Method of deduction. How to develop deductive thinking? Did Sherlock Holmes use the deductive method?

Some time ago I thought that Holmes's method was incorrectly called deductive. In fact, most often we see how he draws conclusions from the particular to the general: he learns everything about a person from his watch or the dirt on his shoes. Is there an error here and what is the big deal? Yegor Kholmogorov wrote about this wonderfully holmogor
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Deductive method. A note about Sherlock Holmes.
As a way of consoling myself in misfortunes and troubles, I purchased the 8-volume Conan Doyle book.

I'm reading Sherlock Holmes for the first time since childhood. And “Study in Scarlet” is the first time.

It is amazing how much Conandoyle's Holmes diverges from the films we know from various films - from Lebanese to Sherlock.

Everywhere there are facets of the image, but nowhere is there real similarity.

I note some features before moving on to the main thing.

Watson, after the army and before meeting Holmes, was clearly not only an alcoholic, but also a womanizer (There I stayed for some time at a private hotel in the Strand, leading a comfortless, meaningless existence, and spending such money as I had, considerably more freely than I ought). In general, in the first story he appears as a rather quarrelsome and drunken type. Nothing in common with the simple, good-natured gentleman we are accustomed to.

Holmes is extremely vain, not without a penchant for theatricality.

Holmes, commenting on his profession, immediately emphasizes that the profession of a detective consultant gives him a living. Investigating crimes is not the entertainment of a bored amateur gentleman, but rather a job.

Moreover, Holmes is only the top floor of a rather extensive detective system. There are hundreds of police and private investigation offices in London. And Holmes makes his living precisely by solving cases that they cannot solve. Conan Doyle's real Holmes has nothing in common with the loner who created a private investigation from scratch that we are accustomed to.

In general, an amazing technique - in the world of Holmes there are literary heroes - for example, Edgar Allan Poe's Dupin. And Holmes criticizes him mercilessly. In general, this is a rather rare thing - usually literary heroes live in a world where there are no others literary heroes. Poirot lives as if he had never read the stories of Sherlock Holmes. Although the real Poirot would have lived in a world where he would have been constantly compared to Holmes. Conan Doyle is more consistent; the first thing Holmes does is explain why he is neither Dupin nor Lecoq.

And finally, the most important thing - I received an answer to the question that has always tormented me: why Holmes’ method is called deductive.

The question, I think, tormented more than just me. Deduction is an inference from the general to the particular, by adding a particular premise to the general premise and obtaining a particular conclusion. While Holmes mass consciousness does something that seems to be the opposite, namely mud on shoes, posture, cigar ashes, etc. goes back to general conclusions about the situation. That is, induction rather than deduction takes place. I have come across many times attempts to solve this paradox or complaints about Conan Doyle’s ignorance of logic.

In fact, there is no contradiction.

It’s just that the “mass Holmes” ignores the most important thing in Holmes’s real work and real method, getting carried away by the externally spectacular details of reading a person by his watch.

Here are a few quotes:

- A year ago, the complicated case of von Bischoff was being investigated in Frankfurt. He, of course, would have been hanged if my method had been known then. What about the case of Mason from Bradford, and the famous Muller, and Lefebvre from Montlelier, and Sampson from New Orleans? I can name dozens of cases in which my reagent would play a decisive role.
“You’re just a walking chronicle of crime,” Stamford laughed. - You should publish a special newspaper. Call it "Police News of the Past."

1. Knowledge in the field of literature - none.
2. --//-- --//-- philosophy - none.
3. --//-- --//-- astronomy - none.
4. --//-- --//-- politicians are weak.
5. --//-- --//-- botanists - uneven. Knows the properties of belladonna, opium and poisons in general. Has no idea about gardening.
6. --//-- --//-- Geology - practical but limited. Identifies different soil samples at a glance. After walking, he shows me splashes of mud on his trousers and, based on their color and consistency, determines what part of London it is from.
7. --//-- --//-- chemistry - deep.
8. --//-- --//-- anatomy - accurate, but unsystematic.
9. --//-- --//-- criminal chronicles - huge, seems to know all the details of every crime committed in the nineteenth century.
10. Plays the violin well.
11. Excellent fencing with swords and espadrons, an excellent boxer.
12. Thorough practical knowledge of English laws.

And finally, the most important quote in which Holmes himself characterizes what exactly he does.

I'm a consulting detective, if you know what that is. There are many detectives in London, both public and private. When these fellows reach a dead end, they rush to me, and I manage to guide them on the right track. They introduce me to all the circumstances of the case, and, knowing well the history of forensic science, I can almost always tell them where the mistake is. All atrocities have a great family resemblance, and if you know the details of a whole thousand cases like the back of your hand, it would be strange not to solve the thousand and first.

In other words, deductive method Holmes is, at its core, historical method.

Phenomenal knowledge of the history of crimes allows Holmes to classify their types and types and group them - “murder for inheritance”, “murder out of jealousy”, “theft of a will”, etc. It further turns out that “murder because of a ducal inheritance” and “murder because of a squire’s inheritance” also have a certain difference and are grouped together. Such thinking, by the way, is very characteristic of an Englishman, that is, for a person raised in the tradition of case law.

Holmes has a tree of categories in his head, a “family tree of crimes.”

And the main part of his work - the same one that he is busy with when he plucks the violin - is the classification of the matter under consideration according to established standards. historical basis genera and species. Moreover. Of course, such conclusions are purely deductive in nature - that is, from the more general - "Murder" Holmes, introducing particular premises, descends to the particular.

The inductive part of his work is the same when “you have to run around on your own” - this is just a search for the particular premises missing for a correct judgment.

And all the exciting games with analysis of clothes, boots, ashes, etc. - this is precisely the art of obtaining the details missing for constructing a deductive series.

When the crime is fully classified and determined, the effective finding of these particular details leads Holmes to a specific criminal.

But Holmes begins with history. His categorical system, which he refers to, is clearly historical in nature. It has the main property historical approach- confidence that “most likely something similar has already happened” and “truly unique and unprecedented phenomena are very rare in historical life.” “All this already happened centuries before us.”

Another one characteristic of the same historical thinking - a penchant for the rhetoric of the "golden age and modern decline." “Now there are no real crimes, no real criminals.”

For me personally, as a person with what is called “inflamed” historical thinking, this genuine Holmes evokes delight.

In a way, this look reminds me of mine own view on historical event: “I believe that the subject of history is the inexplicable by “logical” social, economic, biological, psychological and other systems of causality. History is, first of all, the study of what happened contrary to the iron law of causality, although precisely for this it is necessary to know causality itself very well "

After all, Holmes deductively analyzes the crime precisely to the point where everything common and generic in this crime ends. And then, with the help of established particulars, he receives that special, unique thing that distinguishes this particular crime, as committed by this particular criminal, from all others of the same kind.

After I understood this, everything in Holmesian fell into place and the essence of the deductive method finally became clear to me.

P.S. By the way, Watson’s remarks that Holmes has no knowledge of philosophy may well be a consequence of the extreme limitations of Watson’s own knowledge.

In Holmes's article "The Book of Life", which is quoted by Watson, a man's hand is visible with a very high philosophical culture and adhering to deep philosophical tradition"the great chain of being."

“Every life is a huge chain of causes and effects, and we can know its nature one by one.”

In general, a paragraph from Holmes’ article reveals a person with great philosophical competence and a mystical-pantheistic worldview.

Most likely Holmes was a follower of Nicholas of Cusa.

P.P.S. In this regard, the episode with Holmes’ ignorance of the heliocentric system, which was precisely the banner of the Renaissance pantheists, becomes even more mysterious.
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Sherlock Holmes' deductive method:

  • Based on all the facts and evidence, a complete picture of the crime is built.
  • Based on the obtained picture of the crime, the only accused person corresponding to it is searched.

In terms of terminology, Holmes rather used the “inductive method” (a general judgment is made on the basis of particulars: cigarette butt-weapon-motive-personality, therefore Mr. X is a criminal). The deduction, in this case, would look like this: Mr. X - only person with a dark past surrounded by the victim, therefore, it was he who committed the crime.

When forming an idea of ​​the crime scene, Holmes uses strict logic, which allows him to reconstruct a single picture from scattered and individually insignificant details as if he had seen the incident with his own eyes.

From one drop of water, a person who knows how to think logically can conclude about the possibility of the existence of the Atlantic Ocean or Niagara Falls, even if he has never seen or heard of either one. Every life is a huge chain of causes and effects, and we can understand its nature one by one."

- "A study in Scarlet"

"An observer who has thoroughly studied one link in a series of events should be able to accurately establish all the other links - both previous and subsequent. But to bring the art of thinking to its highest point, it is necessary that the thinker be able to use all established facts, and for this he needs the most extensive knowledge..."

- “Five orange seeds”

The key points of the method are observation and expert knowledge in many practical and applied fields of science, often related to forensics. Here Holmes's specific approach to understanding the world is manifested, purely professional and pragmatic, seeming more than strange people, unfamiliar with the personality of Holmes. Having the deepest knowledge in areas specific to forensic science, such as soil science or typography, Holmes does not know basic things. For example, Holmes does not know the fact that the Earth revolves around the Sun, because this information is completely useless in his work.

It seems to me that the human brain is like a small empty attic that you can furnish however you want. A fool will drag in there all the junk he can get his hands on, and there will be nowhere to put useful, necessary things, or at best, you won’t even be able to get to them among all this rubbish. And a smart person carefully selects what he places in his brain attic.

- "A study in Scarlet"

Next, using his method, which Holmes calls deductive, he figures out the criminal. The usual course of his reasoning is as follows: “Discard all the impossible, what remains will be the answer, no matter how incredible it may seem.”

- “The Sign of Four”

For example, while investigating the case of the missing treasures of Agra, Holmes is faced with a situation where the criminal, according to signs and evidence left behind, turns out to be a short man with a foot that has never seen shoes. Having rejected all options, Holmes settles on the only one: this is a short savage from the Andaman Islands, no matter how paradoxical this option may seem.

Holmes's unusual ability to make astonishing guesses based on the smallest signs causes constant amazement for Watson and the readers of the stories. The detective uses and trains this ability not only during the investigation, but also in everyday life. As a rule, Holmes subsequently thoroughly explains his train of thought, which after the fact seems obvious and elementary.


In most cases, Holmes is faced with carefully planned and complexly executed crimes. At the same time, the range of crimes is quite wide - Holmes investigates murders, thefts, extortion, and sometimes he comes across situations that at first glance (or ultimately) do not have the elements of a crime at all (the incident with the king of Bohemia, the case of Mary Sutherland, the story of a man with split lip, Lord St. Simon's case).

Sherlock Holmes prefers to act alone, performing all investigative functions in one person. He is assisted by John Hamish Watson and the staff of Scotland Yard, but this is not of a fundamental nature. Holmes finds evidence and, as an expert, evaluates the involvement of those involved in the crime. Questions witnesses. In addition, Holmes often directly acts as a detective agent, searching for evidence and persons involved, and also participates in the arrest. Holmes is no stranger to various tricks - he uses makeup, wigs, and changes his voice. In some cases, he has to resort to complete transformation, which requires the art of an actor.

In some cases, a group of London street boys work for Holmes. Holmes mainly uses them as spies to assist him in solving cases.

Holmes keeps a detailed file of crimes and criminals, and also writes monographs as a criminologist.

Throughout life, people improve and develop themselves. In the process of personal development it is necessary to develop logical thinking. In the development of logic great importance has a method of thinking called deduction. And many people ask questions:

  1. What is logic?
  2. How to develop deduction?

Deduction refers to the ability to reason logically and come to an irrefutable conclusion.

Deduction (from lat. deductio– derivation) – deducing the particular from the general; way of thinking that leads from the general to the particular, from general position to the special.

Deduction, as a particular way of thinking, is based on isolating the main idea from the general one. In all sciences and in life, the method of deduction is widely used, which is why it is so important to develop deductive reasoning.

The simplest example of deductive reasoning:

  • Olya and Masha follow a diet;
  • the diet excludes the consumption of sweets;
  • therefore, Olya and Masha do not eat chocolate.

Everyone is well aware of the “king” of deductive thinking – Sherlock Holmes. In solving crimes, he always started from the general - full picture crimes with the alleged participants, and moved towards the specific - he considered each individual who could commit it, studied the possibilities, motives, behavior. And then, through logical inference, he figured out the criminal, presenting him with irrefutable evidence.

There are many ways, methods and games that develop deductive thinking.


The first and most important way to develop deduction is to read books. Firstly, this is an elementary expansion of horizons, memory training and personal development.

From the soil particles on the shoes, Sherlock Holmes could determine from which part of England the person came. And he distinguished 140 types of tobacco ash. Holmes was interested in literally everything and had a huge store of knowledge.

Secondly, you should not just read books, but analyze the situations described, memorize, assume, compare, calculate. When reading, for example, a detective story, try to use logical inference to determine who the criminal will be. This will teach you how to build logical chains.

Detective stories by Daria Dontsova are perfect for training


In order to develop deduction, you must train your memory daily. Not only books, but also various games will help you with this. Remember, there are a sufficient number of games that will help you in your daily training:

  • Chess – desktop logic game for two opponents. Perfectly develops logic, intelligence, and attentiveness.

Playing chess perfectly develops intelligence

  • Checkers is a logic board game for two players on a multi-cell board similar to a chess board. Teaches you to think one step ahead, develops observation and memory.

Playing checkers improves your memory

  • Sudoku – popular logic puzzle. The 9x9 square must be filled in with numbers according to special rules. The game develops attention, intelligence, a three-dimensional view of the world, as well as divergent thinking.

Sudoku will help you master divergent thinking

  • Puzzles puzzle game, which is a mosaic of many fragments of a picture various shapes, which you want to combine into a single image. Develops attentiveness, logic, imagination and trains memory.

Making puzzles develops logic and attention

  • « Memory » - board game, consisting of several dozen paired cards. The cards are shuffled and placed face down, then two are revealed at a time. When the pictures on them match, the cards remain upside down, but if the pictures are different, the cards are turned face down again. « Memory"to this day remains the leader among games that develop visual and spatial memory.

An exciting game that is truly useful for memory development

  • "Snowball" - game involving a large number of people strangers. It is also called a game for first acquaintance. The idea is that everyone present stands in a circle, and someone says their name first. Then, in a clockwise direction, the next participant says the name of the previous one and his own. The third will have to name the names of the previous two and say his own, and so on in a circle. You can also play the game with friends, calling not names, but, for example, the names of cities. Great memory training.

Games like these develop memory and attention

  • Card games - everyone knows card game into “fool”, etc. In the game you not only have to remember cards, but also calculate moves.

Although playing cards is considered gambling, it is educational

You can invent games for yourself. For example, take a picture, memorize the image for 15 seconds, and then on a piece of paper reproduce the list of objects that you were able to remember.


Everyone probably knows the riddles. There are a great many of them and they perfectly develop logic. If you can't guess the riddle, don't rush to look at the answers. Try to logically come to the answer yourself, even if it takes you a few days.

Don't forget that best riddles- these are riddles with a trick. They allow you to develop logic and deduction much more effectively than simple ones.

Examples of riddles for logic and thinking:

  1. Two people approach the river. There is a boat at the shore that can only support one. Both people crossed to the opposite bank. How?
  2. Where does it happen that a horse jumps over a horse?
  3. Sherlock Holmes walked down the street. And suddenly he saw a dead woman lying on the ground. He walked over, opened her bag and took out her phone. IN phone book he found her husband's number. He called. He says: “Come here urgently. Your wife is dead." And after a while the husband arrives. He looks at his wife and says: “Oh, honey, what happened to you???”
    Then the police arrive. Sherlock points his finger at the woman’s husband and says, “Arrest this man. He killed her." Question: Why did Sherlock think that?
  4. The jar is on the table. It stands so that one half of it is in the air, and the other is on the table. What is in the jar if it falls in half an hour? And why?
  5. A man went to sea and got caught in a storm. He was carried to an island where there were no men, and only girls lived. In the morning he woke up covered in ropes at some ritual and found out that they wanted to kill him. And he asked the last word. After he voiced it, the girls made him a boat, gave him food and water, and sent him home. What did he say?
  6. A 1st grade student solves this riddle in 5 minutes, a high school student in 15 minutes, a student in 1 hour, but a professor will never solve it. Riddle: decipher ODTCHPSHSVDD.
  7. It is known that among the nine coins there is one counterfeit one, which has less weight than the others. How can you identify a counterfeit coin in two weighings using a cup scale?
  8. Cat - 3, horse - 5, rooster - 8, donkey - 2, cuckoo - 4, frog - 3. Dog - ?
  9. Three criminals met: the bugbear Belov, the burglar Chernov and the pickpocket Ryzhov. “The amazing thing is that one of us has black hair, the second one has white hair, and the third one has red hair, but none of us have the same hair color as the last name,” said the black-haired man. “And, really...” said the bugbear Belov. What color is the pickpocket's hair?
  10. A father and two sons went on a hike. On their way they met a river, near the bank of which there was a raft. It can support either a father or two sons on the water. How can father and sons cross to the other side?
  1. They were on different banks.
  2. In chess.
  3. Because Holmes did not tell his husband the address.
  4. Let the ugliest one kill me.
  5. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten.
  6. First weighing: 3 and 3 coins. The counterfeit coin is in the pile that weighs less. If the piles are equal, then the fake is in the third pile. Second weighing: from the pile with the least weight, 1 and 1 coin are compared. If they are equal, then the remaining coin is fake.
  7. Cat – “meow” (3), horse – “ee-go-go” (5), rooster – “cuck-ka-re-coo” (8), donkey – “ee-a” (2), cuckoo – “ku-ku” (4), frog – “qua” (3), dog – “woof” (3).
  8. Belov is not white because of his last name and not black, since he answered the black-haired one. That is, Belov is red. Chernov is not black because of his last name and not red, since the red one is the bugbear Belov. Pickpocket Ryzhov was left with black color.
  9. First, both sons cross. One of the sons returns back to his father. The father moves to the opposite bank to join his son. The father remains on the shore, and the son crosses to the original shore after his brother, after which they both cross to their father.

Observation and details

To develop deduction, it is very important to notice details everywhere and in everything. For example, if you are riding on a bus, choose one person and, noticing even the little things, try to understand what he is interested in, who he works for, what his life is like. Family status, Lifestyle. Attention to small details, will allow you to see a more truthful picture of the situation than it might seem at first glance.

Observation itself is the ability to notice essentially important signs and features in things, phenomena and situations, but little noticeable, and therefore escaping the attention of most people.

searching for those or who committed this crime. Finding the culprit and proving his guilt, proving that the accused person is not guilty are the most important tasks facing investigators, lawyers, and judges. The fate of people depends on their work.

Fiction, such authors as Edgar Poe, Arthur Conan Doyle, Agatha Christie, Earl Gardner created wonderful examples of talented detectives and lawyers. But even in this galaxy of wonderful detectives, the figure of Sherlock Holmes with his deductive method of investigation undoubtedly stands out. Sherlock Holmes, like no one else, could find seemingly insignificant facts that eluded the attention of other detectives, and through deduction draw the right conclusions leading to solving the problem of finding the culprit.

Holmes explained to his friend and biographer Watson that it was incredibly difficult to believe the truth of the final conclusion. If you present each step of the derivation, then everything becomes “elementary, Watson.”

Stories about Sherlock Holmes need to be read, but I will only give summary one case demonstrating Holmes's method, from the story "The Sign of Four". Watson gives Holmes his watch and asks him to say what conclusions Holmes can draw from examining the watch. Here's what Holmes says after the examination:

“If I’m wrong, please correct me, Watson. So, the watch, in my opinion, belonged to your elder brother, and he inherited it from his father. Your brother was a disorderly, frivolous and sloppy man. He inherited a decent fortune, before him there was a future. But he squandered everything, lived in poverty, although sometimes fortune smiled on him. In the end, he became an alcoholic and died.”

Watson was amazed:

"This, Holmes, is highest degree It's not nice of you. You somehow found out about the fate of my unfortunate brother, and now you pretend that by some miracle you only became aware of this now. I will never believe that some old watch told you all this! This is cruel and, for that matter, smacks of quackery!”

Holmes assured Watson that he knew nothing about his brother before examining the watch, but his conclusions were not just a guess:

“I never guess. It’s a very bad habit, because it has a disastrous effect on the ability to think logically. You are amazed because you don’t see the course of my thoughts, and small facts do not exist for you. But it is precisely on them that, as a rule, reasoning is based.”

Everything turned out to be “elementary” when Holmes explained how he came to his conclusions. Here are some explanations from Holmes. The watch was engraved with "G. W", which led Holmes to believe that the watch had been purchased by a member of the Watson family. Based on the time of manufacture, they could have belonged to Watson's father. Traditionally, family jewels are passed down from father to eldest son, so that after his father's death, Watson's eldest brother owned it. It was sloppy, as there are dents on the watch cover, indicating careless treatment of the precious item. Marks on inside The watch covers allowed Holmes to establish that the watch was repeatedly pledged and redeemed, hence the conclusion that the brother squandered his fortune, but fortune sometimes smiled at him, allowing him to redeem the watch. Numerous scratches in the places where the key is inserted to wind the watch allowed Holmes to conclude that the hands of the owner of the watch often shook, and, therefore, he drank a lot. The brother died because Watson now owns the watch.

According to Aristotle, Holmes's conclusions arising from his observations are not the truth, but only Holmes's opinion, the truth with some degree of probability. Holmes himself speaks about this, but Watson confirmed that all Holmes’ conclusions are absolutely fair.

Hello, dear readers! Today we will study the deductive method of thinking, as it helps to draw competent and correct conclusions based on proven sources and facts. And for those who want to achieve success, this will be very useful, if only because with its help it becomes possible to think through their actions, anticipating events and being several steps ahead of others, and also gives an understanding of the actions and motives of others.

What is deduction?

The deductive method was used by the famous and beloved Sherlock Holmes, at times shocking with his insight and attentiveness. But is it so difficult to learn to think like him? Not at all, especially if you understand the principle of this method. And it consists in the fact that it initially begins with a hypothesis that a person considers true and correct, and verifies it through observation. Usually, any conclusion, following the laws of logic, is formed from the general to the specific.

In order not to confuse you, I will give an example, then it will become clearer: Every living thing has its own finitude, a person is alive, and accordingly, people die. Most often, syllogisms are used in deduction, that is, when there are several judgments and, on their basis, a new judgment is introduced, which is called a conclusion. It can be categorical: “Men are womanizers, unfaithful husbands, my husband is a womanizer, which means he’s cheating.” Or conditionally: “If deputies lie, we are disappointed in them, and, as we know, deputies lie, therefore, we are disappointed in them.” And the last form is a disjunctive syllogism: “The boss is either a liar or stupid, but the boss is truthful, therefore he is stupid.”

How to develop?

  1. First you need to learn to distinguish and differentiate subjective thinking from objective thinking. Because each of us has our own opinions, views, images, etc., and sometimes, when we meet someone, associations arise in our heads with this person, attributing certain characteristics to him. Let me give you a simple example: A man didn’t show up for a date, and the idea immediately arose that he was a liar, a deceiver, and generally a bad person. You must immediately delete his number, block him and never communicate. This is if it's subjective. But if you understand the situation, find out the opinions of other people to find out whether it coincides with yours, it will become clear that in fact, on the way to you, he heard cries for help and rushed to save the drowning children, whom he then took to their homes parents. Psychologists call this process reality testing. Therefore, whenever you doubt your objectivity, try to discuss this issue with someone.
  2. It is also important to develop attentiveness; it is especially valuable to learn to notice details and nuances. And for this you need to train both voluntary and involuntary attention.

Voluntary attention is our concentration

Remember how sometimes Sherlock Holmes seemed completely indifferent when he was told about some tragedy? He had a stone face and sometimes didn’t even look at his interlocutor. And not because he doesn’t know how to empathize, he simply focused and pushed his subjective assessments and emotions aside. Remember, in the article you talked about various methods so as not to be distracted by various stimuli?

Well, for example, the pomodoro method. Start practicing, then you can, like Sherlock, automatically focus on the necessary things. It is believed that a person can be focused at most for about 20 minutes, but with the help of training it is quite possible to significantly increase this figure. Start right now by installing, for example, the “Freedom” program on your computer; it limits access to social networks and mail at the time you specify.

Look for the so-called “entertaining tables”; numbers from 1 to 90 are randomly scattered in them, and you need to find each one in turn. If you practice daily, the results will not be long in coming. There are such exercises on this site.

Involuntary – passive and does not require effort

Simply put, it is a natural reaction to a stimulus that arouses interest. To develop it, you will have to observe something familiar, while changing the background. For example, look around your office first in silence, then with pleasant music and unpleasant noise. The essence of the task is that over time you will be able to focus on the necessary details without falling out due to some external stimulus. Also, when on the street or in public place, watch people, looking closely at minor details, trying to logically explain them to myself. Look at the article, it describes a wonderful way to concentrate using a candle.

And that’s not all, by the way. Holmes achieved such colossal success thanks to the development of the ability of post-voluntary attention. That is, when some task becomes commonplace, and the focus of attention remains on the subject automatically. This is a very useful ability. Studies have been conducted that have shown that with post-voluntary attention, the psyche gets the opportunity to rest and unload.

This happens because the brain does not need to waste energy on maintaining focus on the task and searching for its solution. To make it clearer, I will give an example: A first-grade student makes every effort to complete homework. By force of will you have to stay at the table with uninteresting lessons instead of playing ball with friends. But over time, this process becomes a habit and becomes commonplace. And only in rare cases does he have to engage active attention.

  1. Expand your horizons. In order to learn the basics of deduction and begin to apply them successfully, it is very important that you are a well-rounded person. Agree, it will be difficult to create judgments without having general information. The secret of great detectives was their curiosity and curiosity. Free time they devoted themselves to learning something new and improving their skills. I don't know about you, but I definitely don't remember a single scene where the detective wastes his time watching pointless TV shows while lounging on the couch. If you read books, you will develop not only your horizons, but also your memory, imagination and thinking. Read more about the benefits in the article
  2. Solve puzzles, tasks, puzzles. This will help keep your brain in good shape, and, of course, teach you to approach difficulties creatively. Just choose the direction that interests you. Can you solve math problems? Great, then stock up on arithmetic or geometry textbooks. Do you like tasks that require logic and a non-standard approach? There are a lot of tasks for novice detectives with Inspector Warnicke, Louis, Poirot... There are even Online Games, where you have the opportunity to fully get used to the role of a skeptical and observant investigator.
  3. Train your ability to recognize other people's nonverbal expressions of emotion. This will provide more food for understanding them, searching for motives for actions, and will help anticipate their actions. Find out more in the article
  4. Trust is very important in our lives; it helps us feel safe. But how can you learn deduction if you take everything on faith? You simply have to be critical of what is happening. After all, if you form your judgments based on false information- they will be unfaithful. Therefore, always compare how reliable what you are told is.
  5. Sometimes it’s not always possible to keep a huge amount of information in your head, so be sure to keep a notebook in which you will write down your observations and conclusions. Believe me, someday the moment will come when it will be useful to you.


The deductive method is useful not only for those who want to develop logical thinking, it is simply necessary for every person, regardless of profession and lifestyle. We all make some conclusions, considering them true, but is this true if we think too subjectively or act rashly, guided by emotions? That's all for today, see you soon.

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