A man born on March 7, what is his zodiac sign? In your opinion, is the influence of the zodiac sign noticeable in the behavior of people born on this day? Weaknesses of the sign in love

Pisces, whose birthday falls on March 7th, combines creative imagination and rational thinking. Your subtle intuition is complemented by practicality, and efficient work intelligence. You easily form an impression about a problem and then think about it using logic. Sometimes you first collect facts and information about the subject of your interest, analyze it, and then pass it on to others in words or images.

Those born on March 7 must be extremely careful about their health. Due to their ultra-high sensitivity and susceptibility, they are prone to many types of infections and allergies. This can ultimately lead to problems with the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems, which are forced to constantly counteract and defend. Those born on March 7th should pay Special attention your diet. Limiting dairy products usually helps reduce excess phlegm and mucus. A diet based on cereals and vegetables, preferably raw or steamed, will be very useful for them. As for playing sports, moderate, dosed exercises are recommended. Perhaps dancing, skiing, swimming, yoga and tai chi are most suitable for these people. For those born on March 7, proper sleep is very important, but they should not overdo it, as something else may happen - an irrevocable departure into the world of dreams.

Complex personalities born on March 7 often live in an abstract world divorced from reality. However, despite this, they are able to find a concrete form of expression of their thoughts and can find success in life. Almost from childhood, fate presents them with a challenge, which they accept with dignity. Although those born on March 7 usually have their head in the clouds, their desire to make a career is so great that they are ready to jump to the ground even without a parachute. As a rule, these people achieve success relying on the support and participation of others. And yet, whether they are involved in specific activities or not, those born on this day often feel as if they are living in another world. It is not surprising, therefore, that many of those born on March 7, having finished the working day and left the office, immediately put production-related problems out of their minds. In fact, it is not so easy to penetrate into the inner world of these people. Those who would like to become their friends need to be unusually patient and, above all, not very demanding, that is, in fact, similar to those who were born on this day.

Zodiac sign March 7 -

Element of the Sign: . Your zodiac sign is a water sign, which is characterized by the following qualities: tenderness, respectfulness, dreaminess, diligence, poetry, grace, empathy.

Planet Ruler: . Responsible for the gift of providence, faith. Neptune's influence is ideal for musicians. The planet in exile is Mercury. Responsible for a lack of criticality, as well as a lack of rationality.

For people born on March 7, their date of birth endows them with practicality and rationalism, and the zodiac sign of those born on March 7 gives them Creative skills. They are very smart and have amazingly strong intuition, which is not surprising for those born on March 7 with the zodiac sign Pisces. First, they make an artistic and emotional “cast” of the problem that needs to be solved, and then they reflect on it, dissect it with the help of their powerful intellect. These people also have the opposite approach, which first goes through collecting information and facts, systematizing them and, then, melting them into a single artistic image.

Those born on March 7 are generous and, as a rule, do not react to direct pressure on them. Typically, their reaction is to withdraw, or rather, “withdraw” at a critical moment, both emotionally and physically. When attacked or criticized, they make few (if any) attempts to defend themselves and then retreat back to the safe space. own world. They quickly understand who can and cannot be trusted. Partly secretive, they are, however, ready to make sacrifices for those whom they happen to love.

Those born on March 7th are often extremely generous (in all senses of the word) towards those who they feel truly deserve it. Those born on this day always deeply sympathize with those in need, so legality and equality can be restored precisely through their concerns. Moving around in society, they are not in a hurry to make numerous acquaintances; rather, they will find themselves one or two friends - and this is more than enough for them. The problems that those born on March 7 most often encounter include unstable energy, lack of social awareness public life, fears and instability, a feeling of uncertainty about where they fit among other people. Once those born on March 7 will be able to direct their scattered energy in one direction, and then they will move far forward. Using their work as a foundation, they can even find themselves making impressive strides in society.

Those born on March 7 need to at least occasionally pay attention to the thoughts and feelings of their family members, their environment and society as a whole. These people can make their lives truly expressive and exciting, but this sometimes requires sacrificing personal interests. If they are lucky, they will definitely meet a person with whom they will share their life, but they are undoubtedly capable of strong friendship, in some cases even replacing love, so necessary for those born on this day.

Pisces man - born on March 7

Men born on March 7th can be proud of the following distinctive features: such a gentleman is sacrificial, idealistic, charismatic, creative. Pisces men are idealists and dreamers; they are easy-going and comfortable people to communicate with. Politeness and tact do not allow men of this sign to show open aggression, which is often their problem. Pisces men fall in love easily and find it difficult to build strong relationships. harmonious relationships. The main problems in love are associated with the desire for an unattainable ideal and building relationships with those who have a much brighter temperament.

Pisces woman - born on March 7

Women who celebrate their birthday on March 7th are characterized by the following qualities: such a lady is sensual, intellectual, artistic. Pisces women are charming, subtle and mysterious young ladies who attract men with their vulnerability and defenselessness. Their femininity and weakness are their main trump cards, creating an atmosphere of mystery around them. It is not easy to achieve her favor, and it is reason that sometimes forces her not to be led by emotions. The most strong features Pisces women are characterized by femininity and the ability to properly manage their signature traits - fragility and softness.

Birthday March 7

Stubborn and self-sufficient natures. On the day of March 7, complex natures with a difficult and strong-willed character are born. They With early years confident in their abilities, one can only envy their perseverance. Heightened intuition and the ability to sense the mood of others help to take the right actions. They can easily predict the course of events and all possible turns. A unique set of qualities helps them always come out on top difficult situations, to conquer peaks that are otherwise incomprehensible.

Despite my inner strength, many of those who appeared to the world on March 7, the zodiac sign Pisces, prefer to live in a kind of abstract world, the creator of which is themselves. Many of them reject everything material goods in favor of the spiritual. But if necessary, they easily return to reality and find solutions to the problems that have arisen. From childhood they have to face all the vicissitudes of fate with dignity. Very original and unique people are born on March 7th under the zodiac sign Pisces. They combine the ability to indulge in daydreams and build castles in the air, but at the same time they have a great desire to build a career and have a prosperous life.

Therefore, in work time Those born on March 7 with the zodiac sign Pisces work hard, and in their free moments they strive for the clouds. Many of them, at the end of working hours, immediately throw everything related to production out of their heads. Often, people of this day are not able to achieve great success in a career. They need help and support from loved ones who will guide them in the right direction. Although, in fairness, it should be noted that it is not so easy to get into the close circle of these people. They are distrustful and jealously guard their personal space. Therefore, those who want to penetrate their inner world will have to be patient. The ideal companion for such individuals would be a person who is very similar in nature and perception of the environment.

People who celebrate their birthday on March 7 are able to analyze other people's emotions, which allows them to immediately recognize the intentions of others. They are not aggressive, in fact, they are not even capable of defending themselves. As a rule, they simply ignore external attacks and nagging, plunging into their safe inner world. But despite all their external simplicity and a certain renunciation, these individuals immediately understand who they can trust. However, those born on March 7 become very attached to the person they like. We are ready not only to open up to him, but also to make a certain sacrifice for the good of the person we love. They are endowed with compassion and try in every possible way to help those who need it. People of this day do not strive to make many acquaintances. For them, a few true friends who will be close to them in spirit are enough.

Due to mistrust, those born on March 7th with the zodiac sign Pisces find it difficult to open up to people. This position complicates the search for a life partner. Astrologers advise leaving your abstract world and striving for the real, being more attentive to others. Allow people to experience all the richness of your soul, let them see what a unique person you are.

Love and Compatibility

Pisces with Cancer, Scorpio and Taurus have good prospects for creating a family that respects each other. It is with them that these people are most compatible, they have the same views on family life, similar life priorities. A marriage can also be successful in an alliance with Virgo, Libra and Capricorn, the chances are, say, 50/50. They must immediately distribute responsibilities and duties, agree that they will accept each other’s freedom and give in. Marriage with poor prospects is seen with such signs as Aries, Gemini and Leo. Let's say, in these combinations of pairs there are very few prospects for happy marriage, they are unlikely to understand each other.

Work and Career

Keeping in mind that March 7 is the zodiac sign of Pisces, we should not be surprised that these people do not live in real world, but in the world of some incomprehensible abstractions. But their connection with reality is quite strong, they are able to translate their abstractions into the language of reality, embody them and achieve success. Since childhood, they have been fighting fate like real warriors. These people are almost always careerists, despite their dreaminess, and, with the help of friends and connections, they more often achieve what they want. But even if they are engaged in some practical matters, it still seems to those around them that those born on March 7 live somewhere in another layer of existence, in some other dimension invisible to the eye. This will not be surprising at all if you remember what zodiac sign is on March 7 - ephemeral, otherworldly, mystical Pisces.

After a working day, these people instantly forget all their work problems and begin to give an impression that they are not at all from this world. At the same time, it is very difficult to share their fantasies and dreams with them; they do not allow anyone into their world. To make friends with them, you need a lot, a lot of patience and fewer strict demands. By the way, this description also suits those born on March 7th. Those born on March 7 do not succumb to pressure. They just go away. They rarely even react in any way, for example, to criticism, preferring to withdraw into themselves, to withdraw into their inner world, where almost no one can follow them. They sense other people well, sense who is capable of deception and who is not. They are selfless and ready to help friends and family, making almost any sacrifice.

Health and Diseases

From birth, these people are very sensitive and vulnerable, they often have allergies, and they often get sick, picking up various infections. Also vulnerabilities Their bodies are lymph nodes and the cardiovascular system. As for the diet of those born on March 7, they are recommended to consume less dairy products, as they produce mucus and phlegm, and pay attention to fresh vegetables and cereals.

You should definitely exercise, but try not to overdo it or overexert yourself. More than others sports activities Yoga, Pilates, dancing, swimming, skiing will suit you. Be sure to follow your daily routine and rest for the prescribed number of hours, but try not to sleep too much, in your case this can lead to you moving away from reality into the world of dreams and fantasies.

Fate and Luck

On this day, self-confident, magnanimous and generous natures are born. These people have an independent and stubborn character. But they are wise, their actions are reasonable; having great intuition, they can only accept the right decision, this helps them avoid many mistakes and emerge victorious from any situation. They have good health, strong and strong character. They usually have many friends, everything comes easy to them, which causes envy and gives rise to an abundance of ill-wishers and enemies. They are lucky in love, as in material sphere. They attract money to themselves. The main thing that they need to learn in life is not to lose their head from success, and then everything in their life will be wonderful.

Astrologers are sure that a person’s character is determined by his zodiac sign. However, not all representatives of the same character have similar traits. Thus, each zodiac period is divided into three decades. Those born into each of them have unique temperaments. This happened with Pisces. Astrologers consider the most amazing representative of the sign to be the one born in the second decade. For example, March 7.

Who according to horoscope

On the border cold winter and the blossoming spring, amazing characters are born. This is Pisces, whose sign is the final one in the zodiac series. Located at the very end of the solar circle, this symbol is shrouded in mystery and mysticism. Astrologers are only trying to unravel all the secrets of his temperament. But even its representatives themselves are not given the opportunity to know the secrets of the sign.

starts on February 19 and lasts until March 20. Neptune, the ruler of the deep sea, patronizes him. The planet is guardian of secret knowledge and everything unconscious. Neptune represents daydreaming and illusion.

Being under the protection of the element of Water, Pisces acquire a sensitive temperament and a gentle nature. The sign has a feminine principle, therefore both young ladies and representatives of the stronger sex are endowed with light and romantic in nature. Pisces are characterized by high spirituality and the ability to compassion. These are wise and creative people.

The element of Water gives its pets the ability to feel subtly the world. They let everything happen through themselves, changing and adapting to the situation. Emotions, events and other people's experiences will never leave the sign indifferent. These are kind and attentive people, faithful friends and dedicated partners.

Pisces is a dual sign, so they are characterized by internal contradictions. The symbol is depicted in the form of two fish swimming in different directions. The inner world of the representatives of the sign is also contradictory.

Briefly about the sign:

  • Daydreaming;
  • Uncertainty;
  • Romance;
  • Jealousy;
  • Sensitivity;
  • Devotion.

Pisces are endowed with extreme dreaminess. They form their own opinion about any situation and fall in love with their imagined ideal world. Often the sign is so deeply immersed in dreams that it itself is not able to distinguish truth from fiction.

As in living nature, zodiac Pisces tend to search for a warm current, which they will follow throughout their lives. These are selfless characters, deeply compassionate and kind-hearted. The basis of their worldview is caring for their neighbor. For the sake of the well-being of loved ones, the sign is ready for selfless self-sacrifice.

Pisces are not designed to deal with obstacles.. They prefer to go around sharp corners. He loves symbols and changes, so he does not stay in one place for a long time. Professionally, Water signs are not obsessed with money. They are more attracted to the possibility of creative realization and the search for harmony with their inner world.

In relationships, on the contrary, the sign tends to become attached, falling firmly in love and devoting its life to the well-being of its partner. But dedication often plays with them cruel joke. The sign tends to fall under the influence of others, which is why it often becomes a hostage to dysfunctional relationships.

The illusory nature of perception often deprives Pisces of success. They are indifferent to reality and ignore many obvious phenomena. Trying to find some magic formula, they often rush into individual activities. But they are not willing to work hard, so they are often content with little. The desire to go with the flow rather than overcome difficulties does not allow the sign to achieve high peaks.

Living in a fictional world, Pisces try to hide their own emotions from others. The sign is friendly and open, but outsiders rarely see the true face of emotions. Pisces smile even when a volcano erupts inside them. Playing for the public is just protecting the vulnerable inner world. They can trust only the closest people.

Being a Water sign, Pisces gives first fiddle to emotions. The voice of reason often goes unheard, so Pisces act as their heart tells them. It is not possible for others to understand the actions of this sign. Its representatives express themselves vaguely, but are guided by rules known to them.

As with other symbols, the entire zodiac period of Pisces is divided into three decades. Representatives of each of them are somewhat different from each other:

Each of the decades borrowed for its representatives certain qualities of the element of Water.

Pisces born on March 7

Astrologers call the most amazing Pisces people whose birthday falls in the second decade of the sign. Cancer favorably balances the dreaminess of Pisces and gives them determination.

They still have the same changeable character, but they are able to better control outbursts of emotions, although they often go off scale. Under the influence of the Moon, their character becomes somewhat more predictable.

Those born on March 7th know firsthand a huge reserve of unspent feelings. These are kind and empathetic people who are not alien to other people's emotions. However, they show love and tenderness only to close people. Communication with these Pisces is like reading an exciting adventure novel.

The second decade of Pisces manifested itself especially clearly in representatives of the stronger sex born on March 7th. A man's zodiac sign provides for strong influence feminine, so this guy is dreamy and romantic. From the outside it may seem that he is too soft, but Cancer in his characteristics does not allow such qualities. Behind the languid and slow shell there is always a strong nature hidden.

Pisces Man is interested in everything that happens around him and takes an active part in social activities. He has many favorite activities. Most of them are creative, often incomprehensible to others. Today this guy makes leather bindings for books, and tomorrow he makes chain mail for the Pekingese.

A Water sign man has his own worldview, which often does not coincide with reality. This is an idealist, completely unadapted to harsh reality.

Pisces definitely needs life's troubles. Without external shocks, this character stops improving and his development freezes. To find inner harmony, this man needs a series of downs and diligent ups in order to strengthen his self-confidence.

Realization, career and finance

The Pisces man of the second decade is a born artist. He came into this world to bring harmony and beauty into it. Of course, a person with such a noble mission is not supposed to work hard. He is talented, but somewhat indecisive. Fortunately, Cancer endowed him with an extraordinary sense of finance, so the man accurately determines where the money comes from and how to attract it.

rarely strives for leadership positions. His ambitions are not aimed at gaining authority. This is a self-focused personality with the traits of an introvert and a thinker. Often relies on outside advice when making decisions. Therefore, in collective activities he is an ideal partner, but individually he is not able to actively develop.

The best activity for this person is one in which maximum mercy and support can be shown. These are excellent doctors, psychologists and trainers. Attracts a mystical nature and the other world, so Pisces are often interested in the occult and predictions.

This person has a special attitude towards finances. He is not stingy, but he is not a spendthrift either. The very process of managing his own money delights him, so the man loves to plan, calculate and make important purchases. Most of all, he likes to please his loved ones, so most of his savings are spent on gifts and pleasant surprises.

In relationships, the Pisces man resembles a fairy-tale prince. Love and care are his calling, so he gives himself entirely to feelings. Without love, a sign cannot exist, just as without a permanent partner.

Sensuality and emotionality makes him ideal lover. He is characterized by strong affection and extremely tremulous love. This is a supporter of long-term and reliable relationships.

The Pisces man is addicted to tactile sensations, therefore, he sees the manifestation of love precisely in touch and physical intimacy. The partner needs to accept this love as it is. The sign does not like changes in itself.

But life with an emotionally unstable partner cannot be cloudless. Hysterical temper greatly undermines relationships with Pisces. An offended sign prefers to withdraw into itself, delving into its grievances and experiences.

The partner should remember that it is impossible to force this guy to become happy. He must suffer exactly as much as he wishes. After this, Pisces will appear to you on their own, as if nothing had happened.

For this man, the word “no” does not exist, so all his whims in a relationship must be carried out instantly. He feels insulted if he cannot realize his fantasies, because they are the basis of his personality.

Weak sides sign in love:

  • Excessive emotionality;
  • The desire to completely take possession of the partner, jealousy;
  • Diffidence.

The Pisces woman is a mysterious and incomprehensible creature. Even the representatives of the sign themselves cannot always explain their own actions. Fragile and tender, she came into this world to decorate, but not to change it.

The woman under this constellation is a trembling hothouse flower. She values ​​material comfort and emotional stability. Being extremely vulnerable, the fish lady does not dare to go on adventures and tries to avoid life’s ups and downs.

Cancer gave some decisiveness to Pisces in the second decade, which was especially clearly reflected in the character of those born on March 7th. The girl’s zodiac sign is not easy, but she successfully controls her emotions and directs all her strength to creative realization. Typically, representatives of this decade achieve great success in any activity if it truly inspires them.

Career, money and creativity

Woman under the constellation Pisces loves to shine in public, so he chooses activities accordingly. Her place is where this lady can be seen from all sides. She is artistic, friendly and sweet. Therefore, he can cope with any position, be it a cafe administrator or a theater actor.

At the same time, the fish does not tolerate routine and hard work, so even being in a good place, it secretly makes plans to conquer new heights. She often lacks the determination to achieve accomplishments, which is why she remains a concierge who dreams of becoming an artist.

Pisces love money, but they don’t always know how to earn it. The girl with fins loves luxury, but is ready to be content with little if her soul is in harmony and peace.

However, this young lady is not too concerned about professional fulfillment. Her element is feelings. Her calling is caring. Therefore, she spends maximum energy in relationships.

This woman is dramatic and somewhat demonstrative. She instantly demonstrates her attitude to her interlocutor, either by getting him interested or immediately eliminating him. She also has a certain elevation above worldly concerns, which is why she is considered an unattainable lady.

Having met the one and only, he is transformed and is entirely devoted to the relationship. She is caring and attentive, sweet and gentle. There is also a place for sexuality in her temperament. At the same time, the fidelity of the sign is in the most refined form. She never gives a reason for jealousy, although she attracts a lot of admiring glances. She herself often harasses her partner with nagging and interrogations.

Among negative qualities Women should note the following points:

  • Vulnerability and touchiness;
  • Hot temper, hysteria;
  • Self-doubt and jealousy.

But that's it problematic points disappear completely if Pisces feels truly loved. They are able to open up like a flower, giving all the warmest feelings to their partner.

Attention, TODAY only!


Born on March 7: the meaning of the birthday

This period gives the world personalities with a huge heart and a generous soul. At the same time, they are self-sufficient, endowed with tenacity bordering on stubbornness.

They are distinguished by unshakable confidence in their own capabilities.

Well-developed intuition and an innate understanding of the main laws of life contribute to the fact that those born on March 7 are unerring in their judgments and actions. They can find a way out of the very predicament, get benefits where others face only troubles.

It seems that they live in their own world, do not always think rationally, and have idealized ideas about the surrounding reality.

At the same time, luck never leaves those who were born on March 7: the zodiac sign gives them ambition and simply unrealistic ambitions. They are so obsessed with the desire to achieve career heights that they are ready, without exaggeration, to do absolutely anything for this.

Due to their extraordinary thinking and specific worldview, Pisces, who were born on March 7, must certainly have helpers and patrons in achieving specific, earthly goals. Be that as it may, they achieve success and rank high social status, although others will invariably be impressed as eccentrics.

In your opinion, is the influence of the zodiac sign noticeable in the behavior of people born on this day?

March 7: influence of the sign of Pisces

Throughout your life, you will not leave anyone indifferent to you if you were born on March 7, your zodiac sign is Pisces and it is to blame for everything. Some will admire your originality and breadth of soul, while others will be outraged by your luck and the ease with which you move through life.

You live by the principle: I am happy not because everything is good, but everything is good because I am happy. This position helps you attract good luck and all kinds of blessings in life.

Gives great wisdom and endurance zodiac sign of people born on March 7, they never take aggressive attacks to heart, do not succumb to provocations, and avoid conflicts in every possible way. This helps them maintain spiritual harmony and strength for really important things.

It is quite difficult for such persons to open up to other people, but if they trust someone, they do it selflessly. They are sure that old friend better than the new two and will never exchange trusted friends for numerous fleeting acquaintances.

On March 7, the incredibly popular theater and film actress of British origin, Rachel Weisz, celebrates her name day. Even during her studies, she actively participated in various theatrical productions and was even the founder of a student troupe. Success came to her after the play “Design for Living”; at the same time, she was involved in the filming of various TV series, but the turning point in her life was the film “Elusive Beauty”, after which her talent was recognized by spectators, critics, and directors.

Teacher's Day in Albania

The holiday, designed to show the important role of the teacher in the education of the Albanian people, will be celebrated throughout Albania. With this holiday, the Government of Albania wants to emphasize that the result of the country's prosperity and development depends not only on the successful leadership of all government leaders, but also on the quality work of thousands of teachers and educators in the country.
This holiday was established in honor of the opening on March 7, 1887 in the southeast of the country in the small town of Korça of the first secular school in the Albanian language.

Unusual holidays on March 7

Today we can celebrate official holidays, or you can come up with your own holiday, or you can celebrate unusual holidays of this day: Absenteeism Day from School, Day of the Mind and Warm Blanket Day.

Absent school day

Were you scolded for absenteeism at school? Truancy is punished in almost all schools. But today is another day. Today is Absenteeism Day at school - not only can you skip school today without fear of getting punished for it, today you must skip school! After all, only by skipping school lessons can you celebrate this day cheerfully.

Day of the Mind

This day apparently was invented very smart people. How can you celebrate it? It all depends on your imagination. Perhaps you can try to determine your IQ and brag about its results? But it’s better to just gain more knowledge on this day.

Warm blanket day

They've come up with a holiday! Isn't a blanket warm? While it’s still cold outside, I suggest celebrating this holiday on the couch with a cup of hot aromatic tea or coffee, or maybe orange mulled wine. Take out your favorite blanket and warm woolen socks from the depths of your closet, turn on some cute, gentle or funny movie, and wrap yourself up and celebrate this holiday - Warm Blanket Day. This will be the last opportunity to enjoy a warm blanket in cold, still winter weather; in the summer, such pleasure and comfort will no longer be available.

Holiday according to the folk calendar

Mauritius day

On this day, March 7, Christians honor the memory of the Christian holy martyrs of Apamea, Mauritius and 70 warriors who lived in the 3rd-4th centuries.
Our ancestors noticed that rooks, swallows and starlings fly home to Mauritius. The people had such a sign - if the birds arrived earlier than in Mauritius, then spring would come soon. People used to say - “Early swallows - to happy year" In Rus', these birds were loved and many different signs were associated with them. For example, it was believed that swallows fly low to the rain, and high to the wind. There was a popular belief that whoever destroys a swallow’s nest will be “rewarded” with freckles, and if you wash your face with milk at the first swallow, your face will be white.
In the fields and gardens of Mauritius, peasants began their first work. While the road was still frozen, strong and allowed access to the fields, the peasants transported the manure that had accumulated over the winter to future arable land and beds. In the southern regions, early cabbage was already sown on this day in order to protect it from attack by caterpillars during the setting of heads of cabbage.
On festive table On the holiday, Mauritius Day, they served “black fish soup” - a soup for which meat was boiled in cucumber brine and served with the addition of various roots and spices.
Name day March 7 with Andrey, Afanasy, Varvara, Victor, Vladimir, Elizaveta, Ivan, Joseph, Irina, Mikhail, Nikolai, Pavel, Praskovya, Sergey, Stepan, Fedor, Filaret, Philip

March 7 in history

1957 - First flight of the Soviet passenger turboprop aircraft An-10.
1960 - B Pacific Ocean Americans picked up four Soviet soldiers who were drifting in the Pacific Ocean on an uncontrollable barge without water and food supplies for 49 days
1965 - The first US Marines land in South Vietnam.
1966 - French President Charles De Gaulle announced France's intention to withdraw from military organization NATO.
1967 - Resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU, the Council of Ministers of the USSR and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions on the transfer of workers and employees of enterprises, institutions and organizations to a five-day working week with two days off...
1975 - Andrei Tarkovsky’s film “Mirror” is released.
1987 - For the first time, the program “Before and After Midnight” by Vladimir Molchanov appeared on Central Television. The guest of the program was Andrei Mironov.
1989 - Iran breaks off diplomatic relations with Britain over the publication of Salman Rushdie's The Satanic Tales.
2004 - Pope John Paul II signs a decree on the canonization of 12 new saints Catholic Church. During his quarter-century on the throne, John Paul II proclaimed 1,311 new blessed and 476 saints of the Catholic Church.

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