Anti-terrorist security memo. On the train and in the subway. If a suspicious item is found


It is impossible to prepare for a terrorist attack in advance. You can try to prevent it or minimize its consequences.

Particular caution should be exercised at crowded events with thousands of participants, in popular entertainment venues, hypermarkets, at airports and train stations.

  • Pay attention to suspicious people, objects, and any suspicious little things. Report anything suspicious to law enforcement officials;
  • Please contact Special attention the appearance of unfamiliar faces and cars, the unloading of bags and boxes;
  • If an abandoned, dismantled, long time of vehicles that are not in use, report this to the district administrations and local government bodies;
  • Never accept packages and bags from strangers, do not leave your luggage unattended;
  • Always find out where the emergency exits from the premises are;
  • If there is an explosion, fire, or earthquake, do not use the elevator;
  • Try not to panic, no matter what happens.


Improvised explosive devices are not conspicuous in everyday life.

Remember: the appearance of an item may hide its real purpose. The most common household items are used as camouflage for improvised explosive devices: bags, packages, boxes, toys, beer cans, juice cartons, cell phones, etc. P.

Public transport and public places are attractive to attackers who use explosive devices, since explosions in them lead to the maximum number of victims.

Every day you pass the front door of the house in which you live at least twice. At the same time, pay attention to foreign objects located in the front door. The better access to the basement of your house is controlled, the more difficult it is for potential terrorists to place explosive devices there.


  • Do not examine it yourself under any circumstances, do not try to look inside, do not touch or move the discovered object - this can lead to its explosion;
  • report any suspicious item found as soon as possible to law enforcement agencies, the driver or driver of the transport in which you are traveling.

PARENTS! You are responsible for the life and health of your children. Explain to children that any object found on the street, in the front door or in transport can pose a danger to life!


  • try not to panic, no matter what happens;
  • try to help the wounded;
  • evacuate from the site of an explosion or fire through predetermined exits; never use the elevator.


  • Avoid large crowds of people.
  • Don't join the crowd, no matter how much you want to watch the events taking place.
  • If you find yourself in a crowd, let it carry you, but try to get out of it.
  • Inhale deeply and spread your arms bent at the elbows slightly to the sides so that the chest is not compressed.
  • Try to be away from tall and large people, people with bulky objects and large bags.
  • Try to stay on your feet by any means necessary.
  • Don't keep your hands in your pockets.
  • When moving, raise your legs as high as possible, place your foot on your full foot, do not mince, do not rise on your tiptoes.
  • If you drop something, never bend down to pick it up.
  • If you fall, try to get back to your feet as quickly as possible. At the same time, do not lean on your hands (they will be crushed or broken). Try to stand on your soles or toes, at least for a moment. Having found support, “surface”, sharply pushing off the ground with your feet.
  • If you can’t get up, curl up in a ball, protect your head with your forearms, and cover the back of your head with your palms.


On a tram, bus, trolleybus, minibus:

  • Carefully inspect the interior to make sure there are no suspicious objects or persons, and also remember where the emergency exits and fire extinguisher are located.

On the train and subway:

  • If possible, it is better to take seats in the cars in the middle of the train, since in the event of an accident they suffer less than others;
  • If an explosion occurs as a result of a terrorist attack and the train stops in a tunnel, it is necessary to following rules:
  • open the door of the carriage, but under no circumstances try to leave it immediately. This can only be done after the contact rail has been disconnected. The driver must inform the driver that the voltage is turned off and in which direction to move;
  • If the tunnel is filled with smoke, cover your mouth and nose with a cloth and try to lie on the floor of the car. This will help you not to suffocate, if someone is on the rails and the help of other passengers is required, then one person should go to the exit of the tunnel to signal the train driver, waving a bright cloth, two more should urgently notify the employees about the incident metro;
  • if a person on the rails is able to quickly get onto the platform without touching the contact rail, he should be assisted in this;
  • if circumstances allow, wait for rescuers.


  • Bend down as low as possible, trying to get out of the building as quickly as possible. Wrap your face in damp rags or clothes so you can breathe through them.
  • If there is a fire in the building and the door in front of you is closed, first touch the handle back side palms. If it is not hot, open the door and check if there is smoke or fire in the next room, then go through. If the door handle or the door itself is hot, never open it.
  • If you cannot get out of the building, you need to signal the rescuers; you should only shout as a last resort, because you may choke from smoke. It is best to wave some object or clothing out of the window.


Single rescue telephone number - 01

When calling from a mobile phone - 112 (free)

Phone number of the Crisis Management Center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations - 764-10-10

The duty department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for St. Petersburg and Len. regions - 02

Helpline of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - 573-21-81

UFSB helpline - 438-69-93

Accident Registration Bureau - 579-00-55

(including about unknown citizens, citizens without documents)


Be careful during mass events, travel in transport. Pay attention to suspicious people, abandoned bags, packages, packages, children's toys and other ownerless items. If you find a forgotten or ownerless item, do not try to look in, check by touch. Do not touch, move, open, or kick - it may contain an explosive device.

Parents! Explain to children that any object found on the street or in a hallway can pose a danger.

In case of a terrorist threat, call: 573-57-15, 368-50-02

Remember that knowingly making a false report about an impending act of terrorism entails criminal liability.

Terrorism is the commission of an explosion, arson or other actions that create the danger of death, causing significant property damage or the occurrence of other socially dangerous consequences, if these actions are committed with the aim of violating public safety, intimidating the population, or influencing decision-making by authorities, and as well as the threat of committing the specified actions for the same purposes.

The Anti-Terrorism Service of the FSB Directorate has developed recommendations that allow citizens to correctly navigate and act in extreme emergency situations.

1. Detection of a suspicious object that may turn out to be an explosive device

IN Lately Cases of citizens discovering suspicious objects that may turn out to be explosive devices are different. Similar objects are found in transport, on staircases, near the doors of apartments, in institutions and in in public places.

If the discovered item does not seem to you to be “in this place and at this time,” do not ignore this fact.

If you find a forgotten or ownerless item in a public place, interview people nearby. Try to establish whose it is or who left it. If the owner has not been identified, immediately report the find to the police department or the EDDS

If you find a suspicious item in the entrance of your house, ask your neighbors to see if it belongs to them. If the owner is not identified, immediately report the find to the police department.

If you find a suspicious item in an institution, immediately report the find to the administration.

In all of the above cases:

  • do not touch, open or move the find.
  • record the time of discovery of the find
  • try to make sure that people move as far as possible from the dangerous find
  • be sure to wait for the arrival of the operational investigation team
  • don't forget that you are the most important eyewitness

The appearance of an item may hide its real purpose. Ordinary household items are used as camouflage for explosive devices: bags, packages, packages, boxes, toys, etc.

2. Obtaining information about evacuation

When receiving a message from government or law enforcement officials about the start of an evacuation, remain calm and strictly follow their commands.

While in the apartment, do the following:

  • take personal documents, money and valuables
  • turn off electricity, water and gas
  • assist in the exploitation of elderly and seriously ill people
  • be sure to close front door lock it - this will protect the apartment from possible penetration of looters.

Avoid panic, hysterics and haste. Leave the premises in an orderly manner. Return to an abandoned premises only with the permission of the responsible persons.

3. Receiving a threat by phone

Currently, the telephone is the main channel for receiving messages containing information about planted explosive devices, taking people hostage, extortion and blackmail.

Threatening calls may come to you personally and contain, for example, demands to pay a significant amount of money.

If you have received similar calls on your phone before or you have reason to believe that they can automatically identify the numbers (caller ID) and the sound recording device.

In the absence of sound recording equipment and caller ID, the following actions will provide significant assistance to law enforcement agencies:

  • try to remember the conversation verbatim and record it on paper
  • During the conversation, note the gender and age of the caller, the peculiarities of his (her) speech
  • voice (loud or quiet, low or high)
  • speech rate (fast or slow)
  • pronunciation (clear, distorted with stuttering)
  • measure of speech (unleashed, mockingly)
  • be sure to note the sound (the noise of cars or railway transport, the sound of television or radio equipment, voices, etc.)
  • mark the nature of the call - local or long distance
  • Be sure to record the exact time the conversation started and its duration.

Do not be afraid of intimidation by criminals; after the end of the conversation, immediately report it to law enforcement agencies. If you are concerned that your phone is being tapped by criminals, call back from another number. Practice shows that concealing the facts of such threats significantly complicates the situation and contributes to the commission of crimes with impunity.

In addition to threats made to you personally over the phone, criminals can use your phone number to communicate information that you will need to pass on to law enforcement agencies.

4. Receipt of a threat in writing

Threats in written form can come to you either by mail or in various types of anonymous materials (notes, signatures, information on a floppy disk).

Once you receive such a document, handle it with the utmost care.

Try not to leave your fingerprints on it.

Do not crumple the document or make notes on it. If possible, place in a clean plastic bag and place in a separate hard folder. Save everything: the document itself with the text, any attachments, envelope and packaging - do not throw anything away. Do not expand the circle of people familiar with the contents of the document.

5. Hostage taking

Any person, by coincidence of circumstances, can become a hostage to criminals. At the same time, they, criminals, can achieve political goals, obtain a ransom, etc.

In all cases, your life becomes a bargaining chip for terrorists.

Seizure can occur in transport, in an institution, on the street, in an apartment.

  • do not allow actions that could provoke attackers to use weapons and lead to casualties.
  • endure hardships, insults and humiliation, do not look criminals in the eyes, do not behave defiantly.
  • if necessary, fulfill the demands of the criminals, do not contradict them, do not risk the lives of others and your own, try to avoid hysterics and panic
  • to perform any actions (sit down, stand up, drink, go to the toilet) ask permission
  • if you are injured, try not to move, this will reduce blood loss,

remember: your goal is to stay alive

Be careful, try to remember the signs of criminals, distinctive features their faces, clothes, names, nicknames, possible scars and tattoos, features of speech and behavior, topics of conversation, etc.

During the operation carried out by the special services to free you, strictly comply with the following requirements:

  • lie on the floor face down, cover your head with your hands and do not move
  • Under no circumstances should you run towards or away from security officers, as they may mistake you for a criminal.
  • If possible, stay away from doorways and windows.

If you become aware of a crime being prepared or being committed, immediately report it to the territorial authorities of the FSB or the Ministry of Internal Affairs at your place of residence.

Anti-terror: general rules security

It is impossible to prepare for a terrorist attack in advance, so you should always be on guard. Exercise special caution at crowded events, popular entertainment venues, and large shopping complexes.

Pay attention to suspicious people, objects, and any suspicious little things. Report anything suspicious to law enforcement officials.

Never accept packages or bags from strangers, or leave your luggage unattended.

Make an emergency action plan; all family members should have telephone numbers of relatives and emergency services, and email addresses written down.

Designate a place where you can meet your family members in an emergency.

In case of evacuation, take with you a set of essential items and documents.

Always find out where the emergency exits from the premises are.

In the house, strengthen and seal entrances to basements and attics, install an intercom, and clear stairwells and corridors of clutter.

Observe the surrounding area of ​​your home, paying special attention to the appearance of unfamiliar faces and cars, unloading of bags and boxes.

If there is an explosion, fire, or earthquake, do not use the elevator.

Domestic and Foreign experience shows that public transport is often subject to terrorist attacks. To avoid danger or reduce possible damage in the event of a terrorist attack, you need to follow simple rules.

Notify the driver, police officers or station attendants about any suspicious objects or suspicious persons found.

Those who are dressed too flashily, wear a lot of jewelry, or wear military-style clothing and camouflage colors are more likely to become the target of an attack.

To avoid making yourself a target of terrorist fanatics, avoid discussing political discussions and deliberately reading religious publications.

If a vehicle is hijacked, try not to attract much attention from terrorists.

In the event of an assault, the safest thing to do is lie on the floor, and if this is not possible, you should stay away from windows.

The anti-terrorism group perceives anyone holding a weapon as a terrorist. Do not touch weapons or other terrorist property. If possible, try not to move until the operation is complete.

Try not to panic, no matter what happens, remember that panic can provoke terrorists and accelerate the attack, as well as prevent services from preventing a crime or reducing its consequences.

Reminder on how to behave in the event of a threat of a terrorist attack

Signs that may indicate the presence of an explosive device:

— presence of wires, ropes, electrical tape on the detected object;

- suspicious sounds, clicks, ticking of a clock made by the object;

— the item emits a characteristic odor of almonds or another unusual odor.

See a selection of recent materials on the topic

Reasons for concern:

— finding suspicious persons before the discovery of this item;

- threats in person, by telephone or by mail.


1. Do not touch, do not approach, do not move the detected suspicious object! Do not smoke, refrain from using radio communications, including mobile phones, near this object.

2. Immediately report the discovery of a suspicious item to law enforcement agencies.

3. Clear the danger zone from people within a radius of at least 100 m.

4. If possible, ensure the security of the suspicious object and the dangerous area.

5. It is necessary to ensure (help ensure) the organized evacuation of people from the territory adjacent to the danger zone.

6. Wait for the arrival of law enforcement officials, indicate the location of the suspicious item, the time and circumstances of its discovery.

7. Do not report a bomb threat to anyone except those who need to know about what happened, so as not to create panic.

The item can be of any type: a bag, a bundle, a package, etc., located unattended in a place where a large number of people may be present, near explosion and fire hazard areas, or the location of various types of communications.

Also in my own way appearance it may look like an explosive device (grenade, mine, shell, etc.); wires, strings, electrical tape, and adhesive tape may be sticking out; possible ticking of a clock mechanism, mechanical buzzing, other sounds; have an almond or other unfamiliar odor.

See a selection of recent materials on the topic.

See a selection of recent materials on the topic

Rules of conduct in the event of a threat of a terrorist attack. Child safety page on the website of the National Anti-Terrorism Committee

What is terrorism?

This is one of the most terrible crimes. The goal of terrorists is to kill as many people as possible at one time or take more hostages to keep them in captivity and torture them. They think that this way they will intimidate everyone and get everything they need - money, permission to disobey the laws, or something else.

Terrorists are criminals who cannot defeat the army and police and therefore attack with weapons in their hands. ordinary people who came to the cinema or on their way to work, or to children gathered for a holiday at school.

Terrorism carries harsher penalties than ordinary kidnapping or murder. Therefore, the bandits know that they have nothing to hope for, and they treat those they attack very cruelly.

Most likely you will not have to face terrorists, but it is very difficult to know in advance where, when and who they will attack. Therefore, everyone needs to be prepared for such an attack and remember simple rules, which will help you and your family not to suffer from the actions of criminals.

This is not a game!

The main thing: you should never be afraid. But we must always be on our guard.

You need to be attentive to what is happening around you, to notice whether everything is normal.

You need to know where the exits are from the building you are in - school, cinema, sports club.

You need to know where the nearest emergency room and clinic are located in case you or one of your family or friends is injured or injured.

Always take requests to leave the building (evacuate) seriously, even if you are told it is a training exercise. Such requests must be fulfilled!

If an evacuation is announced, remember to stay away from windows, glass doors and partitions.

You cannot accept packages, bags, boxes or EVEN GIFTS! from strangers.

Under no circumstances should you touch any objects left on the street, in transport, in shops and public places, even if they are toys or mobile phones.

In emergency situations, follow the instructions of your parents and elders.

If a disaster does occur, do not interfere with the work of rescuers, police officers, doctors, and firefighters.

See a selection of recent materials on the topic

Where there are a lot of people is not always safer

Terrorists most often attack government buildings, airports, large stores, power plants, schools, major holidays and concerts, trains, planes, and buses. Therefore, when visiting such places, you need to be careful and pay attention to anything suspicious and report it to your parents.

There are several types of terrorist acts: hostage-taking, theft of vehicles with passengers, explosions.

Special things

Your family should have a special set of essentials. It should have a first aid kit (a set of medicines, bandages), a supply of fresh water and long-lasting food, a radio, a flashlight, and new batteries. All this should be compactly packed, preferably in a bag that is convenient to carry.

This will help you and your parents, if necessary, quickly leave or go to a safe place without wasting time collecting the necessary things.

You probably won't need a set of items that will help you survive a few days away from home, but it's always a good idea to keep it ready.

In addition to this set, which is for adults to assemble, you can also build your own. You can put it in an old briefcase or bag. The main thing is that it is easy to carry.

We suggest putting the following things there:

a couple of favorite books,

pencils, pens, paper,

scissors and glue,

small toy, puzzle,

photographs of family and beloved pets.

See a selection of recent materials on the topic.

Your family should develop a plan in case of a terrorist attack, emergency, or natural disaster. It is necessary that each family member knows what to do and where to meet other relatives.

You need to remember this plan so as not to get lost if something suddenly happens when you are far from home. After all, it often happens that, for example, you are at school or visiting a friend, your parents are at work, and your sister or brother is in kindergarten.

The whole family needs to make a plan. Discuss what incidents might happen, what you need to do to be prepared for them, and what to do if your home or area is evacuated.

The whole family needs to agree on where to meet after evacuation. You need to know where to call to check where your relatives are. For example, it is worth remembering the telephone number of an uncle, aunt or grandmother who lives on the other side of the city. Then, if something happens, you should call them and tell them where you are so that your relatives can easily find you.

It would be a good idea if you agree with your neighbors on how you will act in the event of a disaster or terrorist attack. Find out if there are doctors, rescuers, or police officers among them - this can always come in handy.

See a selection of recent materials on the topic

If you are taken hostage...

In this case, you need to remember the following:

Usually, it is possible to escape from the place where terrorists have appeared, planning to take hostages, only within the first few minutes.

If there are no terrorists near you, if no one sees you, you cannot stand still. If you can escape, you should do so as soon as possible.

Do not try to escape using stun guns or gas canisters. Terrorists - armed and very aggressive people, which a child and even many adults will not be able to resist.

If you cannot hide, then believe that you will definitely be saved and freed. But they won’t do it right away. Therefore, you need to prepare yourself for the fact that for some time, perhaps several days, you will be with terrorists.

Under no circumstances should you shout, express your indignation, or cry loudly, because the terrorists will still not give up their intentions. Crying and screaming only further irritate and embitter the terrorists.

You must also be prepared for the fact that you may not be allowed to eat or drink for quite a long time. Therefore, we need to save energy. Especially if there is little air in the room. If you are prohibited from walking around the premises, then you need to do simple physical exercise: strain the muscles of your legs and arms, move your fingers.

Do not make sudden movements - this also embitters the terrorists. If a terrorist threatens you with a weapon, you must comply with all his demands, because your main task is to save your life.

Try to overcome fear and fright. Think about something good, remember interesting books, solve mathematical problems in your head, pray. Listen and remember what the terrorists are talking about, what they look like, but do it as discreetly as possible. And remember that they are negotiating with terrorists and you will be released!

If you have wounds, try to move as little as possible to reduce blood loss.

If you realize that an assault has begun, you need to stay as far away from windows and doors as possible. Try to find cover and be as far away from terrorists as possible.

If flash bangs are heard (when bright light hits your eyes, the sound hits your ears or you feel a strong smell), you need to fall on the floor, close your eyes, do not rub them under any circumstances, cover your head with your hands and wait until the rescuers take you out of the building.

Do not, under any circumstances, grab weapons thrown by terrorists!

After release, you must tell the rescuers your first and last name, address, where you live.

If a bomb exploded...

The main rule: never touch suspicious objects or things left by someone. If you saw a bag, briefcase, toy left by someone, mobile phone or another object - do not even approach it, but report the find to an adult. Terrorists try to use as mines those things that they really want to pick up and examine.

When there is an explosion, you must fall to the floor.

If there is an explosion in the building or room where you are, the main thing is to remain calm.

Be confident that you can get out. After the explosion has occurred, you must leave this building and premises as soon as possible.

Under no circumstances should you stay late to collect your books, toys, other things, or to make a phone call.

If things, furniture, or debris are falling around you, urgently hide under a desk or table until things stop falling, then quickly run out of the room. Do not use the elevator under any circumstances!

If a fire starts after the explosion, you need to duck or even crawl to get out of the building as quickly as possible. Wrap wet rags or clothing around your face so you can breathe through them. If the door in front of you is closed, before opening it, touch the handle with the back of your hand.

If the handle is not hot, open the door slowly and check for smoke or fire in the adjacent room. If there are none, get out by bending low to the floor.

If smoke and fire prevent you from passing, be sure to close the door and look for another exit from the building.

If the handle or the door itself is hot, never open it. In extreme cases, you can get out of the building through the windows.

If you are unable to get out of the building, you need to signal to rescuers that you need help. To do this, you need to go to the window and wave some object or clothing so that they notice you.

See a selection of recent materials on the topic

If you are overwhelmed...

Don't try to get out on your own. Look around to see if there is any free space around you that you could crawl into. If there are fragments of a table or desk at hand, you should try to support what is above you. Move sharp objects away from you. If you have a mobile phone, call the rescuers at 112. After that you have to wait.

Cover your nose and mouth with a handkerchief and clothing. Knock on a pipe or wall so rescuers can hear where you are. Scream only when you hear the voices of rescuers nearby. Remember that when you scream, you can inhale dust and even suffocate.

If you have water, drink as much as possible. Do not light a fire under any circumstances. Try to remain calm, think about something positive and remember that the rescuers will help you.

What about pets?

If a disaster or terrorist attack occurs, not only you, but also your pets will be in danger. If you need to urgently leave or go to a safe place (evacuate), it is best to take your pet with you - do not leave it alone.

You cannot take animals with you only when you go to a special shelter. Only people can be there.

If you cannot take the animal with you, leave it in the safest place in the apartment, for example, in the bathroom. Do not leash your pet. Don't forget - he must have an adequate supply of food and water.

See a selection of recent materials on the topic.

A disaster or terrorist attack can happen at any time, without warning. You and your parents may feel scared. You may have to leave your home and move into a shelter or temporary housing. You won't be seeing your friends for a while. school friends, sleep in your favorite bed. But no matter what happens, don't forget that:

The disaster will not last very long. If you miss home very much, don’t be sad, it’s better to find something to do. Think that you can find friends in a new place and soon everything will be fine.

If you're scared, ask your parents or other adults for help. They will explain what is happening and will definitely help. Don’t be afraid to ask questions like “how long will we be in shelter,” “when will we go back to school.”

Memorizing or writing down what you see or drawing pictures of what is happening to you can help. It doesn't matter if you want to cry. Cry, there's nothing wrong with that. But remember that everything will definitely get better!

By the way, you have already matured enough and can help adults defeat the disaster. For example, if you are in a shelter, you can babysit other children, wash floors, or prepare food.

See a selection of recent materials on the topic

2015-10-26T11:07:22+00:00 Kreg74Anti-terrorism / terrorismanti-terrorism, security, terrorist attacks in Russia, terrorist threat, terroristsAnti-terrorism: general safety rules See a selection of recent materials on the topic Anti-terrorism It is impossible to prepare for a terrorist act in advance, so you should always be on your guard. Exercise special caution at crowded events, in popular entertainment venues, and in large shopping malls. Pay attention to suspicious people, objects, and any suspicious little things. Report anything suspicious to law enforcement officials. Never take...Kreg74 Kreg74 [email protected] Author IN THE MIDDLE OF RUSSIA - website Magazine about those who live in the middle of Russia



General rules

Terrorism in Russia

Behavior in a crowd

When there is a threat of terrorist attack

Suspicious item

You are being threatened

Transport safety

When taken hostage

If an explosion occurs

If you're overwhelmed

In case of fire

Natural disasters

For teachers

School safety

Main rules when taking people hostage

When abducted

If a relative is kidnapped

Chemical attack

In production

Life safety standard


General rules

It is impossible to prepare for a terrorist attack in advance, so you should always be on guard. The main rule: avoid unnecessary visits to regions, cities, places and events that may attract the attention of terrorists. Typically this is:

  1. Regions of the North Caucasus
  2. Israel, Middle Eastern states, Iran, Iraq, Yugoslavia
  3. Crowded events with thousands of participants
  4. Popular entertainment venues
  1. pay attention to suspicious people, objects, and any suspicious little things. Report anything suspicious to law enforcement officials;
  2. never accept packages and bags from strangers, do not leave your luggage unattended;
  3. the family must have an emergency plan, all family members must have telephone numbers, email addresses.
  4. You must set up a meeting place where you can meet your family members in an emergency;
  5. in case of evacuation, take with you a set of essential items and documents;
  6. always find out where the backup exits from the premises are;
  7. in the house it is necessary to strengthen and seal the entrances to basements and attics, install an intercom, clear stairwells and corridors from cluttering objects;
  8. organize a watch for the residents of your building, who will regularly walk around the building, observing whether everything is in order, paying special attention to the appearance of unfamiliar faces and cars, unloading bags and boxes;
  9. if there is an explosion, fire, earthquake, never use the elevator;
  10. try not to panic, no matter what happens.

Terrorism in Russia

Terrorism in all its forms has become one of the most dangerous problems with which humanity entered the 21st century. In Russia, the problem of terrorism and the fight against it sharply worsened in the 90s. Terrorism poses a real threat to the national security of the country: kidnappings, hostage-taking, aircraft hijackings, bomb explosions, acts of violence in ethno-confessional conflicts, direct threats and their implementation, etc.

It is no coincidence that in the National Security Concept Russian Federation in the list of factors that create a wide range of internal and external threats The national security of the country is called an increase in the scale of terrorism. The activities of extremist organizations and groups currently continue to be a serious factor in destabilizing the socio-political situation in Russia and pose a serious threat to the constitutional security and territorial integrity of the country.

Among the most famous terrorist attacks last decade: hostage taking in a hospital on July 14, 1995 in the city of Budennovsk, Stavropol Territory. In September 1999, a series of terrorist attacks occurred in Moscow and Volgodonsk. On September 8, terrorists blew up a residential building on Guryanov Street. On September 13, an explosion occurred on Kashirskoye Highway, and on September 16, 1999, a house in Volgodonsk was blown up.

On October 23, 2002, hostages were taken at the Dubrovka Theater Center during a performance of the musical "Nord-Ost". This lasted three days. On July 5, 2003, two explosions occurred at the entrance to the Tushino airfield, where the Wings rock festival was taking place.

On February 6, 2004, a terrorist attack occurred in the Moscow metro. The explosive device was detonated in the second carriage of the train on the stretch between Paveletskaya and Avtozavodskaya stations. On September 1, 2004, about 30 terrorists seized a school in the North Ossetian city of Beslan. Within a few minutes, more than a thousand hostages - students, teachers, parents - were in their hands. Three days later there was a bloody denouement.

Terrorism in Russia has risen to a new level. And Russia needs the consolidation of society to fight this global evil.

Behavior in a crowd

Terrorists often choose crowded places for attacks. In addition to the actual damaging factor of a terrorist act, people also die and are injured as a result of a stampede that arises as a result of panic. Therefore, it is necessary to remember the following rules of behavior in a crowd:

  1. Avoid large crowds of people.
  2. Don't join the crowd, no matter how much you want to watch the events taking place.
  3. If you find yourself in a crowd, let it carry you, but try to get out of it.
  4. Inhale deeply and spread your arms bent at the elbows slightly to the sides so that the chest is not compressed.
  5. Strive to be away from high and big people, people with bulky items and large bags.
  6. Try to stay on your feet by any means necessary.
  7. Don't keep your hands in your pockets.
  8. When moving, raise your legs as high as possible, place your foot on your full foot, do not mince, do not rise on tiptoes.
  9. If the crush has become threatening, immediately, without hesitation, free yourself from any burden, especially your shoulder bag and scarf.
  10. If you drop something, never bend down to pick it up.
  11. If you fall, try to get back to your feet as quickly as possible. At the same time, do not lean on your hands (they will be crushed or broken). Try to stand on your soles or toes for at least a moment. Having found support, “surface”, sharply pushing off the ground with your feet.
  12. If you can’t get up, curl up in a ball, protect your head with your forearms, and cover the back of your head with your palms.
  13. If you find yourself in a crowded room, determine in advance which places in the event of an emergency extreme situation the most dangerous (passages between sectors in the stadium, glass doors and partitions in concert halls etc.), pay attention to emergency and emergency exits, mentally make your way to them.
  14. It is easiest to hide from the crowd in the corners of the hall or near the walls, but it is more difficult to get from there to the exit.
  15. If panic occurs, try to maintain calm and the ability to soberly assess the situation.
  16. Don't join the protesters "just for fun." First, find out whether the rally is authorized and what the people speaking are campaigning for.
  17. Do not join unregistered organizations. Participation in events of such organizations may result in criminal penalties.
  18. During riots, try not to get into the crowd, both participants and spectators. You may fall under the action of special forces soldiers.

When there is a threat of terrorist attack

Always control the situation around you, especially when you are at transport facilities, cultural and entertainment, sports and shopping centers.

If you find forgotten items, without touching them, inform the driver, facility staff, security service, and police. Do not try to look inside a suspicious package, box, or other item.

Don’t pick up ownerless items, no matter how attractive they look.

They can contain camouflaged explosive devices (in beer cans, cell phones and so on.). Do not kick objects lying on the ground in the street.

If the security forces and law enforcement agencies suddenly become more active, do not show curiosity, walk in the other direction, but do not run, so as not to be mistaken for the enemy.

If there is an explosion or shooting starts, immediately fall to the ground, preferably under cover (a curb, a sales tent, a car, etc.). For greater safety, cover your head with your hands.

If you accidentally learn about an impending terrorist attack, immediately report it to law enforcement agencies.

If you become aware of a crime being prepared or committed, immediately report it to the FSB or the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Suspicious item

Recently, there have been frequent cases of citizens discovering suspicious objects that may turn out to be explosive devices. Similar objects are found in transport, on staircases, near apartment doors, in institutions and public places. How to behave when they are discovered? What actions should I take?

If the discovered item should not, in your opinion, be in this place, do not ignore this fact.

If you find a forgotten or ownerless item in public transport, interview people nearby. Try to establish whose it is and who could have left it. If the owner has not been identified, immediately report the find to the driver (driver).

If you find an unknown object in the entrance of your house, ask your neighbors to see if it belongs to them. If the owner has not been identified, immediately report the find to your police department.

If you find an unknown item in an institution, immediately report your find to the administration or security.

In all of the above cases:

  1. do not touch, move, or open the discovered item;
  2. record the time the object was discovered;
  3. try to do everything possible to ensure that people move as far away from the find as possible;
  4. be sure to wait for the arrival of the operational investigation team (remember that you are a very important eyewitness);

Remember: the appearance of an object may hide its real purpose. The most common household items are used as camouflage for explosive devices: bags, packages, boxes, toys, etc.

Parents! You are responsible for the life and health of your children. Explain to children that any object found on the street or in a hallway can pose a danger.

Do not take any action on your own with finds or suspicious objects that may turn out to be explosive devices - this can lead to their explosion, numerous casualties and destruction.

You are being threatened

Receiving a threat by phone

Currently, the telephone is the main channel for receiving messages containing information about planted explosive devices, taking people hostage, extortion and blackmail.

As a rule, the factor of surprise, the resulting panic, and sometimes even shock, and the information received itself lead to the fact that a person is unable to correctly respond to a call, assess the reality of the threat and get the maximum information from the conversation.

Threatening calls may come to you personally and contain, for example, demands to pay a significant amount of money.

If your phone has previously received similar calls or you have reason to believe that they may receive them, be sure to install an automatic caller ID (Caller ID) and a sound recording device on your phone.

If you have a Caller ID, immediately write down the determined phone number in your notebook, which will help avoid its accidental loss.

If you have sound recording equipment, immediately remove the cassette (minidisc) with the recording of the conversation and take measures to ensure its safety. Be sure to install another cassette in its place.

Remember that without the caller's number and the audio recording of the conversation, law enforcement agencies have very little material to work with and no evidence base for use in court.

In the absence of sound recording equipment and caller ID, the following actions will provide significant assistance to law enforcement agencies in preventing the commission of crimes and searching for criminals:

  1. try to remember the conversation verbatim and record it on paper;
  2. During the conversation, note the gender and age of the caller, the features of his (her) speech: voice (loud or quiet, low or high), rate of speech (fast or slow), pronunciation (distinct, distorted, with a stutter, lisp, with an accent or dialect ), manner of speech (cheeky, mocking, with obscene expressions);
  3. be sure to note the sound background (the noise of cars or railway transport, the sound of television or radio equipment, voices, etc.);
  4. mark the nature of the call - local or long-distance;
  5. Be sure to record the exact time the conversation started and its duration.

It is necessary, if possible, to obtain answers to the following questions during the conversation:

  1. where, to whom, what phone number is this person calling?
  2. What specific demands does he/she make?
  3. Does he/she make the demands personally, act as a mediator, or represent some group of people?
  4. On what conditions does he (she) or they agree to abandon the plan?
  5. how and when can I contact him (her)?
  6. Who can or should you report this call to?

Try to get the caller to give you the maximum possible amount of time for you to make decisions to “satisfy his demands” or take any other action.

Don't be afraid of criminal intimidation, At the end of the conversation, immediately report it to law enforcement agencies. If you are concerned that your phone is being tapped by criminals, call back from another number. Practice shows that concealing the fact of such threats significantly complicates the situation and contributes to the commission of crimes with impunity.

In addition to threats made to you personally over the phone, criminals can use your phone number to communicate information that you will need to pass on to law enforcement agencies. For example, your phone receives a call in which an unknown person informs you that your house is mined. When conducting a conversation of this nature, try to follow the recommendations outlined above and get as much information as possible. Upon completion, immediately report this information to law enforcement agencies.

Receiving a threat in writing

Threats in written form can come to you either by mail or in various types of anonymous materials (notes, inscriptions, information on a floppy disk, etc.).

Once you receive such a document, handle it with the utmost care.

Try not to leave your fingerprints on it.

Do not crumple the document or make notes on it.If possible, place it in a clean, tightly resealable plastic bag and place it in a separate hard folder.

If the document arrived in an envelope, open it only with the left or right side, carefully cutting off the edges with scissors.

Save everything: the document itself with the text, any attachments, envelope and packaging - do not throw anything away.

Do not expand the circle of people familiar with the contents of the document.

All this will help law enforcement agencies during subsequent forensic investigations.

Reception from citizens of anonymous materials containing various kinds of threats and demands is formalized by their written statement or protocol of acceptance of an oral statement about the receipt or discovery of such materials.


An evacuation message can be received not only in the event of an explosive device being discovered and the consequences of a terrorist act being eliminated, but also in the event of a fire, natural disaster, etc.

When receiving a message from government or law enforcement officials about the start of an evacuation, remain calm and strictly follow their commands.

If you are in an apartment, follow these steps:

  1. take personal documents, money and valuables;
  2. turn off electricity, water and gas;
  3. assist in the evacuation of elderly and seriously ill people;
  4. be sure to lock the front door - this will protect the apartment from possible entry by looters.

Avoid panic, hysterics and haste. Leave the premises in an orderly manner.

Return to the abandoned premises only after permission from the responsible persons.

Remember that the life and health of many people will depend on the consistency and clarity of your actions.

Transport safety

Public transport has recently become a frequent target for terrorist attacks, so it is necessary to pay attention constant attention ensuring personal safety.

  1. You cannot sleep while the vehicle is moving.
  2. Pay attention to all suspicious persons and suspicious objects, and report their detection to the driver, station duty officers or police officers.
  3. Do not stand at the edge of the platform, approach the doors after the train has stopped and passengers have exited, try to board the cars in the center of the train, they usually suffer less from an accident than the front or rear ones.
  4. If there is an explosion or fire, cover your mouth and nose with a handkerchief and lie down on the floor of the carriage or cabin to avoid suffocation.
  5. Dress neutrally, discreetly, avoid military colors of clothing and uniforms, and a lot of jewelry.
  6. Don't drink alcohol.
  7. If a vehicle is hijacked, follow all the terrorists' instructions and do not look them straight in the eye.
  8. If you feel that an assault is imminent, try to stay away from the windows so as not to interfere with the snipers shooting at the terrorists. During the assault, the main thing is to lie on the floor and not move until the operation is completed.
  9. Under no circumstances pick up weapons thrown by terrorists - the capture group may mistake you for one of them.

On buses

The basic personal safety measures that must be observed when traveling on public ground transport (buses, trolleybuses, trams) are in many ways similar to those that must be taken while on an airplane.

  1. Carefully inspect the interior to make sure there are no suspicious objects or persons, and also remember where the emergency exits and fire extinguisher are located.
  2. It is better to sit in public ground transport, thus reducing the likelihood of injury in the event of an explosion or when the bus is hijacked by terrorists.
  3. Don't speak in political topics, do not read pornographic, political or religious publications.
  4. Carry a mobile phone with you.

In the event of a bus, tram or trolleybus being hijacked by terrorists, experts advise choosing passive resistance tactics and not taking risks. When capturing you must:

  1. Before moving or opening your bag, ask permission.
  2. When shooting, lie down on the floor and take cover behind the seat, do not run anywhere.
  3. Keep photographs of your family and children on hand.

Storming a public ground vehicle is much faster than storming an aircraft. If you feel that an assault is imminent, try to stay away from the windows so as not to interfere with the snipers shooting at the terrorists. During the assault, the main thing is to lie on the floor and not move until the operation is completed. Obey the orders of the assault team, do not distract it with questions. Under no circumstances rush towards your saviors. When released, leave the vehicle after the appropriate order, but as soon as possible. Help children, women, the sick, the wounded, but do not waste time looking for your things and clothes. Remember that the interior may be mined.

In the underground

Do not stand at the edge of the platform; approach the doors after the train has stopped and passengers have exited. In case of a crush on the metro, use other lines or by land transport, do not expose yourself to unnecessary danger. If a person falls on the tracks, you should immediately send two passengers to a subway employee, and one to the edge of the platform so that he signals the train driver by waving a bright cloth. If the fallen person can move independently, you should help him get out, while making sure that he does not touch the contact rail at the edge of the platform. If a person cannot quickly get out on his own, he must be told to run to the end of the station in the direction of the train, or lie down between the rails and not get up until the train leaves. While on the escalator, hold the handrail tightly. In the event of a serious escalator accident, you must be prepared to jump to the next escalator.

On the train, try to sit in the cars in the center of the train. They usually suffer less from a crash than front or rear ones. Pay attention to all things left behind. Report such findings immediately and do not touch them under any circumstances. It is best to move as far away from them as possible. Explosive devices can also be planted under seats, so it is better to stand while driving rather than sit.

If, nevertheless, there was an explosion in the subway and the train stopped in the tunnel:

  1. Try to open the door immediately.
  2. At the same time, do not try to immediately get out of the carriage. Before passengers can exit the carriages into the tunnel, the tension on the contact rail must be relieved.
  3. If there is smoke in the tunnel, cover your mouth and nose with a handkerchief and lie down on the floor of the car to avoid suffocation.
  4. Try not to touch metal parts of the car.
  5. Follow the driver's advice; he will tell you when you can get out of the car and in which direction to go.
  6. If possible, try to wait for rescuers.

On the train

The basic requirements for personal safety on a train are the same as for other vehicles. But there are some features:

  1. When buying tickets, give preference to the central carriage. In the event of a train accident, they suffer much less than the head or tail ones.
  2. Choose seats facing the direction of the train.
  3. Don't fall asleep if your fellow travelers distrust you.
  4. Don't turn off the lights in the compartment.
  5. Keep the compartment door closed.
  6. Keep your documents and wallet in a safe place and your briefcase close to the window.
  7. Pay special attention to your belongings at intermediate stops.

In airplane

Unfortunately, despite serious security and control measures, terrorists manage to board the plane. If you fly an airplane, you should remember the following general safety rules.

  1. Select your airline carefully.
  2. It is best to fly economy class as it is safer. Terrorists usually begin hijacking a plane from the 1st class cabin, and use the passengers there as human shields during the assault.
  3. It is best to sit by the window, not in the aisle. In this case, other seats will provide you with protection during an assault or in the event of terrorists opening fire, while the seats in the aisle are easily shot through.
  4. It is best to travel on direct flights, without intermediate stops.
  5. When making stopovers, always get off the plane, as terrorists sometimes hijack the plane during such layovers.
  6. Dress neutrally, discreetly, avoid military colors of clothing and uniforms.
  7. Do not talk about political topics, do not read pornographic, political or religious publications, so as not to become a justifiable target for terrorists.
  8. Wear as little jewelry as possible.
  9. Don't drink alcohol.

In the event of a plane being hijacked by terrorists, experts advise choosing passive resistance tactics and not taking risks. Most often, this behavior dulls the terrorists’ attention, makes it possible to gain time, and any delay benefits the hostages. When capturing you must:

  1. Follow all the instructions of the terrorists, determining for yourself which of them is the most dangerous, give up all the things that the terrorists demand.
  2. Don't look terrorists in the eye.
  3. Look around for the most secluded place where you can hide in case of shooting.
  4. If you have a child with you, try to be with him all the time, make him as comfortable and safe as possible.
  5. Do not raise your voice or make sudden movements.
  6. Do not try to resist terrorists, even if you are confident of success. There may be an accomplice in the cabin who can detonate a bomb.
  7. Attract as little attention to yourself as possible.
  8. Do not react to provocative and challenging behavior.
  9. Ask permission before moving or opening your bag.
  10. When shooting, lie down on the floor and take cover behind the seat, do not run anywhere.
  11. If you have incriminating documents, hide them.
  12. Keep photos of your family and children on hand.

The main thing, remember, is not to panic. Think about salvation. Don't lose faith in a happy outcome. Try to keep yourself busy - reading, or if you are allowed - talking with your neighbors. Some seizures last for several days. Be calm and prepare to wait. Negotiations are underway with terrorists and you will be released!

If the assault begins, it happens with lightning speed. But during the assault, the main thing is to lie on the floor and not move until the operation is completed. The special forces will throw light-noise grenades into the interior and demand that you lie down and not move. Those who remain on their feet or with weapons in their hands are considered by special forces as potential terrorists. Therefore, we repeat, the main thing is to lie on the floor and not move. Obey the orders of the assault team, do not distract it with questions. Under no circumstances rush towards your saviors. When released, get off the plane after the appropriate order, but as soon as possible. Help children, women, the sick, the wounded, but do not waste time looking for your things and clothes. Remember that the plane may be mined.

When taken hostage

Unfortunately, none of us are protected from a situation where we could be taken hostage by terrorists. It should be remembered that:

  1. Only at the moment of hostage taking is there a real opportunity to escape from the scene.
  2. Prepare yourself psychologically that you will not be released instantly, but remember that you will definitely be released.
  3. Under no circumstances should you shout or express your indignation.
  4. If the assault begins, you need to fall to the floor and cover your head with your hands. Try to take a position away from windows and doorways.
  5. Stay away from the terrorists, because snipers will shoot at them during the assault.
  6. You should not take up arms so as not to be confused with terrorists.
  7. Do not try to resist terrorists on your own.
  8. If a bomb has been placed on you, you need to let the intelligence officers know about this without panic, with your voice or movement of your hand.
  9. Record in your memory all the events that accompany the capture. This information will be very important to law enforcement agencies.

Bomb threat

Attackers seek to place explosive devices in the most vulnerable place, where the greatest effect can be achieved by the explosion. You should pay attention to “forgotten” items: suitcases, attaché cases, umbrellas, packages, books, etc., in which an explosive device may be planted.

How to protect yourself from explosion threats

  1. Do not accept gifts, parcels, bouquets of flowers or other items that could conceal an explosive device from unknown persons.
  2. Pay attention to “forgotten” items: suitcases, packages, books.
  3. Do not move or inspect such “forgotten” things yourself; be sure to call specialists.
  4. Explosive devices of the "letter bomb" type are usually 5-10 mm thick, and letters of this kind are quite heavy. If you receive a suspicious letter, you should call specialists.
  5. If you find an explosive device, move away from the dangerous place, do not smoke, do not try to defuse it yourself, and report the find to law enforcement agencies.

If an explosion occurs

  1. Fall to the floor, covering your head with your hands and tucking your legs under you;
  2. Leave this building and premises as soon as possible;
  3. Do not use the elevator under any circumstances;
  4. In case of fire, bend down as low as possible, if necessary, crawl, wrapping your face in wet rags or clothes to breathe through them;
  5. If you collapse, do not try to get out on your own, strengthen the “ceiling” with nearby fragments of furniture and buildings, cover your nose and mouth with a handkerchief and clothing; knock to attract the attention of rescuers, shout only when you hear the voices of rescuers - otherwise you risk suffocating from dust.

If you're overwhelmed

In case of a blockage formed after an explosion:

  1. do not try to get out on your own;
  2. try to strengthen the “ceiling” with nearby fragments of furniture and buildings;
  3. move sharp objects away from you;
  4. if you have a mobile phone, call the rescuers at 112;
  5. cover your nose and mouth with a handkerchief and clothing, if possible damp;
  6. It is better to knock on pipes in order to attract the attention of rescuers;
  7. scream only when you hear the voices of rescuers - otherwise there is a risk of suffocating from dust;
  8. Do not light a fire under any circumstances.

In case of fire

Often an explosion can cause a fire, then you should:

  1. bend down as low as possible, trying to get out of the building as quickly as possible;
  2. wrap your face with damp rags or clothes to breathe through them;
  3. If there is a fire in the building and the door in front of you is closed, first touch the handle with the back of your hand. If it is not hot, open the door and check if there is smoke or fire in the next room, then go through. If the door handle or the door itself is hot, never open it;
  4. if you cannot get out of the building, you need to signal the rescuers, and you should only shout as a last resort, because you may choke from smoke. It is best to wave some object or clothing out of the window.

Natural disasters

In case of any natural Disasters First of all, follow the instructions of the civil defense headquarters.

  1. In the event of a flood, it is necessary to turn off electricity, gas, water, close all doors and windows, climb to the upper floors, having everything you need: blankets, boots, food, water, documents and money. If there is a danger of being in the water, take off your shoes and heavy things, fill your shirt and trousers with light floating objects (balls, plastic bottles), use tires and furniture to stay on the surface.
  2. If there is a threat of an earthquake, it is necessary to inspect and strengthen the house, check the means of survival, a set of essential items. In case of an earthquake, take shelter under strong tables, near main walls or columns or in the subway, constantly listen to information on the radio, do not go out onto balconies and do not use the elevator.
  3. In case of snow drift or blizzard, limit movement on the streets, stock up on food, water, fuel; seal the premises, conserve fuel. If you are covered in snowfall or an avalanche, wait until the movement of the snow stops, then push the snow around you with your body, moving up into the air.
  4. In case of a storm or hurricane, you must close the doors and windows, avoid being on the top floor, turn off the water, gas and electricity, take shelter in the basement; if the storm catches you outside the shelter, try to get into a low-lying area, do not take shelter under trees, stay away from metal structures, pipes, and towers.
  5. During a tsunami, try to be as far as possible from the sea (2-3 km) and on a hill (30-50 meters above sea level), avoid being in river valleys.


A few useful observations for those caught in a thunderstorm:

  1. the wind does not give a correct idea of ​​the direction of movement of a thunderstorm; thunderstorms often go against the wind;
  2. the distance to a thunderstorm can be determined by the time between a flash of lightning and a clap of thunder (1s - distance 300-400 m, 2s - 600-800 m, 3s - 1000 m);
  3. immediately before the onset of a thunderstorm, there is usually calm or the wind changes direction;
  4. wet clothing and body increases the risk of being struck by lightning;
  5. it is preferable to take refuge among short trees in the forest, in the mountains 3-8 meters from a high “finger” of 10-15 meters, in open areas - in a dry hole or ditch;
  6. sandy and rocky soil is safer than clay soil;
  7. Signs of increased danger include: moving hair, buzzing metal objects, discharges from sharp ends of equipment.

During a thunderstorm it is prohibited:

  1. take shelter near lonely trees;
  2. It is not recommended to lean against rocks and steep walls when moving;
  3. stop at the edge of the forest;
  4. walk and stop near bodies of water;
  5. hide under a rock overhang;
  6. move in a tight group;
  7. store metal objects in the tent.


This a natural phenomenon, which is not always predictable, can cause enormous damage. It is necessary to obtain information about the seismic classification of the residential area in order to improve the resilience of buildings.

To strengthen the structure of the house you need:

  1. remove the protruding part of the roof, strengthen the floors with wooden or steel beams, connect flights of stairs, strengthen the main walls;
  2. carry out an audit of water supply, electricity, heating and gas supply systems.

Before an earthquake you need to:

  1. inspect your home from the point of view of seismic resistance;
  2. familiarize all family members with the evacuation plan and take note of places where a fire may occur and keep flammable substances away from them;
  3. participate in exercises organized by civil defense authorities;
  4. check the suitability of fire extinguishers, learn how to use them;
  5. keep food supplies ready and drinking water and have medical supplies, prepare a backpack with a set of essentials.

During an earthquake you must:

  1. do not panic, remain calm;
  2. take cover under strong tables, near main walls or columns;
  3. constantly listen to information on the radio;
  4. do not go out onto balconies or use the elevator;
  5. do not take shelter near dams, river valleys, on sea beaches and lake shores - you may be covered by a wave from underwater shocks;
  6. follow the instructions of local authorities;
  7. in public places, the main danger is the crowd, which, succumbing to panic, runs without clearing the road - in this case, try to choose a safe exit that has not yet been noticed by the crowd.
  8. Underground stations are a safe place in the event of an earthquake: metal structures allow them to withstand shocks well.

Upon returning home you must:

  1. see if the building has suffered serious damage;
  2. Do not use matches or electrical switches, as there may be a risk of gas leaks.

For teachers

Keeping children safe is very important.

Main rule:Talk to your children as often as possible, help them solve even the smallest, in your opinion, problems. Another most important rule: If you want to teach your child safety rules, first of all, follow them yourself.

  1. the most the best way learning is by example;
  2. teaching a child the rules safe behavior, under no circumstances try to intimidate him;
  3. Each school must have its own safety data sheet, approved by law enforcement agencies.
  4. the school must introduce the position of deputy director for security, with whom it is necessary to be in constant contact to ensure security in the educational institution.

In extreme situations, teachers need to:

  1. tighten access control at the entrance and entry into the territory of the facility, install alarm systems, audio and video recording;
  2. walk around the area daily;
  3. periodically conduct inspections of warehouse premises;
  4. carefully select and check personnel;
  5. organize and conduct, together with law enforcement officers, briefings and practical training on actions in emergency situations;
  6. if you find a suspicious object, immediately report the incident to law enforcement agencies by calling the territorial divisions of the FSB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia;
  7. do not try to defuse an explosive device yourself;

School safety

Recently, concerns about school safety have increased significantly. This concern is not only related to physical factors, but psychological factors can also be associated with danger. The school and surrounding areas have many vulnerabilities, where hidden intimidation or intimidation of children is quite possible. The experience of Yekaterinburg, where the position of “deputy director for internal security” was introduced as an experiment in a number of schools, can only be assessed positively. And this immediately had a positive effect - the number of offenses decreased sharply.

In accordance with Article 1 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Security” of October 8, 1992, “Security is the state of protection of the vital interests of the individual, society and the state from internal and external threats. The main objects of security include: the individual - his rights and freedoms; society - its material and spiritual values; the state - its constitutional system, sovereignty and territorial integrity."

Article 2 of the same law defines the subjects of security: citizens, public and other organizations and associations are subjects of security, have the rights and responsibilities to participate in ensuring security in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the legislation of the republics within the Russian Federation, regulations organs state power and administration of territories, regions, autonomous okrugs, adopted within their competence in this area, such regulations governing the introduction into staffing table schools, participants in the experiment, the position of deputy director of the school for safety, may be: an order of the head of the Territorial Administration of the Vyborg Administrative District, an order of the head of the Education Department of the TU and an order of the school director.

The need to consider an approach to solving the problem of school security as a system of adequate response to a complex of threats is clearly defined in Article 3 of the Law: “A security threat is a set of conditions and factors that create a danger to the vital interests of the individual, society and the state. A real and potential threat to security objects, coming from internal and external sources danger, determines the content of activities to ensure internal and external security."

The answers to questions about how comprehensive school security should be ensured are found primarily in Articles 4 and 9, which state that:

firstly, “ is achieved by pursuing a unified state policy in the field of security, a system of measures adequate to threats to the vital interests of the individual, society and state...”;

secondly, the main functions of the security system created at the school, namely:

Identification and forecasting of internal and external threats to the vital interests of security facilities.

Implementation of a set of measures to prevent and neutralize identified threats.

Creation and maintenance of security forces and means in readiness.

Management of security forces and means in everyday conditions and in emergency situations.

Implementation of a system of measures to restore the normal functioning of security facilities damaged as a result of an emergency situation..."

Based on the methodology of the legislator’s approach to the issue of solving problems of security of the individual, society and the state, it becomes obvious that in order to achieve these legally defined goals of functioning of an integrated security system at school, the deputy director of the school for security must (taking into account the actual technical condition of the school, the conditions for organizing educational And educational process and other features), solve five main problems:

1. Detect threats in a timely manner and warn the school principal and other interested persons and organizations about them.

It means:

1.1. Timely detect potential and real threats to comprehensive school security: criminal, natural, and man-made security threats:

c) Real and movable property of the school and personal property of its employees and visitors when they are at the school;

d) Technical systems and means of ensuring school safety;

1.2. Timely inform interested persons and interested organizations about these threats (school director, fire department, police officers on duty, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the prosecutor's office and the FSB local police officer, ambulance, heads of the private security company guarding the school).

2. Make it difficult (contain) the implementation of emerging threats.

2.1. Prevent the growth of the threat, contain its spread, advance towards the school, staff, students, and the most important objects. For example, when a school is exposed to man-made threats, their containment will increase the time available for evacuating people, valuables, and organizing preparations to eliminate the threat.

3. Eliminate, neutralize threats.

3.1. Independently or in collaboration with representatives of law enforcement agencies, private security and detective structures, firefighters and the Ministry of Emergency Situations, take the necessary measures to eliminate or neutralize the threats that have arisen.

4. Document processes,related to important events the life of the school in terms of security, in the course of its daily functioning, as well as in cases of threats and measures to counter these threats.

The implementation of these tasks determines the improvement of the comprehensive school security system and the provision of assistance to law enforcement agencies in the investigation of incidents.

Summarizing what has been said, we can assume that as one of the working options for discussion working group, the following version of the qualification characteristics of the school’s deputy director for security may be proposed.

2. Qualification characteristics of the school’s deputy director for safety.

Main goals:

1. Timely detect potential and real threats to the comprehensive security of the school: criminal, natural, and man-made security threats:

a) The teaching staff, students, parents of students, visitors to the school and citizens living in the school district.

b) Finances own, borrowed and stored at the school, documentary and computer information, information transmitted via all means of communication;

d) Real and movable property of the school and personal property of its employees and visitors when they are at the school;

e) Technical systems and means of ensuring school safety;

2. Timely inform interested persons and interested organizations about these threats (school director, fire department, police officers on duty at the police department, Ministry of Emergency Situations, prosecutor's office and FSB local police officer, ambulance, heads of the private security company guarding the school).

3. Prevent the growth of the threat, contain its spread, advance towards the school, staff, students, and its most important objects.

4. Independently or in cooperation with representatives of law enforcement agencies, private security and detective agencies, firefighters and the Ministry of Emergency Situations, take the necessary measures to eliminate or neutralize the threats that have arisen.

5. Document processes related to important events in the life of the school in terms of security, during its daily functioning, as well as in cases of threats and measures to counter these threats.

  1. if necessary, begin evacuating people according to the existing plan.

When taking people hostage, you must:

  1. immediately report the current situation to law enforcement agencies;
  2. do not enter into negotiations with terrorists on your own initiative;
  3. take measures to ensure unhindered passage (travel) to the site for law enforcement officers, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and emergency medical vehicles;
  4. upon arrival of employees of the special forces of the FSB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, assist them in obtaining the information they are interested in;

Main rules

Rule one

It's better not to be taken hostage.When going on a trip or business trip, consider political situation in the regions. Above all, avoid countries with unstable regimes and countries where various factions are engaged in political struggle non-parliamentary methods. Avoiding travel to conflict zones will significantly reduce the risk. Hostage taking - favorite remedy Islamic groups and separatists of all stripes. Before going to India, Lebanon, Yugoslavia, Israel and other countries that are disadvantaged in this regard, think about whether this trip is really necessary.

Rule two

If you do find yourself in the hands of terrorists, remember that you should not take any action that could irritate the terrorists. Do not resist, do not react to the actions of terrorists against other hostages.Whatever happens, stay calm.Attempts to enter into discussions with terrorists on moral and ethical topics not recommended. Don’t ask unnecessary questions, comply with their demands and try not to show them your fear. Endure hardships without complaints, groans and insults.

Rule three

You should not try to make yourself known freely in any way. If they fail, the terrorists will regard this as resistance, and at best this will lead to a deterioration in conditions of detention.Try to show the terrorists complete loyalty in complying with the containment regime- this, in turn, can lead to its softening. While being held hostage, you should understand that imprisonment can last quite a long time (history knows examples when hostages were held captive for many years), and therefore your main task is to preserve life and health. It's bad if you are captured for political blackmail. In such cases, the governments of most countries refuse to negotiate so as not to give rise to a repetition of such actions. But if you are captured for ransom, you are in luck.

Rule four

Don't skimp on your promises. But keep in mind that if you were captured for ransom, then the terrorists are well aware of your affairs, so do not give unrealistic obligations. Sooner or later, a moment may come when everything, including life, turns out to be unnecessary and meaningless. Then you need to focus on your physical and mental state.Don't let yourself get discouraged.Take every opportunity to talk to yourself about your hopes, about the family that is waiting for you. While in captivity, it is very important to maintain personal hygiene and, if the situation allows, do exercises, calm down and relax through meditation, solve an imaginary problem, try to remember poems that were taught at school. Religion helps believers. Optimism and a sense of humor are also important, as they help cope with apathy and depression.

The experience can greatly affect the psyche of the hostage: terrorists feel guilt and shame for their behavior, loss of self-esteem due to irrational behavior, nightmares, criticism from those who have not experienced this themselves, difficulties in sexual and interpersonal relationships, decreased performance , fear of everything. Know that this is a typical reaction and it will take a lot of time for you to get back to normal.

When abducted

Being in conditions of sharp restrictions on freedom of movement and lack of means of communication, without knowing how events are developing, it is difficult to make decisions. Of course, the ideal option would be to agree in detail with your loved ones before your “capture” on how to behave in such a situation, but it is unlikely that anyone will do this. To justify our lack of foresight, we often refer to the saying: “If only I knew where I fell, I would have laid down straws.”

So you've been kidnapped. When coming into contact with loved ones, try to reassure them and explain that a favorable outcome of the matter depends on how correctly they act. If the criminal demands a large sum of money, find an opportunity to explain to your loved ones where and from whom they can get it, without explaining why they are needed. Discuss how to explain to them at your job why you are absent and how long you will be absent.

Try immediately, even before calling your relatives, to convince the person who detained you that he is offering a completely unrealistic period for ransom. Try to convince him that you do not have what he is asking for and you should be released in peace. It is unlikely that he will do this. When attempting to exert physical pressure, state that in such conditions you will not do anything at all to fulfill the blackmailer’s demands. Convince him that he shouldn’t give up. Constantly monitor the situation, not leaving a single detail out of sight: whether the mood of the criminals is changing, the reasons for these changes, how discussions of various issues are going on between the participants in the abduction. Even if you can't hear what they're saying, but you can see it, pay attention to what they're saying. emotional condition, on who is looking in your direction and with what facial expression, how much more active and aggressive the gestures have become, and much more.

Do not take unnecessary risks, try to resolve everything peacefully. But if the chance arises to get rid of a society that hardly gives you aesthetic pleasure, do not miss it. In this case, you should act quickly and decisively, since any delay will deprive you of the possibility of release, and the criminals will strengthen the security regime and you are unlikely to be given another chance. As soon as you are free, immediately let your loved ones know about it by calling them or someone you know. This is necessary in the interests of loved ones, their safety, and the safety of your money, if it is prepared for transfer in exchange for you.

The main thing is prudence in choosing commercial partners, keeping your financial situation and income secret. Care should be taken when communicating with strangers, promptly detect increased interest in you, your family and colleagues.

Lately, extortionists have increasingly resorted to kidnappings. Unfortunately, people do not always go to the police about this, preferring to pay off their money. This gives terrorists confidence in their impunity and puts the lives of potential victims at risk.

People are most often kidnapped in the morning, when leaving home. As a rule, there are no witnesses, since everything happens very quickly. Kidnapped persons are usually kept in temporarily rented apartments, warehouses, and sometimes in offices.

Your relative is being held hostage

If you find out about the seizure loved one, immediately call the Regional Department for Combating Organized Crime of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate.

They take the release of hostages very seriously. Police special forces - SOBR ( special squad rapid response) and FSB officers ( federal Service security) with their unique technical means. Preliminary preparation lasts from several hours to several days. It depends on the speed with which the bandits put forward their demands, and on the victim’s relatives - how quickly they turn to the police and how they behave in the future. The matter becomes more complicated if relatives independently try to pay off the bandits or play a “double game.”

The sanctions for kidnapping are quite severe. Article 126 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provides for the capture and holding of people as hostages, punishable by imprisonment for a term of up to 15 years.

The same actions, if they do not entail grave consequences, are punishable by imprisonment for a term of 4 to 10 years. In addition, criminals must remember that a decision may be made to eliminate them during the process of freeing the hostages.

If one of your loved ones has been taken hostage and certain actions are required as a condition for his release, first of all make sure that he is alive and unharmed. It is unlikely that you will be given the opportunity to see the captured person in person, but talking to him on the phone is simply necessary. At the same time, the blackmailer should firmly state that you will not negotiate anything with him until you talk to the hostage. When conducting a conversation, first, make sure that the other end of the line is really the person you are talking about. Telephone communication is imperfect, and it is not always possible to identify even a very close person by voice, so in a conversation, try to get information that will convince you that it is really him.

Second, conduct the conversation in such a way as to ensure that you are communicating with a live person and not a tape recording.

Third, try to reassure the hostage by saying that you will do everything in your power to free him as quickly as possible. Fourthly, ask if everything is okay with him, how he is being treated, and whether he has been harmed in any way.

Fifthly, convince him that it will be better if he does not take any action. active actions so as not to aggravate the situation and harm yourself.

Sixth, under no circumstances try to find out, even indirectly, who captured him and where he is. This kind of curiosity can be very costly.

After this, you can listen to the blackmailer and his conditions. Most likely, we will talk about a certain amount of money in rubles or USD. Regardless of whether you have such an amount available or not, try to ask for a deferment in payment, citing the fact that this moment there is no such money at hand (except for the situation when you are immediately told that this amount money is in your bottom drawer of your desk).

If negotiations take place in person, ask for a second meeting; if over the phone, ask for a second call. And during this time, you should quickly decide what to do: fulfill the criminal’s conditions without turning to anyone for help, or still resort to the help of law enforcement agencies or a private company (keep in mind that at present not all companies undertake the solution problems of this kind can actually solve them).

As world experience shows, blackmail gives a reprieve for a very short time, and if you decide to turn to professionals for help, you should do it right away, since it takes some time to develop a joint action plan and prepare a group specializing in the release of hostages .

It is best to do this immediately, but by telephone, since you cannot exclude the possibility of surveillance of your movements from the moment of contact with the blackmailers. Be prepared for the fact that when you call again, they may confidently tell you that they absolutely know that you called the police and asked for help. During a personal meeting, such a question can also be asked, and here the matter is complicated by the fact that on the phone they only hear you, but during a personal meeting they also see you. You need to be psychologically prepared for such questions. What can help you gain self-confidence is that these kinds of questions are, quite clearly, nothing more than an attempt to take you on the offensive. Although there is a possibility that the attackers have reliable information.

If your next telephone conversation with a person who has taken your loved one hostage will take place in the presence of law enforcement officers, try to discuss the scheme with them in advance and various options conversation with the criminal. This will eliminate the possibility of delays in answering questions, and at the other end of the line there will be no suspicion that after each question you are receiving advice from someone on what and how to answer.

It often happens that the blackmailer demands to speed up the exchange time at any cost. In this case, try, without losing your composure, to convince him that everything possible is being done, but due to circumstances beyond your control, you are not yet ready to give what is expected of you. Most importantly, do not forget to remind this person that you are much more interested in the successful outcome of the matter than he is. You can argue that it is impossible to obtain the requested amount in such a time by the fact that the person from whom you wanted to receive the money is currently on a business trip and will return in a few days, but without even waiting for his return, you are trying to find this money through other channels. It is quite possible that the pause that you negotiate will allow you to better prepare the operation to free the hostage and increase the guarantee of his safety.

When you agree on where and at what time to bring what the extortionist demands, set a condition - this is only possible if you have guarantees that the hostage is not in danger. Either this will be a mutual exchange, or before you hand over the money, you will receive information that the hostage is already in a safe place at the moment. It is clear that in reality everything is much more complicated than in words, but the kidnapper is also interested in getting your money. Of course, the initiative belongs to him, but not on all issues one should follow his lead. The firmer and more reasonable your position, the greater the chances of a favorable outcome of the operation. It should not be forgotten that as soon as you comply with their demand, the hostage will no longer be needed as bait or, rather, as a leash for you. Having been freed, he becomes the owner of certain information and from a hostage can turn into a witness, and a very dangerous one at that.

If you trust law enforcement agencies, strictly follow their instructions and the plan they have developed. Know that the slightest deviation from the originally developed plan through your fault, or the manifestation of unnecessary initiative, can significantly complicate or make it impossible to free the hostage.

If you decide to act without outside help, pay attention to the conditions under which the money is supposed to be transferred: will it be a hand-to-hand transfer or will you be asked to leave it in certain place and at the specified time. It’s one thing in a fairly crowded place and during daylight hours, another thing in the evening or at night, and even in a secluded place. In short, be prepared for various kinds surprises.

Having with you large sum money, and even in a secluded place, sharply reduces the degree of your own safety, although when we're talking about about the release of a loved one, hardly anyone will think about it. You can offer a lot of options on how to reduce the threat for you personally, but still a lot will depend only on your self-control and ingenuity. Remember the main thing: as soon as you have transferred the money, try to make every effort to get away from the attackers as soon as possible.

Chemical attack

The first signs of an attack: the appearance of drops, smoke and mists of unknown origin, specific foreign odors, initial symptoms of damage, readings from chemical reconnaissance and control devices.

When a chemical or biological attack is declared:

  1. Seek shelter immediately.
  2. If you are in an apartment, seal the windows and doors using available means, turn off the air conditioning and ventilation devices, take shelter in an interior room, preferably in the bathroom.
  3. Turn off the power.
  4. Do not seek refuge in a cellar or basement: toxic gases, heavier than air, accumulate at the surface of the earth.
  5. If you are directly exposed to gas or liquid, cover your nose and mouth with a handkerchief, scarf, etc. to purify the air you inhale;
  6. Avoid exposure to air.
  7. Before entering the room, remove outer clothing that has been in contact with contaminated air.
  8. Do not wear contaminated clothing without washing thoroughly; if this is not possible, it is better to throw it away;
  9. After a chemical or biological alert is cleared, do not eat fruits and herbs from the garden, food displayed for sale outdoors, or drink well water or tap water.

In production

Terrorists may choose to attack a large industrial facility, so business managers and ordinary employees should remember a few rules:

If you receive a threat by phone:

  1. do not ignore any such call, transfer the information received to law enforcement agencies, remembering the gender, age of the caller and the peculiarities of his speech;
  2. record the exact time the conversation started and its duration;
  3. During the conversation, try to get as much information as possible.

Preventive actions:

  1. Tightening of access control at the entrance and entry into the territory of the facility;
  2. Installation of alarm systems, audio and video recording;
  3. Carrying out daily walk-throughs of the facilities;
  4. Periodic commission inspection of warehouse premises;
  5. Careful selection and verification of personnel;
  6. Conducting regular briefings to personnel on the procedure to follow when receiving telephone messages containing terrorist threats.

Actions in case of hostage taking:

  1. if possible, immediately report the current situation to law enforcement agencies;
  2. do not enter into negotiations with terrorists on their own initiative;
  3. do not allow actions that could provoke attackers to use weapons and lead to casualties.

Remember that, in accordance with the law, the manager is personally responsible for the life and health of his employees.

Anti-terror library

Since there is a lot of material on terrorism and it is not always possible to find exactly what is needed, several sections have been created in the Anti-Terror Library in which it is easier to find the necessary information.

Instructions: how to behave after a terrorist attack; advice from a psychologist; how to behave in an extreme situation; How to avoid becoming a victim of a terrorist attack.

Lectures: amendments to the security concept; world order after 9/11; global terrorism in 2002; political psychology of terrorism.

Books and brochures: safety encyclopedia; textbook life safety; book "Russian way".

Also in the “Anti-Terror Library” section you can familiarize yourself with the latest landmark media publications and look at the list of Internet resources dedicated to the fight against terrorism. Each section is constantly updated.

Citizen participation

Terrorists try to be invisible and invulnerable to security forces, hide among ordinary citizens. Only citizens themselves can help in the fight against terror by being vigilant.

The preparation of terrorist attacks is carried out in such a way as not to be conspicuous, but terrorists always act suspiciously, strangely and unusually. The main rule is to act as quietly as possible!

  1. Pay special attention to suspicious persons, deliberately inconspicuous, not conspicuous, but somehow strange; rented and rented apartments, basements, utility rooms, warehouses.
  2. Try to remember the signs of the criminals, their faces, clothes, names, scars and tattoos, peculiarities of speech and behavior, and the topics of conversations.
  3. Don't try to stop terrorists yourself - you may become the first victim.
  4. Carefully check if they are who they say they are?
  5. Immediately report suspicious persons to law enforcement agencies.
  6. Duplicate the signal to several departments at once (for example, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB Directorate for your region).
  7. Warn your family and friends about the possible threat of a terrorist attack and ask them to increase their vigilance.
  8. Under no circumstances should you allow panic to arise, which can only provoke terrorists and accelerate a terrorist attack!

Life safety standard


Studying the basics of life safety basic level secondary (full) general education is aimed at achieving the following goals:

  1. mastering knowledge on safe human behavior in dangerous and emergency situations of natural, man-made and social nature; health and healthy lifestyle; state system for protecting the population from dangerous and emergency situations; about the responsibilities of citizens to protect the state;
  2. upbringing value attitude towards human life and health; feelings of respect for the heroic heritage of Russia and its state symbols; patriotism and duty to defend the Fatherland;
  3. development personality traits necessary for safe behavior in emergency situations and during military service; vigilance to prevent acts of terrorism; compliance needs healthy image life;
  4. mastery of skillsassess situations that are dangerous to life and health; act in emergency situations; use personal and collective protective equipment; provide first aid to victims.



A healthy lifestyle is the basis of personal health and safe life. Factors influencing health promotion. Factors that destroy health.

Reproductive health. Rules of personal hygiene. Pregnancy and pregnancy hygiene. Baby care.

First aid for heat and sunstroke, defeats electric shock, fractures, bleeding; skills in performing artificial respiration and chest compressions.


Basic provisions of the National Security Concept of the Russian Federation.

Emergency situations of natural (meteorological, geological, hydrological, biological), man-made (accidents in transport and economic facilities, radiation and chemical contamination of the area) and social (terrorism, armed conflicts) nature.

Main activities government organizations and departments of the Russian Federation for the protection of the population and territories from emergency situations: forecast, monitoring, warning, protection, evacuation, rescue operations, training of the population.

United government system prevention and response to natural and man-made emergencies (RSChS).

Civil defense, its purpose and tasks to ensure the protection of the population from dangers arising during the conduct of military operations or as a result of these actions.

Rules for safe behavior of a person under the threat of a terrorist attack and being taken as a hostage. Security measures for the population caught in the territory of hostilities.

State services for the protection of health and safety of the population.


Defending the Fatherland is the duty and responsibility of Russian citizens. Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on state defense and military duty of citizens.

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are the basis of state defense. History of the creation of the Armed Forces. Types of the Armed Forces. Type of troops.

Mandatory preparation for military service. Requirements for the level of education of conscripts, their health and physical fitness. Initial military registration, medical examination. Conscription.

General duties and rights of military personnel.

The procedure and features of military service under conscription and contract. Alternative civil service.

State and military symbols of the Russian Federation, traditions and rituals of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Military professional guidance, main directions of training specialists for service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.


As a result of studying the basics of life safety at a basic level, the student must


  1. the main components of a healthy lifestyle and their impact on the safety of an individual; reproductive health and factors influencing it;
  2. potential dangers of natural, man-made and social origin, characteristic of the region of residence;
  3. main goals public services to protect the population and territories from emergency situations;
  4. basics Russian legislation on state defense and military duty of citizens;
  5. composition and purpose of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;
  6. the procedure for initial military registration, medical examination, and conscription for military service;
  7. basic rights and responsibilities of citizens before conscription for military service, during military service and while in the reserve;
  8. main types of military professional activities; features of military service under conscription and contract, alternative civil service;
  9. requirements military service to the level of training of the conscript;
  10. purpose, structure and tasks of RSChS;
  11. purpose, structure and tasks of civil defense;

be able to:

  1. know how to protect the population from natural and man-made emergencies;
  2. possess skills in the field of civil defense;
  3. use personal and collective protective equipment;
  4. assess the level of your training and exercise conscious self-determination in relation to military service;

use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities And Everyday life For:

  1. maintaining a healthy lifestyle;
  2. first aid;
  3. development of spiritual and physical qualities necessary for military service;
  4. calling emergency services if necessary.


On September 1, 2004, a monstrous terrorist attack occurred in Russia, the pain from which will never go away. On Wednesday, September 1, at about 8 a.m., militants captured high school number 1 in Beslan. The terrorists refused to negotiate, mined several rooms of the captured school, and also posted a sniper on the roof of the building.

By 12 noon the President arrived at the scene of the tragedy North Ossetia Alexander Dzasokhov and Chairman of the Government of the Republic Mikhail Shatalov. The terrorists handed over a videotape and a note to representatives of the security forces, in which they stated that they would negotiate only with the presidents of North Ossetia and Ingushetia, as well as doctor Leonid Roshal. Doctor Leonid Roshal flew to Beslan, where he arrived at 20:00.

In order to prevent a possible assault, the militants placed children taken hostage in the windows. The terrorists categorically refused to exchange the schoolchildren hostages for two high-ranking republican officials. By 4 o'clock in the afternoon, the militants in the captured school in Beslan began to threaten to shoot the hostages for every killed and wounded bandit.

The telephone conversation that Leonid Roshal maintained with the militants until three in the morning was interrupted. During the negotiations, the terrorists refused proposals to exchange child hostages for adults and provide them with a corridor for passage to Ingushetia and Chechnya.

The militants once again stated that they would negotiate only with Aslambek Aslakhanov, the presidents of North Ossetia and Ingushetia Alexander Dzasokhov and Murat Zyazikov and pediatrician Leonid Roshal.

On Thursday, the terrorists, who did not put forward any demands, released 26 hostages - women and children.

On September 3 at 7 am, terrorists holding hostages in the school building again opened unprovoked fire.

At 13.30, militants detonated explosive devices previously installed in the captured school while the bodies of the dead were being evacuated by Emergency Situations Ministry employees. As a result of the explosions, the school roof partially collapsed.

An hour later, shooting from the school building began with renewed vigor. By 15.00, about 100 hostages were released. Children and adults tried to leave the school building on their own. Terrorists in Beslan shot children in the back and beat them with rifle butts.

Federal special forces and local residents began to protect children and began fighting against terrorists.

A battle that lasted several hours and during which it was destroyed large quantity The militants ended only at 23.30.

On the night of September 4, many victims began to be sent to Moscow hospitals in special mobile hospitals.

At 5 a.m. on September 4, Russian President Putin arrived in Beslan and immediately went to the hospital where the injured hostages were being treated.

As a result of the hostage taking in Beslan, 338 people were killed and more than 700 were injured.

On September 9, after Russian Prosecutor General Vladimir Ustinov reported to Vladimir Putin on the first results of the investigation into the Beslan school siege, it became clear that the data again diverged: the number of terrorists, the number of hostages, the number of deaths among the hostages, where the three detained terrorists went, and exactly how many militants fled from the school.

According to terrorist Shamil Basayev, 33 militants took part in the seizure of the school. He confirmed the information of the Russian special services about the international composition of the gang. As the letter says, the terrorist attack in Beslan was carried out by 12 Chechens and two Chechen women, nine Ingush, three Russians, two Arabs and two Ossetians, as well as a Tatar, a Kabardian and a Guran (a representative of one of the nationalities of Transbaikalia).

Russian law enforcement agencies claim that, together with Basayev, Aslan Maskhadov was involved in preparing the terrorist attack in Beslan.

On October 27, the first charges were brought in connection with the terrorist attack in Beslan. They were presented to three employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ingushetia and North Ossetia, the policemen were accused of negligence. Other charges were later brought.

Still have Russian society there are a lot of questions and few answers about what happened in Beslan.


General rules

Terrorism in Russia

Behavior in a crowd

When there is a threat of terrorist attack

Suspicious item

You are being threatened

Transport safety

When taken hostage

How to protect yourself from explosion threats

If an explosion occurs

If you're overwhelmed

In case of fire

Natural disasters

For teachers

School safety

The main rules when taking people hostage

When abducted

If a relative is kidnapped

Chemical attack

In production

Life safety standard





General rules

Terrorism in Russia

Behavior in a crowd

When there is a threat of terrorist attack

Suspicious item

You are being threatened

Transport safety

When taken hostage

If an explosion occurs

If you're overwhelmed

In case of fire

Natural disasters

For teachers

School safety

Main rules when taking people hostage

When abducted

If a relative is kidnapped

Chemical attack

In production

Life safety standard


General rules

It is impossible to prepare for a terrorist attack in advance, so you should always be on guard. The main rule: avoid unnecessary visits to regions, cities, places and events that may attract the attention of terrorists. Typically this is:

  • Regions of the North Caucasus
  • Israel, Middle Eastern states, Iran, Iraq, Yugoslavia
  • Crowded events with thousands of participants
  • Popular entertainment venues
  • pay attention to suspicious people, objects, and any suspicious little things. Report anything suspicious to law enforcement officials;
  • never accept packages and bags from strangers, do not leave your luggage unattended;
  • the family must have an emergency plan, all family members must have telephone numbers, email addresses.
  • You must set up a meeting place where you can meet your family members in an emergency;
  • in case of evacuation, take with you a set of essential items and documents;
  • always find out where the backup exits from the premises are;
  • in the house it is necessary to strengthen and seal the entrances to basements and attics, install an intercom, clear stairwells and corridors from cluttering objects;
  • organize a watch for the residents of your building, who will regularly walk around the building, observing whether everything is in order, paying special attention to the appearance of unfamiliar faces and cars, unloading bags and boxes;
  • if there is an explosion, fire, earthquake, never use the elevator;
  • try not to panic, no matter what happens.

Terrorism in Russia

Terrorism in all its forms has become one of the most dangerous problems with which humanity entered the 21st century. In Russia, the problem of terrorism and the fight against it sharply worsened in the 90s. Terrorism poses a real threat to the national security of the country: kidnappings, hostage-taking, aircraft hijackings, bomb explosions, acts of violence in ethno-confessional conflicts, direct threats and their implementation, etc.

It is no coincidence that the National Security Concept of the Russian Federation includes an increase in the scale of terrorism in the list of factors creating a wide range of internal and external threats to the country’s national security. The activities of extremist organizations and groups currently continue to be a serious factor in destabilizing the socio-political situation in Russia and pose a serious threat to the constitutional security and territorial integrity of the country.

Among the most famous terrorist attacks of the last decade: the taking of hostages in a hospital on July 14, 1995 in the city of Budennovsk, Stavropol Territory. In September 1999, a series of terrorist attacks occurred in Moscow and Volgodonsk. On September 8, terrorists blew up a residential building on Guryanov Street. On September 13, an explosion occurred on Kashirskoye Highway, and on September 16, 1999, a house in Volgodonsk was blown up.

On October 23, 2002, hostages were taken at the Dubrovka Theater Center during a performance of the musical "Nord-Ost". This lasted three days. On July 5, 2003, two explosions occurred at the entrance to the Tushino airfield, where the Wings rock festival was taking place.

On February 6, 2004, a terrorist attack occurred in the Moscow metro. The explosive device was detonated in the second carriage of the train on the stretch between Paveletskaya and Avtozavodskaya stations. On September 1, 2004, about 30 terrorists seized a school in the North Ossetian city of Beslan. Within a few minutes, more than a thousand hostages - students, teachers, parents - were in their hands. Three days later there was a bloody denouement.

Terrorism in Russia has risen to a new level. And Russia needs the consolidation of society to fight this global evil.

Behavior in a crowd

Terrorists often choose crowded places for attacks. In addition to the actual damaging factor of a terrorist act, people also die and are injured as a result of a stampede that arises as a result of panic. Therefore, it is necessary to remember the following rules of behavior in a crowd:

  • Avoid large crowds of people.
  • Don't join the crowd, no matter how much you want to watch the events taking place.
  • If you find yourself in a crowd, let it carry you, but try to get out of it.
  • Inhale deeply and spread your arms bent at the elbows slightly to the sides so that the chest is not compressed.
  • Try to be away from tall and large people, people with bulky objects and large bags.
  • Try to stay on your feet by any means necessary.
  • Don't keep your hands in your pockets.
  • When moving, raise your legs as high as possible, place your foot on your full foot, do not mince, do not rise on tiptoes.
  • If the crush has become threatening, immediately, without hesitation, free yourself from any burden, especially your shoulder bag and scarf.
  • If you drop something, never bend down to pick it up.
  • If you fall, try to get back to your feet as quickly as possible. At the same time, do not lean on your hands (they will be crushed or broken). Try to stand on your soles or toes for at least a moment. Having found support, “surface”, sharply pushing off the ground with your feet.
  • If you can’t get up, curl up in a ball, protect your head with your forearms, and cover the back of your head with your palms.
  • Once in a room crowded with people, determine in advance which places are the most dangerous in the event of an extreme situation (passages between sectors in a stadium, glass doors and partitions in concert halls, etc.), pay attention to emergency and emergency exits, mentally make the path to him.
  • It is easiest to hide from the crowd in the corners of the hall or near the walls, but it is more difficult to get from there to the exit.
  • If panic occurs, try to maintain calm and the ability to soberly assess the situation.
  • Don't join the protesters "just for fun." First, find out whether the rally is authorized and what the people speaking are campaigning for.
  • Do not join unregistered organizations. Participation in events of such organizations may result in criminal penalties.
  • During riots, try not to get into the crowd, both participants and spectators. You may fall under the action of special forces soldiers.

When there is a threat of terrorist attack

Always control the situation around you, especially when you are at transport facilities, cultural and entertainment, sports and shopping centers.

If you find forgotten items, without touching them, inform the driver, facility staff, security service, and police. Do not try to look inside a suspicious package, box, or other item.

Don’t pick up ownerless items, no matter how attractive they look.

They may contain camouflaged explosive devices (in beer cans, cell phones, etc.). Do not kick objects lying on the ground in the street.

If the security forces and law enforcement agencies suddenly become more active, do not show curiosity, walk in the other direction, but do not run, so as not to be mistaken for the enemy.

If there is an explosion or shooting starts, immediately fall to the ground, preferably under cover (a curb, a sales tent, a car, etc.). For greater safety, cover your head with your hands.

If you accidentally learn about an impending terrorist attack, immediately report it to law enforcement agencies.

If you become aware of a crime being prepared or committed, immediately report it to the FSB or the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Suspicious item

Recently, there have been frequent cases of citizens discovering suspicious objects that may turn out to be explosive devices. Similar objects are found in transport, on staircases, near apartment doors, in institutions and public places. How to behave when they are discovered? What actions should I take?

If the discovered item should not, in your opinion, be in this place, do not ignore this fact.

If you find a forgotten or ownerless item on public transport, interview people nearby. Try to establish whose it is and who could have left it. If the owner has not been identified, immediately report the find to the driver (driver).

If you find an unknown object in the entrance of your house, ask your neighbors to see if it belongs to them. If the owner has not been identified, immediately report the find to your police department.

If you find an unknown item in an institution, immediately report your find to the administration or security.

In all of the above cases:

  • do not touch, move, or open the discovered item;
  • record the time the object was discovered;
  • try to do everything possible to ensure that people move as far away from the find as possible;
  • be sure to wait for the arrival of the operational investigation team (remember that you are a very important eyewitness);

Remember: the appearance of an object may hide its real purpose. The most common household items are used as camouflage for explosive devices: bags, packages, boxes, toys, etc.

Parents! You are responsible for the life and health of your children. Explain to children that any object found on the street or in a hallway can pose a danger.

Do not take any action on your own with finds or suspicious objects that may turn out to be explosive devices - this can lead to their explosion, numerous casualties and destruction.

You are being threatened

Receiving a threat by phone

Currently, the telephone is the main channel for receiving messages containing information about planted explosive devices, taking people hostage, extortion and blackmail.

As a rule, the factor of surprise, the resulting panic, and sometimes even shock, and the information received itself lead to the fact that a person is unable to correctly respond to a call, assess the reality of the threat and get the maximum information from the conversation.

Threatening calls may come to you personally and contain, for example, demands to pay a significant amount of money.

If your phone has previously received similar calls or you have reason to believe that they may receive them, be sure to install an automatic caller ID (Caller ID) and a sound recording device on your phone.

If you have a Caller ID, immediately write down the determined phone number in your notebook, which will help avoid its accidental loss.

If you have sound recording equipment, immediately remove the cassette (minidisc) with the recording of the conversation and take measures to ensure its safety. Be sure to install another cassette in its place.

Remember that without the caller's number and the audio recording of the conversation, law enforcement agencies have very little material to work with and no evidence base for use in court.

In the absence of sound recording equipment and caller ID, the following actions will provide significant assistance to law enforcement agencies in preventing the commission of crimes and searching for criminals:

  • try to remember the conversation verbatim and record it on paper;
  • During the conversation, note the gender and age of the caller, the features of his (her) speech: voice (loud or quiet, low or high), rate of speech (fast or slow), pronunciation (distinct, distorted, with a stutter, lisp, with an accent or dialect ), manner of speech (cheeky, mocking, with obscene expressions);
  • be sure to note the sound background (the noise of cars or railway transport, the sound of television or radio equipment, voices, etc.);
  • mark the nature of the call - local or long-distance;
  • Be sure to record the exact time the conversation started and its duration.

It is necessary, if possible, to obtain answers to the following questions during the conversation:

  • where, to whom, what phone number is this person calling?
  • What specific demands does he/she make?
  • Does he/she make the demands personally, act as a mediator, or represent some group of people?
  • On what conditions does he (she) or they agree to abandon the plan?
  • how and when can I contact him (her)?
  • Who can or should you report this call to?

Try to get the caller to give you the maximum possible amount of time for you to make decisions to “satisfy his demands” or take any other action.

Don't be afraid of criminal intimidation, At the end of the conversation, immediately report it to law enforcement agencies. If you are concerned that your phone is being tapped by criminals, call back from another number. Practice shows that concealing the fact of such threats significantly complicates the situation and contributes to the commission of crimes with impunity.

In addition to threats made to you personally over the phone, criminals can use your phone number to communicate information that you will need to pass on to law enforcement agencies. For example, your phone receives a call in which an unknown person informs you that your house is mined. When conducting a conversation of this nature, try to follow the recommendations outlined above and get as much information as possible. Upon completion, immediately report this information to law enforcement agencies.

Receiving a threat in writing

Threats in written form can come to you either by mail or in various types of anonymous materials (notes, inscriptions, information on a floppy disk, etc.).

Once you receive such a document, handle it with the utmost care.

Try not to leave your fingerprints on it.

Do not crumple the document or make notes on it.If possible, place it in a clean, tightly resealable plastic bag and place it in a separate hard folder.

If the document arrived in an envelope, open it only from the left or right side, carefully cutting off the edges with scissors.

Save everything: the document itself with the text, any attachments, envelope and packaging - do not throw anything away.

Do not expand the circle of people familiar with the contents of the document.

All this will help law enforcement agencies during subsequent forensic investigations.

Reception from citizens of anonymous materials containing various kinds of threats and demands is formalized by their written statement or protocol of acceptance of an oral statement about the receipt or discovery of such materials.


An evacuation message can be received not only in the event of an explosive device being discovered and the consequences of a terrorist act being eliminated, but also in the event of a fire, natural disaster, etc.

When receiving a message from government or law enforcement officials about the start of an evacuation, remain calm and strictly follow their commands.

If you are in an apartment, follow these steps:

  • take personal documents, money and valuables;
  • turn off electricity, water and gas;
  • assist in the evacuation of elderly and seriously ill people;
  • be sure to lock the front door - this will protect the apartment from possible entry by looters.

Avoid panic, hysterics and haste. Leave the premises in an orderly manner.

Return to the abandoned premises only after permission from the responsible persons.

Remember that the life and health of many people will depend on the consistency and clarity of your actions.

Transport safety

Public transport has recently become a frequent target for terrorist attacks, so it is necessary to pay constant attention to ensuring personal safety.

  • You cannot sleep while the vehicle is moving.
  • Pay attention to all suspicious persons and suspicious objects, and report their detection to the driver, station duty officers or police officers.
  • Do not stand at the edge of the platform, approach the doors after the train has stopped and passengers have exited, try to board the cars in the center of the train, they usually suffer less from an accident than the front or rear ones.
  • If there is an explosion or fire, cover your mouth and nose with a handkerchief and lie down on the floor of the carriage or cabin to avoid suffocation.
  • Dress neutrally, discreetly, avoid military colors of clothing and uniforms, and a lot of jewelry.
  • Don't drink alcohol.
  • If a vehicle is hijacked, follow all the terrorists' instructions and do not look them straight in the eye.
  • If you feel that an assault is imminent, try to stay away from the windows so as not to interfere with the snipers shooting at the terrorists. During the assault, the main thing is to lie on the floor and not move until the operation is completed.
  • Under no circumstances pick up weapons thrown by terrorists - the capture group may mistake you for one of them.

On buses

The basic personal safety measures that must be observed when traveling on public ground transport (buses, trolleybuses, trams) are in many ways similar to those that must be taken while on an airplane.

  • Carefully inspect the interior to make sure there are no suspicious objects or persons, and also remember where the emergency exits and fire extinguisher are located.
  • It is better to sit in public ground transport, thus reducing the likelihood of injury in the event of an explosion or when the bus is hijacked by terrorists.
  • Do not talk about political topics, do not read pornographic, political or religious publications.
  • Carry a mobile phone with you.

In the event of a bus, tram or trolleybus being hijacked by terrorists, experts advise choosing passive resistance tactics and not taking risks. When capturing you must:

  • Before moving or opening your bag, ask permission.
  • When shooting, lie down on the floor and take cover behind the seat, do not run anywhere.
  • Keep photographs of your family and children on hand.

Storming a public ground vehicle is much faster than storming an aircraft. If you feel that an assault is imminent, try to stay away from the windows so as not to interfere with the snipers shooting at the terrorists. During the assault, the main thing is to lie on the floor and not move until the operation is completed. Obey the orders of the assault team, do not distract it with questions. Under no circumstances rush towards your saviors. When released, leave the vehicle after the appropriate order, but as soon as possible. Help children, women, the sick, the wounded, but do not waste time looking for your things and clothes. Remember that the interior may be mined.

In the underground

Do not stand at the edge of the platform; approach the doors after the train has stopped and passengers have exited. In case of a crush in the metro, use other lines or ground transport, do not expose yourself to unnecessary danger. If a person falls on the tracks, you should immediately send two passengers to a subway employee, and one to the edge of the platform so that he signals the train driver by waving a bright cloth. If the fallen person can move independently, you should help him get out, while making sure that he does not touch the contact rail at the edge of the platform. If a person cannot quickly get out on his own, he must be told to run to the end of the station in the direction of the train, or lie down between the rails and not get up until the train leaves. While on the escalator, hold the handrail tightly. In the event of a serious escalator accident, you must be prepared to jump to the next escalator.

On the train, try to sit in the cars in the center of the train. They usually suffer less from a crash than front or rear ones. Pay attention to all things left behind. Report such findings immediately and do not touch them under any circumstances. It is best to move as far away from them as possible. Explosive devices can also be planted under seats, so it is better to stand while driving rather than sit.

If, nevertheless, there was an explosion in the subway and the train stopped in the tunnel:

  • Try to open the door immediately.
  • At the same time, do not try to immediately get out of the carriage. Before passengers can exit the carriages into the tunnel, the tension on the contact rail must be relieved.
  • If there is smoke in the tunnel, cover your mouth and nose with a handkerchief and lie down on the floor of the car to avoid suffocation.
  • Try not to touch metal parts of the car.
  • Follow the driver's advice; he will tell you when you can get out of the car and in which direction to go.
  • If possible, try to wait for rescuers.

On the train

The basic requirements for personal safety on a train are the same as for other vehicles. But there are some features:

  • When buying tickets, give preference to the central carriage. In the event of a train accident, they suffer much less than the head or tail ones.
  • Choose seats facing the direction of the train.
  • Don't fall asleep if your fellow travelers distrust you.
  • Don't turn off the lights in the compartment.
  • Keep the compartment door closed.
  • Keep your documents and wallet in a safe place and your briefcase close to the window.
  • Pay special attention to your belongings at intermediate stops.

In airplane

Unfortunately, despite serious security and control measures, terrorists manage to board the plane. If you fly an airplane, you should remember the following general safety rules.

  • Select your airline carefully.
  • It is best to fly economy class as it is safer. Terrorists usually begin hijacking a plane from the 1st class cabin, and use the passengers there as human shields during the assault.
  • It is best to sit by the window, not in the aisle. In this case, other seats will provide you with protection during an assault or in the event of terrorists opening fire, while the seats in the aisle are easily shot through.
  • It is best to travel on direct flights, without intermediate stops.
  • When making stopovers, always get off the plane, as terrorists sometimes hijack the plane during such layovers.
  • Dress neutrally, discreetly, avoid military colors of clothing and uniforms.
  • Do not talk about political topics, do not read pornographic, political or religious publications, so as not to become a justifiable target for terrorists.
  • Wear as little jewelry as possible.
  • Don't drink alcohol.

In the event of a plane being hijacked by terrorists, experts advise choosing passive resistance tactics and not taking risks. Most often, this behavior dulls the terrorists’ attention, makes it possible to gain time, and any delay benefits the hostages. When capturing you must:

  • Follow all the instructions of the terrorists, determining for yourself which of them is the most dangerous, give up all the things that the terrorists demand.
  • Don't look terrorists in the eye.
  • Look around for the most secluded place where you can hide in case of shooting.
  • If you have a child with you, try to be with him all the time, make him as comfortable and safe as possible.
  • Do not raise your voice or make sudden movements.
  • Do not try to resist terrorists, even if you are confident of success. There may be an accomplice in the cabin who can detonate a bomb.
  • Attract as little attention to yourself as possible.
  • Do not react to provocative and challenging behavior.
  • Ask permission before moving or opening your bag.
  • When shooting, lie down on the floor and take cover behind the seat, do not run anywhere.
  • If you have incriminating documents, hide them.
  • Keep photos of your family and children on hand.

The main thing, remember, is not to panic. Think about salvation. Don't lose faith in a happy outcome. Try to keep yourself busy - reading, or if you are allowed - talking with your neighbors. Some seizures last for several days. Be calm and prepare to wait. Negotiations are underway with terrorists and you will be released!

If the assault begins, it happens with lightning speed. But during the assault, the main thing is to lie on the floor and not move until the operation is completed. The special forces will throw light-noise grenades into the interior and demand that you lie down and not move. Those who remain on their feet or with weapons in their hands are considered by special forces as potential terrorists. Therefore, we repeat, the main thing is to lie on the floor and not move. Obey the orders of the assault team, do not distract it with questions. Under no circumstances rush towards your saviors. When released, get off the plane after the appropriate order, but as soon as possible. Help children, women, the sick, the wounded, but do not waste time looking for your things and clothes. Remember that the plane may be mined.

When taken hostage

Unfortunately, none of us are protected from a situation where we could be taken hostage by terrorists. It should be remembered that:

  • Only at the moment of hostage taking is there a real opportunity to escape from the scene.
  • Prepare yourself psychologically that you will not be released instantly, but remember that you will definitely be released.
  • Under no circumstances should you shout or express your indignation.
  • If the assault begins, you need to fall to the floor and cover your head with your hands. Try to take a position away from windows and doorways.
  • Stay away from the terrorists, because snipers will shoot at them during the assault.
  • You should not take up arms so as not to be confused with terrorists.
  • Do not try to resist terrorists on your own.
  • If a bomb has been placed on you, you need to let the intelligence officers know about this without panic, with your voice or movement of your hand.
  • Record in your memory all the events that accompany the capture. This information will be very important to law enforcement agencies.

Bomb threat

Attackers seek to place explosive devices in the most vulnerable place, where the greatest effect can be achieved by the explosion. You should pay attention to “forgotten” items: suitcases, attaché cases, umbrellas, packages, books, etc., in which an explosive device may be planted.

How to protect yourself from explosion threats

  • Do not accept gifts, parcels, bouquets of flowers or other items that could conceal an explosive device from unknown persons.
  • Pay attention to “forgotten” items: suitcases, packages, books.
  • Do not move or inspect such “forgotten” things yourself; be sure to call specialists.
  • Explosive devices of the "letter bomb" type are usually 5-10 mm thick, and letters of this kind are quite heavy. If you receive a suspicious letter, you should call specialists.
  • If you find an explosive device, move away from the dangerous place, do not smoke, do not try to defuse it yourself, and report the find to law enforcement agencies.

If an explosion occurs

  • Fall to the floor, covering your head with your hands and tucking your legs under you;
  • Leave this building and premises as soon as possible;
  • Do not use the elevator under any circumstances;
  • In case of fire, bend down as low as possible, if necessary, crawl, wrapping your face in wet rags or clothes to breathe through them;
  • If you collapse, do not try to get out on your own, strengthen the “ceiling” with nearby fragments of furniture and buildings, cover your nose and mouth with a handkerchief and clothing; knock to attract the attention of rescuers, shout only when you hear the voices of rescuers - otherwise you risk suffocating from dust.

If you're overwhelmed

In case of a blockage formed after an explosion:

  • do not try to get out on your own;
  • try to strengthen the “ceiling” with nearby fragments of furniture and buildings;
  • move sharp objects away from you;
  • if you have a mobile phone, call the rescuers at 112;
  • cover your nose and mouth with a handkerchief and clothing, if possible damp;
  • It is better to knock on pipes in order to attract the attention of rescuers;
  • scream only when you hear the voices of rescuers - otherwise there is a risk of suffocating from dust;
  • Do not light a fire under any circumstances.

In case of fire

Often an explosion can cause a fire, then you should:

  • bend down as low as possible, trying to get out of the building as quickly as possible;
  • wrap your face with damp rags or clothes to breathe through them;
  • If there is a fire in the building and the door in front of you is closed, first touch the handle with the back of your hand. If it is not hot, open the door and check if there is smoke or fire in the next room, then go through. If the door handle or the door itself is hot, never open it;
  • if you cannot get out of the building, you need to signal the rescuers, and you should only shout as a last resort, because you may choke from smoke. It is best to wave some object or clothing out of the window.

Natural disasters

In the event of any natural disaster, first of all follow the instructions of the civil defense headquarters.

  • In the event of a flood, it is necessary to turn off electricity, gas, water, close all doors and windows, climb to the upper floors, having everything you need: blankets, boots, food, water, documents and money. If there is a danger of being in the water, take off your shoes and heavy things, fill your shirt and trousers with light floating objects (balls, plastic bottles), use tires and furniture to stay on the surface.
  • If there is a threat of an earthquake, it is necessary to inspect and strengthen the house, check the means of survival, a set of essential items. In case of an earthquake, take shelter under strong tables, near main walls or columns or in the subway, constantly listen to information on the radio, do not go out onto balconies and do not use the elevator.
  • In case of snow drift or blizzard, limit movement on the streets, stock up on food, water, fuel; seal the premises, conserve fuel. If you are covered in snowfall or an avalanche, wait until the movement of the snow stops, then push the snow around you with your body, moving up into the air.
  • In case of a storm or hurricane, you must close the doors and windows, avoid being on the top floor, turn off the water, gas and electricity, take shelter in the basement; if the storm catches you outside the shelter, try to get into a low-lying area, do not take shelter under trees, stay away from metal structures, pipes, and towers.
  • During a tsunami, try to be as far as possible from the sea (2-3 km) and on a hill (30-50 meters above sea level), avoid being in river valleys.


A few useful observations for those caught in a thunderstorm:

  • the wind does not give a correct idea of ​​the direction of movement of a thunderstorm; thunderstorms often go against the wind;
  • the distance to a thunderstorm can be determined by the time between a flash of lightning and a clap of thunder (1s - distance 300-400 m, 2s - 600-800 m, 3s - 1000 m);
  • immediately before the onset of a thunderstorm, there is usually calm or the wind changes direction;
  • wet clothing and body increases the risk of being struck by lightning;
  • it is preferable to take refuge among short trees in the forest, in the mountains 3-8 meters from a high “finger” of 10-15 meters, in open areas - in a dry hole or ditch;
  • sandy and rocky soil is safer than clay soil;
  • Signs of increased danger include: moving hair, buzzing metal objects, discharges from sharp ends of equipment.

During a thunderstorm it is prohibited:

  • take shelter near lonely trees;
  • It is not recommended to lean against rocks and steep walls when moving;
  • stop at the edge of the forest;
  • walk and stop near bodies of water;
  • hide under a rock overhang;
  • move in a tight group;
  • store metal objects in the tent.


This natural phenomenon, which is not always predictable, can cause enormous damage. It is necessary to obtain information about the seismic classification of the residential area in order to improve the resilience of buildings.

To strengthen the structure of the house you need:

  • remove the protruding part of the roof, strengthen the floors with wooden or steel beams, connect flights of stairs, strengthen the main walls;
  • carry out an audit of water supply, electricity, heating and gas supply systems.

Before an earthquake you need to:

  • inspect your home from the point of view of seismic resistance;
  • familiarize all family members with the evacuation plan and take note of places where a fire may occur and keep flammable substances away from them;
  • participate in exercises organized by civil defense authorities;
  • check the suitability of fire extinguishers, learn how to use them;
  • keep supplies of food and drinking water and medical supplies ready, prepare a backpack with a set of essentials.

During an earthquake you must:

  • do not panic, remain calm;
  • take cover under strong tables, near main walls or columns;
  • constantly listen to information on the radio;
  • do not go out onto balconies or use the elevator;
  • do not take shelter near dams, river valleys, on sea beaches and lake shores - you may be covered by a wave from underwater shocks;
  • follow the instructions of local authorities;
  • in public places, the main danger is the crowd, which, succumbing to panic, runs without clearing the road - in this case, try to choose a safe exit that has not yet been noticed by the crowd.
  • Underground stations are a safe place in the event of an earthquake: metal structures allow them to withstand shocks well.

Upon returning home you must:

  • see if the building has suffered serious damage;
  • Do not use matches or electrical switches, as there may be a risk of gas leaks.

For teachers

Keeping children safe is very important.

Main rule:Talk to your children as often as possible, help them solve even the smallest, in your opinion, problems. Another important rule: if you want to teach your child safety rules, first of all, follow them yourself.

  • the best way to learn is by example;
  • When teaching your child the rules of safe behavior, do not try to intimidate him under any circumstances;
  • Each school must have its own safety data sheet, approved by law enforcement agencies.
  • the school must introduce the position of deputy director for security, with whom it is necessary to be in constant contact to ensure security in the educational institution.

In extreme situations, teachers need to:

  • tighten access control at the entrance and entry into the territory of the facility, install alarm systems, audio and video recording;
  • walk around the area daily;
  • periodically conduct inspections of warehouse premises;
  • carefully select and check personnel;
  • organize and conduct, together with law enforcement officers, briefings and practical training on actions in emergency situations;
  • if you find a suspicious object, immediately report the incident to law enforcement agencies by calling the territorial divisions of the FSB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia;
  • do not try to defuse an explosive device yourself;

School safety

Recently, concerns about school safety have increased significantly. This concern is not only related to physical factors, but psychological factors can also be associated with danger. There are many vulnerable places in the school and its surrounding areas where covert bullying or intimidation of children is quite possible. The experience of Yekaterinburg, where the position of “deputy director for internal security” was introduced as an experiment in a number of schools, can only be assessed positively. And this immediately had a positive effect - the number of offenses decreased sharply.

In accordance with Article 1 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Security” of October 8, 1992, “Security is the state of protection of the vital interests of the individual, society and the state from internal and external threats. The main objects of security include: the individual - his rights and freedoms; society - its material and spiritual values; the state - its constitutional system, sovereignty and territorial integrity."

Article 2 of the same law defines the subjects of security: citizens, public and other organizations and associations are subjects of security, have the rights and responsibilities to participate in ensuring security in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the legislation of the republics within the Russian Federation, regulations of state bodies authorities and administrations of territories, regions, autonomous okrugs, adopted within their competence in this area. Such regulations regulating the introduction into the staffing table of schools, experiment participants, of the position of deputy school director for safety, may be: an order of the head of the Territorial Administration of the Vyborg Administrative District , order of the head of the TU Education Department and order of the school director.

The need to consider an approach to solving the problem of school security as a system of adequate response to a complex of threats is clearly defined in Article 3 of the Law: “A security threat is a set of conditions and factors that create a danger to the vital interests of the individual, society and the state. A real and potential threat to security objects, emanating from internal and external sources of danger determines the content of activities to ensure internal and external security."

The answers to questions about how comprehensive school security should be ensured are found primarily in Articles 4 and 9, which state that:

firstly, “ is achieved by pursuing a unified state policy in the field of security, a system of measures adequate to threats to the vital interests of the individual, society and state...”;

secondly, the main functions of the security system created at the school, namely:

Identification and forecasting of internal and external threats to the vital interests of security facilities.

Implementation of a set of measures to prevent and neutralize identified threats.

Creation and maintenance of security forces and means in readiness.

Management of security forces and means in everyday conditions and in emergency situations.

Implementation of a system of measures to restore the normal functioning of security facilities damaged as a result of an emergency situation..."

Based on the methodology of the legislator’s approach to the issue of solving problems of security of the individual, society and the state, it becomes obvious that in order to achieve these legally defined goals of functioning of an integrated security system at school, the deputy director of the school for security must (taking into account the actual technical condition of the school, the conditions for organizing educational and educational process and other features), solve five main problems:

1. Detect threats in a timely manner and warn the school principal and other interested persons and organizations about them.

It means:

1.1. Timely detect potential and real threats to comprehensive school security: criminal, natural, and man-made security threats:

c) Real and movable property of the school and personal property of its employees and visitors when they are at the school;

d) Technical systems and means of ensuring school safety;

1.2. Timely inform interested persons and interested organizations about these threats (school director, fire department, police officers on duty, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the prosecutor's office and the FSB local police officer, ambulance, heads of the private security company guarding the school).

2. Make it difficult (contain) the implementation of emerging threats.

2.1. Prevent the growth of the threat, contain its spread, advance towards the school, staff, students, and the most important objects. For example, when a school is exposed to man-made threats, their containment will increase the time available for evacuating people, valuables, and organizing preparations to eliminate the threat.

3. Eliminate, neutralize threats.

3.1. Independently or in collaboration with representatives of law enforcement agencies, private security and detective structures, firefighters and the Ministry of Emergency Situations, take the necessary measures to eliminate or neutralize the threats that have arisen.

4. Document processes,relating to important events in the life of the school in terms of security, in the course of its daily functioning, as well as in cases of threats and measures to counter these threats.

The implementation of these tasks determines the improvement of the comprehensive school security system and the provision of assistance to law enforcement agencies in the investigation of incidents.

Summarizing the above, we can assume that as one of the working options for discussion by the working group, the following version of the qualification characteristics of the deputy school director for safety can be proposed.

2. Qualification characteristics of the school’s deputy director for safety.

Main goals:

1. Timely detect potential and real threats to the comprehensive security of the school: criminal, natural, and man-made security threats:

a) The teaching staff, students, parents of students, visitors to the school and citizens living in the school district.

b) Finances own, borrowed and stored at the school, documentary and computer information, information transmitted via all means of communication;

d) Real and movable property of the school and personal property of its employees and visitors when they are at the school;

e) Technical systems and means of ensuring school safety;

2. Timely inform interested persons and interested organizations about these threats (school director, fire department, police officers on duty at the police department, Ministry of Emergency Situations, prosecutor's office and FSB local police officer, ambulance, heads of the private security company guarding the school).

3. Prevent the growth of the threat, contain its spread, advance towards the school, staff, students, and its most important objects.

4. Independently or in cooperation with representatives of law enforcement agencies, private security and detective agencies, firefighters and the Ministry of Emergency Situations, take the necessary measures to eliminate or neutralize the threats that have arisen.

5. Document processes related to important events in the life of the school in terms of security, during its daily functioning, as well as in cases of threats and measures to counter these threats.

  • if necessary, begin evacuating people according to the existing plan.

When taking people hostage, you must:

  • immediately report the current situation to law enforcement agencies;
  • do not enter into negotiations with terrorists on your own initiative;
  • take measures to ensure unhindered passage (travel) to the site for law enforcement officers, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and emergency medical vehicles;
  • upon arrival of employees of the special forces of the FSB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, assist them in obtaining the information they are interested in;

Main rules

Rule one

It's better not to be taken hostage.When going on a trip or business trip, take into account the political situation in the regions. First of all, avoid countries with unstable regimes and countries where various groups are waging political struggle using non-parliamentary methods. Avoiding travel to conflict zones will significantly reduce the risk. Hostage-taking is a favorite means of Islamic groups and separatists of all stripes. Before going to India, Lebanon, Yugoslavia, Israel and other countries that are disadvantaged in this regard, think about whether this trip is really necessary.

Rule two

If you do find yourself in the hands of terrorists, remember that you should not take any action that could irritate the terrorists. Do not resist, do not react to the actions of terrorists against other hostages.Whatever happens, stay calm.Attempts to enter into discussions with terrorists on moral and ethical topics are not recommended. Don’t ask unnecessary questions, comply with their demands and try not to show them your fear. Endure hardships without complaints, groans and insults.

Rule three

You should not try to make yourself known freely in any way. If they fail, the terrorists will regard this as resistance, and at best this will lead to a deterioration in conditions of detention.Try to show the terrorists complete loyalty in complying with the containment regime- this, in turn, can lead to its softening. While being held hostage, you should understand that imprisonment can last quite a long time (history knows examples when hostages were held captive for many years), and therefore your main task is to preserve life and health. It's bad if you are captured for political blackmail. In such cases, the governments of most countries refuse to negotiate so as not to give rise to a repetition of such actions. But if you are captured for ransom, you are in luck.

Rule four

Don't skimp on your promises. But keep in mind that if you were captured for ransom, then the terrorists are well aware of your affairs, so do not give unrealistic obligations. Sooner or later, a moment may come when everything, including life, turns out to be unnecessary and meaningless. Then you need to focus on your physical and mental state.Don't let yourself get discouraged.Take every opportunity to talk to yourself about your hopes, about the family that is waiting for you. While in captivity, it is very important to maintain personal hygiene and, if the situation allows, do exercises, calm down and relax through meditation, solve an imaginary problem, try to remember poems that were taught at school. Religion helps believers. Optimism and a sense of humor are also important, as they help cope with apathy and depression.

The experience can greatly affect the psyche of the hostage: terrorists feel guilt and shame for their behavior, loss of self-esteem due to irrational behavior, nightmares, criticism from those who have not experienced this themselves, difficulties in sexual and interpersonal relationships, decreased performance , fear of everything. Know that this is a typical reaction and it will take a lot of time for you to get back to normal.

When abducted

Being in conditions of sharp restrictions on freedom of movement and lack of means of communication, without knowing how events are developing, it is difficult to make decisions. Of course, the ideal option would be to agree in detail with your loved ones before your “capture” on how to behave in such a situation, but it is unlikely that anyone will do this. To justify our lack of foresight, we often refer to the saying: “If only I knew where I fell, I would have laid down straws.”

So you've been kidnapped. When coming into contact with loved ones, try to reassure them and explain that a favorable outcome of the matter depends on how correctly they act. If the criminal demands a large sum of money, find an opportunity to explain to your loved ones where and from whom they can get it, without explaining why they are needed. Discuss how to explain to them at your job why you are absent and how long you will be absent.

Try immediately, even before calling your relatives, to convince the person who detained you that he is offering a completely unrealistic period for ransom. Try to convince him that you do not have what he is asking for and you should be released in peace. It is unlikely that he will do this. When attempting to exert physical pressure, state that in such conditions you will not do anything at all to fulfill the blackmailer’s demands. Convince him that he shouldn’t give up. Constantly monitor the situation, not leaving a single detail out of sight: whether the mood of the criminals is changing, the reasons for these changes, how discussions of various issues are going on between the participants in the abduction. Even if you are unable to hear what they are talking about, but have the opportunity to see, pay attention to their emotional state, who is looking in your direction and with what facial expression, how much more active and aggressive their gestures have become, and much more.

Do not take unnecessary risks, try to resolve everything peacefully. But if the chance arises to get rid of a society that hardly gives you aesthetic pleasure, do not miss it. In this case, you should act quickly and decisively, since any delay will deprive you of the possibility of release, and the criminals will strengthen the security regime and you are unlikely to be given another chance. As soon as you are free, immediately let your loved ones know about it by calling them or someone you know. This is necessary in the interests of loved ones, their safety, and the safety of your money, if it is prepared for transfer in exchange for you.

The main thing is prudence in choosing commercial partners, keeping your financial situation and income secret. You should be careful when communicating with strangers and promptly detect increased interest in you, your family and colleagues.

Lately, extortionists have increasingly resorted to kidnappings. Unfortunately, people do not always go to the police about this, preferring to pay off their money. This gives terrorists confidence in their impunity and puts the lives of potential victims at risk.

People are most often kidnapped in the morning, when leaving home. As a rule, there are no witnesses, since everything happens very quickly. Kidnapped persons are usually kept in temporarily rented apartments, warehouses, and sometimes in offices.

Your relative is being held hostage

If you find out that a loved one has been kidnapped, immediately call the Regional Department for Combating Organized Crime of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate.

They take the release of hostages very seriously. Police special forces - SOBR (special rapid response squad) and FSB (federal security service) officers with their unique technical means are involved in the operation. Preliminary preparation lasts from several hours to several days. It depends on the speed with which the bandits put forward their demands, and on the victim’s relatives - how quickly they turn to the police and how they behave in the future. The matter becomes more complicated if relatives independently try to pay off the bandits or play a “double game.”

The sanctions for kidnapping are quite severe. Article 126 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provides for the capture and holding of people as hostages, punishable by imprisonment for a term of up to 15 years.

The same actions, if they do not entail grave consequences, are punishable by imprisonment for a term of 4 to 10 years. In addition, criminals must remember that a decision may be made to eliminate them during the process of freeing the hostages.

If one of your loved ones has been taken hostage and certain actions are required as a condition for his release, first of all make sure that he is alive and unharmed. It is unlikely that you will be given the opportunity to see the captured person in person, but talking to him on the phone is simply necessary. At the same time, the blackmailer should firmly state that you will not negotiate anything with him until you talk to the hostage. When conducting a conversation, first, make sure that the other end of the line is really the person you are talking about. Telephone communication is imperfect, and it is not always possible to identify even a very close person by voice, so in a conversation, try to get information that will convince you that it is really him.

Second, conduct the conversation in such a way as to ensure that you are communicating with a live person and not a tape recording.

Third, try to reassure the hostage by saying that you will do everything in your power to free him as quickly as possible. Fourthly, ask if everything is okay with him, how he is being treated, and whether he has been harmed in any way.

Fifthly, convince him that it will be better if he does not take any active actions, so as not to aggravate the situation and harm himself.

Sixth, under no circumstances try to find out, even indirectly, who captured him and where he is. This kind of curiosity can be very costly.

After this, you can listen to the blackmailer and his conditions. Most likely, we will talk about a certain amount of money in rubles or USD. Regardless of whether you have such an amount available or not, try to ask for a deferment in payment, citing the fact that at the moment there is no such money at hand (except for the situation when you are immediately told that this amount of money is with you in the bottom drawer of your desk).

If negotiations take place in person, ask for a second meeting; if over the phone, ask for a second call. And during this time, you should quickly decide what to do: fulfill the criminal’s conditions without turning to anyone for help, or still resort to the help of law enforcement agencies or a private company (keep in mind that at present not all companies undertake the solution problems of this kind can actually solve them).

As world experience shows, blackmail gives a reprieve for a very short time, and if you decide to turn to professionals for help, you should do it right away, since it takes some time to develop a joint action plan and prepare a group specializing in the release of hostages .

It is best to do this immediately, but by telephone, since you cannot exclude the possibility of surveillance of your movements from the moment of contact with the blackmailers. Be prepared for the fact that when you call again, they may confidently tell you that they absolutely know that you called the police and asked for help. During a personal meeting, such a question can also be asked, and here the matter is complicated by the fact that on the phone they only hear you, but during a personal meeting they also see you. You need to be psychologically prepared for such questions. What can help you gain self-confidence is that these kinds of questions are, quite clearly, nothing more than an attempt to take you on the offensive. Although there is a possibility that the attackers have reliable information.

If your next telephone conversation with the person who has taken your loved one hostage takes place in the presence of law enforcement officers, try to discuss with them in advance the plan and various options for talking with the criminal. This will eliminate the possibility of delays in answering questions, and at the other end of the line there will be no suspicion that after each question you are receiving advice from someone on what and how to answer.

It often happens that the blackmailer demands to speed up the exchange time at any cost. In this case, try, without losing your composure, to convince him that everything possible is being done, but due to circumstances beyond your control, you are not yet ready to give what is expected of you. Most importantly, do not forget to remind this person that you are much more interested in the successful outcome of the matter than he is. You can argue that it is impossible to obtain the requested amount in such a time by the fact that the person from whom you wanted to receive the money is currently on a business trip and will return in a few days, but without even waiting for his return, you are trying to find this money through other channels. It is quite possible that the pause that you negotiate will allow you to better prepare the operation to free the hostage and increase the guarantee of his safety.

When you agree on where and at what time to bring what the extortionist demands, set a condition - this is only possible if you have guarantees that the hostage is not in danger. Either this will be a mutual exchange, or before you hand over the money, you will receive information that the hostage is already in a safe place at the moment. It is clear that in reality everything is much more complicated than in words, but the kidnapper is also interested in getting your money. Of course, the initiative belongs to him, but not on all issues one should follow his lead. The firmer and more reasonable your position, the greater the chances of a favorable outcome of the operation. It should not be forgotten that as soon as you comply with their demand, the hostage will no longer be needed as bait or, rather, as a leash for you. Having been freed, he becomes the owner of certain information and from a hostage can turn into a witness, and a very dangerous one at that.

If you trust law enforcement agencies, strictly follow their instructions and the plan they have developed. Know that the slightest deviation from the originally developed plan through your fault, or the manifestation of unnecessary initiative, can significantly complicate or make it impossible to free the hostage.

If you decide to act without outside help, pay attention to the conditions under which the money is supposed to be transferred: will it be hand-to-hand or will you be asked to leave it in a certain place and at a specified time. It’s one thing in a fairly crowded place and during daylight hours, another thing in the evening or at night, and even in a secluded place. In short, be prepared for all sorts of surprises.

Having a large sum of money on you, and even in a secluded place, sharply reduces the degree of your own safety, although when it comes to freeing a loved one, hardly anyone will think about it. You can offer a lot of options on how to reduce the threat for you personally, but still a lot will depend only on your self-control and ingenuity. Remember the main thing: as soon as you have transferred the money, try to make every effort to get away from the attackers as soon as possible.

Chemical attack

The first signs of an attack: the appearance of drops, smoke and mists of unknown origin, specific foreign odors, initial symptoms of damage, readings from chemical reconnaissance and control devices.

When a chemical or biological attack is declared:

  • Seek shelter immediately.
  • If you are in an apartment, seal the windows and doors using available means, turn off the air conditioning and ventilation devices, take shelter in an interior room, preferably in the bathroom.
  • Turn off the power.
  • Do not seek refuge in a cellar or basement: toxic gases, heavier than air, accumulate at the surface of the earth.
  • If you are directly exposed to gas or liquid, cover your nose and mouth with a handkerchief, scarf, etc. to purify the air you inhale;
  • Avoid exposure to air.
  • Before entering the room, remove outer clothing that has been in contact with contaminated air.
  • Do not wear contaminated clothing without washing thoroughly; if this is not possible, it is better to throw it away;
  • After a chemical or biological alert is cleared, do not eat fruits and herbs from the garden, food displayed for sale outdoors, or drink well water or tap water.

In production

Terrorists may choose to attack a large industrial facility, so business managers and ordinary employees should remember a few rules:

If you receive a threat by phone:

  • do not ignore any such call, transfer the information received to law enforcement agencies, remembering the gender, age of the caller and the peculiarities of his speech;
  • record the exact time the conversation started and its duration;
  • During the conversation, try to get as much information as possible.

Preventive actions:

  • Tightening of access control at the entrance and entry into the territory of the facility;
  • Installation of alarm systems, audio and video recording;
  • Carrying out daily walk-throughs of the facilities;
  • Periodic commission inspection of warehouse premises;
  • Careful selection and verification of personnel;
  • Conducting regular briefings to personnel on the procedure to follow when receiving telephone messages containing terrorist threats.

Actions in case of hostage taking:

  • if possible, immediately report the current situation to law enforcement agencies;
  • do not enter into negotiations with terrorists on their own initiative;
  • do not allow actions that could provoke attackers to use weapons and lead to casualties.

Remember that, in accordance with the law, the manager is personally responsible for the life and health of his employees.

Anti-terror library

Since there is a lot of material on terrorism and it is not always possible to find exactly what is needed, several sections have been created in the Anti-Terror Library in which it is easier to find the necessary information.

Instructions: how to behave after a terrorist attack; advice from a psychologist; how to behave in an extreme situation; How to avoid becoming a victim of a terrorist attack.

Lectures: amendments to the security concept; world order after 9/11; global terrorism in 2002; political psychology of terrorism.

Books and brochures: safety encyclopedia; textbook life safety; book "Russian way".

Also in the “Anti-Terror Library” section you can familiarize yourself with the latest landmark media publications and look at the list of Internet resources dedicated to the fight against terrorism. Each section is constantly updated.

Citizen participation

Terrorists try to be invisible and invulnerable to security forces, to hide among ordinary citizens. Only citizens themselves can help in the fight against terror by being vigilant.

The preparation of terrorist attacks is carried out in such a way as not to be conspicuous, but terrorists always act suspiciously, strangely and unusually. The main rule is to act as quietly as possible!

  • Pay special attention to suspicious persons, deliberately inconspicuous, not conspicuous, but somehow strange; rented and rented apartments, basements, utility rooms, warehouses.
  • Try to remember the signs of the criminals, their faces, clothes, names, scars and tattoos, peculiarities of speech and behavior, and the topics of conversations.
  • Don't try to stop terrorists yourself - you may become the first victim.
  • Carefully check if they are who they say they are?
  • Immediately report suspicious persons to law enforcement agencies.
  • Duplicate the signal to several departments at once (for example, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB Directorate for your region).
  • Warn your family and friends about the possible threat of a terrorist attack and ask them to increase their vigilance.
  • Under no circumstances should you allow panic to arise, which can only provoke terrorists and accelerate a terrorist attack!

Life safety standard


The study of the fundamentals of life safety at the basic level of secondary (complete) general education is aimed at achieving the following goals:

  • mastering knowledge on safe human behavior in dangerous and emergency situations of a natural, man-made and social nature; health and healthy lifestyle; the state system for protecting the population from dangerous and emergency situations; about the responsibilities of citizens to protect the state;
  • upbringing value attitude towards human life and health; feelings of respect for the heroic heritage of Russia and its state symbols; patriotism and duty to defend the Fatherland;
  • development personality traits necessary for safe behavior in emergency situations and during military service; vigilance to prevent acts of terrorism; the need to maintain a healthy lifestyle;
  • mastery of skillsassess situations that are dangerous to life and health; act in emergency situations; use personal and collective protective equipment; provide first aid to victims.



A healthy lifestyle is the basis of personal health and safe life. Factors influencing health promotion. Factors that destroy health.

Reproductive health. Rules of personal hygiene. Pregnancy and pregnancy hygiene. Baby care.

First aid for heat and sunstroke, electric shock, fractures, bleeding; skills in performing artificial respiration and chest compressions.


Basic provisions of the National Security Concept of the Russian Federation.

Emergency situations of natural (meteorological, geological, hydrological, biological), man-made (accidents in transport and economic facilities, radiation and chemical contamination of the area) and social (terrorism, armed conflicts) nature.

The main activities of government organizations and departments of the Russian Federation to protect the population and territories from emergency situations: forecast, monitoring, warning, protection, evacuation, rescue operations, training of the population.

Unified state system for the prevention and response to natural and man-made emergencies (RSChS).

Civil defense, its purpose and tasks to ensure the protection of the population from dangers arising during the conduct of military operations or as a result of these actions.

Rules for safe behavior of a person under the threat of a terrorist attack and being taken as a hostage. Security measures for the population caught in the territory of hostilities.

State services for the protection of health and safety of the population.


Defending the Fatherland is the duty and responsibility of Russian citizens. Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on state defense and military duty of citizens.

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are the basis of state defense. History of the creation of the Armed Forces. Types of the Armed Forces. Type of troops.

Mandatory preparation for military service. Requirements for the level of education of conscripts, their health and physical fitness. Initial military registration, medical examination. Conscription.

General duties and rights of military personnel.

The procedure and features of military service under conscription and contract. Alternative civil service.

State and military symbols of the Russian Federation, traditions and rituals of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Military professional guidance, main directions of training specialists for service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.


As a result of studying the basics of life safety at a basic level, the student must


  • the main components of a healthy lifestyle and their impact on the safety of an individual; reproductive health and factors influencing it;
  • potential hazards of natural, man-made and social origin, characteristic of the region of residence;
  • the main tasks of public services to protect the population and territories from emergency situations;
  • the basics of Russian legislation on state defense and military duty of citizens;
  • composition and purpose of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;
  • the procedure for initial military registration, medical examination, and conscription for military service;
  • basic rights and responsibilities of citizens before conscription for military service, during military service and while in the reserve;
  • main types of military professional activities; features of military service under conscription and contract, alternative civil service;
  • requirements imposed by military service on the level of training of a conscript;
  • purpose, structure and tasks of RSChS;
  • purpose, structure and tasks of civil defense;

be able to:

  • know how to protect the population from natural and man-made emergencies;
  • possess skills in the field of civil defense;
  • use personal and collective protective equipment;
  • assess the level of your training and exercise conscious self-determination in relation to military service;

use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life to:

  • maintaining a healthy lifestyle;
  • first aid;
  • development of spiritual and physical qualities necessary for military service;
  • calling emergency services if necessary.


On September 1, 2004, a monstrous terrorist attack occurred in Russia, the pain from which will never go away. On Wednesday, September 1, around 8 a.m., militants captured secondary school number 1 in Beslan. The terrorists refused to negotiate, mined several rooms of the captured school, and also posted a sniper on the roof of the building.

By 12 noon, the President of North Ossetia, Alexander Dzasokhov, and the Chairman of the Government of the Republic, Mikhail Shatalov, arrived at the scene of the tragedy. The terrorists handed over a videotape and a note to representatives of the security forces, in which they stated that they would negotiate only with the presidents of North Ossetia and Ingushetia, as well as doctor Leonid Roshal. Doctor Leonid Roshal flew to Beslan, where he arrived at 20:00.

In order to prevent a possible assault, the militants placed children taken hostage in the windows. The terrorists categorically refused to exchange the schoolchildren hostages for two high-ranking republican officials. By 4 o'clock in the afternoon, the militants in the captured school in Beslan began to threaten to shoot the hostages for every killed and wounded bandit.

The telephone conversation that Leonid Roshal maintained with the militants until three in the morning was interrupted. During the negotiations, the terrorists refused proposals to exchange child hostages for adults and provide them with a corridor for passage to Ingushetia and Chechnya.

The militants once again stated that they would negotiate only with Aslambek Aslakhanov, the presidents of North Ossetia and Ingushetia Alexander Dzasokhov and Murat Zyazikov and pediatrician Leonid Roshal.

On Thursday, the terrorists, who did not put forward any demands, released 26 hostages - women and children.

On September 3 at 7 am, terrorists holding hostages in the school building again opened unprovoked fire.

At 13.30, militants detonated explosive devices previously installed in the captured school while the bodies of the dead were being evacuated by Emergency Situations Ministry employees. As a result of the explosions, the school roof partially collapsed.

An hour later, shooting from the school building began with renewed vigor. By 15.00, about 100 hostages were released. Children and adults tried to leave the school building on their own. Terrorists in Beslan shot children in the back and beat them with rifle butts.

Federal special forces and local residents began to protect children and began military operations against terrorists.

The battle, which lasted several hours and during which a large number of militants were killed, ended only at 23.30.

On the night of September 4, many victims began to be sent to Moscow hospitals in special mobile hospitals.

At 5 a.m. on September 4, Russian President Putin arrived in Beslan and immediately went to the hospital where the injured hostages were being treated.

As a result of the hostage taking in Beslan, 338 people were killed and more than 700 were injured.

On September 9, after Russian Prosecutor General Vladimir Ustinov reported to Vladimir Putin on the first results of the investigation into the Beslan school siege, it became clear that the data again diverged: the number of terrorists, the number of hostages, the number of deaths among the hostages, where the three detained terrorists went, and exactly how many militants fled from the school.

According to terrorist Shamil Basayev, 33 militants took part in the seizure of the school. He confirmed the information of the Russian special services about the international composition of the gang. As the letter says, the terrorist attack in Beslan was carried out by 12 Chechens and two Chechen women, nine Ingush, three Russians, two Arabs and two Ossetians, as well as a Tatar, a Kabardian and a Guran (a representative of one of the nationalities of Transbaikalia).

Russian law enforcement agencies claim that, together with Basayev, Aslan Maskhadov was involved in preparing the terrorist attack in Beslan.

On October 27, the first charges were brought in connection with the terrorist attack in Beslan. They were presented to three employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ingushetia and North Ossetia, the policemen were accused of negligence. Other charges were later brought.

Until now, Russian society has a lot of questions and few answers about what happened in Beslan.

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