Life is good in Rus', Yakov the Faithful. The topic of the literature lesson is “the ideological meaning of stories about sinners”


There was a gentleman of low birth,
He bought a village with bribes,
He lived in it continuously for thirty-three years,
He took liberties, reveled, drank bitter things.
Greedy, stingy, did not make friends with the nobles,
I only went to see my sister for tea;
Even with relatives, not only with peasants,
Mr. Polivanov was cruel;
Having married my daughter, my husband
He flogged them and drove them both away naked,
In the teeth of an exemplary slave,
Jacob the faithful
Walking around he hit with his heel.

People of servile rank -
Real dogs sometimes:
The heavier the punishment,
That's why gentlemen are dearer to them.
Yakov appeared like this from his youth,
Yakov had only joy:
To groom, protect, please the master
Yes, rock my little nephew.
So they both lived to old age.
The master's legs began to wither,
I went for treatment, but my legs didn’t come back to life...
Full of partying, playing around and singing!
The eyes are clear
The cheeks are red
Plump hands are as white as sugar,
Yes, there are shackles on my feet!

The landowner lies quietly under his robe,
He curses his bitter fate,
Yakov with his master: friend and brother
The master is calling faithful Yakov.
The two of us whiled away the winter and summer,
They played cards more
We went to see my sister to relieve boredom
About twelve versts on good days.
Yakov himself will carry him out, lay him down,
He himself will take the long distance to his sister,
He will help you get to the old lady yourself,
So they lived happily - for the time being...

Jacob's nephew, Grisha, grew up
At the master’s feet: “I want to get married!”
- "Who is the bride?" - "The bride is Arisha."
The master answers: “I’ll drive it into the coffin!”
He thought to himself, looking at Arisha:
“If only God could move his legs!”
No matter how much my uncle asked for his nephew,
The rival's master became a recruit.
I seriously offended the exemplary slave,
Jacob the faithful
Master, the slave has fooled me!
I'm dead drunk... It's awkward without Yakov,
Whoever serves is a fool, a scoundrel!
Anger has been boiling in everyone for a long time,
Fortunately, there is a case: be rude, take it out!
The master either asks or swears like a dog,
So two weeks passed.
Suddenly his faithful servant returns...
The first thing is to bow to the ground.
It’s a pity for him, you see, he’s become legless:
Who will be able to comply with it?
“Just do not remember cruel deeds;
I will carry my cross to the grave!”
Again the landowner lies under his robe,
Yakov sits at his feet again,
Again the landowner calls him brother.
"Why are you frowning, Yasha?" - "Muddy!"
A lot of fungi were strung on threads,
We played cards, drank some tea,
Pour cherries and raspberries into drinks
And they gathered to have some fun with their sister.

The landowner smokes, lies carefree,
I'm glad to see the clear sun and greenery.
Yakov is gloomy, speaks reluctantly,
Jacob's reins are trembling,
Gets baptized. “Forget me, evil spirit!”
Whispers, “scatter!” (his enemy was stirring up),
They're going... To the right is a wooded slum,
Its name has been since ancient times: Devil's Ravine;
Yakov turned and drove down the ravine,
The master was taken aback: “Where are you going, where are you going?”
Yakov doesn't say a word. We passed at a pace
Several miles; not the road - trouble!
Pits, dead wood; running along the ravine
Spring waters, trees rustle...
The horses began to stand - and not a step further,
Pine trees stick out like a wall in front of them.

Yakov, without looking at the poor master,
He began to unharness the horses,
Faithful to Yash, trembling, pale,
The landowner then began to beg.
Yakov listened to the promises - and rudely,
He laughed evilly: “I found the murderer!
I will dirty my hands with murder,
No, it’s not for you to die!”
Yakov jumped onto a tall pine tree,
The reins at the top strengthened it,
He crossed himself, looked at the sun,
He put his head in a noose and lowered his legs!..

What passions of God! hanging
Yakov is swinging rhythmically over the master.
The master rushes about, sobs, screams,
One echo responds!

Stretching his head, his voice strained
Master - the screams are in vain!
The Devil's Ravine is wrapped in a shroud,
At night the dew is heavy there,
You can't see Zgi! only owls scurry about,
Spreading its wings on the ground,
You can hear the horses chewing leaves,
Quietly ringing the bells.
As if a cast iron fits - they burn
Someone's two round, bright eyes,
Some birds are flying noisily,
I hear they settled nearby.
The raven croaked alone above Yakov.
Chu! There were up to a hundred of them!
The gentleman hooted and threatened with a crutch!
What passions of God!

The master lay in the ravine all night,
Drive away birds and wolves with groans,
In the morning the hunter saw him.
The master returned home, lamenting:
"I am a sinner, a sinner! Execute me!"
You, master, will be an exemplary slave,
Jacob the faithful
Remember until judgment day!

“Sins, sins,” was heard
From all sides. - It’s a pity for Yakov,
Yes, it’s creepy for the master too, -
What a punishment he received!”
- “Sorry!..” They also heard
Two or three stories are scary
And they argued heatedly
About who is the worst sinner of all.
One said: innkeepers,
Another said: landowners,
And the third is men.
It was Ignatius Prokhorov,
Carrying out transportation
Sedate and prosperous
The man is not an empty talker.
He saw all sorts of species,
Traveled all over the province
Both along and across.
You should listen to him
However, the Vahlaks
They got so angry, they didn’t let me
Say a word to Ignatius,
Especially Klim Yakovlev
He swaggered: “You’re a fool!..”
- “You should have listened first...”
- "You're a fool..."
- “And that’s all you,
I see, fools! -
Suddenly inserted a rude word
Eremin, merchant brother,
Buying from peasants
Anything, bast shoes,
Whether it's veal or lingonberries,
And most importantly - a master
Be on the lookout for opportunities
When were the taxes collected?
And the Vakhlatsky property
Was put under the hammer.-
They started an argument,
But they didn’t miss the point!
Who is the worst sinner of all? think!"
- “Well, who? Speak!”
- "We know who: robbers!"
And Klim answered him:
"You were not serfs,
There was a great drop,
Not your bald spot!
I've filled my purse: I'm imagining
There are robbers everywhere for him;
Robbery is a special article,
Robbery has nothing to do with it!”
- "Robber for robber"
Interceded!" - Prasol said,
And Lavin - jump to him!
"Pray!" - and put some prasol in your teeth.
"Say goodbye to your bellies!"
And spray in Avalanche's teeth.
"Oh, fight! Well done!"
The peasants parted
Nobody encouraged
Nobody separated.
Blows rained down like hail:
"I'll kill you! Write to your parents!"
- “I’ll kill you! Call the priest!”
It ended with Prasol
Klim squeezed his hand like a hoop,
The other grabbed his hair
And he bent with the word “bow”
Merchant at his feet.
“Well, that’s it!” said Prasol.
Klim released the offender,
The offender sat on a log,
Wide checkered scarf
He wiped himself off and said:
“I took yours! Isn’t it amazing?
He doesn’t reap, he doesn’t plow, he wanders around
According to the Konovalsky position.
How can you not work up your energy?"
(The peasants laughed.)
- “Wouldn’t you like it yet?”
Klim said cheerfully.
"You thought not? Let's try!"
The merchant carefully removed the scent
And he spat in his hands.

"Open the lips of sin
The turn has come: listen!
And so I will reconcile you!" -
Suddenly Ionushka exclaimed,
Listening silently all evening,
Sighing and being baptized,
Humble praying mantis.
The merchant was happy; Klim Yakovlev
He kept silent. Sit down,
There was silence.

At the end she sat down under a willow tree,
A modest witness
All the life of the Vakhlaks,
Where the holidays are celebrated
Where do the gatherings gather?
Where they flog you during the day and in the evening
They kiss, they make love, -
Lights and noise all night.

On the logs lying here,
On the log house of a built-up hut
The men sat down;
Our wanderers are here too
We sat next to Vlasushka;
Vlas poured vodka.
“Drink, vahlachki, take a walk!” -
Klim shouted cheerfully.
As soon as you decide to drink,
Vlas to his little son
He cried out: “Run after Tryphon!”

With the parish sexton Tryphon,
Reveler, godfather of the headman,
His sons came
Seminarists: Savvushka
And Grisha, good guys,
Letters to peasants and relatives
Wrote; "Position",
How it happened, they interpreted to them,
Mowed, reaped, sowed
And drank vodka on holidays
On a par with the peasantry.
Now Savva is a deacon
I looked, and Gregory
Face thin, pale
And the hair is thin, curly,
With a hint of red.
Immediately outside the village
The Volga walked, and behind the Volga
There was a small town
(To be more precise, cities
There was no shadow at that time,
And there were firebrands:
The fire destroyed everything third year).
So passing people
Vakhlak acquaintances,
Here they also became
Waiting for the ferry,
They fed the horses.
Beggars also wandered here,
And the chattering wanderer,
And the silent praying mantis.

On the day of the death of the old prince
The peasants did not foresee
That the meadows are not waterlogged,
And they will get into litigation.
And after drinking a glass,
The first thing they argued about was:
What should they do with the meadows?

Not all of you, Rus', has been measured
Zemlice; come across
Blessed corners
Where everything went well.
By some chance -
The landowner's ignorance
Living far away
The mediator's mistake
And more often with twists
Peasant leaders -
Allotment to peasants occasionally
The fishing line was also hit.
There's a proud man there, try it
Headman knock on the window
For tax - he will get angry!
One answer before time:
“Sell the fishing line!”
And the Vakhlaks decided
Own flood meadows
Hand it over to the headman - as a tax.
Everything is weighed, calculated,
Just rent and taxes,
With too much. “Is it so, Vlas?
And if the filing is done,
I don't say hello to anyone!
There is a hunt - I’m working,
Otherwise, I’m lying around with a woman,
Otherwise, I’m going to the pub!”

So! - the whole Vakhlat horde
On the word of Klima Lavin
I responded. - On taxes!
Do you agree, Uncle Vlas?

Klim's speech is short
And clear as a sign,
Calling to the tavern, -
The headman said jokingly. -
Klimakh will begin as a woman,
And he’ll end up in a tavern!

“And what? not a prison
Cum here? The point is true
Don’t croak, solve it!”

But Vlas has no time for croaking,
Vlas was the kindest soul,
I was sick for the whole Vakhlachina -
Not for one family.
Serving under a strict master,
Carrying a burden on my conscience
An involuntary participant
His cruelty.
How young I was, I was waiting for the best,
Yes, it always happened like this
The best has come to an end
Nothing or trouble.
And I began to be afraid of new things,
Rich in promises
Unbeliever Vlas.
Not so much in Belokamennaya
Driven along the pavement,
Just like a peasant
The insults are over... is it funny?..
Vlas was always gloomy.
And then the old lady messed up!
Vakhlatsky tomfoolery
It affected him too!
He couldn't help but think:
“No corvee... no tax...
Without a stick... Is it true, Lord?”
And Vlas smiled.
So the sun from the sultry sky
Into the dense forest
Throw a beam - and a miracle is there:
The dew burns like diamonds,
The moss is gilded.
“Drink, vahlachki, take a walk!”
It was too much fun:
In everyone's chest
A new feeling was playing,
It was as if she was carrying them out
Mighty Wave
From the bottom of a bottomless abyss
To the light, where the endless
A feast is prepared for them!
They put another bucket,
Galdenie continuous
And the songs began.
So, having buried the dead man,
Relatives and friends
They only talk about him
They won't manage it yet
With host's treat
And they won’t start yawning, -
So the hubbub is long
Behind a glass, under a willow tree,
Everything seems to have worked out
In wake of the pruned
The landowners' "strengthens".

To the sexton with the seminarians
They pestered: “Sing “Merry”!”
The fellows sang.
(That song - not folk -
The son of Tryphon sang for the first time,
Gregory, vakhlakam,
And from the Tsar’s “Regulation”,
Who removed the support from the people,
She's on drunken holidays
Like a dancer singing
Priests and servants, -
Vakhlak did not sing it,
And, listening, he stamped his feet,
Whistled; "Merry"
He didn't say it as a joke.)

There were twelve thieves
There was Kudeyar-ataman,
The robbers shed a lot
The blood of honest Christians,

They stole a lot of wealth
We lived in a dense forest,
Leader Kudeyar from near Kyiv
He took out a beautiful girl.

I amused myself with my lover during the day,
At night he made raids,
Suddenly the fierce robber
The Lord awakened the conscience.

The dream flew away; disgusted
Drunkenness, murder, robbery,
The shadows of the slain are
A whole army - you can't count it!

I fought and resisted for a long time
Lord beast-man,
Blown off his lover's head
And he spotted Esaul.

The villain's conscience overcame him,
He disbanded his gang,
He distributed property to the church,
I buried the knife under the willow tree.

And atone for sins
He goes to the Holy Sepulcher,
Wanders, prays, repents,
It doesn't get any easier for him.

An old man, in monastic clothes,
The sinner has returned home
Lived under the canopy of the oldest
Oak, in a forest slum.

Day and night of the Almighty
He prays: forgive your sins!
Submit your body to torture
Just let me save my soul!

God took pity on salvation
The schema-monk showed the way:
Elder in prayer vigil
A certain saint appeared

Rek: “Not without God’s providence
You chose an age-old oak tree,
With the same knife that he robbed,
Cut it off with the same hand!

There will be great work
There will be a reward for your work,
The tree has just fallen -
The chains of sin will fall."

The hermit measured the monster:
Oak - three girths all around!
I went to work with prayer,
Cuts with a damask knife,

Cuts resilient wood
Sings glory to the Lord,
As the years go by, it gets better
Slowly things move forward.

What can one do with a giant?
A frail, sick person?
We need iron forces here,
We don't need senility!

Doubt creeps into the heart,
Cuts and hears the words:
"Hey old man, what are you doing?"
Crossed himself first

I looked and Pan Glukhovsky
He sees on a greyhound horse,
Sir rich, noble,
The first one in that direction.

A lot of cruel, scary
The old man heard about the master
And as a lesson to the sinner
He told his secret.

Pan grinned: “Salvation
I haven't had tea for a long time,
In the world I honor only a woman,
Gold, honor and wine.

You have to live, old man, in my opinion:
How many slaves do I destroy?
I torment, torture and hang,
I wish I could see how I’m sleeping!”

A miracle happened to the hermit:
I felt furious anger
He rushed to Pan Glukhovsky,
The knife stuck into his heart!

Just now pan bloody
I fell my head on the saddle,
A huge tree collapsed,
The echo shook the whole forest.

The tree collapsed and rolled down
The monk is off the burden of sins!..
Glory to the omnipresent Creator
Today and forever and ever!

Jonah finished; being baptized;
The people are silent. Suddenly there's a lot of salt
An angry cry broke out:
- Hey, you sleepy grouse!
Steam, live, steam!

The widower ammiral walked the seas,
I walked the seas, sailed ships,
Near Achakov he fought with a Turk,
Defeated him
And the empress gave him
Eight thousand souls as a reward.
In that patrimony, happily ever after
The ammiral-widower lives to live,
And he hands over, dying,
A golden casket for Gleb the elder.
“Hey, headman! take care of the casket!
My will is preserved in it:
From chain-links to freedom
Eight thousand souls are being released!”
The widower ammiral lies on the table,
A distant relative is about to bury him.
I buried it and forgot about it! Calls the headman
And starts talking to him in a roundabout way;
I told him everything, promised him
Mountains of gold, gave up his freedom...
Gleb - he was greedy - is tempted:
The will is burned!
For decades, until recently
Eight thousand souls were secured by the villain,
From family, from tribe; what a lot of people!
What a lot of people! with a stone into the water!
God forgives everything, but Judas sin
It doesn't say goodbye.
Oh man! man! you are the sinner of all,
And for that you will suffer forever!

Stern and angry
Thunderous, menacing voice
Ignatius finished his speech.
The crowd jumped to its feet
There was a sigh and a voice was heard:
“So this is the peasant’s sin!
Truly a terrible sin."
- And indeed: we will forever suffer,
Oh-oh!.. - said the headman himself,
Killed again, for the better
Vlas is not a believer.
And soon succumbed,
As I grieve, so do I rejoice,
“Great sin! great sin! -
Klim echoed sadly.
The area in front of the Volga,
Illuminated by the moon,
She suddenly changed.
Proud people have disappeared
With a confident gait,
There are Vakhlaks left,
Those who haven't eaten enough,
Those who slurped unsalted,
Which instead of the master
The volost will tear,
To whom hunger knocks
Threats: long drought,
And then there’s the bug!
Which prasol-burning
Cut price boasts
Their prey is difficult,
Resin, Vakhlatsky tear, -
He will cut back and reproach:
“Why should I pay you so much?
You have unpurchased goods,
Of you drowning in the sun
Resin like pine!”
The poor have fallen again
To the bottom of a bottomless abyss,
They became quiet, they became humble,
They lay down on their stomachs;
We lay there and thought
And suddenly they started singing. Slowly,
Like a cloud is approaching,
The words flowed viscously.
So the song was minted,
What immediately our wanderers
She was mentioned:

He should go to St. Petersburg
Before the Committee of the Wounded.
Pesh will reach Moscow,
What next? Cast iron
Started biting!

Important lady! proud lady!
Walks, hisses like a snake;
“Empty for you! empty for you! empty for you! -
The Russian village is screaming;
He snorts in the peasant's face,
Presses, maims, tumbles,
Soon the whole Russian people
Cleaner than a broom!

The soldier stamped his feet lightly
And I heard knocking
Dry bone on bone
But Klim was silent: he had already moved
To the service people.
They gave everything: a pretty penny,
For pennies, on plates
I picked up a ruble...

The feast is over, they are leaving
People. Having fallen asleep, we stayed
Our wanderers are under the willow tree,
And then Ionushka slept
Yes, a few drunk ones
Not to the extent of men.
Swinging, Savva with Grisha
Take your parent home
And they sang; in clean air
Over the Volga, like alarm bells,
Consonants and strong
Voices boomed:

Share of the people
His happiness
Light and freedom
First of all!

We're a little
We ask God:
Fair deal
Do it skillfully
Give us strength!

Working life -
Direct to friend
Road to the heart
Away from the threshold
Coward and lazy!
Isn't it heaven?

Share of the people
His happiness
Light and freedom
First of all!..

And the angel of mercy
No wonder the song of call
She sings - the pure ones listen to her, -
Rus' has already sent a lot
His sons, marked
The seal of God's gift,
On honest paths
I mourned a lot of them
(Alas! like a falling star
They're rushing by!).
No matter how dark the vahlachina is,
No matter how crammed with corvée
And slavery - and she,
Having been blessed, I placed
In Grigory Dobrosklonov
Such a messenger...

Gregory walked thoughtfully
First on the big road
(Antique: with high
curly birch trees,
Straight as an arrow).
It was fun for him
That's sad. Horny
Vakhlatsky feast,
Thought worked strongly in him
And poured out in song:

In moments of despondency, O Motherland!
I fly forward with my thoughts,
You are still destined to suffer a lot,
But you won't die, I know.

The darkness above you was thicker than ignorance,
More suffocating than a restless sleep,
You were a deeply unhappy country,
Depressed, slavishly unjudgmental.

How long have your people served as toys?
The master's shameful passions?
The descendant of the Tatars brought out like a horse
To the Slav slave market,

And the Russian maiden was dragged to shame,
The scourge raged without fear,
And the horror of the people at the word “recruitment”
Was it similar to the horror of execution?

Enough! Finished with past settlement,
The settlement with the master has been completed!
The Russian people are gathering strength
And learns to be a citizen,

And fate lightened your burden,
Companion of the days of the Slav!
You are also in the family of a slave,
But the mother of a free son!..

Grisha was lured by the narrow one,
winding path,
running through the bread,
Mown into a wide meadow
He went down it.
Drying grass in the meadow
The peasant women met Grisha
His favorite song.
The young man felt deeply sad
For the suffering mother,
And even more anger took over.
He went into the forest. Haunting,
In the forest, like quails
In the rye, the little ones wandered
Guys (and older ones
They turned over the senzo).
He is with them a body of saffron milk caps
I dialed it. The sun is already burning;
He went to the river. Bathing -
Charred city
The picture in front of him:
Not a house left standing,
One prison saved
Recently whitewashed
Like a white cow
Standing in the pasture.
The authorities hid there,
And the inhabitants under the shore,
Like an army, they set up camp.
Everyone is still sleeping, not many
Woke up: two clerks,
Holding the shelves
Robes, making their way
Between cabinets, chairs,
Units, crews
To the tavern tent.
That's where the tailor is crouched
Arshin, iron and scissors
Carries - like a leaf trembles.
Rising from sleep with prayer,
Combing his head
And keeps him away
Like a girl, a long braid
Tall and dignified
Archpriest Stefan.
Slowly along the sleepy Volga
The rafts with firewood are pulling,
They stand under the right bank
Three barges loaded, -
Yesterday barge haulers with songs
They were brought here.
And here he is - exhausted
Burlak! with a festive gait
Goes, the shirt is clean,
The copper rings in my pocket.
Grigory walked and looked
For a satisfied barge hauler,
And the words fell from my lips
Sometimes in a whisper, sometimes loudly.
Gregory thought out loud:

You're miserable too
You are also abundant
You are mighty
You are also powerless
Mother Rus'!

Saved in slavery
Free heart -
Gold, gold
People's heart!

People's power
Mighty force -
Conscience is calm,
The truth is alive!

Strength with untruth
Doesn't get along
Sacrifice by untruth
Not called -

Rus' does not move,
Rus' is like dead!
And she caught fire
Hidden spark -

They stood up - unwounded,
They came out - uninvited,
Live by the grain
The mountains have been damaged!

The army rises -
The strength in her will affect

You're miserable too
You are also abundant
You're downtrodden
You are omnipotent
Mother Rus'!..

“I succeeded in the song! - Grisha said, jumping. -
The great truth in her spoke passionately!
I’ll teach the Vakhlachkovs to sing it, but not everyone
Sing your “Hungry”... Help them, O God!
As if playing and running, my cheeks flare up,
This is how a good song lifts your spirits
Poor, downtrodden...” After reading solemnly
A new song for my brother (brother said: “Divine!”),
Grisha tried to sleep. I fell asleep, I didn’t sleep,
More beautiful than before, a song was composed in half sleep;
If only our wanderers could be under their own roof,
If only they could know what was happening to Grisha.
He heard the immense strength in his chest,
The sounds of grace delighted his ears,
The radiant sounds of the noble hymn -
He sang the embodiment of people's happiness!..

There was a gentleman of low birth,

He bought a village with bribes,

Lived in it forever

thirty three years old

He took liberties, reveled, drank bitter things,

Greedy, stingy, did not make friends

with the nobles,

I only went to see my sister for tea;

Even with family, not only

with the peasants
Mr. Polivanov was cruel;

Having married my daughter, my husband

He flogged them and drove them both away naked,

In the teeth of an exemplary slave,

Jacob the faithful

As he walked, he blew with his heel.
People of servile rank -

Real dogs sometimes:

The heavier the punishment,

That's why gentlemen are dearer to them.
Yakov appeared like this from his youth,

Yakov had only joy:

To groom, protect, please the master

Yes, rock my little nephew.

So they both lived to old age.

The master's legs began to wither,

I went for treatment, but my legs didn’t come back to life...

Full of partying, playing around and singing!

The eyes are clear

The cheeks are red

Plump hands are as white as sugar,

Yes, there are shackles on my feet!

The landowner lies quietly under his robe,

He curses his bitter fate,

Yakov with his master: friend and brother

The master is calling faithful Yakov.

The two of us whiled away the winter and summer,

They played cards more

We went to see my sister to relieve boredom

About twelve versts on good days.

Yakov himself will carry him out, lay him down,

He himself will take the long distance to his sister,

He will help you get to the old lady yourself,

So they lived happily - for the time being...
Jacob's nephew, Grisha, grew up

At the master’s feet: “I want to get married!”

-Who is the bride? - "Bride -

The master answers: “I’ll drive it into the coffin!” –

He thought to himself, looking at Arisha:

“If only the Lord could move his legs!”

No matter how much my uncle asked for his nephew,

The rival's master became a recruit.

I seriously offended the exemplary slave,

Jacob the faithful

Master, the slave has fooled me!

I'm dead drunk... It's awkward without Yakov,

Whoever serves is a fool, a scoundrel!

Anger has been boiling in everyone for a long time,

Fortunately, there is a case: be rude, take it out!

The master alternately begs and curses.

So two weeks passed.

Suddenly his faithful servant returns...

The first thing is to bow to the ground.

It’s a pity for him, you see, he’s become legless:

Who will be able to comply with it?

“Only do not remember cruel deeds;

I will carry my cross to the grave!”

Again the landowner lies under his robe,

Yakov sits at his feet again,

Again the landowner calls him brother.

- Why are you frowning, Yasha? - “It makes me sick!”
A lot of mushrooms were strung on threads,

We played cards, drank some tea,

Pour cherries and raspberries into drinks

And they gathered to have some fun with their sister.
The landowner smokes, lies carefree,

I'm glad to see the clear sun and greenery.

Yakov is gloomy, speaks reluctantly,

Jacob's reins are trembling,

Crosses himself: “Beware of me, evil spirit!”

Whispers: “Scatter!” (his enemy was bothering him).

They're going... To the right is a wooded slum,

Its name has been since ancient times: Devil's Ravine;

Yakov turned and drove down the ravine,

The master was taken aback: “Where are you going, where are you going?” –

Yakov doesn't say a word. We passed at a pace

Several miles; not the road - trouble!

Pits, dead wood; running along the ravine

Spring waters, trees rustle...

Pine trees stick out like a wall in front of them.
Yakov, without looking at the poor master,

He began to unharness the horses,

Faithful to Yash, trembling, pale,

The landowner then began to beg.

Yakov listened to the promises - and rudely,

He laughed evilly: “I found the murderer!

I will dirty my hands with murder,

No, it’s not for you to die!”

Yakov jumped onto a tall pine tree,

The reins at the top strengthened it,

He crossed himself, looked at the sun,

He put his head in a noose and lowered his legs!..

What passions of the Lord! hanging

Yakov is swinging rhythmically over the master.

The master rushes about, sobs, screams,

One echo responds!

Master - the screams are in vain!

The Devil's Ravine is wrapped in a shroud,

At night the dew is heavy there,

You can't see Zgi! only owls scurry about,

Spreading its wings on the ground,

You can hear the horses chewing leaves,

Quietly ringing the bells.

As if a cast iron fits - they burn

Someone's two round, bright eyes,

Some birds are flying noisily.

I hear they settled nearby.

The raven croaked alone over Yakov,

Chu! There were up to a hundred of them!

The gentleman groaned and threatened with a crutch.

What passions of the Lord!
The master lay in the ravine all night,

Drive away birds and wolves with groans,

In the morning the hunter saw him.

The master returned home, lamenting:

- I am sinful, sinful! Execute me! –

You, master, will be an exemplary slave,

Jacob the faithful

Remember until judgment day!
“Sins, sins,” was heard

From all sides. - Sorry for Yakov.

Yes, it’s creepy for the master too, -

What a punishment he received!”

- Sorry!.. - We listened again

Two or three stories are scary

And they argued heatedly

About who is the worst sinner of all?

One said: innkeepers,

Another said: landowners,

And the third is men.

It was Ignatius Prokhorov,

Carrying out transportation

Sedate and prosperous
The man is not an empty talker.

He saw all sorts of species,

Traveled all over the province

Both along and across.

You should listen to him

However, the Vahlaks

They got so angry, they didn’t let me

To utter words to Ignaty,

Especially Klim Yakovlev

He swaggered: “You’re a fool!..”

– Should you have listened first... –

“You’re a fool...”

- And that’s all you,

I see, fools! –

Suddenly inserted a rude word

Eremin, merchant brother,

Buying from peasants

Anything, bast shoes,

Whether it's veal or lingonberries,

And most importantly - a master

Be on the lookout for opportunities

When were the taxes collected?

And the Vakhlatsky property

It was put under the hammer.

They started an argument,

But they didn’t miss the point!

Who is the worst sinner of all? think! –

“Well, who? speak!”

- We know who: robbers! –

And Klim answered him:

“You were not serfs,

There was a great drop,

Not your bald spot!

I've filled my purse: I'm imagining

There are robbers everywhere for him;

Robbery is a special article,

Robbery has nothing to do with it!”

– Robber for robber

I stood up! - Prasol said,

And Lavin—jump towards him!

"Pray!" - and put some spray on your teeth.

- Say goodbye to your bellies! –

And spray in Avalanche's teeth.

“Oh fight! Well done!”

The peasants parted

Nobody encouraged

Nobody separated.

Blows rained down like hail:

- I'll kill you! write to your parents! –

“I’ll kill you!” call the priest!

It ended with Prasol

Klim squeezed his hand like a hoop,

The other grabbed his hair

And he bent with the word “bow”

Merchant at his feet.

- Well, that's it! - Prasol said.

Klim released the offender,

The offender sat on a log,

Wide checkered scarf

He wiped himself off and said:

- You win! and is it a wonder?

He doesn’t reap, he doesn’t plow, he wanders around

According to the Konoval position,

How can you not work up your energy? –

(The peasants laughed.)

“Don’t you want more? –

Klim said cheerfully.

- Did you think not? Let's try! –

The merchant carefully removed the scent

And he spat in his hands.
"Open the lips of sin

The time has come: listen!

And so I will make peace between you!” –

Suddenly Ionushka exclaimed,

Listening silently all evening,

Sighing and being baptized,

Humble praying mantis.

The merchant was happy; Klim Yakovlev

He kept silent. Sit down,

There was silence.
Homeless, rootless

Quite a few come across

To the people of Rus',

They don’t reap, they don’t sow, they feed

From the same common granary,

What feeds a small mouse

And a countless army:

Sedentary peasant

Her name is Hump.

Let the people know

That entire villages

To beg in the fall,

Like a profitable business,

Going: in the people's conscience

The decision was stared at

What's more misfortune here?

Rather than lies, they are served.

Even though there are frequent cases

That the wanderer will turn out to be

Thief; what about the women

For the prosphora of Athonite,

For the “tears of the Virgin Mary”

The pilgrim will lure out the yarn,

He hasn't been there himself.

There was an old man who sang wonderfully

Captivated the hearts of the people;

With the consent of the mothers,

In the village of Krutiye Zavodi

Divine singing

He began to teach girls;

The girls are red all winter

They locked themselves in Riga with him,

Where did the singing come from?

And more often laughter and squealing.

However, how did it end?

He didn’t teach them to sing,

And he spoiled everyone.

There are great masters

To accommodate the ladies:

First through women

Available until maiden,

And then to the landowner.

Jangling keys around the yard

Walks like a gentleman,

Spit in the peasant's face

A praying old woman

Bent it into a ram's horn!..

But he sees in the same wanderers

And the front side

People. Who builds churches?

Who are the monastic circles

Filled over the edge?

No one does good

And no evil is seen behind him,

You won't understand otherwise.

Fomushka is familiar to the people:

Two-pound chains

The body is girded,

barefoot in winter and summer,

Mumbling something incomprehensible

And to live - to live like a god:

A board and a stone to the head,

And food is only bread.

Wonderful and memorable to him

Old Believer Kropilnikov,

An old man whose whole life

Either freedom or prison.

Came to the village of Usolovo:

Reproaches the laity with godlessness,

Calls to the dense forests

Save yourself. Stanovoy

Happened here, listened to everything:

“To interrogate the co-conspirator!”

He did the same to him:

– You are the enemy of Christ, the Antichrist

Messenger! - Sotsky, headman

They blinked at the old man:

“Hey, submit!” Not listening!

They took him to prison,

And he reproached the boss

And, standing on the cart,

He shouted to the Usolovites:

- Woe to you, woe to you, lost heads!

You were torn off, you will be naked,

They beat you with sticks, rods, whips,

You will be beaten with iron bars!..
The Usolovites were baptized,

The chief beat the herald:

“Remember, anathema,

Judge of Jerusalem!

At the guy's, at the plumber's,

The reins fell out of fright

And my hair stood on end!

And, as luck would have it, military

The command rang out in the morning:

In Ustoy, a village not far away,

The soldiers have arrived.

Interrogations! pacification! –

Anxiety! by coincidence

The Usolovites also suffered:

Prophecy of the Shrew

It almost came true.
will never be forgotten

The people of Euphrosyne,

Posad widow:

Like God's messenger,

The old lady appears

In cholera years;

Buries, heals, tinkers

With the sick. Almost praying

Peasant women look at her...

Knock, unknown guest!

No matter who you are, confidently

At the village gate

Knock! Not suspicious

Native peasant

No thought arises in him,

Like people who are sufficient,

At the sight of a stranger,

Poor and timid:

Wouldn't you shave something?

And the women are such little creatures.

In winter before the torch

The family sits, works,

And the stranger says:

He already took a steam bath in the bathhouse,

Ears with your own spoon,

With a blessing hand,

I sipped my fill.

There's a little charm running through my veins,

Speech flows like a river.

Everything in the hut seemed to freeze:

The old man mending his shoes

He dropped them at his feet;

The shuttle has not chimed for a long time,

The worker listened

At the loom;

Frozen already on the prick

Evgenyushka's little finger,

The master's eldest daughter,

high tubercle,

But the girl didn’t even hear

How I pricked myself until I bled;

The sewing went down to my feet,

Sits - pupils dilated,

She threw up her hands...

Guys, hanging their heads

From the floor, they won’t move:

Like sleepy baby seals

On the ice floes outside Arkhangelsk,

They lie on their stomach.

You can’t see their faces, they’re veiled

Falling strands

Hair - no need to say

Why are they yellow?

Wait! soon wanderer

He will tell the story of Athos,

Like a Turk rebelling

He drove the monks into the sea,

How the monks walked obediently

And they died in hundreds -

You will hear the whisper of horror,

You will see a row of frightened people,

Eyes full of tears!

The terrible moment has come -

And from the hostess herself

Bellied spindle

Rolled off my knees.

Vaska the cat became wary -

And jump to the spindle!

At another time it would have been

Vaska the nimble got it,

And then they didn’t notice

How nimble he is with his paw

I touched the spindle

How did you jump on him?

And how it rolled

Until it unwinds

Strained thread!
Who has seen how he listens

Your visiting wanderers

Peasant family

He will understand that no work

Nor eternal care,

Not the yoke of slavery for a long time,

Not the pub itself

More to the Russian people

No limits set:

There is a wide path before him.

When will the plowman be cheated on?

Old-till fields,

Shreds in the forest outskirts

He tries to plow.

There is enough work here.

But the stripes are new

Give without fertilizer

Abundant harvest.

Such soil is good -

The soul of the Russian people...

O sower! come!..
Jonah (aka Lyapushkin)

Vakhlatskaya side

I've been visiting for a long time.

Not only did they not disdain

Peasants are God's wanderer,

And they argued about

Who will be the first to shelter him?

While their disputes Lyapushkin

Didn't put an end to it:

"Hey! women! take it out

Icons!” The women carried it out;

Before every icon

Jonah fell on his face:

“Don't argue! God's work

Who will look more kindly,

I’ll follow you!”

And often for the poorest

Ionushka walked as an icon

To the poorest hut.

And special to that hut

Respect: women run

With knots, pans

To that hut. The cup is full,

By the grace of Jonushka,

She becomes.
Quietly and leisurely

Narrated by Ionushka

"About two great sinners"

Crossing myself diligently.


Dedicated to Sergei Petrovich Botkin


At the end she sat down under a willow tree,
A modest witness
All the life of the Vakhlaks,
Where the holidays are celebrated
Where do the gatherings gather?
Where they flog you during the day and in the evening
They kiss, they make love, -
Lights and noise all night.

On the logs lying here,
On the log house of a built-up hut
The men sat down;
Our wanderers are here too
We sat next to Vlasushka;
Vlas poured vodka.
“Drink, vahlachki, take a walk!” -
Klim shouted cheerfully.
As soon as you decide to drink,
Vlas to his little son
He cried out: “Run after Tryphon!”
With the parish sexton Tryphon,
Reveler, godfather of the headman,
His sons came
Seminarists: Savvushka
And Grisha, good guys,
Letters to peasants and relatives
Wrote; "Position",
How it happened, they interpreted to them,
Mowed, reaped, sowed
And drank vodka on holidays
On a par with the peasantry.
Now Savva is a deacon
I looked, and Gregory
Face thin, pale
And the hair is thin, curly,
With a hint of red.
Immediately outside the village
The Volga walked, and behind the Volga
There was a small town
(To be more precise, cities
There was no shadow at that time,
And there were firebrands:
The fire destroyed everything third year).
So passing people
Vakhlak acquaintances,
Here they also became
Waiting for the ferry,
They fed the horses.
Beggars also wandered here,
And the chattering wanderer,
And the silent praying mantis.

On the day of the death of the old prince
The peasants did not foresee
That the meadows are not waterlogged,
And they will get into litigation.
And after drinking a glass,
The first thing they argued about was:
What should they do with the meadows?

Not all of you, Rus', has been measured
Zemlice; come across
Blessed corners
Where everything went well.
By some chance -
The landowner's ignorance
Living far away
The mediator's mistake
And more often with twists
Peasant leaders -
Allotment to peasants occasionally
The fishing line was also hit.
There's a proud man there, try it
Headman knock on the window
For a tax - he will get angry!
One answer before time:
“Sell the fishing line!”
And the Vakhlaks decided
Own flood meadows
Hand over to the headman - for tax:
Everything is weighed, calculated,
Just rent and taxes,
With too much. “Is it so, Vlas?
And if the filing is done,
I don't say hello to anyone!
There is a hunt - I work,
Otherwise, I’m lying around with a woman,
Otherwise, I’m going to the pub!”

- So! - the whole Vakhlat horde
On the word of Klima Lavin
I responded. - On taxes!
Do you agree, Uncle Vlas?

– Klim’s speech is short
And clear as a sign,
Calling to the tavern, -
The headman said jokingly. -
Klimakh will begin as a woman,
And he’ll end up in a tavern! -

“Why! Not a prison
Finish that one? The point is true
Don’t croak, solve it!”

But Vlas has no time for croaking.
Vlas was the kindest soul,
I was sick for the whole Vakhlachina -
Not for one family.
Serving under a strict master,
Carrying a burden on my conscience
An involuntary participant
His cruelty.
How young I was, I was waiting for the best,
Yes, it always happened like this
The best has come to an end
Nothing or trouble.
And I began to be afraid of new things,
Rich in promises
Unbeliever Vlas.
Not so much in Belokamennaya
Driven along the pavement,
Just like a peasant
The insults are over... is it funny?..
Vlas was always gloomy.
And then the old lady made a mistake!
Vakhlatsky tomfoolery
It affected him too!
He couldn't help but think:
“No corvee... no tax...
Without a stick... is it true, Lord?”
And Vlas smiled.
So the sun from the sultry sky
Into the dense forest
Throw a beam - and a miracle is there:
The dew burns like diamonds,
The moss turned golden.
“Drink, vahlachki, take a walk!”
It was too much fun:
In everyone's chest
A new feeling was playing,
It was as if she was carrying them out
Mighty Wave
From the bottom of a bottomless abyss
To the light, where the endless
A feast is prepared for them!
They put another bucket,
Galdenie continuous
And the songs began.
So, having buried the dead man,
Relatives and friends
They only talk about him
They won't manage it yet
With host's treat
And they won’t start yawning, -
So the hubbub is long
Behind a glass, under a willow tree,
Everything seems to have worked out
In wake of the pruned
The landowners' "strengthens".

To the sexton with the seminarians
They pestered: “Sing “Merry”!”
The fellows sang.
(That song - not a folk one -
The son of Tryphon sang for the first time,
Gregory, vakhlakam,
And from the Tsar’s “Regulation”,
Who removed the support from the people,
She's on drunken holidays
Like a dancer singing
Priests and servants, -
Vakhlak did not sing it,
And, listening, he stamped his feet,
Whistled; "Merry"
He didn't say it as a joke.)


“Eat the prison, Yasha!
There’s no milk!”
- Where is our cow? -
“Take away, my light!
Master for offspring
I took her home."
It's nice to live for the people
Saint in Rus'!

- Where are our chickens? -
The girls are screaming.
“Don't yell, you fools!
The zemstvo court ate them;
I took another cart
Yes, he promised to wait..."
It's nice to live for the people
Saint in Rus'!

Broke my back
But the sauerkraut doesn’t wait!
Baba Katerina
I remember - roars:
In the yard for over a year
Daughter... no dear!
It's nice to live for the people
Saint in Rus'!

Some of the kids
Lo and behold, there are no children:
The king will take the boys,
Master - daughters!
To one freak
Live forever with your family.
It's nice to live for the people
Saint in Rus'!

Then your Vakhlatskaya,
Dear, they burst out in chorus,
Lingering, sad,
There are no others yet.
Isn't it amazing? wide
Side of baptized Rus',
There are so many people in it,
And not in one little soul
From time immemorial before ours
The song didn't light up
Cheerful and clear
Like a rainy day.
Isn't it wonderful? isn't it scary?
Oh time, new time!
You will also say it in the song,
But how?.. The soul of the people!
Finally, laugh!


Kalinushka is poor and unkempt,
He has nothing to show off,
Only the back is painted,
You don't know behind your shirt.
From bast shoes to gate
The skin is all ripped open
The stomach swells with chaff.
Twisted, twisted,
Flogged, tormented,
Kalina barely wanders:
He'll knock on the innkeeper's feet,
Sorrow will drown in wine.
It will only come back to haunt you on Saturday
From the master's stable to his wife...

“Oh, a song!.. I wish I could remember!..”
Our wanderers grieved,
That memory is short
And the Vakhlaks boasted:
“We are corvee workers! With ours
Try to be patient!
We are corvées! grew up
Under the snout of the landowner;
Day is hard labor, and night?
What a shame! For the girls
The messengers galloped in threes
Through our villages.
We forgot about the face
Each other, looking at the ground,
We have lost our speech.
They got drunk in silence,
Kissed in silence
The fight went on in silence."
- Well, what about the silence?
Not good! we are silent
I got the pickles! -
Said the neighboring volost
Peasant traveling with hay
(Extreme need has befallen,
I mowed it down - and off to the market!).
Our young lady decided
Gertrude Alexandrovna,
Who will say a strong word,
Tear him mercilessly.
And they fought! as long as
They didn't stop barking
And a man should not bark -
The only thing is to remain silent.
We're tired! truly
We celebrated the will,
Like a holiday: they swore like that,
That priest Ivan was offended
For the ringing of bells
Whooped that day.

Such wonderful stories
They fell... And is it a wonder?
Go far for the word
No need - everything is spelled out
On your own back.

“We had an opportunity,”
Said the kid with the blacks
Big sideburns, -
There’s nothing more wonderful than her.”
(The small one wears a round hat,
With a badge, a red vest,
With a dozen light buttons,
Beveled pants
And the bast shoes: the little one swiped them
To the tree from which
Tiny koru shepherd
I tore it all off from below,
And above - not a scratch,
Will not disdain at the top
Crow builds a nest.)
- So, brother, tell me! -
“Let me smoke first!”
While he was smoking,
Vlas has our wanderers
They asked: “What kind of goose?”
- So, the martyr ran up,
Assigned to our parish,
Baron Sineguzin
Yard man,
Vikenty Alexandrovich.
From heels to arable farming
Jumped! remained behind him
And the nickname “away”.
Healthy, but legs are weak,
Trembling; his lady
I rode in a carriage in a train
Four to mushrooms...
He'll tell you! listen!
Such a noble memory,
It must be (the headman finished),
Ate magpie eggs.

Adjusting my round hat,
Vikenty Alexandrovich
Started the story.

About the exemplary slave - Yakov Verny

There was a gentleman of low birth,
He bought a village with bribes,
Lived in it forever
thirty three years old
He took liberties, reveled, drank bitter things,
Greedy, stingy, did not make friends
with the nobles,
I only went to see my sister for tea;
Even with family, not only
with the peasants

Mr. Polivanov was cruel;
Having married my daughter, my husband
He flogged them and drove them both away naked,
In the teeth of an exemplary slave,
Jacob the faithful
As he walked, he blew with his heel.

People of servile rank -
Real dogs sometimes:
The heavier the punishment,
That's why gentlemen are dearer to them.

Yakov appeared like this from his youth,
Yakov had only joy:
To groom, protect, please the master
Yes, rock my little nephew.
So they both lived to old age.
The master's legs began to wither,
I went for treatment, but my legs didn’t come back to life...
Full of partying, playing around and singing!
The eyes are clear
The cheeks are red
Plump hands are as white as sugar,
Yes, there are shackles on my feet!
The landowner lies quietly under his robe,
He curses his bitter fate,
Yakov with his master: friend and brother
The master is calling faithful Yakov.
The two of us whiled away the winter and summer,
They played cards more
We went to see my sister to relieve boredom
About twelve versts on good days.
Yakov himself will carry him out, lay him down,
He himself will take the long distance to his sister,
He will help you get to the old lady yourself,
So they lived happily - for the time being...

Jacob's nephew, Grisha, grew up
At the master’s feet: “I want to get married!”
-Who is the bride? - "Bride -
The master answers: “I’ll drive it into the coffin!” -
He thought to himself, looking at Arisha:
“If only the Lord could move his legs!”
No matter how much my uncle asked for his nephew,
The rival's master became a recruit.
I seriously offended the exemplary slave,
Jacob the faithful
Master, the slave has fooled me!
I'm dead drunk... It's awkward without Yakov,
Whoever serves is a fool, a scoundrel!
Anger has been boiling in everyone for a long time,
Fortunately, there is a case: be rude, take it out!
The master alternately begs and curses.
So two weeks passed.
Suddenly his faithful servant returns...
The first thing is to bow to the ground.
It’s a pity for him, you see, he’s become legless:
Who will be able to comply with it?
“Only do not remember cruel deeds;
I will carry my cross to the grave!”
Again the landowner lies under his robe,
Yakov sits at his feet again,
Again the landowner calls him brother.
- Why are you frowning, Yasha? - “It makes me sick!”

A lot of mushrooms were strung on threads,
We played cards, drank some tea,
Pour cherries and raspberries into drinks
And they gathered to have some fun with their sister.

The landowner smokes, lies carefree,
I'm glad to see the clear sun and greenery.
Yakov is gloomy, speaks reluctantly,
Jacob's reins are trembling,
Crosses himself: “Beware of me, evil spirit!”
Whispers: “Scatter!” (his enemy was bothering him).
They're going... To the right is a wooded slum,
Its name has been since ancient times: Devil's Ravine;
Yakov turned and drove down the ravine,
The master was taken aback: “Where are you going, where are you going?” -
Yakov doesn't say a word. We passed at a pace
Several miles; not the road - trouble!
Pits, dead wood; running along the ravine
Spring waters, trees rustle...
The horses began to stand - and not a step further,
Pine trees stick out like a wall in front of them.

Yakov, without looking at the poor master,
He began to unharness the horses,
Faithful to Yash, trembling, pale,
The landowner then began to beg.
Yakov listened to the promises - and rudely,
He laughed evilly: “I found the murderer!
I will dirty my hands with murder,
No, it’s not for you to die!”
Yakov jumped onto a tall pine tree,
The reins at the top strengthened it,
He crossed himself, looked at the sun,
He put his head in a noose and lowered his legs!..
What passions of the Lord! hanging
Yakov is swinging rhythmically over the master.
The master rushes about, sobs, screams,
One echo responds!
He stretched his head, his voice strained
Master - the screams are in vain!
The Devil's Ravine is wrapped in a shroud,
At night the dew is heavy there,
You can't see Zgi! only owls scurry about,
Spreading its wings on the ground,
You can hear the horses chewing leaves,
Quietly ringing the bells.
As if a cast iron fits - they burn
Someone's two round, bright eyes,
Some birds are flying noisily.
I hear they settled nearby.
The raven croaked alone over Yakov,
Chu! There were up to a hundred of them!
The gentleman groaned and threatened with a crutch.
What passions of the Lord!

The master lay in the ravine all night,
Drive away birds and wolves with groans,
In the morning the hunter saw him.
The master returned home, lamenting:
- I am sinful, sinful! Execute me! -
You, master, will be an exemplary slave,
Jacob the faithful
Remember until judgment day!

“Sins, sins,” was heard
From all sides. - Sorry for Yakov.
Yes, it’s creepy for the master too, -
What a punishment he received!”
- Sorry!.. - We listened again
Two or three stories are scary
And they argued heatedly
About who is the worst sinner of all?
One said: innkeepers,
Another said: landowners,
And the third is men.
It was Ignatius Prokhorov,
Carrying out transportation
Sedate and prosperous

The man is not an empty talker.
He saw all sorts of species,
Traveled all over the province
Both along and across.
You should listen to him
However, the Vahlaks
They got so angry, they didn’t let me
To utter words to Ignaty,
Especially Klim Yakovlev
He swaggered: “You’re a fool!..”
- Should you have listened first... -
“You’re a fool...”
- And that’s all you,
I see, fools! -
Suddenly inserted a rude word
Eremin, merchant brother,
Buying from peasants
Anything, bast shoes,
Whether it's veal or lingonberries,
And most importantly - a master
Be on the lookout for opportunities
When were the taxes collected?
And the Vakhlatsky property
It was put under the hammer.
They started an argument,
But they didn’t miss the point!
Who is the worst sinner of all? think! -
“Well, who? speak!”
- We know who: robbers! -
And Klim answered him:
“You were not serfs,
There was a great drop,
Not your bald spot!
I've filled my purse: I'm imagining
There are robbers everywhere for him;
Robbery is a special article,
Robbery has nothing to do with it!”
– Robber for robber
I stood up! - Prasol said,
And Lavin—jump towards him!
"Pray!" - and put some spray on your teeth.
- Say goodbye to your bellies! -
And spray in Avalanche's teeth.
“Oh fight! Well done!”
The peasants parted
Nobody encouraged
Nobody separated.
Blows rained down like hail:
- I'll kill you! write to your parents! -
“I’ll kill you!” call the priest!
It ended with Prasol
Klim squeezed his hand like a hoop,
The other grabbed his hair
And he bent with the word “bow”
Merchant at his feet.
- Well, that's it! - Prasol said.
Klim released the offender,
The offender sat on a log,
Wide checkered scarf
He wiped himself off and said:
- You win! and is it a wonder?
He doesn’t reap, he doesn’t plow, he wanders around
According to the Konoval position,
How can you not work up your energy? -
(The peasants laughed.)
“Don’t you want more? -
Klim said cheerfully.
- Did you think not? Let's try! -
The merchant carefully removed the scent
And he spat in his hands.

"Open the lips of sin
The time has come: listen!
And so I will make peace between you!” -
Suddenly Ionushka exclaimed,
Listening silently all evening,
Sighing and being baptized,
Humble praying mantis.
The merchant was happy; Klim Yakovlev
He kept silent. Sit down,
There was silence.

Homeless, rootless
Quite a few come across
To the people of Rus',
They don’t reap, they don’t sow, they feed
From the same common granary,
What feeds a small mouse
And a countless army:
Sedentary peasant
Her name is Hump.
Let the people know
That entire villages
To beg in the fall,
Like a profitable business,
Going: in the people's conscience
The decision was stared at
What's more misfortune here?
Rather than lies, they are served.
Even though there are frequent cases
That the wanderer will turn out to be
Thief; what about the women
For the prosphora of Athonite,
For the “tears of the Virgin Mary”
The pilgrim will lure out the yarn,
And then the women will find out
What's next for Troytsy-Sergius
He hasn't been there himself.
There was an old man who sang wonderfully
Captivated the hearts of the people;
With the consent of the mothers,
In the village of Krutiye Zavodi
Divine singing
He began to teach girls;
The girls are red all winter
They locked themselves in Riga with him,
Where did the singing come from?
And more often laughter and squealing.
However, how did it end?
He didn’t teach them to sing,
And he spoiled everyone.
There are great masters
To accommodate the ladies:
First through women
Available until maiden,
And then to the landowner.
Jangling keys around the yard
Walks like a gentleman,
Spit in the peasant's face
A praying old woman
Bent it into a ram's horn!..
But he sees in the same wanderers
And the front side
People. Who builds churches?
Who are the monastic circles
Filled over the edge?
No one does good
And no evil is seen behind him,
You won't understand otherwise.
Fomushka is familiar to the people:
Two-pound chains
The body is girded,
barefoot in winter and summer,
Mumbling something incomprehensible
And to live - to live like a god:
A board and a stone to the head,
And food is only bread.
Wonderful and memorable to him
Old Believer Kropilnikov,
An old man whose whole life
Either freedom or prison.
Came to the village of Usolovo:
Reproaches the laity with godlessness,
Calls to the dense forests
Save yourself. Stanovoy
Happened here, listened to everything:
“To interrogate the co-conspirator!”
He did the same to him:
– You are the enemy of Christ, the Antichrist
Messenger! - Sotsky, headman
They blinked at the old man:
“Hey, submit!” Not listening!
They took him to prison,
And he reproached the boss
And, standing on the cart,
He shouted to the Usolovites:
- Woe to you, woe to you, lost heads!
You were torn off, you will be naked,
They beat you with sticks, rods, whips,
You will be beaten with iron bars!..

The Usolovites were baptized,
The chief beat the herald:
“Remember, anathema,
Judge of Jerusalem!
At the guy's, at the plumber's,
The reins fell out of fright
And my hair stood on end!
And, as luck would have it, military
The command rang out in the morning:
In Ustoy, a village not far away,
The soldiers have arrived.
Interrogations! pacification! -
Anxiety! by coincidence
The Usolovites also suffered:
Prophecy of the Shrew
It almost came true.

will never be forgotten
The people of Euphrosyne,
Posad widow:
Like God's messenger,
The old lady appears
In cholera years;
Buries, heals, tinkers
With the sick. Almost praying
Peasant women look at her...
Knock, unknown guest!
No matter who you are, confidently
At the village gate
Knock! Not suspicious
Native peasant
No thought arises in him,
Like people who are sufficient,
At the sight of a stranger,
Poor and timid:
Wouldn't you shave something?
And the women are such little creatures.
In winter before the torch
The family sits, works,
And the stranger says:
He already took a steam bath in the bathhouse,
Ears with your own spoon,
With a blessing hand,
I sipped my fill.
There's a little charm running through my veins,
Speech flows like a river.
Everything in the hut seemed to freeze:
The old man mending his shoes
He dropped them at his feet;
The shuttle has not chimed for a long time,
The worker listened
At the loom;
Frozen already on the prick
Evgenyushka's little finger,
The master's eldest daughter,
high tubercle,
But the girl didn’t even hear
How I pricked myself until I bled;
The sewing went down to my feet,
Sits - pupils dilated,
She threw up her hands...
Guys, hanging their heads
From the floor, they won’t move:
Like sleepy baby seals
On the ice floes outside Arkhangelsk,
They lie on their stomach.
You can’t see their faces, they’re veiled
Falling strands
Hair - no need to say
Why are they yellow?
Wait! soon wanderer
He will tell the story of Athos,
Like a Turk rebelling
He drove the monks into the sea,
How the monks walked obediently
And they died in hundreds -
You will hear the whisper of horror,
You will see a row of frightened people,
Eyes full of tears!
The terrible moment has come -
And from the hostess herself
Bellied spindle
Rolled off my knees.
Vaska the cat became wary -
And jump to the spindle!
At another time it would have been
Vaska the nimble got it,
And then they didn’t notice
How nimble he is with his paw
I touched the spindle
How did you jump on him?
And how it rolled
Until it unwinds
Strained thread!

Who has seen how he listens
Your visiting wanderers
Peasant family
He will understand that no work
Nor eternal care,
Not the yoke of slavery for a long time,
Not the pub itself
More to the Russian people
No limits set:
There is a wide path before him.
When will the plowman be cheated on?
Old-till fields,
Shreds in the forest outskirts
He tries to plow.
There is enough work here.
But the stripes are new
Give without fertilizer
Abundant harvest.
Such soil is good -
The soul of the Russian people...
O sower! come!..

Jonah (aka Lyapushkin)
Vakhlatskaya side
I've been visiting for a long time.
Not only did they not disdain
Peasants are God's wanderer,
And they argued about
Who will be the first to shelter him?
While their disputes Lyapushkin
Didn't put an end to it:
"Hey! women! take it out
Icons!” The women carried it out;
Before every icon
Jonah fell on his face:
“Don't argue! God's work
Who will look more kindly,
I’ll follow you!”
And often for the poorest
Ionushka walked as an icon
To the poorest hut.
And special to that hut
Respect: women run
With knots, pans
To that hut. The cup is full,
By the grace of Jonushka,
She becomes.

Quietly and leisurely
Narrated by Ionushka
"About two great sinners"
Crossing myself diligently.

About two great sinners

Let us pray to the Lord God,
Let's proclaim the ancient story,
He told it to me in Solovki
Monk, Father Pitirim.

There were twelve thieves
There was Kudeyar-ataman,
The robbers shed a lot
The blood of honest Christians,

They stole a lot of wealth
We lived in a dense forest,
Leader Kudeyar from near Kyiv
He took out a beautiful girl.

I amused myself with my lover during the day,
At night he made raids,
Suddenly the fierce robber
The Lord awakened the conscience.

The dream flew away; disgusted
Drunkenness, murder, robbery,
The shadows of the slain are
A whole army - you can't count it!

I fought and resisted for a long time
Lord beast-man,
Blown off his lover's head
And he spotted Esaul.

The villain's conscience overcame him,
He disbanded his gang,
He distributed property to the church,
I buried the knife under the willow tree.

And atone for sins
He goes to the Holy Sepulcher,
Wanders, prays, repents,
It doesn't get any easier for him.

An old man, in monastic clothes,
The sinner has returned home
Lived under the canopy of the oldest
Oak, in a forest slum.

Day and night of the Almighty
He prays: forgive your sins!
Submit your body to torture
Just let me save my soul!

God took pity on salvation
The schema-monk showed the way:
Elder in prayer vigil
A certain saint appeared

Rek: “Not without God’s providence
You chose an age-old oak tree,
With the same knife that he robbed,
Cut it off with the same hand!

There will be great work
There will be a reward for work,
The tree has just fallen -
The chains of sin will fall."

The hermit measured the monster:
Oak - three girths all around!
I went to work with prayer,
Cuts with a damask knife,

Cuts resilient wood
Sings glory to the Lord,
As the years go by, it gets better
Slowly things move forward.

What can one do with a giant?
A frail, sick person?
We need iron forces here,
We don't need senility!

Doubt creeps into the heart,
Cuts and hears the words:
"Hey old man, what are you doing?"
Crossed himself first

I looked and Pan Glukhovsky
He sees on a greyhound horse,
Sir rich, noble,
The first one in that direction.

A lot of cruel, scary
The old man heard about the master
And as a lesson to the sinner
He told his secret.

Pan grinned: “Salvation
I haven't had tea for a long time,
In the world I honor only a woman,
Gold, honor and wine.

You have to live, old man, in my opinion:
How many slaves do I destroy?
I torment, torture and hang,
I wish I could see how I’m sleeping!”

A miracle happened to the hermit:
I felt furious anger
He rushed to Pan Glukhovsky,
The knife stuck into his heart!

Just now pan bloody
I fell my head on the saddle,
A huge tree collapsed,
The echo shook the whole forest.

The tree collapsed and rolled down
The monk is off the burden of sins!..
Glory to the omnipresent Creator
Now and forever and ever.

Jonah finished; being baptized;
The people are silent. Suddenly there's a lot of salt
An angry cry broke out:
- Hey, you sleepy grouse!
Steam, live, steam!
“You can’t reach the ferry
Until the sun! carriers
And during the day they celebrate the coward,
Their ferry is thin,
Wait! About Kudeyar..."
- Ferry! steam-rum! steam-rum! -
He left, tinkered with the cart,
The cow is tied to her -
He kicked her;
Chickens coo in it,
He told them: “Fools!” chick! -
The calf dangles in it -
The calf got it too
By the star on the forehead.
Burnt Savras's horse
With a whip - and moved towards the Volga.
A month floated over the road.
Such a funny shadow
Ran next to Prasol
Along the lunar strip!
“I thought better of it, should I fight?
And he sees there’s nothing to argue about, -
Vlas noticed. - Oh, Lord!
Great sin of the nobility!
- He’s great, but he still can’t be
Against the sin of the peasant, -
Ignatius Prokhorov again
I couldn’t bear it, I said.
Klim spat: “Eh, I’m impatient!
Who with what, and our tick
Native galchenyatochki
Just a mile away... Well, tell me,
What great sin is this?”

There was a gentleman of low birth,
He bought a village with bribes,
He lived in it continuously for thirty-three years,
He took liberties, reveled, drank bitter things.
Greedy, stingy, did not make friends with the nobles,
I only went to my sister for tea;
Even with relatives, not only with peasants,
Mr. Polivanov was cruel;
Having married my daughter, my husband
He flogged them - he drove them both away naked, into the teeth of an exemplary slave, the faithful Yakov, and casually beat him with his heel.
People of servile rank are mere dogs sometimes: The heavier the punishment,
That's why gentlemen are dearer to them.
Yakov appeared like this from his youth,
Yakov had only joy:
To groom, protect, please the master
Yes, rock my little nephew.
So they both lived to old age.
The master's legs began to wither,
I went for treatment, but my legs didn’t come back to life...
Have fun, indulge and sing! The eyes are clear, The cheeks are red, The plump arms are as white as sugar, And there are shackles on the legs!
The landowner lies quietly under his robe,
He curses his bitter fate,
Yakov with his master: friend and brother
The master is calling faithful Yakov.
We whiled away the winter and summer together,
They played cards more
We went to see my sister to relieve boredom
About twelve versts on good days.
Yakov himself will carry him out, lay him down,
He himself will take the long distance to his sister,
He will help you get to the old lady yourself,
So they lived happily - for the time being...
Jacob's nephew, Grisha, grew up
At the master’s feet: “I want to get married!”
- “Who is the bride?” - “The Bride is Arisha.”
The master answers: “I’ll drive it into the coffin!”
He thought to himself, looking at Arisha:
“If only God could move his legs!”
No matter how much my uncle asked for his nephew,
The rival's master became a recruit.
I seriously offended the exemplary slave, the faithful Yakov,
Master, the slave has fooled me!
I drank the dead... It’s awkward without Yakov,
Whoever serves is a fool, a scoundrel!
Anger has been boiling in everyone for a long time,
Fortunately, there is a case: be rude, take it out!
The master either asks or swears like a dog, So two weeks passed.
Suddenly his faithful servant returns... The first thing is to bow to the ground.
It’s a pity for him, you see, he’s become legless:
Who will be able to comply with it?
“Only do not remember cruel deeds;
I will carry my cross to the grave!”
Again the landowner lies under his robe,
Yakov sits at his feet again,
Again the landowner calls him brother.
“Why are you frowning, Yasha?” - “Muddy!”
A lot of fungi were strung on threads,
We played cards, drank some tea,
Pour cherries and raspberries into drinks
And they gathered to have some fun with their sister.
The landowner smokes, lies carefree,
I'm glad to see the clear sun and greenery.
Yakov is gloomy, speaks reluctantly,
Jacob's reins are trembling,
Gets baptized. “Forget me, evil spirit! -
Whispers: “Scatter!” (his enemy was bothering him).
They're going... To the right is a wooded slum,
Its name has been since ancient times: Devil's Ravine;
Yakov turned and drove down the ravine,
The master was taken aback: “Where are you going, where are you going?”
Yakov doesn't say a word. We passed at a pace
Several miles; not the road - trouble!
Pits, dead wood; running along the ravine
Spring waters, trees rustle...
The horses began to stand - and not a step further,
Pine trees stick out like a wall in front of them.
Yakov, without looking at the poor master,
He began to unharness the horses,
Faithful to Yash, trembling, pale,
The landowner then began to beg.
Yakov listened to the promises - and rudely,
He laughed evilly: “I found the murderer!
I will dirty my hands with murder,
No, it’s not for you to die!”
Yakov jumped onto a tall pine tree,
The reins at the top strengthened it,
He crossed himself, looked at the sun,
He put his head in a noose and lowered his legs!..
What passions of God! hanging
Yakov is swinging rhythmically over the master.
The master rushes about, sobs, screams,
One echo responds!
Stretching his head, his voice strained
Master - the screams are in vain!
The Devil's Ravine is wrapped in a shroud,
At night the dew is heavy there,
You can't see Zgi! only owls scurry about,
Spreading its wings on the ground,
You can hear the horses chewing leaves,
Quietly ringing the bells.
As if a cast iron fits - they burn
Someone's two round, bright eyes,
Some birds are flying noisily,
I hear they settled nearby.
The raven croaked alone above Yakov.
Chu! There were up to a hundred of them!
The gentleman hooted and threatened with a crutch!
What passions of God! The master lay in the ravine all night,
Drive away birds and wolves with groans,
In the morning the hunter saw him.
The master returned home, lamenting:
“I am a sinner, a sinner! Execute me!
You, master, will be an exemplary slave, faithful Jacob, remembered until the day of judgment!

“Sins, sins,” was heard
From all sides. - It's a pity Yakov,
Yes, it’s creepy for the master too, -
What a punishment he received!”
- Oh! Ouch! We also heard
Two or three stories are scary
And they argued heatedly
About who is the worst sinner of all.
One said: innkeepers,
Another said: landowners,
And the third is men.
It was Ignatius Prokhorov,
Carrying out transportation
Sedate and prosperous
The man is not an empty talker.
He saw all sorts of species,
Traveled all over the province
Both along and across.
You should listen to him
However, the Vahlaks
They got so angry, they didn’t let me
Say a word to Ignatius,
Especially Klim Yakovlev
He swaggered: “You’re a fool!..”
- “You should have listened first...”
- “You’re a fool...” - “And that’s all you,
I see, fools! -
Suddenly inserted a rude word
Eremin, merchant brother,
Buying from peasants
Anything, bast shoes,
Whether it's veal or lingonberries,
And most importantly - a master
Be on the lookout for opportunities
When were the taxes collected?
And the Vakhlatsky property
It was put under the hammer. -
They started an argument,
But they didn’t miss the point!
Who is the worst sinner of all? think!”
- “Well, who? speak!”
- “We know who: robbers!”
And Klim answered him:
“You were not serfs,
There was a great drop,
Not your bald spot!
I've filled my purse: I'm imagining
There are robbers everywhere for him;
Robbery is a special article,
Robbery has nothing to do with it!”
- "Robber for robber"
Interceded!” - Prasol said,
And Lavin - jump to him!
"Pray!" - and put some prasol in your teeth.
"Say goodbye to your bellies!" -
And spray in Avalanche's teeth.
“Oh, fight! Well done!”
The peasants parted
Nobody encouraged
Nobody separated.
Blows rained down like hail:
- I'll kill you! write to your parents!
- “I’ll kill you!” call the priest!
It ended with Prasol
Klim squeezed his hand like a hoop,
The other grabbed his hair
And he bent with the word “bow”
Merchant at his feet.
“Well, that’s it!” - Prasol said.
Klim released the offender,
The offender sat on a log,
Wide checkered scarf
He wiped himself off and said:
"You win! Isn't it amazing?
He doesn’t reap, he doesn’t plow, he wanders around
According to the Konovalsky position.
How can you not work up your energy?”
(The peasants laughed.)
- “Don’t you want more?” -
Klim said cheerfully.
“Did you think not? Let's try! "
The merchant carefully removed the scent
And he spat in his hands.
"Open the lips of sin
The turn has come: listen!
And so I will make peace between you!” -
Suddenly Ionushka exclaimed,
Listening silently all evening,
Sighing and being baptized,
Humble praying mantis.
The merchant was happy; Klim Yakovlev
He kept silent. Sit down,
There was silence.

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