Mylene farmer family children. Mylene Farmer: biography, personal life, family, husband, children - photo

Mylene Farmer ( real name Gaultier) is one of the most sought-after and highly paid singers in France, bright Star French pop music of the 2000s. Each of her songs is a real performance, the emotionality of her performance is off the charts and is felt even through the speakers of radio receivers, needless to say what an explosion of emotions the audience feels at the singer’s concerts. Her name thundered all over the world in the early 2000s, songs for a long time were at the top of the most prestigious international charts and charts, her collection includes a huge number of international awards, in particular the NRJ Music Awards Diamond Award, the World Music Awards 1993, and where did this red-haired beauty start? This will be discussed below.

Height, weight, age. How old is Mylene Farmer

Mylene Farmer is today rightfully considered a sound standard French music. Fans of the singer around the world are interested in answers to questions: Height, weight, age. How old is Mylene Farmer? We will answer everything in order. A couple of weeks ago, the singer celebrated her 57th birthday, which you can’t tell from her appearance - the singer is perfectly preserved. Mylene Farmer's height and weight are 169 centimeters and 45 kilograms, respectively. Perhaps it is her thinness that makes her almost half her biological age.

Biography and personal life of Mylene Farmer

Biography and personal life Mylene Farmer started in 1961. The future singer was born in the suburbs of Montreal, Quebec in the family of a civil engineer and a housewife. Mylene's parents were originally from France, but shortly before her birth they moved to Quebec, where her father was busy building a dam on the local Manicouagan River. At the age of 8, Milen returns with her parents to her historical homeland. As a child, Mylene was not very creative personality, led a rather secluded lifestyle, for some time she was fond of equestrian sports and adored horses. She did not receive a secondary education, shortly before graduation she left the lyceum and went to Paris in search of a better life.

In 1979, she entered Florent's theater courses and acted in commercials. For more than 5 years, Mylene has been waiting for her bird of happiness, interjecting roles in commercials, and finally, in 1984, Laurent Boutonnat, the singer’s producer and co-author, appears in her life. From this moment it begins finest hour Mylene Farmer. One by one, songs are released that instantly become hits even outside of France. In 1988, Mylène Farmer received her first award - the title of “Best Performer of the Year” according to the Victoires de la musique. After 8 years, she returned to the awards stage; in 1996, her album Anamorphosée was called “the best-selling abroad.” In the same 1996, the artist went on an international tour, after which she decided to take a break. It is worth saying that the pause for Farmer is very common occurrence, she never tried to put her creativity on stream, adhering to the opinion that better, less, but of better quality.

3 years later, in 1999, Farmer, who had already seemed forgotten by everyone, made herself known with new hits, a new album was released and again the singer’s songs fell into the very heart of the listener. “L’Amour Naissant”, “Souviens-toi du jour...”, “Mylenium” are far from full list songs on the album that have gone down among the people. No wonder, because with them she went on a large concert tour, performing, including in the Russian Federation. The concert of this tour was recognized as the best by the NRJ Music Awards.

In 2001, Universal released a collection best songs singer “Les Mots”, which in particular included several new compositions that marked the end of the singer’s career. This is followed again by a three-year pause. At this time, Farmer tried his hand at producing and writing children's books. Despite the creative "vacation", the singer has been named "best French-speaking performer" according to the NRJ Music Awards for several years in a row.

In 2004, Farmer triumphantly returned to the stage. The album Avant que l'ombre... sells hundreds of thousands of copies all over the world. 2006 was marked by the recording of a duet composition with Moby, which is still popular.

In 2006, the singer also launched a large international tour, after which she traditionally goes on vacation. This time she is trying to immerse herself in the world of cinema, voicing cartoon characters, for which, by the way, she was awarded the NRJ Ciné Awards.

The return to the stage took place in 2008. New album“Point de suture” and again a tour in support of it. The next album, Bleu noir, appeared in 2010. Further fate The artist was marked by a certain lull, but this time the singer got busy recording her next album, Monkey Me, which she released in 2012. In support of this album, she goes on an international tour, which was one of the most popular in her biography; the Monkey Me record went platinum.

The singer's next album, Interstellaires, was released in 2015, and in 2017 she signed a contract with Sony Music Entertainment. The result of this collaboration should be an album, which, according to preliminary data, will be presented this fall. In the meantime, fans are listening to the single “Rolling Stone”, presented as an announcement for the new album.

Family and children Mylene Farmer

Mylene Farmer’s family and children are an information gap in her biography. The press does not know any details about the singer in this regard. Of course, from time to time she was credited with having affairs with men from her circle, including even Laurent Boutonnat, but the artist does not react in any way to such provocations in the press, neither confirming nor denying the news “ Yellow press" Mylene Farmer does not have children, and according to her, she does not plan to have them in the near future.

The singer's parents are native French, unrelated to art. The love for music was instilled in the girl by her grandmother. Melene Farmer has two older sisters and a younger brother.

Mylene Farmer's husband

Mylene Farmer’s husband has long been considered the singer’s worst secret. Journalists were sure that Farmer was simply carefully hiding her husband from the public, but a huge number of journalistic investigations did not produce positive results, from which we can conclude that Farmer did not get married. But this charming woman has always been popular with men. At one time, British singer Silom, actor Jeff Dahlgren and director Benoit di Sabatino signed up to be her suitors. Why hasn't any man put it on her finger? wedding ring, we can only guess, since Farmer herself does not open up to the press about personal matters.

Photo of Mylene Farmer in Playboy magazine

Photos of Mylene Farmer in playboy magazine appeared quite often, but she never starred in candid photo shoot, in which she would appear completely naked. All her photos, like her clips, are purely intimate, romantic character, and in one of the Playboy issues Farmer was called a “sex symbol” of France. . In any case, her stunning figure for her age is the subject of discussion and even envy, and of course justifies her appearances in candid publications like Playboy. At the same time, the artist still remains faithful to the image of a certain cosmic diva, created back in the 80s of the last century. There is still a lot of interesting and mysterious things in her image, which actually attracts the public’s attention to her.

Instagram and Wikipedia Mylene Farmer

Instagram and Wikipedia Mylène Farmer are sources of up-to-date information about the singer’s life and work. She is an active user of social networks, updates on her Instagram are stable, where she shares footage from professional photo shoots that attract a million men from all over the world. In addition, information about the singer can be gleaned from the artist’s numerous fan clubs in major in social networks, including VKontakte. These public pages are moderated by Farmer's most loyal fans from around the world. New songs appear there, as well as photos and videos from the singer’s concerts.

Celebrity biographies


12.09.14 11:26

She was never ashamed to expose her body (at the same time turning her soul inside out) for her videos, which were more like films, and at almost 50 years old she voiced for Besson the heroine of his franchise about Arthur and the Minimoys, the baby princess, the fragile Selenia.

Biography of Mylene Farmer

ugly duck

Her mother is the namesake of the character “Lady of the Camellias” by Dumas the Son, she is also Marguerite Gautier. When the couple had a third child, daughter Mylene, on September 12, 1961, Max was working under a contract in Canada. He was an engineer and took part in the construction of a dam near Pierfonts.

The 1970s arrived, Max Gautier's collaboration with the Canadians ended, and the family returned to their homeland. Mylene did not cope well with this move, she could not find common language with peers and spent a lot of time in the hospital, visiting disabled children (the Gauthiers lived in provincial Ville-d’Avray).

The girl considered herself " ugly duckling“, she was a real tomboy, she hung out more often with boys. Her first great passion was horses - she studied at a riding school for five years (later this would be useful in filming videos) and she herself was thinking about becoming a horse instructor.

Muse Butonna

At the age of 18, Mylene left the lyceum and moved to Paris - her dream of acting matured. Theater courses and participation in commercials did not bring the desired result. And the girl didn’t even think about a career as a singer, although as a child she became the winner of a vocal competition.

She was noticed by Laurent Boutonnat, who was in search of a talented model to make his dreams come true. Fragile and a little “out of this world,” Mylene became exactly the performer Boutonna dreamed of.

Already the debut single “Mom Isn’t Right” unexpectedly became a sales leader, and two years later the singer’s first album appeared. As a pseudonym, she chose the surname of her idol, actress Frances Farmer.

Clips are like a little life

Boutonnat's videos with Milen's participation became real art - they conquered France, and then the whole world with stunning visuals, a complete script, frankness and tragedy.

And “Libertine” marked the beginning of this triumph. The mini-film took place in mid-18th century century. The clip, which cost half a million francs, drove the public crazy. Passions were seething within him (a duel, seduction, a real orgy with half-naked beauties in powdered wigs, a brutal female fight, bloody revenge).

The plot of “Tristana” was inspired by the fairy tale about Snow White, only the evil queen (and all the other characters) for some reason spoke Russian, and footage of Lenin was inserted into the video sequence.

4 million francs were spent on the continuation of “The Libertine,” the video for the song “Only They Were Tender,” but the 17-minute masterpiece was worth it. In terms of drama and the number of participants, it was close to a Hollywood blockbuster. Record album sales and the love of millions rewarded the new French star, Mylène Farmer. The union with Laurent - spiritual and physical - brought stunning results.

Lifetime dream

For almost 4 years, Boutonna had been hatching plans to shoot a film, but still there was no actor for the main role. In the end, he settled on American actor and musician Jeff Dahlgren. It was a fatal choice. According to the script, main character"Giorgino" falls in love with the red-haired strange girl Catherine (Farmer). Mylene and Jeff began to have feelings for each other in reality. The romance flared up. But Boutonna, carried away by his work, did not want to notice anything; maybe he believed that the singer would not get away from him (after all, they had been together for 10 years).

So, Mylene fulfilled her life's dream - to act in a movie. However, the film failed at the box office. So much effort and money was spent on it! But the expectations of the ambitious Boutonne were not met. He became depressed. Mylene left with Dahlgren for the States.

Personal life of Mylene Farmer

Escape and return of the rebel

The new life with her lover transformed the French woman: there was less and less depressive, hopeless and gloomy content in the videos. But that nervous note that so worried the public was gone from her work. She had nothing to play in new images, no tension - it was light, light and simple. A standard sex diva, Mylene no longer liked herself.

Two years later, Boutonnat volunteered to do special effects and lighting for Farmer's show in Paris. The rebel returned to her Pygmalion - she understood this immediately, at the very first concert. Crying on stage while singing a song about a third wheel getting in between loving people, she already knew that she would give up Jeff and the bright, positive “sunny” life in America.

The year passed in the bustle of touring, filming, small victories, and arguing about new songs - life with Laurent went on as usual. But he found a new “Galatea”, Nathalie Cordona, and their tandem with Mylene became an ordinary creative union.

Fire-haired fairy

The singer continues to release new albums, goes on tours (in 2000, during another tour, she visited Russia). Together with Boutonna, Milen produced the young talented Alize.

The singer’s ninth album, “Monkey Me,” was released at the end of 2012 and went platinum in a number of countries. And the 39-concert Timeless tour in 2013 proved that Farmer is still one of the greatest performers of our day. In late autumn 2015, Mylene released her tenth studio disc, one of the compositions of which took first place in the French chart.

Mylene doesn't like to talk about personal things. She loves animals (she was the owner of a capuchin monkey for 20 years), films with Charlie Chaplin and Gerard Depardieu, and can also watch Burton’s gothic “Sleepy Hollow” over and over again. She is a fan of Kafka and Zweig, and hides from the hustle and bustle of everyday life in her home in Corsica.

Today, September 12, is the 57th birthday of one of the most famous French women, Mylène Farmer - singer, actress, writer and composer. In honor of Mylene’s birthday, BigPiccia shook out the old days, exclaimed “Fak zem ol”, turned on “Fatamo” louder (Fatamo is the most famous song Farmer) and collected in one text the most Interesting Facts about life stars.


Mylene was born in 1961 in Pierrefonds, a suburb of Montreal (Canada). Shortly before the birth of the child, Mylene's parents - engineer father Max and housewife mother Margarita - moved from France due to the work of the head of the family. However, they still returned to France - however, when the future singer was already eight years old.

As a child, Mylene, whose real name, by the way, is Gaultier, was fond of horse riding, but by the age of 17 the girl gave up horses and decided that her future was theater. She left her parents for Paris, but did not enter drama school.


Farmer saw herself as an actress, but she was rejected from drama colleges and schools four times. True, in the end she still entered the Cours Florent studio. Few people know that after completing the course, Mylene starred in commercials for Ikea and Fiskars. Later, he starred in the disastrous film Giorgino (1994) and much later, in 2018, in the film Ghostland.


Mylene Farmer worked as a model until she was 23 years old - her income from photo shoots was practically her only income. She didn’t audition for films, nor did she audition for theater. However, everything changed when she met the aspiring director and composer Laurent Boutonnat. He was looking for a singer and heroine for his video for the song “I Don’t Want to Grow Up.” Mylene came to the auditions and passed them with flying colors. This is how her career as a singer began, and the union with the director lasted until 1994 - the girl wrote the lyrics, and her partner wrote the music. By the way, he was responsible for Mylene’s image. It was in this union that the album “Ainsi soit je” was born, for which Farmer would later receive his first award - “Artist of the Year”.


This tragedy has been talked about a lot in the world press, however, there are still not many specific details. The fact is that in 1991, when Mylene already had a name, several awards and fame, a fan, obsessed with love for the singer, burst into the Polydor recording studio. He threatened her with a weapon and demanded Farmer's address. The secretary refused to give the coordinates of the star, and the fan shot the woman.

“They offered me security, but I refused. In such a situation, you don’t think about yourself, not about what could have happened, but about a family in mourning, about a person who died for nothing and who had nothing to do with it... This death is so unfair...” quote from Mylene Farmer on a Russian-language fan forum.


At the time of the tragedy, the singer already had world fame- including in Russia. She herself admitted that she loves our country very much, and several years before the terrible precedent at the Polydor studio, back in 1986, Farmer recorded the song Tristana and released a video for it - based on “The Tale of dead princess and seven heroes" by Alexander Pushkin.


In the Soviet Union, and later in Russia, Mylene Farmer was often compared to Zhanna Aguzarova - the singers are very similar in appearance. True, in creativity, role and appearance they have nothing in common.


From birth, Mylène Farmer is blonde, but in the name of her stage image, she was forced to follow Laurent Boutonne’s lead. It was he who came up with her red-haired role, which later became business card singers.

This is how the girl looked before her image change - the photo shows her natural hair color


Mylene has never been married, but numerous novels are constantly attributed to her. After a long relationship with Laurent, Boutonnat was said to be dating singer Seal from Britain. The romance allegedly began while working on the song Les Mots. However, these were just journalists’ guesses.

Later, the singer really had long romance with director Benoit di Sabatino, which Mylene did not hide. She admitted that these were some of the most happy relationship in her life.

Mylene Farmer and Benoit di Sabatino

Even in her youth, Farmer stated that she did not intend to start a family, much less children. Over the years, this position has strengthened. It is known that now the diva lives alone, she has two monkeys.

By the way, Mylene is a vegetarian and loves the cold. Just a couple of interesting details.


Mylène Farmer has released six albums. The release of the new seventh album entitled “Désobéissance” (“Disobedience”) is due out on September 28. It will include 12 songs in French and English languages, including the previously unveiled Rolling Stone single and duet from the LP.

Mylène Farmer has hundreds of awards, among which the most significant are “Best Female Performer of the Year”, “Best Selling French-Language Album” and “Best Female Artist of the Last 20 Years”.

To this day, her songs (and Mylene Farmer’s career lasts for 34 years) remain among the most beloved French songs among music lovers around the world, and the albums are among the best-selling. At the same time, the singer herself, to this day (despite numerous fan forums all over the planet) remains one of the most mysterious people - smiling, she sometimes says in the press that if someone wants to really get to know and understand her, then let them listen to her recordings . They contain all of her and her whole life.

Mylene Farmer was born in Pierrefonds (Canada). Her real name is Gautier. The family moved to Canada from France; the father had a contract for the construction of several projects. Mother worked as a secretary and then became a housewife. In total they had four children.

Mylene studied at St. Marcelina School (Quebec). In 1969, the family returned to France; Milen was 8 years old at that time. She had a hard time new school, her peers were hostile towards her, considering her a foreigner. Mylene was more friendly with the boys.

The grandmother devoted a lot of time to raising the girl. She graduated from the conservatory and was able to pass on her love of art to her granddaughter. At the insistence of her grandmother, Milen began to participate in vocal competitions and was not unsuccessful.

Her second grandmother instilled in her a love of horse riding. Mylene even wanted to tie her future profession with horses, but at the age of 17 she changed her mind and wanted to be an actress. Having set a goal for herself, she decided to definitely achieve it.

Mylene left the lyceum and rushed off to Paris, where she began to study at theater school. The girl had to pay for her studies on her own, for which she worked a lot. She was a shoe salesman, a dentist's assistant, then got a job at modeling agency, often attended all kinds of castings.

Creative career

At the agency, Mylene met Laurent Boutonne, composer and director. He was looking for a vocalist to sing the song Maman a tort. Mylene was perfect for him, but she was forced to change her hair color and hairstyle. The girl decided to change her last name, becoming Farmer (in honor of the actress France Farmer).

The song Maman a tort became a hit in 1984. Later the album Cendres de Lune and the video Libertine were released. It turned out to be scandalous, Mylene played the role of a slut. Released in 1989 new clip, where the singer appeared in the same image. They started talking about Mylene, and her subsequent albums went platinum. In 1989, Farmer was named singer of the year.

In 1994, Laurent Boutonnat directed the film “Giorgino” with Mylene in leading role, the picture turned out to be a failure. The singer took the failure seriously and decided to go live in the USA. There she recorded the album Anamorphosee, created in a new style. Then Farmer returned and began collaborating with Laurent again.

In 1999, she recorded the collection Innamoramento and went on a world tour. The final concert took place in Moscow. Subsequent albums were also successful. In 2006, Farmer sang the song Slipping Away with Moby. In 2007, the singer decided to become a producer; she began working with Alize, the winner of the “Emerging Star” competition.

Personal life

Until 1993, everyone was sure that Button was more than a producer for the singer. But the couple did not comment on the information. On the set of the film “Jogino,” Milen fell in love with actor Dahlgren and went with him to the USA. After 2 years she returned to Laurent. There were also rumors about Farmer having an affair with British singer Silom.

Since 2002, the singer lived in a civil marriage with Benoit Di Sabatino, a producer. They did not intend to officially register the relationship. Mylene Farmer is not married and has no plans to have children. She loves solitude and personal freedom.

Militta does not pretend to compete with Mylene Farmer fan sites and forums. I have no plans to tell my readers the most full biography singer, many publications have been written about her. Entire websites are dedicated to Mylene Farmer, but I just can’t ignore her image...

Born September 12, 1961
Eyes: brown
Hair: black (dyes red)
Height: 1.67m
Weight: 45 kg

Few world celebrities exposed themselves so often in front of cameras and at the same time so zealously protected their personal lives from prying eyes. Rare European singers sell each album in millions of copies, and remain faithful own image, keep up with musical fashion, without following the lead of the public.

Mylene Farmer was born on September 12, 1961 in the vicinity of Montreal. However, she did not live in Canada for long, as her family moved to Paris at the end of their work contract in 1969.

Her parents are Max and Marguerite Gauthier. His father worked as an engineer, his mother was a housewife and raised children. Mylene had two brothers and a sister. Since childhood, Mylene has adored everything mysterious and mystical. This is probably why she grew up as a shy and secretive girl.

Mylene was sent to a special school called Cadre Noir de Samour in Paris, but she did not like studying and left school without receiving a certificate. Such an act may seem reckless, but Mylene had a long-standing dream. Since childhood, she dreamed of becoming an actress, and already tried to work part-time as a model, while simultaneously participating in vocal competitions, and quite successfully.

For two years she studied the basics of acting and paid for her studies on her own. To achieve this, Mylene worked as a dentist's assistant, a saleswoman in shoe store, regularly participated in castings conducted by advertising agencies. She managed to appear in television commercials several times. But then Mylene realized that she had a slightly different calling.

A meeting with Laurent Boutonnat changed everything. Music producer, composer and television director, Boutonna was looking for a woman - young, charming, artistic, with good vocals. Together with his musical partner, he wrote a potentially controversial song about teenagers rebelling against sexual inhibitions.

A completely new vocalist was needed. He understood that attracting an underage performer would certainly create a lot of unnecessary problems. Of the many applicants, Boutonnat eventually chose 23-year-old Mylene Gautier.

First of all, they came up with a pseudonym and christened her Mylene Farmer - in honor of the Hollywood actress France Farmer, who was distinguished by her impudent character and immoderate love of alcohol, and ended her days in a mental hospital.

So, Mylene Farmer's career began in 1984 and began with a scandal. Find record company, which would risk releasing a daring debut single, turned out to be not so easy. But when the single “Maman A Tort” was finally released, the costs of its recording and promotion were more than recouped.

The song thundered primarily due to its provocative lyrics, in which frankness was combined with some intriguing reticence. The video clip caused an even bigger scandal and was never aired. In 1985, Farmer and Boutonnat recorded two more successful singles - "On Est Tous Des Imbeciles" and "Plus Grandir".

After another year, Mylene Farmer managed to get a decent contract with Polydor. And her debut album “Cendres De Lune” lived up to the expectations placed on it.

The combination of romantic melodies and dark, mysterious lyrics, which Farmer often wrote herself, sounded very intriguing. The album sold 800 thousand copies in France alone. At the same time, clips appeared that resembled short psychedelic films; they emphasized the charm and mystery of Mylene.

After such a brilliant start, Mylene Farmer’s career only went up. quickly found a mysterious and at the same time sweet image that was in perfect harmony with her present inner world. I also found an ideal creative and business partner in Boutonne. Thanks to this, her discography was replenished quite regularly, and discs were released one after another.

After the 1992 album Dance Remixes, Mylène Farmer disappeared from public view for a while. She decided to fulfill her childhood dream - to become a real film actress. Laurent Boutonnat helped her; he directed the film “Giorgino”, in which Milen played the main role.

The film was released in 1994 and forever buried the singer’s acting dreams. The scandalous failure of the film could only be compared with the scandalous success of its debut single. Critics trashed “Giorgino,” as did Mylene’s acting abilities, and moviegoers reacted so sluggishly to the film that box office receipts did not make up even a small part of the money invested.

Only Mylene still had her music, which never let the singer down. She failed to become an actress, but the cinema took advantage of Milen’s talents in another way - her songs were heard in many films.

In 2000, the singer took a short break in her career, but not for rest, but to implement another idea. Farmer rarely wrote music for her own releases, but for the young talented girl Alizee she wrote an entire album.

Calm in creative biography Mylene Farmer's marriage lasted several years. In 2001, a collection of her best hits was released, which included three new songs, and two years later - a selection of remixes “Remixes 2003”. This was the third collection of remixes in her catalogue.

In 2003, a biographical book about Mylene Farmer, written by Caroline Bee, was published in France. And shortly before this, the singer herself made her debut in the literary field, publishing her first novel “Lisa-Loup et le conteur” - a philosophical fairy tale for adults.

In March 2005, the Victoires de la Musique competition was held in France. Mylene Farmer was awarded an honorary title best singer France over the past twenty years. Mylene herself did not arrive at the ceremony, and the presenters reminded the audience of the meaningful title of her latest single, “Fuck Them All.”

Soon Mylene voices Princess Selenia in animated film Luc Besson.

In August 2008, the next, seventh in a row, was released. studio album Mylène Farmer "Point de suture".

In the fall of 2010, information appeared about the release of Mylene's new, eighth studio album. On December 6, 2010, a new product under the name “Bleu noir” reached listeners. A special feature of the new album is the absence of Laurent Bouton among the songwriters - instead Moby, Red One and Darius Keeler from British group"Archive".

On November 7, 2011, the singer released a new single, Du temps, which was included in the “Best-of”, which is a collection of Mylene Farmer’s singles from the last ten years. In addition to Du temps, one more appears as fundamentally new songs (Sois moi - be me), and the publication date of the collection is December 5, 2011.

On December 3, 2012, the 9th studio album Monkey Me was released. Premiere of the first album single entitled “? l "ombre" ("In the Shadows") took place on the radio on October 22. In the first month of sales, the album reached sales of more than 300,000 copies in France alone.

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