Write your own fairy tale - make a wish come true, self-healing fairy tales. How to write a fairy tale: step-by-step instructions and useful tips

What to do if you really want to compose your own fairy tale, but the idea doesn’t come? If your head is empty, like an open field, and not even the tiniest character wants to show itself? This has happened to me - more than once. Inspiration rolled in and out in waves deep into my fictional ocean. Today it rolled back again. There's only one problem with this imagination! But I always dreamed of writing my ideal fairy tale. I dreamed of composing. Eh, I'll have to get the magic box...

Having rummaged through the magic box, to my joy, I discovered a glorious five Practical Tips that will help us write a masterpiece, and if not a masterpiece, then our own wonderful fairy tale.

It is clearly snoring somewhere at the bottom of the skull, and simply needs to be pushed aside. How is this done?
  • Well, first of all, the Imagination awakens from music. It is a well-known fact that music affects our brain like nothing else. Choose the music you like - and enjoy. And while enjoying, don’t forget to compose. Imagine what you would do to this music if you were in a fairy tale. The imagination will not be slow to turn on.
  • Secondly, our fastidious Imagination is very susceptible to different interesting movies and paintings. Don't deny him this pleasure. Pamper him with colorful beads or weaving baubles. Gaze at the stained glass at sunset. A fairy tale is all around us.
  • Thirdly, nature. Believe me, nothing inspires more than relaxing in nature. And if not rest, then... Try on the way from school, university or work to turn into some forest or grove with chirping birds. Stop for a moment in the midst of the eternal rush and look at the sky. Learn to be surprised. We have this ability from birth, but for some reason it becomes dull with age. Revive your inner child. Be amazed at the beauty of the world!
  • Fourth, bring the inanimate things around you to life. Let yours indoor plant will start talking and complain that you don’t water it. Let the creaky door grumble, and the pencil suddenly rushes to draw masterpieces, shouting that he has dreamed of this since it was made at the factory. To write your own and only your own fairy tale, you will need a pound of imagination - no less. So practice.
  • Open a dictionary and choose ten words at random. Rearrange them, tilt them. And write a short fairy tale with their help. Just remember to connect the words in meaning. Let's take five nouns as an example: football, sock, rocket, lazy and piece of wood. And off we went: “Once upon a time there lived a lazy man. He always threw his socks around and could never get up on time. He lay there like a piece of wood until lunchtime. One day he slept until the evening. And only a mini-rocket, which his comrades threw out the window, woke him up. There was a note taped to the rocket: “Let’s play football.” The lazy man was delighted, jumped up - and let’s get dressed. I put on shorts, a T-shirt, and socks? Under the radiator there is one yellow one, behind the bed there is a green and a red one.
  • On the chandelier - blue. There's no way to find a pair! The lazy guy was upset: how can you play football without socks?
  • Let's say you have some kind of problem or task. And you don't know how to solve it. No problem! And here Imagination will come to the rescue. Imagine that you are in a fairy tale. There, any remedy will do - both ordinary and magical. What would you choose to solve your problem?
    A magical item or a super cool, fancy device invented by a mad scientist?

    Good advice number 4.
  • Come up with a main character for your fairy tale. And now it’s time for the Main Character of the fairy tale. Who is he, your hero? What qualities does he have? Is he an all-powerful sorcerer or a poor man who likes to get drunk? Is he flawless, or does he like to pick his nose on a Thursday after eight in the evening? Be sure to come up with a goal for the hero. A hero without a goal is a pathetic rag. How will the hero change during the course of the fairy tale? What will he face, what difficulties will he have to overcome? And yet, a fairy tale needs a secret. Let your hero be all mysterious. Readers love it. Well, and of course, don’t forget about the unexpected, colorful ending. collapses. The inhabitants of heaven are in panic.
  • Needless to say, the earthly people got it too. And suddenly the Main Character understands that he must restore balance in nature and return the sky to its place.

    5 So, the glorious five Practical Advices have come to an end. And I suddenly realized that I was quite capable of saving the world (oh, that is, writing my own fairy tale). And how are you? Feeling inspired? If you still don't feel it, you can read useful tips
    how to make up your own fairy tale So, tip number 1.

    Unleash your imagination.

    Imagination, like talent, lies dormant in each of us. True, for some it is dormant, and for others it sleeps soundly. But this can be fixed. The main thing is to believe in your creative streak and push it a little, and then, if you wish, it will slowly move along the rails of fabulous ideas, gradually accelerating its pace. Imagination is the ability to see the unusual in the ordinary, the creation of images and plots, the revival of the inanimate and unreal. Imagination works on certain raw materials, when processed, a fairy tale is born. The raw materials of imagination can be found everywhere. It can be life situations (failures and problems, successes and achievements). The source of inspiration can be paintings by artists, classical and contemporary music

    , images from the world of cinema and actually already known fairy tales. Solitude with nature can awaken ideas even in the most “tired” of worldly worries.

    Talking with your child can help stimulate your imagination. With leading questions, the child himself will answer what and how should happen in the fairy tale. Writing a fairy tale with children is fun and educational. After all, they have the most interesting and vivid imagination!

    Unleash your imagination and bring the inanimate to life. Let the door speak, the bed begin to play before going to bed, or the road run away from under your feet...

    Dream about yourself, depicting your dream in the form of a fairy tale. But! Attention! This method can bring a MIRACLE from unreality to reality and make your dream come true. So be positive!

    You can also awaken inspiration through meditation. Meditation is about relaxing the body in order to “release” and control your thoughts and emotions. During and after meditation, kind and gentle stories are born.

    The main character of a fairy tale is the core around which events and miracles revolve. The main character can be your child, either a boy or a girl, whose behavior is very reminiscent of your baby. The main character can be a favorite toy, a cartoon character, an animal or bird, a car, an ordinary cone, dishes, a table, a computer, a telephone. Anything!

    Tip No. 3 Sketch out a plan for a future fairy tale

    That is, prepare in advance. Think about what or who your fairy tale will be about. What exactly do you want to convey to the listener? Write a plan. The plan should include:

    Beginning of the story (where? who? when?) Incident (what happened? conflict, problem) Overcoming difficulties (solving riddles, finding a way out of the situation) Outcome (return or other completion of the fairy tale)

    Of course, this is a very, very rough plan. Well, here's an example of a plan for everyone famous fairy tale"Kolobok":

    Grandparents' house. The grandfather asks the grandmother to bake a bun. The baked bun comes to life and runs away. The bun successfully runs away from danger in the form of a hare, a wolf and a bear. And the old woman gets screwed, the fox outsmarts the bun.

    Very interesting and easy fairy tale planning can be implemented in the creation of a crumb fairy tale. The fairy tale is tiny, it is a very small fairy tale, a couple of paragraphs long. A little fairy tale is invented literally on the fly. For example: a short story about a balloon.

    Once upon a time there was a ball. For a very long time he lay small and deflated in a large box with other similar balloons, dreaming of one day seeing a bright sunlight. And then one day, he found himself in the hands of a man. The man began to inflate him. The ball began to grow, becoming bigger and bigger. He was no longer wrinkled and ugly. Now it was a big red ball, ready to fly into the sky. But the man gave it small child. And the baby held the ball tightly in his hand.

    He liked the ball so much that he really didn’t want to play with the child. And he kept trying to escape. And then a breeze blew, and the ball, taking advantage of the opportunity, twitched and escaped from the small palms. The ball soared into the sky. And he flew higher and higher. He was so happy about his freedom that he began to laugh loudly. So much so that he couldn’t stop until he burst and fell to the ground again


    You asked: “Help me write a fairy tale?” Because you want to learn how to write a fairy tale yourself.

    • Your children are 4-7 years old
    • Are you new to writing fairy tales?
    • You need simple technique writing fairy tales
    • Do you want to enjoy the development process of your children?

    The good news is that by following my tips, you will learn how to write little fairy tales for your children. You will definitely succeed if you follow simple rules. If you go step by step.

    So, let's go!

    1. You need a fairy tale hero or heroine

    Write a fairy tale about a person, animal, plant or any object: a toy, a teapot, a spoon, a light bulb, a table, a tablet. About everything that catches your eye or comes to mind. If you wish, you can revive anything, even natural phenomena. But people or animals most often act as the main actors fairy tales.

    What do you think is most important for a hero?

    Of course, his character and appearance.

    Think about what your hero is like

    He's funny? Smart? Brave? Beautiful?

    Also don't forget to come up with small flaws

    It is small? Shy? Are you often lazy? Stubborn?

    Creating a character in a little fairy tale can take some time. But if you get a convincing hero or heroine who evokes sympathy and a desire to help him, then half the battle is done. By the way, an invented character can be made the hero of a variety of stories.

    Use these building blocks to create the character of the hero of your fairy tale.

    As you understand, one hero or heroine is not enough for a fairy tale.

    Place the hero of your short fairy tale in a specific time and space

    Consider whether your story takes place in a real or fictional world.

    Now? A long time ago? Or in the distant future?

    How long will it take the hero to overcome all difficulties and achieve his goal?

    A day, a few years, a century?

    Place your character in a familiar or, conversely, unusual environment.

    Keep it simple. You can, for example, place the hero in your apartment and imagine a living room filled with cozy armchairs and sofas with cushions. Or the kitchen. Or a nursery. Or a yard.

    Remember to include all your senses. And to do this, go inside your hero or heroine and imagine.

    Please note that most fairy tales of all times use the idea of ​​"a lady in trouble" or "a boy in trouble." These ideas always work!

    Write what happened to the main character

    • unusual phenomenon
    • the villain conjured something,
    • some action shifted the balance,
    • disease,
    • stealing something vital
    • a loss,
    • poverty and the need to survive,
    • a task to save or protect someone, perhaps the whole world.

    Come up with goals

    • solve a small or big problem,
    • reach some destination as a result of travel,
    • help yourself, a family member or simply save a person,
    • fulfill the dream,
    • get an answer to a question
    • break the spell
    • to cure or to be cured?
    • find a friend or loved one.

      5. Your little fairy tale should have a happy ending.

    Even though we don't always get what we want in real life, the world of fairy tales makes us believe that anything is possible.

    Try these ideas:

    • main character fairy tales saves himself, his family or someone else,
    • the hero solves the puzzle and reveals the secret,
    • the main character overcomes obstacles and his character or character trait changes,
    • the main character becomes happier, richer, smarter, he has friends.

    Now you can start introducing the tale

    Use the classic openings: “Once upon a time,” “In one country far, far away,” “Once upon a time,” and the like.

    Or make up your own: “The Legend Speaks” or “Deep in the Heart of the Forest.”

    Choose a point of view for your story

    How will you tell your tale: in the first, second or third person?

    As a storyteller, you can be directly involved in the action or provide only objective information about how the characters in the story act and what happens to them.

    Make sure that the text of the fairy tale you composed is appropriate for the child’s age.

    For children V age from 3 to 5 years use simple themes.

    The hero did not know something and thanks simple actions found out. The hero was sad, but became cheerful. Someone was greedy, but thanks to the actions of the hero, he became kind. The hero corrected the injustice, made friends with other characters, saved the character and made him smile. I lost something, but as a result of my actions I found it.

    For children agedfrom 5 to 7 years You can make topics more complex.

    Add villains, let the hero overcome three, not one, difficult situations. Add evil magic to your fairy tale, include the hero’s rebellious actions: disobedience, running away from home for adventure, committing a forbidden act. Weave morality into the story, summarized in proverbs and sayings.

    And before we move on to the examples, get your GIFT!

    A book with educational games for children 5-7 years old!

    Examples of how to write a fairy tale yourself

    And now - examples of magical stories and pictures for visual warm-up. Start with a small fairy tale. And in order to open the doors of your imagination, look at photographs and pictures. Let your imagination run wild.

    My favourite dog

    This story was written by a mother together with her five-year-old son, whose dog died. The son told his dream, and his mother took dictation.

    A Tale of Butterflies

    - Mommy, where did butterflies come from? - I ask.

    And she tells me.

    One day in the fall, a Wizard watched children playing on the lawn. The children laughed and had fun, but the wizard was sad. I was sad because I saw how time was passing, taking with it people, flowers and all the beauty of the world to other worlds.

    “We need to preserve the beauty here on earth for people,” thought the Wizard.
    He took out a magic box and began to put it in sunbeams, the blue of the sky, the glare of flowers, children's laughter, the blow of the wind.
    When the children went to bed and the clearing was empty, the wizard opened the box. A light rhythmic rustling filled the air, and beautiful butterflies fluttered everywhere where the gaze penetrated.

    “Fly to a magical land to your Queen,” said the wizard. - Now your purpose is to give people beauty.

    The butterfly kingdom is hidden among the impenetrable jungle and high rocks. There are many wonderful fragrant flowers and herbs, clear lakes and crystal waterfalls. It's always summer here and all year round the sun is shining. This wonderful country is ruled by the beautiful and kind Queen of Butterflies. She is very beautiful, cheerful and joyful.

    This is where the most skilled artists and the most beautiful butterflies in the world live. Every morning, artists draw colorful patterns on their wings and every spring they send them to earth to delight people with their beauty and tenderness.


    Take a look at these pictures. Get into their mood and characters. And they will give you the idea of ​​your own magical story.

    Why learn to write fairy tales yourself?

    • You have to be able to, because at school they give tasks - “to compose a short story about an animal, write a fairy tale about...”
    • To get the most pleasure and to develop the child’s thinking
    • To receive sincere emotions and a great mood

    If you want to playfully prepare your child for difficult school assignments, watch the master class.

    In just one lesson you will learn to write short fairy tales!

    © When copying material or part of it, a direct link to the site and authors is required


    Yarochka Ozernaya, 6 years old

    One spring, early in the morning, when the sun had just woken up, something happened to my grandfather Vanya. amazing story. It was like that.

    Grandfather Vanya went to the forest to pick mushrooms.

    He walks slowly, hums a song under his breath, and looks for mushrooms under the Christmas trees with a stick. Suddenly he sees a hedgehog sitting on a stump and crying bitterly. The hedgehog's leg was broken and hurt. Grandfather took pity on the hedgehog, wrapped his leg, and treated him to a sweet candy. Grandfather loved candy very much, because he had no teeth and could not chew real candy. The hedgehog really liked his grandfather's lollipops. He thanked him and ran to his children.

    But a few days later, the hedgehog and his sons brought grandfather many, many mushrooms on his back and asked to live with his grandfather under the house with his whole family. They all ate sugar mushrooms together and sucked delicious lollipops.


    If you had a hedgehog at home, what would you treat it to?
    Why did the hedgehog want to live with his grandfather?
    Have you ever seen a hedgehog? What is the character of this forest animal?
    What forest gifts can be used to make sweets? Come up with several recipes for forest candies and draw them.
    o All children are little hedgehogs. Each hedgehog must tell how and how he will help his grandfather.


    Lilya Pomytkina, 7 years old, Kiev

    There lived little fairies in a flower meadow. They lived together and loved to help people, especially children.

    Once upon a time flower meadow a little girl came. She cried bitterly because her finger was cut. She didn't notice anyone or anything except pain. Then the fairies surrounded her in a tight ring and waved their wings in unison. The girl felt relieved and stopped crying. The fairies asked Sun rays quickly dried the girl's tears, and she began to listen to everything around her. She heard flowers smell, insects buzz and birds sing. And the fairies whispered to her that the world around her was beautiful, that the wound on her finger would soon heal, and that she should not be too upset.

    One little fairy brought a tiny plantain leaf and put it on the wound. Another asked ladybug play the game "Rain or Bucket" with the girl. And the third one called the breeze to smooth the girl’s disheveled hair.

    And the girl felt so good that she began to smile and play with the fairies. After that, the girl always came to the fairy clearing if she felt bad.

    When she grew up big, she did not forget the clearing with fairies and in difficult times she always called the little fairies for help.


    How would you help the girl if you were the fairies?
    Give the children cards with the names of different qualities. Children must figure out how the fairies taught someone this or that quality.
    Remember some difficult situation in your life and think about how you could be helped in this situation different heroes fairy tales, for example: fairies, breeze, sun rays etc.
    Imagine that good fairies invited you to a festival of forest fairies. Draw this holiday and tell us about it.


    Olya Makarova, 8 years old

    Once upon a time there was a boy Kolya. He had new shoes. But his shoes lived very poorly. Kolya didn’t take care of them: he didn’t wash them, didn’t clean them, and threw them away anywhere. The shoes didn’t know what to do. Then they decided to take Kolya to a shoe factory so that he could see how much work needed to be done to sew such wonderful shoes. The next day, the shoes took Kolya to the factory so that he could see how shoes emerged from a piece of leather. The factory was huge, and Kolya was surprised at how many craftsmen and machines it took to sew shoes. Then an important woman approached them. She said hello and asked the shoes how they were doing and whether Kolya was taking care of them. The shoes sighed sadly, but remained silent. They didn't want to complain about their master. Kolya felt very ashamed, and he said thanks to the important woman for her work.
    Since then, Kolya has always taken care of his shoes, because he saw how much work it takes to sew such shoes.


    How will Kolya take care of his shoes after this incident?
    Tell us how you take care of your shoes.
    What qualities should the owner have to make his shoes happy in life?
    Talk to your favorite shoe and then tell everyone what it told you about.
    How can shoes thank a person for his care? Come up with and draw a fairy tale about how your shoes took care of you.
    Discuss with your children how to care for their shoes in different time years and in different weather.


    Vnuchkova Dana, 8 years old

    Once upon a time there lived a little spider. He was completely alone and was very sad that he had no friends. One day he decided to go and find some friends. It was spring, the sun was warm, and dew glistened on the grass. Two moths were flying over a green meadow. One is white and the other is red. They saw a little spider, and a white moth asked him:
    - Why are you so sad?

    Because I have no friends,” answered the spider.

    But moths and spiders are not friends, because spiders cannot fly, said the white moth.

    And the red moth said:
    - Let’s be friends with you, I’ll teach you to fly.

    The spider was very happy and agreed. Since then they became friends and flew over the meadow together. The moth is on its wings, and the spider is on hot-air balloon from cobwebs.


    Imagine that you and a spider are traveling above the earth in a balloon made of cobwebs. Draw your journey and tell us about it.
    Tell me about a friend who taught you something.
    What can a spider teach moths?
    Give the children cards with drawings of different insects. Each person, on behalf of his own insect, must tell what he can teach some other insect. For example: what an ant can teach an earthworm, a butterfly can teach an ant, etc. Then the children draw how the different insects taught each other.
    Divide the children into groups of three. One child in the group is a spider, the other two are moths. Children should come up with short dramatizations about the friendship of a moth and spiders.


    Yana Dankova, 8 years old

    It was a sunny day. The sun was shining brightly. There were droplets of dew on the bush, like gold. Then I went up to the bush and wanted to take them. As soon as I touched it, everything disappeared. And I was very sad, but the sun saw that I was crying and whispered to me: “Don’t cry. Everything will be fine, just don’t cry.” When I heard these words, I was so happy that I wanted to jump and sing songs. And suddenly I saw the same drops of dew on the bush. I went to the bush, sat on a pebble and looked at the golden drops.


    How would you calm a girl down if she were the sun?
    Has the sun ever calmed you down? Tell and draw how the sun helped you in different situations.
    Imagine that the sun gave the girl magical drops of dew. Each drop could fulfill one of her wishes. Draw the girl's wishes fulfilled. Based on each other’s drawings, the children tell what wishes the droplets fulfilled and how.


    Sasha Timchenko, 8 years old

    I was walking through the park and saw a flock of leaves. They fell to the ground. Willow began to feel sad. And the leaves that fell from it also became sad. But when they fell to the ground, they wrote a sentence: “Dear willow, you loved us, and we love you too.”


    Give the children cards with drawings of leaves. different trees and ask them, on behalf of these leaves, to thank the tree for its care for them.
    You can give children cards with drawings of different trees and ask them to say goodbye to their leaves on behalf of these trees.
    Come up with and draw a fairy tale about how a flock of leaves decided to travel to the southern countries together with migratory birds.


    Naumenko Regina, 9 years old

    Once upon a time there lived a girl whose name was Nadezhda. Hope was as beautiful as a rose. Her face was white, with pink cheeks, and emerald eyes. But her character was very prickly. She often stabbed people with her ridicule like thorns. One day Nadezhda fell in love with a very handsome young man. She never stabbed him and spoke to him kindly. But it so happened that her beloved young man forgot about her and did not want to come to her anymore. Nadezhda was very sad, but did not want to say anything bad about the young man. The girlfriends persuaded Nadezhda to inject the young man. They spoke:
    - Since he has forgotten you, prick him with your thorns.

    “I love him and don’t want to harm him,” Nadezhda answered.

    But Nadezhda could not live without her beloved. Then she pricked herself, her red blood spilled, and Nadezhda turned into a wonderful red rose.


    Children are given cards with pictures of different colors. Each child takes turns naming one quality with which he associates this flower. Then the children draw a magical bouquet of those flowers that will teach a person certain qualities.
    Draw roses of Faith, Love, Happiness, Joy, Peace, etc., and talk about how these roses helped people.
    Do you think that if Nadezhda’s beloved had not left her, her character would have changed?
    Draw Nadezhda and her beloved in the form of certain flowers.


    Perky Mariyka, 9 years old

    There lived in this world a pretty little girl. She was very beautiful, with white hair, blue eyes and a kind, gentle heart. One day, mommy went to work and took her daughter to a neighbor so she could look after her.

    The neighbor was a single woman and had no children. She treated the girl to cookies and went for a walk with her. The neighbor held the girl's hand and bragged to all passers-by about how beautiful daughter. The girl never deceived anyone and did not like it when others deceive. She realized that their neighbor would really like to have a daughter. And after the walk, when her mother came home, the girl told her everything.

    Mom thought for a long time and came up with an idea. She baked a huge, delicious pie and invited her neighbor. A neighbor came and was very happy about the pie and such nice people. They sat and talked for a long time, drank tea, ate pie. And when the neighbor decided to leave, the girl gave her a fluffy white puppy. The puppy squeaked and licked its new owner right on the nose. The neighbor burst into tears of happiness. And since then they always walked together - the neighbor with her puppy and the girl with her mother.


    Come up with a recipe for a pie that mom and her daughter baked and draw it.
    What was the girl's mother like? What would you do in her place after the girl told you about her neighbor’s deception?
    Come up with some fun game, which a mother and daughter, a neighbor and a puppy played in the park.
    Draw kind hearts for the girl’s mother and her daughter.


    Misha Kozhan, 8 years old

    Lived in big city grandmother. She loved nature so much that she planted an oak tree under her window. He was so small that he could not support the weight of a titmouse if she sat on his branch. Grandmother took care of her little oak tree and said hello to it every morning, looking out of the window. And my grandmother had a little grandson who often came to visit her. Together they went to their oak tree and looked after it. Then they sat side by side, and the grandmother read fairy tales to her grandson. Every summer they took pictures near the oak tree, and then rejoiced as they watched the baby and the tree grow. The oak tree had many new branches, and it no longer bent under the weight of the birds.

    Dubochek always looked forward to his grandson coming to visit his grandmother. He loved to listen to his grandmother's fairy tales with him and then retold them to his friends: the birds, the sun, the wind and the rain. One day, the grandson came to his grandmother, but they did not go to the oak tree and did not even greet him. The oak tree waited and waited, but it never came. Then he asked the sparrow to look out the window and find out what was the matter. Sparrow flew in upset and said that his friend was lying in bed, he had a high temperature and a sore throat. Dubochek became very alarmed and called all his friends for help.

    Raindrops gave the boy a drink alive spring water, the sun's rays warmed his throat, the breeze cooled his hot forehead, and the birds sang such a wonderful song that he immediately felt cheerful. And the disease subsided.

    “Thank you, oak tree, for your help,” the boy said to his friend the next day.

    Soon the boy went to school. Both of them grew up and became beautiful, to the delight of their grandmother. The boy listened to fairy tales and thought that when they both grew up and became big, he would come to the oak tree with his children and also read fairy tales to them under the wide, dense foliage of the oak tree. This thought made my soul feel warm and calm.


    Come up with and draw a fairy tale that your grandmother told her grandson and little oak tree.
    Draw a tree with which you are friends or dream of becoming friends, and tell about it.
    Divide the children into groups and ask them to come up with and draw different situations when the oak tree and the boy will come to each other’s aid.
    Give the children cards with drawings of different inhabitants of the earth - trees, flowers, animals, birds, etc. Children must, on behalf of those who received them on the cards, tell what and how they would help the boy recover.


    Nastya Zaitseva, 8 years old

    The enchanted garden sleeps in winter silence. Fluffy snowflakes sleep peacefully under the spreading branches of a cherry tree. Dreamed about snowflakes interesting dream. It’s as if they are circling around the cherry, and the cherry says to them: “You are so funny, my beloved children,” and then strokes them and hugs them. The fluffy snowflakes felt the gentle warmth and instantly woke up. They were sad because they were not children of the cherry, but the cherry consoles them: “Don’t be sad. When the sun warms you, you will become droplets and happily roll down to my roots.”

    That's how it all happened. The souls of the fluffy snowflakes fell in love with their kind comforter. In the spring they rolled down to her roots and became her real children: some a leaf, some a flower and a cherry. The dream of the fluffy snowflakes has come true.


    Nastya Zaitseva, 8 years old

    All the cherries were ripe, only one berry remained green and small. She saw a beautiful red berry next to her and said to her:
    - Let's be friends.

    Red Cherry looked at her and replied:
    - I don’t want to be friends with you. I am so beautiful and red, and you are green.

    The green cherry saw a large cherry and said to it:
    - Let's be friends.

    “I won’t be friends with you, you’re small, and I’m big,” answered the large cherry.

    The little cherry wanted to make friends with the ripe berry, but she didn’t want to be friends with it either. So the little cherry remained without friends.

    One day, all the cherries were picked from the tree, only the green ones remained. Time passed and she matured. There was not a single berry on any tree, and when the children found a cherry, they were very happy. They divided it among everyone and ate it. And this cherry turned out to be the most delicious.


    Nastya Zaitseva, 8 years old

    Once upon a time there was Winter. On New Year's Eve, her daughter was born. Winter didn't know what to call her. She told everyone about the birth of the winter baby and asked what name to give her, but no one could come up with a name.

    Winter became sad and went to Santa Claus to ask for help. And he answers: “I can’t help. I don’t have time, I’m preparing for the New Year.”

    Meanwhile, my daughter came running to her mother Zima and said:
    - The wind is very kind. He helps everyone. I told him that I wanted to learn to dance, and he taught me. Look, - and she began to dance.

    Daughter, you dance very beautifully,” Winter praised her daughter.

    Mom, why are you so sad? Probably tired, preparing for the New Year?

    No, I just have a lot to do,” my mother answered, “and you run and play.”

    Winter told him about everything, and the Wind invited her to fly and ask Snow what to name her daughter.

    They flew to the Snow, and Winter said:
    - Brother Snow, you probably know that I had a daughter?

    I know, because I do not appear on earth on my own, but thanks to your daughter. She helps me.

    Help me come up with a name for my daughter,” Winter asked.

    I know what name to give her - Snowflake. On my behalf - Snow.

    That’s how they named Winter’s daughter Snowflake. And they all cheerfully celebrated the New Year together.


    Come up with your own proper names for different seasons and explain why you named them that.
    What would you name a snowflake if you didn't know its name?
    What other children does Mother Winter have, and what are their names? (Blizzard, ice, frost, Snow Maiden, etc.) Draw winter gifts that different children of Winter will prepare for people. Based on each other's drawings, children guess which winter children gave people certain gifts.
    What things should Mother Winter do for the New Year? Draw the most important winter tasks.

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