Maria Politova house 2 last. Maria Politova - biography, information, personal life

Maria Kruglykhina is a smart and attractive girl. She became famous thanks to her participation in the reality show “Dom-2”. Do you want to know what Masha did before the project? How is her life going now? Now we will tell you everything.


Maria Kruglykhina was born on March 5, 1985. She is a native of Odessa. Our heroine has never seen her father. Her mother raised her alone and registered the girl under her maiden name.

Masha grew up as an active and inquisitive child. She often ran to the embankment to look at the sea. Perhaps the girl thought that her father worked as a sailor and was waiting for his return.

Student years

After graduating from high school, Maria Kruglykhina did not leave her native Odessa. She entered the Institute. Mechnikov. The girl's choice fell on the Faculty of Political Science.

In parallel with her studies at the university, Masha attended directing courses. But she failed to become an actress. However, the girl did not despair. She opened her own acting school. Although this hobby did not last long.

After receiving a diploma of higher education, Masha went to Kyiv to join her fiancé. There she got a job at a large company. Due to the nature of her work, Kruglykhina went on business trips abroad. For example, Maria lived in Paris for several months. During this time, the beauty from Odessa managed to learn French.

"House 2"

Masha appeared on the famous television project back in 2004. She declared her sympathy for But the guy rejected her advances. After 5 days the girl was sent home.

For the second time, Kruglykhina crossed the threshold of “House-2” in July 2008. The girl came to the reality show to get back the guy with whom she had an unfinished relationship. We are talking about Sergei Adoevtsev. At first, the young man denied meeting the charming blonde. But he soon admitted that he loved her and wanted to return to their relationship.

Many guys tried to take Masha away from the calm and intelligent Sergei. Among them are Nikita Kuznetsov and Gleb Klubnichka. But the girl was not going to spray herself. She only needed Seryozha.

In July 2010, the couple got married. Sergei Palych and Maria Kruglykhina got married. Then the celebration moved to the clearing of the famous television set.

Leaving the project

Maria Kruglykhina and Palycho differed from other couples in their intelligence and isolation. They had practically no friends among the participants of “House-2”. Unable to withstand moral pressure from the team, the couple left the project.

What are the guys doing now?

Many viewers and participants in the television project were confident that Masha and Sergei would separate outside the perimeter. But they were very wrong. The guys began to build their lives outside the cameras. Sergey Adoevtsev became a successful and sought-after photographer. And Maria Kruglykhina continued to promote her business. We remind you that while still on the project, the girl opened a showroom. Masha was engaged in the sale of fashionable women's clothing - dresses, suits, skirts and so on.

On August 12, 2013, our heroes became parents. Their daughter Elizabeth was born. Having a common child brought Seryozha and Masha even closer together. Now they dream of a son. Let's wish this wonderful family well-being and success in all their endeavors!

As reported in the latest news, the funeral of Masha Politova (see photo below), a former participant in the Dom-2 project, took place in mid-December last year. The girl’s relatives did not tell the press anything about the time and date of the funeral, so journalists were not present at the farewell ceremony.

According to a close friend of the girl, the burial took place in a regular cemetery, and a funeral service was held - the church did not recognize the girl’s death as suicide, so a traditional funeral service was held in the Temple located at the morgue. Masha's body was covered up to the shoulders and the whole situation was incredibly depressing. Politova's mother cried incessantly, relatives and friends present at the ceremony practically did not speak to each other.

As reported in the latest news for December 2017, Masha Politova (see photo) disappeared from her home on December 4. The incident was reported by the girl’s boyfriend, with whom she lived in a rented apartment in Moscow. Artem Shanurov said on social networks that Masha left home, taking along the way all the antidepressants that were in the house.

She had long suffered from bipolar mental disorder and recently could do something about herself due to the exacerbation of the disease.

Maria Politova, former participant in the show “Dom-2”

According to the young man, his girlfriend first called his mother, then sent a strange SMS from someone else’s number - she left her phone at home. The guy wrote a statement to the police, called all his mutual friends and relatives, but the search was fruitless for a long time.

Artem also repeatedly reported on the inaction of the police and the formal attitude of law enforcement officers towards his trouble with his missing lover, which forced the journalist to turn to the help of volunteers. Members of a voluntary organization that searches for missing people took part in the search for Maria. They were the first to inform the media about the results of their work - it was the volunteers who were contacted by a man who accidentally saw a woman’s face in a melted pile of snow.

The body of the ex-participant of “House-2” was discovered only 9 days after her disappearance. Next to Masha Politova, as reported in the latest news on December 13, 2017, lay a half-empty bottle of rum and an open pack of tranquilizers.

According to information provided by the police, the girl died from mixing alcohol and medicinal drugs - the extra degrees enhanced the effect of the drugs, and she simply lost consciousness. Therefore, she froze, and her body was covered with snow - at this time the capital and the Moscow region were seriously swept away. It was for this reason that passers-by in a small cottage community did not immediately see the body of a girl lying near one of the fences surrounding the house.

Masha’s relatives and friends said that the girl repeatedly tried to commit suicide. The total number of failed attempts to commit suicide is 6, so Politova’s boyfriend insisted in his message on social networks on the possibility of suicide.

Another reason for the disappearance of Maria Politova

A few days earlier, the same friend of the girl, Artem Shanurov, said that he had examined all the Internet correspondence of the “House-2” star, worrying about his missing beloved. There he saw an approved loan for a large amount and a search for the nearest flight to Murmansk.

Maria, in moments of revelation, talked about her feelings for her ex-boyfriend, who was serving time in a maximum security colony in northern Russia.

Before this, the girl traveled to the Murmansk region many times, explaining her visits to the colony with the poor health of her former gentleman.

Opinions of colleagues and project participants

In an interview with journalists, Stepan Menshchikov, who participated in “House-2” together with Masha Politova, told reporters that the other residents of the television building never had any special problems with the girl. The beautiful and tall model could not build a strong relationship with any of the guys - they were scared off by Politova’s peculiar attitude to the world and unpredictability. And Stepan explained the girl’s hyper-emotionality by her difficult relationship with her mother - they say, the roots of her desire to be different from everyone else come from childhood. But Masha could not die in such a monstrous way because of quarrels with her parents.

Politova during her participation in the project “Dom-2”

Maxim Kononenko, a popular columnist who worked with Politova in a well-known youth newspaper, calls his former colleague an intelligent person. It was he who believed that the girl’s psychological problems were caused by her problems with the opposite sex - according to the reporter, guys are always afraid of overly beautiful girls with unconventional thinking.

Facts from the biography of the ex-participant of the project

The former star of the television project was born in Moscow in 1983. The girl received compulsory education after graduating from a specialized lyceum with in-depth study of the English language. After graduation, Masha Politova entered the Institute of Economics and Culture, where she received a diploma in psychology in 2008. Then there was work in a cosmetics company, of which she was an official for a little over a year. I studied the intricacies of makeup in special courses.

All colleagues and acquaintances were surprised by this choice of specialty - many knew about her mental problems and could not understand how the medical commission could approve the receipt of a bachelor's degree for the student.

Masha Politova (see photo below), whose death was reported in the latest news at the end of last year, became notorious thanks to her participation in “House-2”. The girl was unable to build relationships with anyone on the project, she was always quarreling with everyone, although no one called her an evil person - everyone considered the girl “freaky.”

She returned to the project three times at the invitation of the organizers who wanted to draw attention to the program. On social networks, Masha’s behavior always caused a flurry of negative emotions; Politova’s constant singing especially angered everyone – both spectators and participants.

Investigation versions

The forensic examination confirmed the initial opinion of the police about the causes of the death of Masha Politova (see photo below) - the latest news says that the investigative committee is currently considering three options for the development of events:

One version of Maria’s death is bipolar disorder, from which she had long suffered

  • driving to suicide. Here, investigators look at the difficult relationship between the girl and her partner, 42-year-old journalist Artem Shanurov. Some subscribers on social networks suggest that the reason for the sudden departure from home was a quarrel between lovers;
  • suicide. In this case, the girl could independently decide to end her life due to an exacerbation of the disease - bipolar disorder is often accompanied by attacks of depression, which, in turn, can lead to suicide;
  • murder. As it became known, Politova received a bank loan, but no money was found on her. It is likely that the girl was robbed and tried to hide on her own on her grandfather's property, but she became ill from the drugs and alcohol. However, it is unknown where she was 4 days before her death and how the drugs entered Politova’s body. Although no obvious signs of violence were found on the body of the deceased ex-participant of “House-2”.

In any case, the end to this complicated matter has not yet been set.

The circumstances and causes of death of ex-participant of “House-2” Maria Politova, who was found dead frozen in the snow on December 13, have yet to be established by investigators. The girl’s body was discovered under the fence of her relatives’ dacha in the near Moscow region by one of the “Liza Alert” activists, the Komsomolskaya Pravda website reported. The media also reported that a package of medicine and an open bottle of rum were also found at the scene. Politova had been wanted on the basis of a statement from her husband since December 4. The husband, having reported her missing, said that the girl suffers from bipolar disorder.

Friends of Maria Politova are shocked by the terrible news. At the same time, remembering what she was like during her life, her former colleagues and other participants in the scandalous television project note some oddities.

So, one of the former “tenants” of “House-2” Stepan Menshchikov told the TV channel that the girl, in general, never wished harm on anyone, but relationships with her were not easy for those around her, since she was especially over-emotional and unbalanced. The young man, talking about the deceased, called her nothing less than a “black sheep” and a freak. These “features” of the girl, in his opinion, have a reason in family relationships, but in this case we are not talking about her husband, but about the situation in her parents’ home, about her childhood years. According to Menshchikov, Politova had a very difficult, conflictual relationship with her mother. But emphasizing that this, of course, influenced the psychological state of his former neighbor in “House-2”, but it was unlikely to be the cause of the misfortune that occurred.

The famous columnist Maxim Kononenko, who was her colleague when Maria Politova worked at the editorial office of the youth newspaper "Re:Aktsiya", said that she had another big problem - relationships with men. Representatives of the stronger sex were afraid of this beautiful tall girl. Kononenko believes that because of this she developed an “anomaly of mental development.” However, as the journalist noted, she is not alone in this - this is the lot of many beauties. Perhaps in order to solve this problem, Politova went to Dom-2.

He characterizes his former colleague as a smart person, but... “with cockroaches in his head.” “It was clear that she didn’t have a very good understanding of her own world,” Kononenko noted in an interview with the TV channel.

Let us remember that Maria Politova made four visits to Dom-2 in previous years: twice - in 2005, when she was 18 years old, in 2007 and 2010, but did not stay for long. On the project, she was also remembered for the fact that she constantly sang at the top of her voice. The girl made a very successful career as a fashion model and tried her hand as a makeup artist.

December 14, 2017, 07:53

It was with some great feeling of surprise and regret that I heard this news.

I remember her.

The Sun, May Abrikosov, Bonya, Vodonaeva, Buzova..

Participants of House-2 of one of the first compositions.

And among them Masha...

The circumstances of death are very strange

Maria Politova was found dead in one of the dacha plots in the Shchelkovsky district. According to unconfirmed information, antidepressants and alcohol were found in the girl’s blood.

Politova's disappearance was reported by her partner Artem Shanurov on December 4 - the man claimed that his wife suffered from bipolar disorder. At the same time, there were reports in the media that the girl had fled to her former lover, who was serving a sentence in a colony in the Murmansk region.

Tried to commit suicide six times

Ex-participant of “House-2” Maria Politova was found dead in one of the dacha plots in the Shchelkovsky district, the Hue Telegram channel reported. According to unconfirmed reports, Politova died about four days ago due to pill poisoning. During this time, the body of the deceased was covered with a thick layer of snow; it was discovered by a random passerby. Next to the girl’s body was allegedly a pack of pills and a half-half bottle of rum.

Maria’s body was found by one of the search engines of the Lisa Alert organization. No traces of violent death were found, the newspaper’s source said. The exact cause of the girl's death will be determined by a forensic medical examination.

According to preliminary data, the Dom-2 participant tried to commit suicide at least six times.

A source in law enforcement agencies told the Moscow city news agency about this.

“She wanted to be with me for the rest of her life. What a pity that sometimes dreams come true“,” her partner Artem Shanurov commented on Maria’s death on social networks.

Photo: screenshot: Facebook / Artem Shanurov

“Most likely it’s about suicide”

Shanurov reported Politova’s disappearance on December 4 - according to him, the girl left home without a mobile phone, but with a pack of antidepressants. The TV star allegedly took them on the recommendation of a psychiatrist - the girl suffered from bipolar disorder.

“The forecasts are the worst. The police are looking, but you understand. If anyone has any information, contact me... For those who don’t understand, this is not a joke, most likely it’s about suicide,” Shanurov wrote on Instagram of his missing girlfriend.

Before leaving home, the TV star told her mother that she wanted to visit her, but then abruptly changed her mind, Shanurov said in an interview.

“The worst thing is that once, even before meeting me, Masha, in a conversation with a friend, described this version of events: she takes medications and goes somewhere into the forest,” he said.

The Lisa Alert organization joined the search for Politova - movement activists posted photos of the girl, interviewed passersby and posted an ad on social networks.

Information began to appear in the media that a participant in “House-2” fled to Murmansk - to her lover. Before her disappearance, Politova allegedly took out a large loan from a bank on Leninsky Prospect, after which she began studying the flight schedule to the city, Moskovsky Komsomolets reported. She was eager to go there to meet her former lover, who was serving a sentence in a maximum security colony in Murmashi. In addition, Politova traveled to Murmansk quite often and explained this with health problems of her former lover - he allegedly needed medication. The girl’s unhappy love was no secret for Shanurov, the publication claims. One day, Politova allegedly told her new lover that her ex had died.

"Anomaly of mental development"

Maria Politova was born on March 13, 1987 in Moscow. She was on the Dom-2 project from January to February 2006, then from June to September 2007, then from June 4 to June 24, 2010.

Stepan Menshchikov said that the deceased Maria Politova reproached him for offending her during the project.

“She recently called me, six months ago... She said that I offended her on the project. And I replied that she forgot the good moments,” Stepan said in a conversation.

“I really sympathize with the relatives. This is grief. Young, spectacular... Masha was an outstanding personality, she was not like anyone else,” recalls Menshchikov. - A unique person, a unique girl, interesting. The kingdom of heaven... I’m not a saint either, I also made fun of her sometimes. She is such a girl, a black sheep... She was not like the others. Unfortunately, she was unlucky with love. I remember how we dressed her up as a cabin boy, a sailor... Strange, interesting, bright, expressive, naive, funny... She was angular, a little awkward. She wasn't evil."

He believes that the cause of possible suicide could have been family problems - the girl seemed to have a difficult relationship with her mother.

I think she had problems with her parents. There were some difficult relationships with my mother. Naturally, this was reflected in her psychological portrait. Perhaps the roots stretch from childhood. Well, psychological deviations could influence suicide. I never observed any suicidal tendencies in Maria. Everything is very difficult in the family there, I think the roots grow from there

-Stepan Menshchikov.

Journalist Maxim Kononenko also shared his memories of Politova. He claims that he worked with the deceased about 10 years ago at the youth newspaper “Reaction” and even then noticed some strange things about the girl.

“She was very beautiful, not stupid, but even then she had cockroaches in her head. It was clear that she didn’t have a very good understanding of her own world,” Kononenko said.

The journalist suggests that Politova could have suffered "anomaly of mental development", which often occurs in attractive girls.

“Masha was tall and beautiful. People like her have difficulties with men because they are afraid of them, they have no contact and communication fails »

At the moment of informal communication with her, her unsettledness and fear of relationships with men became apparent. Maybe because of this she went to this stupid program “Dom-2”, although it would seem that a girl with such external data should not experience the slightest difficulty in this regard,” Kononenko explained.

Maria was born into an ordinary Moscow family. The parents wanted a bright future for their daughter, so they sent her not to a regular school, but to Lyceum No. 7, which became famous in the capital as an educational institution with in-depth study of foreign languages.

After graduating from the Lyceum, Politova entered the Institute of Economics and Culture. The girl graduated from the university in 2008, receiving a diploma indicating that Maria had achieved an academic bachelor’s degree in psychology.

Friends and acquaintances were surprised by Politova’s choice of specialty, as they knew about her restless character, tendency to depression and other points that questioned her professional suitability.

Politova’s biography would have remained typical of her peers if not for an incident that happened to the girl during her student years at the Institute of Economics and Culture. In January 2006, Maria made her first appearance on the notorious project of the TNT television channel “Dom-2”.

Maria Politova in the show "House 2"

For participants and viewers, Politova’s short stay in “House-2” (she left the show in February) was remembered for her extravagant antics, constant conflicts with “colleagues” and a complete inability to strike up a relationship with any of the guys. Maria left the project and continued her studies, while working as a freelance journalist for a youth magazine.

This lasted until the beginning of the summer of 2007 - in June Politova’s second visit to the project took place. This time the girl lasted longer and even managed to make a friend - a participant in “House-2” Stepan Menshchikov. But there were some enemies: another participant, Andrei Alexandrov, tried to expel Maria from the community with all available methods. This is what happened in September of the same year.

The final attempt to conquer this TNT television project took place in 2010. By that time, Politova had managed to graduate not only from high school, but also from makeup artist courses. In addition, her good appearance helped Maria try herself in the modeling business (for some time the girl was the face of the Selena brand). I had to say goodbye to this idea after weight problems made themselves known - there were rumors among fans that Maria had been diagnosed with bulimia.

But by the time of her third visit to “House-2,” the girl’s weight had returned to normal, but even this did not help her last on the project for more than twenty days. When the question of her expulsion arose, the girl burst into tears and said that she did not understand the reasons for such a decision. Then came the speech that Maria simply could not live without “House-2”. Of course, none of the presenters, let alone the participants, took this seriously. But in vain, because it was then that the girl’s bipolar disorder worsened

Personal life

Even if not on the TNT project, Maria still managed to find a partner. It was a certain Artem Shanurov, with whom the girl was in a civil marriage.

There is also information that Politova missed her previous boyfriend, who, as it turned out during the investigation into the girl’s death, is in the Eighteenth Correctional Colony, located near the village of Murmashi (Murmansk region, Kola district).

I have a feeling that House-2 is simply a magnet for all unsettled, unbalanced people, where their psyche finally breaks down.

A place with some kind of dark aura.

These are the stories that I found offhand from the Internet

Vyacheslav Popov

Sold drugs in 2004

A simple Syktyvkar guy came to the project to meet his love, but not finding “the one” he soon left the perimeter. Slava returned home to the Komi Republic, where he continued his normal life and resumed his studies at the university. The student began earning extra money by selling drugs. The young man was watched for a long time by law enforcement officers and was detained red-handed - with two bundles of hashish.

Popov was charged with illegal acquisition and possession of drugs on a large scale, and in 2007 he was sentenced to 6.5 years in a maximum security colony.

Kirill Komarovsky

Got caught scamming in 2005

Kirill Komarovsky was a participant in the TV show for only a week. The young man realized that a show about love was not his story, and left the project, outside of which real fame awaited him. True, criminal. After the show, Kirill got a job as a realtor’s assistant in one of the Moscow companies. On the second day of work, the guy was entrusted with showing the apartment and drawing up a purchase agreement. Komarovsky drew up the documents, took a deposit from the company’s client... and disappeared. The company management contacted law enforcement agencies, and the young man was soon found.

A criminal case was opened against the former participant of “House-2” under Article 159 of the Criminal Code (fraud). Komarovsky spent five years in prison.

Aygun Azizova

Accused of human trafficking in 2006

Aygun Azizova, not having met the man of her dreams, left the television set in 2006. Outside of “House-2” the beauty found love, and at the same time adventure. In Moscow, Azizova met a native of African Ghana named Shamsu. The dark-skinned boyfriend charmed Aygun so much that she was ready to follow him anywhere. Soon, the former participant in “House-2” became pregnant, but the young people broke up. Later, the African showed up again and offered Azizova to earn money for the baby. Everything would be fine, only the star of the TV project had to sell dark-skinned prostitutes! The business ended when, during one of the transactions, Aygun was met by an operative. The girl faced 10 years in prison, but she got off with a large fine

Oksana Aplekaeva

Killed in September 2008

Oksana Aplekaeva lived on the project for two and a half months. During this time, the blond beauty turned the heads of many men. The girl admitted that she always wanted to become a model and came to the TV show to make her dream come true. After 72 days at Dom-2, the blonde left the project in the hope of starting a career, but she never succeeded in becoming a famous fashion model: in September 2008, the girl was killed.

In the early autumn of 2008, Aplekaeva’s body with signs of suffocation was found in the Istrinsky district of the Moscow region. The body was discovered by truck drivers. According to one version, Oksana was killed by one of her former lovers. The investigation into the crime lasted two months, but the perpetrators were never found. The search was suspended “due to the impossibility of identifying the persons subject to criminal liability,” and all suspects turned out to have alibis. There were many rumors surrounding Oksana’s mysterious death. The girl’s friends were sure that Aplekaeva had been dealt with, since she had witnessed many of the criminal cases of her suitors.

Andrey Kadetov

Killed in December 2010

Andrei Kadetov came to the project in April 2010 and immediately attracted the attention of the girls on the TV set. The blue-eyed blond, two meters tall, flirted with almost all the girls and had affairs with several participants. Later it turned out that the handsome man has a wife outside the perimeter. The TV presenters gave the guy an ultimatum: the project and divorce or family. Kadetov traveled to his native St. Petersburg many times to complete paperwork, but returned without the “divorced” column in his passport. Then Borodina deprived Andrei of his status as a participant in the project, and the young man left the show. Outside the perimeter, Kadetov’s life ended tragically. On December 24, 2010, a young man was killed near his own home while walking his dog. Andrey was attacked by a man who inflicted 11 stab wounds. Investigators found out that a month before his death, Andrei met a girl, Alexandra, with whom he spent the night in St. Petersburg. The next day, the St. Petersburg woman wrote a statement to the police about rape, but later withdrew it. The “victim” asked her ex-boyfriend to talk to Andrey “like a man.” Alexandra’s ex, Yuri Zhidkov, was unable to talk, but inflicted mortal wounds on Kadetov.

He was found guilty of murder. On May 4 of the same year, the St. Petersburg court found Zhidkov guilty of the murder of Andrei Kadetov and sentenced him to 11 years in a maximum security colony.

Mikhail Terekhin

Caught taking a bribe in 2011

Ksenia Borodina's ex-boyfriend also almost went to jail. Before the television project “Dom-2”, the man worked as the deputy head of the police department for the Lyubertsy district, and one day Misha was tempted to receive “bonus” money. In the spring of 2011, he was approached by a certain Yuri Komarov, a participant in combat operations in Afghanistan, who was prosecuted for car theft.

The man turned to Terekhin to avoid going to jail. In turn, he agreed to help, but in return demanded almost half a million rubles (450,000 rubles). The deal didn't work out. While receiving the money, he was detained by employees of the Department of Internal Security.

At the end of the summer of 2011, a trial took place, Terekhin was found guilty of taking a bribe. However, the major got off with a fine.

Anastasia Dashko

Found guilty of fraud in 2013

Anastasia Dashko came to the project in 2004. Many guys liked the blonde, but she preferred the dark-skinned Sam Seleznev. Four years later, the beauty left Dom-2 and started a new life. After some calm, Nastya again became a star, but in a completely different chronicle - a criminal one.

In 2013, Dashko was accused of fraud, and later the Chelyabinsk district court sentenced the ex-participant of “House-2” to three years in prison. The fact is that Anastasia Dashko deceived several construction companies.

The star of the show went to meetings with representatives of construction companies, and took with her a respectable-looking man, who, according to legend, was the director of a plant for the production of building materials. After this, Anastasia and her partner entered into profitable deals for the purchase and sale of materials and disappeared with the proceeds.

Updated 14/12/17 10:27:

thank you very much ammy, she sent me information about this Aigun, so I’ll add it

Love slave and sex slave

Aygun Azizova was included in the show for just seven days, and this was already in 2006. Then she starred for some time in the “Sex” program with Anfisa Chekhova,” but the girl is still remembered exclusively as a participant in “House-2.” In 2010, a shocking video spread across the Internet: Aygun shows a pimp (played by an operative) live goods - four black girls to work as prostitutes. Aygun looked absolutely calm and joked. Even at the request of the client, she asked the girls to show their breasts. By the way, natives of Ghana and Nigeria believed that they were getting jobs as topless waitresses.

Azizova received 50 thousand rubles for her services. Of course, she didn’t have time to spend them. She faced a serious sentence for the slave trade, but it turned out that the main person in the case was her “young man,” the African Shamsu. And Azizova herself did not know what she was doing, carrying out his instructions. I was in love. As a result, Aygun was treated very humanely: first she was released on bail, and then given a suspended sentence of 2 years. The girl's health also played a role - she suffers from epilepsy.

Updated 14/12/17 12:06:

Girls, look again:

1) Victoria Karaseva said that Masha Politova was not at all what the media described her as.

She is a completely adequate, kind, sincere person. I read on the Internet that she had mental disorders, but I completely disagree with this. I didn't notice anything behind her. Yes, she is a creative and emotionally active person. This is especially true for those people who are on stage and on TV - Victoria Karaseva.

According to Victoria, the last time she and Maria spoke on the phone was four months ago.

She said that everything is fine in her personal life, she works. She has a wonderful boyfriend, she was happy

look at two:

2) The girl’s boyfriend, who took an active part in the search, published a joint photo on his Instagram and signed it: “She dreamed of being with me for the rest of her life. What a pity that sometimes dreams come true".

And it was from Artem and his words that it became known that she suffers from bipolar disorder and depression, and also takes powerful medications.

“Masha has bipolar disorder with depressive moments,” Artem admitted to “She took antidepressants. All the pills from the house disappeared. The worst thing is that once, even before meeting me, Masha, in a conversation with a friend, described this version of events: she takes medications and goes somewhere in the forest.”

Updated 14/12/17 12:09:

Masha's lover wrote that she disappeared, leaving your mobile phone at home.

But then, according to Mary’s husband, the girl sent a somewhat strange SMS message, in which she wrote that she had changed her mind and would not come.

Former participant in the show “Dom-2”, 30-year-old Maria Politova, was found dead on Wednesday in the Shchelkovsky district of the Moscow region.

According to the preliminary version of investigators, the girl died from hypothermia - she froze to death.

I lay next to the fence for several days in one of the cottage villages in the Moscow region. A bottle of rum was found next to her.

Maria Politova could have been poisoned by pills and alcohol unintentionally.

House 2

According to preliminary data, Maria Politova died about three or four days ago, and all this time her body lay near the fence of one of the cottages in a village near Moscow. The corpse of a former participant in the notorious reality show “Dom-2” was almost completely covered with snow, so passers-by did not notice it. Maria Politova was discovered quite by accident: a man was walking by and suddenly noticed that a woman’s face was partially visible from under a thin layer of snow, the Mash public page competently reports.

Maria Politova // photo: social networks

The news of the death of Maria Politova became a sensation.

The sad event has already been commented on by former participant in the TV show Stepan Menshchikov, who is said to have supported Maria on the project.

“I really sympathize with the relatives. This is grief. Young, spectacular... Masha was an outstanding personality, she was not like anyone else,” Menshchikov quotes. – A unique person, a unique girl, interesting. The kingdom of heaven... I’m not a saint either, I also made fun of her sometimes. She is such a girl, a black sheep... She was not like the others. Unfortunately, she was unlucky with love.”

Maria Politova and Artem Shanurov // photo: social networks

Stepan said that Maria was a truly unique person who was simply unlucky in life. “Strange, interesting, bright, expressive, naive, funny... She was angular, a little awkward. She was not evil,” Menshchikov noted.

Let's remember Maria Politova in early December. Her common-law husband Artem Shanurov sounded the alarm. “Masha disappeared on December 4th. I left my phone at home. The forecasts are the worst. The police are looking, but you understand everything yourself,” Shanurov addressed the public, noting that the situation is more than serious. Artem admitted that Maria has mental disorders.

As MK has already reported, Maria disappeared on December 4 - her partner Artem, a journalist by profession, sounded the alarm. The girl left home, leaving her phone behind. Maria suffered from a nervous disorder and took tetracyclic antidepressants - these medications are prescribed for manic-depressive personality disorders. The man feared a tragic outcome, but at the same time put forward the version that Maria could go to her ex-lover, who was serving time in a colony in the Murmansk region (on the eve of her disappearance, the girl was watching flights to Murmansk).

It remains unclear until the end whether Maria visited her former gentleman or not. All this time, volunteers continued to search for the girl. On December 13, they decided to visit the family dacha of the Politov family in a dacha construction cooperative in the village of Zagoryansky, Shchelkovsky district. This unheated summer cottage is registered to Maria’s grandfather, a urologist. For your information, Maria comes from a family of hereditary doctors.

Maria's corpse, wearing outer clothing, but with signs of rigor, was found on the territory of the family plot (Maria was not visible from the street). The police previously determined that the girl, having entered the station, walked around the house for about half an hour, trying to get inside. When this did not work out, Maria, apparently, settled down near the fence and froze to death - she was found in a semi-sitting state. A bottle of strong drink lay nearby.

At 12.40, volunteers called the police department and reported the emergency.

Investigators from the Moscow Region Investigative Committee are conducting an investigation into this fact.

Life on Dom-2

Maria Politova participated in the TV show “Dom-2” several times: from January to February 2006, from June to September 2007 and from June 4 to 24, 2010.

Loud, bright and scandalous - this is how Masha was remembered by the audience.

  • She could sing and fight - in general, she fit perfectly into the atmosphere of the TV set.
  • At one time she was supported by Stepan Menshchikov.
  • Another participant, Andrei Alexandrov, walked around the perimeter with a poster: “Masha Politova, get out of the project!” In response, the girl stated that she would “run over everyone here.”
  • She also had conflicts with the star of the television project, Alena Vodonaeva. So, Vodonaeva once liked a young man at a casting. Inga Orlova decided to compete with her. Maria also joined the “race”.
  • However, the girls later became friends. And when Politova was kicked out again, Vodonaeva even thought about marrying her. But no, although Politova said that she would die without a project the very next day.

She (Vodonaeva) is a very smart, kind and decent girl. And she’s not at all the bitch that everyone thinks she is. Alena even voluntarily wanted to leave the “House”, leaving her place to me. Only true friends do this,” Politova later said.

She came three times and left with scandals. But in the end, in 2010, Maria finally left the project, having never found “eternal love” for herself. After leaving the project, Politova worked as a journalist, fashion model, and also completed makeup artist courses. She even signed a contract with the fashion house Selena, becoming the face of this company.

I never considered myself a star! And when I went beyond the perimeter, I realized that existing fame is generally a soap bubble... When you’re on a project, they mess with you, they take you off. And no one needs you outside the perimeter,” she later said.

Maria Politova had many mental health problems, says a close friend. Masha took very strong antidepressants in order to somehow stabilize her mental state.

“She was a very extraordinary girl. I thought unusually. And her behavior, to be honest, was rather strange. But nevertheless, despite all this, she was a very kind, open girl, even a little naive at some points,” explained former participant in the Dom-2 show Stanislav Karimov.

Friends of the couple were not at all surprised by the disappearance of the reality show heroine.

Politova had already disappeared before. It is too early to name the true cause of death.

Maria Politova // photo: social networks

Maria Politova - biography:

Born in Moscow in 1987. She studied at the capital's Lyceum No. 7, where she studied English in depth. She entered the Institute of Economics and Culture at the Faculty of Psychology. Received a higher education diploma in 2008.

Since 2014, she lived with 42-year-old journalist Artyom Shanurov. Maria published many photos with him on social networks and wrote how much she loved him.

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