Musical and literary living room Pushkin's autumn.


Musical living room.

"Winter evening"

Senior preschool age

Tasks: To cultivate in children a sense of the beauty of nature, music and the poetic word.

Preliminary work.

1. Listening to works: A. Vivaldi Concert “Winter” 1st and 2nd parts; P.I. Tchaikovsky “Winter Morning”;

2.Reading and learning poems about winter.

Leading: Hello, dear guests! I am glad to welcome you to our cozy music room, where we will once again encounter music and poetry.

Winter has already become a full-fledged mistress and painted everything in its favorite color. Everything around is white, the same.....

How boring and uninteresting must this be? Tell us, what is winter like? (Children's answers: cold, harsh, blizzard, fluffy, soft, beautiful, caring.)

Listen to the verbal portrait of Winter that poetess L. Charskaya painted in her poem. (The recording of P.I. Tchaikovsky’s musical play “Winter Dreams” is played; the presenter reads a poem against the background of music)

Who is in a fluffy white fur coat? A new wave - and the river rises

With a light tread and boldness, She who babbled loudly

Left at one in the morning? Since a long time ago.

On her fluffy curls he raises his hand upward

A lot of golden sparkles instantly covers the trees

Lots of silver. Pure silver.

There is a crimson on the lips of the dawn, The gaze wanders over the peaks

There is a lively blush on the cheeks and luxurious patterns

It's burning hot. Woven in a circle!

She waved her mitten - once, This white fur coat

Wherever you look, everyone knows the sorceress -

The carpet was covered... Mother - winter!

(children share their impressions of what image they imagined while listening to the poem)

Leading: If you listen carefully to another poem, you will hear new definitions. Name them.

Child: Now the silvery winter has come

Covered with white snow

The field is clean.

Daytime skating with children

Everything is rolling.

At night in the snowy lights

It's falling apart.

Writes a pattern in the windows


And knocking on our yard

With a fresh Christmas tree.

Children call it: winter is a beauty, a sorceress, a sorceress, an artist, an entertainer.

Leading: Let's listen to a fragment from the concert "Winter" by Antonio Vivaldi. What kind of winter do you see when you hear this music? (part 1 of the concert sounds)

Children: angry, prickly, blizzard.

Leading : Why did you decide so?

Children: Because the music sounds loud, fast, abrupt.

Leading: Yes, the composer painted a picture of a harsh winter. At first you heard the annoying sounds of a blizzard, sharp short chords sound like gusts of wind; The snow is blowing, stinging snowflakes are falling. Against this mysterious background, a violin sings piercingly, alarmingly, pitifully. The music sounds excited, furious.

Let's listen to what poetic lines can you use to describe this music?

Children read lines of poems by A.S. Pushkin; S. Yesenina

Here the clouds are catching up with the north,

He breathed, howled - and here she is

Winter sorceress is coming!

Winter sings, echoes,

The shaggy forest lulls

The ringing sound of a pine forest.

All around with deep melancholy

Sailing to a distant land

Gray clouds.

Spins and laughs

Blizzard on New Year's Eve.

The snow wants to fall

But the wind doesn’t give.

Leading: What happens in the second part of the concert? Let's listen. (a fragment from the 11th part of the concert sounds)

Children determine the character of the music. (music sounds calm, slow, thoughtful)

Child: Wonderful picture Light of the high heavens

How dear you are to me And the shining snow

White plain, And distant sleighs

Full moon. Lonely running.

A. Fet

At night in the fields to the tunes of a blizzard

Birch and spruce trees are dozing, swaying.

The moon shines between the clouds over the field

A pale shadow comes and melts...

I. Bunin

Leading: After a storm there is always a calm. And at these moments you can admire the winter landscape. (reproductions of paintings are offered for viewing) Everything is calm. A fluffy blanket of snow covered everything around, the river was frozen. And only snowflakes shimmer and sparkle in the rays of the sun.

The winter forest sparkles with snowy whiteness

And the fog swirls over the blue path.

The beautiful Christmas trees froze at the edge,

And snowflakes like to sparkle on their tops.

The play “December” by P.I. Tchaikovsky. Children dance with snowflakes.

Leading: Are these lines familiar to you?

The storm covers the sky with darkness,

Whirling snow whirlwinds.

The way she howls like a beast,

She will cry like a child.

Children: These are Pushkin's poems.

Leading: Absolutely right. Composer Yakovlev composed a romance based on these verses. Want to listen? (The romance “Winter Evening” is performed).

Leading: In winter, the weather is different, when the bright sun shines, a light frost stings your cheeks, and the snow crunches under your feet. Beauty! Winter fun awaits us. What can you do in winter?

“The Joke” by J. Bach sounds - children imitate snowball fights, skiing and sledding, make a snowman and dance around him.

Leading: Well done, you are not afraid of the frost. It’s not for nothing that they say, the frost is not great, but it doesn’t tell you to stand. And now everyone goes outside! Winter will still delight and surprise you.

Usually you leave me drawings as a keepsake of our meeting. We will not change traditions this time either. I'm looking forward to your work.

And now goodbye, see you again.


Musical living room

“I love you, my city Langepas.”

“Love for your homeland is not something abstract; This is love for your city, for your locality, for its cultural monuments, pride in your history.”
D. S. Likhachev

Children sit on chairs in a semicircle.

Voss. Hello children. I am very glad to see you here today in this room.

An unusually interesting journey awaits us, dedicated to our

city ​​of Langepas.

Vos-l. People know this city

And there is a rumor about him,

That he will always stand

And it will bloom for centuries.

Voss. I invite you to take a tour of our city.

The history of the country is made up of the history of small towns, villages, and the history of the people living in them. Every child, since kindergarten, remembers his address: house, street where he lives, and, of course, the name of the city. Everyone has their own yard, their favorite corner, and everyone loves their city in their own way. But not everyone thinks about how their city appeared, what people built it, who lived and lives in the city.

Langepas is one of the most beautiful northern cities, translated as “squirrel land”. He is as handsome, cheerful and mischievous as a squirrel. The squirrel is a symbol of our city; it adorns the coat of arms and flag of the city of Langepas.

Our Langepas is individuality and unique character.

And now I invite you to listen to poems that are dedicated to our city.


1. Our city Langepas is rich,
Oil and gas are produced there.
Cedar and cranberries grow here,
The mushroom picker will pick mushrooms here.
The courtyards glow with comfort.
There are a lot of kids here
Strong people live here
They are called Siberians.
I'm growing with you,
My Langepas, we are friends!

2. I love you, my Langepas,
I love you both day and night.
You saved my life from sadness,
I love you very much.
I love you, my Langepas,
I love your frosty day,
Don't you forget about us,
Covered by a starry night.
Oil workers, builders -
Everyone is a friendly family.

Ved. But not only poems are written about our city, but also songs.

The song “Favorite City” is playing

Ved. Everyone knows that the history of any city is embodied in its memorable places, squares, monuments. I will start about the sights of our city with the Flower monument.

The monument in the shape of a blossoming flower was presented by the President oil company"Lukoil" by Vagit Yusufovich Alikperov on the sixteenth anniversary of the city of Langepas. On September 7, 2001, the opening of the Flower monument took place. One can only guess why this particular amphibious plant - the lotus - was chosen as a gift to the city. According to botanists, lotus seeds remain viable for several thousand years! This is like a symbolic wish to the city to live and prosper for many, many years. The flower blended harmoniously into the surrounding architectural ensemble. The townspeople themselves gave it the name “Lotus”.

Ved. In our city there is also a park in memory of the Great Soldiers Patriotic War and internationalist soldiers with a memorial complex. It is dedicated to the soldiers who died on the battlefields during the Great Patriotic War, and to those who fell while fulfilling their international duty in the hot spots of our planet. This memorial commemorates the nation's grief. Veterans wearing orders and medals come here; here, on May 9th, the whole city gathers for Victory Day. These are traditions that must be preserved and passed on to future generations...

SOLDIER (abbreviated)
Maria Vagatova

...Even though he’s made of stone, he’s still
He will help spring come,
The one that he once saved...

The ice will certainly melt
And the stream will become cheerful,
It will ring at the appointed hour.

In this ringing, in the ripples,
I hear the soldier's words,
Unspoken words:
- Be like me
You are all soldiers too...

Ved. There are monuments to individual people, but there are monuments to individual events and phenomena - symbolic monuments. Langepas is a city of oil workers and therefore in our city there are two monuments called “Drop of Oil” Monuments “Drop of Oil” symbolizes the extraction of black gold, Western Siberia as a center of the oil and gas industry.

Drop of oil

So many lives and names
Hidden in a black drop!
People have been coming to her for years to pay their respects
Venerable scientists
For the Stone, for the gray Ural
Their dreams were soaring.
In Western Siberia, in the wilderness
Hopes came true!

Ved. Now, guys, we will listen to a song about our city, which is called “Lukoil-Langepas”.

(Children listen and watch the video “Lukoy-Langepas”)

Ved. There are a lot of holidays held in our city. One of the favorite holidays of the Langepass residents is a holiday called “Khanty Fun”. Now I suggest you play one of the Khanty games, which is used at this holiday, and it’s called"Reindeer Sleds"

(Participants are divided into pairs: one sits down, the other is lucky. They run around the pin and change places and come back. Another pair takes the baton.)

In 2010 to great joy citizens, several wonderful monuments appeared in our city: “After the Watch” and “Boy Playing with a Dog”, “Memory of the Pioneers”. On August 31, 2010, the solemn transfer of bronze sculptures took place Sculptural compositions were created folk artist Russia, laureate State Prize Russian Federation, sculptor Andrey Kovalchuk

"Memory to the Pioneers"

"After the watch" - sculptor - Andrey Kovalchuk

Boy playing with a dog" -

In the workshop of Andrey Kovalchuk

Ved. Today we guys got acquainted with only a few monuments of our city, listened to and sang songs about our city, looked at pictures with the sights of our city.

Today our city has a rich past and a worthy present. It became a home for tens of thousands of families and a homeland for those who were born in it. Langepas has a great future ahead, which is connected with the wealth of the mineral resources and the work of everyone who once linked their fate with this city.


Favorite city

My beloved city
My native city,
Langepas, my dear,
Dear to my heart.
We are growing together with you,
You are growing and so am I.
And we live with you together,
Like one family.
I want you to be cheerful
And he was handsome.
And I want, like me,
You loved me.


Native Langepas

Thank you, builder,
Thank you from us
Beloved for the city,
For our Langepas.
Whitening high
The houses stood in a row.
“And it was empty here,”
Fathers speak.
We are the new shift
We have to build and live,
In his native Langepas,
Be strong friends with everyone.
Pavel Efremov

Children perform the song "Langepas"


Musical living room

“Bewitched by the invisible, the forest sleeps under the fairy tale of sleep.....”

Presenter ( musical director):


What a wonderful time of year!

“Frost and sun! Wonderful day! or:

“Here is the north, the clouds are catching up,

He breathed, howled - and here she is

The sorceress winter is coming.

She came and fell apart. Shreds

Hanged on the branches of oak trees;

Lay down in wavy carpets

Among the fields, around the hills..."

This is what A.S. spoke about this extraordinary time of year. Pushkin. If we look outside, we can see a thaw, but this does not mean that winter has receded; there will still be snowstorms, frosts and winds until the end of March. Guys, tell me, do we need winter at all? Maybe we'll be better off without her? (Children answer).

The presenter offers to sing the song “Hello, Guest, Winter,” lyrics by I. Nikitin, the children perform the song.

Presenter (clarifies ): Of course, it is necessary, because it’s great to ride a sled; Santa Claus comes to visit with gifts, only in winter you can play snowballs, breathe fresh frosty air, catch falling snowflakes with your palm. Without winter it would be boring, without winter neither spring nor summer would seem like a wonderful time of year.

Children and parents read poems: “Winter sings, echoes...”, “ White birch» S. Yesenina.

Presenter . And what mesmerizing melodies winter has! Let's discover its beauty once again, listen to the musical work “Winter” from the cycle “The Seasons” by Antonio Vivaldi. (Children listen to soundtrack).

Here we hear the first melody of winter, it sounds very quiet. And indeed, winter is approaching unnoticed, very quietly. Everything happens like in a fairy tale. In one night, winter can build itself a silver palace, cover houses and trees with snow, and build bridges across rivers and lakes. One day you wake up in the morning and see that everything outside the window has changed: both the trees and the houses are covered with white fluffy snow, and immediately you are overcome by some incomprehensible joy, as if a complete renewal has occurred not only in nature, but also in man, in himself, and you just want to sit by the fireplace or stove and listen to the melody of quiet winter.

The presenter offers to listen to the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky "At the Fireplace" from the cycle "The Seasons". (Children listen to the soundtrack).

Presenter . “Kamelyok” - what an extraordinary word, you can imagine in front of you a fire dying out in a fireplace or in a stove, the flickering of dying coals and even feel their warmth.

“And the night of darkness clothed the ember with peaceful bliss,

The fire in the fireplace goes out and the candle is burnt out.”

(A.S. Pushkin)

Let's light a candle and listen to music, light the candle.

“The coals are dimming. In the twilight

A transparent light curls.

So it splashes on the crimson poppy

A moth with an azure wing.”

Presenter . How amazingly these poems by Pushkin harmonize with the leisurely, dreamy melody. And only, as if by chance, a short musical phrase introduces disturbing notes, as if someone had broken this silence, a small musical phrase is repeated all the time, similar to a quiet complaint, you can even hear anxiety in the music, but maybe this is a fairy tale, and everyone , listening to this music, imagines his fairy tale, the melody is heard again as at the beginning, the anxiety has passed. Everything calms down and freezes again.

Children listen to a soundtrack.

Presenter . Our Russian winter is beautiful, people are not afraid of frost, let's take the bells and go sledding!

Song "Sleigh"

music by A. Filippenko, lyrics by T. Volgina.

Presenter . Let's remember how our great poets depict winter in their poems.

Children and parents read the poems “Childhood” and “Winter” by Surikov.

Presenter . Tell me, please, what kind of painting do we call a landscape? What does it show? What colors do artists use in their works to depict a winter landscape?(Children and adults answer.)Now let's turn to the great Russian artists.

The presenter, together with children and parents, examines reproductions of paintings " March snow», « February blue"I. Grabar, "Winter Sun", "Russian Winter" by K. Yuon, "In the Wild North" by I. Shishkin.

The presenter reads S. Yesenin’s poems: “The night is silent all around. In nature, everything is asleep, the moon silvers everything around with its brilliance...”

Presenter . You've probably seen a similar corner of the forest more than once. (The presenter invites families to present their multimedia presentations on the topic: “Winter's Tale”).

Only talented artist can see this beauty and capture it in his great work. If you wander around winter forest, then we will see more than one mansion. This forest dwellers set up their winter houses. Tell us how animals spend the winter: foxes, squirrels, bears and other forest inhabitants? ( Children answer.)

The presenter suggests singing the song “Why does the bear sleep in winter?” (music by L. Knipper, lyrics by A. Kovalenkov). Children perform a song. Outdoor game “Teddy bear, bear, stop sleeping!”

Presenter . And when winter comes to an end, all nature seems to awaken from sleep.

“The Snow Maiden cried as she said goodbye to winter,

She followed her sadly, a stranger to everyone in the forest,

Where she walked and cried, touching birch trees,

Snowdrops have grown - “the Snow Maiden’s tears.”

The first harbingers of spring were Maslenitsa. Maslenitsa is a national holiday. During Maslenitsa, round pancakes are baked in the shape of the sun, and cheerful round dances are held.

The presenter invites parents and children to play Russian folk game"Golden Gate", explains the rules of the game; kids are playing.

Presenter : This concludes our “musical living room”. See you again!


Musical living room for older children preschool age and parents “Creativity of the Russian composer

P.I. Tchaikovsky"

Goals: introducing children and parents to the work of the great Russian composer P.I. Tchaikovsky; laying the foundations musical culture; development of emotional responsiveness to music of different nature and genre; distinguish shades of moods in music, convey them in movements; Expand words knowledge.

Sounds music by P.I. Tchaikovsky “April”. Children and parents enter the hall and sit down.

Teacher: ( on the background music)

Quiet , Quiet will sit next to you
music to our house
In an amazing outfit
Multi-colored, painted.
And suddenly the walls open up,
The whole earth is visible around:
The waves of the foamy river are splashing,
The forest and meadow are lightly dozing.
Steppe paths run into the distance,
Melting into a blue haze...
This music hurries and calls us to follow it.

Musical director: Hello, children and dear parents. I'm glad to see you in the music room. Today we will come into contact with the work of the great Russian composer P.I. Tchaikovsky, (pay attention to the portrait). Already in childhood, Tchaikovsky's attraction to music appeared. Young composer studied in St. Petersburg, then moved to Moscow and studied there pedagogical work, taught future composers and composed music himself. The music of the great composer pleases and excites listeners all over the world. P.I. Tchaikovsky showed a special interest in the lives of children. “Flowers, music and children make up the best decoration of life,” wrote the composer. For his nephew Volodya Davydov P.I. Tchaikovsky wrote “Children’s Album,” which included 24 wonderful children’s plays (shows the album, accompanying it with words).

He is not simple, musical,
Now cheerful, now sad,
Composed for the guys many years ago.

(Opens first page)

So, the first page opens.
Music flows like a river,
Winds like a line of notes
Sounds of flood again
Everything around was choked,
And boats of melodies
They float out of hand.

Listen to Tchaikovsky's “Sweet Dream” performed by the musical instrument domra, accompanied by a piano. Listen to this music, dream, imagine.

(“Sweet Dream”)

Musical director: What mood does the music convey?

Answers of children and parents (Tender, affectionate, transparent, light, sad, airy)

Musical director: Right. The harsh winter is quickly replaced by a beautiful spring. In the music you can hear how quickly the streams run, how everyone around rejoices in the warm spring sun.

Let's open the next page and listen to whose singing is heard in the silence?

(Plays fragment on piano)

Musical director: Yes, this is “The Lark's Song”. The composer heard the singing of this little bird and spoke about it in the language of music.

In the sun dark forest burst into flames,
In the valley thin steam whitens,
And he sang an early song
In the azure the lark is ringing

(Sounds “The Lark’s Song” in audio recording)

Musical director: What mood does this music convey?

Answers from children and parents (Light, transparent, light, airy)

Musical director: The lark sang his song, the rays of the sun warmed all living things, and then beautiful magical flowers opened.

And we will open the next page of the album and listen to “Waltz”, but first tell me what the word “waltz” means.

Answers from children and parents (Spin)

That's right, it's a dance. And the girls and their mothers will now dance and twirl with flowers.

(Improvisation with flowers to waltz music)

The next page opens, what kind of music is starting?

Answers from children and parents (The fragment “March of the Wooden Soldiers” sounds)

That's right, this is the “March of the Wooden Soldiers”

What mood does this music convey?

Answers from children and parents (Cheerful, cheerful, clear)

What genre does it belong to?

Answers from children and parents (March genre)

How many musical parts does it have?

Answers from children and parents (Three musical parts)

Give us a fanfare
The hussars are coming to visit us.

(“March of the Wooden Soldiers” Boys perform formation changes)

Open the next page. And the music starts again.

(“New Doll”)

(Children recognize the work, determine its mood)

There are a lot of toys in the world,
And we are visiting the dolls, children!

(To the music “Waltz Joke” the girls perform a doll dance at the discretion of the music director)

Let's open the last page of the album. Listen to the fragment next work and define it.

(A fragment of “Kamarinskaya” plays)

And out of sadness and boredom
Can cure us all
Naughty melodies sounds
Songs, dances, jokes, laughter.

Now, musicians, come to the musical instruments. We will play “Kamarinskaya” in the orchestra.

(Children and parents perform “Kamarinskaya” on musical instruments: metallophone, xylophone, tambourine, maracas and spoons).

Musical director: What is this chest on the table in our room? This is a magic chest, it contains a lot mysterious objects. We will play them now, you should recognize the name of the work by P.I. Tchaikovsky from the subject. A fragment of this work will sound as confirmation of the correct answer. And the one who correctly names the work will receive a prize.

(The teacher takes out an object from the chest)

  1. Flowers – (“Waltz of the Flowers”)
  2. Bow – (“New Doll”)
  3. Spoons – (“Kamarinskaya”)
  4. Cylinder – (“Eugene Onegin”)
  5. Fan – (“Queen of Spades”)
  6. Feather – (“Swan Lake”)
  7. Nut – (“Nutcracker”)

Musical director:

The music suddenly stopped, but was that so? It seems it sounds and will continue to sound for a long, long time for each of us. And it will call into unknown distances, ring, sparkle like a rainbow - an arc. It’s as if they gave us a firebird. And they gave everyone drinking water.

So our meeting took place with the music of the great Russian composer P.I. Tchaikovsky. I thank you all for your participation.

(Children and parents leave the hall to the music)


Literary and musical living room.

Subject: “The image of the mother in music and fine arts”

Problem: Spiritual and moral value in the family, respect and mutual understanding.

Target: Formation and development artistic culture personality based on the highest humanistic values ​​of humanity’s attitude to motherhood through the means of art and modern technology.


  1. Consider how music and painting take different paths to create the image of a mother.
  2. To develop the creative potential of the individual in the process of studying the topic of motherhood and children in world culture.
  3. Cultivate a conscious sense of respect for the mother, attentiveness and caring relationships in the family.

Planned result:

  • the formation of an aesthetic attitude towards reality, which contributes to the development of respect for elders, the ability to express one’s feelings towards loved ones, towards the mother, the formation best qualities in children (kindness, responsiveness, tolerance);
  • formation of artistic taste, activating creative imagination connection-based visual arts with music and literature.

Equipment: piano, audio cassettes, music Center, multimedia projector, computer.

Visual and musical material: reproductions of paintings by S. Raphael " Sistine Madonna”, V. Vasnetsov “Our Lady and Child”, K. Petrov-Vodkin “1918 in Petrograd”, O. Renoir “Madame Charpentier with Children”, A. Deineka “Mother”, icons - Our Lady of Kazan, Tikhvin, Vladimir; Schubert “Ave Maria”, S. Rachmaninov “Hail to the Virgin Mary”, J. S. Bach “Prelude in C major”, children’s song “Sun Mother”, “Our mothers are the most beautiful”, P. I. Tchaikovsky “Mother” from "Children's Album".

Progress of entertainment

Ved.: Dear adults, we are glad to welcome you to a literary and musical evening, I am glad to see your kind, sweet eyes.

Ved.: I propose to hold our meeting on the topic “The image of the mother in music and fine arts.”(Reading the epigraph) (slide No. 1)


I believe that a woman is such a miracle,

What on Milky Way can't be found

And if “beloved” is a sacred word,

That thrice sacred thing is a woman-mother!

L. Rogozhnikov

Ved: Today we will talk about humanity’s relationship to motherhood through art. Let's see how music and painting create the image of a mother. The keeper of the family hearth has always been a woman. At all times, artists, poets, and musicians worshiped her. She was a dream, a smile, a joy. That's whythe problem of our meeting– to think about whether we are attentive and kind enough to our mothers. “Mama” is one of the most ancient words on Earth. All people honor and love mothers. Not by chance folk wisdom The word “Mother” was placed next to the other great word “Motherland”.

Schubert's "Ave Maria" sounds.

Rasul Gamzatov “Mom”

I sing of what is eternally new,

And although I’m not singing a hymn at all,

But a word born in the soul

Finds its own music...

This word is a ringing and a spell,

This word contains the soul of existence.

This is the spark of the first creation.

The playful smile of a baby.

This word will never deceive you,

There is a life hidden in it,

It is the source of everything,

There is no end to it.

Get up!.. I say it:


Ved: Mom, mommy! How much heat does this contain? magic word, which names the closest, dearest, only person.

Slide number 2. "Sistine Madonna".

Ved.: Before you is the painting “The Sistine Madonna”. This religious painting directly and openly addresses people. It was painted in 1515 by the great artist S. Raphael. Raphael depicted not just the Divine mother with the baby, he showed the miracle of the appearance of the queen of heaven carrying her son to people. The appearance of the mother captivates with solemnity and simplicity.

J. S. Bach sounds “Prelude in C major”

Afanasy Fet

Ave Maria - the lamp is quiet,

Four verses are ready in the heart:

Pure maiden, grieving mother,

Your grace has penetrated my soul.

Queen of the sky, not in the blaze of rays

Stand in silence

In her dreams!

Ave Maria - the lamp is quiet,

I whispered all four verses.

Ved.: In Russian Orthodox Church the image has been sung for two thousand years now Mother of God. The masters created not paintings, but icons. They occupy a worthy place in the history of world culture.

S. Rachmaninov’s “Virgin Mother of God, Rejoice” sounds, against the background of music there are slides No. 3, 4, 5, 6 (V. Vasnetsov “The Virgin and Child”, Our Lady of Kazan, Tikhvin, Vladimir, Vladimir 16th century).

Ved: These are the main shrines of the Russian land. Look closely at the sacred image and you will never forget them. Mother's love warms us until old age, it inspires us, gives strength to the weak, inspires the doubting to achieve heroism.

Nikolay Rylenkov

I remember my mother's hands,

What once wiped away my tears,

Brought to me in handfuls from the fields

Everything that spring is in native land rich.

I remember my mother's hands,

Rare moments of harsh affection.

I became better and stronger

From her every touch.

I remember my mother's hands,

And I want the children to repeat:

"The worn hands of mothers,

There is nothing holier in the world than you!

Ved: The word "mother" for all people on Earth, regardless of what country they live in, has great importance, deep meaning and sounds like different languages almost the same.

In Georgian "nana"

And in Avar it is affectionately “baba”

In Russian "mama"

From thousands of words of earth and ocean

This one has a special destiny!

Ved: Let's guys sing a song about mom in Russian.

Song “Mom is the sun”

Ved: The most dear and dear things are connected with mother. Earth, Motherland, nature, beauty, love - each of these words can be combined with the words: mother, mother, motherhood. From century to century the unity of mother and child is eternal. Artists of different nations create their paintings about this.

Slide number 7, A. Deineka “Mother”.

Ved: Here, for example, is the painting “Mother” by the Russian artist Alexander Deineka. It was written more than 70 years ago. But it is still impossible to look at the simple, and at the same time very gentle image of a mother with a child in her arms without emotion.

Slide No. 8, K. Petrov-Vodkin “1918 in Petrograd.”

Ved: And this painting “1918 in Petrograd”, also painted by the Russian artist Kozma Petrov-Vodkin in 1920, conveys maternal care and love.

Slide No. 9, O. Renoir “Madame Charpentier with Children.”

Ved: And now we have a picture in front of us French artist 19th century Auguste Renoir "Madame Charpentier with her children." Mother and her children in relaxed poses. They probably just played and are now resting. A dog lies next to them. The painting exudes warmth, comfort and love.

Slide number 10, portrait of P.I. Tchaikovsky.

In food: And now before you is a portrait of the Russian composer P.I. Tchaikovsky. He was born in the Urals on April 25, 1840 in the city of Votkinsk, Alapaevsky district. Tchaikovsky devoted his entire life to music. He wrote a lot of wonderful works. Some of them are dedicated to children. He has a “Children's Album”, consisting of 24 plays (morning reflection, playing horses, Baba Yaga, Kamarinskaya, etc.) Today we will listen to one of the plays from this album called “Mama”. Hearing.

Ved: What feelings do you think you got while listening to music? (peace, tranquility, beauty)What is the nature of the music?(soft, quiet, calm, gentle).

Ved: The composer himself, when he wrote this wonderful work, was thinking about his mother, and conveyed to us the image of his mother through his music.

Independent work. Slide number 11.

Ved: And now I offer you independent work, please look at the screen and choose words that convey your feelings when you listen to music, look at pictures, read poems dedicated to your mother.

Interview several people. Slide number 12 appears.

Ved: And now the correct answers are on the screen.

Yes, I agree with you that when you listen to music, look at paintings, read poems dedicated to your mother, we experience feelings of joy, tranquility, love, beauty, peace. In many folk songs and legends glorify great power mother's love. A mother's love for her children is demanding and exacting. A mother wants to see her children big and strong, direct and honest. She wants the whole people to be proud of them, so that they are always and everywhere ahead.

Ved: Our life is structured in such a way that only as we grow older do we begin not to study, but to realize what happiness it is when our mother is nearby. It’s so good when you can turn to your mother for advice, with any joy or misfortune. It’s not for nothing that there are many good people living among them, kind words about mother. They are passed on from generation to generation. Let's, guys, remember the proverbs about mothers.

1. The bird is happy about spring, and the baby is happy about its mother.(slide number 13)

2. There is no sweeter friend than my dear mother.(slide number 14)

3. When the sun is warm, when mother is good.(slide number 15)

4. There is enough affection in a mother’s heart for all children. ( slide number 16)

5. A mother’s anger is like spring snow: a lot of it falls, but it will soon melt. ( slide number 17)

Ved: It’s good when mom is around, but time passes, children grow up, mothers get old... But for all of us, our mothers are the most beautiful, beloved and best. ( slide number 18)

Ved: Guys, let's perform for our motherssong “The most beautiful”

Ved. And now I suggest you, together with your mothers, draw a portrait of your mother. The guys draw their mother, and the mother draws her mother.

(Parents and children draw portraits of mothers to the music)

Ved: So, our portraits are ready. How beautiful they turned out!

After all, our mothers are the kindest, most beautiful, most affectionate. So let’s be more attentive and kinder, treat our mothers with love and affection, and let’s carry the light of mother’s love throughout our lives.

Hall decoration: portraits of P.I. Tchaikovsky, M.I. Glinka, N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov, A.S. Pushkin, illustration depicting a large Symphony Orchestra.

Musical instruments: triangles, bells, tambourines, metallophones, rumbas.

(The “Waltz” from P.I. Tchaikovsky’s “Children’s Album” sounds. Children enter the hall preparatory group and sit down.)

Musical director: Quietly, quietly, let’s sit next to you. Music comes into our home. In an amazing outfit, multi-colored, painted. Children, do you like fairy tales?

(Children's answers.)

What fairy tales do you like? (Various, Russian folk, magical.) I’m glad you answered that way, because I also really love fairy tales Moreover, I will tell you a secret... I am a sorceress! I'll take you to fairy world with the help of music.

(A fragment from P.I. Tchaikovsky’s ballet “The Nutcracker” is heard, a duet between Mary and the prince.)

Children, who wrote this amazing music? Yes, this music by P.I. Tchaikovsky, the great Russian composer. He lived more than a hundred years ago, but his music still sounds today! This is what Pyotr Ilyich dreamed of. He really wanted his music to be listened to as much as possible more people: both big and small. He wanted his music to be consolation, joy, help.

(A fragment from the overture to M.I. Glinka’s opera “Ruslan and Lyudmila” is played.)

So we found ourselves in the kingdom of music. Are you surprised? It sounds so festive and bright. The musicians are getting too excited, and only... can calm them down...

Children: Conductor.

Musical director: This wonderful music is performed by an orchestra. Let's come closer.

(They go to the place where the illustration depicts a large symphony orchestra hangs, look at it, name familiar instruments. The music director complements the children’s answers (violins, cellos, harps, woodwinds and brass, percussion).)

It’s like a holiday on stage:

Silver and copper.

How many different trumpets and violins -

Difficult to see.

Someone suddenly from the twilight

Came out slowly into the light.

The conductor, he's in a black tailcoat,

He is dressed like a swallow.

Everything shines in the radiance of light,

Can't find any empty seats.

We guys know this...

Children: Symphony orchestra!

Musical director: In my kingdom you can not only listen to music, but also perform it.

(Invites children to play musical instruments, asks what they would like to perform. Children list familiar works, stop at “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​by P.I. Tchaikovsky. An audio recording of “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​plays. Children play musical instruments.)

Musical director: What is the character of this waltz? How will you perform it? (Smoothly, easily, tenderly.) Waltz music is full of joy and beauty, the harp sounds tender, the horns sound inviting, the violins sound affectionately, smoothly.

(Children go to the tables where the instruments are laid out, choose triangles, bells, tambourines, metallophones, rumbas as desired. They play music using familiar playing techniques (tremolo, glissando).)

Well done! You performed the waltz very expressively. Now get to know magical cat who lives in my kingdom.

(Turns on the slide projector. In the frame there is a close-up of the cat from the film strip “Lukomorye.”)

Teacher (reads):“Near Lukomorye there is a green oak; gold chain on that oak tree: Both day and night, the learned cat keeps walking around the chain...”

Musical director: That's right, my cat is really a scientist. In everything related to fairy tales, singing and music, he has no equal.

Educator(comes closer to the screen, addresses the cat): What is your name? Doesn't he talk? He's magical!

Musical director: Why? Of course, he talks, but not everyone can hear him.

Educator: Will you help us hear your magic cat?

(They sound in audio recordings of fragments of musical works (“March of Chernomor” by M.I. Glinka, “Baba Yaga” from “Children’s Album” by P.I. Tchaikovsky, “Thirty-three Heroes” from N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov’s opera “The Tale of Tsar Saltan." The children call them and continue to watch the filmstrip.)

Musical director: You were attentive and heard what the cat was talking about. What else can I surprise you with? Fairies live in my kingdom, do you hear them flying?

(A fragment of the “Waltz of Snow Flakes” from P.I. Tchaikovsky’s ballet “The Nutcracker” plays. Two girls run out.)

1st girl: I'm a dance fairy.

2nd girl: And I am the fairy of melody, and we are glad to meet you. What melodies do you know?

(The teacher and children list melodious, thoughtful, excited, drawn-out, smooth.)

Musical director: There are many beautiful melodies in the kingdom of music, and to hear them we will fly after the fairies.

(The recording of “Waltz of Snow Flakes” sounds. Children move easily around the hall. The “Swans” theme plays. Children answer the music director’s questions.)

The melody is very beautiful and expressive.. Why does it sound so reverent, sad, and anxious?

(Children's answers.)

Here are the swans circling in a dance. What does the music sound like? (Joyfully, easily.) What kind of dance is this? (Waltz.)

(Children listen to the recording of “Dance of the Little Swans.”)

What does the dance sound like? (Easy, abrupt, graceful.)

(Children listen to “Waltz” by P.I. Tchaikovsky performed by the music director.)

Hear how festive and solemn this waltz sounds. We arrived at the ball and we can dance too!

(Children improvise waltz movements.)

Educator: Which interesting tales music can tell! (Addresses music director.) You are the most important sorceress, your music brought us to this kingdom.

Musical director: No, I'm not the main sorceress. Here they are, wizards: writers, storytellers and composers. (Points to portraits of P.I. Tchaikovsky, M.I. Glinka, N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov, A.S. Pushkin). Remember them, because they created wonderful music and fairy tales!

I am glad that you really enjoyed our kingdom of music. Please visit us here more often Magic world sounds and fairy tales.

At formation of the foundations of musical, artistic and aesthetic culture preschoolers The teacher should focus on such a form of interaction with children as "Music Lounge".
This cycle of literary and musical classes, during which the complex use of various arts is carried out, the interrelation of musical, artistic and speech, visual and theatrical activities is carried out.
It is within the framework of the “Musical Living Room” that you can realize main goals educational field."
More specific tasks, which are resolved in the process of interaction, can be formulated as follows:
1. Formation of cognitive interest and love for art in the process of familiarization with music, painting, poetry, artistic expression and movement.
2. Development of musicality in children, emotional responsiveness to music, i.e. the ability to experience a piece of music in accordance with its figurative content.
3. Development of musical perception and musical abilities, providing the opportunity for a more subtle listening to music, distinguishing its main components in the sound fabric of the work.
4. Enrichment of children’s musical impressions in the process of their acquaintance with works of world musical culture different eras and styles.
5. Formation of children’s musical taste, evaluative attitude towards the works they listen to, and towards their own creative self-expression.
The tasks are quite complex, and the very form of holding the “Musical Living Room” implies high professionalism of the teacher.

How does the formation of artistic and musical perception occur?
At the first stage(at first acquaintance, listening) - holistic perception, awareness of the general nature of the work.
At the second stage(during repeated listening) - differentiated perception, clarification of presentation, distinction of individual episodes in the work.
At the third stage(upon completion of work on a work) - awareness of the expressive role of individual means in connection with the development of the musical image and holistic re-perception.

Methods, techniques and forms of organizing the “Musical Living Room”
Forming the perception of music in preschoolers involves teaching attentive hearing musical works, their elementary analysis(determining the nature, available funds musical expressiveness), recognition repeatedly listened to plays or fragments from them.
Various are used methods - visual-auditory method, visual-visual, verbal, practical. In addition to traditional methods, it is advisable to use methods developed by the author of the program “Musical Masterpieces” by O.P. Radynova, — the method of contrasting comparisons of works and the method of assimilation to the nature of the sound of music. By the way, this program fully complies with the tasks and requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.

Visual-auditory. Method of contrasting comparisons of works consists in the fact that high-quality audio (video) recording and “live” performance of the work by the teacher are used. This method significantly enriches the perception of music and focuses children's attention on the difference in sound.
Conscious assimilation and consolidation of knowledge is facilitated by musical educational games using the visual-auditory method. For example, “Music quiz”, “Guess the melody”, etc.
Usage techniques of comparisons, contrasting comparisons various types(contrast of styles, genres, contrast within a genre, contrast of moods, etc.) will interest children and make learning problematic.

Visual-visual. To enhance children's impressions of music, evoke visual images in their imagination, or illustrate unfamiliar phenomena, it is necessary to use the following visual visibility:
— display of reproductions of paintings, illustrations, drawings, photographs, toys, images of instruments, portraits of composers;
- use of colored cards (color-mood technique), which will help children apply the new word and game form speak about the nature of music;
- illustrating fairy tales using tabletop theater on flannelgraph;
- use of map diagrams, modeling techniques (arrangement of sounds in height, determination of parts of a work and their number, etc.).

Verbal. One of the important methodological techniques for working in a music room is teacher's word. It should be emotional, concise, and appropriate to the level of speech development of children. The teacher’s explanations should reveal, first of all, the musical image. Such a comment helps children tune in to the perception of music. For example, O.P. Radynova in the program “Musical Masterpieces” allows the sound of music to be accompanied by quiet, expressive explanations.
Poetic word(riddles, poems, sonnets, etc.) can precede listening to a piece of music if it is in tune with its mood. If the teacher wants to compare the poem with music, it is better to read it after the children understand its character. For the same purpose, you can use the reading of poetry by children that they have learned in advance.
Literary image of fairy tales prepares children to perceive a musical image. Playing out fairy tale plot promotes deeper understanding with the help of toys or figures on flannelgraph storyline musical work.
The teacher can use the form of short descriptive stories, conversations, asking questions and assignments, activating the perception of music.

Practical. Method of assimilating the character of music. In order for a child to feel the character of music and actively experience his impressions, it is necessary to combine the perception of music with practical and creative actions. This method includes the following techniques:
— modeling of movement music elements ( art movement, conducting, transformation games);
- vocalization (intonation of melody, singing of songs by children);
- expression of the figurative content of the character of music through facial expressions;
— orchestration of musical works (selection and use of the most expressive timbres of instruments corresponding to the nature of the sound of the music, distinguishing its individual parts);
- dramatization of songs, outdoor games;
- expression of the perception of music through productive activities (drawing, appliqué, etc.).

Organization of classes
To make classes in the “Musical Lounge” more productive, varied and memorable, you need to use different shapes organizations these activities. These forms include:
- classes-conversations;
- travel activities (in time, space, fairy tales, etc.);
- classes based on the content of a particular fairy tale;
— conversation-concert (about the composer’s work, genres in music, etc.);
— plot activities (we go on a visit, meet a guest).

Dear teachers! If you have questions about the topic of the article or have difficulties in working in this area, then write to

Olga Pigareva

Target: to form the foundations of musical culture among preschoolers and their parents, cultivating interest and love for classical music.



1. Strengthen children's knowledge about musical instruments.

2. Formation of children’s musical taste, evaluative attitude towards the works they listen to, and towards their own creative self-expression.

3. To form an interest in classical music based on emotional perception.


1. Develop creative imagination and emotional responsiveness.

2. Develop musical thinking and ability to analyze

3. Develop creativity.


1. Foster a sense of respect for the culture of your people.

2. Contribute to the formation of the need to communicate with music.

3. Instill love and respect for classical music.

Integration educational areas : artistically - aesthetic development, social and communicative development, speech development, cognitive development

Children's age: 3-4 years

Types of children's activities: gaming, communicative, educational, musical.

Preliminary work:

Use of ICT: viewing illustrations of musical instruments, listening to audio-video recordings of classical music, sounds of musical instruments, cartoon films “In the Land of Musical Instruments”, “Mozart for Children”, “P. I. Tchaikovsky. The Seasons”.

Improvisation games on spoons, tambourines, bells in a children's orchestra.

Musically - didactic game“Guess what instrument is playing?”

Learning songs: “Rainbow”, “Lounger Bear”, “Raindrops”.

Learning poems about musical instruments.

Music game“Orchestra” (E. Zheleznova).

Drawing "What color is the music?" (P. I. Tchaikovsky "April")

Coloring pictures on the topic of the project.

Leisure activities:

Music is playing. IN music hall parents and children gather.

Slide1. "Music Lounge"

“Music is the most miraculous, the most subtle means of attracting to goodness, beauty, humanity” - V. A. Sukhomlinsky.”

Introductory speech by the teacher.

Good evening, Dear guests! Today we summarize our first music project"First steps into music." During the course, our children learned a lot about musical instruments, learned to recognize them by sound, drew music, watched a cartoon about the country of musical instruments, and learned new poems and songs. You will see and hear all this today.

Musical director.

None of the arts affects a person’s feelings so strongly and directly as music. Music is the most pleasant, beautiful and accessible form of communication between an adult and a child. Therefore, I propose to start our living room with a cheerful song by our Kaliningrad composer A. Feldman “Rainbow”.

Children perform the song "Rainbow"

Musical director: Well, dear guests, now I see that you are in good mood, smiles appeared on their faces, which means you can conduct a small quiz and test your knowledge about music.

Question and answer: 1. Who writes the music? (Composer).

2. What can you use to record music? (Using notes).

3. Who performs the music? (Musicians).

4. What is the name of the group of musicians who perform music (Orchestra).

5. What is the name of the person who leads the orchestra? (Conductor).

Musical director:

Well done! You answered questions very friendly. Dear parents! :

Different melodies have completely different effects on a child’s mood, and, turning into a constant background, have different effects on the formation of personality. Moreover, experts are unanimous: after children's songs and traditional lullabies, the most beneficial effect on the child's psyche is classical music. U classical melodies there are several clear advantages: harmony, nobility of intonation and amazing richness of shades - all that helps little man who gets used to listening to such music becomes truly cultured.

Watch video

Musical director. And now our children will sing for you another song by A. Feldman, “The Sloth Bear.”

Children come out and sing.


So that the ardor of fun does not fade away,

To make time go faster,

Friends, I invite you

Get to the riddles quickly!

Presentation “Sounds of musical instruments for children. Part 1."

Educator: Children prepared poems about musical instruments

(children take turns reading poetry)

1. Which instrument

Are there strings and a pedal?

What is this? Undoubtedly

This is our glorious... (piano).

2. Smooth bow movements

The strings make me tremble,

The motive sounds from afar,

Sings about the lunar wind.

How clear the sounds are overflowing,

There is joy and a smile in them.

Sounds like a dreamy tune

Its name is (violin).

3. Carefully take it in your hands -

And wonderful, wondrous sounds

She publishes it if she knows how

Help her sing her songs:

It’s as if someone’s crying is flying from afar.

This is the singing (flute) crying.

4. The brother of the violin is huge!

You will remember his name very simply:

He sings with a bass voice and also loves jazz.

Well, do you remember? My brother's name is (double bass).

5. He loves to be hit

They don’t give him peace -

He dances in his hands and rings,

AND good people amusing. (Tambourine).

6. Sometimes graceful, sometimes rude,

Orchestral (trumpet).

Musical director. Our children not only read poems about musical instruments, but also learn to play in an orchestra. Musical game "Orchestra".

Children perform on children's musical instruments


Musical director: When the symphony orchestra came to us, the children, accompanied by him, sang the humorous song “Who is this?” The author soloed songs-composer A. Feldman. I suggest that we all sing this humorous song together now.

Music the leader begins to sing, and everyone sings along with her.

Educator: Our meeting has come to an end. We hope that the information received today will be useful to you in raising your children. May the great art of music always help you through life. And we will continue to work in this direction and hope that we will meet with you in the music room more than once. Goodbye! See you again!

The participants leave the hall to the music.

Publications on the topic:

Leisure activities for children of the second youngest group together with their parents " Winter fun» Participants: children of the second younger group and their parents. Target:.

Scenario of joint entertainment with parents in the preparatory group for “Mother’s Day” Goal: - To harmonize child-parent relationships.

Entertainment scenario for February 23 for children of the second group of early age “Defender of the Fatherland Day” together with parents Good day, dear colleagues! I only suggest that a script of entertainment be drawn up for February 23rd for children 2-3 years old. Description.

Scenario of entertainment with parents and children of the second youngest group “Dad can do anything!” Goal: To promote the development and cohesion of parent-child relationships, to develop continuity of work between the kindergarten and the family. Tasks:.

Scenario for sharing fun with parents for Mother's Day Scenario fun together with parents for Mother's Day for preparation. gr. "Rowan" 2016 Goal: Mastering moral skills through.

Scenario of joint entertainment with parents for Mother’s Day in the first junior group “My beloved Mommy” Presenter (1): Good evening, dear mothers! Today we invited you to visit us to congratulate you on a wonderful holiday - Mother's Day! IN.

Scenario of joint entertainment with parents for Mother’s Day in the second junior group “It’s good next to mom” Scenario of joint entertainment with parents for Mother's Day in the second younger group“It’s good to be close to mom” Objectives: formation in children.

Scenario of joint entertainment with parents for Mother’s Day in the second junior group “Mom is always there!” Goal: To develop children's interest in tradition, to promote the creation of warm relationships in the family. Objectives: To develop a respectful attitude.

Scenario of shared entertainment with parents in the first junior group “Together with Dads” Goal: to promote psychological rapprochement between children and parents and the development of harmony in relationships. Objectives: to develop emotional intelligence in children.

Scenario of joint entertainment with parents for February 23 in the second junior group “Our dads are the best!” Goals: harmonization of child-parent (family) relationships during joint play activities. Objectives: -to develop emotional skills in children.

Image library:

Musical living room in the senior preparatory group of the kindergarten. Scenario

Entertainment scenario for kindergarten "Musical living room"

Target: Promote development creative potential children in performing activities.
Tasks: Expand children's understanding of how to perform songs (in an ensemble, using children's musical instruments, to a soundtrack), dancing (in a group, using instruments, in pairs); Encourage children to share their hobbies and discuss the performance of their comrades. Arouse interest in the performance of guests of the music room.
Manuals and materials: metallophones, spoons, domra, multimedia presentation.

Progress of entertainment

To the music “Magical Country,” children enter the hall and take their pre-prepared seats.
1 Presenter.
Hello, dear music lovers!
Yes, yes, exactly amateurs, because today in this hall those children from our kindergarten who have a musical hobby have gathered.
Without music, without music,
There is no way to live.
Can't dance without music
Neither polka nor hopak.
2 presenter
And you won’t be able to spin around in the dance,
And you won’t be able to march
And a funny song
You won't sing on holiday.
1 presenter
So let today into this hall
Music will come to us,
And everyone along with the music
He will dance and sing!
And I even know guys who really love to sing. And I’ll tell you a secret, there are a lot of such children in our kindergarten! For example, children from senior group. The three of them came to us. Tell me, guys, will you all sing together? This means we will hear the song performed by a trio. What song will you sing for us?
There are many songs in the world
They sing about everything
My brother gave me a handkerchief
We will sing to you about this.
Song “Gave a handkerchief” by muses Aleksandrovsk Wow
2 Presenter
And I see guys who have metallophones on their desks. I wonder if they will sing
or play musical instruments? Guys, tell me with what
musical number did you come to us?
We thought together for a long time
How to sing a song more interesting?
And then Anton said:
We need to take a metallophone!
2 Presenter
So, are you going to sing and play metallophones now?
I understood you correctly?
So, the children of the preparatory group sing a song...
Farewell to the rain
Song using metallophones “Farewell to the rain” music. And Evtautje howl

Let me tell you!
Singing together is good!
It's better with a metallophone!
Nothing in the choir either,
Well, it’s cooler with dad!
1 Presenter
So, Kira, you came with your dad today?
Hello, we have musical family. Therefore, music is often played in our house. And now Kira and I will prove this to you.
Dad and I will sing the song “Puppy”
The song “A puppy was walking down the street” is accompanied by a dance composition yeah

preparatory group teacher
This is all very interesting, but I want to tell you about my pupil
Arina Khodos. She was also very interested in singing.
She sang even when the guys were dancing
2 Presenter
And we can remember how it was.
Watch the video ika
And today Arina is our guest. Hello. Arina, tell me, do you continue to sing? Will you sing for us today?
Song “Eccentric Man” by A. Petrishchev Ouch

1 Presenter
And I see two girls with an instrument that we don’t have in kindergarten.
And these girls are also our pupils Arina and Polina.
Girls, what kind of tools are these? Are you studying at a music school?
Why do you play the domra?
Since childhood we listened to guitar, domra and accordion
Because our mother is a musical champion!
My sister and I would like to learn guitar
While your hands are growing
Let's master this tool
2 Presenter
Together with Arina and Polina, our guest is the accompanist from the nursery music school Galina Sergeevna. She will help our girls fulfill musical works on this folk instrument.
Playing the domra “The Cheerful Peasant” music. Noise ana

And I see guys in chef’s hats, I wonder if they will sing too?
What did you come with today?
Now get to know us!
My friends and I will cook porridge.
We will cook porridge while dancing.
What don't you believe?
Dance "Cook, Porridge" music. A. Petrishchev Ouch

1 Presenter
Indeed, it is immediately clear that these guys really love to dance.
2 Presenter
And I know guys who not only dance, but also play musical instruments, but which ones?
Let's hit the spoons together,
How to stamp your heel.
And we'll play and we'll dance,
And let's spin like a top!
Dance with spoons “Snow Snowball” rn. m.

1 Presenter
Yes, in our kindergarten a lot of children are interested in dancing. I also want to tell you about one boy who went to our school. kindergarten 5-6 years ago. Look how he was, well, just like you. He loved to perform, he loved to dance. Today this boy is also our guest, this is Danil Shankin. Not only is he very serious about ballroom dancing, but is also a winner of many dance competitions. Danil, tell us how many years you have been dancing.
Short story Dan silt
2 Presenter
And, of course, today we will see the performance of Danil and his partner
Dance "Sam" ba"

1 Presenter
The last notes, alas, sounded,
At least the hall is filled with good music
Today we are even a little tired,
But everyone, I think, learned a lot!
2 Presenter
Every day from the heart
Sing songs, play, dance,
Paint a picture with a musical palette!
1 Presenter
Let's hold hands
Let's merge with the music,
Hearts will beat in unison.
May our souls be illuminated,
May it never be silent
Beautiful sounds, harmonious choir.
Children leave the hall to the song “Anthem of Music”
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