Indoor mint: beneficial properties. Indoor mint - multifunctional houseplant Plectranthus indoor mint

After roots appear, you need to plant it in a pot. According to signs, plectranthus attracts money. What is the benefit of mint grown in an indoor pot?

This unpretentious plant is as useful as the well-known peppermint. For many garden owners it grows like a weed. But not everyone knows that mint can be grown at home.
It is difficult to say to what extent plectranthus has the same properties as peppermint, but tea with indoor mint is very tasty.

What types of Plectranthus are there?

There are a lot of essential oils in the leaves of indoor mint, which is why they are so fragrant. This is explained by the fact that the leaves have special glands that produce them.

The moth tree is one of the varieties of plectranthus. It is a shrub that retains green leaves all year round. In adulthood it reaches a meter in height.

Scandinavian ivy is a herbaceous form of plant that produces shoots reaching a meter in length.

Plectranthus Ertendahl is a subshrub with evergreen leaves. The crown of the plant is a clump.

Most often, the Molar tree is found in apartments.

What are the health benefits of mint?

The medicinal properties of the plant help cope with the following diseases:

  • Cough;
  • Throat diseases;
  • Bronchial asthma (a decoction is made from the leaves, or chewed);
  • Helps well with a runny nose;
  • Useful for nursing women during breastfeeding;
  • Helps cope with infectious diseases;
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • Helps against flatulence;
  • Apply to the wound for insect bites.

The plant has also found application in the field of cooking. For example, in Indonesia, Plectranthus is used as a seasoning for soups, salads, and even drinks. It is good to add leaves of indoor mint to meat, or poultry or fish dishes.

There is another way to use the leaves of the plant. The thing is, I don't like the smell of mint.

Unpretentious and fast-growing, filling the space with its beautiful leaves with original colors, forgiving its owners overdried soil, so beloved in harsh Scandinavia that it even received the nickname “Swedish ivy” - that’s all about it, the modest plectranthus. In Russia, plectranthus is called “indoor mint” and “moth tree”.

The luminary of plant growing, the respected Dr. D.G. Hessayon, modestly keeps silent about the homeland of this worthy plant in all respects, but various sources most often mention the South African subtropics, or rather the Limpopo River valley, and this is not a joke at all. And from there, plectranthus began to spread to India, Malaysia, Japan, Australia, and Polynesia.

General characteristics of plectranthus

Plectranthus flowers do not represent any aesthetic value, but belong to decorative foliage plants. The shoots are drooping, tetrahedral, cascading, hanging in large numbers from flowerpots, hanging vases and baskets, and covered with densely arranged leaves.

There are types of plecranthus that are not ampelous, more like a shrub with many shoots 40 centimeters high, and the same abundant foliage. Beautiful, shiny or matte, dark green or with a beautiful pattern, veined or edged, pubescent and smooth - the leaves of this plant have jagged edges and look great against the background of any interior. The same cannot be said about its inconspicuous small white, blue, purple flowers, collected in small umbrellas or spikelets.

Flower growers advise cutting them off to avoid the plant losing its attractive appearance. If you rub a leaf between your fingers, you can catch a barely noticeable pleasant smell of mint, and in some species, the smell of meadow grass.

Common types of plectranthus, photo of indoor flower

The most common types of this ornamental plant in indoor floriculture are:

  • . The shoots are erect, the leaves are the largest of all types, reaching 5-6 cm in length, bordered by a white or cream stripe or covered with spots of the same color. The name suggests a similarity with all known coleus, although the similarity is quite distant, however, these plants belong to the same family.
  • . This is what looks like coleus, most likely this species, only it does not have characteristic spots on the leaves, they are monochromatic, slightly wrinkled, heart-shaped. The name speaks for itself here too - this is a large bush; when you lightly touch its strong shoots, it releases essential oils into the space around it. This feature helped it get the informal name “moth tree,” although it repels moths, not attracts them.
  • Plecranthus Ertendahl. Carved leaves, bright green on one side and purple-pink on the other, with a slight aroma of camphor, with light veins on the velvety surface, creating an unusual ornament, made this species a favorite among all others in terms of decorativeness and beauty. Like no other species, it requires constant pinching of shoots for greater bushiness.
  • Plectranthus hadiensis or felt. At home, it is a miniature bush with light green, densely pubescent carved leaves with a light mint aroma and drooping shoots. Under natural conditions, both the height of the bush and the length of the leaves are much greater, but the light requirement remains high, regardless of the growing conditions.

How to properly care for indoor mint plectranthus at home

When planning home care for a plant such as plectranthus, you must remember that it comes from a humid, warm, sunny subtropical climate and take into account the following nuances.

Does the plant need to be replanted after purchase?

After purchasing a plant, it must be replanted.

After purchase, be sure to transplant it into a pot of larger diameter, usually by transshipment, keeping the earthen lump intact. Subsequent transplants are carried out annually in early spring; plants older than five years are replanted every two years. After the threat of spring frosts has passed, you can plant it in open ground.

Soil composition for plectranthus and types of soil fertilizers

A nutritious mixture of two parts of turf with one part of humus, one part of leaf soil, and half of each part of peat and sand is required. The mixture should be of medium density. It is better to feed the plant with a special fertilizer for indoor plants or alternating an infusion of organic fertilizers with mineral fertilizers every month. Fertilizing is carried out in spring and summer during the period of intensive growth of plectranthus.

Watering, air humidity

It is not at all easy to grow an abundant leaf mass at such a rate if there is not enough moisture, so during the period of intensive growth, water generously. The leaves are sprayed from time to time, simulating a subtropical microclimate. It is advisable not to let the earthen ball become overdried, although the plant tolerates short-term “drought” painlessly. In winter, watering becomes moderate, since plectranthus is in a state of relative dormancy and practically does not grow. You can even slightly dry the top layer of soil to avoid waterlogging, which is so dangerous in winter.


For plectranthus, the best lighting is diffused.

With a lack of lighting, bright leaves quickly lose their decorative effect, and the stems become bare. The best solution would be to grow plectranthus in diffused, fairly bright light, preferably on the windowsill of a south-west window. Direct sunlight is also undesirable, but the plant is tolerant of artificial lighting.

Optimal temperature for growing at home

Oddly enough, this subtropical newcomer prefers moderate temperatures. In summer it’s a comfortable 20°-22°C, in winter it’s the same as what usually happens on a cool windowsill - 15°C. This heat-loving plant simply cannot tolerate less without damage to its appearance, leaf fall will begin, and growth points will suffer.


We trim the handsome man in the spring, paying special attention to weak and bare shoots, they can be shortened by half. In general, constantly pinching the tops of plectranthus shoots will make it more magnificent, more beautiful, and bushier.

Propagating mint plectranthus at home

In this regard, it is simply a godsend for beginning flower growers. It reproduces easily even in inept hands, and even more so in skilled hands. Stem cuttings are rooted in water, soil, or wet sand. After a week or two, the small plants are ready for independent life. If you want to immediately get a more luxuriant bush, you can plant several at once in one pot.

Diseases and pests of plectranthus; Features of treatment and care for indoor flowers during this period

Spider mites occur on plectranthus due to dry air

Although this plant is quite unpretentious, problems may arise when caring for it:

  1. Excessive watering, especially at low temperatures, can cause roots to rot and leaves to fall off or turn yellow.
  2. Downy mildew is another consequence of diligent watering. The diagnosis can be made by gray spots on the leaves. It is necessary to reduce watering and treat the plectranthus with any available preparation. If you don’t want to use chemicals in your home, you can spray it with an ordinary serum solution in a 3:1 ratio, where 3 is water and 1 is serum.
  3. Underwatering leads to the fact that the plant simply withers, its stems droop. It, of course, will perk up after watering, but it will not forgive repeated underwatering, its beauty will be lost.
  4. Direct sunlight discolors the leaves. They simply fade and lose their decorative effect.
  5. Spider mites appear on plectranthus due to too dry air. Aphids, scale insects, and whiteflies can also become unexpected guests on the plant. Insecticides will help get rid of them; you can carry out the treatment outside, on the balcony. There is no worthy alternative to these drugs, except a solution of laundry soap, but it is not so easy to treat fleecy leaves with it.

Plectranthus is widely used in folk medicine.

Owners of fur coats and woolen carpets consider it an indispensable remedy against moths, thanks to this property of plectranthus, such as the ability to spread the smell of mint around itself. The phytoncides of this plant make the air in the room free of pathogenic microbes, help calm the nerves, relieve headaches, and improve sleep.

For insect bites, washed, mashed leaves and applied to the bite site relieve itching and irritation. In the homeland of plectranthus, an infusion of leaves is used to treat sore throats and is added to tea and soft drinks. In Indonesian cuisine it is used much more widely: soups and drinks, preservation and flavoring for fish and lamb.

Plectranthus has also found use in our folk medicine. The course of weeping childhood diathesis can be alleviated by applying leaves smeared with boiled vegetable oil to problem areas. Diaper rash in chronic bedridden patients is treated with a mixture of dry leaves and baby powder in a ratio of 1:5.

Plectranthus will also help in the complex treatment of childhood enuresis as the main component of medicinal baths. To do this, you need to pour half a glass of leaves into a liter of boiling water, after gently heating for ten minutes, leave for an hour, strain and pour into the bath. The duration of this procedure is about 15 minutes before bedtime.

You can chew plectranthus leaves to relieve nasal congestion, asthma attacks, or cough. Flatulence is also included in the sphere of influence of its healing action. The breadth of use of this modest plant is explained by the essential oils it contains and their aromatic smell.

Plectranthus signs and superstitions

There is a strong belief that plectranthus attracts good luck and wealth to the home. In this case, shouldn’t we call it a “money bush” by analogy with a “money tree”? Perhaps this is why the Scandinavian countries are so economically prosperous that “Swedish ivy” is found there in almost every home.

In addition, some types of plectranthus protect their owners from insomnia and drive away bad thoughts. These folk signs make plectranthus a good psychotherapist, accessible and absolutely free, as well as a personal remedy for a crisis.

Watch the video on this material, in it you will learn even more useful and interesting information on the care and maintenance of indoor mint plectranthus.

Few people have ever encountered mint, which can be seen everywhere. Due to the prevalence of this plant, most ordinary people are sure that it grows on its own in its natural habitat. This misconception is refuted by indoor mint, which has several species that are successfully grown at home. The unpretentious culture will delight you with its appearance and benefit from quality care. Knowing the characteristics of varieties, you can get the maximum benefit from them.

General information about culture

The genus Mint includes about 250 representatives - evergreen herbaceous plants. The second name of the culture is Plectranthus, which is translated from Greek as “flower spur”, which is located at the base of the corolla. This genus belongs to the Lamiaceae family. The plant's homeland is the tropics and subtropics of Africa, Asia, and Australia. Plectranthus belongs to ornamental plants; it can be a shrub 40 cm high or a subshrub. Mint is grown in the garden or in pots from which the plants hang. Even an inexperienced gardener can cope with breeding.

Homemade mint has voluminous foliage, thin shoots on which there are oval matte and smooth leaves from 5 to 10 cm long with a clearly defined structure. There are small notches along the edges. Indoor mint has miniature flowers with 5 pale petals, their arrangement is whorled, 8-10 pieces each. Inflorescences in the form of an umbrella or brush. Some gardeners remove flowers so as not to disturb the decorative appearance of the plant. Decorative mint blooms in summer. 4 nuts ripen inside the fruit.

Many signs of money are associated with plectranthus or indoor mint, so many people strive to acquire a plant in order to get rich.

The benefits of indoor mint

Indoor mint can rightfully be classified as a medicinal plant - it has many beneficial properties, which makes it similar to lemon balm - lemon balm. The leaves of almost all varieties emit a characteristic strong odor, which is explained by the production of essential oils by the glands of the plant, the evaporation of which has a beneficial effect on the body.

All types of potted mint are endowed with a number of beneficial properties:

  • improve digestion;
  • calm the nerves;
  • promote free breathing;
  • relieve childhood enuresis by taking baths with mint leaves;
  • eliminate problems in the gynecological field;
  • soften itching from insect bites;
  • The decoction is used for colds;
  • Mint juice combined with pomegranate helps get rid of nausea.

When treating ailments, the astringent properties of the plant are used. Homemade mint provides invaluable benefits in air disinfection, destroying harmful insects, including moths. One of the species was even nicknamed the moth tree.

A decoction is made from mint leaves and drunk during the cold season. In hot weather, a mint mojito is a great refreshing drink; everyone is also familiar with mint candies. The leaves can be added to a mug of black or green tea and used as a seasoning for meat and fish dishes.

Mint tea is a delicious and very healthy drink

Types of Plectranthus

Varieties of plectranthus are varied and numerous. Plectranthus Ertendahl is said to be the most famous species. Also, many gardeners can boast of having in their apartments a Molny tree, which belongs to the shrubs. Other varieties are Plectranthus southern, Plectranthus ampelous silvery, Plectranthus coleus and caudex, Plectranthus amboinensis variegated, Plectranthus oakleaf aromatic, Plectranthus Ernst and Forster, Hadiensis or felt, Tomentosa, Mona Lavender (Lavender). Each type should be described separately.


Plectranthus Ertendahl is a subshrub, rightfully considered the most common variety of indoor mint.

This is due to its external attractiveness: one side of the leaves is green, the other is purple. The leaves are velvety to the touch and prone to active growth. In the natural environment of Africa, its shoots spread even more, reaching 40 cm. At home, shoots should be pinched regularly. In rooms, the average size of the petiole leaves is round in shape - 5 cm. The shade of the leaves is dark green interspersed with light stripes and reddish spots. The flowers are collected in clusters measuring 1.5 by 30 cm. Flowering occurs in the second half of summer and September. Many people associate the smell of Plectranthus Ertendal with camphor.

Many people have Plectranthus shrubby growing in their apartments, whose second name is Moth Tree. It is planted to combat moths, which do not like the strong smell of essential oil. It is useful for headaches, sleep disorders, and is released at the slightest touch to the shoots. It grows naturally in Africa. The height of a houseplant can reach 1 m. The serrated oval leaves of the bush plectranthus, up to 5 cm long, are slightly pubescent. The blue flowers grow in a ring pattern throughout the spring. The plant needs timely pruning.

The moth tree needs regular and timely pruning


This variety is not intended for interior decoration due to its underdeveloped stems. Some gardeners compare this mint with ivy, although there is no external resemblance. The peculiarity of this species is the absence of any odor from the plant. The shoots can grow up to 1 m. The round leaves shine brightly, especially in sunlight.

Ampel silver

Ampelous Plectranthus is also nicknamed silver due to the characteristic color of the jagged leaves. This shrub emits a strong aroma that repels harmful insects. In order for the flowers to look attractive, you have to work hard. The houseplant is unpretentious and can easily survive a temporary lack of care.


It is also a fairly common variety of homemade mint, distinguished from the rest by its large leaves, the average length of which is at least 6 cm. A border runs along their edge, giving them a decorative effect; white spots may be present. The coleus-shaped shrub grows up to 1 m in height, the shoots are tetrahedral. The aroma emanating from the leaves is very strong.


An unusual species, the peculiarity of which is the caudex - the thick lower part of the trunk. Thanks to this feature, many gardeners consider the plant as an analogue of bonsai. The average height is 0.5 m; it grows naturally in India.

Oakleaf fragrant

This variety has a double name: the dense leaves are very similar to oak leaves. They give off a strong menthol smell. Plectranthus aromatica can have colorful leaves with amazing patterns. There are blue flowers on large inflorescences.


It has a caudex with a diameter of up to 10 cm. On white shoots there are medium leaves, shaped like a heart. On one side they are green, on the other they are purple. The plant blooms in summer. During dormancy, the leaves fall off. This is one of the most unpretentious varieties of indoor mint.

Hadiensis or Plectranthus tomentosa

The small shrub has fairly large fleshy leaves about 10 cm long. You can often see fibers on them - hence the name. Some subspecies have multi-colored leaves. The plant's homeland is India, where it is widely used as food. At home, Plectranthus tomentosa needs good lighting.

The flowering period occurs in winter. The plant's homeland is South Africa. The stems bear deep green leaves with denticles. To ensure abundant flowering, it is necessary to constantly pinch the plant.

Mona Lavender - the most beautiful variety of indoor mint

Growing mint at home

Indoor mint is a relatively easy plant to grow and care for. For propagation, the method of propagation by cuttings is used. There is also a method of propagation by dividing the bush, but it is not so popular. For successful propagation by cuttings in the spring, it is necessary to cut the shoots to half and place them in water. After the roots appear in a couple of weeks, they need to be planted in separate containers. The land must be fertile. Sometimes several seedlings are placed in one pot. They should be provided with regular watering so that propagation of plectranthus by cuttings is successful.

Caring for indoor mint

It is necessary to care for homemade mint in the same way as its counterpart in nature. She needs plenty of sun. But it is best to place the pot not on the south side, but on the east or west side, so that there is a slight darkening. Excessive light can cause the plant to wilt. In winter you will need artificial lighting. Fresh air should always reach the mint; in summer the pot can be safely placed on the balcony.

One of the important components of caring for plectranthus at home is watering. During flowering, a large amount of water is needed. The need for it is felt by the dryness of the soil. The moisture on the surface of the flower evaporates quickly, so additional spraying will not hurt. Drafts should be avoided. You need to know that mint grows quickly, because of this you need to change pots often, and replant them no more than once every 3 years. Ideal soil composition:

  • humus;
  • peat;
  • leaf soil;
  • sand.

Indoor mint does not need constant fertilization. You can alternately apply organic and inorganic fertilizers from time to time. When caring for plectranthus at home, you need to know that the roots of the plant can rot and the leaves change color. Powdery mildew is also likely. Preventative treatment with insecticides will not hurt.

Few people don't like mint tea. Its enchanting aroma has a beneficial effect on the human body. The healing properties of mint have been known for a long time. There are many varieties of it. Among them, the species that grows at home has become popular among us. Indoor mint - plectranthus - is an unpretentious and well-growing plant. His homeland is South Africa.

Description of the plant

Indoor mint can grow as a hanging plant or have straight shoots up to 40 centimeters. It is a decorative flower with beautiful, densely arranged leaves, which can be matte, glossy, plain or patterned.


The tips of the leaves have small teeth. Plectaranthus serves as a decoration for any room interior and is an excellent flavoring agent. Its subtle aroma will always be heard as soon as you touch the leaves. Indoor mint flowers do not have any aesthetic value. They are very small, collected in umbrellas of white, blue and purple shades. In order not to spoil the appearance of the plant, they are almost always cut off.


Amateur gardeners grow the following types of plectranthus indoors:

  1. Shrub - a large bush with a pronounced delicate aroma. The leaves are monochromatic, slightly wrinkled in the shape of a heart.
  2. Coleus-shaped - has straight shoots and large leaves that can grow up to six centimeters. Along the contour, the leaves are bordered by a light stripe; they may have spots on the leaf plate of the same shade.
  3. Ertendahl - has carved leaves of a bright green hue on one side and pinkish on the other. The surface is velvety with light light veins. There is a light camphor aroma. This species requires constant pinching for better bushiness.
  4. Felt is a small light green bush. The carved foliage is densely pubescent. The shoots are drooping. Has a light mint aroma.

Home care

Based on the fact that the plant is tropical in origin, it is therefore important to follow the following rules when caring:

  • plectrantx soil should consist of humus, turf and leaf soil, peat and sand;
  • Plectranthus should be fed monthly with mineral fertilizers during the period of active flower growth;
  • Before adding soil, a drainage layer of three centimeters must be laid in the pot, which consists of expanded clay or crushed stone; you can use broken brick;
  • Regular watering, especially during the growing season and spraying, which decreases in number of times in winter, is not recommended to allow the earthen ball to dry out;
  • selecting a location with sufficient sunlight, otherwise the foliage loses its decorative effect; in winter, the plant responds well to artificial lighting;
  • do not place plectranthus near open windows or balcony doors, it does not tolerate drafts;
  • compliance with the temperature regime in summer from 20 to 22 degrees, and in winter not lower than 15 degrees;
  • carrying out regular pinching of the tops of shoots and pruning, during which weak and damaged shoots are removed.


The plant is very easily propagated by cuttings. You don't need any special skill for this. It is enough to put the shoots in water and within a few days the first roots will begin to appear. Plectranthus develops the root system very well.

In order to immediately get a good bush, it is enough to plant several shoots of plectranthus in one pot.

Possible difficulties during care

Like any houseplant, with good care, plectranthus will delight you with active shoot growth and a beautiful appearance. But it happens that gardeners encounter problems when growing indoor mint. So, for example:

  • excessive soil moisture in winter can lead to rotting of roots, yellowing and falling leaves;
  • the appearance of gray spots on the leaves will signal infection with downy mildew due to active watering;
  • constant underfilling and dryness of the earthen clod can spoil the appearance of plectranthus;
  • excessive sunlight will discolor the leaves, causing them to lose their decorative appearance;
  • dry air can cause the appearance of spider mites, aphids, scale insects, and whiteflies; they can be dealt with by treating the bush with insecticide solutions.


Plectranthus has one very valuable property for the home - its smell drives away moths. Therefore, it will be useful for owners of fur coats and natural carpets to keep it. The aroma of indoor mint rids the indoor air of pathogenic microbes, it calms the nervous system of household members and relieves headaches, and their sleep improves.

If you have suffered from insect bites, then just crush the leaves of plectranthus and apply to the affected area. They will relieve itching and soothe skin irritation. Treatment of throat diseases involves drinking tea with mint leaves.

In Asian cuisine, plectranthus is used to add to first courses and drinks, and also as a flavoring for meat.

In our country, plectranthus is used to treat children's weeping diathesis. To do this, lubricate the leaves in vegetable oil, after boiling it, and apply it to damaged areas of the skin. For diaper rash, dry leaves are mixed with baby powder and used as directed.

Baths made from a decoction of plectranthus leaves can help treat childhood enuresis. They are carried out immediately before bedtime.

Chewing plectranthus leaves helps relieve nasal congestion and asthmatic attacks.

It has been believed since ancient times that plectranthus helps to attract wealth and good luck in the home. Certain varieties help their owners get rid of insomnia, bad thoughts, and feelings of anxiety. Plectranthus, in this case, acts as a free psychotherapist - a personal remedy in crisis situations.

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