Maria Weber. Weber Maria: return to the national stage Masha Weber Instagram official

"Star Factory" has become a real innovation in the vast Russian television and was able to give the country new talents. It was after participation in the project that the careers of such performers as Yulia Savicheva, Irakli, Irina Dubtsova, who already took part in the group “Girls”, Polina Gagarina, “Factory”, took off. All these names are still heard today. But there are also those whom the audience has managed to forget, because they creative destiny turned out a little differently. This does not mean that the artists have lost all their fans. They are still very much loved. Proof of this is the return to big stage Maria Weber. How does a girl with green eyes live now? open smile- Maria Weber? The singer’s biography, creative plans and life during the creative break - all this is discussed in the article.

Biography of the artist

Maria Yuryevna Weber was born on May 5, 1987. From the age of six she studied piano and mastered playing the guitar. Maria is studying Spanish, her love for which goes back to her distant childhood and her idol, Natalia Oreiro. Masha has a pet - a cat named Mark. She appreciates unobtrusiveness in people, and in relationships the girl stands for actions. Today Maria Weber is raising a son from her first marriage, Oscar, enjoying her second and very happy marriage, dreaming of a daughter and a career as an actress.

Participation in "Factory"

Maria Weber is remembered by millions of girls and boys as the youngest participant in “Star Factory-3”, a gentle and touching girl. That factory release was full of star names, remember for yourself: Nikita Malinin, Konstantin Legostaev, who by that time had managed to write songs for the group “Guests from the Future,” Sonya Kuzmina and Oleg Dobrynin. Today I have already forgotten many of them domestic show business. But recently, Maria Weber again made fans remember her name. The premiere took place in 2016 new song, which, like previous works, filled with feelings, romantic mood and, of course, love.

Maria's creative path after the "Star Factory" project

In 2004, Maria Weber became the lead singer of the group “Tutsi” along with Lesya Yaroslavskaya, Irina Ortman and Anastasia Krainova. Initially, Sofia Kuzmina was supposed to take part in the project, but the girl left the group before their debut. The song "The Most" instantly won the hearts of the girls and became business card groups. Also remembered by fans of the group collaboration with colleagues from "Factory", the boy band "KGB", the song "Bitter Chocolate". Maria Weber was a member of the group until 2006, after which she had to leave Tootsie due to pregnancy.

Maria's life during a period of creative lull

When asked where the name Weber Maria disappeared from the music charts, the girl admits that she devoted her creative break to raising her son from her first marriage and did not want to leave him for a long time for the sake of touring. Despite the fact that domestic show business managed to forget her, the singer continued to create, but in to a greater extent for yourself than for a wider audience. In addition, there was no producer ready to cooperate with the performer, and no opportunity to competently promote the work. Maria Weber admits that a return to the big stage was not planned, as she really liked the movie. During the break, the girl managed to graduate from GITIS.

Maria about her personal life and men

Maria says that she met her husband six months ago. Sergei simply bewitched her. She didn’t even think about marriage, but love changed her whole life. Before meeting Sergei, she had no romances. Maria didn’t even count on getting married and gave up on it. She has a son, what kind of novels are there? Maria's husband says that there should be one star in the family; he does not like photographs and publicity.

Songs of Mary

Maria Weber, whose songs were remembered by fans of “Factory”, “Moscow Melancholy” and duet work with Nikita Malinin “First Date”, sang the song “You are Better”. It got into rotation, found its listeners, and as a result a beautiful, touching video was shot. The image was chosen perfectly. Both the girl herself and the director managed to preserve the once-created image of a touching and tender girl who thanks her lover for his love and support. In addition to this work, the girl has a song “Signs and Lights”. It is worth noting that Maria Weber considers her most vivid experience to be participation in the “Star Factory”.

Singer Date of birth May 5 (Taurus) 1987 (32) Place of birth Chisinau Instagram @masha_weber

Maria Weber is a singer from Moldova who came to the pop stage thanks to her participation in the third “Star Factory”. After graduation, Maria worked in the Tutsi group with her Factory colleagues, but was forced to leave it because she was going to become a mother. The break in Maria's career did not affect her creative career- Having raised her son and remarried, Masha again went on stage to please her fans with new compositions.

Biography of Maria Weber

The future celebrity was born on May 5, 1987 in Chisinau. IN school years the girl learned to play the piano and guitar. Very early on, she realized that she loved Latin music and the Spanish language. Masha began learning Spanish with enthusiasm. There was another reason for this: she watched in awe creative life Oreiro, who was her idol. At first, young Masha was even compared to Oreiro, which she really liked. But, as she grew up, Weber realized that this was not very good, since each person should be individual.

Most highlights Weber's life became her participation in the third Star Factory. On the television project, she presented the image of a romantic girl, performing tender lyrical compositions. After the end of the project in 2004, the girl was invited to be a soloist in the group “Tutsi”. Maria sang in “Tutsi” for only 2 years - in 2006 she had to leave the group because she was expecting the birth of a child.

After the birth of her son, Maria did not perform, but she studied to become a director at GITIS. The girl has almost given up her dreams of big stage, was thinking about devoting herself to filmmaking. But she still overcame her passion for performing - she continued to develop in this direction and recorded songs. However, at that moment she did it more for herself, since there was no time or opportunity to promote these compositions.

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Masha Weber: “Dear girls, I wish you all a Happy New Year. I wish everyone who has not yet found their soulmate to definitely find it in 2018. All the best to you, happiness, love, Have a good mood, and so that all yours come true...

Personal life of Maria Weber

Her first husband was the son of a famous Moscow businessman, Parviz Yasinov. From him, Masha gave birth to a son, Oscar, in 2007. But family happiness was short-lived; Parviz went to Yulia Volkova. Weber had long hoped that he would return to her and her son, but this did not happen. The appearance of candid photographs of her on social networks did not work in Weber’s favor; Parviz’s parents were literally beside themselves. But in this case, the husband spoke up for Maria, telling her parents that this was their personal matter.

First, Maria gave up her career for the sake of her family, then her husband left her - it would seem that it was time to despair, but she continued to rejoice and raise her son, making her dreams come true.

Weber Maria Yuryevna was born on May 5, 1987, like all ordinary children, she went to kindergarten ik, and then entered high school, at 6 years old. There I took piano classes and learned to play the guitar. Masha loves Latin American music and Spanish, which is why she started studying it. Of course, his study was influenced by her long-time idol - Natalia Oreiro. Masha used to like being compared to Nati, but now she really doesn’t like it, because... believes that each person should be individual. If it works out, Masha is going to enter GITIS this year, and if not fate, then next year. The most a bright event Maria considers her participation in Star Factory 3.

Maria Weber

Eye color: green
Height: 170
Pets: cat Mark
Favorite food: seafood (especially sushi) and sweets
Favourite drink: green tea
Music preferences: Whitney Houston, Craig David, Pink, Justin Timberlake
What I don’t like in people: obsession
What I like in people: honesty, sincerity
Favorite activity: relaxing

Weber Maria
Any subject at school: there are none... but in general, probably psychology
First time I fell in love: at 10 years old

Profile from star factory 3.
Natalia Oreiro's song "De tu amor" plays, then Mashenka dances with toys, a cat and laughs!

My name is Masha Weber, but my friends call me Natalia Oreiro. There is such a wonderful photograph, also very often, when my friends come to me, they come up and say: “is this Oreiro?”, I say: “No, it’s me!” I would be very happy to fulfill my dream to the end; of course, singing with her would be very pleasant for me.

Weber Maria
I would be glad to show her my entire collection that I once collected about her. Talk (let it slip) with her in her language.
I am now beginning to understand that if I start doing this myself, then I would of course like to be an individual. To compare other people to me.
As far as I know, I like it when they copy it, but you still have to look for yourself!

All these names are still heard by lovers of quality music.

True, there are also artists who went into the shadows after the end of the program. One of these missing people was singer Maria Weber, whose return to the big stage listeners had been eagerly awaiting for a couple of years.

Childhood and youth

Weber Maria Yuryevna was born on May 5, 1987 in the capital of Moldova, the city of Chisinau. Unfortunately, there is very little information on the Internet about the artist’s childhood and youth. What is known for certain is that the future singer, like all children, went to kindergarten, and at the age of 6, her parents sent their beloved child to high school. There young talent studied the basics of playing piano and guitar.

Maria fell in love with Latin American music and the Spanish language in her teenage years, so it is not surprising that she eventually began to study it. Of course, this choice was made partly because Weber’s idol has been since childhood, with whom the artist has been compared more than once. If before Masha was flattered by such statements, now the young lady considers them inappropriate.

After leaving the Tutsi group and the birth of her son, the vocalist entered the acting department at GITIS, which she successfully graduated from.


In 2004, Weber became the lead singer of the group “Tutsi” along with, and Anastasia Krainova. Initially, Sofia Kuzmina also participated in the project, but the girl left the team before her debut. The song “The Most” instantly won the hearts of listeners and became the girls’ calling card. Fans of the group also remembered their collaboration with colleagues from the Factory, the boy band KGB (the song “Bitter Chocolate”). Maria was a member of the group until 2006, after which she left the stage, preferring a family and a child to fame.

Fans waited and believed that Maria would eventually return to show business. The vocalist herself, in conversations with media representatives, has repeatedly said that then she devoted herself entirely to raising her son and did not want to leave him for a long time for the sake of touring.

The singer also admitted that at some point music ceased to interest her and the possibility of returning to the stage did not seem like a good idea to her. The young lady wanted to create for herself, and not for the audience. In addition, there was no producer ready to collaborate with the performer, and there was no desire to promote new tracks to the masses.

In 2016, the vocalist released the single “You’re Better,” recorded a video for this composition and performed at the Golden Gramophone concert. Now the charming singer is working on a new album, and also visits various radio stations and programs, in which she tells viewers about how her life has changed over the past time.

"Star Factory"

Weber was remembered by millions of girls and boys not only as the youngest participant in “Star Factory 3,” but also as the performer of the hit “Moscow Melancholy.” The gentle and touching girl fit perfectly into the factory season, full of star names.

Then they participated in the project (Weber recorded the song “First Date” in a duet with him), who by that time had managed to write songs for the group “Guests from the Future,” Sonya Kuzmina and Oleg Dobrynin. Unfortunately, today domestic show business has already forgotten many of these performers.

Now Maria remembers that period and the final concert with a smile on her face. It was in December. Then the Star Factory 3 team was preparing for the enchanting final show.

By that time, the star house was already half empty, no filming was taking place, but the finalists continued to rehearse, sing and mentally prepare for victory, because everyone secretly hoped to take the honorable first place. It was unusual for Maria to compete with colleagues who had become close people to her during the project.

According to the performer of the song “Summer was Gone,” it was only while standing on the stage of the Olympic Stadium that she realized the scale of the show’s success. It is known that the final concert was attended by the singer’s parents, her brother and sister, as well as friends who came to Moscow to support Weber.

Personal life

Spectators and listeners remember Maria not only for her songs, but also for scandalous divorce With ex-husband Parviz Yasinov, for whom Weber left the Tutsi group in 2006. A couple of months after the strong-willed decision, the artist gave her husband an Oscar heir, however strong family The couple never built it. Parviz left Maria for the ex-soloist of the group “t.A.T.u”, who also gave birth to his son Samir.

For a long time Weber was silent about personal life, and only in September 2016 did fans learn that their favorite had gotten married again. The singer's chosen one is businessman Sergei Bunin, he older than Maria for 8 years. The lovers’ wedding was attended by members of the “” group, as well as all of Maria’s ex-colleagues in the “Tutsi” group: Lesya Yaroslavskaya, Irina Ortman and Anastasia Krainova.

The singer planned to live for each other for the first years of marriage, and then take care of procreation. However, 2 years later, in November 2018, it became known that Masha Weber and Sergei Bunin divorced. About the reasons for separation ex-spouses did not spread.

Maria Weber now

In October 2017, Maria released new clip for the composition "He". It is noteworthy that in November the artist performed this song on stage along with “ New factory stars." In the same period, the charming singer, like, and, became a guest at the party of the MUZ TV channel “Party Zona”.

Social life The charismatic person combines work on new tracks, photo shoots and filming in various programs. Weber posts all the captured moments in his "Instagram".

It is also worth noting that social media is not the only resource telling fans about latest news from the life of the performer of the song “Signs”. Internet portals and printed publications also often publish materials related to creative biography singers.


As part of the group "Tootsie":

  • 2005 – “The very best”
  • 2007 – “Cappuccino”

At the age of 28, Masha Weber managed to be a participant in one of the most popular shows country, to become one of the soloists of the popular women's team, give birth to a son and enter GITIS. Thanks to her perseverance and charisma, she achieved a lot; her next peak was filming in a Russian blockbuster. Let's follow creative path this talented girl.

The childhood of the future singer

Weber Maria was born on May 5, 1987 in Mytishchi, a suburb of Moscow. She was a very diligent and obedient child, like most kids her age, she went to kindergarten and then to school. Masha grew up as a creative child, so she attended all kinds of dance and choir clubs. The girl studied at music school in piano class. Also, the future “Factory” graduate can play the guitar. Moreover, she mastered this instrument on her own within two months already in adulthood.

In her youth, Maria's hobby was Latin American dances and music. Incendiary rhythmic compositions appeal to the girl, because she is a very cheerful and active person. Being very inquisitive and intellectual, Masha reads a lot of books and knows foreign languages.

"Star Factory-3"

Since 2002, Russia has hosted a television musical show"Star Factory". Under the direction of famous producers and musicians, young talents compete in the song field for the title of winner. The show is a huge success among the audience. For participants, this is a step towards fame and acquaintance with the right people show business.

Weber Maria, having heard about the “Factory” project, also decided to try her luck and passed the qualifying round of the show, which started at the end of 2003. The girl turned out to be a most capable student, an extraordinary person who calmly agreed to stage experiments. Repeatedly during the filming process, Masha appeared before the audience and the strict jury in an unusual role for her.

Despite the fact that Maria Weber did not make it to the finals, she was one of the most bright participants. During the course of the show, many interesting hits were created, one of which was “Signs”. Also, Maria Weber and the winner of the third season sang the song “First Date” in a duet. Many fans of the “manufacturers,” looking through the diaries of the star house, even saw romantic vibes hovering between the guys. They are actually just good friends.

Group "Tootsie"

But music career Masha was probably destined from above. The girl, unlike many people from the star house, did not mix with the crowd and did not disappear from TV screens. Producer and composer Viktor Drobysh decided to found a new girl group. The group included graduates of "Factory-3": Weber Maria, Anastasia Krainova, Olesya Yaroslavskaya. Thus began a new bright page in the life of the newly minted singer. Participation in the “Tutsi” team brought Masha real fame.

The group actively toured, recorded compositions and filmed videos. Some songs became real hits. The band’s debut composition “The Most, the Most” stayed at the top of the chart on Russian Radio for 32 weeks.

The girl was the lead singer of the group in 2004-2006, this is her biography. Maria Weber was absent from the team for exactly a year. In 2007, she again joined the team and sang in it until its collapse.

Maria Weber: personal life

Even before her participation in "Factory", Masha was presented at one of the parties young man With exotic name Parviz. At the beginning, the relationship between the guys developed exclusively in a friendly manner. According to the girl, the guy was not her type. But after some time, Parviz Yasinov charmed Masha, and they became a couple.

It was real love. Parviz went on tour with his beloved, looked after and protected her in every possible way. In 2006, Masha became pregnant, and rumors about her marriage leaked to the press. And indeed, Masha and Parviz formalized their relationship. Masha was a model of devotion and fidelity, and her newly-made husband radiated charm and care.

During this period, Maria Weber left Tootsie. Although there were rumors that this caring husband does not allow his pregnant wife to go on tour. According to another version, Masha was “fired” by the producer himself, having learned about her situation. In general, be that as it may, she was absent from the team for exactly a year. And in 2007, after the birth of her beautiful son Oscar, she returned to the group.

And everything would have been fine if the husband had not been greedy for pop stars. Thanks to the ubiquitous media, Maria learned that her husband was unfaithful to her.

The vicissitudes of fate

All metropolitan, and not only, publications dug into the personal life of the star and savored its details. Maria Weber, whose photo immediately made it to the front pages of gossip columns, admitted in an interview that she took her husband’s betrayal very hard. Nevertheless, her little son and creativity helped her return to life.

Meanwhile, he turned the head of another artist - Yulia Volkova. Moreover, rumors about the couple’s engagement appeared in the press from light hand"tattoos". And everything turned out “perfectly” for Yulia and Yasinov, if not for one circumstance. Parviz was in no hurry to introduce his new passion to his parents. Although there were rumors in the press about the wedding of the newly-made couple, the official website of the Tatu group denied this information. In 2007, Volkova gave birth to Yasinov’s son, Samir.

And in the media for a long time there were articles about love triangle. But such interest in the girls’ relationship with Parviz was fueled by Julia herself, periodically causing her first lover, Masha Weber, hysterics and scandals at official events.

Future plans

After the collapse of the Tutsi group, Maria's popularity began to slowly fade. The girl never started solo career, despite good vocal abilities. She graduates from GITIS, takes part in creative evenings and shows. Sometimes former soloists Tootsie groups gather at friends’ concerts and perform as guest stars.

Today Maria is raising her son and is in a creative search. In her personal life, the girl has not yet found her soul mate. In 2015, a film starring Masha called “Indian Summer” will be released across the country.

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