Material for composition. Bolkonskaya Liza - characteristics of a literary hero (character)

Liza Bolkonskaya is the wife of Prince Andrei. She is attractive, the author himself treats her with sympathy, respectfully calling her “little princess.” The prototype of Liza Bolkonskaya was L. I. Volkonskaya, wife second cousin L.N. Tolstoy, nee Truzson. The whole world loves Lisa, she is always lively, kind, and cannot imagine her life without high society. External characteristics The heroine is described by the author with great warmth: “Her pretty upper lip, with a slightly blackened mustache, was short in the teeth, but the sweeter it opened and the sweeter it sometimes stretched out and fell onto the lower one. As is always the case with quite attractive women, her shortcomings - short lips and half-open mouth - seemed to be special, actually her beauty.

Everyone had fun looking at this pretty expectant mother, full of health and vivacity, bearing her situation so easily.”

However, Prince Andrey is not pleased with his wife; he feels unhappy in his marriage. They are completely different, Lisa loves her husband very much, but does not understand him, his aspirations and ideals are alien to her. During frequent arguments with her husband, a “brutal, squirrel-like expression” appeared on the princess’s face. Prince Andrei in his soul repented of marrying Lisa, but, talking with Pierre and his father, he agrees that Lisa is a highly moral woman, with her “you can be calm for your honor.” The princess herself also does not seek to find common ground with her husband. When Andrei goes to war, it is not his wife, but Princess Marya who blesses him. Lisa remains to live in the Bald Mountains, in the house of Prince Nikolai Bolkonsky, but does not experience warm feelings for him, but only fear and hostility. She also does not find a kindred spirit in Princess Marya; she is closer to the empty and frivolous Mademoiselle Bourrienne than to the subtle and spiritually rich Marya.

The image of Lisa Bolkonskaya stands apart from others female images novel. The heroine is not like Helen Kuragina, despite the fact that Lisa also loves social life. The little princess, unlike Helen, is capable of loving devotedly. But at the same time, Lisa does not look like Natasha Rostova. She does not have the liveliness and depth of feelings, the subtlety of nature that Natasha has. The heroine has little in common with Marya Bolkonskaya. Despite the fact that Princess Marya feels sorry for Lisa, the princess does not understand her desire for self-sacrifice and “universal love.” Princess Bolkonskaya is an ordinary woman, with ordinary female weaknesses, who loves her husband and wants reciprocal love.

Tolstoy prepared for his heroine short life. She had a presentiment of her imminent death, and in fact dies during childbirth. But she gives Prince Andrei a son - little Nikolenka. The heroine’s life was not empty, she loved her husband and was completely devoted to him. But the author cannot make the heroine, whom he deeply likes, unhappy; she has no future with Prince Andrei, so Tolstoy “allows” her to die. The expression on the princess’s face just before her death and on her deathbed seems to indicate that Lisa loves everyone, she does not wish harm to anyone and does not understand why she is doomed to suffer. The death of the heroine evokes a feeling of burning guilt in Andrei Bolkonsky and pity in his father.

However, the death of Lisa Bolkonskaya was not accidental. Tolstoy shows her as charming, striving to be nice to everyone; in the world she was one of the desired figures. The heroine tried to combine these qualities with devotion to her husband and motherhood. However, Tolstoy did not like high society; he was far from the news and gossip discussed in the salons, just as Prince Andrei was far from them. Lisa fails to win her husband's heart, she becomes superfluous in the novel and dies. However, the fact that she left Prince Andrei a son suggests that this heroine performed an important function in the novel.

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The image of Lisa Bolkonskaya is one of the many images of representatives of the fair sex in Leo Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace”.

Lisa Bolkonskaya - nee Meinen - is a supporting character in the work. The author is silent about the heroine’s childhood and youth. He introduces readers to her when she, a young woman, becomes the wife of Prince Andrei Bolkonsky, one of the eligible bachelors of that time. “Little Princess” - this is how those around her affectionately call her because of her short stature - a sweet and charming woman. She is petite and graceful, her “neat baby face” arouses everyone’s admiration. Short lip that forms when smiling beautiful line and allowing you to see dazzlingly white teeth, is main feature, which makes her even more attractive. The woman is presented in the novel in an interesting position.

Having grown up in an influential aristocratic family, the princess cannot imagine a day without going out into high society, where she enjoys communicating with others. The presence of a kind and good-natured young woman evokes positive emotions in everyone.

However, Lisa Bolkonskaya’s relationship with her husband does not work out. After marriage, the prince becomes disappointed in his wife. Carefree and limited in aspirations, she ceases to be interesting to him. The princess, on the contrary, loves the prince madly, but his ideals are not clear to her. When she disagrees with her husband, a “brutal, squirrel expression” appears on her face. Andrei in his heart regrets marrying Meinen, but when communicating with Pierre Bezukhov, he says that his wife is exactly the woman with whom he can live without worrying about his honor. The princess herself also does not try to establish mutual understanding.

When Andrei leaves for war, his sister, the noble princess Marya, sees him off. Lisa at this time lives with Prince Nikolai Bolkonsky, in his house on Bald Mountains. She is afraid of her father-in-law, feeling hostility towards him. The princess doesn't find anything with her sister-in-law either. mutual language, here she is friends only with the princess’s companion, Mademoiselle Bourrienne, who is equally limited in her interests.

Liza Bolkonskaya's life is short. Anticipating her death, she dies at the birth of her child. The face of the “little princess” before and after her death reflects love for everyone, a lack of understanding of what she was suffering for, because she did not wish harm on anyone. Returning from the war and finding his wife dying, Prince Andrei feels deeply guilty, and the old prince sincerely pities her.

Despite the secondary nature and limited action of the heroine, her image occupies a special place. Princess Bolkonskaya is a typical representative of the weaker sex. Her weaknesses are common to many women. In her soul there is ardent love for her husband, and she expects reciprocity from him. Having given her husband a son, Nikolenka, she manages to fulfill the most main role ordinary woman- birth of a child.

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Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy in his famous novel"War and Peace" highlighted "people's thought" as its main idea. This theme is most comprehensively and vividly reflected in the passages from the work that describe the war. As for the “peace,” the “family thought” predominates in its depiction. She also plays a very important role in the work that interests us. The theme of love in the novel "War and Peace" largely helps the author to reveal this idea.

Love in the life of the characters in the novel

Almost all the characters in the work are tested by love. Not all of them come to moral beauty, mutual understanding and true feeling. Moreover, this does not happen immediately. The heroes have to go through mistakes and suffering, which redeems them, cleanses and develops their souls.

The life of Andrei Bolkonsky with Lisa

The theme of love in the novel "War and Peace" is revealed through the example of several heroes, one of which is Andrei Bolkonsky. His path to happiness was thorny. At the age of 20, being an inexperienced young man, blinded by external beauty, he decides to marry Lisa. But Andrei very quickly comes to a depressing and painful understanding that he made a cruel and unique mistake. In a conversation with his friend, Pierre Bezukhov, he utters words almost in despair that he should not get married before he has done everything he could. Andrei says that he would give a lot to not be bound by family ties now.

Bolkonsky and his wife did not bring peace and happiness. Moreover, he was burdened by her. Andrei did not love his wife. He rather despised her, treating her like a child from a stupid, empty world. Bolkonsky was oppressed by the feeling that his life was useless, that he had become an idiot and a court lackey.

Andrey's mental breakdown

This hero had ahead of him the death of Lisa, a spiritual crisis, melancholy, fatigue, disappointment, contempt for life. At that time, Bolkonsky resembled an oak tree, which stood like a contemptuous, angry and old freak between smiling birch trees. This tree did not want to submit to the charm of spring. However, suddenly a confusion of young hopes and thoughts arose in Andrei’s soul, unexpected for him. As you probably guessed, the theme of love in the novel "War and Peace" receives further development. The hero leaves the estate transformed. Again there is an oak tree on the road in front of him, but now it is not ugly and old, but covered with greenery.

Bolkonsky's feelings for Natasha

The theme of love in the novel "War and Peace" is very important for the author. According to Tolstoy, this feeling is a miracle that revives us to a new life. to Natasha, a girl so unlike the absurd and empty women of the world, Bolkonsky did not immediately appear. It renewed his soul, turned it upside down with incredible force. Andrey has now become a completely different person. It was as if he had stepped into the light from a stuffy room. True, even his feelings for Natasha did not help Bolkonsky humble his pride. He never managed to forgive Natasha for her “betrayal”. Only after he received a mortal wound did he rethink his life. Bolkonsky, after a mental turning point, understood Natasha’s suffering, repentance and shame. He realized that he had been cruel in breaking off his relationship with her. The hero admitted that he loves her even more than before. However, nothing could keep Bolkonsky in this world, not even Natasha’s fiery feeling.

Pierre's love for Helen

The theme of love in Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace" is also revealed through the example of Pierre. The fate of Pierre Bezukhov is somewhat similar to the fate of Andrei, his best friend. Like him, who was carried away by Lisa in his youth, Pierre, who had just returned from Paris, fell in love with Helen, who was doll-like beautiful. When exploring the theme of love and friendship in L.N. Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace,” it should be noted that Pierre’s feelings for Helen were childishly enthusiastic. Andrey's example taught him nothing. Bezukhov had to convince himself from his own experience that external beauty is not always internal, spiritual.

Unhappy marriage

This hero felt that there were no barriers between him and Helen, that this girl was terribly close to him. Her beautiful marble body had power over Pierre. And although the hero understood that this was not good, he still succumbed to the feeling that this depraved woman inspired in him. As a result, Bezukhov became her husband. However, the marriage was not happy. A feeling of gloomy despondency, disappointment, contempt for life, for himself and for his wife gripped Pierre some time after living with Helen. Her mystery turned into stupidity spiritual emptiness and debauchery. This is worth mentioning if you are writing an essay. The theme of love in Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace" is illuminated from a new perspective in the relationship between Pierre and Natasha. We will now talk about how these heroes finally found their happiness.

Pierre's new love

Bezukhov, having met Natasha, like Andrei, was struck by her naturalness and purity. In his soul, the feeling for this girl began to grow timidly even when Natasha and Bolkonsky fell in love with each other. Pierre was happy for them, but this joy was mixed with sadness. Kind heart Bezukhova, unlike Andrei, understood Natasha and forgave her for the incident with Anatoly Kuragin. Despite the fact that Pierre tried to despise her, he was able to see how exhausted she was. And then for the first time Bezukhov’s soul was filled with a feeling of pity. He understood Natasha, perhaps because her infatuation with Anatole resembled his own infatuation with Helen. The girl believed that Kuragin had inner beauty. In communicating with Anatole, she, like Pierre and Helen, felt that there was no barrier between them.

Renewal of the soul of Pierre Bezukhov

Path life's quest Bezukhova continues after a disagreement with his wife. He becomes interested in Freemasonry, then participates in the war. Bezukhov has a half-childish idea about killing Napoleon. He sees Moscow burning. Next, he is destined for difficult moments of waiting for his death, and then captivity.

Pierre's soul, cleansed, renewed, having gone through suffering, retains its love for Natasha. Having met her again, he discovers that this girl has also changed a lot. Bezukhov did not recognize the old Natasha in her. Love awoke in the hearts of the heroes, and “long-forgotten happiness” suddenly returned to them. They were overcome, as Tolstoy put it, by “joyful madness.”

Finding Happiness

Life woke up in them along with love. The strength of feeling brought Natasha back to life after a long period of mental apathy, which was caused by the death of Prince Andrei. The girl thought that with his death her life was over. However, the love for her mother, which arose in her with renewed vigor, showed Natasha that love was still alive in her. The power of this feeling, which constituted the essence of Natasha, was capable of bringing to life the people whom this girl loved.

The fate of Princess Marya and Nikolai Rostov

The theme of love in Leo Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace" is also revealed through the example of the relationship between Princess Marya and Nikolai Rostov. The fates of these heroes were not easy. Ugly in appearance, meek, quiet princess had a beautiful soul. During her father's lifetime, she did not even hope to ever get married or raise children. Anatole Kuragin was the only one who wooed her, and even then only for the sake of a dowry. Of course he couldn't understand moral beauty and the high spirituality of this heroine. Only Nikolai Rostov managed to do this.

Tolstoy, in the epilogue of his novel, speaks of the spiritual unity of people, which is the basis of nepotism. At the end of the work appeared new family, where seemingly so different beginnings - the Bolkonskys and the Rostovs - came together. Reading Lev Nikolaevich's novel is very interesting. Eternal themes in the novel "War and Peace" by L.N. Tolstoy make this work relevant today.

Bolkonsky family:

To draw conclusions about the Bolkonsky family from Leo Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace,” you need to get to know each of its members separately, find out their character and habits. So, let's begin.

Prince Nikolai Bolkonsky

Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky is the father of the Bolkonsky family, a retired general. Judging by the author's description, this is already old man, although his exact age is not specified in the novel.

Throughout the work, the hero makes an unpleasant impression, because, although he is very smart and rich, he is very stingy, and some oddities are noticeable in his behavior.

Nikolai Andreevich often takes out his anger on his daughter Marya. Prince Bolkonsky is also unpleasant because he reinforces his waywardness of character, bordering on madness, with disbelief in God. Life position The hero is visible from this quote: “He said that there are only two sources of human vices: idleness and superstition, and that there are only two virtues: activity and intelligence.” But where will a mind driven by malice and hatred lead? However, although Prince Bolkonsky seems rude, before his death he realizes the mistakes he made towards his daughter and asks for her forgiveness.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the “Image and Characteristics” of Helen Kuragina in Leo Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace.”

The hero of the novel has two children: daughter Maria and son Andrei, as well as a grandson named Nikolenka. The reader will become acquainted with their images in this article.

Andrei Bolkonsky - son of Prince Nikolai

Unlike his stern father, Andrei has positive qualities, gradually, throughout his life, turning into a mature man. At first proud and tough, over the years he becomes softer and more restrained. In addition, this character has not only willpower, but also a tendency to self-criticism.

It would not be superfluous to mention Andrei Bolkonsky’s attitude towards the peasants, of whom he replaces corvée with quitrent for some, and releases others to become “free cultivators.”

A serious reason for changes in character young man served military service. If at the beginning the hero of the novel, going to war with Napoleon, longed to gain recognition and glory, then gradually his attitude towards this issue changes.

He was disappointed in former idol Napoleone, and decided, upon returning home, to devote himself to his family. However, Bolkonsky is not in last time I had to go through similar trials. The year 1812 was fatal for young Andrey, because in the Battle of Borodino he was mortally wounded. Only before leaving for eternity did the hero “experience a consciousness of alienation from everything earthly and a joyful and strange lightness of being.”

Maria Bolkonskaya - daughter of Nikolai

This is a very rich and noble noblewoman. The author describes her as a very ugly face, with a heavy gait, weak in body, however, with beautiful eyes in which love and sadness shone: “the eyes of the princess, large, deep and radiant (as if rays of warm light sometimes came out of them in sheaves), they were so good that very often, despite the ugliness of the whole face, these eyes became more attractive than beauty ... "

As for the character of Princess Maria, she was a pure, innocent girl, kind, calm and meek, moreover, smart and educated. Another quality distinguishes the girl: faith in God. She herself admits that religion alone can explain to us what a person cannot understand without its help...”

Marya Bolkonskaya is a woman who is ready to sacrifice personal happiness for the good of another. So, having learned that Mademoiselle Burien (discussed below) is secretly meeting with Anatole Kuragin, she decides to arrange their marriage. Naturally, nothing comes of this, however, such an act only emphasizes positive traits heroines.

Lisa Bolkonskaya, little princess

Liza Bolkonskaya was the wife of Andrei Bolkonsky, and also the niece of General Kutuzov. She has a pretty face, a very sweet, cheerful, smiling woman, however, Prince Andrei is unhappy with her, although in public he calls her beautiful. Maybe the reason lies in the fact that Lisa loves “stupid secular society", to which Bolkonsky feels antipathy, or maybe his feelings for his young wife have not awakened in him, but one thing is clear: his wife is irritating Andrei more and more.

Unfortunately, Princess Lisa never had the chance to experience the happiness of motherhood: during her first birth, to her husband’s despair, she died. Nikolenka's son was left half orphaned.

Nikolenka Bolkonsky

He was born in 1806. Unfortunately, his mother died during childbirth, so the boy “lived with his wet nurse and nanny Savishna in the half of the late princess, and Princess Marya spent most of the day in the nursery, replacing, as best she could, a mother for her little nephew...”

Princess Marya raises the child as her own, becoming attached to him with all her soul. She herself teaches the boy music and the Russian language, and in other subjects they hire a tutor for him named Monsieur Desalles from Switzerland. The poor boy survived at the age of seven ordeal, because his father died before his eyes.

After a break in the description, you can meet Nikolenka again on the pages of the novel. Now he is already a fifteen-year-old teenager, “...A curly-haired, sickly boy, with his sparkling eyes, sat unnoticed by anyone in the corner, and, only turning his curly head on a thin neck coming out of his turn-down collar...”

Although Nikolai eventually forgets the image of his own father, he always remembers him with sadness and delight. His best friend is Pierre Bezukhov, to whom he is especially attached.

Princess Marya is still worried about her grown-up nephew, because he is very fearful and timid, still sleeps with a lamp and shies away from society.

Mademoiselle Bourrien

Mademoiselle Burien, a French orphan, who was picked up out of pity by Nikolai Bolkonsky, was the companion of Andrei Bolkonsky's wife, Lisa. She loved the little princess, slept in the same room with her, and listened when she poured out her soul. But that was the case for the time being.
More than once throughout the novel Mademoiselle Bourrienne showed her negative qualities. Firstly, when she began to brazenly flirt with Anatole, who, although he showed her signs of attention, was still Maria Bolkonskaya’s fiancé. Secondly, when during the war with Napoleon she went over to the enemy’s side, which aroused the wrath of the little princess, who no longer allowed her former companion to approach her.

Relationships between members of the Bolkonsky family

The complex and sometimes confusing relationships of the Bolkonsky family members occupy their special place in Leo Tolstoy’s story. The life of three generations is reflected here: the senior prince Nikolai Andreevich, his son Andrei and daughter Maria, as well as grandson Nikolenka. Each has their own character, habits, and outlook on life, but these people are united by an ardent love for the Motherland, closeness to the people, patriotism, and a sense of duty. Even Prince Nikolai Bolkonsky, who at first glance seems to be a rude person, before moving on to another world, begins to ask for forgiveness from his daughter Marya, whom he put pressure on during his life.

The Bolkonsky family is characterized by activity and activity, and isn’t this character trait that became key in the creation of their images? The thoughtful reader himself will try to explore such a difficult, but interest Ask. And, of course, draw the appropriate conclusions for yourself.

The Bolkonsky family in the novel “War and Peace”: characteristics and image of the heroes

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Characteristic literary hero Prince Andrei's wife. She is the darling of the whole world, an attractive young woman whom everyone calls “the little princess.” “Her pretty upper lip, with a slightly blackened mustache, was short in teeth, but the more sweetly it opened and the more sweetly it sometimes stretched out and fell onto the lower one. As is always the case with quite attractive women, her flaw—short lips and half-open mouth—seemed special to her, her actual beauty. Everyone had fun looking at this pretty expectant mother, full of health and vivacity, bearing her situation so easily.” L. was everyone’s favorite thanks to her constant liveliness and courtesy of a society woman; she could not imagine her life without high society. But Prince Andrei did not love his wife and felt unhappy in his marriage. L. does not understand her husband, his aspirations and ideals. After Andrei leaves for the war, L. lives in the Bald Mountains with the old Prince Bolkonsky, for whom he feels fear and hostility. L. has a presentiment of his imminent death and actually dies during childbirth.

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Liza Bolkonskaya (War and Peace by L. N. Tolstoy)
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