Sea world pencil drawing for children. How to draw the sea and waves with gouache step by step

Hello, friends! It's been a while since I've had such a break from writing articles. I really miss the blog and you, dear visitors! But I won’t talk for a long time, but will immediately move on to the topic of the article.

Today we . Parents with children aged 1.5 to 4 years are invited to this lesson. Nothing special - this is not a professional activity, but just examples of how interesting and useful you can draw at home with your kids.

Let's start with a drawing for the little ones.

We will combine drawing and appliqué.

You can print a template that depicts the seabed - stones, algae. We also print out the fish. The bottom and fish template can be downloaded by clicking on the “download” picture.

We teach a child to cut out fish.

Together with the baby, we paint the sheet with blue watercolors or gouache. We teach the child to hold the brush correctly. If your child has not yet mastered the painting technique, paint first with a dry brush. And only then dip the brush into the paint and paint the background together.

After the background has dried, glue on the fish. Don't forget that the child himself tries to apply glue to the fish and stick them on paper.

The other option is a little more complicated, since we draw the algae and stones ourselves.

After the background is ready, we draw the stones on the bottom of the sea. We show the little creator how to make prints with a large brush, that is, we do not make a brushstroke, but make an imprint, getting sea stones.

Now, in which octopuses walk. We also draw the background, stones and algae. But before we draw the seabed, we draw octopuses.

To do this, use a brush with gouache to paint the child’s palm and make prints. Turn the sheet over and get beautiful octopuses. We finish drawing their eyes and mouth (the nose, of course, is not needed, we just couldn’t persuade my daughter not to draw it).

And finally, two paintings by Vika. It is her free creativity and flights of fancy. Both drawings were drawn between the ages of 2.5 and 3 years.

This is also the sea:

Natalia Burmistrova

I present to your attention master class on drawing using non-traditional techniques in senior group « Underwater kingdom» .

For work we need:

Landscape sheet;

Wax pencils;

Watercolor paints;

Brushes thin and thick;

A jar of water.

First, we draw different fish on a white sheet of paper in different places. wax crayons. We use bright colors: yellow, red, orange and others. It's better if the fish swim in different directions. Below we draw pebbles in black, brown or gray.

Then paint over the entire sheet with a thick brush. watercolor paints cold flowers: blue, violet, cyan. We use enough water on the brush to get interesting infusions of one color into another and color stretches. The smoother the transition of colors and tones, the more impressive the work will look. The image of fish and pebbles will appear as the wax repels water.

Then, until blue paint not dry, paint algae with a thin brush green in technology "in the wet". « Underwater kingdom» ready!

Here are the works of our children:

Thank you for your attention!

Publications on the topic:

The other day we read the fairy tale The Little Mermaid and watched the cartoon "Ariel" produced by Walt Disney. The children watched and listened very carefully and liked it.

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Summary of a lesson on drawing in an unconventional technique “Underwater Kingdom” Program content: teach children to draw in an unconventional way"on a wet sheet." Develop multidirectional, united, smooth movements.

Mini-museum “Underwater Kingdom” Mini museum in kindergarten as a form of work with children and parents Mini-museum “Underwater Kingdom” MBDOU No. 16 Leninsk-Kuznetsk City.

Direct educational activity in non-traditional drawing “Underwater Kingdom” (preparatory group) Program objectives: Educational: continue to teach children how to mix paints; learn to draw unconventionally.

GCD for non-traditional drawing in the senior group “Magic Land-Underwater Kingdom” GCD according to unconventional drawing in the senior group Wonderland- the underwater kingdom." Goals: Teach children to draw in an unconventional way.

Drawing with cotton swabs. Master class with photos

Master class on drawing "Underwater world"

Dumler Tatyana Petrovna, art teacher at MAOU gymnasium No. 56 in Tomsk
Purpose: This work is intended for little artists, teachers, and parents.
Target: Draw in gouache using an unconventional method.
- teach how to draw animals of the underwater world
- develop imagination and creativity
- promote development fine motor skills, attention.
Materials: To complete this work we will need drawing paper, gouache, a brush, cotton swabs, and a glass of water.

We invite first-graders to immerse themselves in Magic world sea ​​kingdom.
To begin with, a surface of water should appear on the landscape sheet. With a wide brush, the guys paint the background with paints of cool shades.

Gouache dries quickly. After a short conversation (or a game, riddles, presentation), the guys begin to draw sea creatures. Brown paint We draw a turtle: the body is a large oval, the legs are triangles, the head is a small oval.

Another amazing and beautiful inhabitant of the seas is the jellyfish. We paint it with lilac (or purple) paint. Semicircular body, ornate tentacles.

And of course, it’s hard to imagine the sea without fish, beautiful, unusual, fabulous. Ocher (or yellow paint) draw the body of an oval-shaped fish.

Cotton swabs have been used as a drawing material for a long time. But for young artists it is always very unusual and intriguing. I propose to decorate our heroes with patterns using cotton swabs.

Let's dip cotton swab in paint, apply it to the drawing, creating patterns. We continue to decorate the turtle. For each color we use new wand, put them in a glass.

To decorate the jellyfish we use a pink palette. I suggest the guys mix white and pink paints to get a new shade. We also mix purple and white helmets. The guys apply patterns at their own discretion.

You can decorate the fish with warm colors.

We paint the sandy bottom with yellow, brown, and ocher paints. First we paint the algae with a brush.

The children choose the further decoration of the drawing themselves. You can add other algae, you can draw rocks, shells, you can draw air bubbles.

Try this work with your students and you will see what wonderful “masterpieces” you will get. Good luck! Thank you for watching!

In this world it is quite difficult to imagine anything more romantic than a sailboat sailing alone on the waves towards the unknown. Of course, traveling by sea is romantic in itself, but a sailboat is simply the pinnacle of all romantic dreams.

We dream of sailboats with early childhood, reading Jack London, Vladislav Krapivin or Jules Verne. But sailing even on a tiny sailing yacht will definitely not leave an adult indifferent. When a large real sailboat with several masts and a full set of straight and oblique sails appears on the horizon, it is simply breathtaking.

Long before the Titanic sank to the seabed, people mostly moved on water on ordinary boards with sheets attached. Unique tradition sending sheets into the sea remains to this day, albeit as entertainment. Nevertheless, the topic is interesting, so in today's lesson you will see how to correctly draw a sailboat with a pencil. A sailboat is a watercraft that uses wind power to move. Brilliant and simply angry and cheap, but in complete calm it is extremely inconvenient.

The whole truth about life:
— A sailfish is also a fish that for a long time lived among ships and her upper fin simply mutated into a sheet.
The best way The famous way to catch seasickness is to run backwards on the deck during a storm.
— Black work force appeared when the first ships sailed to the shores of Africa. There were real problems with the wind, but the ship still had to move. Therefore, the peoples of Africa were given oars and the meaning of life.
— A sailboat usually does not float on land, but when it does, we can expect a lot of casualties among civilians.

Drawing a sailboat is easier than building or buying, but it will still look beautiful.

In this master class, we will learn together how to draw the sea in gouache with a sailboat. So, the drawing technique is gouache.

Haven't held a brush in your hands since school? It doesn't mean anything at all. Gouache drawings are a great start for beginners.

Why this particular technique?
Gouache is the optimal material to start with.
First of all, it is very affordable and can be purchased virtually at every step (compared to acrylic or oil).

Secondly, the water base of this type of paint makes it possible to easily vary the thickness of the paint, the level of its application, as well as the formation of textures on the canvas.

Thirdly, the fact that gouache is a completely non-toxic paint is very important. Thus, gouache lessons are completely safe for children and people with certain diseases and various allergic reactions.

Fourthly, this paint quite flexibly combines some of the qualities of watercolor and, in some cases, even oil paints Therefore, painting with gouache will provide an opportunity to develop practical skills in other techniques.

The thick consistency of the paint allows you to layer different layers on top of each other, while painting light areas with darker ones or vice versa. This allows you to make many changes to the image before it dries. At the same time, it is also possible to blur the paint, diluting it with more transparent layers, which makes the drawing more realistic.

It is in connection with the important advantages described above that in this lesson we will use gouache paint.

Place the paper you are going to draw on vertically and divide it roughly in half. Let the top of the sheet be a little larger. Using a large brush, start painting the sky.

Use white gouache to draw a small moon. It is necessary to outline the border with bright yellow. You can also add a little orange.

While the gouache is still wet, add more dark color around the edges. To do this, simply mix black and blue paint on the palette.

Draw the outer edge of the clouds.

Mix blue, white and a little black paint. Add it to the clouds so that you get a very smooth transition from the light part near the moon.

From the inside of the picture, you should draw lighter clouds, since they reflect the light of the moon. While the paint is still wet, mixing colors is fairly easy. You can take a clean brush and use it to mix two colors in which you want to get an even and smooth transition.

For the stars, first mix some bluish paint on your palette and draw a small circle. When the paint is dry, use a thin brush to make a small dot of white paint.

Then you should carefully sketch out an image of a sailboat with a pencil.

We draw the sea with gouache step by step. The sea should first be painted over with uneven, long horizontal strokes, alternating dark blue, light blue and turquoise paint. Draw in the foreground big wave blue-green paint.

Continue drawing the sea. Use bright blue paint to paint small waves near the ship itself.

Use white gouache to paint highlights on the waves. Paint the sailboat with gouache. Please note that the sails should be drawn with a very smooth transition from blue to white, from left to right.

All that remains now is to paint small wings of foam on the waves, and also apply highlights of light with a thin brush. I sprayed the foam with gouache using a hard brush. First, it is better to practice on some piece of paper.

The result is a work like this - a sailboat sailing home through a mysterious moonlit night.

Drawing waves

We have already drawn the waves in the sailboat example, but we want you to look again step by step at how they are drawn.

Stage 1

Of course, I'm no artist, but to depict undersea world Can. Especially, I like to convey the underwater world “from my head”, what I really saw. The process of drawing, in addition to pleasure, also brings me benefits. For example, during the process of drawing I calm down and can even make important decisions. Drawing has become for me a kind of psychologist that restores and heals my nerves.

How to paint the underwater world with paints

If I start drawing, then only paints. I believe that only paints can truly convey the color of sea water and the underwater world with its inhabitants. Preparatory activities, what you will need for drawing:

  • thick album sheet;
  • paints;
  • tassels different sizes;
  • additional decorations for fish and octopuses.

For drawing I use gouache. These are the paints that dry very quickly. So, first you should depict the sea, painting the entire sheet with blue, blue and turquoise paints. After the paint has dried, you can start painting fish, jellyfish, turtles and other living creatures. My drawing, in the end, turns out to be simple. It only takes me 30 minutes to draw. But I'm recovering. After this kind of art therapy, I can freely keep working, think.

How to accurately convey the underwater world

Of course, drawing lovers like me can draw the underwater world from the top of our heads simply by using our imagination. But in order to to To truly convey all the beauty of the sea, it is imperative:

  • visit the sea and see what the underwater world looks and lives like;
  • look at photos on the Internet;
  • watch a documentary.

The best thing go diving. This is both pleasant and useful. After seeing the beauty of, for example, the Red Sea, there will be no free space left in the drawing in just 10 minutes. It’s not without reason that I started talking about the Red Sea. And all because this sea is considered the richest and most diverse. There are more than 3 thousand species of fish alone. Every year on sea ​​world Thousands of divers come to watch.

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