International UFO Museum and Research Center. Museum of the History of Parapsychology and Ufology

An exhibition dedicated to UFOs has opened in the Perm region. Exhibits for it have been collected all over the world for several years. However, in the region itself there is also plenty of evidence of the existence of aliens. Fragments of spaceships, videos from the home archive and memories of local residents - they meet alien creatures with enviable regularity.
NTV correspondent Inna Osipova was less fortunate.
Everything about this exhibition is anomalous. From a tour guide in an alien costume to musical accompaniment, which, according to the authors, helps to tune in to contact with extraterrestrial civilizations.
But the main thing here is the exhibits. Visitors are literally invited to touch the mystery.
Anton Utkin, ufologist: “The most interesting and most expensive thing is a piece of pure tungsten, which, in principle, does not exist in nature. It is believed to be a piece of UFO debris."
Perm ufologists decided to make public secret materials, which have been collected around the world for decades. According to the authors of the exhibition, in Soviet years The KGB had a special program called “Grid”, within which anomalous phenomena were studied. This archive is still being replenished, but most of it, ufologists say, is still classified as “secret”.
Nikolai Subbotin, ufologist: “There are samples, biological materials, let’s say, representatives of flora and fauna that are not ours.”
Photo of one of these representatives: unknown creature was found near Vologda. Outwardly, it is very similar to the alien Alyoshenka, who was found in Chelyabinsk region, but his body disappeared in the most mysterious way.
Concerning Perm region, then it is known to ufologists all over the world thanks to the village of Malebka. This is where most photographs and videos of unidentified flying objects were taken. According to local residents, UFO runs here more often than a regular bus.
Local resident: “I was working in the pasture, and such a big ball appeared, it illuminated everything. It was so light, even if you throw a needle, you’ll find it.”
The fact that there is some kind of anomaly here is confirmed by the head of the village. But there are much more legends and myths, he says.
Nikolai Alekseev, head of the administration of the village of Molebka: “They say that humanoids walk right through the village. We have local residents“humanoids are those who go into the zone.”
Local resident: “When I drank a bottle of vodka, I made contact, and when I drank a liter, then I could sit on their plate.”
One of the residents once chased a UFO on a tractor for several kilometers but did not catch up. Perm stalkers believe that the anomalous zone has intelligence and decides with whom to contact.
During the day they were in Molebka, the NTV film crew found only one flying saucer, and that was painted at a bus stop. This, residents say, is especially for those tourists who really wanted to, but never met a UFO in person.

Istanbul is famous for its many museums. Tourists are attracted by such unusual places, like the pen museum or the toy museum, but the most visited and unusual is the UFO museum. In the Taksim area, along Istiklal Avenue, there is a museum of alien civilization.

A little about the place where the UFO museum is located. The Taksim district is quite famous and popular among Istanbul lovers. The area is a hill that is located above the sea. The hill also houses many attractions, ancient museums and churches that you should definitely visit while in Istanbul.

In the center of Taksim there is a pedestrian street, Istiklal, where at any time of the day tourists can expect many galleries, cafes, clubs, restaurants, shops that are happy to welcome guests and indulge their every whim. And of course, don’t forget to add the UFO Museum to this list.

There are only four museums of this kind in the world: in the Middle East, the Balkans, Central and Eastern Europe, this is the only museum that the Turks are proud of.

The museum opened in 2002. The museum immediately gained favor from the press and the local population, who simply bombarded the museum's mail with evidence of encounters with alien objects.

UFO Museum in Roswell, New Mexico

Roswell is like that Small town in New Mexico, near which the so-called Roswell incident occurred in July 1947.

The incident involved something falling into farmer William Brazel's field during a thunderstorm. After consulting with other farmers and the sheriff, William reliably identified the found trash as debris from a flying saucer. He convinced most of the residents of Roswell and New Mexico of this. Since then, the US military has been trying its best to explain away the alien forces and shift the blame for the destruction of the farm barn onto itself or at least onto the Russian military. If the American military missile testing site White Sands had not been located near Roswell, it would have been much more difficult for them to do this. Be that as it may, they could not answer all the questions and suspicions took root in Roswell, no worse than yucca in the vastness of New Mexico.

American taxpayers love to rummage through newspapers, paste newspaper clippings on their walls, stir up history, and distrust the government. According to many of them, the military, whatever they say, are most likely blatantly lying and diligently veiling it. All the most convincing evidence of this is presented in all its diversity at the Roswell UFO Museum. It is and only there that you will find walls densely hung with newspaper clippings, numerous photographs, detailed diagrams, secret maps, and even an extremely similar piece of the same UFO that made the city’s name. In addition to the materialized suspicions of the crash of an intergalactic alien boat, the Roswell Museum has exhibitions on topics not related to aliens, for example, about crop circles, which are very popular and interesting.

The UFO Museum in Roswell is not at all large and admission costs only $5, but after inspecting the premises, it seems that the aliens who work in this museum still charge too much for something that you can easily dig up on the Internet yourself. Although... it depends on whoever.

But around the museum, everyone is exploiting the theme of aliens and flying saucers. McDonald's in the shape of a flying saucer, street lights in the shape of alien faces, mysterious howls echoing along the street in the area of ​​the UFO museum, all this creates a downright sci-fi atmosphere. In Roswell, you have the opportunity to buy completely unique souvenirs on the theme of aliens, which, as you know, are everywhere, and then go to the same White Sands NM or Carlsbad Caverns NP, where it is objectively much more interesting.

In July 1947, a mysterious incident occurred in the American city of Roswell, New Mexico. According to one of the popular versions, it is the crash of an alien spaceship.

For many years, they preferred not to remember the incident, but in official documents undefined object passed as a “radar weather balloon”.

However, in 1978, ufologist Stanton Friedman became interested in the Roswell incident, who conducted an entire investigation and conducted numerous interviews with military and civilians.

Their stories were completely refuted official version, and the story told by Major Jesse Marcel formed the basis of several documentaries and became widespread among UFO fans and ufologists. Marcel was convinced that the authorities had hidden the truth: the crash of a flying saucer.

In the early 1990s, a popular theory led to the emergence of the International UFO Museum, which opened its doors in Roswell.

The museum has an impressive library containing books, videos and other materials on UFOs. The mission of the museum is dissemination true information about unidentified flying objects among the general public.

International UFO Museum

The fourth in the world and the “First International UFO Museum of the Middle East, Balkans, Central and of Eastern Europe"opened its doors to visitors in Istanbul in 2002. In the exhibition of this unusual museum presented not only documents, photographs, paintings and other evidence of aliens visiting the Earth, but also models various types unidentified flying objects based on eyewitness descriptions. The UFO Museum gratefully accepts any evidence of all types of contacts with aliens from other worlds. You can send your message by email.

Description of the International UFO Museum

There are four museums of this type in the world, but this is the only one in the Mediterranean region. Naturally, the Turks feel especially proud that an unusual alien museum has been created in their country. Its opening took place in 2002, and from the first days the UFO Museum gained enormous popularity in the press and among citizens. It must be said that the local population is quite active in providing museum staff with information about contacts with other civilizations.

Roswell is located on a broad plateau occupying eastern New Mexico. The height of the city center above sea level is 1089 m. The Mescalero Sands desert comes close to the city from the east. The Rio Hondo flows through Roswell and flows into the Pecos near the city.

In various journalistic sources, a popular version is that the object was an extraterrestrial ship, and its pilot was an alien, whom the US government captured and classified. This event has become one of the most famous elements of American pop culture, and because of it, the name of the city of Roswell is often associated with UFOs.

The incident was initially quickly forgotten even by ufologists and remained unknown for 30 years. Then, in 1978, physicist and ufologist John T. Friedman interviewed Major Jesse Marcel, who was involved in the investigation of the 1947 events. Marcel was sure that the military had hidden the discovered alien spaceship. His story has become widespread among UFO fans and researchers and has been included in several documentaries on the subject. In February 1980, The National Enquirer conducted its own interview with Marcel, which further spread the word about the Roswell incident.

According to other witnesses to the incident, the incident was a major military operation, the purpose of which was to reproduce an alien ship. Some witnesses reported attempts at intimidation by US government agencies.


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Roswell (NM) is a small city in New Mexico, near which the so-called Roswell Incident occurred in July 1947.

The incident involved something falling into farmer William Brazel's field during a thunderstorm. After consulting with other farmers and the sheriff, William reliably identified the found trash as debris from a flying saucer. He convinced most of the residents of Roswell and New Mexico of this. Since then, the US military has been trying its best to explain away the alien forces and shift the blame for the destruction of the farm barn onto itself or at least onto the Russian military. If White Sands, an American military missile testing site, was not located near Roswell, it would have been much more difficult for them to do this. Whatever it was, they could not answer all the questions and suspicions took root in Roswell, no worse than yucca in the vastness of New Mexico.
American taxpayers love to dig into newspapers, paste newspaper clippings on their walls, stir up history, and distrust the government. According to many of them, the military, whatever they say, are most likely blatantly lying and diligently veiling it. All the most convincing evidence of this is presented in all its diversity at the Roswell UFO Museum.

It is and only there that you can find walls densely hung with newspaper clippings, numerous photographs, detailed diagrams, secret maps, and even an extremely similar piece of the real UFO that made the city’s name.

The UFO Museum in Roswell is not at all large, and admission costs only $5, but after visiting the premises, visitors feel that the aliens who work in this museum still charge too much for something that you can easily dig up on the Internet yourself. Although... it depends on whoever.

But around the museum, everyone is exploiting the theme of aliens and flying saucers. McDonald's in the shape of a flying saucer, street lights in the shape of alien faces, mysterious howls echoing along the street in the area of ​​the UFO Museum, unique alien-themed souvenirs, all this creates a downright sci-fi atmosphere.

And indeed, there are so many museums in the world. So the Turks decided not to remain aloof from the rest of the world and opened a UFO museum in Istanbul. There are four museums in the world on a similar theme. And one of them was opened in Istanbul in 2002, for which the Turks are incredibly proud.

Immediately after its opening, the museum received a lot positive feedback in the local press and naturally undying interest from first local residents, and then numerous tourists. Of course, you won’t find any traces of the presence of real aliens in the museum during the day, but still the museum holdings are truly admirable.

Moreover, absolutely all museum exhibits do not seek to confirm or in any way refute alien visits to planet Earth and the presence of contacts with extraterrestrials. Basically in the museum you can see photographs taken by eyewitnesses, stories of witnesses unusual cases, paintings, and also various models of aliens and flying saucers.

Some museum stands are completely covered with photographs sent and brought to the museum by local residents. Some witnesses of unusual phenomena and people who, according to them, were in contact with an alien intelligence, then take up brushes and paint pictures that they themselves consider evidence of meetings with extraterrestrial civilizations.

Some exhibitions feature models of a wide variety of aircraft, which were constructed by craftsmen based on descriptions of eyewitnesses. In the museum you can also see models of the aliens themselves, which some residents encountered.

It must be said that according to eyewitness accounts, not only many regions in Turkey itself, but even the adjacent territories are the object of close attention from UFOs. Therefore, the museum is almost constantly called and written by people who either themselves had contact (according to them) with aliens or witnessed UFO flights. In 2011, on the basis of the museum itself, its “mobile version” appeared, so to speak, which travels with exhibitions to different cities and villages of the country.

The museum is open to everyone interested in this topic from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m., the day off is Monday, and on Sunday the museum opens one hour later, that is, at 12 p.m. The cost of one ticket is 10 Turkish lira. The museum website has an address Email, to which everyone can send their evidence of an encounter with a UFO - photographs, videos and just messages.

You can get to the museum by the following buses No. 46, No. 90 and No. 90a. You need to get off at the Taksim Square stop. Another option is by cable car or light rail You also need to get off at Taksim Square. If you live in the Karakoy area, you can take the old metro and get off at Istiklal station.

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