Measures to improve labor motivation systems at Megis LLC. Point system for personnel incentives

Indicators of the effectiveness of company management are high economic indicators, a stable position in the market, competitiveness, stability. These also include specific indicators: employee performance, low staff turnover, staff satisfaction and loyalty, adherence to discipline and absence of conflicts. Unfortunately, a clean salary alone cannot provide this; it also does not have the proper stimulating effect on employees. That is why all sorts of point-based incentive and bonus systems arose, the main task of which is to motivate employees, to inspire them, officially speaking, for further work achievements. perfectly meets the above-mentioned goals.

As the name implies, when using such a point-based incentive system, staff receive grades, or points, for their work. They show the abilities, professional growth of each employee and other qualities: organization, responsibility, hard work, ability to plan working time, work in a team, etc. The employee is awarded a bonus based on the points they earn.

Trainings and assessments of managers are conducted by Alexey Shirokopoyas, an expert in the development of management competencies. -consultant. Editor in Chief .

8-926-210-84-19. [email protected]

With a point system for personnel incentives, a key point should be taken into account: setting tasks, planning work and summing up results are tied to the completion of tasks that can be assigned to an individual employee, a department and the organization as a whole.

The project to develop and implement a new point system of incentives and remuneration (its model is shown schematically in the figure) requires not only the participation of specialists from the HR department, but also the support of the company management and functional services, and therefore their interest. To successfully complete the project, it is necessary to form a working group that can take into account all the features of the organization’s activities. Thus, when creating a point system for personnel incentives, management must take into account the overall strategy, plans, policies of the enterprise, etc. Accordingly, heads of departments formulate specific tasks for departments and employees, requirements for the quality of work and timely execution of internal regulations. The personnel service determines norms, standards and monitors the level of remuneration in its segment of the market economy. It is important that the work related to the job responsibilities is discussed, and not the employees themselves. For the objectivity of the distribution of incentive payments, the company creates a balance commission, the composition of which is elected simple majority votes at the general meeting labor collective for a period of one year.


Model of a point system for personnel incentives

When developing performance indicators for each business process, you must adhere to the following rules to avoid conflicts:

  1. Clear requirements for job evaluation should be established.
  2. The set of indicators must contain the required number to ensure full management of the business process.
  3. Each indicator must be measurable.
  4. The point system for personnel incentives should be flexible, i.e. vary depending on the functionality of the department.
  5. The incentive payment fund in the division should be formed on the basis of achievements of the company's strategic objectives, and not on the basis of figures for the past period.
  6. The total amount of incentive payments cannot exceed the size of the “stimulus” fund.

In order to evaluate the results achieved by an employee, the degree of fulfillment of job responsibilities, and the quality of labor expended, the employer must ensure control and accounting of the work performed. It is important for the immediate supervisor to express his opinion about the quality of the employee’s work, thank him for good work, and give constructive criticism if the results for some indicators were below the planned values. For each evaluation criterion, a scale should be developed (2-, 5-, 10-point, etc.), which describes clear characteristics for each of the points. For example, “0” is set in the following cases:

  • the work (relevant item) is not submitted within the established time frame;
  • errors were made in the submitted documents (quality);
  • deviation from the standard (quality);
  • justified complaints from management.

The points received are recorded in special evaluation forms so that, summing up the results, the commission for the distribution of incentive payments (balance commission) can determine the specific amount of the bonus. Since such tasks as drawing up job descriptions, vacation schedules, training plans, career ladders and/or creating a list of personnel reserves can be one-time, therefore, the names of jobs and evaluation indicators for them are formed as needed. Moreover, any company employee has the right to familiarize himself with the assessment of his own professional activities and, if he disagrees, to file an appeal, which makes this point system of incentives and remuneration fair.

Expert opinion regarding the point system of personnel incentives

Valery Chemekov,
Candidate of Psychological Sciences, one of the leading experts and practitioners in grading,
personnel assessment and development in Russia and the CIS, professional trainer and coach, author of a number of articles
in personnel periodicals

The author's approach to assessing the contribution of staff and determining the size of bonuses has a right to exist. After all, KPI technologies are well known and widely used, based on objective and, most importantly, measurable criteria: sales volumes, financial indicators, deadlines, etc. We know that such indicators are applicable to the layer of employees who directly influence them - “white collar workers”, top managers. What to do with the assessment of the work of those who are “distant” from the economic and operational processes of the company? Thus, back office workers do not have SMART tasks, and, unlike the work of managers, the contribution of “clerks” (for example, accountants, HR officers, etc.) is difficult to evaluate using objective criteria. But how can we determine the extent to which they perform routine functions? The methodology proposed in the article makes it possible to evaluate the quality of performance of job duties and the amount of labor expended.

Of course, such an assessment is subjective, since it is based on expert opinion, but its objectivity is ensured by the work of an entire team - the balance commission. In addition, the author rightly notes that the success of such technology depends on the involvement of the manager: his participation not only in assessment activities, but also in setting goals and daily monitoring of the employee. Thus, the methodology encourages managers to be interested in the management process and take a more responsible approach to evaluating the work of subordinates. It is also valuable that the employee knows why he was awarded or not awarded points, i.e. receives feedback on his work.

At the same time, the reader would like to see what the mechanism (criteria) for assigning points is, and how the maximum number of points per unit is determined. It is also obvious that not all evaluation criteria have the same time perspective. Thus, planning tasks and projects - “drawing up professional plans”, “drawing up vacation schedules”, “drawing up training plans”, “forming a list of personnel reserves” and “planning career ladders” - can be set not every week or even every month, but for example, quarterly, and then remuneration according to these criteria can also be quarterly.

The author pointed out several objects of assessment, the main one being the degree of fulfillment of job duties, as well as the quantity and quality of work. If we assume that the degree of fulfillment of duties and the amount of labor expended are one and the same thing, and this is what is measured using the methodology, then assessing the quality of labor remains outside its scope. But the criterion of labor quality is very relevant for the workers for whom this tool is intended.

In Art. 135 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states: “Point systems of remuneration, including the size of tariff rates, salaries (official salaries), additional payments and allowances of a compensatory nature, including for work in conditions deviating from normal, point systems of additional payments and bonuses of an incentive nature and systems bonuses are established by collective agreements, agreements, local regulations in accordance with labor legislation and other regulations containing standards labor law».

Therefore, this point-based personnel incentive system is described in detail in the corresponding local document (see the appendix for a sample). The Regulations on the point system of personnel incentives consists of the following sections:

  1. General provisions.
  2. The procedure for establishing incentive payments.
  3. Procedure for deprivation of incentive payments.
  4. Activities of the commission on the distribution of incentive payments.
  5. Final provisions.

Evaluation forms for each business process are in tabular form with columns: job title, work title, evaluation criterion, points (planned and actual). Incentive payments are distributed by the balance commission, which compiles a summary table of employee performance at the end of the month. The total points of each employee are calculated, then all points for each business process are summed up. The cost of one point (i.e. the amount of incentive payments for each employee) is determined by dividing the amount of incentive payments of the division by the total number of points for the division (by the number of its employees). It can be clearly represented as a formula:

Where S stim. employee – incentive payments for each employee, amount in rubles;

  • S stim. – incentive payments per unit, amount in rubles;
  • B points – maximum number of points for the department;
  • K employee score – the number of points scored by the employee.

Let's consider an example of using a point system for personnel incentives

Incentive payment fund for the personnel department – ​​60,000 rubles.

Number of members of the department: 3 people.

The rating scale is 2-point (for simplicity): 0 – not done, 1 – done without complaints.

The maximum number of points for each position in each department should be equal; in this case it is 14 points.

The head of the personnel department (1) scored 12 points.

HR manager (2) scored 10 points.

HR specialist (3) scored 13 points.

Maximum number of points per department: 14 × 3 = 42 points.

As a result, using the above formula, we obtain the amount that constitutes an incentive increase to the employee’s official salary:

  • S stim. employee (1) = 60,000: 42 × 12 = 17,143 rubles.
  • S stim. employee (2) = 60,000: 42 × 10 = 14,286 rubles.
  • S stim. employee (3) = 60,000: 42 × 13 = 18,571 rub.

Total for the unit (personnel department): RUB 50,000.

Further, these amounts for each employee are indicated in the protocol, which is signed by all members of the balance commission present at the meeting. Payments to employees are made based on the order of the head of the company.

If we compare the point system of personnel incentives with the KPI’s (Key Performance Indicators) system, which is popular today, the key differences between these systems are as follows:

  • in the point system for personnel incentives, the number of indicators is not limited to several (usually 3–5) key performance indicators;
  • the point system for personnel incentives is based on performance indicators of job duties, and not on abstract KPIs;
  • The accrual of points does not depend on employees who occupy senior positions or have a large economic or financial impact on the company's performance, since points are awarded not for achieving goals, but for performing functions. Therefore, the results of the back office clerks are not very dependent on the results of the white collar workers who earn the money.

The use of a point system of personnel incentives for assessing work performance and motivating personnel, despite the complexity and high requirements for the qualifications of employees conducting assessments, when used correctly, helps to create an atmosphere of fairness in the interaction between the manager and subordinates, stimulates the growth of responsibility and independence, and increases employee satisfaction with the work performed and their commitment to their organization and unit. By assessing personnel in this way, the manager can increase the efficiency of the enterprise and manage it successfully, because The implementation of this point system for personnel incentives allows us to move from assessment tools to a personnel management system.

Thus, it is an excellent way to increase the efficiency of corporate work.


The term "human capital" first appeared in the work of Theodore Schultz, an economist interested in the plight of underdeveloped countries. Schultz stated that improving the well-being of poor people did not depend on land, technology, or their efforts, but rather on knowledge. He called this qualitative aspect of the economy “human capital.” Schultz, who received the Nobel Prize in 1979, offered the following definition: “All human abilities are either innate or acquired. Each person is born with an individual set of genes that determines his innate abilities. We call the valuable qualities acquired by a person, which can be strengthened by appropriate investments, human capital.”

In business terms, human capital can be described as a combination of the following factors.

The qualities that a person brings to his work: intelligence, energy, positivity, reliability, dedication.

A person’s ability to learn: talent, imagination, creative personality, ingenuity (“how to do things”).

Human motivations for sharing information and knowledge: team spirit and goal orientation.

In management, the human component is the most burdensome of all assets. The almost limitless variety and unpredictability of people makes them incredibly difficult to evaluate, much more difficult than any electromechanical assembly that comes with prescribed practical specifications. However, humans are the only element that has the ability to produce value. All other variables - money, raw materials, factories, equipment and energy - can offer only inert potentials. By their nature they do not add anything and cannot add anything until a person, be it the lowest skilled worker, the most skillful professional or the highest level manager, does not use this potential by making it work.

To maintain a competitive position in the 21st century marketplace, management will have to find methods to increase its awareness of people. The most cost-effective and lasting solution to the talent shortage is to help every person become more productive. This obliges management to figure out how to invest in human performance potential. In the industrial era, the tools of production impact raw materials. In post-industrial, production tools influence information, which, in turn, tells us how and when to change the relevant information and services. The use of electronic technologies to produce useful data and manipulate it quickly is just beginning. The production cycle begins to close when people find out exactly what information they need, where, when, in what form and from whom. When people learn what this information means, the circle is completed and productivity increases. The ability to analyze and interpret turns data into information and sometimes into awareness. This is the only real way to solve the talent shortage problem. Back then, decades ago, Schultz was right.

In the last years of the 20th century, management believed that people, not money, buildings or technology, were decisive hallmark successful enterprise. As we move into the new millennium and live in a knowledge-based economy, it becomes impossible to deny that people are the source of profit. Any assets of organizations other than people are inactive; they are passive resources that require human intervention to produce value.

However, we should not forget about another important component of the process of working with human capital - measurement. Measuring the effectiveness of human activity is not only possible, but also necessary to maintain a viable position in the market. Because judging white-collar workers focused on information is profoundly different from judging blue-collar workers focused on production, different measurement methodologies are required. Perhaps a range of indicators can be created that will generally show the added value of the work of knowledge professionals. This value is not contained in the input data itself, but rather in the impact it has on improving the results of the operating units that are, in fact, its customers. Using human capital more and more successfully, personnel increase their contribution to achieving the goals of the enterprise.

Thus, the topic under consideration is quite relevant. It is the design and implementation of a personnel management system at an enterprise that can provide the necessary competitive advantages to the enterprise.

The purpose of this study is to optimize work with the organization’s personnel, taking into account domestic and global developments in this area.

To achieve this goal, the work plans to solve the following tasks:

characterize what is being studied in the work of STROYGARANT LLC;

analyze the economic results of the Company’s activities;

identify the main problems in the personnel management system at the enterprise;

analyze theoretical basis(concept, meaning) personnel management in enterprises;

analyze existing methods for researching the personnel management system;

propose ways to solve problems;

develop a plan for optimizing the activities of STROYGARANT LLC;

evaluate the expected effect of implementing proposals.

The object of the study is personnel management at STROYGARANT LLC.

The subject of the study is STROYGARANT LLC.

The study used program-targeted methods of improvement and planning, methods for selecting the optimal solution, methods for substantiating the proposed solutions (system approach, system analysis, balance sheet, statistical analysis, observation, etc.).

Thus, the thesis identifies ways of improvement that are necessary and sufficient to optimize the work of the subject of research, which will undoubtedly increase the level of staff commitment to the company, increase their productivity and provide a positive economic effect.

1. Characteristics of the research object

1.1 General characteristics of the organization

economic management personnel bonuses

Limited Liability Company "STROYGARANT" is a subgeneral contracting company of the production holding "Stroygazconsulting", founded in 2001.

The company is registered at the address: st. Komsomolskaya, 5d, Novy Urengoy, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Tyumen region, Russia, 629300.

STROYGARANT LLC is part of the Stroygazconsulting holding. Stroygazconsulting is a holding company that includes a management company and production enterprises. Today, he is developing gas condensate fields, carrying out large-scale construction and major repairs of linear trunk pipelines, highways and industrial and social infrastructure facilities in various regions of the country.

The total number of specialists working at the holding's enterprises exceeds 30 thousand people. The fleet of machines and mechanisms includes more than 10,000 units of equipment from the world's best manufacturers.

Constant improvement of the management system, high quality of work, the use of new technologies and modern building materials allow Stroygazconsulting to invariably remain one of the leaders in the Russian construction industry.

The limited liability company "Stroygazconsulting" was founded in 1994. Its permanent director, Ziyad Manasir, himself a process engineer in the oil and gas industry, managed to rally a team of like-minded people capable of solving management problems at a high professional level and performing the entire complex of construction projects for the oil and gas industry. - installation work. Starting with the construction of individual buildings and structures, in a few years Stroygazconsulting went from a small company to a large one construction company, working with such customers as the Federal Road Agency of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, OJSC LUKOIL, Nord Stream AG. Today Stroygazconsulting is a holding that unites a management company and production enterprises.

The Company is a legal entity and builds its activities on the basis of the Charter and the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

STROYGARANT LLC has the rights of a legal entity and owns separate property, accounted for on its own balance sheet, and can, in its own name, acquire and exercise property and personal non-property rights, bear responsibilities, and be a plaintiff and defendant in court.

The company acquires the rights and obligations of a legal entity from the date of its state registration.

STROYGARANT LLC has the right, in accordance with the established procedure, to open accounts in banking institutions on the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad.

STROYGARANT LLC has a round seal containing its full corporate name in Russian and an indication of its location. The company has stamps and forms with its name. STROYGARANT LLC is not responsible for the debts of its participants.

Participants in the company are not liable for the obligations of the company and bear the risk of losses associated with the activities of the company within the value of their contribution to authorized capital and society.

STROYGARANT LLC has no departmental subordination, independently forms its economic activities and determines the prospects for its development.

STROYGARANT LLC is liable for its obligations with all its property.

The Company is a commercial organization and pursues profit as the main goal of its activities.

Main activities of STROYGARANT LLC:

· construction of buildings and structures of I and II levels of complexity;

· geodetic work performed on construction sites;

· preparatory work;

· excavation;

· stone works;

· installation of concrete and reinforced concrete structures;

· installation of concrete and reinforced concrete structures;

· installation of wooden structures;

· installation of light enclosing structures;

· insulation works;

· roofing;

· landscaping;

· performing the functions of a general contractor;

· Finishing work;

· flooring;

· sanitary work;

· work on the installation of external engineering networks and communications;

· work on the installation of internal engineering systems and equipment;

· special work in soils;

· special concrete works;

· piling works;

· installation of steel structures;

· protection of structures, process equipment and pipelines;

· transport construction;

· work on the construction of external engineering networks and communications;

· work on the construction of internal engineering networks and equipment;

· installation of technological equipment;

· commissioning works;

· carrying out installation, repair and maintenance of fire safety equipment for buildings and structures.

STROYGARANT LLC has extensive experience in the construction of industrial and civil facilities. From 2007 to the present, the company has been developing the Zapolyarnoye oil and gas condensate field, performing general construction work and installing engineering systems at the processing sites of UKPG-2v and UKPG-1.

STROYGARANT LLC is well known in the city of Novy Urengoy; the company has built and commissioned a number of social and cultural facilities important for the city.

Table 1.1 - Dynamics of absolute performance indicators of STROYGARANT LLC

IndicatorUnit Study periods Average value Measurement 2010.2011.20122013Revenue line 010 of the form 2 thousand. RUB 3883847.55235284.46053703.47482538.156638433.5 Cost price sum of lines 020+030+040 thousand. RUB 3088974.83805078.44337087.25926842.942894958.25 Profit (loss) from sales line 050 of form 2 thousand. RUR794872.71430206.01716616.21555695.213743475.25

The table shows that during the period under study, all indicators characterizing the activities of STROYGARANT LLC demonstrate stable growth.

Almost from linear dependence the company's revenue is growing. The cost indicator also shows significant growth.

Let's conduct a cost-benefit analysis.

Table 1.2 - Profitability indicators

Indicator Calculation formula based on reporting data Recommended indicator values, trends 2009 2010 2011 2012 1. Return on assets (economic profitability ratio) (p. 160) f. 2/ (p. 300) f. 10.05260,13430,13770,1128 - good good good2. Return on equity (financial profitability ratio) (p. 160) f. 2/ (p. 490 - p. 450) f. 1Must ensure return on investment in the enterprise 0.078390.173230.173580.14474 - good good good3. Sales profitability (commercial profitability ratio) p. 050/ line 010 f. 20,2050,2730,2840,208 - good good good4. Profitability of current costs p. 050 /(line 020 + line 030+ line 040) f. 2The dynamics of the indicator may indicate the need to revise prices or strengthen control over product costs0.257330.375870.395800.26248 - good good good5. Return on invested (used) capital (p. 160) f. 2/ (p. 490 - p. 510) f. 10,1050,2030,1930,166 - good good goodFactor analysis of return on equity (Dupont model)1. Return on sales (p. 160) f. 2 / page 010 f. 20.08900,18020,19826070,1555132. Asset turnover p. 010 f. 2 / page 300 f. 10.59050.74540.69444770.7250323. Equity multiplier p. 300 f. 1/ (p. 490 - p. 450)1.49121.28991.26075281.283662Return on equity (=1*2*3)0.07840.17320.1740.145Change in return on equity-0.09480.0004-0 .0288 Impact of return on sales - 0.08025770.017394 - 0.0374 Impact of asset turnover - 0.0416143 - 0.013020.006 Impact of equity multiplier - 0.027032 - 0.004020.00258

Based on the calculated data given in Table 1.2, we see that profitability indicators have had positive normative values ​​since 2010.

Figure 1.1 - Dynamics of profitability of sales and current costs

Figure 1.2 - Dynamics of return on assets and equity capital indicators

Figure 1.3 - Return on invested (used) capital

However, as we see from the indicators in Figures 1.1 - 1.3, by 2012 profitability indicators were falling sharply. An earlier analysis showed that the company is significantly increasing the costly part of production. To overcome a crisis situation, an enterprise needs to optimize costs.

1.2 Characteristics of personnel and personnel management systems

The organizational structure at STROYGARANT LLC is a scheme for the distribution of tasks and powers, ensuring high resistance to external disturbances, allowing localization of internal conflicts, and also allowing for the effective distribution of rights, duties and responsibilities across management levels.

At STROYGARANT LLC, the implementation of management functions and principles is carried out through the use of various methods.

The enterprise uses the indirect impact method, when conditions are created to achieve indirect results, this method works in any case. The scheme functions as follows: the general director creates the conditions for achieving goals, and specialists achieve results. The need to fulfill the goals of the organization faces the manager and specialists - customer satisfaction in a high-quality, inexpensive product (service) and at the same time obtaining maximum profit.

The system of personnel management methods at STROYGARANT LLC includes:

· Administrative methods: based on authority, discipline and penalties. Administrative methods are focused on such motives of behavior as the perceived need for labor discipline, a sense of duty, and a person’s desire to work in this particular organization. These methods of influence are distinguished by the direct nature of influence: orders, instructions, and other internal documents.

The following methods of administrative influence can be distinguished at STROYGARANT LLC:

Organizational influences, that is, internal regulatory documents regulating the activities of employees. These include employment contracts, internal rules labor regulations, organizational management structure, staffing, job descriptions of employees and workplace organization. These documents are mandatory for all employees, and failure to comply with them will result in disciplinary action.

STROYGARANT LLC is a stable organization and the impact on employees is brought to the standards and regulations. However, despite significant experience, they need revision, which entails the need for constant operational administrative influence on the part of the manager.

Methods of administrative influence include orders, directions, directions, instructions.

Disciplinary liability and penalties are applied in accordance with the labor legislation of the Russian Federation in the event of failure to fulfill or improper performance of work duties by an employee (provided that his personal guilt is proven and he acted intentionally and carelessly). The manager has the right to impose disciplinary sanctions. Dismissal can only be carried out by the head of the enterprise.

Financial liability is assigned to employees for damage caused to the organization with which they are affiliated. labor relations, as well as for damage arising in connection with his compensation for damage caused by his employees to third parties, if this damage is compensated by the enterprise.

· Economic methods. The most used are material incentives for both individual employees and the entire team; they are based on the use of commodity-money incentives. As is known, the main motive for work is wage. The head of the organization regulates the material interest of employees using the applied remuneration system and bonus system. As well as providing employees with discounted goods and services.

· Socio-psychological methods are manifested in their impact on social and psychological side person.

The head of STROYGARANT LLC is of the opinion that people are one of the most important factors necessary for the operation of an organization, therefore personnel management plays a vital role in the organization achieving its desired goal.

In the organization, according to employees (according to a survey-conversation), a comfortable psychological climate is created in the team, since the possibility of conflict situations is minimized. A corporate culture is being formed.

Each manager in managerial activities performs official duties in a certain style of work peculiar only to him. Chesterfield said that “style is the clothing of thought,” and Buffon even argued that “style is the man himself.” The validity of these aphorisms is confirmed by the modern interpretation of work style, which is assessed as a set of typical and relatively stable methods of influence of a manager on subordinates in order to effectively perform management functions and assigned tasks.

Each position (profession) of STROYGARANT LLC has a corresponding job description that complies with the ETKS.

For violation of internal labor regulations - lateness, absenteeism, showing up at work drunk, etc. penalties are imposed - deprivation of bonuses, deductions from wages, and sometimes dismissal.

STROYGARANT LLC uses functional, professional and qualification forms of division of labor. Functional separation labor is carried out depending on the nature of the functions performed by the employee, professional - by specialty and profession, qualification - in accordance with the tariff and qualification reference book.

The enterprise has specialized teams consisting of workers of the same profession and intra-team cooperation predominates. Other types of cooperation can also be observed at this enterprise, but they are less pronounced.

The union of workers into a work collective occurs within enterprises (organizations), the economic isolation of which is determined by production needs. The activities of the enterprise (successes, difficulties) are manifested and reflected in the consciousness and behavior of its employees, in the sense of belonging to to this enterprise, continuity of its traditions) and awareness of the importance of the work being performed, a sense of self-esteem and pride in one’s team.

A team is a group of people united by the inextricability of the interests of the team members, the unity of social purpose and joint activities within the framework of one organization. These signs are formed in the process of formation and development of the team.

The work collective is a system consisting structurally of elements that are interconnected. It has its own internal structure, since employees differ in their functions, categories, professions and many other characteristics: demographic (gender, age), economic (experience, training, motivation), socio-psychological (discipline, ability to interact), etc. The system itself seems quite complex, since it is characterized by many connections between elements, both horizontally (between employees) and vertically (between employees). structural divisions, controls, etc.).

Let us analyze the personnel structure of STROYGARANT LLC for 2010-2012. (see table 1.3).

Table 1.3 - Dynamics and structure of personnel of STROYGARANT LLC in 2010-2012.

Name Number, people Share in the total structure, % 2010 Year 2011 2012 2010 2011 2012 Year Gender: ------ women 19911883187949.5249,5949.24-men 20291915193850.4850.4150.76 Personnel category: ----specialists73164264718,1916, 9016.80-technical performers5234311.300.900.80-managers3893763979.679.9012.40-workers28482746275270.8472.3072.00Educational level:----incomplete secondary 1501551403.744.103 ,67-secondary79482091119,7621,5923,87-primary professional9801212128024, 3826.6428.29 - secondary special 13121353119532.5935.6231.32 - higher 78645849119.5212.0612.85 Age structure: --- Up to 20 years 1481521563.684.014.12 From 20 to 30 years 120412 3798124.9827.3025.70 From 31 to 40 years 69972269717.3919 ,0018.25From 41 to 50 years old972120398924.1826.4225.92Over 50 years old119788489429.7823.2726.03Total402037983817120.00120.00120.00

As the results of the study show, in the personnel structure of STROYGARANT LLC in 2010-2012. Men predominated, the share of which did not change significantly during the analyzed period.

The second place in the personnel structure was occupied by specialists. In terms of educational level, the personnel structure was dominated by persons with secondary specialized education, whose share in 2010-2012 was. decreased from 32.59% to 31.32%.

The second place in the personnel structure of STROYGARANT LLC is occupied by employees with initial professional education, the share of which for 2010-2012. grew.

By age in the personnel structure of STROYGARANT LLC in 2010-2012. persons over 50 years of age predominated. At the same time, during the analyzed period, the share of this category of personnel, although slightly decreased, remained quite high.

To assess the efficiency of using labor resources, it is advisable to compare the growth rate of labor productivity with the growth rate of wages.

Table 1.4 presents data that allows us to assess the efficiency of using the personnel of STROYGARANT LLC.

Table 1.4 - Efficiency of personnel use

Indicators 2011 2012 2013 Reported to base, %1. Number of industrial production personnel (employees), people 40203798381795.02. Total worked, man-hour. 84212007810688765330390.93. Labor productivity, thousand rubles. - per average annual employee - per 1 man-hour 712.5 0.34533.1 0.26647.6 0.3291.1 94.14. Salary, rub. - per average annual employee per month - per 1 man-hour 13110 6.24 14344 6.97 16327 8.14 124.7 130.5

In 2013, the number of employees decreased by 203 people or 5.0% compared to 2010. Labor productivity during this period decreased by 9.1%. The cost of marketable products per average annual employee in 2013 amounted to 647.6 thousand rubles, which is 62.9 thousand rubles. lower than in 2011 or 8.9%. Over the same period, wages increased by 24.7%, which means that the growth rate of wages exceeds the growth rate of labor productivity, which indicates a decrease in production efficiency.

Motion Analysis work force carried out according to a certain system of indicators related to the hiring and dismissal of employees. Calculation of personnel movement indicators by year is presented in Table 1.5.

Table 1.5 - Analysis of personnel movement

Indicator Formula/designation 2011 2012 2013 Abs. ChangeAverage number of employees, persons Chss402037983817 Workers hired, persons Chp57221258201 Total number of employees left, persons: Of which, persons: Chuv279202227-52 by agreement of the parties, persons 19222912 at will, persons 12712498-9 due to retirement, persons 553741-14 due to staff reduction, persons 300-3 For violation of labor discipline, persons 381215-23 In connection with the expiration of the contract or completion of work, persons 572944- 13Reception turnover, %Kp=(Chp / Chss)*120%1.45,86,85.4Dismissal turnover, %Kp=(Chp / Chss)*120%6.95,35.9- 1.0Total turnover , %Cob=((Chp+Chv)/Chss)*120%8,311,112,74,4

Based on the data in Table 1.5, the following can be noted: the average number of employees of STROYGARANT LLC in 2011-2013. decreased by 203 people and in 2013 amounted to 3817 people, while the influx of labor to the enterprise is more intense than the outflow and the negative dynamics of the staff attrition rate positively characterizes the movement of the enterprise’s workforce.

The search and selection of personnel at STROYGARANT LLC is carried out in accordance with the “Regulations on the competition for filling vacant positions”, developed by the personnel service of the enterprise. A competition for filling positions at the enterprise is held with the aim of implementing a dynamic personnel policy, selection for work of persons who have deep knowledge in the relevant fields of activity, have high moral qualities, enjoy authority in the workforce and are able to perform at a professional level functional responsibilities. The competition for filling positions may include the following stages: stage - analysis of documents submitted by candidates for the position; stage - preliminary interview (interview) with candidates; stage - testing and performing practical tasks; stage - final interview.

The main evaluation criteria when selecting candidates for positions are compliance with general educational and cultural level, qualifications, and experience practical activities, personal qualities, the psychophysiological state of the person applying for the position, the requirements. The study of candidates begins with an analysis of materials:

personal personnel record sheet;


extracts from the work book;

Source documents make it possible to identify the compliance of education, qualifications, and experience practical work, personal qualities of the candidate and the requirements imposed on him by the corresponding position. As a result of studying documentary sources, positive and negative qualities candidate's personality. Candidates who pass this stage are admitted to a preliminary interview (interview).

Persons elected by competition are appointed to the position by order of the head of the enterprise in the manner prescribed by law.

For correct socially conditioned motivation, the organization of wages is a decisive condition for achieving the goal of personnel management and the employee’s focus on productive work.

With a piece-rate bonus system, a worker is paid a bonus in addition to earnings at direct piece rates for fulfilling and exceeding predetermined specific quantitative and qualitative performance indicators (workers in the cylindering workshop).

The piecework system provides for payment of the entire scope of work (construction crew workers).

The indirect piece-rate wage system is used mainly for workers engaged in service and auxiliary work (vehicle drivers, service technicians, repairmen, etc.).

With a time-based bonus system, the size of the bonus is set as a percentage of the tariff rate for exceeding the established indicators and bonus conditions.

The salary system is used mainly for managers and specialists. The official salary is the absolute amount of wages and is set in accordance with the position held.

Recently, time-based wages with a standardized task, or piece-time wages, have begun to be used. The worker or team is assigned the composition and volume of work that must be performed over a certain period of time on time-based work in compliance with the quality requirements of the product (work).

Tariff rates are set in accordance with the 18-bit Unified Tariff Schedule (UTS). Tariff rates for categories are determined by multiplying the tariff rate of the first category of the UTS by the corresponding coefficient (see Table 1.4). The monthly rate is based on a normal 40-hour work week.

The basic amount of the worker's bonus may be reduced or the bonus may not be paid in the reporting month if there are comments: on the performance of job duties; on the quality of products; on compliance with technological discipline; on compliance with labor protection, fire and environmental safety rules.

Table 1.6 - Unified tariff schedule of STROYGARANT LLC

Pay grade Employees, IRT, production workers Rate amount Tariff coefficient Monthly tariff rate, rub. Tariff coefficient Monthly tariff rate, rub. 351.28550401.6490265.661.4602001.8611197271, 5164930--81.6671380--91.8378690--122.0186430--112.2191480--122.43124490--132.67114810--142.94126420--153.23138890--163.55 152650--173, 91168130--184.3184900--

Bonuses for workers are provided for in two types of monthly bonuses: individual bonuses and bonuses for the results of the Company’s work for the reporting month. An individual bonus is calculated on the employee’s piecework or time-based wages. The basic bonus amount is set monthly by order of the General Director. Payment of the bonus occurs when the employee fulfills his work duties.

The basic amount of the worker's bonus may be reduced or the bonus may not be paid in the reporting month if there are comments: on the performance of job duties; on the quality of products; on compliance with technological discipline; on compliance with labor protection, fire and environmental safety rules.

The bonus based on the performance of the enterprise for the reporting month is accrued on the basis of the order of the general director, which indicates the basic amount (%) of this type of bonus and the procedure for its calculation.

Workers are deprived of the right to receive bonuses of both types completely for:

-absenteeism without good reason;

-committing theft of property of STROYGARANT LLC;

-appearing on the territory of STROYGARANT LLC while drunk, on drugs or in a state of toxic intoxication.

A reduction in the amount of the bonus (up to complete deprivation) is made on the basis of a written order from the head of the structural unit. The order specifies the reasons and amount of the premium reduction. The order is entered into the order book of the head of the unit, and the worker gets acquainted with it against signature. A copy of the order is endorsed by OTiZ and submitted to the accounting settlement bureau.

Bonuses for managers, specialists and employees are provided from the bonus funds of heads of structural divisions and deputy general directors of STROYGARANT LLC. Bonus funds for heads of structural divisions and deputy general directors of STROYGARANT LLC are accrued monthly if funds are available in the wage fund. The amounts of bonus funds are approved by order of the General Director.

Heads of structural units from the allocated bonus fund provide bonuses to subordinate employees, taking into account the personal contribution of each individual employee to the results of the unit’s work, work intensity, initiative, diligence, and the implementation of urgent and unscheduled work. Deputy General Directors of the Company and heads of structural divisions distribute the bonus fund allocated to them at their discretion; part of the fund has the right to reserve until the end of the reporting year.

Incentives (bonuses) for each subordinate employee are not mandatory. Heads of structural divisions and their deputies, according to their functional subordination, are encouraged from bonus funds allocated at the disposal of deputy general directors of STROYGARANT LLC.

Deputy general directors, heads and deputies of structural divisions directly subordinate to the general director are encouraged from the general director's bonus fund. The general director's bonus fund is accrued in the amount of 4% of the total wage fund of the enterprise's employees for the previous month.

The General Director from the allocated bonus fund has the right to award bonuses to any employee of the enterprise or employees of other organizations promoting the work of STROYGARANT LLC (trade union committee, Veterans Council, etc.).

Analysis of the use of labor resources in an enterprise must be considered in close connection with wages. The wage fund includes not only the wage fund, but also payments from social protection funds and net profit remaining at the disposal of the enterprise. Information on the use of funds allocated for consumption is presented in table 1.7

Table 1.7 - Analysis of the use of funds allocated for consumption (million rubles)

Type of payment Amount, million rubles 2011 2012 2013 Deviation from 2012 to 2011 Deviation from 2013 to 20121 Payroll 1.1. At piece rates 1.2. Tariff rates and salaries 1.3. Bonuses for production results 1.4. Additional payments for professional skills 1.5. Additional payments for night work, overtime, holidays 1.6. Payment of annual and additional vacations 1.7. Other payments631.4 298.3 148.2 120.8 15.9 14.2 50.7 3.3653.7 305.8 157.2 115.3 18.3 15.0 39.3 2.8747.8 367.9 160.0 121.4 20.2 18.0 53.8 3.522.3 7.5 9.0 14.5 2.4 0.8 -11.4 -0.594.1 62.1 2.8 6.1 1.9 3.0 14.5 0.71. Payments from net profit 1.1. Remuneration based on performance at the end of the year 1.2. Financial assistance 1.3. One-time payments to pensioners 1.4. Repayment of loans to employees for housing construction 1.5. Payment for vacation and treatment vouchers31.9 17.1 6.6 0.3 5.7 2,112.6 6.8 0.4 3.1 2,372.7 36.3 17.6 1.4 11.6 5.8 -19.3 -17.1 0.2 0.1 -2.6 0.260.1 36.3 12.8 1.0 8.5 3.52. Social payments 2.1. Benefits for families raising children 2.2. Benefits for temporary disability 2.3. Cost of trade union vouchers22.1 4.5 12.1 5.521.7 4.9 12.6 4.224.4 5.6 14.3 4.5-0.4 0.4 0.5 -1.32.7 0, 7 1.7 0.3 Total funds allocated for consumption 685.4688.0844.92.6116.0 Their share in the total amount: Payroll fund Payments from net profit Payments from the social protection fund 120.0 92.1 4.7 3, 2120.0 95.0 1.8 3.2120.0 88.5 8.6 2.9- 2.9 -2.9 0- - 6.5 6.8 -0.3

Based on the data in the table, we can conclude that STROYGARANT LLC, despite the deterioration in its financial condition in 2012 compared to 2011, allocates money for social programs.

Table 1.8 shows payments under the social program of STROYGARANT LLC in 2013

Table 1.8 - Payments under the social program of STROYGARANT LLC in 2013, million rubles)

Name of incentive, motive Quantitative (qualitative) value Provision period Note 1. Financial assistance 1.1. Sports events 1.2. Cultural events 1.3. Payments to employees when conferring the title of veteran 1.4. Financial assistance for vacation 1.5. Financial assistance in emergency cases (funeral services, payment for treatment)17.6 2.5 2.5 1.0 12.0 1.6During the year2. One-time payments to pensioners Including: 2.1. Cash reward for Victory Day 2.2. Payment for vouchers to the Ozone dispensary 2.3. Payments in connection with retirement1.4 0.5 0.3 0.6During the year3. Repayment of loans to employees for housing construction 11.6 During the year Under the program of assistance to young families with the assistance of the Government UR3. Payment for vacation and treatment vouchers Including: 4.1. Payment for vouchers to the Ozone sanatorium 4.2. Payment for vouchers to children's camps 5.8 3.3 2.5 Throughout the year5. Remuneration based on performance at the end of the year 36.3 December Total 72.7

Thus, according to data as of 01.01.2012, the payroll structure was dominated by payments based on the piecework-bonus form of remuneration (49.20%), the second place in the payroll structure is occupied by time-based accruals (21.40%).

Thus, we can conclude that the remuneration system at the enterprise uses various types of payments related to the quantity, quality, and efficiency of labor activity. Such a system allows for the comprehensive use of various approaches to motivating employees.

1.3 Analysis of the problem and choice of ways to solve it

In many enterprises engaged in the construction industry, a common problem is non-fulfillment of contract terms and agreements, which leads to loss of profit. The main problem of the STROYGARANT LLC organization is that the construction deadlines for the facilities provided for in the work schedule are missed.

The work schedule is drawn up by the General Contractor with a material delivery schedule attached and agreed upon by the Customer once a quarter. After agreeing on the work schedule, the General Contractor is obliged, upon expiration of the deadline, to provide a quarterly report on the work performed, indicating the reasons for non-fulfillment of the work (if any).

Having analyzed the work production plan, we can say that for the 1st quarter of 2011 it was planned to carry out work for 152,550,734 rubles. in fact, work was carried out for 72,643,207 rubles; for the 2nd quarter, work was planned for 203,400,979 rubles; in fact, work was carried out for 123,493,451 rubles; for the 3rd quarter, it was planned to carry out work for 225,193,941 rubles; in fact, work was carried out in the amount of 174,343,696 rubles; in the amount of 145,286,414 rubles, the actual work performed was 108,964,810 rubles.

Having made an analysis of the production plan, we can say that for the 1st quarter of 2012 it was planned to carry out work in the amount of 210,434,841 rubles; in fact, work was performed in the amount of 84,173,936 rubles; for the 2nd quarter, 29,4608,778 rubles were planned; In the 3rd quarter, it was planned to carry out work in the amount of 336,695,746 rubles, in fact, work was carried out in the amount of 157,826,131 rubles; in the 4th quarter, it was planned to carry out work in the amount of 21,043,4841 rubles, in fact, 94,695,778 rubles were actually carried out.

Having made an analysis of the production plan, we can say that for the 1st quarter of 2012 it was planned to carry out work in the amount of 182,244,406 rubles, work was actually carried out in the amount of 97,197,016 rubles, for the 2nd quarter 34,0189,559 rubles were planned, actually performed in the amount of 182,244,406 rubles, for the 3rd quarter it was planned to carry out work in the amount of 36,448,883 rubles, but in fact they carried out work in the amount of 291,591,050 rubles; for the 4th quarter it was planned to carry out work in the amount of 315,890,304 rubles, but in fact, 85,047,389 rubles were actually carried out.

Having compared the work production plan with the work actually completed in the period from 2011-2013, we can conclude that the work is being carried out behind the planned deadlines approved in the work production schedule. What is the reason for the failure to complete the planned volumes of work?

There are several factors influencing the delay in work completion:

lack of labor resources

lack of financing for the construction project

late delivery of material

Force Majeure

Having examined the design and estimate documentation and calculated the number of man-hours required to complete the physical volume of work, we can firmly say that the organization does not experience a shortage of labor resources. There are no delays in financing from the Customer. Consequently, the main reason for the delay from the approved work schedule is the untimely delivery of material.

For the 1st quarter, it was planned to supply materials for 61,627,228 rubles, but in fact it was delivered in the amount of 28,245,813 rubles, for the 2nd quarter it was planned for 64,195,029 rubles, but in fact it was delivered in the amount of 46,220,421 rubles, for the 3rd quarter it was planned for the amount of 84,737,439 rubles, but in fact was delivered for 53,923,824 rubles, for the 4th quarter it was planned for 46,220,421 rubles, but in fact it was delivered for 41,084,819 rubles.

According to the material delivery schedule for 2012, it can be seen that for the 1st quarter it was planned to supply materials for 65,455,579 rubles, but in fact it was delivered for 28,052,391 rubles, for the 2nd quarter it was planned for 90,391,038 rubles, but in fact it was delivered for 37,403,188 rubles, for 3 quarterly it was planned for the amount of 96,624,902 rubles, but in fact it was delivered in the amount of 46,753,985 rubles, for the 4th quarter it was planned for 59,221,714 rubles, but in fact it was delivered in the amount of 31,169,323 rubles.

According to the material supply schedule for 2013, it is clear that for the 1st quarter it was planned to supply materials for 59236705 rubles, but in fact it was delivered for 31360608 rubles, for the 2nd quarter it was planned for 90597314 rubles, but in fact it was delivered for 55752193 rubles, for 3 quarterly it was planned for the amount of 108,019,875 rubles, but in fact it was delivered in the amount of 80,143,778 rubles, for the 4th quarter it was planned for 94,081,826 rubles, but in fact it was delivered in the amount of 52,267,681 rubles.

Having analyzed these graphs, we can firmly say that it is the untimely delivery of materials that entails a delay in the commissioning of the facility. This will first of all lead to the imposition of penalties on the part of the Customer, consequently to the loss of revenue for the organization STROYGARANT LLC. Untimely delivery of materials leads to disruption of the rhythm of work of enterprises, downtime, requires additional labor costs, affects the quality of products (services) and worsens the technical and economic indicators of production; disruption of the rhythm of deliveries and settlements with suppliers leads to the need to restructure the range of products, failure to fulfill contractual obligations on its supplies, as well as economic sanctions. Failures in the supply of materials jeopardize the implementation of the production plan, forcing the accumulation of excess stocks of materials in order to prevent downtime.

Thus, accounting for operations for the procurement and acquisition of materials and settlements with suppliers at the enterprise is important in increasing the efficiency of financial and economic activities.

Let's consider the table of the plan for the supply of materials from STROYGARANT LLC to construction sites for the construction of buildings and structures for 2011-2013.

Table 1.9 - Plan for the supply of materials to the construction site.

Indicator Unit of measurement Study period 2011 2012 2013 Supply of materials according to plan rubles 256,780 119,311 693,235 Actual supply of materials rubles 168,961 318,144 158 121,222 137,647 Percentage of material supplies% 65,846,2563,75

According to Table 1, it is clear that for 2011-2013, the material was not supplied in full. This fully affects the economy of the enterprise, leads to unnecessary costs, and jeopardizes contractual relations.

The priority problem in the production of work, as already mentioned, is the untimely provision of materials. This problem is determined by several factors:

Late payment for materials (not paid bills, lack of specific products, etc.)

Force majeure (weather conditions, natural disasters, etc.)

The level of salary and bonus does not depend on performance results (staff’s lack of desire for self-realization, lack of opportunity to participate in the enterprise’s profits, etc.).

Possible ways to solve the problem is to improve the bonus system for employees.

2. Theoretical aspects of the analysis of labor incentive systems at the enterprise

.1 The concept of labor incentives

With the development of entrepreneurial activity, enterprises gained freedom in resolving issues of organizing production and remuneration of workers. The purpose of granting broad powers to enterprises in resolving these issues was to create the prerequisites for increasing labor productivity, improving product quality and improving the remuneration mechanism, which would make it possible to interest workers in the results of their work. In fact, what happened was that the old system of employee incentives ceased to exist as a single system, and the expected reform in wages did not happen, which led, in many respects, to the loss wages stimulating function. Therefore, solving the problem of increasing the production of domestic products and improving their quality is impossible in isolation from solving the issues of stimulating and evaluating the work of workers.

Stimulationcan be defined like this:

· it is the process of using specific incentives to benefit the individual and the organization;

· influencing the employee’s work behavior through the creation of personally significant conditions that encourage him to act in a certain way;

· influence, motivation, external push to certain actions.

The concept of incentives is associated with the concept of the production team. The production team and each of its members are objects of stimulation. When managing a production team, the main attention should be paid to organizing the labor process and stimulating workers. The organization of management of a production team should be preceded by a clear formulation of the tasks facing it, the main of which are the production of products, works, services and the implementation of the social and economic interests of employees and the interests of the property of the enterprise on the basis of the profits received, the organization of incentives for employees based on the results of the work performed.

Stimulation is aimed at increasing volume, expanding the range, improving the technical level and quality of products, taking into account the achievements scientific and technological progress. In turn, efficient and high-quality work entails a reduction in costs and an increase in production profitability, which makes it possible to further financially reward employees.

When we talk about stimulating employees, we mean all employees of the enterprise, not just production workers. In this regard, it is necessary to separate the concepts of “labor efficiency” and “labor productivity” of workers. The productivity of workers is determined not only by the efforts of the employee himself, but also depends on other reasons: input new technology and technology, the use of new types of raw materials and materials, the introduction of more advanced forms of organization of production and labor. The efficiency of workers’ labor depends entirely on themselves, on their personal qualities and abilities, all other things being equal.

Today it is important to restore the role of material incentives in the enterprise.

Thus, the stimulation of hired workers at an enterprise is closely related to the scientific organization of labor, which includes labor standardization, which is a clear definition of the range of labor responsibilities of the employee and the qualitative and quantitative results of labor that are required of him.

When talking about stimulating employees, we must also take into account such a concept as labor motivation. Motivation is defined by two concepts: need and reward. Needs are primary and secondary. The primary physiological needs of a person are: food, water, clothing, housing, rest, etc. Secondary needs are psychological in nature: needs for affection, respect, success. When stimulating labor as providing an employee with remuneration for work, which he uses to satisfy his needs, it is necessary to take into account that different people approach this issue differently, defining different values ​​for themselves. Thus, for a person of high material income, extra time for rest may be more significant than the additional earnings that he would receive for overtime work. For many people, such as knowledge workers, respect from colleagues and interesting work will be more important than the extra money he could get by going into trading or becoming a commercial agent.

Therefore, reward for work can be of two types: internal and external.

Intrinsic reward- this is the pleasure a person receives from work, from respect from colleagues, from involvement in the team.

Extrinsic reward- these are material benefits, promotion career ladder, increasing social status.

Therefore, when stimulating employees, not only materially, the manager needs to identify the needs of employees so that lower-level needs are satisfied before higher-level needs.

Unfortunately, in modern Russian conditions, work incentives that create an employee’s sense of internal reward have been largely lost. Research shows that the vast majority of workers prioritize the material factor, and only a small number of them (mainly managers) talk about the need to enjoy their work and feel important.

Thus, it is impossible to properly stimulate employees without taking into account their work motivations. It is on this principle that an incentive system should be built, which should be flexible, easily changeable in relation to different categories of personnel, and not a rigid one that does not allow proper payment for work in accordance with its efficiency and quality and take into account all non-material incentives for work.

Stimulating labor as a method of management involves the use of all diversity existing forms and methods for regulating labor behavior, which requires, in turn, their systematization, identifying the common and different between them, identifying and resolving contradictions between them, and ensuring their harmonious interaction. Like any set of phenomena, stimuli can be classified according to for various reasons. Based on the fact that the starting point in the stimulation process is needs, their content serves as the main criterion for classification. The employee's needs are diverse, but all of them can be divided into material and intangible. In accordance with this, incentives are divided into material and intangible.

Materialincentives can be monetary or non-monetary. Cash includes wages, various types of bonuses, additional payments and allowances. Non-monetary incentives are vacation and treatment vouchers, conditions of consumer services at the enterprise, the provision of housing, the provision of child care facilities, and the provision of rights to purchase scarce goods. Basically, these goods are included in the system of commodity-money relations, since they are goods for enterprises and organizations that transfer significant amounts of money for them. But for a particular employee they are not in monetary form or only partially in monetary form. This group of material non-monetary incentives is associated with the reproduction of the labor force.

Another group of material non-monetary incentives is related to the functioning of workers in production. This is the organization of work, sanitary and hygienic working conditions. The peculiarity of this group of incentives is that they themselves do not always directly increase work activity, but, influencing the choice of a particular place of work, they play the role of a catalyst for this activity.

Intangibleincentives are more diverse. Among them we can distinguish social, moral, socio-psychological.

Social incentives are associated with the needs of workers for self-affirmation, as well as with their desire to occupy a certain social position, therefore, with the need for a certain amount of power. These incentives are expressed in the opportunities to participate in the management of production, labor and the team, to make decisions, in the prospects for advancement along the social and professional ladder, in the opportunities to engage in currently prestigious types of work.

Moral incentives are an essential feature of the socialist incentive forces for labor activity. Their content is determined by the entire character of the social system. Moral incentives for work are associated with a person’s needs for respect from the team, for recognition as a worker, as a morally approved person. Moral incentives come in a wide variety of forms. This includes verbal praise, expressing gratitude, awarding certificates, medals, orders, placing photographs on the Board (entering in a book) of honor, conferring various titles, letters of gratitude to the families of workers, and forming a high public opinion about achievements in work.

Social and psychological incentives arise from the special role that communication plays in human life. It is a fundamental need and a condition for normal human life. Labor activity in social production, on the one hand, provides the opportunity for communication, and on the other, self-realization only through communication. For some social groups(for example, single people who have retired) communication sometimes becomes perhaps the main incentive for participation in work and social production. Involvement in the affairs of the work collective, belonging to it contributes to the satisfaction of human needs for stability and sustainability of one’s existence. This is a characteristic of labor incentives depending on the personal needs of workers, the satisfaction of which they are aimed at and the satisfaction of which is possible in the world of work.

In the end, we can conclude that stimulation is a process of external influence on an employee in order to obtain from him a result or the completion of some part of the work.

.2 Basic methods of labor stimulation. Types of awards

In the context of the transition to a market economy, the labor incentive management system is undergoing a significant transformation. In essence, this system is designed to create a new motivational mechanism for the labor activity of personnel at trade enterprises of all forms of ownership and organizational and legal forms of activity.

The main goal of labor incentive management is to ensure growth in staff income and differentiation of their payments in accordance with the labor contribution of individual employees to the overall results of the trading enterprise.

Labor incentive management covers a number of sequentially performed stages of work:

) The choice of wage forms and systems represents the initial stage of organizing staff labor incentives.

) The construction of a tariff wage system at an enterprise is an important stage in the organization of labor incentives at those enterprises that employ workers of various qualifications and where there are significant differences in the complexity of the work performed. Foreign experience shows that the tariff wage system has been developed and applied by all major trading firms. However, the principles of its construction differ significantly. The European practice of constructing a tariff wage system at trade enterprises is based on the principle of differentiation of salaries (rates) depending on the level of qualifications of workers; American - on the complexity of the work performed; Japanese - on length of service in this company.

The so-called “flexible tariff systems”, which are based on the minimum wage level established at trade enterprises for workers of the lowest qualifications (it can exceed the minimum wage established by the state at the enterprise), and a system of coefficients for increasing wages paid according to tariffs as the employee’s qualifications improve (such a system of qualification coefficients can be borrowed from the state tariff system or developed by a trading enterprise independently). When constructing a tariff system at trade enterprises, it should be borne in mind that tariff salaries and rates are not limited to the maximum amount.

) The construction of a system of additional stimulation of certain aspects of workers’ work activity is intended to strengthen the work motivation of staff. This system uses various shapes- bonuses for current business results; surcharges and allowances; various one-time incentives for labor results; bonus payments based on the results of work for the year and others (social payments to staff in their various forms are not included in this system, since they are not related to labor incentives).

Each bonus system includes as mandatory elements: bonus indicators; bonus conditions; size and scale of bonuses; circle of rewarded employees.

Bonus indicators, for the fulfillment of which incentive payments are made, are the basis for building a bonus system. They appear in the form of specific results of the economic activity of a trading enterprise, characterizing the work of an individual performer, a group of performers or personnel as a whole. The choice of bonus indicators requires compliance with certain conditions on which the effectiveness of the bonus system ultimately depends. Firstly, bonus indicators must be specific, clearly formulated, excluding different interpretation and completely understandable for employees. Secondly, the performance of each indicator should be easy to track. Thirdly, the bonus system should not contain more than two bonus indicators. It is necessary in each specific case to select the most important production indicators that most fully characterize the work being performed.

The size and scale of bonuses determine the amount of the bonus. To do this, first of all, the initial bonus base is established. It represents that quantitative characteristic (or degree of fulfillment) of the bonus indicator, starting from which the bonus is paid. The bonus scale itself establishes a specific form of connection between the degree of fulfillment of the bonus indicator and the size of the bonus.

The circle of employees receiving bonuses is determined by the selected bonus indicator; For its implementation, only those employees who are directly related to it are rewarded.

Additional payments and allowances are one of the additional forms of personnel incentives, directly adjacent to the tariff system, i.e. are considered as a temporary or systematic increase in the tariff portion of earnings.

Wage supplements are cash payments that compensate for additional costs or difficult working conditions of individual employees. Their main types are additional payments for combining professions and increasing the volume of work performed; for performing, along with their main work, the duties of temporarily absent employees; for leading a team or other structural unit with the full scope of the main work; for work at night, on weekends or holidays, etc.

In conditions where the owners or administration of a trading enterprise are given the right to independently determine the size of the tariff salary (rates), a number of allowances can be directly included in the tariff part of the employee’s earnings when establishing its size (i.e., without special allocation).

One-time incentives are applied if it is necessary to promptly mark any labor achievement of employees; for performing predetermined one-time tasks that go beyond the scope of the employees’ duties; in connection with the anniversaries of employees, their retirement and in some other similar cases.

) Individualization of conditions for material incentives for the most qualified workers is one of the modern areas of organizing their incentives, widely used in foreign practice.

This individualization is ensured by introducing a contract form of remuneration at trade enterprises. Such individual contracts are concluded with managers, specialists and the most qualified workers (salespeople, cashiers) of a trading enterprise. As a special form of employment contract, an individual contract is characterized by maximum consideration of the interests of the contracting parties based on a detailed definition of the system of their mutual obligations.

) Planning of funds for stimulating labor is carried out in the context of two main sources of formation of these funds - distribution costs and the profit of the enterprise remaining at its disposal.

As part of distribution costs, funds are planned for wages according to the tariff salaries, rates and piece rates established at the enterprise; for the payment of bonuses and additional payments to tariff rates and salaries in the amounts provided for by current legislation; for payment of annual and additional leaves, as well as educational leaves; for the payment of bonuses for current business results.

As part of the profit, funds are planned for the payment of allowances and additional payments not provided for by law or in excess of the amounts established by current legislation; one-time incentives for labor results; bonuses based on the results of work for the year (social payments to employees at the expense of profits do not count as funds for labor incentives).

In the process of planning funds for labor incentives, the sufficiency of these funds in the context of individual forms of incentives must be ensured, as well as the growth of the average wage and average income of the personnel of a trading enterprise in relation to the pre-planned one.

Bonuses- this is the payment to employees of certain amounts of money in excess of the basic salary for the purpose of material incentives for work. The bonus system can be used by all organizations.

Enterprises that receive budgetary financing, within the allocated budgetary allocations, independently determine the types and amounts of bonuses and other incentive payments to employees based on the rates and salaries determined on the basis of the unified technical system*(1).

At the same time, organizations that do not receive budget funding have the right to establish bonuses, additional payments and allowances at their own expense. These payments can be introduced taking into account the opinion of the representative body of workers or provided for in a collective agreement. But even if there is no representative body or collective agreement in the organization, the employer still has the right to establish incentive payments, including bonuses for its employees. Types of bonuses.

Prize- this is one of the forms of reward for outstanding results achieved in any field of activity.

There are two types of bonuses.

First view - bonuses provided for by the remuneration system. It involves the payment of bonuses at a certain frequency (annual, quarterly, semi-annually, monthly, etc.) to a certain circle of employees. For example, technologists, economists, accountants. Such bonuses are paid based on specific performance indicators and bonus conditions developed by the organization.

The size of bonuses is also determined (in the amount of one official salary, 50 percent of the official salary, etc.).

For bonuses that are provided for by the remuneration system, the organization develops a special bonus provision. This provision must be approved by the administration and agreed upon with the relevant trade union body, if there is one.

Based on the developed bonus provisions, employees have the right to receive a specific bonus, and the organization has the obligation to pay.

The organization can divide the first type of awards into two parts:

) bonuses for the main results of the organization’s activities. These are the main bonuses that should play a leading stimulating role;

) awards for improving one or another aspect of the organization’s activities.

These are, as a rule, special bonus systems. These include, for example, bonuses for saving raw materials, materials, electrical or thermal energy; for producing high quality products; for timely shipment of products; for the collection and delivery of certain types of production waste and others, depending on the specifics of the organization.

Second type - one-time (one-time) bonus. Such bonuses are not a remuneration system.

One-time bonuses can be awarded for specific successes in work or timed to coincide with significant events - public holidays, anniversaries of an industry, organization or a specific employee.

As a result, it is necessary to conclude under bonusrefers to the payment to employees of amounts of money in excess of their basic earnings in order to encourage them to achieve certain results, fulfill obligations, etc., as well as to stimulate the further increase of these results and obligations.

.3 Study of the incentive system for Russian and foreign enterprises

In the incentive system, wages occupy a leading place.

The employee remuneration system is a complex that includes a tariff system, salaries, various forms of wages, various additional payments and allowances.

The most important stimulating factor is the establishment of a direct connection between wages and the final results of production. In this way, the interest of workers in the final results of their work increases, since they are paid for the achieved results in production, expressed in the quantity and quality of products produced. At the same time, workers’ wages should not be limited to maximum limits, which becomes a powerful incentive to increase workers’ interest in effective work.

Strengthening the connection between employee compensation and final results should be the main measure aimed at increasing the efficiency and quality of work. It is important that the actual salary of each employee is made directly dependent on his personal labor contribution to the final result of the enterprise’s activities and is not limited to any limit.

Payment of all categories of employees, both workers and specialists, managers, should be quite simple and clear. In practice, workers' earnings consist of the following specific types of remuneration: tariff, official salary, various bonuses and rewards, allowances and additional payments. Each employee should know well what and in what amounts he is paid wages. Only in this case will he understand why his earnings have increased or decreased and what he needs to do to increase his wages.

The level of wages is determined by the cost of living, the financial condition of the enterprise, the level of wages paid by competitors and the procedure for state regulation.

Employee remuneration systems are based on several bases: level of professional qualifications, length of service, volume of work performed, complexity of functions and degree of responsibility, time of work, duration of operations, etc.

However, any reward system must create confidence and a sense of security among employees. It is necessary that workers focus on completing the tasks facing them, without being distracted by how to feed and clothe their family, or provide a roof over their heads. These problems should be solved by the guaranteed part of the salary. At the same time, additional means of stimulation and motivation are designed to actively influence the efficiency of work performance.

In modern Russian conditions, when the old system of remuneration for workers collapsed, and new system, adapted to market conditions, not present in most enterprises, the experience of stimulating employees, the experience of paying employees at those Russian enterprises that were able to create an effective system of payment and assessment of employee performance and are successfully applying it at the present time are of interest.

Today in the world there are three systems for organizing labor and wages of workers: Japanese, Euro-American and Chinese.

The lack of a stimulating role of remuneration both for young employees who, even with a high level of professionalism, cannot improve their status in the organization, and for older employees who are not interested in improving their work efficiency. According to the Japanese system, a worker's position and salary are linked to age. This system has historically developed in Japan and is associated with the traditions of this country. In Japan, there is a system of lifetime employment, when the company actually hires future graduates of colleges and universities, controlling the process of their training. The Japanese lifetime employment system has a significant flaw

The Chinese model uses a system of differentiation of workers based on exam results. Based on the results of certification, employees are assigned qualification categories. However, the assignment of these categories is quite subjective and is carried out on the basis of an assessment of previous work results, which creates a gap from real results employee activity for the current period. In addition, as a rule, it is not the quality of work of a particular employee that is assessed, but the complexity of his work, which also does not stimulate high-quality work. In addition, there is a certain gap between ranks, which leads to the fact that an employee who is not confident in his ability to increase his rank loses motivation to work more efficiently.

Having examined the systems of labor organization and wages of workers in three countries, we can conclude that Russia has features of the Chinese model, where the main aspect is not the quality of the work, but its complexity and payment is made depending on the complexity of the work.

3. Design part

.1 Analysis of the existing bonus system in the procurement department

Considering the current bonus system for the supply department of STROYGARANT LLC, it should be noted that the supply service is primarily responsible for the timely purchase and delivery of building materials to construction sites. Bonuses for employees of the supply department, as well as employees of the entire organization, depend on the timing of construction and installation work approved by the work production plan and are carried out equally for all divisions of the organization, regardless of the production rate of other departments. The bonus is awarded free form, the head of the enterprise.

Why is the bonus awarded equal? As we said, the bonus depends on the timing of construction and installation work and is made equally for all divisions of the organization, regardless of the production rate of other departments. The construction of the facility continues regardless of the supply of materials, because the material that arrived at another position is replaced by material that did not arrive at the position that is in the construction schedule for the near future.

The most pressing factor, in my opinion, is the reluctance to work, first of all, of the supply department workers, since there is a lack of staff motivation. This is characterized by low wages, non-participation in activities, as well as in the profit of the organization.

The employee’s reluctance to do work to achieve the goal and obtain maximum profit for the organization is due to the employee’s incomplete self-realization due to a stable salary, regardless of output.

Let us provide data on bonuses for employees of the supply department using the example of STROYGARANT LLC for 2011-2013.

The employee receives a fixed bonus regardless of the fulfillment of the plan. In this regard, the employee’s motivation decreases, the desire to increase efficiency and self-realization disappears, which leads to negligence and violation of the rules and regulations of the internal labor regulations in the organization. Employees are not motivated, they have no incentive to do this or that work, since bonuses are given the same for both an active employee and an employee who does not fulfill his duties. In this regard, in my opinion, the organization incurs additional costs. After analyzing, we see that the average bonus over the last 3 years is 32.70%, and the basic salary is 67.3%. Based on this we can conclude that this system Bonuses should be changed, or innovations introduced, to stimulate employees, their maximum output, and therefore maximum profit for the organization.

You can consider the reason in more detail by analyzing the bonus system for employees of the supply department for the last 3 months of 2012.

Table - Bonuses for employees of the supply department for October 2013

Full name Hourly tariff rate taking into account the Ural coefficient, rub. Hours worked per month Salary amount, rub. per month% of the bonusFinal bonus amount taking into account personal contribution, rub.Ivanov V.V.630.0316710521533%34720.95Ivanova A.S.630.0316710521534720.95Rakhmanov R.V.630.0316510395534305.15Kondratiev I.V.690, 53160110484,836459 ,72Vekselberg K.S.690.53167115318.538054.94Shanov N.I.760.33167126975.141901.75Total 667163.4220163.82

From the table we see that the bonus percentage for October 2013 was 33%, the bonus fund amounted to 220,163.82 rubles.

Table - Bonuses for employees of the supply department for November 2013.

Full name Hourly tariff rate taking into account the Ural coefficient, rub. Hours worked per month Salary amount, rub. per month% of the bonusFinal bonus amount taking into account personal contribution, rub.Ivanov V.V.630.03165103955.1125%25988.2Ivanova A.S.630.0316710521526303.4Rakhmanov R.V.630.0316710521526303.4Kondratiev I.V.690, 5316411324628311 ,1Vekselberg K.S.690.53165113937.428484,2Shanov N.I.760.3316212317330793.4Total 664742.8166185.7

From the table we see that the bonus percentage for November 2013 was 25%, the bonus fund amounted to 166,185.7 rubles.

Table - Bonuses for employees of the supply department for December 2013.

Full name Hourly tariff rate taking into account the Ural coefficient, rub. Hours worked per month Salary amount, rub. per month Average % of bonus for 2011. Final bonus amount taking into account personal contribution, rub. Ivanov V.V. 630.03163102694.8940%39024.06 Ivanova A.S. 630.03165103954.9539502.88 Rakhmanov R.V. 630.03167105215.01 39981 ,7Kondratyev I.V.690,53167115318,5143821,03Vekselberg K.S.690,53167115318,5143821,03Shanov N.I.760,33165125454,4547672,69Total 667956,42253823, 14

From the table we see that the bonus percentage for the month of December 2013 was 38%, the bonus fund amounted to 253,823.14 rubles.

Having examined the data in the tables, we can say that the employee receives a fixed bonus regardless of the fulfillment of the supply plan and purchase of materials. In this regard, the employee’s motivation decreases, the desire to increase efficiency and self-realization disappears, which leads to negligence and violation of the rules and regulations of the internal labor regulations in the organization.

3.2 Development of a project to improve the bonus system

Among the key problems presented, it should be highlighted that the majority of enterprise employees believe that the level of remuneration for work does not correspond to the labor contribution of employees. As a result, employees are not sufficiently motivated to increase productivity.

We will offer alternative options for bonuses for employees of one of the key divisions of the enterprise - the supply department. The choice of this division was due to the fact that in 2011 the company experienced a significant decrease in profitability (mainly due to an increase in purchase prices) and employee motivation may have the following goal - reducing the material costs of the enterprise.

If we accept as an additional condition of the task that the employees of the supply department at the time of implementation of the wage motivation system are at the level of the average wage in the city of Novy Urengoy, then the maximum return can be obtained through additional incentives for employees involved in the procurement process. The most effective in this regard is the following method of incentives, the final choice of which is made at the discretion of the company’s management:

participation in the company’s profit (optimal for the purchasing department as a whole based on the results of the analysis of the summarized number of indicators that affected the increase in the company’s profit);

It should be separately noted that penal methods (fines, deprivation of bonuses, disciplinary punishments, etc.) are not considered by us, since the practice of their use at enterprises, as well as the theoretical research of personnel management specialists, proves their inconsistency as tools for motivating employees.

Monthly individual bonus. As analysis data show, the size of the monthly bonus often causes many complaints from employees. The main reason for such dissatisfaction is the opacity or vagueness of the logic for determining the amount of the bonus (and very often its visible subjectivity). It happens that the amount of the premium causes confusion because it creates the impression of being unfairly underestimated or overestimated. Sometimes the manager himself cannot clearly explain how exactly he determined the specific bonus percentage for a particular employee. “Distributing bonuses” causes especially a lot of misunderstandings in teams where there is a leak of such information and employees have the opportunity to compare the “bonuses” they receive with the amounts of remuneration of their colleagues.

The proposed “score” method for assessing the buyer’s performance at the end of the month (Table 3.1) does not pretend to be universal, but partly solves this problem, since any buyer has the opportunity to independently calculate the bonus due to him. And, by the way, independent calculation of points with the attachment of supporting documentation can be used as an additional means of motivating the buyer.

To implement the point bonus system, the management of the enterprise created an expert group. An expert group of 7 people was created on the basis of the order. According to the order, the following actions are required:

Expert group:

Identify the reasons within the supply department that lead to disruption of work production

develop performance indicators for supply department workers

performance evaluation

Accounting, finance department:

Calculate the conversion of points to bonus percentage

In the process of research and analysis of the activities of supply department employees, the expert group identified the following reasons influencing the failure to meet deadlines for work:

lack of raw materials in warehouses

lack of market price stability

failure to deliver materials on time

late payment for material

failure to meet scheduled deliveries

poor quality incoming inspection of materials

lack of appropriate documentation for materials

poor market analysis

late execution of documents


But not all reasons fully depend on the work of the procurement department.

Let's take a closer look at the above reasons.

)Lack of raw materials in warehouses- this reason depends entirely on the employee of the supply department, since the lack of raw materials indicates inactive activity of the employee.

2)Lack of stability of market prices - this reason does not fully depend on the supply department employee; this is an external factor that the employee is not able to influence if there are no contractual obligations or permanent suppliers.

3)Failure to deliver materials on time is the main reason why an enterprise suffers losses. This reason depends entirely on the employee of the supply department assigned to the supply of material. Force majeure situations should be taken into account.

4)Lack of timely payment for material - this reason does not fully depend on the employee of the supply department, since accounting employees who are responsible for paying for the material according to the invoices issued by the supplier also take part in the payment operation. An employee of the supply department is only responsible for preparing documentation and submitting it to the accounting department.

5)Failure to meet planned delivery deadlines - this reason involves planning by an employee of the supply department for the delivery of materials ahead of schedule. Completely depends on the supply department employee.

6)Poor-quality incoming control - this reason means the inspection, rejection by an employee of the supply department of materials arriving at the on-site warehouse, and the employee of the supply department is primarily responsible for this.

7)Lack of appropriate documentation for materials - this reason is due to the fact that during the construction of objects of categories 1 and 2 of complexity there must be passports and relevant documents confirming the quality of products for each material. The supply department employee is obliged to provide the relevant documents to the construction supervisory authority. In case of their absence, the employee is obliged to notify management and submit an application addressed to the supplier with a request to send documents.

8)Poor analysis of the supply market - this reason does not fully depend on the supply department employee, since this function must be carried out by a centralized body of the organization.

9)Document flow - considering this reason It is important to say that documentation is an integral part of any organization. Each operation must be documented in accordance with regulations. An employee of the supply department must keep records, movement, reception, return of materials only with maintaining documents and filling them out correctly.

10)Discipline - this reason means the active activity of employees, correct placement physical and mental resources of the body for materialization in society.

Based on the reasons influencing the failure to meet deadlines for work, the expert group developed indicators for bonuses for employees of the supply department, awarding points for the employee’s work activity at the end of the month (see Table 3.1).

Table 3.1 - Point method for assessing the performance of a supply department employee based on the results of the month

No. Evaluated indicator Contents of the indicator Number of points 1 Inventory Availability of standard balances of raw materials of the buyer’s product group in warehouses on a certain date of the current month 100% fulfillment of orders on a specific date of the current month Remains correspond to the standard for 60-75% of positions, fulfillment of orders for 75% - 3 points. From 75 to 95% of positions - 4 points. The balances correspond to the normative ones for all positions, 100% fulfillment of requests - 5 points. Note: in the absence of goods for at least one item / application for the required balance, points are not awarded. 2 Price of purchased goods The price of each newly contracted batch of goods must be compared with the price of the previous purchase. A price increase must be justified; a decrease entails receiving bonus points. Price reduction for each product item: from 1 to 5% of the previous purchase - 3 points; from 5 to 10% of the previous purchase - 5 points; from 10 to 15% of the previous purchase - 6 points; from 15 to 25% of the previous purchase - 7 points; from 25% to 50% of the previous purchase - 8 points. 3 Stability of supplies No supply disruptions, no plant shutdowns due to lack of raw materials, no order disruptions due to lack of goods Compliance with these requirements at the end of the month - 3 points. Note: if at least one delivery fails, points will not be awarded.4 Payment termsReducing the percentage of prepayments, increasing the deferred payment period for delivered goods Transfer of “prepaid” goods to the “payment upon delivery” category - 5 points. Increasing the deferred payment period for delivered goods - 3 points for every additional 5 banking days. 5 Planning Availability of a delivery plan and payments for the next month on a certain date of the current month Availability of a ready plan by a predetermined date - 3 points.6Presence of claimsPresence or absence of claims by consignees/warehouses regarding the quality or documentation of goods received within a month Complete absence of complaints - 5 points. Up to 2 claims - 3 points. 3 or more claims - 0 points.7 Dealing with claims The buyer’s response to claims, investigation and communication of them to suppliers, taking adequate measures on claims (receiving passports, product certificates, returning or replacing low-quality goods, reducing prices, receiving additional benefits from the supplier, etc.) All received complaints have been sorted out, measures and decisions have been taken on all of them - 5 points. Decisions and measures have been taken on more than 60% of claims - 2 points. Less than 60% of claims are “closed” through the efforts of the buyer - 0 points.8Supplier structure, availability and use of a supplier assessment system Regular assessment of suppliers (dossier maintenance, quality control, etc.), reducing the number of intermediaries and increasing the number of manufacturers and direct importers in the supplier structure The state of the supplier assessment system in the current month: excellent - 5 points; satisfactory - 3 points; no work was carried out to evaluate suppliers during the month - 0 points.9Document flowTimely completion of reporting (percentage of availability of accounting documents and verified deliveries to certain number current month) The work is less than 60% done - 0 points. Work done by 60-75% - 3 points, Work done by more than 75% - 5 points. 10 Attitude to work, discipline, desire to optimize procurement Based on the results of the month (assessment of the head of the procurement group) Active work - 5 points. There is a desire, but few results - 3 points. Working “half-heartedly”, lack of results - 0 points.

After developing a scoring method for assessing the performance of a supply department employee based on the results of the month, the information was sent to the accounting and finance departments for further refinement. The finance department calculated the conversion of points into a bonus percentage (the points are summed up and “translated” into a bonus percentage) (see Table 3.2) and sent for review and approval to the accounting department.

Table 3.2 - “Points” method for calculating the percentage of the buyer’s bonus.

Number of points Percentage of bonus to salary 0-4 points No bonus 5-15 points 10% bonus 15-20 points 15% bonus 20-25 points 20% bonus 25-30 points 25% bonus 30-35 points 30% bonus 35-40 points 35% bonus 40-45 points 40% bonus 45-50 points 45% bonus 50 points50% bonus

The approved documentation (signed by all authorities) is sent to the head of the enterprise. The head of the enterprise, having reviewed it, issues an order in which he obliges to notify, first of all, the head of the supply department about the implementation of the management decision. The head of the supply department, signing the order, familiarizes his employees with it. Employees of the supply department, in turn, sign an introductory sheet and gain access to study the new bonus method, with an explanation of the accrual of points for work activity.

Due to the completion of work on several construction projects, STROYGARANT LLC was forced to reduce its staff, but in the future it was planned to win tenders for several very large projects. The company's management decided to retain its staff. At the end of 2013, a balance commission was held with the participation of all heads of departments, where, first of all, issues of reducing costs and expenses in connection with the end of subcontracts were resolved. It was decided to assemble a commission to make changes to the bonus system, primarily in the supply department, and test it in the near future. The point-based bonus system was introduced in January 2014. Employees of the supply department were familiarized with labor performance indicators and the corresponding bonus method, and at the end of the month the following results were revealed.

Table 3.3 - Calculation of bonuses for employees of the supply department for January 2014

FULL NAME. supply department Hourly tariff rate taking into account the Ural coefficient, rub. Hours worked per month Salary amount, rub. per month Number of points scored % of the bonus Final amount of the bonus taking into account personal contribution, rub. Ivanov V.V. 630.031671052153635% 36825.25 Ivanova A. S. 630.031671052151615% 15782.25 Rakhmanov R. V. 630.031651039554140% 41582Kondratiev I.V. .690.53160110484.81410%11048.48Vekselberg K.S.690.53167115318.52120%23063.7Shanov N.I.760.33167126975.13330%38092.53 Total667163.417328.8%166394.21

Table 3.4 - Comparative characteristics of the premium for the “old” and “new” systems, for January 2014

Full name Premium according to the “old system”, rubles Premium according to the “new system”, rubles Deviation Ivanov V.V.36825,2536825,250Ivanova A.S.36825,2515782,2521043Rakhmanov R.V.36384,2541582-5197,75Kondratiev I.V.38669,6811048,4827621,2Vekselberg K.S.40361,4823063,717297,78Shanov N.I.44441,2938092,536348,755 Total233507.2166394.267112.98

Thus, we see that the implemented system will save money in the amount 67112,98 rubles or 39%, due to a reduction in bonus payments, which will lead to a reduction in the company’s costs.

3.4 Calculation of the socio-economic efficiency of the project

Any management decision has its advantages and disadvantages. To make a management decision, it is necessary to carefully study what positive aspects a particular decision has and due to what qualities it carries risks for the enterprise - Table 3.5.

Table 3.5 - Advantages and disadvantages of management decisions

Existing option Solution: Monthly individual bonus based on a point assessment of labor contributionAdvantages The advantages of the option include the fact that the existing mechanism for calculating bonuses is “worked out” and does not require “reconfiguration” of the payroll program. The proposed “points” method for assessing the activities of the buyer based on the results of the month does not apply universality, but partly solves this problem, since any buyer has the opportunity to independently calculate the premium due to him. And, by the way, independent calculation of points with the attachment of supporting documentation can be used as an additional means of motivating the buyer. Disadvantages: The size of the monthly bonus often causes many complaints from employees. The main reason for such dissatisfaction is the opacity or vagueness of the logic for determining the amount of the bonus (and very often its visible subjectivity). It happens that the amount of the premium causes confusion because it creates the impression of being unfairly underestimated or overestimated. Sometimes the manager himself cannot clearly explain how exactly he determined the specific bonus percentage for a particular employee. “Distributing bonuses” especially causes a lot of misunderstandings in teams where there is a leak of such information and employees have the opportunity to compare the “bonuses” they received. The disadvantages of the solution include the fact that the system does not sufficiently motivate employees to improve the financial results of the enterprise

Let's calculate the economic efficiency of the project.

Let's consider bonuses for employees according to the existing system and the implemented method of bonuses for employees.

The bonus fund for the month of January 2014 under the existing system would have averaged 233507,2 rubles, and the premium percentage is on average 35%.

At the end of the month, the implemented system showed the following results: the bonus fund amounted to 166,394.21 rubles, the bonus percentage was 28.8%.

savings 233507.2 - 166394.21 = 67112.99 rub.

Thus, the savings amounted to 67,112.99 rubles. /month

Having made the calculations, we can say that the introduced method is more economical, since it reduces the current costs of bonuses to employees and encourages each employee to individually calculate the amount of the bonus, making a labor contribution to the organization’s activities. Purchasing department employees become interested in the results of their work, so they begin to perform it more responsibly and efficiently. The deadlines for the delivery of materials are not missed, therefore, the percentage of plan fulfillment by the enterprise increases, which leads to an increase in the organization’s income. Let's consider the dynamics of the projected performance indicators of STROYGARANT LLC before and after the implementation of the employee bonus system

Table 3.6 - Dynamics of projected performance indicators of STROYGARANT LLC.

IndicatorBefore implementation (plan for 2013)Before implementation (predicted fact for 2013)After implementation (what would happen if your system were implemented)Deviation1. Revenue, rub.2. Cost, total, rub..04619768 including: - variable costs - fixed costs 219293187321929318.7333939097.0 554.76585238 including for wages of employees of the supply department 10568604.9310568604.9312009778.3213.636363643. Profit from sales, rub..953075754. Number of personnel, people 38173817381705. Labor productivity, rub./person. per year1960319,1251176191,4751764287,212506.% of production plan fulfillment100%63%90%507.% of delivery plan fulfillment100%60%90%42,85714286

Based on the criterion of minimizing current costs, it is necessary to consider the management decision to use group bonuses for personnel based on a point assessment of labor contribution as economically feasible due to the fact that the following indicators are growing.

4. Legal support of the project

STROYGARANT LLC was created and registered in September 1997 in the city of Novy Urengoy in the form of a limited liability company in accordance with the Federal Law of 02/08/1998 No. 14-FZ “On Limited Liability Companies”.

In accordance with the Law, a limited liability company is a business company established by one or more persons, the authorized capital of which is divided into certain shares constituent documents sizes; Members of the company bear the risk of losses associated with the activities of the LLC, within the value of the contributions they made.

In accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, LLCs belong to the category commercial organizations, that is, those whose main purpose is to make a profit.

The main goal of STROYGARANT LLC is to make a profit and satisfy public needs for goods and services.

LLC participants can be citizens and legal entities. An LLC can be founded by one person, who becomes its sole participant. An LLC may subsequently become a single-member company. An LLC cannot have another business entity consisting of one person as its sole participant. The law limits the maximum number of participants to fifty. If the number of LLC participants exceeds the limit established by this paragraph, the LLC must be transformed into an open LLC within a year Joint-Stock Company or to a production cooperative.

The founders of STROYGARANT LLC are individuals and enterprises.

The company has an independent balance sheet, a seal indicating its name, corner and other stamps necessary for business activities, and opens current and other bank accounts.

The purpose of the enterprise, according to its charter, is to make a profit.

According to paragraph 1 of Art. 90 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the authorized capital of an LLC is made up of the value of the contributions of its participants. A contribution to the authorized capital is a contribution in the form of money, securities, other things, property rights or other rights that have a monetary value. The value of the contribution is the size of the monetary contribution and/or the cost of assessing the non-monetary contribution, determined either by the participants themselves or by an independent appraiser. According to the Law of the Russian Federation “On Limited Liability Companies”, the size of the authorized capital must be at least 100 times the monthly minimum wage.

At the first stage of its activity, any employer is faced with the procedure for hiring employees. Hiring must be completed without violating the principles of labor legislation. When disputes arise, the law is most often on the employee’s side.

According to Art. 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a person applying for a job must present to the employer a certain list of documents. It includes:

passport or other identity document;

-employment history;

-insurance certificate of state pension insurance;

military registration documents;

document on education, qualifications or special knowledge.

It is prohibited to require documents other than those required by law from a person applying for a job.

If a citizen enters into an employment contract for the first time, then the work book and insurance certificate of state pension insurance are issued by the employer.

An employment contract is an agreement between an employee and an employer, by virtue of which the employee, being included in the economic sphere of the employer, assumes the obligation to perform work for a certain labor function in accordance with the rules of internal labor regulations, and the employer undertakes to provide work for the specified labor function, in a timely manner and in a timely manner. pay the employee wages in full and ensure compliance with other working conditions arising from labor legislation, the collective agreement (agreement) and the agreement of the parties.

If the employer doubts that the employee’s business qualities correspond to the position for which he is applying, or during an interview it is difficult to determine whether the employee will be able to cope with the duties assigned to him, it can be recommended to hire this employee on a probationary period.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation defines the rights and obligations of employees and employers.

Every employee has the right:

-to conclude, amend and terminate an employment contract in the manner and under the conditions established by law;

-providing him with work stipulated by the employment contract;

a workplace that meets the conditions provided for by state standards of organization and labor safety and the collective agreement;

timely and full payment of wages in accordance with their qualifications, complexity of work, quantity and quality of work performed;

rest provided by establishing normal working hours, reduced working hours for certain professions and categories of workers, providing weekly days off, non-working holidays, paid annual leave;

complete reliable information about working conditions and labor protection requirements in the workplace;

professional training, retraining and advanced training in the manner prescribed by law;

association, including the right to create trade unions and join them to protect their labor rights, freedoms and legitimate interests;

participation in the management of the organization in the forms provided for by laws and collective agreement;

conducting collective negotiations and concluding collective agreements and agreements through their representatives, as well as information on the implementation of the collective agreement and agreements;

protection of your labor rights, freedoms and legitimate interests by all means not prohibited by law;

resolution of individual and collective labor disputes, including the right to strike;

compensation for harm caused to an employee in connection with the performance of his job duties, and compensation for moral damage in the manner prescribed by law;

compulsory social insurance in cases provided for federal laws.

Responsibilities of the employee:

-conscientiously fulfill their labor duties as provided for in the employment contract;

-comply with the internal regulations of the organization, labor discipline, as well as labor protection requirements and ensuring labor safety;

comply with established labor standards;

treat the property of the employer and other employees with care;

immediately inform the employer or immediate supervisor about the occurrence of a situation that poses a threat to the life and health of people, the safety of the employer’s property.

Employer rights:

-conclude, amend and terminate employment contracts with employees in the manner and under the conditions established by law;

-conduct collective negotiations and conclude collective agreements;

encourage employees for conscientious, effective work;

require employees to fulfill their job duties and take care of the property of the employer and other employees, and comply with the internal labor regulations of the organization;

bring employees to disciplinary and financial liability in accordance with the procedure established by law;

accept local regulations;

create associations of employers for the purpose of representing and protecting their interests and join them.

The employer is obliged:

-comply with laws and other regulations legal acts, local regulations, terms of the collective agreement, agreements and employment contracts;

-ensure labor safety and conditions that meet occupational safety and health requirements;

-provide workers with equipment, tools, technical documentation and other means necessary for their performance with the means necessary for the performance of their labor duties;

provide workers with equal pay for work of equal value;

pay the full amount of wages due to employees within the time limits established by law, collective agreement, internal labor regulations of the organization, and employment contracts;

conduct collective negotiations and conclude a collective agreement;

provide employee representatives with complete and reliable information necessary for concluding a collective agreement, agreement and monitoring their implementation;

promptly comply with the instructions of state supervisory and control bodies, pay fines imposed for violations of regulatory legal acts containing labor law standards;

consider submissions from the relevant trade union bodies and other representatives elected by employees about identified violations of laws and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law norms, take measures to eliminate them and report the measures taken to the specified bodies and representatives;

create conditions that ensure the participation of employees in the management of the organization in the forms provided for by law and the collective agreement;

-provide for the everyday needs of employees related to the performance of their job duties;

-carry out compulsory social insurance of employees in the manner established by federal laws;

compensate for harm caused to employees in connection with the performance of their labor duties, as well as compensate for moral damage in the manner prescribed by law;

perform other duties provided for by law, collective agreement, agreements and employment contracts.


The personnel of the enterprise becomes the main object of management, which is primarily due to the processes taking place in society to protect the interests of workers, as well as the increasing role human factor in the production process.

Human resource management is important for all organizations - large and small, commercial and non-profit, industrial and service industries. At the same time, personnel management is a rather complex process, which is impossible without appropriate knowledge of the methods, principles, styles of personnel management and without developing an appropriate management concept.

The personnel management system includes: personnel planning; staff development; HR strategy; education; wages, financial incentives.

The implementation of the goals and objectives of managing the personnel potential of an enterprise is carried out through personnel policy. Personnel policy is understood as a set of fundamental principles that are implemented by the personnel service of an enterprise. Personnel service is a set of specialized structures, divisions, together with the officials employed in them, designed to manage personnel within the framework of the chosen personnel policy. The purpose of the personnel service is not only in the implementation and strategy of personnel development, but also in the use of labor legislation and the implementation of social programs.

During the thesis the following was completed:

analyzed the theoretical foundations (concept, meaning) of personnel management in enterprises;

analyzed existing methods for researching the personnel management system;

the characteristics of STROYGARANT LLC are given, an analysis of the results of the Company’s economic activities is carried out.

The study identified the main problems in the field of motivation of personnel. The following motivational guidelines were used:

mindset for success;

installation on power and leadership;

installation on professionalism;

installation on material goods;

attitude towards conformity.

As a result, it is necessary to conclude that the priority problem in the field of personnel motivation at STROYGARANT LLC is the failure to realize the desire to receive remuneration for work in accordance with personal labor contribution.

In this regard, a monthly individual bonus program has been developed based on a point assessment of labor contribution.

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3.2 Improving the system of material incentives for employees of the enterprise

To ensure interest in increasing production volumes and labor productivity, indicators should be used in the bonus system that characterize the fulfillment of the established task in the nomenclature (assortment), fulfillment (exceeding) of established standards (operational, complex) production (time) and work with a smaller number, etc. For workers engaged in servicing the main production, it is advisable to establish bonus indicators that characterize the improvement in the quality of their work, associated with ensuring the uninterrupted and rhythmic operation of machines and equipment of the main production, reducing the costs of their operation and maintenance, increasing the between-repair periods, technical readiness rates, etc.

Taking into account the needs of the market (demand) or the needs of the enterprise when performing an intra-company task, the indicators (conditions) of bonuses should be aimed at maintaining their achieved level or at further improvement (increase). Each bonus indicator must correspond to set size awards. So, apparently, for an increase in production volumes, an increase in labor productivity, profits, a reduction in costs or an increase in the quality of products (works, services), the size of the bonus should be established for each percentage (point) of improvement in the corresponding indicator compared with the achieved, normative or other level.

The intensity of bonus indicators is determined by a comparison (coefficient, ratio) of the achieved level with the level of the previous period established by the task, or the average achieved previously, or based on the level of use of certain resources (labor, material, financial). The intensity of the indicators should influence the size of the bonus - the higher the intensity, the greater the size of the bonus, and vice versa.

In conditions of brigade organization and remuneration, bonuses can be awarded:

in the case of piecework payment - for the piecework earnings of the team (crew);

in the case of time-based work - on the earnings of the team at tariff rates (monthly salaries) for the time actually worked. If a team works with a smaller number than established by the task, then it is recommended to accrue a collective bonus for wages based on the standard, and not the actual number. In this case, workers' bonuses will be higher, which will interest them in working with fewer people. Collective bonuses can be successfully combined with individual ones, for example, for saving energy, fuel, etc. material resources, increasing the yield of finished products, etc.

To increase work motivation, both material and moral incentives can be used in parallel.

The following should be used as financial incentives at the enterprise:

Increasing the level of additional bonus payments:

Introduction of a system of payment of monthly or quarterly bonuses, determined as a percentage of the cost of products sold - for employees capable of influencing sales volume (top managers, department heads);

Payment of quarterly bonuses for the absence of disruptions in the supply of production and stocking of warehouses with finished products;

One-time payments for participation in the development of the department’s work (proposals for the implementation of new accounting, planning systems, etc.).

Payment of bonuses - annual remunerations based on the performance of the entire department, taking into account changes in sales volume.

To improve the quality of work, systems of fines and cancellation of bonus payments can be used - in order to ensure economic security, compensation for damage caused to the enterprise as a result of theft, marriage, absenteeism.

The following should be used as moral “incentives”:

Labor incentives - providing opportunities for career advancement, sending employees on business trips to other plants, increasing the role of employees in participating in enterprise management.

Providing opportunities for employees who have demonstrated themselves well in their work results, the opportunity for additional training, advanced training, and payment of scholarships to “Excellent Achievers”.

Of course, the motivational mechanism of remuneration plays a large role, but a constant increase in the level of remuneration does not contribute to either maintaining labor activity at the proper level or increasing labor productivity. The use of this method can be useful for achieving short-term increases in labor productivity. Ultimately, a certain overlap or addiction to this type of influence occurs. Unilateral influence on workers through monetary methods alone cannot lead to a lasting increase in labor productivity.

In order to strengthen motivational factors for increasing worker productivity, improving the quality of products, and reducing defects, it is proposed that the enterprise finalize the provision on bonuses for workers.

Table 7 presents claims indicators and sources of information for bonuses or reductions in incentive payments.

Table 7 Claim indicators, their weight and sources of information

Weight Claims indicator codes Names of indicators Claimants by indicator codes
4 01 Return or termination of acceptance of products Quality Control Controller
2 02 The presence of final defects, errors in processing information or preparing documentation, unsatisfactory performance of work provided for by the ETKS for this profession
1 03 Failure to complete a shift assignment Direct manager
2 04 Non-compliance with technological processes Quality Control Controller, Technologist, Direct Manager
1 05 Violation of the rules of operation and technical condition of equipment, accessories, tools Mechanic, power engineer, device service, IIR, representatives of OGMech, OGE, OGMetr, INO, OCPU
1 48 Failure to comply with labor safety requirements Safety engineer, direct manager
1 49 Unsatisfactory production culture indicators Quality Control Controller, direct manager
1 50 Failure to comply with labor discipline Timekeeper, Higher Military District, immediate supervisor

Workers are informed about any claims regarding the quality of work in writing or orally.

Bonuses are awarded to workers based on the final assessment of the quality of work.

The bonus is calculated based on the results of work for the month:

Logicality and accessibility of forms and systems of remuneration. The principles and functions of wages create the necessary methodological foundations for organizing wages directly at enterprises. 1.2 Forms of remuneration The most common forms of remuneration in the practice of enterprises are piecework and time-based, which are reflected in the varieties of remuneration systems. All...

The worker had to work 22 days. In fact, the worker was paid a salary of 4,800 rubles. (5280: 22 H 20). 3.2 Approaches to improving the organization of payment and labor incentives for employees of public catering enterprises The current payment systems for labor have a number of disadvantages. The main disadvantage is that the wages are poor, and often not at all...

In the ideology or philosophy of the company, providing for careful treatment of human resources and high level requirements for professionalism and ethics in business relations. 1.2 Main types of organization of wages In the conditions of the formation of market relations, enterprises that have received the right to independently resolve issues of organizing wages use various models and approaches for this. ...

Workers, specialists, employees, managers; 7) simplicity of constructing wages for each employee of the enterprise. Market relations significantly expanded the economic independence of enterprises in the field of organizing wages. Enterprises of any form of ownership have the right to introduce their own factory tariff system, observing one condition - the tariff salary should not be less...

Improving the methods of economic incentives for Phoenix LLC personnel should be based on establishing the relationship between wages and the level of income of the enterprise, as well as the labor efficiency of the employee himself. The existing bonus system at the enterprise does not make the amount of remuneration dependent on the direct performance of personnel, focusing on the production plans of departments. It is intended only to prevent violations of labor discipline. For a more effective impact of material incentives on personnel, it is necessary to introduce a more differentiated system of bonuses to the basic wage fund for all employees. Those components that have a significant impact on increasing labor productivity in the existing system continue to be used in the newly created motivation system.

The remuneration system existing at Phoenix LLC today combines several forms of remuneration, which are implemented for certain groups of personnel.

An analysis of possible forms of organizing the wage system at an enterprise using the proposed technology, based on the goal of changing the current economic situation, showed that the existing system should be supplemented by a system of employee participation in the organization’s profits and the construction of personnel management according to goals, based on the achievement of which the labor efficiency of each person will be assessed employee.

Employee profit-sharing systems refer to “the sharing between employees and the company of additional profits that were obtained as a result of improved productivity or quality.”

At the same time, the productivity of the entire enterprise or production site is considered, i.e. group or collective efficiency, and bonuses are paid to all workers, not a select few. Note that all of these systems are aimed at workers receiving hourly wages, whose individual labor efforts are not always directly related to the final result.

These are both employees and temporary workers.

We present the calculation of the parameters of the employee participation system in the profits of Phoenix LLC in Table. 3.3.

Table 3.3 - Dynamics of the share of labor costs in the revenue of Phoenix LLC

The analysis shows that the share of labor costs in the enterprise’s revenue is quite small, which is due to the high degree of automation of production, and when using rates of 0.5-0.7% of revenue as a source for the formation of the bonus fund, the stimulating effect of the system will be extremely low. At the same time, the enterprise has a tendency to increase the share of labor costs, which is associated with the development of the bonus system at the enterprise in 2012. Therefore, in order to form a fund for the participation of employees in the profits of the enterprise, it is proposed to establish a deduction standard of 30% of the increase in gross profit, which, according to the profitability of production of Phoenix LLC for 2010-2011, will amount to (15.61%) will amount to 4.68% of the enterprise’s revenue (net).

This indicator will allow us to take into account the impact on the results of the enterprise’s activities, both an increase in labor productivity and an increase in the amount of time worked by employees. Thus, the total percentage of profit growth allocated to the formation of a bonus fund for personnel wages under the project will be 9.37% of the increase in the volume of products sold. When implementing the proposed system, one should focus on the methods and conditions for applying employee profit participation systems developed by management.

The main conditions for the effectiveness of the application of employee profit sharing systems:

1. Profit sharing is ineffective if it is not complemented by the involvement of workers in management, in the decision-making process, in finding and solving production problems, and ways to improve production. The main thing is to understand that profit sharing systems are not so much a way to pay workers, but a way to manage the labor process, control it in such a way as to constantly stimulate the improvement of production through the rationalization activities of people.

2. Determination of the size of bonuses should be based on indicators on which employees can have a real impact, i.e. what they can influence (first of all, for the better) and control at their workplaces and production sites. 3. Workers must themselves participate in the development of profit-sharing systems or sharing the benefits of increased productivity. Such systems should not be developed by a narrow circle of specialists or managers. The initial basis for creating a system of employee profit participation can be the proposed parameters for the formation of an additional bonus fund. The division of the created bonus fund must be carried out according to standards developed with the participation of employees. It would be rational to formulate the distribution of the received fund in two directions: bonuses to employees based on the performance of the enterprise as a whole and on the results of the individual contribution of employees. Detailed parameters for the distribution of the bonus fund should be established with the participation of employees in order to be clear to them. Individual financial incentives at the enterprise should be developed in more detail. First of all, this concerns the establishment of individual bonuses in the management system by objectives, as well as the introduction of additional bonuses for overtime work and rationalization proposals. When distributing the bonus fund and establishing additional incentive bonuses, special attention must be paid to the system of social payments.

Conducted research shows that the role of social benefits and payments as part of the total income of workers will increase significantly in recent years.

In the current system of material and socio-psychological incentives for Phoenix LLC, the main emphasis is on paid vacations; paid days of temporary disability.

The general list of social benefits for the enterprise should be discussed with the participation of employees (questionnaire, team meeting). Possibility of assignment to individual structural units various types social payments. Additional socio-economic payments and guarantees in currently Phoenix LLC may include: paid holidays; paid lunch time; medical insurance at the enterprise; additional pension insurance at the enterprise; accident insurance; provision of free parking; assistance in improving education, professional training and retraining; employee purchase of shares. Combining all the economic incentive measures proposed and already existing at the enterprise, we can provide the following list of forms of receiving economic income by employees designed to stimulate their work activity:

1. Salary (basic salary and additional: bonuses and allowances).

2. Bonuses (one-time payments from the organization’s profits (rewards and bonuses).

3. Profit sharing (a set share of revenue from which the incentive fund is formed).

4. Participation in share capital (purchase of shares and receipt of dividends, purchase of shares at preferential prices).

5. Additional payment plans (subsidizing business and personal expenses depending on the results of work).

6. Savings funds (organization of savings funds for employees of the organization with interest payments).

7. Contributions to the pension fund (our own, alternative to the state pension fund is created, where contributions are made).

8. Association for obtaining loans (establishment of preferential loans). All these forms of incentives should be used to determine material remuneration, while personnel costs will not be of a sharply growing nature. The introduction of these must be carried out gradually, while one form may be a source for another (for example, savings funds are sources of loans). Improvements to the remuneration system must be developed for each category of personnel and included in the regulations on remuneration and bonuses for labor at the enterprise. The proposed bonus conditions will have a more differentiated impact on each of their employees and will be able to stimulate work individual categories workers. Economic management methods in the proposed system will be implemented as follows: project managers draw up a plan and composition of cash payments and other material incentives depending on the results of the work of each employee, based on the general list of incentive forms developed in the remuneration system being created.

When developing and improving economic methods of enterprise management, the management personnel of Phoenix LLC must take into account that the greatest effectiveness of the impact of economic methods in management is achieved when they are combined with other methods (reinforcing economic methods with organizational and administrative ones and supplementing material incentives with socio-psychological motivation).

In order to implement the proposed system of material incentives and improve the professional level of middle and lower management at Phoenix LLC for the initial period of implementation of the new remuneration system, it is necessary to create a matrix project management structure.

Assessing the economic efficiency of implementing the developed remuneration system, we note that the main economic indicator affected by the new labor motivation system is personnel productivity throughout the entire production process.

An increase in labor productivity and additional employment of workers during periods of increasing demand capacity with the existing technological process will allow increasing the volume of production and sales of products. The main costs of the projected system of material incentives will be the deduction of a percentage of the amount of the enterprise's revenue growth for the formation of a variable part of wages according to the system of employee participation in the enterprise's profits. The planned percentage of deductions based on the enterprise accounting data is equal to 4.68% of the increase in the volume of products sold, which, at the standard level of profitability of production activities, will amount to 30% of the increase in the enterprise's profit. Accordingly, 70% of the achieved increase in the enterprise's revenue will constitute the economic benefit from the introduction of the new remuneration system for Phoenix LLC, that is, it will ensure an increase in the enterprise's net profit. The implementation of the proposed program, upon achieving an increase in sales volume by 3% from the 2011 level, will allow increasing the total wage fund of Phoenix LLC by 3 times, while receiving an increase in gross profit in the amount of 18 million rubles. (21% of the 2011 level) (Table 3.4).

Table 3.4 - Forecast of the effectiveness of maintaining the system of employee participation in profits at Phoenix LLC

In order for the proposed system of material incentives to achieve the required degree of effectiveness, it is necessary to supplement the economic incentive system with adequate socio-psychological incentive measures.

System of socio-psychological factors in personnel incentive management

Speaking about the use of socio-psychological methods of stimulating personnel, it should be noted that a very important condition for the success of such an incentive strategy is openness and trust in relations between management and employees: constant and accurate information about the production and economic situation developing at the enterprise, about changes in the relevant sectors market, about expected prospects, planned actions, and the success of their implementation.

The measures discussed above to develop the personnel motivation system at Phoenix LLC inevitably require improving the application of socio-psychological methods and concepts of personnel management at the enterprise. There are three main directions for improving the use of socio-psychological methods in motivating staff:

Maintaining a favorable psychological climate in the team, developing a conflict management system,

Formation and development of organizational culture.

Let us consider in more detail the possibilities of developing motivation in these directions.

The psychological climate in a team is one of the most important conditions for increasing efficiency. A stable psychological climate is characterized by the stability of the team and the pleasure with which people go to work.

A comfortable psychological climate is an environment when everyone is busy doing something interesting to them, everyone knows their place in the hierarchy of the organization and is happy with it, when the competencies of employees do not overlap and, therefore, sharp disagreements do not arise, there is an atmosphere of mutual assistance in the organization. A comfortable psychological climate does not mean that people working in an organization are friends. Friendship and love disrupt the psychological climate. These are too strong feelings that place increased demands on those involved in these relationships, which often leads to disruption of a comfortable psychological climate. There is a very strong emotional coloring where there should be a business relationship.

A normal psychological climate is not created in one day; it requires enormous effort. Any little thing can disrupt it, so it must be constantly maintained.

To organize a normal psychological climate, a very highly qualified leader and the ability to perform management functions are required, but this does not mean that with an ideal psychological climate there will be no conflicts in this organization. They will definitely exist, since conflict is different points of view on the same phenomenon, and if they are not there, then there is no development of the team.

When developing a conflict management system, the management personnel of Phoenix LLC need to be guided by the fact that, despite the inevitability of conflicts, it is especially important to strive to avoid destructive conflicts. Destructive conflict leads to a decrease in personal satisfaction of work team members, a decrease in group cooperation and organizational effectiveness. A manager should try to prevent destructive conflict by controlling constructive conflicts that arise in the organization. If a destructive conflict arises, in order to get out of it, it is necessary to resolve the conflict on its merits (find the cause and, if possible, eliminate it, reach a certain compromise), while trying to smooth out the dysfunctional consequences of the conflict. To do this, the following groups of methods can be used:

Limiting the interaction of conflicting parties, using coordination mechanisms (for example, division of powers between subordinates), leading to the elimination of the main causes of the conflict and uniting the team.

Methods that unite conflicting parties and give them common goals. For example, establishing organization-wide comprehensive goals (joint goals for conflicting departments, employees, etc.).

Methods that encourage employees to independently resolve the conflict or contribute to its resolution: creating a system of rewards and incentives for conflict-free behavior and facilitating the resolution of existing conflict, etc.

To prevent destructive conflicts and possible spillover constructive conflicts In destructive situations, the enterprise can establish a certain system for preventing conflict situations and stimulating the positive consequences of conflicts. Such a system may include a number of activities: clear definition and clarification of work requirements for all structural divisions and officials, creation and maintenance of a favorable microclimate in the organization and culture of the organization, setting and development of organizational goals, encouraging employee participation in solving general organizational problems, debugging a feedback mechanism in the organization’s communication system, creating a mechanism for resolving divergent interests and emerging problems (organizational meetings, the possibility of making a proposal or request to responsible or superior persons), etc. Such a system will allow managers to detect emerging conflicts in time, effectively identify their causes, quickly begin to manage conflict situations, and therefore prevent the most severe consequences of destructive conflicts, such as the formalization of relationships, psychological antagonism and almost always the subsequent decrease in overall performance. Thus, the creation at an enterprise of a system for preventing conflict situations and stimulating their positive consequences will ensure high efficiency of the management system at the enterprise and maintaining a favorable psychological climate in the workforce.

Organizational culture plays a significant role in the development and course of conflict situations and maintaining a favorable microclimate in the team.

The main methods of forming and maintaining organizational culture that can be used by Phoenix LLC:

Leader behavior. Of course, a leader should start with himself. It has long been proven that people best learn new behavior patterns through imitation. The manager must become an example, a role model, showing an example of such an attitude to business, such behavior, which is expected to be consolidated and developed in subordinates.

Statements, appeals, declarations of leadership. We must not forget that in order to reinforce desirable work values ​​and behavior patterns great importance has an appeal not only to reason but also to emotions, to the best feelings of employees: “We must become the first!”, “The highest quality is the key to our victory over competitors!”, “Our organization employs the best specialists!”, “This This year will be a turning point for our company."

Management's response to employee behavior in critical situations. The attitude towards people and their mistakes cultivated in the organization is especially pronounced in critical situations. This is well illustrated by the example of an employee whose mistake cost the company millions of dollars. Having been invited to management, he wrote a letter of resignation in advance. Imagine his amazement when he was offered a new responsible direction of work. “Your training cost us too much for us to waste such employees,” he heard from the company president.

Training. Training and advanced training of personnel is intended not only to impart the necessary knowledge to employees and develop their professional skills. Training is the most important tool for promoting and consolidating the desired attitude towards the business, towards the organization and explaining what behavior the organization expects from its employees, what behavior will be encouraged, reinforced, welcomed.

Development of an incentive system in accordance with the needs of employees. The principles of constructing an incentive system and its main focus should support exactly that behavior, exactly that attitude to business, those norms of behavior and work results in which the content and main focus of the organizational culture cultivated and supported by management finds the most complete expression. Inconsistency and discrepancies between words and deeds are unacceptable here, since even a single violation of the established principles of incentives will immediately cause a sharp drop in confidence in the policies pursued by management.

Selection criteria for the organization. What kind of employees do we want to see in the organization: professionals who have the necessary knowledge and experience, or for us, the ability of a new employee to accept the values ​​and norms of behavior that have already developed in the organization and form the core of its organizational culture is no less important. Maintaining organizational culture in the process of implementing basic management functions. Organizational culture is significantly influenced by what personnel behavior is supported and what is suppressed by current management practices. How much management welcomes manifestations of independence and initiative on the part of subordinates.

Organizational traditions and practices. Organizational culture is consolidated and transmitted in the traditions and orders operating in the organization. At the same time, even one-time deviations from the established (or declared) order can affect the organizational culture. For example, if suddenly for some reason the management once or twice was unable to conduct a monthly summation of work results with congratulations and awards best workers, something that not only violates the established rules, but also shows the unwillingness of management to share the declared values, which naturally reduces the enthusiasm and desire of the staff to “give all their best” at work.

Widespread introduction of corporate symbols. The experience of the best organizations shows that the widespread introduction of corporate symbols (in the packaging of finished products, in advertising materials, design of the enterprise, vehicles, work clothes, souvenirs) has a positive effect on the attitude of staff towards the company, increases the commitment of employees to their organization and the sense of pride in their organization.

In order to assess the impact of socio-economic methods of motivation on labor productivity, it is necessary to implement them while keeping other components of the incentive complex constant, in particular material incentives.

In this way it will be possible to track the degree of influence non-material incentives on labor productivity and correlate it with the influence of material incentives and choose the most optimal one.

In the improved motivation system proposed for Phoenix LLC

The determining factors for stimulating personnel will be a system of material incentives and a career development management program. Methods of socio-psychological motivation are auxiliary, although no less important.

As a result of the study, we note the following conclusions. Within the framework of the identified areas for improving staff incentives, the following activities should be carried out:

To create a career management system:

To create the foundations for the functioning of an employee career development system based on the introduction of management by goals, training and management of adaptation and career guidance, work with a reserve for promotion, individual psychological counseling on career issues, the formation of a good communication system for enterprises, public systematic information about vacancies in the company ;

Based on a study of the needs and interests of employees, conduct further development career system of the enterprise and the incentive methods used. To increase economic incentives, the current remuneration system at Phoenix LLC should be supplemented by a system of employee participation in the organization’s profits and the construction of personnel management based on goals, based on the achievement of which the labor efficiency of each employee will be assessed.

To form a fund for employee participation in the profits of the enterprise, it is proposed to establish a deduction standard of 4.68% of the enterprise’s revenue. The division of the created bonus fund must be carried out according to standards developed with the participation of employees in order to be understandable to them. The current list of social payments can also be improved.

Additional socio-economic payments and guarantees at the moment at Phoenix LLC may include: paid holidays; paid lunch time; medical insurance at the enterprise; additional pension insurance at the enterprise; accident insurance; provision of free parking; assistance in improving education, professional training and retraining; employee purchase of shares. The general list of social benefits for the enterprise should be discussed with the participation of employees (questionnaire, team meeting). It is possible to assign various types of social payments to individual structural units.

To improve the socio-psychological methods of motivating the personnel of Phoenix LLC, it is necessary:

Maintaining a favorable psychological climate in the team based on the development of a conflict management system,

Formation and development of organizational culture based on.

The implementation of the proposed measures in combination with the improvement of other management methods will increase the interest of employees in the results of their work and the efficiency of the entire enterprise management system.

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