Model libraries of the Central Library of the Krasnogvardeisky district. Kugarchinskaya central library - model libraries Modern model library

Currently, there is an urgent issue of increasing the role of libraries in the development of the information society in order to reduce the information inequality of citizens and different regions of the country. This is exactly what was said in welcome speech President of the Russian Federation D. A. Medvedev at the VI Tver socio-economic forum “Information Society” in 2009: “...The 21st century is rightly called the century of information. And today it is extremely important to improve the communication infrastructure, to more actively overcome the “digital divide” of the regions, to switch to the most modern standards and technologies...”

By Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 10, 2008 No. 1663-r, the “Main Directions of the Government’s Activities” were approved Russian Federation for the period until 2012”, as well as a list of projects for their implementation. Among priority areas activities in the field of cultural development, a set of measures has been identified to “ensure for Russian citizens an equal right to participate in cultural life and access to cultural values”, on the development of the library system, in particular - promoting the modernization of the material and technical base of libraries and the introduction of the latest information technologies.

It is impossible to talk about creating a unified national information space without the development of rural libraries, of which there are more than 38 thousand in Russia, and they serve over 40 million residents, that is, a third of the country’s population. But only a small part of them (9%) are equipped with computer equipment and only 3% have access to the Internet. Moreover, often the rural library is the only cultural institution in the village. It is she who carries out a wide variety of functions - educational, leisure, entertainment, cultural and educational, memorial, historical and local history, providing social assistance to the population. The latter is especially important in remote villages, where it is not possible to create specialized social support services for the population. All this proves that in eliminating information inequality, special attention should be directed to the informatization of rural libraries.

The creation of model libraries in the Russian Federation began with the implementation in 2002 of the all-Russian project “Creation of model public libraries in rural areas” by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Interregional Association of Business Libraries and the public organization “Open Russia”. The significance of this project, the implementation of which has today become one of the priority areas for the development of librarianship in Russia, is evidenced by the fact that since 2006 it has been included in the Federal Target Program “Culture of Russia (2006–2011)”. According to the objectives of the Program, 420 rural libraries should be provided with access to information resources. The federal budget allocates 165 million rubles for the implementation of this project.

The concept of “model library” has a broad meaning. Criteria indicators of the modern model public library, meeting the requirements of the information society and meeting the needs of today's users, are reflected in the “Model Standard for Public Library Operations”, adopted by the Russian Library Association in 2001. In the new edition of the document (2008), the emphasis is on modernization library services based on the introduction of information technology into library practice. So, in particular, the document states:

“Thanks to its accessibility, the library helps eliminate information inequality, create conditions for the realization of intellectual freedom, the preservation of democratic values ​​and universal civil rights, improving the quality of life...

The library serves all categories of citizens, provides them with a range of library, information and service services in the most convenient mode for them: in the library itself or outside the library, as well as by telephone or e-mail.

Information technologies allow the public library to introduce and use new forms of service, to provide access to its own and corporate information resources to any user, regardless of his location.”

Thus, a model rural library is a library that, in its functions, content and equipment, meets international and domestic standards, which has become a kind of model, a standard for others, that is, it is a library that has an optimal standard set material and information resources, which is a platform for effective and high-quality service to the population. It is created with the aim of providing residents of municipalities with unlimited access to information and qualitatively improving the level of library services to the population.

Modernization of the rural library involves the following conditions:

  • organization of a modern comfortable environment (major renovation of the premises);
  • improvement of the surrounding area;
  • updating the main core of the book collection, based on the standards of the “Model Standard for Public Library Operations”;
  • current acquisition of the fund on all types of media;
  • subscription to periodicals;
  • automation of library processes;
  • access to information resources of the Internet and regional libraries;
  • training staff in practical skills in using new technologies in library and information services to users.

For the effective implementation of this project, the participation of regional and local authorities is necessary. It is they who are entrusted with such tasks as repairing library premises, equipping them with library equipment and furniture, ensuring the safety of installed computer equipment, other equipment and information resources.

The implementation of the project “Creation of model public libraries in rural areas” became a catalyst for modernization processes in rural libraries in many regions of the Russian Federation.

The leading role in the implementation of the project was played by those regions that over the past ten years have not only supported and developed initiatives aimed at preserving and supporting rural libraries, but have independently developed and implemented regional programs for their modernization . The most striking example can be considered the program for creating model rural libraries in the Chuvash Republic. In 2003, the President of the Republic signed the Decree “On the creation of rural model libraries in the Chuvash Republic.” In this document, the Cabinet of Ministers of the Chuvash Republic was to ensure “the opening during 2003–2004. 100 rural model libraries equipped with a basic set of computer equipment, reference and legal systems, electronic publications, the best books domestic book publishing; connecting rural model libraries to the republican telecommunications network.” When forming the republican budget of the Chuvash Republic for 2004, it was planned to allocate funds for the creation and opening of rural model libraries as part of co-financing for the pilot project “Creation of computer public libraries in rural areas.” And the self-government bodies of the regions of the Chuvash Republic were recommended to “create the necessary conditions to open rural model libraries, ensure repairs, reconstruction of buildings and premises, purchase of furniture, telephone installation and safety of equipment; organize computer technology training for cultural workers.”

In a speech at a meeting of the Council at the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of Russia in the Volga Federal District, the President of Chuvashia N.V. Fedorov said: “Exclusively at the expense of the republican budget, we have launched, in a sense, an unprecedented action to create a network of model libraries - 500 modern and equipped instead of yesterday's 500 wretched and dull ones. That was our goal."

The experience of the Chuvash Republic was highly appreciated by the President of the Russian Federation D. A. Medvedev and suggested using it to other regions. Thus, at a meeting with the President of the Chuvash Republic D. A. Medvedev noted that spiritual life has always “concentrated around libraries,” where “there must be a digital component, access to the global network and a normal selection of books so that people do not lose reading skills.” In this regard, in his opinion, “the model libraries of Chuvashia seem to be correct in their structure,” and “this experience could be used in other regions.”

The project to create model libraries within the framework of the Federal Target Program “Culture of Russia (2006–2010)” is being implemented in the Udmurt Republic. Based on the results of consideration of applications for participation in the “Model Rural Libraries” project, it was decided to open two model rural libraries in Udmurtia in 2009 in the Malopurginsky (Bobya-Ucha village) and Zavyalovsky (Podshivalovo village) districts.

More than 400 thousand rubles were received from the federal budget for the creation of one model library, including 140 thousand rubles. for the purchase of computer equipment, 250 thousand rubles. – for the acquisition of library funds with printed and electronic publications, as well as funds for the training of librarians in Moscow. At the expense of the municipal budget, according to the terms of the project, the renovation of library premises and the installation of fire and security alarms were carried out.

In November 2009, the All-Russian Congress of Rural Libraries took place in Bryansk. Its organizers were the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Pushkin Library Foundation, the Administration of the Bryansk Region, the Bryansk Regional Scientific Universal Library. F. M. Tyutcheva. Representatives of rural libraries from 42 regions of the Russian Federation, Ukraine and Belarus took part in the congress.

At the congress, the interim results of the “Model Rural Libraries” project were summed up. The leaders (regions with model rural libraries) are the Chuvash Republic (all five hundred rural libraries are model), Belgorod region (116 model libraries), Kursk region (41), Stavropol region (31), Tambov region (28).

Considering the importance of rural libraries for sustainable territorial development and improving the quality of life of the population in rural areas of Russia, the congress participants in the final document proposed implementing a new scheme for their resource support and development based on the public-public partnership model:

  • apply to the Government of the Russian Federation with a proposal to provide for the possibility of widespread introduction of advanced telecommunication technologies and information resources in rural libraries;
  • contact the Ministry of Culture of Russia, the Russian state library, Central Scientific Library of the Russian Agricultural Academy and the Non-profit Foundation “Pushkin Library” with a proposal to organize, as part of the implementation of the Federal Target Program “Culture of Russia” (2006–2011), a comprehensive information consulting and resource center for rural libraries;
  • recommend that the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation actively implement a mobile system for servicing settlements that do not have libraries *;
  • contact the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia, the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia with a proposal to support and develop a network of public centers for legal and other socially significant information based on rural libraries;
  • initiate the creation of a national information partnership network uniting socially active institutions and organizations at various levels, aimed at developing rural libraries and improving the quality of life in rural areas;
  • contact the Russian Ministry of Culture with a proposal to conduct
  • on an ongoing basis of the All-Russian competition for rural libraries on social significant directions work;
  • approve the practice of the Pushkin Library Foundation for the expert selection of socially significant literature and information resources for the targeted acquisition of collections in rural libraries;
  • hold All-Russian congresses of rural libraries on a regular basis.

The opening of model libraries makes it possible to create examples of organizing library services and provide information Services. Speaking about a model library, we must first of all proceed from the fact that its activity is based on an information function. The rapid development of information technology leads to a deepening of the information gap in the level and possible access to information and knowledge, making this gap extremely critical. A resident of any locality must have access to information - vital, socially significant, necessary for production. Only in this case will the constitutional right of every citizen of the Russian Federation to access information be ensured.


  1. Culture of Russia (2006–2011): federal target program: approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 8. 2005 No. 740 // SPS “ConsultantPlus”.
  2. On approval of the main directions of activity of the Government of the Russian Federation for the period until 2012 and the list of projects for their implementation: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 10, 2008 No. 1663-r (as amended on August 8, 2009) // SPS “ConsultantPlus”.
  3. Model standard for public library activities: adopted by the Conference of the Russian Library Association, XIII Annual Session, May 22, 2008, Ulyanovsk // Information Bulletin of the Russian Library Association. – 2008. – No. 48. – P. 50-59.
  4. On the creation of rural model libraries in the Chuvash Republic: Decree of the President of the Chuvash Republic dated 04/07/2003 No. 34 // Collection of legislation of the Chuvash Republic. – 2003. – No. 5. – Art. 275.
  5. Antonenko S.A. The whole world created model libraries in the Ryazan region // Bibliopol. – 2006. – No. 2. – P. 16-20.
  6. Grigorieva T.R. Chuvash phenomenon // Librarianship. – 2005. – No. 6. – P. 12-13.
  7. Denisova O. G. New opportunities for rural libraries // Library. – 2004. – No. 2. – P. 34-36.
  8. Zotkina T. Open to people // Bibliopol. – 2007. – No. 10. – P. 47-48.
  9. Zueva L. We have something to be proud of // Bibliopol. – 2008. – No. 10. – P. 45-47.
  10. Karnaukhova V. Others in form and content // Bibliopol. – 2006. – No. 9. – P. 7-11.
  11. Karnaukhova V.P. Model rural libraries of the Yakovlevsky district - to the educational process // Scientific and technical libraries. – 2007. – No. 3. – P. 77-81.
  12. Kozina N. Now we rarely have bored faces // Bibliopol. – 2005. – No. 1. – P. 5-6.
  13. Kononova E. Small forces - big things // Bibliopol. – 2008. – No. 5. – P. 64-65.
  14. Korotkevich M. N. Modeling is a strategic path for the development of public libraries // Library. – 2004. – No. 6. – P. 20-24.
  15. Kudryavtseva L.V. Rural library – information center of the local community: a development model // Libraries and social partnership. – Yoshkar-Ola, 2004. – pp. 18-20.
  16. Matlina S. “Model” means exemplary...: project “Model Rural Libraries” // Library Science. – 2008. – No. 18 (83). – pp. 19-20.
  17. Matlina S. From model to modal: results of the “first five-year plan” for the work of rural libraries in new conditions // Bibliopol. – 2006. – No. 9. – P. 2-6.
  18. Matlina S.G. From model to modal rural libraries // Information Bulletin of the Russian Library Association. – 2005. – No. 36. – P. 35-39.
  19. Medvedev D. A. (President of the Russian Federation). President D. A. Medvedev on the modernization of libraries: “Let’s continue to do this...” // Library. – 2008. – No. 12. – P. 1.
  20. Model in Tugulym: steps of ascent // Library. – 2008. – No. 3. – P. 33-38.
  21. Model libraries in the countryside: new life of the Goncharov estate // Library Science. – 2005. – No. 1. – P. 19.
  22. Pavlova V.I. Model libraries – the heart of the information society // New Library. – 2004. – No. 8. – P. 13-17.
  23. The first model library [in the Udmurt Republic] // Gerd. – 2009. – No. 7 (124). – P. 3.
  24. Potekhina N. Now we have access to any point on globe// Bibliopol. – 2007. – No. 1. – P. 65-68.
  25. Ptichenko O. Is it necessary to spend resources on the outback? : rural libraries Sverdlovsk region in the context of the regional priority “Culture” // Bibliopol. – 2007. – No. 12. – pp. 23-24.
  26. 26. Rodin A. M. First Congress of Rural Libraries / A. M. Rodin, S. Yu. Morozova // Information Bulletin of the Russian Library Association. – 2010. – No. 55. – P. 132-135.
  27. 27. Rural libraries: difficulties and achievements // Directory of the head of a cultural institution. – 2004. – N 5. – P. 6-7.
  28. Smelova T.V. Model libraries in rural areas: in Bulanikha [ Altai region] a public information center has opened // Librarianship. – 2005. – N 2. – P. 29-30.
  29. Smelova T. Despite the distance from the center of the country... // Bibliopol. – 2007. – No. 3. – P. 6-7.
  30. Taktaev S. A. Report at the VI Tver socio-economic forum “Information Society” [Electronic resource]. – Access mode:
  31. Fedorov N.V. (President of Chuvashia). Removing the barriers of information inequality // Library. – 2008. – No. 12. – P. 6-8.
  32. Chelpanova S. Happy for our rural children // Bibliopol. – 2005. – No. 3. – P. 2-4.
  33. Shakina O. A decent chance to enter the future // Bibliopol. – 2006. – No. 2. – pp. 12-15.

Compiled by

chief bibliographer

information and bibliographic department

O. G. Kolesnikova

Publications about model libraries in the local press (2004)

President Nikolai Fedorov received a letter from representatives of the Chuvash diaspora ─ librarians of Bashkortostan who visited our republic in early October 2005. The guests got acquainted with the development of librarianship in Chuvashia, studied the work experience of colleagues from the National Library and rural model libraries.

"We saw big changes and achievements that the Chuvash people have the right to be proud of. These are gasification, housing and road construction, reforms in the field of culture... A breakthrough into the future was the decree on the creation of rural model libraries in Chuvashia. Our republic is taking only the first steps in this direction.

We are touched and admired by the attention the government of Chuvashia pays to the libraries of the republic. The openness and accessibility of the republican and local authorities evoke great respect. I am glad that the republic’s librarians inform the population about all changes in legislation.

Living in Bashkortostan, we love Chuvashia and wish it further prosperity,” the letter says.

Matveeva G. New opportunities for rural libraries // Soviet Chuvashia. - 2005. - January 17. - S.1.

Everything is relative. N. Mikhailova, head of the Khirposi village library of the Vurnar district, reluctantly recalls the previous working conditions. In winter, it was cold in the reading room; even coats and felt boots were no help. Readers tried not to linger. It's a different matter now. Both young and old are happy to look into Nadezhda Vladimirovna’s “farm.” And not only because it is warm and cozy here. Gasification of the village helped speed up the modernization of the library. Now she is in the rank of model.

The past year was productive in updating the rural library network of Chuvashia. The bar set by the President of the Republic was surpassed: by the end of 2004, as planned, 100 model libraries appeared in the villages. Funds from the republican budget were invested approximately equally into the creation of each of them. The requirements were also the same: renovate the building, provide telephone communications, heat (the ideal option would be gasification), update the furniture. But the amounts invested from local budgets range from twenty thousand rubles to a million. And this contribution depended not only on the thickness of the municipalities’ wallets, but also on their readiness for change. For example, the Alikovsky district library was accepted only conditionally. And Yantik residents were forced to renovate their library again.

Modernization is an expensive pleasure. One thing leads to another. For example, 200 meters of asphalt were laid at the Kozlovsky district library. In many rooms it was necessary to change the heating system and re-install the wires. After all, with the advent of new information technologies, the load on the network increases. In the Ibresinsky district, 100 thousand rubles were spent on replacing electrical wiring alone. Somewhere it was necessary to replace rickety fences and demolish dilapidated sheds. Some spent a lot of money on roof repairs, since you cannot install a computer in a room with a leaking roof. At the same time, we have to think about the development of communications enterprises. Most model libraries are connected to the Internet. In the rest, there is either no telephone, or the network is so weak that access to the World Wide Web is difficult, as in the Vurnarsky and Shumerlinsky districts. This problem will only be solved by replacing old telephone exchanges with modern ones.

It’s a pity, of course, that not every library computer can access the global network, but many readers manage without the Internet. Most students and specialists come to the library for specific literature and additional information, for reference materials. And they are placed in electronic publications that arrived along with computer equipment. The rural library is already able to satisfy the needs of students of higher educational institutions. Here you can teach lessons on any subject. If, for example, several years ago "Eugene Onegin" was studied only from books, now you can find it on CD critical articles, bibliographic information, even listen to the opera of the same name performed by the best stage masters. No one will find this lesson boring. But for this, the teacher himself must be in the library and know its capabilities. 100 model today means 169 units of computers and other equipment, about seven thousand electronic publications and 3.5 thousand video cassettes. All this wealth needs protection, otherwise you can easily be left without a computer, as was the case in one of the libraries in the Cheboksary region.

Central district libraries already have their own websites. Their competition took place last year. The Batyrevskaya Central Library System won, the Tsivilskaya and Yadrinskaya library systems took second and third places. The most relevant and interesting information is taken from the library page to the regional page, and from there to the main republican page ( This is a good incentive. There is another plus. Thanks to computer technology, district book depositories can engage in publishing activities. For example, among the many booklets published by the Shumerlinsk regional library, there are the following: “Echo of the accident. Does the Thinker have a future?”, “Work. Protect yourself,” “Sober thoughts,” “Stalingrad. Event. Symbol,” “Valery Yardy ", "Yuri Kudakov" and others.

Of course, working in modeling requires more highly qualified personnel. Rural librarians have completed week-long courses, constantly receive individual consultations, and many have gained computer literacy through labor exchanges. And employees of regional libraries traveled to Nizhny Novgorod, Ulyanovsk, Saransk, they were taught the intricacies of drawing up projects to participate in various competitions. Go for it, win grants. Unfortunately, not everyone is active. By the way, a training center is being created at the National Library, the goal is the same - advanced training.

Naturally, the workload of model library workers has increased. However, most of them still receive the salary of regular librarians. It is not surprising that wealthier enterprises lure such specialists to themselves. In this case, it is recommended to pay people extra from the local budget. Unfortunately, you can count on your fingers the number of districts where librarians receive at least small bonuses. Targeted training of these personnel required a lot of effort, money and time. Losing them would be too costly. Moreover, work to equip book depositories with the latest information technologies will continue. Next in line is the opening of 38 more modern libraries. Well, those who have already received new status, must constantly take care of updating funds and databases. The opportunities for development never end. And problems are already emerging. Now, I think, local authorities should deal with them more.

It opened on New Year's Eve in the village of Hirposi in the Vurnar region. The first stage of modernization of rural libraries has been completed. What’s interesting is that gasification of populated areas also contributed greatly to this. In the same Khirposi, librarian N. Mikhailova sat at work in a coat and felt boots last winter. And so as not to lose readers, she often went home with a bunch of books. Now the library is warm and cozy. “I don’t even want to leave here, we couldn’t even dream of such conditions,” admits the very first librarian in the village, a disabled veteran of the Great Patriotic War, G. Spiridonov. The library began in the post-war period with several dozen books in an old bookcase. Today, such modern information technology has come to the rural outback that the entire library of Gabriel Spiridonovich of that time would have been placed on one CD. On your computer you can leaf through the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, read books by foreign and Russian classics, admire works of fine art, and find any legal information, legislative act. There is access to leading libraries in Chuvashia and Russia.

The breakthrough into the information space has been accomplished. Teachers, agricultural specialists, and students were the first to appreciate the capabilities of model libraries. Attendance increased 2-3 times. Back in April 2003, when the President of Chuvashia signed a Decree on the creation of one hundred rural model libraries in 2003-2004, many doubted the successful implementation of the project. Such experiments were also carried out in some other regions of Russia. Only 4-6 libraries were opened for sheet music. Our republic has set the highest bar for itself, having begun a large-scale transition to a qualitatively different level of library services. For almost two years, the attention of library specialists throughout Russia has been focused on Chuvashia. Simple curiosity has given way to interest; people are already coming to us for experience. Having visited one of the modernized rural libraries, the experience of Chuvashia was positively assessed by Russian President V. Putin.

If we count urban ones, there are 102 open model ones. In the new year, their number should increase by another 38. By the end of 2007, 350 libraries will have switched to new information technologies. The President of the Republic set the task of making Chuvashia a civilized, cultural, highly educated, technologically developed, innovative region. Modern libraries have a significant role to play in achieving this goal.

Last Tuesday, celebrations marking the opening of model libraries took place in the village of Shikhazany, Kanashsky district, in the village of Vurmankasy, Cheboksary district, in the villages of Kovali, Urmarsky district, Nizharovo, Yantikovsky district, and Isakovo, Krasnoarmeysky district. Repairing and equipping one hundred rural book depositories with modern information technologies in a year initially seemed like a difficult task. But we did it. To date, 97 libraries have acquired a new status. Three more models will open in December.

Moscow colleagues from the Interregional Association of Business Libraries called this process a library revolution. The implementation of the Decree of the President of Chuvashia on the creation of 100 model libraries contributes, especially in rural areas, to improving the quality of life and improving information culture. In the process of modernization, the entire work of the library network is restructured, its resources are enriched, and premises are reconstructed. Each of the model libraries has its own highlight: among them there are specialized local history, environmental, educational, and family reading.

Today in a modern rural library you can learn to use a computer, gain access to electronic documents, and access the Internet. Children's computer clubs, youth excursion and local history services are opening, and information support is being provided to rural producers. All central district “houses of books” create their own electronic resources, create local history catalogues, keep chronicles of villages, and have their own websites on the Internet.

The experience of Chuvashia in informatizing rural libraries was highly appreciated by the Russian government: it is recommended that all regions of the country adopt it.

Feklina N. Information resources of the Center for the population /N. Feklina // Kanash. - 2004. - September 30. - P.2.

One of the most important and significant events that happened today in our city was the opening of a model library.

In connection with the acquisition of model status, the central library has new functions and capabilities. Today it has sufficiently extensive information resources to satisfy a significant part of user requests. First of all, these are reference books, encyclopedias, statistical collections acquired by the library, educational literature on economics, law, etc., electronic (including multimedia) resources. Automated workstations for users have been created, and the range of services has expanded.

The library has a Center for Social and Business Information. It was created to provide information support on legal and social issues to various segments of the population. Today, the Center provides access to the reference and search system "Consultant Plus", the scientific and technical center "Sistema" database, Internet resources, and databases of other libraries in Chuvashia. For city entrepreneurs, such databases will be of interest as: “Own Business”, “Enterprises of Kanash”, digests “Business Etiquette”, “To Help Entrepreneurs”. Young readers in our Center can master new technologies: study computer programs on CD-ROM, watch videos to help the educational process. Citizens can obtain information about bus and train schedules, work information government agencies cities, addresses, telephone numbers, reception hours for citizens, using the “Social Information Bureau” database.

In order to actively promote the library in the information space, expand the system of informing the population about the resources and services of the Central Library Library, a website for the central library system of Kanash was created.

Library users, along with free services, are also offered service ones. This is a comprehensive library and bibliographic service for organizations and enterprises of the city, performing complex inquiries using remote access, thematic selection of literature on order, typing on a computer, scanning, printing information on a laser printer, etc.

A brief analysis of the Center over a short period of time showed that more than 800 certificates were issued, and 300 people visited. Quantitative and qualitative indicators indicate that we are on the right track- The center needs to develop and improve further.

Dear citizens! We are waiting for you at the address: Razina St., 3. Opening hours - from 8 to 19 hours, day off - Saturday.

Alexandrova N. You, me and information / N. Alexandrova // Tăvan en. - 2004. - September 25. - P.3.

A rural library connects a person, no matter where he lives, with the whole world, reveals to him hitherto unknown knowledge, information and provides an opportunity for in-depth spiritual development. For example, information bibliographic services in the library of the village of Ishley are carried out individually and in groups. Subscribers of individual information are readers who are interested in a particular topic. They are given the right of priority to become acquainted with the latest literature on the relevant issue. Information lists for individual information include documents not only from the collections of our library, but also from the collections of other libraries.

Users are interested in various topics: the history of factories and enterprises in the village of Ishley, rare species of endangered plants, gardening, biographies outstanding people and many other things. We embody their interests and provide a wide choice.

Group and mass work includes a combination of various techniques, including visual forms of information. These include stands and book exhibitions. Their topics are varied. “New Literature” - this is the name of this exhibition of new books according to the most various issues. Mini- and express exhibitions are especially popular in the library. They display the most important and interesting publications. We are organizing an exhibition of one article, one newspaper, one magazine.

Recently we organized book exhibitions: “Let’s take health from nature”, “Through the pages of the Olympic chronicle”, “Learn to see beauty”, “Books that are waiting for you”.

We regularly hold specialist days and information days. We held a day of legal information with the invitation of a lawyer. We organized an exhibition on a legal topic. An information digest “I go out alone on the road” was held for graduates.

The library has a local government corner “News from the Rural Administration”. We maintain folders: “Resolutions of the Ishlei Rural Administration”, “Chuvashia - the Land of Coastal Willows”, “New Documents”, “Famous People of the Cheboksary Region”, albums: “Tavan Yalam, Savna Yalam”, “History of the Ishlei Library”, “Life of the Ishlei Library” ", "The village of Ishley in photographs" and others.

Thus, our rural library is moving towards strengthening its information function and is gradually turning into an information center. Without forgetting about the basic, traditional methods of work.

Oreshnikova T. Let the good light not go out in the library windows // Forward. - 2004. - September 11.

The updated library, which is scheduled to open on City Day, September 11, - a pleasant surprise and a gift for the Sumerlinians.

To rejoice at such a significant event in the cultural life of the city, to rejoice along with the workers of the Shumerlinsk city central library, always friendly and welcoming, I went to the library, having previously called and arranged a meeting with its director E.S. Vildyanova. I saw a renovated reading room, a subscription room, a living room “In the Circle of Friends”, a computer office, a corner “Reader” - for the little ones who cannot yet read.

In the library, the final preparations for the opening of the library were underway: someone was gluing letters on panels, someone was mounting them on shelves with books, someone was serving readers. Everything was so exciting, but pleasant. After renovation, the premises became even more spacious, comfortable, and brighter.

We practically did all the repairs ourselves,” explained E.S. Vildyanova. Since February, we have not stopped working. We papered the walls, painted the windows, glued the ceilings, hung curtains on the windows and much more we had to do.

Librarians worked without regard for personal time and took a creative approach to creating and decorating the interior, but not to the detriment of their main work.

It must be said that the furniture with which the library rooms are equipped was made, again, with the participation of the workers themselves. At their request, sketches were drawn up, according to which furniture was then made.

The opening of the updated library was preceded by a large amount of work.

But today it's all over. All that's left is to make the finishing touches. And today the library will once again warmly open its doors to readers, friends, sponsors and helpers, those who helped the library acquire a renewed face and helped bring this happy moment of the grand opening closer.

The “In the Circle of Friends” living room will once again become a meeting place for true and devoted friends of the library. Various events will be held here educational nature, incl. literary and musical and others.

In the hall “In the World of Beauty” there will be exhibitions of Sumerlin artists. The local history department “Deep Legends of Antiquity” is, as it were, the initial step to a wider acquaintance with the life and utensils of our predecessors in the city museum. The department works closely with the museum and holds various events together. For example, on City Day, a quiz “Live and Hello, My City” will be held here.

The billiards club works mainly with difficult teenagers and city schoolchildren. Children are interested in this game, they come here with pleasure. And in the summer, the tennis table is placed outside, and children play in the fresh air.

What's in the future?

We will strive to ensure that our library is not only a place for issuing books, but also becomes a center of communication for all family members, however, this is how it is today,” E.S. emphasized. Vildyanova. - Through events that are held in the library, we try to introduce readers to the world of beauty, instill in them love and respect for their parents, elders, and teach them to love their Motherland and nature. The activities are aimed at strengthening the family and combating addictions.

And library workers have one more cherished dream. They have a great desire to arrange a public garden, which they consider their pride, to improve it, trim trees, plant flowers. They plan to create summer reading rooms here, where, for example, a child can play and exercise in the fresh air.

I would like to hope that library workers will make all their dreams come true, and their faithful and reliable friends, sponsors, and readers will help them in this. Let the good light not go out in their windows.

The library is very grateful to the head of the city administration V.M. Sadyrga, head of the culture department V.N. Yakovleva for support and all kinds of assistance in renovating the premises, PE Yu.V. Fedorov, PE S. Razgudaev, artist M.V. Kolchin, stores “Coral” (director L.M. Leontyeva), “Melody” (director N.M. Bedretdinova), individual entrepreneur S.V. Batyukova, leather goods factory (director G.V. Khairetdinova), reader N.V. Ermishina, who donated books from her own library to the city library. They say special words of gratitude to Yu.V. Midukov, T.A. Midukova, N.M. Morozova and everyone who is friends and collaborates with the city library, their names are included in the library’s book of honor - the “donors” section. I would like to wish everyone: both readers and librarians friendly work, inspiration, and creativity.

Alexandrova T. A good name remains forever // Forward. - 2004. - September 8.

Our grandparents say correctly: “A good name is more valuable than wealth.” Older people understand that wealth exists today, tomorrow, but the day after tomorrow it may not exist. And only a good name remains forever, even after the death of the person himself.

This truth contained in the proverb is convincingly confirmed by the events dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the famous cosmonaut A.G. Nikolaev. The entire republic, honoring the hero of the day, recalled his achievements and successes, comprehending the significance of what he did for Russia and for the whole world.

The Sumerlinsky district took an active part in the anniversary events. The Central District Library does especially great work in this direction, where many exhibitions and memorial evenings are held. The library did not stand aside from national events.

On September 3, from 1 to 2 p.m., a one-time online campaign was held throughout the republic, including an electronic presentation of the Shorshely database. Space. Shorshely." In our area, the Shumerlinskaya central regional model library, the Tuvan and Yumanai rural model libraries joined this action.

Eighth grade students from school No. 6 were invited to the Sumerlinsky central regional model library. The schoolchildren were interested in learning about the life and work of the national hero and getting acquainted with his biography. The disc will contain Nikolaev's memories of his childhood, his native village, his first teacher, and the most significant life events. The students enjoyed looking at the photo gallery and visiting the cosmonautics museum in absentia. The value of this event is that it played a big role in educational matters, as well as in instilling a sense of patriotism.

The Yumanai and Tuvan rural model libraries also showed their readers a CD-ROM published for the cosmonaut’s birthday.

A significant moment in the series of anniversary events was the literary and space conference “Gravity of the Earth,” held on September 6 in the assembly hall of the district administration. The hall was crowded. Young people, heads of rural administrations and employees of the district administration were present. It is very sad that such an event coincided with the tragic events in North Ossetia. In his opening speech, the head of the district administration V.A. Murashkin, remembering the innocent victims of Beslan, called on those present to honor the memory of the victims with a minute of silence. War veteran Vasily Kondratievich Simsov also expressed words of bitterness and pain.

Employees of the Shumerlinsk Central Regional Model Library invited those present to a requiem tour based on Nikolaev’s book “The Gravity of the Earth.” The narration was conducted in an interesting form for those gathered: prose alternated with lyrics, various slides replaced each other on the computer screen, a video showed fragments from the astronaut’s flights, and all this was accompanied by sentimental music. Then there was a presentation of the disc “Shorshely. Space. Shorshely”, and in conclusion there was a presentation of the booklet “Star Son of Chuvashia”, published by the information and bibliographic department of the Shumerlinsk Central Regional Model Library for the 75th anniversary of the national hero. The booklet includes an essay about A. Nikolaev, as well as a list of books and periodicals in which information about the astronaut can be found.

I would like to believe that the Internet campaign “Shorshely. Space. Shorshely" left a significant mark on young hearts. After all, the life of A. Nikolaev is an example to follow. It teaches us respect, kindness, courage and endurance, and gives us strength to achieve our goals.

Kashaeva O. Among books and discs / Olga Kashaeva // Youth Courier - 2004. - July 28 (No. 29). - P.4.

Last April, President Nikolai Fedorov issued a decree on the creation of rural model libraries in the republic. Now almost any village can look into the big world through a miracle screen. Of course, we didn’t see satellite dishes or robot librarians in the Shumerlinsk Central Regional Library. Perhaps all this is in the future. While people are working here. Having heard about model libraries, such as this one, we looked into the repository of wisdom. The shelves of the reading room are filled with CDs, audio and video cassettes. Here, of course, traditional books , magazines and newspapers. One thing is clear - library readers are gradually retraining as computer users. For a year now, the library has been equipped with a basic set of computer equipment, reference and legal systems, electronic publications, and the best books. And access to library resources is free. We are talking with Marina Badina, head of the information and bibliographic department: “There are enough visitors,” says Marina Naimovna. “Recently, a Legal Information Center opened on the basis of the library, opened with funds from a grant we won. Yesterday, for example, one entrepreneur spent the whole day in front of the screen, studying the Consultant Plus legal reference system. He urgently needed one regulatory document. It's nice that they come to us for help. Among the Center's visitors are pensioners, students, and schoolchildren. The real excitement was during final exams, when the “Universities” database was in great demand. Readers do not have any problems in handling electronic encyclopedias and reference books. Those who own a computer can handle it themselves, while the “dummies” are helped by employees. By the way, Marina Naimovna recalls, librarians learned computer literacy themselves, at first being afraid to even touch an expensive car. Now employees boldly compile electronic catalogues, publish an electronic version of the city newspaper “Forward” and even engage in publishing work. Every month, the information and bibliographic department publishes thematic booklets: on the history of villages and hamlets of the region, about the famous Sumerlinians. In this series, publications were published about the singer Augusta Ulyandina, composer Yuri Kulakov, athlete Valery Yardy, poets Ivan Akhakh and Alexei Mazhukov and others. Sumerlin residents still remember the terrible accident at the Myslets crossing. Librarians collected all the information bit by bit and prepared a booklet. Booklets about the dangers of alcohol and drug addiction are distributed at discos in the area. There were cases when young people asked to make a photocopy of publications that they did not receive. The library bears all costs of publication. Sumerlin residents come to the library not only to get acquainted with the latest books, surf the Internet or leaf through the latest newspaper. They are provided with legal advice by employees of the prosecutor's office. You can get legal assistance either by calling the helpline or directly at the reception. There are currently two computers in the library. But this is just the beginning. It seems that we are slowly beginning to understand that a library is more than a collection of books. Especially in the countryside. They say that the librarian profession is not prestigious. This is probably how it was five years ago. Today, go into any treasury of human thought - the profession is getting younger. A friend of mine, an intern at one of the libraries, intends to stay among books and computers after graduating from university.

Nosova O. A valuable gift to library users // Our word. - 2004. - June 30.

A valuable gift for library users last years Library collections, unfortunately, are very little replenished with new publications, primarily with electronic media, which are so necessary for our users. This situation has developed throughout the country due to a shortage of funds for their purchase. That is why the President of Chuvashia Nikolai Vasilyevich Fedorov signed the Decree “On the creation of rural model libraries in the Chuvash Republic” on April 7, 2003, thanks to which rural model libraries equipped with new computer equipment began to open in our Republic. At the beginning of June, the Mariinsko-Posad centralized library system received four sets of CDs worth 14 thousand rubles. This generous gift was provided to all model libraries of our republic, which opened within the framework of the Decree of President N. Fedorov “On the creation of rural model libraries in the Chuvash Republic,” by the Interregional Association of Business Libraries. In our region, these sets will be received by Bolshe-Shigaevskaya, Bichurinskaya, Neryadovskaya rural model libraries-branches and the central district library of the Mariinsky-Posad centralized library system. In addition, similar kits have already been received by the Shorshel and Elbarus rural computer libraries earlier as part of the project “Creation of computer public libraries in rural areas”, carried out by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation; Regional Public Organization “Open Russia”, Interregional Association of Business Libraries (IABL); Central Banking Station "Kyiv" (Moscow). The kits contain discs of various contents, including art, literary criticism, and essays on various topics. There are encyclopedic and reference discs on handicrafts and cooking, as well as a film based on the script English writer D. R. Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings" and. Of course, there are many other discs that you, dear residents and guests of the city and region, can familiarize yourself with in the above-mentioned libraries. Library users, I think, will be happy with this pleasant surprise.

The project to create a network of model libraries has been implemented in the republic since last year. Kanashskaya became the seventieth in a row. It is equipped with a satellite dish and connected to the Internet. A set of multimedia discs worth 920 thousand rubles - full meeting works of classics with sound and video - donated to the city by the public organization "Open Russia". Now, at the meetings of the Rodniki literary club, which has existed at the library for more than 20 years, romances written to poems by famous Russian poets will be heard. “It’s wonderful that such modern centers of culture are being created here,” says the oldest member of the club, Valentina Pavlovna Vvedenskaya, with pride.

According to the head of the service department, Irina Ilyina, three quarters of the library’s visitors are young people under the age of 24. So the idea that young people don’t like to read is wrong. In the library center for social and business information, you can find all the information you need about legal acts of federal, republican and municipal significance, and establish contacts with business partners. Information is sorted into folders, which is very convenient for visitors. “The people of Kanash have created an amazing center of information and culture,” said President of Chuvashia Nikolai Fedorov. “It is intended for those who are not lazy, who do not waste their lives on trifles, but want to achieve something significant in it.”

Chairman of the Union of Book Publishers of Russia Sergei Stepashin, who came with the President to the opening of the library, did not hide his admiration: “What we saw was amazing. A congress of Russian book publishers will be held soon, and we will certainly allocate from our funds another set of literature for the Kanash Library. Although it is not customary for us to help the same region twice (the republic already received one set last year), your efforts to create model libraries deserve special attention. I really hope that other Russian regions will follow Chuvashia. But you will still be the first...

Pavlov A. Libraries acquire model status // Republic. - 2004. - June 23.

At the next extended meeting of the administration of the Urmara district, the main issue on the agenda included a discussion of the progress in the implementation of the district program “Preservation and development of culture, art and cinematography of the region for the period until 2005.”

Heads of departments, administrations and institutions of the district, heads of village and village administrations, and Chairman of the State Council of the Chuvash Republic Committee on Culture, Education, Science and National Policy Elena Sergeeva took part in its work.

The speaker, head of the cultural department of the district administration, T. Viktorova, noted that a significant event in the cultural life of the region was the opening of model libraries in the villages of Bolshoye Yanikovo, Chelkasy, Starye Urmary, as well as in the district center. Such a cultural institution will appear in the village of Kovali in November.

Model libraries operate information centers with legal databases “Consultant Plus” and “NTC Sistema” (FAPSI). New information technologies are used in the activities of libraries), including when conducting mass events. Presentations on “Model Library - the Call of the Time” were held for various categories of the population.

A bank of legal acts of local self-government bodies in electronic version is being formed. Various library databases were also purchased - “Universities”, etc. Our own electronic presentations were created: “Summer and faces of the Urmara land”, “Sports stars of the Urmara land”, “My small Motherland"about the past and present of the village of Old Urmary.

In the district's libraries, work is underway to improve the quality of book collections, and international norms and standards of information and library services to the population are observed.

Participating in a competition of programs and projects within the framework of the implementation of the federal target program “Youth of Russia” (2001-2005), we won a 3rd degree grant in the Chuvash Republic - 5 thousand rubles, on a Russian scale - 40 thousand rubles, the program is called "Narcostop" The program of this project is carried out on the basis of 3 rural branch libraries - Bolsheyanikovskaya, Shikhabylovskaya, Bishevskaya and is designed for rural students from 13 to 17 years old.

In 2004, work on drafting projects continued. The Department of Culture of the Urmara District Administration sent 6 projects to the competition to the Ministry of Culture, National Affairs, Information Policy and Archival Affairs of the Chuvash Republic.

The main goal of the regional program is the preservation and development of cultural traditions, support of cultural initiatives, formation of high spiritual and moral qualities of the individual, support and development of amateur artistic creativity, study of the culture and history of the native land. Every year, cultural institutions hold a regional amateur art festival “Leisya, Song”. This year it was held as part of the republican festival and was dedicated to the 60th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. The best groups of the Bolshechakinsky, Kudesnersky, Chelkasinsky, Kovalinsky, Shikhabylovsky TsSDK were awarded Certificates of Honor from the festival and a cash prize.

In April, a regional (within the republican) review of propaganda teams “Rejoice, Victorious Spring!” was held. The best propaganda teams from Kudesnersky, Chelkasinsky, Arabosinsky, Shorkistrinsky, Bishevsky cultural centers reached the finals and performed at the Center for Culture and Leisure on May 1.

However, due to the lack of financial resources, not everything planned was achieved. The Arabosinsky and Shorkistrinsky cultural centers are in disrepair. The Kovalinsky House of Culture requires a major overhaul of the heating system.

In her speech, Elena Sergeeva noted that the State Council Committee on Culture, Education, Science and National Policy is currently working to prepare a number of bills on cultural heritage sites (historical and cultural monuments), on education, and others, and also focused on the need to replenish the book library fund in school libraries at the expense of funds contributed by parents, sponsors, etc.; raised issues of strengthening work to educate young people to love Chuvash literature.

At all times, the fruits of civilization reached the village with great delay. The difference in the living, working, and studying conditions of rural and urban residents forced rural youth to leave for the cities. And leaving a village without young people means depriving it of its future. Nowadays, more attention is paid to the development of the rural hinterland. This is not only gas in houses and asphalt on village streets. Most family doctor offices are located in rural areas. Computerization of schools has begun in 6 districts of the republic. Educational and cultural centers are opening. With the implementation of the Decree of the President of the Chechen Republic on the creation of rural model libraries, a completely new information technology comes to readers. The number of model libraries is constantly increasing.

How do the villagers themselves evaluate this innovation? Here are some opinions.

Our Bolsheyanikov Library has transformed beyond recognition. She became the best in the area. European-quality renovation, color TV, stereo system, computers, new books - all this is today's reality.
For rural residents, the opportunity to access the Internet, access to legal literature, rich encyclopedias and dictionaries is a great value, which will help them study and work, and live more interestingly.
T. Petrova. Urmara district.

Our library, connected to the World Wide Web, allows you to use the information resources of the world's largest libraries. Anyone can familiarize themselves with the electronic database "The Rights of Our Children", "My First Library", "Children's Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius". For high school students there is all the information about educational institutions in Chuvashia.
By evening the library is filled with children's laughter. Schoolchildren, having prepared their homework, gather in a cozy corner to find additional educational material, play computer games, and watch cartoons. This is another opportunity for them to usefully spend their free time.
Members of the "Uyut" club, Opytny village, Tsivilsky district.

The opening of the model library was an event for us. Its appearance has completely changed - new furniture, suspended ceiling, snow-white tulle on the windows, flowers on the window sills. You don't want to leave the reading room. At guests' disposal: color TV, VCR, stereo system. You can watch classic videos at any time. literary works. There are films on history and ecology.
The information sector has expanded its capabilities. CDs have arrived on a variety of school subjects, including the Children's Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius.
Here they will help you make photocopies of any legislative documents available in the reading room, scanning text. This allows students to reduce the time for preparing coursework and dissertations.
The model library is also a replenishment of the book stock: there are more reference books, legal literature, textbooks, and encyclopedias. This is a step in modern world, a qualitatively new level of culture.
M. Shefner, teacher of Russian language and literature at Civil Secondary School No. 1.

We, students of the Shemurshinsky secondary school, attend library computer literacy courses "My Friend - the Computer". They were organized thanks to the opening of the first model library in our village. It has published electronic publications on school subjects, interesting, educational encyclopedias that help us in our studies.
Yu. Zaklitsky, P. Ermolaev, S. Silyukov.

I work at a school as a computer science teacher, and have been a reader of the Chelkumaginsk rural library for a long time. I'm glad there have been such big changes in her. She moved from a dilapidated and cramped building to a spacious and bright room. It has modern technical means.
For some, a library is a repository of books, for others it is a place where they can spend their free time interestingly. And for me she is a source of new knowledge.
An attractive computer room is equipped with a rich collection of multimedia publications. I would like to hope that in the near future readers will be able to use Internet services.
It’s a pity that the magnificent set of technical tools does not yet include a photocopier. To make a copy of the document, we now have to travel to Kanash or Shikhazani.
V. Anatolyev, teacher at Srednekibech secondary school, Kanashsky district.

I really like the updated library. There are more new books on the school curriculum and reference books. And I especially like the fact that in the reading room you can study on the computer for free.
D. Petrov, student of Vurnar Secondary School No. 1.

The opening of the Malokarachkinsky rural model library is a great joy for readers of eight surrounding villages. Finally, modern information technologies have come to us. The villagers had the opportunity to broaden their horizons. Schoolchildren learn to work on a computer, and in the evenings women and young people gather in the library to do handicrafts, hold themed evenings, and prepare for concerts. We would like to make the most of modern electronic technology, but, unfortunately, due to the lack of a normal telephone connection, we cannot yet access the Internet.
3. Korochkova, director of the Malokarachkinsky secondary school, Yadrinsky district.

V. Vadimov. Vysotsky “came” to the model library //Soviet Chuvashia. - 2004. - February 5.

He came with his poems, songs, and the video film “Monologue”. For a virtual evening of remembrance. In the rural library of the Napolny Poretsky district, this is quite possible, because it is now a model library, connected to the Internet. And in the district library, also a model, there is an information center. It forms a fund of official documents of authorities at all levels. Databases of legal information, local history, and information about notable people of the region are constantly updated. An electronic bibliographic index “The Pride of the Russian Land” has been released to mark the 140th anniversary of the famous shipbuilder A. Krylov. The electronic file cabinet "Universities of Chuvashia" contains information about all higher and secondary specialized educational institutions. The Internet works. At least one hundred people visit the library every day. The network of model libraries today covers several villages in all regions of Chuvashia.

V. Borisov. The first model library // Banner of Labor. - 2004. - January 31.

“It turns out that wonderful gifts are not only in my bag. The residents of Ivankovo ​​received a real gift before the New Year. Now in their rural library you can not only read books, but also work on the computer. Grace!"

The opening of the first model library took place in the village of Ivankovo-Lenino, Alatyr district. The village residents, the head of the district administration A.I. Blashenkov, the Deputy Minister of Culture and National Affairs of the Chuvash Republic R.M. Lizakova, and the director of the Central Children and Youth Library of the Chuvash Republic T.R. Grigorieva gathered for the celebration on the occasion of this pleasant event. It was noted that in recent years a lot has been done in the region to develop social facilities. New schools are being built and general practitioner's offices are opening. A model library is one of such necessary objects for the village.

Then R.M. Lizakova spoke about the activities of model libraries in our republic. Today there are more than a hundred of them. She also introduced us to the equipment of the model library, which includes a computer, TV, VCR, and stereo system. In conclusion, R.M. Lizakova congratulated the villagers on the solemn event and presented the library with sets of video cassettes and CDs.

In just a few days, the “house of books” of the Adabay educational and cultural center of the Morgaush district was transformed. After renovations carried out in a short time, the third model library in the region opened here (the first two were opened last year in the Sosnovsky educational and cultural complex and the central regional library). The first Internet users came to the owner of the new establishment, Lia Filippova.

Residents of another locality are waiting for modern information technology. On January 29, a model library will open at the Yunginsky Educational and Cultural Center.

It’s good for Yadrinsky bookworms: their central regional library is located in a building that is an architectural monument of the 19th century. There is a special aura in the old mansion, conducive to leisurely reading.

However, only the walls here are old, and the “filling” is quite modern. This year, the library is participating in a computerization program funded by the regional branch of Open Russia. Now readers have access to the Internet.

E. Fedorova. The first model opened // Alatyr News. - 2004. - January 1.

Last year, under the program “Creation of computer libraries in rural areas” through the Ministry of Culture of Russia, 3 computer libraries were opened in our area: in the city of Yadrino, the village of Maloe Karachkino and Laprakasy.

This year, in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Chechen Republic “On the creation of rural model libraries in the Chechen Republic,” on January 29, the first model library was opened in our region in the village of Verkhnie Achaki.

Among the many guests were representatives of the local and district administration, the Ministry of Culture and National Affairs, and the Cheboksary children's and youth library, who presented the library with a computer. Modem, scanner, printer, color TV, video player, set of CDs, videos, new books to provide modern services to the population of the region.

The opening of model libraries in the region is also planned in the villages of Kukshumy and Kildishevo.

This week two more model libraries will appear in the republic. On Saturday, one will open in the Central Library in Kugesy, the other in the village of Batyrevo. In honor of the “birthday” of the new library, Batyrev residents will receive a whole set of modern equipment: computers, modem, printer, scanner, color TV, video recorder. Now, via the Internet, residents of the region will be able to get acquainted with electronic versions Russian magazines, catalogs of the largest libraries in Russia, such as Lenin, Gorky and others. Courses for readers will also begin, where you can learn how to use electronic documents.

In total, 27 modern information centers have already opened in the republic under the presidential program for creating rural model libraries. Next week they will cut the ribbon at the doors of the renovated Komsomolsk regional library. And by the end of the year, computers will be operational in three more rural areas. reading rooms: in Urmary, in the village of Yunga, Morgaushsky district and in the village of Srednie Kibechi, Kanashsky district.

Three model libraries opened yesterday in the Mariinsky Posad district. They appeared in the Shorshel, Elbarus rural libraries and the Marposad central district libraries. The opening ceremony was attended by guests from the Interregional Association of Business Libraries (Moscow), the Ministry of Culture of Chuvashia and the National Library.

Each library has modern computer and office equipment at its disposal: two Pentiums, a copy machine, a printer, a scanner, as well as sets of books and CDs. They prepared thoroughly for their opening: the local administration renovated the premises, updated the furniture, employees completed an internship in Moscow, learned the basics of computer literacy, working with Internet resources and multimedia products. Now rural libraries have become modern information centers, giving local residents the opportunity to significantly expand the boundaries of their understanding of the world.

L. Arzamasova. There are no obstacles for charity // Soviet Chuvashia. - 2003. - November 4.

One after another, rural model libraries are opening in the republic. After the signing of the corresponding decree of the President of Chuvashia N. Fedorov (April of this year), 15 of them were created, by the end of the year there will be 33. And by the end of 2004, 100 such libraries will appear in the regions of the republic.

It is planned to equip 94 model libraries using funds from the republican budget. They offer visitors computers, televisions, audio systems, and the best books. And the “birth” of six more libraries was financed by the regional public organization “Open Russia”, created by the shareholders of the Yukos oil company and a group of individuals to manage existing and new large social projects. These libraries, already fully equipped, are ready to open their doors in the Mariinsky Posad and Yadrinsky districts (three in each), reported the Republican Ministry of Culture and National Affairs.

The chief specialist of the Interregional Association of Business Libraries B. Samokhin (Moscow), whom the SCh journalist contacted by phone, told the background to the creation of model libraries. This project was launched by Open Russia last February, and Chuvashia actively supported it. Today, Open Russia, on the recommendation of the Federal Ministry of Culture and the Association of Business Libraries, has included our republic in its second project, which provides for the creation of computer public libraries in rural areas. The difference between this project and the first is that the emphasis is on the “computer component” - for each library there is a solid set of CDs and specialized literature, which, of course, is not cheap. By the way, the second project covers 24 libraries in Russian regions, including our neighbors in Mordovia and the Nizhny Novgorod region.

Employees of all new libraries from Chuvashia, again with funds from Open Russia, studied the basics of computer literacy in Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Ulyanovsk and Samara. And in mid-November, specialists from the six mentioned libraries must repeat everything they have learned with a Moscow teacher coming to Cheboksary, after which these modern libraries will officially open. Will plans change in connection with certain events around YUKOS? “Open Russia will preserve its charitable activities at all costs,” the Interregional Association of Business Libraries assured.

Director of the Central Library A. Fedorova, giving a tour of the halls of the updated “rejuvenated” library, spoke about the history, its education and development, book collection, employees, activities, successes and the creation of a model library.

Recently, within the framework of the project “Creation of computer public libraries in rural areas”, carried out by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the interregional Association of Business Libraries and financed by the Regional Public Organization “Open Russia”, the library information center received 2 new computers with all components, a photocopier, 102 newest publications on computer technology and program, 137 CDs of not only educational, but also cognitive nature. Here there is an information block (traditional book collection), a bibliographic database in both traditional (card index) and in electronic format.

All information that is presented to users is systematized and archived, collected in folders “Famous people of the region”, “Economy of the region”, “Ecology of Chuvashia”, “Social problems of the region”, “Legal issues”, etc. Also, library employees noted an increase the number of visitors has increased several times with the opening of an information and legal center here.

The guests were pleasantly impressed by their visit to the local history department of the library, where more than 2,000 copies of books and magazines about the Chuvash Republic, Yadrina and the Yadrinsky region are collected. According to the leading bibliographer of the department, E. Stolyarova, book exhibitions are constantly held here. On that day, 2 exhibitions were presented to the distinguished guests: “The Prisursky Land”, dedicated to Yadrin and the Yadrinsky district and “Anniversaries of our region”. The latter was dedicated merchants and patrons of the XIX century century to the Talantsev brothers, the youngest of whom (Zinovy) turned 135 years old this year. Press dossiers based on materials from periodicals and local history folders “Enterprises of the Yadrinsky district”, “Architectural monuments of the city and region”, “People of art, literary figures - natives of the Yadrinsky district”, “Ecology of the region”, etc. were also presented. About 1000 books donated to the central regional library by local historian and our fellow countryman L. Izorkin also found a home here.

“Not all regional centers and cities have such exemplary libraries,” was the general opinion of the guests.

G. Matveeva. Stop walking around in the library as “Cinderellas” //Soviet Chuvashia. - 2003. - September 23.

After the 1998 default, cultural institutions for the republic’s budget became, figuratively speaking, like a suitcase without a handle. It’s a shame to throw it away, it’s hard to carry it. By the way, for many regions of the country, cultural institutions also turned out to be an unbearable burden. As a result, in Russia there are only 35 libraries left for every 100 thousand people (in Chuvashia - 52), and the difference in clubs is even greater: 38 and 74. As we see, despite the difficulties, Chuvashia managed to preserve cultural centers and library clubs.

But numbers mean little if these institutions do not meet modern requirements. The time has come to get serious about restructuring them. At this stage, it is already possible to carve out both strength and funds for this important matter. On the initiative of the President of the Republic, the first priority was to improve libraries. In 2001-2002, a real breakthrough was made in their computerization. Now all republican, central, district, children's and city libraries have automated workstations. This allowed Chuvashia to be one of the first in Russia to create a network of legal information centers.

In April of this year, N. Fedorov signed a decree on the creation of 100 model rural libraries. The Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation assessed this decree as the most significant and noticeable event in the country's library industry. Why did you start with rural libraries? Yes, because 87 percent of them are located in rural areas. And also because rural residents have unequal access to information as urban residents.

The Minister of Culture and Nationalities Affairs of the Chechen Republic, R. Denisova, spoke at a press conference at the Press House about how the above-mentioned decree is being implemented. Ten model libraries are already working. Their advantages; each has at least 4-5 computers, a scanner, a color TV, a VCR, a stereo system…. And this is access to legal, technical, encyclopedic and other information, the opportunity to visit any museums and exhibitions in the country and the world using the Internet. The prestige of the librarian profession began to grow before our eyes. In the universities of the republic, the competition for “Library Science” has increased 2.5 times. For a rural library, becoming a model is like turning from poor Cinderella into a princess. Only this transformation does not happen as quickly as in a fairy tale. The program is designed for several years. By the end of the year, another 23 libraries will open one after another. 67 needs to be updated next year. In 2005-2006, 250 libraries will be modernized. Over time, model libraries and their branches will serve the entire population of the republic.

The industry currently has 382 computers, and their number is constantly increasing. The main thing is that they do not remain idle. Every librarian must be fluent in computer skills and not only use ready-made programs, but also create his own database. Certification for computer knowledge has already been introduced. Those who do not want or cannot learn to use it will have to look for another job.

Chuvashia is the first to create a program for restructuring cultural institutions in rural areas. I already have some experience. Educational and cultural centers have appeared in some areas. For 2004, 210 rubles 20 kopecks are allocated for each rural consumer of cultural services. In conditions of such unification, it is unprofitable to maintain and develop institutions scattered throughout small villages. We will have to get rid of old, dilapidated clubs and libraries.

Of course, the villagers will have mixed reactions to the innovations. Obviously there will be collective letters asking them to save their little old club. Remember what messages were sent to authorities when reforms in schools began (“remove the school, the village will die”), but these fears subsided with the advent of school buses. Such passions will apparently have to be experienced again. Let's hope that they will subside with the advent of educational and cultural centers (the names can be very different), bibliobuses and car clubs, which will arrive on schedule even in the smallest and most remote settlements.

Without the development of culture, it is impossible to “pull” the village out of its current state. Russian government adopted the target program " Social development sat down." The same project with a target date of 2010 has been adopted in our republic. A more detailed program aimed at improving the culture of the village is also being developed.

By the way, today a large meeting on the problems of rural development opens in Cheboksary. The routes of its participants also include visits to cultural institutions in many areas. Of course, there will be different opinions, discussions, interesting proposals. We will definitely tell our readers about this.

At the service of the population is a model library //Forward (Sumerlinsky district). - 2003. - September 18.

In pursuance of the Decree of the President of the Chechen Republic “On the creation of rural model libraries in the Chuvash Republic,” model libraries were opened last Saturday in Tuvany and on the basis of the Central District Library in the city. The Central District, Tuvan and Yumanai libraries participated in the project competition announced by the Ministry of Culture and National Affairs of the Chechen Republic, and received appropriate support from the organization.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Chechen Republic, Minister of Industry and Transport of Chuvashia Yu.P. took part in the events on the occasion of the opening of model libraries. Voloshin, Deputy Minister of Culture and National Affairs of the Chechen Republic P.M. Lizakova, head of the district administration V.A. Murashkin, guests from many libraries of the republic. Director of the Shumerlinsky District Library Z.V. Karpova spoke about the work of the library system in the district, noted that its readers are not only residents of the district, but also the majority of townspeople, looking for new books and necessary information Residents of neighboring areas and the Nizhny Novgorod region are contacting us.

The premises of the district library were renovated and new furniture was installed. The model library is equipped with a basic set of computers; new reference literature and the best books from domestic publishing are displayed on the shelves; here you can use electronic publications and the Internet.

The library maintains contacts with the Moscow mayor's office - more than 2 thousand copies of books have been received from the capital. We received gifts from the President of the Chechen Republic NV. Fedorov - 1 thousand copies of books, a TV, a VCR and a stereo system. Assistance in organizing model libraries was provided by enterprises and organizations of the city and region, the Pavel Semyonov Center for Social Programs, and readers. At the celebration of City Day, the head of the administration V.M. Sadyrga welcomed the opening of a model library on the basis of the Central District Library, because this is a great benefit for the townspeople. He presented the head of the district administration V.A. Murashkin donated a set of literature to the district library.

Model library opened // Postal Express. - 2003. - September 17-23. - (527), No. 38.

The implementation of the Decree of the President of the Chechen Republic N.V. is in full swing. Fedorov “On the creation of rural model libraries in the Chuvash Republic.” September 12 in the village. Krasnye Chetai opened the first model library in the area, and in total, 5 more model libraries will be opened here in the next two years. For this significant event, the district administration renovated the premises and provided a library necessary equipment and new furniture.

The Ministry of Culture of Chuvashia provided modern technical means and information resources. The library received sets of licensed videotapes and CDs with educational programs and electronic encyclopedias. A color TV, VCR, stereo, and computers are installed here. Thanks to an Internet connection, readers will be able to use the resources of the largest libraries and news agencies Russia, Europe, America. In addition, the book stock has increased by a thousand new books.

S. Matveev. Kozlovka gets its “second wind” //Soviet Chuvashia. - 2003. - September 2.

“Everything here seems to be according to world standards,” said N. Fedorov, having familiarized himself with the Kozlovsky central regional library, which has received model status. Its director M. Soldatikhina - a seeking, promising leader - set the goal of bringing her institution closer to the Moscow level. To a large extent this was successful. Now there will be even more visitors here. After all, they have at their service the most modern audio, video and computer equipment, Internet and satellite communications. For any Kozlovka schoolchild who knows how to use a personal computer; It won’t be difficult to walk around in virtual reality, for example, around the Louvre or read books from the Library of the US Congress. In addition, the renovated library building became much more comfortable - it was connected to gas heating. Nikolai Vasilyevich came to the librarians, of course, with gifts: he gave them documentation for new computers, a TV, a video player, and handed over sets of books, audio, video cassettes and CDs.

Having received a charge of cheerfulness and positive emotions from what he saw, N. Fedorov shared his impressions with journalists. Recently he had to travel through rural areas of the Kirov, Nizhny Novgorod, Ivanovo, Kostroma and Vladimir regions. And everywhere he saw a sad picture of dying villages. “Thank God, in Chuvashia we managed to overcome these destructive processes,” said the head of the republic. “In difficult conditions, we managed to preserve the Chuvash village.”

G. Matveeva. ...And a satellite “dish” on the school roof //Soviet Chuvashia.-2003. - August, 26th.

Education should not take place in isolation from education, physical and spiritual development. After much searching and experimentation, all these links are finally connected into one complex. The first educational and cultural centers in the republic appeared in the Morgaushsky district.

The opening of the next educational and cultural center in the village of Vaskino was attended by the Minister of Education of the Russian Federation V. Filippov. Vaskino is an ordinary outback. Only the people here are unusual. Judge for yourself. Two Heroes emerged from the local secondary school Soviet Union: Grigory Alekseev and Yakov Anisimov. The school, named after its fellow countryman, the first Chuvash professor N. Nikolsky, is proud of many of its graduates. Among them, for example, is the Olympic champion, Honored Master of Sports of Russia Valentina Egorova.

The two-story educational and cultural center, equipped with modern equipment, has everything necessary for the comprehensive development of children. Bright classrooms, a state-of-the-art library with a reading room, a choreography room, a museum, a large club. The complex will also include a gym.

Vladimir Mikhailovich examined the classrooms and N. Nikolsky’s museum with interest. He was especially interested in the model library. He interrupted the story of the Minister of Culture and National Affairs of the Republic O. Denisova about the presidential program for computerizing rural libraries with questions. He was interested in the basic principles of the model library, training of workers, and rates. When asked whether the teachers themselves know computers, Olga Grigorievna answered that a lot of work has been done in the republic to master computer technology. - The President of the Republic N. Fedorov, before the grand opening of the center, pleased those gathered with the message that the school was being given 4 modern computers and equipment for a model library worth 150 thousand rubles. And V. Filippov, to help the educational and cultural center, promised to install a satellite “dish” on the school building for Internet access. Having familiarized himself in detail with the work of the new level library, Vladimir Mikhailovich was convinced that children of the Chuvash outback have the opportunity to virtually visit the Hermitage, the Louvre Museum in Paris, and the Lenin Library in Moscow.

The educational and cultural center is also valuable because these state-of-the-art computers are available to all residents. There will be a separate entrance to the library for villagers. Everyone can come and look at any legislative act, presidential decrees, government regulations, they can write a letter and send it by email, scan the necessary documents, request the necessary literature. Visitors have access to a TV, video player, audio center, and books. Here you can conduct lessons and various events. The library will also be open in the evening.

V. Filippov, N. Fedorov, Ministers of Education and Culture of the Chechen Republic G. Chernova, O. Denisova met with local residents and teachers of the region in the assembly hall of the complex. N. Fedorov emphasized that thanks to information technology, rural children have the opportunity to become competitive with their peers from big cities. By passing the Unified State Exam, they will be able to enter any university in the country and “storm” several educational institutions at once.

The availability of culture and information from all over the world creates conditions for the comprehensive development of children. I am sincerely happy for you, because I am from the village myself. The main thing now is not to be lazy, but to strive for knowledge. Under such conditions, everything else depends on you,” said Nikolai Vasilyevich, addressing the children.

The Federal Minister noted that only 10 percent of schools in Russia, including those in Moscow, have such a modern library; But in other schools, even in big cities, there are no model libraries yet. The Sosnovskaya school received this gift thanks to the policy implemented by President N. Fedorov. The minister's words about the supply of sports equipment to the school in the coming months were greeted with applause. Vladimir Mikhailovich turned to the head of the district, V. Vyazov, with a request: “Let’s find some money and pay extra for the physical education teacher and coach so that the gym does not close early, but is open until 10 p.m. Then children will spend their free time not on the street, but in the gym.”

The first educational and cultural centers, model libraries... These terms, inspired by modern times, are still unclear to many parents. But their children and grandchildren will have to live and work in the age of information technology. It's not easy to make a computer breakthrough. But this must be done if we want to keep up with the times.

F. Simakova. Model library - what is it? //Banner of Labor (Kozlovsky district). - 2003. - August 26.

Lately, we keep hearing about the opening of model libraries that will soon appear in our area. I would like to know more specifically about these cultural institutions. For clarification, we turned to the director of the centralized library system, M. Soldatikhina.

The word “model” itself speaks for itself: model, that is, the best, exemplary, a library that will serve as a model for other libraries. By decree of the President of the Chechen Republic N. Fedorov, 2 such libraries were created in our region in 2003 and will be opened on August 30: the central district library and the Tyurleminsky rural library. The model library implies the preservation of the traditional functions of the library and the introduction of new information technologies, which, first of all, will manifest themselves in automation and computerization.

Marina Sergeevna, what new will users of your library be able to get with the organization of a model library?

First of all, it is free access to Russian and foreign intellectual resources on any media, which, naturally, will contribute to the information security of the rural population. The main goal of organizing a model library is precisely to qualitatively improve the level of service to our users.

- So, when we come to the library, we can get information contained in any other library?

Naturally, the model library will have access to the Internet. thanks to which our users will be able to use electronic delivery documents, that is, without leaving our library, obtain information from the National Library of the Czech Republic and other libraries in Russia and even the world.

- What kind of facilities does the library itself have?

Today we can offer our users legal databases “Consultant Plus” and “FAPSI”, that is, any law, resolution, order, instruction, even if it is from 1934, but is in force, can be obtained in our library.

- ...and anyone can come and use the library, even from other villages? And will it be paid?

In general, the library today remains the only information center available to every resident of the region, and it is available free of charge.

- What new information technologies are used in the library?

New information technologies are one of the most important and priority areas in the library. Since 2002, our library has 3 computers, and we are expecting 2 more computers in the near future. One of the library's tasks is to create an electronic catalogue, and a catalogue, which our readers could use independently.

For many, this technology is still new and therefore unfamiliar. Will the library provide training on how to use the catalogue?

The task of librarians is to train readers to work with the electronic catalog and other databases. This is a very important point, since half of our users are students and future students who, while studying at universities and technical schools, will have to work in large libraries, and electronic catalogs have long been created in them. Our librarians will also teach users how to use the Internet.

- The library is organizing an electronic “Bank of Legal Acts of the Kozlovsky District.” What it is?

Since 2000, the library has been organizing collections; storage and provision for use of official documents of the local administration to the population, that is, a resident of the district can obtain in the library a resolution, an order of the head of the district administration, a decision of the Meetings of Deputies, a district program, etc. This is also one of the new directions in the activities of our libraries. By the way, rural libraries also receive similar documents from rural administrations.

- According to the Presidential Decree, equipment will be allocated. How are you planning to use it?

The other day we were already supplied with a TV, VCR, stereo system, computer, books, that is, the deliveries have already been made. The library already has films on various topics, for example, to help educational program: “Eugene Onegin”, “War and Peace” and others; films such as "Girls", "Height" and others. In November it is planned to hold a film festival of forgotten films “Kalina Krasnaya”. From September, the “Choose Life” advisory center will resume its work at the library, where films aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle will also be shown. In addition, the library has CDs: “Walk through the Hermitage”, “Big Soviet encyclopedia", "Literature at school" and others.

- Speaking about new technologies, we lose sight of the fact that a library is, first of all, books...

Yes, of course, we pay close attention to the acquisition of book collections. Just the other day, ten sets of books were received for the “Rural Library” project, which amounts to more than two thousand copies.

We invite all residents of the area to our model library, where we can offer you the most modern information services. And at the end of our conversation, I would like to quote the words of the Yugoslav writer Ivo Andric: “Where there is respect for the book and awareness of the need for libraries, sooner or later their correct use will develop and sooner or later the beneficial fruits of this use will appear.”

  1. List of textbooks

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  2. Textbook of the new century pedagogy

    List of textbooks

    The purpose of each of them in modern socioculturalsituations. 6. What is the result of education? ... education; staging developments in society newsocioculturalsituations in the content of education and upbringing of the younger generation...

  3. Systemic movement and prospects for the development of systemic-structural methodology I “Systemic movement” as a moment in the modern sociocultural situation


    Look for some for yourself newsociocultural organization. And then often their views... . The main “tensions” of modern socioculturalsituations and system movement 1. Characteristics socioculturalsituations will be very necessary...



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The competition is held within the framework of the Federal Target Program “Culture of Russia 2006-2011.”

  1. Competition goals:
    • Identification of new directions for the work of model rural libraries as centers of local development;
    • Promoting the formation of a modern model of a rural library;
    • Summarizing the results of the most effective projects on library and information services for the rural population;
    • Development of social partnership and professional ties between organizations interested in new forms of work with socially disadvantaged segments of the population;
    • Attracting public attention to the problems of rural libraries
  2. Conditions of the competition
    1. Central libraries of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation that provide methodological assistance to rural libraries in the region, settlement and inter-settlement libraries located in rural areas, library associations and societies registered in accordance with current legislation are invited to participate in the competition.
    2. Rural libraries that currently do not have the status of a model library, but are implementing projects aimed at providing wide access to socially significant information to various target groups of the population living in rural areas, can take part in the competition;
    3. Applications containing a description of implemented or accepted for implementation cultural and social projects aimed at providing new forms of information and library services taking into account the needs and interests of the local community are accepted for consideration;
    4. Applications from unregistered and commercial organizations, temporary creative groups and individuals are not accepted; for projects related to political and religious propaganda.
  3. Conditions for completing and submitting an application
    1. The application and project description are submitted to the competition in 2 copies. You are encouraged to provide a copy of the application in electronic form on a CD.
    2. The title page of the application shall indicate:

      Information about the organization submitting the application: full name, postal address with index, telephone (with code), fax (with code), email address, last name, first name, patronymic (in full) of the head of the organization,

      Project information: project name; last name, first name, patronymic (in full) of the project manager, phone number (with code), email address.

    3. The application must contain general information about the library, a description of its activities as a model library, information about locality where the library is located, the size and composition of the population, cultural and educational institutions, enterprises, attractions, etc. (no more than 2 pages)
    4. The main description of the project should not exceed 5-7 pages, font 14, the volume of applications (photos, presentations, media publications, etc.) is not limited. The project description must indicate the goals and objectives of the project, target groups, partner organizations, content of activities, implementation stages, total project budget, sources of financing, results and evaluation of the effectiveness of the project.
    5. Materials sent by fax or email will not be considered.
    6. Materials submitted to the Competition will not be returned or reviewed.
  4. Dates of the Competition
    1. Materials for the competition will be accepted until October 1, 2009.
    2. Materials received by mail after October 1, 2009 will not be considered.
    3. Materials should be sent to the address: 107078. Moscow, B. Kozlovsky lane, 13/17. Non-profit foundation "Pushkin Library" with a note on the envelope: "On All-Russian competition"Model rural library - the center of the local community."
  5. Review of works and summing up the results of the Competition.
    1. The works are reviewed by members of the jury.
    2. Projects that:
      • Implemented in partnership with other organizations;
      • Implemented by order and with the financial support of local authorities;
      • Take into account the needs of the local community and are aimed at its development;
      • Use the cultural and economic resources of the territory;
      • Addressed to various target groups of the population: disabled people, unemployed, specialists, etc.
    3. The results of the competition will be published on October 20, 2009. on sites:

      Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation

      Non-profit foundation "Pushkin Library"

    4. The award ceremony for the winners of the competition will take place in Bryansk as part of the All-Russian Congress of Rural Libraries. The winners of the competition will be given the opportunity to present their projects at the All-Russian Congress of Rural Libraries. Travel expenses associated with the participation of the competition winners in the work of the Congress are covered by the Organizing Committee of the Competition.
  6. Organizing Committee and Jury of the Competition.
    1. Organizational support of the competition is provided by the Pushkin Library Foundation;

      Address: 107078 Moscow, B. Kozlovsky, 13/17, building 1

    2. The composition of the competition jury is approved by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation;
    3. The competition jury is a representative and public body designed to ensure authority, status and trust in the competition. The decision of the jury is final and cannot be changed

In recent years, a new concept has appeared in library practice - a model library, which is understood as a library that meets the norms and requirements of the “Model Standard for Public Library Operations”.

The model standard covers almost all the main aspects of library work:

  • - placement of libraries and organization of library networks;
  • - resource provision (funds and equipment, premises, personnel, financing).

The concept of “model library” has a broad meaning. First of all, this is the desire to approach and comply with the international model standard of public library activities. All work, information resources, and technology are being restructured. New functions are being developed in the model library: automated information processing, provision of resources to users on electronic media.

Rural residents now have access to catalogs from leading libraries and resources from information centers in Russia, Europe, and America. Everyone can view any legislative act, presidential decrees, government resolutions, heads of district and rural administrations. Those interested will be taught how to search for information on the Internet and databases, work with electronic encyclopedias and reference books, use e-mail, and scan necessary documents.

As a result, each of the model libraries gets the opportunity to work as a multifunctional cultural institution that provides new forms of information services - as a center for municipal and legal information, a center for education and self-education, social and everyday information, and a cultural and leisure center.

Conditions for opening a model rural library:

The number of readers in the village is at least 500 people. Availability of existing agricultural and processing production. The presence of a developed infrastructure of a secondary school, post office, kindergarten, etc., a good road.

The library must have a good premises of at least 70 - 100 sq. m. m, separate telephone, book stock of at least 6 - 10 thousand copies. The necessary physical components of the building (premises) of a model rural library should be:

  • - attractive interior and exterior design;
  • - maintaining during operation a condition that complies with established standards (lighting, temperature regime, fire safety, security);
  • - provision various fields library activities (receipt and movement of documents, access to the library, routes of movement of users and staff).

Support is needed from both village residents and the head of the rural population.

So, a model library is a library that has an optimal standard set of material and information resources, which is the necessary minimum for providing high-quality library and information services to the population. It is created with the aim of providing residents of municipalities with unlimited access to information and qualitatively improving the level of library services to the population.

the main objective creating model libraries - to change the quality of life of rural residents, develop new intellectual needs in them by providing high-quality information and legal services and thus contribute to the adaptation of rural residents to modern living conditions, and help them occupy their niche in the labor market.

Without exaggeration, it can be noted that this is a serious social program to combat poverty, protect people with limited opportunities for acquiring knowledge, and enter new labor markets, including intellectual ones.

Thus, a model library is a multifunctional information, cultural and educational center that meets the norms and requirements of the Model Public Library Standard adopted by the Russian Library Association. In essence, a model library is a standard of activity for other libraries. Its goal is to qualitatively increase the level of information security of all segments of the population, providing residents with equal access to knowledge, information, and global intellectual resources.

Practice shows that today a rural library is often the population’s only window into the global information space. The presence of Internet access in the library adds to the real resources of the library many times larger global information resources and creates conditions for expanding and facilitating interpersonal and professional communication.

The transformation of existing libraries in Russia into modern (in the full sense of the word) libraries is not only, and perhaps not so much an organizational, as an investment project.

Considering the library as a system consisting of 4 main elements: material and technical base, information resources, personnel, users, we will analyze the impact of the project on these components of the library.

At the first stage, it radically changes the material and technical base. The most obvious thing, noticeable to the population and the authorities, is the appearance of computer equipment in the library. The presence of modern technology requires the modernization of the library space: the acquisition of new furniture, repairs, and the creation of conditions for the safety of the received equipment. The interior of the library is being transformed, and the library grounds are being landscaped.

Thus, the transformation of the material and technical base as the most visible part of the library for the population and authorities is an important and most noticeable result.

The project transforms the funds. In conditions when 70% of library collections consist of outdated publications (and therefore do not meet the needs of users), the receipt by the library of books on current topics, videos, audio cassettes, CD-ROMs attracts to the library those readers who have not been found in recent years in libraries necessary literature, and new users. In each model library, the number of users increased by 30-40% during the year. The circulation of books, cassettes, and disks received under the project is 5.6 times.

Technical and resource support becomes the basis for changing the quality of library services and, ultimately, changes the very concept of library services. The library, having such opportunities, becomes attractive, necessary not only for readers, but also for the entire population.

Having qualitatively transformed its services and expanded their range, the library is becoming in demand by agribusiness specialists, municipal employees, teachers, part-time students, farmers, and private entrepreneurs.

In addition, the library becomes useful for solving many social and everyday problems (issues), and therefore the circle of its users has expanded to include non-reading groups of the population.

So, the model library becomes a center of legal, social and everyday information, a center of information support for authorities, and specialists in the agro-industrial complex.

The main principles that determine the content of the activities of a model rural library are:

  • - providing all citizens with equal access to information;
  • - availability of various types of services;
  • - ensuring freedom of reading;
  • - provision of library documents and information to all categories of the population in accordance with their needs;
  • - access to knowledge and information in close proximity to the place of residence.

Modernization of a rural library provides for the following conditions:

  • - organization of a modern comfortable environment (major renovation of the premises);
  • - improvement of the adjacent territory;
  • - updating the main core of the book collection, based on the standards of the “Model Standard for Public Library Operations”;
  • - current acquisition of the fund on all types of media;
  • - subscription to periodicals;
  • - automation of library processes;
  • - access to information resources of the Internet and regional libraries;
  • - training staff in practical skills in using new technologies in library and information services to users.

The creation of model libraries in the Russian Federation began with the implementation of the all-Russian project “Creation of model public libraries in rural areas” by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Interregional Association of Business Libraries and the public organization “Open Russia”.

The high efficiency of the project was largely determined by the active participation of local and regional authorities. They carried out the renovation of library premises, equipped them with additional library equipment and furniture, ensured the safety of installed computer equipment and other equipment and information resources from theft and exposure to adverse weather, climatic and man-made factors.

The participation of local authorities in the project work was initiated in the process of active actions of the library department of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, undertaken during trips to the regions covered by the project work, speeches at conferences and meetings, individual work with representatives of local administration and heads of regional cultural departments.

It is extremely important that the process of modernizing rural libraries caused a very strong response from the local business community, which took an active part in the work necessary for the successful functioning of the updated rural libraries.

So, for the effective implementation of this project, the participation of regional and local authorities is necessary. It is they who are entrusted with such tasks as repairing library premises, equipping them with library equipment and furniture, ensuring the safety of installed computer equipment, other equipment and information resources.

The implementation of the project “Creation of model public libraries in rural areas” became a catalyst for modernization processes in rural libraries in many regions of the Russian Federation.

The leading role in the implementation of the project was played by those regions that over the past ten years have not only supported and developed initiatives aimed at preserving and supporting rural libraries, but have independently developed and implemented regional programs for their modernization. The most striking example is the program for creating model rural libraries in the Chuvash Republic.

In 2003, the President of the Republic signed the Decree “On the creation of rural model libraries in the Chuvash Republic.” In this document, the Cabinet of Ministers of the Chuvash Republic was to ensure “the opening during 2003 - 2004. 100 rural model libraries equipped with a basic set of computer equipment, reference and legal systems, electronic publications, and the best books from domestic publishing; connecting rural model libraries to the republican telecommunications network.” When forming the republican budget of the Chuvash Republic for 2004, it was planned to allocate funds for the creation and opening of rural model libraries as part of co-financing for the pilot project “Creation of computer public libraries in rural areas.” And the self-government bodies of the regions of the Chuvash Republic were recommended to “create the necessary conditions for opening rural model libraries, ensure repairs and reconstruction of buildings and premises, purchase furniture, telephone installation and safety of equipment; organize computer technology training for cultural workers.”

In a speech at a meeting of the Council at the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of Russia in the Volga Federal District, President of Chuvashia N.V. Fedorov said: “Exclusively at the expense of the republican budget, we have launched a, in a sense, unprecedented action to create a network of model libraries - 500 modern and equipped instead of 500 yesterday wretched and sad. That was our goal."

The experience of the Chuvash Republic was highly appreciated by the President of the Russian Federation D. A. Medvedev and suggested using it to other regions. Thus, at a meeting with the President of the Chuvash Republic D. A. Medvedev noted that spiritual life has always “concentrated around libraries,” where “there must be a digital component, access to the global network and a normal selection of books so that people do not lose reading skills.” In this regard, in his opinion, “the model libraries of Chuvashia seem to be correct in their structure,” and “this experience could be used in other regions.”

The project to create model libraries within the framework of the Federal Target Program “Culture of Russia (2006 - 2010)” was implemented in the Udmurt Republic. Based on the results of consideration of applications for participation in the “Model Rural Libraries” project, it was decided to open two model rural libraries in Udmurtia in 2009 in the Malopurginsky (Bobya-Ucha village) and Zavyalovsky (Podshivalovo village) districts.

In November 2009, the All-Russian Congress of Rural Libraries took place in Bryansk. Its organizers were the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Pushkin Library Foundation, the Administration of the Bryansk Region, the Bryansk Regional Scientific Universal Library. F. M. Tyutcheva. Representatives of rural libraries from 42 regions of the Russian Federation, Ukraine and Belarus took part in the congress.

At the congress, the interim results of the “Model Rural Libraries” project were summed up. The leaders (regions with model rural libraries) are the Chuvash Republic (all five hundred rural libraries are model), Belgorod region (116 model libraries), Kursk region (41), Stavropol region (31), Tambov region (28).

Within the framework of the federal target program “Culture of Russia 2006 - 2010.” in 2006 Chelyabinsk region with co-financing of the Pushkin Library Foundation and regional budgets, the first 5 model rural libraries were opened (the first in the Urals Federal District - the Selezyanskaya model Pavlenkovskaya library of the Etkul municipal district). The following libraries were opened with co-financing from the regional and district budgets. Today, 38 model libraries have been opened in the Chelyabinsk region (in Russia there are only 184 in 40 regions) (Appendix 1). The project, unfortunately, could not be fully implemented. By 2010, 52 model libraries were to be opened.

It would be very correct to resume the project to open model libraries. Work in this direction does not stop: using municipal funds, model libraries are being prepared for opening in Troitsky MR (N.-Sanarskaya), Sosnovsky MR (Mirnenskaya and Kremenkulskaya), V.-Uralsky MR (Mezhozernaya).

Project "Model city ​​Library» is being implemented in the city of Zlatoust. In the Association of Magnitogorsk City Libraries, out of 12 libraries, 5 have the status of “standard library”.

Thus, the concept of “model library” has a broad meaning. First of all, this is the desire to approach and comply with the international model standard of public library activities. All work, information resources, and technology are being restructured. New functions are being developed in the model library: automated information processing, providing users with resources on electronic media.

Rural residents now have access to catalogs from leading libraries and resources from information centers in Russia, Europe, and America. Everyone can view any legislative act, presidential decrees, government resolutions, heads of district and rural administrations.

As a result, each of the model libraries will have the opportunity to work as a multifunctional cultural institution providing new forms of information services - as a center for municipal and legal information, a center for education and self-education, social and everyday information, and a cultural and leisure center.

So, a model library is organized with the aim of creating conditions for fulfilling the information, cultural and leisure needs of the population of the serviced settlement, ensuring free, prompt and most complete access to information by modernizing resource provision and library activities.

The main objectives of the model rural library are:

  • - organization of library services to the population based on the use of the latest information technologies, providing users with access to corporate and global information networks, serving users in local and remote access modes.
  • - preservation, systematization and replenishment of funds;
  • - studying the needs of users in order to ensure the rights of the population to be introduced to the values ​​of culture and science;
  • - widespread promotion of reading as a factor contributing to the formation of a comprehensively developed personality, nurturing a culture of reading;
  • - organization of meaningful leisure for users;
  • - implementation of social-preventive, social-rehabilitation and other social tasks.

From the first days of the creation of model rural libraries, an important feature is the choice of the main area of ​​activity and the specialization of each library. Today, among them there are specialized local history, environmental, information and educational centers, library-museums, youth and children's libraries, centers for supporting small businesses and local governments, family reading, etc. Thus, the Usen-Ivanovskaya model library of the Belebeevsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan is an information center for creative heritage Marina Tsvetaeva. The main goal of the center is to create an optimal model of informing and educating village residents, guests of Tsvetaevsky holidays, tourists on issues of local history, local government, ecology, literature and culture. The Yanaul model rural library of the Belebeevsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan positions itself as an information, cultural and aesthetic center. It houses the only doll museum in the republic.

The model rural library of the Krasnoyarsk district of the Astrakhan region was the first in the region, ahead of reader demand, to create a system of environmental education, and became the authors of the first regional program “Environmental Education and Library”.

The fact that the model rural library is the main information center of the village is indisputable. With the acquisition of a set of technical equipment - computers and copying equipment - the services of rural libraries have expanded. Searching for information needed by villagers in electronic reference and search systems is much faster and the fulfillment of requests is more complete. Thus, the presence in the model library of a reference and legal system such as “Consultant Plus” allows you to quickly find the document the user needs using various parameters and receive an electronic copy of it or print it (or a fragment of it) for further use. For example, since 2002, at the Model rural library. Shchelyayur, Izhemsky district of the Komi Republic, operates a Legal Information Center that provides legal information to the entire population. With the help of the reference and search system “Consultant Plus”, the Center holds information days “CPI in the library: goals, opportunities, prospects”, “All about pensions, benefits, benefits”, question and answer evenings “Protect yourself”, a series of conversations and reviews on local radio “New Legal Literature”, etc. .

The population should gradually understand that the library contains or is capable of searching for information on any request relating to the life of village residents: work, study, everyday life, leisure, etc. The librarian will find information from various sources, documents of all types and types, databases and data banks.

The library can provide invaluable information assistance to workers in all fields: education, business, agriculture, etc.

Teachers will receive information in the library to help teach various educational subjects, farm managers will receive information to help them sell agricultural products, purchase agricultural machinery and equipment, seeds and new breeds of farm animals.

The presence of an Internet connection in the model rural library will be of great help in this. A farm manager who has profitably sold the products of his enterprise in capital markets with the help of information provided to him by a rural librarian will undoubtedly support the model library and help it financially or in other ways.

Employees of local government bodies are the category of users on whom the activities of the library often depend. Librarians must be able to work with representatives of local governments, identify their information needs and quickly and fully satisfy their requests.

The library can become an intermediary between local governments and the population: broadcast decisions of local governments to village residents, as well as collect and transmit orders and wishes from village residents to local governments.

There are many forms and methods of work of model rural libraries in this direction:

  • - creation of information centers and information corners in the library; design of special stands on which information on the life of the village is placed (gasification, utility bills, taxes, decisions of local governments, ...),
  • - organizing meetings between representatives of local government bodies and village residents, etc.

The range of forms and methods of information work is diverse. With the use of technical means, it expands significantly, since the library can use not only its own information resources, but also the resources of other libraries and information centers and systems. For example, in the model rural library of the Cheboksary region of the Republic of Chuvashia, information stands “Local authorities day by day” are being created. The library works with representatives of local governments, identifies their information needs and promptly satisfies their requests: Resolutions adopted by local governments are collected in folders: Healthcare. Ecology; Military service. Civil defense; Transport; Agriculture; Land affairs; Construction; Improvement. housing and communal services; Education; Culture, etc. The library strives to satisfy all the information needs of its users, as well as to transform the library into a center for reading and information, to develop the world information space via the Internet, as well as to provide additional services based on computer technology

Electronic document delivery (EDD) for public library readers in rural areas should be the same reality as for readers of capital libraries. For a rural library, EDD is often the only way to deliver the document a reader needs from a federal library. If residents of the capital can obtain the necessary documents directly from libraries, then for a rural resident a trip to Moscow is a problem. And EDD is quick and relatively simple. To do this, you must have access to the Internet and the ability to receive the document via the library’s email address.

For schoolchildren, the library is no less important than school. In the library you can prepare for classes by getting full information for writing abstracts, essays, reports, etc.

The library can provide information for future applicants and help in choosing educational institution, provide a “tutor” (on CD-ROM) for exam preparation.

Thus, in the work of a model library there is an optimal standard set of material and information resources, which is the necessary minimum for providing high-quality library and information services to the population.

The basic principles that determine the content of the model library’s activities are:

  • - Providing all citizens with equal access to information.
  • - Availability of various types of services.
  • - Ensuring the protection of freedom of reading and information.
  • - Providing library documents and information to all categories of the population in accordance with their needs.
  • - Access to knowledge and information in close proximity to the place of residence.
  • - Free service.

The basic requirements and characteristics for resource provision and the organization of library services should be interpreted in the context of the functions and goals of a specific model public library and adjusted to take into account changes occurring in the process of development of library activities.

model rural library

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