Can pregnant women drink coffee with milk? The effect of coffee on pregnancy.

A long-awaited and anxious event for every woman is the news of pregnancy. It brings great joy, but at the same time it turns your usual life upside down, even changing your diet. From this moment on, the woman becomes responsible not only for her health, but also for the intrauterine development of the baby. Pregnancy entails many prohibitions and sometimes you have to give up even your favorite drinks. The pressing question remains: can pregnant women drink coffee, because it has many positive properties, but at the same time it can be harmful to the health of mother and baby.

The effect of coffee on the body of the expectant mother

Coffee is known, first of all, for its tonic effect - it helps many people wake up and cheer up due to the hormone serotonin, which is part of the hormone. Pregnant women often lack energy, so a cup of aromatic drink becomes a real salvation. Most doctors believe that if a woman was an avid coffee drinker before conception, then it is not necessary to completely give up coffee - it is enough to reduce the frequency of consumption.

Coffee affects blood pressure, increasing it, and at the same time constricts blood vessels, which can be harmful to hypertensive patients. High blood pressure can cause the development of a dangerous complication - gestosis. Therefore, if pregnant women show signs of such a problem, drinking the drink is strictly prohibited. For hypotensive people, this property is not dangerous, but even in them, frequent surges in pressure lead to increased stress on the cardiovascular system.

Not only does the expectant mother have unstable hormonal levels, but caffeine also leads to mood swings

Another reason why pregnant women should not drink coffee is its diuretic effect. When carrying a baby, the uterus begins to grow and puts pressure on the bladder, which naturally leads to an increase in the frequency of urination. Drinking coffee in large quantities, the urge to go to the toilet becomes even more frequent, which threatens to disrupt the water-salt balance. In addition, this drink quickly removes calcium from the body, which is so necessary to maintain the health of the mother and the formation of the correct bone skeleton of the baby.

The harm of coffee also manifests itself in increased stomach acidity. In general, this drink should not be drunk on an empty stomach without first having breakfast. In Russia, it is fashionable to start your day with an invigorating cup of coffee. Such a habit can lead not only to disruption of the digestive process, but also to the development of peptic ulcers. For pregnant women, drinking a cup of drink on an empty stomach can increase toxicosis and heartburn.

Harm from coffee for a baby

The baby receives intrauterine nutrition from its mother. When caffeine enters her body, it is instantly absorbed not only into her blood and internal organs, but also into the placenta. This substance leads to a narrowing of the placental vessels, which means the baby will experience oxygen starvation and a lack of nutrients. A woman should understand that drinking coffee during pregnancy can be done in strictly limited quantities, and excessive consumption of the drink threatens to delay the development of the child.

Some studies show that drinking the drink during pregnancy leads to the birth of babies with a weight loss of 100-200 grams. Apparently, this is directly related to the lack of intrauterine nutrition, which is caused by caffeine entering the placenta.

You should not drink coffee because it stimulates the nervous system. This negatively affects not only the mother’s body, but also the formation of the baby’s nervous system.

The leaching of calcium from the body by caffeine has a detrimental effect on the formation of the fetal bone skeleton

Coffee in early pregnancy

Particular attention is paid to studying the effects of coffee in early pregnancy. During this period, the formation of the child’s internal organs, as well as the systems of his body, occurs. Caffeine increases contraction of the heart muscle, which can lead not only to developmental delays, but also to fetal death.

A seemingly harmless drink increases the tone of the uterus, which means a threat to pregnancy and a 60% chance of miscarriage. And even if there is a successful outcome, coffee during early pregnancy can cause the following harm:

  • Lack of calcium during the formation of the child’s skeleton.
  • Risk of developing diabetes.
  • Tendency to nervous overexcitation.
  • Intrauterine heart rhythm disorder.
  • Lack of nutrients.

Scientists also confirm the fact that it is harmful to drink the drink during preparation for conception. Studies have shown that among those women who cannot get pregnant for a long time, a large percentage are avid coffee drinkers.

When preparing for pregnancy, it is better to give up coffee altogether or at least reduce the number of cups per day to a minimum.

However, despite the obvious “cons”, there is no single point of view among doctors on the question of whether it is possible to drink coffee during pregnancy. After all, both the quality of the drink consumed and its quantity are of great importance. Danish scientists, after conducting research, made a clear conclusion that a woman can drink 2-3 small cups of coffee a day without harm to her health. However, it is important to understand exactly how much caffeine is acceptable in a daily dose.

What dose of coffee is acceptable?

The World Association of Gynecologists has concluded that a safe dose of caffeine for a healthy woman is 200 mg. The difficulty is that the content of this substance varies greatly depending on the type of coffee and the type of drink being prepared. Therefore, it cannot be said with certainty that you can limit yourself to drinking two cups a day.

Black coffee contains the most caffeine, and the amount depends on the type of bean. One cup of prepared Arabica contains from 45 to 60 mg of the substance, while Robusta will give the drink 170-200 mg of caffeine.

Instant coffee is generally contraindicated during pregnancy. Although the caffeine content in it varies from 60 to 80 mg, it has an increased concentration and acidity, which negatively affects the digestion of the expectant mother. In addition, low-quality grains are used for the soluble analogue, and to enhance the taste properties, the manufacturer is forced to add synthetic flavors.

Green coffee can be a good alternative. Since its grains are not processed, they retain maximum benefits, including essential fatty acids. By preparing coffee beans, you can adjust the degree of roasting and, accordingly, the amount of caffeine in the future drink.

Please note that caffeine is also found in other products: cocoa, chocolate, Coca-Cola, teas

To find out how much coffee a pregnant woman can drink, remember the permissible amount of the following drinks:

  • 94 ml espresso.
  • 1 liter of black tea.
  • 200 ml cappuccino.
  • Two Americanos.

Coffee with milk

The strength of the drink can be minimized using additives. For example, make it a rule to drink coffee with milk. These two components combine perfectly with each other. Milk is a source of protein and calcium, which are needed for the formation of the baby's bone skeleton, and coffee, in turn, helps the body digest lactose. Therefore, coffee with milk during pregnancy in reasonable quantities is not contraindicated.

Decaffeinated coffee

Some people resort to cunning and use it during pregnancy. In fact, such a drink is a marketing ploy. It still contains caffeine, just in smaller quantities - from 9 to 12 mg.

On the one hand, decaffeinated coffee is more preferable during pregnancy, but to extract this substance from it, chemical compounds are used that can negatively affect the health of the pregnant woman.

Which drink do you prefer?

The desire to drink a cup of coffee is not accidental. Often, such cravings indicate a lack of minerals in a woman’s body:

  • Gland.
  • Phosphorus.
  • Sulfur.

Don’t ignore your desire, just replace the coffee drink with alternative ones:

  • Chicory is the most similar in taste and color to coffee. It is not only not harmful, but also beneficial for a pregnant woman. Chicory increases hemoglobin, cleanses blood vessels and the liver, and calms the nervous system.
  • Herbal teas – these can be combined with lemon and honey. Rose hips, lingonberries, mint, and raspberry flowers are perfect for preparing it.
  • Cocoa - unlike coffee, contains a minimal amount of caffeine, but perfectly restores strength, improves mood and has a beneficial effect on the digestive system.

As a result, it is impossible to give a clear answer to the question of whether coffee can be consumed during pregnancy. It all depends on many factors, including the health of the mother herself. But you should definitely limit the number of cups per day and consume only high-quality varieties in order to receive only benefits from the drink.

Coffee is considered perhaps the most popular drink in the world. He won mass recognition several centuries ago and from the moment he met the man he only expanded his circle of fans. The scale of its production also grew. As long as this aromatic drink has existed, there have been debates regarding its benefits and harms. It is known that it has many medical contraindications, so it is not surprising that pregnant women should also avoid it.

Coffee is harmful - is it a myth?

Why shouldn’t pregnant women drink coffee and is this really true? Some consider this statement to be a prejudice in the area of ​​“why pregnant women can’t cut their hair and knit.” Although you should not confuse folklore and really real facts, which great minds of science and luminaries of medicine have been studying for years. Of course, nothing bad will happen from one cup of coffee to either the mother or the child. In addition, there are many skeptics who unanimously claim that they personally drank coffee throughout pregnancy (or know of such cases) and gave birth to absolutely healthy children.

But alcoholics and drug addicts also do not always give birth to defective children. If there is even a shred of doubt, even if you don't know for sure why pregnant women shouldn't drink coffee, it's wiser to play it safe. It’s better to endure without your favorite drink for only 9 months, so that you can then enjoy your happy motherhood for the rest of your life.

How does caffeine affect the fetus?

The main reason why pregnant women should not drink coffee is, of course, its harm to the health of the unborn child. Therefore, taking risks only for the sake of one’s own whim is at least selfish. Some argue that coffee is harmful only in the first trimester of pregnancy, others are of the opinion that the greatest danger awaits in the last. But all experts, without exception, share the same point of view as to whether coffee is harmful for pregnant women.

Caffeine is sometimes compared in its effects to amphetamine. It also causes a specific addiction and instantly enters the blood, brain and all human organs. And if the fetus also receives the same nutrition. You should not drink coffee either while pregnant or while breastfeeding. It is a mistake to believe that pregnant women can. This name is only conditional, since the drink still contains caffeine, just in smaller quantities. A woman must understand that almost everything that enters her body also enters the child’s body through the placenta. Caffeine constricts the placental vessels, which causes the baby to experience oxygen starvation and not receive enough nutrients that it needs for full growth and development constantly.

Nervous system and skeleton

Caffeine excites and this negatively affects the development of the fetus. This condition in itself can disrupt the sleep of any person. And for a pregnant woman this can result in insomnia, fatigue, and frequent mood swings. But there are also more serious explanations for pregnant women. Even a slight excess of the normal dose of coffee affects the nerve cells and the general functioning of the mother’s body. And her innocent love for the ancient drink affects the child’s nervous system and skeleton.

According to research and medical observations, coffee helps remove calcium from the body. While this may not have much effect on the well-being of a healthy person, a deficiency of calcium and minerals has a detrimental effect on a child in the mother’s womb, whose skeleton is at the stage of formation. The fetus receives all these elements from the mother. Even if she eats well, large doses of caffeine will prevent the normal absorption of microelements and vitamins from food.

A blow to the body

Why shouldn't pregnant women drink coffee? Regardless of whether it is natural or soluble, for pregnant women this drink is even fraught with disorders of the internal organs. Thus, due to excessive coffee consumption, kidney function and urination frequency significantly accelerate. The kidneys already endure a lot of stress during pregnancy, especially in the last trimester. Because of this, swelling often occurs, there is an increase in blood pressure and a number of related problems. A woman should strive to minimize this process, and not aggravate it. Both your general well-being and the ease of getting through the entire pregnancy period depend on this. And if she has previously had problems with her kidneys, it is better to give up coffee altogether (and not only during the period of bearing a child).

Constant monitoring of blood pressure is very important for pregnant women. Aromatic drinks not only increase it, but also cause rapid heartbeat and shortness of breath. At the same time, the secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach increases, which affects its mucous membrane. Heartburn during pregnancy is an almost banal phenomenon that plagues women around the clock. Coffee is one of the causes of this disease.

Conception and gestation

Experts working with problems of conception and the inability of women to carry a pregnancy have come to the conclusion that coffee plays an important role in this issue. Their observations showed that coffee drinkers have a harder time getting pregnant than women who prefer other drinks. Therefore, even at the stage of planning motherhood, it is recommended to give up coffee. Or at least significantly reduce the number of cups you drink per day.

Why shouldn't pregnant women drink coffee? It is possible that, if she keeps this seemingly harmless habit, a woman will lose her child at an early stage, because due to the increased tone of the uterus, miscarriages often occur. The risk of premature birth among those who drink three (or more) cups of coffee daily is 60 percent higher than among women who give it up.

The main thing is a sense of proportion

When understanding why coffee is harmful to pregnant women, it would be dishonest to ignore the question of what dose is considered abuse. Of course, in moderate quantities, the harm from this drink is not so serious and is fraught with consequences for the woman herself and for her unborn baby. So how much coffee can pregnant women drink? Even 2 cups a day is already a lot! Those who are so attached to him that even fear for their own child does not become a motive for complete refusal are allowed to pamper themselves sometimes, but not more than once a week. However, it is still recommended to avoid large portions and high strength of the drink.

Is it possible for pregnant women? It is known that instant analogues cannot compare with real brewed coffee beans. But many people choose them, believing that this drink is less strong, contains less caffeine, and therefore is not so harmful. In reality, this is not the case. Being pregnant, women should give preference to natural products, without any impurities or additives. This also applies to coffee. If it will be present in your life at least once a week, make sure that it is a really high-quality variety.

Fighting caffeine addiction

It is unlikely that even the most desperate coffee fans will disagree with the fact that a beloved child is still more expensive than a favorite drink. But it’s easy to say, but not always easy to do. People who are used to starting the morning with a cup of espresso, having lunch with it, having dinner and going to sleep will not be able to endure several days to get another aromatic charge of vivacity. Moreover, if your favorite drink is very close, at arm's length, how can you resist the temptation?

In such cases, a cup a week is not a solution, but rather torture and additional daily stress due to such a strict restriction. It is unlikely that you will be able to adhere to the rules. Doctors advise getting rid of addiction and temptation in one fell swoop by eliminating coffee from your diet altogether. Just ban it from yourself, like alcohol or spicy food. As practice shows, getting rid of it by completely abandoning it is much easier than gradually weaning it off. In order to somehow smooth out this period, it is necessary to replace the drink with another drink, for example, instead of a cup of coffee - a glass of still water.

Coffee and more

In addition to coffee, it is recommended to avoid black tea during pregnancy; it also contains caffeine. Of course, not completely, but it is better to brew weak tea or add milk to it. Cocoa, unfortunately, is also partially prohibited for pregnant women. This sweet drink is an allergen, like chocolate, and also does not have a very favorable effect on the absorption of calcium. This list also includes green tea, which, even with a low percentage of caffeine, is fraught with considerable danger. It is known that excessive love for it leads to loss of calcium and joint pain even in absolutely healthy people. And pregnant women already give a lot of their own body’s resources to the growing baby. Of course, if you have to choose from three evils, then green tea is the least. It contains a lot of vitamins and useful microelements, so you can drink it, the main thing is not to forget about a sense of proportion.

What can you drink?

Of course, among hot drinks, fruit tea is more preferable, but not in bags, but from real dried fruits. It is better to replace carbonated sweet drinks with still water and fresh juices from vegetables and fruits. Homemade compotes, fruit drinks, kefir and milk are not forbidden, and even recommended. Based on this, the answer to the question of why pregnant women should not drink coffee becomes obvious. After all, not only coffee, but anything that brings less benefit than harm is undesirable to consume throughout the entire period of bearing a child. Adherents of a healthy lifestyle can easily do without coffee, soda, unnatural food and drink every day. Perhaps you will join their ranks along with your whole family. And you will continue to take care of your health even after giving birth.

Pregnancy is a very difficult process. This is a real natural mystery, the period of birth and development of a new little life. Nature itself has thought out everything down to the smallest detail. Therefore, the woman’s task is to do no harm and allow the great miracle of birth to happen. Should you give up coffee if you are used to drinking it every morning? Will this invigorating drink bring benefit or harm? Let's try to figure it out.

How does coffee affect pregnancy?

Caffeine affects the central nervous system. Due to excessive excitability, problems with normal sleep may occur, and frequent mood swings are possible.

Drinking coffee speeds up kidney function, which causes increased urine output. This can also result in dehydration. In addition, drinking coffee increases the gastric secretion of hydrochloric acid and the secretion of the salivary glands, irritates the gastrointestinal mucosa, increases heart rate and increases blood pressure. Coffee depletes the body. Removes calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, sodium and potassium from it. Moreover, the drink not only removes them, but interferes with their absorption.

A woman carrying a child does not need such influence. In addition, experts have proven the ability of caffeine to have a negative effect on reproduction. Drinking the aromatic drink in increased quantities causes difficulties in conceiving.

If a woman drinks more than 3 cups of coffee in one day, then the drink acts as a real contraceptive. Therefore, couples planning a pregnancy are advised to avoid drinking strong coffee. If a woman is already pregnant, then she should know that regular consumption of this drink provokes uterine tone, which increases the risk of miscarriage.

The main benefits of caffeine

  • increases physical activity, relieves fatigue and stimulates performance;
  • has a stimulating effect on cardiac activity, increases heart rate and vascular tone;
  • helps reduce blood viscosity, which prevents excessive platelet clumping;
  • has a diuretic effect and reduces the risk of constipation.

What do experts think about drinking coffee during pregnancy?

Many experts believe that drinking coffee during pregnancy does not cause any harm to the mother and her child. But giving up your usual drink can cause serious stress with dire consequences. Therefore, in this case, the main advice is to observe moderation and not drink coffee in huge doses. You can drink 1-2 cups of a not very strong drink per day. Doctors also recommend drinking coffee not from large mugs, but from coffee cups.

The above information was fully confirmed by clinical trials conducted by Danish scientists. During the experiment, it turned out that caffeine in moderation will not harm a small organism. It is not able to have a significant effect on reducing fetal weight and cannot cause premature birth.

If a young mother does not have any special health problems, then a small amount of coffee will not harm her. Moreover, a number of experts recommend this drink to those who suffer from edema during pregnancy. Coffee, as we have already indicated, has a pronounced diuretic effect, and therefore can serve as a way to prevent this problem. If a young mother is very afraid of side effects, then her formula is 1 cup of coffee = 1 week.

But, in any case, a woman should ask her doctor whether she should drink an invigorating drink or whether she should still give it up. The doctor will give an answer, taking into account the characteristics of the body and the specifics of pregnancy.

Is it possible to drink coffee during early pregnancy?

There is an opinion that in the early stages, we are talking about the first 3-5 months, caffeine can provoke a miscarriage. Researchers from the Kaiser Permanente Medical Center (California) have proven the negative effects of caffeine on the body of a woman carrying a child. Therefore, in order to protect themselves and their baby, women in the first, most vulnerable, trimester should completely abandon all drinks containing caffeine.

Scientists have found that three cups of coffee a day increases the risk of miscarriage. Curiously, scientists believe that abortion is caused not so much by caffeine, but by other elements that drinks containing this substance are rich in. Because scientists have found that drinking not only coffee, but also tea and hot chocolate leads to negative consequences.

What are the dangers of instant coffee?

In the first trimester of pregnancy, instant coffee also poses a threat to the normal development of the child. Plus, according to the study, it can provoke an attack of toxicosis in a pregnant woman. Extracted coffee can be even more harmful than natural coffee. It contains specially processed caffeine. And this is a rather aggressive environment. Why does the baby need all these preservatives and reagents? In the early stages, it is better to give up caffeine altogether! This will keep the baby healthy and alleviate the mother’s condition.

Let us note once again that everything should be consumed in moderation. Do not neglect the advice of experienced specialists. This will help avoid unnecessary problems.

How drinking coffee can affect fetal development

It is quite difficult to identify the most undesirable periods of pregnancy for drinking coffee. Some scientists are sure, and we have already said this, that you should not drink this drink in the first trimester. However, after drinking a cup, nausea and heartburn may occur. And frequent consumption of this drink often leads to exacerbation of gastritis and cardiovascular diseases. The body of a pregnant woman is already working at the limit, doing double work. Therefore, if you feel even the slightest discomfort after drinking coffee, you should give it up in favor of another drink.

In the second trimester, caffeine is also undesirable due to calcium leaching, and during this period the baby’s skeleton is already forming. Some doctors are confident that the most dangerous periods in this case are after the 20th week.

Other experts believe that in the third trimester it is especially dangerous to consume caffeine, since the baby’s nervous system becomes sensitive to this substance. In any case, the expectant mother should know that the child receives this drink, like any other, through the placenta. In this case, a narrowing of the placental vessels occurs. Consequently, this prevents the supply of oxygen to the fetus, and hence hypoxia can occur.

There are suggestions that coffee during pregnancy can lead to the development of diabetes mellitus in the baby. Let us pay attention to another property of caffeine that is undesirable for pregnant women - it suppresses appetite. Coffee is a fairly satisfying drink, especially if you drink it with sugar and cream. But this drink is not nutritious at all. And a woman in a special situation should not refuse the necessary balanced meals.

Benefits of coffee for pregnant women:

  • a cup of good coffee invigorates, especially at the beginning of pregnancy, when expectant mothers are overcome by blues and constant drowsiness;
  • morning coffee improves appetite and ensures normal bowel function;
  • natural coffee contains antioxidants that prevent the oxidation of lipids in body cells, and this has a great effect on the beauty of the skin and health;
  • a cup of coffee slightly raises blood pressure, which is very useful for pregnant women with hypotension;
  • The aroma of coffee promotes the production of endorphins - better known as “hormones of joy”, and a small piece of happiness will always be useful for both the mother and the unborn child.
  • Coffee with milk replenishes the amount of calcium in the body, this is especially true for those who do not like to drink regular milk.

How can you replace coffee during pregnancy?

So, judging from the above, it follows that caffeine must be treated very carefully. What can serve as a substitute for such beloved and aromatic coffee? Would tea be okay? Yes, it also improves your mood and invigorates. BUT! All this happens due to the fact that it also contains caffeine.

And green tea contains a lot of this substance. Therefore, a cup of freshly brewed coffee with milk is better than a cup of rich green tea. In addition, milk is a source of calcium, which is also beneficial for pregnant women.

You can drink white tea, not very strong black tea, and remember that the main thing is to maintain balance. In addition, let's not forget about ground chicory. A wonderful aromatic drink. It's also invigorating. Chicory decoctions also have tonic properties and are safe. However, be careful - there are a number of contraindications. To slightly improve the taste of chicory decoction, you can add a little coffee to it.

And also don’t forget that you can drink cocoa, yoghurts and natural juices. And rest assured that your future baby will also appreciate them! You may be able to change your habits and even after your pregnancy ends, you will no longer want to drink coffee, but will have completely different preferences. Walk more, enjoy the good weather and free time! After the baby is born there will be very little of it. Good luck and happy pregnancy!

Coffee is a delicious and aromatic drink that has captured the hearts of millions of people on the planet. Pregnant women are no exception, and many expectant mothers cannot imagine their lives without a cup of this divine drink. Is it possible to drink coffee in early pregnancy?

Benefits of coffee

This aromatic drink made from coffee beans has a number of undeniable beneficial properties:

  • tones the body;
  • improves memory and attention;
  • increases performance.

All these beneficial properties of coffee can be very useful for those expectant mothers who are forced to work in the early stages of pregnancy. In the first trimester, due to the pronounced influence of progesterone, many women feel weakness, apathy, and drowsiness. Moderate consumption of coffee energizes and gives strength for the whole day. But is this drink safe for expectant mothers?

Harm from coffee

Much is known about the dangers of coffee. The following properties of this drink pose a particular danger to pregnant women:

  • increases blood pressure;
  • increases heart rate;
  • increases cholesterol levels;
  • has a diuretic effect (and thereby reduces blood flow to the placenta);
  • washes calcium from bones;
  • increases the acidity of gastric juice (provokes exacerbation of gastritis and peptic ulcer);
  • increases uterine tone and increases the risk of miscarriage.

Caffeine penetrates the embryo from the earliest stages of pregnancy. There is no evidence that coffee has a teratogenic effect, however, even without this, its effect on fetal development can be very unfavorable. Regular consumption of coffee during pregnancy leads to heart rhythm disturbances in the fetus. This condition is especially dangerous in the early stages, when the baby’s cardiovascular system is actively developing.

Coffee: is it possible or not?

Information about the dangers and benefits of coffee is very contradictory, and even among doctors there is no consensus. It is believed that drinking one cup of the aromatic drink per day will not cause significant harm to the fetus. In the early stages, coffee may even be beneficial for women suffering from low blood pressure. A cup of coffee in the morning will give you strength, improve your mood and make your day more fruitful. Some experts suggest drinking up to 3 cups of coffee per day, but this data remains highly controversial.

Doctors around the world agree on one thing: pregnant women should not drink more than 6 cups of coffee per day. This dose of caffeine significantly increases the risk of miscarriage in early pregnancy. Coffee in such a volume increases the tone of the uterus and leads to bleeding. To avoid this, expectant mothers should limit their coffee consumption to 1-3 cups per day. In the early stages, you should stop at 1 cup of coffee per day.

It is best to drink coffee in the morning or early afternoon. Drinking coffee at night is not recommended. The stimulating effect of caffeine on the nervous system can cause insomnia and frequent waking up. The diuretic effect of coffee will also not promote good sleep in pregnant women.

Who should absolutely not drink coffee during pregnancy? Women suffering from hypertension, as well as other diseases of the heart and blood vessels. You should drink coffee with caution if you have stomach and intestinal diseases. Women who have trouble sleeping at night should also give up coffee.

Can pregnant women drink coffee? Almost every woman asks this question at her doctor’s appointment.

After the first excitement about pregnancy has subsided, expectant mothers begin to think seriously about their condition.

There is a reassessment of behavior, lifestyle and, of course, diet. Women openly eat “unhealthy” foods, such as chips and carbonated drinks, cakes and sausages, smoked meats and alcohol.

But what about coffee?

  • Should you completely eliminate the drink or can you afford one or two cups from time to time?
  • What consequences can there be for mother and child?
  • Why don't doctors recommend drinking?
  • Shouldn't it be used only in the 1st trimester of pregnancy?

Effect on the body

Before assessing how harmful the desire to drink instant coffee during pregnancy will be, you should remember what effect this drink has on all systems of the body.

  • Pulse.

As a result of use, the pulse quickens and the blood pressure rises

  • Urination.

Caffeine, which is part of coffee beans, has a diuretic effect.

  • Brain activity.

Brain activity is stimulated. The effect is actively used by office workers during periods of intense activity.

Therefore, for a healthy person not burdened with chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system, drinking a couple of cups per day does not pose any danger.

After all, in the evening, additional stimulation of the body can disrupt the usual time for sleep.

How long can it be

  • So, coffee in the early stages, 1st trimester of pregnancy. Why shouldn't pregnant women drink it?

The period is recognized as the most important in the development of the baby: the formation of all systems and internal organs occurs.

Caffeine easily passes through the placental barrier.

Most of what enters your body will also be received by the baby after some time.

Let's say your normal blood pressure is below normal. And after a cup of strong drink you feel great. But what is your baby's blood pressure?

Initially, the fetus should have completely normal blood pressure readings. And in this case, you simply increase it.

This way you force all systems to work at an accelerated rate. And the newly formed tissues experience their first heavy loads. Does this make sense?

Therefore, experts categorically do not recommend drinking this drink in the 1st trimester. The fruit is still too small.

  • At a later date you will feel much better.

And the child begins to actively grow and put pressure on the bladder. The result will be frequent urination.

Drinking coffee during pregnancy will only make the situation worse!

What is the danger of soluble

  • There is a myth: drinking instant coffee is allowed.

They say that it is less strong and therefore will not have an effect on the baby’s body and is not harmful to pregnant women.

On the one hand, everything seems to be true. BUT! Don't forget: the caffeine content in it has not decreased at all. You can brew half a spoonful of natural coffee or put a spoonful of instant coffee in a cup - the result will be the same.

In the 1st trimester, soluble is also dangerous for the baby. But it can also provoke an attack of toxicosis in the mother.

An extracted drink can cause even more harm than a natural one. In addition to containing caffeine, it has also undergone special processing. As a rule, using quite aggressive substances.

Do you want your baby to receive all these preservatives and reagents?

Advice for those who are not able to completely give up aromatic coffee during pregnancy: then choose high-quality natural varieties.

Be that as it may, doctors allow pregnant women to drink no more than one cup of coffee per day, and preferably with milk or cream. This additive will somewhat reduce the negative impact of the drink.

Also, try switching to . It may not be to everyone's taste, but at this time you should be more careful.

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