on earth. Life flora. Laws… … Dictionary of many expressions

AND; and. 1. A special form of existence of matter that arises at a certain stage of its development, the main difference between which and inanimate nature is metabolism. The emergence of life on earth. J. flora. Laws of life. // Collection... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

See LIFEWORLD. Antinazi. Encyclopedia of Sociology, 2009 ... Encyclopedia of Sociology

life- “The woman is ruddy and plump” (Sologub); “The Noisy Bazaar of God” (Fet); colorless (Ladyzhensky); hopelessly boring (Auslander); desolate (Lermontov, K.R.); carefree (Chekhov); homeless (Nikitin); dissolutely rebellious (Polonsky);... ... Dictionary of epithets

LIFE- Jesus Christ the Savior and Giver of Life. Icon. 1394 ( Art Gallery, Skopje) Jesus Christ the Savior and Giver of Life. Icon. 1394 (Art Gallery, Skopje) [Greek. βίος, ζωή; lat. vita], christ. theology in the doctrine of J.... ... Orthodox Encyclopedia

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EVERYDAY life is an integral socio-cultural life world, appearing in the functioning of society as a “natural”, self-evident condition of human life. Everyday life can be considered as an ontology, as a boundary condition human activity. Studies of everyday life imply an approach to the human world and his life itself as a value. Everyday life – significant topic in 20th century culture. It is necessary to distinguish between everyday life itself and theoretical discourse about everyday life. Currently, everyday life as a specific area social reality acts as an object of interdisciplinary research (history, social and cultural anthropology, sociology, cultural studies).

Within classical approaches(represented, in particular, by Marxism, Freudianism, structural functionalism) everyday life was considered an inferior reality and a negligible value. It was represented as a surface, behind which a certain depth was thought, a veil of fetishistic forms, behind which lay true reality (“It” - in Freudianism, economic connections and relationships - in Marxism, stable structures that determine human behavior and worldview - in structural functionalism). The researcher of everyday life acted as an absolute observer, for whom living experience acted only as a symptom of this reality. A “hermeneutics of suspicion” was cultivated in relation to everyday life. Everyday and non-everyday were represented by different ontological structures, and everyday life itself was tested for truth. Within the framework of classical methodologies, everyday life could act as an object of design and rationalization. This tradition is quite stable (A. Lefebvre, A. Geller).

Hermeneutic and phenomenological schools in social philosophy and sociology acted as an alternative to the classical paradigm social knowledge. The impetus for a new understanding of everyday life was given by E. Husserl in his interpretation life world. In the social phenomenology of A. Schutz, a synthesis of these ideas and the sociological attitudes of M. Weber was carried out. Schutz formulated the task of studying everyday life in the context of searching for the ultimate foundations of social reality as such. Various versions of this approach are presented in modern sociology of knowledge (P. Berger, T. Lukman), from slightly different methodological positions in symbolic interactionism, ethnomethodology, etc. The evolution of research into everyday life is associated with a change in paradigms of social knowledge. In our ideas, the everyday and the non-everyday no longer act as ontological structures that are different and not comparable in their meaning. These are different realities only insofar as they represent different types experience. Accordingly, theoretical models are not opposed to the constructs of everyday mentality and everyday consciousness. On the contrary, the criterion for the justification and validity of social knowledge becomes the continuity and correspondence of the concepts of science with the constructs of everyday consciousness and other extra-scientific forms of knowledge. The central question social cognition the question arises of correlating social knowledge with everyday meanings (first-order constructs). The problem of the objectivity of knowledge is not removed here, but the very forms of everyday life and thinking are no longer tested for truth.

The formation of a “postclassical paradigm” of social knowledge is inseparable from understanding the problems of everyday life. The study of everyday life from a branch dealing with a specific subject is turning into a new definition of the “sociological eye”. The nature of the research object - the everyday life of people - changes the attitude towards the very idea of ​​cognition of the social world. A number of completely different researchers (P. Feyerabend and J. Habermas, Berger and Luckman, E. Giddens and M. Maffesoli, M. De Certeau and others) substantiate the idea of ​​​​the need to rethink social status science and the new concept of the knowing subject, returning the language of science “home”, to daily life. The social researcher loses the privileged position of an absolute observer and acts only as a participant social life on an equal basis with others. It is based on the fact of plurality of experiences and social practices, including linguistic ones. Reality is seen only as phenomenal. Changing the angle of view allows you to pay attention to what previously seemed, firstly, insignificant, and secondly, a deviation from the norm that must be overcome: archaism in modern times, banalization and technologization of images, etc. Accordingly, along with classical methods the study of everyday life uses methods based on approaching the narrative nature of everyday life (case studies, or research individual case, biographical method, analysis of “profane” texts). The focus of such studies is the analysis of self-evidence of consciousness, habitual, routine practices, practical feeling, and the specific “logic of practice.” The research turns into a kind of “commonsensology” (from the Latin sensus communis - common sense) and “formology”, because form remains the only stable principle in conditions of alternativeness and instability of social and plurality of cultural principles (M. Maffesoli). Life forms are no longer interpreted as higher or lower, true or untrue. No knowledge can be obtained outside the context of culture, language, tradition. This cognitive situation gives rise to the problem of relativism, because the problem of truth is replaced by the problem of communication between people and cultures. The task of cognition comes down to a historically determined “cultural action”, the purpose of which is to develop new way"reading the world." Within the framework of these approaches, “truth” and “emancipation” are transformed from immutable laws into value regulators.

H.N. Kozlova

New philosophical encyclopedia. In four volumes. / Institute of Philosophy RAS. Scientific ed. advice: V.S. Stepin, A.A. Guseinov, G.Yu. Semigin. M., Mysl, 2010, vol.III, N – S, p. 254-255.


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Schutz A. Formation of concepts and theory in social sciences. – In the book: American sociological thought: Texts. M., 1994;

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Goffman E. The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life. N.Y.–L., 1959;

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