Youth subculture. Youth subcultures: types and their characteristics Youth movements and subcultures list

Subculture concept

What are modern youth associations, what are they based on and how do they influence the formation of the personality of adolescents and young people - these are the questions that most teachers ask. The answers to them, we hope, will tell adults how to use the attributes and elements of youth subcultures in pedagogical purposes.

Subculture concept

On one of the Internet sites there is a list of common phrases modern man, for which in 1990 a person was threatened with ending up in a psychiatric hospital. For example, “I’ll call you back from the forest.” Another example: in a bookstore, up to two-thirds of books have titles and genres that were impossible a couple of decades ago.

In the lives of teenagers, boys and girls, young people, these socio-technical innovations and cultural influences take shape in the form of modern youth subcultures and activities.

Subculture - these are patterns of behavior, life styles, specific values ​​and their symbolic expression of a social group.

Not only age cohorts and special layers of youth have their own subcultures, but also professional groups. Subcultures Doctors, astronauts, actors, TV people, teachers have them... The usual teacher words “window”, “clock”, “rusichka”, “extension” are not understood by all representatives of other professions. Try to decipher the slang of TV journalists: “brick”, “canned food”, “live”, “ruler”, “parquet”... Distinctive cultural features are also inherent in political associations: the subculture of the same communists is not very similar to the subculture of liberals.

youth subcultureThese are patterns of behavior, clothing styles, musical preferences, language (slang), specific values ​​and their symbolic expressions characteristic of groups of young people (12−25 years old).

Youth subcultures have existed for a long time, at least since the second half of the twentieth century. In our country they attracted the attention of society and funds mass media in the 1980s. In those years, bearers of such special cultural practices were usually called participants in informal youth associations. The most famous examples are hippies, punks, rockers, and metalheads.

The main socio-psychological feature of informal youth associations is the symbolization of appearance, lifestyle, behavior, in particular, clothing, speaking style. For example, long hippie hair is not only long hair, but also a symbol of freedom; the English-language layer of hippie slang is an orientation toward Western patterns of behavior; an apartment where informal people gather is not just a room, but a flat, where everyone is their own, united by an unpretentious style of everyday life.

Gromov Dmitry Vyacheslavovich, candidate of psychological sciences “Youth subcultures”

The predominant orientation of those youth and youth groups was asocial. Asocial, but not antisocial! Asociality in this terminology is interpreted as non-acceptance of the norms of appearance, behavior, communication, and pastime prevailing in official society. While antisociality is the orientation of an individual, a group containing an aggressive principle opposing society and tending to merge with a criminal culture.

The number of young people, teenagers belonging to youth subcultures 15–20 years ago, even in big cities there were few. According to a number of surveys in the early 1990s, 1-3% of boys and girls definitely considered themselves to be informal groups.

In the 2000s, significant changes occurred and are occurring in youth culture. First of all, this is the increase, the growth of youth groups, united by new, sometimes very unusual, types of activities, such as role-playing games(role-playing), mountbacks, fire shows, photo crosses, city games (watches, encounters, quests), parkour, street dancing, street balls, graffiti, paintballs, bikers, stretchers. Some of these groups, the same bikers and racers, significantly go beyond the youth age.

Sometimes a subculture of its own arises around such activities: its own clothing traditions (the same cap for mountain bakers or the gloves of fire fighters), its own idols, gathering places, traditions, rules of “hanging out.” But often young men and teenagers, getting carried away new activity, do not perceive themselves as belonging to any special group. For them, activity is just activity.

Modern youth subcultures

Main distinctive features modern youth subcultures are, firstly, an increase in the number of activity associations (that is, those in which some specific, relatively new youth activity is organized); secondly, the immersion of modern youth subcultures in the vastness of the Internet, where they look for “their own,” organize meetings and events, identify idols, and use its capabilities to organize relevant activities.

From a pedagogical point of view, several bases can be identified for the classification of modern subcultures.

First of all, this is the attitude of a particular youth subculture to the social values ​​​​accepted in society. We can talk about three social and value orientations of youth subcultures:

  • procultural (prosocial) subcultures: majority musical styles and role-playing games);
  • antisocial: hippies, punks, metalheads, emo;
  • countercultural (antisocial): youth groups close to the adult criminal subculture, skinheads in their radical form.

Another basis for classification is the degree of inclusion of activity in a young person’s lifestyle. Based on this criterion, it is possible to divide youth subcultures into behavioral and activity-based.

Behavioral subcultures include those in which the main features (the core of the subculture) include styles of clothing, appearance, behavior, and communication characteristic of representatives of these groups. For these communities of teenagers and young people, constant engagement in any activity is not an important group characteristic (for example, goths, emo, hipsters).

Activity subcultures include those teenage, youth, youth communities in which the main feature is a passion for specific youth activities that require individual activity to one degree or another (for example, role-players, parkour artists, graffiti artists).

Modern youth activities themselves, which are more or less subcultural in nature, can be divided into sports, art activities and games.

Sports activities:

  • parkour – cross-country with natural obstacles in settlement;
  • mount bake – jumping and “acrobatic” exercises on special (“mountain”) bikes;
  • frisbee - throwing a plastic disc;
  • sox (footbag) - games with small balls filled with sand;
  • skateboarding – exercises on a board with rollers;
  • snowboarding – exercises on a board on a snowy slope.

Art activities:

  • streetdance – dance styles, developing the traditions of breakdancing;
  • fire show - juggling with luminous objects, including fire;
  • graffiti - drawing on buildings, fences, etc. in a specific visual technique.


  • role-playing games - role-playing by a group of people of situations based on the content of a book (or film) in the form of spontaneous actions of player characters corresponding to the original plot;
  • historical reconstruction - role-playing games in which historical events are played out on the ground;
  • urban orienteering (encounters, photocross, patrols, etc.) - games in the form of competition between teams in orienteering in a real rural or urban environment, completing tasks along the route;
  • computer online games.

But let us repeat: participation in these types of activities does not necessarily mean that a boy or girl belongs to one or another subculture; often the activity remains just an activity.

Reasons why subcultures are attractive

At the personal level, youth subculture is a way of compensating for a negative attitude towards oneself, lack of self-esteem, non-acceptance of one’s own body image and behavior style (including inconsistency with masculine and feminine standards).

The fact of joining a subcultural group allows you to exaggerate your dissimilarity, giving yourself an aura of exclusivity and specialness.

Socio-psychological reasons are associated with the emotional attractiveness of the informal lifestyle, which does not (unlike the normative, school one) impose increased demands on focus, dedication, and responsibility.

We can talk about three groups of probable consequences, trends in the influence of youth subculture on the socialization of a young person:

  • a positive tendency is manifested in the development of social roles in a group, social and cultural self-determination, creative self-realization (in specific subcultural forms), social trials and social experimentation;
  • a socially negative tendency is found in joining criminal or extremist subcultures, alcohol and drugs;
  • the individual negative tendency manifests itself in the avoidance of social and cultural self-determination, self-justification of infantilism, and escape from social reality.

Determining which trends prevail in a particular subculture, and even more so in the life of a particular young person, is very difficult.

Sources and influence

There are several sources for the emergence of a subculture in Russian youth reality.

It's no secret that over the past 15–20 years everyday life adults and children has changed a lot. The transition to a market-oriented social system, accompanied by openness to Western (Europe, the United States of America) and Eastern (Japan, Korea) cultures, shook and even dissolved many traditions, values, stable relationship Russians. No less a force changing people's lives was the new scientific and technological revolution, embodied, first of all, in the phenomena of the computer, the Internet, mobile phone.

One of the ways of broadcasting youth subcultures is their relatively spontaneous spread. However, spontaneous spread is often a by-product of quite purposeful activity. social institutions: Media, parties, fashion distributors, etc.

Another way is youth and commercial organizations they take it spontaneously existing forms youth leisure activities and turn them into completely organized ones (for example, a commercial street dance competition). And this process requires special technologies. According to experts, when interacting with potentially positive informals, it is necessary to maintain at least three rules: negotiate with leaders, provide them with funds and opportunities for actions, events (time, platforms, technical means) and agree on restrictive norms of behavior and activity (which should be minimal!) during organized events.

From the standpoint of social education, that is, education in schools, camps, structures additional education, we can distinguish three main pedagogical strategies in relation to specific types of youth activities: not to notice, to wait for spontaneous penetration into social life and then work with it, or to purposefully analyze the educational potential of youth activities and use it in the interests of personal development.

Educational potential of youth subcultures is that the forms, types, directions of teenage and youth activities that have arisen in the non-pedagogical sphere, including in the sphere of free communication of young people, which have the potential, with appropriate pedagogical instrumentation, of a socially positive nature.

Practice modern education rather timidly comes into contact with such teenage and youth realities. Moreover, most often this contact occurs in situations of summer camps, in children's public associations and much less often at school.

Mikhail Lurie " Youth subcultures a way to yourself or an escape from reality"

Probably one of the main questions, the solution of which will show whether practical pedagogy is coming to terms with the lives of modern teenagers and high school students or whether they (pedagogy and life) are increasingly moving away from each other, is whether class teachers and educators will acquire the desire and ability to see, pedagogically comprehend and involve new youth activities and hobbies into the circle of their actions.

Sergey Polyakov, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University, Ulyanovsk.

They are not like adults. They require self-expression, which is not always liked by others, and sometimes even causes shock and condemnation. People unite in informal interest groups, where they are accepted for who they are. These are young people who are rebellious, going against established traditions and principles. The types of subcultures created by humanity usually differ in direction. They can be musical, sports, ideological... In any case, they stand out from the crowd and profess their values. Such groups may also include adults, but this happens quite rarely and is not widespread.


If many of you think that representatives of this movement only use drugs and have fun at parties, then this is absolutely not true. Hippies appeared in the 60s of the XX century, creating an informal political organization. They often speak at rallies and conduct campaigning. There are other examples of subcultures that have a clear political position. For example, informals in the USSR who oppose the system; skinheads whose actions are extremist in nature; antifa, condemning fascism, and so on.

Representatives of this movement have their own philosophical concept of subculture and its ideological direction. In politics they usually adhere to "left" views. Many punks profess anarchism, anti-sexism, and anti-militarism. They are against the oppression of blacks and people of other races. They advocate for animal rights, so they often become vegetarians.


Some types of subcultures lose popularity over time. They are being replaced by newer, more progressive ones, adapted to the new century. Among them, emo is a youth movement, the main attributes of which are asymmetrical hairstyles, bangs falling over the eyes, strands of brightly colored hair, makeup with black arrows, loose clothing, often with different accessories, badges and patches.

The subculture became popular in Russia in 2000. Its representatives love hardcore music, for them it is the meaning of life. The essence of this movement is the fight against injustice, the open expression of emotions. But often representatives of emo simply make do with external paraphernalia, without delving into ideology. They are called "posers" or imitators. Unlike them, real emos are very vulnerable and sensitive. There is an opinion that such teenagers are prone to suicide, so parents should be attentive to the child, try to understand his experiences and support him in difficult situations.


They are often confused with emo. These types of subcultures have an analogy in their appearance - hair covering the face and makeup with an emphasis on black. But that's where the similarities end. After all, goths, unlike emo, are adherents of the other world. They wear crosses, pentagrams, teeth and other scary paraphernalia. Therefore, it is natural that they gather in cemeteries at night, often during the full moon. They have no respect for the dead, just graves and croaking crows in the trees - an organic atmosphere for them. However, they cannot be called admirers of the cult of death.

They have no special ideology. The only thing that representatives of this subculture adhere to is the mood of decadence. They have a mysterious and gloomy perception of life as it is, without embellishing it with fantasy and dreams. It was the Goths who gave birth to such a movement as Satanism. This branch separated from its “progenitor”, but took a lot from it: black color in clothes, hard music in the style of heavy metal, gatherings in cemeteries. Only, unlike the same Goths, Satanists went further: they worship the devil, revere death, sacrifice animals, and sometimes people.


The main concept of the subculture, its main attribute and characteristic feature is heavy rock music. Representatives of this movement listen to it in different manifestations. They constantly go to concerts of their favorite bands, enjoying the quiet sound of tracks in their headphones or at full volume in the speakers. Music is the main meaning of their life, it is always a part and manifestation of it.

Metalworkers are divided into two groups: radical and normal. The first group includes teenagers, who often have a spirit of rebellion and aggression. They drink alcohol, organize pogroms and fights. Representatives of the second group are more loyal and calm. They don't bother anyone and just enjoy the music.

Black color predominates in the clothing of representatives of this subculture. Everyone has seen photos of metalworkers more than once. It is noticeable on them that they prefer narrow high boots and leather jackets. Many metalheads wear earrings, rings with skulls, they often ride motorcycles and are part of the biker movement.


It's hard to imagine today Soccer game without various chants and songs, banners and flags, fireworks and pipes. And behind it all is organized group fans who call themselves ultras. They live for football, passionately support their favorite club, staging entire performances in stadiums. Sometimes such life becomes more colorful and fun for them than ordinary everyday life in the family or at work.

Ultras have long been a real subculture with a clear hierarchy and its own attributes. Its representatives always go to their team’s match, even if it is held on the other side of the planet. If they win, they walk until the morning and celebrate to the fullest, but if the club loses, the ultras can get into a mass fight with the fans of the one who defeated their team.

The movement came to us from Italy. In 1966, Milan fans decided to unite to support their favorite players. Today the movement has spread throughout the world, just like goths, emo or hippies. These are just some examples of subcultures that are popular and in demand. In fact, there are many more of them, and each has its own characteristics, philosophy and attributes.

1. Conduct research.

2. Draw conclusions.


4. Publications in the press (collect materials, information).

5. Expert opinion.

6. Official statistics data.

7. Degree of scientific development (3-5 sources on this problem).

Formation of justification for the chosen topic. Social problem.

Modern man is brought up and grows up not just in society, but in the confrontation between subcultures of society. Subcultural differences sometimes lead to serious consequences, such as subculture wars. Therefore, it is necessary to understand what a subculture is, how people live, what goals they pursue and for what purpose.

Subculture understood in sociology and cultural studies as part of the culture of society, different from the prevailing one, as well as social groups of carriers of this culture. Subculture may differ from dominant culture own value system, language, behavior, clothing and other aspects. There are subcultures that are formed on national, demographic, professional, geographical and other bases. To others famous example are youth subcultures.

History of the term

In 1950, the American sociologist David Reisman in his research, he developed the concept of subculture as a group of people who deliberately choose the style and values ​​preferred by a minority.

A more thorough analysis of the phenomenon and concept of subculture was carried out by Dick Habdige in his book Subculture: The Meaning of Style. In his opinion, subcultures attract people with similar tastes who are not satisfied with generally accepted standards and values.

Frenchman Michelle Mafessoli in his works he used the concept of “urban tribes” to designate youth subcultures. Victor Dolnik in the book “Naughty Child of the Biosphere” he used the concept of “clubs”.

In the USSR, the term “Informal youth associations” was used to designate members of youth subcultures, hence the slang word “informals.”

Fandom and the emergence of youth subcultures

Fandom(fandom) - a community of fans, usually of a specific subject (writer, performer, style). A fandom may have certain features of a single culture, such as “party” humor and slang, similar interests outside the fandom, its own publications and websites. According to some signs, fandom and various hobbies can acquire the characteristics of a subculture. This, for example, happened with punk rock, gothic music and many other interests. However, most fandoms and hobbies do not form subcultures, being centered only around the subject of their interest.

If fandom is most often associated with individuals ( music bands, music artists, famous artists), whom fans consider their idols, then the subculture does not depend on obvious or symbolic leaders, and one ideologist is replaced by another. Communities of people with a common hobby (gamers, hackers, etc.) can form a stable fandom, but at the same time do not have signs of a subculture (a common image, worldview, common tastes in many areas).

Subcultures can fundamentally contain different interests: from musical styles and art movements to political beliefs and sexual preferences. Some youth subcultures originated from various fandoms. Other subcultures, for example, the criminal one, which occurs as a result of the conflict between the main culture and persons who have broken the law, are formed on a different basis.

Most often, subcultures are closed in nature and strive for isolation from mass culture. This is caused both by the origin of subcultures (closed communities of interests) and by the desire to separate from the main culture and oppose it to the subculture. Coming into conflict with the main culture, subcultures can be aggressive and sometimes even extremist. Such movements that conflict with values traditional culture, called counterculture. Youth subcultures are characterized by both protest and escapism (escape from reality), which is one of the phases of self-determination.

As they develop, subcultures develop a common style of clothing (image), language (jargon, slang), attributes (symbols), and a common worldview for their members. A characteristic image and behavior is a marker that separates “insiders” (representatives of the subculture) from strangers. Image for a representative of a subculture is not only clothing, it is a demonstration by one’s appearance of the beliefs and values ​​that the subculture promotes.

From a cultural point of view, symbol and symbolism are decisive in the description of a particular culture and cultural work. Symbols of subcultures are, on the one hand, the self-determination of a subculture among many other cultures, and on the other hand, a connection with the cultural heritage of the past. For example, the ankh sign in the Goth subculture is, on the one hand, a symbol eternal life, as the heritage of Egypt, on the other hand, a symbol that self-defines culture at the present time.

Examples of subcultures

Musical subcultures

One of the most vibrant and well-known subcultural communities are youth movements associated with certain genres music. The image of musical subcultures is formed largely by imitation stage image popular performers in this subculture.

One of the first musical youth subcultures of our time were hippies, a youth movement of pacifists and fans of rock music. Much of their image (in particular, the fashion for long hair) and worldview migrated to other subcultures. The beatnik subculture is associated with hippies. In Jamaica, the religious and musical movement Rastafari (Rastafarians) arose, which, in addition to reggae music and a specific image, had a certain ideology. In particular, among the beliefs of Rastafarians are pacifism and the legalization of marijuana.

In the 1970s and 80s, following new genres in rock music, metalheads and punks formed. The first cultivated personal freedom and independence. The latter had a pronounced political position: The motto of punk rock was and remains idealized anarchy. With the advent of goth rock, a goth subculture emerged in the 1980s. Its characteristic features are darkness, the cult of melancholy, the aesthetics of horror films and gothic novels. In New York, thanks to emigrants from Jamaica, a hip-hop culture appeared with its own music, image and way of life.

In the 90s, Emo Kids and Cyber ​​Punks became strong youth subcultures. The Emo subculture is one of the youngest (most of its representatives are minors), it promotes vivid feelings and demonstrative behavior. Cybers, as an offshoot of industrial rock, are passionate about the ideas of an imminent man-made apocalypse and the dominance of technocracy.

Art subcultures

Most youth subcultures not related to musical genres originated from interests in a particular art form or hobby.

For example, the role-playing movement that originated in the mid-20th century. In our country, the Game Technology Society is associated with the role-playing movement.

The passion for Japanese animation gave rise to an anime fandom that eventually grew into the otaku subculture. She is characterized by a passion for Japanese pop music and cosplay.

Internet community and internet cultures

Since the mid-90s of the 20th century, with the spread of Internet technologies everywhere, interactive subcultures began to appear. Hackers are often classified as a subculture.

Industrial and sports subcultures

At the beginning of the 20th century, with the romanticization of the urban lifestyle and the inability of some young people to live outside the city, industrial (urban) subcultures emerged. Some industrial subcultures emerged from fans of industrial music, but the greatest influence on these subcultures was made by computer games (for example, Fallout).

Sports subcultures include Parkour and football fans.

One of the oldest countercultures is the counterculture of the underworld. Its appearance was caused by the natural isolation of persons who violate the law (exile to remote places, imprisonment, “gatherings”) from the main culture. As a result of this, a very strict subculture was formed with a clear hierarchical ladder and its own laws D1%8C%D1%82%D1%83%D1%80%D0%B0 - cite_note-Kravchenko-2.

In Russia after the 90s, many elements of this subculture penetrated into popular culture: elements of thieves' slang, thieves' song and tattoos. Gopniks are often classified as representatives of the criminal subculture. However, the gopniks themselves (“hooligans”) do not distinguish themselves as a special subculture, and this definition can be considered nominal.

Another striking example of counterculture is the radical part of the skinhead subculture. Originating as a musical subculture, this subculture was for a long time associated with reggae and ska music, but later some skinheads joined radical political movements. However, one should not confuse the subculture itself, which is generally apolitical (such as traditional skinheads), and the radical part of the subculture (counterculture), which is associated with neo-Nazis, anti-communists and other political beliefs.

Relationships between subcultures

Subcultures, like any cultural phenomenon, arose not in a cultural vacuum, but in a culturally saturated environment. 20th century society is oversaturated with various ideas, philosophical movements and other cultural elements. Therefore, it cannot be said that subcultures are isolated; they have complex relationships, both with mass culture and with other subcultures.

Genetic connections of subcultures

Family ties between cultures make it possible to trace the movement of peoples, language changes and human technological development. Family ties between subcultures also help track changing attitudes and developments in the 20th century. Perhaps the most a shining example related subcultures are the punk subculture and its descendants: goths and others.

Tales about goths, jokes about emo and fear of skinheads

Now these are all hipsters and angry townspeople, or at least Russian nationalists, but before, at school and in the first years, all social life determined by belonging to one or another subculture. Trancers, skaters, punks and rappers, hard and not hard goths, emo or posers. The turn of the 1990s and 2000s was a golden age for youth subcultures: they were talked about on TV, notebooks were published for them, and the newly appeared Internet helped everyone find their place in the world of youth culture. W→O→S decided to remember what it was like to live surrounded by subcultures.

In Russia, goths - people in black, adherents of dark aesthetics and professing a gloomy outlook on life - turned out to be perhaps the most integrated subculture into online life, which took shape in 1999. At the same time, based on thematic conferences, was portal created , whose overage creator Andrei Coroner Narkevich taught the new arrivals about life. On the site they found out who was a worker and who was not a worker and received bans for asking questions like “Are blacks goths?” (actually yes). The site still operates today and catalogs species diversity is ready.

Second-rate goths hung out in the open air: in St. Petersburg - at the House of Cinema, and in Moscow - on Chistye Prudy along with others. Goths in style, observing subcultural rituals and having some musical pretensions - in Red Club and Tochka, respectively. For people interested in dark aesthetics, it was a glorious time in terms of the arrival of bands like Deine Lakaien or Diary of Dreams, but the actual gothic masses still listened mainly to Lacrimosa and HIM, although they carefully hid it.

The brightest and most comical were the local cyber goths - they braided wires into their already Kanekalon dreadlocks, wore gas welder glasses, danced to electro music ranging from Wumpscut to Infected Mushroom and at the same time, as a rule, were completely devoid of musical taste and, Despite the morphological similarity with trancers, they were terrified of taking substances.


Severe guys with shaved temples, tattoos, dressed in camouflage trousers and KMFDM T-shirts, loved goths - at the “gotop dances” you could pick up a “gothic sucker” and feel like a superman next to the twitching cybergoths. The refuge of industrialists on the Internet became the portal, a manual created by the late Saratov figure Dmitry Tolmatsky (DMT project). Despite the formidable ceremonial paraphernalia such as chemical protective suits and the political radicalism and craving for the occult often inherent in industrialists, they treated themselves with a fair amount of self-irony. In local folklore, there were jokes like “You move your sound equipment into the bathroom because the acoustics are great and the electrical shocks keep you from relaxing” and “The truck is also your music equipment.” Among the industrial industrialists, it was considered a sign of good manners to fall asleep to Throbbing Gristle or How to Destroy Angels Coil, to despise NIN and the later Ministry (the girls were given concessions), to collect the products of the Wax Trax label on cassettes and to organize sessions on abandoned construction sites with sessions of sound production using sleepers, fittings and guardrail from dad's SUV.


In the Russian consciousness, emos remained incomprehensible creatures in striped tights, with soft toys, pinned on pink backpacks, piercings and long bangs. Emos were supposed to walk around depressed and express their emotions as openly as possible. Their main musical idols seemed to be the disgraceful German band Tokio Hotel and Russian group Amatory. In reality, it was a fairly solid subculture, rooted in American hardcore of the 80s, with beliefs mixed from veganism, youth protest and straight age (a complex system of abstaining from alcohol, drugs and other doping products). In the ranks of emo there were constant debates about whether you were a real emo (if you listen to emotional hardcore and know the origins of the subculture) or a poser (you don’t know anything). The controversial emo culture disappeared almost completely at one point and has only recently experienced a renaissance thanks to a series of nostalgia parties with names like “Give Me Back My 2007.”


Alternative point of view

It was not easy for Russian guys who loved hip-hop. Now hip-hop is mainstream and virtually a universal language that everyone understands. At the same time, many questions arose: why the performers are black and behave like gangsters in the videos, and whether this is pop music (the situation worsened after Timati appeared), whether white guys, especially from school, can rap just like the great masters. There were even problems with self-designation: it was believed that rappers were gangstas, and those who did not want to associate themselves with them called themselves “hoppers.” Rappers supposedly fought with skinheads because they were against black music. Decl even had a song for this topic. In reality, the proximity of skinheads was not so fatal. Many skins also liked hip-hop, and they listened to Salt-n-Pepa mixed with Kolovrat. Due to poor knowledge of the language, the perception of Western hip-hop music was mainly musical and rhythmic. And the heroes of real Russian hip-hop were only Bad Balance, and then Mikhey. Well, finally decide for yourself: “Onyx is a sucker” or “Onyx is a god.”

Rappers or hoppers

Tolkienists and hippies

The freest people in this country. Future programmers and promising Russian scientists were often hippies and role players (not necessarily at the same time). Important attributes include the culture of hitchhiking as a universal way to travel around the country, an almost obligatory passion for fantasy literature, and color-coded baubles. The coding was complicated, so I had to look up explanations of all the colors on the Internet and print them out so as not to get confused. True, different lists contradicted each other. Red and black are worn by suicidal people or fans of the group "Alice", red and white baubles are worn by supporters free love, which was so important at the time of puberty. Baubles had to be woven by hand and given as a gift (you couldn’t buy them). If all the baubles disappeared somewhere (they could have been cut off by the police or at home by evil parents), then you could come to any hippie gathering, even a completely unfamiliar one, and receive a bauble from everyone who was there. The places where Moscow hippies (who did not call themselves that) gathered were the clubs “Forpost” and “Living Corner”, for quite a long time “Bilingua”, and among public spaces - Chistye Prudy.

Tolkienism was a separate phenomenon, which has now almost completely degenerated or turned into a more serious and aggressive re-enactor movement. Key places In order to wave wooden (and then duralumin) swords, there were Tsaritsyno and Filevsky Park. Belonging to the subculture presupposed knowledge of the Elvish language, which led to the fact that in Russia there are still tens of thousands of people who can sing excerpts of songs from The Silmarillion from memory. Important events there were Hobbit games, where for several days in a row you could remain an orc or an elven princess (but always in ankle boots). Tolkienists called musicians “minstrels.” The most popular of them are Tam Greenhill, Chancellor Guy, Illet and the Temple rock order. During the time of the Tolkienists, the order became famous for the epic opera “Finrod-zong” based on Tolkien’s “The Silmarillion”.

A subculture that did not have any special prerequisites for development in Russia. But there was his own Christ. First-grade boys in the mid-1990s chose their friends from those who could correctly answer the question “Who killed Kurt Cobain?” The grungers did not profess a specific ideology, and the only clothing that stood out was their hoodies with the cover of Nevermind. There was no place left in their hearts for other grunge bands (maybe with the rare exception of Pearl Jam), but they had one important advantage: the Onyx logo on the fence could very easily and effectively be converted into the Nirvana logo.


Now, teenage electronic engineers of the turn of the 1990s and 2000s seem to be the most intelligent, creative and at the same time hermetic subculture. Tech students, computer scientists and just slightly autistic music nerds didn’t really hang out, but gathered in Internet threads a la “How to solder a pocket theremin?” and carefully attended deliveries from promoters like “Light Music” and related parties. The Russian center of the electronic movement was the city of Izhevsk - not only were progressive local IDM projects born there, but all world fashion first came there, and only then reached the capitals: it turned out to be a journey from Bristol through Izhevsk. Guys in glasses and hoods sat closely on the products of Warp Records, the indisputable authorities were Amon Tobin, Aphex Twin and Autechre. The movement gave birth to its own labels like Lagunamuch or Zvezda, where almost teenage enthusiasts learned to plow the unfertile garden of the domestic music business.

Electronics engineers

Subculture with difficult fate, which actually repeated the situation with emo. The shaven-headed guys in grinders themselves could profess a wide range of beliefs: the original English subculture did not necessarily imply racism and nationalism (and the music of skins was reggae for a long time), but the stereotype about a dangerous street subculture of racists, ready to start a fight for any reason, took root in society. And since there were still few people to fight with (the influx of migrants began much later), they looked for enemies among the white brothers who were fans of rap and other black music. In the early 2000s, the subculture began to develop: a Russian analogue of the Mods, another British subculture that combined aggression with a love of good clothes, appeared, as well as antifa as fighters against racism and any manifestations of skinheads, and simply a large number of skinheads who had nothing to do with national hatred . Then all these games ended and the pogroms of vegetable warehouses and the film “Okolofutbola” began. But that's a completely different story.


One of the oldest, but still popular subcultures is hippies. They preach freedom in all its forms (from inner freedom to free love), pacifism, strive for independence, creative realization. They look bright in appearance, wear jeans, loose T-shirts, and vests. Both women and men wear long hair and bright baubles on their arms. They can leave home and travel with almost no means of support; in the summer they live in tent cities.

Similar to hippies and close to them in philosophy are Rastafarians or Rastafarians. Modern Rastafarians, especially in Russia, do not live according to the principles that the Rastafarians originally promoted. They just listen to reggae music, love Bob Marley, have dreadlocks, wear a red, yellow and green hat and have a negative attitude towards subservient material values Western culture.

Emo culture is popular among younger people. The name of the culture is derived from the word “emotional” and reflects the emotionality of the adherents of this movement. Adherents of the subculture are called emokids. They have a bright appearance: long side bangs, heavily lined eyes, piercings, black and pink clothes, black nail polish, a lot of bracelets and badges. They strive for self-expression, but are often perceived as vulnerable, depressed, whiny teenagers. It is also believed that these guys are prone to suicidal behavior.

Young people who love life and at the same time constantly risk it because of the pleasure they receive are called extreme sports people. This may include various directions extreme sports: roller skaters, parkour or tracers, skateboarders, etc. Even graffiti artists who risk being caught can also be classified in this group. Their clothing style is usually sporty, free, and may resemble that of a rapper.

The philosophy is close to one rather old subculture - punks. Their slogan that there is no future determined their position: nothing can be corrected, and therefore life can be given up. It won’t be difficult to recognize a punk in a crowd - a mohawk on a cropped head, torn and dirty clothes. They often gather for parties with huge amounts of alcohol, drugs and fights. Initially, the movement was born out of a love for punk music.

The Goths have quite a lot in common with punks. At first this one developed due to a passion for gothic music, but then its own appeared. They perceive themselves as opponents of bad taste, motleyness and mass consciousness, and therefore choose black in clothing, the symbolism of death as a reminder of life, and going to the cemetery with friends. Outwardly, they are often confused with Satanists, who are dangerous to society because they support violence against people and sacrifices.

Another subculture is considered dangerous to society - skinheads. Already from their name you can understand that the feature is a shaved head. They preach the cult of a strong personality, the ideas of National Socialism and anti-Semitism. They hate adherents of other “bright” subcultures: emo, hippies, majors, as well as people of non-European type, and beat them. Most often, the head of such a youth group is a mature person with pro-fascist views.

One more similar group, but without ideology as such they are. Usually these are guys from the outskirts of the city, engaged in petty robberies, thefts, hooliganism, etc. These are disadvantaged representatives of modern youth who use slang words, profanity in their speech, and imitate people who served sentences in prison. Appearance usually unkempt: sports suit, black leather jacket, cap. In relation to Western-oriented people life principles, are aggressive.

Quite a new phenomenon in modern culture became a role-playing movement. These are young people who gather in large groups and play role-playing games. The philosophy is quite simple to explain: if you cannot change the real world, invent your own, believe in it and change it. These also include Tolkienists, guys participating in historical reconstructions, to some extent anime fans, even Barbie girls. Anyone who plays a character, even if not all the time, can be classified as roleplayers.

Another subculture that older people become adherents of is bikers. Unlike ordinary motorcyclists, for bikers their bike is part of their life. Fans of rock, beer and motorcycles are always recognizable in the crowd: leather jackets, jeans or leather pants, bandanas, tattoos. They gather in large groups at festivals and on night roads.

Video on the topic


Not every youth association can be considered a subculture. So, they are still arguing whether hipsters are considered a subculture or are they just people who follow fashion trends. The issue with hackers and gamers, who lead a certain lifestyle and follow certain principles, but do not form groups in real, not computer life, has not been fully resolved.

Just 30 years ago in our country everything was the same - furniture, music, and even the people themselves. But even then, deep underground, there were subcultures whose adherents identified themselves as antagonists to the existing system. This contradiction was manifested in the style of behavior, in clothing, in music and in special slang. So, one after another, hippies, metalheads, punks, rappers, goths, emo appeared - in a word, informals. In parallel with the musical subcultures, criminal and gop culture developed, which over time appropriated chanson music, which became their trademark.


So, who should you classify yourself as? You wear long hair, are into henna, listen to Cher, Sonny and the Rolling Stones. In your wardrobe exclusively with ethnic motifs or flared shirts, you are hung from head to toe with baubles, beads made of sandalwood, you like to hitchhike with a guitar on your back and without in your pocket. If your motto in life is “Make love, not war,” then you are a typical hippie.

If you still have long hair, a guitar behind your back and jeans, but wear sweatshirts and T-shirts, preferably black, like “Metallica”. On your wrists are wristbands with metal spikes (antigopes), large claw-type rings, and on your feet are Cossacks from Camelot, Grinders or Martins. You love driving fast, and generally don’t part with your Harley, listen to “Aria”, “Master” and “Corrosion of Metal”. So you are a metalhead.

Still the same long hair, but black, lips painted with lipstick of the same color? Do you wear a long black coat or dress with a corset, spend your leisure time exclusively in the local cemetery, and wake up to the wonderful music of Cradle of Filth or Lacrimosa? Then you are goth.

Do you like black melodies interspersed with recitative? Are your idols people from Harlem who wear pants that they inherited from their older brothers and therefore constantly slide down to their knees when walking, wide T-shirts and hats that slide down onto their foreheads? You are hung with gold chains and finger-thick rings, on which your name is written in large letters. Did you grow up listening to Decl's songs? In your free time, do you write “2Pac is alive” on fences and take part in battles, top or bottom breakdancing? So you are definitely a rapper.

Every day you are in the area where the boys from the neighboring mikrash pestered you. From the radio that you borrowed from the friend, you can hear the sweet sounds of songs by Katya Ogonyok or Mikhail Krug. You wear stylish sweatpants from the local market and Abibas sneakers, carry a kapar and a purse and spit very accurately through the gap in your teeth, you have a blue tattoo that you got in the army or in prison. So you are a gopnik.

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