Mikhail Filippov actor and all his wives. Mikhail Filippov: biography, films and personal life

She was married three times. Moreover, all her husbands were directly related to the theatrical world. Even the artist’s third husband, Mikhail Filippov, served with Gundareva in the same theater. But this is not the only thing that makes Filippov interesting. The fact is that when an affair broke out between him and Natalya Georgievna, Filippov was the son-in-law of Secretary General Yuri Andropov.

Parallel lives

Natalya Gundareva came to the Mayakovsky Theater immediately after graduating from the Shchukin School. After 2 years, the young actor Mikhail Filippov was also invited there. By his arrival, Gundareva had already become a fairly famous artist and starred in several films. Journalist Fyodor Razzakov writes about this in particular in his book “The Light of Extinguished Stars.” For some time, Gundareva and Filippov had no contact in everyday life, but met exclusively on stage.

The lives of these 2 actors flowed parallel to each other. Gundareva was married twice: to director Leonid Kheifetz and to her colleague Viktor Koreshkov. But both marriages turned out to be short-lived. Filippov lived for several years with one woman, the daughter of General Secretary Yuri Andropov, Irina. The couple had a son, Dmitry.

Romance with Filippov and surveillance of Andropov

However, later Mikhail Filippov became friends with one of Natalya’s classmates, with whom she also maintained warm relations. So, according to Gundareva herself, they ended up in the same company. However, the spark jumped between them much later. As Filippov himself writes in his book “Natasha,” this happened on tour in the Urals. As Mikhail Ivanovich put it, love “did not come, but struck” them both.

For some time, the lovers hid their feelings from everyone. Moreover, only Gundareva was free then, and Filippov continued to live with his legal wife. And this despite the not very happy atmosphere in the family. The fact is that, as Brezhnev’s granddaughter, who knew Irina Andropova, shared in her interview with Express Newspaper, she was very jealous and even persuaded Yuri Vladimirovich to put Filippov under surveillance. This is how Andropov found out about his son-in-law’s affair with a famous actress. Irina decided to file for divorce.

Together in sorrow and in joy

It is unknown what kind of relationship there was between Andropov and Filippov, but immediately after the exposure, the actor tried to fix everything and made amends to his wife as best he could. However, everything was decided by the death of the Secretary General. It was then that Mikhail Filippov finally left the family and 2 years after the death of his father-in-law, he registered his marriage with Natalya Gundareva. It is noteworthy that only this marriage became truly successful for the actress. Filippov and Gundareva lived together for almost 20 years, until the artist’s last day.

There was only one year difference between the ages of the spouses, but Natalya Gundareva always wanted to look good both for her husband and for the audience. Therefore, the actress more than once went under the plastic surgeon’s knife and lost weight. According to one version, it was these circumstances that could have caused the stroke that Gundareva had in 2001. After 4 years, during which Filippov was constantly with his wife, Natalya Georgievna died as a result of a second stroke. Mikhail Filippov had a hard time with the loss of his beloved woman and subsequently even wrote a book about her.

The widower of the popular actress Natalya Gundareva, actor Mikhail Filippov married another actress, Natalya Vasilyeva, several years ago. Since then, almost every year they try to go to Karlovy Vary, where a nun known for her healing prayers lives, and ask her for help.


Today, August 28, Natalya Gundareva would have turned 66 years old. The actress passed away after a serious long-term illness in May 2005. All this time, her husband Mikhail Filippov tried not to communicate with the press and seemed to isolate himself from the whole world. He mourned for a long time, but four years later he led actress Natalya Vasilyeva down the aisle. They began to live in the same apartment in the center of Moscow, where Filippov had previously been happy with Gundareva. “Misha is still worried, but hides the pain. Natasha Vasilyeva breathed into him like a second life.”“says actress Elena Molchenko.

Every day, when Mikhail Filippov leaves for work, Natalya Vasilyeva sees him off, waving her hand from the window. She runs the household, goes shopping, buys fresh bread in the monastery shop, where Gundareva also loved to go at one time. “I am happy when Misha is next to me, when he goes to church with me. It rarely works out in Moscow. Every year we try to go to Karlovy Vary, where on Mount Aberg there is the monastery of St. Nicholas, where Abbess Nektaria lives: she heals with prayers. There's always a queue for her. So Misha and I, as soon as we arrive, go straight to her,” Starhit quotes Natalya Vasilyeva.

This year was no exception. The couple asked for healing: Mikhail Filippov needs rehabilitation after hip surgery. “He had it done a year ago, but Mikhail is still limping,” said director of the Mayakovsky Theater Leonid Osharin. “He was eager to get on stage, but everyone saw that it was hard for him. For a while he played with a stick at rehearsal. Now he’s running, time heals ".

Note that two years after the death of Natalya Gundareva, Mikhail Filippov released a book of memoirs. It is called “Natasha” and contains the actor’s revelations, full of bright sadness and love. “When we met, you were already a people’s laureate, many times the best actress of the year,” wrote Mikhail Filippov. “But I haven’t seen most of your films and couldn’t list your titles, but I knew your freckles and was happy about it In You, an adult woman, there lived in an amazing way a child, a little girl from the sandbox, who with captivating trustfulness tells the first person she meets: “And today we had cutlets with pasta and compote for lunch, you made me laugh with a story from your own childhood.” At night she ate too much jam, sneaking into the kitchen secretly from the adults, and then woke me up in a terrible whisper: “Mommy, dear mommy, I’m vomiting.”

No one knows how many more roles in cinema and theater the wonderful Natalya Gundareva could have played if not for the stroke from which she could not recover. This bright and talented actress is remembered by her millions of fans for her roles in many films. They admired her performance on the theater stage, and watched films with her participation several times.

Natalia was introduced to the love of art by her mother from an early age. Although she was not a professional actress, she participated in amateur theater. Very often she took the girl with her to rehearsals. And when the girl was only five years old, the whole family went to the play “The Blue Bird”. The production and atmosphere impressed little Natalya so much that that same evening she told her parents that she would definitely become either an artist or a ballerina.

From that same day, the girl began to confidently move towards her intended goal. She attended theater clubs and dance classes, and also read a lot. When she grew up, she began taking stage speaking lessons. At the same time, Natalya managed to successfully combine both study and hobby.

Parents did not want their daughter to connect her career with theater and cinema. They insisted that after finishing school she enter a construction institute. But her classmate, who was preparing to enter the Shchukin School, persuaded her to apply with him. So the girl became a student at a theater university.

Her professional life was very eventful. Hundreds of proposals from directors and producers. Demand and love of the audience. But Natalya Gundareva’s personal life was no less eventful.

First love

While studying at the theater school, Gundareva devoted herself entirely to her studies. She never thought about dating boys, much less getting married. After graduating from college, she had to choose a theater in which she would work. Her choice settled on the Mayakovsky Theater. She worked there from the first day until her death.

There Natalya met her first true love. She turned out to be director Leonid Kheifetz. They worked with him on the production of the video play “Cliff”. After finishing working together, they realized that they loved each other and wanted to be together.

Natalya and Leonid were not stopped by the fact that the man was married and was 14 years older than Natalya. For her sake, he left the family and proposed marriage to her. For this act, many condemned the director. Even her own mother did not soon come to terms with her new daughter-in-law. She always looked for some flaws in her, and the lovers were simply happy together.

Interesting notes:

Probably, Natalya and Leonid loved each other until the end of their days, but they could not live together. The family was destroyed by everyday problems. The director loved to invite his friends to his house. They often met at the same table and discussed their plans until late at night. At first, Natalya was not against such meetings, but soon she began to get tired of cleaning until late at night and preparing food for guests.

In addition, she was already a sought-after actress. The woman was very tired on the set and planned to rest after a hard day of work.

At the peak of her career, Gundareva made a fatal mistake, which she later regretted all her life. She became pregnant, but decided to have an abortion because she did not have the time or desire to take care of children.

After six years of marriage, Natalya and Leonid decided to separate, although they continued to love each other.

In a blaze of glory

Natalia, despite her curvaceous figure, has always been popular with men. Her next love was her colleague Viktor Koreshkov. They worked with him on a theatrical production. And the woman fell in love. I fell in love so much that I stopped understanding where the real feelings were and where the theatrical production was.

At the sight of her lover, Natalya simply changed before her eyes. She became kind and her eyes shone with tenderness. Victor, at the same time, treated her very coolly. He allowed himself to be loved.

The actress's friends tried to open her eyes. They have said more than once that Victor is simply basking in the rays of her glory and thus trying to find a comfortable place for himself. But Gundareva was in love and did not want to listen to anything.

The couple formalized their relationship. And then almost instantaneous transformations took place. The woman realized that she had married the wrong man. That she was confused in her feelings. It turned out that Natalya did not love Koreshkov at all. She accepted the news about his infidelities with other women calmly, because her husband was practically indifferent to her.

The marriage of Natalia and Victor lasted only two years. There were rumors that not only Victor was looking for a relationship on the side. Gundareva also did not get bored alone while her husband was not at home.

Last relationship

Natalya was a very amorous person. And there were men who took advantage of her gullibility. But the actress dreamed of meeting a man who would love her, and would not arrange his life at her expense. But for a long time she was unable to meet such a man. Soon she stopped trusting them and began to withdraw into herself.

But, a few years later, a man was found who was able to melt her heart and taught her to trust people again. It turned out to be Mikhail Filippov. They worked in the same theater, but for a long time they could not just talk.

They had this opportunity during a joint tour. It was summer. After the performance, the theater troupe decided to take a short break and went to the seashore. There Mikhail and Natalya started talking. It turned out that the man had been secretly in love with the actress for a long time. Natalya did not believe in the sincerity of his feelings. Filippov had to prove for months that he really loved her and wanted to be with her.

Still, sincerity of feelings helped overcome mistrust. Natalya and Mikhail got married. In her marriage to him, the woman for the first time regretted an act committed in her youth. As a result of the abortion, the actress could not have children. But Mikhail, for the sake of his beloved, was able to come to terms with this.

The couple would have been able to live a long and happy life if not for Natalia’s stroke. Doctors fought for her life, and Gundareva was not ready to die. She, thanks to incredible willpower, tried to escape from the clutches of the disease.

The actress even began to rehearse her role in a new play and invite friends to the premiere. But the premiere never took place. The actress did not suffer a second stroke. All these years of her struggle with the disease, her beloved Mikhail was nearby, who made every effort to make his wife the happiest in the world.

Mikhail Filippov realized as a child that the stage was his calling. And although after graduating from school he went to study philology, fate still returned him to the creative path. Now Filippov is one of those artists who manage to harmoniously combine work on the set and in the theater.

Childhood and youth

Mikhail Filippov was born on August 15, 1947. The actor admits that since childhood he dreamed of working in a theatre, although not in an ordinary one, but in a puppet theater. However, after graduating from school, the young man did not apply to the theater school, but entered the Faculty of Philology at Moscow State University.

Mikhail Filippov

Classes were held in a building located on Mokhovaya Street. Here, right across the road, there was a House of Culture for the Faculty of Humanities, in which two theaters coexisted side by side. The first, the student one, was led by; at the helm of the second theater, the Our Home studio, were Ilya Rutberg and Albert Axelrod.

Filippov's classmates, who worked as costume designers at Our House, persuaded the young man to go to an audition. He successfully passed the entrance examination and found himself among young talents. Many of them subsequently became national favorites. , - these are just a few people who came from the walls of this studio.

Rehearsals and performances completely captivated Mikhail, and not only him - the participants of “Our House” went home on the last train, and the next day after work or school they were in a hurry to be back in the circle of like-minded people. The happiness lasted until 1969, when the studio was closed due to performances and satirical evenings that thundered throughout Moscow. From harmless student skits, productions of “Our House” little by little turned into something more acute and topical, and they chose to abolish the theater.

At that time, Filippov was a 4th year student at the Faculty of Philology. He could no longer imagine life without a stage, so he headed to GITIS for the next admissions campaign. The young man was lucky: he was accepted straight into the second year. In 1973, the young artist graduated with honors and immediately joined the troupe of the Moscow Theater. .


In 1975, Mikhail appeared on the set for the first time. His debut in big cinema was the role of Fouquet in the film adaptation of the novel “Red and Black”. The young actor became partners - in a word, the artist beginning his creative journey had someone to learn from.

Unfortunately, after his first appearance on screen, Filippov “fell out of the picture” for a long time; in subsequent years, he was filmed only in films, plays and short films. The theatrical career was also difficult - the artist received his first iconic role only in 1992 - it was work in the play “Napoleon the First”.

In the 80s, Mikhail starred in only a few films, such as “The Artist from Gribov”, “Lucky Women”, “The Trial”. But in the last decade of the 20th century, Filippov was faced with a lot of work. The actor’s creative biography was replenished with roles in “The Sukhovo-Kobylin Case”, Count Panin in the historical film “Russian Revolt”.

The artist remained in demand in the 2000s. Among the notable projects with his participation are the series “Salome” and “Children of the Arbat”. Also, his filmography was replenished with the films “Dzisai”, “The Crimson Color of Snowfall”, “Spy” and many others.

Filippov is the owner of a number of awards and prizes. They are mainly theatrical - “Three Sisters” (1999), “Crystal Turandot” (2010), the International Prize. Stanislavsky (2011), “Live Theater” (2013). Also in 2013, he was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree. In 1984, Mikhail was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR. Since 1996, Filippov has been People's Artist of Russia.

Personal life

The actor’s first chosen one was Irina Andropova, whose father was the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee. She and Filippov had a son, who was named Dmitry. However, his appearance did not save the marriage - the spouses' relationship rapidly deteriorated and eventually ended in divorce.

In 1986, Mikhail married an actress. They met at the theater. Mayakovsky, and at first the colleagues were connected only by friendship, but then they realized that they needed to live together. The marriage turned out to be strong: Filippov and Gundareva lived together for 19 happy years. They were separated by the death of Natalya Georgievna.

In 2007, the artist released a book of memoirs “Natasha”. It tells the story of their relationship, full of love and light sadness. The narration is accompanied by photographs and drawings, notes, poems, the author of which is Gundareva’s husband himself.

The couple never had their own children, but in the book Filippov mentioned Irina Degteva, a longtime fan of Natalia, who did a lot for the couple and partly replaced their daughter.

Filippov's third wife was the actress of the theater named after. Mayakovsky Natalya Vasilyeva. Despite the age difference between the spouses (Natalia is two decades younger than her husband), warmth and mutual understanding reign in the family. Several times the press was blown up by the news that Mikhail Ivanovich would become a father again, but these rumors turned out to be false.

Mikhail Filippov now

The actor continues to play in films and on the theater stage. There is currently at least one series in production with his participation called “Tell the Truth.” This is a Russian adaptation of the British project Doctor Foster (2015). The plot centers on the story of a woman who, having once suspected her husband of cheating, gradually becomes obsessed with this idea.

In search of evidence of her husband’s infidelity, she, without noticing it, ruins her career and relationships with loved ones. In addition to Filippov, the series stars. “Tell the Truth” will be released in 2019.

Mikhail's personal life is going well. He lives in Moscow with his wife Natalya. The couple work at the theater. Mayakovsky, however, they have not yet had the chance to play with each other in the same performance.


  • 1976 - “Red and Black”
  • 1988 - “Artist from Gribov”
  • 1991 - “The Sukhovo-Kobylin Case”
  • 1994 - “St. Petersburg Secrets”
  • 2000 - “Russian riot”
  • 2003 - “Evlampia Romanova. The investigation is being conducted by an amateur."
  • 2004 - “Children of Arbat”
  • 2004 - “Jisai”
  • 2009 - “Ivan the Terrible”
  • 2010 - “The Crimson Color of Snowfall”
  • 2019 - “Tell the Truth”

Mikhail Filippov's young wife became pregnant on the eve of his 65th birthday

A little over a month ago, the wonderful actor Mikhail FILIPOV celebrated his 65th birthday. Colleagues at the capital's Mayakovsky Theater, where Mikhail Ivanovich played on the same stage with his now deceased wife Natalya GUNDAREVA, and then met a new love - also an actress Natalya VASILYEVA, are discussing the good news. Filippov and his current 43-year-old wife are expecting a child. Three years ago, while still newlyweds, the couple tried to have a baby and even signed a contract with one of the elite maternity hospitals in Moscow. But then Natalya was unable to bear her first child.

Mikhail Ivanovich is very protective of his relationship with Natasha,” says Mayakovka colleague Lyubov Rudenko. - Now many people give birth late, after forty, but there is nothing wrong with that. Natalya is in great shape, positive, kind, attentive. God grant that they succeed. I am sure that Mikhail Ivanovich will be an excellent father: he is a wise, experienced man, with a great sense of humor, and raised his son Mitya from his first marriage.
Let us remember that Filippov’s first wife was Irina Andropova, the daughter of the head of the KGB, and then the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, Yuri Vladimirovich Andropov. In this marriage, 37 years ago, Dmitry was born, who bears the famous surname of his grandfather. He is a bank employee, several years ago he made his father a grandfather, having acquired a daughter, Nastya.
For the second time, Mikhail Filippov tied the knot with the famous actress Natalya Gundareva.

“I witnessed how Misha and Natasha’s romance began,” recalls Lyubov Rudenko. - In the summer of 1985, our theater went on a two-month tour to Perm and Chelyabinsk. Gundareva and I became close there. She was then incredibly happy with Filippov, but was fully confident that their relationship would end immediately after the tour ended. But upon returning to Moscow, Mikhail Ivanovich continued to look after her. After each performance, he waited for his beloved backstage with flowers behind him, and then took him home.
During the next rehearsal, Rudenko noticed a new diamond ring on Natalya Georgievna’s finger. The friend did not hide the fact that this was a gift from her future husband.
“Natasha really loved beautiful jewelry, but she couldn’t afford it before,” Rudenko sighs. - Imagine, the great artist could not afford an ordinary diamond ring! Before that, we were with her in the Baltics for filming, we went into a jewelry store, Gundareva tried on something there. But I didn't buy anything. Like, what kind of shit? And they didn’t pay huge fees back then. And suddenly, soon she receives the desired present from Misha. It turns out that he sold the car to pamper his beloved with jewelry. Natasha even burst into tears when Filippov put the ring on her. And the point, of course, was not about the diamonds, but about a real man’s action.
According to a friend, when the conversation came up about children, Gundareva for some reason sadly remarked:
- I can only give birth to a sick child. I'm afraid.
Natalya Georgievna worked a lot: filming, concerts, performances. Besides, she had to support her mother. Gradually, the great actress realized that, unfortunately, she was not destined to become a mother.
When, having been married to Filippov for 15 years, Gundareva became seriously ill, her husband carefully looked after her, spending sleepless nights at her hospital bed, trying to instill hope for recovery. But four years later, Natalya Georgievna passed away. She was only 56 years old...

Powdered face

Having been widowed, Mikhail Ivanovich took the loss hard: he moved away from everyone and even found himself on the brink of life and death. One day I ended up in the hospital with a severe heart attack.
But then he finally found new happiness with another Natasha - Vasilyeva, who was old enough to be his daughter. Their romance began in their native Mayakovka while working on their next play.
“I watched them talking animatedly in the Actor’s House at the evenings,” recalls Lyubov Rudenko. - They turned out to be close in their worldviews, they were drawn to each other, enough time had passed since the death of Misha’s wife, and Natasha Vasilyeva was alone.
After the wedding, Vasilyeva took her husband's surname. They not only registered their relationship with the registry office, but also got married.
“Mikhail Ivanovich, unfortunately, at the beginning of his career was perceived as Andropov’s son-in-law, then as Gundareva’s husband and looked at with squinting eyes,” sighs theater colleague Elena Molchenko, widow of Aleksandra Fatyushin. - And he is a unique artist, an integral nature, a highly spiritual person, which is very rare. Mikhail Ivanovich is a wonderful stage partner. I remember in the play “Running” Volodya Ilyin played Antoine, the servant of his hero Korzukhin. Ilyin decided to make Filippov laugh, to “split” him and, covered with powder, as if in flour, he went on stage. Everyone thought that Mikhail would laugh, but he didn’t! He calmly raised his eyes to Ilyin and asked: “Antoine, are you starting a pie again?” Volodya immediately crawled backstage laughing. As for Filippov’s new wife, I can say that I will be very happy when Natasha gives birth to a child for Mikhail. It is a great happiness that they met each other. Widowers and widows, I know from myself, are a sweet topic for people with long tongues. For me, as probably for Misha, it doesn’t matter what others say - it’s none of their business. Subsequent relationships will never affect the memory of previous love!
Another Mayakovka colleague, Yuri Sokolov, the ex-husband of actress Olga Prokofieva, agrees with Molchenko:
- Misha deserves happiness - how much he has experienced. Natasha Vasilyeva is a talented actress and a very decent person. They will have a child, and I can only be happy for them with all my heart. May God grant them a happy future life and good health for the baby. Happiness comes to decent people a little later than to others. A child is a responsibility. Surely they decided to start it not out of nowhere.
Now the expectant mother is shining in the premiere of the play “Uncle’s Dream.” An interesting position does not prevent her from performing famously on stage. But colleagues talk about Natalya’s pregnancy, which is still almost invisible to others, in a whisper - they are afraid of jinxing it.

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