Marina Kravets from Comedy Club personal life. The most complete biography of Marina Kravets

Marina Kravets captivated the audience of comedy television with her unsurpassed vocals and witty songs. Appearing on stage Comedy Club, she added the missing highlight - a melodic female voice, sounding harmoniously both in a duet with a male one and in solo. And a strong half of Comedy viewers also loved her for her spectacular appearance.

Full name of the smiling Comedy Club resident and ex-participant of the project Comedy Woman- Marina Lvovna Kravets. She was born in the spring of 1984 in the northern capital of Russia into a simple family of a mechanic and a factory accountant. In the Marina family youngest child after two brothers. Despite her special appearance, Marina Kravets’ nationality is Russian.

From childhood, the girl grew very creative personality and always loved to sing. One day, the parents recorded a song called “Aurora” performed by four-year-old Marina: the tape recording is still kept among other artifacts of the past. However, the girl did not succeed in becoming a student at the music school; there were not enough places, so she had to develop her abilities in the format of electives.

As a high school student at St. Petersburg Gymnasium No. 524, she continued to improve her vocal skills and also began to participate in performances of the local KVN, including creating original scripts.

After graduating from school, Marina Kravets became a student at St. Petersburg State University, majoring in philology. At the same time, she worked as a tutor, but not for long, because beautiful girl attracted, as it seemed to her, more interesting activities. So, Marina worked as a promoter in a supermarket, where she advertised fast food, and as a secretary in one of the car dealerships. The fact that a successful student, in addition to studying, was also making money, characterizes her as a purposeful person and an independent, self-sufficient young woman.

A small, talented graduate with a diploma “Russian language teacher for foreigners” became a tall and slender girl (Marina Kravets’ height is 171 cm), a fiery brunette who decided to conquer the humorous stage.

Kravets in KVN

Like many modern stars domestic comedy show business, Marina’s activity in this area began with playing big KVN. She performed as a member of the St. Petersburg team “Simps,” which became her first experience and a platform for the formation and development of talent, and later in a Moscow team called IGA, whose name stands for Institute of Public Administration. In addition, the girl collaborated with the Moscow-Volgograd team “MFYuA” and the team from the Russian capital “Faculty of Journalism”; she appeared in episodes of their games several times.

The bright participant in the performances became a finalist in a competition called “KVN Player of the Year” and thereby attracted the attention of producers to her person. So, soon after her brilliant participation in the KVN competition, Marina was invited to a new humorous project, which was then called Made In Woman, now known as Comedy Woman. Despite the fact that the heroine’s artistry allowed her to transform into any character without any problems, Marina did not have a long collaboration with Natalya Andreevna’s tigresses.

Career after KVN

After Marina Kravets raised her level on the runway called KVN, she began to appear on a variety of projects:

  • TV project “Full Speed ​​Ahead” on the wave of “Radio Rocks” as a TV presenter;
  • night radio show “First Squad” at Mayak;
  • a daily radio show called "Good Morning America" ​​on Comedy Radio;
  • series called "Super Oleg", which was produced by Alexander Nezlobin(role of Tatyana Pichugina);
  • voice acting of a heroine named Delf in a 2014 full-length cartoon called “Flap Your Wing”;
  • the third season of the project “One to One!” as a participant and finalist;
  • show " Main stage"(the domestic version of the acclaimed British project The X Factor), in which Marina became co-host of Ernest Matskevichyus in 2016, replacing Nargiz Zakirova;
  • TV show called “Russo Touristo”, where the girl kept company with the colorful presenter Sergei Gorelikov, telling viewers about the sights that characterize different countries peace.

Marina Kravets at the Comedy Club

Of course, the star of musical humor gained the greatest fame from the most popular comedy show- Comedy Club, where Marina is a regular participant and so far the only lady. From her first performance on the red stage, she captivated not only her colleagues, but also the audience.

Particularly loved were compositions such as “Op, trash” (the famous hit “Varavaek”, converted into melodic jazz), “Oil”, “Disco Goddess”, “Purely hypothetically” (a conversation between a wife and husband performed by her and Semyon Slepakov) and “There will be no sex.”

The artist performs in sparkling sketches together with popular comedy residents: A. Averin, D. Lyusk Sorokin, Z. Matua and others.

Music career

Marina sings not only jokes from the Comedy stage. She also does serious musical creativity composed of two teams:

  • NotNet group performs compositions in such styles as indie pop, indie rock and indie folk. Marina was one of the vocalists in the team until 2007, and later bass guitarist Ilya Pavlyuchenko invited her to become the host of the “Full Speed ​​Ahead” radio show.
  • The NestroyBand group is a group consisting of a large number of musicians, including two vocalists (Marina Kravets and Sergey Moskvin), three guitarists, a drummer, a saxophonist and a DJ. It was with this group that Marina first appeared at the Comedy Club and performed “Oops, Trash” in an unrivaled jazz arrangement.

Marina also collaborated with domestic music stars, such as the group “City 312” (at a concert, dedicated to the anniversary group, performed musical composition in a duet with singer Aya), Sergei Kristovsky (filmed in music video"Fell") and DJ Smash ( collaboration over the song “Oil” and its video).

Marina Kravets - personal life

Marina Kravets with her husband Arkady

To the envy of the male audience of the Comedy Club, Arkady Vodakhov, a classmate of the vocalist from the philology department and a colleague on the “Simples” team, became the legal husband of Marina Kravets in 2013. The girl speaks of him as creative person, who has a lot of advantages, using them not so much for working on camera, but for creating successful scenarios.

Marina Kravets is active on VKontakte and Instagram social life, so you can follow her life and work, and also look at photos from events, filming and home life.

Nice girl Marina according to Father Leonidovna with a sonorous Ukrainian surname Kravets (which means “tailor”) was born on May 18, 1984 in the equally glorious Leningrad. Marina grew up surrounded by two older brothers who always protected her. Marina is a tall and slender girl, her height is 170 cm and her weight is 50 kg.


In 2001, Marina Kravets graduated from school and decided to go to university. She succeeded, of course.

In 2005, the girl became a graduate of the Faculty of Philology of the State University of St. Petersburg.

During her studies, Marina actively participated in KVN student games, playing for the teams “IGA” and “Prostofily” (Simply Philologists). Even then, the young student was distinguished by her outstanding acting skills, sense of humor and naturalness on stage.

At that time, Marisha was so carried away by KVN that in 2008 she even made it to the finals of the “KVN Player of the Year” competition, which was held by the website “KVN for Everyone.” Later, our activist performed several times in the teams “Faculty of Journalism” and “MFYuA”.


In parallel with her studies, the active girl manages to earn extra money. She's working promoter in a department store, where it offers customers instant soup “Minutka”. Then Marina changes jobs and gets a job at a car technical service center for the position secretary.

In 2007, the talented KVN girl was noticed by the management of the St. Petersburg radio station “Rox” and invited to work.

Until 2011, Marina worked for the benefit of this FM radio station as leading“Full Speed ​​Ahead” programs- daily morning show.

In June 2011, the girl decides that it’s time to grow up in terms of her career. And already in July, a talented radio presenter passes a casting at the Mayak radio station, moves to Moscow and becomes host of the night show "First Squad" together with Nikolai Serdotetsky and Mikhail Fischer.

In October 2012, after the opening of the new radio station “Comedy Radio”, which so far broadcasts only in Moscow, Marina and the same guys become the host of the entertainment and educational show “Good Morning America!”, which is what she is currently doing.


In the fall of 2008, while still studying, Marina, who played theater club"Muki Two" noticed and invited to participate in Made In Woman- the progenitor project of Comedy Woman. However, this project was not purely female. The girl mostly participated in Made In Woman musical numbers at various parties that took place in St. Petersburg clubs once a week. The organizer of the project was Natalya Sergeevna Yeprikyan, who soon decided to open an exclusively female project and invited Marina there.

IN Comedy Woman our beauty starred in only four programs.

In 2010, when Marina’s friends organized the NestroyBand group, she was invited to sing together in Comedy Club. The song "Hop, Trash" - a chanson performed in the style of jazz, was performed at "Ura", and the project management decided to try to make the girl a resident of the club. Marina fit perfectly into the all-male team and became the only female resident of the project.


Marina sang for the first time in tenth grade; she really liked Zemfira’s song “Don’t Let Go.” At that moment she felt that she could and wanted to sing, the song served as a kind of sign that she could try her hand at the musical field. Although music education Marina doesn’t, she once took vocal lessons. But it’s not in vain that they say: talented person- talented in everything. The beautiful and clever woman has excellent hearing, voice, appearance, and success was not long in coming.

At first, the aspiring singer participated in a musical project "NotNet"

Then, in parallel with her work on the radio, Marina Kravets became the lead singer of a musical group "Nestroyband", in which she performed the song “Hop, Trash Can”. This criminal song, performed in a jazz style, spread all over the Internet and glorified the girl not only as a radio presenter, but also as the owner of a very pleasant voice.

Later, Marina, as part of the Comedy Club project, sang the song “Oil,” which became incredibly popular, for which a video was shot, where the beauties acted as a glamorous dummy.

In addition, the girl recently recorded a song and starred in a video with the lead singer of the group “Uma2rmaН” Sergei Kristovsky.


In 2012, activist Marina Kravets tried herself as a wonderful actress, starring in the serial feature film "Super Oleg". The film was shown in November of the same year on the 2x2 channel.

Personal life

Marina and her husband Arkady have been together for 7 years, and they have known each other for more than 12 years, since their student days. The sweet couple studied together at St. Petersburg University, and then again performed together in the “Simps” team.

When Marina Kravets was offered a job in Moscow, her faithful husband moved to the capital with her and now works with his wife at Comedy Radio. According to the girl, her husband is a very creative, talented person, with a bright mind. However, he prefers to remain behind the scenes, doing screenwriting work.

When asked about children, Marina replies that she loves them very much and finds them easily common language with children of employees, but not yet ready to become a mother.

Theatre, cinema, music, radio, KVN and Comedy Club - what's next? Where else will Marina Kravets show her countless talents?

A beauty, singer, talented performer of witty sketches, and now also a TV presenter, Marina Kravets arouses interest among the public not only creative abilities. Most users on the network are trying to find out the true nationality of the only female resident of the Comedy Club. The oriental shape of the eyes and luxurious blue-black hair suggest Asian branches in family tree young woman.

The parents of Marina Kravets, according to rumors that spread online a year ago, are very interesting couple in terms of nationality: mother is a native of Yakutia, father is a Jewish boy born in Leningrad.

Both have been working at a local factory for many years, and contrary to popular belief, it is the woman who holds the major position - she is in charge of the entire production accounting department, while the representative of the people of Israel happily serves his labor duty at the machine tool as a simple mechanic.

The artist herself does not comment on her origin and gossip about it, answering with humor that she is trying to wear with dignity the appearance that she got.

The beauty and clever girl was born in the northern capital on May 18, 1984. Marina was the youngest and therefore the most cared for; her two older brothers took her to school and met her after classes almost until the prom.

Marina Kravets: interesting information from Wikipedia

Her parents noticed her daughter’s musical abilities at an early age – for a long time the family kept an old tape recording in which the 4-year-old Comedy Club star enthusiastically small child sings a popular children's song. Unfortunately, the reel was lost over time.

As soon as the baby turned 6 years old, the girl was sent to audition for the nearest music school. Marina passed the exam, but by the time of training the place was taken.

Following educational institution was too far from home, and there was simply no one to take the small child to classes. So the artist was left without a professional musical education.

However, the parents did not calm down and hired private teachers for their daughter, to whom the artist and radio host is still grateful.

Desire to play musical instruments did not leave Marina in the future - she stubbornly continued to select melodies on the school piano and studied for three years at music studio in guitar class.

Studying at the institute and KVN

In 2001, Marina Kravets, whose nationality and biography are of interest to numerous fans, successfully entered the St. Petersburg state university to the Faculty of Philology.

After graduating from university, the girl would have to teach Russian to foreigners. The desire to bring light, kindness, and eternal things to students from other countries ended after the first few lessons in the Chinese class - Kravets was finally convinced that working in her specialty was not interesting.

While still a student, the young beauty became interested in KVN, developed and wrote scripts for the entry of a local team, and for a long time remained in the main lineup of comedians.

There were some achievements and a little popularity, which made Kravets think about her future, connected with the ability to respond wittily to other people's barbs.

Musical performances

Marina Kravets, whose nationality does not matter to her fans, sings a lot, performing as a soloist at various concerts with famous and not so famous musical groups:

  1. "NotNet";
  2. "Mary & band";
  3. "NestroyBand";
  4. "Thieves";
  5. "City 312";
  6. "Uma2rman";
  7. DJ Smash;
  8. DJ Vengerov;
  9. Bobina.

Excellent hearing and masterful command of the voice later came in handy for the talented girl more than once - she successfully made it to the finals television show“One to One” in which participants in complex makeup acted as doubles famous performers world hits.

Radio work

Thanks to the guitarist of the group “NotNet” Ilya Pavlyuchenko, who officially worked as a program director at radio “ROKS”, Marina Kravets has been performing in morning broadcast program “Full Ahead” as a permanent presenter.

For more than four years, the girl lifted the spirits of residents hometown witty jokes live.

In 2011, the Girl successfully passed the casting at the Moscow radio "Mayak" for the position of host of a live entertainment night show.

Because of new job on a prestigious metropolitan radio station future star"Comedy Club" had to move to Moscow. Then whole year The girl’s partners were Mikhail Fisher and Nikolai Serdotetsky.

Working on television

As an aspiring comedian, Marina Kravets tried herself on the Comedy Woman show while still participating in the student KVN. But work in women's team did not receive its development for various objective reasons.

After performing at one of the Comedy Club episodes as an invited guest, the show organizers became interested in Marina Kravets permanent job on the program. So she became the only female resident in the male team of the humorous program.

Maria Kravets's husband

As Marina says in an interview, she and her future husband Arkady Vodakhov knew each other very well; they often crossed paths back in university. And although the guy studied at a different faculty, together the young people prepared performances for the local KVN team. Even then, Arkady established himself as an excellent screenwriter.

For 6 years, Marina and Vodakhov lived under the same roof, and when Kravets received a lucrative offer from the capital’s radio station, the guy, without hesitation, went to Moscow for his beloved. Here he proposed to her, to which the girl agreed.

Marina Kravets is a young actress, singer, radio host and the only female resident of the Comedy Club. In addition, she is a beautiful, charming woman with an amazing, memorable smile.

Marina was born in Leningrad into a very ordinary family, her father was a mechanic, and her mother worked as an accountant. Marina turned out to be the third child; two older brothers were already growing up in the family, but everyone was incredibly happy about the long-awaited girl, she immediately became the favorite of all the household members. Marina’s grandparents lived in Latvia, in Jurmala, and from the age of 5 she went to the sea with them every summer.

Since childhood, the girl loved to sing and dance, she constantly organized impromptu concerts at home, and she was especially good at the song about the cruiser Aurora.

Marina’s parents couldn’t find a place in the music school closest to her home; all the places were taken, but her family decided to take care of the development of the young artist’s vocal abilities, so they hired teachers for her to take additional classes. The girl is still grateful to her teachers for the knowledge and skills that she acquired.

Marina started playing in KVN in high school. Together with a friend, she wrote scripts and came up with songs. All school KVN was on them, since there were no others willing.

After graduating from high school, Marina entered the philological faculty of St. Petersburg State University, her future profession was called “Russian language teacher for foreigners.” At university she quickly joined the student team KVN called “Simples” from “simply philologists”. The team even once had a chance to take part in the Sochi KVN festival, but it did not last long in the Premier League.

But Marina clearly understood that the stage was hers, so after receiving a diploma higher education, did not work even a day in her specialty, although she still conducted several trial lessons for Chinese students. She decided for herself that her fellow students would do it much better, and she would develop herself in creativity.

Start of a career

However, after university she had to somehow earn a living, so Marina first got a job as a promoter in a supermarket, then as a secretary in a technical service center. This activity brought some income, but creativity the girl continued to perform in KVN.

Soon Marina was invited to Radio Rocks to be the host of the morning show “Full Speed ​​Ahead”. And she succeeded brilliantly; she remained a constant presenter for 4 years.

She appeared on air several times Comedy Women, although the program was called differently then. She got the image of an extravagant madam speaking German. But her character did not receive development, so Marina left the show.

Marina Kravets works as a radio presenter

Around the same time, she began to sing and tried herself as a soloist in several St. Petersburg groups, staying for a more or less long time in the NestroyBand team. Some of the group's songs even became hits, and the guys shot videos for the best of them, but the group's creations did not withstand censorship, so they were not played on the radio.

Once, with one of the compositions “Hop, Trash,” the group was offered to perform at the Comedy Club, as a result of which a television version of the song was born. The composition was received with a bang, and for Marina it became an invitation to Comedy.

Now her creative nature had room to expand, and the girl’s career took off. First, she was invited to sing at one of the concerts with the group “City 312”. At Comedy she became a permanent soloist; viewers can see her in the company of five permanent residents, while Marina fits perfectly into this team.

On the set of the program "One to One"

After 2 years, she sang a duet with Sergei Kristovsky from “Uma2rman”; a video was even released for this song. Then a video appeared with DJ Smash for the song “Oil”.

Since 2011, Marina began to live in Moscow, in parallel with other activities, she worked at Mayak radio, hosted the night show “First Squad”, and a year later, together with her co-hosts, the girl moved to the new radio station “Comedy Radio”.

On the set of the "Comedy-clab" program

Marina did not limit herself to participating in the Comedy Club, and in the spring of 2014 she became the host of a morning show on the TNT channel. A year later she took part in the parody show “One to One” on federal channel, in which she managed to take fifth place. In the same year, she was invited to host the “Main Stage” program.

Marina Kravets at the recording of the program

Marina also had a chance to play in the television series “Super Oleg”, she got the role of a journalist. The girl also tried herself in dubbing an animated film.

Personal life

Marina has had a beloved man for many years, his name is Arkady. The young people met while still students, then dated for a long time and lived in a civil marriage. Arkady supported Marina when she was about to move to Moscow, she was terribly afraid of everything in an unfamiliar city, and he suddenly appeared on the doorstep, and everything became fine. In 2013, the lovers got married. They didn’t organize a magnificent celebration, they just fled secretly from everyone to their native St. Petersburg, on a quick fix bought wedding dresses and got married. Marina got married not in a magnificent dress, but in an ordinary light-colored cocktail dress.

Marina Kravets with her husband Arkady

Arkady knows that there are always many fans hovering around his wife, but he treats this with understanding. IN family life behaves wisely and tries to smooth out all conflicts. The couple does not have children yet, but Marina is quite ready to replenish the family. She is not going to put her career above her family, just while the young people are waiting.

Marina is often asked if she is Russian by nationality, because she has such an unusual eye shape. Marina is Russian, but her appearance is just the same!

Read biographies of famous presenters

Marina Kravets is one of the popular residents of the Comedy Club. But it’s not so easy to get on one of the main TV channels in Russia. Before the girl was noticed, she overcame many difficulties in her life path. Kravets knew that if you really want something, you need to make a lot of effort and rely only on your own strength.

Kravets Marina was born on one of the May days of 1984, in the city of St. Petersburg. The girl’s family was very ordinary and very far from art and creativity: her mother was an accountant by profession, and her father was a mechanic. However, the parents took their daughter’s upbringing very seriously, actively instilled in her moral standards, and explained what was good and what was bad.

The girl is not only child in the family, she has 2 more older brothers. The relationship between the brothers and sister is very warm, which is surprising. After all, as a rule, boys bully girls, and sometimes even fight. But Marina was surrounded incredible love brothers. They happily accompanied their sister to kindergarten and school and picked her up.

Marina was an active and curious child, and immediately demonstrated to her parents that she was created for creativity. The girl went to dance and vocal classes with her family, and sang her favorite songs at holidays. She did it so well that the brothers recorded the song “Aurora” performed by her on tape. This recording became a treasure for the family.

As a child, Kravets wanted to graduate from music school, but there was no free place for her. In order not to give up this pleasure at all, the girl studied individually with teachers, constantly developing her vocal abilities.

U creative child always a wide range of interests. Marina loved to play on stage, but she went not to the theater club, but to the KVN club. She wrote interesting and very funny scripts for games, making the entire audience laugh sincerely.

At school, Marina studied in the humanities and after graduating from high school she decided to try her luck at the philological faculty of the local St. Petersburg University. Having received a diploma, the profession of a Russian language teacher became available to her. It was the “great and powerful” that the girl taught to foreigners who came to Russia.

This kind of work was difficult, because it was not easy to find an approach to everyone, plus teach them to speak Russian from scratch. Marina Kravets concluded that being a teacher was clearly not her path. It was urgently necessary to find the type of activity that would be most close and interesting.

Finding herself in search of a business to which she could devote most of her time, Marina Kravets accepted an invitation to join the KVN team from her good friend, a classmate. The team performed not just to kill time, but was serious. She took part in various competitions, traveled to cities and even visited Sochi.

Kravets felt very comfortable on stage, she took pleasure in making people laugh, and she did it with great dignity. Once, having parodied the show “Own Game”, the girl appeared on TV screens. But the KVN team was unable to establish itself in the right way and soon fell apart.

Membership in the KVN team helped Marina understand that her place was clearly somewhere in the creative field. The range of activities narrowed, and it was much easier to start from this.

Radio and TV presenter

Marina Kravets got into the radio sphere completely by accident. One of her good friends shared information that they needed a talented morning TV presenter on the radio who could charge listeners with positivity from the very morning. For Marina, this work seemed interesting, and she wanted good morning Radio Rox listeners are 4 years old. Having decided to move to the capital, the girl immediately found a job on Mayak radio as a TV presenter of a night show.

So, Kravets gradually moved into the television sphere. Viewers of the TNT channel saw the girl in the morning program, as a presenter, in 2014. Then Marina Kravets moved to the Russia 1 channel, where she became a participant in the TV show “One to One” and was able to take an honorable 5th place. The girl’s popularity began to gradually grow, and she was offered a job as a presenter in the “Main Stage” program.

Next major project became the TV show “Russo Touristo”, hosted by Marina. The girl even tried her hand at voicing the cartoon “Fly Your Wing,” working together with Vadim Galygin, Pelageya and Alexei Vorobyov.

Resident Comedy Club

Marina Kravets knew how to come up with jokes that would make the whole room laugh. That is why, even during the existence of the KVN team, she was noticed and called with an interesting offer to star in several episodes of the popular entertainment program Comedy Women on TNT.

Having appeared on television screens and demonstrated his skills, Kravets was invited to participate in the Comedy Club television show. And after a while they even offered the girl to become a resident of this project.

Now you can often see Marina Kravets on the stage of the TNT channel in the company of Demis Karibidis, Dmitry Sorokin, Zurab Matua, Andrei Averin. It may seem that Kravets is difficult to work surrounded by men, but the girl fits perfectly into such a team and feels very comfortable.

A great love for music led Kravets to become a singer. At first she was a soloist in the groups “NestroyBand”, “Mary & Band” and “NotNet”, and then she began to take the musical field more seriously. The songs “There Will Be No Sex”, “Disco Goddess”, “Hop, Trash Can”, performed by Marina Kravets, became real hits. These compositions were broadcast by many radio stations, forcing listeners to hum them on the road.

Igor Meyerson, who created the NestroyBand group, was a participant in the Comedy Club TV show and invited the guys to perform a couple of songs on the TNT channel. The group was warmly received by the audience, and the songs filled with humor caused delight.

Kravets’ most popular song was the composition “Oil”, recorded with DJ Smash. And the clip that the guys made went viral on all social networks.

Personal life

In 2013, Marina Kravets got married. The girl met her husband at the university. Arkady Vodakhov also studied at the Faculty of Philology and, together with Marina, played in the same KVN team. Apparently, common interests brought the young people together.

At first it was a warm, friendly relationship, but after graduation and the collapse of the team, Arkady and Marina did not stop communicating. Friendship gradually developed into a romantic relationship, and later into marriage.

Marina Kravets shared with reporters that she was happy. Her husband surrounds her with care and love, always nearby in difficult life situations.

In one of her interviews, Marina Kravets said that she had been dreaming of acting in a movie for a very long time. Of course, there are offers, but the Comedy Club resident does not see herself in these images. As soon as a girl receives an interesting offer, she will undoubtedly try her hand at this field.

Like all TV presenters, Marina Kravets has fans who very often want to express their love and recognition as small gifts. The most memorable gift for Marina was a huge portrait that hangs in the office and is pleasing to the eye.

Marina Kravets now – latest news

Marina Kravets continues to perform on the stage of the TNT channel, presenting new jokes. She tries to develop in other creative areas, and also thinks about children. Many of her relatives grew up in a large family, so Kravets wants at least two children. After all, it’s very cool to have brothers and sisters who will be ready to help at any time.


Marina Kravets is a girl who proves by her example that if you really want something and at the same time make incredible efforts, you can achieve your goal. It is thanks to hard work famous TV presenter And resident Comedy Club has everything it so desperately wanted and inspires fans with its example.

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