Beauties of Mongolia with many children. Great women of Mongolia

com published a rating of Mongolian beauties. It includes only Mongolians from China and Mongolia - although its author mentions that the total number of Mongols in the world is more than 10 million. Of course, the combined rating would be simply immense!

More than 10 million people in the world, mainly in China (6 million), Mongolia (3 million) and Russia (647.7 thousand), speak Mongolian languages. Mongol-speaking peoples are usually called Mongols. In Russia, the Mongolian peoples are represented by Buryats and Kalmyks. In Mongolia, 82% of the country's population are Khalkhas (Khalkha Mongols).

Most Mongols profess Tibetan Buddhism, and shamanism is also widespread, the online magazine reports.

The Mongols are the creators of the largest continental state in human history - the Mongol Empire, which was founded by Genghis Khan. The total area of ​​the Mongol Empire in its heyday (1265 - 1361) was 38 million square meters. km. For comparison: the area of ​​Russia, the largest state of our time, is 17 million square meters. km.

The Mongols gave the name to the Mongoloid race, to which more than a third of the world's population belongs.

This rating presents the most beautiful, in the opinion of Top-Antropos, famous Mongolian women of Mongolia and China. Russian Mongolians, namely Buryats and Kalmyks, are not included in the rating, because Separate ratings on the site are dedicated to girls and women of these nations.

(ARD: we have already mentioned one of these ratings - . In our opinion, it would be worth combining these ratings, although the task is not an easy one - our peoples have a huge number of beauties, and such a combined list will be unprecedentedly extensive. Therefore - for now, let the creators of the rating of the most beautiful Mongolian women from only two countries mentioned - a look from the outside also deserves attention...).

About the spelling of Mongolian names in the ranking: Mongols first write the middle name, which is usually shortened to one initial letter, and then the name. For example, Chadraabalyn Sodtuyaa is usually written as Ch. Sodtuyaa, where Sodtuyaa is a name. The ranking uses the abbreviated spelling of Mongolian patronymics. The names in the ranking are written in Mongolian Cyrillic. The Cyrillic alphabet was adopted as the official script in Mongolia in 1941. Also, the Mongolian Cyrillic alphabet is used by some of the Mongols of China.

22nd place. E.Nyamzhav

Winner of the competition "Mongolian beauty (Mongolian saihan busguy) 1989". Currently a businesswoman. In addition to his native Mongolian, he is fluent in English and Chinese languages. Linkedin social network page -

21st place. D. Dolgion

Miss Mongolia 2012. Represented the country at the Miss International 2012 competition.

20th place. N.Anu

Miss Mongolia 2013. Represented the country at the Miss International 2013 competition.

19th place. A. Tumen-Olziy

Mongolian singer.

18th place. B. Nomin-Erdene

Mongolian model, represented Mongolia at international competitions“Asian Supermodel 2011” and “Miss University 2013”. She starred for the Mongolian version of Playboy magazine.

17th place. Ө.Buyankhishig

Mongolian model. Winner of the international competition World bikini model 2011.

16th place. A. Tsevelmaa

Finalist of the Miss World Mongolia 2014 competition.

15th place. Nora Dagwa

The most successful Mongolian model. Works in the USA.

Instagram -

14th place. J.Enerel

Mongolian model, represented Mongolia at the Miss and Model of the World 2013".

13th place. Tsetsengoo (another spelling - Tsetsengua)

12th place. D. Badamtsetseg

Miss Mongolia 2010. She represented the country at the Miss International 2010 competition, where she won in the “Miss Active” category.

11th place. Soyombo-Erdene Ariunbold

Mongolian model. It was not possible to find a variant spelling of her name in Mongolian, because... the girl now lives in the USA and indicates her name in Latin letters on social networks. Facebook page -

10th place. P. Purevsuren

Mongolian model. Filmed nude.

9th place.

Mongolian model, represented Mongolia at various international beauty contests: “Beauty of Buryatia 2010” (where she won in the “Miss Baikal” category), “Asian Super Model 2010”, “Miss Earth 2012”, “Miss Manchuria 2012”, “Miss Tourism” Queen International 2013” ​​(where she won the “Miss Bikini” category), “Miss World 2014”.

8th place. I.Togsөө

Miss Mongolia 2011. She became the most successful Mongolian at the Miss International competition, winning the title of Second Vice-Miss in 2011, which corresponds to third place. She also took second place in the Miss Friendship International 2009 competition.

7th place. A. Bayartsetseg

Mongolian model. She represented Mongolia at the Miss International 2014 pageant.

6th place. Ch. Sodtuyaa

Miss Mongolia 2004. She represented Mongolia at the Miss International 2004 competition, where she reached the semi-finals and won in the Miss Photogenic category.

5th place. H. Badamgarel

Miss Mongolia 2009. Represented the country at the Miss International 2009 competition.

4th place. Yu. Balzhidmaa

Miss Mongolia 2014. Her height is 181 cm, weight 56 ​​kg, body measurements 84-61-91.

3rd place. Sodgerel

Mongolian model. Instagram -

2nd place. Tsetsengua (another spelling - Tsetsengoo)

Chinese actress, known in China as junior Setsengua, so as not to be confused with another actress named Setsengua (she is in 13th place in this rating). The youngest or Baga Setsengua was born in Inner Mongolia. She starred in 10 TV series and films.

The most beautiful Mongolian model

Born on June 5, 1992. She represented Mongolia at the Miss Supermodel Asia 2011 competition (where she became Second Vice-Miss), as well as at Miss Model Of the World 2014 (where she won in the Top Model category). She worked as a model in Russia. She took part in the Miss Russia International 2012 competition, where she took second place. Included in 2014. Friend of the star of the Mongolian pop scene -

Finally, ARD will add that in the opinion of the men of our editorial office, not all the most beautiful Mongolian women are represented here. But soon we are committed to rectifying this situation and will present our combined rating of Mongolian beauties.

What do we know about modern Mongolia? The fact that the descendants of Genghis Khan live there and that Mongolia is one of the largest cashmere producers in the world. Fashion and art in Ulaanbaatar are developing rapidly, Mongolian models participate in world shows, designers exhibit their collections abroad, fashion photographers shoot against the backdrop of picturesque landscapes, there are branches of the world's glossy magazines and Internet portals. At the same time, the people of Mongolia managed to find a balance between Eastern identity and European trends.

Professional model and photographer. As a child, no one could imagine that the angular Nora with a boyish body type could become a model, so she began her career relatively late - at the age of 20. Later she began to take part in shows in Milan, appeared on the cover of Dazed&Confused magazine, studied at the National University of Singapore and founded modeling agency Unique Models Management in Mongolia. Now Nora travels the world, films and participates in shows.

Publisher of the Mongolian version of the Internet portal, former model, young mother. She studied at the University of Oxford (UK) and George Mason University (USA), supports The Global Goals movement aimed at improving the climate and ending poverty and inequality. He is the founder of the MUNKHCHULUUN FOUNDATION, aimed at studying and supporting medicine.

It’s a pleasure to follow the fragile and tender Sodgerel on Instagram; she posts pictures from fashion shows around the world, participates in various projects and gives her smile to readers.


Bayarma, or BB, is a designer of the MONGOL brand and a famous it girl. In 2015, she presented a collection at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week New York, in which she showed the image of a modern nomad. Bayarma was born in Ulaanbaatar, lived in different parts of Asia, America and Europe. A financier by profession, she worked in family business, and began to get involved in fashion in 2005. Her brand specializes in ready-to-wear clothing and wedding dresses.

Katya Zol

Katya Zol is the first Mongolian designer to present her collection at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week New York in 2014. The daughter of a Mongolian and a Russian, she is now a star of the first magnitude in her homeland. In her collections, Katya uses natural fabrics (felt, wool, cashmere, leather) and adapts national motifs to modern trends.

IN historical monuments it is said that 17 of them lived in the Onon River basin. We want to talk about just a few of them

34 great khatuns will forever go down in the history of Mongolia. Historical monuments say that 17 of them lived in the Onon River basin. We want to talk about just a few of them.

Alangua- a historical figure of the 10th century, considered the ancestor of the Mongol rulers, a symbol of unity and peace between the Mongols. The first written mention of Alangua is contained in the “Secret Legend”, which says that she was the daughter of one of the leaders of the Khoritumats, a tribe that inhabited the northern regions around Lake Khubsugul at that time.

During the life of her husband, Alangua gave birth to two sons, Belgutei and Buguntai, after the death of Dobun - three more, Bugu-Khadaga, Bukhatu-Salzhi and Bodonchar. When her sons were growing up, the khatun gave instructions to avoid quarrels between them. To do this, she gave each of her sons one arrow and ordered them to break it. Then, having collected five shafts, she again gave her sons to break them. Since the sons could not do this, Alangua told them, “You were all born from a single mother’s womb. If you act and act every man for himself, you will easily be broken like those arrows. If you are unanimous like bundles of arrows tied together, you cannot become someone’s easy prey.” This incident became a legend and was actively used during the time of Genghis Khan. Still using it now.

Another historical figure Mongolian people is Hoelun - mother of Chinggis Khaan. Mongolian chronicles call her “the wife of honor, conscience, reason and cold determination.” In her entire appearance one could see not only courage and readiness for heroism, but also femininity and selfless maternal love.

Hoelun was distinguished by her beauty and came from the Olkhonut tribe. She was betrothed to Chileda, the brother of the chief of the neighboring Merkit tribe. As the “Secret Legend” reports, Hoelun loved Chileda, but Yesugei took her away by force. Around 1162 their first child was born. “The Secret Legend” reports that the child appeared with a blood clot in his fist. This was interpreted as a sign of strength. The father named his son, according to the then existing customs, after the captured enemy - Temujin. Sudden death husband's situation dramatically changed the family's situation. The widow resolutely defended the position of her family, trying to maintain power over the clan. But her husband's relatives refused to recognize her leadership role. Hoelun was the first woman recorded in history to rebel against the old ways of nomadic society. It was such a bold act that people migrated away from her so that she would not infect others with her example.

Borte Khatun. She was born in 1161. Exact date death unknown, possibly around 1230. Borte was the daughter of Deisechen from the Khungirat clan and his wife Tsotan. While still a girl, she was given as a wife to Genghis Khan, who was also young at that time, and the fate of their family was decided by their parents. Borte was two years older than her husband, so at the time of their marriage the groom was 9 years old. Children of Borte and Genghis Khaan: four sons - Zuchi, Tsagaadai, Ogedei, Tuluy and five daughters Fuzhinbegi, Chichigan, Alagaibegi, Temulen, Altalun.

Borte Khatun is considered the great empress of the Mongols. As Genghis continued to expand his influence and empire, Borte remained in Kharkhorin and ruled Mongolia. She is often depicted as a beautiful woman, dressed in a white silk deeli, with gold coins in her hair, holding a white lamb, and riding a white horse.

Sorkhugtan Bekh Khatun was a wife youngest son Chinggis khaana Tului. Tului Khaan was always on military campaigns and therefore Sorhogtan bekh Khatun raised four sons herself. This woman was the daughter of the younger brother of Karaite Van Khaan Zhakhan Khamba. And although her religion was the Nestorian branch of Christianity, she supported religious figures Buddhism, Islam. She invited Uyghur, Mongolian, Chinese and Arab scholars to teach their children.

All four of her sons became great rulers. But the most famous of them was perhaps Kublai Kublai, who sat on the Khaan throne in 1260 and reigned for 35 years.

Dorgen Khatun- V historical chronicles Mongols also call it Naimazhin, Naimalzhin. This means that she left the Naiman aimag. She was the wife of Ogedei Khaan. After her husband's death, she ruled the country from 1242 to 1246. She was the first woman to rule the empire. Historical documents describe her actions differently. Some speak well of her, but there are also those who criticize her.

Manduhai Setsen-khatan born in 1448 - one of the women who went down in Mongol history. She worked hard to unite feudal-fragmented Mongolia. She was the daughter of a small feudal lord, Choruk-bai Temur-chinsan, who owned only one otog of Enkhegut, Tumet ulus. Manduhai became the second wife of Mandul Khaan. Since Mandul Khaan had no male offspring, after his death in 1467 Manduhai Khatun became the head of state. Having rejected a number of suitors for her hand, she adopted the young Batmunkh, the son of Bayanmunkh, who was considered the legitimate contender for the khanate. Over time, she became his wife.

Particularly noteworthy is the information, although fragmentary and incomplete, about the prohibition laws established by Manduhai Khatun among the Oirats. This is the earliest mention of the ancient laws of the Mongols available in Mongolian historical literature. The image of Manduhai Setsen-khatun remained in people's memory. A legend was created about her, epic poems were composed about her.

Anu hatan- daughter of Prince Galdmaa. She had known Galdan since childhood, but he became a monk and was given in marriage to his older brother, the future Khaan Senge. She gave birth to sons Tseveenravdan and Sonomravdan. After the death of Senge and the return of Galdana, she became his wife, giving birth to his son Sevdenbalzhir, daughters Yunchikhay and Bum. During the first Oirat-Manjur war, Anu accompanied Galdan on campaigns. During the devastating battle for the Oirats on the Terelzh River in the Zuunmod area on May 13, 1696, she and her husband participated in the battle, shooting with a bow until she dislocated thumb. At the moment when the encirclement closed around the headquarters, she put on combat armor and, leading a sudden attack, broke through the ring, thereby distracting the main forces of the Manchus. At the cost of her own captivity, allowing Galdan and a small group of soldiers to escape, she died from a rifle bullet.

About white containers or eh dagina of the Mongols Dondogdulam We talked so we will be very brief. She was born in 1874. Some sources say that her childhood name was Dungaa. The head of Buddhism, Bogdo Khaan, married her. In 1902 Dondogdulam received the title “Mother of the Dakini of the State” and White Tara. Dondogdulam read and wrote fluently in Mongolian and Tibetan, and became famous in her lands as a “mistress.”

In 1923, White Tara of the State, who lived with the Bogdo Gegeen for more than 20 years, died. The Minister of Bogdo Gegeen gathered 15 women who were friendly according to the year of birth with the Khaan. And according to the canons of Buddhism, lots were cast - the first to fall was the paper on which Tseenpil was written.

Already in the spring of 1924, Bogdo Khaan died, and Genanpil was given property from the Khaan’s fund and sent back home to his parents. On small homeland, that is, in the current Khentii aimak she married Luvsandamba, former wrestler. They had two daughters and a son, Gantumur. Now the children of the middle daughter, Tsermaa, live in Khentii aimag. Unfortunately, repression did not escape this woman. She died at the hands of security officers.

More than 10 million people in the world, mainly in China (6 million), Mongolia (3 million) and Russia (647.7 thousand), speak Mongolian languages. Mongol-speaking peoples are usually called Mongols. In Russia, the Mongolian peoples are represented by Buryats and Kalmyks. In Mongolia, 82 percent of the country's population are Khalkhas (Khalkha Mongols).

Most Mongols profess Tibetan Buddhism, and shamanism is also common. The Mongols are the creators of the largest continental state in human history - the Mongol Empire, which was founded by Genghis Khan. The total area of ​​the Mongol Empire at its height (1265-1361) was 38 million square kilometers. For comparison: the area of ​​Russia, the largest state of our time, is 17 million square kilometers. The Mongols gave the name to the Mongoloid race, to which more than a third of the world's population belongs.

This ranking presents the most beautiful famous Mongolian women of Mongolia and China according to the publication Russian Mongolians, namely Buryats and Kalmyks, are not included in the rating, since separate ratings on the site are dedicated to girls and women of these peoples.

About the spelling of Mongolian names in the ranking: Mongols first write the middle name, which is usually shortened to one initial letter, and then the name. For example, Chadraabalyn Sodtuyaa is usually written as Ch. Sodtuyaa, where Sodtuyaa is a name. The ranking uses the abbreviated spelling of Mongolian patronymics. The names in the ranking are written in Mongolian Cyrillic. The Cyrillic alphabet was adopted as the official script in Mongolia in 1941. Also, the Mongolian Cyrillic alphabet is used by some of the Mongols of China.

22nd place. E.Nyamzhav- winner of the competition "Mongolian beauty (Mongolian saikhan busguy) 1989". Currently a businesswoman. In addition to his native Mongolian, he is fluent in English and Chinese.

21st place. D. Dolgion- "Miss Mongolia 2012". She represented the country at the Miss International 2012 competition.

20th place. N.Anu- "Miss Mongolia 2013". She represented the country at the Miss International 2013 competition.

19th place. A. Tumen-Olziy- Mongolian singer.

18th place. B. Nomin-Erdene- Mongolian model, represented Mongolia at the international competitions "Supermodel of Asia 2011" and Miss University 2013. She starred for the Mongolian version of Playboy magazine.

17th place. Ө.Buyankhishig- Mongolian model. Winner of the international competition World bikini model 2011.

16th place. A. Tsevelmaa- finalist of the Miss World Mongolia 2014 competition.

15th place. Nora Dagwa- the most successful Mongolian model. Works in the USA. Instagram -

14th place. J.Enerel- Mongolian model, represented Mongolia at the Miss and Model of the World 2013 competition.

13th place. Tsetsengoo(in another spelling - Tsetsengua) is a Chinese actress. Ethnic Mongolian. Born in Guangzhou on January 19, 1950.

12th place. D. Badamtsetseg- "Miss Mongolia 2010". She represented the country at the Miss International 2010 competition, where she won in the Miss Active category.

11th place. Soyomboerdene Ariunbold- Mongolian model. It was not possible to find a variant of the spelling of her name in Mongolian, since the girl now lives in the USA and indicates her name in Latin on social networks. Facebook page -

10th place. P. Purevsuren- Mongolian model. Filmed nude.

9th place. T. Battsetseg- Mongolian model, represented Mongolia at various international beauty contests: “Beauty of Buryatia-2010” (where she won the “Miss Baikal” nomination), Asian Super Model 2010, “Miss Earth-2012”, “Miss Manchuria-2012”, Miss Tourism Queen International 2013 (where she won the Miss Bikini category), Miss World 2014.

8th place. I.Togsөө- "Miss Mongolia 2011". She became the most successful Mongolian at the Miss International competition, winning the title of second runner-up in 2011, which corresponds to third place. She also took second place in the Miss Friendship International 2009 pageant.

7th place. A. Bayartsetseg- Mongolian model. She represented Mongolia at the Miss International 2014 pageant.

6th place. Ch. Sodtuyaa- "Miss Mongolia 2004". She represented Mongolia at the Miss International 2004 competition, where she reached the semi-finals and won the Miss Photogenic category.

5th place. H. Badamgarel- "Miss Mongolia 2009". She represented the country at the Miss International 2009 competition.

4th place. Yu.Balzhidmaa- "Miss Mongolia 2014". Her height is 181 centimeters, weight is 56 kilograms, body measurements are 84-61-91.

3rd place. Sodgerel- Mongolian model. Instagram -

2nd place. Tsetsengua(in another spelling - Tsetsengoo) is a Chinese actress, who in China is called the youngest Setsengua, so as not to be confused with another actress named Setsengua (she is in 13th place in this rating). The youngest Setsengua was born in Inner Mongolia. She starred in 10 TV series and films.

The most beautiful Mongolian- model O.Ariunzul(born June 5, 1992). She represented Mongolia at the Miss Supermodel Asia 2011 competition (where she became second runner-up), as well as at Miss Model Of the World 2014 (where she won the Top Model category). She worked as a model in Russia. She took part in the Miss Russia International 2012 competition, where she took second place.

“Beauty of Mongolia-2002” Shurenchimeg has only three children so far...

ARD presents an overview the most beautiful women Mongolia Or rather, those of them whose Family status always attracts the attention of the public. These Miss Mongolia title holders are considered today in their homeland mothers of many children. From others famous beauties country (note, a country that is very generous with feminine beauty) they are distinguished by a love of children that is rare in our times. And, what is typical, caring for children does not spoil their appearance at all. And most Mongolian “misses” blossom even more with each new child!

One can only admire their loyalty to the steppe tradition - to strive to have as many children as possible. No matter what, for them it is still the successors of the family, joy in old age and the future of the nation!

So, our selection of the most beautiful mothers of many children in Mongolia...

  1. Miss Wuyangalanghua - 4 children

This one is charming and pretty influential woman- the wife of a famous person in Mongolia. Executive Director of the large group of companies "Max" D. Ganbaatar.

You could say they are " star couple» Mongolia. With the rumors, paparazzi and press attention inherent in such a status...

Accordingly, the attitude towards them is often accompanied by both envy and admiration. “Uyangalanghua is pregnant again?!” - this question excites society from time to time, but it is already becoming common in Mongolia.

“Miss” Uyangalyanhua starred in the video for the song performed by the Mongolian singer S. Ganzorig “Mongol busguy” (“Mongolian girl”, or simply “Mongolian”). It is difficult for us to judge whether this can be considered serious acting role. But the beauty and charm of the Mongolian beauty queen, her shining eyes, clearly made the video popular. Which became another reason for conversation. This time we discussed the opinion of some critics who believe that the “wife of Ganbaatar” could become a good actress...

2.“Beauty of Mongolia-2002” - Shurenchimeg: 3 children

About her personal life little is known.

Unlike the aforementioned Mrs., who has many children and is at the same time quite secular, this universally recognized Mongolian beauty tries not to attract attention to herself.

She lived in Germany for several years. Returned to her homeland. And, as far as we know, she is now gardening. Although, one might say, even this became the reason for some kind of rumors. People discuss, for example, what in their plot of land she dreams of growing strawberries.

Strawberries are just strawberries... However, we must admit that “Miss” Shurenchimeg is quite able to live quietly.

  1. The very first "Beauty of Mongolia-89" Binderyaa - 3 children

As our Mongolian correspondent reports, unfortunately, she is the most mysterious lady on our list (pictured on the far right).

(Third from the left, in Mongolian deeli - Miss Binderyaa)

No one knows exactly where she is or what she does. But at least she has three children! Therefore, she still entered our “rating”.

​4. "Beauty of Mongolia-1995" S.Burenjargal - 3 children

Miss Burenjargal was an assistant to the secretary of the Mongolian People's Party M. Enkhbold. Another reason for the attention to her was that her husband is the basketball player Otgonbayar, beloved by all Mongols. By the way, Burenjargal is already his second wife famous athlete. He divorced his first wife a long time ago. Probably, the new marriage with the Beauty of Mongolia is more successful - 3 children...

​5. "Beauty of Mongolia-1993" Chuluun-Erdene - 3 children

This heroine of our list of “large and beautiful” in some way falls out of the ranks of more or less prosperous in family life"colleagues".

But there are a lot of rumors following her. The fact is that Chuluun-Erdene divorced her first husband.

Bayarsaikhan was a boxer (we only hope that he was not a “kitchen” one). And... she left two children with him...

Now she lives in Western Mongolia in Kovd aimag.

As you can see, beauty is not yet a guarantee of family happiness.

And, nevertheless, there are already three children with genes that programmed such charm - at the expense of the people of Mongolia...

​6. Finally, "Beauty of Mongolia-1992" Michidmaa - 2 children

Despite the fact that having two children can be called “having many children” at a stretch, we couldn’t help but mention this beauty.

In the photo - on the left, next to - the beautiful Odgerel

It is she who, by universal recognition, is considered by many Mongols to be the most worthy of the women bearing the title “Beauty of Mongolia.” The reason for this is, first of all, personal qualities. And, in addition, her husband’s brother is the famous sumo wrestler D. Davgadorzh.

Moreover, Michidmaa’s husband himself is an equally worthy, well-known and beloved character by the Mongols..

Spouses Sumyaabazar and Michidmaa - on the left

And all because D. Sumyaabazar is not only a successful wrestler in buhe barildaan - the national form of wrestling adored by absolutely everyone in Mongolia...

The husband of this highly respected beauty is also a member of the State Great Khural (that is, the Parliament of Mongolia).

Beautiful women have always been the “frame” of strong and influential husbands. However, like every successful man, some woman “made” her with her tender hands...

And children - for them any mother is always the Most Beautiful. With or without a title...

The same video for the song “Mongol Busguy” with the participation of the most numerous “Beauty of Mongolia” - Uyangalianghua: sweet patriarchy... and truly beautiful Mongolian women!

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