“Minute of fame” or life: the biggest scandals at the talent show. “Minute of fame” or life: the biggest scandals at the talent show Who sits on the jury of the minute of fame

New, ninth issue entertainment show“Minute of Fame” received the name “anniversary”, since exactly 10 years have passed since the very moment when the very first season was aired in 2007. During this time, the show changed several program hosts (6) and the same number of judges. But A. Maslyakov remains irreplaceable and for a whole decade it is he who chooses the most unique and unusual people, from those who took part in the program. This is the most popular and, accordingly, the highest rated project on Channel One in the entire history of its broadcasting.

The youngest participant in the “Minute of Fame” project was Mark Cherry (2.5 years old), and the oldest participant in the show was Maya Kolodina (81 years old). The rules have not changed in ten years; each applicant is still given 2 minutes of airtime so that they can show the whole country everything they are capable of. In the first season of the “Minute of Fame” show, there was a rule that somewhat infringed on the rights of the participants - if all members of the jury did not like the number, then they pressed the button without waiting for the end of the performance. Only in the 2nd season, this rule ceased to apply and the judges were obliged to watch the act to the end.

Thousands and thousands of applicants came and came from all over the country to attend the online casting of the entertainment show “Minute of Fame” and went through a rather tough selection process. The lucky ones who passed the casting received the right to show their talents and abilities to the whole country. With each new season, it becomes more and more difficult for the participants to surprise both the audience and the discerning jury, who have seen enough of everything, but talented people kinotochka.club, who consider themselves outstanding, do not give up. They are again ready to perform and surprise, the main thing is that the public, as Lyudmila Gurchenko said, “gives goosebumps.”

In 2017, the 9th season of the show “Minutes of Fame” online also provided its stage for nuggets, extraordinary people who want to shock the audience with their extraordinary talents. There are no restrictive frameworks in the program format, so everyone can afford to demonstrate their capabilities in absolutely any range, the main thing is that the participant’s inner potential is revealed and it doesn’t matter who he is in life: an athlete, an artist, a poet, Small child or an adult. If a person has talent, he is simply obliged to demonstrate his talents and if he takes an honorable first place, then he will receive a well-deserved reward - fame and quite a large one monetary reward.

  • Program host: Mikhail Boyarsky.
  • Members of the jury: V. Pozner, S. Yursky, S. Svetlakov, R. Litvinova.
The new season of the show on Channel One, Minute of Fame, you can watch all episodes online on our website at any time of the day!

The management of the “Minute of Fame” program decided to change star jury project. Now actress Renata Litvinova, TV presenter Vladimir Pozner, showman Sergei Svetlakov and actor Sergei Yursky will evaluate the performances.

" Moment of glory"

From the very first release of the program, Renata allowed too harsh statements regarding the speakers. On a recent broadcast, presenter Vladimir Pozner joined her.

The judges had no regrets eight-year-old Victoria Starikov, who performed Zemfira’s song “Live in your head.” The jury members felt that such a composition was not suitable for a first-grader who did not understand what she was singing about.


When the actor Yursky pressed the red button, the girl had already started crying, but no one thought to calm her down. Vladimir Pozner continued with a sharp statement: “I am against children on stage. This is more parental vanity - parents want their children to come out so they can brag about them. An eight-year-old sings a song that was not written by an eight-year-old.”

" Moment of glory"

Renata Litvinova was surprised that Victoria, having chosen this song for the competition, did not know Zemfira’s other works. When asked if she understood the meaning of the song, Victoria replied: “This is a song about the fact that if you love a person, you shouldn’t offend him.”

" Moment of glory"

The only one who stood up for the young singer was Sergei Svetlakov: “We were immediately told that the girl herself wanted to go on stage. But the song shows great talent this child. At 8 years old, she may be more mature than all of us.” Netizens took pity on the young singer: “I cried throughout the video, and the smart girl immediately realized that everyone except Svetlakov was against it! Thanks to him!”, “Such judges should be driven from the stage, they set a bad example for people. You can’t do that with a child.” But there were also those who condemned the girl’s mother: “Well, why do parents send their children to the stage, knowing that she is not able to compete with others, why count on the pity of the judges. I am ashamed of such parents."

Anna Starikova, the girl’s mother, responded to the accusations and told Kp.ru reporters: “It’s not my desire that she perform, but hers. But why scold me? To be honest, I am sincerely bewildered. For what? Because I help my daughter’s dream come true? This was our first time on stage. There had never been such colossal rejections in her life. It was her first time performing at a competition, and even with such a serious jury.”

From the sixth to the eighth season inclusive, Larisa Guzeeva, together with Maslyakov, evaluated the participants in the show “Minutes of Fame”. The two permanent jury members are traditionally joined by a guest judge.

Starting from the sixth season, a new emphasis was added to the name of the project and, accordingly, an innovation appeared in the rules. So, in the 6th season (09/04/2011 - 06/17/2012) the show was called« Moment of glory. Dreams Come True!", in the 7th(20.10.2012 - 06.01.2013) - “ A moment of fame is sweeping the country", and in the 8th (09/07/2013 - 02/01/2014) - " Moment of glory. Olympic season"(at a certain stage the program was renamed to " Moment of glory. Road to Olympus»).

About the show Minute of Fame 2017

The rules of the “Minute of Fame” show remained unchanged: with Judges tell project participants “yes” or “no” by pressing buttons. The participant whose performance impressed the jury members advances to the finals.

In September 2016, Channel One announced the start of casting for the talent show. Anyone could take part in the project. The application should indicate the name of the issue and describe what the talent that the applicant possesses is. For example, a 29-year-old Nizhny Novgorod resident Sergei Goborov wrote in the questionnaire that his talent lies in the fact that he comes up with and embodies various unusual, avant-garde images in stage costumes, which he makes himself in the workshop, and five years ago he began to master the technique of torsion with bougengs. At the casting, Sergei showed a rare type of juggling - manipulations with bougengs and a fantastic costume of his own production.

Among those who came to the casting was a fan of Grigory Leps - singer, linguist and translator Charles Anele from Saint-Petersburg. Charles always liked how others reacted to his unusual performance of the song “A Glass of Vodka on the Table.” And Anele decided to surprise not only his family and friends with his singing, but also the entire audience of Channel One. Schoolgirls from Moscow - sisters Ekaterina and Natalya Katansky- at the casting they showed that tricks are quite within the capabilities of young girls. Natalya raised not only her own younger sister, but also a member of the film crew.

Creative team Spaceman project at the casting of the show “Minute of Fame” he played famous melodies on the only one in the world musical instrument- trumpet phone. A video blogger, singer and poetess Natasha Treya impressed the show's selection committee not only with her poetic talent, but also unusual color hair.

Premiere of the show Minute of Fame 2017"took place on Channel One on February 4, 2017. The first number that the audience saw as part of the show “Minute of Fame Season 9” was a hair dance, which was shown by Tina Mamonova from the city Berezniki ( Perm region). The aerial flight of the 43-year-old artist impressed the judges and, according to Sergei Yursky, immediately set the tone high bar for other participants.

8-year-old not so lucky Varvara Ilyina from Konakovo, who performed with hula hoops. Alas, the jury was categorical, unlike the audience, who « Eastern fairy tale» , judging by the comments on social networks, I liked it. Ilyina did not go any further. But Renata Litvinova said that she would make Varya’s dream come true: she promised to give the girl a kitten.

Guest from Belarus Pavel Fadeev charged both the jury members and everyone who was present at the filming with positivity. Pavel introduced his hero - the four-meter Bear Aero. Sergey Yurievich Yursky noted that the bear is charming and the act is complex, although it seems funny at first glance. Fadeev advanced to the next stage of the show “Minute of Fame Season 9,” promising that next time he would come not alone, but with a family of bears.

Alexander Zagidullin, already known to viewers from the project “DANCES” ", again demonstrated the ability to spin on his head. However, she faced harsh remarks from Litvinova, who did not understand why she had to look at her spinning legs for so long, and the director didn’t like Alexander’s pants: in her opinion, they were too tight. The situation was saved by Sergei Svetlakov and other members of the jury, and Zagidullin continued to fight in the “Minute of Glory” show.

One of the most bright numbers release, according to viewers who voted on social networks, there was a performance by 11-year-old Anfisa Kurabtseva. A girl in the image of the heroine of the film “Suicide Squad” Harley Quinn showed complex tricks on aerial canvases.

Also, based on the results of the first episode of the “Minute of Fame 2017” show, the following passed to the next stage: dance group « Flap" - six guys performing step dance; Ukrainian performers folk songs Ekaterina Lesovaya And Anastasia Shapochkina; pole dancer Egor Churakov, rapper Maxim (Moonstar) Zakharov and illusionist Viktor Shishko.

Show Minute of Fame 2017. Finale

Super finale of the show Moment of glory"Viewers of Channel One saw it on April 29, 2017. Project jury members Sergei Yursky, Vladimir Pozner, Sergei Svetlakov and Renata Litvinova this time had to give grades using a ten-point system to the participants who reached the finals.

The participant who took third place became the owner of 1 million rubles. Those who rose to the second step of the podium received 3 million, and the winner received a prize of five million rubles.

Evgeniy Vasilenko, a free-wire tightrope walker who came to the show from Las Vegas, surprised the jury and received the most enthusiastic responses. Evgeniy scored 39 points. The number on the aerial canvases, which was shown by 11-year-old Anfisa Kurabtseva, made Litvinova shudder, who admitted that the talented girl became her favorite during the project. The young gymnast's performance was scored 35 points.

"I adore you! You are so strong, you are so creative and brave! What you do is called art,” Renata Litvinova was delighted with Anfisa Kruabtseva’s performance.

Magicians Alexey Gigaurin And Roman Khalafyan managed to surprise everyone even more. The public's favorites accurately guessed what the jury members feared most in the world. The unforgettable duet received 38 points. " Yudi" with his dance number caused a storm of applause, and the jury gave the Tomsk guys 39 points.

Power acrobatic performance performed Gevorg and Andranik Vardanyan received a lot of compliments from the jury and a maximum of 40 points. Kirill Sverchkov For the final I chose diabolo juggling. Alas, the spectacular performance was not without errors, which were noticed by an attentive Vladimir Pozner. As a result, Kirill Sverchkov’s performance was rated at 31 points.

Illusion with a fan performed by a Belarusian illusionist Victor Shishko turned into an elegant performance in style famous novel“The Master and Margarita”, which was rated at 37 points.

In the super final of the “Minute of Glory” show, the jury awarded third place to Evgeniy Vasilenko, “silver” went to “Yudi”. The first place with an absolute advantage was won by power acrobats Gevorg and Andranik Vardanyan.

Sergei Yursky, presenting the main prize of 5 million rubles to the Vardanyan brothers, noted: “At this time, when everything around is flashing and flowing too quickly, you managed to win this most difficult competition with a number that established slowness in rhythm and tempo. Every detail you showed was revealed, but not flashed.”

MOSCOW, March 7 – RIA Novosti, Victoria Salnikova . Talent shows are a popular format on domestic television. As a rule, everyone federal channel There is a competition - singing or dancing. But some numbers of participants turn into scandals and heated discussions in the Internet.

Vika Starikova and Zemfira's song

The scandal surrounding the performance of eight-year-old Vika Starikova at the “Minute of Fame” continues to this day. The jury, which includes Sergei Yursky, Vladimir Pozner, Sergei Svetlakov and Renata Litvinova, criticized the girl for, in their opinion, an unsuccessful performance of the song “Live in Your Head” by Zemfira. Viewers hoped that Renata Litvinova, close girlfriend singer and judge in the competition will be delighted with the girl. But the actress reacted coldly to Vika’s performance: “You good girl, but I internally protest." Vladimir Pozner thought that Vika’s parents were wrong when they forced her to perform at the “Minute of Fame.” “I really like Victoria, she’s a lovely girl. I imagine how she is now standing and listening to us... I would have spat and left. The person is crying, I would like these people who put her up [on stage] like that, I would talk to them,” he said.

"Amputee Man"

Members of the “Minute of Fame” jury Sergei Yursky and Sergei Svetlakov, when evaluating participants, often take a softer position than Vladimir Pozner and Renata Litvinova. The actress does not mince words. The latest scandal, which she provoked, flared up around the performance of the one-legged dancer Evgeny Smirnov. The actress called the participant an “amputee” and recommended wearing a prosthesis so as not to “exploit the theme” of disability. However, Litvinova voted for his participation in the project. Vladimir Pozner opposed: “I absolutely admire you. But, it seems to me, this is a forbidden technique. When a person comes out, like you, without a leg, it is impossible to say no to him. This is some kind of feat, a person managed to overcome something that few could overcome. This, in my opinion, is a prohibition of the technique. I have no strength to say anything. It really hurts me when such techniques are used in art.”

Misha Osipov vs. Anatoly Karpov

Three-year-old Misha Osipov on Maxim Galkin's show "The Best of All!" competed in chess with world champion Anatoly Karpov. Before the program, the boy repeatedly took part in city tournaments and defended the second youth category. The child lost to Anatoly Karpov, although he fought with dignity, conquering the master with his theoretical knowledge. The failure upset Misha to tears. This episode for a long time discussed on the Internet. The opinions of netizens were divided: some believed that Anatoly Karpov should have given in to the boy, others accused the child’s parents of excessive ambition, and others believed that losing would prepare little Misha for future adversity.

Drive to suicide

Ten years ago, a failure on the “Minute of Fame” show ended tragically for its participant. He was unable to cope with the stress of the jury's refusal and committed suicide. 56-year-old Alexander Malyutin, a kindergarten employee, came to the capital from Altai Territory. He played Mozart's "Turkish Rondo" on the piano, facing away from the keys, and "Dog Waltz" with his toes. However, the jury, which included Tatyana Tolstaya, Alexander Maslyakov and Yuri Maltsev, stopped the performance and criticized the musician. After the show, other misfortunes befell Malyutin: his contract was not renewed in kindergarten, so he had to go work as a janitor. The man's nerves gave way.

A participant in the show “Minute of Fame” committed suicide without making it to the finalsThe failure at the “Minute of Fame” crippled him. “After returning, he kept his eyes on the ground for a week,” said the musician’s wife Nina Panarina, with whom he lived for the last 9 years. “He had a room in his house with instruments, sheet music - we called it a “music box.”

“Everything was told to him in an averagely mild form, although in fact he played terribly. If a person is inadequate, then there can be no gentleness. Many people, especially untalented ones, see in such competitions an opportunity to quickly snatch [fame, prizes], being uncritical to their own abilities,” Tatyana Tolstaya said after the tragedy, emphasizing that artists from the provinces should be evaluated on an equal basis with others.

"Boring" Varvara Vizbor

The show "The Voice" is one of the most popular on television and discussed on the Internet. Viewers often disagree with the decisions of the jury, but the case of Varvara Vizbor, granddaughter famous poet and musician Yuri Vizbor, ended in a big scandal. The girl sang her grandfather’s song “Winter”, the audience applauded her, but none of the mentors turned to her. During a discussion of Varvara’s performance, rapper Basta said that in some places she did not hit the notes, and Grigory Leps considered her performance boring. “Everyone will fall asleep by the second song,” he said. But after that everyone knew about Varvara.

More details

TV show plot:

“Minute of Fame” is an unofficial analogue of the English show “Britain’s Got Talent"(Britain's Got Talent). Similar competitions exist in 40 countries around the world.

From season to season, some rules of the “Minute of Fame” show change, however main idea project is unchanged - the most different people show their unique abilities (sing, dance, perform circus acts, draw, etc.). In the qualifying rounds, participants are evaluated by a jury consisting of three to four people, usually famous representatives art, sports and show business. The only permanent member of the jury for all seasons is Alexander Maslyakov.

After the qualifying round, the participants in the “Minute of Fame” show move on to the semi-finals and then to the finals (or directly to the finals, depending on the rules of the season). In the final the winner is determined audience voting. Grand Prize program - 1 million rubles (in the fourth season, the winner received 10 million; in the fifth season, in addition to the main prize, 1 kg of gold and a contract with one of the Moscow circuses were awarded).

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