Camp events. Scenarios of events for a children's camp - games, opening and closing of shifts, etc. Musical games in a day camp

Musical hour at a summer camp at school. Scenario "Our Favorite Children's Songs"

Author Lyapina Vera Valerievna primary teacher MBOU classes Secondary school No. 47 Samara city district
Description This material can be used by teachers primary classes, music teachers in primary school for extracurricular activities.
Target To intensify students' interest in music by introducing them to the song heritage of Yuri Entin.
- tell students about the life and creative path of the songwriter Yuri Entin;
- expand students’ horizons about the authors of children’s songs;
- correct memory, attention, thinking, oral speech, develop the ability to analyze, compare, systematize the material studied, and highlight the main thing; develop the ability to answer questions comprehensively and coherently;

Progress of the event

Yuri Entin is one of the most cited authors of our time. For 30 years it" idioms" do not leave the pages of periodicals. "There is nothing better in the world...", "Any roads are dear to us", "Oh, the guards get up early...", "My best gift is you...", " But I want to fly..." and many other quotes from the works of Yuri Entin have become firmly entrenched in the consciousness of children and adults.

Yuri Entin's parents - his father was a physicist and his mother was an economist - dreamed of seeing their son continue their professions. But Yuri school years became interested in literature and history.
First graduated from the Faculty of History pedagogical institute, then - the editing department at the Printing Institute, and taught history at school for some time.
For 30 years creative activity he wrote a huge number of songs, including for cartoons, films, theater performances. Among them are for the film “Property of the Republic”, “Winged Swing” for “The Adventures of Electronics”, “Beautiful Far Away” for the film “Guest from the Future”, songs for the films “The Adventures of Pinocchio”, “Dunno from Our Yard”, “The Little Mermaid” and songs for cartoons that are incomparable in popularity, such as “Antoshka” (“Merry Carousel”), “Chunga-changa” (“Katerok”), “Tell me, Snow Maiden, where was...” (“Well, wait a minute !"), "I am a Waterman" ("Flying Ship"), "If only there were no winter" ("Winter in Prostokvashino") and many others.
Throughout creative path Yuri Entin collaborates with the best composers in the country. Gennady Gladkov, Evgeny Krylatov, Vladimir Shainsky, Alexey Rybnikov, Mark Minkov, Maxim Dunaevsky became his regular co-authors. He introduced some of them to the genre of children's songs for the first time. His works were performed by many outstanding actors: Andrei Mironov,

Anatoly Papanov,

Rina Zelenaya,

Mikhail Boyarsky.

Quiz "Songs of Yuri Entin"
According to Yuri Entin, guess the song and cartoon or movie
1.But from greed (kva-kva)
And from stinginess,
But from meanness (kva-kva)
And out of stupidity
And also from boasting

(Duremar's song from the movie "The Adventures of Pinocchio")

2.Our carpet is a flower meadow,
Our walls are giant pine trees,
Our roof is a blue sky,
Our happiness is to live by one destiny!

(Song of friends from the cartoon " The Bremen Town Musicians")

3.And if trouble suddenly comes,
Don't let sadness gnaw at you.
The old man has a beard -
She will always help.
Just call the old man
And he will come for sure.

(Song about Hottabych)

4. The clock strikes like a golden key,
Open the doors in the morning cheerfully!
Open the windows wide open in the morning,
Drive away the darkness of the night from the streets.

("The clock is striking on the old tower" from the movie "The Adventures of Electronics")

5.Queen bit card
Bit and his entire squad.
The matter will be closed -
The cards tell the truth.

("The First Song of the Robbers" from the cartoon "The Town Musicians of Bremen")

6. Forget your worries, ups and downs,
Don't whine when fate doesn't behave like a sister.

("On the Road of Good" from the film "The Adventures of Little Muk"

7. Dili-dili,
We didn't go through this
We were not asked this!
Taram, pam, pam,
Taram, pam, pam.

("Antoshka" from the cartoon "Antoshka")

8. As long as there are fools in the world,
Therefore, we can get away with living by deception.

(Song of the cat Basilio and the fox Alice from the movie "The Adventures of Pinocchio")

9. There is water inside me,
Well, what's the deal with this?

(Song “And I want to fly!” (Water) from the cartoon “Flying Ship”)

10. Never know peace,
Cry and laugh at random!
I was like that myself
Three hundred years ago...

(Romance of the turtleTortilla from the movie "The Adventures of Pinocchio")

11. It happens - if it happens suddenly
There is grief in your house,
Mom is the best, most reliable friend -
Will always be by your side.

("Song about Mom" ​​from the movie "Mama")
12.If anyone decides
Encroach on the owners
Who can stand next to you?
And she was impudent to bite.

(“Everyone Knows This” from the movie “The Adventures of Electronics”)

13. If a blizzard had not come to us
At least for a day
And the bullfinch did not sit on the spruce,
If only, if only, if only...

(“If only there were no winter” from the cartoon “Winter in Prostokvashino”)

14.What doesn’t happen in the world
What doesn't happen in the world
And people with wings meet
And people fly into the sky.
On the wings of faith in the impossible
They are flying to the land of dreams,
Let the cautious ones smile
I'll fly there
I'll fly there
I'll fly there, and you.

(“Where are the wizards?” from the movie “Dunno from Our Backyard”)

15. On his head is a cap,
But the enemy will be deceived.
He will show his nose to the villains
And make your friends laugh until they cry,
He will be here very soon
Tell me, what is his name?

("Pinocchio" from the movie "The Adventures of Pinocchio")

16. The kids are waiting for my gifts
And you will get it from me
Finally all dreams come true
My best gift is you

(“Tell me, Snow Maiden” from the cartoon “Well, wait a minute!”)

Competition "Guess the composer"
1. Composer who wrote the songs: “Beautiful is Far Away”, “If There Were No Winter”
(Evgeny Krylatov)

2. Composer who wrote the songs: “Pinocchio”, for the cartoon “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats in a New Way”
(Alexey Rybnikov)

3. Composer who wrote the songs: “Or maybe a crow”, for the cartoon “The Bremen Town Musicians”
(Gennady Gladkov)

4. Composer who wrote the songs: “Chunga-Changa”, “Clouds”
(Vladimir Shainsky)

5. Composer who wrote the songs: for the cartoon “The Flying Ship”, “Bang-bang, oh-oh-oh!”

Today Yuri Entin travels around the world, meeting children from China, America, Russia and singing his old and new songs with them. And recently in the USA he was shown a book where it was scientifically proven that it was the poet Yuri Entin who changed the course of the history of the Soviet Union with his children's songs.
Yuri Entin, poet: “That I was creating some kind of fantasy, a different dream, and did not write pioneer songs, but wrote songs about freedom!”
New Age begins with new songs by Yuri Entin. And his “old” songs continue to sound, passed on from generation to generation, without losing their popularity and relevance. Discs, cassettes, videos, karaoke with his works are sold in all corners of Russia and abroad.

Riddles, crosswords and creative tasks about music

What other musical instruments do you know? Try to guess these musical riddles.

Musical riddles

You will take it in your hands,

You will stretch it, then you will compress it.

Voiced, elegant,

Russian two-row.

It will play, just touch it.

What is her name?... (accordion).

She's glad for you to play,

Invites you to dance!

Oh, it's ringing, it's ringing,

The game makes everyone happy!

And only three strings

She needs it for music.

Who is she? Guess it

This is our... (balalaika).

Balalaika, balalaika,

Have fun playing!

Sings very cheerfully

If you blow into it.

You all play it

And you will guess right away.

Doo-doo, doo-doo-doo, da-da-da, da-da!

This is how she always sings.

Not a stick, not a tube,

What is this? ... (pipe).

3. Petrova

On a piece of paper, on a page

Either dots or birds.

Everyone is sitting on the ladder

And songs chirp. (Notes.)

Smooth bow movements

The strings make me tremble,

The motive murmurs from afar,

Sings about a moonlit evening.

Wooden girlfriends

They dance on the top of his head,

They beat him, and he thunders -

He tells everyone to keep pace. (Drum.)

He has a pleated shirt

He loves to dance squat

He dances and sings -

If you get your hands on it.

It sounds like a dreamy tune

How clear the sounds are overflowing.

There is joy and a smile in them

Its name is... (violin).

Forty buttons on it

With mother-of-pearl fire.

Each instrument

There are strings and a pedal.

What is this? Undoubtedly

This is our glorious... (piano).

B. Zakhoder

Do, re, mi, fa, salt, la, si -

The sparrows have arrived.

They sat on my notebook

And they sang the melody (notes).

Triangular body,

Well, try and guess?

This is our (balalaika).

It will sparkle in the sun,

It will hum with a gentle sound.

In jazz he is the very first -

Silver... (saxophone).

Brainstorming tasks

If you look closely and listen closely, you can find the presence of music literally everywhere.

1. Find the presence of music in the objects around you.

Clue: salt, to la ska, before horns, F ry, la gushka, re ka, sire no, re pa, before mino, by midor, home k, k la ksa, si ha re ta, F goth, pemok salt, beans, mi texture, re mont, etc.

2. Remember six famous great singers, musicians or composers whose last names begin with the letter “SH”. Write them into the “rays of sunshine”.

Answer: Schumann, Chopin, Chaliapin, Schnittke, Shostakovich, Schubert.

3. Unravel the secret of this amazing flower. The incomparable flower is incomparable because it contains the famous names of great composers whose surnames begin with the letter “B”.

Answer: Bizet, Bargok, Bach, Beethoven, Borodin, Balakirev.

a) Hoffman;

b) Tchaikovsky;

c) Mussorgsky.

Answer: Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky.

5. Alexander Porfiryevich Borodin became famous as a talented chemist or an outstanding Russian composer?

Answer: A talented chemistry professor, studying scientific work at the Medical-Surgical Academy, entered the history of Russian classical music How outstanding composer and founder of one of musical styles- epic symphonism (wrote the epic opera “Prince Igor”),

6. One of the most delicious cakes is named after this world-famous composer.

Answer: Georges Bizet (1838-1875) is an outstanding French composer, author of the opera Carmen.

7. The names of musical instruments are hidden among the letters. Try to find them. (The words are arranged in a straight line in any direction.)

Answer: Harp. Guitar. Drum. Pipe. Violin. Piano.

8. This is Russian folk song, based on the repeated repetition of a small verse. The rhythm is clear and danceable. It is usually accompanied by playing the balalaika or accordion. It has always been very popular among the people.

Hint: this word is a derivative of the word frequent, that is, repeated many times...

Answer: Paganini.

11. Famous guitarist, our contemporary and compatriot, talented improviser and performer classical works in their own processing.

Answer: Zinchuk (Viktor Zinchuk).

12. Finish the sentence with a semantic rhyming word:

As is known from the newspapers,

The London... (quartet) is coming to us.

Symphonic Illustrious Quartet

The Philharmonic gives only one... (concert).

Who wants to go to.... (concert)?

I have an extra... (ticket).

Once upon a time at the edge of the forest

The concert was started by animals.

The blacksmith-violinist played a rhapsody.

Caused applause... (flurry).

We danced the “Cossack” dance

Beauty fly and... (cricket).

Shy sullen rhinoceros,

Suddenly becoming bolder, I read my... (monologue).

Two cute frogs

Performed for everyone... (ditties).

The cockroach also cheered up the animals,

He performed with his relatives... (cancan).

A terribly fat hippopotamus broke his stomach from laughing.

And the stork even shed a tear: “It’s been a long time since I’ve had so much... (had fun)].”

The audience was leaving the concert to the sounds of the mosquito... (duet).

E. Arsenina - fragment of the poem “Amazing Concert”

Musical competition program in grades 1-2 “A song will help us increase our friendship!”

Goals and objectives:

Development logical thinking And musical ear in younger schoolchildren;

Instilling a love of music, uniting the team of first- and second-graders.

Audio recordings are prepared in advance.

Competition program “Go, song, on the road!”

The teacher invites students to remember proverbs, sayings, popular expressions in which we're talking about about the song. The competition can be held in the form of an auction.

The teacher offers several competitions:

Description of the class hour

- Continue the proverb started by the presenter.

- Explain in what cases they say: “Your song is finished!”

— Solve the folklore “rebus.” In two keywords written on the card, you need to name the proverb. (For example: nightingale - song; “Nightingales are not fed with songs.”)

Proverbs that can be used in this competition:

Conversation while away the journey, song - work.

Even without songs, your mouth is too tight, but if you start singing, you’ll completely tear it apart.

AND new song getting old.

You can't remove the words from the song.

On an empty stomach the song cannot be sung.

You sit in the wrong corner, you sing the wrong songs.

Music competitions

The teacher invites students to listen to the recording and also:

- name the genre of the work (folk, pop song, romance, etc.);

- name of the song;

- say which movie (cartoon) the song is from.

Auction of songs. The class is divided into 2 parts. The first half of the playing ripples begins a verse of any song they know, and the second continues.

Backfilling task. You need to very seriously sing the first verse of the song “A Christmas Tree Was Born in the Forest”:

a) like soldiers in the ranks;

b) as a child who cannot pronounce several sounds (if there are children with speech impediments, exclude this item from the program);

c) like a frozen passenger at a bus stop.

To the tune of the song “Let them run clumsily...”:

a) meow with the whole team;

b) bark;

c) hum.

Zoo. Who can name more songs about animals and birds?

There is no bad weather. Who can name more songs about natural phenomena (about storms and storms, autumn rains and spring sun)?

And I’m walking, walking around the country. Who knows more songs about their favorite cities?

Musical quiz “Is he sung in a song?”

Teacher: And the song, it turns out, is sung about many things without which we cannot live in the world: about potatoes, a smile, pedestrians... Listen carefully to the questions and try to answer them.

1. She is a delicious food, the ideal of pioneers! What is it? (Potato)

2. It will make everyone warmer... (Smile)

3. It’s fun to walk through the open spaces with her... (Song)

4. Drawing of a boy... (Sun circle, sky around)

5. He runs, sways... (Blue carriage)

6. They run clumsily... (Pedestrians)

7. They are made from flowers and bells, from notebooks and exchanges of glances... (Girls)

8. If you go on a journey with him, the journey is more fun... (Friend)

9. He didn’t go through anything, they didn’t ask him anything... (Antoshka)

10. Imagine, imagine - he was green... (Grasshopper)

11. She still lies and looks at the sun... (Turtle)

12. Don’t turn it around, you won’t find on it that country, the special country that we sing about... (Globe)

13. They are so wonderful: with a book, friendship, song they fly so quickly... (School years)

14. He complains that no one hangs out with him because he has water in him. (Water)

The teacher should encourage the best “song experts”, perhaps encouraging active participants. Then it is concluded that song is a constant companion in a person’s life in any life situations(joy, sorrow, entertainment, work).

Show program “musical horizon”. Scenario for summer camp

The stage is decorated with posters, photographs of popular pop singers. The evening begins with the introduction of the teams. Fans of each team prepare amateur performances that will be shown in musical breaks. Teams are invited to take part in the following competitions.

"Use your brains"

Each squad is given an improvised “disc” (made of cardboard) on which letters are written. Task: use these letters to form the name of the group. Who is faster? The jury assigns star points: the team that took 1st place - 3 points, 2nd place - 2 points, 3rd place - 1 point. The rest - 0.

Answer: “Disco “Accident”.


Each squad prepared a musical number (clip, song, dance). A draw is held among the teams. Teams will perform in order of rotation, but... after each subsequent competition. The jury does not forget to evaluate the performances using a 5-point system.

Star alphabet

In 1 minute, teams must write as many artists, groups as possible whose names, surnames or names begin with the letter “A”. Then, by drawing lots, they are called out loud. Whoever fails to name leaves the game.

There is a beginning - there will be an end

Leading. I take turns telling the teams the beginning of the name of the artist (name of the group, song), the team must continue:

“Inveterate... (scammers)”,

"Hands up)";

Alla... (Pugacheva);

Irina... (Allegrova, Saltykova);

“Ivanushki... (International)”;

"Agatha Christie)";

"Gold ring)";

"Tea for Two)";

“Hai... (fi)”;

"Tender May)";

"Prime Minister)";

“Mumiy... (troll)”, etc.

Guess the melody

One player per team participates. Karaoke music is turned on, and the participants guess the melody. Whoever raises his hand first answers. For the correct answer, the team receives a star point.

Star Quiz

One by one, teams are asked star questions about creativity. famous performers. Who will give more correct answers? For the correct answer the team receives

1 -2 points.

1. Which group used the coach’s team in its name during physical education classes (“Hands up”)

2. The name of which rock band is directly related to the name of the English writer, author of detective novels? ("Agatha Christie")

3. Which one pop singer told in one of the songs about her feelings about her lover’s joining the army? (Alena Apina)

4. Which song did Alsou debut at Eurovision? (Solo)

5. What is the name of the flight attendant who became famous thanks to the song by Vladimir Presnyakov? (Zhanna)

6. Who was the winner? music project 1 channel “Star Factory - 3”? (Nikita Malinin)

7. Choose an antonym for the phrase “White Cossack” and get the name of a popular song. ("Black BMW")

8. The name of which group is associated with an enterprise that produces various products, for example, a clothing company? (Factory group)

9. Who won the musical project of Channel I “Star Factory - 1”? (group "Roots")

10. Which song became the anthem of the musical project “Star Factory”? (“Cool you got on TV”)

Unusual singing

Leading. Many people know how to sing correctly. But sometimes stars are not interested in singing “the right way.” Try to perform a song from the repertoire of any star (at your discretion), but with a condition... about which a little later. For now, choose a song.

When the children are ready, they go on stage, the presenter gives the task.

Sing your favorite song:

- holding a match between your teeth;

- holding your nose with your fingers; - pull your cheeks inward;

- biting your lower lip;

- covering your ears;

- lying on the floor;

- smiling from ear to ear;

- clasping your hands like a mouthpiece at your mouth;

- putting a lollipop or lollipop into your mouth;

Leading. The entertainer is the person who announces the names of the artists during the concert. In addition, the entertainer fills the pauses between numbers by telling all sorts of entertaining stories. As a rule, all entertainers have a beautiful voice timbre and excellent diction. But there are situations when neither timbre nor diction matters. This happens when the entertainer loses his voice. Imagine yourself as an entertainer who has lost his voice, and try to announce the next number with facial expressions and gestures, and the team must guess. So it comes out:

— “Factory” group;

— show ballet “Todes”;

— group “Tea for Two”;

- toothless Shura;

— Alla Pugacheva;

- Verka Serdiuchka;

- Nikolay Baskov;

— Valery Leontyev:

— Tatu group;

- group "Lyceum".

And now the jury is given the floor to sum up the overall results and award the winners.

Jury speech, awarded

If it suddenly started to rain... and the kids got a little bored: no running, no sunbathing... invite them to the music room. Funny anecdotes from the lives of great musicians will entertain the children, Interesting Facts they will be interested in music, a playful dance and a cheerful song will lift their spirits, and various tasks will help to show and develop creative abilities.

In the music room, everything should be conducive to communication and pleasant relaxation. A musical instrument and a tape recorder with recordings of classical music are required.

Conversations about music are preceded by an introduction between the teacher and the children. The first visit to the music room is for general informational purposes. Teacher (having musical education and owning any musical instrument) meets the guys, talks a little about himself; tries to find out as much as possible about their musical tastes and passions in a free-form conversation. This will make it possible to plan and develop further work with children, taking into account their aesthetic needs and age characteristics.

It is advisable to end the introductory meeting in such a way that the children have a desire to visit the music room more than once. For example, at the end of the introductory conversation, offer them the following:

And now for the most restless and restless ones, a fun warm-up. Let's form a circle. Let's get up, fluff up and slowly turn... slowly turn into... little ducklings!

(Sounds like “Dance of the Little Ducklings.”)

Ta-ta-ta-ta, pum-pum-pum... They waved their right wing, now the left. They perked up, twirled their tails together, and flapped their wings again. And now everyone said cheerfully: quack-quack!..

How funny and amusing, isn't it, guys? Why don't you join the little ducklings? Everybody dance!..

Creative task: “Dance-improvisation.”

The guys must depict the dance of a variety of animals to the music “Dance of the Little Ducklings”: piglets, monkeys, bunnies, elephants, cats, hippos.

First conversation.

It would seem so simple for us, at first glance, natural phenomena: rain, thunderstorm, wind, birdsong, rustling leaves, swaying grass and much more - suddenly, thanks to the magic of sounds, they merge here into the whimsical music of nature.

For example, it suddenly began to rain heavily. What images and sensations arise in our minds first? Of course, the most unpleasant: annoyance if we are without an umbrella and did not have time to hide in shelter. Anger, because few people enjoy being wet and dirty when caught in a heavy downpour. Well, and the like. But in the land of sounds everything is different. Even the rain and goth don’t just knock on the roofs of houses with their raindrops, walking along the streets, but perform for us such a cheerful and funny melody. Listen again to Maykapar’s music “Rain” (the play is playing).

What do you guys think, what kind of rain are we hearing: short-term - “blind”, torrential, prolonged?

I wonder if any of you have ever tried to run barefoot through puddles formed after heavy, pouring rain?

(The song “It’s good to rush through puddles barefoot.” Music by E. Hank, lyrics by N. Altukhov.)

This song is also written in the form of a march. To this kind of music you just want to, raising your knees high and energetically waving your arms, “march” cheerfully, splashing barefoot through warm puddles, cheerfully splashing liquid mud in all directions! But what will mom say?! You can imagine! Let it be our little fantasy...

(J. S. Bach “Little Fantasy” in the recording.)

Translated from Greek, the word phantasia means “imagination.” In everyday life, this word is used in a slightly different meaning - as a quirk, fiction. Some of you guys (if not everyone) have probably heard people around you say to you: what a dreamer you are!..

And, by the way, this is exactly what they said about the great Bach, the brilliant Mozart, the unsurpassed Beethoven... Their musical fantasies have amazed, delighted and delighted humanity for several centuries now...

Can you imagine how boring and uninteresting the world would be without imagination? There would be no fascinating and wonderful books in the world then, magnificent paintings, wonderful music, interesting movies and favorite cartoons and much more. Yes, there would probably be no humanity. It would simply die out of boredom! It is very difficult to live for a person who has no imagination at all or who does not know how to dream. Therefore, when you hear addressed to you: “You are an inventor and a dreamer!” - don't accept it as offensive words, but as a compliment. Are you an incorrigible dreamer, a hopeless inventor and dreamer? So this is great! Maybe, thanks to these very qualities, someday you will become a brilliant inventor, stylist, designer, fashion designer, talented artist or a musician, or perhaps a famous writer...

(Listen to: Pachulski “Dreams.”)

Agree, this kind of music encourages dreams...

Choose a few words that could characterize Pachulski's music.

Try to determine what “color” the music is.

Do you have cherished dream? If it's not a secret, share your dream... What color is your dream?

What images come to your mind when you hear the word dream? What sensations and feelings do you experience when you mention this word?

Do you like to dream?

Draw your dream.

Creative task: “Fantasy comes to life!”

Try to make your fantasies come true: in drawing, appliqué, embroidery, design, beading, macrame, stories and poems, and the like. (All the children’s works are exhibited at the exhibition.)

Second conversation.

Now we will try to dream up collectively. Let’s imagine that on one warm spring day, for example, in May, suddenly the first rain came for no apparent reason. We've missed you so much for a long time, cold winter in the warm spring rain. Why don't we take a little walk? Or maybe we'd rather dance? Don't forget to take umbrellas with you.

Spring came!

We are glad, glad to the sun,

We don't care about rain!

Let's take an umbrella with us,

by umbrella, by umbrella...

And we will dance

Through puddles barefoot!..

E. Arsenipa

(Improvised dance to the music of Yu. Slonov “Dance with Umbrellas.”)

Some of us are little fans of running barefoot through puddles and prefer to thoughtfully watch the rain through the window. Yes, sometimes (especially when you are sick) in rainy weather it is useful to sit at home and do more pleasant things: read, draw or sing a funny song.

(The recording plays the song “Doe/sdy is walking down the street.”)

Or this one: about a cheerful, perky puppy who loved to walk in the pouring rain without an umbrella, getting great pleasure from it.

(Performance of the song “From nose to tail.” Words by P. Sinyavsky, music by M. Partskhaladze.)

But let’s return again to Maykapar’s music “Rain”. Tell me, guys, what is the mood of our rain - sad or cheerful?

Have you noticed that musical sounds Can they not only depict something or someone, but also convey a person’s mood and feelings? Now we will listen to another melody of rain, with a different mood (A. Myiov “Anxious Rain”):

It is cold outside

And it rains all day.

I'm sad and sad

Too lazy to do homework.

I'm sad and sad

I do not know why.

Perhaps it's a rainy day,

And I want to go for a walk!..

E. Arsenina

What feelings, emotional experiences does the music you just listened to evoke in you?

Which of the works you listened to above excited you or made an impression? Why?

Yes, it looks like the rain has stopped in earnest. But don’t be upset, it seems that I had one very good idea: why don’t we have a little fun? For example, to play pranks...

(Recorded listening: Handel's "Mischief".)

I don't think you guys need to be taught how to be naughty. Children, as a rule, are great experts in this area. Therefore, you can quickly figure out what the composer is talking about in his music.

Conversation three.

Now you and I will not only sing a song, but also accompany ourselves on musical instruments.

(The play “Rain” by E. Poplyanov is played.)

If you are not familiar with the mysterious word accompaniment, now is the time to get acquainted. It came from French word accompagner, which, translated into Russian, means “to accompany.” Accompaniment is accompaniment to the melody, performed by voice or on a musical instrument.

Let's first, you guys and I, get acquainted with the melody of the song and learn it.

Then we will perform a song to the accompaniment of the piano.

When we successfully cope with this task, we will try to accompany ourselves on musical instruments made... with our own hands.

Don’t be surprised, you are quite capable of making the simplest musical instruments. This requires very little: great desire, hard work and a little ingenuity.

So, let's find empty boxes for Kinder surprises, pour a teaspoon of any cereal you can find in the apartment into them, close the boxes tightly and - the tool is ready! All that remains is to come up with a name for your invention, well, for example, you can call it a “noise maker”: if you shake the box, you can hear a quiet and soft shhhh... What does this sound remind you of? Maybe the rustling of leaves during the rain?..

Yes, if you want to make your instrument look amazing, extraordinary view- pick it up oil paints and paint it under Khokhloma or Gzhel, in general, as you like! When the paint dries, take a “noise maker” in each hand with your large and index fingers(so as not to drown out the sound) and accompany the singing by playing musical instruments made by yourself.

By the way, guys, with your own hands you can make not only noise makers, but also rattlers, grimels, whistles, nozzles and the like. Small empty boxes and containers, matchboxes (which must be tightly closed), a little millet or buckwheat, rice, peas, etc., as well as wooden sticks, blocks and the like can be used.

So, the rain has finally stopped. And then the sun peeked out from behind a cloud and winked at us, as if it had decided to play hide and seek. Let's play with you...for example, a royal game with a “musical twist.”

Game "Who is the king?"

To play, you need to make a crown from solid foil; You will need one chair with a straight back - a “throne”.

Game conditions: there is a crown on the throne. Two children stand on both sides of the throne (on opposite sides). Free dances are performed to a Russian dance melody. dance moves. At the end of the music, you must quickly take the crown, sit on the “throne” and put the crown on your head. The one who manages to take the throne first and put on the crown is proclaimed king by his “subjects”. They chant together: “Long live the king!..”

For the guys older game can be complicated. They dance at a certain distance from the throne (for example, five to ten meters from it) and at the end of the music they must run to the throne and take it, putting on the crown.

Conversation four.

I wonder what a composer thinks about before starting to create his masterpiece? Maybe with these words music is born:

Blank sheet of paper

Note line...

Sounds of the whole Universe

In my thoughts...

Give me strength, God,

This is to hold

The beauty of harmonies

Tell people!

E. Arsenina

Usually, when composing music, a composer first considers many details, makes sketches, plays it on an instrument, and only then writes down his composition on music paper. Joseph Haydn loved to work at the piano. But, for example, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky composed music mentally, while walking through picturesque places.

One day Mozart was asked how his work on a new symphony was going. “The symphony is completely composed,” Mozart replied, “all that remains is to write it down.”

And now the music is finally created and recorded. But how can you and I, the listeners, get to know the work and hear it? A performing musician will help us with this - a person who is fluent in a musical instrument and performs musical works for you and me, that is, for the listeners. The performer is, as it were, an intermediary between the composer and the listener. He must not only perform the music perfectly, but also accurately convey the meaning, content, and feelings inherent in the work. It is no coincidence that performance is considered one of the types artistic creativity, that is, art. In addition, a talented performer does not simply “decipher” the composer’s musical notation for the listener, “revitalizing” it, but introduces his own individuality, a piece of his “I” into the work. “Performance is the second creation,” said Russian pianist, conductor and composer Anton Rubinstein.

Pianists - Mikhail Pletnev, Vladimir Krainev, Evgeny Kisin, Nikolai Petrov, Emil Gilels, Svyatoslav Richter; violinists - Vladimir Spivakov, Victoria Tretyakova... This list of performers with capital letters I can continue ad infinitum...

If music is written for piano, then it is performed for the audience by a pianist, for accordion - by an accordion player, for violin - by a violinist, and so on. A musician, like a composer, must know and be able to do a lot, study his craft for a long time and, of course, be a gifted person.

By the way, some great musicians, as history shows us, were not only brilliant composers, but also excellent pianists and improvisers. That is, they could, without any preliminary preparation, being at the instrument, at the same time composing as they went along, perform the music they had just invented.

For example, Ludwig Van Beethoven, the famous German composer XIX centuries gave musical “academies” - concerts that lasted about four hours. His magnificent, passionate improvisations at such “academies” caused a storm of emotions, delight and tears among listeners.

Another had the gift of improvisation genius musician and composer - Nicolo Paganini. According to his contemporaries, his own the best works he counted not those that he recorded and published, but those that he often improvised according to his mood, never subsequently performing them.

Both Johann Sebastian Bach and the little virtuoso Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart were excellent improvisers. In those distant times, musical improvisation was in great fashion and was considered an art: every musician had to be able to improvise on a musical instrument.

For example, the most famous incredible stories, which have reached our time about little Mozart, a talented musician-performer and improviser, who, despite his young age, already mastered the technique of playing the instrument perfectly.

From the age of six, the child prodigy (translated from German as “miracle child”) performed in concerts, where he also performed his own improvisations on various topics. He did this with such skill and virtuosity that he aroused complete amazement and disbelief in the public. They thought that Small child can’t play and improvise like that. For example, at one of the concerts in an Italian city, listeners demanded that Mozart take the ring off his finger. They decided that the ring was magical and controlled the boy’s hands. However, after removing the ring, the baby continued to play in the same spirit.

At another concert, the rich and noble audience could not believe that a small child was playing in front of them. They believed that this was an adult, only very vertically challenged. And only after, during his performance, little Mozart suddenly noticed a cat appearing from nowhere in the hall and, completely forgetting about everything, jumped out from behind the instrument and rushed after it, did everyone realize that there was really a child in front of them. Hardly

an adult would allow himself, forgetting about all the rules of decency and etiquette (and it must be said that in those days they were strictly adhered to), such a prank. Only a small child could do this.

(Listening to fragments of classic works - recorded.)

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