National Socialism: ideology and essence. German and Russian National Socialism

We strongly associate the word fascism with Hitler's Germany. However, the head of the Third Reich, Adolf Hitler, did not profess fascism, but National Socialism. While many provisions coincide, there are significant differences and even contradictions between the two ideologies.

A fine line

Today, any movement that is extremely radical in nature, declaring nationalist slogans, is usually called a manifestation of fascism. The word fascist, in fact, has turned into a cliche, having lost its original meaning. This is not surprising, since the two most dangerous totalitarian ideologies of the 20th century - fascism and national socialism - for a long time were in close contact, exerting a noticeable influence on each other.

Indeed, they have a lot in common - chauvinism, totalitarianism, leaderism, lack of democracy and pluralism of opinions, reliance on a one-party system and punitive authorities. National Socialism is often called one of the forms of manifestation of fascism. The German Nazis willingly adapted some elements of fascism on their soil, in particular, Nazi salute is a tracing paper of the so-called Roman salute.

With the widespread confusion of concepts and principles that guided Nazism and fascism, it is not so easy to identify differences between them. But before doing this, we need to look at the origins of the two ideologies.


The word fascism has Italian roots: “fascio” in Russian sounds like “union”.
This word, for example, was in the name of Benito Mussolini’s political party – Fascio di combattimento (Union of Struggle). "Fascio" in turn goes back to the Latin word "fascis", which translates as "bundle" or "bundle".

Fasces - bundles of elm or birch twigs, tied with a red cord or tied with belts - were a kind of attribute of power of the ancient Roman kings or masters during the era of the Republic. Initially, they symbolized the right of the authorities to achieve their decisions by using force. According to some versions, the fasces were indeed an instrument of corporal punishment, and together with the ax - the death penalty.

The ideological roots of fascism originate in the 1880s in the phenomenon of Fin de siècle (from French - “end of the century”), characterized by oscillations between euphoria in anticipation of change and eschatological fear of the future. The intellectual basis of fascism was largely prepared by the works of Charles Darwin (biology), Richard Wagner (aesthetics), Arthur de Gobineau (sociology), Gustave Le Bon (psychology) and Friedrich Nietzsche (philosophy). [С-BLOCK]

At the turn of the century, a number of works appeared that professed the doctrine of the superiority of an organized minority over a disorganized majority, the legitimacy of political violence, and the concepts of nationalism and patriotism were radicalized. This leads to the emergence of political regimes seeking to strengthen the regulatory role of the state, violent methods of suppressing dissent, and rejection of the principles of economic and political liberalism.

In many countries such as Italy, France, Belgium, Hungary, Romania, Japan, Argentina in full voice Fascist movements make themselves known. They profess similar principles: authoritarianism, social Darwinism, elitism, while simultaneously defending anti-socialist and anti-capitalist positions.

In its purest form, the doctrine of fascism as the power of a corporate state was expressed by the Italian leader Benito Mussolini, who by this word understood not only the system government controlled, but also ideology. In 1924, the National Fascist Party of Italy (Partito Nazionale Fascista) received a parliamentary majority, and since 1928 it became the only legal party in the country.

National Socialism

This movement, known as Nazism, became the official political ideology of the Third Reich. It is often seen as a type of fascism with elements of pseudoscientific racism and anti-Semitism, which is expressed in the concept of “German fascism”, by analogy with Italian or Japanese fascism.

German political scientist Manuel Sarkisyants writes that Nazism is not a German invention. The philosophy of Nazism and the theory of dictatorship were formulated in the mid-19th century by the Scottish historian and publicist Thomas Carlyle. “Like Hitler, Carlyle never betrayed his hatred, his contempt for the parliamentary system,” notes Sarkisyants. “Like Hitler, Carlyle always believed in the saving virtue of dictatorship.”

The main goal for German National Socialism was to build and establish a “pure state” over the widest possible geographical area, in which the main role would be allocated to representatives of the Aryan race, who have everything necessary for a prosperous existence.[С-BLOCK]

National Socialist German workers' party(NSDAP) was in power in Germany from 1933 to 1945. Hitler often emphasized the importance of Italian fascism, which influenced the formation of Nazi ideology. He gave a special place to the March on Rome (the march of Italian fascists in 1922, which contributed to the rise of Mussolini), which became an inspiring example for German radicals.

The ideology of German Nazism was based on the principle of uniting the doctrines of Italian fascism around National Socialist ideas, where Mussolini’s absolute state would be transformed into a society with a eugenic doctrine of race.

So close, but different

According to Mussolini, the main provisions of the fascist doctrine are the doctrine of the state, its essence, tasks and goals. For the ideology of fascism, the state is an absolute - an unquestioned authority and the highest authority. All individuals or social groups are inconceivable without a state.

This idea is expressed more clearly in the slogan that Mussolini proclaimed in his speech in the Chamber of Deputies on May 26, 1927: “Everything is in the state, nothing is against the state and nothing is outside the state.”

The attitude of the National Socialists towards the state was fundamentally different. For the ideologists of the Third Reich, the state is “only a means to preserve the people.” In the long term, National Socialism did not set a goal to maintain the structure of the state, but sought to reorganize it into public institutions. [С-BLOCK]

The state in National Socialism was seen as an intermediate stage in building an ideal, racially pure society. Here one can see some analogy with the ideas of Marx and Lenin, who considered the state a transitional form on the path to building a classless society.

The second stumbling block between the two systems is the national and racial question. For the fascists, a corporate approach in solving the problem was extremely important in this regard. national problems. Mussolini stated that “race is a feeling, not a reality; 95% feeling." Moreover, Mussolini tried to avoid this word whenever possible, replacing it with the concept of nation. It was the Italian nation that was for the Duce a source of pride and an incentive for its further exaltation.[С-BLOCK]

Hitler called the concept of "nation" "obsolete and empty", despite the presence of this word in the name of his party. German leaders solved the national question through a racial approach, literally by mechanically purifying the race and maintaining racial purity through weeding out foreign elements. The racial question is the cornerstone of Nazism.

Racism and anti-Semitism were alien to fascist ideology in its original sense. Although Mussolini admitted that he became a racist back in 1921, he emphasized that there was no imitation of German racism here. “It is necessary that Italians respect their race,” Mussolini declared his “racist” position.

Moreover, Mussolini more than once condemned the eugenic teachings of National Socialism about the purity of the race. In March 1932, in a conversation with German writer By Emil Ludwig, he noted that “to date there are no completely pure races left in the world. Even the Jews did not escape confusion.” [С-BLOCK]

“Anti-Semitism does not exist in Italy,” declared the Duce. And these were not just words. While anti-Semitic campaigns in Italy were gaining momentum in Germany, many important positions in universities, banks or the army continued to be held by Jews. It was only in the mid-1930s that Mussolini declared white supremacy in Italy's African colonies and adopted anti-Semitic rhetoric for the sake of an alliance with Germany.

It is important to note that Nazism is not a necessary component of fascism. Thus, the fascist regimes of Salazar in Portugal, Franco in Spain or Pinochet in Chile were deprived of the theory of racial superiority fundamental to Nazism.

The further the years go Great War, those stronger desire fascists to whitewash their crimes. And thanks to the decline of morals, they have no problems with this task. And now orderly ranks of neo-Nazis are marching through the hero cities. They walk along the very streets where in the terrible years it was impossible to take even a step without stepping into the blood of their fathers, brutally tortured by today’s idols.

Who are you, a modern National Socialist? Why haven’t 20 million lives convinced you that the ideology of death is a dead end, and your prophet is a mentally ill person obsessed with creating a mythical “pure race”? It is clear why the idea of ​​superiority and chosenness is so attractive to the weak and offended. On this hook since the time of the Sumerian temples and Egyptian pyramids I caught a lot of illiterate, weak-willed fish.

A tale of unusual fate and the attention of the universe

Christians are chosen by God to usher in a new world - it is difficult to refuse such prospects. Muslims contradict the followers of Christ by calling for the killing of infidels, since only their prophet is trustworthy. They turn to where the most fertile soil for the seeds of selfishness, fanaticism and all other “isms” is - to human loneliness. The attention of the universe flatters and makes you submit to false perspectives.

For the wallowed in everyday life, the disappointed, weak-willed man in the street, the call to join the army of the chosen becomes a new birth. Aimless life takes on higher meaning, and the death of opponents fuels the feeling of being chosen, painting the struggle for imaginary justice in crimson tones. Russian National Socialists, following the example of their older “brothers,” using the bloodthirsty instincts of the crowd, recruit those who do not know how to think critically and question the expediency of mass murder.

Who is a National Socialist

Don't let the word "socialism" deceive you. This is not the usual struggle against capitalism, familiar from the Russian communist past. The rise to power of the National Socialists in Germany in the thirties marked the birth of a new monster - the ideology of the pure race, when anyone who did not meet the pseudoscientific requirements proving their belonging to the Aryans was subject to destruction.

The first adherent of the bloody religion was Hitler. The National Socialist, who led the largest war of conquest, like those prophets, proclaimed that the Germans were a nation of masters, created to rule the rest of the planet's population. So in the phrase “National Socialist” a word appeared that signifies the party’s commitment to radical racism - “national”.

Fascist commandments

Like the devilish church, the Nazi party recruits adherents by playing with loud words about love of the Fatherland, patriotism and heroic destiny. Slogans about the incapacity of hostile cultures will always find support among the people. People lived for thousands of years defending their land from raids and devastation. We are genetically programmed to be wary of our neighbors. Hitler realized that if you turn to one of the basic instincts - suspicion of people with different skin and faith, you can unite the short-sighted. This is how a terrible machine of genocide was created.

Hitler's Mein Kampf became the bible of fascism, and Goebbels' commandments, mocking the philanthropic laws of Christianity, called only for violence. But at that difficult time, this dark ideology found unprecedented support - Germany, which was on its knees, straightened its shoulders, finding a purpose. Even if the goal was unworthy, the nation was tired of the oppression and humiliation caused by neighboring states that were kind in words. These are the calls:

1. Love Germany with deeds, not words.

2. Despise the enemies of the state with all your heart.

3. Always give preference to your compatriots.

4. If you demand only responsibilities for yourself, then Germany will regain rights.

5. Be proud of your Motherland, for which millions shed their blood.

6. He who defames Germany deserves the most terrible punishment.

7. Win your rights.

8. Don’t be a scandalous anti-Semite, but remember the Jewish threat.

9. Live in such a way that your country is proud of you.

10. To earn fame, you must believe in it.

In this case, the most terrible methods were used. Hatred towards dissidents was recognized as the only means of coexistence, and the law called violence and murder an acceptable method of struggle.

Russian National Socialist

After all of the above, the popularity of radical movements in modern Russia. Are we really different from the plundered and enslaved Germany of the last century? Rejected by the world community and observing the growth of Russophobic sentiments, having no solid ground under their feet and amazed at the impudence of the adversaries who have surrounded the country with military bases on all sides, frightened people are looking for at least a sense of security.

The cure against Nazism could be universal education and a return to the status of the most reading nation. Doubt is the main weapon of an intellectual. Don't believe it loud words- they always pursue their goal. Think, doubt and do not give in to suggestion.

We strongly associate the word fascism with Hitler's Germany. However, the head of the Third Reich, Adolf Hitler, did not profess fascism, but National Socialism. While many provisions coincide, there are significant differences and even contradictions between the two ideologies.

A fine line

Today, any movement that is extremely radical in nature, declaring nationalist slogans, is usually called a manifestation of fascism. The word fascist, in fact, has turned into a cliche, having lost its original meaning. This is not surprising, since the two most dangerous totalitarian ideologies of the 20th century - fascism and national socialism - were in close contact for a long time, exerting a noticeable influence on each other.

Indeed, they have a lot in common - chauvinism, totalitarianism, leaderism, lack of democracy and pluralism of opinions, reliance on a one-party system and punitive authorities. National Socialism is often called one of the forms of manifestation of fascism. The German Nazis willingly adapted some elements of fascism on their soil, in particular, the Nazi salute is a copy of the so-called Roman salute.

With the widespread confusion of concepts and principles that guided Nazism and fascism, it is not so easy to identify differences between them. But before doing this, we need to look at the origins of the two ideologies.

The word fascism has Italian roots: “fascio” in Russian sounds like “union”. This word, for example, was in the name of Benito Mussolini's political party - Fascio di combattimento (Union of Struggle). "Fascio" in turn goes back to the Latin word "fascis", which translates as "bundle" or "bundle".

Fasces - bundles of elm or birch twigs, tied with a red cord or tied with belts - were a kind of attribute of power of the ancient Roman kings or masters in the era of the Republic. Initially, they symbolized the right of the authorities to achieve their decisions by using force. According to some versions, the fasces were indeed an instrument of corporal punishment, and together with the ax - the death penalty.

The ideological roots of fascism originate in the 1880s in the phenomenon of Fin de siècle (from French - “end of the century”), characterized by oscillations between euphoria in anticipation of change and eschatological fear of the future. The intellectual basis of fascism was largely prepared by the works of Charles Darwin (biology), Richard Wagner (aesthetics), Arthur de Gobineau (sociology), Gustave Le Bon (psychology) and Friedrich Nietzsche (philosophy).

At the turn of the century, a number of works appeared that professed the doctrine of the superiority of an organized minority over a disorganized majority, the legitimacy of political violence, and the concepts of nationalism and patriotism were radicalized. This leads to the emergence of political regimes seeking to strengthen the regulatory role of the state, violent methods of suppressing dissent, and rejection of the principles of economic and political liberalism.

In many countries, such as Italy, France, Belgium, Hungary, Romania, Japan, Argentina, fascist movements are loudly making themselves known. They profess similar principles: authoritarianism, social Darwinism, elitism, while simultaneously defending anti-socialist and anti-capitalist positions.

In its purest form, the doctrine of fascism as the power of a corporate state was expressed by the Italian leader Benito Mussolini, who by this word meant not only a system of government, but also an ideology. In 1924, the National Fascist Party of Italy (Partito Nazionale Fascista) received a parliamentary majority, and since 1928 it became the only legal party in the country.

National Socialism

This movement, known as Nazism, became the official political ideology of the Third Reich. It is often seen as a type of fascism with elements of pseudoscientific racism and anti-Semitism, which is expressed in the concept of “German fascism”, by analogy with Italian or Japanese fascism.

German political scientist Manuel Sarkisyants writes that Nazism is not a German invention. The philosophy of Nazism and the theory of dictatorship were formulated in the mid-19th century by the Scottish historian and publicist Thomas Carlyle. “Like Hitler, Carlyle never betrayed his hatred, his contempt for the parliamentary system,” notes Sarkisyants. “Like Hitler, Carlyle always believed in the saving virtue of dictatorship.”

The main goal for German National Socialism was to build and establish a “pure state” over the widest possible geographical area, in which the main role would be given to representatives of the Aryan race, which had everything necessary for a prosperous existence.

The National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP) was in power in Germany from 1933 to 1945. Hitler often emphasized the importance of Italian fascism, which influenced the formation of Nazi ideology. He gave a special place to the March on Rome (the march of Italian fascists in 1922, which contributed to the rise of Mussolini), which became an inspiring example for German radicals.

The ideology of German Nazism was based on the principle of uniting the doctrines of Italian fascism around National Socialist ideas, where Mussolini’s absolute state would be transformed into a society with a eugenic doctrine of race.

So close, but different

According to Mussolini, the main provisions of the fascist doctrine are the doctrine of the state, its essence, tasks and goals. For the ideology of fascism, the state is an absolute - an indisputable authority and the highest authority. All individuals or social groups are inconceivable without the state.

This idea is expressed more clearly in the slogan that Mussolini proclaimed in his speech in the Chamber of Deputies on May 26, 1927: “Everything is in the state, nothing is against the state and nothing is outside the state.”

The attitude of the National Socialists towards the state was fundamentally different. For the ideologists of the Third Reich, the state is “only a means to preserve the people.” In the long term, National Socialism did not aim to maintain the structure of the state, but sought to reorganize it into public institutions.

The state in National Socialism was seen as an intermediate stage in building an ideal, racially pure society. Here one can see some analogy with the ideas of Marx and Lenin, who considered the state a transitional form on the path to building a classless society.

The second stumbling block between the two systems is the national and racial question. For the fascists, a corporate approach to solving national problems was extremely important in this regard. Mussolini stated that “race is a feeling, not a reality; 95% feeling." Moreover, Mussolini tried to avoid this word whenever possible, replacing it with the concept of nation. It was the Italian nation that was a source of pride for the Duce and an incentive for its further exaltation.

Hitler called the concept of "nation" "obsolete and empty", despite the presence of this word in the name of his party. German leaders solved the national question through a racial approach, literally by mechanically purifying the race and maintaining racial purity through weeding out foreign elements. The racial question is the cornerstone of Nazism.

Racism and anti-Semitism were alien to fascist ideology in its original sense. Although Mussolini admitted that he became a racist back in 1921, he emphasized that there was no imitation of German racism here. “It is necessary that Italians respect their race,” Mussolini declared his “racist” position.

Moreover, Mussolini more than once condemned the eugenic teachings of National Socialism about the purity of the race. In March 1932, in a conversation with the German writer Emil Ludwig, he noted that “to date there are no completely pure races left in the world. Even the Jews did not escape confusion.”

“Anti-Semitism does not exist in Italy,” declared the Duce. And these were not just words. While anti-Semitic campaigns in Italy were gaining momentum in Germany, many important positions in universities, banks or the army continued to be held by Jews. It was only in the mid-1930s that Mussolini declared white supremacy in Italy's African colonies and adopted anti-Semitic rhetoric for the sake of an alliance with Germany.

It is important to note that Nazism is not a necessary component of fascism. Thus, the fascist regimes of Salazar in Portugal, Franco in Spain or Pinochet in Chile were deprived of the theory of racial superiority fundamental to Nazism.

Past and present on this moment not particularly relevant. National Socialism is no exception. But, as political reality shows, many large-scale mistakes can be avoided by analyzing the past. This article examines the essence of National Socialism. Anti-human and absurd, destructive.

Definition of the concept

National Socialism (or Nazism) is an ideological and political movement. National Socialism is also commonly called the regime of government in Germany by Adolf Hitler (1933-1945) and the NSDAP party. The ideology is particularly aggressive, racist and extremist. Nazism is an ideological doctrine that is officially prohibited at the international legal level, and propaganda of this doctrine is criminally punishable in all highly developed countries of the world. This is due to the fact that the implementation of National Socialist ideas in practice led to the most horrific consequences in world history. More than 50 million people died at the hands of the Nazis.

Genesis of Nazi ideology

At the origins of National Socialist ideology lie a wide variety of teachings (sometimes even contradictory). Among them are the occult and theosophical societies of Germany and Austria-Hungary, which arose in late XIX century. A very accurate example of such teachings is Armanism. Its ideologist is the Austrian Guido von List, who outlined his ideas in the magazine Ostara.

Liszt theory

Guido von List is certainly the most colorful figure of those times, whom the Nazis imitated. According to his ideas, the ancient Germans had a specific religion, which gave them the opportunity to learn all the secrets of the surrounding world. Nature, in his opinion, represents a certain cycle: appearance, existence, death and rebirth. Leaf seen in this cycle universal law Universe. A person must live and develop in harmony with the surrounding world (nature). Racial purity is a consequence of this consent.

The political essence of List's theory lies in the assignment state power sacred place. The power elite must be racially pure and absolute. Fulfillment of these occult instructions was to be the key to future salvation. Liszt took the position of brutally destroying all enemies so that the chosen ones could enter their lands and thus gain prosperity. According to ancient German legends, List demanded the accession of a sacred dictator to solve all human problems. German National Socialism was built on these principles.

National Socialist "Enlightenment"

The ideologists of this movement worked to create a “screen” that stated that their worldview was based on almost the entire past cultural and intellectual heritage of the German people. The ranks of the so-called predecessors included: G. Hegel, F. Nietzsche, W. von Hutten, R. Wagner, the Brothers Grimm and many other figures of science and art.

Almost all of the above historical figures had nothing to do with Nazi ideology. They addressed them creative heritage only for the sake of speculation in public consciousness.

The ideology of National Socialism and its symbolism are primarily associated with the name of Adolf Hitler (1889-1945). He outlined his inhuman doctrine in the legendary book Mein Kampf (“My Struggle”). There he postulated the theory of the superiority of the Aryan race over the rest of humanity.

The superiority of the Aryan race

According to the beliefs of A. Hitler, the Germans are superior to all other peoples, since they have preserved the racial purity of the Aryans. Their obligatory duty is to increase the size of the nation to fulfill their historical destiny - to achieve dominance throughout the world. Racial theory became the basis of the activities of Hitler's NSDAP party, and the entire Third Reich.

In the already mentioned book “Mein Kampf” Hitler said that humanity exists in accordance with a special law of nature, which states that the forms of reproduction and direct procreation are very limited. Therefore, the stronger and purer race must take away the living space and means of subsistence from the weaker. Jews, gypsies, blacks, Slavs and Arabs were considered inferior races. All of them were subject to direct physical destruction or subjugation to the superior race of the Aryans.

Racial beliefs of the National Socialists

The most common definition among Nazi ideologists was the definition of race as the sum of external characteristics that are determined by blood relationship. Among the many features, great importance was attached to form and appearance skull, eye and hair color, posture and even the shape of the nose. The highest race, which were the ancestors of the Aryans - the Germans, was endowed with all the best physical properties and virtues. At the same time, all the lower races mentioned were endowed with moral vices and diseases. Therefore, there was a constant struggle against the degeneration of the German nation following the example of inferior races.

Modern anthropology has demolished all such Nazi arguments, convincingly proving that the category of “pure race” is nothing more than just an abstraction and fiction. In reality, due to historical circumstances, only mixed racial formations exist. All racial characteristics, both anatomical and mental, are very widely intertwined in modern world. Therefore, National Socialism in Germany had no scientific justification.

The concept of “subhuman”

From Nazi racial theory emerged the quite comprehensive term “subhuman.” SS leader G. Himmler became an outspoken supporter of its use and introduction into everyday use. The term was first used on August 6, 1941 by Gustav Herbert, and subsequently became very popular. The term was based on the theory that the German nation had superiority over all other peoples. Himmler himself expressed himself quite clearly on this matter: “As long as people live in the world, the struggle between man and sub-man will be considered a historically determined rule.” The term was used more than once by the most prominent propagandist and ideologist of National Socialism, Alfred Rosenberg, including calling the Russian people “subhumans,” who should cease to exist after the victory of the “great Reich.”

The image of the Aryan in Nazi ideology

The National Socialists saw themselves as the new builders of a “greater Germany” and tried to educate Germans who would excel in the role of the dominant race. The Nazis borrowed the concept of “superman” from the philosophical system of F. Nietzsche. The image of the Aryan was shrouded in legends and seemed heroic and creative. The ideal of human beauty was based on excellent physical capabilities, but not everyone met it.

An Aryan (German) man must be healthy, full of strength and dressed in military uniform. These factors were supposed to give him attractiveness and heroism in the eyes of German girls, so that they would not even think about marrying representatives of an alien race and would maintain the purity of their blood. This image of a purebred Aryan was introduced according to the ideas of the Fuhrer A. Hitler and the official ideologist of National Socialism Alfred Rosenberg.

National Socialism in Russia

Despite the fact of international condemnation, National Socialism in the modern world has begun to occupy new political positions. In many countries of the world there are organizations that in one way or another promote ideas about the inequality of races and nations. The combination of these ideas is called neo-Nazism. Russian Federation is no exception. The concept of Russian National Socialism has long been included in the lexicon domestic policy. In the 90s, many far-right political parties and organizations began to use the term “Russian National Socialism” to designate their political goals and programs. The ideas of National Socialism in its Russian version have not changed. Only instead of the German chosen race, the Russian race is established, which must conquer the peoples.

Thus, we can summarize. The ideology and practice of National Socialism is absolutely hateful and inhumane, for which no justification can be found. Millions of people have become victims of this teaching, and one of the priority tasks modern politics- to prevent the revival of the condemned ideology, since such trends have already emerged and have very real force. Fascism and National Socialism brought immeasurable grief to humanity.

The idea of ​​the Nation is a symbol of social nationalism

This term should not be confused with National Socialism

Social nationalism(the abbreviations are also used - Social-nationalism, CoNcism, CN)political ideology, based on the idea of ​​the nation as the optimal form of existence of human society. In this case, “nation” is understood as a self-sufficient consanguineous hierarchical human community.
The newest ideologists of social-nationalism (A. Beletsky, A. Odnorozhenko) define it as an ideology based on maximalism, national-racial egoism, love for one’s own, intolerance for the enemy and activism. Basic principles social nationalism are:
1. Sociality (“We do not reject the existence of the rich (but not the super-rich), but we reject the possibility of the existence of the poor”)
2. Racialism (“People are naturally born with different abilities and opportunities, and therefore a person’s great happiness is when she finds her place in the national hierarchy and conscientiously fulfills her life task”))
3. Great power (“This question, oddly enough, is not so much political as biological. Any living organism in nature strives for expansion, reproduction, increase. This law is universal for the ciliate-slipper, and for humans, and for the nation-race”))
Social nationalism, also by the definition of its ideologists (A. Beletsky, A. Odnorozhenko), is anti-system (anti-democratic and anti-capitalist), self-sufficient, militant and uncompromising.
According to the main goal of their ideology, the social-nationalists understand it as follows: “creations, instead of a bunch of disparate individuals, mechanically united by the name “Ukrainian” and the presence of a Ukrainian passport, the National Nadspilnota - the only biological organism which will consist of New People - physically, intellectually and spiritually developed person. From the mass of individuals a Nation must emerge, and from the weak modern man- Superman."
The goal of social-nationalism in the sphere of statehood is proclaimed to be the construction of a new social order, where the principles of social and national justice will be embodied.
Social nationalism is aimed at establishing the state-political regime of nationocracy. Thus, the form of organization that social-nationalism offers is original and does not fit into the doctrine of fascism or national socialism.
Ideologically, social-nationalism opposes internationalism, defining the racial essence of human communities as natural and such that it does not require artificial changes.
As a state concept, social nationalism is opposed to anarchism, which denies the need for the existence of a state.
Putting forward the slogan of the fight against capitalism, social-nationalism advocates a complete social reorganization of marriage, but its ideology is not socialism, it is based on the national Naziocratic tradition and offers a solution social problems without overtly socialist forms.
In terms of values, social-nationalism denies liberalism and puts the so-called “natural” human rights above the rights of human communities. Social-nationalism recognizes the rights of the nation as high rights, and makes the rights of individual people dependent on the volume and nature of the duties performed in society and the responsibility assumed.
Social nationalism began to take shape in the early 1990s in the circles of Ukrainian integral nationalists. In 1991, Ukrainian nationalists, who were eager to adapt integral nationalism to new conditions, formed the Social-National Party of Ukraine, which during the 1990s and early XXI years century. was the only one organizational structure, the ideological basis of which was social nationalism. With the collapse of the SNPU, its successor VO “Svoboda” moved away from the open declaration of the ideology of social-nationalism and its principles.
They also base their activities on the ideology of social-nationalism public organizations:
Recent history social-nationalism should begin on November 8, 2008, when a meeting of the leaders of social-nationalist organizations of Ukraine was held in Kiev and a decision was made to form a single social-nationalist force - the Social-nationalist Assembly, which at the first stage organizationally united 4 social-nationalist organizations (“Patriot of Ukraine”, Armed Forces “Rod”, Private Party of Ukraine “Ukrainian Alternative” and NGO “SiCh”).

? ? Andrey Beletsky “Ukrainian racial social-nationalism” (“Ukrainian social nationalism” - Kharkov: “Patriot of Ukraine”, 2007 pp. 3-5)

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