Marika Kravtsova: biography, career and personal life. Marika: “My husband often gets angry with me”

Correspondent "Ytra" talked with the famous presenter and designer Maria Kravtsova, better known to viewers under the pseudonym Marika. It seems that she manages to do everything - come up with new models of clothes and even furniture (now Marika masters the profession of an interior designer), learns several languages ​​and, what is most surprising, manages to combine all this with the status of a wife. She spoke in an interview about how she manages to do so many things at once, about the upcoming holidays and the interesting way of dressing in our country.

"Ytro": What is it like to be a housewife, because you are now married?

Marika: I think there comes a time in everyone’s life when you just realize: it’s time to try yourself in this role. After all, she is beautiful. The main thing is that your desire coincides with the desire of the very person for whose sake you became the mistress of the home. As for me, I feel very calm and comfortable as a wife.

"Y": Why, if it's not a secret, did you need a stamp in your passport? It's not very fashionable now, is it?

M.: You know, before I wasn’t a fan of marriage either and rarely thought about it. Everything happened somehow by itself - at some point I just felt that this was my person. Otherwise, there is no point in formalizing the relationship. One morning we woke up and decided that we wanted to wake up like this until we were old.

“Y”: The whole country knew about your previous relationship with Pavel Volya, but no one really knows anything about your husband. Why?

M.: There are many other reasons that can be talked about and worth sharing, but personal life is still not included in them. And over time you understand this. The phrase is banal, but I agree with it: it’s personal for that reason. People have become more interested in yourself, but life other people and, in my opinion, this is not very good.

"Y": You are a very active girl, how do you manage to combine family and work?

M.: When you really want to do everything and try everything, there will always be time. But the most important recipe is to not be lazy. Laziness leads us astray. She makes you put everything off until tomorrow. The first step to success is simply to tell yourself: I’d better do everything now. And exactly the next morning your life will begin to change.

"Y": B Lately people increasingly prefer to communicate via the Internet, how do you feel about this?

M.: Twofold. On the one hand, it is convenient, reduces time and brings people together on different parts of the world. But, you know, sometimes it happens, you sit down to write a letter to someone and then you look, and five hours have already passed. But during this time so much could be done! I had this too. I left all social networks six months ago and feel great. After all, there are people with whom it is better to communicate in person. On the Internet, you can't always muster the courage to say something. He sent me an emoticon and seemed to remind me of myself. On the other hand, it’s worth thinking about why you even need people with whom it’s enough to communicate only with emoticons. Are they worth your time?

"Y": What new things can we expect from you as a designer in the near future?

M.: I have a lot of plans! I just returned from Milan a couple of days ago, in December I’m going to the factory again, they sew there new collection, which we will show in the spring. But it’s not enough for me, I have a couple more projects, one of them will be aimed at a younger audience. And prices will be more affordable.

"Y": Can you describe your upcoming collection in one word?

M.: Well, if I tell you that this word is “feelings”? And since this concept is flexible, I will leave it a secret what kind of feelings these are. But I will say that in the collection attention will be concentrated on shapes and fabrics, we will not be too scattered on everything else. These will most likely be dresses and coats. It will be beautiful! Well, I hope so myself! (Laughs.)

“Y”: You have so many things to do, isn’t one too distracting from the other?

M.: Yes, there are times when it is difficult to concentrate on one thing, but I am interested in many things. I’ll tell you a secret: I’m also finishing design school now, so I’ll soon become a decorator too! I even tried out the first project - decorating a small apartment. So, yes, sometimes it’s hard, but you have to try to combine everything and add new things.

"Y": Don't you feel empty at the end of the day?

M.: In my case, devastation comes from doing nothing. You really regret wasting your time later.

"Y": There's something in modern fashion, what do you absolutely dislike?

M.: I don't really like the template craze. Everyone copies each other. Individuality is lost. The main thing in the pursuit of fashion is not to become an “incubator man.” Trends are worth following, but the last word should be behind you.

"Y": What do you prefer to wear?

M.: I don't have anything. Due to design activities, there are more colors and prints in the wardrobe. In general, I really like black. I just can't get out of it. Sometimes I even force myself to buy colored things, but most often they just hang in the closet. It's probably because of work. This is probably all because there are a lot of colors in my collections, so I myself want to take a break from them.

"Y": Have you ever had moments of self-doubt in your life, perhaps in adolescence?

M.: It was so. At school, for example, I was taller than everyone else. The feeling is terribly uncomfortable. I was still studying in a choreography class back then and was always a “formed” girl, which is precisely what prevented me from studying ballet further. Although I’m glad, these five years were enough for me! I can’t say that I considered myself a beauty. But I think this is not the main thing. The ability to present yourself is where real beauty lies.

"Y": If you could rewind everything back, would you change anything in your life?

M.: Nothing! Everything moved smoothly from one to another for me. Whatever appeared on the way, everything was a reason to grow further. The worst thing is to stand still. One day at school, in primary school, my teacher said a wonderful phrase, and I remembered it for the rest of my life - “The more we learn, the more unknown there is around us.” And this pure truth, it’s the same for me. That’s when I started doing interior design, and I immediately wanted to make a collection of furniture in the future. I already have some ideas. And, the main thing I realized is that it’s never too late to start learning something new. The main thing is that it is interesting for you.

"Y": Is there anything now about which you can say: “This is an unaffordable luxury for me now”?

M.: Eat! This is a dream. Like many people. Two years ago, before I met my husband, I was in a stupor; I was sitting at home with depression. I realized that I already knew everything I was doing. And I didn’t understand what I wanted. At such a moment, the main thing is to try. This and that. And then you will find yourself. I have so many goals now that I have absolutely no time, even my husband is a little angry. I don't have time to sleep. You know, that eternal feeling like you’re late for something? I had this happen. Parties, meetings, and suddenly you realize that you are wasting your time on the wrong things. You arrive tired and exhausted. Therefore, it is better to spend time for your benefit. And sleep more often.

"Y": How then do you relieve stress?

M.: On the sofa with a book or with your loved one. I prefer to relax at home. You need to go through a stage when you rush around everywhere, try to communicate with everyone, and manage to do everything. This must be overcome in order to come to the conclusion that it is better to relax with loved ones and at home.

"Y": What day of the year do you remember most?

M.: This year it's... a wedding day!

"Y": Where will you celebrate? New Year?

M.: I'll probably go to the mountains. We've been on holiday a lot lately warm countries. I became interested in kitesurfing. But I also missed skiing and snowboarding a little. I generally love extreme sports. Therefore, to the mountains. True, in order not to offend those with whom I cannot celebrate, my friends and I came up with a tradition: we organize a New Year’s rehearsal. On the 20th of December we gather and celebrate the New Year as it should be, with Olivier, champagne at 12 at night, gifts and a Christmas tree. In general, I really love the New Year. Such a warm holiday. It brings people together.

"Y": What were the brightest gifts in your life?

M.: We also have a tradition: we try to give video or photo gifts with our friends. On my last birthday, the guys filmed congratulations on my iPhone. From all friends from all over the world. I was in Paris then, and many were not able to congratulate me personally, so this surprise was the most a good gift. I even cried when I saw it. My friends also asked my husband to film my reaction (Laughs). Such gifts should be greatly rejoiced at, because they put their soul into them, and my tears were an appropriate reaction.

Marika Kravtsova's friends call her a multi-machine operator. She is a model, TV presenter, successful designer and actress. However, for many, she is just “the one who met Volya.” The girl avoids the topic of past relationships in interviews, but she made an exception for Yellow Gazeta.

“Pasha tried to get me for a year. He took away from the guy that I had before him,” Marika admitted with a sad smile. – Volya is truly a worthy young man. He looked after me beautifully, never imposed himself and was very attentive. We loved walking around Moscow together. Pasha told so many interesting things, including about my hometown, although he himself is from Penza, and not from the capital, like me. Apparently, he won me over with his wit, and also with his gaiety. But for some reason, all the most pleasant things happen to people only at the beginning of a relationship, and then disappear somewhere.

Let us remember that for three years Pavel Volya and Marika were one of the brightest couples in showbiz. Relations with the resident Comedy Club developed rapidly. Young people often traveled together and lived under the same roof. Friends were sure that the wedding was just around the corner, but the guys themselves were in no hurry to sign. At home, quarrels often arose based on jealousy, and at some point Pasha and Masha decided to live separately from each other. And in March 2010 they finally broke up.

– Many people think that Pasha is my first love, but this is not true! – says Marika. – My first love was also Pasha, but not Volya, another! With Volya everything was much easier!

When Kravtsova was 17, she began an affair with Russian hockey player Pavel Bure. But, as they say, a romance can grow into serious relationship the athlete’s authoritarian mother interfered. To date, the longest romance in the life of the TV presenter was her romance with Volya; it lasted four years.

“The relationship has exhausted itself, it became boring together,” says Marika. – There are no specific reasons. This is from the series “Love has passed, the tomatoes have wilted.” Relationships cannot always be passionate. We've had a turning point. After such a turning point in life, there are only two options: either stay together for life, or break up. Now Pasha and I communicate, only as friends.

– What can you forgive a man? – we asked Kravtsova, assuming that Volya was the initiator of the breakup.

– A man can be forgiven for a lot or even everything, especially if you have a family and children. If you are connected only by some kind of drunken passion, attraction, then there is no point in forgiving men’s mistakes. Of course, it all depends on the specific person and situation. Trust and respect in relationships are important to me. Even if a guy cheats or lies, let him lie, the main thing is that I don’t find out about it.

Nika Svetlova

They practically never appear with their loved ones at social events, you won’t find their wedding photos on the Internet, and in the microblogs of stars you can only be content with the backs and heads of their mysterious husbands. Little is known about the chosen ones of these celebrities, and some star ladies are so secretive that they prefer not to disclose even their names. Among the stars who zealously protect their personal lives from prying eyes, the most notable are Maria Kozhevnikova, Dina Garipova, Anastasia Stotskaya, Elena Temnikova, Nika Belotserkovskaya, Marika Kravtsova and Oksana Fedorova. Personal life is personal, they explain famous girls, refusing any joint interviews and filming in glossy magazines. However, in reality, everyone has their own reasons for mystery. However, everything secret sooner or later becomes clear. And therefore, no matter how much the stars hide their husbands from prying eyes, some of them still become known to the general public. “StarHit” remembers celebrities who protect information about their spouses from fans and journalists.

Mariya Kozhevnikova

// Photo: Instagram of Maria Kozhevnikova

The star of the TV series “Univer” skillfully hides her personal life from prying eyes. Two years ago, she got married to businessman Evgeny Vasiliev in St. Nicholas Cathedral in Nice, but not a single photo from the celebration appeared on the Internet. Having become a mother in 2014, the actress continued to hide the face of the father of her son Ivan. And even a year later, when a second son, Maxim, appeared in the family, Maria did not post family photographs where her husband could be clearly seen. From time to time, the actress indulges fans with pictures of her beloved from the back; for example, she showed how her husband glues wallpaper at home with his eldest son. Little is known about Evgeny Vasiliev himself: he is older than his wife, is involved in real estate and really does not want to “shine” in the press. It is not known how many more fans would wonder what the husband looks like famous actress, if on the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity Maria Kozhevnikova had not posted on her Instagram page wedding photo in the arms of a loved one with a touching confession. However, it was too early to rejoice - Vasiliev’s face was difficult to see here too. Kozhevnikova responded to fans’ requests to finally show her husband with humor, publishing a photo of a cartoon of herself and Evgeniy. “To celebrate, I’ll share another wedding photo,” Maria wrote. - You wanted to know what my husband looks like?! Please! Exclusive, as they say."

Convinced that it was impossible to get other photos from the star, the fans retreated. But in vain! Just recently, Maria unexpectedly took her first selfie with her husband. For the first time, the face of Evgeniy Vasiliev is clearly visible in the photo. “It’s so rare lately that you get to be alone with your husband... That’s the case when traffic jams are a plus,” Kozhevnikova captioned the photo on her Instagram.

Anastasia Stotskaya

// Photo: Instagram of Anastasia Stotskaya

The singer generously shares details of her everyday life with fans, but prefers to keep her personal life secret. Since Stotskaya got married in 2011 and gave birth to her son Sasha, only a couple of photos of her baby and not a single photo with her husband have appeared on the Internet. All that is known about Stotskaya’s wife is that his name is Sergei, he is Armenian and works restaurant business. The romance between Anastasia and Sergei developed rapidly, six months after they met, the hot Caucasian man gave the singer a gorgeous ring and offered to become his wife, and soon after the wedding the newlyweds had a new addition. And at the same time, not a single general photo of a happy family! The star's secrecy gave rise to a lot of rumors. Unable to withstand the pressure from the media and fans, the artist gave in and for the first time showed the world a photo of her husband and child’s father. The photo was taken at little Sasha’s birthday; the boy was four years old.

Lena Temnikova

// Photo: Instagram of Lena Temnikova

Another star who pleases fans only with the back of her head and her husband’s back is Elena Temnikova. Last year something happened in the singer’s life happy event- she married businessman Dmitry Sergeev. In March 2015, Lena gave her beloved husband a daughter, Sasha, but was in no hurry to officially introduce her husband to the public. The artist chose to intrigue fans by occasionally posting photos on the microblog in which individual parts of Dmitry’s body can be seen. “I can imagine what comments there will be. Why doesn’t he show his face?! Yes, my husband is not on Instagram. He does not want. And I want. That’s why these photos,” Temnikova captioned one of these photos.

Despite Lena’s secrecy, journalists still managed to obtain some information about her chosen one. It became known that Dmitry Sergeev was born in Novosibirsk, but for more than ten years he has been successfully running a computer business in the capital, occupying leadership positions in several large companies. And the star herself decided to lift the veil of secrecy by sharing on her Instagram a photo from her vacation in United Arab Emirates. In the photo, the couple kisses and mysterious Dmitry can be considered for the first time.

Maria Kravtsova

// Photo: Evgeny Fedotov/

For several years now, designer Maria Kravtsova has been masterfully hiding her family happiness. In the summer of 2012, she married a businessman named Sergei, and two years later the family experienced long-awaited happiness - their first-born Akim was born. On her Instagram page, she writes a lot about love, but she posted only a few general photos with her husband on the Internet. “How important it is to believe, know, feel, feel with every cell and literally feel that there is love on earth!” - the designer commented on the photo with her beloved.

In the photographs, Marika’s husband can be clearly seen. The couple kisses, fools around and looks absolutely happy. Fans greet such pictures with delight and often notice the amazing similarity between Marika and Sergei. Concerning family photos with her son, then here Kravtsova holds a strong defense. None of the star’s fans have ever seen little Akim. She actively flaunted her past relationships with Comedy Club resident Pavel Volya and hockey player Pavel Bure, and it did not lead to anything good. Apparently, the star made the right conclusions from the bitter mistakes of the past, and now she does not want to talk much about her husband.

Oksana Fedorova

// Photo: Grigory Veksler/MainPeople/Starface,ru

One of the most beautiful and spectacular women Russian show business Oksana Fedorova decided to declassify her personal life only six months after the wedding. While the whole country was discussing the vicissitudes of the romance between Fedorova and Nikolai Baskov, the girl secretly signed with Andrei Borodin, an employee of the Russian Presidential Administration. The truth became known to the public at the opening Bolshoi Theater, where Oksana first appeared with her significant other. All that was known about the chosen one was that he was older than Fedorova and did not like to appear at social events. However, the surprises from the couple did not end there! Almost immediately it became known that Oksana was expecting a child from Andrey. Fedorova herself explained her secrecy simply - they say, after her affair with Baskov, she swore off putting her personal life up for public discussion. Still in in social networks Fedorova has very few photographs of her children, Lisa and Fedor, and practically no photographs with her husband. The star actively shares her photographs from social and work events, but, as promised, she does not strive to show her personal life. Only last weekend, after a long lull, the star published a photo of her beloved, taken during a boxing training session that he conducted for her.

In the ranking of the most secretive stars, Dina Garipova could take a prize. The thing is that none of the fans and, probably, colleagues have yet seen the husband of the “Voice” winner. Moreover, even his name is still unknown to the general public. What can we say about mystery if the preparation and even the date of the celebration were kept in the strictest confidence. The future family appeared at the registry office in ordinary clothes and separately - Garipova was so afraid of publicity. The wedding itself took place in July in a very narrow circle of relatives. Neither the participants of the “Voice” project nor her star colleagues attended the artist’s wedding.

Dina speaks of her future wife as very worthy person. It is known that he is several years older than the bride, does not like to appear in the press and has nothing to do with show business. At the same time, to creative life Her husband treats Dina and her inevitable tours with understanding. Even after the wedding, Dina did not change her opinion and continues to hide her beloved. During honeymoon in Cuba, the girl shared only her own pictures, and even after returning home she continues to publish exclusively her own selfies. The artist’s press attaché said that Dina herself would introduce her husband to her fans if she deemed it necessary. In the meantime, they can only guess who really won the heart of the shy and beautiful Garipova.

Nika Belotserkovskaya

Scrolling through the microblog of the famous culinary specialist and designer Nika Belotserkovskaya, you can admire colorful photographs food and incredible landscapes, but to see at least one family photo will not work. Despite the fact that Nika has long been happily married to multimillionaire Boris Belotserkovsky and is raising five boys with him, for a long time this secrecy looked rather suspicious. However, there is no catch here. As Nika herself admitted in an interview with Ksenia Sobchak, family photos in her feed are taboo. “When I see a photo of a baby in my feed, it’s real hell for me, it’s like pushing my baby out in a stroller.” infant to the metro station during rush hour and leave there. I have a very developed maternal instinct, and I will not make my children “uncomfortable” for anything,” said the culinary specialist. By the way, Nika never hid her personal life in society. She often appears at social events with her husband, but is reluctant to talk about family relationships.

The famous TV presenter talks about her modeling past, design present and relationship with Pavel Volya.

When it comes to supermodels, we first of all nod to the West. This is where, they say, the legs are long and the fees are high. Even the most famous Russian woman, Natalia Vodianova, first of all evokes associations with London and, accordingly, Lord Portman, rather than with Nizhny Novgorod. However, among those beauties who did not try to find a lucrative position somewhere in Milan or Paris with their heels, but remained in their native land, there are also worthy examples.

Take the same model Masha Kravtsova (some people know her better as Marika). By the way, she looks somewhat similar to Linda Evangelista. And the same tendency as Linda’s to change her image. She was either brown-haired, or blonde, and most recently she turned into a burning brunette. Marika did not miss her firebird in Russia either - she went from being a model to an MTV TV presenter, and became a designer. True, most girls in the country envy her not so much for this reason, but because she is the favorite friend of the Comedy resident Club Pavel Voli.

There were good moments with Bure

- Masha, someone might say: well, of course, she was lucky - a native Muscovite, at the age of 16 she became vice-miss Moscow...

– At the beginning of my journey, I had everything like any beginning model. From early morning you line up at the agency to be first. Models who are already famous come, look at the 13-year-old girls and say: “You little thing, go to the end of the line!” And you go, although before that you honestly stood for two whole hours.

– Catchy facial features, eye shape – don’t you have southern blood?

– My own grandfather is Armenian. True, I have never seen him. He left my grandmother when my dad was little.

– Children often copy the relationships that their parents have...

– My dad left when I was three years old. And my mother was left alone.

“And she probably tried to do everything to prevent her daughter from repeating her fate?”

“In those days, to raise a daughter, you had to work hard. She worked in many ways: as a hair stylist, as a nurse, and as an employee in the district executive committee. When I became a model, my mother often went with me to castings and shows and protected me. At some point I told her: “Mom, you don’t have to work, I earn more than you.” I worked three jobs at once. My portfolio was in the Red Stars, Point, Fashion, President catalogs. The agencies were surprised: when do you manage to do everything?

– And how many fans there were! I remember how your affair with Pavel Bure was discussed in the press.

“It was a certain stage in my life that ended a long time ago. Pasha and I had good moments. There was a breakup. As for emotions about my relationships with men, I am rich in that.

– Usually mothers teach their daughters: you need to be able to step on the throat of your feelings, have a sound mind...

- Why step on the throat? We only live once. It's no fun without love! Our sensations should be vivid. So that not half a feeling, not a quarter, but a full one. Even if it is short-lived, it will be bright. Of course, when you go through a breakup, tears and hysterics cannot be avoided. But you have to survive the breakup in order to feel a stronger feeling later in contrast.

– Among the models, it seems, there is a small percentage of those who were able to build their lives happily?

- Consider that you have found one.

Do I need a stamp in my passport?

Marika met Pavel Volya at a Comedy Club performance. They have been together for three years. When Masha Kravtsova was offered a year ago to star in a new project, “Five Apart,” the press began to write that Pavel, they say, did not like her co-host Artem. And when Pavel starred in the film “Plato,” they gossiped: Marika supposedly believed that he was too sympathetic to his co-star Lisa. Those were idle inventions.

– You and Volya move in the world of glamor, where there is a lot of temptation...

– It seems to me that people begin to cheat on each other when they lack something at home. If someone cheated on you, you should think about it - it means you did something wrong. If everything is good and harmony at home, he will not want to look for something new.

– Marika, in your opinion, why are men still afraid to marry beautiful and smart women?

“Men now have generally lost the desire to get married. What for? Why should they be attached to someone, if today they can be with one, tomorrow with another. Well, perhaps in order to have children? To be honest, marriage is a scary word for me too. We went to the registry office and got a stamp. The man looks and says: “That’s it, she’s my wife.” I achieved it, and it’s no longer interesting.

– What should we do to make it interesting?

– Successfully combine family and career. Some psychologists believe that the most ardent love lasts three to four years. I partly agree with this. At some point, the thrill of the sensation ends. But besides love and passion, there must be respect and mutual understanding. To maintain all this, you have to be tolerant.

– There is no desire to participate in joint projects with Pavel?

- I think there is family relationships and there are projects. And they should not intersect, so as not to spoil either one or the other.

I'll be a great mom

Not long ago Marika returned from London, where she improved her English. The school was located in Covent Garden, an area of ​​fashionable designer boutiques.

– What I like about London is that people dress simply, but unusually and absolutely inexpensively. The things that I take to London, I don’t wear in Moscow. Unfortunately, we accept people based on clothing. You need to live by the rules of the city in which you live.

– I always have heels and a little black dress with me in my car. This helps out in a variety of situations.

– Will you show a new collection again at RFW Fashion Week?

- Yes. She will be more mature than the previous ones. More restrained and laconic.

– Pavel always comes to your shows. Does he even criticize the work of the woman he loves?

– We usually support each other. Many people can criticize this. Support is much more important!

– Marika, we are all talking about the profession. What if you find yourself in children?

Maria Kravtsova - TV presenter, clothing designer, former top model was born in Moscow on February 22, 1985. Has the pseudonym MariKa.


The girl's parents divorced when Masha was three years old. The mother, exhausted, worked hard to raise her daughter to her feet. Seeing her efforts, Maria began to look for herself in life from an early age. I attended various sections and dreamed of becoming a model. Seeing her daughter’s desire, her mother did not dissuade her and took her to the school of the famous fashion designer.

The clothing designer appreciated the talents of young Maria and allowed her to study at his school for free. Kravtsova tried very hard, fulfilled all the requirements, endured long, tedious filming and finally achieved the desired result. Since the age of 16, she has devoted herself entirely to the modeling profession.

The beautiful girl began to be noticed and invited to appear in commercials. Her photo was published in popular magazines. Not finished yet secondary school, Maria wins her first honorary title as a model. It was a significant success.

Now foreign agencies are also turning to her. Being a model means 100% dedication, constant exhausting routine work. This outwardly brilliant world has its own strict laws and it is impossible to belong to oneself. But Maria really wanted to help her mother with the housework and understood that realizing herself in the profession would be much more effective than cleaning the apartment every evening.

Podium and TV

Realizing that you wouldn’t walk the catwalk all your life, Maria Kravtsova was looking for a new use for herself. She makes her debut as a presenter on one of the TV channels and appears before viewers under the unusual pseudonym MariKa, which she, willy-nilly, had to choose in order to be different from the other Masha who worked with her. At first, no one liked the word MariKa, neither her friends nor her acquaintances, but then everyone got used to it. Kravtsova’s television career was also successful.

Despite the fact that she hosted many programs, among which was one called “Elementary Sex,” as well as entertainment shows, This seemed to Kravtsova not enough. She stated that she wanted to try herself in a new role - a clothing designer.

Maria succeeded in everything she took on. The idea of ​​becoming a trendsetter was a very bold one with minimal chances of success. But for Kravtsova there are no barriers, and she takes on a new business. And although initially such a step looked like a complete gamble, everything went well. The TV presenter attracted even more attention. Then she will have many more collections and her own brand.

Kravtsova’s broad creative nature drew her into cinema. She starred in several small roles, including the famous TV series “Kamenskaya”. She even played a prostitute in one of the films. However, acting did not bring her fame or popularity, and Maria continued to realize herself in other activities.

Business lady

Kravtsova was able to turn her ability to cook various dishes into a business. She stands for proper nutrition and widely promotes home-cooked food. For any lifestyle, Maria offers her own kind of menu, where everything is balanced. The customer can choose on the website what he needs and, through the courier, receive food for the entire working day; it only needs to be heated.

It is very convenient for the client, especially when there is no time to cook for yourself and look for the necessary ingredients recommended by nutritionists. Everything is thought out, it is better to consume carbohydrates in the morning, and proteins at dinner. This type of service quickly won regular customers and Masha’s new business became very profitable.

Maria, on principle, does not buy clothes for herself. He wears what he produces under his own brand “Masha Kravtsova”. And it's not just advertising. Maria literally tests the quality of products on herself. Any woman can order on the Internet at affordable prices everything she likes from designer Kravtsova’s line.

The TV presenter also became the author of her “Book of Happy Recipes,” which she announced to all her fans. All the tasters of her dishes presented in the book are alive and in good health, former top model Kravtsova says jokingly.

Maria posts all the events of her life, activities, recreation, and sports on Instagram. Here she talks about many interesting and useful things. She tells her fans what she learns new. For example, the fact that panna cotta means “cooked cream” in Italian.

Personal life

Being a public person, MariKa talks on social networks about anything, but not about her family. The former model gives out a lot of information for her fans. Here you will find new trends in high fashion, how to eat right, and how to train in the gym so as not to damage your joints and spine.

All this is of great practical importance for everyone who knows that after giving birth, Maria Kravtsova regained her previous slender body shape. For many women, this topic is very relevant, so they listen with great interest to all the recommendations and advice of the TV presenter. How can you not listen if the result is visible to everyone.

On Instagram you can see what Maria does during the day, what purchases she makes, where she goes and what she is wearing. But there are no relatives and friends. It is known that Kravtsova is married, her husband’s name is Sergei, he is a businessman. The couple has a son, Akim.

To finally satisfy the public's interest in her personal life, MariKa published a photo of her family. The picture was taken from a height so as not to be jinxed, and it’s probably not easy to make out who is depicted in it. Along the seashore, covered in white foam from the passing wave, Kravtsova and her husband are walking, holding their child’s hand. In which country this happens is not indicated. It is enough to know what is abroad.

With husband Sergei

Very touchingly, Maria wrote under the photo that she was happy thanks to these two best men in the Universe who chose her to be a wife and mother. A year after that, a daughter was born. When subscribers asked if they could congratulate them on the new addition to the family, MariKa wrote: “Quietly, in a whisper.” And no more is said about the baby.

The presenter and designer are happily married. When her husband Sergei is nearby, she is not afraid of even night earthquakes, tested from her own experience. Kravtsova recommends to all girls who dream of getting married not to compete with a man for power in the family, but to encourage their husband more often with words and compliments. please delicious dishes Having a loved one is a great pleasure for Maria.

In addition to cooking, Kravtsova shares hair care recipes and gives tips on how to prepare masks yourself. Everything has been tested many times from our own experience and will help other women. Maria believes in omens and numerology. In her opinion, the number 1 is bad, and the number two is great. And when there are two deuces at once, it’s just happiness.

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