Place of birth of Dostoevsky and years of life. Weekly electronic newspaper Wikers Weekly

The educational experience of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky was largely formed from the impressions of his childhood, when his cruel, domineering, stingy father, Mikhail Andreevich, authoritarianly dictated his pedagogical will to his sons. Father engaged with them primarily in natural scientific research (since he was a doctor), read to them “The History of the Russian State” by Karamzin, the Gospel, and the lives of saints. From childhood, the writer perceived the authority of his father as something strong, indestructible and not even amenable to discussion. Subsequently, he admitted to his brother Mikhail that people like their father were difficult to find: “after all, they were real, genuine people" He adhered to this opinion despite everything - despite the cruel character of his father, despite his tyranny in relation to the peasants, for which he was killed by them. And yet, all his life, Fyodor Mikhailovich, who believed in the theory of heredity according to his father, was afraid to adopt his negative qualities.

It would seem that fate did not foretell the writer after his difficult childhood, after difficult studies at the Engineering School, life after hard labor and very difficult personal stories happy family. But, largely thanks to his character, love, dedication last wife Anna Grigorievna, family life Things worked out for Fyodor Mikhailovich after all.

Anna Grigorievna and Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

After getting married, the Dostoevskys went abroad. Their first daughter* was born and died there. Anna Grigorievna became pregnant again, about which one of his friends wittily writes to Dostoevsky: “I’m glad, first of all, that you finished the novel “The Idiot.” And the second is that Anna Grigorievna also began to think about the novel. And she herself cannot say which one, although she will think about it for 9 months. Where will Anna Grigorievna’s novel be born?”

Apparently, this “novel”, the first surviving child, was destined to be born in Florence. But nevertheless this did not happen. When his wife’s “romance” was approaching “completion,” Dostoevsky became worried. He didn’t know Italian, so he began to think: if his wife went into labor and lost consciousness, he would not be able to communicate with the doctors. And the Dostoevskys left for Germany - Dostoevsky spoke German well, even translated Schiller’s “The Robbers”.

Daughter Lyubov Fedorovna was born in Dresden in 1869. And in 1871, already in St. Petersburg, a son, Fedor, was born.

Dostoevsky the teacher: “With love, buy the hearts of our children”

At that time, in the 70s years XIX centuries, to Dostoevsky as famous author works about children (in particular, “Netochka Nezvanova”, “ Little hero", etc.) many parents and school teachers began to contact, which served as one of the impetuses for the publication of the "Diary of a Writer", where many pages are devoted to education. While creating the Diary, Dostoevsky was interested in the situation of children in factories, visited educational homes, colonies for minors, critically assessed the education system in them and made recommendations.

In Dostoevsky’s prose and journalism one can see what the author considered to be the main vices of upbringing. First of all, the disdainful attitude of adults towards inner world child, which never goes unnoticed by the child. Next is the excessive importunity of adults that irritates children. Then comes bias, leading to erroneous conclusions about the child’s character. He condemns cruelty to children, the suppression of any originality in them. Dostoevsky especially condemns flirting with children, blind love for them and the desire to make everything easier for the child. And he concludes:

“First of all, we must buy the hearts of our children with love, we must give the child the sun, a bright example and at least a drop of love for him... We teach, and they make us better just by one contact with them. We must become closer to them in soul every hour.”

Dostoevsky allows punishment, but no punishment should be accompanied by a loss of faith in the possibility of correcting the child.

The main pedagogy is parents' house. The writer sees the core of the problem here:

“In our families, the highest goals of life are almost never mentioned, and the idea of ​​immortality is not only not thought of at all, but is even too often treated satirically - and this is all in front of children, from a very early age...”

Therefore, education and upbringing according to Dostoevsky is not only science, but also “spiritual light that illuminates the soul, enlightens the heart, guides the mind and shows it the way.” Therefore, the writer especially sharply criticized contemporary pedagogy, which gives rise to atheists, “Svidrigailovs,” “Stavrogins,” and “Nechaevs.”

Dostoevsky was also interested in public education. He believed that it should not go against religious beliefs, because “It is important to preserve tenderness and a heartfelt religious feeling in society”. In his “intuitive” pedagogy, Dostoevsky foresaw many important provisions for modern pedagogy. He spoke about the role of heredity in the formation of a person’s spiritual appearance, about the developing and educative nature of education, about the influence speech development child on his thinking abilities.

Dostoevsky the father: “I tremble for the children and their fate”

It is unlikely that Dostoevsky the father somehow systematized his pedagogical methods and principles. For him, pedagogy has always been living, effective, and practical. His upbringing of his stepson Pavel (the son of his first wife Isaeva) was unsuccessful. The young man was ungrateful, arrogant, and disdainful of his stepfather, despite the fact that Dostoevsky, even with his difficult financial situation, helped him financially whenever possible. Therefore, the father tried to make every effort to ensure that the education of his own children achieved its goal.

Fyodor and Lyubov Dostoevsky

He started doing them too early, when most fathers still keep their children in the nursery. He probably knew that he was not destined to see Lyuba and Fedya grow up, and he hurried to plant good thoughts and feelings in their receptive souls.

For this purpose, he chose the same means that his father had previously chosen - reading great writers. Daughter Lyubov remembered the first one literary evenings which their father regularly arranged for them:

“One autumn evening in Staraya Russa, when the rain poured in torrents and yellow leaves covered the ground, father announced to us that he would read Schiller’s “The Robbers” aloud to us(in its own translation, presumably - Yu.D.). I was seven years old at that time, and my brother was barely six years old. The mother wished to be present at this first reading. Dad read with enthusiasm, sometimes stopping to explain a difficult expression to us. But since sleep took possession of me the more, the more ferocious the Moore brothers became, I frantically opened my poor tired children’s eyes as wide as possible, and brother Fyodor completely unceremoniously fell asleep... When my father looked at his audience, he fell silent, burst out laughing and began to laugh at himself . “They can’t understand this, they are still too young,” he told his mother sadly. Poor father! He hoped to experience with us the delight that Schiller's dramas aroused in him; he forgot that he was twice our age when he could appreciate them himself!”

The writer read Pushkin’s stories, Lermontov’s Caucasian poems, and “Taras Bulba” to children. After their literary taste was more or less developed, he began to read to them poems by Pushkin and Alexei Tolstoy, the two Russian poets whom he loved most. Dostoevsky read them amazingly, and in particular one of them he could not read without tears - Pushkin’s poem “Poor Knight”.

The writer’s family did not neglect the theater. In Russia at that time it was customary for parents to take their children to ballet. Dostoevsky was not a fan of ballet and never attended it. He preferred opera. He himself really loved Glinka’s opera “Ruslan and Lyudmila” and instilled this love in his children.

When his father left or his work did not allow him to do it himself, he asked his wife to read to the children the works of Walter Scott and Dickens - this “great Christian,” as he calls him in “The Diary of a Writer.” During lunch, he asked the children about their impressions and reconstructed entire episodes from these novels.

Dostoevsky loved to pray with his whole family. During Holy Week he fasted, went to church twice a day and put off all literary work. I really loved the Easter night service. Children usually did not attend this service filled with great joy. But the writer certainly wanted to show his daughter this wondrous service when she was barely nine years old. He placed her on a chair so she could see better and lifted her high in his arms as he explained what was happening.

Dostoevsky the father cared not only about the spiritual, but also about the material condition of the children. In 1879, shortly before his death (+1881), he wrote to his wife about purchasing the estate:

“I keep thinking, my dear, about my death myself and about what I will leave you and the children with... You don’t like villages, but I have every conviction that the village is capital, which will triple by the age of the children, and that the one who owns land, participates in political power over the state. This is the future of our children... I tremble for the children and for their fate.”

Daughter Lyubov lived with her father for 11 years, until his death. One day her father wrote her the following letter:

“My dear angel, I kiss you and bless you and love you very much. Thank you for writing me letters, I will read and kiss them. And I’ll think about you every time I receive it.”

“Listen to your mother and don’t quarrel with Fedya. Don't forget to both study. I pray to God for you all and ask Him for your health. Give my regards to the priest (a friend of Dostoevsky, an old priest, Father John Rumyantsev. - Yu.D.). Goodbye, dear Lilichka, I love you very much.”

Writer Markevich recalls the day of Dostoevsky’s funeral:

"Two children(Luba 11 years old, Fedya 9 years old - Yu.D.) They hurriedly and fearfully crossed themselves on their knees. The girl, in a desperate impulse, rushed to me, grabbed my hand: “Pray, I ask you, pray for dad, so that if he had sins, God would forgive him.” She spoke with some amazing childish expression.”

At Dostoevsky's grave. In the center: A.G. Dostoevskaya and the writer’s children - Fyodor and Lyubov

Lyubov Fedorovna Dostoevskaya: Find happiness...

Living and creating under the shadow of a genius is difficult. Lyubov Fedorovna also dared to become a writer, but her attempt failed. She wrote three novels, which she published at her own expense. These works were received rather coldly and were never republished. Someone suggested that she take a pseudonym, but she refused and tried to conquer the literary Olympus under the name Dostoevskaya, probably not realizing what temptations this was associated with.

She was often sick and never had a family. She left Russia before the revolution and was treated in Europe. Her only significant contribution to literature is big Book memories of my father. These memories became the main work of her life. Some excerpts of this book were published in the USSR in the 20s of the 20th century - but only biographical information about her father, Dostoevsky's genealogy, her reflections on the revolution, naturally, were withdrawn by Soviet censorship.

The questionnaire filled out by her, still an 18-year-old girl, is very revealing. Here are some answers from it:

— What goal do you pursue in life?
— Find happiness on earth and do not forget about future life.
- What is happiness?
- In a calm conscience.
- What is the misfortune?
- In self-deprecation and suspicious character.
- How long would you like to live?
- As long as possible.
—What death would you like to die?
- left unanswered.
—What virtue is the most important for you?
- Sacrifice yourself for others.
— Your favorite writer?
- Dostoevsky.
—Where would you like to live?
- Where there is more sun...

She spent her last years in Italy, where she died at the age of 56 in 1926.

Fyodor Fyodorovich Dostoevsky: Save and continue

Dostoevsky's son Fyodor graduated from the law and natural sciences faculties of Dorpat University and became a major horse breeder. He had a love for horses since childhood. My father wrote about little Fed:

“Fechka asks to go for a walk too, but you can’t even think about it. He grieves and cries. I show him the horses through the window when they’re driving, he’s terribly interested and loves horses, shouts whoa.”

Fyodor Fedorovich, apparently, adopted vanity and the desire to excel from his grandfather, Mikhail Andreevich. At the same time, attempts to prove himself in the literary field soon disappointed him. However, according to some contemporaries, he had abilities, but it was precisely the label “son of the writer Dostoevsky” that prevented him from revealing them.

In 1918, after the death of his mother, who was kicked out of her dacha by a watchman and spent her last days in a Yalta hotel, Fyodor Fedorovich came to Crimea and, risking his life (he was almost shot by security officers, deciding that he was smuggling), took the archive to Moscow father.

Fedor Fedorovich died in 1921. His son, Andrei Fedorovich Dostoevsky, became the only successor of the direct line of descendants of the great writer.

Dostoevsky's children did not become geniuses and outstanding personalities: They say nature rests on children. Yes and world history does not know the duplication of geniuses in one family, from generation to generation. Geniuses are born once every century. It was the same with Tolstoy’s children - many of them wrote and left memoirs, but who remembers them today, except literary scholars and admirers of the great old man’s work? Lyuba and Fedya undoubtedly grew up to be decent and responsible people. And in such a “scattered” fate of Lyubov and Fyodor, of course, those storms and thunderstorms that swept over Russia at the beginning of the 20th century and which their father foresaw and predicted back in the 19th century are largely to blame. great writer-prophet.

In the end, at God's judgment we will be asked not for what we left behind, but for the kind of people we were. In this regard, I am sure that Dostoevsky’s children have something to justify themselves to the Almighty.

Fyodor Fedorovich Dostoevsky, Anna Grigorievna Dostoevskaya, Lyubov Fedorovna Dostoevskaya

*Another child of the Dostoevskys, younger son, did not live to be three years old and died in 1878. Fyodor Mikhailovich was very worried early death two of their children.

There are many examples where people probably foresaw the day of their death. One of these visionaries turned out to be the brilliant Russian writer Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky. He died on the evening of January 28 (February 9), 1881. Two days before, the author of great novels felt ill. At night, as usual, he worked in his office. I accidentally dropped a pen, which rolled under the bookcase. Fyodor Mikhailovich decided to get it and tried to move the bookcase. It turned out to be surprisingly heavy. The writer tensed, and then he felt bad. Blood flowed from his mouth. He wiped it back side palms. Later, his health improved, and he did not attach serious importance to this episode. He did not call for help and did not wake up his wife. In the morning his condition became even better. By lunchtime Dostoevsky was cheerful. He was waiting for his sister to arrive from St. Petersburg. Over dinner, the writer laughed, joked, and reminisced about his childhood, about the time when they lived in Moscow. But Sister Vera did not come with good intentions.

Family scene

The Dostoevsky family had an estate near Ryazan. By that time, all their relatives had quarreled over this estate. Vera was sent by the sisters. She did not support her brother’s carefree conversation at dinner, but started talking about part of the inheritance. The sister asked him to give up his share in favor of his sisters.

During the conversation, the woman became angry, spoke sharply, and, in the end, accused the writer of cruelty towards his family. The conversation ended with her tears and almost hysterics. Being an emotional person, Fyodor Mikhailovich became very upset and left the table without finishing his meal. In the office, he again felt the taste on his lips. The writer screamed, and his wife Anna Grigorievna Snitkina came running to the sound. A doctor was urgently called. But by the time he arrived, the bleeding had passed, Fyodor Mikhailovich’s health had returned to normal. The doctor found him in a good mood. The father and the children were reading a humorous magazine. But soon the bleeding resumes. It is very strong and cannot be stopped. After a great loss of blood, Dostoevsky loses consciousness.

“There will be one room there, something like a village bathhouse, smoky, and in all the corners there will be spiders, and that’s all eternity” F. Dostoevsky

But everything turned out to be not so bad. Gradually the bleeding goes away and the patient falls asleep. In the morning they come to the ruler of thoughts famous doctors: Professor Koshlakov and Doctor Pfeiffer. They carefully examine the patient and reassure his wife:

Everything will be fine, he will recover soon.

And indeed the next morning Fyodor Mikhailovich wakes up cheerful and charged for work. The proofs of “A Writer’s Diary” lie on his desk and he begins to edit. Then he has lunch: drinks milk, eats some caviar. Loved ones calm down.

Anna Snitkina - Dostoevsky's wife

And at night he calls his wife. She approaches the patient's bedside in alarm. Fyodor Mikhailovich looks at her and says that he has not slept for several hours, because he realized that he will die today. Anna Grigorievna freezes in horror.

Anna Snitkina

Even during the day everything was so good, things were getting better. And suddenly such a statement. His wife doesn’t believe him, tries to dissuade him, says that the bleeding has stopped and that he will live for a long time. But Dostoevsky is sure of his imminent death. Where did this knowledge come from? Where does this confidence come from? No answer! It even seems that he is not very upset, at least he is acting courageously. He asks his wife to read the Gospel. She doubtfully takes the book and reads: “But Jesus answered him: Do not hold back...”. The writer smiled prophetically and repeated: “Don’t hold back, you see, don’t hold back, it means I’ll die.”

But to the delight of Anna Grigorievna, he soon falls asleep. Unfortunately, the dream was short-lived. Fyodor Mikhailovich woke up abruptly and the bleeding resumed. At eight in the evening the doctor arrives. But by this time the great writer is already in agony. Half an hour after the doctor’s arrival, Dostoevsky bursts out of his mouth. last breath. He dies without regaining consciousness.

Dr. Wagner

Soon after the death of her husband, a certain Doctor Wagner comes to Anna Grigorievna. This is a professor from St. Petersburg University, at that time a well-known and popular spiritualist in Russia. He talks for a long time with Anna Grigorievna. The essence of his request is to evoke the spirit of the great writer. The frightened woman categorically refuses him.

But that same night her dead husband comes to her

Descendants of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

As you know, the author of The Brothers Karamazov had four children, two of whom - Sonya and Alyosha - died in infancy. Daughter Lyuba was childless, so all the heirs living today are descendants from the line of his son Fedor. Fyodor Fedorovich Dostoevsky had two sons, one of whom - also Fyodor - passed away very young, dying of hunger already in the 20s. Until recently, there were five heirs of the great writer in a direct line: great-grandson Dmitry Andreevich, his son Alexey and three granddaughters - Anna, Vera and Maria. They all live in St. Petersburg.

Russian researchers of the work and life of Dostoevsky were worried that the name of the great writer might disappear over time. Therefore, when the long-awaited heir was born in St. Petersburg into the family of the writer’s only great-great-grandson, it was considered an event of enormous significance. Moreover, they named the boy Fedor. It is curious that the parents initially intended to name the boy Ivan. And this would also be symbolic - the grandfather, father and son would have names, like the main characters of the novel "The Brothers Karamazov". However, providence decided everything. The boy was born on September 5, and according to the calendar, the name Fedor falls at this time.

The writer's wife, Anna Grigorievna, lived until 1918. In April 1917, she decided to go to her small estate near Adler to wait for the unrest to subside. But the revolutionary storm also reached the Black Sea coast. A former gardener on Dostoevskaya’s estate who deserted from the front declared that he, the proletarian, should be the real owner of the estate. Anna Grigorievna fled to Yalta. In the Yalta hell of 1918, when the city was changing hands, she spent recent months of her life and died of hunger in all alone and terrible torment in the Yalta hotel. There was even no one there to bury her, until six months later her son Fyodor Fedorovich Dostoevsky arrived from Moscow. By some miracle, he made his way to Crimea at the height of the Civil War, but did not find his mother alive. She asked in her will to be buried in her husband's grave, but went Civil War, and it was impossible to do this, they buried her in the crypt of the Aut Church. In 1928, the temple was blown up, and her grandson Andrei learns from a letter that “her bones are lying on the ground.” He goes to Yalta and, in the presence of a policeman, reburies them in the corner of the cemetery. Only in 1968, with the help of the Writers' Union, did he manage to bury Anna Grigorievna's ashes in her husband's grave.

According to the memoirs of the writer’s grandson, Andrei Fedorovich Dostoevsky, when Fyodor Fedorovich was taking Dostoevsky’s archive, left after the death of Anna Grigorievna, from Crimea to Moscow, he was almost shot by security officers on suspicion of profiteering - they thought that he was transporting contraband in baskets.

Anna Snitkina with her daughter Lyubov and son Fedor

Dostoevsky's son, Fyodor (1871-1921), graduated from two faculties of the University of Dorpat - law and science, became an expert in horse breeding, a famous horse breeder, passionately devoted himself to his favorite work and reached the same dizzying heights in it as his father did in the field of literature. He was proud and vain, striving to be the first everywhere. He tried to prove himself in the literary field, but was disappointed in his abilities. He lived and died in Simferopol. They buried him with money Historical Museum on Vagankovskoe cemetery. “I tried to find his grave in the eighties based on descriptions, but it turned out that it was dug up in the thirties,” says the writer’s great-grandson.

Dostoevsky’s beloved daughter Lyubov, Lyubochka (1868-1926), according to the memoirs of contemporaries, “was arrogant, arrogant, and simply quarrelsome. She did not help her mother perpetuate the glory of Dostoevsky, creating her image as a daughter famous writer, subsequently separated from Anna Grigorievna altogether.” In 1913, after another trip abroad for treatment, she remained there forever (abroad she became “Emma”). “I thought that I could become a writer, I wrote stories and novels, but no one read her...” She wrote an unsuccessful book, “Dostoevsky in the Memoirs of his Daughter.” Her personal life did not work out. She died in 1926 from leukemia in the Italian city of Bolzano. She was buried solemnly, but according to the Catholic rite in the absence of an Orthodox priest. When the old cemetery in Bolzano was closed, the ashes of Lyubov Dostoevskaya were transferred to the new one and a huge porphyry vase was placed over the grave; the Italians raised money for it. Once I met the actor Oleg Borisov, and, having learned that he was going to those parts, I asked him to sprinkle her grave with soil from Optina Pustyn, which I took from Dostoevsky’s house there.”

The writer's nephew, Andrei Andreevich Dostoevsky (1863-1933), the son of his younger brother, was an amazingly modest and devoted person to the memory of Fyodor Mikhailovich. Following the example of his father, he became a historiographer of the family. Andrei Andreevich was 66 years old when he was sent to the White Sea Canal...Six months after his release, he died.

Dostoevsky's great-grandson, Dmitry Andreevich, born in 1945, lives in St. Petersburg. He is a tram driver by profession and has worked on route No. 34 all his life. In one of his interviews, he says: “In my youth I hid the fact that I am the only direct descendant of Dostoevsky in male line. Now I say this with pride.” Grandson of Andrei Fedorovich Dostoevsky, engineer, front-line soldier, creator of the F. M. Dostoevsky Museum in Leningrad. This is what his son says about him.

"He was dominated by famous saying Lenin about the “arch-nasty Dostoevsky.” When Dostoevsky was thrown off the “ship of modernity” at the first Congress Soviet writers, the father exclaimed: “Well, I’m no longer the grandson of the Russian classic!” He was born in Simferopol. After high school, already in Soviet time, entered the Novocherkassk Polytechnic Institute. He was drawn to all kinds of hardware; I know that he was almost the first in the south to become interested in radio. But he was expelled from the institute, he said, for refusing to take off his student cap. Then they fought against any class affiliation. In fact, the reason was different; I managed to find it out in the FSB archives. He visited the house of a professor who was later arrested.

After being expelled, he goes to Leningrad to visit his uncle Andrei Andreevich.

Here he graduates from the Polytechnic Institute and becomes a forestry specialist. My uncle was soon arrested in connection with the Academic Case. This case was invented by the security officers themselves. Seven academicians were arrested and another 128 people were added to them, forty of whom were employees of the Pushkin House, where Andrei Andreevich worked.

He was given five years in prison and sent to build the White Sea-Baltic Canal. He was 64 years old, and perhaps age had an effect, perhaps Lunacharsky’s intercession, but he was released. He died two years later, having managed to publish a book of his father's memoirs. Dostoevists value this book; it describes the childhood years of Fyodor Mikhailovich, and this is very important in understanding a person.

Soon after his death, my father was arrested again, again accused of having “counter-revolutionary” conversations with a professor from Novocherkassk. He was kept in prison for a month big house and released due to insufficient evidence. Mom said that from then on he was very afraid...”

It must be said that both the grandson and great-grandson of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky did to open the writer’s museum in St. Petersburg. Our family donated furniture to the museum that belonged to the writer’s nephew Andrei. It must be said that the townspeople very actively responded to the museum’s call to donate furniture from that era. But! Let's listen to F.M.'s great-grandson, Dostoevsky: “The museum opened in 1971, after my father’s death I began to take part in its work. Many years have passed and, of course, a lot has changed in the museum. I don't support everything that has changed. Has faded away scientific work museum, it became an ordinary collection of exhibits. The exposition itself has also changed, the last change upset me. The memorial part, the writer’s apartment itself, never acquired the spirit of the family that lived in it, but this was, according to the writer himself, the happiest time of his life.”

He said: “Stop at some bright points in your life, stick to them, and then everything will be fine in your life.” The great-grandson of the writer Dmitry Dostoevsky shared stories about such “bright points” of his life, and also about representatives of the famous family, the power mother's prayer and the miracle of his healing at the Old Russian Icon Mother of God.

About coming to faith and defeating cancer

Illness pushed me to faith. When I was 25 years old, I was diagnosed with cancer. There was an operation, then for six months I was in the Oncology Center on Tchaikovsky Street in Leningrad, where I underwent chemotherapy. I fought this disease as best I could.

They took me to the operation without any preliminary preparation, and I told the doctors: “Why is this? I'm afraid". They answered me: “In your direction it is written: “Cito”. Do you know what “cito” is? This in Latin means “immediately”, “urgently”. We want to save you." I say: “Well, okay, save me.” That is, at that moment it was about life and death.

Mystically, at that moment, a translator from Japan turned up in St. Petersburg, working on the translation of Dostoevsky. Japan was then one of the most advanced countries in the production of cancer drugs. My mother, now deceased, addressed him with a letter in which she asked to save Dostoevsky’s descendant (I later gave her letters to the museum). When literally a week later (in Soviet times!) I brought a box of medicine to the head of our department, she did not believe that it was possible: “We order this medicine by name through Moscow! You weren't on the list. And then a week later you bring this medicine!” And I said with great pride: “Well, I’m Dostoevsky, a descendant of Fyodor Mikhailovich, who is known all over the world. Therefore, it is natural that the whole world is ready to help me continue to live.”

Through my mother's prayer I did not die from cancer, I remained alive

This is on the one hand. And the other is connected with my mother, who, 50 years after her baptism, went to church to beg for her son’s life. I believe the second reason I stayed alive was my mother’s prayer. She forgot everything that was supposed to be done in the temple, and simply, like a mother, turned to God: “Lord! Save my son! Leave him alive! For the Lord to help you, you need faith and soul, a direct appeal to God. He helped me more than once.

Personally, I was able to defeat cancer twice. Believe me, the devil is not as scary as he is painted. You just need to not give up and not be afraid, but believe that you can win. At the same time, one should not wait for symptoms - feeling unwell and pain (after all, the tumor itself does not hurt), but get checked at least once a year. My victories are based on the fact that I discovered my sores on time.

It is also important not to leave a person alone with this terrible disease, to support his belief that he can cope. But it is no less important for the patient himself to be in a positive tone and during this period to do what he likes. My experience tells me that the forces of the body itself in these conditions work to heal. Therefore, I always wish everyone good health!

“God healed me of a peptic ulcer at the Old Russian Icon”

“Dostoevsky readings” are regularly held in Staraya Russa, and for many years they have been spiritually cared for by Metropolitan Lev of Novgorod and Staraya Russa. According to a long-established tradition, Old Russian readings begin with Divine Liturgy in the temple, one of the most ancient Old Russian churches. Fyodor Mikhailovich was a parishioner of this temple.

I felt that I needed to approach this icon. I approach and suddenly burst into tears...

This is a special temple for me. In Staraya Russa, I began to experience terrible pain due to the fact that the local water was completely different from Leningrad. I suffered terribly because of my illness. And suddenly one day something led me to St. George’s Church. Grandmothers were mopping the floor, there was no service. In my mind, I understood that I had come here at the wrong time, that none of the worshipers were here now, only I was alone. And at that moment my heart was directed to the miraculous Old Russian Icon of the Mother of God. I felt that I needed to approach her. I'm approaching. A certain catharsis occurs. I, a grown man, suddenly burst into tears... I left the church, completely not understanding what happened to me.

The day passes. And suddenly I discovered that there was no pain, that I was completely healthy and even felt an increase in strength. I stay for this day, listen to the reports. The day after the reports there is a closing of the readings and a banquet, which is attended by the entire administration of Staraya Russa. Everyone is somewhat perplexed: “Dmitry Andreevich, you finally attended our farewell banquet. It is so pleasant!" Since then, it’s as if I never had this disease.

At the age of 45, that is, at a fairly mature age, I was baptized in Staraya Russa, where I celebrated my 60th birthday. So it was in Staraya Russa that my healing and one of the most important events of my life took place - baptism. With the blessing of the priests of the St. George Church, I talk everywhere about the miracle of my healing from a peptic ulcer. And I’m very happy when people come up to me and say: “You know, the same thing happened to me as to you.” Not only were they healed from illnesses, but also others life problems were permitted after prayer at the Old Russian Icon of the Mother of God. All believers who happen to visit Staraya Russa try to come to this icon.

It was brought by the Greeks from Olviopolis in the first centuries of Christianity in Rus' and was located in Staraya Russa until the 17th century. During the pestilence of 1655, a resident of the city of Tikhvin had a revelation that the pestilence would end if the miraculous Staraya Russa icon was brought there, and the Tikhvin icon would be sent to Staraya Russa. After the icons were transferred, the pestilence stopped, but the Tikhvin people did not return the image and only in the 18th century they allowed a copy to be made from the Old Russian icon. On May 4, 1768, a copy was brought to Staraya Russa, in honor of which a festival was established. The second holiday date is celebrated on September 18, 1888, when the original was returned to Staraya Russa. This year marks the 130th anniversary of this historical event.

Children and grandchildren of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

My mother, born before 1917, like all Russian people then, was baptized. But she perceived Soviet reality as a certain reality in which she had to live, and therefore tried to protect her and our lives as much as possible. And because she married Andrei Fedorovich, a descendant of the “arch-nasty Dostoevsky,” as Lenin called the writer, she was afraid to baptize us, her children.

In general, my mother never expected to give birth to twins. This was in 1945. According to her, my sister Ira and I had one blanket between us. Like all “military children,” we were weakened and three months after our birth we fell ill with pneumonia. It so happened that the Lord left me as the successor of the male line, and took Ira. One day my mother took me to the grave where Ira was buried and said: “This is your sister.” I don’t remember her at all, we were only three months old. And then my mother was buried there - in St. Petersburg, at the Skhodnenskoye cemetery. Now there are more Dostoevskys there, because the whole family of Andrei Fedorovich lies there. Six Dostoevsky graves. I hope that someday I will return there too.

Fyodor Mikhailovich had three sisters and three brothers. And all the branches stopped, only our little branch remained. When my father's anniversary was celebrated, I took the liberty of making a report on his life. This, of course, is a very difficult task, because a person bearing the name Dostoevsky must live his own life and at the same time always remember that he is a descendant of Fyodor Mikhailovich, who said very important words to the whole world.

Having graduated from the Engineering School at the age of 19, Fyodor Mikhailovich immediately declared: “I will not engage in this profession, but will be a writer.” His son Fedor also quickly found himself - he was involved in horse breeding all his life, was a fairly well-known specialist in this field, and published many articles in the imperial horse breeding magazine.

When Fyodor Mikhailovich went to Moscow for the opening of the monument to Pushkin, where he delivered his famous “Pushkin Speech,” Anna Grigorievna wrote to him: “I can’t get along with Fedya, he runs away all the time, I find him with the boys on the street, he is interested in horses " And he answered her: “If you buy him a foal, he will have something to do, and he will stop running away from home.” Which is what was done. And in the next letter, hoping that they have already bought a foal for his son, Fyodor Mikhailovich asks to kiss him along with everyone else. This was an almost prophetic prediction that Fyodor Fedorovich would be involved with horses all his life. At such a young age, my father clearly defined main interest the life of his son.

When I find out Yu Since there was also a third Fedor - the writer’s grandson, who, unfortunately, died early, the question is often asked: “Why are there so many Fedorovs?” In Rus', according to tradition, the eldest son was often named after his father, expecting to have many children. But Fyodor Mikhailovich started a family late, and he could not have many children, although three of his four children lived full life.

True, the children of Fyodor Mikhailovich left this world very sadly. Dostoevsky's daughter Lyuba died in 1926 in Italy. A few days before her death, the Consul of Czechoslovakia visited her, who then helped Lyuba a lot. A letter was discovered where he wrote: “I must admit that my daughter is worldwide famous writer dies in poverty." Son Fedor died under the same circumstances in Moscow. He was 60 years old and she was 62 or 63 years old.

Anna Grigorievna begged her son: “Look at the world.” And Fedya answered: “Russia is enough for me.”

Fedya was born in St. Petersburg and, remaining a Russian man, did not want to go abroad at all, although his mother begged him: “Go, there is money, see how others live.” And he: “No, Russia is quite enough for me, I’d rather go to the bathhouse.” And Lyuba, who was born in the West, left Russia forever, telling her mother that she was going for a short while for treatment. She traveled all over Europe, then fell ill and died in Italy, in Bolzano, on the border with Austria.

Fedor Fedorovich died and was buried in Moscow. Unfortunately, his grave has been lost and we are now trying to find it. Like these ones different destinies two children of Fyodor Mikhailovich...

In general, Fyodor Mikhailovich was very worried that his children were late, that he would not be able to raise them. At the end of his life, he settled again in St. Petersburg, where his brother Andrei also lived, whose children were already quite old. “How I would like my little children to be like your independent children,” Fyodor Mikhailovich wrote to his brother. But he understood that because of his age, he might not see his children as adults. This, of course, was a great tragedy for him.

Education system of F.M. Dostoevsky

In his letters about children, Dostoevsky never used the word “educate”, but: “observe”, “lead”

This is a completely unique system. Few took advantage of it. Unfortunately, pedagogical science did not follow in the footsteps of Dostoevsky. First of all, in his letters to Anna Grigorievna he never used the word “educate”, but used completely different words: “observe”, “lead”.

His principle was to understand the child, and not to pull him up to his adult level, making his own existence easier. And it brought wonderful results. Anna Grigorievna recalled that he could not pass by any child without starting to talk to him, translating quite serious thoughts into children's language. Once, Anna Grigorievna recalled, they were traveling either from Staraya Russa or to Staraya Russa and had barely entered the carriage when they heard the cry of a child, and Fyodor Mikhailovich immediately disappeared. Soon the child fell silent, and Anna Grigorievna saw him talking about something with Fyodor Mikhailovich. True, she was somewhat dissatisfied that her husband forgot about her and immediately flew to someone else’s child, and took him back to his compartment.

I'll tell you one more case. I found records of a trip on a ship to Ryazan. There was land there, part of which Fyodor Mikhailovich was supposed to inherit. They were then dealing with their inheritance. On the deck, someone's child was making a fuss, crying and not at ease. Although four-year-old Fedya and six-year-old Lyuba were with them, Fyodor Mikhailovich ran to help out someone else’s child and took care of him for quite a long time, leaving his children behind.

Great-grandfather Grigory Gomerovich and great-great-grandfather Homer Karlovich

At Dostoevsky readings and symposiums dedicated to the life and work of Fyodor Mikhailovich, we heard a lot about various interesting finds related to the history of the family and the biography of the writer. Even to me, his descendant, such ancestors of Dostoevsky were previously little known as his grandmother Anastasia, the wife of a Uniate priest, great-grandfather Grigory Gomerovich and great-great-grandfather Homer Karlovich. Their names and patronymics sound somewhat unexpected to the Russian ear.

The secret is also revealed sudden departure Dostoevsky's father Mikhail Andreevich from his father's house and his break with his parental family, the circumstances of his participation in the War of 1812. True, recently discovered new investigative documents concerning his mysterious death in 1839, believed to be at the hands of serfs, still do not allow us to unambiguously resolve this issue.

Documents about Dostoevsky’s descendants who were repressed in the 1930s have also been declassified today.

Great-great-grandchildren and great-great-granddaughters of Dostoevsky

I have one son, and I always dreamed of a girl. And now we have three very pretty granddaughters, who once came with me to Staraya Russa for Dostoevsky readings. Even as a child, I prepared them to understand that they were not just girls, but girls with Dostoevsky genes - Masha, Vera and Anya. The youngest Mashenka was born on November 23, 2006.

When I brought Anya to the famous 30-volume academic collected works of Fyodor Mikhailovich, she looked appraisingly and said: “No, I can’t write that much.” And a couple of days later she folded a piece of paper in half and wrote her own work, alas, unreadable. Now this “little book” is in the collections of the Museum of F.M. Dostoevsky in St. Petersburg.

Of course, we also dreamed of a grandson, and when he was born, we named him Fedor. So now we have another Fyodor Dostoevsky growing up.

About the Museum of Childhood in Darovo

The writer spent his childhood on the Dostoevsky Darovoye estate near Moscow. In general, for the formation of a person’s personality, it is very important in what conditions and in what environment his childhood takes place. Therefore, I think people are interested in seeing the place where the future lived and was raised from the age of 10 to 17. brilliant writer.

It is necessary to create a Museum of Dostoevsky’s Childhood on the Darovoye estate. This is a unique place

Brother writer Andrei recalled that little Fedya was cheerful, loved to play, walk through the linden grove and forest. His first prayers were heard by the walls of the Holy Spiritual Church, which has survived to this day. It is located in the village of Monogarovo, adjacent to the estate. His mother took the future writer here. Dostoevsky mentions a dove that flew from one window to another during the Liturgy. If we preserve these bright points associated with the writer’s childhood, this will greatly help in the perception of his worldview. Near the temple there is a small graveyard, where Fyodor Mikhailovich’s father is believed to be buried. Now the main task is to establish the exact location of his grave.

At international scientific conferences dedicated to Dostoevsky, reports are given on the significance of childhood memories in the writer’s work. It is necessary to create a Museum of the Writer’s Childhood on the Darovoye estate. This is a unique place where the historical landscape, a grove with 200-year-old linden trees, a ravine, settlements, which are mentioned in the works of Dostoevsky.

"From a diamond miner to a tram driver"

There are 18 professions listed in my work book. I usually say: “My professions range from a diamond worker to a tram driver.” Now I am a consultant at the St. Petersburg Dostoevsky Museum. True, I don't have higher education. Sometimes I think that it was in vain that I didn’t go to university, because I had enough knowledge to calmly pass the exams and go where I want. But after graduating from school, it seemed to me that it would be more interesting to plunge into the thick of life and try myself in different areas, and I didn’t go anywhere. And when one day during perestroika the employment history(usually it is in the personnel department), it turned out that I have 18 professions. This has sometimes helped me a lot in life.

About a German who would like to be born in Russia

In 1990 it was very difficult, the stores had empty shelves. And suddenly I was invited to Germany for the opening of the Dostoevsky Society. The opening is just one day, and then what? And then I think: “Yeah, I can do a lot. I will find a job here." And I worked in Germany, helping my family with parcels from there. It was such a “shipping period”. The Germans kept asking: “What doesn’t Russia have that we should send?” I helped by suggesting what products were needed in Russia.

The Germans really wanted to help someone in particular; it was important for them not only to help, but also to become friends and exchange letters. When I was returning from vacation to Hamburg, an elderly woman married couple asked me to give the German who helped them a letter and “thank you very much.”

It amazed me then. I thought: “You came to us as a conqueror, with a gun. What is it about Russia that made you say such a phrase in your declining years?” As a patriot of his country, his words, of course, made me very happy.

Fyodor Dostoevsky is universally recognized literary classic. He is considered one of the best novelists in the world and a keen expert on human psychology.

In addition to his writing, he was an outstanding philosopher and deep thinker. Many of his quotes are included in the golden fund of world thought.

In the biography of Dostoevsky, as in, there were many contradictory moments, which we will tell you about right now.

So, we present to your attention the biography of Fyodor Dostoevsky.

Brief biography of Dostoevsky

Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky was born on November 11, 1821 in. His father, Mikhail Andreevich, was a doctor, and during his life he managed to work both in military and in ordinary hospitals.

Mother, Maria Fedorovna, was a merchant's daughter. To feed the family and give to the children a good education, parents had to work from dawn to dawn.

Growing up, Fyodor Mikhailovich repeatedly thanked his father and mother for everything they did for him.

Dostoevsky's childhood and youth

Maria Fedorovna taught herself little son reading. To do this, she used a book that described biblical events.

Fedya really liked the Old Testament book of Job. He admired this righteous man, who had suffered many difficult trials.

Later, all this knowledge and childhood impressions will form the basis of some of his works. It is worth noting that the head of the family was also not aloof from the training. He taught his son Latin.

There were seven children in the Dostoevsky family. Fyodor felt a special affection for his older brother Misha.

Later, N.I. Drashusov became the teacher of both brothers, who was also helped by his sons.

Special features of Fyodor Dostoevsky


In 1834, for 4 years, Fedor and Mikhail studied at the prestigious Moscow boarding school of L. I. Chermak.

At this time, the first tragedy occurred in Dostoevsky's biography. His mother died of consumption.

Having mourned his dear wife, the head of the family decided to send Misha and Fyodor to so that they could continue their studies there.

The father arranged for both sons to go to the boarding house of K.F. Kostomarov. And although he was aware that the boys were keen, he dreamed that in the future they would become engineers.

Fyodor Dostoevsky did not argue with his father and entered the school. However, the student devoted all his free time from studying. He spent days and nights reading the works of Russian and foreign classics.

In 1838, in his biography, it happens an important event: he and his friends managed to create a literary circle. It was then that he first became seriously interested in writing.

Having completed his studies 5 years later, Fedor got a job as an engineer-second lieutenant in a St. Petersburg brigade. However, he soon resigned from this position and plunged headlong into literature.

The beginning of a creative biography

Despite objections from some family members, Dostoevsky still did not deviate from his hobby, which gradually became the meaning of life for him.

He diligently wrote novels, and soon enough achieved success in this field. In 1844, his first book, “Poor People,” was published, which received many flattering reviews from both critics and ordinary readers.

Thanks to this, Fyodor Mikhailovich was accepted into the popular “Belinsky circle”, in which they began to call him “new”.

His next work was “The Double”. This time the success was not repeated, but rather the opposite - the young genius was faced with devastating criticism of the failed novel.

"Double" got a lot negative reviews, since for most readers this book was completely incomprehensible. An interesting fact is that her innovative writing style was later praised by critics.

Soon, the members of the “Belinsky circle” asked Dostoevsky to leave their society. This happened because of the scandal of the young writer with and.

However, at that time, Fyodor Dostoevsky already had quite a lot of popularity, so he was gladly accepted into other literary communities.

Arrest and hard labor

In 1846, an event occurred in Dostoevsky’s biography that influenced his entire subsequent life. He met M.V. Petrashevsky, who was the organizer of the so-called “Fridays”.

“Fridays” were meetings of like-minded people, at which participants criticized the actions of the king and discussed various laws. In particular, questions were raised regarding the abolition of serfdom and freedom of speech in.

At one of the meetings, Fyodor Mikhailovich met the communist N.A. Speshnev, who soon formed secret society, consisting of 8 people.

This group of people advocated a coup in the state and the formation of an underground printing house.

In 1848, the writer published another novel, “White Nights,” which was warmly received by the public, and in the spring of 1849 he, along with the rest of the Petrashevites, was arrested.

They are charged with attempting a coup. For about six months, Dostoevsky was kept in the Peter and Paul Fortress, and in the fall the court sentenced him to death.

Fortunately, the sentence was not carried out, because last moment the execution was replaced by eight years of hard labor. Soon the king softened the punishment even more, reducing the term from 8 to 4 years.

After hard labor, the writer was called up to serve as an ordinary soldier. It is interesting to note that this fact from Dostoevsky’s biography became the first case in Russia when a convict was allowed to serve.

Thanks to this, he again became a full citizen of the state, having the same rights that he had before his arrest.

The years spent in hard labor greatly influenced the views of Fyodor Dostoevsky. Indeed, in addition to grueling physical labor, he also suffered from loneliness, since ordinary prisoners at first did not want to communicate with him because of his noble title.

In 1856, Alexander 2 came to the throne and granted an amnesty to all Petrashevites. At that time, 35-year-old Fyodor Mikhailovich was already a fully formed personality with deep religious views.

The flowering of Dostoevsky's creativity

In 1860, the collected works of Dostoevsky were published. His appearance did not arouse much interest among the reader. However, after the publication of “Notes from House of the Dead", the writer's popularity is returning again.

Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

The fact is that the “Notes” describe in detail the life and suffering of convicts, which most ordinary citizens did not even think about.

In 1861, Dostoevsky, together with his brother Mikhail, created the magazine “Time”. After 2 years, this publishing house closed, after which the brothers began publishing another magazine, “Epoch”.

Both magazines made the Dostoevskys very famous, since they published any works in them own composition. However, after 3 years, a black streak begins in Dostoevsky’s biography.

In 1864, Mikhail Dostoevsky died, and a year later the publishing house itself closed, since it was Mikhail who was the driving force of the entire enterprise. In addition, Fyodor Mikhailovich accumulated a lot of debts.

A difficult financial situation forced him to sign an extremely unfavorable contract with the publisher Stelovsky.

At the age of 45, Dostoevsky finished writing one of his most famous novels, Crime and Punishment. This book brought him absolute recognition and universal fame during his lifetime.

In 1868, another epoch-making novel, The Idiot, was published. Later the writer admitted that this book was extremely difficult for him.

Dostoevsky's study in his last apartment in St. Petersburg

His next works were the equally famous “Demons”, “Teenager” and “The Brothers Karamazov” (many consider this book the most important in the biography of Dostoevsky).

After the release of these novels, Fyodor Mikhailovich began to be considered a perfect expert on humanity, capable of conveying in detail the deep feelings and genuine experiences of any person.

Personal life of Dostoevsky

Fyodor Dostoevsky's first wife was Maria Isaeva. Their marriage lasted 7 years, until her death.

In the 60s, during his stay abroad, Dostoevsky met Apollinaria Suslova, with whom he began a romantic relationship. It is interesting that the girl became the prototype for Nastasya Filippovna in The Idiot.

The second and last wife of the writer was Anna Snitkina. Their marriage lasted 14 years, until the death of Fyodor Mikhailovich. They had two sons and two daughters.

Anna Grigorievna Dostoevskaya (née Snitkina), the “main” woman in the writer’s life

For Dostoevsky, Anna Grigorievna was not only faithful wife, but also an indispensable assistant in his writing.

Moreover, all financial issues lay on her shoulders, which she skillfully resolved thanks to her foresight and insight.

Conduct him to last way a huge number of people came. Perhaps no one then realized that they were contemporaries of one of the most outstanding writers humanity.

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