International Safer Internet Day safer internet day. International Safer Internet Day is an official holiday in many countries

international day safe internet- a holiday celebrated on second day of the second week of the second month of the year . This day, as it were, marks not only the negative attitude of society towards “malicious” viruses, but also public rejection of “harmful” Internet content in general.

The idea of ​​​​creating such a holiday belongs to the European Commission, and was supported by European non-profit organizations European SchoolNet and Insafe. Chief Coordinator of the Day - non-profit organization Insafe (European Safer Internet Network).

In Russia, the holiday has been celebrated since 2005.

In 2011, Safer Internet Day was held under the slogan “This is more than a game, it’s your life!” As a key theme International Day Safe Internet network Insafe proposed the topic “virtual life”.

Center for Safe Internet in Russia

In 2008, the Center for Safe Internet was created in Russia under the name “National Internet Security Node in Russia.” Its main task is to effectively counter Internet threats that beset Runet users.

He is an authorized Russian member of Insafe and also a member International network“hotlines” to combat illegal content INHOPE.

Since 2009, the Center for Safe Internet in Russia has been the organizer of the International Safe Internet Day events in our country in the form Safe Runet Weeks . Russian Week is held in the days leading up to Safer Internet Day.

Safe Internet Forum

Every year the Safe Internet Forum is held in Russia. On February 8, 2011, with the support of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation, the Second Joint Forum was held.

On February 7, 2012, the III Annual Forum was held, where new approaches to using the Internet were discussed, aimed at responsible, ethical and safe handling of information provided on the Internet. Leading security experts talk about how to protect yourself from online dangers and help victims.

The IV annual Forum was held on February 7, 2013 at the RIA Novosti media center. As Matvey Alekseev, Executive Director of the Foundation for Assistance to the Development of Internet Technologies and Infrastructure, stated:

« Security is a feeling of calm and confidence. In the case of the Internet, this means peace of mind for one’s intellectual property, for children’s correct, adequate perception of the information they receive online, and confidence that this information is safe ».

Safe Internet League

Leading companies in the Russian Internet market have united into the “Safe Internet League” (LSI). The League includes such major participants in the Internet industry as the operators Beeline, Megafon and MTS, the national telecom operator Rostelecom, the mail service and Kaspersky Lab. According to some reports, Yandex refused to participate in the League.

As Denis Davydov, executive director of the partnership, said, “The League will take practical steps to prevent and identify dangerous content, promote the detection of offenses in this area, and conduct an educational information campaign.”

LBI has created a Monitoring Center and cyber squads, which are formed from volunteers who want to contribute to the fight against illegal content on the Internet. Cyber ​​vigilantes find sites distributing prohibited materials and report them to the League.

The League’s website contains relevant materials, for example, “How to protect children from virtual terror” with alarming statistics that every fifth teenager (21.9%) has been subjected to virtual terror - cyberbullying.

On November 12, 2013, reports appeared that LBI was developing an automatic system for searching for illegal photo, video and text information on the Internet. The discovered information will be transferred to experts, who will either send a letter to the owners of the information or block the resource. To automatically determine illegality, the PBI database will be used, which already contains “4 terabytes of information with illegal content.”

According to D. Davydov’s statement from November 2012, the League had a regularly updated database of child pornography materials.

LBI was the original draft of the law, later adopted as the federal law No. 139-FZ of July 28, 2012 on amendments to the Federal Law “On the protection of children from information harmful to their health and development.” This law created Single register prohibited sites.

However, there is an opinion that, under the pretext of fighting extremism and pornography, the Safe Internet League is trying to establish total control over all resources of the Russian segment of the World Wide Web.

International Safer Internet Day is celebrated on the second day of the second week of the second month of the year. In 2017 it falls on February 7th.

The holiday was established in 2004 as part of the European Commission's Safe Internet program. Its purpose is to promote safer and more responsible use of online technology, especially among children and young people around the world.

Countries that do not have their own national centers can submit their pre-applications for participation in worldwide events to the Insafe network.

Over the course of a few years, Safer Internet Day has transcended its original European framework and become a truly international holiday celebrated on five continents.

In 2017, Safer Internet Day will be celebrated in about 130 countries.

The Day's events are held under various mottos. The slogan for Safer Internet Day 2017 is: "Be a force for change! Unite with others for a safer Internet!" (Be the change: Unite for a better internet).

This post was created for those who, in one way or another, are associated with working on the World Wide Web. For such work to be useful, and most importantly safe, you need to know and follow several rules. Nothing “new”, everything is well-known “old”, but very important....

Every year since 2004, the world celebrates International Safer Internet Day on the first Tuesday of February. And since 2008, on the initiative of the Center for Safe Internet, Safe Runet Week has been held annually in Russia.

The main coordinator of Safer Internet Day in the world is the non-profit organization Insafe (European Safer Internet Network), which consists of national organizations created with the support of the European Commission. Insafe considers its main task to support citizens in safe, ethical and effective use Internet and others information technologies and means of communication.

In 2008, the Center for Safe Internet in Russia was created under the name “National Internet Security Node in Russia”, which is an authorized Russian member of Insafe and a member of the International Network of Hotlines for Combating Illegal Content INHOPE.

The Center for Safe Internet in Russia is the organizer of the International Safe Internet Day events in the territory of Russian Federation in the form of Safe Runet Week. Russian Week is held in the days leading up to Safer Internet Day. Since 2009, Safe Runet Week has been one of the official events of the International Safer Internet Day, which are held in various countries world, and is the official event of the Day on the territory of the Russian Federation.

And these are the questions that every Internet user should know the answers to. Check yourself...

  1. Questionnaire No. 1 “Be careful, Internet!” >>>> (Answers)
  2. Questionnaire No. 2 “Caution, virus!” >>>>>>> (Answers)
  • Safe Internet >>>>>>


And this needs to be clarified once and for all....

Rules for working on the Internet

1. Do not log into unfamiliar sites.

2. If you receive a Word or Excel file by mail, even from a familiar person, be sure to check it for viruses before opening it.

3. If you receive an unfamiliar attachment, do not launch it under any circumstances, but rather immediately delete it and empty the trash.

4. Never send your password to anyone.

5. Try to use a difficult-to-remember set of numbers and letters for passwords.

6. When communicating on the Internet, do not indicate your personal data, but use a pseudonym (nickname).

7. Never meet people you met on the Internet without adult supervision.

8. If you need to register online, you must do it in such a way that it does not include any personal information.

9. Currently, there are many programs that filter the content of sites. Between family members there must be trusting relationship to view the content of sites together.

10. Not all information posted on the Internet can be trusted.

11. Do not leave your computer unattended with important information on the screen.

12. Beware of peeking over your shoulder.

13. Do not save important information on a public computer.


Memo on safe behavior in the Internet

In order to protect yourself, your family, and your parents from the dangers of the Internet and possible harm, you must take the following precautions when working on the Internet:

 If possible, do not provide your personal information: name, phone number, residential or school address, favorite vacation spots or leisure activities. Remember that everything you said about yourself in in social networks, chat rooms or forums, can be accessed, read and used by anyone in the world: the Internet is transparent and global.

 Never report open sources confidential data: passwords or numbers credit cards, PIN codes and other financial information.

Just so you understand, this is a holiday. That's what Wikipedia says. It was established back in 2004 by the European Commission and proposed to “celebrate” on the second Tuesday of February. What does this mean, what to give? How to celebrate Safe Internet Day and why there is only one, you will find out under the cut.

This is not a holiday, of course, and counting on safety on the Internet is as naive as counting on the safety of a secret told to a girl. For example, just in time for this very security day this year, hackers made publicly available the personal data of 20 thousand FBI employees and 9 thousand employees of the US Department of Homeland Security. Not cool, right?

But Google decided to “celebrate” this day to the fullest, so they are giving away an additional 2 GB in Google Drive to everyone. You can get a bonus on top of the existing basic 15 GB for passing a security check. Nothing unusual or complicated - click on the link, confirm/change your phone number and backup email address, a list of recent actions, a list of connected devices (at this point I personally had to stop and change the password, otherwise some hacky Linux of unknown origin had gotten in the way) and the final dot – settings for application access to your account. All. Your 2 GB on top. Congratulations!

Number of paranoids per square meter our office goes beyond reasonable limits, I brought you links to , nevertheless people still continue to post photos of winning winnings on the Internet lottery tickets, accurate data about your trips and travel routes, overly personal photos, setting too simple passwords, and so on down the list. In light of these events, the main task of the second Tuesday in February is a reminder that the Internet is not a Garden of Eden, but should already be so. Security checks, as Google did, are the simplest and most revealing step, where in the end they also awarded candy. Every Internet resident should remember that no passwords will protect his super-important information if someone wants to get it, and if you don’t want something unwanted to surface in the public domain, it’s better not to post it anywhere. Yes, even in a personal message on Telegram. People are sneaky, passwords are hacked - do you need it?

Against the backdrop of all this fuss, I want to ask one thing - when will we establish a day for educated Internet?

Internet safety is often talked about in terms of “it’s dangerous for children there,” because pornography, cruelty, violence, uncontrolled communications, a lack of communication culture in principle, and all that stuff. In this case, it is worth remembering that in the 21st century, explaining to a child how to behave on the Internet, where to click, where not to click, what can be seen where and how to react to it, should be part of parental responsibilities. Just like mom and dad explain to their child that fingers in a socket are bo-bo, on you better tablet, it is necessary to explain what to do on this Internet, because there a child’s psyche can be damaged much more than fingers even in an open fire. No one has canceled parental control and vigilance. Talk to your children, this is generally a basic rule - openness in communication. It’s also cool to set a positive example. If suddenly all adults stop writing “Azaza, you are wrong, prove that the navel of the universe is right,” the Internet will not exist and such a holiday will not be needed and everyone will live happily ever after.

Unfortunately, some step by step instructions There is no “celebration” of Safe Internet Day, but since there is such a day, I advise you to do the following today:

  • set a password. On a laptop, tablet, smartphone. Is there a fingerprint scanner? Use it!
  • Make sure your passwords are strong everywhere. Gadgets, accounts, internet banking. Generator random numbers and letters should work in your brain no worse than a random morgue.
  • Tell your children what the Internet is and why it is as safe (read not at all safe) as Troyeshchina on the night from Friday to Saturday.
  • think about what exactly you want to publish about yourself on the Internet. What do you want to make public, what image to create. At this same point, let’s make a very naive remark - make sure that there is a adequate people, who will not publish personal things that are not worth it.
  • A reminder for all your days on the Internet: don’t follow suspicious links, don’t leave your logins, passwords, and especially your banking information anywhere, don’t download files from the first site you come across, and be careful. Always. Consider that now your name is Vasya Attentiveness Pupkin. Amen.

If you call me paranoid, I won't be upset. If you find these tips too simple, add your own in the comments. If you finally put a password on your smartphone after this, I will consider this my little break.

Remember something simple: there is only one day of safe Internet access, and you are on it 365 days a year. I’m not saying that you should periodically take a break and take a vacation from the Internet, although the idea is cool. I mean that your safety on the web depends only on you. Well, from nosy hackers, but you and I, ordinary users, are not interested in them. As long as you are not the CEO of some cool project, investigative journalist, Snowden or Hollywood actress, for the most part only thieves may be interested in your data. It’s very easy to steal virtual accounts, bitcoins, card data, logins and passwords if you behave on the Internet like a kid in a sandbox, indiscriminately trusting your little ones to everyone.
So on this bright holiday of a safe Internet, I can only wish you one thing – stay safe.

If you find an error, please highlight a piece of text and click Ctrl+Enter.

Today it is difficult to find a house where the Internet is not connected. Almost all enterprises and institutions are connected global network, through which not only communication and exchange of information takes place, but also the conclusion of trade transactions. Due to the rapid development of computer technology and the widespread use of the Internet, modern man spends a significant part of his time at the computer. Accordingly, it will not surprise anyone that the concept of cybercrime has appeared, and the most vulnerable to attackers have become the most trusting and least protected segments of the population, such as children and the elderly. Therefore, for more than ten years, International Internet Safety Day has been celebrated in February every year.

What is the purpose of Safer Internet Day?

The World Wide Web has become firmly established in homes and various organizations, and the number of its users is steadily growing every year. It is known that many people spend not only their work time, but also leisure time, communicating and visiting various sites. At the same time, the information received is not always safe, since there are often sites containing pornography, violence, and also spreading racial or social hatred.

Children especially fall under their influence because, due to their openness and gullibility, they cannot correctly sort incoming information.

All this made us think about filtering the received data from the World Wide Web. Safe Internet Day is no longer something new and unknown for many Europeans, since the rules for using a personal computer and the culture of information exchange are taught in school. That is why in Western countries such dangers are taken more seriously than in Russia.

The above was the reason for the need to unite global efforts in the fight to ensure information security. In addition, the involvement of specialists from the field of IT protection made it possible to create special software that prevents accidental visits to sites with information recognized as dangerous.

Safer Internet Day officially dates back to 2004, when the European Commission approved this holiday, the purpose of which is to attract the attention of people and public organizations to this problem. This direction was headed by a special organization under the European Commission, including representatives from all EU countries, which made it possible to pay attention to the problem at a new level and look for ways to solve it.

What dangers lie in wait on the global network?

In Russia, Safer Internet Day is held not so long ago, but created in the state national center serves as a liaison with world-class organizations. In order to attract people's attention, annual forums are held where projects are discussed to protect certain groups of the population from the dangers that await them on the Internet. Specialists in the field of computer technology and communications, as well as representatives of educational institutions, whose duty is to convey the culture of using network resources.

Today in the Russian Federation, filter programs are being created that allow not only to control access to malicious data, but also to completely block it.

Video about Safer Internet Day:

Thanks to such forums, a register has appeared in Russia, which identifies sites that pose a threat to the user, since they distribute child pornography, violence, promote drugs, etc. We can say that Safer Internet Day includes a discussion of emerging threats when working on the network, which are conditionally divided into two groups:

  • Clear threats. These include propaganda of violence, alcohol and drug use, pornography, and social hatred towards certain groups of the population. At the same time, the technologies of these sites are developed in such a way that the user ends up on their pages completely by accident. A large amount of such information is located on forums, chats and social networks;
  • Hidden threats. They represent all kinds of associations of people, mostly young people, promoting the same idea, aimed at depressive behavior, even suicide. This also includes various utilities that cause harm software computer and often leading to the loss of personal data stored on media.

Thus, Safer Internet Day is another opportunity to draw public attention to the culture of using the World Wide Web, as well as to the dangers that lie in wait on the Internet.

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