Mikhail circle biography personal life. Mikhail Krug: biography and interesting facts from life

Mikhail Vladimirovich Krug ( real name- Vorobyov). Born on April 7, 1962 in Kalinin - killed on July 1, 2002 in Tver. Russian poet and performer, songwriter, bard.

The singer said that “first of all, he liked Mikhail Krug as a person.” The performer of Russian chanson, Evgeny Grigoriev (Zheka), said that Krug’s songs have “amazing energy that reflects the mood of the Russian soul,” because “Krug comes from the people.”

Singer Victoria Tsyganova, with whom Krug collaborated during his lifetime, said that Krug “sang with his soul” and that “his songs will forever remain in the hearts of millions.”

The life and death of Mikhail Krug

Mikhail Vorobyov was born on April 7, 1962 in Kalinin. His father worked as a civil engineer, his mother as an accountant. He was the second child in the family (the first was Mikhail’s sister, Olga).

His childhood and youth were spent in the old Proletarsky district, about which the song “Morozovsky Town” was later written. Studied at music school in accordion class, but then dropped out. He played hockey and was a goalkeeper. IN secondary school He studied poorly; according to the recollections of relatives and friends, he constantly ran away from classes.

From the age of six, his idol was Vladimir Vysotsky. At the age of 11, Mikhail Vorobyov learned to play the guitar. He wrote his first poems at the age of 14, dedicating them to his classmate. When one day at a school party he performed one of Vysotsky’s songs, a big scandal broke out at school. After the army, Vorobyov, impressed by his songs, began to play the guitar and sing in his style.

Vorobyov graduated from school No. 39 on Sominka in the city of Kalinin by profession as an auto repairman. After completing his studies, he served in the army in Ukraine, in the Sumy region, in the city of Lebedin. After returning from the army, he got a job at POGAT (production association of commercial vehicles) as a driver, delivering dairy products around the city for 10 years (from 1983 to 1993).

In 1987, Mikhail Vorobyov was appointed head of the convoy and sent to study at the Polytechnic Institute. However, Mikhail didn’t like sitting in his office all day, and a year later he started working as a driver again and left the institute.

Mikhail Krug was characterized by near-monarchical political beliefs, conservatism, homonegativism (in particular, Russian stage he called “the dominance of homosexuals”), an aversion to feminism. Krug was a member of the LDPR and a cultural assistant to its leader, Vladimir Zhirinovsky. Bright features Krug’s personality, which was repeatedly emphasized in interviews with him, was hatred of people of left-wing political beliefs, in particular, communists.

In 1987, Mikhail successfully entered the institute, where he learned about an art song competition, took part in it and took first place with the song “About Afghanistan.” After that, he took songwriting seriously. A significant role in this was played by the bard Evgeny Klyachkin, who was the chairman of the jury at the 8th art song festival. It was he who told Vorobyov: “Misha, you need to work...”. Mikhail Vorobyov chose “Mikhail Krug” as his pseudonym. There are several versions of the origin of this pseudonym.

Vorobyov recorded his first album “Tver Streets” at the Tver studio in 1989, then he recorded his second album “Katya” and a third album without a title, all of which were never officially released, but were stolen and distributed illegally. Almost all the songs included in these albums were rewritten and sung in subsequent albums.

In 1994 it was published new album Mikhail Krug "Zhigan-Limon", which, according to many, became a turning point in his creative destiny. Despite the criminal title, the album contained not only criminal songs, but also lyrical and ironic ones. The album was reissued several times and actually became a sign of Mikhail Krug’s invasion of Russian musical and poetic culture.

Was filmed in 1994 documentary“Bard Mikhail Krug”, which was shown on the “Culture” channel in 1999. In 1996, his first video, “It Was Yesterday,” was shown.

The first time Mikhail Krug performed abroad was in 1997 at the Russian Chanson in Germany festival with the Zhemchuzhny brothers, where he sang four songs, one of which, “Madame,” was sung in a guitar version. Krug also performed in America (1998) - Miami, Boston, New York, Jacksonville.

From February 22 to March 6, 2000, a tour of Israel was successfully completed. Concerts were given in the cities of Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Nazareth, Haifa, Ashdod, Ashkelon, Ariel and others. Repeatedly the Circle gave charity concerts, including in places of deprivation of liberty.

Since February 1997, a new soloist, Svetlana Ternova, worked with Mikhail, whom he heard at the Zavolzhye song festival and took into the group.

A number of songs for Krug were written by Alexander Belolebedinsky; before that, Mikhail Krug performed only his own songs. Songs “I went through Siberia”, “Hello, Mom”, “The process is over (I’m crying bitterly)”, “Sparks in the fireplace”, “Chaim”, “Cry, violin (In every city)”, “Student”, “When we met with you” - folk songs, previously sung by the famous Soviet performer Arkady Severny.

The song “Svetochka” was written by singer-songwriter Leonid Efremov. However, the text of Krug's version differs slightly from the original. The most famous song of the Circle is “Vladimir Central”, which was first heard in the album “Madame” and which became one of the most famous songs Russian chanson. It is possible that it was dedicated to thief in law Sasha Severny.

On March 27, 1998, at the Cosmos Hotel, Mikhail took part in the presentation of the Ovation Award and received it in the Russian Chanson category. In November 1999, Mikhail took part in “ Musical ring”, a friendly competition with Sergei Trofimov, and wins. In January 1999, he took second place in popularity in the Russian Chanson competition. In April 1999, he was again nominated for the Ovation Award.

In 2000, Mikhail Krug played the role crime boss Leonid Petrovich in the film "April".

Mikhail Krug - Vladimir Central

Murder of Mikhail Krug

On the night of June 30 to July 1, 2002, Krug’s house in the village of Mamulino (Tver microdistrict) was attacked. In addition to the singer, there were four more people in the house - his wife, mother-in-law and children. The door of the three-story house was open.

Two unknown intruders entered the third floor of the house approximately between 23:00 and 0:15, where they found Krug's mother-in-law and attacked her, causing her bodily harm. Mikhail Krug and his wife Irina came running to the woman’s screams. The criminals opened fire with pistols. Irina managed to hide with her neighbors, and Mikhail received two severe gunshot wounds, after which he lost consciousness for a while. The criminals fled the crime scene. Having come to his senses, Krug managed to get to the house of neighbor Vadim Rusakov, where his wife was hiding. Rusakov took him to Tver City Hospital No. 6. Meanwhile, the police and ambulance were called and found his wounded mother-in-law in Krug’s house. The children of the Circle were not harmed, as they were sleeping when the crime was committed. Mikhail Krug himself, despite the efforts of doctors, died on the morning of July 1.

The farewell funeral service took place on July 3 at 10 a.m. at the Tver Drama Theater. The funeral was attended by Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Alexander Semchev, Efrem Amiramov, Katya Ogonyok, the Zhemchuzhny brothers, Vika Tsyganova, many leaders of the Tver region, including its governor, Vladimir Platov. The funeral procession of cars stretched for several kilometers. After the funeral service in the Resurrection Cathedral in Tver, Krug was buried in the Dmitrovo-Cherkassky cemetery.

Various versions of the murder were built. For example, producer Vadim Tsyganov suggested that this could be an attempted robbery. Shortly before the murder, Krug recorded an album under the working title “Tverichanka” (later released under the name “Confession”), for which he was due to receive a fee any day. This version was rejected by those who believed that Krug was sincerely respected in criminal circles, but it was this version that was the most popular at the beginning of the investigation. According to another version, Krug became the victim of a planned, and possibly contracted, murder.

In 2008, the Tver Wolves gang was arrested in Tver, which may have been involved in the murder. Irina Krug identified one of the gang members, Alexander Ageev, as her husband’s killer, but the investigation failed to prove their involvement. Ageev was sentenced to life for other crimes.

On August 10, 2012, the media reported that the skeleton of a man who killed Mikhail Krug ten years ago was found in Tver. The location of the remains was indicated by a criminal serving a life sentence. However, the investigative committee only confirmed the discovery of the skeleton, but refuted the rest of the story.

At the end of September 2012, information appeared in the media that the case had been solved, the investigation knew the specific perpetrators, who were arrested.

On May 28, 2013, the widow of Mikhail Krug identified citizen Veselov, who was considered the direct perpetrator of the singer’s murder, from the remains and photographs.

Murder of Mikhail Krug

Mikhail Krug's height: 169 centimeters.

Personal life of Mikhail Krug:

Was married three times.

In 1986, Mikhail met his first wife Svetlana, also a musician, former lead guitarist of the VIA Institute of Light Industry. Svetlana became Mikhail’s first producer and convinced him to make his work accessible to everyone. Before this, Mikhail wrote his poems and songs “on the table”. Svetlana was also looking for music competitions, insisted on recording songs on audio cassettes, sewed concert costumes with her own hands while working at the Model House.

In 1987, Mikhail and Svetlana got married, and in 1988 their son Dmitry was born. In 1989, the couple separated. Unable to bear her husband's numerous affairs, Svetlana divorced him.

Son Dmitry graduated from the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and serves in the police.

The second wife is Marina Bazanova, a dancer. She was Mikhail's first love. We met when he was 15 and she was 14 years old. They met for three years - until Krug was drafted into the army. Marina promised to wait for him, but met someone else. For Mikhail this was a strong blow.

Mikhail Krug dedicated a number of songs to Bazanova - for example, the famous “Good Girl.”

Then they met 15 years later. They got married in 1996. Bazanova became pregnant by Krug, but decided to have an abortion because she did not want to end her career as a choreographer. In retaliation for this, the singer secretly took all her documents from her place of work and ordered her to stay at home. Marina herself recalled: “For me, these were years of torture. I stepped over my fate, I shouldn’t have done this. Misha really wanted me to give birth to his child, but I really didn’t want that. Then I didn’t think about anything except my career. I was obsessed with my work, I swear, and when he took my job... He broke me."

As a result, the marriage quickly fell apart - Marina did not want to tolerate the dictates of the Circle and left him.

After her divorce from Krug, Marina Bazanova married a man who is 9 years younger than her. She gave birth to a daughter.

Marina Bazanova learned about the death of Mikhail Krug through a friend, and for the first time she came to his grave five years after the tragedy. Then Marina began to visit the grave of her ex-husband every year. Bazanova first met Irina Krug in 2018 - at the funeral of the artist’s mother.

Marina Bazanova now

In 2000, he married a native of Chelyabinsk, Irina, who after his death began performing under the pseudonym, she has a daughter, Marina, from her first marriage. In 2002, Irina and Mikhail had a son, Alexander.

Son Alexander studies at the Lomonosov School in Moscow with the children of stars and businessmen.

Was filmed in 2012 Feature Film "Legends of the Circle" directed by Timur Kabulov. The start of filming of the film was timed to coincide with two dates at once - the fiftieth anniversary of the birth of Krug and the tenth anniversary of his death. The main role was played by actor and singer Yuri Kuznetsov-Tayozhny, who has an external resemblance to Mikhail Krug. The actor gained 16 kilograms especially for filming. In addition to him, Alexander Domogarov also starred in the film, playing the role of the musician’s friend. On April 22 and 23, 2013, the film was shown on Channel One, causing controversial reactions.

Discography of Mikhail Krug:

Magneto albums:

1989 - “Tver Streets”
1990-91 - “Katya”
1990-91 - untitled album
1995 - “City of Childhood” (Demo version of the album “Green Prosecutor”, released by pirates)

Number albums:

1994 - “Zhigan-lemon” (reissued in 1995)
1995 - “Green Prosecutor”
1996 - “Live String”
1998 - “Madame”
1999 - “Rose”
2000 - “Mouse”
2002 - “Dedication”
2003 - “Confession”


1997 - “Zhigansky Songs”
1997 - “Lyrics”
1999 - “Crossroads”
1999 - Series “Legends of Russian Chanson”
1999 - “Vladimir Central”
2000 - “The Best of”
2001 - “After the third walk.” Live series. Concert in Serpukhov
2001 - “Boys” (Series “Legends of the Genre”)
2002 - “I went through Siberia”
2004 - “Magadan”
2004 - “Golden Album”
2004 - “Grand Collection” 1 part
2005 - “Thief Songs”
2005 - “Free Song”
2005 - “Unknown Songs”
2005 - “Songs of Love”
2006 - “Vladimir Central 2”
2008 - “20 Best Songs”
2009 - “Favorite songs. RU"
2009 - “Vladimir Central (Soundtrack)”
2010 - “Nice, bro!”
2011 - “Student”
2011 - “Grand Collection” 2 part
2011 - Mikhail Krug “Romances”
2011 - Mikhail Krug “Chanson Alley. MK Collection"
2012 - Mikhail Krug - 50 years (Anniversary album) (2CD)

Collections together with other performers:

2004 - “Mikhail Krug and c. Travel Companion - 10 Years Later"
2004 - “Mikhail Krug and Irina Krug - When we met you”
2006 - “Mikhail Krug and Irina Krug - My last love for you”
2009 - “Mikhail Krug and Dj Black Fox - Labyrinth”
2010 - “Mikhail Krug and Katya Ogonyok - It was yesterday...”
2011 - “Mikhail Krug and Irina Krug - Love Story”


Mikhail Vladimirovich Vorobyov (best known under the pseudonym Krug). Born April 7, 1962. A native of the Republic of Russia, the ancient city of Tver, located on the Volga River. During the Soviet era, the city was called Kalinin. Krug's activities are singer and poet (popularly he was called the king of Russian chanson). Died July 1, 2002.

Life with a guitar

Born as the second child, Mikhail lived all his youth in the Proletarsky district. The family was housed in a small room in the barracks. A boy growing up in an accounting and engineering family, regular school He did not perform well academically and regularly missed classes. In addition, he studied at a music school. However, he quickly abandoned accordion lessons - he liked the game, but solfeggio lessons were very tiring. He was fond of playing hockey (Mikhail was a goalkeeper), and enjoyed playing football with the guys.

At the age of six, when he first heard Vladimir Vysotsky, Mikhail immediately fell in love with his work. Krug mastered the guitar given by his father for his birthday by the age of eleven, after a neighbor showed him a few simple chords. Written at the age of fourteen, the first poems were dedicated to a classmate. One day, a terrible scandal broke out at school; it was caused by Mikhail’s performance of one of his idol’s songs.

Having received a matriculation certificate, Krug ended up in Kalininskoe art school, where he learned the profession of a car mechanic. Here my studies were much more successful, since Mikhail always liked cars. After graduation, he was drafted into the army. He served in Ukraine, in the village of Lebedin. After serving, he returns to his native Tver and gets a job delivering dairy products. In this position, Krug almost ended up on trial. He swapped the milk and sour cream cans that were delivered to the party nobility with those intended for commoners. Naturally, the difference in quality was huge. The action infuriated the authorities. But everything worked out, and a decade later Krug was even appointed to a leadership position.

He was married and his father-in-law and mother-in-law categorically insisted that he get higher education. To avoid conflicts, Mikhail went to the Polytechnic, where, by the way, he began Solo career. However, the chansonnier was of little interest in training, as well as in a leadership position. Soon he drops out of school and returns to work as a simple driver.

Stages of creativity

In 1987, Mikhail learned about a competition for performers of original songs, with Evgeniy Klyachkin on the jury. Excessive excitement ended with a glass drunk for courage. He sang a song about Afghanistan and eagerly awaited the results of the judging. Talent young singer was appreciated, and he rightfully received first place among the performers who came to the competition from all over the country.

The success greatly inspired Mikhail and, having recorded under the pseudonym “Krug”, he released “Tver Streets” at a recording studio. The song “Morozovsky Town” was written by the singer in honor of the Proletarsky district, where it took place youth life. Subsequently, two more albums were recorded, which were later stolen by “pirates”. The theft led to a huge circulation of albums and their enormous popularity. His next official recording, “Zhigan-Limon,” brought true fame to the singer. It was recorded in 1994 at the Soyuz recording studio. Krug personally financed the recording, which cost him a lot of money, but he himself did not receive any money.

All his songs instantly became hits, which quickly made him a chanson star. The abundance of thieves' slang led many to think about the singer's prison past, however, his awareness was not related to the arrest. He drew all the phrases for his songs from the specialized NKVD dictionary, which was released in 1924 for internal use by employees. Mikhail acquired this “treasury of information” quite by accident at a local flea market.

Only singers performing in the chanson style reacted favorably to Krug’s work. Representatives of the so-called “official” stage accused Mikhail of the fact that his work is aimed at meeting the needs of people from the criminal world. Adding heat to the fire was the fact that the singer’s songs were really liked by criminals. In addition, he often traveled to prisons and colonies, where he performed concerts for prisoners.

1996 was marked by the release of the next album, called “Live String”. The singer’s high popularity in his homeland led to Mikhail Krug’s participation in the Russian chanson festival in Germany. The Russian-speaking public warmly accepted Krug. That same year, soloist Svetlana Ternova appeared in his team, and he began performing songs from the repertoire of Alexander Belolebedinsky.

The album “Madame” was the fourth album in a row, released in 1998. It included one of the most famous songs of the Circle, “Vladimir Central”. The song was rated ambiguously by listeners: some listeners received the new hit with a bang, the other half of the audience criticized the work for being too “romanticized” about crime. Based on unconfirmed information, Krug dedicated this song to his friend, the authority Sasha Sever.

In 1998, the chansonnier went on tour across America, his concerts were organized in several towns. The tour brought the bard “Ovation” in “Russian Chanson”. In 2000, Krug’s next album, “Mouse,” was released and he went on another tour, this time in Israel. As always, Mikhail’s songs are very popular among listeners. The album “Confession” was released posthumously, in 2003. Krug managed to record it, but did not live to see its release.

Actor career

Mikhail Krug was so famous in 1995 that a film was made about his life called “The Bard Mikhail Krug.” This is not the singer’s only film role. On February 20, 2002, Russian cinemas released the feature film “April”, with Krug in leading role. It is not surprising that the film is about criminal showdowns.

In 2005, the film “Vladimir Central” was released, starring Alexander Severny, and the plot describes the life stories of the heroes from the songs of Mikhail Krug. Naturally, the singer himself did not take part in the filming, however, all the sound tracks belong to him, and the tape is thoroughly pierced with the spirit of chanson from Mikhail Krug.

Personal life

Krug met his first wife in 1986. The student played solo guitar in the institute’s band. Svetlana supported her husband in everything - she closely followed the planned competitions and chanson festivals in order to take part in them and develop her talent further. As a matter of fact, the first All-Union chansonnier festival also came from light hand Svetlana. In love with each other and united by a common love for music, they are already next year they got married and soon had a son.

However, oddly enough, family life didn't work out. Constant scandals and the division of leadership in the family, coupled with the acute dislike of Svetlana’s parents for their son-in-law, took their toll and in 1991 the couple separated. Mikhail took custody of his three-year-old son. Many consider an additional reason for the divorce to be the fact that, unlike Svetlana, Mikhail did not graduate from a prestigious university.

Krug met his next wife, one might say, at work. Irina Glazko was the team's costume designer. Both previously divorced and with children from previous marriages in their arms, they found kindred spirits in each other. Two years later they had a common son, named Sasha.

Death of a chansonnier

Little Sasha was not destined to recognize his father's affection. Krug’s life was tragically cut short on a summer night from June 30 to July 1. Unknown people broke into his house in Mamulino near Tver. At that time, the whole family was gathered: Mikhail’s mother-in-law, wife and children were getting ready for bed. Having immediately penetrated the top floor of the house, the criminals first attacked Irina’s mother. The spouses came running to the scream. At that moment the attackers started shooting. The bullets hit Krug, who was covering Irina. Irina ran away, and Mikhail received two wounds incompatible with life. Deciding that the singer was dead, the criminals fled, the chansonnier’s strong body was able to overcome the leaden severity of the wounds and reached a neighbor, to whom his wife fled. It was Vadim Rusakov who took Krug to the Tver hospital, but all the efforts of the doctors were in vain, and on the morning of July 1, Krug died.

At this time, the police were working in the bard’s house, and an ambulance team was providing assistance to Irina’s beaten mother. Fortunately, the singer's children were not harmed. The farewell service was held on July 3. Funeral procession of people who came to see Mikhail Krug off last way, stretches for several kilometers. At the funeral there were not only colleagues, fans and numerous friends, but also politicians and government officials.

Versions of the investigation and acquaintances

Both the investigative authorities and Krug’s acquaintances put forward two main versions of the murder. According to the first, the singer died as a result of a failed robbery attempt. It was during this period that Krug recorded “Vladimir Central 2” in a duet with Tsyganova, for which the singer was entitled to an impressive fee. The second version speaks of a carefully planned contract murder.

6 years later in Tver, the Tver Wolves gangster formation, which was directly related to the murder, was arrested. It was in the gang member, Alexander Avgeev, that Irina identified the man at whose hands her husband died. However, the fact of the crime was not proven and Avdeev received life imprisonment for other crimes.

The investigation lasted for more than ten years, and only in 2014, information was received from the leader of the detained gang that Krug was killed by the hand of Dmitry Veselov, who had died by that time.

Not forgotten...

Despite the fact that Krug’s life was short and tragically cut short in his prime, he is not forgotten. His songs do not lose their relevance at all, the number of fans is only growing. In 2007, a bronze monument was erected in his city. Krug, sitting on a bench, leans on his guitar and seems to be resting before presenting his audience with another masterpiece.

In memory of the Circle, a mini-series was filmed, repeating the biography of the singer. Mikhail Krug lived a short but bright, eventful life. An avid homophobe who rejected any manifestations of feminism and conservatism, he was a member of the Liberal Democrats. Moreover, he was an assistant to the leader of education, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, for culture.

May 20, 2017, 11:32

Fateful meeting happened in hometown Irina - Chelyabinsk. Seeing the girl, the courageous, strong and even a little rude Mikhail was stunned, and, not finding another reason for communication, he decided to take Irina to his work.

He came to us in Chelyabinsk when I was working in a restaurant. The man is so serious. Our acquaintance was accidental; he suggested that I work as a costume designer for him.

Irina with her first husband

However, self-sufficient Irina did not find this proposal interesting. But the man in love did not give up. While Mikhail was preparing to make a second attempt, everyone around Irina was talking about what she had done big mistake, refusing to work with such a person.

3 months have passed and the restaurant director says: “Are you crazy, Krug himself! Let's pack up and leave." After 3 months, he came to us again in Chelyabinsk, they took me tickets, and I went to work for him. And he watched me for a year, we had absolutely no relationship.

During the year, Irina actively toured with Mikhail as a costume designer. And he, having had the opportunity to communicate with the girl every day, believed even more that she was the one. But before finally achieving her, Mikhail, like a man wise by experience, checked his beloved in every possible way.

Well, imagine. A man so mature, famous, popular, wealthy, any girl would be with him. And over the course of a year, he checked me in every possible way - both about money and whether I would stay in his room. Even now I’m not afraid to say it. I understand him, because at that time he wanted normal, Serious relationships. What if all this happened without deception? He was alone for so many years, he couldn’t meet anyone for 8 years. He even tells me later: “Irina Viktorovna, I saw you and immediately understood - this is mine!”

Irina passed all checks with dignity famous artist. Although at that time there was no talk of any love on the girl’s part. Mikhail Krug decided that it was time to take the initiative into his own hands. In 2001, Mikhail and Irina got married. In 2002, Irina and Mikhail Krug had a son, Alexander.

In 2006, Irina gives an interview. that she is still not ready to arrange her personal life, suffers from the loss of her husband and compares everyone with Mikhail, does not see anyone worthy. In the same 2006, Irina entered into an official marriage with businessman Sergei Belousov. September 25, 2014 they had a son, Andrei.

In all this tragedy of death and the unprecedented rise of the unfortunate widow, everyone somehow forgot the seemingly inconspicuous backing vocalist Svetlana Ternova. (1981)

But in vain, Sveta - singer with truly unique vocal abilities, no Irina can hold a candle to her, not even close. Misha wrote all the paired songs precisely to perform with Svetlana. Svetlana Ternova has worked for Mikhail Krug as a soloist and backing vocalist since 1997. Svetlana's voice can be heard on M. Krug's albums "Rose" (1999) and "Mouse" (2000), the cover of the latter depicts Krug himself along with Svetlana Ternova. Together they recorded the duet "Let's Talk". Soon Mikhail Krug became Svetlana’s producer and wrote a number of songs for her, including “My Queen”, it was planned to release it solo album, but Mikhail Krug was killed and the album with his songs was never released.

After the death of her husband, Irina (1976), well, how can I tell you this... she simply took all the songs that Krug wrote for Svetlana, paired and solo, and of course sang them herself. And of course, Vadim Tsyganov (1963), a family friend and producer of Irina’s first album, helped her in this.
These are the vector passions, when the cat was faced with the choice of who to do business with: a cockerel or a dragon, his choice became obvious. And Dragon Irina would never have extinguished Svetlana without the help of her vector servant. because Sveta is a talent, but who cares when it’s heard beautiful story about a widow, and now even the song “My Queen” which Sveta already sang and which was included in one of the Circle’s albums, Irina “sings”.
“Bravo dear, it’s very simple!” (c) M. Krug

Personal life of Mikhail Krug developed after he returned home after serving in the army. His first wife Svetlana came to Tver on assignment after the Kharkov Institute light industry. At first, everything went well in their family - Mikhail got a wife, homely and handy, however, she caused a scandal every time he came home “tipsy”, and Mikhail did not like this at all. They had a son, Dmitry, and Mikhail, at the insistence of his wife’s parents, entered the Polytechnic College, although he studied at the university for only a short time, but there he saw an announcement about an art song competition, from which his professional musical career began.

In the photo - Mikhail Krug with his son

When Mikhail Krug’s child was three years old, he and his wife separated, but his son Dmitry remained with him, but his upbringing was mainly done by the artist’s mother and sister. However, in the personal life of Mikhail Krug there was another love - even before the army, he met a girl named Marina, who worked as a dancer in a restaurant, where they met. At first they met secretly at the apartment of a friend of Mikhail, and then he brought Marina to his home, and when he left for the army he thought that when he returned he would marry her. But Marina did not wait and married someone else. Mikhail was very upset by this betrayal and for a long time could not forget his first true love.

In the photo - Mikhail and Irina Krug

Krug met his second wife during a tour in Chelyabinsk - Irina worked as a waitress at the Malachite restaurant, where he came to dine. She was fourteen years younger than Mikhail, and also had a divorce behind her and was raising a little daughter alone. Krug invited Irina to work as a costume designer for him, but she agreed to this offer only a few months later.

This meeting became fateful in the personal life of Mikhail Krug - he invited Irina to become his wife, and she agreed. A year after the wedding, their son Sasha was born, but he was not destined to recognize his father - the baby was not even one and a half months old when Mikhail Krug was killed in his own home.

The artist’s wife, long before the tragedy, felt that some kind of disaster was about to happen and asked her husband to hire security, but he did not. The criminals snuck into their house and hid. First, Mikhail Krug’s mother was attacked by them, and Irina, going upstairs and seeing her unconscious, started screaming, to which Mikhail also came running. Seeing him, the criminals started shooting and mortally wounded the artist. On the way to the hospital, Mikhail died, and his wife continued his work, also becoming a chanson performer.

  • Name: Michael
  • Surname: Circle
  • Date of Birth: 07.04.1962
  • Date of Birth: 01.07.2002
  • Place of Birth: Tver
  • Zodiac sign: Aries
  • Eastern horoscope: Tiger
  • Occupation: author and performer of songs in the chanson genre

Mikhail Krug- “King of Russian chanson”, this is the title he earned from his fans and colleagues. His songs in the genre of “prison romance” have become popular; they are sung by heart even by those who are far from this genre. The circle was very generous, kind person. And, despite the fact that he himself never spent time in prison, his songs are sincere, filled with experiences: and he himself said that “the main thing is the state of mind.”

Photo by Mikhail Krug

Childhood and youth

Mikhail Vladimirovich Krug, whose real name is Mikhail Vorobyov, is a native of the city of Tver. His parents had simple professions: his father worked as a civil engineer, his mother as an accountant. Little Misha grew up together with his older sister Olga.

Despite the boy's musical talent, which was later loved by millions of people, he dropped out of music school as a child. The guitar given by his parents became a part of his life forever. His first idol was Vladimir Vysotsky; he selected and performed his songs while still at school. But Krug’s studies were not attractive; he was very mediocre about attending classes. But he loved to play football and stand as a goalkeeper on a hockey goal.

Having received a school certificate, Mikhail Krug began to master the business of an auto repairman. Later he was drafted into the ranks of the Soviet troops. Upon his return from the army, the future bard’s childhood dream finally came true - in 1983, he got a job as a driver at a truck production association. For the next ten years, he was registered at the enterprise, he was even appointed head of a motorcade and was sent to get an education at the Polytechnic University. But the “office” existence was not to his liking; he dropped out of school, returning to the rank of driver.

The great creative path of Mikhail Krug

In 1987, the future singer married for the first time. He met his wife a year earlier. Svetlana pushed Krug to go on stage; Before that, all the songs he wrote went “to the table.” So Mikhail Krug began to demonstrate his talent at various festivals. Participation in the art song competition ended for the artist with the award of first place.

In 1988, the family’s first child, Dmitry, appeared. But a year later the couple separated. Ex-wife accused her husband of cheating, Krug, in turn, spoke unflatteringly about the ex-wife’s thriftiness.

After participating in the competition, the songs of the Circle began to reach the people. Sincere, filled with meaning, love, experiences and personal stories, everyone found something for themselves in them. They seemed to be universal; both romantic girls and thieves in law could listen to them. One of the jury members of that festival, E. Klyachkin, said that Mikhail should work in this direction. It was then that he decided to take the pseudonym Krug.

In 1989, at a studio in Tver, Mikhail Krug finished recording his first album. “Tverskaya Streets,” like the next two albums, were not official. But pirated copies of the album were distributed throughout the country, and the songs found more and more new listeners.

It took Krug a couple of years to make a name for itself on the Russian stage. The release of the official album “Zhigan-Lemon” in 1994 became a breakthrough for him. Colleagues in the genre spoke of Mikhail as a simple, friendly person. The singer himself has already begun his ascent to the chanson Olympus.

In 1996, a video filmed for the song “It Was Yesterday” was released. In 1997, the Circle invited a new soloist to its team. The same year I went to the chanson festival in Germany. Later he toured the cities of the USA, and in 2000 he toured Israel.

The bard first received the Ovation Award in the Russian Chanson category in 1998. The same year was marked by the release of the album “Madame”. The song “Vladimir Central,” included in the album, was criticized by many for excessively romanticizing places of detention. In any case, she won the love of listeners and gained unprecedented popularity in the vastness of Russian chanson.

In 1999, the audience watched a friendly musical battle between Mikhail Krug and Sergei Trofimov. At the Musical Ring, Krug beat his opponent. Also, 1999 brought the artist another nomination for “Ovation”. In 2000, Mikhail Krug appeared before the audience in the role of a crime boss in the film “April”. During the same period, his sixth album “Mouse” was released. Events in his personal life also added to his creative success. The singer married for the second time. His wife Irina, whom he met on tour in Chelyabinsk, previously worked as a waitress. Then, at the invitation of Mikhail, she became a costume designer in his team. She already had a child from her first marriage, and soon she gave birth to a son to Mikhail.

In 2003, the singer's fans were able to purchase last album master of the Russian chanson “Confession”. But this event happened after the death of Mikhail Krug.

Tragic death

At the peak of fame and popularity, when the singer was accompanied creative success, and family life was established, the life of Mikhail Krug was cut short. On a summer night in 2002, from June 30 to July 1, masked armed men broke into the artist’s house. Mikhail was wounded by shots, but was able to get to a neighbor’s house, and from there he was taken to the hospital. But tragedy was destined to happen. On July 1, the great Russian chansonnier died. That night, the singer’s wife, children and mother-in-law were able to survive.

On July 3, a farewell ceremony took place for the “king of chanson.” In Tverskaya Theatre of Drama not only relatives came, but also artists, officials and, of course, countless fans of Mikhail Krug’s work. The singer was buried at the Tver Dmitrovo-Cherkassky cemetery.

The investigation into the case dragged on for long years. Versions of the crime appeared one after another, including such as an attack for the purpose of robbery and contract killing. In 2008, Alexander Ageev and the Tver Wolves gang were arrested. Relatives identified one of the attackers, but the investigation was unable to collect sufficient evidence. However, Ageev is serving a life sentence for other crimes.

5 years later, in 2013, it was established that a certain Dmitry Veselov was involved in the murder. By that time, the criminal was dead; Krug's widow identified him from his remains and photos. The leader of the Wolves confirmed Veselov’s participation in the crime. In 2014 in " Komsomolskaya Pravda» an investigation into the murder of Mikhail Krug has been published.

In 2007, a monument was erected in Tver in honor of the artist. Festivals and concerts are often held in memory of the Circle. The songs of Mikhail Krug are not forgotten even now; they have become classics of Russian chanson. “Vladimir Central”, “Pie Girl”, “Fraer”, “Magadan”, “Kolshchik” - it seems that all of them and many others have forever sunk into the souls and hearts of listeners.

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