Mother Tsymbalyuk Romanovskaya. A family friend about the long-awaited reconciliation of Dzhigarkhanyan and Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya

Today, the personal life, biography, husband and children of Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya are heard throughout the country. News about the outstanding Ukrainian pianist, as well as the former general director of the theater under the leadership, appears daily.

Childhood and youth C Imbaliuk-Romanovskaya

Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya was born in 1978, Kiev. She received her education there. He is a laureate of the international music competition in Paris. Graduated music school piano class, and then the National Music Academy of Ukraine named after. P.I. Tchaikovsky.

In 2001 she left for the Russian capital, where she submitted documents to the State Classical Academy named after. Maimonides. After a certain period of time, she began teaching in the same educational institution at the Faculty musical culture. One day, director Vladimir Yachmenev recommended a girl to the Dzhigarkhanyan Theater.

Also in hometown, when the young pianist was only 16 years old, she went to a performance where he was playing (“Hello, I’m your aunt!”, “December 32,” “Life Line”). Vitalina was able to get an autograph from her favorite actor and from that moment began to look for an opportunity to meet. I found his mobile contact numbers. Somehow they managed to meet each other in Moscow and even had lunch together.

One day in 2002, a man was hospitalized with a mini-stroke. At this difficult moment I was nearby Native sister and Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya. She tried to help a relative and care for her sick brother.

Work in the theater

In 2008, Armen invited the pianist to work in his theater, first as a manager musical part. Vitalina worked in this position for 7 years. On June 18, 2015, the woman became the general director of the Dzhigarkhanyan Theater.

Gradually, news began to flash in the media, where Vitalina’s name flashed. 3 years after receiving a position at the Theater, talented artists Stanislav Duzhnikov, Andrey Merzlikin, Vladimir Kapustin, Alexey Shevchenkov and Elena Ksenofontova suddenly began to leave the troupe.

Actor Alexey Shevchenkov, who worked at the theater for 14 years, like his colleagues who left with him, believes that Vitalina actually destroyed the theater.

Having risen in position, she began to delve into everything that did not concern her at all. And when someone did not obey the instructions, she immediately complained to Armen Borisovich. As a result, the woman survived, one might say, the entire troupe.

The flow resumed in 2016 scandalous news around the Dzhigarkhanyan Theater. Somewhat already former employees complained that they were left without work. In response to this, the general director replied that all the problems had already been resolved.

Tsymbalyuk, in turn, spoke about the incident. According to her, the costume designer and actress, who were fired not without reason, lost all the proceedings. She is happy that, finally, everything is over and peace will come to the team. For a Ukrainian pianist, it is very important that each participant feels comfortable. According to Vitalina, it is better to separate as a person than to endlessly sort things out.

In February 2017, a new scandal involving the CEO spread across the Internet. Young actress Dana Nazarova filed a lawsuit against the institution in response to the statement general director that they no longer need a worker. Vitalina explained the scandalous situation by the girl’s desire to simply promote herself.

Personal life

Born in Kiev Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya for a long time She couldn’t arrange her personal life, so she never had children. At least in the biography, nothing is known about the gentlemen, except Armen Dzhigarkhanyan. A woman once admitted that somewhere deep down in her soul she felt that he was her destiny. And so it happened.

The couple did not try to somehow hide their relationship. But Dzhigarkhanyan was married to a woman with whom he Lately practically did not communicate. By the way, she lives in the USA. In 2015, they divorced, and a year later the actor proposed marriage to Vitalina.

According to the pianist, the actor doubted the veracity of his other half’s feelings for a long time, but soon realized that she loved him very much. In 2016, they legalized their relationship. At that time, Vitalina was 36 years old, and Armen Dzhigarkhanyan was 80 years old. The wedding was very modest. Only the closest people knew about her.

Before wedding ceremony the actor suddenly felt ill. Due to the flu, he had to go to the hospital. But despite serious condition, a man escaped from the hospital for the sake of celebration, not allowing it to deteriorate better day In my life. After painting, the newly made husband and wife went to work.

Armen said in one interview that he couldn’t say exactly what attracted him to Vitalin. The feelings turned out to be so strong that they could not be formulated into sentences. Even the age difference (44 years) did not interfere with their happiness. He said that with early childhood he was very embarrassed about his own appearance, and his young wife helped him forget about the complex.

Loud scandal

It seemed that happiness was so great that nothing could destroy it. But in the fall of 2017, news with photos spread all over the Internet, where it was clear that the marriage had cracked, and what else. On October 16, Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya filed a missing person report. She thought he had been kidnapped.

In one of the episodes of the “Live Broadcast” program with Andrei Malakhov, journalist Valentina Pimonova reported that the actor was in the hospital, but his life was not in danger. Her fellow journalists interviewed Armen. The latter stated that he did not want to know anything about his wife and was going to divorce Vitalina.

A little later, information appeared in the media that before hospitalization, the man left a letter in the theater, where he announced the dismissal of Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya.

On October 18, in the program “Let Them Talk” with, the actor gave full interview, in which he confirmed that their family union had broken up. Dzhigarkhanyan named ex-lover"thief"

He told a whole story about how, due to his wife’s shady activities, he was literally left homeless.

Armen Borisovich’s friend Arthur Soghomonyan also spoke out. According to him, Tsymbalyuk cheated statutory documents theater so that now Dzhigarkhanyan is listed as artistic director, and only she has the right to make all decisions. A woman can even remove an actor from his position, but he can’t. Soghomonyan also added that all accounts and real estate re-registered to Vitalina.

After the divorce, the Kiev woman became the owner large sums and several apartments. According to her representative Elina Mazur, she feels insulted and that all the accusations brought against her are absolutely unfair. And those 3 re-registered apartments, it turns out, allegedly originally belonged to a woman.

After some time, Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya shared her intentions on the Internet, saying that she plans to return to her favorite profession as a pianist, improve her personal life and even have children. But the new chosen one will need a lot of courage and courage to defend a seemingly poor and unhappy woman with a tarnished biography.

It would seem that it’s time to put an end to the loud story, but no. In one of latest broadcasts program “Live” with Andrei Malakhov, Vitalina Viktorovna almost got into a fight with her ex-husband’s friend Mark Rudinshtein.

A friend on air came to the defense of the famous actor and tried to understand what had happened. But the situation worsened even more. After almost a fight, rumors appeared online about their imminent wedding with Dzhigarkhanyan’s ex-wife. Mark believes that this is Vitalina’s fault with her excellent abilities to turn everything in her favor.

Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, even after this program, is somehow sure that Armen Borisovich wants to return her. She talked about this in one of the latest interviews For women's magazine. But I decided to wisely avoid questions about feelings on her part.

Now already ex-husband and the wife, when living in perfect harmony, live in the same entrance, but on different floors. New Year holidays We met Armen in a rented apartment with his cat. How Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya’s personal life will develop further, and whether she will have children is unknown. But this scandal left a big stain on his biography.

On Tuesday, the next broadcast of “Let Them Talk” was dedicated to difficult situation, in which Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and his ex-wife Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya ended up. It recently became clear that the pianist is going to sue her ex-husband for “distributing slanderous information.”

The first to appear in the program studio was Vitalina’s mother, Lidia Ivanovna. Host Dmitry Borisov asked her to speak out about Elina Mazur’s recent statement - ex-representative Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya said that she suffers from mental problems. Vitalina’s parent allegedly told the brunette about this in a private conversation. Answering Borisov’s question, Lidia Ivanovna did not speak specifically.

Elina Mazur announced mental illness Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya

“Well, this is absolutely... What can I say about this? I always try to learn self-control from my daughter. This is beyond simple. If I had listened to everything, then, probably, I would no longer be alive and would not be sitting here,” Vitalina’s mother said. - These people ( we're talking about about Elina Mazur) – absolutely random. And everyone understands this perfectly well; another twist is being made on this in order to divert attention from the main issues, which are fabricated to such an extent that they fall apart in no time.”

Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya’s parent also spoke about the fight against cancer. About the fact that Lydia Ivanovna suffers from serious illness, became known during one of the previous broadcasts. According to the woman, she is sincerely worried about the current situation. Lidia Ivanovna tries to support her daughter in everything, so she is in no hurry to seek help from doctors.

“I had to have a second operation in October, but I didn’t go to it because it all came crashing down. And she didn’t go for examination. And when they finally did it for me, it turned out that there had been metastases. Nobody thought this would happen. So now I need to do this, and I’m saving my daughter. Until all this is closed, I will not go for a second operation. That’s it, this is my decision,” she said, barely holding back tears.

Then Stepan Dzhigarkhanyan appeared in the studio. Foster-son famous actor and the director expressed indignation at his behavior ex-wife. According to Tatyana Vlasova’s heir, the pianist is acting incorrectly by accusing Armen Borisovich of slander. Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya herself joined the discussion only at the end of the program.

Dzhigarkhanyan’s son spoke about Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya’s insidious plans

“It hasn’t been filed with the court yet, we are preparing, I’m holding it,” she explained. – Armen Borisovich’s lawyer is misinforming him. Constant misinformation naturally provokes me to defend my interests.”

On Andrei Malakhov’s show “Live,” Armen Dzhigarkhanyan’s neighbor made a shocking statement. The woman stated that Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya’s parents are Scientologists.

The next episode of Andrei Malakhov’s “Live Broadcast” program was dedicated to Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya. The reason for the discussions was a statement by official representative Vitalina Elina Mazur. The woman reported that famous artist provided an invalid passport to the court, so his divorce from the pianist may be invalid.

As is usually the case on talk shows, the conversation under the strict leadership of Andrei Malakhov touched on other, much more scandalous and unexpected topics. Vitalina, who was shown on the monitor as she was in St. Petersburg, denied information about pregnancy and admitted that she began to get enough sleep.

But in the studio there was a very tense atmosphere. A lot of negative reviews went to Elina, whose competence some guests doubted, and even went to Vitalina’s parents. Andrei Malakhov turned to Armen Dzhigarkhanyan’s neighbor Emma Kutsabenkova with a question: “Why do you think that Vitalina is from a family of Scientologists?”

She replied:

“Yes. Her parents. It was known. I worked at the mayor’s office. Vitalina went to the Department of Culture almost every day, and they knew her by heart. The script (apparently, we are talking about the script of the play. - Ed.) was written by Scientologists (in Russia, many Scientology materials are included in Federal list extremist; their production, distribution and storage for the purpose of mass distribution on the territory of Russia is illegal. By decision of the courts, the “Church of Scientology of Moscow” and the “Church of Scientologists of St. Petersburg” were liquidated - Note. ed.).

Let us note that Victor Romanovsky and Lydia Tsymbalyuk until recently worked at the Theater under the direction of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan. Kutsabenkova said: “This version (about Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya’s parents, who were called Scientologists - Ed.) is known even in the mayor’s office. So it’s all not easy.”

Dzhigarkhanyan’s neighbor could not contain her emotions: “What’s going on here?! Nobody invited them (Vitalina’s parents. - Ed.). She (Vitalina. - Ed.) slandered the theater, deprived the artists of their livelihood! She stole, you can say, she withdrew money from accounts through three channels, she had the right to sign first!”

Note that after transfer to official page Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya in social network Facebook has erupted in controversy regarding the talk show. Outraged fans turned to the pianist with questions and expressed their opinions. Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya remains silent for now.

Scandal around personal life Armen Dzhigarkhanyan's rage has not subsided for many months. After an official divorce from Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, the actor began to demand through the court the return of his apartments and the money that he allegedly took ex-wife. He repeatedly called his ex-girlfriend a thief who stole his numerous financial assets.

Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya herself completely denies the accusations against her. In one of her last interviews, the young woman said that she made all transactions with the consent of Armen Borisovich. According to the artist’s ex-wife, he also had other real estate, which has now disappeared somewhere.

“There was an apartment in Yerevan, donated fifteen years ago by the president of the republic. And in Moscow there are four more apartments. Armen Borisovich’s daughter Lena lived in one. In the other - the mother of Tatyana Sergeevna Vlasova. There was also Stepan’s apartment on Arbat. Well, that “three ruble” in Starokonyushenny Lane, which we already talked about. Plus an apartment in the Mendeleevo holiday village, a garage box on Presnensky Val, a Volkswagen Caravel car. Once upon a time there was a dacha in the village of the Maly Theater. All this property disappeared in an almost inexplicable way,” Vitalina said.

According to the young woman, there are a lot of gaps in this case, and that is why the resolution of legal issues has been delayed for so long. Vitalina also clarified the question of the American house where Tatyana Vlasova previously lived. According to Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, this property was purchased with funds borrowed from Oleg Tabakov. Armen Dzhigarkhanyan borrowed 150 thousand dollars from a colleague, and after that he participated in theatrical productions for free.

According to Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, the entire conflict was orchestrated by Dzhigarkhanyan’s friends. Married couple did not intend to get a divorce, and therefore the scandal that broke out came as a complete surprise to the young woman. Vitalina is sure that Armen Borisovich wanted to return to his family, but he was not allowed.

“Even his friends, who treat me badly, told me how at the beginning of the scandal he asked to go home. I came to sit in the car near the entrance. I was homesick. And instead of reconciling us, they dissuaded him from returning to me, saying that Vitalina already has her own life. They rented an apartment for him three times, and each time he said that he didn’t like it there, until finally he was settled in the same entrance in the same building on Molodgvardeyskaya where our apartment is located. He’s used to living at home,” said Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya.

Now Vitalina dreams of quickly resolving all financial issues and forgetting about the painful divorce. She doesn’t even think about building new relationships and denies connections with all the lovers who have now appeared on the horizon. In an interview with KP, she noted that Dzhigarkhanyan’s friends want to put her in prison for actions that the young woman did not commit. However, Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya intends to fight for her rights to the last.

On Tuesday, the next broadcast of “Let Them Talk” was dedicated to the difficult situation in which Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and his ex-wife Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya found themselves. It recently became clear that the pianist is going to sue her ex-husband for “distributing slanderous information.”

The first to appear in the program studio was Vitalina’s mother, Lidia Ivanovna. Host Dmitry Borisov asked her to speak out about Elina Mazur’s recent statement - ex-representative Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya said that she suffers from mental problems. Vitalina’s parent allegedly told the brunette about this in a private conversation. Answering Borisov’s question, Lidia Ivanovna did not speak specifically.

“Well, this is absolutely... What can I say about this? I always try to learn self-control from my daughter. This is beyond simple. If I had listened to everything, then, probably, I would no longer be alive and would not be sitting here,” Vitalina’s mother said. – These people (we are talking about Elina Mazur) are absolutely random. And everyone understands this perfectly well; another twist is being made on this in order to divert attention from the main issues, which are fabricated to such an extent that they fall apart in no time.”

Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya’s parent also spoke about the fight against cancer. The fact that Lydia Ivanovna was suffering from a serious illness became known during one of the previous broadcasts. According to the woman, she is sincerely worried about the current situation. Lidia Ivanovna tries to support her daughter in everything, so she is in no hurry to seek help from doctors.

“I had to have a second operation in October, but I didn’t go to it because it all came crashing down. And she didn’t go for examination. And when they finally did it for me, it turned out that there had been metastases. Nobody thought this would happen. So now I need to do this, and I’m saving my daughter. Until all this is closed, I will not go for a second operation. That’s it, this is my decision,” she said, barely holding back tears.

Then Stepan Dzhigarkhanyan appeared in the studio. The adopted son of a famous actor and director expressed outrage at the behavior of his ex-wife. According to Tatyana Vlasova’s heir, the pianist is acting incorrectly by accusing Armen Borisovich of slander. Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya herself joined the discussion only at the end of the program.

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