Michelle Andrade biography real name and surname. Michel Andrade - songbird of Bolivian-Ukrainian origin

Michelle Andrade - girl with exotic appearance and stunning gentle but rhythmic performance, the singer and actress, presenter, who appeared as a bright star in the firmament of show business, gaining an impressive portion of fans for several songs. The singer performs songs in five languages, intelligently alternating them with hot Latin notes in pop singles. She sings in Russian, English, Ukrainian, Portuguese and Spanish, mixing folklore motifs and enriching the songs with natural talent and artistry.


Beautiful Michelle was born in the Bolivian city of Cochabamba. The girl's date of birth is November 10, 1996. Michelle's nationality is half Ukrainian and Bolivian. Svetlana's mother's homeland is Ukraine, at the age of 16 she met her first true love and crossed the floor globe to be with your lover together. The family has since lived in Cochabamba for 20 years, and the future performer grew up in Bolivia until she was 13 years old.

Cochabamba is one of the largest cities in the country, with a warm climate, palm trees and fruit trees grow in abundance: bananas, papaya, tangerines, mangoes, pineapples, avocados. The girl's father, Mario, cooked the girl oatmeal in the morning with ripe fruits that were there all year round, but the future star’s favorite dishes remained candy, corn and meat steaks. And dad was also a member of the Bolivian music group, and instilled in the girl’s love of music. Michel's brother, Paolo, is also a musician and plays the guitar.

Bolivians are a very family-oriented and devout people, Grandma Michelle, originally from La Paz, had Sunday dinner every week and prepared traditional dishes: rice pudding with cinnamon and orange zest, kidney soup, potato and green bean cup, and the obligatory addition to any dish - a spicy sauce made from peppers and tomatoes. Grandmother Gloria worked as a school director all her life, and grandfather, like his father, was a civil engineer.

Michelle's dad often worked abroad, leaving his family in Bolivia, so when he received a job offer in Ukraine, he agreed and in 2010, Michelle moved to Kyiv with her parents and brothers. Due to his grandmother’s illness, Mario’s dad soon returned to his homeland, while mother and daughter remained in the Ukrainian capital.


So, young Michelle Andrade ended up in Ukraine, where she entered the music school piano class, at the same time I studied vocals and studied Russian and Ukrainian languages. Since childhood, the girl was distinguished by her artistry and showed special vocal abilities, also during her life in Latin America, attended a rhythmic gymnastics school, practiced volleyball and dancing. After school, the girl studied at the Kiev Institute of Music named after Glier, where she received her education at the faculty pop vocals.


Start solo career was marked by the appearance of a charming brunette on the grandiose Ukrainian TV show “X-Factor” on August 31, 2013. At the age of 17, petite Michelle made a name for herself by becoming a member fourth season vocal competition, where she performed a heart-warming composition worldwide famous singer Adele “Set fire to the rain”, receiving three “yes” from the judges, and only one refusal from rapper Seryoga. Interestingly, a year later, the hip-hop artist apparently reconsidered his opinion, and even invited Michelle Andrade as main actress in his short film - romantic drama"Gaggio." In “The X Factor” the girl was able to enter the top 24 best performers countries.

Two years later, Michelle Andrade will become the discovery and new name of Potap’s production center MOZGI Entertainment. With a hot Latin soul and in a powerful voice Michelle, Potap will be introduced by sound producer Vadim Lisitsa, who will draw attention to the extraordinary girl on social networks. Potap speaks of his ward as an incredibly beautiful and extremely talented person, comparing her with Nastya Kamenskikh. Co-producer of MOZGI Entertainment Irina Gorovaya speaks of her with delight: “She is stunningly beautiful, she dances and sings cool, writes songs! Michelle Andrade is a diamond, the radiance of its facets is blinding!”

The debut of the young Ukrainian singer took place on October 2, 2016. In the Kiev club Stereo Plaza, new face Michelle Andrade performed with the MOZGI team at a concert organized by the M1 music channel, where she created a sensation, boldly bursting in and declaring herself to the Ukrainian show business. At the performance, the artists performed a song about all-consuming love, which was called “Amor” or, in the Russian adaptation, “Endless Love”. The Spanish version of the text was written by Michelle herself. The track in three languages ​​quickly found a worthy niche and earned the love and recognition of listeners, and the video, filmed in December, rose to the top 10 on the M1 channel. For this work, the singer received the “Project of the Year” award according to the M1 Music Awards. This is how a charming dark-haired Bolivian girl turned into a Ukrainian celebrity.

On November 2, 2017, a video filmed by Illarion Efremov was released for the song “Stop Whistling,” in which Michelle Andrade performs the chorus in an unusual way - artistic whistling, which has become one of the highlights of the Ukrainian-Bolivian singer. The authors of the song are Alexey Potapenko and Alexey Zavgorodniy. The video for the song is very extravagant: young Michelle in leather underwear rides on a construction crane and cuts through a shipbuilding plant and looks for where her ex-boyfriend hid from her.

The artist presented the next track with the New Year's title “Winter” on December 15, 2017, and the video for it on her utube channel. Song - collaboration Ed Kamenev, Ruslan Storozhik and Potap. A smiling girl with expressive facial features wins the hearts of viewers not only with her unique appearance, but also with her rhythmic performance with a soft cat-like timbre.

Michelle began appearing with performances at small venues. For example, she was an invited guest of the Kyiv shopping center “Dream Town”, at the “Atlas Weekend” festival, delighted fans at the day of the city of Kamenskoye and was the opening act for Enrique Iglesias at the capital’s Olympic Stadium.

For Valentine's Day 2018, Michelle gives her fans new masterpiece in the form of the lyrical composition “Musica”, written by her immediately after parting with her lover in the summer, a year earlier. Later, this song in a solo version, along with “Amor”, “Winter”, “Stop Whistling” and “Tayu”, will be included in the performer’s first mini-album entitled “La primavera boliviana”. The presentation took place on April 25, 2018 at the Manu restaurant in Kyiv.

On May 10, 2018, Michelle presents the Ukrainian-language single “Promin”, which was written for the film “Skazhene Vesilya”. On May 17, 2018, an atmospheric video for the song “Musica” is released - the result of the imagination of the famous video director Alan Badoev.

Today Michel Andrade actively performs at big stage With famous artists, takes part in musical events in the country, records in the studio and, of course, tours. In plans for 2018 - 2019, the sensual and bright Michelle will give concerts in major cities Ukraine: Kyiv, Dneprodzerzhinsk, Kherson, Odessa, Dnepr, Chernivtsi, Lvov.

Parallel to extreme speed career growth singer, Michelle tries herself as a TV presenter. Since 2017, she has been presenting music hits of the top 10 program on the M1 channel. Michelle also shows promise as an actress. To date, she has successfully played the role of the pretty maid Lara in the melodramatic series “The Help” on the “1+1” TV channel.

At the moment, the girl takes part in dance project"Dancing with the Stars". Michelle appears on the floor together with Nadya Dorofeeva's former partner, Zhenya Kot. Now Michelle and Zhenya are the sexiest couple on air. They cope excellently with difficult dance steps and look great together, creating strong competition for their opponents.

  • Michelle's zodiac sign is Scorpio.
  • The color that the artist likes is yellow.
  • Michelle has a tattoo that brings good luck, it is located behind her ear.
  • Her favorite thing is gloves and golf, which kept Michelle warm in a six-hour queue for a concert in Prague with her favorite performer, Justin Bieber.
  • Michelle has a Yorkshire terrier dog, his name is Mickey.
  • The performer took part in the filming of two short films, “Valentine’s Night” and “Gaggio”.
  • Style icons for her: Kendall Jenner, Ariana Grande, Gigi and Bella Hadid, Rihanna, Nadya Dorofeeva.
  • The talisman item is a ring with the symbolism of endless love, given by my aunt.
  • In 2015, Michelle starred in the video for the song “Scream” by Poltava rockers “O.Torvald”.
    Michelle dreams of singing a duet with reggaeton singer J Balvin, Alejandro Sans and Justin Bieber.
  • The star's favorite dish is blood rice; her Bolivian aunt always prepared it for Christmas.
  • The girl does not limit herself in food, eats burgers and pizza, but goes to the gym three times a week.
  • From Ukrainian cuisine, Michelle loves dumplings with different fillings, borscht, chicken Kiev and pickled vegetables.
  • Michelle, together with Dasha Astafieva, took part in the filming of a comedy full-length travel film by Alexei Durnev called “Producer”; she played the role of a video blogger.
  • Favorite brand - Victoria's Secret.

Personal life

Michelle is currently single. A photo of Michelle with her boyfriend is something that no website will show. The girl perfectly hides her personal life, not highlighting the names and faces of her lovers. The hot pepper has repeatedly been the center of gossip in which she was suspected of having an amorous relationship with a charming bachelor and famous film producer Irakli Makatsaria, who competes with her in the show “Dancing with the Stars.” Both sides deny the relationship, Irakli told reporters openly that he is not dating anyone now. Michelle states in her interview that her heart belongs to creativity, but if she meets worthy person, she is ready to combine love and career.

In one of latest performances on Dancing with the Stars, Michelle Andrade dedicated her paso doble dance to her first relationship. They lasted four years and began when Michelle was just 13 years old. Despite such a tender age, the couple had serious intentions of starting a family. The young people broke up due to the excessive jealousy of the expressive guy. The artist wrote the lyrical songs “Amor” and “Musica” about this relationship.


At social events, Michelle always looks pompous; her luxurious and sometimes controversial outfits are stunning. Despite the fact that the girl appears on the track mainly on high heels and in original dresses, in Everyday life the singer adheres casual style and r"n"b. Spectacular looks for glossy covers, and for every day - classic high-waisted pants and comfortable sneakers. A must-have from Andrade is a shirt, beautiful underwear and jeans. Michelle herself says: “On stage I wear what I don’t wear in everyday life. Dresses are very feminine. I'm very tired of dresses. I like wearing trousers, I think it’s even sexy.” The performer chooses minimalism for accessories: thin bracelets and barely noticeable miniature earrings. Favorite clothing designers are Frolova, Ruslan Baginsky, GUDU, Katya Silchenko, Aina Gasse and Tago.

The main decoration of any girl is voluminous and well-groomed hair, and Michelle is the owner luxurious hair, as she pays a lot of attention to hair care. She makes various masks from olive or coconut oil and trims it often to avoid split ends. The performer notes: “In the summer I don’t use irons or hair dryers. But in winter I use it often, because my hair is quite thick, it takes a long time to dry, and I can get sick.” For perfect silky skin, Michelle has three products: moisturizer, fish oil and plenty of water.

Her mother Svetlana is Ukrainian by nationality, and her father Mario is Bolivian. Michelle has been interested in music since childhood and studied rhythmic gymnastics, volleyball and dancing. In 2010, at the age of 13, she moved to Kyiv. There she learned Ukrainian and Russian. I entered music school No. 36 to study piano and at the same time took up vocals. After graduating from school, she entered the pop vocal department.

Michelle gained popularity in 2013 when she took part in the 4th season Ukrainian show X-Factor. She managed to break into the top 24 best performers. At the audition stage, rapper Seryoga voted against her, but in 2014 he invited Michelle to play the main role in his short film “Gaggio”.

Thanks to sound producer Vadim Lisitsa, she met Alexey Potapenko (Potap), who offered her cooperation. According to Potap, he has never met such a beautiful and talented singer since meeting Nastya Kamenskikh. On October 2, 2016, Michelle Andrade performed on the big stage for the first time with Potap’s group Mozgi at a concert organized by the M1 TV channel. Their joint track was called “Amor”, and in December of the same year the video was released. This song has three versions - Russian, Spanish-English and Spanish-English-Russian. Michelle herself took part in the work on the Spanish-language version. In February 2017, she became the host of the hit parade of the most popular TOP-10 videos on the M1 TV channel.

On November 2, 2017, Michelle's first solo video clip for the song “Stop Whistling” was released. The author of the song was Alexey Potapenko (Potap) and Alexey Zavgorodniy (Positive). Michelle sang the chorus of the song by whistling. The video was filmed at a shipyard; according to the script, Michelle was hunting her ex.

On November 4, 2017, her first big solo concert. On December 9, 2017, Michelle Andrade, together with the group Mozgi, won the “Project of the Year” nomination at the “M1 Music Awards. III element".

On December 15, 2017, she released the song “Winter” and its video on her Youtube channel. This is a collaboration with members of the Mozgi group Ed Kamenev (Dr.Ed) and Ruslan Storozhik (RusOne), the author of the words and music is Alexey Potapenko (Potap).

On February 14, 2018, Michelle Andrade released the song “Musica” and a lyric video for it on her Youtube channel. Michelle wrote this song last summer after a difficult breakup for the girl with her boyfriend, and timed its release to coincide with Valentine’s Day.

On April 25, 2018, at the Kiev restaurant "Manu", Michelle Andrade presented her first mini-album "La primavera boliviana", the official release took place on April 27. The album includes five compositions, these are the solo version of “Amor”, “Winter”, “Stop Whistling”, “Musica” and “Tayu”.

On May 10, 2018, All Stars MOZGI Entertainment sang together for the first time in Ukrainian - Time and Steklo, MOZGI, Michelle Andrade and released the song “Promin”, the song was written as a soundtrack to the film “Skazhene vesillya”.

On May 17, 2018, Michelle Andrade released a video for the song “Musica” on her Youtube channel, the director of the video was -

On October 2, in Stereo Plaza (Kyiv), the M1 music channel organized a big celebration of Ukrainian-Korean friendship, bringing together the best performers from both countries. An unexpected surprise was the performance of the Mozgi group - a team of brutal artists appeared on stage along with new singer Michelle Andrade. That evening they presented a joint fiery track about the all-consuming power of love.

« Amor" - this is the first track in the history groups Brain, into which we let a girl in! Positive and I wrote the Russian version of “Endless Love”, and Michelle took part in its adaptation into Spanish. It was thanks to the temperamental sensuality of this singer that the dance song acquired a special lyrical shade.”- comments Potap(Alexey Potapenko), participant Mozgi groups, producer MOZGI Entertainment.

Michelle Adrade– new name of the production center MOZGI Entertainment, young Ukrainian singer with a hot Latin American soul! When Potap met her for the first time, he said that he had not met such a beautiful and talented singer since he met Nastya Kamenskikh. And everyone who meets Michelle at least once says that this girl will become a real star.

Alexey Potapenko “Our acquaintance with Michelle took place thanks to sound producer Vadim Lisitsa. After the first meeting, we fell in love with this girl and did not doubt for a second that she would become part of the family of the MOZGI Entertainment production center! Michelle is a versatile artist who combines stunning beauty and the power of her voice, you can't take your eyes off her! This is a new pearl of modern show business. Michelle is a real cocktail of feelings and emotions!”

The uniqueness of this young singer is that she is a real Ukrainian girl who was born and raised in the Bolivian city of Cachabamba. Since childhood, Mom Svetlana told Michelle about her distant second homeland, which she first saw at the age of 13. Having moved to Kyiv, she learned Ukrainian and Russian, and in 2010 she entered a music school to study piano and at the same time studied vocals. While living in Latin America, the future artist studied rhythmic gymnastics professionally, played volleyball and danced. And the passion for music was passed on to the girl from her Bolivian father, Mario, who was a member of a group performing songs with folklore motifs. Her older brother Paolo also supported her hobby - during home concerts he always accompanied her on the guitar.

Michelle gained popularity after participating in a vocal talent show "X-Factor" (Ukraine). She for a long time I've been following this competition different countries, but couldn’t imagine that at the age of 16 she herself would become a participant in the 4th season of the project in home country. Having won over the jury with her sincerity and performing the song Adele – Set Fire To The Rain, she overcame all stages of the training camp and entered the top 24 best performers in the country.

Rapper Seryoga was the only member of the jury in the X Factor project who told Michelle “No” at the audition stage. But it was he who in 2014 invited her to play the main role in his original film “Gaggio”.

Michelle cannot imagine her life without daily music and dance classes and successfully combines them with her studies at the pop vocal department at the Kiev Institute of Music named after R.M. Gliera.

Irina Gorovaya, producer MOZGI Entertainment: “Michelle is an amazing, sunny person and a talented, hard-working artist who is absolutely unlike any other artist existing in modern show business. That is why we do not impose any masks and completely trust her individual image. This girl does not give a minute of rest to herself or to us. She is stunningly beautiful, she dances and sings cool, writes songs! Michelle is a diamond, the radiance of whose facets you will soon see!”

| Russian groups

05.11.2017 21:33

Smiling, expressive brunette Michelle Andrade became famous after participating in the Ukrainian project “X-Factor 4” in 2013. It was there that Michelle first announced herself, after which she was noticed by producer Alexey Potapenko (also known as the singer Potap) and actively began promoting the talented girl.

But we suggest starting from the beginning.

Michelle Andrade: family, childhood

The girl was always very artistic and dreamed of acting in films and singing on stage.

Michelle's mother Svetlana remembers that since childhood she told Michelle about her distant second homeland, which she first saw at the age of 13.

Very quickly Michelle moved to live in Ukraine, in Kyiv. Andrade learned Ukrainian and Russian, and in 2010 she entered a music school to study piano and at the same time studied vocals.

While still in Latin America, Michelle professionally studied rhythmic gymnastics, played volleyball and danced.

The girl passed on her passion for music from her Bolivian father, Mario. He worked as part of a group performing songs with folklore motifs. Her older brother Paolo also supported her hobby - during home concerts he always accompanied her on the guitar.

Michelle cannot imagine her life without daily music and dance classes and successfully combines them with her studies at the pop vocal department at the Kiev Institute of Music named after R.M. Gliera.

Michelle Andrade: the beginning of a solo career

Michelle gained popularity after participating in the vocal talent show “X-Factor” (Ukraine), which started on August 31, 2013. She had been following this competition for a long time in different countries, but could not imagine that at the age of 16 she herself would become a participant in the 4th season of the project in her native country.

"I always wanted to study at a music school. There was a music school in Bolivia, but it was very far from my home. Therefore, if I had not moved to Kyiv, I would not have even known that I could sing. I watched The X Factor , I really liked how they sing there, how they develop. I couldn’t wait to come to the project.”

Michelle told me before going on stage at The X Factor.

Andrade's mom and dad came to support their daughter.

Having won over the jury with her sincerity and performing the song Adele – Set Fire To The Rain, she overcame all stages of the training camp and entered the top 24 best performers in the country.

Rapper Seryoga was the only jury member in the X Factor project who told Michelle “No” at the audition stage. But it was he who, after participating in the project, invited her in 2014 to play the main role in his original film “Gaggio”.

Michelle appeared on the big stage for the first time on October 2 at Stereo Plaza (Kyiv), when the M1 music channel organized a big celebration of Ukrainian-Korean friendship, bringing together the best performers from both countries. An unexpected surprise was the performance of the Mozgi group - a team of brutal artists appeared on stage along with the new singer Michelle Andrade. That evening they presented a joint fiery track about the all-consuming power of love.

“Amor” is the first track in the entire history of the Mozgi group in which we let a girl in! Positive and I wrote the Russian version of “Endless Love,” and Michelle took part in its adaptation into Spanish. It was thanks to the temperamental sensuality of this singer that the dance song acquired a special lyrical shade.”

The performance was commented by Potap (Alexey Potapenko), member of the Mozgi group, producer of MOZGI Entertainment.

Michelle Adrade is the new name of the production center MOZGI Entertainment, a young Ukrainian singer with a hot Latin American soul! When Potap met her for the first time, he said that he had not met such a beautiful and talented singer since he met Nastya Kamenskikh. And everyone who meets Michelle at least once says that this girl will become a real star.

“Our acquaintance with Michelle took place thanks to sound producer Vadim Lisitsa. After the first meeting, we fell in love with this girl and did not doubt for a second that she would become part of the family of the MOZGI Entertainment production center! Michelle is a versatile artist who combines stunning beauty and the power of her voice, you can't take your eyes off her! This is a new pearl of modern show business. Michelle is a real cocktail of feelings and emotions!”

Alexey Potapenko spoke.

“Michelle is an amazing, sunny person and a talented, hard-working artist who is absolutely unlike any other artist existing in modern show business. That is why we do not impose any masks and completely trust her individual image. This girl does not give a minute of rest to herself or to us. She is stunningly beautiful, she dances and sings cool, writes songs! Michelle is a diamond, the radiance of whose facets you will soon see!”

Irina Gorovaya, producer of MOZGI Entertainment, assured.

None of them were wrong! IN this moment Michelle actively performs at large events. Her vocals and artistic appearance instantly attract the attention of the audience.

Michelle Andrade: music, songs, videos


The song "Amore" was presented on October 2, 2016 and became the first in Michelle Andrade's career. The track was recorded together with the group Mozgi.

In December 2016, a presentation of the video for the song “Amore” took place:


On September 14, Michelle’s first solo song, entitled “Stop Whistling,” was presented, and on November 2, a video filmed by Alan Badoev was presented for the track.

On May 17, 2018, Michelle Andrade presented a video for the song Musica, directed by Alan Badoev.

On November 1, 2018, the new musical “Hasta la Vista” was presented online. On November 29, 2018, a video was presented for the song, in which Michelle dances incredibly sexy.

Michelle Andrade: filmography

2016 St. Valentine's Night Night of St. Valentine (Ukraine) / student
2014 Gadzhio (Ukraine, short film) / main role

Michelle Andrade: interesting facts

Michelle has a lot of photos with her mom on her blog:

And only one photo shows Andrade with his dad. It is clear that the daughter is very similar to her father. They say that if a girl is more like her dad, then she will be lucky in life.

Michelle has a beloved Yorkie dog named Mickey.

For a long time, Michelle attended dance classes at the Luck Out Club Dance Studio

By the way, the participants of this particular club dance in Nastya Kamenskikh’s first solo video, “This is my night.”

Michelle Andrade: Social Media

Instagram: instagram.com/mishvirmish
Vkontakte: vk.com/id163675002
VKontakte group: vk.com/mishvirmish
Facebook: facebook.com/mishvirmish
YouTube: youtube.com/channel/UCn-L2skxYwPPBGsfjLYl2rA

P.S. The biography of Michelle Andrade was written and updated by the editors of the site devushka.ru. We kindly request that when copying text, please include an active link to the website devushka.ru.

And if you want to correct our mistake or add information about the star, write in the comments. Thank you:)

Michelle Andrade


Michelle Adrade is a Ukrainian singer who was born and raised in the Bolivian city of Cachabamba. Since childhood, Mom Svetlana told Michelle about her distant second homeland, which she first saw at the age of 13. Having moved to Kyiv, she learned Ukrainian and Russian, and in 2010 she entered a music school to study piano, while simultaneously studying vocals. While living in Bolivia, Michelle...


Michelle Adrade is a Ukrainian singer who was born and raised in the Bolivian city of Cachabamba. Since childhood, Mom Svetlana told Michelle about her distant second homeland, which she first saw at the age of 13. Having moved to Kyiv, she learned Ukrainian and Russian, and in 2010 she entered a music school to study piano, while simultaneously studying vocals.

While living in Bolivia, Michelle was involved in rhythmic gymnastics and dancing, and played volleyball. The girl inherited her musicality from her Bolivian father, Mario, who was a member of a folk group. She was also supported by her older brother Paolo, who accompanied her on guitar during home concerts.

At the age of 16, Michelle came to the casting of the 4th season of the talent show “X-Factor” (Ukraine). She easily captivated both the jury and the audience with her sincerity and talent, performing the song “Set Fire To The Rain.” The young singer was remembered by the audience for her bright appearance and powerful vocals. According to the results of the competition, she entered the top 24 best performers. The rapper was the only one who told Michelle "No" during the audition stage. But it was he who, in 2014, invited the girl to play the main role in his original film “Gaggio”.

After the competition, Michelle received an offer of cooperation from the Mozgi Entertainment production center, which she runs. As the producer himself admitted, he had not met such a beautiful and talented singer since he met Nastya Kamenskikh: “After the first meeting, we fell in love with this girl and did not doubt for a second that she would become part of the family of our production center. Michelle is a versatile artist who combines stunning beauty and the power of her voice, you can’t take your eyes off her! This is a new pearl of modern show business, a real cocktail of feelings and emotions!”

As part of the group “Mozgi”, Michelle Andrade was the first to be seen by the audience of the concert of the M1 TV channel at the concert “Ukraine as Korea” on October 2, 2016 in the Kiev hall “Stereo Plaza”. It was a great celebration of Ukrainian-Korean friendship, bringing together the best performers from both countries. “Mozgi” together with Michelle presented the fiery track “Amor” - about the all-consuming power of love.

Michelle successfully combines daily music and dance classes with studies at the pop vocal department at the Kiev Institute of Music named after R.M. Gliera.

Irina Gorovaya, producer of MOZGI Entertainment: “Michelle is an amazing sunny person and a talented, hardworking artist who is absolutely unlike any other artist existing in modern show business. That is why we do not impose any masks and completely trust her individual image. This girl does not give a minute of rest to herself or to us. She is stunningly beautiful, she dances and sings cool, writes songs! Michelle is a diamond, the radiance of whose facets you will soon see!”

“La primavera boliviana” (mini-album, 2018)

Video clips:
“Amor” (together with “Mozgi”, 12/16/2016),

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