Find the work Ilya Muromets and the trains. About Ilya Muromets: Three trips of Ilya Muromets

Lesson developments (lesson notes)

Initial general education

UMK line L. A. Efrosinina. Literary reading (1-4)

Attention! The site administration is not responsible for the content methodological developments, as well as for compliance with the development of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Lesson Objectives

  • Form ideas about the Motherland;
  • cultivate a sense of patriotism;
  • introduce folklore works;
  • give the concept of epic as a genre of folklore;
  • teach to compare epics;
  • teach independent reading in class;
  • develop the skill of reading silently (to yourself);
  • practice expressive reading skills.


    Understand and explain the concept of “Motherland”, identify yourself with your people and your country; compare works of folklore and indicate their features (structure, form, purpose); compare works by genre and topic; independently read the text silently; find and independently read the author’s name and title, correctly name the works.

Key Concepts

    Genre, theme, epic, folklore
Stage nameMethodical comment
1 1. Identifying reading experience: working with a book exhibition – Thank you very much, guys, who brought books with epics. Consider them. What epics about heroes are found in them? – Are there epics about Ilya Muromets in them? Name them.
2 2. Identifying the reader’s experience: working with the text of the work – Now let’s remember the epic we met in the previous lesson. Tell us about the family of Ilya Muromets. Tell us about the meeting of Ilya Muromets with the Kaliki.
3 3. Enriching the reading experience: working with a new work – And today we will get acquainted with a new work. This is the epic “Three Trips of Ilya Muromets”. Listen. (The teacher reads, the students follow the text.) - Which work did you read? -What is this epic about? – How do you imagine Ilya Muromets? – Who is the author of this work? – What is the title of the epic? Read it.
4 4. Enriching the reading experience: completing tasks in the textbook - How many parts are there in the epic? (3.) – Let’s draw up a plan. – Read the 1st part of the epic yourself. - Vocabulary work. – What can you call this part of the epic? – Read the 2nd part of the epic. - Vocabulary work. – What can you call the 2nd part of the epic? – Read the 3rd part of the epic. - Vocabulary work. – What can you call the last part of the epic?
5 5. Enriching the reading experience: working with a new work – Listen to the epic in poetic form. (The teacher reads the passage.) - Compare the excerpt from the epic “Three Trips of Ilya Muromets” with a retelling of the same epic. - Which set expressions found in this passage; in a retelling of the epic? Read it. – What repetitions are found in this passage; in a retelling of the epic? Read it. – Read the “Pay attention” section.
6 6. Generalization of what has been learned – What was Ilya Muromets like? Explain.
7 7. Recommendations for independent work Houses - Prepare a short summary. - Prepare a story about Ilya Muromets “Ilya Muromets - an epic hero.” – Complete the tasks in your notebook.

Goals: introduce the prose version of the epic text; generalize and enrich children's knowledge about epics; learn to understand historical texts, find analogies with real ones historical events; work on the content of the epic; teach expressive reading, writing a story about Ilya Muromets; develop memory, speech, thinking, imagination.

Planned results: subject: use different types reading (studying (semantic), selective, searching), the ability to consciously perceive and evaluate the content and specifics of various texts, participate in their discussion, give and justify a moral assessment of the actions of the heroes; meta-subject:

- formulation of the educational task of the lesson based on the analysis of the textbook material in joint activities, understanding it, planning together with the teacher activities to study the topic of the lesson, evaluating your work in the lesson,

— text analysis, highlighting in it main idea,

— answers to textbook questions based on work of art; personal: fostering a sense of pride in one’s homeland, its history, people, the formation of humanistic and democratic value orientations.

Equipment: exhibition of books on the topic of the lesson, the text of the epic “Three Trips of Ilya Muromets” retold by I.V. Karnaukhova.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

II. Speech warm-up

- Read it yourself.

As in the glorious city of Kyiv,

Like the affectionate prince Vladimir,

There were also cross-bellied boyars who lived here,

They said it against Ilya against Muromets,

Oh, what words does he boast about:

“I’ll survive Prince Vladimir,

I myself will sit in his place in Kyiv,

I myself will be in Kyiv and the prince of the prince!”

- Read in a buzzing way (also: slowly, with acceleration, expressively).

III. Updating knowledge

1. Statement of the educational task

- What do you think we read just now? (This is the beginning of the epic “Ilya Muromets and Idolishche.”)

— What did you learn from this text? How did you understand it?

- Read the topic of the lesson. Define its tasks.

- What do you know about this? (Children's answers.)

In the east, near the borders of China, a man named Genghis Khan appeared among the nomadic Mongolian tribes. By force, cruelty, cunning and cunning, he subjugated the steppe tribes to his power and created from them the best army of conquerors in the world. Having conquered many countries and peoples, in 1237 the army led by the grandson of Genghis Khan, Batu Khan, approached the borders of Russian lands. Batu wanted to fulfill the will of Genghis Khan - to reach the Atlantic Ocean and conquer Europe. Each of the Russian principalities tried to fight off the enemies on their own, but one after another the heroic squads died. Heroically defending cities burned down. And the conquerors went further and further across the Russian land.

— What do you know about the Golden Horde?

(The teacher summarizes and complements the children’s answers.)

On the eastern borders of the Russian lands, Batu created his own strong state - Golden Horde. After the conquests, accompanied by monstrous destruction and human casualties, main goal The Golden Horde rulers were robbing the enslaved population. This was achieved through brutal exactions. Many cities in the conquered territories, devastated by the Mongols, were in decline or completely disappeared.

The state was headed by khans from the house of Batu. In especially important cases political life kurultai were convened - congresses of the military-feudal nobility led by members of the ruling dynasty. State affairs the beklyare-bek (prince over princes) was in charge, and individual branches were led by viziers. Darugs were sent to cities and their subordinate regions, whose main duty was to collect taxes and taxes. Often, along with the Daru Gam, military leaders - Baskaks - were appointed. State structure was of a semi-military nature, since military and administrative positions, as a rule, were not separated. The most important positions were occupied by members of the ruling dynasty, princes (“oglans”), who owned appanages in the Golden Horde and headed the army.

The khans of the Golden Horde were satisfied with their possessions. The construction of rich and beautiful cities began in their state. Brisk trade resumed. Wars between numerous nomadic tribes stopped.

2. Checking homework

— What illustrations for the epic have you prepared? Present them to the class. Read expressively the passages from the epic that correspond to the illustrations.

IV. Physical education minute

V. Work on the topic of the lesson

Reading and analysis of the prose version of the epic

- Today we will get acquainted with the prose version of the epic. But first explain the meaning of the old words.

Sazhen is an old Russian measure of length, a little more than 2 m (the distance between the ends of the fingers of hands spread out to the sides).

The span is an ancient Russian measure of length, equal to the distance between the spread thumb and forefinger.

Half-shell - the smallest copper coin worth a quarter of a penny.

(The teacher reads the text of the epic “The Three Trips of Ilya Muromets” as retold by Irina Karnaukhova.)

— When did the events described in the epic take place?

—What are the features of that time?

—What is the story about in the epic? Will its title help answer this question? (The epic tells how Ilya Muromets fought the enemy. From the title you can understand that Ilya had three battles.)

— Why did Ilya Muromets want to try all three roads?

— How did the hero’s trips end?

—What inscriptions did he make?

(Re-reading the text of the epic in the textbook by students who read well.)

- Read the expressions.

Good fellow, clean field, glorious Kyiv-grad, heroic horse, brave squad.

- What are they called? (Stable epithets.)

- Read the definition of the word epithet on p. 38 textbook. Give your own examples.

- Find in the text of the epic how heroes and objects are described. Write it down on p. 14 creative notebook examples of stable epithets that are often found in epics.

- Find the similarities and differences between the poetic and prose versions of the epic.

VI. Reflection

- Choose any beginning of a sentence and continue it.

Today in class I learned...

In this lesson I would praise myself for...

After the lesson I wanted...

Today I managed...

VII. Summing up the lesson

— Let’s compose a syncwine about Ilya Muromets.

For example:

Brave, strong.

Protects, saves, reasons.

A fair defender of our Motherland.


The epic tells how Ilya Muromets fought the enemy.

  • What epic events could actually happen? Write it down.

Meeting with robbers (Tatar-Mongols), liberating prisoners, building churches.

  • Find in the epic and write down the words that describe the appearance of Ilya Muromets.

Description appearance Ilya Muromets is found only in the epic “Ilya’s Three Trips”, in the episode when the month illuminated his military equipment: “A helmet shone at forty thousand...”, “yachon stones shone.”

  • Copy from the textbook (p. 20 No. 6) those character traits that you consider the most important.

Brave, courageous, wise, intelligent, fair, strong, kind, selfless, capable of compassion.

  • Find and write down words that seem unusual to you. For example, the night is dark and dark, wealth is countless,

Glorious Russian heroes, popular robbers, cracked oak, low bushes, flint pebbles.

  • Write a story about the hero Ilya Muromets. Write down the supporting words you use in your story.

Love for the native land, stands guard over the Motherland, comes to the aid of its people, saves them from enslavement, the embodiment of the ideal of a courageous, honest person devoted to the Motherland and people, does not fear the countless forces of the enemy, not even death itself.

Ilya Muromets loves native land, stands guard over its borders, in a moment of danger comes to the aid of his people, saving them from enslavement and humiliation. He is the embodiment of the ideal of a courageous, honest person devoted to the Motherland and people. He is not afraid of the countless forces of the enemy, not even death itself! Ilya Muromets evokes my admiration, joy, and faith in the powers of the people. Ilya Muromets is a hero-warrior, defender of the Motherland, so he needs to choose the road where the robbers are hiding. He needs to free this road from evil spirits. Ilya is so strong and smart that he can handle any obstacle, even an insurmountable one, and he can deal with any enemy effortlessly.

  • Write down your plan or use this one.
    The first feat of the hero.
    The second feat of the hero.
    The third feat of the hero.
    Ilya Muromets is the defender of the Russian land.

1. The origin of Ilya Muromets, his miraculous recovery.
2. Portrait of Ilya Muromets (appearance and military equipment).
3. The character and actions of Ilya Muromets.
4. My attitude towards the hero of epics.

  • Which version of the epic (prose or poetic) did you like better? Read both versions of the epic out loud to each other. In what case can the melodiousness of a work be conveyed?

Poetic. The epic word is especially beautiful, solemn, melodious and poetic. The rhythm is easily captured in the epic verse, so the melodiousness of the work can be conveyed in the poetic version.

  • Write down how epics were performed in the old days (they were sung or told). What musical instruments were used?

The epics were performed by singer-storytellers. Once upon a time in Ancient Rus' they were called boyans (or bayans). This is where the name comes from musical instrument. True, epics were never performed with the accordion, and the name was given to the instrument in the 19th century simply in honor of the ancient singers. Once upon a time, in the old days, epics were performed to the measured, leisurely plucking of the gusli (the gusli is a Russian folk plucked multi-string instrument such as a harp). In the 18th–19th centuries, when scientists began to collect and record epics, they were performed, as a rule, without accompaniment.

Ilya rode across an open field, defending Rus' from enemies from his youth to old age.

The good old horse was good, his Burushka-Kosmatushka. Burushka has a tail of three saplings, a mane up to the knees, and wool of three spans. He did not look for a ford, he did not wait for transportation, he jumped over the river with one bound. He saved old Ilya Muromets from death hundreds of times.

It is not the fog that rises from the sea, it is not the white snow in the field that turns white, it is Ilya Muromets who is riding across the Russian steppe. His head and his curly beard turned white, his clear gaze became clouded:

Oh, you old age, you old age! You caught Ilya in an open field and swooped down like a black raven! Oh, youth, youthful youth! Flew away
you are like a clear falcon from me!

Ilya drives up to three paths, at the intersection there is a stone, and on that stone it is written: “Whoever goes to the right will be killed, whoever goes to the left will become rich, and whoever goes straight will be married.”

Ilya Muromets thought:

What do I, an old man, need wealth for? I have no wife, no children, no one to wear a colored dress, no one to spend the treasury. Should I go, where should I be married? Why should I, an old man, marry? It’s not good for me to take a young woman, but to take an old woman and lie on the stove and slurp jelly. This old age is not for Ilya Muromets. I’ll go along the path where the dead man should be. I will die in an open field, like a glorious hero!

And he drove along the road where the dead man should be.

As soon as he had driven three miles, forty robbers attacked him. They want to pull him off his horse, they want to rob him, kill him to death. And Ilya shakes his head and says:

Hey you, robber, you have nothing to kill me for and nothing to rob from me.

All I have is a marten coat worth five hundred rubles, a sable hat worth three hundred rubles, a bridle worth five hundred rubles, and a Cherkassy saddle worth two thousand. Well, another blanket of seven silks, embroidered with gold and large pearls. Yes, Burushka has a gemstone between her ears. On autumn nights it burns like the sun; three miles away it is light. Moreover, perhaps, there is a horse Burushka - so he has no price in the whole world.

Is it worth cutting off an old man’s head for such a small thing?!

The chieftain of the robbers got angry:

He's the one making fun of us! Oh, you old devil, gray wolf! You talk a lot! Hey guys, cut off his head!

Ilya jumped off Burushka-Kosmatushka, grabbed the hat from his gray head, and began waving his hat: where he waves, there will be a street, and where he waves, there will be a side street.

In one swing, ten robbers are down, in the second - not even twenty in the world!

The chieftain of the robbers prayed:

Don't beat us all, old hero! Take from us gold, silver, colored clothes, herds of horses, just leave us alive!

Ilya Muromets grinned:

If I took the gold treasury from everyone, I would have full cellars. If I took a colored dress, there would be high mountains behind me. If I took good horses, great herds would follow me.

The robbers tell him:

One red sun in this world - one such hero in Rus', Ilya Muromets!

You come to us, hero, as a comrade, you will be our chieftain!

Oh, brother robbers, I will not go to be your comrade, and you too will go to your places, to your homes, to your wives, to your children, you will stand by the roads, shedding innocent blood.

Ilya turned his horse and galloped away.

He returned to the white stone, erased the old inscription, and wrote a new one: “I drove in the right lane - I was not killed!”

Well, I’ll go now, where should a married man be!

Ilya drove three miles and came out into a forest clearing. There are golden-domed towers, silver gates are wide open, and roosters are crowing on the gates.

Ilya drove into a wide courtyard, twelve girls ran out to meet him, among them the beautiful princess.

Welcome, Russian hero, come to my high tower, drink sweet wine, eat bread and salt, roasted swan!

The princess took him by the hand, led him into the mansion, and sat him down at the oak table. They brought Ilya sweet honey, overseas wine, fried swans, grainy rolls... She gave the hero something to drink and feed, and began to persuade him:

You are tired from the road, tired, lie down, rest on a plank bed, on a feather bed.

The princess took Ilya to the sleeping quarters, and Ilya goes and thinks: “It’s not without reason that she’s being kind to me: what’s more important to the princess than a simple Cossack, an old grandfather! Apparently, she has something planned.”

Ilya sees that there is a chiseled gilded bed against the wall, painted with flowers, and he guesses that the bed is tricky.

Ilya grabbed the princess and threw her onto the bed against the plank wall. The bed turned and a stone cellar opened up, and the princess fell into it.

Ilya got angry:

Hey you, nameless servants, bring me the keys to the cellar, otherwise I’ll cut off your heads!

Oh, unknown grandfather, we have never even seen the keys, we will show you the passages to the cellars.

They took Ilya into deep dungeons; Ilya found the cellar doors; they were covered with sand and littered with thick oak trees. Ilya dug up the sands with his hands, pushed the oak trees with his feet, and opened the cellar doors. And there sit forty kings-princes, forty tsars-princes and forty Russian heroes.

That’s why the princess invited the golden-domed ones into her mansion!

Ilya says to the kings and heroes:

You, kings, go through your lands, and you, heroes, go to your places and remember Ilya of Muromets. If it weren't for me, you would have laid your heads in a deep cellar.

Ilya pulled out the braids White light the princess's daughter and cut off her evil head.

And then Ilya returned to the white stone, erased the old inscription, wrote a new one: “I went straight - I was never married.”

Well, now I’ll go on the road where the rich can be.

As soon as he drove three miles, he saw a large stone of three hundred pounds. And on that stone it is written: “Whoever is able to roll a stone will be rich.” Ilya strained himself, rested his feet, went knee-deep into the ground, gave in with his mighty shoulder and rolled the stone out of place.

A deep cellar opened under the stone - untold riches: silver, gold, large pearls, and yachts!

Ilya Burushka loaded her with expensive treasury and took her to Kyiv-grad. There he built three stone churches so that there would be a place to escape from enemies and to sit out from the fire.

He distributed the rest of the silver, gold, and pearls to widows, orphans, and did not leave a single half for himself.

Then he sat down on Burushka, went to the white stone, erased the old inscription, wrote a new inscription: “I went to the left - I was never rich.”

Here Ilya’s glory and honor went forever, and our story reached its end.

Lesson objectives:
- Continue reading the epics about Ilya Muromets.
- To develop the ability to distinguish epics from other genres of literature, develop expressive reading skills, and expand vocabulary.
- Teach children to select material to characterize a hero, to characterize a literary hero.
- Formation moral value"health".

Equipment: multimedia projector, computer, assignment for students on pieces of paper, musical excerpt from A.P. Borodin’s suite “ Bogatyrskaya outpost", song by S. Namin's group "Oh, you should live beautifully."

During the classes.

1. Organizational moment.

There is a guslar on the screen. The harp is heard . (Slide 2)
- Hello, good people. Sit down and listen. We have gathered for a good and coherent conversation. So that we have peace and harmony. I also want to wish you to participate in the conversation and listen carefully to everything. Everything you hear may be useful to you.

2. Checking homework.(Find proverbs, sayings, riddles about heroes, finish reading the epic)
The saying appears on the screen: “The Russian land is glorious for its heroes.” (Slide 3)
- What is written on the board?
- What is a saying? What other types of oral folk art do you know?
- Give an example of a riddle.
- Listen to my riddle:
Well tailored
Tightly sewn
Stands for Russian land.

Look at the proverb and try to identify the main word in it (heroes)

So, who are we going to talk about? (Slide 4)

How high is the height of heaven?
How deep is the depth of the ocean - the sea,
Russian rivers are swift and bright.
And strong, mighty,
Bogatyrs in glorious Rus'.

(read by student)

Remember the origin and meaning of the word “hero” (Slide 5)

The meaning of the word “hero” can best be determined by a dictionary. There are sheets of paper in front of you. Find the dictionary entry in them.
Children read the article:
Bogatyr - 1.Hero of Russian epics, performing feats in the name of the Motherland.
2. (figurative) A man of immeasurable strength, fortitude, and courage. An unusual person.
-How many meanings does this word have? What can we say about him? (it's ambiguous)
- Try to choose words that are close in meaning.
Strongman , warrior, defender, knight
- It was believed that heroes were mighty knights, endowed by God with an extraordinary mind and ingenuity.
- Besides strength and intelligence, what else should a hero have? (Health)
-How is your health? Is it only physical? (Spiritual) What does this mean, how do you understand it?
- Do you think there are heroes in our time?

Prove it based on what we talked about in the last lesson.

In what works do we most often meet heroes?
- What is an epic? (Slide 6)

What genre of Russian folk art is it closely related to?
What else does epic have in common with fairy tales? (structure: beginning, repetitions, the main characters fight monsters, fight for justice, defend their native land) Prove with examples from the text.
What features of the epic did we highlight in the last lesson? (melody of verse, rhyme, constant epithets, hyperbole, archaisms) Prove with examples from the text (Slide 7)
- What are hyperboles and epithets?
We met you archaisms . What it is?
Let's check if you remember the meaning of these words well.

Explain the meaning of words and expressions:
Damask armor(damask steel - ancient patterned steel - steel and patterned),
club(heavy club with a thickened end),
rosstan(crossroads of two or more roads, crossroads)
They promise sulu, promises(promises)
fathom(2.134 meters - 3 arshins)
Naked, naked(ragamuffins, poor people, beggars),
barn(sheds for storing food supplies, crops).
To cheat(to convert to the Catholic faith)
hoods(a warm headdress worn over a hat, a cloth hood with long ends..
Estimate(countless, uncountable wealth)
bury(lock in the basement)
unctuous speeches(oil - olive oil for church ceremonies, figuratively meaning affectionately soothing).
Destroyed the nest(broke a secret hiding place),
don't screw it up(don't be fooled) Latinism(Western conquerors).

With what else? literary genre does it resemble the epic? (with poem: rhythm, rhyme, hyperbole, epithets)
Match quotes from the epic with the title literary device. (Slide 8,9)
Physical education minute(under S. Namin “Oh, you should live beautifully”) (Slide 10)

They stood up together - one, two, three -
We are now heroes.
We will put our palms to our eyes,
Let's spread our strong legs.
Turning to the right
Let's look around majestically.
And you need to go left too
Look from under your palms,
And to the right, and also over the left shoulder.
Let's spread our legs like the letter L,
Just like in a dance - hands on hips,
Leaned left, right
It turns out great!

3. Working with text . (Slide 11)
1.-Let's turn to the text of the epic. Find and read passages that talk about the character of Ilya Muromets. (Expressive reading of episodes from epics. Characteristics of the hero. (memo for work)

Outline of a hero's story
1. Tell us about your favorite character. (I really liked it... I really remembered it... I found it interesting... I admire it... I really didn’t like it...)
2. Describe the hero’s appearance (his face, clothes, demeanor, how he is armed).
3. Remember in what actions, thoughts, actions the character of the hero is best revealed?
4. List the main character traits of the hero you liked (disliked).
5. How the author relates to his hero.

Read the passage and name the character trait it talks about.
- Why are words with the suffixes –enk, -onk, ichek, -echek used in describing robbers?
- Remember what meaning these suffixes give to words?
- What was this done for?
- How is Ilya described in the fight with the robbers?
- Find hyperboles - exaggerations.
- Why is this technique needed?
- What features of Ilya Muromets are emphasized with the help of hyperbole?

3. Look at the painting “The Knight at the Crossroads.” Find a passage in the text that matches this painting. (Slide 12)

Why did he return to the stone and rewrite the inscription on it?

4. Lesson summary
Let's summarize everything we have learned about Ilya Muromets, about his character, strength, and actions.
On the screen are words characterizing human qualities. You have the same ones on pieces of paper on your desks. Select those that are related to the hero. Explain your choice. ( Slide 13, 14)
(Appendix No. 2)
- Who will try to characterize Ilya Muromets, following the instructions for working on the characterization of the hero. (1-2 people) (Slide 16)

I liked Ilya Muromets. This is a hero, 33 years old. Tall, stately, powerful. Him long hair and a small beard streaked with gray. The face is wide and open. The eyes are attentive and sharp. Ilya is dressed in poor chain mail. On his head is a pointed helmet with a mantle. In his hands he holds a sword donated by Svyatogor. He has both a club and a bow and arrows. Ilya Muromets is kind, attentive, generous, and does not harm anyone needlessly. He loves his native land and the entire Russian people. Doesn't want to change Russian Orthodox faith to no other. The author likes his hero with fortitude, kindness, generosity, and openness.

What is main idea epics?

What is an epic?

What epic heroes do you know?

What qualities should an epic hero have? (Health, strength, intelligence, kindness)

What does the epic teach us? (love your homeland, protect it, be kind)

5. Homework optionally. (Slide 17)
- Reread and illustrate the passage you like. Prepare expressive reading excerpt.
- Write an essay based on Vasnetsov’s painting.
- Compose written reference epic hero.

(Slide 18)
We talked about old things,
What about the old ones, about the experienced ones,
So that the blue sea calms down,
To good people listened
So that the fellows think about it,
That Russian glory never fades!
And also strong, mighty heroes in glorious Rus'!


1. Literary reading, grade 4, lesson plans based on the textbook by O.V. Kubasova. First half of the year. The author and compiler is N.N. Doroginina. Volgograd, 2005
2. How to teach children to read epics. Toolkit. S.V. Vechkanova. M., 2002

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